Cse Wireless Mesh Networks

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Seminar report


Wireless Mesh Networks

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree
of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science


Mr.Dileep singh Tan singh shekhawat

I would like to thank respected Mr. Nitesh Kumar Jangir for giving me such a wonderful
opportunity to expand my knowledge for my own branch and giving me guidelines to present a
seminar report. It helped me a lot to realize of what we study for.

Secondly, I would like to thank my parents who patiently helped me as i went through my work
and helped to modify and eliminate some of the irrelevant or un-necessary stuffs.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my friends who helped me to make my work more organized and
well-stacked till the end.

Next, I would thank Microsoft for developing such a wonderful tool like MS Word. It helped
my work a lot to remain error-free.

Last but clearly not the least, I would thank The Almighty for giving me strength to complete
my report on time.

I have made this report file on the topic Wireless Mesh Networks; I have tried my best to
elucidate all the relevant detail to the topic to be included in the report. While in the beginning I
have tried to give a general view about this topic.

My efforts and wholehearted co-corporation of each and everyone has ended on a successful
note. I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Nitesh Kumar Jangir who assisting me throughout the
preparation of
this topic. I thank him for providing me the reinforcement, confidence and most importantly the
track for the topic whenever I needed it.

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Mesh network
Chapter 3 : System and network architecture for wireless mesh network
Chapter 4 : off the shelf solutions for building mesh networks
Chapter 5 : Proprietary solutions for building mesh networks
Chapter 6 : Open standards implementing wireless
Mesh networking techniques
6.1 : IEEE 802.15.5
6.2 : IEEE 802.11s
6.3 : IEEE 802.16A
6.4 : IEEE 802.20
Chapter 7 : Advantages of mesh network
Chapter 8 : Popular commercial applications for wireless mesh networks
8.1 : Intelligent transportation systems
8.2 : Public safety
8.3 : Public internet access
Chapter 9 : Key research challenges
9.1 : High-capacity and reliable radio interfaces for the
wireless backbone
9.2 : Designing scalable and opportunistic networking functions
9.3 : System-wide resource management
Chapter 10 : Conclusion
11: References


Mobile (multihop) ad hoc networks (MANETs) are collections of mobile nodes

connected together over a wireless medium. These nodes can freely and dynamically self-
organize into arbitrary and temporary ad hoc network topologies, allowing people and devices to
seamlessly internetwork in areas with no preexisting communication
infrastructure (e.g., disaster recovery and battlefield environments).

After almost a decade of research into ad hoc networking, MANET technology has not
yet affected our way of using wireless networks. A common answer is emerging: most of the
ongoing research on mobile ad hoc networks is driven by either Department of Defense (DoD)
requirements(large-scale military applications with thousands of ad hoc nodes) or specialized
civilian applications (disaster recovery, planetary exploration, etc). DoD generated a research
agenda and requirements that are far from real users’ requirements. Indeed, military and
specialized civilian applications require lack of infrastructure and instant deployment. They are
tailored to very specialized missions, and their cost is typically not a main issue. On the other
hand, from the users’ standpoint, scenarios consisting of a limited number of people wanting to
form an ad hoc network for sharing some information or access to the Internet are much more
interesting. In this case, users are looking for multipurpose networking platforms in which cost is
an issue and Internet access is a must.

To turn MANETs into a commodity, we move to a more pragmatic “opportunistic ad hoc

networking” in which multihop ad hoc networks are not isolate self-configured networks, but
networks coexisting with them. Indeed, a new class of networks is emerging from this view:
Mesh networks.


Mesh networks are built on a mix of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless
links to form a multihop ad hoc network. As in MANETs, users’ devices are an active part of the
mesh. They dynamically join the network, acting as both user terminals and routers for other
devices, consequently further extending network coverage. Mesh networks thus inherit many
results from MANET research but have civilian applications as the main target. Furthermore,
while the MANET development approach was mainly simulation-based, from the beginning
mesh networks have been associated with real testbeds. Even though mesh networks are quite
recent, they have already shown great potential in the wireless market. Indeed, we can subdivide
mesh networks into two main classes: off-the-shelf and proprietary solutions.

