BX2750D Owners Manual

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FOR BX SERIES, B7300, B7400HSD, B7500DT/HSD,
B7510DT/HSD, B7610HSD, B2410, B2320, B2620

OM 0287SB-A MANUAL PART NUMBER 77700-00663

INTRODUCTION – TO THE PURCHASER ..........................................................................................3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .....................................................................................................................4
Before Operation..........................................................................................................................4
Subframe & Snowblower ..............................................................................................................5
Before Operation ...........................................................................................................5
Subframe & Snowblower Operation ...............................................................................6
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................8
DECALS ...............................................................................................................................................9

ASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................................................11
Snowblower Assembly...............................................................................................................11
Chute Installation ......................................................................................................11
Manual Rotation Installation.......................................................................................12
Manual Rotation Installation on BX1850, BX2350, BX2660 and BX24 Tractors .........13
Manual Rotation Installation on B2320, B2620 & B2920 Tractors ..............................14
Attaching Snowblower to theTractor ..........................................................................15
Removing Snowblower from the Tractor ....................................................................15

OPERATION ......................................................................................................................................16
General Preparation...................................................................................................................16
Operating Controls ....................................................................................................................16
Engine Speed.............................................................................................................16
Up and Down Control .................................................................................................16
Increasing Traction and Stability ................................................................................16
Engaging the Drive Mechanism .................................................................................16
Deflector Adjustment .................................................................................................17
Skid Shoe Adjustment ...............................................................................................17
Snow Removal Methods ...........................................................................................................18

Maintenance .............................................................................................................................19
Gearbox and Reduction Box ......................................................................................19
Shear Bolts.................................................................................................................19
Auger Repositioning ...................................................................................................20
Drive Chain Tension Adjustment ................................................................................20
Lubrication ................................................................................................................................20

OM 0287SB-A 1
Introduction ..............................................................................................................................21
Snowblower Assembly – BX2750D ...........................................................................................22
Chute with Deflector ...................................................................................................................23
Manual Chute Rotation ..............................................................................................................25
Worm Gearbox Assembly ..........................................................................................................26
Reduction Box Assembly ..........................................................................................................27
Driveline Female Half (70060-03224).........................................................................................28

AVAILABLE OPTIONS .......................................................................................................................29

AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................30

TORQUE SPECIFICATION TABLE ...................................................................................................31

OM 0287SB-A 2
All products are designed to give safe, Illustrations
dependable service if they are operated and
The illustrations may not necessarily reproduce
maintained according to instructions. Read
the full detail and the exact shape of the parts
and understand this manual before
or depict the actual models, but are intended
for reference only.
Direction Reference
This manual has been prepared to assist the
owner and operators in the safe operation and All references to right and left, forward or
suitable maintenance of the snowblower. The rearward, are from the operator's seat, facing
information is applicable to products at the time the steering wheel.
of manufacture and does not include
modifications made afterwards.

Read and understand this operator's manual

before attempting to put snowblower into
service. Familiarize yourself with the operating
instructions and all the safety
recommendations contained in this manual and
those labeled on the snowblower and on the
tractor. Follow the safety recommendations
and make sure that those with whom you work
follow them.

To assist your dealer in handling your needs, please record hereafter the model number and serial
number of your snowblower and tractor. It is also advisable to supply them to your insurance
company. It will be helpful in the event that snowblower or tractor is lost or stolen.






OM 0287SB-A 3

This symbol, the industry's "Safety Alert Symbol", is used throughout this manual and on
labels on the machine itself to warn of the possibility of personal injury. Read these
instructions carefully. It is essential that you read the instructions and safety regulations
before you attempt to assemble or use this snowblower.

DANGER : Indicates an immediate hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will

result in death or serious injury.

WARNING : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could

result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may

result in minor or moderate injury.

IMPORTANT : Indicates that snowblower or property damage could result if instructions

are not followed.

NOTE : Gives helpful information.

All products are designed to give safe, dependable service if they are operated and maintained
according to instructions. Read and understand this manual before operation. It is the owner's
responsibility to be certain anyone operating this product reads this manual, and all other applicable
manuals, to become familiar with this snowblower and all safety precautions. Failure to do so could
result in serious personal injury or snowblower damage. If you have any questions, consult your

Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not 4. Never carry children while operating the
alert to the presence of children. Children are machine. They may fall off and be seriously
generally attracted to machines and the work injured or interfere with the safe operation of
being done. Never assume children will remain the machine.
where you last saw them. 5. Never allow children to play on the machine or
1. Keep children out of the operating area and snowblower even when they are turned off.
under the watchful eye of another responsible 6. Never allow children to operate the machine
adult. even under adult supervision.
2. Be alert and turn machine off if children enter 7. Use extra care when approaching blind
the work area. corners, shrubs, trees, or other obstructions
3. Before and when backing, look behind for that might hide children from sight.
small children.

