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https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-02348-9 OPEN

Modeling the intention and adoption of food waste

prevention practices among Chinese households
Yue Ma1,2, Abdullah Al Mamun 2 ✉, Mohd Helmi Ali2, Mohammad Enamul Hoque3 & Zhai Lili4

Considerable attention has been paid to the problem of food waste on a worldwide scale.
Evidence demonstrates that food waste occurs mostly in private households, and that home

food waste has been identified as the leading cause of global food waste. Home food waste
poses a severe threat to food security and involves environmental and financial ramifications.
While this is a global issue, most studies on what motivates people to make changes that
would result in less food waste have been conducted in wealthy countries. Integrating the
Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB), this study fills this gap by investigating the factors
influencing Chinese household consumers’ intentions toward food waste reduction and their
actual food waste behavior. This study used a cross-sectional survey approach to collect data
from households using social media platforms. Partial least squares structural equation
modeling was adopted to assess and evaluate the conceptual model. The empirical findings
demonstrate that cognitive (perceived value of sustainability), environmental (awareness of
consequences and ascription of responsibility), social (social norms), and emotional
(anticipated guilt) aspects tend to have a positive influence on Chinese household con-
sumers’ intentions toward reducing food waste, suggesting that interpersonal behavior could
reduce food consumption in developing countries like China. Furthermore, the findings show
that the intention to decrease food waste serves as an intermediary variable that highlights
another route of association between the TIB factors and actual food waste reduction
behavior. The findings will be more informative to policymakers, marketers, and researchers
in developing strategies to reduce food waste.

1 Jinshen Collage, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China. 2 UKM - Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600,

UKM, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. 3 BRAC Business School, BRAC University, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. 4 Faculty of Economics & Management,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600, UKM, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. ✉email: [email protected]

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ood waste1 (FW) is a serious impediment to effective settings and people. Prior studies have frequently employed the
environmental stewardship and global food security owing theory of planned behavior to capture food waste reduction
to its harmful ecological, economic, and societal impacts behaviors impacted by a diverse range of unknown factors
(Niu et al., 2022; Ogunmoroti et al., 2022). The Food and Agri- (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2008). Studies based on the theory of
cultural Organization of the United Nations reported that on a planned behavior have recently highlighted the emotional aspects
global scale, there is a loss or wastage of 1.3 billion tons of food of food waste, such as regret, guilt, and self-blame, and have
annually, which is equivalent to roughly one-third of the total found that emotions are directly associated with food waste
production (Gustavsson et al., 2013). According to the “2021 behavior (Sirieix et al., 2017; Goh & Jie, 2019; Attiq et al., 2021a).
Food Waste Index Report” published by the United Nations These studies argue that consumers actively reduce food waste if
Environment Program (UNEP—United Nations Environment they have a greater understanding of food conservation and a
Program (2021)), an estimated 931 million tons of food was sense of shame when it is wasted. Concerning food waste, several
wasted by households, commercial kitchens, and other food ser- other theories, such as the Comprehensive Model of Environ-
vice providers in 2019. This proportion was ~17% of the total mental Psychology and Interpersonal Behavior Theory, have been
food available for global consumption in 2019. The reports also adopted relatively recently (Russell et al., 2017).
highlighted that domestic food waste is notably significant, A review of existing literature on food waste in households
accounting for 11% of the food available to consumers, followed revealed the following knowledge gaps: most of the previous
by the food services (5%) and retail segments (2%). Domestic studies have focused on determining the amount of food wasted
food waste is a serious problem for every continent and economy, and how it affects global food systems (Ericksen, 2008; Spring-
regardless of the high or low average income level. Additionally, it mann et al., 2018). The quantification of factors that influence
has been shown that 8–10% of the world’s annual greenhouse gas food waste has also been extensively researched (Thyberg et al.,
emissions are caused by food waste (UNEP—United Nations 2015; Damiani et al., 2021). Little emphasis has been placed on
Environment Program (2021)). This indicates the severity of the reducing food waste through household participation. Therefore,
food waste problem. Stabilizing and enhancing the capacity of the academics underline the necessity of examining the various fac-
food supply will help ensure global food security. If we want to tors that households can use to prevent FW. Furthermore, cog-
reduce food waste at the consumption stage, we need a new way nitive factors such as personal norms, a sense of community, our
of thinking about reducing losses and increasing production. understanding of repercussions, and customers’ intentions to
Hence, reducing food waste has become a topic of concern in avoid food waste have been the focus of earlier studies (Schanes
academic circles worldwide as researchers have attempted to et al., 2018; Soorani & Ahmadvand, 2019). However, there has
determine how to ensure a sustainable food supply for their not been much emphasis on non-cognitive factors, such as
inhabitants. emotions. Stancu et al. (2016) showed a connection between
Household waste is the primary source of food waste. The 2021 consumer self-efficacy and FW. Real-world emotions play a sig-
Food Waste Index Report further details that, in 2019, the nificant role in influencing food consumption and behaviors that
amount of food thrown away globally was 931 million tons, with lead to FW. Attiq et al. (2021b) demonstrated that anticipated
61% coming from households (UNEP—United Nations Envir- guilt can accurately predict whether consumers contribute to food
onment Program (2021)). The reports show that food waste is a waste. According to Schanes et al. (2018), people who feel guilty
major problem in the United States and the United Kingdom. For about food waste would take more proactive measures to reduce
example, household food waste accounts for much greater it. These negative emotions included expectation guilt. Conse-
(40–70%) of consumer food loss and waste generation in indus- quently, customers’ desire to engage in food waste behavior can
trialized nations (Xue et al., 2021). Furthermore, as a developing be highly predicted by anticipatory guilt and other emotions.
nation, China’s per capita food waste is not among the highest in However, prior research on the connection between knowledge
the world. However, given its size and population, the country and food waste intentions has produced inconsistent results
produces approximately 18 million tons of food waste annually. (Visschers et al., 2016), and these findings require further
Wastage at this scale will have a considerable impact on the investigation and confirmation. Hence, it is essential to combine
overall quantity of food lost or wasted globally. In compliance the emotional relevance with the crucial cognitive side to over-
with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the come the aforementioned drawbacks and understand households’
United Nations, the central government of China has prioritized food waste reduction behavior.
encouraging eco-civilization, green consumption, and sustainable Therefore, the objective of this study was to better understand
consumption patterns, including the reduction of food waste how cognitive (perceived value of sustainability), environmental
(Li et al., 2021). Hence, this study explored the factors influencing (awareness of consequences and ascription of responsibility),
behavioral intentions to reduce food waste and actual food waste social (social norms), and emotional (anticipatory guilt) factors
behavior at the household level in China. impact intentions to reduce food loss and food waste. Food waste
Previous studies investigated the root causes of food waste and reduction intentions play a mediating role in food waste reduc-
proposed potential mitigation strategies (Vermeir & Verbeke, tion behavior. The current study adopted the TIB to investigate
2008; Teller et al., 2018). Policy recommendations for decreasing the relationship between Chinese household customers’ will-
food waste have been developed by examining the causes of food ingness to minimize food waste and their actual food waste
waste on a small scale and determining the effectiveness of cur- reduction behavior to pinpoint pathways and potential policy
rent initiatives for reducing food loss and preserving food. Heb- objectives for decreasing food waste. The results showed that
rok and Boks (2017) found that the primary cause of food waste waste reduction behaviors and intentions were positively asso-
was related to human awareness. Moreover, individual demo- ciated, and waste reduction goals encouraged food waste reduc-
graphic characteristics, such as cognition, habits, religious beliefs, tion. Therefore, the results of this study will aid scientists in
and other internal elements, impact the relatively complex human understanding how consumers’ intentions to reduce food waste
decision-making process (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2008). Further- are influenced by emotions and cognition. Policymakers, gov-
more, extraneous factors, including family traits, food culture, ernments, and practitioners can use this research to inform the
and informational interventions, play a role in shaping food waste public, run advertising campaigns, and engage in social marketing
habits. However, these factors have varying effects in different to encourage consumers to engage in environmentally friendly

