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Author manuscript
Ecol Soc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 January 01.
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Published in final edited form as:
Ecol Soc. 2020 January 1; 25(1): 1–4. doi:10.5751/es-11286-250104.
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Coerced regimes: management challenges in the Anthropocene

David G. Angeler1,2,*, Brian C. Chaffin3, Shana M. Sundstrom2, Ahjond Garmestani4,5,
Kevin L. Pope6, Daniel R. Uden7, Dirac Twidwell7, Craig R. Allen2

1Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment,

Box 7059, SE-750 07, Uppsala, Sweden 2School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska—
Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583, USA 3W.A. Franke College of Forestry & Conservation,
University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801, USA 4U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45268, USA 5Utrecht Centre for Water,
Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht University School of Law, 3584 BH, Utrecht, Netherlands
6U.S. Geological Survey—Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and School of

Natural Resources, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583, USA 7Department

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of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583, USA

Management frequently creates system conditions that poorly mimic the conditions of a desirable
self-organizing regime. Such management is ubiquitous across complex systems of people and
nature and will likely intensify as these systems face rapid change. However, it is highly uncertain
whether the costs (unintended consequences, including negative side effects) of management but
also social dynamics can eventually outweigh benefits in the long term. We introduce the term
“coerced regime” to conceptualize this management form and tie it into resilience theory. The
concept encompasses proactive and reactive management to maintain desirable and mitigate
undesirable regime conditions, respectively. A coerced regime can be quantified through a
measure of the amount of management required to artificially maintain its desirable conditions.
Coerced regimes comprise “ghosts” of self-sustaining desirable system regimes but ultimately
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become “dead regimes walking” when these regimes collapse as soon as management is
discontinued. We demonstrate the broad application of coerced regimes using distinct complex
systems of humans and nature (human subjects, aquatic and terrestrial environments, agriculture,
and global climate). We discuss commonalities and differences between these examples to identify
tradeoffs between benefits and harms of management. The concept of coerced regimes can spur
thinking and inform management about the duality of what we know and can envision versus what
we do not know and therefore cannot envision—a pervasive sustainability conundrum as planet
Earth swiftly moves towards a future without historical analogue.

management; alternative regimes; restoration; mitigation; interdisciplinary; resilience; coercion;
coerced resilience; social-ecological systems

Corresponding author [email protected].
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That the dynamics of systems of people and nature are highly complex and uncertain is a
well-established scientific axiom (Allen et al. 2014). This complexity and uncertainty stems
partly from the interaction of distinct processes, including adaptation, recalibration and self-
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organization (Holland 2014). Inherent in these dynamics is the potential for complex
systems to exist in alternative, often stable regimes, each with fundamentally different
structures, functions, processes and feedbacks (Holling 1973, Beisner et al. 2003, Scheffer et
al. 1993). Alternative regimes are ubiquitous and occur for instance in cells (Ferrel 2002),
human subjects (Angeler et al. 2018), and geopolitical, ecological, social, social-ecological,
climatic and economic systems (Miller and Williamson 1988, Biggs et al. 2018, Steffen et
al. 2018). Examples include clear-water lakes rapidly becoming turbid, the social-ecological
system organized around Atlantic cod Gadus morhua changing to an American lobster
Homarus americanus fishery, healthy human subjects becoming mentally ill, and the current
rapid change exhibited in our global climatic regime.

Regime shifts are frequently undesired because the alternative regimes, once stabilized in a
new attractor domain, are often permanently degraded and uncertain in the sense that they
provide humanity fewer and often unreliable benefits. There is thus a fundamental need to
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transform degraded systems regimes to ideally self-perpetuating regimes that guarantee the
provisioning of ecosystem goods and services (i.e. “desirable regimes”). There is also need
to maintain the adaptive capacity of desirable regimes and avoid exceeding critical
thresholds (regime shift) that may lead to a regime that can be deleterious for human health
and security (Angeler et al. 2019). The pressing need to harness desirable system
functioning for human welfare leads to an increased examination of alternative system
regimes and their management through the lens of resilience theory (Angeler et al. 2016).
Novel concepts are emerging that add to well-established terms used in the ecological
restoration (Table 1) and resilience literature (Angeler and Allen 2016). Coerced resilience,
for instance, is a term that has been introduced to focus on the resilience of production
ecosystems (aquaculture, forestry, agroecosystems; Rist et al. 2014). It refers to enabling and
maintaining high levels of production of a system as a result of external anthropogenic
inputs, which in the long term may lead to the erosion of the resilience of the system.
Coercing the resilience of systems over long periods is costly and can cause the system to
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shift into a less desired alternative regime (Gunderson 2000). Similarly, when a system has
undergone a regime shift, the new, undesired regime may require constant and considerable
management to mimic the desired previous regime (Angeler et al. 2018).

