Hessler Et Al 2018 - MATCH
Hessler Et Al 2018 - MATCH
Hessler Et Al 2018 - MATCH
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Objective: To identify and assess patient motivation to initiate or maintain behavior changes.
Received 8 February 2018 Methods: Attitudinal statements were developed from structured patient interviews and translated into 18 sur-
Received in revised form 19 April 2018 vey items. Items were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis (EFA).
Accepted 20 April 2018 Results: An EFA with 340 type 2 diabetes patients identified three areas of patient attitudes toward changing
Available online 27 April 2018
health behaviors: (1) willingness to make changes (3 items; α = 0.69), (2) perceived ability to make or maintain
changes (3 items; α = 0.74), and (3) and feeling changes are worthwhile (3 items; α = 0.61). Greater perceived
ability and feelings of worthwhileness were associated with positive psychosocial and behavioral management
Behavior change indicators. All three areas were associated with confidence and attitudes toward making a specific behavioral
Patient reported outcome change (e.g., improve diet).
Type 2 diabetes Conclusions: MATCH is an internally consistent and valid 9-item scale that provides a profile of factors influencing
Pragmatic measure motivation that can be used in clinical and research settings.
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction include, but are not limited to: the theory of planned behavior
(TPB), self-efficacy theory, self-determination theory, motivational
Making and sustaining positive behavioral changes in one's manage- interviewing, empowerment-based communication, and the COM-B
ment of a chronic disease like diabetes is tough. Many patients struggle model.6–11 In turn, these frameworks have generated a host of descrip-
to achieve self-management goals, including eating a healthy diet, tive terms including: patient activation, empowerment, engagement,
engaging in regular physical activity, taking medications as directed, self-motivation, and readiness to change. For example, at the heart of
limiting or stopping substance and tobacco use, and maintaining regular self-determination theory (SDT) are patient needs for competence, re-
self-monitoring behaviors (e.g., blood sugar, blood pressure).1,2 When latedness and autonomy that give rise to intrinsic self-motivation, 8
placed within a larger life context and the competing demands of while the theory of planned behavior (TPB) posits that an individual's
patients' lives, the number of tasks can be overwhelming, with many attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral
people feeling unable to keep up with their diabetes routine or self- control shape their behavioral intentions and behaviors.6 While distinct,
management demands.1,3 these frameworks and their associated terminologies, share a small set
Given that the vast majority of management decisions are undertak- of common elements, such as perceived capacity or ability (psycholog-
en by patients outside of a healthcare setting, there is great interest in ically and physically), and consideration of thoughts, feelings and
supporting patients to be more engaged with their own self-care and ambivalence about change.
motivated to make and sustain behavior changes over time. 4,5 Many Something that often gets overlooked in clinical settings, however, is
well-known frameworks focus on understanding and addressing pa- a basic understanding of the very good reasons patients have for not
tient motivation to enhance behavioral self-management. These making or maintaining a positive behavior change in the first place.
While all patients would prefer to live long and healthy lives with
their diabetes, there are often very legitimate reasons why effective
Conflicts of interest: No author reported a conflict of interest. Lawrence Fisher: con- self-management behaviors are not undertaken, such as a perceived
sultant or advisory board with Roche Diagnostics, Elli Lilly Abbott Diabetes Care; William lack of urgency, fear of failure, lack of resources, and/or a belief that
Polonsky: consultant or advisory board with Sanofi, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Dexcom, Ab- they will not be helpful or will cause harm. These reflect a complicated
bott, Johnson & Johnson, Boehringer Ingelheim, Takeda, Roche.