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activities. The next section goes over the survey’s theoretical explain the impact of key determinants on the intention to reduce
underpinnings and develops the hypotheses. The methodology food waste (Attiq et al., 2021a). TIB provides an exhaustive
used in the study is discussed in the following sections. The rationale for modifying behavior. TIB is more appropriate than
acquired data were then used to inform earlier investigations. The other theories for explaining food waste behavior (Attiq et al.,
consequences and limitations of this study are also examined. 2021b). However, as human behavior is complex and challenging
to predict, Schanes et al. (2018) indicated that cognitive compo-
nents such as attitudes and beliefs alone do not fully explain food
Literature review
waste reduction practices. TIB meets this need by representing
Food waste scenario in China. Food waste is a pressing global
many facets of the phenomenon, including the development of
issue with economic, social, and environmental implications (Niu
behavioral responses and considering the complexity of behavior.
et al., 2022; Ogunmoroti et al., 2022). Understanding households’
TIB also addresses ethical, social, and cultural issues. It integrates
food waste behavior is essential for developing successful initia-
habits and favorable situations as behavioral factors (Jabeen et al.,
tives to reduce waste and encourage sustainable consumption
(Principato et al., 2021). China’s enormous population and
In the existing literature, researchers have integrated TIB to
evolving consumption patterns are a severe concern regarding
explore the factors and dynamics influencing individuals’ food
food waste (Li et al., 2021). Research indicates that the amount of
waste reduction intentions and behaviors. For instance, integrat-
food waste in China is substantial, with millions of tons of food
ing TIB, Attiq et al. (2021b) revealed that emotional (anticipated
wasted annually. According to a countrywide survey, Song et al.
guilt), social (sense of community), and cognitive (awareness of
(2018) reported that the average household food waste in China
consequences and environmental knowledge) factors were
was approximately 17 kg/capita/year. Furthermore, the amount of
positively associated with food waste reduction behavior.
food waste in developed cities of China was higher than the
However, the study did not find a significant association between
average value (Wu et al., 2023). For instance, Xu et al. (2016) and
a sense of community and reuse intention. This suggests that
Gu et al. (2015) estimated food waste in households in Xiamen
while social factors play a role in food waste reduction, they may
and Suzhou, respectively. According to their findings, the annual
not equally impact all aspects of food waste reduction behavior,
food waste per capita in Xiamen could be as high as 75 kg, while
such as reuse intentions. In another study, Attiq et al. (2021a)
in Suzhou, it was reported to be 67.3 kg. These values were sig-
examined the impact of emotional (anticipated guilt), social
nificantly higher than the national average of 17 kg/capita/year.
(sense of community), cognitive (perceived busyness), and
Moreover, according to Wu et al., (2023), food waste accounts for
environmental (awareness of consequences) factors on food
a substantial 60% share of the solid waste generated by house-
waste reduction behavior based on the foundation of TIB.
holds in China. As a result, the country is observing financial
Similarly, Mumtaz et al. (2022) investigated the influence of
losses, significant environmental pollution, and resource scarcity
anticipated positive emotions, awareness of consequences,
(Xue et al., 2021). Thus, the magnitude of food waste in China
environmental knowledge, and social norms on consumers’ waste
emphasizes the critical nature of handling it, especially at the
reduction behavior in restaurants incorporating TIB. However,
household level. However, Li et al. (2021) stated that most
none of these studies consider the perceived value of sustain-
household food waste research has been conducted in advanced
ability and ascription of responsibility as predictors, which can
countries other than China. According to the authors, the few
further enrich the understanding of food waste reduction
published studies on Chinese household food waste are rarely
behavior. Thus, the inclusion of these factors can provide a more
supported by empirical evidence.
comprehensive model that encompasses both personal and
However, few empirical studies have identified the factors
environmental influences on behavior. Thus, based on the
influencing food waste reduction intentions, emphasizing the
theoretical basis of TIB and the relevant research gaps, this study
Chinese setting. Based on the norm activation model, Obuobi
integrated perceived values on sustainability as a cognitive factor
et al. (2023) examined the effects of benefits awareness, lack of
(Han et al., 2016), awareness of consequences (Klöckner, 2015),
concern, and personal norms on households’ food waste
and ascription of responsibility (Kim et al., 2022) as environ-
reduction intention. However, the authors ignored the integration
mental, social norms as social (Han et al., 2016), and anticipated
of actual behavior into the research model. Using the direct-
guilt (Klöckner, 2015) as emotional factor and investigated the
weighing method, a case study by Li et al. (2021) explored the
impact of these factors on food waste reduction intention to
characteristics and enabling factors of household food waste
develop actual behavior.
generation in Chinese rural areas. However, this study was
Perceived values on sustainability align with the cognitive
restricted by a lack of theoretical foundations and hypothetical
dimension of TIB, precisely attitudes and beliefs (Ojo & Fauzi,
assumptions. Liao et al. (2022) identified the perspective of
2020). These values reflect individuals’ evaluations and the
consumer concerns and values while investigating their impact on
importance placed on sustainability concerning food waste
food waste reduction intention in the context of advent food
prevention. This study analyzes the role of cognitive processes
consumption. Nevertheless, theoretical integration was missing in
in determining individuals’ intentions and behaviors by including
this study. Based on a qualitative study, Zhang et al. (2020) found
perceived values on sustainability. Understanding individuals’
that consumer perceptions significantly influence household food
cognitive stimuli of sustainability can shed light on their
waste reduction behavior in urban areas. Nonetheless, the study
motivations, priorities, and decision-making processes regarding
failed to integrate any theory and demonstrate how these factors
food waste prevention (Talwar et al., 2022). Additionally, the
affect intentions to reduce food waste. Thus, the lack of empirical
understanding of the external factors influencing food waste
studies on Chinese household food waste further emphasizes the
behavior is broadened by incorporating awareness of conse-
significance and originality of this study, utilizing the theoretical
quences and ascription of responsibility into the environmental
framework of TIB.
dimension of TIB. In this regard, Liao & Li (2019) showed that
environmental knowledge and attitudes encourage individuals’
Theoretical foundation. The theoretical foundation of this study intention to separate solid waste. Di Talia et al. (2019) indicated
was based on the TIB developed by Triandis (1979). TIB is a that the awareness of consequences might increase moral
comprehensive model that posits behavior as a function of obligation and lead to constructive actions. However, Attiq
emotional, cognitive, social, and environmental dimensions to et al. (2021a) classified awareness of consequences as an

