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1. Direction: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below:

Ten people E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E9 and E10 are sitting around a circular table facing towards the center of
the table but not necessarily in the same order.E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3
who sits second to the left of E5. E8 sits second to the right of E5. E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of
E10. E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10. E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

How many persons are sitting between E2 and E1 when counted from the left of E1?
A. Five B. Four
C. Three D. Two
E. None of these
2. Who among the followings sits opposite to the one who sits second to the left of E7?
A. E4 B. E8
C. E10 D. E3
E. None of these
3. Which among the following statement is not true regarding E4?
A. E4 sits opposite to E10. B. E4 sits second to the right of E8.
C. E6 and E4 are immediate neighbors. D. E4 sits third to the left of E2.
E. All are true
4. If the position of E2 and E8 is interchanged, then who among the following sits third to the right of E8?
A. E6 B. E5
C. E1 D. E2
E. None of these
5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does
not belong to that group?
A. E3-E1 B. E5-E6
C. E2-E8 D. E9-E8
E. E7-E9
6. Direction: Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.

M = N means M is the brother of N

M $ N means M is the daughter of N

M ! N means M is the son of N
M * N means M is the mother of N
M # N means M is the father of N

"O # L * M = G $ N ! U * T"

Who is the mother-in-law of L?

A. O B. T
C. U D. G
E. None of these
7. Find the odd one.
A. O, N B. U, L
C. N, G D. T, L
E. L, M
8. If in the number 5647935838, 1 is added to each even digit and 1 is subtracted from each odd digit then all the digits
are arranged in ascending order from left to right then which digit is 7th from the right end?
A. 7 B. 4
C. 5 D. 6
E. None of these
9. If in the number 856347654, 1 is subtracted from each even digit and 1 is added to each odd digit, then which digit is
6th from the left end?
A. 5 B. 8
C. 4 D. 3
E. None of these
10. If in a certain way AWAKEN is coded as DZDNHQ, then how AWESOME will be coded in the same manner?
E. None of these
11. Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow.

In a certain code language,

‘ice is cold’ is coded as ‘jh lk nb’
‘winter is cold’ is coded as ‘nb fd jh’
‘winter is freezing’ is coded as ‘jh fd vc’ What is the code for ‘freezing’?
A. jh B. nb
C. fd D. vc
E. None of these
12. ‘jh’ is the code for which of the following word?
A. ice B. water
C. cold D. freezing
E. is
13. Direction: In the question below are given three statements followed by the conclusions. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly
known facts.

All Flowers are Roses.
Only a few Roses are Red.
No Red is Blood.
I. Some Red can be Flowers.
II. Some Roses are not Blood.
A. Only I follows. B. Only II follows.
C. Either I or II follows. D. Neither I nor II follows.
E. Both I and II follow.
14. Statements:
Only a few Locks are Keys.
Some Locks are Holes.
All Holes are Caves.

I. Some Caves are Locks.

II. Some Holes are Keys.
A. Only I follows. B. Only II follows.
C. Either I or II follows. D. Neither I nor II follows.
E. Both I and II follow.
15. Statements:
Some Food are not Drinks.
Only a few Drinks are Juices.
All Juices are Shakes.
I. Some Foods are Shakes
II. No Foods are Shakes
A. Only I follows. B. Only II follows.
C. Either I or II follows. D. Neither I nor II follows.
E. Both I and II follow.
16. Direction: Study the following data carefully and answer the questions accordingly.

Five people S, H, U, T, and O bought cars in five different months i.e. July, August, September, October, and
November but not necessarily in the same order. They bought cars in different colors. Purple and Blue cars are not
bought by S. Black car is bought before the White car. H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days. Blue and Black
cars are not bought by O. T bought the White car before October. Blue car is bought in September.

Who bought the Purple car?

A. H B. S
C. O D. U
E. None of these
17. Black car is bought in which of the following months?
A. September B. August
C. July D. November
E. None of these
18. T bought the car of which of the following colors?
A. White B. Black

C. Purple D. Blue
E. None of these
19. U bought the car in which of the following months?
A. July B. November
C. October D. September
E. None of these
20. Find the correct combination.
A. T - July B. U - Purple
C. O - November D. S - Black
E. None is correct

1. A
Sol. 1) E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3 who sits second to the left of E5.

So, here we have two possible cases i.e. case1 and case2.