OM 0287SB-A 4
A safe operator is the best assurance against accidents. All operators, no matter how experienced
they may be, should read this operator's manual and all other related manuals before attempting to
operate the snowblower. Please read the following section and pay particular attention to all safety
recommendations contained in this manual and those labeled on the snowblower and on the tractor.


Before Operation
1. Read and understand both the tractor and 6. Never attempt to make any adjustments
this operator's manual before operating the while engine is running. Read this manual
equipment. Know how to operate all carefully to acquaint yourself with the
controls and how to stop the unit and snowblower as well as the tractor
disengage the controls quickly. Lack of operator's manual. Working with unfamiliar
knowledge could lead to accidents. snowblower can lead to accidents. Be
thoroughly familiar with the controls and
2. Never wear loose, torn, or bulky clothing
proper use of the snowblower.
around the tractor, the subframe and the
snowblower. It may catch on moving parts 7. Keep all safety guards in place and verify
or controls, causing injury. hardware for proper tightening.
3. Before and during seasons, thoroughly 8. Check for moving parts excessive wear
inspect the area where the snowblower is regularly. Replace worn parts with genuine
to be used and remove all objects that may parts.
be thrown or cause damage to the
9. Replace all missing, illegible, or damaged
safety and warning decals. See list of
4. Set transmission to neutral and disengage decals in operator's manual.
clutch, if equipped, before starting the
10. Keep safety decals clean of dirt and grime.
11. Do not modify or alter this snowblower or
5. Do not operate snowblower in wintertime
any of its components, or any snowblower
without wearing adequate winter garments.
function without first consulting your dealer.
Always wear protective clothing.
12. Make sure the tractor is counterweighted
as recommended by your dealer. Weights
provide the necessary balance to improve
stability, traction and steering.

OM 0287SB-A 5
Subframe & Snowblower Operation
1. Before leaving the tractor/snowblower 10. If the snowblower starts to vibrate
unattended, take all possible precautions. abnormally, disengage the PTO, stop the
Park the tractor/snowblower on level ground, engine immediately and check for cause.
place the transmission in neutral, set the Excessive vibration is generally a sign of
parking brake, disengage the PTO, lower the trouble.
snowblower to the ground, place all levers
11. Do not run the engine indoors except when
including auxiliary control levers in neutral,
starting engine and transporting attachment
shut off the engine and remove the ignition
in or out of building. Carbon monoxide gas is
colorless, odorless and deadly.
2. Before starting the tractor/ snowblower,
12. Do not attempt to operate on steep slopes. If
remove the ice that might have accumulated
operating on slopes is necessary, exercise
on the auger/fan, inspect and clean every
extreme caution when changing direction.
rotating part.
13. Never operate snowblower without guards,
3. Prior to operation, clear work area of all
and other safety protective devices in place.
objects that can be picked up and thrown.
All tractor and snowblower shields and
Mark all curbs, pipes, etc. that cannot be
covers must be correctly installed at all times.
When necessary to remove these, they must
4. Be sure the PTO switch/lever is in be reinstalled immediately.
OFF/disengaged position before starting
14. Never operate snowblower near glass
enclosures, automobiles, window wells,
5. Exercise extreme caution when operating on embankments, etc., without proper
or crossing a gravel drive, walks, or roads. adjustment of snow discharge angle.
Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
15. Never operate machine at high transport
6. Do not carry passengers. speeds on a slippery surface.
7. Keep clear of all rotating parts. Do not put 16. Use extra caution when backing up.
hands or feet under, or into snowblower and
17. Disengage power to auger/fan when
subframe with engine running. Be especially
transporting or when not in use.
observant of the snowblower areas of
discharge, intake or all other mechanical 18. Never operate the snowblower without good
motions. visibility and lighting.
8. For your safety, do not work under any 19. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause
hydraulically supported machine elements impairment or loss of hearing. Wear a
that may creep down, suddenly drop or be suitable hearing protective device such as
accidentally lowered. earmuffs or earplugs to protect against
objectionable or uncomfortable noises.
9. Park the tractor/snowblower on level ground,
place the transmission in neutral, set the 20. Never allow anyone near the work area.
parking brake, disengage the PTO, lower the 21. Never allow anyone to operate the
snowblower to the ground, place all control snowblower until they have read the manual
levers in neutral, shut off the engine, remove completely and are thoroughly familiar with
the ignition key and allow the rotating parts to basic tractor and snowblower operation.
stop BEFORE unclogging the housing or the
chute and making any repairs, adjustments or
inspections. Use only a 36" long stick of wood
to unclog the snowblower.

