MPTH Finals Notes

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Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

TRAVEL MOTIVATIONS ● get some distance from work

- What motivates people to seek out travel ● see the world through new eyes
experiences? ● learn about other cultures
● get a new perspective
MOTIVATION ● gaining a certain level of prestige
- refers to factors that activate, direct, and ● facilitating their level of social
sustain goal-directed behavior interaction

- Motivation sets the stage for individual goal MOSLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS
formation, reflected in both travel choice and
behavior while further influencing expectations
and experience perception

- Motivations are the inner state of a person, or

certain needs and wants of a person, which
forces them to act or behave in a specific way
and thus sustaining human behavior and energy
levels of the human

- forms an integral part of travel behavior and

has been widely researched and applied in
tourism marketing strategies.The need to see the Physiological Needs
unseen and know the unknown drives people to - Are the basic needs that travelers expect
travel to new places and motivates them to visit destinations to meet.
new destinations (Venkatesh, 2006).
(e.g.: suitable accommodations, potable water
- Can be considered as one of the most important and restaurants) *fundamental motivations for
psychological influences of tourist behavior all travelers
(George(2004) ; March and Woodside (2005)
Safety Related Needs
- relates to why people travel (Woodside & - a safe, secure environment in which travelers
Martin, 2007). feel protected from any threats during their stay.

- Travel behavior refers to the way in which Social Needs

tourists behave according to their attitudes - refers to forming relationships with people to
before, during and after traveling. create a sense of social belonging and confirm
their ability to develop healthy relationships.

Self - Esteem
- people travel in order to impress friends,
relatives, social groups and other people and to
gain higher social status
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Self - Actualization TRAVEL CAREER LADDER (TCL)

- travelers see tourism as an activity through
which they can improve their special skills by - an individual's travel motivation changes with
doing something that is quite challenging to his/her travel experience.
these individuals
- The Travel Career Ladder (TLC) suggests that
- can also be related to activities in which people peoples' travel needs change over their life span
get involved in doing something that benefits and with accumulated travel experience.
- As tourists become more experienced, they
increasingly seek satisfaction of higher level
- More inward in nature and physiological. - Recognized that travel motivation is dynamic
and multi-leveled (Paris and Teye, 2010)
- Intrinsic factors or internal drives that urge
individuals to travel. - TCP is centered on 14 motivational factors:

- Factors encouraging people to travel, ● Self - actualization - internal

representing an individual's socio-psychological ● Self - enhancement - internal
needs. ● Romance - internal
● Belonging - internal
● Longing for rest ● Autonomy - internal
● Recreation ● Self - development (host/site
● Adventure involvement) - external
● Escape ● Nature - external
● Desire to ‘get away from it all’ ● Escape/relax - most important
● To transcend the feeling of isolation ● Novelty - most important
inherent in contemporary lifestyles ● Kinship - most important
● Nostalgia - less important
PULL FACTORS ● Stimulation - less important
- Mostly associated with destinations’ amenities ● Isolation - less important
● Recognition/social status - less
- Satisfy customers’ needs and wants important

● Service quality TRAVEL MOTIVATORS

● Prices
● Infrastructures Physical Motivators
● Facilities (e.g. accommodation, – relate directly to health, wellness and
transportation, food, restaurants, and physical enjoyment
amusement parks)
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Interpersonal Motivators
- those related to the desire to meet and make Mid-Centric
new friends - are not particularly adventurous but they are
receptive to new experience
Cultural Motivators
- those related to the desire to know more
about other people’s culture and way of life TOURISM SECTORS
● Accommodation
Status and Prestige Motivators ● Transportation
- those related to self-fulfillment achieved ● Food and Beverage
through travel and include personal development ● Entertainment
● Destination Organizer
● Attraction

- Lack of Money ACCOMMODATION Sector

- Lack of Time - Accommodation sector is central to the travel
- Health and hospitality industry
- Family Stage
- Lack of Interest - Provides the base from which tourists can
- Fear and Safety engage in the process of staying at a destination