This promising networking technology recently received a further boost when IEEE 802
creating Task Group 802.11s aimed at defining medium access control (MAC) and PHY layers
for mesh networks to improve wireless LAN (WLAN) coverage with no single point of failure.
In such networks, 802.11 access points relay information from one to another, hop by hop, in
router-like fashion. As users and access points are added, capacity is added. In addition
to802.11s, other IEEE Working Groups are currently working to provide mesh networking
extensions to their standards (e.g., 802.15.5,802.16a, and 802.20). Same system is also expected
to be used to address and alleviate transportation congestion problems, control pollution, and
improve transportation safety and security.



A wireless mesh network is a fully wireless network that employs multihop

communications to forward traffic en route to and from wired Internet entry points. Different
from flat ad hoc networks, a mesh network introduces a hierarchy in the network architecture
with the implementation of dedicated nodes (called wireless routers) communicating among each
other and providing wireless transport services to data traveling from users to either other users
or access points (access points are special wireless routers with a high-bandwidth wired
connection to the Internet backbone). The network of wireless routers forms a wireless backbone
(tightly integrated into the mesh network), which provides multihop connectivity between
nomadic users and wired gateways. The meshing among wireless routers and access points
creates a wireless backhaul communication system, which provides each mobile user with a low-
cost, high-bandwidth, and seamless multihop interconnection service with a limited number of
Internet entry points and with other wireless mobile users. Specifically in the mesh case, the
traffic is originated in the users’ devices, traverses the wireless backbone, and is distributed over
the Internet network. To summarize, Fig. 3.1 illustrates the mesh network architecture,
highlighting the different components and system layers.



An example of this class are so-called community network built (mainly) on 802.11
technology and aimed at providing Internet access to a community of users that can share the
same Internet access link wireless backbone enormously reduces the Community networks are
systems that allow neighbors to connect their home networks together. Again, wireless mesh
could be the technological driver to realize this vision. Nevertheless, the commercial deployment
of community networks is still in its infancy. Nowadays , the majority of community network
implementations are experimental and non-commercial trials funded and operated by
government agencies, non-profit organizations, municipalities, and research institutions, and are
based on nonproprietary off-the-shelf technologies.

Roofnet is an experimental and independent multihop 802.11b mesh network consisting

of about 50 houses located in Cambridge. The network participants are volunteers who accept
hosting in their apartments the equipment required to implement a mesh node. One of the main
objectives pursued during the design of the Roofnet network has been to employ only open
source software and to maintain reasonably low costs. Consequently, IEEE 802.11 is the radio
technology used in the Roofnet community, because cheap network cards operating in
unlicensed bands are available. Moreover, many commercial mesh networks rely on directional
antennas for increased range, but Roofnet nodes use mainly omni directional antennas to reduce
the per-node costs. Only the gateways are equipped with directional antennas to provide
extended coverage. The Roofnet user node is a computer working as a wireless router, equipped
with open source software. Both wireless and wired network cards are mounted on the Roofnet
node. A multihop routing protocol optimized to find paths with links of good quality is used to
route traffic within the mesh. Each Roofnet node also runs a Web server, a network address
translator(NAT), and a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on its wired
Ethernet port.



The growing interest in wireless mesh applications has boosted industrial efforts to develop
solutions to makes wireless mesh networks a reality. Several companies and manufactures
are now selling proprietary solutions for both indoor and outdoor
environments. These solutions adopt radically different approaches and protocols, making these
systems incompatible. For instance, Tropos’ outdoor systems are cellular Wi-Fi networks where
each Wi-Fi cell behaves as a wireless routed LAN. The company has developed its own wireless
routing protocol, called Predictive Wireless Routing Protocol (PWRP), that does not rely only on
hop count to detect transmission paths, but compares packet error rates and other network
conditions to determine the best path at a given moment.

Several other vendors like Radiant and Mesh-Network are manufacturing solutions based
on proprietary radio technologies. The motivation behind this design choice is that the 802.11
technology has been developed to provide very high data rates over short distances to stationary
computers using a very low-cost low-power radio. Consequently, the 802.11 radio technology is
not optimized to support mobile and wide-range applications. For this reason, the Mesh Network
company has developed a proprietary radio platform, called quadrature-division multiple access
(QDMA™), that includes capabilities such as multitap rake receivers (commonly found in cell
phones) and real-time equalization algorithms to compensate for the rapidly varying RF
conditions typically encountered in real-world mobile environments. The Mesh Network
company has also developed a proprietary hybrid ad hoc routing protocol that combines both
proactive and reactive routing algorithms, called Mesh Networks Scalable Routing (MSR™).