OM 0287SB-A 6
22. Make sure the tractor is counterweighted as
recommended by your dealer. Weights
provide the necessary balance to improve
stability, traction and steering.
23. Always make sure all snowblower
components are properly installed and
securely fastened BEFORE operation.
24. Adjust housing height to clear gravel or
crushed rocks surface.
25. Keep away from chute discharge. This
chute has the capacity to throw debris at far
26. Never direct chute discharge towards
people or animals. A thrown debris can
cause serious injury.

OM 0287SB-A 7
ALWAYS USE GENUINE PARTS WHEN 8. The manufacturer will not claim
REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE REQUIRED responsibility for fitment of unapproved
parts and/or accessories and any
1. Keep the tractor and snowblower properly
damages as a result of their use.
9. Make sure all shields and guards are
2. Park the tractor/snowblower on level
securely in place following all service,
ground, place the transmission in neutral,
cleaning, or repair work.
set the parking brake, disengage the PTO,
10. Do not modify or alter this snowblower or
lower the snowblower to the ground, place
any of its components or operating
all control levers in neutral, shut off the
functions. If you have questions
engine and remove the ignition key and
concerning modifications, consult with
allow the rotating parts to stop BEFORE
your dealer.
making any snowblower adjustments.
11. Do not operate a snowblower that is
3. To avoid injury, do not adjust, unblock the
defective or has missing parts. Make sure
driving system, or service the snowblower
that all recommended maintenance
with the tractor engine running. Make sure
procedures are completed before
rotating components have completely
operating the snowblower.
stopped BEFORE leaving the operator’s
seat. 12. Check all controls regularly and adjust
where necessary. Make sure that the
4. Keep the tractor/snowblower clean. Snow ,
brakes are evenly adjusted.
dirt or ice build-up can lead to malfunction or
personal injury from thawing and refreezing 13. Periodically check all nuts and bolts for
in garage. tightness, especially wheel hub and rim
5. Always wear eye protection when cleaning
or servicing the snowblower or subframe. 14. To avoid serious personal injury:
Escaping hydraulic/diesel fluid under
6. DO NOT service the tractor while the engine
pressure can penetrate the skin causing
is running or hot, or if the unit is in motion.
serious injury. Do not use your hands to
Always lower snowblower to the ground. If
check for leaks. Use a piece of cardboard
necessary to service snowblower in raised
or paper to search for leaks. If you are
position, securely support with stands or
injured by escaping high pressure fluid,
suitable blocking before working
see a medical doctor at once.
underneath. Do not rely on hydraulically
supported devices for your safety. They can 15. Stop engine and relieve pressure before
settle suddenly, leak down, or be connecting or disconnecting hydraulic
accidentally lowered. hoses. Tighten all connections before
starting engine or pressurizing hoses.
7. Do not attempt to service machine, clear
obstructions or unclog the snowblower with
the engine running. Always shut off engine
and allow all motion to cease.

OM 0287SB-A 8
For KUBOTA US only
Replace immediately if damaged




(657762) 70060-02815


OM 0287SB-A 9
For KUBOTA Canada
Replace immediately if damaged

70060-01206 70060-03763 (660989)
(656779) (660988)
KUBOTA: 77700-00186
70060-02232 (2500643)


70060-01675 (656781)

OM 0287SB-A 10

The snowblower is pre-assembled at the factory; however, parts in the bag and box must be
assembled. Use the present manual and lay out all parts for assembly. Separate bolts and nuts into
various sizes. After assembly, torque all the bolts according to the "Torque Specification Table"
enclosed at the end of the manual.

Chute Installation
(Figure 1)
To install the chute, place the snowblower in its 3. Secure the chute with the three retaining
normal position. plates (item 4) using the six 1/4" NC x 3/4"
hex. bolts (item 5) and serrated flange nuts
1. Place the rotation bushing (item 1) over the
(item 6).
fan discharge, placing the marker (item 2) up
and to the left of the snowblower. 4. Tighten according to the "Torque
Specification Table " at the end of the
2. Place the chute (item 3) on the rotation
bushing (item 1) slipping the chute ring under
the retaining plate already installed (item A)
and lining up the notches with the rotation
worm already installed.