- Serves as a focal point for the hosting of guests


COHEN’S CLASSIFICATION - Assumes many forms, and not all of them fit
● The organized mass tourist the conventional image of the hotel
● Individual mass tourist
● Explorer Hotels and Resorts
● Drifter - The most obvious and popular form of
accommodation for tourists and the hotel
- Classifies tourists by their personalities and
distributes tourists to destinations based on their - hotels provide paid lodgings for guests aside
dominant characteristics from beds and other essential facilities, the
services they provide can vary quite drastically.
- tourist who seeks new experiences and Shared Accommodation
adventure in a variety of activities, outgoing and - Shared accommodation has emerged as a major
confident in behavior option for tourists.

Psychocentric - One of the most popular services offering

- more conservative, tend to be inhibited and shared accommodation is Airbnb, where users
non- adventuresome are able to list spare rooms and rent them out to
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

travelers on a short-term basis, it could be Farm

individual, private rooms, or common areas - Travelers are increasingly willing to stay in
shared with others. farmhouse accommodation, usually on a
self-catering basis
- is typically a lower-priced accommodation - Is linked to the idea of agri-tourism, where
option, suitable for those operating on a lesser tourists visit farms, learn about the work that
budget, or those who are attempting to reduce goes on there, and sometimes even participate in
their travel cost. the daily work themselves as part of the travel
- A form of sociable accommodation, where
multiple guests will rent beds in a shared space, Time - Share
typically with communal bathroom and kitchen - Also known as vacation accommodation
facilities. ownership

Bed and Breakfast - Refers to accommodation where ownership or

- B&B accommodation offers a small number of usage rights are divided between multiple
rooms for guests and offers overnight stays and individuals
breakfast in the morning
- Individuals are allotted their own time frame
- Guests will have a private bedroom and
bathroom, although bathroom facilities are - Typically a week or two weeks out of the year -
sometime shared where they have the right to use the property.

Camping Sites
- Is the practice of staying outdoors overnight, in TRANSPORTATION Sector
a tent or similar type of shelter - Concerned with helping tourists to get where
they need to go, via the provision of transport.
- Commercial camp sites are extremely popular
and often more convenient.  irline Industry
- The airline industry provides passengers with
Cruises access to both domestic and overseas flights,
- Cruises also come under the accommodation allowing them to quickly reach their intended
sector, because cruise liners serve as a form of destinations via commercial aircraft.
accommodation in their own right.
- Airline services are generally divided into
- On a cruise, travelers will be allocated their scheduled and chartered flights.
own cabin and the cruise itself will last a set .
length of time, with tourists staying on the cruise Car Rental
ship for the majority of the duration. - Car rental services provide the freedom to
explore and travel freely- Often operate in close
proximity to airports, or even in partnership with
particular airlines or travel companies.
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

 ater Transport
- Is concerned with movement across water
- The food and beverage sector has been
- Includes things like ocean liners and ferry providing tourists with essential refreshments at
transport, where the objective is usually to get all stages of their travel experience, including
passengers from A to B, but also includes cruise during travel, when spending time in their
liners, where being on the cruise liner itself chosen accommodation, and when they are out
forms the main part of the travel experience. and about exploring the location they have
traveled to.
Coach Services
- Offering long distance travel, assisting airport - Also offers them opportunities to socialize,
passengers with travel to their accommodation, meet new people and enjoy themselves.
taking groups of tourists on day trips to local
attractions or popular tourist destinations, and  estaurants
offering access to other nearby towns and cities. - Restaurants or eateries provide one of the main
ways in which tourists eat food and socialize on
R their travels
- Railways not only provide a means for
travelers to get to their destination, but over - This category includes everything from
ground and underground rail services also fast-food restaurants like McDonald's and KFC,
provide options for navigating many of the through to family restaurants, and luxury
major towns and cities that tourists visit as well. restaurants offering high-end cuisine.

