Audit-And-Maintenance Reactive-Power-Compensation Brochure 2018-10 Doc314013i en

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Optimisation of reactive power compensation

and system service life
Audit and maintenance

When energy matters

Why compensate reactive power?

Your reactive power compensation system enables you to make significant savings on your
electricity supply contract while protecting the service life of your equipment.
Increasing its reliability and ensuring its service life are therefore essential factors for your business.

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Generate significant cost Maximise efficiency
savings Socomec’s solution
With a reactive power compensation
system, your network consumes less COSYS PFC is a reactive power
Reactive power compensation meets the
electricity while maintaining the same compensation system.
following objectives:
output power. With its unique features - segmented
• avoid paying penalties to the utility
film, solder-free mechanical
connectors, self-healing film, automatic
• reduce your energy contract.
overpressure disconnection -
COSYS PFC provides four times the
safety for its users.
Protect the service life of the Increase energy
equipment performance
Two essential functions for an efficient Reactive power compensation is an
electricity network: compensation and ecologically efficient solution : improving
filtering. the power factor by 3% on a European level
You will be able to: is equivalent to saving 48 TWh each year,
• cancel your reactive power bill, which is the equivalent of the production of
• have high quality energy, four nuclear power plants!
• ensure the service life of your equipment.
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2 Audit and maintenance - SOCOMEC

Sizing to ensure a well-adapted solution

Reactive power has negative effects on electrical networks. Many factors must be taken into
account to effectively compensate for it.

Our expertise: Advantages

Your Expert Services
• Audit: identification of loads, analysis of • Improves the power factor of the
effects on the network. installation. Enabling available, safe and efficient
• Sizing: precise definition of the reactive • Avoids penalties imposed by electricity energy
power to be compensated. companies for excessive consumption of
• Installation recommandations: choice and reactive power. • 400 experts on site.
location of equipment. • Improves the efficiency of your installation. • More than 150 service and
• Increases power supply availability. administrative salespeople.
• 27 subsidiaries worldwide.
Key points • 10 branch offices in France.
• Consideration of the equipment operating • Coverage of 80 countries.
• Sizing of the appropriate compensation
system for your installation.
• Commissioning of the new required

Expert maintenance to ensure durability

Your electrical installation will evolve. Changes in the operating environment and ageing equipment
are factors that affect the power consumed. It is therefore essential to regularly check your systems
to ensure their service life.

The five steps to effective maintenance: Description of services Silver Platinum

1. preparation of the operation, 1 annual preventive maintenance visit • •
2. analysis of the operating environment, Access to the hotline during the day • •
3. operation on the Power Factor correction Thermographic control • •
On-site response time within 24 business hours • •
4. checking the sizing of the PFC banks,
Parts and labour (including travel, excluding consumables) - •
5. drafting and providing a full report.
Replacement of consumables if defective* (fans, dust filter if applicable) - o
Additional PMV o o
Preventive maintenance visit at night, at weekends, on public holidays o o
Replacement of contactors after every 80,000 operations** - •
Complete annual cleaning of the unit** - •
Annual check of the battery sizing** - •
•: included. o : optional.
* Excluding replacement of chokes and capacitors.
** Subject to signature / renewal of the contract over a continuous period of 3 years.

SOCOMEC - Audit and maintenance 3

Socomec: our innovations supporting your energy performance

1 independent manufacturer 3,200 employees 10 % of sales revenue 400 experts

worldwide dedicated to R&D dedicated to service provision

Your power management expert



The specialist for critical applications

• Control, command of LV • Measurement of electrical • Energy quality • Prevention and repairs
facilities parameters • Energy availability • Measurement and analysis
• Safety of persons and assets • Energy management • Energy storage • Optimisation
• Consultancy, commissioning
and training

A worldwide presence

12 production sites
• France (x3)
27 subsidiaries
• Australia • Belgium • China • France
80 countries
where our brand is distributed
• Italy (x2) • Germany • India • Italy • Netherlands
• Tunisia • Poland • Romania • Singapore
• India • Slovenia • Spain • Switzerland • Thailand
• China (x2) • Tunisia • Turkey • UK • USA
• USA (x3)

Non contractual document. © 2018, Socomec SAS. All rights reserved. - Document printed on paper from sustainably managed forests.

DOC 314013i - 10 / 18 - Photo : Martin Bernhart - Produced by: SOCOMEC - Gyss Imprimeur Obernai


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R.C.S. Strasbourg B 548 500 149
B.P. 60010 - 1, rue de Westhouse
F-67235 Benfeld Cedex
Tel. +33 3 88 57 41 41 - Fax +33 3 88 57 78 78
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