Revenge of The Giants

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Bill Slavicsek • Mike Mearls • David Noonan



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I: ADVENTURE GUIDE 4 Map of the Hill Giant Compound . 53 Reaching the Spire 103
How to Use this Adventure 4 E3: Infiltrating the Compound 54 Stranded! 103
Adventure Synopsis 6 Infiltration Skill Challenge 54 F4: The Frozen Beach 104
Background 6 E4: Shaman Offensive 56 F5: Guard Posts 106
Adventure Summary 7 ES: Common Hall 58 F6: Ice Cave 108
Adventure Hooks 8 E6: Hill Giant Battlechief 60 F7: Ice Hut 110
The City of Argent 9 E7: Cave of the Earth Titan 62 F8: Burial Cave 112
Argent's Story 9 T1: River Ambush 64 F9: Frost Forge 114
Key Locations 10 T2: Demon's Playthings 66 F10: Tower of Ice 116
Map of the City of Argent 13 Exorcising Physandos F11: Hunters of the Wastes 118
Invitation and Ritual 14 Skill Challenge 66 F12: Crafting the Key 120
New Magic Items 15 T3: Urthix's Cave 68 F13: Against the Frost Titan 121
New Monsters 16 11: Into the Past 70 Flamefall Tower Overview 124
Astral Giants 16 12: Wizard's Workshop 72 Getting to Flamefall Tower 124
Earth Giants 18 13: Wizard's Library 74 Giants in the World 124
Fire Giants 20 14: Wizard's Tower 76 What's Going On in
Frost Giants 22 D1: Into the Astral Sea 78 Flamefall Tower 124
Primordials 24 D2: The Eighty-Six Stairs 79 The Moving Towers 125
Torrians 25 D3: The Grand Entrance 80 Reacting to Intruders 125
Talking Your Way In Flamefall Tower Key 126
2: ADVENTURE ENCOUNTERS.. 26 Skill Challenge 80 Map of Flamefall Tower 126
Cl: Desperate Message 28 D4: The Skywatchees Dome 82 The Heat of Flamefall Tower ...127
C2: The Ancient City 30 DS: Court of Fallen Leaves 84 Important NPCs 127
C3: Street Battle 32 D6: Taroxn's Lair 86 Flamefall Tower Patrols 128
C4: The Hidden Vault 34 D7: Three Corners Gambit 88 G1: Portal Platform 130
Interlude: The Last Guardian 36 Broken Anvil Skill Challenge .... 88 G2: Audience Chamber 132
The Guardian's Quests 37 Treeline Skill Challenge 89 G3: Armory 134
Random Encounters 38 Skewered Rat Skill Challenge ... 89 G4: Elemental Furnace 136
R1: Researching the Torrlans 40 Frost Giant GS: Summoning Chamber 138
Searching the House Encounters Overview 90 G6: Ritual Chamber 140
Skill Challenge 40 Getting Involved 90 G7: Salamander Defenders 142
Observing the Past The Village of Flotsam 90 G8: False Relics 144
Skill Challenge 41 Frozen Sea and Sea of G9: Storage Vault 146
R2: Researching the Sky Metal .... 42 Howling Souls 91 G10: Fire Giant Slaves 148
Necropolis Skill Challenge 42 The Frost Giants 91 G11: King Snares Crafting 150
R3: Researching the 11: Attack on Flotsam 92 Interlude: Preparing at Argent.... 152
Divine Engine 44 F2: Meeting Kaseem 94 Items of Argent 152
The Library Skill Challenge 44 F3: Voyage to Frost Spire 96 Degree of Urgency? 152
The Temple of the Dawn The Percheron 96 Moradin's Universal
Skill Challenge 45 The Voyage 96 Apparatus 152
Interludes: Returning to Argent ... 46 Frost Spire Overview 98 The Divine Engine 153
Return to Argent 46 Key Locations 98 Lolestra's Ritual 153
Bringing Back the Torrians 46 Map of Frost Spire 99 Obanar 153
Gathering the Sky Metal 46 Travel on the Island 100 Extended Rest 153
Earth Giants on the March.... 46 Wandering Monsters 100 Traveling to the
Frost Giants on the March .... 47 Running the Elemental Chaos 153
Fire Giants on the March 47 Frost Spire Encounters 102 P1: Releasing Piranoth 154
Diplomatic Missions 47 Exploring the Island 102 P2: Frozen Terror 156
Locating Torugar 47 The Feud 102 P3: The World Mover 158
E1: The Siege, Part One 48 The Gate of Ice 102 Defeating Piranoth 156
E2: The Siege, Part Two 50 Island Quests 103 Conclusion 160
Hill Giant Compound Overview... 52

Giants have banded together under an alliance of
three titan lords to finally get their revenge for the
defeats and insults of the past. Moreover, they seek
to reclaim the world that they helped create, and to
achieve this lofty goal they have set a plan in motion
to free one of the most powerful primordials—the
master of fire, earth, and frost, Piranoth the World
Revenge of the Giants is a DUNGEON & DRAGONS®
adventure for characters of 12th to 18th level. You
need the Player's Ilandbook®, Monster Manual®, and
the Dungeon Master's Guide® to play. D&DTM Dungeon
Tiles and D&D® Miniatures can enhance your play
experience and are enthusiastically recommended.


Revenge of the Giants, a paragon-tier adventure, consists of
three parts. It takes a group of five player characters (PCs)
from 12th to 18th level. Make sure to familiarize yourself
with the plot of the adventure so that you can build your
campaign toward the events that unfold herein.
All of the material in this book is designed for the
Dungeon Master (DM). Players expecting to participate
in the adventure should not read any further.
The book is broken into two sections. The first section
provides an "Adventure Guide" for the DM. It contains
an overview of the adventure. It also features new magic
items, new monsters, and other material to help the DM
run the adventure.
The second section includes the many possible
encounters within the adventure. Some of these encoun-
ters can be played in any order, while other encounter
areas only become available after key events occur.
A poster map, included at the back of the book, depicts
three of the key encounter areas used in the adventure.
These three areas are rendered in a scale that allows you
to place your D&D Miniatures directly on the map so that
you can run these key encounters.

Getting Started
Read through the rest of the "Adventure Guide" to get
a sense of the scope and flow of the adventure. Provide
one or more of the "Adventure Hooks" (page 8), and then
proceed to Encounter C1: Desperate Message on page
28 to begin the adventure.