Spacecraft Catering
- A new element of the transport sector - and one - Recognized as the provision of food services at
that will become increasingly important in the more remote locations, also includes offerings at
years ahead - involves the use of spacecraft to many tourist attractions or entertainment sites
carry tourists into space.
Bars & Cafés
4 Elements that exist between Transport and - An important part of the local economy in
Tourism many travel destinations, offering tourists a
more relaxed location to consume refreshments,
● the tourist drink alcohol and socialize with locals or other
● the relationship between transport and tourists
the tourist experience
● the effect of transport problems on the - They tend to be smaller than restaurants and
tourist’s perception may have a theme, or serve a fairly general
● the tourist’s requirement for safe, range of products.
reliable and efficient modes of transport
- One of the single most essential parts of the
food and beverage sector, providing travelers
with entertainment during the night and
attracting many tourists to some destinations
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

- Regional/state Tourist Offices

ENTERTAINMENT Sector - Local Tourist Offices
- casino, shopping, sports or gaming event - Tourist Associations

- zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, historic

site, national park, museum, or art gallery ATTRACTION Sector
- Attractions are the “lifeblood” of a
- festival or fair, or other cultural events destination, because they are part of the appeal,
ambiance and overall experience
• So large it affects economies - The main purpose is sightseeing and to allow
• Gains global media coverage access for entertainment, interest or education
• Highly prestigious
• Usually developed with a bidding process - Attraction must be a permanent established
• Has major positive and negative impacts excursion destination
• One-time or infrequent
• Specific ritual, presentation, performance, or - It must be open to the public, without prior
celebration booking
• Planned and created to mark a special occasion
• Gains widespread recognition/awareness - It should be capable of attracting day visitors
• Creates a competitive tourism advantage or tourists as well as local residents
• Celebration and reaffirmation of community or
culture - Attraction must be a single management, so
• Artistic content that it is capable of answering the economic
• Religious or ritualistic questions on revenue, employment
• Music, dance, and drama are often featured
• Involves the local population Attractions can be located in ....
• A shared experience to their mutual benefit
• natural environment, such as forests,
mountains, and other natural settings
• built environment that has been adapted for
Who are they? visitor use (e.g. historic houses)
- Tour Operations
- Tour Wholesalers Brokers • built environment that has been designed for
- Retail Travel Agents, Booking Agencies visitors
- Conference Organizers, Incentive Travel
DESTINATION ORGANIZATION Sector - Sets out to attract visitors (day visitors from
(Destination Management Organization) resident and tourist population) and is managed
- National Tourist Offices
- Destination Marketing Organizations
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

- Provides a pleasurable experience and an generation and equitable distribution of income

enjoyable way for customers to spend their thereby contributing to building a foundation for
a highly trusted society.
- Leisure time
- It is developed to achieve a goal The Department of Tourism (DOT) shall be the
primary government agency charged with the
- Provide satisfaction to customers responsibility to encourage, promote, and
develop tourism as a major socio-economic
- Provides an appropriate level of facilities and activity to generate foreign currency and
services to meet and cater to the demands, needs employment and to spread the benefits of
and interests of its visitors tourism to both the private and public sector.

- May or may not charge an admission fee Vision

To develop a globally competitive,
environmentally sustainable and socially
Success of a tourist attraction lies in 4 areas: responsible tourism industry that promotes
- accessibility inclusive growth through employment
- opening hours generation and equitable distribution of income
- on-site amenities, such as parking, visitor thereby contributing to building a foundation for
centre, signs and labels, shops, guides, a highly trusted society.
refreshments, toilets, liter bins, seating and
disabled provision ● Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise
- off-site amenities, such as signposting, local Zone Authority
accommodation and local services

Factors that influence the success of


- the organization and its resources

- the product ● Philippine Retirement Authority
- the market
- the management of the attraction