Open standard radio technologies are essential for industry because they enable
economies of scale, which bring down the cost of equipment and ensure interoperability. For
these reason several IEEE standard groups are actively working to define specifications for
wireless mesh networking techniques.

IEEE 802.15.5

The IEEE 802.15 project is devoted to the definition of PHY and MAC specifications for
establishing short-range wireless connectivity for small groups of fixed, portable, and moving
computing devices, such as PCs, PDAs, peripherals, cell phones, pagers, and consumer
electronics. Employing mesh-like multihopping communications increases the coverage of
WPANs and allows shorter links to be used, providing both higher throughputs and fewer
retransmissions. Indeed, meshing capabilities are particularly important when using ultra
wideband (UWB) communications, because the bandwidth of UWB wireless links decreases
very rapidly (the indoor channel rolls off as the third power of distance). In this case, using
shorter links significantly increases the throughput.

IEEE 802.11S

The IEEE 802.11 Working Group is an umbrella that contains several standards
committees developing technologies for the WLAN environment. It provides higher
speeds (more than 100 Mb/s), quality of service (QoS) support, faster handoffs, and several
additional capabilities. Relevant to the mesh-networking paradigm is the extension
underdevelopment by the P802.11s ESS Mesh Networking Task Group. The scope of this TG is
to extend the IEEE 802.11 architecture and protocol for providing the functionality of an
extended service set (ESS) mesh (i.e., access points capable of establishing wireless links among
each other to enable automatic topology learning and
dynamic path configuration). The idea behind this proposed amendment is to extend the
IEEE802.11 MAC protocol to create an IEEE 802.11wireless distribution system that supports
both broadcast/multicast and unicast delivery at the MAC layer using radio-aware metrics over
self configuring multihop topologies

IEEE 802.16A

In 1999 the 802.16 Working Group was established to address the “first-mile/last-mile”
connection in WMANs, working toward local multipoint distribution system (LMDS)-type
architectures for broadband wireless access. The WMAN network, as specified in the 802.16
standard , employs a point-to-multipoint (PMP) architecture where each base station (BS) serves
a number of subscriber stations (SSs) in a particular area. At the high frequencies (> 10 GHz)
used in802.16 systems, line-of-sight (LOS) communications are needed because the system can
tolerate a limited amount of multipath interference. The need for reliable non-LOS (NLOS)
operations, together with the opportunity to expand the system scope to license-exempt bands,
has led to the development of the IEEE 802.16a standard. The adoption of NLOS operations
allowed 802.16astandard mesh extensions to be included in the standard. In mesh mode all SSs
may have direct links with other SSs, and the data traffic can be routed through other SSs and
occur directly between SSs. Communications in the direct links can be controlled by either a
centralized or distributed algorithm.

IEEE 802.20

Recently, several IEEE working groups have turned their attention to mobile broadband.
In December 2002 the establishment of IEEE802.20, the Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
(MBWA) Working Group, was approved. 802.20systems are intended to provide ubiquitous
mobile broadband wireless access in a cellular architecture (e.g., macro/micro/picocells),
supporting the mesh-networking paradigm (i.e., NLOS communications) in both indoor and
outdoor scenarios. 802.20 aims for operation in licensed bands below 3.5 GHz.802.20addresses
high-speed mobility issues (speeds up to 250 km/h).

Although the above standards target different network environments, these technologies
are not complementary and overlap as far as many proposed functionalities. Consequently,
network operators that want to deploy solutions for the last-mile broadband wireless Internet
access can take advantage, for instance, of both emerging 802.11s and 802.11a products.
Nowadays, Wi-Fi based solutions appear advantageous because they are already established and
operate in unlicensed cost-free frequency bands. Nevertheless, it is feasible to envision
integration between WiMAX and Wi-Fi, particularly considering that the 802.16a MAC and
PHY layers are optimized for long-distance wireless links. In Fig. 6.1 we show a wireless mesh
that fully exploits the advantages of the WiMAX technology, implementing both wireless PMP
communications between the wireless routers and the Internet backbone, and mesh based
communications among the wireless routers. Once a wireless mesh network based on Wi-Fi
products is installed, the integration of WiMAX will be straightforward. Indeed, 802.16wireless
links can easily be added to the existing network to either expand the network or introduce
additional capacity in the wireless backbone. Consequently, WiMAX products can offer low-cost
flexible alternatives for building the wireless backbone in outdoor scenarios.


