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MÔN: TIẾNG ANH LỚP 10 – Năm học: 2023-2024

Find the word which has a different sound in the part
1. A. equal B. female C. enroll D. educate
2. A. report B. perform C. according D. word
3. A. women B. college C. opportunity D. job
4. A. girls B. works C. degrees D. opportunities
5. A. eliminated B. forced C. worked D. missed

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from

the others.
6. A. ‘suitable B. ‘physical C.
fan’tastic D. ‘popular
7. A. ‘organize B. ‘educate C.
‘isolate D. a’bandon
8. A. ‘favourable B. mi’nority C. his’torical D.
9. A. capa’bility B. disa’bility C. possi’bility D.
10. A. possi’bility B. proba’bility C. ‘characteristic
D. perso’nality


Choose the best option A, B, C or D.
11. True gender equality ________ when both men and women
reach a balance between work and family.
A. can achieve B. should be achieved C. can be
achieved D. should achieve

12. That coach ________ four languages: Portugese, Spanish,

English, and French.
A. can speak B. is can be speak C. can be
speak D. can be spoken

13. This test ________ the students in one hour.

A. must complete by B. is must be
C. must complete D. must be
completed by

14. Chocolates and flowers are by far _______ presents for

mothers on Mother's Day in the UK.
A. more popular B. the more popular C. less
popular D. the most popular

15. Chuseok is one of _______ celebrations in the Korean

calendar when Koreans give thanks to nature.
A. the most important B. the more important
C. the less important D. more important

16. The more polite you appear to be, _______ your partner will
A. the happiest B. the happier
C. the most happily D. the more happily

17. Of the two bridesmaids, Lisa turned out to be _______.

A. the most charming B. the least charming
C. more charming D. the more charming

18. The Korean are _______ than the American in addressing

their bosses.
A. more formal B. formal C. most
formal D. the most formal

19. There are _______ occasions for giving gifts in modern

societies than before.
A. less B. more C. the least
D. the most

20. June has become _______ month for weddings in many

countries when the symbolic flowers, roses, usually bloom.
A. more popular B. less popular C. the most
popular D. the least popular

21. Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively

_______ these discussions.
A. on B. at C. of D. in

22. We are aiming _______ bettering economic conditions.

A. to Vo B. at + VING C.
on D. for

23. The government must commit itself _______

improving healthcare.
A. on B. at C. of D. to

24. Some people aren’t fully aware ______ gender

discrimination in society.
A. on B. at C. of D.

25. My dream is to become an airline pilot. That’s why I’m

focusing ______ maths and physics, and exercising more to
improve my fitness.
A. on B. at C. of D. to

26. They want to _______ their own import-export business.

A. set off B. set out C. set up THÀNH
LẬP D. set off

27. The programme gives children with disabilities a chance to

_______ and benefit from a quality education.
A. get used to B. get on with
C. get acquaited with D. get access to: TIẾP CẬN

28. We must ______ to deal with the problem before

it spreads to other areas.
A. take after : CHĂM SÓC B. take action
C. take responsibility: CHNU TRÁCH NHIỆM
D. take off: THÁO/ CỞI BỎ/ CẤT CÂNHS

29. The government is committed to achieving ____ADJ___

rights for women.
A. equal B. equally C. equality D.

30. After carrying out economic renovations, Viet Nam achieved

remarkable economic __N_____.
A. grow B. grown C. growth= N D.

31. Foreign _______ have shown considerable interest in the

A. invest B. investors C. investment
D. investible

32. Viet Nam has become a more active _______ in

the international community.
A. participant: NGƯỜI THAM GIA
B. participation SỰ THAM GIA C. participate
D. participants

33. Economists from ______ World Bank have welcomed the

decision to lower interest rates in Viet Nam.
A. an B. the C. a D. ᴓ

34. All over the world ______ women are demanding equal
opportunities in education and work.
A. an B. the C. a D. ᴓ
35. International Women’s Day is ______ occasion to make
more progressive towards achieving gender equality.
A. an B. the C. a D. ᴓ

36. UNICEF helps ______ disadvantaged teenagers continue

their education.
A. an B. the C. a D. ᴓ

37. The United Nations (UN) _______ in 1945. It is an

organisation of most of the world’s countries.
A. created B. has created C. was created/
formed/ set up/ established D. has been created

39. Viet Nam became a WTO member in 2007. Since then, our
economy ____HTHT___ a high growth level.
A. has achieved B. achieved C. has been
achieved D. was achieved

40. The international market _______ as competitive as it is

A. wasn’t B. isn’t C. didn’t D.
hasn’t been

The WTO was formed in 1995. It is (41)….. world’s largest

international economic organisation. Viet Nam became a WTO
member in 2007. Since then, our (42)…N.. has achieved a high
growth level. Viet Nam has also become more attractive (43)…..
foreign investors.

