22BCS13378 Ankitvashisth

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VAC Assignment

Name: Ankit Vashisth

Uid: 22BCS13378
Title: Auction for Fundraising for a Social Cause

Learning objectives:
 To design, develop and test a smart contract for a problem using Solidity language and Remix IDE.
(Module 1, and Module 2)
 To apply incremental development method and best practices discussed in the course. (Module 3 and
Module 4)

Problem Statement:
Consider the problem of Chinese auction or penny social. We will refer to it as simple “Auction.” It is a
conventional approach used for fundraising for a cause. The organizers collect items to be auctioned off
for raising funds. Before the auction, the items for auctions are received and arranged each with a bowl to
place the bid. A chairperson is a special person among the organizers. She/he heads the effort and is the
only person who can determine the winner by random drawing at the end of the auction. A set of bidders
buy sheets of tickets with their money. The bidder’s sheet has a stub that identifies the bidder’s number,
and tokens bought. The bidders examine the items to bid, place the one or more tickets in the bowl in
front of the items they desire to bid for until all the tickets are used. After the auction period ends the
chairperson, collects the bowls, randomly selects a ticket from each item’s bowl to determine the winning
bidder for that item. The item is transferred to the winning bidder. Total money collected is the fund
raised by the penny social auction.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
contract Auction {
// Data
struct Item {
uint itemId; // id of the item
uint[] itemTokens; // tokens bid in favor of the item

struct Person {
uint remainingTokens; // tokens remaining with bidder
uint personId; // it serves as tokenId as well
address addr; // address of the bidder
mapping(address => Person) public tokenDetails; // address to person
Person[4] public bidders; // Array containing 4 person objects
Item[3] public items; // Array containing 3 item objects
address[3] public winners; // Array for address of winners
address public beneficiary; // owner of the smart contract
uint public bidderCount = 0; // counter
// Constructor
constructor() public {
// Initialize beneficiary with address of smart contract’s owner
beneficiary = msg.sender;
// Initialize two items with at index 1 and 2.
uint[] memory emptyArray;
items[1] = Item({itemId: 1, itemTokens: emptyArray});
items[2] = Item({itemId: 2, itemTokens: emptyArray});
// Register function
function register() public payable {
bidders[bidderCount].personId = bidderCount;
// Initialize the address of the bidder
bidders[bidderCount].addr = msg.sender;
bidders[bidderCount].remainingTokens = 5; // only 5 tokens
tokenDetails[msg.sender] = bidders[bidderCount];
// Bid function
function bid(uint _itemId, uint _count) public payable {
require(tokenDetails[msg.sender].remainingTokens >= _count);
require(tokenDetails[msg.sender].remainingTokens > 0);
require(_itemId <= 2);
tokenDetails[msg.sender].remainingTokens -= _count;
bidders[tokenDetails[msg.sender].personId].remainingTokens =
Item storage bidItem = items[_itemId];
for (uint i = 0; i < _count; i++) {
// Reveal Winners function
function revealWinners() public {
for (uint id = 0; id < 3; id++) {
Item storage currentItem = items[id];
if (currentItem.itemTokens.length != 0) {
uint randomIndex = (block.number / currentItem.itemTokens.length) %
uint winnerId = currentItem.itemTokens[randomIndex];
winners[id] = bidders[winnerId].addr;
// Miscellaneous method to assist Grading
function getPersonDetails(uint id) public view returns (uint, uint, address) {
return (bidders[id].remainingTokens, bidders[id].personId, bidders[id].addr);
// Script to deploy and initialize the contract in Remix.
contract DeployAndInitializeScript {
Auction public auctionContract;
// Deploy the Auction contract and initialize it.
function deployAndInitialize() public {
auctionContract = new Auction();
// auctionContract.initialize();
// Get the address of the deployed contract.
function getContractAddress() public view returns (address) {
return address(auctionContract);
// Example function to register a bidder.
function registerBidder() public payable {
// Example function to place a bid.
function placeBid(uint _itemId, uint _count) public payable {
auctionContract.bid.value(msg.value)(_itemId, _count);
// Example function to reveal winners.
function revealWinners() public {
// Example function to get details of a bidder.
function getBidderDetails(uint id) public view returns (uint, uint, address) {
return auctionContract.getPersonDetails(id);


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