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Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 12 Number 2 (2023)
Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Characterization of Quinolone Resistance and ESBLs Genes Produced by

Escherichia coli Isolated at the UHC-the National Reference in N'Djamena-Chad

Abba Hamadou 1,3,4*, BA Ban-bo2, Kuan A Traoré3, Jean Bienvenue Ouoba3,

G Kadidja4, Marguerite Edith M. Nikiema3, Evariste Bako3, SC Bouda3,
SAM Mahamat1, N Bessimbaye4,5 and Nicolas Barro3

Faculté des Sciences de la Santé (FASS), Université Adam Barka d’Abéché, Tchad, BP 1173
Laboratoire de Biochimie, Biologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire, Microbiologie (L2BCM),
Université de N’Djaména, Tchad
Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire, d’Epidémiologie et de Surveillance des Bactéries et Virus
Transmissibles par l’Eau et les Aliments, Université Joseph Ki-ZERBO, 03 BP 7021,
Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
Centre Hospitalo-universitaire la Référence Nationale de N’Djaména, Tchad
Faculté des Sciences de la Santé Humaine (FSSH), Université de N’Djaména, Tchad
*Corresponding author


Infections caused by ESBLs-producing E. coli continue to represent a challenge for the

implementation of appropriate treatment protocols worldwide. The objective of the present
study was to assess the current profile of antimicrobial and ESBLs susceptibility, to screen the
bla-CTX-M, bla-TEM, bla-SHV and qnrs genotypes of ESBLs-producing or non-isolated
Keywords ESBLs-producing Multi-resistant E. coli (MDR) strains of various clinical samples in Chad.
This is a prospective study conducted from September 2018 to February 2019 at the N’Djamena
E. coli, ESBLs
University Hospital in Chad. E. coli MDR has been isolated from urine, pus and stool cultures.
genes, quinolone Antibiotic identification and susceptibility testing was performed using an automated system,
genes, Chad the Vitek-2. Confirmation for ESBLs production was performed by the double disc synergy
assay. The E.coli MDR and ESBLs strains, positive or not, were screened for the genes
Article Info encoding the ESBLs and qnrs by PCR. Microsoft Excel 2016 and SPSS ™ statistical software
version 20.0 were used for the analysis of the results. Of the 68 MDR E. coli isolated from
11 January 2022 various clinical samples, 40 (58.8%) were positive for extended spectrum beta-lactamase
Accepted: production. 47.1% were resistant to the twelve (12) antibiotics tested. All isolates with an
31 January 2022 ESBLs phenotype were resistant to at least one antibiotic tested. The CTX-M gene was in the
Available Online: majority (72.1%), followed by TEM (54.4%) and SHV (16.2%). The qnrs genes were also
10 February 2023 detected in 52.9% (qnrA1 to A6), 52.9% (qnrB1 to B6) and 2.9% (qnrS1 to S6). All strains
showing an ESBLs phenotype (40) were also positive in the molecular screening of ESBLs gene
families. A double and triple carriage of the ESBLs and qnrs genes was observed. These results
show the need for an aggressive infection control program, systematic detection of ESBLs
isolates in clinical samples and antimicrobial management in hospitals in Chad.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Introduction deaths attributable to antimicrobial resistance will

