10 Bản 2 Mặt, Ghi Là Lớp 6

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B1 Comparison of Adjectives AD014

Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the adjectives.

1. He is probably _____________________ tennis player I have ever seen (BAD) .

2. Jane is the _____________________-working student in our class (HARD) .

3. Sit over there. It's ________________________ chair in this room. (COMFORTABLE)

4. This pub is so noisy. Can we go to a place that is _____________________ (QUIET)?

5. I don't have _____________________ idea of what you are taking about. (SLIGHT)

6. John is a _____________________ person than Humphrey. (RELIABLE)

7. The new Mission Impossible movie is good, but the next James Bond film will be
_____________________. (EXCITING)

8. How much _____________________ is it to the airport? – We'll be there in ten minutes.


9. Why can't you stay a bit _____________________? - It's only half past six. (LONG)

10. The more you practice, the _____________________ you will get. (GOOD)

11. Piccadilly Circus is one of _____________________ places in London . (NOISY)

12. The essay you wrote wasn't very creative. I'm sure you can do _____________________.

13. What's _____________________ news from the conflict zone? (LATE)

14. Getting the right people for the job is one of ________________________ problems we
have at the company. (SERIOUS)

15. The headmaster's speech was OK, but what the students said was
_____________________. (INTERESTING)

16. Helping her with the dishes was _____________________ I could do for her. (LITTLE)

17. How did you like the roller-coaster ride? – Well, it was _________________________
experience I have ever had. (FRIGHTENING)

18. Mum makes _____________________ lasagne you have ever eaten. (GOOD)

B1 Comparison of Adjectives AD002

Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the adjectives.

1. The Nile is one of ____________________ rivers in the world (LONG).

2. This is ____________________ book I have ever read. (INTERESTING)

3. A spider is sometimes ____________________ than a large snake. (FRIGHTENING)

4. Mr Harper is ____________________ teacher in the whole school. He is even

____________________ than my French teacher (BORING)

5. A bike path is usually ____________________ than the lane of a road. (NARROW)

6. People say women are ____________________ than men. (POLITE)

7. A computer is much ____________________ than a pocket calculator. (EXPENSIVE)

8. My sister is not as ____________________ as her mother. (TALL)

9. Snowboarding is ____________________ than skiing (EXCITING).

10. Children usually have ____________________ money to spend than teenagers. (LITTLE)

11. July and August are normally ____________________ moths of the year (HOT) .

12. Paul is ____________________ runner in our class . Nobody is ____________________ than

he is. (SLOW)

13. In this test she has made ____________________ mistakes than in the last one. (FEW)

14. Sandra is ____________________ girl I know. (CLEVER)

15. The film I watched yesterday was ____________________ than the one on Saturday

16. Peter is ____________________ player on our team. He never gets anything right. (BAD)

17. English is not as ____________________ as German but ____________________ than other

languages (DIFFICULT).

18. Bill works ____________________ than ever. He wants to get a promotion. (HARD)

19. Mrs Simmons is ____________________ teacher I have ever met. (POLITE)

20. This chair is not as ____________________ as the one in the living room.


Q Listen and repeat. Then act out.

do you know where the Pyramids are?

miss, they must be lost. There

was a teacher here yesterday
asking me the same question.

a + consonant sound (/b/, Idl, Ig/, If/, 11/, Ip/, etc.) a pen
an + vowel sound (/re/, lei, III, 10/, /al, etc.) an apple

• A I An is used with singular countable nouns when we talk about things in general.
An aeroplane is faster than a train. A greengrocer sells vegetables.
(Which aeroplane? Aeroplanes in general.) (Which greengrocer? Greengrocers in general.)
• We often use a I an after the verbs 'to be' and 'have I have got'.
He is a photographer. He has got a camera.
• We do not use a I an with uncountable or plural nouns. We can use some instead.
Would you like some tea? Yes, please! And I'd like some biscuits. (NOT Would you like a-tea?)
• A I An is not used before an adjective if it is not followed by a noun. However, if the
adjective is followed by a noun, we use a if the adjective begins with a consonant
noun and an if the adjective begins with a vowel sound.
It's a ring. It's expensive. It's an expensive ring.
• The is used before singular and plural nouns, both countable and uncountable,
when we talk about something specific or when the noun is mentioned for a
second time.
The boy who has just left is my cousin. (Which boy? Not any boy. A specific boy, the boy who
has just left.)
There is a cat on the sofa. The cat is sleeping. ('The cat' is mentioned for a second time.)
• We use the with the words cinema, theatre, radio, country(side) , seaside, beach,
world, weekend, etc.
We go to the beach every Sunday.
• We use either a I an or the before a Singular countable noun to represent a class
of people, animals or things.
A I The dolphin is more intelligent than a I the shark. (We mean dolphins and sharks in general.)
ALSO: Dolphins are more intelligent than sharks.