41. A. the B. a C. an D.

42. A. economic B. economics C.
economy D. economical
43. A. of B. to C. for D.

BUGHENDERA, Uganda — In this East African country, many

young women’s dreams of earning a university degree and
pursuing (44)….. career are being shattered because they can’t
access the contraceptives they need to avoid getting pregnant
before they are ready (45)….. that major life challenge. They are
also dying at high rates while pregnant or from giving birth,
especially in rural areas. The situation is emblematic of a broader
problem affecting the futures of young women globally,
especially in (46)…ADJ.. countries.

44. A. the B. a C. an D.

45. A. of B. to C. for D.
46. A. developed B. development C.
develop D. developing

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct arrangment of the sentences to make a
meaningful paragraph/ letter in each of the following

47. 5. a. In conclusion, we can improve the environment in

our school in many ways and even small actions can make a big
3. b. Second, we ought to set up more rubbish bins.
1.c. There are three things we can do to improve the
environment in our school.
4. d. In addition, we should plant more trees.
2. e. First, we should clean up all areas regularly.

A. a-c-b-d-e B. b-d-e-c-a C. c-e-b-d-a D.


48. 6-a. Please let me know if you can come.

3-b. First, we’re going to play in a pool and play paintballing
in the garden.
1-c. Hi Linda,
5- d. After that, we’re going to enjoy the birthday cake and
2- f. I’m having a birthday party at my house. It’s on next
Saturday and starts at 6 p.m.
4- e. Then in the evening, we’re having BBQ with loads of

A. a- c- b- d- f- e B. c-f-b- e-d-a C. b-d-e-c-a-

f D. c-b-f-e-d-a

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to choose

the word or phrase that best fits each other numbered
Your smartphone probably rests right next to you, or even under
your pillow every night when you go to sleep
(49)..................................., texts and emails at a moment’s notice.
However, what may seem like a harmless habit to you – jumping
into bed and opening up your phone – can actually
(50)...............VO................your overall health.
First of all, checking your phone stimulates the brain and
(51).........Vs.............. This, of course, does not encourage sleep,
which is supposed to happen when you are in a relaxed state.
Additionally, studies have found that exposure to the blue light
that your smartphone screen emits can lead to reduced levels of a
hormone called melatonin. Melatonin is
(52).....ADJ.................your sleep-wake cycle, so when
(53).................. runs low on it, you can experience insomnia,
tiredness during the day, and (54).........................
49. A. to answer calls you’re able so B. so
you’re able to answer calls
C. you’re able to answer so calls D. so you’re to
answer able calls

50. A. have an impact on big B. impact have a

big on
C. a big impact have on D. have a big impact

51. A. making us stay active and awake B. makes us

stay active and awake
C. made us stay active and awake D. makes us to
stay active and awake

52. A. responsible for control B. responsible for

C. responsibility for controlling D. response to

53. A. its body B. their body C. your

body D. his body

54. A. other sleep-related health issues B. another

health issues sleep-related
C. others sleep-related health issues D. other issues
sleep-related health

Choose the correct arrangement of sentences to make a

meaningful paragraph / letter.
55. a. There will be a question-and- answer session with this
year's candidates before voting begins.
b. During this meeting we plan to hold an election for the
next LBA president, who will serve for the coming year.
c. Dear Ms. LeChevre,
We would like to invite you to participate in our
upcoming meeting, to be held on Wednesday, November
17 at 6:00 p.m. at the Hilton Suites.
d. Make sure to review these profiles prior to the meeting.
e. Past presidents will be present to explain the importance
of the position and to help facilitate the voting process.
f. This year we have four members interested in running for
this position; please note that their professional profiles are
A. c -b -d- e- f- a B. c – b - e – f- d – a
C. c – a – e – f – d – b D. c – f – d – e – a

56. a. Besides, the city infrastructure which includes sensors

and cameras collects information about people and their
activities, and uses it to provide faster, cheaper, and better
b. If you live in a smart city, you will probably agree with
me that life is not all good as some people may think.
c. The good thing about smart cities is that they are very
d. So what are the pros and cons of living in a smart city?
e. Smart technologies make people’s lives easier by reducing
household chores.
A. a – e – c – b – d B. b – a – c – d – e
C. d – b – c – a – e D. b – d – c – e – a

57. a. While some people believe that such events occur

naturally, I entirely disagree with this conviction.
b. However, this is currently not the primary factor in the
disappearance of most species.
c. For instance, unfiltered industrial gas released from
factories brings about acid rains in the surrounding areas,
destroying forests and polluting water sources, which in turn
devastates the homes of wildlife.
d. On the one hand, it is true that several ancient species,
such as dinosaurs, were exterminated due to unavoidable
apocalyptic events like asteroid collision and vast volcanic
e. Instead, animals are on the verge of extinction because of
negligent human activities in their natural habitat.
f. Whether or not humans should intervene in the potential
extinction of certain species is still up for debate.
A. e-f-b-a-c-d B. c-e-d-f-a-b C. f-a-d-b-c-e
D. f-b-a-d-c-e