Figure 1

OM 0287SB-A 11
Manual Rotation Installation
(Figures 2a-2b)
(For all tractor models except the BX1850, BX2350, BX2660, BX24, B2320, B2620 & B2920.
See page 13 for BX1850, BX2350, BX2660 & BX24 and page 14 for B2320, B2620 & B2920)
1. Figure 2a: Insert plastic grommet (item 5) 4. Figure 2a: Install the plastic handle
in the upper hole of the handle support (item 8) on the rotation handle (item 3) and
(item 2). tighten all bolts.
2. Figure 2a or 2b: Attach handle support 5. Figure 2a: After completing section
(item 2) to the valve stay: "Attaching Snowblower to Tractor", insert
the rotation handle (item 3) in the handle
- Figure 2b: If the upper part of the valve
support (item 2) and the rotation tube
stay is bolted with M6 x 1.00 x 16mm lg
(item 1) and fasten with a 4mm x 80mm
bolts and the two 6mm lockwashers
hairpin (item 4).
(item 1), remove them and attach the
handle support (item 2) using the two M6 x
1.00 x 20mm lg hex. bolts, the 6mm
lockwashers previously removed and the
two Ø5/16" flat washers (items 3-4-5). Figure 2a
The two M6 x 1.00 x 16mm lg hex. bolts
will no longer be used.
- Figure 2b: In all other cases, attach the
handle support with the top 2 existing bolts
(item 1).
3. Figure 2a: Attach the rotation tube (item 1)
to the rotation worm shaft (item 6) by
inserting the yoke in the rotation worm hole
and securing in place with a capscrew 10-
24 NC x 1" (item 7) and a 10-24 NC nylon
insert locknut.

Figure 2b

OM 0287SB-A 12
Manual Rotation Installation
(Figures 3a-3b-3c)
(For tractor models BX1850, BX2350, BX2660 & BX24 only)
1. Figure 3a: Insert plastic grommet (item 5) in
the upper hole of the handle support
(item 2). Figure 3a
2. Figure 3b: As illustrated attach the rotation
handle support (item 2) to the tractor
hydraulic valve lever (item 1) with the two
1/4" NC x 1" lg bolts, the box clamp (item 4)
and the two 1/4" NC serrated flange nuts
(item 5).
NOTE: Figure 3c: The handle support (item 1)
must be positioned on the hydraulic valve lever
(item 2) as shown on figure.
3. Figure 3a: Attach the rotation tube (item 1)
to the rotation worm shaft (item 6) by
inserting the yoke in the rotation worm hole
and securing in place with a capscrew 10-
24 NC x 1" (item 7) and a 10-24 NC nylon
insert locknut.
4. Figure 3a: Install the plastic handle (item 8)
on the rotation handle (item 3) and tighten all
5. Figure 3a: After completing section
"Attaching Snowblower to Tractor", insert the
rotation handle (item 3) in the handle support
(fig.3a or 3b, item 2) and the rotation tube
(item 1) and fasten with a 4mm x 80mm
hairpin (item 4).

Figure 3b

Figure 3c

OM 0287SB-A 13
Manual Rotation Installation
(Figure 4a-4b)
(For tractor models B2320, B2620 & B2920 only)
1. Figure 4a: Insert the plastic grommet 5. Figure 4b: Tighten the two 10 mm bolts
(item 5) in the upper hole of the handle (item 2) while pulling slightly on the support
support (item 2). (item 5) to keep it well distanced from the
2. Figure 4b: Remove the two existing bolts hood.
from the hydraulic pipe support (item 4). 6. Figure 4a: Attach the rotation tube (item 1)
3. Figure 4b: Install the support bracket with to the rotation worm shaft (item 6) by
two 10 mm x 1.25 x 70 mm allen socket inserting the rotation yoke and secure in
head cap screw (item 2) and two 10 mm place with a 10-24 NC x 1" capscrew
lockwashers (item 3). Do not tighten (item 7) and a 10-24 NC nylon insert nut.
immediately. 7. Figure 4a: Install the plastic handle (item 8)
4. Figure 4b: Attach the handle support on the rotation handle (item 3) and tighten
(item 5) with two 3/8" NC x 1 1/4" hex. bolts all the bolts.
(item 6) and two 3/8" serrated flange nuts 8. Figure 4a: After completing the section
(item 7). Tighten these two bolts according "Attaching the Snowblower to the Tractor",
to the "Torque Specification Table" at the insert the rotation handle (item 3) in the
end of the handle support (item 2) and in the rotation
tube (item 1) and lock in place with a 4mm x
80mm hairpin (item 4).