~ 170 ~

Fill in with a, an or some.

1 .••• M .... apple 2 ......•.... bananas 3 ....••..... bird

4 ...•....... cheese 5 ........... diary 6 ........•.• owl

7 ........... egg 8 ..••••••.•. lemons 9 ...•..•••.• camel

Fill in: a, an, the or some.

A: Can I help you? 5 A: What do you want to be when you grow

B: Yes. I'm looking for ... ti ... book up?
about whales. B: ........ astronaut!
2 A: When do you usually go to ....•... 6 A: Where are ........ boys, Bob?
cinema? B: They are playing in .....••• garden.
B: At ......•. weekend. 7 A: Did you buy anything at ......•. shops,
3 A: Do you have any plans for tonight, Mandy? Betty?
B: Yes, I'm going out with ........ friends. B: Yes, Mum. I bought ........ silk scarf.
4 A: Did you have fun at ........ zoo? 8 A: What's this?
B: Yes! We saw ........ penguins and B: It's ........ old radio .
........ elephant.

~ 171 ~
CD Articles

The is also used before: The is omitted before:

• nouns which are unique. • proper nouns. Paula comes from Canada.
Haven't you been to the Acropolis yet? • names of sports, activities, colours,
• names of cinemas (the Odeon), substances and meals.
hotels (the Hilton), theatres (the Rex), He plays tennis well. She likes blue.
museums (the Prado), newspapers Soda isn't expensive. Lunch is ready.
(the Times), ships (the Queen Mary). • names of countries (Italy), cities
• names of rivers (the Thames), seas (the (London), streets (Bond Street), parks
Black Sea), groups of islands / stat~s (Hyde Park), mountains (Everest),
(the Bahamas, the USA), mountain islands (Cyprus), lakes (Lake
ranges (the Alps), deserts (the Gobi Michigan), continents (Europe).
Desert), oceans (the Pacific) and names • the possessive case or possessive
with .. , of (The Tower of London). adjectives. This isn't your coat, it's Kate's.
• musical instruments. • the words 'home' and 'Father /
Can you play the guitar? Mother' when we talk about our own
• names of people / families / home / parents.
nationality words. Father isn't at home.
the Smiths, the English, the Italians, etc. • titles with proper names.
• titles without proper names. Queen Elizabeth, President Kennedy
the Queen, the President • bed, school, church, hospital, prison,
• the superlative degree of adjectives / when they are used for the reason they
adverbs (the best). exist. John was taken to hospital. BUT: His
He's the most intelligent student of all. mother went to the hospital to see him.

Fill in the where necessary. Then circle the correct answer.

6 What is ...... capital of ...... Italy?

1 Is .. 'f. .. Lisbon . th.e. . capital of •. 'f...
A Rome B Milan
7 Is ...... Arctic Ocean bigger than •..•..
@ Yes B No
Indian Ocean?
2 Is ...... Malta in ...•.. Caspian Sea?
A Yes B No
A Yes B No
8 Is ...... Everest .•.... highest mountain in
3 Is ...... Lake Baikal in ...... Russian
...... world?
Federation ...... world's deepest lake?
A Yes B No
A Yes B No
9 Where are . . . . . . Sardinia and . . . . . Corsica?
4 Where is . . . . .. Sahara Desert?
A In the Black Sea
A In Asia B In Africa
B In the Mediterranean Sea
5 What is ...... biggest island in ......
10 Where is ..•... Mississippi River?
Greece? A In the USA B In the UK
A Corfu B Crete

~ 172 ~

Fill in the where necessary.

Did you know?

1 Rafflesia arnoldii is .. the. .. largest flower in ........... world . It
weighs 7kg and grows only in ••.•..•..•. Sumatra, Indonesia.
2 •.•••..•••• Johann Vaaler invented ...••••••.. paperclip in 1899.
3 ......•..•. Badminton became an Olympic sport in 1992.
4 It took ••••....... Egyptians 20 years to build ........... Great Pyramids.
5 .......... most important river entering ........... Black Sea is ........... Danube.
6 ........... bass is ........... largest of ........... string instruments.

Fill in a or the where necessary.

John: Do you want to come to 1) .• the( .. theatre with me tonight?

