Math Ira 2017 Orals

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MATHirang MATHibay 2017 1

Oral Round
Tier 1
T1-1 (15s) A 6 × 16 rectangle is continuously rotated around its center. Find the area of the new figure.*
T1-2 (10s) Find the sum of the last digits of 12017 , 22017 , 32017 , . . . , 10002017 . [4500]
T1-3 (30s) Choko has a set of three numbers forming an arithmetic progression. Kiss has another set
of three numbers forming a geometric progression. If I add the corresponding numbers of both
progressions, I get 76, 70, and 88. Adding Choko’s numbers, I obtain 156. What are Kiss’s numbers?
[6, 18, 54]
Tier 2
T2-1 (40s) Lee Cooper has a 80 × 80 × 80 cube composed of 1 × 1 × 1 cubes. He paints the entire outer
surface of the 80 × 80 × 80 cube and then removes these painted cubes. He repeats this process until
he can no longer remove any more cubes. If he gets a random 1 × 1 × 1 cube, what is the probability
that the cube is painted on at least 2 faces? [ ]
T2-2 (30s) Roma, a mathematician, asked her son, Maro, to unlock a safe for her. She said the password p
is a prime number such that 32p + 1 is equal to the cube of a positive integer. What is the password?
T2-3 (15s) Let M, S, and A be the roots of the polynomial f (x) = 127x 3 + 1729x + 8128. Find (M + S)3 +
(S + A)3 + (M + A)3 . [192]
Tier 3
T3-1 (20s) If there are 6048 ways to seat any r people out of n around a circular table having r chairs, how
many ways can you seat any r people out of n in a row of r chairs? [30 240]
T3-2 (30s) If x + y = x y = 5, find the value of x 5 + y 5 . [625]

T3-3 (20s) The smallest integer greater than or equal to the nth root of n is denoted as ⌈ n⌉. What is the

product of all ⌈ n n⌉ for n from 1 to 2017? [22016 ]
Tier 3 Clincher
T3-C1 (10s) If five-digit codes are formed using the digits from the decimal number system, what is the
probability that the code formed when reversed (i.e. the first digit is switched with the last and the
second is switched with the fourth) yields the same code? (e.g. 0-0-0-0, 0-0-1-0-0, etc) [ ]
T3-C2 (15s) Given log 2 ≈ 0.3010, log 3 ≈ 0.4771, and log 7 ≈ 0.8451. How any digits does 20162016 have?
T3-DoD (2min) A container holds 2500 ml of chocolate drink. Every time Joze eats breakfast, he’d get a glass
of the chocolate drink and for some reason he’d replace it with the same amount and same chocolate
drink. One day he ran out of chocolate drink so he replaced whatever he drank with milk instead. If
the capacity of the glass is 250 ml, what percent of the original chocolate drink would still be present
in the container after 5 days? [88 %]
* Voided because of ambiguity.
MATHirang MATHibay 2017 2