increase to 10 million per year by 2050, with 40% of
Enterobacteriaceae, in particular Escherichia coli, these deaths occurring in Africa (OMS, 2018).
are the most frequently encountered pathogens in
diseases such as abscesses, pneumonia, meningitis, Studies have shown that the bla-TEM, bla-SHV and
septicemia, and especially enteritis and urinary tract bla-CTX-M genes coding for ESBLs are located on
infections (Ambler et al., 1991). The ability of bacterial DNA, plasmids or transposons and are
Enterobacteriaceae to become resistant to often associated with resistance to quinolones (qnrA,
antibiotics, in particular to β-lactam antibiotics qnrB and qnrS), aminoglycosides, to cotrimoxazole
(cephalosporins and carbapenems) which are the and tetracyclines (Mariani-Kurkdjian et al., 2012;
treatments of choice for enterobacterial infections, Cattoir et al., 2007b).
poses a serious problem for healthcare providers.
Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a commensal These genes can be easily transferred between two
enterobacteria of the digestive tract of humans and or more bacteria of the same or different species
animals (Schito et al., 2009). However, the abusive (Tansawai et al., 2019; Moghaddam et al., 2014;
and uncontrolled use of antibiotics will have allowed Mugnaioli et al., 2006); hence the origin of the
the emergence of new variants of multiresistant E. multi-resistance of E. coli producing extended-
coli (MDR E. coli) strains, particularly those spectrum beta-lactamases (Rawat and Nair, 2010;
resistant to beta-lactams (FAO, 2017; Lucet et al., Humphreys and Fleck, 2016; Mariani-Kurkdjian et
1999; Ambler et al., 1991).The multidrug resistance al., 2012; Cattoir et al., 2007b; Tansawai et al.,
of strains of E. coli producers of ESBL is a scourge 2019; Moghaddam et al., 2014; Mugnaioli et al.,
due to the high probability of therapeutic failure and 2006; Spanu et al., 2002). Understanding the effect
the dissemination of these bacterial strains of drug resistance is capital because of its impact on
(Bradford, 2001; Knothe et al., 1983).The direct the treatment of infection. In Chad, little information
consequence of this antibiotic resistance is the on multidrug resistance in E. coli is known. Previous
increase in morbidity and mortality due to studies have reported the prevalence of high ESBLs
pathologies such as abscesses, pneumonia, (48%) containing the enzyme bla-CTX-M-15 (97%)
meningitis, sepsis, enteritis and urinary tract and bla-TEM (14.6%) in clinical E. coli isolates
infections (OMS, 2019; Aworh et al., 2019; Hailaji from three major Chadian hospitals (Ouchar et al.,
et al., 2016; Veenemans et al., 2014). 2019; Nadlou et al., 2015). The aim of this study
was to characterize clinical isolates of E. coli from
Thus, studies conducted around the world have the National Reference Hospital of N'Djamena in
shown that E. coli expresses a high level of acquired order to (i) determine the current profiles of
resistance to most antibiotics belonging to the beta- antibiotic susceptibility (ii) assess the current
lactam family through the expression of inactivating prevalence of ESBLs and (iii) identify the genes
extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) last- involved in resistance.
line drugs such as third-generation cephalosporins
and quinolones (OMS, 2018; El bouamri et al., Materials and Methods
2015; Rawat and Nair, 2010).
Study site and period
According to the World Health Organization,
antimicrobial resistance is a more serious scourge This prospective cross-sectional study was carried
than HIV/AIDS (OMS, 2018). In the UK, studies in out for six months (from September 2018 to
2016 showed that antimicrobial resistance was February 2019) at the Bacteriology Unit of the
responsible for around 700,000 deaths a year University Hospital Center (UHC) the National
(Humphreys and Fleck, 2016). The number of Reference of N'Djamena.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Study population μg), Azteronam (ATM, 30 μg), Gentamicin (CN, 10

μg), Nalixidic acid (NA, 30 μg), Norfloxacin (NOR,
The study population was composed of all patients 10 μg), Ciprofloxacin (CIP, 5 μg), Trimetroprim-
in the UHC departments. These are general sulfonamide (SXT, 25 μg), Tetracycline (TET, 30
medicine (GM), infectious diseases (ID), surgery μg) and azithromycin) have been tested. Isolates
(visceral and general), gastroenterology, resistant to at least two unrelated classes of
pneumology, urology, otolaryngology (ORL), antibiotics were considered multidrug-resistant
cardiology and diabetology. The study also looked (Kiratisin et al., 2008).
at patients visiting the emergency department (ED).
Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase
Sample collection or sampling production

A total of 808 samples were taken from patients in The production of extended-spectrum beta-
the various departments of the UHC. The samples lactamases (ESBLs) has been demonstrated by the
taken included 257 urine samples, 210 pus samples double-disc synergy technique. This test is based on
and 341 stool samples. the detection of a synergy between Ceftriaxone,
Aztreonam and Cefepime disks arranged around a
Once collected, the samples were immediately disk of amoxicillin + clavulanic acid separated by 20
transported to the laboratory for processing. to 30 mm on a plate of Müller-Hinton agar.

Biochemical isolation identification of E. coli After an incubation of 18 to 24 hours, a dome-

shaped zone without culture appears between the
The E. coli strains were isolated in the laboratory of discs of the AMC and those of the C3Gs, known as
the National Reference Hospital of N'Djamena, a “champagne cork”.
following the methods in force in this center. The
urine, stool and pus samples were respectively Isolates presenting the ESBL phenotype were
inoculated onto agar media: CLED, Hektoen and collected for the detection of ESBLs genes (TEM,
Mac Conkey from BioMérieux. SHVand CTX-M) and quinolone resistance genes
(qnrA1 to A6, qnrB1 to B6 and qnrS1 to S6).
After Gram staining of suspicious E. coli colonies,
subculture on EMB was performed and strain Detection of β-lactam and quinolone resistance
identification is carried out by the VITEK® 2TM 15 genes by classical PCR
compact automaton.
DNA extraction
Antibiotic sensitivity tests
DNA extraction was performed by the heat shock
Antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli isolates was method. Using a sterile loop, colonies of each
performed using the VITEK® 2TM 15 compact bacterial strain on Müller-Hinton agar were scraped
automaton. Antibiotic susceptibility disks (AST N and suspended in 150 µl of PCR water (Solis
233) of Gram-negative bacteria were used. BioDyne) in Eppendorf tubes. Then they were
Categorization criteria were defined as susceptible
(S), intermediate (I) and resistant (R) for each The mixtures were incubated at -20°C for 10
antibiotic used. Twelve antibiotics (Amoxycillin + minutes, 100°C for 10 minutes, and -20°C for 10
clavulanic acid (AUG, 30 μg), Imipenem (IPM, 10 minutes to create bacterial cell lysis. The
μg), Ceftriaxone (CRO, 30 μg), Cefepime (FEP, 30 suspensions obtained were centrifuged for 10

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

minutes at 13,000 g. DNA supernatants were and presented as percentage of baseline distribution.
collected in new clean and sterile Eppendorf tubes Data with a p-value less than 0.05 (95% CI) were
for PCR. considered significant.