Ann : Sorry, I can't. I'm going to 2) ......•. restaurant with my cousin from 3) ........ America.
John: What part of 4) .•••.... USA does he come from?
Ann : He lives in 5) .....••. Colorado, near 6) .......• Rocky Mountains. He's quite 7) ......•.
famous musician. He plays 8) .•...•.. guitar in 9) ....•... rock band. In fact he's giving a
concert at 10) ........ Odeon in 11) •.••..•. Regent Street tomorrow evening.

Fill in a, an or the where necessary.

A: Can you tell me the way to •. th~ .. 5 A: What shall we do tonight?

nearest bank, please? B: Let's go to ...... Odeon. There's a
B: Sure. Turn left here and you 'll find it in comedy on with Jim Carrey.
...... Green Street.
6 A: I'm going to make .....••• pie for tonight.
2 A: Is this ...... Ahmed 's motorbike? B: Great!
B: No, ...... blue motorbike over there is I

7 A: I saw ...... amazing film last night.

B: Really? What was it about?
3 A: Where are .•••.. Wilsons going on
8 A: Brad is going to . . . . •. London on
...... business trip.
B: They're going to ...... Bahamas.
B: Is he going to stay at • . • . .. Mandeville
4 A: What do you know about ...... Hotel again?
Bermuda Islands?
9 A: Would you like some ice cream?
B: They're in ....•. North Atlantic Ocean.
B: No, thanks. I'd prefer .•..•. sandwich.

~ 173 ~
~ Articles

Lisa recently went on holiday to Spain. While she was there, she visited
three different places, tried the local food and bought some souvenirs.
Look at the pictures and the words given and say what Lisa did using a,
an, some or the, where necessary.

go / Barcelona
..... ~ lf?~. Wot<lJt. tp. ~~r~.~(p.f'J~ .....

eat / paella

buy / Spanish fan for herself

visit / Prado Museum

take photos of / Lake Sanabria

buy / flamenco dolls for her friends

Complete the questions with a, an or the, where necessary, using the

words in the list. Ask your partner to answer the questions.

• Mont Blanc • breakfast • UK • African safari

• viGIiA • restaurant • aeroplane • basketball

1 A: Can you play •. th.~ .vJ9jin .. ?

B: .N.a,.l c,q(1:t ./{I)t.i .4Ci1n p.(~ .t.r;~. piCiln.a..................................... .
2 What do you usually have for ••••.•.•......•............•••••••••...•.•.•..•....•... ?
3 Have you ever been to •••••••.•.•••...................•••••••...•..•...•.••.••••.. ?
4 Would you like to climb •.................•..•........•.•••••••.•...............•.. ?
5 Do you like .......................... I •••••••• I ?

6 Would you ever go on .............•.........••.•••....•..•.•••....•............•. ?

7 Are you going to eat at •.........•.••.•.•.•....•••••.•..•.•••••••..••..•.•.. tonight?
8 Have you ever flown in ......... I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ?
•• I ••••••••••••••

~ 174

Speaking Activity
Talking about a place

In pairs, ask and answer questions about

where you and your family went on holiday
last summer, which places you visited, what
local dishes you tried and what souvenirs
you bought for your friends.
A: Where did you go on holiday last summer?
B: We went to Venice in Italy, etc.

You are writing a letter to your English pen friend. You are telling
him what you and your family did on your summer holiday. Write
about: what places / visit, what / eat and what / buy.

Dear ....................... "

I've just come back from .•.••.••.••.••.••••••• . We had a fabulous time there.
My family and I went to ••••.••.••...•....... " which was fantastic. We .••.•..••••••

I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

What about you? What did you do on your summer holiday?

Write back,

~ 175 ~
Progress Check 9 (Units 17-1BJ

Fill in: next to, beside, between, behind, against, across, in, over (x2), along,
on or under.

Tai and his father are fishing

1) ... •b~p.idt{ .... the river. Tai 's dog is lying
2) ..•..•...••••.• him. His sister Lin is leaning
3) •..••••..••••.• a tree. There is a boat
4) ...•••..•.•••.• the bridge and a man
5) .••.•...•..••.. the boat. He is fishing, too.
There is a man riding his motorbike
6) ............... the road. A man is driving
1 ~=!!M~~f:i~=~!.;~J~
~ ~ , his car 7) ............... the bridge. There is
a man 8) ............... the motorbike. He is
walking 9) •..••.......••. the road. There are some birds flying 10) ..•.....•..•••• the
river and there is a girl lying 11) ............... the grass 12) ............... two trees.