Tier 4
T4-1 (30s) Uber driver Lee Cooper draws thirteen cards from a standard card deck. For each jack drawn,
he assigns one point; for each queen, two points; for each king, three points; and for each ace, four
points. In how many different ways can he have a hand worth six points? [152]
T4-2 (25s) Maro, Mario, and Luigi have the same birthday. Today, Maro is 3, Mario is 15, and Luigi is 21.
Luigi’s age will be x when his age is equal to the sum of the ages of Mario and Maro. A certain positive
integer has exactly 16 factors such that two of its factors are 21 and x. What is the sum of these 16
factors? [480]
T4-3 (15s) Nika got the highest score in the first quiz with a score of 9 out of 10. Everyone else got a low
score, so the professor decided not to record the quiz but gave Nika the option whether to record hers
or not. If at the end of the semester the total number of points for the quizzes is 2017 (excluding the
first quiz), what is the minimum integer score of Nika out of 2017 so that the option not to record her
score in the first quiz would result to a higher percentage in her grade for quizzes? [1816]
Tier 5
√ √
T5-1 (25s) A regular dodecagon has area 72 + 36 3 m2 . Determine its perimeter. [24 3 m]
T5-2 (30s) How many sets of three distinct single-digit numbers may be formed such that their product is
a product of powers of exactly three prime factors? [29]
T5-3 (25s) A friendship of three people consists of one person known by two other people who do not
know each other. A group of people satisfies the following conditions: Only one person is on exactly
3 friendships of three. The rest are on only 2 friendships of three. If the number of people in this group
is the least that satisfies the said conditions, how many friendships are there in the group? [3]
Tier 6
T6-1 (45s) If the thousands digit of a 4-digit perfect square number is increased by 3, its hundreds digit
decreased by 2, and its units digit increased by 8, a new 4-digit number is formed. What is the sum
of all possible solutions for the original number? [6442]
√ √
ab + 2017 ∣a + b∣
T6-2 (25s) How many (a, b) ∈ Z2 such that the nonzero complex number − i is real?
ab + 100 ab + 100
T6-3 (20s) Maro wanted to visit his dad, Mario, at his workplace via Uber. He called him and asked
how far their house is from his workplace. Mario said that it is the smallest integer greater than
√ √ 6
( 10 + 5) meters. How far is their house from Mario’s workplace? [24 750 m]
Tier 7
T7-1 (15s) Maro, Arbee, Brian, and Tracy were at a fun fair and they had to guess the number of cans of
Red Bull Energy Drink in a large container. Prizes are awarded on how close the guesses were. Luckily,
the first prize went to Maro, who guessed 169 cans. The second prize went to Arbee, who guessed 144
cans; the third prize went to Brian, who guessed 121 cans; and the fourth prize went to Tracy, who
guessed 194 cans. How many cans were in the large container? [157]
T7-2 (30s) Let (a n ) be an infinite geometric sequence with first term a0 and common ratio r. The sum
of the first 2017 terms of (a n ) divided by the infinite sum of the terms of (a n ) is . Let (b n ) be an
MATHirang MATHibay 2017 3

infinite geometric sequence where b n = a n+1 . for all n. If the infinite sum of b n is 115, what is the sum
of its first 2017 terms. [69]
T7-3 (20s) Determine the largest positive integer which is divisible by all integers less than its square root.
Tier 8
T8-1 (15s) We call an integer très belle if its units digit is one more than twice the sum of its other digits.
For example, 2017 is très belle since 2(2 + 0 + 1) + 1 = 7. How many integers less than 2017 but greater
than 1000 are très belle? [11]
T8-2 (20s) In the early 70s, Ferdenend had x gold bars in his stash. He kept of them for himself. Then, he
divided the remaining gold bars and gave equal amounts to Emelde, Bengbeng, and Emee but 2 gold
bars were left. He included Eymee on the sharing but 3 gold bars were left. Now, in order to equally
divide the remaining gold bars with no remainder, he included his 2 bodyguards on the sharing. Find
the smallest possible value of x. [357]
T8-3 (30s) Suppose THEAB + IROEN = MIN M4N,where each letter represents a unique 1-digit non-
negative integer. In how many ways can this be true? [4]
Tier 9
T9-1 (30s) Given M 2 (S + 2A) + S 2 (A+ 2M) + A2 (M + 2S) = 10, and M, S, and A are positive real numbers,
find the maximum value of MSA [ ]
1 1 1 1
T9-2 (20s) If x 14 + 14 = 47, and y 18 + 18 = 4, what are the last 2 digits of x 3584 + 3584 + y 4608 + 4608 ?
x y x y
T9-3 (45s) There is a video on YouTube called “The Entire Bubuyog Movie but every time they say ‘bubuyog’,
it gets faster.” In particular, the movie speeds up by 1.25× its previous speed. When the sped up video
is played, the word ‘bubuyog’ is mentioned at the following time arks: 00:17, 1:05, 4:17, X, and 20:17.
If the video clip lasts only 37:21, and the original movie lasted 1 hour, 31 minutes and 42 seconds,
determine the time mark X. Round off answers to the nearest second. [16:01]
Tier 10
T10-1 (40s) A normal year in SHINee World is composed of 364 days, but unlike Earth, it has 5 “days” a
week, namely Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Taemin, with Onew being the first day and Taemin
being the last day of the week. In this alternate universe, a leap year does not exist; instead, it has
kick and hop years. A kick year occurs every 3 years an has 367 days, a hop year occurs every 2 years
and has 363 days, and every 6 years is only a normal year. If the year XY XX ends on an Onew, what
nearest year starts on a Taemin? [XY XX − 1]
T10-2 (20s) Lee Cooper, a fashion and numbers enthusiast, likes labeling numbers that have a certain
number of factors. He calls numbers that have exactly 3 positive divisors fab while the ones with
exactly 9 factors glam. How many fab numbers and glam numbers are under 3000? [31]
T10-3 (30s) Rus and Rica, both programmers, just had their firstborn. However, they can’t decide on the
name of their eldest. So they made a program that will print all the possible 4-letter combinations
of the English alphabet. The letter combinations follow the format of a counter where AAAA is
MATHirang MATHibay 2017 4

