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User Manual E Challan

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Finance Data Center

Directorate of Treasuries, Pension and
23 Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun,
E- Challan User Manual

Document Control Sheet

Sr.No. Version Authors Reviewed by Guided By Issue Date
1 V1.0 Ms Shivanshi Joshi 1. Mr G D Belwal Mr M K Pandey 11.08.2020
2. Mr RajendraPundir (Assistant Director)

Release 1.0 August,2020


The information contained in this user manual is provided solely for informational and guidance
purposes only. User should, conduct his/her own independent investigations and analysis and is
free to check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this document.
Finance Data Center, Directorate of Treasuries, Pension and Entitlements, Department of
Finance, Govt. of Uttarakhand shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations
as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information contained in this user manual.
Users are advised to refer relevant Government Orders, Financial Handbooks, and Budget
Manuals etc. before making any payment through the system. In case any inaccuracies are
spotted, users of this manual are requested to inform Finance Data Center by shooting an email
to [email protected].

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose of this document ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Organization of User Manual ...................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Points of Contact ........................................................................................................................... 4
2. Overview of E- Challan Module ........................................................................................................ 4
3. Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 General instructions ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 User id and Password.................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Cyber Security ................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Description and Steps ......................................................................................................................... 6
4.1. How to access the IFMS Software............................................................................................. 6
4.2 Logging-onto the E-Challan Application ................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Registering in E-Challan ....................................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Logging onto E-Challan ....................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Components of E-CHALLAN ....................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 E-Challan Entry..................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 E-Challan History ................................................................................................................. 19
4.3.3 User Profile ........................................................................................................................... 21

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

List of Abbreviations

1. CTS- Core Treasury System

2. EMP- Employee
3. GSTN- Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
4. IFMS- Integrated Finance Management System
5. MOB- Mobile
6. NEFT-National Electronic Funds Transfer
7. OTP- One Time Password
8. PC- Personal Computer
9. PDF- Portable Document Format
10. RTGS- Real Time Gross Settlement
11. SBI- State Bank of India
12. SMS- Short Message Service
13. UK- Uttarakhand

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

1. Introduction
E-challan is digital service for online Government receipts accounting system of Uttarakhand
Government. IFMS software has provided the facility of generating revenue for the
Government using e-Challan. Citizens can deposit government money using e-Challan by
logging on to the system online. In order to achieve the purpose citizen can deposit amount
by submitting cash in the bank along with that user can also submit any sum of money using
Net Banking account of any bank. Using this module citizen can generate the challan offline
also for manual payment. In case of manual payment, a print copy of offline challan should be
submitted at the bank counter. This is a 24X7 facility and citizen can make the payment any
time of the day. The User Manual contains all essential information for the users so that they
can make full use of the IFMS software. This manual includes a description of the module
functions and capabilities, contingencies and alternate modes of operation, and step-by-step
procedures for module access and use. For better understanding of the users, graphics has
been used wherever possible in this manual.

1.1 Purpose of this document

This document is a generic user guide document for using E- Challan Module and has all the
details regarding E-Challan which is helpful for citizens. This document expresses all the
working of the module in very simple manner, so that whosoever goes through this piece of
document finds it interesting and convenient to work with the software.

1.2 Scope
This user manual is intended to be used by all the departments of Uttarakhand. Separate user
manuals have been/are being prepared for other aspects of IFMS software. This user manual
is intended to be used by citizens, departments and government organization.

1.3 Organization of User Manual

User manual has been organized to include brief description of E-Challan and their roles and
responsibilities, features of E-Challan module, operating instructions, step by step guide for
working and Help-desk and Support facility for the users in case of difficulties.

1.4 Points of Contact

To help the users working on IFMS software, Finance Data Center operates a help line number
08899890000, which may be used by the users for their queries and issues. Users may
contact help-desk officials anytime between 9 AM to 8 PM during weekdays (i.e. Monday to
Saturday) and between 10 PM to 6 PM during holidays.

2. Overview of E- Challan Module

Challan is an official form or other kind of document, piece of paperwork, citation, etc. It is a
way of crediting the money to one's bank account through a form, generally used
in India and Pakistan as a receipt for payment or delivery.