Fill in: at, on, under (x2), in, behind, out of, opposite, in front of.

1 The cat is .. ..uJJd~r. ... 2 They are sitting 3 Pedro is walking

the table. . •••.••.•••.• each other. . ...•.•••.•.• Juan.

4 Rosa is .. .. .. .. • .. .. .... home. She is 5 The woman is sitting . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. the

watching TV. She is sitting ............. . sunshade. The man is sitting ......•.....
the armchair. The TV is .............•... the deckchair. The boys are coming
her. . ................ the sea.

Progress Check 9

Fill in at, in or on .

. . . in ... the afternoon 4 ..•...•• noon 7 .......• the weekend

2 ......•• August 5 ........ 2005 8 ........ spring
3 ....••.• Wednesday 6 ........ September 12th

Fill in the where necessary.

~~iiir.=ii~!!!~===~==:::;;" 1) ... -;-.•..• Cyprus is 2) ......... third largest island in

3) . . . . . . . .• Mediterranean Sea. It is located west of
4) ......... Lebanon , south of 5) ........ Turkey and
north of 6) .....•... Egypt. 7) .... . . . .. people who live
there speak both 8) .......•. Greek and 9) ........ .
Turkish. Cyprus is one of 10) ...•..... most popular tourist
-~....- II!!!) destinations. Millions of tourists visit Cyprus every year.

Fill in a, an or the where necessary.

A: Do you know where ... tb~... 5 A: Which is faster, ......... tiger or

Mississipi River is? . ff?
......... glra e.
B: Yes, It is in .•..•••.. North America. B: I think ....•.... tigers are faster than
. .....•.. giraffes but cheetahs are
2 A: Have you ever been to . . . . . . . •• New
......... fastest of all.
B: No, but I've been to ..•...... 6 A: Did you know my cousin is ........ .
Washington, D.C. and I met ...•... actor?
President when I was there. B: Really? I had no idea.

3 A: Would you like to go to ......... 7 A: Is ......... Mum busy at the moment?

cinema tonight? B: Yes, she is. She's making ........ .
B: I'd love to. There's ......... great film dinner.
on at . . . . . . . .. Plaza.
8 A: Who is going to open the new hospital?
I 4 A: We're planning to go to Spain this B: I think ......... Queen is going to do
summer. it.
B: I'm sure you 'll enjoy yourselves .
. . . . • .. Spanish are wonderful people.

Progress Check 9

Underline the correct form.

Browns / The Browns live in a beautiful 7 We have dinner / the dinner at 7 o'clock.
house. 8 Coliseum / The Coliseum is in Rome / the
2 China is in Asia / the Asia. Rome.
3 Jimmy usually watches TV in evenings / the 9 Let's play volleyball / the volleyball.
evenings. 10 The Earth / Earth goes around Sun / the
4 Do you know how to play guitar / th'e Sun.
guitar? 11 We 're going to Canary Islands / the
5 This is my best friend , Pamela / the Pamela. Canary Islands for our summer holidays.
6 Sahara / The Sahara Desert is in Africa / 12 Austria is in Europe / the Europe.
the Africa.

QI You will hear a man asking for information about buying a bus ticket.
Listen and complete questions 1-5. You will hear the conversation

notes 0

".'11 '1·] ;, BUS LINES

To: Amsterdam

Date of journey: 11 1................................ 1

Bus leaves at: 121 ··· ............................. 1

Return ticket costs: 131€ .. · .... ······ .... · .. ······ .. ·· 1

... .......
...... .
~- .
Bus Ticket Office
opening hours: 141 .................... to 11:00 pm

Address: 15 1108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Road 1

Revision 1 (Units 1-2J

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.

Dear Akim,
I 1) •••••••••••••••• (write) to tell you aboutthe greattime I 2) •••••••••••••••• (have)
with my grandpa in the countryside.
Every day, we 3) ••••••••••••••••• (wake up) early and we 4) •••••••••••••••••• (start)
our day with a big healthy breakfast. Then we 5) ••••••••••••••••••• (go) for a long walk by
the lake. I really 6) •••••••••••••••••• (enjoy) it because there 7) •••••••••••••••••• (be) so
many birds and animals here that you 8) ••••••••••••••••••• (not/see) in the city.
Tomorrow, my grandpa and I 9) ••••••••••••.• (go) fishing. He 10) •••••••••••••• (have)
a small boat. I hope it doesn't rain.
See you when I get back,

Points : - )
( 10x2 20

Use the verbs to complete the sentences. Use the present simple or the
present continuous.
see belong taste have
not believe cost appear think
1 This jacket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. a lot. 5 I .................... George after
It's very expensive. work today.
2 She ••• I ••••••••••• I lunch now.
•••• 6 This isn't Nick's laptop. It ............... .
3 The food . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... delicious. to John.
4 I .................... of going to the 7 I .................... what he's saying.
cinema tonight. 8 The band ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... at the
youth centre tonight.
Points : - )
Underline the correct item. ( 8x2 16

Beth goes / is going shopping every Saturday morning.