57. a. Dear Sirs,

Four months ago, I signed up for a premium
membership at Fitness First at a monthly fee of $55.
b.The locker rooms and swimming pools are poorly
maintained and extremely dirty.
c. Since I joined, I have been extremely disappointed in the
Fitness First's facilities and staff.
d. When I signed up, I was told that I was free to cancel my
membership at any time, for any reason, with no extra
e. The Jacuzzi has been out of order for more than a month
and repairs on it have not even begun.
A. a- e- d- b- c B. a- d- c- b- e
C. a- d- b- e- c D. a- c- d- b- e

58. a. We discuss the questions and guess the answers. It's

great fun every time we get a correct answer.
b. Dinners are important for us since we share our daily
experiences and talk about the latest news.
c. First, my family always have dinner together.
d. Second, we watch our favourite game show on TV
together every Friday evening.
e. Hi Dong,
How are you getting on? In your last email you asked me
about my family routines.
f. Well, we have quite a few routines to help us learn life
skills and build family bonds, but I’ll tell you about the main
A. e – c – b- a – d – f B. e – f – c – d – b- a
C. e – c – f – a – b – d D. e – f – c – b – d – a

59. a.Welcome to our club meeting. As you know, we are

organising a Go Green Weekend event next Sunday.
b. The Clean-up Team will be responsible for cleaning the
central park in our town.
c. The Donation Team will collect used items from local
d. Then they will have to sort and put them into the correct
e. Before presenting the event schedule, let me briefly tell
you about the teams and activities.
f. They will pick up rubbish, bottles, plastic bags, anything
that's lying around.
A. f – c – b – a -d – e B. a – b – f – c – d- e
C. a – e – b – f – c – d D. e – c- d – b – f – a

60. a. Thereby, we can make the waste collection easier.

b. Second, we ought to set up more rubbish bins.
c. There are three things we can do to improve the
environment in our school. First, we should clean up all areas
d. By doing this, we can keep our environment clean,
beautiful, and safe for everyone.
e. For example, we can organise clean-up activities at
f. For instance, we can put more rubbish bins in the school
gate, in front of each building, or in the playground
A. c – f – d – b – a – e B. c – e – f – b- d – a
C. c – e – d – b – f – a D. c – d – e – b – a – f

61. a. So what time shall I come to your place?

b. Hi Mai,
Thanks for your message and for inviting me to your
house for lunch.
c. Do you want me to bring anything else? Just let me know
d. I'm free on Sunday and will be happy to visit you.
e. I'll definitely bring some fresh mangos from our garden.
f. See you soon,
A. b – d – e – c – a – f B. b – d – a – e – c – f
C. b – a – d – e – c – f D. b – c – e – a – d - f

Read the passage and choose the best option for each
numbered blank.
61. Most people think that housework is boring and is the
responsibility of wives and mothers only. Many parents don't ask
their children to do housework so that they have more time to
play or study. (1) ________, studies show doing chores is good
for children.
Kids who do housework develop important life skills that they
will need for the rest of their lives. Doing the laundry, cleaning
the house, (2) __VING______ are among the important skills
that children will need when they start their own families. These
are the things that schools cannot fully teach, (3) ________.
Sharing housework also helps young people learn (4) _____TO
V___. They know that they have to try to finish their tasks even
though they do not enjoy doing them. (5) ________. When doing
housework, they learn to appreciate all the hard work their
parents do around the house for them. In addition, doing chores
together helps strengthen family bonds, creating special
moments between children and parents. It makes children feel
they are members of a team.
All in all, doing housework can bring a lot of benefits to
children. It teaches them life skills and helps build their
character. Therefore, parents should encourage their kids to share
the housework (6) ________ as well as the good of the whole
(1) A. Thereforce B. So C. However D.
(2) A. and studying hard B. and water the
C. and taking care of others D. and take responsibility
(3) A. because it's important for children to learn foreign
B. so it's important for children to learn them at home
C. although children don’t want to do
D. that’s why their parents are not happy.
(4) A. to take responsibility B. doing necessary skills
C. sharing chores with others D. to do homework
(5) A. Which helps children develop their abilities and skills
B. Helping children develop well
C. It makes children understand more about life.
D. Doing chores also helps develop children's gratitude to
their parents
(6) A. for their own good B. for them to learn better
C. to be kind D. to grow quickly