- Philippine Department of Tourism
● Intramuros Administration
Department Structure
- To develop a globally competitive
environmentally sustainable and socially
responsible tourism industry that promotes
inclusive growth through employment
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

● Philippine Commission on Sports Scuba ● Duty Free Philippines


● Nayong Pilipino

● Tourism and Promotions Board



As we have explained, thinking has evolved in

two ways since 2007 and the previous report.
- An attached agency of the Department We have moved from a “demographic” to a
of Tourism, the Tourism Promotions “psychographic” approach, and we have
Board (TPB) exists to market and extended our reach forward from 2020 to 2030.
promote the Philippines domestically By way of an introduction to our six tribes, it is
and internationally as a world-class useful at this point to explain how we have
tourism and MICE destination, in reframeworked 2007’s tribes.
strategic partnership with private and
public stakeholders to deliver a unique
high-value experience for visitors, Original four tribes for 2020
significantly contributing to increased
arrivals,receipts and investments to the Active Seniors.
country. - As global populations age, there will be more
healthy and active retired people (aged
Mission approximately 50-75 years by 2020), with more
To market and promote the Philippines, in disposable income, taking holidays and short
partnership with our stakeholders, towards a breaks to relax and enjoy life and the freedom of
dynamic tourism destination. retirement.

Vision Global Clans.

By 2028, the Philippines will be the preferred - With the global growth in migration, increasing
destination for sustainable, uniquely diverse and numbers of people are traveling internationally,
fun travel. either alone or in family groups to visit family
and friends for holidays which enable them to be
● National Parks Development Committee together and re-connect.
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Cosmopolitan Commuters. Simplicity Searchers value above

- Growing numbers of people are living and everything else ease and transparency in their
working in different regions, taking advantage of travel planning and holidaymaking, and are
falling travel costs and flexible work styles to willing to outsource their decision making to
give them a greater quality of life. trusted parties to avoid having to go through
extensive research themselves. This group takes
Global Executives. in Active Seniors and Global Clans principally.
- Senior executives making short and long-haul
journeys abroad on business, traveling in Cultural Purists treat their travel as an
premium or business class. opportunity to break themselves entirely from
their home lives and engage sincerely with a
different way of living. Elements of this tribe are
similar to Cosmopolitan Commuters.

Social Capital Seekers understand that

to be well-traveled is an enviable personal
quality, and their choices are shaped by their
desire to take maximal social reward from their
travel. They will exploit the potential of digital
media to enrich and inform their experiences,
and structure their adventures with the fact of
their being watched by online audiences ever
present in their mind.

Reward Hunters are the luxury

travelers of the future that seek a return on the
EVOLVED SIX TRAVELER TRIBES 2030 investment they make in their busy,
high-achieving lives. Linked in part to the
We see these categories to have touched growing trend of wellness, including both
upon some valuable distinctions, and many of physical and mental self-improvement, they seek
the themes which inspired these categories – truly extraordinary, and often indulgent ‘must
aging societies worldwide, the growth of flexible have’ experiences.
working options, the growth of VFR travel and
multi-located living – are drivers which we see Obligation Meeters have their travel
having continuing importance past 2020 and into choices restricted by the need to meet some
2030. However, we have looked past the bounded objective. Business travelers are the
superficialities of demographic breaks, and most significant micro-group of many falling
drilled into the key motivations and needs within this camp. Though they will arrange or
behind these categories, emerging with six improvise other activities around this purpose,
tribes, as follows: their core needs and behaviors are mainly
shaped by their need to be in a certain place, at a
certain time, without fail. We expand here on
many of the behaviors described in
Cosmopolitan Commuters and Global Clans.
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

Ethical Travelers allow their

conscience, in some shape or form, to be their
guide when organizing and undertaking their
travel. They may make concessions to
environmental concerns, let their political ideals
shape their choices, or have a heightened
awareness of the ways in which their tourism
spend contributes to economies and markets.
Ethical consciousness was referenced in 2007 as
being important to Active Seniors.

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