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

E-challan is an electronic format of the challan. An e-challan can also be defined as a specific
format used for depositing or remitting the contribution or statutory payment at a bank
or treasury. E-Challan is an online process for each type of payment and electronic payment
i.e. either using the Internet Banking System or using Government receipt accounting system.
The E-Payment System will handle automatic reconciliation of the receipt transactions to be
received electronically from banks on daily basis and provide the necessary revenue receipt
related information online to the users of various sections of FD. System will provide the
online reconciliation of receipts collected through e-challan module. When the MIS data is
received from the banks the same is uploaded into the portal/system for matching of the data
with the data pertaining to the challans generated, which is already available in our server
memory. The system check and matches the challan number sent by the bank with the
challan number stored in our computer system. If the number matches, the amount paid is
matched. If both the challan number as well as the amount matches, the details of payment
against the challan in question is stored and the users record in the Revenue Module
automatically updates as contribution paid. In case either the challan number or the amount
mismatches, the details is kept aside as mismatched challan detail. The mismatched challan
details are returned to the banks for checking of the data and sending the same back after
corrections as may be required. In such cases the bank has to check the details by obtaining
the same from the second copy of the challans kept in their collecting branches.
IFMS Software has following main features:
1. Browser Compatible Application
2. Single Login for multiple roles- ADHAAR/Mob No/Emp No
3. Workflow based system

3. Instructions
3.1 General instructions
IFMS is web-based software; hence it can be accessed using web browser. Following are some
of the prerequisites to have best experience of working on the IFMS software:
1. Computer System – Desktop/Laptop
2. Operating system – Windows 7/8/10/
3. Browser – Chrome Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)
4. Connectivity – 2 mbps and more

3.2 User id and Password

To work on IFMS software the user needs to have an active user id and password. User id, for
E-challan in IFMS software, is generated by create E-challan user option provided on the page,
any citizen can create his/ her user id as per the requirement. User needs to register himself
or herself in E-challan. Registration form is attached below; user needs to fill the form and
the user id password will be generated. Password gets expired every 3 months; therefore, to
protect his account user is advised to change his/her password regularly. In case the user

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

forgets his password then he/she may reset it using forgot password link provided on the login
page of the E-Challan module. To reset the password, user must know his/her user name and
mobile number. In case user has forgotten his/her mobile number or user name then he/she
must contact his Finance Data Centre to get it. The password gets locked after 5 unsuccessful
attempts. In such cases user should contact finance data center with application with their
signature and corresponding id proof for resetting the password.


3.3 Cyber Security

IFMS is a web-based application hence exposed to Phishing/Vishing and other kind of cyber
threats. Therefore, users are advised to use good antivirus software in their PC and never
share their password over the email, WhatsApp, sms or over the phone. User is solely
responsible for misuse of their user id’s and password.

4. Description and Steps

4.1. How to access the IFMS Software
IFMS software can be accessed by using URL https://cts.uk.gov.in/. Any internet browser (i.e.
Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) can be used for operating the software but it works
well in Chrome version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit) or higher. Login page of IFMS
appears as shown below:

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual


4.2 Logging-onto the E-Challan Application

To log-in, user firstly needs to fetch E- Challan tab provided on the screen 002, which will
result in pushing the user to next page shown in the image below. Enter the Login id,
password, captcha and click on the “Login” button. The login ID and password will be
generated by the user when he/she registers in the E-Challan menu.

4.2.1 Registering in E-Challan

1. Firstly, let us see registration process for E-Challan; user is provided with the E-challan
button on the home page of IFMS software. User needs to click on the button which
will result in directing user to next page that is the login page for E-Challan users, user
is directed to the page attached below;


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
2. Click on Create E-challan user button which is provided at the bottom of the login
page, as a result user is directed to the registration form page which is attached


3. Select Individual or firm based on the type, fill in the form like we have filled as can
be seen in the image below; enter name, address, phone number, PAN number,
Aadhar and e-mail.
Note: Complete form remains same for Firm and individual the only difference
between these forms is that on selecting Firm one addition column add up for entering
firm name, also for firm it is mandatory to enter GSTN number.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
4. Click on get OTP button provided at the form, as a result OTP number will be sent to
registered mobile number and notification message in red appears on the screen with
the message “OTP has been sent to your mobile number”, as can be seen in the image


5. Enter the OTP received on registered mobile number in the column provided for
entering OTP further click on validate OTP button; as can be seen in the image below;


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
6. On clicking validate OTP button few more fields add up on the screen for creating
password. Enter the password as per the convenience further reenter the password
that was entered in the previous field. Further enter captcha code i.e. displayed on
the screen, finally click on proceed button provided at the bottom of the page, as can
be seen in the image below;


7. On clicking proceed button message from CTS in sent to the registered mobile number
providing the user id, also the same message is displayed on the screen.
Now user has access to active id and password for logging onto E-challan module. User
can now start with login page.