Characterization of β-lactamase genes Results and Discussion

The bla-TEM, bla-SHV and bla-CTX-M genes were During the six-month study period, 808 samples
detected by conventional PCR using the specific were taken and cultured in the laboratory
primer pairs bla-TEM-F and bla-TEM-R, bla-SHV-F bacteriology unit of the UHC. These are 210 (26%)
and bla-SHV-R and bla-CTX-MF and bla-CTX-MR pus samples, 341 (42%) stool samples and 257
(Table 1). The 20 µl reaction mix consisted of 5 µl (32%) urine samples. A total of 194 strains of E. coli
DNA, 4 µl Master mix (5x Fired Pol, Solis BioDyne were isolated from 194 positive cultures, 68 of
with 12.5 mM), 2 µl each primer, GENECUST SAS which were multiresistant either a prevalence of E.
(1 µl forward primer, 1 µl of reverse primer) and 9 coli MDR of 35% (68/194).
µl of PCR water (Solis BioDyne).
Prevalence of E. coli strains MDR depending on
The conditions under which the bla-TEM, bla-SHV the origin, type of samples and production or not
and bla-CTX-M genes were amplified are shown in of ESBLs
Table 2.
Table 3 shows that among the 68 E. coli MDR
Characterization of quinolone resistance genes isolates, the highest prevalence was observed in
urine specimens (61.8%), followed by pus
Conventional PCR was used to detect the genes specimens (23.5%) and stool specimens (14.7%).In
qnrA1 to A6, qnrB1 to B6 and qnrS1 to S6 with the relation to the various services, the distribution of
specific primer pairs Qnr AF and qnrQnrA-R, isolates of E. coli multidrug-resistant, the highest
QnrBm-F and QnrBm-R and QnrS-F and qnrQnrS-R were observed in the urology departments (n=18),
(Table 1). The 20 µl reaction mix consisted of 5 µl followed by the infectious diseases departments
DNA, 4 µl Master mix (5x Fired Pol, Solis BioDyne (n=13), emergency room (n=9) and gastroenterology
with 12.5 mM), 2 µl each primer, GENECUST SAS (n=8).
(1 µl forward primer, 1 µl of reverse primer) and 9
µl of ultra-pure water. The conditions used for the The ESBLs phenotype observed in the samples
amplification of qnrs genes are shown in Table 2. analyzed, a prevalence of MDR E. coli of 58.8%
(40/68) was observed. The majority of ESBLs-
Ethical considerations producing multidrug-resistant E. coli were isolated
respectively from urine (n=24), pus (n=10) and stool
The study was approved by the research committee (n=6) samples.
of the UHC laboratory of N’Djamena. The UHC
authorities authorized the authors to conduct the There was no significant difference between the
study. All biological samples were collected as part ESBLs production of the different E.coli isolated in
of the routine clinical management of patients. the biological fluids (p ˃ 0.05). In addition, in the
various departments of the UHC, the highest
Statistical analysis distribution of ESBL phenotypes were observed
respectively in the urology department (14),
Data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel infectious diseases (6), emergency departments (5)
2016 and Statistical Software for the Social Sciences and the gastroenterology department (4). No
(SPSS™) version 20.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) significant difference was observed between the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

phenotypic distribution of ESBLs in the departments families. Molecular analysis of the isolates showed
of the University Hospital at the threshold of P˃0.05 the presence of various beta-lactamase genes (Table
(Table 3). 4).

Antibiotic sensitivity test Table 4 shows that the majority of isolates of E. coli
multidrug-resistant carried the bla-CTX-M gene
During the study period, sixty-eight (68) E. coli (72.1%), while 54.4% and 16.2% carried the bla-
MDR were isolated in the N'Djamena University TEM and bla-SHV genes respectively. No
Hospital. The antimicrobial susceptibility test results significant difference between the carriage of these
of these 68 multidrug-resistant E. coli including 40 genes was observed (P>0.05).
ESBL-producing isolates have been reported in
figure 2. Forty-two (42) E coli MDR isolates from urine
samples were tested for ESBLs resistance genes.
The antibiotic resistance profile of these isolates Among these isolates, the bla-CTX-M gene was the
revealed that 47.1% (32/68) were resistant to the most prevalent (71.4%), followed by the bla-TEM
twelve (12) antibiotics tested. All of these isolates gene (54.8%), and bla-SHV (14.3%).
exhibited the extended-spectrum beta-lactamase
producing phenotype. The 8 ESBL positive strains The study of sixteen (16) E. coli MDR isolated from
also showed resistance to 5 antibiotics. Figure 2 pus samples, showed the presence of bla-CTX-M
presents the results of antibiotic susceptibility of the gene, bla-TEM gene and bla-SHV gene with a
68 MDR E. coli tested. prevalence of 75%, 50% respectively and 12.5%.

