Nsambya Organic Hub - Diphus - RN
Nsambya Organic Hub - Diphus - RN
Nsambya Organic Hub - Diphus - RN
Background of NOGAMU.
NOGAMU coordinates and facilitates all stakeholders across the country towards organic
agricultural development. Established in 2001, it is now one of the highly esteemed Business
Support Organizations (BSOs) providing a range of services to the sector.
The organization vision aim to attain “Increased incomes and improved livelihoods in Uganda
through adoption of Organic Agriculture”, this will be achieved through its mission of
strengthening coordination and promote organic agricultural development, networking and
marketing with the following objectives below;
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of a robust immune system and healthy
eating habits. Globally the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 600 million
people suffer from foodborne diseases annually, with approximately 420,000 deaths1 (Estimating the
burden of foodborne diseases (who.int). According to the Global Nutrition Report, about 25.4% of
children under 5 years of age in Uganda suffer from stunting (low height-for-age), which indicates
inadequate nutrition, Additionally, 10.4% of adult women and 2.3% of adult men in Uganda are
living with obesity2 (Global Nutrition Report | Country Nutrition Profiles - Global Nutrition Report).
The burden of foodborne diseases in Uganda is significant. According to the Uganda Ministry of
Health, approximately 1.3 million cases of foodborne illnesses are treated annually, constituting
14% of all cases3. (It is not food if it is not safe: Advocating for food safety and quality assurance to
improve Uganda’s economy and people’s health | FAO in Uganda | Organisation des Nations Unies pour
l'alimentation et l'agriculture). According to Uganda cancer institute press statement 2022, Uganda
records 33,000 new cancer cases each year and unfortunately, 60% cancer patients lose their lives
annually. These factors have called attention for promoting consumption of organic food leading to
healthy and energetic population.
Despite NOGAMU's efforts to promote organic agriculture, Ugandans are stuck in a cycle of
unhealthy conventional food choices. This is due to a combination of factors.
Lack of Awareness. Public knowledge about the benefits of organic food and the risks of foodborne
diseases from conventional products is low.
Trust Issues. Consumers struggle to differentiate genuine organic products from conventional ones,
leading to distrust in vendors and farmers.
We need a collective action to increase the consumption of organic food and advocate for regulation
of food and drink products that are on the market.
*Know your food campaign.*
Campaign overview.
Food safety is a major concern in Uganda. A special fund to tackle this issue is needed but
mobilization by government is still a challenge, the funds shall be used to raise awareness about safe
food handling practices, improve infrastructure for storing and transporting food, and promote
hygiene among food handlers. The "Know Your Food" campaign's goal aim to ensure safe and
high-quality food for Ugandans. By improving food safety, Uganda can avoid economic problems
caused by rejected food exports and promote public health.
The "Know Your Food" campaign, aims to empower food conscious citizens to make informed
choices about the food they eat. By raising awareness about organic food's advantages and building
trust in vendors, the campaign can nudge Ugandans towards healthier and more sustainable eating
The commonest foodborne-related conditions are typhoid, brucellosis, bacillus dysentery, cholera
and aflatoxin contamination. According to the Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA)4
Estimating the burden of foodborne diseases (who.int)
Global Nutrition Report | Country Nutrition Profiles - Global Nutrition Report
It is not food if it is not safe: Advocating for food safety and quality assurance to improve Uganda’s economy and people’s health | FAO
in Uganda | Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
(https://www.aflatoxinpartnership.org/ ),before the COVID-19 pandemic, between 45 to 65 percent of
samples in major maize-producing districts contained aflatoxin levels exceeding the national
standard whose maximum limit is 10 parts per billion for total aflatoxins. This problem hinders
international trade since some countries and markets have lower minimum for aflatoxin. By 2018,
aflatoxin contamination was reported to have reduced economic growth by 0.26 percent in Uganda.
The country lost USD 577 million annually as a result of about 3 700 aflatoxin-induced liver cancer
Organic agriculture goes beyond simply "not using pesticides." It's a holistic approach to food
production that prioritizes long-term health for both consumers and the environment.