The term “coerced resilience” has been used from two mechanistically different
perspectives: improving and mimicking desired regimes. We consider coerced resilience in a
broader context, accounting for reactive and proactive management aimed at the deliberate
creation of artificial regime conditions to guarantee social-ecological sustainability. We
characterize the term “coerced regimes” as a management form that fails to achieve self-
organization and therefore requires constant management for maintaining and creating
desirable system regimes. We envision that management is likely to intensify in the near
future to satisfy the needs for ecosystem goods and services of a growing human population
in a fast changing Anthropocene. There is high uncertainty regarding costs (unintended

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consequences, including negative side effects) of management and that may outweigh
benefits in the long term. It is also uncertain how social dynamics lead to unintended
coerced regimes. This new concept therefore motivates discussions about what we know and
envision versus what we do not know and therefore cannot envision—a conundrum that
pervasively plagues management toward sustainability. We discuss these issues using social-
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ecological systems and other complex systems (human brain) to demonstrate the broad
application of this term and examine them for commonalities and differences.

We distinguish “coerced regimes” from related concepts (Table 1) and resilience terms
(Angeler and Allen 2016) and define it as: creating non-self-organizing system regimes that
sustain human needs and wellbeing through constant management (Fig. 1). Inherent in the
definition of coerced regimes is that management does not break the feedbacks that stabilize
a system regime—a notion well aligned with ecological restoration theory (Suding et al.
2004, Suding and Gross 2006). Coerced regimes are therefore untenable without
management – they only comprise the “ghosts” of desirable self-organizing regimes – and
therefore essentially become “dead regimes walking” that collapse once management is
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The concept of coerced regimes offers a broad management perspective across a wide array
of complex system types. The terminology borrows from the social sciences, where coercion
is defined as the inverse of freedom (Twidwell et al. 2019). Coercion entails reciprocity in
the forceful persuasion among actors to achieve goals. These goals may not only be
influenced by intended but also unintended human agency that might have indirect effects
resulting from social dynamics or power relations (see below). We therefore think coercion
is an useful analogy in the specific context of management of complex systems of people
and nature. First, defining the goals of human management of social-ecological or other
types of complex systems requires the use of persuasion because the definition of
management endpoints and their societal relevance is subjective and varies between actors in
a social ecological system (e.g., Blythe et al. 2018). Humans need to persuade other humans
to generate shared management objectives. Second, the use of coercion terminology
provides a mechanistic basis for discussions of the different forms of regime management.
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For example, regime management can be aimed at maintaining a system in a desired regime,
which has very different implications than the goal of mimicking the conditions of a
desirable regime. In the first instance, a social-ecological system is already in a regime that
is deemed beneficial and desirable to the humans invested in it, and management efforts
would focus on supporting or even increasing the resilience of the key processes and
feedbacks maintaining the system in that regime. For example, nutrient inputs into a shallow
freshwater lake would be kept low so as to not risk the possibility of a regime shift to
eutrophic conditions. In the second instance, a social-ecological system is only being held in
a particular regime by constant human inputs that are critically necessary to maintain
feedbacks, such as the regular liming of lakes to maintain their pH. Using the term coercion
has value because it focuses on the long-term viability of management in a non-stationary
world, thereby embracing the uncertainty surrounding the tradeoffs between costs and
benefits that management and other forms of agency (e.g., social dynamics) may entail.

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The viability and tradeoffs of different management choices also relate to operational
aspects of management that are relevant from a quantification point of view, which further
underscores the usefulness of the analogous use of coercion terminology. That is, a coerced
regime can be quantified through a measure of the amount of management required to
maintain its desired conditions. This directly relates to the ecological resilience of a system
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because the more human inputs required to maintain ecological feedbacks and the key
processes and functions associated with a particular regime, the less resilient a system will
be (Gunderson 2000). Furthermore, managers often choose management goals that are
focused on maintaining specific resilience, such as a certain harvest rate of a product such as
a fishery, agricultural crop, or timber, or to increase the resilience of an ecological service
such as flood control. These management goals are designed to reduce variability (Holling
and Meffe 1996) but in practice reduce overall system resilience, by simplifying abiotic and
biotic structures.

Management often aims to transform regimes from degraded to less degraded, or even to
desirable regimes that are self-maintaining and self-perpetuating. When management fails to
restore, and therefore only mimics, the conditions and functionality of a past or novel, self-
organizing, desired regime it only manages for the “ghost of a (past) desired regime”.
Management also often aims at conserving desirable system regimes that are no longer
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viable and that would switch to an alternative, frequently undesired regime if management
were discontinued. Such conservation may not be indefinitely possible in a rapidly changing
world. A related form of management relates to human-made artificial systems (e.g.,
production ecosystems such as agriculture) that need constant management and subsidies to
maintain desirable system conditions with enhanced production. As soon as the management
of such systems is discontinued they tend to drift towards previously existing natural
ecosystems (e.g., succession towards forest; Gill and Marks 1991; Keleman et al. 2017). The
coerced regime features of production systems and potentially other complex systems
without a natural analogue are also inherent in the definition of coerced resilience (Rist et al.
2014); that is, management creates an artificial regime and targets enhanced production
within it. This indicates that the concept of coerced regimes is also inclusive of coerced
resilience (Table 1).