The results show that 47.1% (32/68) of the isolates Of the ten (10) E. coli MDR isolated from stool
were resistant to the twelve (12) antibiotics tested, samples, the bla-CTX-M gene was the most
51.5% (35/68) were resistant to at least three (3) prevalent (70%), followed by the bla-TEM gene
antibiotics and 1.5% (1/68) was resistant to two (2) (60%) and the bla-SHV gene (30%) respectively).
antibiotics. There is no significant difference between the
expression of these genes in the different samples
High resistance to beta-lactams (amoxicillin + studied (P ˃0.05).
clavulanic acid (92.6%), ceftriaxone (91.1%),
cefepime (83.9%), aztreonam (88.7%) and Distribution of genes according to ESBLs
imipenem (77.8 %)), macrolides (azithromycin phenotypes of strains of E. coli MDR
(91.2%)), cyclines (tetracycline (88.3%)),
quinolones (nalidixic acid (88.2%), norfloxacin The study also revealed the existence of different
(83.8%) and ciprofloxacin (79.4%)), ESBLs genes in the same strain. In fact, a double
aminoglycosides (gentamicin (79.4%)) and carriage was noted in 20.5% of the strains which
sulfonamides (trimethoprim-sulfonamide (83.8%)) simultaneously carried the TEM and CTX-M-13
were observed. genes, 6% which carried the TEM and SHV genes.
17.6% of the strains carried 3 genes at the same time
Global characterization of extended-spectrum β- (TEM, SHV and CTX-M). Table 5 shows that all the
lactamase genes twenty-four (24) urinary isolates presenting an
ESBL phenotype were positive for the bla-CTX-M
A total of 68 MDR E coli were the subject of gene (100%), 63% for the bla-TEM gene and 21%
molecular characterization in this study. All strains for the bla-SHV gene. For the sixteen E coli MDR
with an ESBLs phenotype (40) were also positive in isolates positive for ESBLs production, a prevalence
the molecular screen for common ESBLs gene of 90% for the bla-CTX-M gene, 60% for the bla-

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

TEM gene and 20% for the SHV gene was Table 6 shows that the qnrs genes were present in
observed. Of the six (6) ESBL isolates positive by 60% (41/68) of the strains studied. The results
phenotypic method, 66.7% were positive for the bla- showed that 36 isolates (52.9%) of E. coli MDR
CTX-M gene and 66.7% for the bla-TEM gene. carry the qnrA1-like gene to A6, 36 isolates (52.9%)
None of the isolates were positive for bla-SHV carry the qnrB1-like gene to B6, and 2 isolates
genes. (2.9%) carry the qnrS1-like gene for S6.

Furthermore, the coexistence of bla-TEM and bla- Indeed, 24 strains out of the 41 strains carrying qnr
CTX-M genes was observed in stool, pus, and urine genes, i.e. 58.5% (24/41), were positive for ESBLs
samples with a prevalence of 40% (4/10), 25% phenotypes. Moreover, among all the strains
(4/16), and 14.3% (6/42) respectively. While bla- carrying the qnrs genes, 87.8% (36/41) were
TEM + bla-SHV genes were detected in 20%, resistant to at least one antibiotic belonging to the
6.25%, and 2.4% in stool, pus, and urine samples, quinolone family such as nalidixic acid (NA),
respectively. The coexistence of three ESBLs genes ciprofloxacin (CIP) and norfloxacin (NOR). These
belonging to the bla-TEM + bla-SHV gene cluster strains also co-expressed the qnr and ESBLs genes;
was observed in 30%, 50%, 18.8% and 14.3%. of which 6 isolates expressed the CTX-M gene, 5
isolates expressed the TEM gene and 1 isolate
Distribution of ESBLs genes according to clinical expressed the SHV gene.
Double carriage of ESBLs genes was observed in 18
The distribution of ESBLs genes observed in the
isolates that expressed TEM + CTX-M genes and 2
different departments of the UHC is presented in
isolates expressed SHV + CTX-M genes. 9 isolates
Table 6.The latter shows that, in this study, the
simultaneously expressed three ESBL genes (TEM
highest overall ESBLs gene carriage was observed
+ SHV + CTX-M). A correlation was observed
in the urology department 26.5% (n=18) followed
between qnrS gene carriage and quinolone
by the infectious diseases department 22.1% (n=15),
resistance (P < 0.05).
the emergency room 13.2%(n=9), gastroenterology
and emergencies 11.8% (n=8), otolaryngology
Distribution of qnrs genes according to
service 7.4% (n=5), surgery service 5.9% (n=4),
susceptibility to ciprofloxacin
Hematology 4.4% (n=3), cardiology 2.2% (n=2),
diabetology 2.2% (n=2) and internal medicine 2.2%
The distribution of qnrs genes according to the
(n=2) services (Table 5). No significant difference
susceptibility of isolates to ciprofloxacin is
was observed between the presence of these genes in
presented in Table 7. Table 7 shows the distribution
the departments of the UHC (P> 0.05).
of qnrS genes according to ciprofloxacin
Profile of ESBLs genes amplified by PCR susceptibility. Indeed, 75.6% (31/41) of
ciprofloxacin-resistant strains carried at least one
The genes identified by the PCR method using qnr gene. Whereas, 24% (10/41) of the ciprofloxacin
specific primers i.e. TEM, SHV and CTX-M on sensitive strains had a qnr gene. There is a
agarose gel are shown in Figures A, B and C. significant difference between the resistance of the
isolates to ciprofloxacin and the carriage of the qnrs
Prevalence of quinolone genes genes (p<0.05).

