978-1-009-09942-4 — Cambridge Primary Mathematics Games Book 1 with Digital Access 2nd Edition
Janet Rees , Cherri Moseley
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3 1 5 4 2 6
4 2 3 6 1 5
2 5 6 1 3 4
5 3 4 2 6 1
1 6 2 5 4 3
6 4 1 3 5 2
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
collect a collect a
Start miss a turn
slipper slipper
collect a
collect a collect a
slipper slipper
collect a collect a
miss a turn
slipper slipper
go back 2 spaces
collect a slipper
collect a collect a
slipper slipper
collect a
go back 2 spaces
slipper Slipper cards
collect a
collect a collect a
go back 2 spaces miss a turn
slipper slipper
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
Maths focus: recognising odd and even numbers to 10.
Learning objective: 1Nc.05
How to play
1. Players put their counter on the ‘Start’ space and then take turns
to roll the dice (or spin the spinner).
2. If the number rolled or shown on the spinner is odd, the player
moves that number of spaces in the direction shown by the odd
arrow (towards the right of the board). If the number rolled or spun
is even, they move that number of spaces in the direction of the
even arrow (towards the left of the board).
3. The winner is the player still on the slide when the other player
has slid off.
even odd
odd even
even odd
Out Out
Cambridge Primary Mathematics 1 – Moseley & Rees © Cambridge University Press 2021
Game 2
Adding games (1 and 2)
1. Each player puts their coloured counter on ‘Start’. Players take
Maths focus: (Game 1) adding by combining, (Game 2) adding on a turns to roll one dice and move along the track the correct number
number line. of circles.
2. If a player lands on a shaded circle, they roll the second dice (or
Learning objective: 1Ni.02
spin the second spinner) and add the two scores together using a
A game for up to four players number line. They should mark the larger number on the number
line first, then count on (marking the jump or jumps) to find the
You will need: total. If the other players agree that the first player has found the
• Game board (page 11). correct total, that player can jump onto the next shaded circle.
• Two 1–6 dice (page 75) or two 1–6 spinners (page 78). 3. The first player to roll or spin the correct number to land on ‘Finish’
• A counter each. is the winner.
• (Game 1) A supply of counting objects (e.g. cubes).
• (Game 2) 0–20 number line (page 82).
For a more challenging game, add a timer to push learners to develop
and use efficient strategies.
How to play
Game 1
1. Each player puts their coloured counter on ‘Start’. Players take
turns to roll one dice (or spin one spinner) and move along the
track the correct number of circles.
2. If a player lands on a shaded circle, they collect the same number
of objects as shown by the dice (or spinner) score. Then they
roll the second dice (or spin the second spinner) and collect that
number of objects too.
They put all the objects together and find the total. If the other
players agree that the first player has found the correct total, that
player can ‘jump’ onto the next shaded circle.
3. A player must roll or spin the correct number to land on ‘Finish’.
The first player to land on ‘Finish’ is the winner.