62. Life expectancy has generally increased over the past few
decades, and some people enjoy a longer and healthier life than
others. One possible explanation is that they have healthy
lifestyle habits. (1) ________?
Start by looking at food labels, (2) ________ to ingredients and
nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Avoid having food with
too much salt or sugar, (3) ________. Furthermore, add more
fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, and remember to eat a
big breakfast and a small dinner.
If you have not been very active, start exercising slowly, (4)
________. To begin with, choose the (5) ______ that is suitable
for you. Then, start slowly, for example, by doing exercise for
only 5 to 10 minutes a day. When your body is ready for more
exercise, (6) ________. Finally, exercise regularly to always
keep your body fit and your mind happy.
(1) A. So why can you develop these habits
B. So why do some people enjoy a longer and healthier life
than others
C. So how has the life expectancy increased
D. So how can you develop these habits
(2) A. pay attention B. to pay attention C. pay an
attention D. paying attention
(3) A. such as fast food B. drinking coffee
C. such as vegetables D. and drinking a lot of water

(4) A. however B. usually

C. but regularly D. indeed

(5) A. type of exercise B. type of food

C. type of equipment D. type of vitamine

(6) A. you can sleep better B. you can work out longer
C. you can run faster D. you can eat more

63. More and more people adopt a (1) ______. It is a choice we

make to change to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle.
There are many things you can do (2) ______. Here are some of
Turning off your appliances when they are not in use
This is one of the easiest ways to save energy and reduce your
carbon footprint. It also helps reduce energy bills (3) ______ .
Buying products that are grown using more natural organic
This helps reduce the use of harmful chemicals in food. Organic
food is better for us because it is safer and healthier. (4) ______.
Cutting down on plastic use
This really helps the environment because it takes many years
for plastic waste to break down into small pieces. (5) ______,
and your own refillable bottle instead of buying bottled water.
Recycling as much as possible
This prevents pollution (6) ______ and protects natural resources
such as water and trees. So don't throw away your used
household items, but sort and recycle them.
1. A. green lifestyle B. healthy lifestyle
C. active lifestyle D. independent lifestyle
2. A. and becoming healthier B. and became
C. to become an eco-friendly person D. to become
an independent person

3. A. and prevent any dangerous situations such as a fire or an

B. to encourage people to use energy
C. that people don’t want to pay for
D. which may make people worry about

4. A. Which is good for your health B. It’s also

more expensive
C. We should plant more organic vegetables D. It
also tastes better

5. A. Bringing a non-plastic bag when you go to the cinema

B. To make a reusable bag when you go to the market
C. Bring a reusable bag when you go shopping
D. Remember bringing a reusable bag when you go shopping

6. A. because it reduces the need to collect new raw materials

B. although it helps protect the environment
C. so it is easy to reduce carbon footprint
D. as many people can recycle

64. I joined the Volunteer Club when I started secondary school.

The club was formed fifteen years ago, shortly after the school
was set up. (1) ______, it has organised various volunteering
activities for all students to participate.
One of the most popular activities of our club is selling
handmade items to raise money for the local orphanage (2)
______. Last year, we also raised over one hundred million VND
to help people in flooded areas. The money (3) ______ to buy
warm clothes, blankets, food, and clean water.
Our club welcomes different types of donations: clothes, picture
books, unused notebooks, and other unwanted items. At the end
of each month, we take the donations to the community centre.
Our club also organises afterschool games for the children at the
orphanage and concerts for the old people at the centre. (4)
______, it offers other volunteering activities, such as helping at
a food bank or (5) ______. Volunteering has helped me gain life
experiences and find my sense of purpose in life. (6) ______ .
What is more, these activities provide opportunities for me to
meet other teenagers with similar interests and help me build
essential life skills.
1. A. However B. Since then
C. Therefore D. Moreover

2. A. who doesn’t have a house B. which is organizing a

welcome party
C. and homeless old people D. so they can go to school

3. A. was made B. were given

C. were raised D. was used

4. A. On the other hand B. Instead C.

Meanwhile D. In addition

5. A. give free meals to homeless people B. to offer them

some opportunities to get a jo
C. delivering free meals to poor families D. making with
new friends

6. A. When I see suffering and hardships, I feel thankful for what

I have
B. When young people do volunteer work
C. That makes me feel unhappy
D. If you take part in these activities

1. Write a paragraph ( 120-150 words) about the firefighter’s
job. Use these guiding questions to help you.
- Is the job traditionally done by men or women?
- What are the main responsibilities of the job?
- What qualities do people need for the job?
- Can both men and women do it? Give reasons.

The firefighter’s job is traditionally most common for men/
done by men. Firefighter’s main responsibilities are that they
have to take part in putting out the fire immediately. They
must also evacuate the residents from the areas on fire and
rescue them and their possessions from death. Besides
knowledge and methods of fire prevention and
extinguishment, firefighters need both physical and mental
strength to implement all the challenging and dangerous

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