Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control Levels 1 and 2

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Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control

Levels 1 and 2
C-310-5 Level 1 12 x 5 mL Level 1 89721
C-315-5 Level 2 12 x 5 mL 0459 2025-07-31 89720 Level 2 89722
313X MiniPak 2 x 5 mL


Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control is intended for use as an assayed quality 1. This product should not be used past the expiration date.
control serum to monitor the precision of laboratory testing procedures for the 2. If there is evidence of microbial contamination or excessive turbidity in the
analytes listed in this package insert. reconstituted product, discard the vial.
SUMMARY AND PRINCIPLE 3. This product is not intended for use as a standard.
The use of quality control materials is indicated as an objective assessment of WARNING
the precision of methods and techniques in use and is an integral part of good
laboratory practices. Multiple levels of control are available to allow monitoring Biological source material. Treat as potentially infectious.
of the test system’s reliability. Each human donor unit used to manufacture this product was tested as required
For customers in Germany: Quality control materials are required for assessment by FDA accepted methods. Tests results were non-reactive or negative for
of laboratory performance as described in the “Guideline for Quality Assurance evidence of infection due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B
of Medical Laboratory Examinations following the German Medical Association” Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). This product may also contain other
(Rili-BÄK regulation). human source materials for which there are no approved tests. In accordance
REAGENT with good laboratory practice, all human source material should be considered
This product is prepared from human serum with added chemicals, purified potentially infectious and handled with the same precautions used with
biochemical material (tissue extracts of human and animal origin), therapeutic patient specimens.
drugs, stabilizers and preservatives. This product is provided in lyophilized form Hazard (H) and Precautionary (P) Statements
for increased stability. EUH208 Contains Gentamicin, sulfate (salt) May produce an
STORAGE AND STABILITY allergic reaction.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) available for professional users on
This product will be stable until the expiration date when stored This product is a freeze-dried product manufactured under rigid quality control
unopened at 2 to 8°C. standards. To obtain consistent assay values, the control requires proper storage
Reconstituted and Refrigerated: After reconstituting and storing tightly capped and handling as described.
at 2 to 8°C, this product will be stable as follows: ASSIGNMENT OF VALUES
- All analytes: 7 days The mean values and corresponding ±3SD ranges in the Assignment of Values
Except: Data Charts (available separately) were derived from replicate analyses and are
- T3 (Free), Acid Phosphatase (Total) and Prostatic Acid Phosphatase specific for this lot of product. Data from Unity™ Interlaboratory Program are
(PAP): 3 days included in the determination of some ranges. The tests listed were performed
Reconstituted and Frozen: When reconstituted and stored tightly capped by the manufacturer and/or independent laboratories using manufacturer
at -10 to -20°C, this product will be stable as follows: supported reagents and a representative sampling of this lot of product. It is
- All analytes: 30 days recommended that each laboratory establish its own acceptable ranges and use
Except: those provided only as guides. Laboratory established ranges may vary from
- Tobramycin: 20 days those listed during the life of this control. [Customers in Germany have to follow
- T3 (Free): 10 days the requirements as described in the Rili-BÄK regulation.] Variations over time
Once thawed, do not refreeze this product. Discard the remaining material. and between laboratories may be caused by differences in laboratory technique,
This product is shipped under refrigerated conditions. instrumentation and reagents, or by manufacturer test method modifications.
This product should be treated the same as patient specimens and run in Unity™ Interlaboratory Program is a proprietary Bio-Rad software program
accordance with the instructions accompanying the instrument, kit, or reagent holding more than 2 billion QC data points from thousands of laboratories.
Using a volumetric pipet or equivalent, reconstitute each vial with 5.0 mL of The Data Charts are available through the Internet, at
distilled or deionized water. Replace the stopper and allow this product to stand Follow the directions at the website to receive
for approximately 20 minutes swirling occasionally. email notifications of insert updates. Alternate methods for receiving data charts
Before sampling, gently swirl the vial several times to ensure homogeneity. If are available by contacting your local Bio-Rad Laboratories Office.
performing trace metal analysis, do not mix by inversion. After each use, IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION
promptly replace the stopper and return to the appropriate storage condition.
Dispose of any discarded materials in accordance with the requirements of your Significant changes are highlighted!
local waste management authorities. In the event of damage to packaging,
contact the local Bio-Rad Laboratories Sales Office or Bio-Rad Laboratories
Technical Services.

Page 1 English • 2023-02 • 4030-00S

Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control, Levels 1 and 2
Acetaminophen CEA ◆ Immunoglobulin A (IgA) ◆ Sodium
Acid Phosphatase (Total) Ceruloplasmin ◆ Immunoglobulin G (IgG) ◆ T3 (Free) ◆
AFP ◆ Chloride Immunoglobulin M (IgM) ◆ T3 (Total)
Albumin Cholesterol (HDL) Iron T3 Uptake/T Uptake
Alkaline Phosphatase Cholesterol (LDL) Iron (TIBC) ◆ T4 (Free) ◆
Alpha 1-Antitrypsin ◆ Cholesterol (Total) Iron (UIBC) ◆ T4 (Total)
Alpha-HBDH ◆ ❑ Cholinesterase ◆ Lactate (Lactic Acid) Theophylline
ALT/SGPT Complement C3 ◆ Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Amylase Complement C4 ◆ ❑ LAP Arylamidase ◆ Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) ◆ ❍
Amylase (Alpha) ❍ Copper ◆ Lipase Tobramycin
Amylase (Pancreatic) Cortisol Lithium Transferrin ◆
Apolipoprotein A-I ◆ Creatine Kinase (CK) Magnesium Triglycerides
Apolipoprotein B ◆ Creatinine Osmolality ◆ Urea
AST/SGOT Digoxin Phenobarbital Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Bilirubin (Direct) Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) Phenytoin Uric Acid
Bilirubin (Indirect) Gentamicin Phosphorus Valproic Acid
Bilirubin (Total) Globulin ◆ Potassium Vancomycin
Calcium Glucose Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) ❍ Vitamin B12 ◆
Calcium (Ionized) ◆ Glutamate Dehydrogenase (GLDH) ◆ Protein Serum (Total) Zinc ◆
Carbamazepine Haptoglobin ◆ PSA (Total) ◆ ❍
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) hCG-Beta Subunit ◆ Salicylate