Figure 4a

Figure 4b

OM 0287SB-A 14
Attaching Snowblower to Tractor
(Figure 4) WARNING:
1. Move quick hitch lever (item 9) rearward to To avoid serious personal injuries:
unlock position.
This shaft turns at very high RPM. If the
2. Install the male driveline (item 2), supplied collar is not locked to the shaft at tractor
with the drive kit, on snowblower female end, or if the yoke at the blower end is not
driveline (item 3) and support with the secured properly, the driveline can fly loose
driveline support (item 1). with great force capable of causing serious
injury or death.
3. Position tractor behind snowblower and
raise front male quick hitch to approx- 6. Adjust skid shoes according to adjustment
imately 3/4" from the ground. instructions in the next OPERATION
4. Introduce male quick hitch (item 4) into
female quick hitch (item 5) on blower.
Raise male section so that it is parallel to
Removing Snowblower from Tractor
female section and insert it all the way into (Figures 2a-3a-4a-5)
female section. Raise blower and move the 1. Park tractor/snowblower on level ground,
lever (item 9) forward to locked position. place all control levers in neutral, set the
Secure latch (item 7) with linch pin (item 6). parking brake, shut off the engine and
remove the ignition key.
5. Connect male driveline (item 2) to
subframe drive shaft (item 8) by sliding 2. Figures 2a-3a or 4a: Remove the rotation
back locking collar on driveline yoke and handle (item 3) from the handle support
pushing yoke over shaft until locking ring (item 2)
snaps back and push driveline support
3. Figure 5: Remove linchpin (item 6) from
down (item 1).
male hitch latch and place male hitch lever
(item 9) rearward to unlock position.
CAUTION: 4. Figure 5: Disconnect male driveline (item
To avoid serious personal injuries: 2) from subframe drive shaft (item 8). Set
Make sure that the driveline quick coupler driveline on its support (item 1) and
is securely locked in place. A "click" must remove snowblower.
be heard. If it is not securely fastened, it
will come off the spindle shaft and spin out
of control.
Figure 5

OM 0287SB-A 15
1. Read the operator's manual carefully before 5. Check the oil level in the reduction box and
using the tractor and snowblower. Be if necessary, add AGMA 5EP, SAE 80W90
thoroughly familiar with the controls and gear oil or equivalent.
proper use of the equipment. Know how to 6. Check the three shear bolts, one on each
stop the unit and disengage the controls auger section and one between the fan and
quickly. gearbox for proper tightness.
2. Wear adequate winter outer garments while 7. Adjust the skid shoes so the snowblower
operating the equipment. runs leveled.
3. Make sure the snowblower is clear of snow 8. Before engaging the snowblower drive,
and other material before engaging the always have the engine running at idle.
9. Operate the snowblower at maximum
4. Make sure the auger and fan operate freely. engine RPM.

Engine Speed
1. Start the tractor engine. Let the engine
warm up at least one minute before
WARNING To avoid serious
personal injury: Do not use your hands to
engaging the drive mechanism then
unclog the chute. Use a 36" (925mm) stick
increase speed gradually.
or board. Do not attempt to unclog the
2. Make sure the snowblower head is properly
chute while engine is running. If the chute
positioned and engage the drive
is clogged, shut off the tractor engine,
remove the key and clear the snow from
3. Adjust the ground speed according to
the chute.
conditions. For maximum power, run
engine at or near full throttle.
Increasing Traction and Stability
IMPORTANT : Use full RPM power when Make sure the tractor is counterweighted as
removing wet, sticky snow. Low RPM recommended by your dealer. Weights provide
power will tend to clog the chute. the necessary balance to improve stability,
traction and steering.
Up and Down Control
Refer to the tractor and/or subframe operator’s Engaging the Drive Mechanism
manual(s) for detailed hydraulic operation. Refer to the tractor's operating manual for

OM 0287SB-A 16

WARNING Skid Shoe Adjustment

(Figure 6)
To avoid serious personal injury:
Make sure tractor engine and snowblower Adjust the snowblower so that the skid shoes
come to a complete stop and tractor drive run level and according to the surface
mechanism is disengaged BEFORE making conditions so that stones are not thrown with
any adjustments. the snow.
Adjust both skid shoes to the same height to
Deflector Adjustment
keep the cutting edge level and adjust upwards
The deflector angle must be set according to for smooth surfaces.
the distance the snow must be thrown. To Loosen skid shoe bolts (item 2), adjust
adjust the angle:
according to instructions below and securely
• Turn the chute to the right as far as tighten bolts:
possible. Clearance between cutting edge and
• Loosen the two deflector knobs on the side surface (fig.6, position 1):
and adjust the deflector at the appropriate • Level paved surface : Adjust to 1/16" to 1/8"
• Uneven or gravel surface: Adjust to 1/2" to 5/8"
• Tighten the knobs.