CHAPTER I I Adventure Guide

Thanks to the influence and reach of Nerath, the
human-controlled empire that covered much of the
known land, the world became a safer place. Argent
Revenge of the Giants sets out to provide adventurers fell farther and farther from the forefront of memory,
with a remarkable paragon-tier experience that high- and fewer and fewer champions were sent to guard
lights the changes in scope and world view that occur its once-hallowed walls_ Because of the success of
once 11th level is achieved. This section provides back- Nerath, Argent was a mere shadow of its former self
ground information and a summary of the adventure. when the unthinkable happened.
Nerath fell, as all empires eventually do, and the
fall was long and hard. The world, so safe and stable
BACKGROUND for so many years under the wise and benevolent
As the Dawn War came to a close, some of the gods rule of Nerath's human kings and queens, was sud-
established contingencies so that the people of the denly thrown into darkness. The monsters and other
world could defend themselves should threats once threats to the world, held at bay by the light of Nerath,
again appear out of the darkness at the borders of the surged forth like a tidal wave of darkness when that
world. One of these contingencies was the creation light was abruptly extinguished. Argent's guardians,
of the city of Argent and the establishment of the few in number and frankly caught as off guard as the
Paragon Compact. This agreement between all of the rest of the world, emerged to try to turn the destruc-
civilized people of the world put in place a mutual tive tide.
defense pack, with Argent as the first line of defense. With the help of the guardians, a few dim lights
According to the compact, it was the duty of every winked on in the darkness, and the survivors of
nation and empire to provide champions to serve as Nerath gathered in isolated pockets to defend them-
guardians and agents of Argent. In practice, paragon- selves and live life as best they could in a more
tier heroes volunteered or were selected through a dangerous world. The guardians, however, did not
variety of means to take their place on the walls of fare as well.
Argent. Vardar, Bael Turath, Arkhosia, Nerath—all All of the guardians that were dispatched from
these ancient empires and others regularly sent Argent to try to stem the raise of darkness never
champions to serve in Argent. returned. The last guardian, the wizard Obanar,
The champions worked alone and in groups to never learned what happened to his companions. He
investigate potential threats whenever they appeared. remained behind to watch over the walls of the city
There were never enough champions at any given and to protect its ancient treasures. More over, he
time to create more than a small strike team or two, waited for the next batch of champions to arrive so
so it wasn't like they could police the entire world. that he could train them and pass on the mission. as it
They concentrated their efforts on the most power- had been passed on to him.
ful, most otherworldly menaces—incursions into the Now, more than a century has gone by, and
world by powerful Far Realm entities, demon lords, Obanar still waits. The city ofArgent has become a
and primordials being the most common threats shell of memories and shadows. The last guardian,
that the champions attempted to investigate and ancient and alone, haunts the place like a ghost of
deal with. But they weren't an army, and many other bygone days. He never learned that Nerath fell. He
dangers had to be left to adventurers, nations, and doesn't know that no new kingdom or empire has
ordinary people to deal with as best they could. risen to replace it, that civilization remains reduced
to solitary points of light in the darkness that has
THE CITY OF ARGENT filled in the ruins of Nerath. He doesn't understand
The city of Argent is a walled settlement on a cloud- why no new guardians have arrived in all these years
shrouded mountaintop overlooking the Plains of to shore up Argent's defenses and take their place as
Chaos. where the harriers between the world and the defenders of the world.
the Elemental Chaos are particularly thin. In ages What Obanar does know is that a new threat has
past, it was a thriving metropolis, occupied by various appeared on the horizon. It is an ancient threat, a
races and visited by scores more. Everything was built danger with roots that stretch back to the time before
around the needs of the guardians, the champions Argent was established. And this threat is aimed
provided by the bastions of light to serve as Argent's directly at Argent, which means that it is a threat
agents and defenders. that knows about the city. A threat that knows what
As time passed by. the city began to lose status and Argent means, what it's purpose is, and what it con-
influence. Its neutrality, once a great strength, led to tains within its now-silent walls.
its decline as the empire of Nerath took hold of the Obanar, the last guardian of Argent, fears that lie
world. Nerath continued to live up to the terms of the may no longer be up to the challenge before him. He
compact, but as the empire grew stronger and more doesn't believe he can win, but he knows that he can't
powerful, there was less call for the guardians. fail. For if Argent falls, the world follows.

CHAPTER 1 I Adventure Guide

ADVENTURE SUMMARY Part Three: Earth Giant Encounters (Encounters

El-E7, pages 48-63): The first time that the adventur-
Revenge of the Giants is divided into nine parts. Some ers return to Argent after going on a research or quest
parts of the adventure can only occur after other parts mission, they arrive right in the middle °fan ongoing
have been completed. Other sections are designed siege. Obanar is hard-pressed to handle the attacks
to occur whenever the player characters decide to that come from two different directions. but with
explore them. Each of the sections. as well as the pro- the help of the "champions" he believes that he can
posed flow of the adventure, are described below. re-establish Argent's own defenses to turn back the
Part One: The City of Argent (Encounters Cl C4,-
earth giants and their allies.
pages 28 35): The adventure begins when the last
After the siege is broken, the adventurers can seek
guardian of Argent sends his one remaining aide out the earth giants to try to recover the relic that was
to enlist the help of the greatest champions of the stolen, or they can continue with the research and
current age. The adventurers encounter the aide, a quest encounters first. The rest of the encounters in
torrian named Rrowthar, just as agents of the Ele- this section take the adventurers to the lair of the hill
mental Chaos intent of doing him grave harm catch giants and the earth titan Earthshaker.
up to him. With the rescue of Rrowthar, the torrian Part Four: Torrian Encounters (Encounters
gives the adventurers Obanar's message and shows Ti -T3, pages 64-69): These encounters follow the
them how to get to Argent. In Argent. the adventur- quest to find the torrians and convince them to once
ers meet Obanar, learn about the Paragon Compact, again serve Argent. If the adventurers successfully
and help defend the city from invading giants and complete this quest, they gain valuable allies.
elementals. One villain escapes with an ancient relic Part Five: Implements of Argent Encounters
from Argent's vaults, however. and Obanar asks the (Encounters 11-14, pages 70-77):These encounters
"champions" to take up the Silver Cloaks. "There can follow the quest to find the special materials that
be only one purpose in this attack. one reason that Obanar requires to create a set of magic items to aid
that particular relic was taken," Obanar explains. the adventurers against elementals and the primordial
"The giants have come together to release the primor- Piranoth. The quest takes the adventurers through
dial Piranoth back Into the world." time to steal the materials from the future Lich, Acer-
From here, Obanar presents the adventurers with erek, before he becomes an undead monster.
a number of options. They can seek out the remain- Part Six: Diplomatic Encounters (Encounters
ing torrians and convince them to return to Argent DI-D7 pages 78-89): These encounters follow the
to help fortify the city. They can find the materials quest to find the mysterious astral giants and convince
that Obanar can use to create a set of magic 'wins to them to provide aid in the ongoing conflict, as well as
help them eventually deal with Piranoth. They can potential quests to rally key points of light against the
attempt to stop the giants from recovering the items ongoing onslaught of the combined giant armies.
necessary to free Piranoth from his ancient prison. Part Seven: Frost Giant Encounters (Encoun-
Or they can try to rally the scattered settlements of ters F1-F13, pages 92 123): The adventurers travel

civilized races to create armies to defend against the to Frost Spire to take on the frost giant jarl and the
marauding giants. frost titan Glacier and to find two pieces of the divine
At some point during a return to the city, after the engine.
adventurers have completed one or more research or Part Eight: Fire Giant Encounters (Encounters
quest encounters, they must once again help Obanar G1 G11. pages 130-151): The adventurers travel to

weather a siege as earth giants and their allies attack FlamefaIl Tower to battle the fire giant king and the
the gates of Argent. fire titan Wildfire and to stop them from using the
Part Two: Research Encounters (Encounters divine engine.
R1-113. pages 40-45): Obanar points the adventurers Part Nine: Primordial Encounters (Encounters
at three potential research encounters that will help PI-P3, pages 154 160): In the Elemental Chaos, the

them acquire information and aid in the coming bat- adventurers must fight a desperate battle to defeat
tles. He provides them with the means to view past the primordial Piranoth and once again imprison it
events that can aid them in the battles of today. before it can unleash its wrath on the natural world.
They can observe what caused the torrians to leave If the adventurers succeed, they break the alli-
Argent and determine where they have gone. ance of giants, defeat the titan lords, and return
They can see where the materials that Obanar Piranoth to its ancient prison. They restore a measure
needs to create a set of magic items for the of Argent's ancient glory and gain allies and a safe
adventurers can be found. haven from which to launch future adventures. And
They can view the distant events that locked Pira- they earn a set of powerful magic items that make
noth away for all time to understand what the giants them ready to take on the challenges of the epic tier—
might be trying to accomplish today. challenges fast approaching as this adventure draws
to a close.