⁎ Corresponding author at: Box 0900, Department of Family & Community Medicine,
ambivalence concerning change that is rarely considered in clinical
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143, United States. conversations, but which is crucial to consider if behavior change is to
E-mail address: [email protected]. (D.M. Hessler). occur.9
1056-8727/© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
666 D.M. Hessler et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 32 (2018) 665–669
There are few practical, well-validated tools to assist clinicians 2.1. Measures
in identifying both sides of patients' ambivalence (i.e., assessing a
patient's current motivation, interests, and feelings concerning In addition to the 18 preliminary MATCH items, the following were
the reasons for making a specific change vs. the reasons for not included in the online survey:
making that change). Currently available validated instruments Demographic measures: age, gender, ethnicity, education (years).
used in healthcare primarily focus on assessment of general bar- Diabetes status was assessed by: insulin use (yes/no), number of
riers or obstacles to self-management change. 12 , 13 For example, diabetes-related complications (from a list of 12), and body mass
the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) 14 ; is a widely used scale index (BMI, calculated from self-reported weight and height).
that assesses patient knowledge, goal orientation, and perceived Diabetes behavioral management was assessed via the Summary of
ability to make and maintain health-related behavioral changes, Diabetes Self-Care Activities Questionnaire (SDSCA) 16; to assess healthy
defined broadly. Thus, while theory suggests motivation and read- diet, physical activity, and medication taking. Items assessed the fre-
iness to engage in behavior change is multifaceted and that feelings quency over the prior 7 days of following a recommended diet,
about enacting change is often conflicted, 8 many instruments often exercised at least 30 min, and missed taking one or more medications.
boil this down to a single dimension, ultimately leaving out impor- Psychosocial measures included the Regimen Distress subscale from
tant areas for assessment and hindering clinical application in the the Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS) 17 which assesses worries and con-
care planning process. Furthermore, there is a lack of pragmatic cerns specifically related to ability to manage diabetes on a six point
measures that target patient stakeholder identified issues and are Likert scale (5 items; alpha = 0.913). The Diabetes Self-Efficacy was
viewed as acceptable and actionable for patients and healthcare assessed by a 15-item scale developed by Lorig et al. 18 (α = 0.88),
teams. 15 with each item rated on a 10-point Likert scale. The Personal Control
To fill this gap, we asked patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in subscale from the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) 19
qualitative interviews about their reasons both for and for not making includes items that assess disease-related cognitions and perceived con-
needed behavior change and, from these, developed the Motivations trol as well outcome expectancy (α = 0.80). It is a 6-item scale on a 5
and Attitudes Toward Changing Health scale (MATCH). Open-ended point Likert scale with items such as, “I have the power to influence
questions were guided by constructs of several common motivational my disease” and “Nothing I do will affect my illness”. Also included
frameworks, and were designed to elicit both desires for change was the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8), 20 an 8-item scale
(e.g., will improve my health) and concerns about change (e.g., not cer- that assesses symptoms linked to DSM-V criteria for Major Depressive
tain it is worth doing, won't make a difference, lack of bandwidth). In Disorder (alpha = 0.89), with each item rated on a four point scale
contrast to item development approaches used by other measures, ranging from 0 = “not at all” to 3 = “nearly every day”. The suicide
this approach allowed for the identification of dimensions of the moti- item was omitted, which does not affect scale distribution or utility of
vational process driven directly by patient perspectives. This report de- cut-points.21
scribes: (1) the construction, and validation of MATCH, and (2) how Attitudes toward specific behavioral management change. From a list
MATCH scores were linked with patient characteristics and diabetes of seven behavior change options, participants were asked to select spe-
status. cific areas where they felt they currently needed to make a change: diet,
physical activity, medication taking, checking glucose, stress, tobacco
use, and alcohol use. They were then asked to identify the one area of
2. Methods change that was most important to them. Four items then assessed atti-
tudes toward making a specific change in the selected area including:
Structured interviews were conducted with 10 adults with T2DM overall confidence regarding making this change (1 to 10 scale com-
and five diabetes health care providers. Recruitment for inter- monly used as part of behavioral action planning. 22
viewees came from referrals by health care providers at five diabetes
clinics serving diverse patient populations. The sample was selected
to ensure a mixed gender, ethnicity and age. In phone and face-to- 2.1.1. Data analysis
face meetings, interviewees were asked about the management of An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with Promax rotation was con-
their health conditions (including T2DM), focusing on their attitudes ducted to determine whether the 18 preliminary MATCH items could be
toward and interest in self-management activities, especially as they reduced or grouped into meaningful subscales. Based on the factor ana-
related to why they would or would not be able to make needed be- lytic results, subscales were created by averaging item responses for the
havioral changes. Respondent descriptions were recorded verbatim, items included in each subscale. Internal consistency of the subscales
reviewed by the authors for duplication, and converted into 18 sur- was determined by Cronbach's alpha statistic.