Uniqueness of Organic agriculture. Organic agriculture offers a path towards this vision, fostering
a sustainable food system that prioritizes the well-being of people and the environment. This
holistic approach shuns synthetic chemicals, opting instead for natural methods to cultivate healthy
crops and raise thriving livestock. By harnessing the power of nature's cycles, organic agriculture
Vibrant Health, Organic practices safeguard the health of farmers, consumers, and the
ecosystem alike. Reduced reliance on harmful chemicals minimizes health risks and fosters
a healthier food chain.
Enduring Sustainability, Organic methods nurture the land, enriching soil fertility and
promoting biodiversity. This ensures long-term productivity and resilience in the face of
climate challenges.
Empowered Communities, Fair trade practices embedded within organic agriculture
empower farmers and ensure ethical treatment of animals. This fosters a sense of
responsibility and community well-being.
The four pillars of organic agriculture - care, fairness, ecology, and health - provide a strong
foundation for building a sustainable future:
Care: Organic farmers act as stewards of the land, making responsible choices that
prioritize the health of people and the environment.
Fairness: Organic practices ensure fair treatment for all involved, from farmers to
consumers, animals, and future generations.
Ecology: Organic methods promote natural processes and resource recycling, safeguarding
the ecological balance for a healthier planet.
Health: Organic agriculture recognizes the interconnectedness of human health with the
health of the ecosystem. Healthy soil produces healthy plants that nourish healthy people.
These principles are not mere ideals - they are a call to action. Urgent policy changes are needed to
raise awareness about the dangers of conventional agriculture and foodborne diseases. By
embracing organic practices, we can mitigate climate change, create a safer food system, and
cultivate a healthier future for generations to come.
The Ugandan government's National Organic Agriculture Policy and bill (in progress/formulation)
recognizes this potential and aims to harness organic practices for a healthier future.
Organic foods are unique and provide a cheap alternative to solve the challenge of foodborne
diseases and improve health in several ways;
• Organic foods retain all their nutritional properties because they are grown without the
use of artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, and genetically modified organisms
• The absence of chemicals makes organic foods healthier as they are better assimilated
by the body, improve defenses, and help prevent disease.
• Organic foods guarantee the highest quality as they are free from synthetic additives.
• Some people believe that organic foods taste better.
Improved awareness and consumption of organic food.
Campaign Objectives.
• Increase public knowledge about health food choices and the risks of conventional food
consumption within 6 months.
• Increase the adoption of organic food consumption within 6 months.
• Collaborate with organizations to deliver ongoing healthy eating education programs
within 6 months.
Our primary audience encompasses several key groups.
• Health-Conscious Consumers interested in organic food and a healthy lifestyle. This
includes mothers, vegetarians, professionals, and anyone seeking a safe and healthy food
• Bulk Buyers. Hotels, schools, and supermarkets represent a significant customer base
with high purchasing power.
• Other organic Ecosystem Players. Farmers, input producers, processors, and exporters
are crucial partners in creating a robust organic supply chain.
• Recruit volunteers to help with social media outreach, educational workshops, and
community events.
• Partner with organizations working on food security and nutrition issues in Kampala.
• Collaborate with local media outlets to raise awareness about the campaign.
• Printing of promotional materials (flyers, brochures, banners and manuals) for
distribution at events and other areas.
Share Nsambya Market on Facebook or Instagram with #KnowYourFood for a chance to win a
market gift basket! (This promotes the campaign hashtag)
Download our FREE Organic Food Guide! Visit NOGAMU website and subscribe to our
newsletter for healthy eating tips, farmer stories, and exclusive discounts on organic produce.
(Drives traffic to your website and builds an email list)
Join our Live Farmer Market Tour! Every Saturday at 10 AM, follow us on Instagram, Facebook
and twitter Live for a virtual walkthrough of the market, highlighting seasonal produce and vendor
expertise. (Increases social media engagement and showcases market offerings)
Ask the Organic Expert! Submit your questions about organic food and farming practices on our
website's and social media handles "Ask Us Anything" forum. Independent experts will answer
weekly! (Creates a community around organic food)
Shop Organic Now! We offer convenient home delivery of organic produce from Nsambya Market
using a boda boda. Order through website, our WhatsApp platforms and use code
"KNOWYOURFOOD" for a discount on your first order. (Provides easy access to organic food
and promotes a partnership)
Be a Champion for Uganda's Health & a Pioneer in a Lucrative Organic Market (value
Feature Description How Our Partners Fit In this campaign.