equivalent to (0000), and is the first combination, followed by AAAB, which is equivalent to (0001),
then by AAAC, equivalent to (0002). However, in this case, AAAJ (0009) is not followed by AABA
(0010) but instead, is followed by AAAK (000[10]), and then followed by AAAL (000[11]) until
AAAZ (000[25]). After AAAZ is AABA, equivalent to (0010), followed by AABB (0011), until AABZ
(001[25]). Next to AABZ is AACA (0020) and so on and so forth until ZZZZ ([25][25][25][25]).
Now, how many combinations were printed from AAAA to UBER? There is one letter combination
from AAAA to AAAA and there are two letter combinations from AAAA to AAAB. [352 318]
Tier 11
T11-1 (45s) Find the total area of the region outside the unit circle and a smaller circle tangent to the unit
circle but inside the square with vertices (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1) such that the diameter of the
32 − 9π
smaller circle with (1, 1) as an endpoint is parallel to the x-axis. [ ]
T11-2 (30s) Riding an UberX, it takes (n+1)6 +(n−1)6 +5 kilometers from the first stoplight Maro will pass
by for him to arrive at Mario’s workplace. If n is a positive odd integer, and for every 8 kilometers
there is a stoplight, how far is Mario’s workplace from the last stoplight that Maro will pass by?
[5 km]
T11-3 (25s) A tetrahedron is a 3-dimensional figure with 4 triangular faces, 6 edges, and 4 vertices. Con-
sider an irregular tetrahedron with two opposite edges AB and CD having the same length 6. A
line with length 4 connecting the midpoints of these edges is perpendicular to the edges. The lines
connecting the midpoints of AB to C and D are also perpendicular to AB. Find the volume of the
tetrahedron. [24]
Tier 12
T12-1 (45s) I draw a series of line segments such that B, the second endpoint of a line segment, AB, is the
first endpoint of the next line segment, BC, and m∠ABC = 120○ . AB is the first line segment, BC
is the second, CD, is the third, DE is the fourth and so on, with m∠ABC, m∠BCD, and m∠CDE
all equal to 120○ and △ABC overlaps with △BCD, △BCD overlaps with △CDE and so on. If every
line segment is half of the length of the previous one, the series of line segments eventually becomes

a single point X. What is the ratio of ∣AX∣ to ∣AB∣? [ 2 ∶ 1]
T12-2 (20s) Simon and Ricardo were tasked to deliver 2017 cans of Red Bull Energy Drink. Along the way,
there are sets of three thirsty trolls who takes these energy drinks in order.
• The first troll takes 1 from each person who carries an even number of cans and takes 2 from
each person who carries an odd number of cans.
• The second troll takes 3 from each person who carries an even number of cans and takes 4
from each person who carries an odd number of cans.
• The first troll takes 3 from each person who carries an even number of cans and takes 0 from
each person who carries an odd number of cans.
Before each roll, they decide how many cans each of them are carrying but each person must carry
at least 4. If there are 69 sets of trolls in their way, what is the maximum number of cans Simon and
Ricardo can bing to their destination? [1464]
T12-3 (40s) Twin primes are primes that differ by 2. Sexy primes are primes that differ by 6. Let m < 6969 be
a product of twin primes p and q, with q the smaller prime. Let n ≠ m be the resultant palindromic
MATHirang MATHibay 2017 5