vey items to capture specific patient statements. Eight additional Validity of the MATCH was assessed with measures of convergent,
adults with T2DM and five additional diabetes providers then and discriminant validity. First, convergent validity was examined
reviewed the items for clarity and thoroughness. Response options through associations between MATCH total and subscales with
for each item were provided on a 5-point scale (1 = “strongly dis- measures of regimen diabetes distress, diabetes self-efficacy, illness
agree”, 2 = “disagree”, 3 = “neither agree nor disagree”, 4 = perception personal control, behavioral self-management and patient
“agree”, 5 = “strongly agree”). confidence and specific attitudes toward a specific health areas
A larger sample of T2D adults was then recruited from the Taking (e.g., improving diet or smoking cessation). Measures of current healthy
Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) Research Registry, an online platform diet, physical activity and medication taking were selected to represent
for individuals recruited primarily from TCOYD's one-day diabetes edu- the most common areas of behavioral management for most patients
cation events in the United States who had previously agreed to be with diabetes. While attitudes toward a specific health area allowed
contacted for participation in diabetes-related research. For the current for examining the degree to which the MATCH scales are linked with
study, participants were required to be ≥19 years old and diagnosed targeted items based on each dimension as well as examining the link-
with T2DM for at least 12 months. Respondents were asked to complete age between global attitudes regarding change (MATCH) and with atti-
a brief, HIPAA-protected eligibility questionnaire, an informed consent tudes about a specific behavior change. Discriminant validity was
and the survey battery online. They received a $25 electronic gift card assessed through associations between MATCH scales and depression
for participation. The research protocol was approved by Ethical and symptoms, where low to moderate associations were expected. Associ-
Independent Review Services, a community-based, institutional review ations were tested with Pearson correlations between each MATCH
board. subscale with the validity variables. Multiple regression analyses also
D.M. Hessler et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 32 (2018) 665–669 667
examined associations between the MATCH scales and two groups of specific convergent validity measures in line with expectations
variables: participant demographics and diabetes status. (Table 3). All three MATCH scales were associated with the Illness Per-
ception Personal Control scale (all p b 0.001), with the strongest associ-
3. Results ations found for the Ability and Worthwhileness scales. Higher Ability
and Worthwhileness scores were significantly associated with lower
Three hundred and forty-seven T2D patients began the survey, and levels of diabetes regimen distress, and higher diabetes self-efficacy
340 (98%) completed it. Participants were on average 59.2 (±12.0) with the strongest associations for Ability. Associations between all
years of age, 55% female, and almost half of the sample had an education three MATCH scales and attitudes toward a specific behavioral manage-
level equivalent to an undergraduate degree (average education of ment change, as selected by participants, were significant (Table 3), pro-
15.7 years) (Table 1). Approximately two-thirds of participants identi- viding further support for a connection between MATCH scores and
fied themselves as non-Hispanic white (67.6%). The average, self- attitudes around specific behavioral change. Furthermore, the patterns
reported HbA1c was 7.3% ± 1.4% (56 mmol/mol ± 15.3 mmol/mol) of associations were in line with expectations based on the face validity
with nearly half (48.7%) reporting using insulin. of the items. For example, “interest in learning good ways to make this
When asked to identify which health problems they were consider- change” was associated most strongly with Willingness (r = 0.48,
ing when answering the MATCH items, 95% of the sample answered p b 0.001), compared to Ability and Worthwhileness (r = 0.28 and
T2DM. The next most frequent health conditions considered when 0.10 respectively); while “I don't think it will do any good to make
responding included: obesity (75%), heart disease (47%), hyperlipid- this change” was most closely aligned with ratings of Worthwhileness