2 Mr Taylor teaches / is teaching Maths at Blair High School.
3 What do you do / are you doing tonight?
4 Do Bob and Ann play / Are Bob and Ann playing in the garden right now?
5 Does water freeze / Is water freezing at DOC?
6 We look / are looking for some new furniture for our living room.
7 The Parkers live / are living in Manchester.
Points : - )
8 They fly / are flying to Rome tomorrow evening. ( 8x1 8

~ 179 ~
B1 Articles ART005

Fill in: THE, A, AN or ----- (no article)

1. _________ boys like playing with cars.

2. _________ Amazon is South America’s largest river.
3. I never listen to _________ radio. In fact, I haven’t even got _________ radio.
4. What _________ amazing idea he had yesterday evening.
5. _________ rich should do more to help _________ poor.
6. My dad always liked to go to _________ school.
7. Did you see the film on _________ television or at _________ cinema?
8. There’s half _________ litre of milk left in _________ fridge.
9. _________ Uncle Norman and _________ Aunt Lydia stayed with us over the weekend.
10. Austria was ruled by _________ Habsburgs for many centuries.
11. Dad told us to go to _________ bed at ten.
12. What’s _________ highest mountain on _________ earth?
13. I met _________ few American tourists when I was in Italy.
14. _________ earth moves around _________ sun every 365 days.
15. _________ Soviet Union was _________ first country to send _________ human being into
_________ space.
16. I had to stay in _________ hospital for two weeks in order to recover.
17. _________ oranges and apples have a lot of vitamins.
18. This is _________ most wonderful present I’ve ever had.
19. _________ President Bush is from Texas.
20. I’m not very hungry. I had _________ big breakfast
21. Peter lives in Tokyo, _________ capital of Japan.
22. In Britain, drinking _________ tea is more common than drinking _________ coffee.
23. She is such _________ clever girl. She’s bound to go to _________ university later on.
24. It was _________ long journey. We were at _________ sea for two months.
25. _________ women are often said to be better teachers than _________ men.

B1 Articles ART006

Fill in: THE, A, AN or ----- (no article)

1. We had ______ very nice meal. ______ cheese was exceptionally good.
2. Are you interested in ______ science or ______ music?
3. They got married but ______ marriage wasn’t very successful.
4. Do you know any of ______ people who live across ______ road?
5. After ______ work the boss usually invites his staff to ______ pub.
6. When mom was ill ______ lot of her friends came to ______ hospital to visit her.
7. Many people hate ______ violence, but they like to watch it in ______ movies.
8. Have you ever visited ______ Madame Tussaud’s in London?
9. ______ life would be difficult without ______ useful machines and gadgets we have
10. I’m on ______ night duty this week.
11. I know someone who wrote ______ book about ______ American presidents.
12. ______ World War II ended in 1945.
13. ______ fumes of cars and factories are ______ primary reasons for ______ air pollution.
14. He was ______ unsuccessful musician when he came to this town.
15. Don’t stay in that hotel. ______ beds there are very uncomfortable.
16. The car sped away at ______ hundred km ______ hour.
17. John doesn’t usually go to ______ church on ______ Sundays.
18. He was sent to ______ prison for ______ murder.
19. At ______ beginning of his speech he spoke about ______ tourism in general.
20. We usually go by ______ train, but today we’re taking ______ bus.
21. Every child was given an apple for ______ lunch.
22. ______ British Prime Minister resides in ______ 10 Downing Street.
23. Hundreds of thousands of old people live in ______ solitude throughout the country.
24. ______ freedom and ______ independence are very valuable in ______ modern life.
25. ______ third of ______ Netherlands is in danger of being flooded.