Concerning the search for the three quinolone Profile of qnrs genes amplified by PCR
resistance genes of the qnrA, qnrB and qnrS type of
this study, their carriage by the isolates of E. coli The qnrs genes identified by the PCR method using
MDR is represented in table 6. specific primers i.e. qnrB1 to B6, qnrS1 to S6 and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

qnrA1 to A6 on agarose gel are shown in Figures A, samples collected, reflecting the average level of
B and C. hygiene or even a greater sensitivity to our method
of analysis. These results should draw the attention
The main objective of our study was to assess the of the nursing staff to the observation of hygiene
prevalence of isolates of multiresistant ESBL- measures in the hospital environment.
producing E. coli and determine the carriage of
ESBLs and quinolone resistance genes circulating at Lucet et al., (1999) showed that it is possible to
the CHU-RN in Chad. effectively control situations in which ESBLs are
epidemic or hyper-endemic by the correct
The isolates of E. coli in this study were identification of pathogens, hand hygiene, isolation
distinguished by a high carriage of resistance genes of patients, wearing of gloves and blouses.
to major antibiotics such as beta-lactams,
quinolones, macrolides and aminoglycosides This study showed that ESBL-producing E. coli
commonly used to treat enterobacterial infections. were isolated from different types of clinical
samples. Thus, it was found that urine samples had
Thus, the study showed that of the 68 E.coli MDR the highest ESBLs carriage (62%), followed by pus
isolated, 58.8% (40/68) were ESBLs producers. (56%) and stool (50%) samples. Similar results were
These results show a high prevalence of ESBLs; this obtained in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso (62.4%)
explains the high rate of resistance to antibiotics (Kpoda et al., 2017) in urine samples.
ordinarily used to treat enterobacteria infections in
the CHU-RN of N'Djamena. Moreover, this carriage remains weak compared to
the results obtained by Fody et al., (2017) in Niger;
In Chad, Ouchar et al., (2019), reported somewhat 26.7%, 26.3% and 25% respectively in urine, pus
similar results to our study. Indeed, their study and stool. This difference in carriage of ESBL-
focused on three hospitals in the city of N'Djamena producing E. coli in clinical samples could be
where 94 strains of ESBL-producing explained by the more variable number of samples.
Enterobacteriaceae were isolated and of which E.
coli was the predominant species with a frequency However, high levels of isolate ESBL-producing E.
of 63.83% (n = 60).A similar prevalence was also coli in the urology department (35%) and in the
found in some African countries such as Iran (58%) urine samples (62%) observed in this study could be
(Pourakbari et al., 2019), Burkina Faso (62.6%) elucidated by the nature of the samples from the
(Kpoda et al., 2017) among children admitted to the patients studied, the length of stay in the hospital,
Saint Camille Hospital and in France (76%) the invasive procedures and devices (catheters,
(Holstein et al., 2010) at Bretonneau Hospital. probes, intubation, etc.) and long-term exposure of
patients to antibiotics as reported by Rodríguez-
However, other authors have revealed high Baño et al., (2010) on the one hand and the
proportions of ESBL-producing E. coli. Dembele et combined therapy of aminoglycosides and
al., (2020) and Diagne et al., (2018) reported a cephalosporins in the treatment of urinary tract
proportion of 100% carriage of ESBL-producing infections at the CHU-RN (Cattoir, 2007b) on the
E.coli respectively in rural areas of Burkina Faso other hand.
and patients seen at Fann Hospital in Senegal.
It should be noted that if the current practices of lack
This large variation in the carriage of ESBLs of systematic monitoring of ESBLs and the absence
observed could testify to an increase in the of an ESBLs control program in the CHU-RN
frequency of ESBLs within our university hospital continue, a rapid increase in the prevalence of
center, or difference in the type is the number of ESBLs can be observed in the years to come.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Table.1 Primers of beta lactamases and quinolones genes

Target genes Primers Sequences of primers sens,antisens (5' → 3') Size (pb) References
qnrB1 to qnrB6 QnrB-F GGMATHGAAATTCGCCACTGa 264 Cattoir et al.,
qnrS1 to qnrS6 QnrS-F GCAAGTTCATTGAACAGGGT 428 Cattoir et al.,
qnrA1 to qnrA6 QnrA-F AGAGGATTTCTCACGCCAGG 580 Cattoir et al.,
NB:aM = A ou C;aH = A ou C ou T; bY =C ou T.