emia (48%), and hypertension (37%). Most participants (n = 327, (r = −0.43, p b 0.001) compared to Ability and Willingness (r =
96%) identified at least one area of self-management they felt they −0.27 and r = −0.23 respectively). Overall confidence in making a
needed to address (from the list of seven presented). When asked to se- change in the selected prioritized area was associated with higher
lect the area they felt was most important to act upon, the most com- MATCH ratings of Ability (r = 0.44), followed by Willingness (r =
mon areas were: increasing physical activity (45%) and diet [cutting 0.22) and Worthwhileness (r = 0.20). MATCH scales were additionally
down on food, adding foods, or changing diet (36%)]. associated with better behavioral self-management.Higher Ability rat-
ings were significantly and positively associated with eating a healthy
3.1. Factor analysis of MATCH diet (r = 0.31, p b 0.001) and engaging in more physical activity (r =
0.20, p b 0.001). Both higher Ability and Worthwhileness were associat-
An exploratory factor analysis of the 18 preliminary MATCH items ed with fewer missed medication doses (r = −0.15 to r = −0.21,
yielded a four-factor solution (eigenvalues ≥1.00) that accounted for p b 0.01). Finally, in support of discriminant validity MATCH scales
60.7% of the common item variance. Inspection of the scree plot of had weak to moderate associations with symptoms of depression
successive eigenvalues indicated that three factors provided a good (r = −0.08 to −0.31.).
description of the data. Items that loaded b0.50 on all factors or To further explore the combined impact of the MATCH subscales and
were cross-loaded on multiple factors (i.e., 0.30 or greater) were their association with the validity measures, we created a cut-point for
dropped, and the remaining items were submitted to a second EFA. each MATCH subscale based on the face validity of the scale response
This analysis, with nine items, yielded three coherent and meaning- options (low = mean subscale score of 1.0 to 3.4; high =3.5 to 5.0).
ful factors that accounted for 61.5% of the variance. Factor loadings Forty-eight percent of the current sample reached the threshold for
ranged from 0.60 to 0.92 (Table 2). Separate EFAs were then con- “high” on all three subscales. In comparison to those who reported
ducted for participants currently using insulin and for those not low MATCH scores in one or more subscales, participants reporting
using insulin, resulting in an almost identical three factor solution high MATCH scores across all three subscales differed on all validity
for both groups. measures (Table 3) including: significantly higher on psychosocial and
Based on the item content, the three MATCH subscales were labeled behavioral management measures, and higher positive attitude toward
as follows: Willingness centered on participants' willingness to do more making specific behavior changes.
to manage their health problems, e.g. “I am interested in finding new
ways to better manage my health problems” (3 items, Cronbach's
alpha = 0.69); Ability focused on participants currently feeling able or
capable of making and sustaining these changes, e.g., “I am able to
make the changes in my life that are needed to improve my health” (3
items, Cronbach's alpha = 0.74); and Worthwhileness related to partic- Table 1
ipants' view that the change was worth the effort, e.g., “I see few bene- Participant characteristics.
fits to putting time and energy into managing my health problems now”
n = 340
(3 items, reverse coded so that all three subscales would be scored in
the same direction, Cronbach's alpha = 0.61). Age (years) 59.1 (12.0)
Gender (% female) 55.0%
Inter-correlations among subscales ranged from r = ± 0.22 to r = ±
Ethnicity (%)
0.35, suggesting somewhat related, but distinct attitudinal areas. Each Asian 8.8%
MATCH subscale was calculated as the mean of the contributing items African American/Black 7.9%
(with possible scores ranging from 1.00 to 5.00), and the mean score Latino/Hispanic 4.7%
per subscale for the entire sample was: Willingness, 4.25 (±0.68); Abil- Non-Hispanic White 67.6%
Other or mixed ethnicity 11.0%
ity, 3.81 (±0.76), Worthwhileness, 3.96 (±0.90). Thus, the majority of Education (years) 15.7 (2.6)
participants expressed relatively high Willingness to make a change or HbA1c 7.3 (1.4)
do more to manage their health, whereas they were somewhat less cer- BMI 32.9 (7.6)
tain that a change was Worthwhile or that they were Able to make or Insulin (%) 48.7%
Number of Diabetes Complications 2.4 (2.3)
sustain a change.