CHAPTER I Adventure Guide

The Lord Warden of Fallcrest, or the leader of what-
ever town or city the adventurers are known in, calls
This adventure begins with ominous rumors of war. the player characters to an important meeting. In
Not just any war, understand, but a monstrous war addition to the Lord Warden, the meeting chamber
as various accounts of armies of giants and elemental contains members of the town council, the captain
creatures spread throughout the land. Feel free to use of the Fallcrest Guard, and the local priest of Pelor
one or more of the following adventure hooks to lead when the adventurers arrive.
the player characters into the story line and to pro-
vide additional opportunities to gain experience as "You have helped Fallcrest and the Nentir Vale many
events in the adventure unfold. times, my friends," the Lord Warden says fondly as he wel-
comes you into the meeting chamber. "Now a new threat
HOOK: RUMORS OF WAR has appeared that we must once again ask you to deal with
The adventurers discover that the town or city they so that Fallcrest and the surrounding lands do not succumb
have just reached is clearly in the grip of hysteria to the ever-encroaching darkness."
and paranoia. The walls around the settlement have The captain of the guard steps forward at a sign from
been bolted tight, and nervous guards refuse to let the Lord Warden. He bows slightly to you and says, "Some-
any strangers or newcomers into the place. Already, one or something has roused the giants of the Stonemarch
a merchant caravan and other travelers are camped and the lands beyond. Already, an army of these terrible
outside, waiting for the gates to open and the place to creatures is preparing to march. They shall easily sweep
return to normal. The player characters can wander over Winterhaven on their way toward Fallcrest."
through the camp to learn the following rumors that "You must discover the cause of this act of war," the Lord
have made those outside the walls almost as nervous Warden says. "You must find a way to stop this threat before
as those locked within. Fallcrest and the entire vale are overrun and destroyed."

"I heard two of theguards talking,"stammers the cara- Quest XP: 8,000 (major quest) if the adventur-
van driver. "They said that the village of Small Tower was ers take up the Lord Warden's quest and find a way
destroyed a few days ago by an army of hill giants." to turn hack the army of giants before Fallcrest is
"The people of this place have sealed the wall," one of the destroyed. The Lord Warden also promises the
merchant's guards says. "A runner arrived two days ago adventurers a monetary reward of 22,000 gp if they
and claimed that an army of giants and elemental crea- succeed in stopping the giants and saving the town
tures was right behind him, destroying everything in their from destruction.
"Giants!" slwuts a man as he rides a weary horse into HOOK: HISTORY'S HEROES
the camp beyond the walls of the town. "Giants are attack- A scholar, mentor, or sage who knows one or more
ing the farms and villages af Surnmerhome, and they shall of the adventurers presents an interesting and
march in this direction next! Fled Flee while you can. for potentially profitable challenge to the party. "I have
nothing can stop these enormous brutes!" recently uncovered tales of a mythical city in the
"The mayor of this place is very concerned for the safety ancient archives of Nerath," the scholar explains.
of her people," the merchant tells you. "1 believe that she "It seems that this city had some connection to the
would be willing to hire adventurers such as yourselves to legendary Dawn War, and that Nerath appeared to
undertake a scouting mission to determine the truth of have sent champions to the city for some unknown
these rumors." purpose. The texts are vague on some of these details,
and in other places paragraphs and even whole pages
Quest XP: 700 (minor quest) lithe adventurers are missing from the documents."
scout out the area beyond the town or city to discover The scholar goes on to offer the adventurers a
the truth of the tales about giants and elemental "magic item of great value" if they were to turn up any
creatures, and to determine whether or not the town information on this "lost city."
or city is in immediate danger. The adventurers must "The place was called Argent," he says. "and it has
return to the mayor with news of their discoveries not been heard of since well before the fall of the
within three days to complete this quest. That will empire. Strange ... it's almost as though some unseen
give the mayor enough time to evacuate the place hand wanted me to find that text as if it jumped out
before the army of giants arrive.
of the stacks 1 was searching .. strange, indeed."
Once the adventurers learn about the alliance Quest XP: 700 (minor quest) and a level 15 magic
of giants, it becomes very clear that the town or city item that one of the adventurers can use if they bring
where they first heard the rumors of war cannot news and evidence of Argent to the scholar.
stand against the approaching army of giants.

CHAPTER 1 r Adventure Guide

Cloaks, the traditional symbol of Argent's heroes, and

they worked alone and together to deal with threats
from other planes, other worlds, other realities.

Argent. one of the oldest cities still standing in the So it was from the days after the Dawn War, and
natural world, features walls that stand taller than any through each era down through the ages. Bael Turath,

titan and gates as stout and thick as any cliffside. Built Vardar, Arkhosia, and more sent their champions to
atop a flattened mountain peak overlooking the Plains take a turn in the Silver Cloaks. During the amaz-
of Chaos. the sheer side of the mountain protects ing period of peace and tranquility that marked the
three sides of the city. Signal fires shine along the city height of the Nerath empire, the time between the
walls, illuminating the clouds that usually shroud the selection of champions grew. Fifteen years, twenty-
mountaintop on all but the clearest, crispest days. five years, fifty years ... and then the champions
stopped arriving altogether. And that wasn't the only
change to come to Argent.
ARGENT'S STORY Each year that passed, fewer caravans and travel-
Once, crowds filled the hallowed streets ofArgent, ers arrived. Each decade, more and more of Argent's
hoping to catch a glimpse of the champions from citizens moved on to other, more vital places. It wasn't
across the land. The place was magical, almost holy. that Argent wasn't valued and appreciated, but the
designed to provide for the safety and well-being of Peace of Nerath made the place seem unnecessary.
those selected to wear the Silver Cloaks. More over, the That wasn't to say that darkness had vanished from
place was imbued with supernatural defenses, portals the world, but it had certainly been pushed back by
to other places, and other arcane mechanisms that the Nerath's stabilizing presence. Indeed, the remain-
champions found helpful in their mission to protect ing champions of Argent became a bit complacent as
the natural world from threats emerging from the bor- time went on. And so, they weren't ready For the ter-
derlands between civilization and the unknown. rible events that led to Nerath's downfall.
Every five to ten years, as the guardian of Argent When disaster and danger began to spread
required, the leaders of all the bastions of civiliza- through the empire, Obanar, guardian ofArgent,
tion would send champions to take their place on sent the Silver Cloaks into the world. He remained
Argent's walls. Some of the champions volunteered. behind, on watch at the walls of the city. He waited.
Others were chosen through trials and tournaments. The Silver Cloaks never returned. In fact, no word
A few had no choice in the matter, but readily agreed came back from the empire. No new champions
to follow the commands of their king or queen or arrived to take up the Silver Cloaks. Obanar, the last
emperor. These champions were given the Silver guardian, was alone.