Table.2 Conditions for amplification of beta lactamases and quinolones resistance genes

Conditions for amplification of beta lactamases resistance genes

Cycle Number of cycles Temperature Time
Initial denaturation 94°C 5mn
Amplification 35 cycles 94°C 30 sec
55°C 60 sec
72°C 90 sec
Final elongation 72°C 10 min
Conditions for amplification of quinolones resistance genes
Initial denaturation 95°C 10mn
Amplification 35 cycles 95°C 60 sec
54°C 60 sec
72°C 60 sec
Final elongation 72°C 10 min

Fig.1 Positive double-disc synergy test performed on a 90 mm Mueller-Hinton agar plate.

Champagne cork

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Table.3 Distribution of multidrug resistant E. coli

Origin Effective Services MDR E. coli E. coli BLSEs E. coli not BLSEs
Stool 14,7 (n=10) Gastro 11,8 (n=8) 5,9 (n=4) 5,9 (n=4)
ID 2,9 (n=2) 2,9 (n=2) 0
Urine 61,8 (n=42) Uro 26,5 (n=18) 20,6 (n=14) 5,9 (n=4)
Hemato 4,4 (n=3) 2,9 (n=2) 1,5 (n=1)
ID 14,7 (n=10) 2,9 (n=2) 11,8 (n=8)
Cardio 2,9 (n=2) 1,5 (n=1) 1,5 (n=1)
PU 13,2 (n=9) 7,4 (n=5) 5,9 (n=4)
Pus 23,5 (n=16) Surgery 5,9 (n=4) 1,5 (n=1) 4,4 (n=3)
Diabetes 2,9 (n=2) 2,9 (n=2) 0
Int Med 2,9 (n=2) 2,9 (n=2) 0
ID 4,4 (n=3) 2,9 (n=2) 1,5 (n=1)
ORL 7,4 (n=5) 4,4 (n=3) 2,9 (n=2)
Total 100 (n=68) 10 100 (n=68) 58,8 (n=40) 41,2 (n=28)
Legend: Uro= Urology; Cardio= Cardiology; Diabetes= Diabetology; Hemato= Hematology; Med Int= Internal Medicine; ID=
Infectious Diseases; ORL= Otorhinolaryngology; ER= Emergency room, Gastro=gastrology.

Table.4 Carrying of ESBLs resistance genes by multiresistant E. coli

ESBLs genes Clinical origin of samples

Urine (N=42) Pus (N=16) Stools (N=10) Total (N=68)
bla-CTX-M (%) 30 (71,4) 12 (75) 7 (70) 49 (72,1)
bla-TEM (%) 23 (54,8) 8 (50) 6 (60) 37 (54,4)
bla-SHV (%) 6 (14,3) 2 (12,5) 3 (30) 11 (16,2)

Table.5 Distribution of ESBLs genes according to the clinical origin of the samples

ESBLsgenes Clinical origin of samples

Urine (N=42) Pus (N=16) Stools (N=10)

N=24 N=18 N=10 N=6 N=6 N=4
bla-CTX-M (%) 24 (100) 6 (33,3) 9 (90) 3 (50) 4 (n=66,7) 3 (75)
bla-TEM (%) 15 (63) 8 (44,4) 6 (60) 2 (33,3) 4 (n=66,7) 2 (50)
bla-SHV (%) 5 (21) 1(5,6) 2 (20) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (75)
blaTEM+blaCTX-M (%) 3 (13) 3 (11,1) 2 (20) 2 (33,3) 3 (n=33,3) 1 (25)
blaTEM+blaSHV (%) 0 (0) 1 (5,6) 0 (0) 1 (16,7) 0 (0) 2 (50)

Table.6 Carrying of quinolone resistance genes by E. coli MDR isolates

Genes qnr B1 to B6 (%) qnrS1 to S6(%) qnrA1 to A6(%)

Presence 52,9 (n=36) 52,9 (n=36) 2,9 (n=2)
Absence 47,1 (n=32) 47,1 (n=32) 97,1 (n=66)
Total 100 (n=68) 100 (n=68) 100 (n=68)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Table.7 Distribution of qnr genes according to susceptibility of isolates to ciprofloxacin

Antibiotic Number qnrs genes
qnrA1-qnrA6 qnrB1- qnrB6 qnrS1- qnrS6 qnrB1-qnrB6 qnrA1-qnrA6
qnrS1-qnrS6 qnrB1-qnrB6
CIP-R 31 1 3 4 23 0
CIP-S 10 0 1 0 8 1
Total 41 1 4 4 31 1
Legend: CIP-R= ciprofloxacin resistant, CIP-S= ciprofloxacin sensitive

Fig.2 Antibiotic resistance susceptibility of multidrug-resistant E. coli strains isolated.