Coerced regimes are ubiquitous across complex systems and range, for instance, from the
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use of performance-enhancing drugs in athletes, to the mitigation of poverty traps, to

sustainable cities and political systems. We discuss in detail several transdisciplinary
examples of coerced regimes that align with our definition and demonstrate general
applicability across distinct scientific disciplines and systems of people and nature. We
present examples that demonstrate the unrecognized prevalence of coerced regimes, and
organize them by the scale (from human individuals to the global climate). Our examples
focus on the maintenance and mimicking of desirable conditions, but we acknowledge that
regime coercion can be undesirable; for example, in alcoholism or drug abuse where humans
self-coerce their emotional and physical state.

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Examples of coerced regimes

Diseased regimes of human subjects
Bipolar or manic–depressive disorder is an affective disorder comprised of a healthy regime
before the illness is triggered and a diseased regime when pronounced mood swings
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manifest (Angeler et al. 2018). These mood swings are comprised of recurrent cycles of
(hypo)mania symptoms (increased energy levels, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts,
pressure of speech, frequent agitation, confusion and distraction, heightened libido, and in
extreme forms hallucinations and delusions) and severe depression episodes (chaos,
emotional emptiness, despair, self-stigma, doom, anhedonia, guilt, monochromatic world
view, and suicidal ideology) (Goodwin and Jamison 2007). The disorder comprises a
spectrum wherein (hypo)manic and depression symptoms manifest with high variability and
magnitude among patients, and these symptoms often co-occur (mixed states) (Phelps 2006).
The illness affects between 3 to 8% of the human population (Goodwin and Jamison 2007),
although this percentage may be higher because current diagnostic problems complicate
differentiating between unipolar and bipolar depression (Bauer and Pfennig 2005).

As is the case with other mental illnesses, bipolar disorder is managed to mitigate symptoms
and improve the patient’s personal and interpersonal functioning. From a coerced-regimes
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perspective, this management treats the diseased regime through psychopharmacological

treatment, therapy, mindfulness and exercise to approximate conditions of a healthy regime
(Phelps 2006). That the diseased condition of the disorder is a coerced regime is manifested
in a return of full-blown symptoms of (hypo)mania and depression once clinical treatment is
discontinued (Milkowitz and Gitlin 2015). This is because the disorder is chronic and has no
cure, which highlights that the diseased regime comprises a stable alternative regime from
which a return to the healthy regime is impossible. Thus, the goal of treatment of the
disorder is to manage for the “ghost of a healthy-regime past.” Treatment of bipolar disorder
also exemplifies negative side effects that may counteract the management efficiency; for
instance, medication toxicity, medication to control side-effects of other medicaments,
weight changes, sedation and cardiovascular problems and other physical diseases (Correll
et al. 2015, Milkowitz and Gitlin 2015).

Restoring and mitigating degraded ecosystems

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Anthropogenic acidification of surface waters has been a major environmental problem in

northern Europe and eastern North America during the epoch of flourishing industrial
activity. Acid rain impacted aquatic ecosystems by lowering pH and increasing aluminium
concentrations beyond lethal thresholds for organisms, leading to a loss of biodiversity and
profound alteration of community structure and ecosystem processes (Schindler 1988). This
led in many cases to a shift from a circumneutral regime to an acidified regime (Baho et al.
2014). To counteract acidification effects and mimic conditions of a circumneutral regime,
countries in Europe and North America implemented large-scale mitigation programmes
based on application of crushed limestone (liming) to surface waters and catchments
(Henriksson and Brodin 1995, Sandoy and Romunstad 1995).

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It is increasingly recognized that liming, rather than restoring circumneutral regimes, only
mitigates acidification effects, thereby manageing the acidified regime to approximate lake
conditions that are conducive to ecosystem service provisioning (e.g., recreational and
commercial fishing and aquaculture). As is the case with the bipolar example, liming
manages for the “ghost of a past circumneutral lake regime.” Limed conditions ultimate
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return to acidic conditions once management is discontinued (Clair and Hindar 2005). In
conservation ecology, liming has been regarded as pathological because of its profound
alteration of biogeochemical and biological variables (Angeler et al. 2017), which provides
another example of negative side-effects of management in coerced regimes.

Maintaining desired regimes in a sea of change

A universal threat despite the inherent geographic and evolutionary isolation of grasslands is
woody encroachment (Briggs et al. 2005). In the Great Plains of North America, many
grassland ecosystems are threatened by encroachment of Eastern red cedar Juniperus
virginiana (Roberts et al. 2019). This species was formerly rare due to its extreme sensitivity
to fire. However, since the influx of agrarian colonists into the U.S. Great Plains in the
1850s, fire was largely suppressed, disrupting the natural disturbance regime in which fire
played an essential role (DellaSalla and Hanson 2015). This has facilitated the incursion of
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Eastern red cedar and other woody species into the Great Plains and is driving a biome level
regime shift (Roberts et al. 2019). The leading edge of the woody regime has been moving
steadily north over the past 50 years, and has moved from southern Kansas in 1966 to
southern Nebraska in 2016 (Roberts et al. 2019). This slow-moving (relative to human life-
spans) but spatially extensive shift from grassland to woody shrubland has serious
implications for humans and nature.