Lead the Partner with us to Telecom Companies (MTN, Airtel) Leverage vast networks
Way in tackle Uganda's to spread campaign messages and incentivize participation.
Public rising cancer rates URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) Showcase commitment to
Health. and promote a healthy citizenry through campaign support. Financial
healthy eating Institutions (Stanbic Bank): Demonstrate dedication to
habits. employee and community well-being.
Unlock the Gain early access All Partners: Associate with Nsambya Market, a potential
Potential of to this growing leader in the organic food movement with NOGAMU the
the Organic market segment. lead promoter of organic agriculture in Uganda.
Food Boom
Engage a Reach new All Partners: Co-sponsor events, social media campaigns,
Health- audiences who and targeted marketing to connect with health-conscious
Conscious value your consumers.
Consumer commitment to a
Base healthy Uganda.
Create a Be part of a long- All Partners: Contribute to building a sustainable model for
Sustainable term solution for public health improvement in Uganda.
Model for promoting healthy
Impact eating habits.
Month. Key Activities. Responsible
Mar-24 * Campaign kickoff meeting: Define goals, target audience, messaging, ECG
and budget.
* Develop creative materials: Social media content, flyers, brochures,
and cards for events.
Apr-24 * Launch social media campaign: Use #KnowYourFood to promote ECG
healthy eating and Nsambya Market while Partnering with influencers
like uncle Mo.
* Print promotional materials: Flyers, brochures, recipe cards and
organic manuals for events.
* Organize vendor workshops. Train on storage/handling techniques.
May-24 * Host community events: Food safety demos, tastings, market tours NOGAMU
featuring KeBERA technology deployment. Partner with influencers
* Develop documentary: Showcase farmers' journey, organic food
benefits, and the Nsambya market Hub’s potential impact.
Jun-24 * Analyze campaign data. Assess performance, refine strategy based ECG
on findings.
* Execute reviewed strategies: for example the social media strategy
like Issue weekly newsletters, develop media kits, pitch stories to local
Jul-24 * Prepare for campaign wrap-up: Plan success measurement and ECG
* Finalize campaign report: Summarize goals, activities, results, and
* Conduct surveys: Measure consumer awareness and perception of
the Hub and KeBERA.
* Identify next steps: Leverage campaign momentum for future
Aug-24 * Engage with KCCA: Advocate for improved market infrastructure. ECG
*recommend integration of organic WhatsApp groups into an organic
platform like app for easy out reach.
* Develop a sustainable organic market strategy.
Activity Description Responsible. No Total.
Cost (UGX)
10-15 minute3-7-minute
video showcasing
Video Documentary organic food journey, Designer. 4 200,000 800000
benefits, and campaign
Eye-catching visuals
every week like market Early Career
Social Media Content 50 50,000 2500000
highlights, and health Graduate
Informative content
about campaign launch, Early Career
Weekly Newsletters 20 5,000 100000
organic agriculture Graduate
Market gift baskets to
#KnowYourFood Early Career
incentivize 5 200,000 1000000
Challenge Prizes Graduate
Partner with relevant
Influencer Outreach influencers to promote NOGAMU 2 500,000 1000000
the campaign.
Weekly interactive
Live Farmer Market
sessions on social media NOGAMU 3 200,000 600000
platforms highlighting
vendors and produce.
Free downloadable
Develop Organic guide with including
Early Career
Food Guide/ organic practices and 250 20,000 5000000
manuals. products across entire
organic value chain.
Platform for users to
"Ask the Organic submit questions Early Career
1 100,000 100,000
Expert" Forum answered by Graduate
independent experts.
Monitoring the key
performance indicators Early Career
Monitoring 1 200,000 200,000
and soliciting new ideas Graduate
e.g conducting a survey.
develop marketing
strategy for Early Career
Marketing strategy 1 200,000 200,000
sustainability of market Graduate
and future reference
Offer discounted
Delivery Service delivery of organic
NOGAMU 5 200,000 1,000,000
Partnership produce from Nsambya
Total 12,500,000
The "Know Your Food" campaign utilizes engaging online content, social media interaction, and
partnerships to promote organic food and healthy eating habits. By following the call to actions and
visiting the Nsambya Organics online platforms, consumers can learn more, participate in
challenges, and gain easy access to fresh organic produce. This multi-faceted approach aims to raise
awareness and create a thriving online community around healthy food choices in Uganda.