B1 Articles ART007

Fill in: THE, A, AN or ----- (no article)

1. Kate has been talking to ______ customer who has just come into ______ shop.
2. John uses ______ Internet a lot.
3. She went to ______ zoo, but she didn't see ______ monkeys there. She hates ______
4. You won't like that restaurant. ______ food isn't very good there.
5. People don't write ______ letters nowadays. They write ______ emails. But I haven't written
______ email for ages.
6. In England you must go to ______ school until you're 16.
7. Well Mary, here's ______ first question and it's ______ easy one.
8. Jerry works in ______ office in ______ centre of ______ London
9. He lives in ______ apartment in ______ middle of ______ Bronx.
10. Statistics say that ______ women live longer than ______ men.
11. Can you describe ______ wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know that it had ______
metal band.
12. Jamaica is ______ island in ______ Caribbean Sea.
13. He chose ______ school that has ______ best teachers.
14. I saw ______ interesting documentary on ______ TV ______ other day.
15. I don't like ______ museums. I never go to any when I'm in ______ London.
16. My dad thinks ______ Italian food is better than ______ Spanish food.
17. I like ______ coffee but I don't like ______ coffee they make at ______ office.
18. She has ______ job in ______ shop in ______ Oxford Street.
19. Me friend Zoe went to ______ hospital to see her father.
20. Larry went to ______ bed very late last night.
21. She's looking for ______ work but at ______ moment she doesn't have any hope of getting
______ job.
22. I have ______ aunt in Sydney and ______ few other relatives in ______ New Zealand.
23. Jim wants to go to ______ USA, but he hasn't got ______ money for ______ trip.
24. Angela is looking for ______ romantic holiday somewhere in ______ south.
25. The man went to ______ prison because he had killed two women.

B1 Present Tense Simple and Continuous T002

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the present tense.

1. You can’t see Jimmy now. He ____________________ a bath. (HAVE)

2. He ____________________ to the theatre. (NEVER GO)

3. Anne ____________________ all her clothes herself. At the moment she

____________________ a dress for a fancy dress party (MAKE, MAKE).

4. He usually ________________ coffee for breakfast, but today he ____________________ tea


5. I can’t go home now because it ____________________ , and I ____________________ an

umbrella. (RAIN, NOT HAVE).

6. In Britain women normally ____________________ hats. (NOT WEAR)

7. The sun __________________ in the east and __________________ in the west (RISE, SET)

8. Who ____________________ that terrible noise outside? – It’s Dad. He

____________________ the lawn. (MAKE, MOW)

9. I ____________________ this weekend near the coast. I ____________________ there nearly

every weekend. (SPEND, GO)

10. She ____________________ thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment she
____________________ to stop. (SMOKE, TRY)

11. We ____________________ breakfast together every Sunday morning. (HAVE)

12. What’s that smell. – It’s in the kitchen. Something ____________________ . (BURN)

13. Who ____________________ to on the phone? – It’s my friend Carry. (YOU SPEAK)

14. I ____________________ overtime this month because I ____________________ up some

money to buy a new car . (WORK, SAVE)

15. The moon ____________________ around the earth (GO)

16. She usually ____________________ languages very quickly, but she ____________________
problems with Chinese (LEARN, HAVE).

17. ____________________ TV every evening ? (YOU WATCH)

18. He always ____________________ his bills on time. (PAY)

19. How long ____________________ you to get to the office? – It ____________________ me

about half an hour (IT TAKE, TAKE)

20. The plane that ____________________ Heathrow at 9.15 is on schedule. (LEAVE)

B1 Present Tense Simple and Continuous T003

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the present tense.

1. ___________________ how old I am? (YOU KNOW)

2. How ___________________ to work? – I usually ___________________ by car, but today Jack

___________________ me up (YOU GET, DRIVE, PICK)

3. It often ___________________ in Ireland, but it never ___________________ for days on end.


4. I usually _________________ so quickly that he __________________ me. (SPEAK, NOT


5. Jane’s husband ___________________ . (NOT SMOKE)

6. Why ___________________ on your coat? – I ___________________ for a walk. –

___________________ to come with me? (YOU PUT, GO, YOU WANT)

7. I always _________________ lottery tickets, but I never _____________ anything. (BUY, WIN)

8. It ___________________ in Egypt. (NOT OFTEN RAIN)

9. ___________________ to him today? – Yes, I always ___________________ to him on his

birthday. (YOU WRITE, WRITE)

10. Can you hear that? The car ___________________ such a strange noise. – It’s OK. It always
___________________ like that. (MAKE, SOUND)

11. The plane that you ___________________ at right now ___________________ for Paris.

12. What ___________________ to his car? – I think he ___________________ it. (HE DO, POLISH)

13. Susan ___________________ to her parents every Sunday. In fact, she ___________________
to them today. (WRITE, WRITE)

14. Stop at once! You ___________________ the flowers every time the ball ________________ in
the garden! (DESTROY, LAND)