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environmental factor, assuming that an individual’s awareness of topic of sustainable development is complex. This means meeting
the environmental consequences of their actions can be people’s demands today without compromising the capacity of
influenced by external factors. Conversely, Attiq et al. (2021b) future generations to obtain what they need. People are gradually
categorized awareness of consequences as a cognitive factor based becoming more conscious of the need for environmental pre-
on the idea that an individual’s understanding of the con- servation and understanding its significance for current and
sequences of their actions is inherently related to their cognitive future growth. Hebrok and Boks (2017) found that perceived
processes. Nonetheless, the purpose of the current study is to values are directly linked to consumers’ beliefs about decreasing
examine the full range of consequences of awareness, taking into food waste. Environmental awareness has a significant impact on
account both its cognitive foundations and the external factors how green customers feel regarding ecological, social, and
that influence its development. By considering awareness of environmental benefits (Lin & Guan, 2021). People’s environ-
consequences as an environmental factor, we aim to demonstrate mental attitudes toward decreasing food waste are significantly
its susceptibility to external interventions and policy measures, influenced by sustainability values. Stancu et al. (2016) demon-
making it a practical target for modification. In addition, Heidari strated that attitudes toward sustainability have a substantial
et al. (2020) revealed that the ascription of responsibility impact on one’s social and cultural standards as well as their
enhances individuals’ perceptions of their role and accountability intent to reduce food waste.
in preventing food waste. Bai et al. (2022) revealed that H1: Perceived values on sustainability are related to increased
consumers who perceive responsibility as important may be intention toward reducing food waste.
more socially conscious and less likely to waste food detrimental
to their environment. It has been established that motivation to Environmental factors-awareness of consequence. The term
reduce food waste and perception of individuals’ responsibilities ‘awareness of consequences’ refers to a person’s knowledge that
are positively correlated (Parizeau et al., 2015). By including their actions or inactions may have adverse outcomes for other
awareness of consequences and ascription of responsibility as individuals (Attiq et al., 2021b). People must be conscious of
environmental factors, this study recognizes the significance of the consequences of their behavior. Consumer intent must be
individuals’ recognition of the environmental consequences of determined by examining customer behavior and its effects.
their behavior and their sense of responsibility in mitigating People often develop and maintain a positive attitude toward
food waste. certain activities that can lead to good results or outcomes
Moreover, this study recognizes the role of emotions by (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). Schanes et al. (2018) stated that
integrating anticipated guilt as an emotional factor that influences people may waste less food if they are aware of its negative
individuals’ behavior within the emotional dimension of TIB. repercussions on the environment. Knowledge of the effects of
Researchers have addressed the fact that the influence of waste influences decisions on how to behave regarding food
emotions is largely disregarded in the existing literature (Russell waste. Consumers will become more conscious of the negative
et al., 2017). TIB suggests that emotion has a significant effect on economic, social, and environmental effects of food waste as
consumer behavior and discusses individuals’ attitudes toward their knowledge of its effects increases (Burlea-Schiopoiu et al.,
food waste reduction practices (Graham-Rowe et al., 2015). TIB 2021). Ekanem (1998) demonstrated that consumer education
theory focuses on comprehending and reducing food waste initiatives encourage people to practice better food stewardship
behavior, as well as the social and emotional aspects of people by increasing their awareness of food waste. The public’s
(Attiq et al., 2021b). By incorporating anticipated guilt into the understanding of the importance of reducing food waste,
framework, this study addressed the emotional components and internalizing it as a component of corporate social responsi-
individual experiences associated with food waste prevention bility, establishing social agreement on this matter at the
intentions. Anticipated guilt can motivate individuals to engage in awareness level, and fostering a culture that typically rejects
behaviors that align with their moral values and desires to avoid food waste is essential.
adverse emotional outcomes (van Geffen et al., 2020). This H2. Awareness of consequences is related to increased intentions
integration recognizes the significance of emotional factors in toward reducing food waste.
driving food waste prevention behaviors among individuals.
Thus, this study broadens the theoretical framework of TIB by Environmental factors—ascription of responsibility. Ascription of
including a wide range of factors such as perceived values on responsibility is described as a compulsory effect toward unfa-
sustainability, awareness of consequences, ascription of respon- vorable results or the consequences of not acting in a prosocial
sibility, social norms, and anticipated guilt affecting food waste manner (Steg & Groot, 2010). Individuals’ internalized values are
prevention practices among Chinese households. By recognizing linked to their moral need to participate in prosocial activities
the cognitive, environmental, social, and emotional dimensions of because people take moral responsibility for their actions. Cus-
behavior, this integration paves the way for a more comprehen- tomers who were conscientious and felt bad about wasting food
sive understanding of the factors influencing individuals’ were less likely to do the same. A responsible person will actively
intentions and behavior in relation to food waste prevention. It explore the subject and put it into practice, in addition to
also enables the development of measures and approaches that devoting more time and effort to waste reduction (Kollikkathara
consider these multidimensional factors, eventually leading to et al., 2009). Overbuying is a leading cause of food waste. Food
more effective initiatives to reduce food waste at the waste prevention initiatives are less effective when consumers lack
household level. the knowledge and skills necessary to shop and prepare food.
Those who consider the effects of their decisions may also con-
sider how those decisions impact the environment, which may
Development of hypotheses spark personal environmental intent. Similarly, individuals con-
Cognitive factors perceived values on sustainability. Self-efficacy, cerned with climate change have a sense of human responsibility
goals, outcome expectations, and socio-structural factors are the to curb global warming (Bouman et al., 2020). Food preservation
core determinants of Social Cognitive Theory”, which has either a is encouraged by environmental concerns and food shortages.
direct or indirect effect on human behavior. Kortright and Considering these findings, we predict that consumers willing to
Wakefield (2010) showed that household food waste is a growing be accountable for their actions will handle leftovers more
barrier to society’s ability to thrive sustainably. In these cases, the responsibly.