Reduction of installation costs

Currently, one of the major efforts to provide wireless Internet beyond the boundaries of
indoor WLANs is through the deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots. Basically, a hot spot is an area that
is served by a single WLAN or a network of WLANs, where wireless clients access the Internet
through an 802.11-based access point. To ensure almost ubiquitous coverage in a metro scale
area, it is necessary to deploy a large number of access points due to the limited distance covered
by the 802.11 signal. The downside of this solution is an unacceptable increase in the
infrastructure costs because a cabled connection to the wired backbone is needed for every
access point. Installing the necessary cabling infrastructure not only slows down hot spot
implementation, but also significantly increases installation costs. As a consequence, the hot spot
architecture is costly, unscalable, and slow to deploy. On the other hand, building a mesh
wireless backbone enormously reduces the infrastructural costs because the mesh network needs
only a few points of connection to the wired backbone.

Large-scale deployment

In recently standardized WLAN technologies (i.e., 802.11a and802.11g), increased data

rates have been achieved by using more spectrally efficient modulation schemes. However, for a
specific transmit power, shifting toward more efficient modulation techniques reduces coverage
(i.e., the further from the access point, the lower the data rate available). Moreover, for a fixed
total coverage area, more access points should be installed to cover small-size (e.g., pico) cells
.Obviously, this picocellularization of WLANs further hinders the scalability of this technology,
especially in outdoor environments. On the other hand, multihop communications offers long
distance communications via hopping through intermediate nodes. Since intermediate links are
short, these transmissions could be at high data rates, resulting in increased throughput compared
to direct communications.


The wireless backbone provides redundant paths between each pair of endpoints,
significantly increasing communications reliability, eliminating single points of failure and
potential bottleneck links within the mesh. Network resilience and robustness against potential
problems (e.g., node failures, and path failures due to temporary obstacles or external radio
interference) is also ensured by the existence of multiple possible destinations (i.e., any of the
egress points toward the wired Internet) and alternative routes to these destinations.


The adoption of peer-to-peer networking to build a wireless distribution system provides

all the advantages of ad hoc networking, such as self-configuration and self-healingness.
Consequently, network setup is automatic and transparent to users. For instance, when adding
additional nodes in the mesh, these nodes use their meshing functionalities to automatically
discover all possible wireless routers and determine the optimal paths to the wired network. In
addition, the existing wireless routers reorganize, taking into account the new available routes.
Thus, the network can easily be expanded, because the network self-reconfigures to assimilate
the new elements.



Intelligent transportation systems

Several public transportation companies, government agencies, and research

organizations are looking for viable solutions to realize intelligent transport systems (i.e.,
integrated public transportation systems that are built to be safe, cost effective, efficient, and
secure). Wireless mesh could be the flexible solution to implement the information delivery
system required to control transportation services, as depicted in Fig. 8.1.An example for this
application scenario is the Portsmouth Real-Time Travel Information System (PORTAL), a
system that, as part of a city wide public transportation communications network, aims at
providing real-time travel information to passengers. This system is realized by equipping more
than 300 buses with mesh technology provided by Mesh Networks Inc. The wireless mesh
network allows anybody to display, at more than 40 locations throughout the city , real-time
information on transportation services, such as where his/her bus is, its ultimate destination, and
when it is scheduled to arrive. The same system is also expected to be used to address and
alleviate transportation congestion problems, control pollution, and improve transportation safety
and security.