4.2.2 Logging onto E-Challan

1. To log-in, user needs to enter active Login id, password, captcha and finally click on
the “Sign in” button, as shown in the image below. Login ID and password is accessed
using above step i.e. registering in E-challan.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
2. After clicking “Sign in” button user is directed to home page of E-Challan. Which is
attached below;


4.3 Components of E-CHALLAN

E-Challan module comprised of following 3 components:
1. E-Challan Entry: This form is used to make entry for creating challan.
2. E-Challan History: All the challans created by the user using E-challan menu is reflected
under E-challan history.
3. User Profile: User is provided with various tabs for updating user profile like changing
phone number or updating password etc.
Let us learn how to create E-Challan. Following are execution steps involved in generating E-

Execution steps for processing E-Challan: E-Challan Entry (fill in the form)→ confirm data
filled→ choose payment option→ make payment→ View E-Challan history

4.3.1 E-Challan Entry

Below is step by step guide for generating E-Challan:
1. User can access E-Challan Entry form by clicking on E-Challan Entry option from menu
bar, as a result user is directed to the form attached below;


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
2. Fill in all the required fields in the form, select department name, select office name
also select key services. User is provided with drop down list for selecting names.
After entering the required details click on continue button provided at the bottom of
the page.
• In order to continue making entry click on continue button.
• User is also provided with refresh button, for erasing all the fields selected.


3. On clicking continue button, few more fields for entering amount starts appearing just
below continue button.
• Select services i.e. name of head code to which the amount is to be credited
like we have selected “dks;k dz;&fodz; ls izkfIr;ka”. User can select multiple
services as well.
• After selecting name, enter amount in the column provided, after entering
amount like we have entered 100rs click on add service button provided just
below the enter amount column.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
4. On clicking add service button as we can see in the image below that the service and
amount, we selected in the earlier step is pushed to next column that is selected
• In order to remove the service selected user is also provided with remove
service button just below add service button.
• If satisfied with the service selected and amount entered, click on proceed
button provided at the bottom of the page.


5. On clicking proceed button, message of total challan amount is displayed on the

screen like in our case “Total amount is Rs 100” starts displaying as can be seen in the
image below. Also, column for writing purpose adds up on the form, enter purpose like
we have entered TEST further click on proceed button provided at the bottom of the


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
6. On clicking proceed button, user is directed to next page that is attached below, this
page is confirmation page, which consist of details related to challan which was filled
in the earlier steps, like amount, head code to which the amount will be credited.
Other than these 3 buttons i.e. are submit to bank, back and print are available;
• Click on submit to bank button in order to continue for payment.
• Click on back button in order to refresh all the entries and go back to initial
page i.e. E-Challan Entry page. On clicking this button all the entry log will be
• Click on print button in order to access printed copy of this particular form.


7. On clicking submit to the bank button, user is directed to next page that is attached
below, this page consists of options for mode of payment. Here we have 4 options for


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
• SBI Net banking: For those who have access to SBI net banking can use this option in order
to make payment online. On clicking click here button user will be directed to SBI net
banking login page, enter active login id, password and captcha code further click on
submit button. User will receive confirmation message on confirming the transaction user
will receive OTP in his/ her registered mobile number, enter OTP and submit the form.
Within 1-2 min user will receive payment confirmation message.
• Other banks Net banking: For those who doesn’t possess SBI net banking and have other
bank net banking facility can use this option. The only difference between using SBI net
banking and other bank net banking is that for making payment using SBI net banking
option is free of cost while for using other banks net banking additional charges will be
On clicking click here button user directed to bill desk where user can select
his/her bank, select the bank which will redirect the user to selected banks login page,
enter active login id, password and captcha code further click on submit button. User will
receive confirmation message on confirming the transaction user will receive OTP in his/
her registered mobile number, enter OTP and submit the form. Within 1-2 min user will
receive payment confirmation message.
• NEFT/RTGS: User can also use NEFT/ RTGS option for making payment.
1. Click on ‘click here’ button user directed to next page which is attached below; this
page consists of terms and condition, read the clause and click on check box provided
at the bottom of the page for accepting terms and conditions, finally click on confirm


2. On clicking confirm button user directed to next page which is attached below; this
page consists of details related to challan i.e. amount and head code. This page is
confirmation page.