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H3: Ascription of responsibility is related to increased intentions individual behavior. Visschers et al. (2016) noted a positive and
toward reducing food waste. significant correlation between individuals’ intentions to reduce
food waste and their actual behavior to do so. With regard to
Social factor—social norms. Social norms are the standards and household food waste, academics have undertaken motivational
requirements that group members must fulfill to accomplish and source studies and discovered that finding a purpose for
group objectives and maintain group activities. To obtain minimizing food waste is the key to achieving it (Graham-Rowe
approval or integration into a certain group, people imitate the et al., 2015). Russell et al. (2017), who examined the elements that
actions of other group members by adhering to accepted norms. reduce household food waste inferred that the stronger the
Stancu et al. (2016) showed that individuals are easily influenced intention to reduce food waste, the lesser is the frequency of food
by social norms because they feel like members of a group and waste behavior. Intentions significantly influence how Iranian
care more about them than their own opinions. Behavioral households manage their household garbage, as well as their
intentions, which have some predictive ability for behaviors dis- waste from fruits and vegetables (Soorani & Ahmadvand, 2019).
played by people, are cognitive propensity and behavioral moti- Hence, one of the key factors influencing the decrease in food
vation before individual activities. Social norms effectively waste is its purpose to do so. Additionally, food waste may
promote socially useful conduct. Individual residents will set involve more than just internalized patterns and behaviors. For
behavioral intentions based on an assessment of their food waste instance, some health-conscious shoppers frequently use their
tendencies, and behavioral intentions will further influence desire to eat well as justification for purchasing a variety of fresh
individual behaviors depending on the call or pressure of social foods, which ultimately leads to food waste.
norms (Lehner et al., 2016). Social norms play a significant role in H6. Food waste reduction intention is positively related to food
preventing food waste, suggesting that future studies should waste reduction behavior.
examine the effects of this motivational predictor (Russell et al.,
2017). ElHaffar et al. (2020) revealed that social norms represent Mediating effects of food waste reduction intention. The role of
commonly acceptable behaviors in a particular setting and have several elements is connected to food waste reduction behavior in
the power to influence attitudes, intentions, preferences, and mediating the goal of minimizing food waste and similar beha-
behaviors. The creation of anti-waste societal norms can influence viors. The relationship between food waste reduction behaviors
people’s willingness to decrease waste and assist in lowering waste and the desire to reduce food waste may be tempered (Graham-
levels. Rowe et al., 2015). In particular, the desire to reduce food waste
H4: Social norms are related to increased intentions toward can mediate the link between consumer selection and food waste.
reducing food waste. For instance, customers motivated to decrease food waste are
more likely to select items with minimal packaging, buy only
Emotional factor—anticipated guilt. Emotions serve as a driving what they require, and consume leftovers. The intention to reduce
force behind behavior and can be classified according to their food waste serves as a mediator between social norms and waste-
valence or directionality as either positive or negative. Negative reducing behavior (Graham-Rowe et al., 2015). Strong social
emotions like guilt are a person’s subjective assessment, which is norms improve a person’s likelihood of intention to reduce food
distinct from the “crime” as defined by straightforward legal waste, which can increase the possibility that they will act (Fischer
regulations. The personality trait of guilt is the general anticipa- et al., 2011). Overall, the intention to reduce food waste was a key
tion of self-punishment for transgressing, potentially transgres- factor mediating the relationship between the other variables and
sing, or failing to uphold moral norms. Guilt is an important effective food waste reduction.
predictor of behavioral intentions. Individuals frequently experi- HM1-5. The link between perceived values on sustainability,
ence the negative emotions of anticipating guilt. Punishment is awareness of consequences, ascription of responsibility, social
carried out through painful inner sentiments to prevent wasteful norms, anticipated guilt, and food waste reduction behavior is
behavior. This sense of impending guilt enhances personal mediated by food waste reduction intention.
growth and ultimately results in behavioral modifications. Pre- Based on the discussions in the previous section, the research
vious studies have demonstrated that guilt encourages people to framework depicted in Fig. 1 highlights the hypothesized
engage in actions that reduce the impact of perceived infractions associations between food waste reduction intentions and food-
(Stefan et al., 2013). According to previous studies, consumers wasteful behavior. These associations included perceived values
may adapt or alter their behavior toward food waste because they on sustainability, awareness of consequences, ascription of
feel bad about their wasteful conduct (Soorani & Ahmadvand, responsibility, social norms, and anticipated guilt.
2019). Thus, anticipating guilt encourages people to conform to
ideals and standards that they believe others should hold to limit
food waste. A study on the impulsive eating habits of Chinese Methodology
visitors discovered that tourists feel bad about terrible food waste Data collection. The correlation between variables was examined
because it costs money and harms the environment (Mkono & using quantitative analysis. Data were collected using a self-
Hughes, 2020). Experience has shown that anticipatory remorse administered questionnaire and cross-sectional research design.
about food waste causes people to cut back on their food waste, Target respondents were surveyed in an organized manner to
thereby reducing unpleasant emotions. gather information. All research constructs were modified and
H5. Anticipated guilt is related to increased intentions toward conceptualized using well-known scales. The WJX issued and
reducing food waste. collected the surveys from March 15 to June 22, 2022. A set of
screening questions were used to reduce the pool of potential
Food waste reduction intention and behavior. The probability that participants. This study concentrated on households in China with
a person will perform a specific activity in the future is referred to at least one adult over the age of 18, accounting for more than
as intention. People’s intention to behave in a certain manner 63.35% of all Chinese people. The sample size was computed using
results in positive and significant changes in their behavior GPower 3.1. The minimum number of participants required for a
because intentions can result in actions, and behavioral intentions study was 153, with an effect size of 0.15, a power of 0.95, and seven
have a strong predictive influence on behavior (Webb & Sheeran, predictors (Faul et al., 2009). In this event, we successfully collected
2006). Intention has a good predictive and decisive effect on 1090 acceptable responses for the investigation.