R: Resistance percentage (%), S: Sensitivity percentage (%), I: Intermediate percentage; Gentamicin: GEN, Aztreonam: AZT,
Imipenem: IPM, Amoxicillin–clavulanic-acid: AMC, Sulfamethoxazole–trimethoprim: SXT, Ceftriaxon: CTR, Ciprofloxacin:
CIP, Nalidixic acid: NA, Tetracycline: TE, Norfloxacin: NOR, Cefepime: CEF ,Azithromycin:AZM

Fig.3 ESBLs genes carriage rate in the different CHU departments

Legend :ID= Infectious Diseases; ORL= Otorhinolaryngology.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Fig.4 Profile of ESBLs genes amplified by PCR

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CN 8 9 10 11 12 13

1080 PB

500 PB

100 PB

B M CN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

795 PB

500 PB

100 PB

C M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CN

1041 PB

500 PB

100 PB

A:PCR amplification of the bla-TEM gene (1080bp). Legend: M = 100 bp ladder molecular weight marker; CN = negative control,
from 1 to 13 samples tested for the TEM gene; 1, 3 to 13 = positive samples; 2 = negative sample.
B:PCR amplification of the bla-SHV (795bp) gene. Legend: M = 100 bp ladder molecular weight marker; CN = negative control,
from 3, 6, 7, 15, 16 and 17 samples tested positive for the SHVgene; 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 to 14 = negative samples
C:PCR amplification of the blaCTX-M gene (1041bp). Legend: M = 100 bp ladder molecular weight marker; CN = negative
control, from 1, 2, 4, 5 and 10 samples tested positive for the CTX-M gene; 3, 6, 8 and 9 = negative samples.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

Fig.5 Profile of qnrs genes amplified by PCR

A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

500 PB

264 PB

100 PB

CN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M

500 pB

428 pB

100 PB

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CN

580 PB

500 PB

100 PB

A :PCR amplification of qnrB1 toqnrB6 genes (264 bp). Legend: M = 100 bp ladder molecular weight marker; 1 to 13 samples
tested positive for qnrB1 to qnrB6 genes.
B:PCR amplification of qnrS1 to qnrS6 genes (428bp). Legend: M = 100bp ladder molecular weight marker; CN = negative
control, from 1 to 9 samples tested positive for the qnrS1 to qnr S6 gene.
C :PCR amplification of genes from E.coliqnrA1 to qnrA6 (580bp). Legend: M = 100bp ladder molecular weight marker; CN =
negative control, from 1 and 14 samples tested positive for qnrA1 to qnrA6 genes; 2 to 13 = negative samples.

This situation will result in increased infection The resistance phenotypes of all the ESBL E.coli
treatment costs and treatment failures. The European isolates studied were very diverse depending on the
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network antibiotic family (fig2). Thus, 47.1% (32/68) of the
reports that extended-spectrum β-lactamases isolates were resistant to all the antibiotics tested (El
(ESBLs) are of great clinical importance as they bouamri et al., 2015). In addition to their strong
represent the main cause of multiple antibiotic resistance to beta-lactams, there was resistance to
resistance in Enterobacteriaceae (Inserm, 2020). other families of antibiotics commonly used in