Figure 6

OM 0287SB-A 17
When removing snow, do not use the snowblower as a dozer blade to push snow. Let the snowblower
work its way through deep drifts. If the speed of your tractor is too fast, the snowblower may become
overloaded and clog. For best results, raise the snowblower and remove a top layer of snow. A
second pass with the snowblower will remove the remaining snow.
IMPORTANT: Use full RPM power when removing wet, sticky snow. Low RPM power will tend to clog
the chute.

WARNING: Do not use hands or feet to unclog chute. Do not attempt to clear clogged
chute of snow while tractor engine is running. If the chute clogs, disengage the drive shaft,
shut off the tractor engine, remove the ignition key, wait for all movement to stop, and then
clear the snow from the chute.
A definite pattern of operation is required to thoroughly clean the snow area. These patterns
will avoid throwing snow in unwanted places as well as eliminating a second removal of snow

Where it is possible to throw the snow to the If the snow can only be thrown to one side of
left and right (above), as on a long driveway, it the driveway or sidewalk (above), start on the
is advantageous to start in the middle. Plow opposite side. At the end of the first pass,
from one end to the other, throwing snow to rotate the discharge guide 180 degrees for the
both sides without changing the direction of the return pass. At the end of each succeeding
discharge guide pass, rotate the discharge guide 180 degrees
to maintain direction of throw in the same area.

OM 0287SB-A 18

When servicing either the gearbox or the
reduction box, the tightness of the casing must
be restored. To do so, apply a layer of silicone
to the casing before closing it. Allow the
To avoid serious personal injury: silicone to cure for at least 24 hours before
filling it with oil.
• Before cleaning, adjusting or repairing
the snowblower: bring the tractor to a Shear Bolts
complete stop, lower the implement shut (Figure 7)
off the engine and remove the ignition
key. 1. Always use a special grade 8 one grooved
• Never park the tractor inside a building shear bolt, gold plated (70060-02808) on
where an open flame or sparks are fan (item 1) and special grade 5 two
present. Allow the engine to cool down grooved shear bolts, silver plated (70060-
before storing in any enclosure. 01338) on the auger (item 2) as shown on
decal (70060-02814 or 70060-02815) .
• Run the snowblower a few minutes after
blowing snow to prevent freeze up of 2. Check shear bolts at frequent intervals for
auger and fan. proper tightness to be sure the snowblower
• Provide adequate blocking before is in safe working condition. Torque must
working under the snowblower when in be at 9 lbs-ft (12 N-M)
raised position.

Figure 7

OM 0287SB-A 19
Auger Repositioning Drive Chain Tension Adjustment
(Figure 8) (Figure 9)
After shear bolt breakage on one of the augers, Remove the driveline guard. Loosen the four
make sure to reposition the augers as shown bolts securing the reduction box to the
on the figure below. snowblower. Tighten the chain in order to leave
approximately 1/4" deflection. Tighten the four
bolts securing reduction box to the snowblower
and reinstall the driveline guard.
Figure 8

Figure 9

Use a good grease gun and lubricate as follows:


8 hours Grease each universal joint
Driveline Separate the sliding parts and cover each one of
24 hours
them with grease
4 hours
Driving chain and after each Lubricate with chain saw lubricant
24 hours of operation
Auger or once a year Grease fitting on each auger section
whichever comes first
Check oil level. If needed, add AGMA 5EP
Gearbox every month extreme pressure oil, SAE 80W90 gear oil or

OM 0287SB-A 20


All parts are illustrated in "exploded views" which show the individual parts in their normal relationship
to each other. Reference numbers are used in the illustrations. These numbers correspond to those in
the "Reference Number" (REF) column, and are followed by the description and quantity required.

O/L - "Obtain Locally" in the part number column indicates common hardware that is available at your
local hardware supply.

All reference to right and left, forward or rearward from the operator's view standing behind the

Orders must give the complete description, correct part number, the total amount required, the serial
number, the method of shipment and the shipping address.

The manufacturer reserves the rights to change, modify, or eliminate from time to time, for technical or
other reasons, certain or all data, specifications, or the product or products themselves, without any
liability or obligation.

The parts listed here are available through your local dealer.