2) E8 sits second to the right of E5.

3) E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

4) E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of E10.

We can’t place E7 and E9 in case 2. So, case2 gets eliminated here.

5) E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10.

So, the final arrangement is:

2. C
Sol. 1) E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3 who sits second to the left of E5.

So, here we have two possible cases i.e. case1 and case2.

2) E8 sits second to the right of E5.

3) E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

4) E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of E10.

We can’t place E7 and E9 in case 2. So, case2 gets eliminated here.

5) E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10.

So, the final arrangement is:

3. D
Sol. 1) E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3 who sits second to the left of E5.

So, here we have two possible cases i.e. case1 and case2.

2) E8 sits second to the right of E5.

3) E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

4) E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of E10.

We can’t place E7 and E9 in case 2. So, case2 gets eliminated here.

5) E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10.

So, the final arrangement is:

4. B
Sol. 1) E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3 who sits second to the left of E5.

So, here we have two possible cases i.e. case1 and case2.

2) E8 sits second to the right of E5.

3) E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

4) E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of E10.

We can’t place E7 and E9 in case 2. So, case2 gets eliminated here.

5) E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10.

So, the final arrangement is:

5. D
Sol. 1) E6 sits second to the right of E1. Two persons sit between E6 and E3 who sits second to the left of E5.

So, here we have two possible cases i.e. case1 and case2.

2) E8 sits second to the right of E5.

3) E2 sits opposite to the one who sits to the immediate left of E1.

4) E7 sits opposite to E9 and sits third to the left of E10.

We can’t place E7 and E9 in case 2. So, case2 gets eliminated here.

5) E1 is not an immediate neighbor of E10.

So, the final arrangement is:

6. C

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

7. D

All the given options describe the relation between two generations, except option D, which tells the relation
between same generations.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

8. B
Sol. 5647935838
1 is added to each even digit and 1 is subtracted from each odd digit – 4756824929
Now, all the digits are arranged in ascending order from left to right - 2244567899
Clearly, ‘4’ is 7th from the right end.

9. B
Sol. 856347654

If 1 is subtracted from each even digit and 1 is added to each odd digit – 765438563

Clearly, 8 is 6th digit from the left end.

10. D

Clearly, AWESOME will be coded as DZHVRPH.

11. D

12. D

13. D


I. Some Red can be Flowers – It is true as shown in figure given below:

II. Some Roses are not Blood – It is true only a few Roses are Red and no Red is Blood.

Hence, both conclusions I and II follow.

14. A


I. Some Caves are Locks – It is true as some Locks are Holes and all Holes are Caves.

II. Some Holes are Keys – There is no relation between Holes and Keys hence it is false.

Hence, only conclusion I follows.

15. C


I. Some Foods are Shakes – There is no relation between Foods and Shakes hence it is false.

II. No Foods are Shakes– There is no relation between Foods and Shakes hence it is false.

Hence, either conclusion I or II follows (complementary pair).

16. C
Sol. 1) Blue car is bought in September.

2) H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days.

3) T bought the White car before October.

4) Black car is bought before the White car.

5) Blue and Black cars are not bought by O.

6) Purple and Blue cars are not bought by S.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

17. C
Sol. 1) Blue car is bought in September.

2) H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days.

3) T bought the White car before October.

4) Black car is bought before the White car.

5) Blue and Black cars are not bought by O.

6) Purple and Blue cars are not bought by S.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

18. A
Sol. 1) Blue car is bought in September.

2) H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days.

3) T bought the White car before October.

4) Black car is bought before the White car.

5) Blue and Black cars are not bought by O.

6) Purple and Blue cars are not bought by S.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer.

19. D
Sol. 1) Blue car is bought in September.

2) H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days.

3) T bought the White car before October.

4) Black car is bought before the White car.

5) Blue and Black cars are not bought by O.

6) Purple and Blue cars are not bought by S.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

20. D
Sol. 1) Blue car is bought in September.

2) H bought the Red car in the month of 30 days.

3) T bought the White car before October.

4) Black car is bought before the White car.

5) Blue and Black cars are not bought by O.

6) Purple and Blue cars are not bought by S.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

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