Grasslands and grassland biota are highly endangered in North America (Samson and Knopf
1994; Grant et. al. 2004), and in the United States several grassland species are threatened to
an extent that they are listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Birds such as the
Greater Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) and Henslow’s Sparrow (Passerculus
henslowii) require management under the ESA, and the best management practice for these
species is to maintain grassland habitat. This is difficult in a sea of cedar, where propagule
pressure from the surrounding undesired (woody) regime is constant, which makes the
establishment of trees in the grasslands highly successful (Cassey et al. 2018). Complicating
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matters, many North American grasslands are now highly fragmented such that spatially
contagious processes, including fire, are excluded, unless purposely introduced (Fuhlendorf
et al. 2018). The answer for remaining grassland patches isolated by the spread of the woody
cedar regime is intensive management of patches through prescribed fire and a number of
actions captured under the phrase “brush management” (e.g. Archer and Predick 2014).
These approaches have been successful in maintaining patches of grassland, but these are
increasingly isolated and vulnerable to fragmentation effects. Cessation of intensive
management would lead to a rapid change of these remnant grassland patches to shrublands
due to the extreme propagule pressure of the surrounding landscape. This highlights that
much current grasslands management creates a ghost regime that is no longer viable.

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Artificial, beneficial regimes: Agricultural production

Many forms of agriculture (e.g., intensive-irrigated agriculture) are novel, human-managed
regimes entirely geared towards the creation of benefits for humanity, i.e., the production of
food (Rist et al. 2014). Irrigated agriculture as a strongly coerced system is manifested in
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crop production in dryland areas of the world. For example, across Arizona, an area with
low precipitation and natural surface water availability, 485000 ha are under irrigated
production, including an estimated 64000 ha of cotton Gossypium spp., an extremely water-
intensive crop relative to other crops grown in arid climates (Lustgarten and Sadasivam
2015). In the early to mid-20th century, groundwater was used exclusively to grow larger
fields of cotton in this region, servicing a high-domestic demand during both World Wars,
but as aquifers declined and pumping costs increased, the state of Arizona prevailed in its
almost century-long battle to channel water from the Colorado River hundreds of kilometers
to irrigate agricultural fields (including cotton) in central Arizona. Today, most cotton
farmers irrigate with a mix of groundwater, Colorado River water, and surface water from
other federal and state reclamation projects in Arizona.

The coerced nature of a cotton-farming regime in the deserts of Arizona is evident in that the
market price of cotton no longer consistently supports the inputs (water pumping costs, fuel,
fertilizer, pesticides, and labor) necessary to maintain its production. As well, the
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opportunity cost or willingness of others to pay for Colorado River water currently used to
support cotton agriculture is rapidly rising due to the needs of more high-value crops in
downstream reaches of the basin and increasing municipal demands for water from cities
such as Phoenix. The U.S. and state governments have and continue to facilitate and
incentivize cotton farming in Arizona through direct subsidies to farmers, low- or no-interest
farm loans, and subsidized water delivery both directly and indirectly through massive
infrastructure projects (Lustgarten and Sadasivam 2015). Without massive irrigation
infrastructure, subsidized costs of moving water over hundreds of kilometers, and consistent
yearly incentives to farmers, industrial cotton farming and the subsequent greening of the
surrounding ecosystem would likely cease in arid central Arizona. This indicates the lack of
a self-sustaining regime in this type of coerced system, which is further supported by the
initiation of successional dynamics towards natural ecosystem regimes (e.g., old field
succession; Gill and Marks 1991; Keleman et al. 2017) once elements of agriculture have
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been eliminated. Intensive agriculture also highlights substantial negative effects that arise
from management; e.g., the use of nutrients and pesticides that impact the natural
environment (Goudie 2018). This example is typical of other water-intensive cropping
systems that are expanding globally and may pose significant sustainability challenges.

Global climate regimes

Substantial modeling evidence suggests profound future alterations in the world’s climate
with dramatic consequences for climatic system features such as temperature, polar ice-sheet
coverage, marine jet streams and sea-level rise as a result of human burning of fossil fuels
(IPCC 2014). Changes to these features are expected to occur abruptly and non-linearly, key
characteristics of regime shifts. That such abrupt, substantial and persistent changes in
climatic systems, driven by temperature increase, are already taking place is supported by
empirical observations. Evidence includes, for example, regime shifts in arctic marine

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environments (Kortsch et al. 2012) and other ocean regions in the Northern Hemisphere
(Beaugrand et al. 2015), ground-water systems (Figura et al. 2011) and forest-fire regimes
(Westerling et al. 2006).