ARGENT Inns: None of the inns that once served visitors so well still
Argent, one of the oldest cities in the natural world, stands operate within Argent's hallowed walls. Rrowthar does
mostly deserted atop a mountain overlooking the Plains of keep guest apartments in the Hall of Champions clean and
Chaos. It was established by the gods, in agreement with prepared should new champions appear at the gates as
the mortal races, in the wake of the Dawn War to serve as in days of old. The once-famous Silver Cloak Inn and the
the bastion of the champions and guardians of Argent, as notorious Inn of the Forgotten Guardian still stand in silent
provided for in the Paragon Compact. readiness, awaiting the day when the city returns to life.
Population: 2. At its height, Argent boasted a population Taverns: Rrowthar keeps one tavern open, despite the lack of
of approximately 15,000. Representatives of nearly every clientele. The doors to the Laughing Dragon remain open,
race could be Found somewhere in the city, and hundreds and the torrian keeps a few barrels of ale and casks of wine
of visitors regularly streamed through the gates in the days on hand for when Obanar requires refreshment or should
when Argent was alive and the Nerath empire was young new champions arrive to fulfill the requirements of the
and vital. compact. Other taverns that once overflowed with revelers
Government:The human wizard Obanar serves as the last include the Divine Fountain, the Champion's Chalice, and
guardian and champion of Argent. His loyal seneschal the Worthy Alehouse.
Supplies: When Argent was alive and vibrant, the Wondrous

11 Rrowthar remains in his service and cares for the city as best
he can. In the past, the city was administered by the Lord
Proctor and a council of seneschals, and the Champions of
Market regularly set up stalls and tents in the Gateyard.
Other shops could be found in the Temple Marketplace that
Argent provided advice and protection as warranted. filled the area between the Temple of the Dawn and the
Defense: In addition to the Champions of Argent, who Hall of Champions. Today, Rrowthar maintains a small stash
numbered as many as 20 during the city's heyday, an of supplies in the Guardian's Tower for Obanar.
army of volunteers drawn From both the torrians and the Trade: Once, Argent conducted a vibrant trade with cities in
members of other races who pledged their lives and service the natural world, the Feywild. the ShadowFell, and Sigil.
to the city. Today, only Obanar and Rrowthar remain, as well Today, no traders pass through Argent's looming gates,
as the city's many arcane and divine defenses that keep Temples: The Temple of the Dawn honors all the gods
the place protected From all but the more determined and that participated in the Dawn War and had a hand in the
powerful attacks. Paragon Compact.

CHAPTER 1 I Adventure Guide

Today. Argent sits as a ghost town atop its lonely guise as defender of the light of civilization. Her out-
mountain. Obanar, ancient beyond the human norm, stretched hand glows with the light of divine power.
hangs onto life fiercely so that he may pass the Silver A large teleportation circle is inscribed into the tile
Cloak to the next generation. With the possibility that floor across from Erathis's statue. This is one of the
the compact has been broken, Obanar contemplates dedicated teleportation circles that the Silver Cloaks
finding champions on his own, for a new threat has could use to come and go from the city.
appeared on the horizon ...
KEY LOCATIONS A hillock in the center of the city rises from a tree-
Only a handful of places in Argent still serve a pri- lined park. On the hillock, a lake of silvery water
mary function. The rest of the city appears either as ripples gently as rays of sunshine seem to always cut
deserted ruins or empty buildings just waiting for through the mountaintop clouds to illuminate the
people to return to nil them. area. The fresh water of the lake once provided most
The walls ofArgent are made of magically rein- of the drinking water used by the city. The lake feeds
forced stone. They stand 50 feet high and 25 feet thick, a river that turns into a waterfall as it exits the walls
with broad paths along the battlements and a narrow and drops down the mountainside. The park around
corridor running through the interior of each wall. the hillock remains well cared for, and it is home to
Gates of reinforced wood and metal provide access birds and small mammals of all descriptions.
into the city at specific locations along the wall. Each A solitary tower overlooks the lake from the north-
gate is 15 feet thick and 45 feet tall. The gates slide eastern part of the hillock. This was once known as
into the walls when they open. the Quiet Tower. home to the most prominent wizard
Signal fires burn in great braziers at the corners currently wearing the Silver Cloak. While Obanar
of the walls. These burn day and night. and can be once called this tower home, his role as the last guard-
seen as ghostly glows in the cloud-shrouded peak of ian has forced him to abandon the place in favor of the
the mountain. Guardian's Tower and the Hall of Champions.
Three wide roads lead up the mountain to the city
gates. while a forth switchback path climbs the face of 4. HALL OF CHAMPIONS
the northern cliff. Two landing platforms also provide A collection of three interconnected structures stands
access to those using flying mounts or magical flying atop a raised area in the southeast corner of the city.
items, as the magic protecting the city doesn't allow The Hall of Champions, which features apartments.
anyone or anything to pass over the walls. Teleporta- training rooms, and meeting chambers, serves as the
tion into the city is also prohibited, unless one knows primary residence for the heroes who take on the
the rituals necessary to link to dedicated teleporta- Silver Cloaks. An open-air arena is connected to the
tion circles within the walls. Hall. This arena once held games and tournaments
that tested the skills of the champions, and was even
1. GATEVARD used to handle large-scale meetings. Today, while the
The two main roads into Argent lead to the Gateyard. Hall of Champions and the Arena are kept ready for
an inner walled area where visitors to the city first occupancy. both structures stand empty and silent in
arrive. Not all visitors were permitted into the city the shadow of the Guardian's Tower.
proper. but all were welcome in the Gateyard. Here,
caravans and travelers could rest, trade, and petition 5. GUARDIAN'S TOVVER
for entry into the city if that's where they eventually The leader of the champions who wear the Silver
wanted to go. The Wondrous Market, located in the Cloaks has always occupied this tower in the south-
Gateyard, was once one of the most fabled market- eastern corner of the city. As the tallest structure
places in the natural world. Now, the Gateyard is in Argent, the Guardian's Tower extends above the
eerily silent. with deserted tents and buildings stand- height of the walls surrounding the city. In addition to
ing empty between its high walls. apartments and workshops, the tower contains some
of Argent's most potent defenses and helpful magic.
2. GRAND MALL Within the tower's many levels, among its many
Statues of past champions line the walls of this open- chambers, the fabled vaults of Argent keep guard over
air mall. All races appear to be represented in heroic ancient treasures, deadly weapons. and imprisoned
poses: humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, tieflings, creatures. These stasis chambers are sealed behind
dragonborn, Brow, trolls. hobgoblins, and more can heavy vault doors and protective magic, and only the
be spotted among the champions. In the center of the current guardian can access them.
mall, a reflecting pool shimmers with a barely per-
ceptible glow. The statue of a female in grand robes
overlooks the pool. This is a statue of Erathis in her

CHAPTER 1 Adventure Guide

Viewing chambers provide magical views of 6. TEMPLE OF THE DAWN
distant places. but many of these no longer oper- The Temple of the Dawn, dedicated to the gods that 0
ate correctly due to attacks launched from far-away fought in the Dawn War and then established the '—
locations by the powerful entities that unleashed the Paragon Compact that founded the city ofArgent,
troubles of a century ago. Obanar has some ability to rises above the northeastern corner of the city. A wiae
wide 0
see beyond Argent's walls, but not the near-omnipres- —1landigptformce hplsrva
ent viewing he once commanded. As often as not, the an entry point into the city. A central area of worship Lt
viewing chambers show blurred, half-formed images fills the temple, with shrines honoring each of the
instead of the crisp, clear pictures of old. which has gods—good, evil, and unaligned alike. The temple
made it extremely difficult for the guardian to learn remains in good shape, even though there hasn't been
what has transpired in the greater world, and to track any clerics or priests in residence in more than a hun-
threats the way he once could. dred years. Both Obanar and Rrowthar occasionally
Most of the arcane defenses that protect the city visit the place to pray or meditate. Not all of the gods
ofArgent are controlled from the upper levels of the who helped win the Dawn War entered into the Par-
tower. Alarms, magical barriers, and even a limited agon Compact. and those notably missing from this
ability to launch attacks directly from the city can be temple include Melora (who didn't want to contribute
controlled from this area. to a plan that could paint all wilderness as evil). Bane.
Finally, there are doors throughout the Guardian's Gruumsh, Vecna (who was not yet a god). and Zehir.
Tower that open to other places. Portals to distant The Altar of Many Gods, consecrated to all of the
locations, both in the natural world and among the gods that agreed to support the Paragon Compact. is
planes, are situated throughout the tower. While truly a wonder to behold. Located inside the Temple
the collection of portals in no way approaches the of the Dawn. it sits beneath the central dome so that
numbers available for use in Sigil, they do provide the light of the sun and moon always shines upon it.
the champions with a means for fast travel to other The worship area is built around the altar, rising in
places. In addition to portals to distant locales, there tiers so that every prayer bench provides a clear view
are also doorways that can open portals through of every ceremony and service.
time. These are fewer in number and harder to use. A gate surrounds the temple grounds. Holy sym-
and they don't always work as intended. but the bols of all the associated gods are worked into the
champions have always had a limited ability to travel wrought iron. Inside the gate, the temple grounds
back in time when important missions required it. provided a serene escape from the once-bustling city.
Now, the grounds are as silent as the rest of Argent.