Diabetes Distress 2.3 (1.0)
Depression Symptoms 6.9 (5.3)
3.2. Convergent and discriminant validity of MATCH Diabetes self-efficacy 6.9 (1.7)
General healthful diet (days/week) 3.3 (2.1)
Each of the three subscales were significantly related to the criterion Physical Activity (days of 30+ min/week) 2.8 (2.2)
Number of days with missed medication(s) 0.9 (1.7)
variables, with the pattern of associations between MATCH scales and
668 D.M. Hessler et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 32 (2018) 665–669
Table 2
Factor loadings of final MATCH items.
I am interested in finding new ways to better manage my health problems 0.797 0.114 0.025
I am ready to do more to better manage my health problems now. 0.775 −0.013 −0.010
I want to find a better way to take care of my health problems. 0.791 −0.131 −0.107
I see little or no benefit to putting time and energy into managing my health problems now (Reverse) 0.032 0.843 0.240
Working to manage my health problems has only a little payoff or benefit (Reverse) −0.038 0.673 −0.112
It is not really worth it to do all the things that I am asked to do to manage my health problems (Reverse) −0.041 0.600 −0.291
I am able to make the changes in my life that are needed to improve my health. −0.186 0.162 0.917
I don't have enough time to take care of my health problems the way I think I should (Reverse) 0.090 0.174 0.780
I am able to fit the tasks of managing my health problems into my life. 0.042 0.198 0.673
3.3. Associations between MATCH with participants characteristics and own disease management efforts. Development of MATCH included
diabetes status something that largely goes unaddressed in clinical practice – the im-
portance of addressing the often contradictory attitudes and expecta-
Overall, there were few significant associations between the three tions around behavior change that are often the primary drivers for
MATCH scales, participant demographic characteristics (age, gender, making or maintaining changes over time. 9,24 In doing so, each
education) and diabetes status (time since diagnosis, complications, in- MATCH subscale provides an entry point for clinical discussion and ex-
sulin status). Notable exceptions included significant, independent neg- ploration, and can be used practically to target specific areas of concern
ative associations between both Ability and age (β = −0.20, p b 0.001). in unique, patient-directed ways. For example, a patient displaying high
Higher BMI was negatively associated with Willingness (β = −0.12, Willingness and Worthwhileness but low perceived Ability may benefit
p = 0.05). Finally, more diabetes complications were associated with from exploring life circumstances that make it difficult to implement
lower ratings of Worthwhileness (β = −0.12, p = 0.05). the specific change. In contrast, a patient reporting high Ability and
Willingness, but low Worthwhileness may benefit from discussing pre-
4. Discussion vious experiences making similar behavior changes to identify reasons
why such a change may not be worthwhile as well as additional contrib-
MATCH is an internally consistent and valid 9-item scale that can be uting factors to their evaluation of worthwhileness. Thus, differences
used in clinical and research settings as a pragmatic measure of three among the profiles of MATCH scores suggest differences in clinical strat-
crucial, patient-identified motivational factors that form an important egies to more effectively address individual patient needs and concerns.