Steffen et al. (2018) describe our current climate regime as a glacial-interglacial limit cycle,
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with an ~100000- year cycle, self-organized and maintained during the past 1.2 million
years. An alternative regime, which we have perhaps already entered, is called ‘Hothouse
Earth,” and uncertainty regarding Earth’s trajectory within this regime suggests varying
degrees of risk for sustaining human life should the Earth system move fully onto this
attractor. Steffen et al. (2018) argue that we need to consider deliberately coercing the Earth
system close to the threshold between the Glacial-Interglacial regime and Hothouse Earth.
Maintaining the Earth system artificially in this Glacial-Interglacial regime would require
massive external subsidization by humans, as such a state would not be self-organizing. A
series of measures, including decarbonization of the global economy, enhancement of
biosphere carbon sinks, behavioral changes, technological innovations, new governance
arrangements, and transformed social values have been identified as the minimal, but
perhaps not sufficient, changes necessary to manage the Earth system away from the
Hothouse Earth attractor. The objective would be to prevent the Earth system from moving
fully into a potentially catastrophic Hothouse Earth regime by holding it in a coerced
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regime. Managing for the “ghost of the Glacial-Interglacial climate” might buy humans time
to eventually move the Earth system back onto the Glacial-Interglacial attractor. This
example highlights the context dependence of the concept. The desirability of human
management to prevent the Earth system from moving onto the Hothouse attractor is clearly
more desirable than the alternative.

Coerced regimes: commonalities and differences

Our examples, which cover a range of hierarchical organization and complex-system types
(from human subjects to the Earth’s climate), represent applications of the concept of
coerced regimes across a wide spectrum of systems of people and nature and scientific
disciplines. All examples share the commonality of being untenable without constant
management. Inspired by Helen Prejean’s 1993 novel Dead Man Walking, we refer to a
coerced regime as a “dead regime walking.” Despite this common characteristic, our
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examples differ in several aspects (Table 2). These aspects relate to management forms,
focus and goals, the imitation of disturbance regimes and systems dynamics, and the
systems’ connectivity with other systems.

Our examples represent two categories of management goals and focus: managing for
maintenance, and managing for restoration. The first category, managing for maintenance, is
exemplified by grasslands and targets the conservation of emblematic wildlife and
rangelands for grazing. Without management these commodities would be threatened by
cedar encroachment, a process that has become the main driver of an alternative, rapidly
expanding woodland regime (Briggs et al. 2005). That is, management for maintenance of a
grassland regime is designed to keep these systems from crossing a threshold leading to the
cedar regime. In this case, management maintains a grassland ghost regime, which is no
longer viable without human intervention. This type of management also occurs in novel,

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highly artificial systems such as irrigated agriculture that have no natural system regime
analogue. Managing for maintenance is also evident in the implementation of earth
stewardship measures to maintain a safe operating space for humanity that is bound to the
current Glacial-Interglacial climate regime (Rockström et al. 2009, Carpenter et al. 2017,
Steffen et al. 2018). Despite being appealing, the effectiveness of earth stewardship
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measures for preventing the Earth system from moving from the Glacial-Interglacial
attractor onto the Hothouse Earth attractor is uncertain given the connectedness and cross-
scale complexity of combined ecological, economic and social systems on our planet
(Holling 2001). Given this uncertainty it is unclear how effective management of a current
but no longer viable and self-sustaining climate regime can be. The climate example also
makes clear that management for maintaining the climate regime involves radically different
forms of human interventions (earth stewardship measures) compared to those that have
contributed to its deterioration (unsustainable use of fossil fuels). The climate example
highlights that hysteresis can impose limitations on the efficacy of regime management, a
fact well known in restoration ecology (Sudding and Hobbs 2009), requiring different, more
complex and likely costlier approaches to keep the dead regime walking. The second
category, managing for restoration, is evident in the bipolar and acidification examples.
Contrary to the grassland and climate cases, these examples show that management is
designed to mitigate the impact of undesired regimes and approximate conditions of a
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previous desired regime. That is, management focuses on the ghost of a desired regime past.
Also in these cases, coerced regimes arise from our inability to overcome hysteresis, which
would be prerequisite for reincarnating the ghost as a self-organizing regime. In other words,
we are incapable of moving the system back to its original configuration because the original
conditions permitting the previous regime are no longer an option, either from lack of
knowledge regarding feedbacks and mechanisms regulating the original regime, or because
the basic prerequisites for a specific system configuration (i.e. local and regional
environmental conditions) no longer exist, or both.