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Fig. 1 Research framework. Research Framework, Highlighting each of the hypothesized associations in this study.

Instrument. The questionnaire was divided into two sections. This is because the focus of this study is on food waste reduction
The demographic profiles of the respondents were covered in behavior among Chinese consumers. This study has considered
Section A, including gender, age, work position, educational various ways of reducing food waste and designed the measure-
attainment, household size, frequency of eating outside, and ment items with care to capture a broad range of individual
meals eaten outside. Section B focused on measuring perceived behaviors. Although some of these behaviors may overlap with
values on sustainability (five items adopted from Oviedo-García the concepts of reuse, reduction, and recycling, this study is
et al., 2016; Kim et al., 2019; Han et al. 2016), awareness of expected to provide a more comprehensive and specific
consequences (five items adopted from Attiq et al., 2021a), perspective on food waste reduction actions.
ascription of responsibility (five items adopted from Kim et al., In this survey, participants were asked to recall how much food
2022), social norms (five items adopted from Kim, et al., 2016), they threw away when eating out in the preceding month and to
anticipated guilt (five items adopted from Attiq et al., 2021a), grade each line according to how it made them feel at that moment.
food waste reduction intentions (five items adopted from Aktas The items were measured using a “five-point Likert scale”, ranging
et al., 2018) and food waste reduction behavior (five items from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 5 (“strongly agree”). The survey
adopted from Attiq et al., 2021a). instrument is presented in Supporting Material S1. The dataset is
The objective of the study was to examine the actions and included in the Supporting Material S2.
behaviors of households in China to reduce food waste. To
evaluate these behaviors, the measurement items were taken from Common method bias. In this study, two different methodolo-
Attiq et al. (2021a) and modified to capture specific actions gies were used for the statistical control. The common method
related to food waste reduction in households. This approach bias (CMB) problem was verified using Harman’s “single-factor”
provides a comprehensive understanding of the strategies and test, and the highest explained variation accounted for only
behaviors that individuals use to reduce food waste in their 42.996% of the overall variance, which was less than the required
homes. The primary goal of this study is to investigate patterns of threshold of 50% (Fuller et al., 2016). In addition, Kock (2014)
behavior related to reducing household food waste while also proposed a full collinearity test to analyze CMB. In this study, all
including tools to assess waste reduction intentions in non- the latent constructs were regressed on a commonly created
household contexts. As this study is exploratory, its aim was to variable. As shown in Table 1, all variance inflation factor (VIF)
gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between house- values were less than 3.3, demonstrating that collinearity might
hold and non-household waste reduction intentions. By incor- not have been a problem (Hair et al., 2011). In other words, the
porating the items of intention from non-household contexts, we CMB issue seems irrelevant to the current study.
can conduct a comparative analysis and gain valuable insights
into the factors that influence intentions across different waste
reduction scenarios. It should be acknowledged that individuals’ Multivariate normality. This study used Web Power (link:
intentions and behaviors concerning food waste can be affected https://webpower.psychstat.org/wiki/tools/index), a statistical web
by various factors in a variety of settings. Consequently, our application, as recommended by Hair et al. (2019), to assess
objective was to offer a more comprehensive viewpoint by multivariate normality. According to the results, the data did not
examining intentions both within and outside the household. adhere to the characteristics of multivariate normal distribution.
In addition, the measurement items of food waste reduction This was determined by the fact that the multivariate skewness
behavior in this study were not directly aligned with the 3 Rs and kurtosis p-values were lower than 0.05. Having said this, in
framework used in Attiq et al. (2021a, 2021b). Thus, the line with Hair et al. (2019), structural equation modeling with
dimensions of reuse, reduce, and recycle were not integrated. partial least squares (PLS-SEM) is suitable for further

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Table 1 Full collinearity test. Table 2 Demographic characteristics.

Variance 1.621 1.702 1.778 1.571 1.781 1.804 2.862 Gender Education
Inflation Male 519 47.6 High School 78 7.2
Factors Diploma
Values Female 571 52.4 Collage/Advanced 146 13.4
PV perceived values on sustainability, AC awareness of consequences, AR ascription of
responsibility, SN social norms, AG anticipated guilt, FWI food waste reduction intention, FWB
Total 1090 100.0 Bachelor’s Degree 516 47.3
food waste reduction behavior. or Equivalent
Master’s Degree or 234 21.5
Data analysis method. This study used PLS-SEM, which is better Age Group Doctorate Degree 116 10.6
suited for exploring theoretical levels and examining intricate 18–30 Years 230 21.1 Total 1090 100.0
interactions between latent components, to evaluate a structural 31–40 Years 251 23.0
model using the PLS (Yang et al., 2022). Additionally, a composite 41–50 Years 245 22.5 Household size
model was used to investigate the measurement invariance of the 51–60 Years 211 19.4 1–3 Members 583 53.5
composite models (MICOM). Three steps were essential: achieving 61–70 Years 105 9.6 4–5 Members 332 30.5
invariance, achieving compositional invariance, and ensuring that Above 70 Years 48 4.4 6–7 Members 121 11.1
there were no significant differences between the overall mean Total 1090 100.0 More than 7 54 5.0
values and variances. The structural and measurement invariances
Employment Status Total 1090 100.0
were assessed using an extended composite detection approach. Unemployed 75 6.9 On average, how much do you spend
Employed 753 69.1 on food (Eating Out) (Per Meal)?
Findings Retired 202 18.5 Less than RMB30 144 13.2
The descriptive statistics as shown in Table 2 assert that this Student 60 5.5 RMB30-50RMB 336 30.8
survey collected responses from a total of 1090 people. Most Total 1090 100.0 RMB51- RMB70 327 30.0
respondents were female (52.4%) and aged 31–40 years (23.3%). RMB71- RMB90 148 13.6
Eating Out Frequency RMB91- RMB100 85 7.8
Additionally, 69.1% of respondents were in the workforce, 18.5%
0–3 Times/Week 615 56.4 >100(RMB) 50 4.6
were retirees, 5.5% were students, and 6.9% were jobless. 56.4% of 4–7 Times/ Week 406 37.2 Total 1090 100.0
respondents said they ate out no more than once per week; 37.2% More than 7 Times/ 69 6.3
said they ate out four to seven times per week; and 6.3% said they Week
ate out more regularly. 13.2% of those surveyed paid less than Total 1090 100.0
RMB30 for lunch at a restaurant (RMB—Chinese currency
Renminbi). The majority of respondents (30.8%) and (30%) spent 1 USD = 6.35 RMB.