Public safety

The 9/11 events have dramatically increased interest in public safety (police, fire
departments, first responders, and emergency services), creating additional demand and urgency
for wireless network connectivity to provide mobility support, reliability, flexibility, and high
bandwidth. For years, solutions based on cellular technologies have been used, but they have
proved to be unsatisfactory in many aspects. In particular, cellular data networks promise near
ubiquitous coverage limited, even lower than a typical dialup connection, and the network
infrastructure is extremely costly. Wireless mesh networks appear to be the natural solution to
address the needs of law enforcement agencies and city governments. Currently, several mesh
networks are operating to provide public safety applications. For instance, the San Matteo Police
Department in the San Francisco Bay Area has equipped all its patrol cars with laptops, and
motorcycle and bicycle patrols with PDAs, employing standard 802.11b/gwireless cards for

Public internet access

Internet service providers (ISPs) are avidly seeking integrated solutions to implement
public Internet access, which could simultaneously target the markets of residential, business,
and travel. A growing number of both small and big ISPs are deploying solutions based on Wi-Fi
technologies to provide broadband wireless Internet access. The wireless mesh networks are the
ideal solution to provide both indoor and outdoor broadband wireless connectivity in urban,
suburban, and rural environments without the need for extremely costly wired network
infrastructure. An example of this is the metro-scale broadband city network activated on April
2004 in the city of Cerritos, California, operated by Aiirmesh Communications Inc., a wireless
ISP (WISP) company. This network is built up with Tropos based mesh technology and covers a
city area as large as eight square miles using more than 130 outdoor access points, less than 20
percent of them directly connected to a wired backhaul network. This significant reduction of
network installation costs ensures rapid deployment of a metropolitan broadband network that is
cost effective even with a limited potential subscriber base, as found in rural or scarcely
populated urban areas


The wireless infrastructure meshing formed through multihop communications among

wireless routers and access points (Fig. 1.1) cannot be treated simply as a large multihop ad hoc
network, because the structure and functionalities of such a network are radically different from
those of a general ad hoc network. In practice, this simplification will undoubtedly lead to the
well-known scalability limits of ad hoc networks due to the dramatic degradation of throughput
and delay performance as the network diameter increases. Consequently, one of the major
problems to address while building a multihop wireless backhaul network is the scalability of
both the network architecture and protocols. Hence, in the following sections we discuss the
most relevant and promising research activities, focusing on the design and development of a
scalable and high-performance wireless backbone for mesh networks.

High-capacity and reliable radio interfaces for the wireless backbone

Currently, there are several research efforts to improve the capacity of wireless mesh
networks by exploiting such alternative approaches as multipleradio interfaces, multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) techniques, beamforming antennas, and opportunistic channel
selection. Multiplechannels and/or radio interfaces could increase network capacity by exploiting
the independent fading across different frequencies or the orthogonality of frequency bands.
Similarly, systems employing multiple antennas for both transmitting and receiving (generally
called MIMO systems) improve the capacity and reliability of wireless backbones by exploiting
antenna diversity and spatial multiplexing. Diversity provides the receiver with several (ideally
independent) replicas of the transmitted signal and is therefore a powerful technique to combat
fading and interference. On the other side, spatial multiplexing divides the channel into multiple
“spatial channels” through which independent data streams or signals can be coded and
transmitted simultaneously. As a consequence, diversity techniques make the channel less
fading, which is of fundamental importance for wireless backbones, where deep fades can occur
and the channel changes slowly, causing fades to persist over a long period of time.
To cope with interference, smart antennas or adaptive array processing can be utilized to
enhance both the energy efficiency and multiple access interference rejection capability of the
high-throughput wireless backbone. The key idea is to exploit the beamforming capability of the
transmit/receive antenna arrays. Beamforming creates an effective antenna pattern at the receiver
with high gain in the direction of the desired signal and low gain in all other directions.