15. Where is Kevin? I can’t find him anywhere. – He ___________________ with Sue in the
garden (PLAY).

16. She normally ___________________ in London, but this weekend she _________________
with some friends in Liverpool. (LIVE, STAY)

17. Hurry up, the teacher ___________________ to begin! (WAIT)

18. I ___________________ a word he ___________________ . (NOT BELIEVE, SAY)

19. What ___________________ for a living, Claire? – Well as a secretary , I ___________________

emails for my boss all the time. (YOU DO, WRITE)

20. Look over there! He ___________________ in a non-smoking area! (SMOKE)

B1 Present Tense Simple and Continuous T004

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the present tense.

1. We ______________________ our break now, Mr. Miller. (TAKE)

2. She ______________________ for Liverpool later in the day (LEAVE).

3. The actor usually ______________________ a lot of fan mail, because he’s so famous. (GET)

4. The car ______________________ oil. Can you repair it? (LOSE)

5. Dorothy ______________________ reading good books during her holidays. (LOVE)

6. My brother ______________________ Italy at the moment (TOUR).

7. They ______________________ a game of cards right now. (HAVE)

8. I ______________________ a hat today because there’s a very special event in town. (WEAR)

9. Such bad behaviour always ______________________ me mad. (MAKE)

10. Unpopular songs ______________________ very well. (NOT SELL)

11. She usually ______________________ out with her friends on Saturday evenings. (GO)

12. What ______________________ , Mum? – It smells so good! (YOU BAKE)

13. ______________________ to the bridge club? (YOU BELONG)

14. The children ______________________ playing in the hut whenever we’re at our weekend
house. (ENJOY)

15. The headmaster rarely ______________________ a class. He normally

______________________ administrative work. (TEACH, DO)

16. ______________________ if I ask you a question? (YOU MIND)

17. I _________________________ some money because I want to travel to Spain next


18. What ______________________ ? (THIS BOOK – COST)

19. The boy and his father ______________________ a long conversation. – I wonder what
they ______________________ about. (HAVE, TALK)

20. Robert ______________________ to catch the same bus every morning, but he
_________________________ . (TRY, NOT ALWAYS SUCCEED)

B1 Past Tense : Simple and Progressive T055

Fill in the correct form of the past tense: simple or progressive.

1. While I ____________________ whether to buy the CD player, a woman ____________________

in and ____________________ it. (WONDER, COME, SNATCH)
2. The teacher asked me," What _____________________ all afternoon yesterday?" (YOU, DO)
3. Our neighbour's dog ____________________ the postman while he ____________________ a
4. The chairman ____________________ the conference room and ____________________ that
everyone ____________________ nervously with their neighbour. (ENTER, REALISE, CHAT)
5. We _______________________ last night because our neighbours ____________________ loud
6. Why __________________________ the crime? (YOU, NOT REPORT)
7. When they ____________________ home, they ____________________ the burglars as they
____________________ the house. (GET, SEE, LEAVE)
8. The match official ____________________ the game because it ____________________.
9. I ____________________ on the report the whole afternoon yesterday. (WORK)
10. I ____________________ to the police office to report the break-in. (HURRY)
11. While Mom ____________________ the tree, the children ____________________ their favourite
Christmas TV show. (DECORATE, WATCH)
12. As we ____________________ on the motorway to Cardiff, I suddenly ____________________
that I had left the cellar door open. (DRIVE, REMEMBER)
13. When I ____________________ Mary at the dinner party last night, she ____________________ a
wonderful dress. (SEE, WEAR)
14. He ____________________ his leg when he ____________________ off the horse. (BREAK, FALL)
15. We ____________________ outside the café when, all of a sudden, we ____________________ an
explosion. Everyone ____________________ what they ____________________ and
____________________ towards the crossing. (SIT, HEAR, STOP, DO, LOOK)
16. When I ____________________ up this morning, I ____________________ out of the window and
____________________ that it ____________________. It ____________________ me so happy.

B1 Past Tense : Simple and Progressive T048

Fill in the correct form of the past tense: simple or progressive.