CHAPTER I I Adventure Guide

Located in the cluster of buildings between the These run-down sections of the city, located in the
Temple of the Dawn and the Hall of Champions, the southwest corner and directly west of the Hall of
Temple Marketplace once featured a collection of Champions. are little more than ruins. The buildings
shops surrounded by ramshackle homes and apart- appear to have suffered the degradations of time and
ments. Today, this area is deserted. though most of the the elements much more so than the rest of the city.
buildings remain in good condition. In many places. Some buildings have partially collapsed, while others
it appears as though the residents simply stepped out have received so much damage as to be just walls and
for a stroll and might return at any moment. pieces of ceiling held up by exposed beams.


When the city was alive and the Lord Proctor admin- A walled portion of the city to the west of the
istered to its interests, he or she lived and worked in Gateyard is the Necropolis, a cemetery that houses
this well-adorned structure. All of the Lord Proctor's the remains of the fallen champions of Argent. All of
furnishings and treasures—gifts from the champions the bodies are housed in elaborate mausoleums and
and guardians handed out throughout the ages— small crypts. No new Internments have occurred in
remain in place for the eventual day when a new more than one hundred years. A number of restless
administer appears to oversee the functions of the city. dead haunt the Necropolis, including a champion
who has risen as a wight and patrols in search of
9. DIAMOND ROW nonexistent intruders.
The row of well-built structures across from the Lake
Argent Park was known as Diamond Row because Champion Wight Level 17 Elite Soldier
Medium mutir,11 humanoid (titi(1,•,,,P XP 1,100
it was where the most wealthy of the city's citizens
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +16; darkvision
once lived. Outside of the Hall of Champions. the
HP 328; Bloodied 164
Guardian's Tower, and the Temple of the Dawn,
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 29
these structures are among the most lavish and well Saving Throws +2
adorned in the city. Immune disease, poison: Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Action Points 1
0 Souldraining Longsword (standard; at-will) + Necrotic,
The bridge that spans the river in the northwest
corner of the city has been home to a monster for +28 vs. AC; 2d8 f 11 necrotic damage (crit 4d8 + 27), and the
almost fifty years. The creature, an undead beast that target loses a healing surge and is immobilized (save ends).
escaped from the Necropolis (see below) has taken up 0 Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Necrotic, Weapon
residence at the bridge. Obanar, who never enters this The champion wight makes two souldroining Iongsword attacks.
part of t he city, is completely unaware of its presence. Soul Reaping (standard; recharge + Healing, Necrotic
Ranged 5; affects an immobilized target only; +22 vs. Fortitude;
3d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the champion wight regains 25
Argent Haunt (Ghost) Level 15 Lurker
hit points.
iv1,111or11 tlr,11 v 11111111.141411d i1111114'.1t11 XI , I Jot)
Alignment Evil Languages Common
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +14; darkvision Skills intimidate +18
HP 77; Bloodied 38 Str 24 (+15) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 16 (+11)
AC 29: Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 28 Con 20 (+13) int 16 (+11) Cha 20 (413)
immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial Equipment plate armor, heavy shield. longsword +4
Speed fly 6 (hover): phasing
CD Grave Touch (standard; at-will) + Necrotic Ghost Worg Packmate Level 17 Brute Minion
+19 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 6 necrotic damage.
I ar , e shadow ma ,ical beast (undead) XP 400
0 Fading Strike (standard; at-will) + Fear, Necrotic
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
The Argent haunt turns invisible as a standard action and shifts
Death Mist aura 1; enemies that enter or start their turn in the
2 squares. On its next turn, it shifts 2 squares, turns visible, and
aura take 10 necrotic damage.
makes an attack. +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 necrotic damage, and
HP 1:a missed attack never damages a minion.
the target is pushed 2 squares.
AC 29: Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 28
+ Frightening Moan (standard; recharge ) + Fear, Necrotic
Immune disease, poison; Resist insubstantial
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +19 vs. Will; 2d8 4- 6 necrotic
Speed 8, fly 6 (hover); phasing
damage, the target is pushed 5 squares.
C ) Ghost Bite (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
-'20 vs. AC: 12 necrotic damage.
Skills Stealth +15
Insubstantial Defense (free action; when hit by an attack; at-will)
Str 14 (+9) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 14 (+9)
The ghost worg makes a saving throw. If the save succeeds, the
Con 14 (+9) Int 10 (+7) Cha 18 (+11)
attack passes harmlessly through
_ the ghost worg's form.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
Str 24 (+15) Dex 22 (+14) Wls 14 (+10)
Con 20 (+13) int 11 (+8) Cha 20 (+13)
CHAPTER 1 Adventure Guide
One square = 25 feet -


••• •••••.


CHAPTER 1 Adventure Guide

After the adventurers rescue and meet Rrowthar (see
Encounter Cl: Desperate Message on page 28),
the torrian seneschal gives two items to the player
characters. The first item is a scroll that contains a
message from Obanar. This is an invitation to take up
the Silver Cloaks and come to the city of Argent. This
break from tradition was hard for Obanar to do. but
with the looming threat of the giant alliance and no
word from any of the compact members in well over
a century, the last guardian of Argent is desperate. A
facsimile of the message appears below.
The second item, also a scroll, contains the Argent
Portal ritual that the adventurers can use to return to
the ancient city from wherever they may be.


Stand forth and be recognized! The invitation has been
given. the choice has been made!
As heroes of your realm and warriors without equal,
you have been chosen for the singular honor of serv-
ing the great and ancient city of Argent and becoming
a champion of all that civilization encompasses. The
ritual scroll provided will take you to Argent, and to your
A new threat gathers, and it has been too long since
new champions last walked Argent's hallowed streets.
The borderlands stretch thin, and the world stands
defenseless. An ancient tradition has been set aside so
that this call could go out.
Accept this honor, this duty, this privilege beyond
measure. Argent needs you. The world needs you. Do not
allow the foundation to fall.
—Obanar, last Guardian of Argent


You create a glowing circle of sighs on the ground, creating
a portal to the forgotten city of Argent.

Level: 10 Component Cost: 500 gp

Category: Travel Market Price: Not
Time: 10 minutes applicable
Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana

You create a special portal that connects to the

permanent teleportation circle in Argent's Grand
Mali. When performing the ritual, you inscribe a
10-foot-diameter circle using rare chalks and special
sigils. The circle disappears at the end of its duration.
An Arcana check determines how long the portal
remains open: 19 or lower, 1 round; 20-39, 2 rounds;
40 or higher, 3 rounds. If you are currently in the
past, an Arcana check of 30 or better lets you use this
ritual to return to Argent in your own time.
CHAPTER 1 I Adventure Guide
Controller's Im i lement Level 13+
NEW `MAGIC ITEMS An implement of purest silver that glows with arcane light.
Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp
This set of magic items, crafted specifically for the Enhancement Attack rolls and damage rolls
champions of Argent. provide additional benefits Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
when multiple members in the party equip them for Power {Daily} Minor Action. Until the end of your next turn,
use and they are within 20 squares of each other. your attacks also weaken any targets they hit (save ends) .