Designing scalable and opportunistic networking functions

It is well known that as the number of users increases, random MAC protocols suffer
from increased contention in the network. Moreover, users’ traffic traversing the wireless
backbone does not have a unique fixed destination, but rather can be delivered to any wired
access point. In addition, several paths may exist at the same time to reach a given access point;
path capacity and channel bandwidth could be highly variable. As a result, new scalable and
distributed scheduling, MAC, and routing protocols have to be designed to efficiently manage
data traffic. These algorithms exploits multi-user diversity, that is, the condition when, in a
system with many users, different users experience peaks in their channel quality at different
time instants network capacity by exploiting the independent fading across different frequencies
or the orthogonality of frequency bands. Similarly, systems employing multiple antennas for
both transmitting and receiving (generally called MIMO systems) wireless backbones by
exploiting antenna diversity and spatial multiplexing. Diversity provides the receiver with
several replicas of the transmitted signal and is therefore a powerful technique to combat fading
and interference. On the other side, spatial multiplexing divides the channel into multiple “spatial
channels” through which independent data streams or signals can be coded and transmitted
simultaneously. The mesh network environment adds further degrees of freedom in the
scheduling process, because the scheduling policies could exploit additional types of diversity
such as spatial diversity (spatial channels opened by a multi-antenna wireless backbone
implemented at the PHY layer) and frequency diversity (radio technologies using multiple
frequency channels) to enhance throughput. Opportunistic selection of the high-quality channel
cannot be performed locally in the single wireless router, but should be coordinated among all
the wireless routers forming the backbone network.
To fully exploit the potential capacity improvement ensured by the adoption of optimized
transmission and antenna technologies, it is fundamental that the routing protocol discovers high-
quality routes by explicitly considering the current network conditions. Moreover, users’ traffic
traversing the wireless backbone does not have a unique fixed destination, but rather can be
delivered to any wired access point. In addition, several paths may exist at the same time to reach
a given access point; path capacity and channel bandwidth could be highly variable.
Consequently, new scalable and several research efforts are devoted to the definition of novel
routing metrics that correctly account for the loss rate and channel bandwidth of each link
forming the path . Moreover, the routing protocol for a wireless backbone needs to be redesigned
not only to deal with the path diversity, but also to address the distinct nature of the wireless
backbone network with respect to a general ad hoc network. In particular, the user traffic to the
Internet does not need to follow the same path, but could be forwarded to any of the Internet
egress points in the multihop wireless backhaul network. Consequently, the routing protocol
should opportunistically select the “best wire” toward any wired access point. Finally, the
routing protocol could effectively benefit from the existence of nonmobile powered wireless
infrastructure to exploit hybrid ad hoc routing that combines both proactive and reactive

System-wide resource management

The wireless backbone forming the core of a mesh network provides a backhaul
communication service. End users’ traffic is transparently routed to and from the wired Internet
employing a multihop wireless path traversing the wireless backbone. It is an essential
requirement for the backhaul network to ensure that all users in the network achieve a fair share
of system resources. Unfortunately, current networking protocols are not appropriate for
multihop wireless backbone networks, usually inducing severe unfairness and scarce
performance to users located far from the available Internet egress points. Hence, a coordinated
multihop resource management algorithm must be developed to achieve high performance while
preserving a system-wide notion of fairness .In a novel fairness model has been proposed that
addresses the requirements of multihop aggregated flows, aimed at eliminating the spatial bias by
ensuring that each user receives the same fair share of resources independent of how far it is
from the Internet entry point (i.e., independent of its spatial location).

Coordinated resource management is required not only to tackle the issue of providing
system wide fairness and to exploit spatial reuse in the wireless backbone, but also to provide a
prompt reaction to variations in system capacity due to changes in traffic patterns, channel
conditions, and contention. Considering the intrinsic large-scale nature of the wireless backbone,
to achieve system-wide performance objectives the resource management algorithm must be
distributed. However, careful design of network control has to be employed to trade off the
additional overhead of increased protocol information required to perform more precise control
and the benefits derived by opportunistic exploitation of this information. Consequently, analysis
of system
capacity and scalability should incorporate the impact of protocol overheads and operations.


The mesh network architecture addresses the emerging market requirements for building
wireless networks that are highly scalable and cost effective, offering a solution for the easy
deployment of high-speed ubiquitous wireless Internet. In addition to802.11s, other IEEE
Working Groups are currently working to provide mesh-networking extensions to their standards
(e.g., 802.15.5,802.16a, and 802.20).

Finally, it is worth pointing out that mesh networking, as a special case of ad hoc
networking, should fully implement self-management, self-configuration, and self-healing
features in all key research challenge is also to ensure that the scalable and opportunistic
networking functions designed specifically for the mesh networks effectively fulfill the
requirements of the peer-to peer networking paradigm adopted in the wireless backbone.


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