and often neglected part of the clinical conversation around behavior While rooted in and developed from patient perspectives, the
change: (1) Willingness for making a change, (2) perceived Ability for resulting MATCH subscales strongly align with elements of established
making or maintaining a change, and (3) belief regarding whether or theory; including the theory of planned behavior (TPB) 6 and self-
not a change is truly Worthwhile. The MATCH scale was formed starting efficacy theory. 23 For example, the MATCH Willingness scale may reflect
with patient perspectives and priorities to ensure its importance to pa- intentions, the MATCH Worthwhileness scale aligns with instrumental
tient stakeholders, is brief and low burden to complete, and provides ac- attitudes or outcome expectancy, and the MATCH Ability scale may re-
tionable entry points for clinical conversations. 15 The three subscales flect self-efficacy and perceived behavioral control. When considering
identify critical components of the change process that need to be pragmatic interventions designed to improve these aspects of motiva-
addressed in clinical conversations as planning for behavior change pro- tion, this existing larger body of literature can be leveraged to provide
ceeds. The different patterns among the three subscale scores for indi- strategies for changing attitudes as well as provide insight into how
vidual patients suggests that “motivation” for change, from the patient these dimensions of motivation may conceptually inter-relate and ulti-
perspective, is composed of at least three elements, all of which are cru- mately contribute to behavior change.
cial to the planning process; they address the various needs, beliefs and MATCH displays adequate convergent validity: individual subscales
attitudes of individual patients as they consider making changes to their are associated with psychosocial factors (Ability, Worthwhileness),
Table 3
Associations between MATCH and validity measures.
Diabetes distress (regimen distress) 0.05 0.58 −0.48 b0.001 −0.31 b0.001 2.0 (0.8) 2.8 (1.0) b0.001 0.89
Diabetes self-efficacy 0.07 0.18 0.55 b0.001 0.17 0.004 7.6(1.5) 6.4(1.7) b0.001 0.75
Illness perception: personal control 0.23 b0.001 0.40 b0.001 −0.40 b0.001 4.4 (0.5) 3.9 (0.6) b0.001 0.91
Attitudes toward specific change
Confidence making this change 0.22 b0.001 0.44 b0.001 0.20 b0.001 7.4 (2.0) 5.8 (2.2) b0.001 0.76
Interested in learning good ways to make this change. 0.48 b0.001 0.28 b0.001 −0.10 0.10 4.7 (0.7) 4.2 (0.8) b0.001 0.67
I don't think it will do any good to make this change. −0.27 b0.001 −0.25 b0.001 0.40 b0.001 1.4 (0.5) 1.9 (0.7) b0.001 0.82
I have too many other things going on in my life to make this change now. −0.20 b0.001 −0.49 b0.001 −0.23 b0.001 2.1 (0.9) 2.8 (1.1) b0.001 0.70
Behavioral Self-management
Healthy General Diet 0.09 0.12 0.31 b0.001 0.01 0.81 3.7 (2.2) 3.0 (2.0) 0.03 0.33
Physical Activity 0.06 0.28 0.20 b0.001 0.07 0.22 3.0 (2.2) 2.5(2.2) 0.02 0.22
Missed Medication days (past week) −0.08 0.16 −0.21 b0.001 −0.15 0.008 0.6 (1.1) 1.1 (2.1) 0.005 0.30
Depression symptoms (PHQ-8) −0.08 0.15 −0.31 b0.001 −0.22 b0.001 5.5 (4.3) 8.3 (5.5) b0.001 0.57
Note: Cut-point for each MATCH subscale based on the face validity of the scale response options (low = mean subscale score of 1.0 to 3.4; high = 3.5 to 5.0); with “high MATCH” scores
defined as reaching the threshold for “high” on all three subscales. Bold font indicates MATCH areas hypothesized to associate with specific convergent validity variables.
D.M. Hessler et al. / Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 32 (2018) 665–669 669
behavioral management (Ability), and attitudes and confidence for a pragmatic measure, and provides a useful starting point for a clinical
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thermore, considering the subscales in combination yields significant
and clinically meaningful differences between participants who scored
relatively high on all three subscales compared to those with lower
scores on one or more subscales. While the results suggest that the ma-
This research was funded by NIH Grant DK108039.
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