It follows from our examples that coerced regimes vary in the types, quantities, frequencies
and consequences of management they require. Our example systems therefore are coerced
in terms of their degree and form of management. Coercion, like resilience, is not inherently
good or bad—it depends entirely on context and human perception. In a time of increasing
non-stationarity across many kinds of human and ecological complex adaptive systems,
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climate change alone demands that we make fully informed choices about when and where
we intervene in systems and what degree of management will be likely to achieve our
desired goals. Ecological and social-ecological systems will be at increasing risk of being
dead regimes walking as the underlying environmental conditions allowing them to operate
in their current regime change. Humankinds’ wish to manage for a desired system regime
does not mean we have the ability to do so. In particular, managing for desired regimes that
are resilient and self-reinforcing may be beyond our means because of lack of data, lack of
resources, and a lack of control over all the variables that impact ecosystems. When systems
lack self-organization, the next best option may be to coerce desirable conditions in a system
that would otherwise move into a different basin of attraction governed by a different
regime, though even this management goal will necessarily be constrained by the availability
of labor, time and money. It may be highly useful to evaluate potential system interventions

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from the perspective of evaluating the type and quantity of management required (i.e. are
they ecologically and economically sustainable); the frequency required; and the
consequences generated, such as wastes, vulnerabilities induced, and potential knock-on
effects of management, in order to explicitly understand the trade-offs at stake. For example,
intensive agriculture vs agroecological farming systems differ in their impacts on soil,
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biodiversity, the delivery of ecosystem goods and services, pollution of aquatic systems and
their resilience to system disruption (Altieri et al. 2015, Garibaldi et al. 2017, Gordon et al.
2008, Koohafkan et al. 2012). It also seems likely that more intensive management over
larger spatial and temporal scales runs the risk of generating more unintended consequences
(e.g., homogenization and variance reduction [e.g. Holling and Meffe 1996]) not initially
considered when intervention began. This highlights the need to account for tradeoffs
between benefits and harm of regime management (Figure 2), a pervasive dilemma (e.g.,
Rodríguez et al. 2006). These tradeoffs and systems dynamics may be additionally
influenced by the openness and connectivity of the system (Allen et al. 2016). From our
examples, coerced grassland regimes have the fewest unintended or externalized negative
side-effects, because management is based on fire, which comprises part of a natural
disturbance regime (DellaSalla and Hanson 2015). In contrast, managing for the ghosts of
desired regimes past in bipolar disorder and acidified lakes incurs more notable side-effects
because the managment subsidies are alien to the system. With psychopharmacological
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treatment in bipolar disorder, there is a substantial input of chemical drugs that do not occur
naturally in the organism and that can cause, for instance, cardiovascular problems and other
physical diseases (Correll et al. 2015). In acidified lakes, the input of lime not only causes a
profound alteration in the biogeochemical structure of a lake but also leads to changes in
algal body morphology (Drakare et al. 2012). Lakes and human subjects are complex-system
types in which treatment (i.e., management) and associated side-effects are contained within
the individual system. This differs from agricultural systems that are spatially open. As a
result, negative effects of agriculture can be locally and regionally substantial and alter
hydrological and ecological environments due to intensive irrigation and the use of inputs,
such as fertilizers and pesticides (Goudie 2018). In the case of climate regime management,
which can be based on technological, cultural, economic and social measures, the tradeoffs
between potential harms and benefits of Earth stewardship measures are again difficult to
envision partly due to the scales and multidimensionality at which these measures interact
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with biophysical processes of the planet.

The degree of management amount needed to obtain desirable regimes exemplified by our
example systems, which is inherent in the concept of coerced regimes, has fundamental
implications for the sustainable management of complex systems of people and nature in a
rapidly changing world. These implications become evident in two distinctly different
management premises. The first premise relates to what we know about systems and the
visions we have about managing these for the benefit of human societies, including nature
and biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service provisioning. In the grassland example,
management is geared toward conserving threatened and endangered wildlife species by
maintaining habitat in a slowly, but fundamentally, shifting landscape. However, grassland

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conservation provides a striking example that envisioning successful species conservation

based on knowledge about their habitat use becomes fallacious. This fallacy arises because
management builds on assumptions that the dynamics of social-ecological systems are
stationary. That is, assuming that restoring habitats at small scales will bring the species
back while habitat destruction and degradation proceed at broader scales – the myth of the
EPA Author Manuscript

field of dreams (Hilderbrand et al. 2005) – is bound to fail because a plethora of factors,
including Allee effects, metapopulation and metacommunity dynamics, landscape change,
habitat destruction and fragmentation, and spatial connectivity, cause an extinction debt that
leads to the loss of species in the long run (Tilman et al. 1994). In other words, landscapes in
which small-scale habitats are embedded are not static but shifting in response to
environmental change and other disturbances, so management policies that focus on habitat
restoration and assume all else is held constant are fundamentally flawed. Furthermore, the
rate and magnitude of climate change amplifies both the inherent dynamism of landscapes
and non-stationarity as a result of the human-driven disturbances listed above, which
contributes to the creation of the ghosts of alternative regimes and eventually dead regimes
walking (Craig 2010, Vitousek et al. 1997, Pecl et al. 2017). From this perspective, attempts
to manage grassland regimes only “buy time” (Biggs et al. 2009) to conserve emblematic
wildlife. We will eventually falter in our endeavor to save many species from extinctions.
Non-stationarity shatters the field of dreams and will likely curtail management of desirable
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system conditions in the long term.