During this adventure, Obanar gives the player char-

acters a quest to bring back the materials he needs to Striker's Weapon Level 14+
craft these magic items. With each implement cre- A weapon of purest silver that glows with arcane light.
ated, the powers provided by these magic items grow Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp
stronger. If the adventurers attain all of the Imple- Lvl 19 +4 1105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp
ments, they gain a significant advantage in their final Weapon (Any)
Enhancement Attack rolls and damage rolls
battles against the giants and the primordial Piranoth.
Critical: +1d8 damage per plus
Note that Obanar will make as many as two of the Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger An ally you
same item, provided the group has more than five can see makes an attack roll. Effect You and the
characters. Multiple copies of the same item count as triggering ally gain combat advantage against the
one item for the purposes of attaining set benefits. triggering ally's target until the end of your next turn. In
addition, you both gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to
S plus the number of unique items from this set on your
LORE next attack.
History DC 25: The Implements of Argent were
crafted spedjicallyfor champions who proved themselves Defender's Armor Level 15+
to be worthy of the Silver Cloaks. Alone. each item provides
This armor glows with silver energy.
its wielder with added power and defenses, but when linked
Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp
with similar items wielded by teammates, the powers of
Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125.000 gp
these items truly shine. Armor (Chain, Scale, Plate)
Enhancement AC
IMPLEMENTS OF ARGENT ITEMS Property: Resist 10 cold and resist 10 fire.
Lvl Name Price (gpi Item Slot Level 25 or 30: Resist 15 cold and resist 15 fire.
13+ Controller's Implement 17,000 Implement Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your next turn,
14+ Striker's Weapon 21,000 Weapon any attack that hits and marks an enemy also dazes that
15+ Defender's Armor 25,000 Armor enemy (save ends).

16 Leader's Helm 45,000 Head

17 Champion's Ring 65,000 Ring Leader's Helm Level 16
This head gear glows with silver energy.
Wielder? Benefit Property: When you use a power with the healing keyword,
2 A creature who wields an item from this set the target gains resist 5 cold and resist 5 fire until the end
gains a bonus to initiative equal to the number of your next turn.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Each ally that you can see
of unique items equipped.
gains a bonus to their next attack roll equal to the
3 When a creature who wields an item from this
number of unique items equipped.
set spends a healing surge, he or she regains
additional hit points equal to the number of
Cham Ion's RIn: Level 17
unique items equipped.
A ring of purest silver that glows with arcane light.
4 Each creature who wields an item from
Item Slut: Ring 65,000 gp
this set gains the champion's step power,
Property: You gain an item bonus to AC and Reflex while
described below.
you are bloodied equal to the number of unique Items
The number of allies who wield a unique item from equipped.
the set. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Each enemy within 2 squares
of you gains vulnerable 5 acid, cold, fire, lightning, radiant,
Champion's Step Item Set Power or thunder (your choice) until the end of your next turn.
if you've reached at least one milestone today, this
You step out of the world for a brief moment and reappear in a
vulnerability lasts until the end of the encounter instead.
new location.
Daily + Teleportation
Move Action Personal
Effect You teleport 3 squares.

CHAPTER l I Adventure Guide

Astral Giant Warpsword Level 16 Skirmisher
ASTRAL GIANTS Large immortal humanoid ( iant) XP 1.400
One group of giants switched sides during the Dawn Initiative +15 Senses Perception +13
War and took up the service of the god Erathis, for- HP 158; Bloodied 79
saking the primordials. These giants left the natural AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 26
Resist 10 radiant
world behind and migrated to the Astral Sea, where
Speed 8: see also astral leap
they eventually became known as astral giants. 0 Warpsword (standard; at-will) 4 Radiant, Weapon
Few among the people of the natural world have Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage, plus ongoing 5 radiant
even the slightest idea that the astral giants exist. damage (save ends).
They rarely return to the world, and even in the 0 Dimensional Blow (standard; recharge n ♦ Radiant,
Astral Sea they are a rare sight to see. They continue Teleportation, Weapon

to serve Erathis, operating as agents and pacifying Reach 1; +21 vs. AC; 2d10 +10 radiant damage, the target is
teleported 5 squares, and the target is dazed until the end of its
troops in places where the god of civilization has
next turn.
a vested interest. One such location is the astral Astral Retreat (immediate reaction when damaged by an attack;
dominion of Shorn, the White Desert. Here, a force of + Teleportation
astral giants has established a beachhead among the The astral giant teleports 2 squares.
deserted temples in order to launch strikes against Astral Resonance
demons, devils, and other foul creatures that have As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
within 10 squares, it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
taken up residence in this place once known as a
Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea;
center of knowledge.
recharges when first bloodied)
The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
ASTRAL GIANT LORE Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant. Supernal
A character knows the following information about Skills Athletics +21, Religion +16
astral giants with a successful Religion check. Str 24 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Ws 20 (+13)
Con 221+14) Int 16 (+11) Cha 17 (+11)
DC 25: You remember half-formed legends and
Equipment chain armor, greatsword
snippets of folklore concerning a race of giants that
worked with the gods and mortal races to save the
Astral Giant Star-strider Level 17 Lurker
world during the Dawn War. One reference from the
Lar:e immortal humanoid (: iant) XP 1.600
Book of Mystrak suggests that these giants migrated Initiative —18 Senses Perception +19
to the Astral Sea as the Dawn War came to a close. HP 128; Bloodied 64
DC 27: Astral giants serve Erathis and can be AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 29, Will 30
found in select locations in the Astral Sea, includ- Resist 10 radiant
ing Shorn, where they operate as pacifying troops Speed 8; see also astral leap
trying to bring peace and stability to the embattled ® Longsword (standard; at•will) + Radiant, Weapon
Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage.
® Crossbow (standard; at•will) + Radiant, Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage.
Astral Giant Level 16 Soldier < Astral Shadows (standard; recharge :-: al )4. Radiant
Large immortal humanoid (giant) XP 1,400 Close burst 5; +20 vs. Will; enemies only; 1d8 7 radiant
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +19 damage. and the astral giant becomes invisible until the end of
HP 160; Bloodied 80 its next turn.
AC 32: Fortitude 31. Reflex 27, Will 28 4- Star-stride (standard; encounter) 4 Radiant, Teleportation
Resist 10 radiant Close burst 3; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 7 radiant damage, and the
Speed 8: see also astral leap astral giant teleports 3 squares and gains combat advantage
0 Spear (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon against all enemies until the end of its next turn.
Reach 2: +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage. The target is Combat Advantage
marked until the end of the astral giant's next turn. The astral giant deals an extra 2d6 damage against any target it
Astral Resonance has combat advantage against.
As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally Astral Resonance
within 10 squares, it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls . As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
Astral Leap (move: encounter, only within the Astral Sea; within 10 squares. it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
recharges when first bloodied) Astral Leap (move: encounter: only within the Astral Sea;
The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares. recharges when first bloodied)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
Skills Athletics +21, Religion +16 Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
Str 26 (+16) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 22 (+14) Str 21 (+14) Dex 20 (+14) Wis 22 (+15)
Con 24 (+15) Int 16 (+11) Cha 18 (+12) Con 20 (+14) Int 18 (+13) Cha 19 (+13)
Equipment plate armor. spear. shield Equipment longsword. crossbow