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

CHU-RN such as macrolides, quinolones, The high carriage of the blaCTX-M gene in this
fluoroquinolones, cyclins and aminoglycosides. study (72.1%) confirms its increasing prevalence
Similar observations have been made for beta- among clinical strains of E. coli MDR as reported in
lactams, quinolones, fluoroquinolones, numerous studies. Moreover, the high level of the
sulfonamides, cycles and aminoglycosides in Chad blaTEM gene (54.4%) may be due to its presence in
by Ouchar et al., (2019) and by Linefiene et al., highly mobile genetic elements that promote its
(2017) and for beta-lactams, fluoroquinolones and horizontal spread among bacteria worldwide (Daoud
sulfonamides in Benin (Anago et al., 2015) in et al., 2015). This prevalence also explains the
hospitals. strong resistance of the isolates to antibiotics
(Cattoir, 2007b; Canton and Coque, 2006) observed
The high and variable resistance rates of MDR E. in this study.
coli to widely prescribed antimicrobials in Chad
observed in this study could be explained by the Our study showed that 16.2% of E. coli MDR
uncontrolled and inappropriate use of antimicrobials isolates carried the blaSHV gene. Results
(distribution without a prescription, self-medication, inconsistent with those reported by Fody et al.,
etc.), to the availability of certain antimicrobial (2018) in Niger, Mensah et al., (2016) in Ghana and
molecules in galenic form tablets and capsules (beta- Udomsantisuk et al., (2011) in Thailand, where none
lactams) on the one hand and non-compliance with of the isolates of E. coli harboring the blaSHV gene
regulations, sale, use of antibiotics in livestock was observed. This difference could be due to the
sectors (Ministry of Public Health, 2018; Yandai et types of sampling and the different geographical
al., 2014) and prescription of antibiotics with areas.
antagonistic effect of 'somewhere else. This
worrying observation corroborates the high carriage The study showed that of the 68 strains analyzed, 41
(58.8%) of ESBLs phenotype observed in this study. carried the qnrS genes, i.e. a prevalence of 60%, of
which 36 possess the qnrB1 to B6 gene (i.e. 52.9%),
In this study, the CTX-M gene was mainly present in 36 other strains have the qnrS1 to qnrS6 gene
E. coli MDR strains with a carriage rate of 72.1%. (52.9%) and 2 isolates carry the gene qnrA1 to A6
Then come in second and third position the TEM (2.9%). A predominance of qnrB and qnrS type
and SHV genes with 54.4% and 16.2% respectively. genes was observed. However, no qnrA gene was
detected by Abbasi and Ranjbar. (2018) in Iran.
Indeed, as our study shows, other work had shown
that the CTX-M gene was the most widespread and The qnrs gene carriage obtained in this study is
dominant gene throughout the world. The latter had slightly higher than that in Nigeria (11%) Onanuga
been reported in Iran (88%) (Pourakbari et al., et al., (2019) and Niger (7%) Aïssatou et al., (2017),
2019); in Brazil (90.32%) (Dexheimer et al., 2015) respectively for qnrA and qnrB. On the other hand,
and in France (96.4%) (Holstein et al., 2010). the qnrS carriage rate (82%) found by Aïssatou et
Studies carried out in Senegal by Diagne et al., al., (2017) is superior to ours. Furthermore, the
(2018) on 32 strains of E. coli producing ESBL had coexistence of two qnrs genes was detected in this
shown that 90.62% of the strains had the CTX-M study with a prevalence of 75.6% (31/41) of qnrB1
gene, followed respectively by the TEM (28%) and to B6 + qnrS1 to S6 and 2.4% (1/41) of qnrA1 to A6
SHV (3.12%) genes. Similar results were observed + qnrB1 to B6genes. The concurrent presence of
in India (CTX-M: 87.5%, TEM: 68.4% and SHV: three (3) qnrS genes in one isolate was not detected
3.1%) (Nisha et al., 2017) and Brazil (CTX-M: 90, in this study.
32%, TEM: 70.96% and SHV: 56.45%) (Dexheimer
et al., 2015). In Chad, Ouchar et al., (2019) obtained The present study results showed that 36 (87.8%) of
97% of the genes from CTX-M. the strains harboring the qnrS genes were resistant to

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2023) 12(02): 214-231

at least one antibiotic belonging to the quinolone resistant bacteria in bacteriology laboratories and
and fluoroquinolone family such as nalidixic acid care units and better management of antibiotic
(NA), ciprofloxacin (CIP) and norfloxacin (NOR), consumption are necessary to prevent, monitor,
of which 24 (58.5%) presented the ESBL phenotype. reduce and control transmission and promote
A correlation was observed between the presence of success in the treatment of these bacterial infections.
qnr genes and the resistance to quinolones of E. coli
MDR isolated (P <0.05). These results are similar to Conflict of interest
those observed by Onanuga et al., (2019) and
Ogbolu et al., (2011) in Nigeria and Namboodiri et We declare that there is no conflict of interest.
al., (2011) in Ghana. These different results clearly
explain that the accumulation of mutations within Acknowledgments
the genes coding for the DNA gyrase and
topoisomerase IV enzymes (the main targets of these We would like to thank the Laboratory of the
antibiotics) remains the main mechanism for the UHCof N'Djamena (Chad), the Laboratory of
acquisition of resistance to fluoroquinolones in E. Molecular Biology, Epidemiology and Surveillance
coli. (Muylaert and Mainil, 2013; Drlica and of Bacteria and Viruses Transmitted by Water and
Hooper, 2003). Food,JosephkiZERBO University, Ouagadougou
(Burkina Faso), the Laboratory of Biochemistry,
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to determine a clinical level of resistance to (L2BCM), University of N'Djamena (Chad), Adam
quinolones because wild E. coli are very sensitive to Barka University of Abéché (Chad) and the
these molecules (Hooper, 1999). The acquisition of University of N'Djamena (Chad).
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How to cite this article:

Abba Hamadou, BA Ban-bo, kuan A Traoré, Jean BienvenueOuoba, G Kadidja, Marguerite Edith M.
Nikiema, Evariste Bako, SCBouda, SAM Mahamat, N Bessimbaye and Nicolas Barro. 2023.
Characterization of Quinolone Resistance and ESBLs Genes Produced by Escherichia coli Isolated at the
UHC-the National Reference in N'Djamena-Chad. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 12(02): 214-231.


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