number when the hundreds and ten digits of m are swapped, which can be written as product of 2
other primes r and s, with s the smaller prime. If q and s are sexy primes where q > s and p and r
are the smallest and largest primes respectively of a sexy prime triplet, find q. [29]
Final Round
Wave 1
W1-1 Let M be a positive integer whose digits’ sum is 2017, and let a, b, c, d, e, and f be distinct single
digits. Given that a + b = d, b + c = e, and d + e = f , with a equal to the sum of the digits of M + 1,
find all possible solutions for the values of a, b, c, d, e, and f , in ordered sextuples.
[(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 8), (2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 9), (2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 9)]
W1-2 A positive integer n5 has 2016 (unique) divisors and it is divisible by 29. If the sum of the prime
divisors’ exponents, upon prime factorization of n5 , is between 123 and 143, determine the prime
factorization of the least possible n. [225 ⋅ 293 ]
W1-3 A palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. For example,
1991, 525 and 6 are palindromic numbers. Find the probability that a positive number less than
11 ⋅ 101008 − 2
102017 is a palindrome. [ ]
102017 − 1
Wave 2
W2-1 Define an Uber-romantic number to be a positive integer such that if all of its digits except those that
are equal to 1, 3 and 4 are removed, the remaining digits (in their original order) will for the number
143. For example:
– 1 928 473 is an Uber-romantic number.
– 214 902 131 is not an Uber-romantic number since 14 131 is not equal to 143.
– 51 234 509 is not an Uber-romantic number since 134 is not equal to 143.
How many 7-digit Uber-romantic numbers are there? [77 175]
W2-2 For a party of 5, there are 44 ways to give one gift to another person such that each person can only
receive one gift. How many such ways are there for a party of 6? [265]
W2-3 On a 2 × 3 grid, movement from one vertex to another is restricted along the lines. How many paths
of length seven are there from the lower left corner to the upper right corner? [189]
Wave 3
W3-1 For a party of 6, there are 265 ways to give one gift to another person such that each person can only
receive one gift. Of these 265 ‘ways’, what is the minimum number of ‘ways’ we can choose so that
we can ensure that out of all these ‘ways’ everyone has given a gift to every person? [213]
W3-2 The Euler totient function of n, denoted as ϕ(n), gives the number of positive integers less than or
equal to n, that are relatively prime to n. Find the smallest positive integer m such that
(ϕ ○ ϕ ○ ⋯ ○ ϕ ○ ϕ) (292017 ) = 1. [8069]
´¹¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¸¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¹ ¶
m times

W3-3 A fair 6-sided die is rolled 10 times. For the ith roll, the face value Vi is recorded and is given a score
S i of −1 if the value was odd, and a score of 1 if the value was even. After 10 rolls, the scores are
MATHirang MATHibay 2017 6

added to make a total score. Determine the sum of all total scores among all the different ways that
the sum of values ∑ Vi = 17. [−42 720]

Wave 4
W4-1 Maro and his friend Abe play a ‘sweets game’. There are 29 sweets on the table, and they must take
turns eating as many sweets as they choose, but they must eat at least one, and never more than half
of what’s left. The loser is the one who has no valid move. If Abe has the first turn, what must be the
sequence of the number of sweets that she will leave during her turn in order to win with optimal
play (least number of turns)? [15, 7, 3 and 1]
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 851
W4-2 Evaluate: + + + + +⋯+ + . [ ]
3 2 15 12 35 264 575 600
W4-3 Let x, y, and z be numbers such that x = y 3 + z 3 , y = z 3 + x 3 , z = x 3 + y 3 , S1 be the set of real solutions
to the system, and S2 the set of complex solutions with distinct components. Find the sum of the
number of elements of S1 and the number of elements of S2 . [9]
Wave 5
W5-1 Patrick and Rus are playing a game called 7 Blunders. Each player starts with 7 cards in their hand
with the following scores labeled for each card: 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 7. To play, both players will simulta-
neously draft a random card from their hand to keep, and swap the rest with the other player. They
do this repeatedly until both players have drafted 7 cards. They then total up the score.
What is the probability that Rus has a higher score than Patrick, and therefore wins? ] [
W5-2 A right circular cone of radius 42 m has volume V0 . A frustum of volume V1 is placed below the cone
such that it forms a bigger cone. A second frustum of volume V2 is added to the new cone to form
a bigger one, and so on. If Vn = ⋅ Vn−1 such that n is a positive integer, to what value does the
radius of the entire cone approach as n → ∞? [73.5 m]
√ √
W5-3 Find all ordered triples (M, S, A) which satisfies the equality (M 2 S + MS 2 )A = ( M + S)4 .
[(8, 8, 1), (1, 1, 4)]

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