• Click on confirm button provided on the page in order to continue.

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
• If the user has made mistake or is not satisfied by the challan entry can user
reset button. It will erase the entry log and re-direct the user to E-challan
entry page.


3. On clicking confirm button user directed to next page which is attached below; this
page provides account details to which the amount will be transferred, as can be seen
in the image below, user is provided with beneficiary account number and IFSC code,
which is further required for transferring amount.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
User is provided with 3 different buttons that are;
1. Click here to print the remittance form, in order to access printed copy of
the form.
2. Click here to Download in pdf, in order to download the form.
3. Click here to Return to the Directorate of Treasuries and Finance Services,
Uttarakhand site, user is directed to next page that is attached below, here
message is displayed for pending payment also the user is directed to login
page on clicking go to main page. No entry log is saved.


4. Download the form and through net banking user needs to transfer the challan amount to the
beneficiary account details provided in the above step i.e. in figure 20.

• SBI Branch: This option is provided for manually depositing cash against the challan in bank.
1. Click on ‘click here’ button user directed to next page which is attached below; here
user is provided with reference no, amount, depositor name, head code to which the
amount is to be credited, enter mobile number and date of birth finally click on
confirm button.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
2. On clicking confirm button user is directed to next page which is attached below;
here user is provided with reference no, amount, depositor name, head code to which
the amount is to be credited, mobile number and date of birth, this page is for
confirming that the information is correctly filled.


3. On clicking confirm button user is directed to next page which is attached below;
here user is provided with 2 different buttons that are;
1. Click here to Download in pdf, in order to download the form.
2. Click here to Return to the Directorate of Treasuries and Finance Services,
Uttarakhand site, user is directed to next page that is attached below, here message
is displayed for pending payment also the user is directed to login page on clicking go
to main page. No entry log is saved.


5. Download the form, take out the print and deposit cash in respective SBI bank.

Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

4.3.2 E-Challan History

Below is step by step guide for reviewing history of E-Challan created by user:
1. User can access E-Challan History form by clicking on E-Challan History option from
menu bar, as a result user is directed to the form attached below. Page consist of list
of all the challans created by the user, whether the challan is submitted in bank or not
it will display in the list if challan, also irrespective of the payment method chosen all
the challans will display here. User is also provided with status of challan along with
view detail button for challan that are still on process and print challan button for
those challan that are successfully posted, as can be seen in the image below.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
2. For pending cases on clicking view detail button pop up window is generated on the
screen displaying a form that consist of details related to challan. As can be seen in
the image below;


3. For successful cases on clicking print challan button user is directed to new window
with the copy of challan, user can access printed copy of challan. As can be seen in
the image below;


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual

4.3.3 User Profile

Below is step by step guide for updating user profile and password:
1. User can update profile for that user can access user profile form by clicking on user
profile option from menu bar, as a result user is directed to the form attached below.
Page contains details of user as per the details filled at the time of registration. Along
with this edit profile and cancel button is provided, as can be seen in the image


2. Click on edit profile button provided on the page. As a result, few fields are made
editable so that user can make changes as per the current data. User can update
address, phone number and e-mail address, other than this user cannot update PAN
number, Aadhar number, GSTN number, User name and id, as can be seen in the
image below.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun
E- Challan User Manual
3. Make changes and click update profile button, like we updated mobile number, as a
result field changed will be updated and message of successful update is reflected at
the bottom of the page in red colour, as can be seen in the image below.


4. User can update password, for that user can access password updating form by clicking
on change password option from menu bar, as a result user is directed to the form
attached below. Here user has to enter old password, new password and retype
password. After this click on change password button provided at the bottom of the
page. As a result, password will be updated and message of successful update is
reflected at the bottom of the page in red colour.


Directorate Treasuries, Pension and Entitlement

23, Laxmi Road Dalanwala, Dehradun

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