between RMB51 and 70. When eating out, the remaining 26% of
respondents paid more than RMB70 for each meal.
correlation between the observed variables in the measurement
model, the problem of multicollinearity will appear, the standard
Reliability and validity. We examined the measurement model error of the index weight will increase, and the sign and value of
by assessing “Cronbach’s alpha,” “composite reliability,” “Dijk- the estimated result will be biased. Table 3 shows that the VIF
stra-Hensele’s rho,” “Average Variance Extracted” (AVE), and values were all below the cutoff value of 5 and ranged from 1.000
“discriminant validity” (Hair et al., 2021). Table 3 demonstrates to 1.630 (Hair et al., 2021). Consequently, multicollinearity was
that Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, and Dijkstra-Hen- not an issue for this study.
sele’s rho values varied from 0.906 to 0.943, beyond the criterion The internal structural model quality was assessed using the
of 0.7, thus demonstrating the validity of internal consistency coefficient of determination (R2). The results from the structural
(Hair et al., 2021). Convergent and discriminant validity was then model are shown in Table 4. The R2 values ranged from 0 to 1,
investigated to assess the construct validity. In this study, the with higher values indicating greater explanatory power. As Hair
AVE, which indicates the average of the factor loading squares, et al. (2021) showed, we conclude that the model’s partial
and indicator loadings was investigated to evaluate convergence predictions are reasonable for FWI and FWB because their R2
validity. As shown in Table 3, each latent variables AVE value values are 0.424 and 0.365, respectively.
surpassed 0.7, indicating that all the latent variables had sufficient The hypotheses were analyzed using structural path analysis.
convergent validity (Hair et al., 2017). Meanwhile, the Fornell- The findings of the hypothesis testing are presented in Table 4.
Larcker criterion and heterotrait-monotrait correlation ratio were FWI was found to be significantly and positively influenced by
employed to determine the discriminant validity of the factors. As PV (H1: = 0.198, p < 0.05), AC (H2: = 0.232, p < 0.05), AR
shown in Supporting Material S3, the square root values of each (H3: = 0.073, p < 0.05), SN (H4: = 0.128, p < 0.05), and AG
latent variable were greater than the correlations between the (H5: = 0.231, p < 0.05). FWI had a substantial positive impact
structures. The reported HTMT values between the constructs on FWB (H6 = 0.604, p < 0.05). Additionally, the significance
were less than 0.9, suggesting acceptable validity (Fornell & level was assessed at 90% confidence interval. As there was no
Larcker, 1981; Henseler et al., 2014). The loading values are more zero value between the 5% and 95% confidence ranges for any of
than 0.5 and higher than the respective cross-loading values the hypotheses in Table 4, it may be argued that all hypotheses
(please see Supporting Material S3) confirming the discriminant were valid and should be accepted.
validity of the instruments used in this study. According to the findings shown in Table 4 regarding
mediating effects, FWI significantly and favorably mediated the
Hypothesis testing. The first part of this section addresses the relationships between PV (β = 0.120, p < 0.05), AC (β = 0.14,
likelihood of multicollinearity. The multicollinearity between p < 0.05), PUS (β = 0.06, p < 0.05), AR (β = 0.16, p < 0.05), SN
factors test should be performed because, when there is a high (β = 0.11, p < 0.05), AG (β = 0.11, p < 0.05) with FWB. In the case

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Table 3 Reliability and validity.

Variables No. Mean Standard Cronbach’s Dijkstra- Composite Average variance Variance inflation
items deviation alpha Hensele’s rho reliability extracted factors
PV 5 3.303 1.062 0.924 0.934 0.943 0.767 1.494
AC 5 3.268 1.044 0.917 0.919 0.938 0.752 1.520
AR 5 3.286 1.015 0.912 0.913 0.934 0.739 1.630
SN 5 3.260 1.033 0.919 0.921 0.939 0.755 1.486
AG 5 3.277 1.045 0.919 0.920 0.940 0.757 1.529
FWI 5 3.258 1.055 0.923 0.924 0.942 0.765 1.000
FWA 5 3.376 0.986 0.906 0.910 0.930 0.728 -

PV perceived values on sustainability, AC awareness of consequences, AR ascription of responsibility, SN social norms, AG anticipated guilt, FWI food waste reduction intention, FWB food waste reduction

Table 4 Hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis Beta CI min CI max t value p value f2 R2 Decision

H1 PV → FWI 0.198 0.140 0.260 5.198 0.000 0.046 0.424 Supported
H2 AC → FWI 0.232 0.175 0.294 6.404 0.000 0.062 Supported
H3 AR → FWI 0.073 0.007 0.136 1.903 0.029 0.006 Supported
H4 SN → FWI 0.128 0.068 0.194 3.349 0.000 0.019 Supported
H5 AG → FWI 0.231 0.170 0.291 6.192 0.000 0.060 Supported
H6 FWI → FWB 0.604 0.557 0.648 22.004 0.000 0.576 0.365 Supported
HM1 PV → FWI → FWB 0.120 0.083 0.159 5.076 0.000 Mediates
HM2 AC → FWI → FWB 0.140 0.102 0.179 6.070 0.000 Mediates
HM3 AR → FWI → FWB 0.044 0.004 0.082 1.886 0.030 Mediates
HM4 SN → FWI → FWB 0.077 0.040 0.118 3.278 0.001 Mediates
HM5 AG → FWI → FWB 0.139 0.102 0.184 5.645 0.000 Mediates