1. Mrs Smith __________________ past the house in Sunset Street when she _______________
fire on the ground floor. (DRIVE, SEE)
2. While he __________________ off the coast the pilot __________________ sharks approaching
the swimmers. (FLY, SEE)
3. Alice __________________ herself while she __________________ football. (HURT, PLAY)
4. She __________________ while she __________________ after the bus. (FALL, RUN)
5. I __________________ my wallet while I __________________ my bike. (LOSE, RIDE)
6. We __________________ dinner when the lights __________________ out. (HAVE, GO)
7. She __________________ of something else while you __________________ to her. (THINK,
8. The fireman __________________ the fire on the balcony below when he suddenly
__________________ someone shouting. (FIGHT, HEAR)
9. I __________________ her while I __________________ out of the window. (SEE, LOOK)
10. While the teacher __________________ instructions, the students __________________ at a
spider climbing up the wall. (GIVE, LOOK)
11. Sally __________________ dinner last night when someone __________________ at the door.
12. I __________________ to study at seven last night. Fred __________________ at 7.30. So I
__________________ when Fred __________________ (BEGIN, COME, STUDY, ARRIVE).
13. My roommate's parents __________________ him last night while __________________
watching TV. (CALL, WATCH)
14. When my husband __________________ home, I __________________ the laundry. (COME,
15. While they __________________ home it __________________ to rain, so they
__________________ at a small cafe and __________________ a cup of coffee. (WALK, BEGIN,
16. When I __________________ home at around 2 o'clock, Mum __________________ in her
garden. She __________________ some flowers and dad __________________ the oil of the car
in the garage. (GET, BE, PLANT, CHANGE)

B1 Past Tense: Simple and Progressive T043

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Tense. Use simple and
progressive forms in each of the sentences.

1. Angela ______________ herself while she _________________ up a tree. (HURT, CLIMB)

2. The police car _________________ the robbers when they _________________ a lamppost.
3. I _________________ when there _________________ a knock at the door. (STUDY, BE)
4. My brother _________________ on the ice while he _________________. (FALL, SKATE)
5. Margie _________________ dinner when the fire alarm _________________. (HAVE, RING)
6. Mom _________________ herself while she ____________________ onions. (INJURE, CUT)
7. Dad ___________________ the car when a storm suddenly _________________ up. (REPAIR,
8. Mona _________________ asleep while she _________________ a book. (FALL, READ)
9. I _________________ an old friend while I ___________________ home from the shop.
10. She _________________ at the ceiling when the door _________________. (STARE, OPEN)
11. I _________________ myself while I _________________ milk on the stove. (BURN, PUT)
12. While the children ___________________ the weather _________________ to clear up.
13. When I __________________ at the station a car _________________ to take me home.
14. I _________________ my cousin while I ___________________ in Paris. (VISIT, STAY)
15. While the pilot ___________________ to stabilize the plane the master alarm
________________ off. (TRY, GO)
16. I _________________ an ambulance while I _________________ out of the window. (SEE,
17. The children ___________________ a movie when their aunt _________________. (WATCH,
18. We _________________ about our jobs when the phone _________________. (TALK, RING)

B1 Past Tense: Simple and Progressive T056

Fill in the correct form of the past tense: simple or progressive.

1. While the policeman __________________ out of the window, he __________________ that a

blue SUV __________________ down the road. (LOOK, NOTICE, PARK)
2. I __________________ on my report when the phone __________________. My wife ____________
to know when I __________________ home. (WORK, RING, WANT, COME)
3. He __________________ down the street when he __________________ his old schoolteacher
on the other side. (WALK, SEE)
4. During the time I __________________ in South Africa I never __________________ a serious
crime. (SPEND, SEE)
5. While they __________________ lunch at the new restaurant, a journalist __________________
up to them and __________________ to ask a few questions. (HAVE, COME, WANT)
6. The farmer __________________ the whole neighbourhood with fruit and vegetables.
7. The hairdresser __________________ up her shop, __________________ into the car and
__________________ home. (LOCK, GET, DRIVE)
8. My brother __________________ to contact me at the office, but he __________________ me
because I __________________ lunch with a customer. (TRY, CANNOT REACH, HAVE)
9. Jack __________________ over the carpet because he __________________ attention to where
he __________________. (TRIP, NOT PAY, GO)
10. Where __________________ when I __________________ across you yesterday? (YOU GO,
11. I __________________ him off at the airport when the police __________________ and
__________________ him. (SEE, COME, ARREST)
12. The old man __________________ on the pavement, so James __________________ to help him.
13. How __________________ your leg? – Well, I __________________ on the ladder when,
suddenly, I __________________ my balance and __________________. (YOU BREAK, STAND,
14. She __________________ in France at the time she __________________ the bad news. (LIVE,
15. I __________________ the new Prime Minister while I __________________ the press
conference. (MEET, ATTEND)
16. While I __________________ on the motorway, more and more police cars
__________________ in my direction. (DRIVE, COME)


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