II APTER 1 I Adventure Guide

Astral Giant Lightpriest Level 17 Controller (Leader)
XP 1,6 0 0
Large immortal humanoid (giant)
Astral giants are most often encountered in embat-
initiative +13 Senses Perception +13
HP 164; Bloodied 82
tled dominions within the Astral Sea. In the natural
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 28 world, they sometimes undertake clandestine mis-
Resist 10 radiant sions of extremely short duration.
Speed 8: see also astral leap
0 Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon Astral. Giant Scouting Party, Level 16 Encounter
Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d5 7 radiant damage.
(XP 7,350)
Lightwave (standard: at-will) + Radiant
Close blast 5; +21 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 7 radiant damage, and the + 2 astral giants (level 16 soldiers)
target is pushed 3 squares. + 2 astral giant warpsword (level 16 skirmishers)
)( Blinding Light (standard: recharge ) + Radiant
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 • 7 radiant damage, and the
+ S angel of valor veterans (level 16 minions)
target is blinded until the end of the astral giant's next turn.
Life-Absorbing Burst (standard: recharge jiL) + Healing, Astral Giant Combat Squad, Level 18 Encounter
Radiant (XP 10,200)
Close burst 5: +19 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 7 radiant damage, and
+ 1 astral giant lightpriest
the astral giant and all allies in the burst regain 20 hit points.
* Lighttrap (standard; encounter) + Radiant
(level 17 controller [leaded)
Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 radiant damage, + 3 astral giants (level 16 soldiers)
and the target is slowed (save ends). First foiled save; Target
+ 2 astral giant warpsword (level 16 skirmishers)
takes 5 radiant damage and Is immobilized (save ends)- Second
foiled save; Target takes 10 radiant damage and Is restrained + 1 astral giant star-strider (level 17 lurker)
(save ends)_
Astral Resonance Astral Giant Pacifiers, Level 17 Encounter
As tong as the astral giant has an unhloudied astral giant ally
(XP 8,800)
within 10 squares, it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea: + 1 astral giant lightpriest
recharges when first bloodied) (level 17 controller [leaded)
The astral giant ran fly up to 10 squares.
+ 2 astral giant warpsword (level 16 skirmishers)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
Str 22 (+15) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 20 (+13) + 1 astral giant star-strider (level 17 lurker)
Con 20 (+14) int 20 (+11) Cha 24 (+11) + 1 sphinx (level 16 elite soldier)
Equipment quarterstaff. holy symbol

I II APTER 1 I Adventure Guide

Hill Giant Shaman Level 13 Controller
EARTH GIANTS Large- natural humanoid (giant) XP 800
Earth giants, which include the types of giants known Initiative +9 Senses Perception +13
as hill giants and earth giants, live in places where HP 131; Bloodied 65
stone and rock hold sway. These territorial creatures AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 23
often enslave smaller, weaker creatures to per- Speed 8
0 Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Implement, Weapon
form menial tasks and shore up their offensive and
Reach 2: -'-18 vs. AC: 2d8 + 5 damage.
defensive capabilities. Earthstorm (standard; recharge 5 6) + implement, Weapon
1-till giants appear more or Less as large, primitive Requires quarterstaff. Close blast 5; +15 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 +
humans. They have crude toolmaking skills, a modi- 6 damage, and the target Is pushed 1 square and blinded (save
cum of primal and elemental magic, and a need to ends).
take and hold territory. They live among rolling hills Volcanic Blast (standard; at-will) + Implement. Weapon
and rocky barrens. Ranged 10: +17 vs. Reflex; 1d10 -+ 6 damage. and target gains
vulnerable 5 fire (save ends).
Earth giants, on the other hand, appear to be
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common. Giant
smaller versions of earth titans, composed of living Skills Arcana +13, Nature +13
earth and stone. Earth giants tend to be smarter and Str 21 (+11) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
more organized then their hill giant cousins, and Con 19 (+10) Int 14 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)
they like to live in mountain caves, valleys, and easily Equipment hide armor, stone quarterstaff
defended canyons.
Hill Giant Slinger Level 14 Artillery
Hill Giant Grunt Level 13 Minion Lar, e natural humanoid (: iant) XP 1.111)1)
Large natural humanoid 'giant) XP 200 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15
Initiative --5 Senses Perception +7 HP 112; Bloodied 56
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 23
AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21, Will 23 Speed 8
Speed 8 0 Slam (standard; at-will)
0 Greatclub (standard; at-will) + Weapon Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 1d10 a 6 damage.
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC: 9 damage and the target is pushed ® Sling (standard; at-will) + Weapon
1 square. Ranged 15/30: +21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage.
Hurl Rock (standard; at-will) Special Shot (standard; recharge 'XI + Weapon
Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC; 9 damage. Ranged 15130;+19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 damage, and target is
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant slowed and takes ongoing S acid damage (save ends both).
Skills Athletics +15 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Str 19 (+10) Des 8 (+5) Wis 12 (+7) Skills Acrobatics +17, Nature +15. Stealth +17
Con 18 (+10) Int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5) Str 19 (+11) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 16 (+10)
Equipment hide armor, greatclub Con 22 (+13) Int 9 (+6) Cha 11 (+7)
Equipment hide armor. sling
Hill Giant Battlechief Level 14 Skirmisher (Leader)
Lar•e natural humanoid (giant) XP 1.000
Earth Giant Level 14 Brute
Initiative 113 Senses Perception +15 larte elemental humanoid 1. iant) XI' 1.000
HP 144; Bloodied 72
Initiative 16 Senses Perception +8
AC 28; Fortitude 28. Reflex 26, Will 25 HP 170: Bloodied 85
Speed 8
AC 26; Fortitude 28, Reflex 22. Will 24
Battleaxe (standard; at-will) + Weapon Speed 6. see also earth step
Reach 2; t 19 vs. AC; 2d10 + 8 damage.
10 Slam (standard; at-will)
W Inspiring Attack (standard; recharge ) • Healing, Reach 2; i-17 vs. AC: 2d6 + 6 damage.
11' Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 3d10 + 8 damage, and all allies within 10 Ranged 20; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage.
squares heal 15 hit points.
Earth Step
Frenzied Advance (minor: at-will) The earth giant
giant ignores difficult terrain when it shifts
_ .

Close burst 10; allies within the burst shift 3 squares. Languages Giant. Primordial
Alignment Chaotic evil
Battle Weave (Immediate reaction; when an attack hits or misses Skills Athletics +17
the hill giant; at-will) Str 20 (+12) Dex 8 (+6) Wis 12 (+8)
The hill giant battlechief shifts up to 3 squares and gains Con 20 (+12) Int 9 (+6) Cha 121+8)
combat advantage against all enemies until the end of his
next turn.
Combat Advantage
The hill giant battlechief deals an extra 2 d 6 damage against any
target it has combat advantage against.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Skills Athletics +18, Intimidate 414, Stealth +16
Str 22 (+13) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 17 (+10)
Con 24 (+14) Int 16 (+10) Cha 15 (+9)
Equipment hide armor, battleaxe