PV perceived values on sustainability, AC awareness of consequences, AR ascription of responsibility, SN social norms, AG anticipated guilt, FWI food waste reduction intention, FWB food waste reduction

of these mediating effects, the 90% confidence level did not

encompass the value of zero anywhere between 0.004 and 0.648 at Table 5 Multi-group analysis.
a statistically significant level. Based on these findings, we
conclude that HM1–5 were supported. Associations Respondent’s age Respondent’s gender
≤40 years (N = 481) Male (N = 519)
>40 years (N = 609) Female (N = 571)
Multi-group analysis (MGA). MGA is often applied for con- Difference Difference
firmatory factor and path analyses by comparing important
Beta p value Beta p value
sociodemographic variables. Age, sex, educational attainment,
H1 PV → FWI −0.012 0.438 −0.127 0.049
and frequency of eating out were categorical variables provided to
H2 AC → FWI −0.044 0.281 −0.025 0.365
the MGA to investigate the differences between the various
H3 AR → FWI −0.025 0.375 0.136 0.043
groups. The estimated pathways for each group are listed in H4 SN → FWI 0.060 0.216 0.001 0.493
Table 5. H5 AG → FWI 0.021 0.392 −0.062 0.206
Throughout the investigation, the measurement invariance of H6 FWI → FWB 0.031 0.282 −0.021 0.343
composite models (MICOM) was used to analyze the measure-
ment invariance of the two distinct groups. The respondents in Associations Respondent’s education Frequency of eating out
Group 1 were under 40 years old (N = 481), whereas those in level (per week)
Group 2 were over 40 years old (N = 609). The permutation Bachelor’s degree and One to three times
p-values for each concept in this study were higher than 0.05, below (N = 740) (N = 615)
supporting partial measurement invariance. PLS-MGA was used Master’s degree and PhD More than three times
to compare the route coefficients between the two groups. (N = 350) (N = 475)
According to the findings in Table 5, there were no statistically Difference Difference
substantial variations between the two groups in any of the
Beta p value Beta p value
anticipated correlations based on the age of the respondent. In
addition, the sex-based MICOM included males (N = 519) in H1 PV → FWI 0.056 0.255 −0.014 0.441
H2 AC → FWI 0.017 0.425 0.141 0.028
Group 1 and females (N = 571) in Group 2, with all permutation
H3 AR → FWI −0.050 0.282 0.078 0.162
p-values for the constructs being >0.05, indicating partial H4 SN → FWI 0.056 0.250 −0.119 0.065
measurement invariance. Table 5 also shows that there were no H5 AG → FWI −0.079 0.156 −0.106 0.087
statistically significant variations in any of the hypothesized H6 FWI → FWB 0.022 0.357 −0.032 0.278
correlations between sexes. Additionally, the MICOM approach
was used to compare the two groups depending on educational PV perceived values on sustainability, AC awareness of consequences, AR ascription of
responsibility, SN social norms, AG anticipated guilt, FWI food waste reduction intention, FWB
attainment: those with a master’s degree or higher (Group 2, food waste reduction behavior.
N = 350) and those with a bachelor’s degree or lower (Group 1,