The inability of humans to manage complex-system regimes ad infinitum raises questions

about the long-term costs and consequences associated with the buying of time, specifically,
the tradeoffs between benefit and harm that arise from management and the challenge to
optimize the former and minimize the latter. This brings us to the second management
premise, which is based on non-stationary assumptions: what we do not know and therefore
cannot envision. That is, instead of managing regimes for specific sets of commodities,
transformations to alternative self-organizing regimes with novel sets of goods and services
may become management alternatives or even priorities for future sustainability (Hobbs et
al. 2009; Allen and Holling 2010). However, the implementation of this management
premise is difficult. First, in addition to often being very costly, transformation is challenged
by the difficulty or even impossibility of breaking the feedbacks of system regimes (Suding
et al. 2004), to which, with exceptions (e.g., Herrmann et al. 2016), a significant number of
EPA Author Manuscript

failed restoration projects attest (e.g., Gulati et al. 2008, Palmer et al. 2010). This suggests
that despite exhaustive adaptive experimentation and knowledge acquisition (Baho et al.
2017) we are unlikely to be sufficiently knowledgeable to intentionally create particular self-
sustaining and desired novel system regimes. Given the reality of constant and increasingly
faster non-stationary change, this management goal becomes even more unrealistic. As a
result it is possible that the best we can do is manage for desirable regimes that require
consistent management in the form of human-provided inputs to maintain feedbacks, even
though these systems will have low resilience and unintended side-effects of management or
social dynamics. Furthermore, transformations can only be carried out within specific
bounds defined by the laws of nature. That is, deliberate conversion of one ecosystem type
(e.g. a grassland) to another radically different one (coral reef) is practically impossible. As
a result management will be needed to obtain coerced desirable regimes of complex systems

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that are otherwise untenable, but which may be brittle because of the influence of
unintended side-effects of management or social dynamics. Second, for many systems we
have neither the knowledge nor the vision of how a novel, future, viable and self-organizing
regime should look, although scenario planning, based on societal and technological factors,
envisioned for instance in the current artificial intelligence debate (Tegmark 2017), may help
EPA Author Manuscript

for this purpose. A case in point is a future cure of human illness through nanotechnology
presently envisioned in science fiction. Despite the appeal of this currently unrealistic
scenario, and its delicate ethical implications, we currently lack knowledge and models for
bioengineering humans into novel self-organizing regimes. For instance, we currently lack
the science that would allow transforming mentally ill human subjects to a novel healthy
regime. Third, as a global discourse on transformation grows steadily, the degree to which
academic conceptions of the term (including inherent limitations) translate into the action
arena of environmental and sustainable development will vary, highlighting complicated
questions of who or what benefits from management and who or what is marginalized
(Blythe et al. 2018). These are critically important questions to address as the need to
manage systems for desired human outcomes increases.

In the face of these limitations, a sustainable future will, rather than depending on
purposeful successful transformations into self-organizing, desirable regimes, likely require
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even further expanding degrees of management to satisfy the increasing needs of service
provisioning for a growing human population. Several of our examples demonstrate that
management can have substantial negative side-effects, and it is likely that increasing
degrees of management of complex systems in the future will have detrimental long-term
effects. System resilience that occurs largely as a result of human management is more
fragile because of the lack of ecologically-based self-reinforcing feedbacks. For example,
the condition of a medicated patient or limed lake is brittle (i.e. low resilience) which
manifests in a fast return to diseased or acidified conditions once management is ceased.
Exceeding the resilience of coerced regimes may lead to unforeseen surprises that manifest
in a form of novel system structures that require even more intensive coercive management
for mitigating negative impacts and providing commodities. Because managing for
resilience is contingent on legal settings (Twidwell et al. 2019), substantial policy
implications and challenges arise from such uncertainty. Events from the past, such as
agriculture that led to regime shifts in lakes and required extensive management to mitigate
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cultural eutrophication (Carpenter 2005), may provide lessons for the future. Such lessons
could form the cornerstone for envisioning and spurring thinking about the complexity
associated with management for future sustainability, highlighting the broad utility of the
concept of coerced regimes for theory and practice.

We conclude by highlighting that we have discussed the concept of coerced regimes from a
point of view were management is mostly intentional. This is in line with a large body of
research, which has shown that once humans are integrated into the system boundaries, the
management becomes part of the regime feedbacks (Tavoni et al. 2012; Lade et al. 2015;
Schlüter et al. 2014, 2019). We acknowledge that unintentional social dynamics may
similarly result in coerced regimes. For example, the role of social flows such as migration
and remittances can determine whether or not forest transitions occur (Ospina et al. 2019).
Specifically, people migrate or send money to their families not with the intention of

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changing the forest, but forest changes are unintended consequences of such social
dynamics. These examples make clear that the outcomes of intentional and unintentional
human activity can have similar outcomes on ecosystem dynamics. Because both comprise
some forms of human agency, the concept of coerced regimes is inclusive of such different
forms. The concept therefore has the potential to spur the development of a research agenda
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to address ghost regimes in the Anthropocene: How does one identify them? How does one
classify them? Are there archetypical configurations of ghost regimes? These questions need
to revolve around our understanding of social dynamics as part of the feedbacks of the
system. Actors actions, influences and results (i.e. power dynamics), unintentional social
dynamics (e.g., migration, remittances) and unintended side-effects of intentional
management on ecosystems will play an important role in answering these questions.

