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DIRECTION: Read and understand each sentence then ring the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the properties best describe the eggs?
A. soft B. smooth C. bendable D. breakable
2. Gold can be shaped into rings. What property does gold have?
A. brittleness B. elasticity C. hardness D. malleability
3. Rubber bands can be used to secure things tightly because they can be stretched and can go back to their original
shape. What property do rubber bands have?
4. Wood is made into chopping boards. What property does wood have?
A. softness B. brittleness C. elasticity D. hardness
5. Which solid material does not belong to the group?
A. plastic spoon B. gold bracelet C. iron nail D. silver ring
6. Metal is a substance. Why is it used for making machines?
A. Metal has many colors. C. Metal is strong.
B. Metal is shiny. D. Metal is made of gold.
7. Why are metals very useful?
A. They can be broken easily. C. They can produce good sounds.
B. They can be thrown away easily. D. They are hard and can be made into different shapes.
8. Which of the following is an example of recycling?
A. repairing a worn out chair C. reusing an old water bottle as tumbler
B. bringing your own bag on a supermarket D. using an old water bottle as seedling pot
9. The following materials are harmful if not disposed properly EXCEPT
A. broken glass B. wastes from hospitals C. old tires D. plastic bottles
10. Which is made from a recyclable material?
A. B. C. D.

11. What property of matter lets electricity flow in a material?

A. fruit B. copper C. metal coin D. rock
12. Which of the following will produce rust when it is wet?
A. a nail B. a glass C. a rubber band D. a plastic spoon
13. Which of the following results in a physical change in an object?
A. burning a piece of paper C. chewing a piece of bread
B. mixing paint with a thinner D. cutting of wood into smaller pieces
14. A cup of soup is on the table. You observed that it has bubbles and a foul smell. What would you infer?
A. The soup is sour. C. The soup is tasty.
B. The soup is spoiled. D. The soup is newly cooked.
15. Which statement is true about physical change?
A. It does not change a material’s composition. C. It does not involve the physical properties of matter.
B. It does not change a material’s size and shape. D. It does not involve matter.
16. Which is a physical change?
A. burning toast B. fireworks exploding C. rusting bicycle D. freezing of chocolate-covered chocolate
17. Which statement describes chemical change?
A. It is reversible. C. It changes only a material’s color and odor.
B. It produces new materials. D. It does not change a material’s size and shape.
18. Which will show a chemical change?
A. burning candle B. chewing a piece of bread C. burning a piece of paper D. melting of butter
19. Water is boiled in a pan on stove. What change will take place?
A. Water will turn into gas. C. Water will turn into solid.
B. Water will turn into plasma. D. Nothing will happen to the water.
20. Consumers are encouraged to reduce their waste by_______
A. purchasing in bulk C. switching to re-usable products
B. buying items with less packaging D. all of the above
21. This means to make less garbage. For example, instead of buying juice boxes for lunch, buy a large container of juice
and use a washable single serving container to take to school.
A. reduce B. reuse C. recycle D. rebuild
22. Reuse of stuff would______
A. Minimize the strain on the environment. C. Both A and B option
B. Help municipal waste management. D. Be difficult and time consuming
23. Which of the following is a recyclable material?
A. aluminum B. cardboard C. glass D. all of the above
24. Wilma has grown older, so her mother decided to donate her used clothes to the victims of typhoon Samar.
What waste management did Wilma’s mother apply?
A. reuse B. reduce C. repair D. recycle
25. Which of the following shows the proper way to recycle?
A. Scrap papers from the classroom might be turned into paper bags.
B. Buy items in refillable containers.
C. Use cloth bags or baskets when you buy in the groceries/market.
D. Use both sides of paper in printing.
26. Plastic is commonly used as soft drinks container. What material can you use as a substitute for plastic?
A. empty cans B. empty bottles C. used spoons D. folded papers
27. In his class, Mr. Torres told his pupils to reuse papers instead of throwing it in the bin? How will they do it?
A. Make an origami. C. Give it to your classmate.
B. Use it as scrap paper in Math. D. Never mind the advice of the teacher.
28. Some materials are normally useful even after serving its original purpose. What will you do to an empty canister
at home?
A. Place it inside the cabinet. C. Use it as a lunch box.
B. Burn it. D. make a trash bin out of it.
29. You have a lot of small dresses in your cabinet. You have noticed that your playmate used old clothings. Is it right
to share the clothes that you are not using?
A. Yes, because he is my friend. C. No, I will burn it.
B. Yes, instead of storing the dress, it will be a useful one. D. No, it is a gift from my parents.
30. The following materials can be reused, EXCEPT
A. wood B. paper C. aluminum cans D. paint brush
31. Avoiding to buy disposable items such as plastic cups and plates is to______.
A. reuse B. reduce C. recycle D. repair
32. To turn an item into another useful item is to______
A. reuse B, reduce C. recycle D. repair
33. Terry is collecting used empty plastic bottles for hi Science project. She plans to make a star out of these bottles.
Terry is trying to ________. A. repair B. reduce C. recycle D. reuse
34. Which trash bin will you put a broken glass?
A. B C. D.


35. Benny collects used straws from the canteen’s garbage bags every morning. What could possibly be Benny’s plan
with his collections?
A. He will make a colorful hat/bag from the used straws for his grandmother.
B. He will throw the straws somewhere in school.
C. He just want to fill their house with used straws.
D. He does not like to see straws in the grabage bags.

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