◆ Endogenous levels only.
❑ No claim is made for expected value or stability of this analyte.
❍ Values are not provided.


Reconstitute with

Page 2 English • 2023-02 • 4030-00S

Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control, Levels 1 and 2

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Lyphochek Assayed Chemistry Control, Levels 1 and 2

Level 1 - 89721 Level 2 - 89722
Units Mean Range Mean Range
Albumin (India Market Only) g/dL 4.04 3.44 – 4.64 2.62 2.23 – 3.01
Alkaline Phosphatase (India Market Only) (2) U/L 142 115 – 169 606 486 – 726
ALT/SGPT (Modified IFCC) (India Market Only) (2) U/L 25.2 20.1 – 30.3 99.2 79.4 – 119
Amylase (2) U/L 54.1 43.3 – 64.9 387 309 – 465
AST/SGOT (Modified IFCC) (India Market Only) (2) U/L 43.9 35.2 – 52.6 209 167 – 251
Bilirubin (Direct) mg/dL 0.420 0.300 – 0.540 1.18 0.880 – 1.48
Bilirubin (Direct) (DCA) mg/dL 0.430 0.310 – 0.550 1.55 1.16 – 1.94
Bilirubin (Total) mg/dL 1.07 0.800 – 1.34 4.61 3.47 – 5.75
Bilirubin (Total) (DCA) mg/dL 1.05 0.780 – 1.32 4.48 3.37 – 5.59
Calcium (India Market Only) mg/dL 11.2 9.40 – 13.0 13.3 11.2 – 15.4
Chloride mEq/L 101 91.0 – 111 87.3 78.6 – 96.0
Cholesterol (HDL) (7) mg/dL 72.7 58.3 – 87.1 25.7 20.6 – 30.8
Cholesterol (LDL) mg/dL 132 105 – 159 66.4 53.2 – 79.6
Cholesterol (Total) mg/dL 255 216 – 294 109 94.0 – 124
Creatine Kinase (CK) (2) U/L 149 119 – 179 513 411 – 615
Creatinine (Alkaline picrate method) mg/dL 2.55 2.04 – 3.06 5.85 4.68 – 7.02
Creatinine (Enzymatic) (India Market Only) mg/dL 1.72 1.39 – 2.05 5.55 4.44 – 6.66
Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) (2) U/L 60.3 48.3 – 72.3 179 143 – 215
Glucose mg/dL 91.3 77.5 – 105 303 258 – 348
Glucose (Hexokinase) (India Market Only) mg/dL 90.9 77.4 – 104 299 254 – 344
Iron µg/dL 230 185 – 275 65.0 52.1 – 77.9
Iron (UIBC) µg/dL 109 88.0 – 130 132 105 – 159
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) (2) U/L 340 271 – 409 901 721 – 1081
Lipase (2) U/L 54.9 43.8 – 66.0 72.6 58.2 – 87.0
Magnesium mg/dL 1.95 1.65 – 2.25 4.73 4.01 – 5.45
Phosphorus (India Market Only) mg/dL 4.30 3.64 – 4.96 7.48 6.37 – 8.59
Potassium mEq/L 3.78 3.39 – 4.17 5.92 5.32 – 6.52
Protein Serum (Total) (India Market Only) g/dL 6.97 5.92 – 8.02 4.69 4.00 – 5.38
Sodium mEq/L 148 133 – 162 128 115 – 141
Triglycerides (India Market Only) mg/dL 209 179 – 239 90.4 76.9 – 104
Urea (4) mg/dL 35.8 30.4 – 41.2 104 89.0 – 119
Uric Acid mg/dL 5.34 4.53 – 6.15 10.6 9.10 – 12.1
Uric Acid (Single Reagent) mg/dL 6.51 5.52 – 7.50 9.92 8.42 – 11.4

(1) All footnotes may not apply to your custom selected data chart.
(2) Values were obtained at 37°C.
(3) The mean value is calculated from data generated by instruments using this method.
(4) mg/dL Urea Nitrogen x 2.14 = mg/dL Urea. S.I. Units value range is expressed as Urea.
(5) The assigned values were determined using the reagent and/or instrument manufacturer’s protocol and may not represent ±3SD ranges.
(6) This product has been tested using the methodologies listed in the package insert. The performance of this product has not been evaluated for use with
capillary electrophoresis methods.
(7) Direct methods only.
(8) % Total Protein
Data is not available at this time. Please inquire.
§ The data required to establish the means and acceptable ranges for this assay were not obtained due to limited assignment participation. If your facility is
interested in participating in the Value Assignment Program for this assay, please contact your local Bio-Rad office.

Lyphochek is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories in certain jurisdictions. Page 3 English • 2023-02 • 4030-00S

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