OM 0287SB-A 21

OM 0287SB-A 22


Hardware bag (USA) 1 77700-00519 668365
Hardware bag (Canada) 1 77700-00606 668371
1 Housing 1 70060-02596 667381
2 Gearbox ass'y (ccw) 1 70060-02191 4500037
3 Fan including bushings 70060-01331 1 70060-02188 667080
4 Bushing (iolite) 2 70060-02757 4300055
5 Nylon insert nut hex. 1/2" NC PTD 2 O/L O/L
6 Lockwasher 1/2" PTD 2 O/L O/L
7 Nylon insert nut hex. 3/8" PTD 2 O/L O/L
8 Key woodruff 1 70060-01306 655967
9 Bolt hex. 3/8" x 1", PTD 2 O/L O/L
10 Auger RH 1 70060-01906 666737
11 Auger LH 1 70060-01907 666738
12 Shear bolt 5/16" NC x 2 1/4" w/ lock & nut, silver PTD, gr5 2 70060-01338 657295
13 Bearing with locking collar 2 70060-70338 665494
14 Flange 2 70060-01409 657334
15 Bolt hex. 5/16" NC x 3/4" gr.5 PTD 6 O/L O/L
16 Lockwasher 5/16" PTD 13 O/L O/L
17 Nut hex. 5/16" NC PTD 9 O/L O/L
18 Gearbox support 1 70060-01680 657492
19 Bolt hex. 1/2" NC x 1" lg gr.5 PTD 2 O/L O/L
20 Female quick hitch 1 70001-00702 665056
21 Grease fitting 2 70060-00940 654106
22 Flat washer ∅3/8" PTD 4 O/L O/L
23 Flange 2 70060-01426 656589
24 Bearing with locking collar 1 70060-70339 665495
25 Carriage bolt 5/16" NC x 3/4" gr.5 PTD 9 70060-04188 0300002
26 Cutting edge 1 70060-03528 659862
27 Carriage bolt 5/16" x 1" gr.5 PTD 4 70001-00793 0300003
28 Stover nut 5/16" NC PTD 6 70001-00794 1100002
29 Skid shoe 2 70001-00508 663460
30 Output shaft 1 70060-03527 660390
31 Outer retaining ring 1 70060-01950 655087
32 Shear bolt 5/16" NC x 2 1/4" w/ lock & nut, gold PTD, gr8 1 70060-02808 667786
33 Lock washer 3/8" PTD 2 O/L O/L
34 Nut nylon insert 5/16" NC, PTD 4 O/L O/L
35 Bolt serrated flange 5/16" NC x 3/4" lg, PTD 2 70060-02415 0200083
36 Nut serrated flange 5/16" NC, PTD 2 70060-02135 0900036

OM 0287SB-A 23
1 Chute assembly (USA) 1 70060-02535 667384
Chute assembly (CANADA) 1 70060-02536 667385
2 Knob 5/16"NC 2 70060-01419 657309
3 Flat washer nylon 11/32" dia. 2 70060-03052 658467
4 Carriage bolt 5/16"NC x 1" gr.5 PTD 2 O/L O/L
5 Flat washer nylon 7/16" dia. 2 70060-03053 658468
6 Hand guard 1 70060-01358 657308
7 Bolt hex. 1/4"NC x 3/4" gr.5 PTD 2 O/L O/L
8 Flat washer 5/16" dia. PTD 2 O/L O/L
9 Lockwasher 1/4" PTD 10 O/L O/L
10 Nut hex. 1/4"NC PTD 10 O/L O/L
11 Rotation bushing 1 70060-01357 657338
12 Retaining plate 4 70060-01353 657333
13 Bolt hex. 1/4" NC x 3/4" gr.5 PTD 8 O/L O/L

OM 0287SB-A 24
1 Plastic bushing 1 5/16" 1 70060-01350 657335
2 Rotation worm 1 70001-00683 665037
3 Plastic bushing 1 11/16" 1 70060-01351 657336
4 Rotation worm support 1 70060-01684 657493
5 Handle tube 1 70001-00682 665041
6 Universal block 2 70060-03417 658193
7 Rotation yoke 1 70060-03416 659595
8 Handle support 1 70060-02280 667223
9 Plastic grommet 1 70060-02689 665959
10 Handle 1 70060-02109 667014
11 Hairpin ∅ 4mm x 80mm PTD 1 O/L O/L
12 Cap screw 10-24 NC x 1" 1 O/L O/L
13 Nylon insert locknut hex. 10-24 NC PTD 1 O/L O/L
14 Spring pin ∅1/4" x 1 1/4" 2 O/L O/L
15 Bolt hex. M6 x 1.00 x 20mm lg PTD 2 70060-02110 0200090
16 Flat washer Ø5/16" int. PTD 2 O/L O/L
17 Plastic handle 1/2" x 3" lg 1 70060-01318 656797
18 Handle support– BX1850, BX2350, BX2660 & BX24 1 70060-02684 667593
19 Box clamp 1 70060-02670 667558
20 Bolt hex. 1/4" NC x 1" lg, gr. 5, PTD 2 O/L O/L
21 Serrated flange nut 1/4" NC, PTD 2 70060-02478 0900058
22 Handle support – B2320, B2620 & B2920 1 77700-00618 668385
23 Handle support bracket 1 77700-00619 668386
Allen socket head cap screw 10 mm x 1.25 x 70 mm
24 2 77700-00631 0800042
Gr. 8.8 PTD
25 Lockwasher Ø10 mm, PTD 2 70060-00792 1200019
26 Bolt hex. 3/8" NC x 1 1/4" lg, PTD 2 O/L O/L
27 Serrated flange nut 3/8" NC, PTD 2 70060-00791 0900035