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N = 740). We also discovered partial measurement invariance in communities, in addition to experiencing a feeling of identifica-
this instance. Lastly, the MICOM technique was utilized to assess tion and belonging to them. Ethical standards use social learning
the relative measurement invariance between the following two to influence and enhance customer behavior, such as encouraging
groups: Group 1 comprised one to three outings, and Group 2 waste reduction and food recycling. Therefore, it can be said that
contained more than three outings. Except for awareness of a sense of community among customers influences their behavior
consequences, all constructs’ permutation p-values surpassed toward reducing food waste.
0.05, supporting partial measurement invariance. Our model The findings confirmed H5 by demonstrating a substantial
found only one statistically significant difference: the association positive link between consumers’ anticipated feelings of guilt and
between the number of times a person eats out and the awareness their intentions to reduce household food waste. The finding
of the consequences of their intention to reduce food waste. supports earlier research (Stefan et al., 2013). According to pre-
vious research, anticipatory emotions serve as motivating factors
in the construction of behavioral intentions, and the mechanisms
Discussion underlying the formation of behavioral intentions are complex.
This research provides evidence in support of hypothesis (H1) Consumers’ decision-making is significantly influenced by emo-
that there is a strong and positive association between the tions. If customers do not make every effort to prevent food
intention to reduce food waste behavior and values linked with waste, they feel guilty. The anticipation of feeling bad encourages
sustainability. The findings of this study are consistent with those customers to donate food, feed livestock, or compost leftovers for
of previous studies (Filimonau et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2019). reuse and recycling. In other words, consumers anticipate that
Educating consumers about sustainable practices and imple- their moral standards or internalized norms will be violated by
menting them may have a greater impact on the amount of food wasteful actions, which leads to guilt, and further influences
they throw away. Previous studies indicate that people who consumers’ behaviors to avoid food waste.
respect sustainability are more likely to practice the 3Rs of In this study, the intention to reduce food waste was shown to
minimizing food waste, which includes buying eco-friendly pro- have a substantial positive effect on the actual reduction in food
ducts, encouraging minimal food packaging, and labeling pro- waste (H6). These results found to be consistent with the findings
ducts with eco-labels (Sakai et al., 2011). Hence, environmentally of prior studies (Coşkun & Özbük, 2020; Attiq et al., 2021a). The
conscious consumers avoid wasting food, preserve scarce natural previous hypothesis regarding the intention to reduce food waste
resources, and improve the planet for future generations. was consistent with these findings. However, our results add new
The results of this study provide evidence to support the findings presenting the mediating role (HM1, HM2, HM3, HM4, and
hypothesis (H2), which states that there is a significantly positive HM5) of intention to reduce food waste in the relationships
association between awareness of consequences and behavioral between perceived values on sustainability, awareness of con-
intention to reduce food waste. These findings lend credence to sequences, the ascription of responsibility, social norms, and
those of previous studies. Awareness of the consequences influ- anticipated guilt, and the reduction of food waste behavior.
ences behavior toward reducing food waste (Kochan et al., 2016). Household consumers are more likely to have good intentions
It can be said that households whose members have strong and engage in behaviors that reduce food waste if they have
intentions to reduce food waste are aware of the problems that greater cognition of the perceived values on sustainability,
might arise from food waste and work to address them. While awareness of consequences, ascription of responsibility, social
consumer awareness of food waste continues to increase, their norms, and anticipated guilt.
understanding of the economic, social, and environmental harm
caused by food waste continues to grow. Thus, customer educa-
tion and food awareness are essential for improved management
This research adds to the existing body of literature by utilizing
of wasted food in households (Burlea-Schiopoiu et al., 2021).
the TIB to explore the factors that shape Chinese household
The findings from this study provide credence to the third
consumers’ intentions and behaviors towards reducing food
hypothesis (H3), which postulates a strong association between
waste. This study is unique in its focus on the Chinese context, as
the ascription of responsibility and behavioral intention to
prior research on food waste behavior has mainly been conducted
decrease food waste. This result validates the findings of previous
in wealthy Western countries. This study offers a unique view-
studies (Kollikkathara et al., 2009; Obuobi et al., 2022). One could
point and fills a crucial gap in the literature by exploring the
argue that when consumers consider the negative repercussions
particular factors that shape Chinese household consumers’
of food waste, such as its severe effects on the climate, environ-
intentions and actions to reduce food waste. Additionally, the
ment, economy, and society, their food waste behaviors are
incorporation of the TIB framework facilitates a comprehensive
reduced, and they are more likely to establish their notions and
understanding of the cognitive, environmental, social, and emo-
standards for food conservation. More precisely, when consumers
tional elements that influence individuals’ intentions and sub-
feel that they have a greater personal commitment to limiting
sequent actions. The TIB framework is further enhanced by the
food waste while eating out, they are more likely to maintain their
inclusion of variables such as perceived value on sustainability,
moral commitment to themselves. Additionally, when people are
consequence of awareness, ascription of responsibility, social
aware of how their food waste affects others and the society as a
norms, and anticipated guilt, making this study particularly
whole and feel accountable for the results of their actions, they
unique. The confirmation of the direct and mediating hypotheses
develop personal norms to preserve food.
provides empirical support to the theoretical framework and
Our findings support H4 by demonstrating a strong link
enhances understanding of food waste reduction behavior in the
between community awareness and decreased household food
Chinese context. The following sub-sections portray the theore-
waste. According to the findings, consumers who feel like they
tical and practical implications of this study.
belong to society are more likely to actively examine social
standards, show consideration for others’ concerns, and look for
social identity within the group. For instance, customers with Theoretical contributions. This study theoretically contributes to
stronger feelings toward the community will take proactive the existing body of knowledge. It incorporates TIB as the the-
measures to reduce food waste. Customers feel obligated to oretical foundation and provides a comprehensive framework to
uphold the social norms and standards set inside groups and understand the factors influencing Chinese households’

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intentions to reduce food waste and their actual food waste unnecessary items, tend to be more motivated to reduce food
behavior. This study extends the application of the existing theory waste. However, households may be more motivated to reduce
to a particular situation of reducing food waste using TIB, which food waste if cities plan and implement solid waste manage-
encompasses cognitive, environmental, social, and emotional ment initiatives such as the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle)
aspects. This theoretical foundation strengthens the reliability and programs. The generation of food waste has been found to
validity of the findings and advances the knowledge of consumer increase as a result of marketing and sales strategies like “buy
behavior regarding food waste. This theoretical integration is one, get one free” and unnecessary packaging. Finally, this
crucial because the vast body of previous research has mostly study demonstrates that food waste creation can be con-
ignored other theoretical frameworks in favor of the TPB, which siderably affected by promotional offers, advertising, and
may not be adequate for forecasting the complicated behavior of product positioning in supermarkets. Hence, when developing
people (Kuo & Young, 2008). food waste initiatives, governments should consider the roles
Additionally, this study contributes to the existing knowledge of food corporations and merchants.
on food waste reduction by addressing the profound influence of
critical factors on intention in predicting actual behavior. This Limitation and Future Directions. The use of self-reported
study identifies and validates the importance of these specific behaviors could be a limitation of this study. Future investi-
factors within the TIB framework as key determinants of food gations could further optimize the agreement between self-
waste reduction intentions and behavior among Chinese house- reported and observed behavioral measures, which would
holds. This model can potentially overcome the explanatory enhance the quality and generalizability of the findings.
power constraints of other theories concerning consumers’ Another limitation is that the study participants were only
intentions to prevent food waste. The findings support the from China. Consequently, future research should be expanded
significant roles of the perceived value of sustainability (cognitive to other countries and areas to identify home consumer groups
factor), consequence awareness and ascription of responsibility in diverse cultures and grasp the purpose of reducing food
(environmental factors), social norms (social factor), and waste more clearly. Furthermore, due to practical constraints
anticipated guilt (emotional factor) in shaping individuals’ such as time, resources, and the large-scale nature of our study
intentions to reduce food waste and their subsequent behavioral involving multiple households, direct observation and weigh-
outcomes. These findings provide empirical evidence to support ing of food waste were not feasible. Future studies could
the relevance and applicability of these variables within the consider incorporating direct observation and weighing
context of food waste reduction, further strengthening the methods to enhance the accuracy and objectivity of food waste
theoretical foundation of TIB. The empirical findings offer measurements.
insightful information to develop measures, policies, and
initiatives to encourage sustainable food consumption and
minimize household food waste. Data availability
Moreover, this study addresses the critical issue of food waste The original contributions presented in the study are included in
reduction and contributes to enhancing Chinese food waste the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be
research from multiple perspectives. This is driven by the lack of directed to the corresponding author/s.
data, theory, and empirical evidence in Chinese culture,
specifically in research on food waste in Chinese households. Received: 20 April 2023; Accepted: 6 November 2023;
By shedding light on this underexplored area, this study seeks to
offer valuable insights and fill the knowledge gaps, which would
help develop effective strategies for reducing food waste,
particularly in emerging countries.
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