CA SM Self Service

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Product Brief CA Service Management

Service Point Self-Service

Sophisticated service management processes do not need to equate to a
Key Benefits complex user experience. CA Service Management, with its Service Point
self-service and mobility capabilities, delivers a modern experience. This
• Better user satisfaction. Simple, experience uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), enabling business
familiar, mobile user experience. consumers, power users, and decision makers to easily access knowledge,
• Broader service adoption. collaborate, resolve issues, request services, and interact with their IT assets.
Consumer-like storefront; one-stop- This business-centric focus can broaden adoption of services, improve
shopping. productivity, reduce costs and elevate the perception of your IT organization
• Increased productivity. Workflow, by bringing together the right people, relevant knowledge, and available
services, knowledge, assets readily services and assets.
• Reduced support costs. Users Business Challenges
resolve their own issues; fewer
tickets opened. Changing User Expectations. Increasing service management sophistication
often means a more complex user experience. But users expect a simple
• Improved IT image. Single,
search-centric self-service experience similar to the consumer apps they use
compelling face-of-IT for all users.
outside the workplace. Further, they expect immediate action and results,
expending minimal effort, and using whatever device they have in their
Key Features hands at that moment.
• Service Point self-service user
Overburdened IT. Resolving issues, requesting services, and managing IT
experience. Compelling search-
assets often involves expensive management and analyst resources for
centric, NLP-driven face-of-IT to all
mundane tasks. Few business consumers attempt to take action on their
own and there is minimal knowledge that is readily available to them. It is
• Intelligent Automation. NLP, often difficult to know whom to go to for immediate action. The result: IT is
historical data and analytics come blamed for being slow and unresponsive.
together to automate ticket
categorization and push knowledge. Misaligned Collaboration Tools. Most collaboration tools are not designed
• Service storefront. One-stop with IT issue, request, and asset processes in mind. As a result, they often fail
shopping for help, assets and to deliver measurable value and distract employees from their core business
services. objectives. Further, they typically require users to access each knowledge
source independently, through an interface designed to connect people-to-
• Collaboration. Answer questions,
people, not deliver relevant IT answers.
engage experts and peers in
discussions and real-time chat.
Solutions Overview
• Federated search. Aggregate
search results across SharePoint, CA Service Management delivers a modern user experience focused on
Google, collaborations, service desk search-centric self-service, mobility, and collaboration. All users can follow
knowledge and ticket history. communities and topics, and collaborate with peers, analysts, and experts.
• Knowledgebase contribution. Service Point self-service features ARIA, a virtual analyst service bot, which
Capture feedback and validated allows users to get support through an intelligent chat-based platform
resolutions from user interactions. that can send knowledge docs, perform ticket status checks, and reset
• Instant access. Weave directly passwords. ARIA can elevate the self-service experience of your users by
into existing web pages, including providing intelligent responses and resolutions, while alleviating the demand
SharePoint. on analysts, they can chat directly with support analysts, open service desk
tickets, or request services. They can also monitor the progress on their
requests or issue resolution. And this is all done from a single screen!

CA Service Management
Product Brief

Solutions Overview The Service Point self-service feature provides a unified search-centric experience for
all users to access knowledge, collaborate, resolve issues, request services, and view
(con’t) assets.

The mobile app puts strategic

capabilities at the fingertips of
everyone in your organization,
providing all the same business
user features as the Service
Point experience. Users can
access the collaborative self-
service capabilities, including the
consumer storefront of available
services. They can also leverage
native device capabilities like their
mobile phone camera and location
awareness when opening issues.

Service desk analysts can manage

their ticket queues, and approvers
can manage and take action on
their approval queues.

Managers, using optional • Broad mobile capabilities. Related Products and

dashboards, can provide real-time Empower your customers with
mobile self-service, collaboration,
analytics exactly when they are
needed. notifications, issue and request CA Service Management is a
management, and more. comprehensive service management
solution that includes the following
Critical Differentiators • Address the service needs of all related products and solutions:
key stakeholders. Give business
The Service Point self-service and • Asset Management. Holistic
consumers, power users, and
mobility features of CA Service management of hardware and
decision makers what they need.
Management include the following software assets and licenses.
differentiating capabilities: • Facilitate resolutions. Monitor
interactions in the communities • Advanced Reporting and
• Unified and simple user to ensure threads are Dashboards. Self-service
experience. Hide the progressing; if not, moderate, dashboards and reporting for all
complexities of high levels of engage domain experts, open a of your users, regardless of their
service management maturity ticket, or make a request. technical acumen.
while facilitating that maturity. • CA Service Catalog. Robust
• Support staff productivity.
• Search-centric collaborative self- Collaborate among peers, draw request management, including
service. Resolve issues, request from discussions to expand the service chargeback, pricing, and
services, collaborate, and more. knowledge base, update tickets, delivery automation.
• Integrated self-service. Access or create quality knowledge • CA Service Desk Manager.
self-service directly from web documents. Comprehensive incident, problem,
pages, SharePoint, and other change configuration, and
familiar tools. knowledge management.

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