This work was conceived and carried out during a visiting professorship of DGA at the University of Nebraska—
Lincoln. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement
by the U.S. Government. The Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is jointly supported by a
cooperative agreement among the U.S. Geological Survey, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the
University of Nebraska, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Wildlife Management Institute. The findings
and conclusions in this manuscript are supported by the U.S. Geological Survey but have not been formally
disseminated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and should not be construed to represent this agency’s
EPA Author Manuscript

determination or policy. The authors thank Dr. Elizabeth King and anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on a
previous manuscript version.

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Figure 1.
Illustration of coerced resilience. Shown are changes over time (blue arrow) of a desired
(green) and undesired (red) regime. The shifting shapes of basins of attraction show that the
EPA Author Manuscript

desired regime becomes increasingly untenable while the undesired regime more stable over
time. Increasing management intervention (purple arrows) are needed to coerce the system
(symbolized with ball) into the ghost of a desired regime past (gray area warping the no
longer existent basin of attraction and steep slopes leading into the undesired basin of
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Figure 2:
Schematic showing scenarios of benefit-harm tradeoffs associated with coerced regime
management. Managing for coerced grassland regimes has the highest benefit and least
impact. Bipolar disorder, acidification and intensively subsidized agriculture show that
negative effects of system coercion can outweigh benefits. Such effects may be influenced
EPA Author Manuscript

by system openness which my cause spatial contagion effects of coercive management

(agriculture affecting adjacent ecosystems vs bipolar disorder and lake acidification in which
treatment is contained within the system). Note: The examples are largely simplified and
meant for comparison and demonstration of tradeoffs in the context of coerced regimes.

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Table 1:

Definitions of coercion terms that are used across different scientific fields.
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Term Definition
Restoration The intentional activity that initiates or accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem with respect to its health, integrity
and sustainability (SER 2004)

Rehabilitation The repair and replacement of essential structures and functions to achieve specified objectives without the pretense of
accomplishing absolute authenticity of pre-disturbance conditions (Cooke 1990)

Mitigation Intended to offset known impacts to an existing historic or natural resource

Coerced resilience Resilience that is created as a result of anthropogenic inputs, such as labor, energy and technology, rather than
supplied by the ecological system itself, whereby coercion of resilience enables the maintenance of high levels of
production (Rist et al. 2014). Coerced resilience can be considered to focus on improving the performance of a single
or few system variable(s) (e.g., production output).

Coerced regimes Focuses on the creation of artificial, non-self-sustaining feedbacks through constant management to mimic the
conditions of a desirable regime (this paper). Coerced regimes can also arise from unintentional social dynamics (see
text). The concept is inclusive of proactive (maintaining desired) and reactive (mitigating degraded regimes)
management. Contrary to coerced resilience, coerced regimes focuses on mimicking of systemic conditions
(feedbacks), rather than the optimization of a few system variables. Coerced regimes are “dead regimes walking”
manifested in the collapse of coerced desired system regimes and the return of a coerced degraded regime to the full
manifestation of its undesired conditions when management is ceased.

Forced resilience* In a psychological context, refers to a willful coping with trauma and adversity (Handy 2018)
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Command-and- Pathological management that decreases the resilience and adaptive capacity of a system through controlling a
control management particular ecosystem regime indefinitely into the future (Holling and Meffe 1996). Coerced resilience management
often comprises a form of command and control management

Social coercion The practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force (Anderson 2017)

Poverty/rigidity traps With its focus on reactive management to mitigate highly degraded and resilient social-ecological system regimes, this
concept is subsumed within the concept of coerced regimes.

Coercivity (in A measure of the ability of a ferromagnetic material to withstand an external magnetic field without becoming
material science and demagnetized (Wandelt 2018)

Term used interchangeably with coerced resilience by Stockholm Resilience Center (2014)
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Table 2.

Comparison of coerced-regime examples.

System Management Goal Spatial Disturbance Subsidy

connectivity regime
Angeler et al.

Bipolar Restoration Cognitive and (inter)personal functioning No Artificial Chemical

Lakes Restoration Emblematic species conservation; fisheries Low Artificial Chemical
Agriculture Novelty Food provisioning High Artificial Physical, chemical, technological
Grasslands Maintenance Emblematic species and rangeland conservation High Natural Physical
Climate Maintenance Conserving planetary glacial-interglacial climate regime High Natural, artificial Physical, technological, social, political

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Page 20

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