OM 0287SB-A 25
WORM GEARBOX (70060-02191)
Casing kit (items 1 and 2) 1 70060-01913 4500021
1 Left casing 1 ------ ------
2 Right casing 1 ------ ------
Worm and gear kit (items 3 and 4) 1 70060-01912 4500020
3 Gear 1 ------ ------
4 Worm 1 ------ ------
5 Driving shaft 1 70060-02190 4500036
6 Bearing 2 70060-03797 661147
7 Bearing 2 70060-01908 663234
Seal kit (item 8 and 9) 1 70060-01066 665775
8 Seal 2 ------ ------
9 Seal 1 ------ ------
10 Cap 1 70060-03800 661150
11 Breather 1/8" NPT, 5 PSI, PTD 1 70060-00840 654927
12 Plug 1/8" NPT, PTD 2 70060-01428 656090
13 Spring pin 5/16" dia. x 1 1/4" lg. 1 70060-01909 663243
14 Dowel pin 3/16" dia. x 1/2" lg. 2 70060-01910 663245
15 Hex. bolt 5/16" NC x 2 1/2" lg., PTD 4 O/L O/L
16 Hex. bolt 5/16" NC x 1 1/2" lg., PTD 2 O/L O/L
17 Nylon insert locknut 5/16" NC, PTD 6 O/L O/L

OM 0287SB-A 26
Reduction box ass'y inc. bearing & sprocket 1 70060-01422 657353
1 Reduction box 1 70060-01423 657355
2 Drive shaft with sprocket (H40C11) 1 70060-01424 657250
3 Bearing 1" bore with locking collar 2 70060-70338 665494
4 Bearing flange 4 70060-01426 656589
5 Carriage bolt 5/16"NC x 5/8" 6 O/L O/L
6 Lockwasher 5/16" 6 O/L O/L
7 Hex. nut 5/16" 6 O/L O/L
8 Carriage bolt 5/16"NC x 3/4" 4 O/L O/L
9 Lockwasher 5/16" 4 O/L O/L
10 Flat washer 3/8" hole 4 O/L O/L
11 Hex. nut 5/16" 4 O/L O/L
12 Sprocket (H40B32) 1 70060-01274 656543
13 Key 1/4" x 1/4" x 1" 1 70060-00928 655379
14 Chain #40 x 38 links L.L. with connecting link 1 70060-01275 656570
Connecting link 1 70060-01427 656178
15 Hex. bolt 1/4" x 7 1/2" 2 O/L O/L
16 Lockwasher 1/4" 2 O/L O/L
17 Hex. nut 1/4"NC 2 O/L O/L
18 Driveline guard 1 70060-01364 657388
19 Hex. bolt 1/4"NC x 2" 1 O/L O/L
20 Nylon locknut 1/4"NC 1 O/L O/L
21 Key 1/4" x 1/4" x 1 1/4" 1 70060-00814 654643
22 Allen setscrew 3/8"NC x 1/4" 1 O/L O/L
23 Allen setscrew 5/16"NC x 5/16" 2 O/L O/L

OM 0287SB-A 27
1 Driveline female half ass'y 1 70060-02345 4700044
2 Inner shield 1 70060-03429 658511
3 Nylon repair kit 1 70060-04238 661555
4 Yoke & female shaft ass'y 1 70060-02347 4700071
5 Journal cross 1 70060-02335 4700066
6 Yoke 1" dia.hole. 1 70060-02348 4700072

OM 0287SB-A 28



GB2513 GB2514B-1



OM 0287SB-A 29





OM 0287SB-A 30


Use the following torques when special torques are not given. Note: These values apply to fasteners
as received from supplier, when dry. These values do not apply if lubricants are used.


INCHES Pounds-Foot Newton-Meters

1/4 5 7
5/16 10 14
3/8 20 27
7/16 25 41
1/2 88 119
5/8 165 224
3/4 297 403
9/16 121 164
7/8 440 597
1 638 865
1 1/8 840 1139
1 1/4 1180 1600
1 3/8 1570 2129
1 1/2 2070 2807


MILLIMETERS Pounds-Foot Newton-Meters
M6 10 13
M8 22 30
M10 40 54
M12 59 80
M14 93 126
M16 130 176
M18 168 228
M20 205 278

OM 0287SB-A 31
Printed in Canada

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