CHAP 11 - Elt I I Adventure Guide

Earth Giant Stalker Level 14 Lurker Earth Giant Soldier Level 15 Soldier
Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 1,000 Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 1,200
Initiative 4- 18 Senses Perception +14 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +14
HP 108; Bloodied 54 HP 150: Bloodied 75
AC 28: Fortitude 26, Reflex 1'l, Will 24 AC 31: Fortitude 30. Reflex 27, Will 26
Speed 6, see also earth siep Speed 6, see also earth step
C) Slam (standard: at-will) 0 Thunder Maul (standard; at-will) + Thunder, Weapon
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage. Reach 2; 1-22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 thunder damage.
0 Stone Merge (standard; at-will) Thunder Strike (standard; recharge:NB + Thunder,
The earth giant stalker shifts 3 squares and merges into the Weapon
ground or a stone wall, disappearing from view. When the earth Close burst 1: +20 vs. AC: 3d10 + 6 thunder damage. and the
giant merges, it causes a thunderous shockwave. Close burst 1; target is dazed (save ends).
-F17 vs. Fortitude; enemies only; the target is dazed (save ends). Battle Focus (immediate reaction, when an enemy leaves an
Deadly Eruption (standard; at-will) adjacent square; at-will) + Weapon
Can only be used if the earth giant used stone merge in the The earth giant soldier makes a melee basic attack against the
previous round. The earth giant stalker shifts 3 squares and enemy. even if the enemy is shifting.
erupts from the ground or a stone wall, rejoining the battle. Threatening Reach
Close hurst 1; +17 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 6 damage. The earth giant soldier can make opportunity attacks against all
Earth Step enemies within its reach (2 squares).
The earth giant ignores difficult terrain when it shifts. Earth Step
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant. Primordial The earth giant ignores difficult terrain when it shifts.
Skills Stealth 4-14 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant, Primordial

Su 18 (411) Dex 14 (+9) Wis 14 (+9) Skills Intimidate +13
Con 18 (+11) int 9 (+6) Cita 17 (+8) Str 20 (4-12) Dex 16 (+10) Wls 14 (+9)
Con 22 (+13) Int 12 (+8)Cha 12 (4 8)

EARTH GIANT ENCOUNTERS Earth Giant Marauders, Level 14 Encounter

Earth giants tend to be encountered in groups, with (XP 5,200)
a mix of giants and other servitor creatures. These + 3 hill giants (level 13 brutes)
groups hunt, raid, and otherwise cause trouble wher- + 1 11111 giant shaman (level 13 controller)
ever they are encountered.
+ 1 hill giant slinger (level 14 artillery)
+ 1 hill giant hattkchief (level 14 skirmisher)

CHAPTER i I Adventure Guide

Fire giants are militaristic by nature and competitive A fire giant flamecrusher is a straightforward com-
in spirit. Wherever the fires of creation stir, whether batant. attacking with its maul and using its reach
in a volcano, a desert, or the flames of the Elemental to keep smaller enemies at a distance. A fire giant
Chaos itself, the fire giants carve out domains that flamecrusher prefers overhead smash, resorting to sear-
have a tendency to spread like wildfire in a summer ing maul attacks (with a higher attack bonus) only if
wind. Fire giants often enslave lesser creatures it misses two rounds in a row. When a flamecrusher
related to flame, including azers, hell hounds, sala- becomes bloodied, it becomes much more dangerous.
manders, and elementals. It uses battering blows as soon as it can.
Fire giant artisans and crafters are second only to
dwarves when it comes to working metal into tools. Fire Giant icefist Level 19 Elite Brute
Large elemental humanoid igkini I XP 4,800
armor, and weapons. This means that most fire giants
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12
carry well-crafted armor and weapons into battle,
HP 454; Bloodied 227
including magic items that can be enchanted to only
AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 28
operate in the hands of a fire giant. Saving Throws +2
Resist 15 fire
Fire Giant Level 18 Soldier
Speed 7
Large elemental humanoid (giant) XI' nu)))
Action Points 1
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +14
Ice Punch (standard; at-will; + Cold, Weapon
HP 174: Bloodied 87
Requires frigid gauntlets; reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 1d8 + 18 damage
AC 34; Fortitude 34, Reflex 28, Will 28
plus 2d8 cold damage.
Resist 15 fire
la) Blizzard of Blows (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Speed 7
The fire giant icefist makes three Ice punch attacks. If all
Searing Greatsword (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon three attacks hit, make an immediate freezing grasp attack as
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC: 1d12 + 6 damage plus 2d8 fire
a free action. This attack can't be used while the icefist has a
damage, and the target is marked until the end of the fire
grabbed target.
giant's next turn.
.1. Freezing Grasp (standard; recharge ) + Cold, Weapon
4.. Sweeping Sword (standard; encounter) + Fire, Weapon Requires frigid gauntlets; +20 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 18 damage plus
Requires greatsword; close blast 2; +21 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6
2d8 cold damage. and the target is grabbed.
damage plus 2d8 fire damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the fire giant's next turn.
At the start of a grabbed target's turn, the grabbed target takes
,f Iron Javelin (standard; at-will) + Weapon
10 cold damage.
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is Alignment Evil Languages Giant
slowed until the end of the fire giant's next turn.
Skills intimidate +20
Alignment Evil Languages Giant Str 29 (+18) Dex 23 (+15) Wis 16 (+12)
Skills Intimidate +14
Con 27 (+17) Int 17 (+12) Cha 23 (+15)
Str 23 (+15) Dex 11 (+9) Wis 10 (+9) Equipment chain armor, frigid gauntlets
Con 22 (+15) int 10 (+9) Cha 11 (+9)
Equipment plate armor. greatsword, 4 javelins
Fire Giant Flamecrusher Level 17 Brute The icefist punches with its glowing frigid gauntlets,
Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 1,600 enjoying using blizzard of blows on a single target to
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +10 take it down quickly. It attempts a freezing grasp attack
HP 204; Bloodied 102 every so often, but prefers to allow this attack to occur
AC 29; Fortitude 30. Reflex 25, Will 28 naturally after landing three consecutive hits with
Resist 15 fire
blizzard of blows. The icefist fights to the death.
Speed 7
0 Searing Maul (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +-20 vs. AC: 2d8 + 8 damage plus 2d8 fire damage. Fire Giant Trooper Level 18 Minion
0 Overhead Smash (standard; at-will) • Fire, Weapon Large natural humanoid XP

Requires maul; reach 2;4-18 vs. AC; 2(18 + 14 damage plus 2d8 Initiative +11 Senses Perception +9
fire damage. and the target is knocked prone. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
4. Battering Blows (standard: usable only when bloodied; AC 34; Fortitude 34. Reflex 28, WIII 28
encounter) + Fire, Weapon Speed 7
Requires maul; close burst 2: +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage 0 Searing Longsword (standard; at-will) + Fire. Weapon
plus 2d8 fire damage. and the target is pushed 2 squares and Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 10 damage plus 1d8 fire damage.
knocked prone. Iron Javelin (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Alignment Evil Languages Giant Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 10 damage, and the target is slowed
Skills Endurance +20 until the end of the fire giant trooper's next turn.
Str 27 (+16) Dex 17 (+11) Wis 15 (+10) Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Con 24 (+15) Int 8 (+7) Cha 22 (+14) Str 22 (+15) Dex 10 (+9) Wis 10 (+9)
Equipment plate armor, maul Con 20 (+14) Int 8 (+8) Cha 9 (+8)
Equipment chain armor. longsword
Fire Giant Element Handler Level 18 Controller v-1
Large elemental humanoid {gland XP 1.000
Fire giants tend to be encountered in groups, with ta.1
Initiative 113 Senses Perception +18 I-
HP 175: Bloodied 87
a mix of giants and other servitor creatures. These tn
groups always have a specific purpose, as fire giants z
AC 32: Fortitude 30. Reflex 29. Will 30
Resist 15 fire are among the most militaristic and organized of all
Speed 7 the giant types.
C) Fiery Quarterstaff (standard; at willl + Fire. Weapon
Reach 21+23 vs. AC; 1E18 7 damage plus 2d8 fire damage. 1.4
Fire Giant Bravados, Level 17 Encounter z
Fire Bolt {standard; at-will) + Fire
Ranged 20: +-22 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 4 fire damage, and the target
(XP 8,800)
is dazed until the end of the fire giant's next turn. + 2 fire giants (level 18 soldiers)
Searing Wind (minor 1/round; at-will)
+ 1 fire giant icefist (level 19 elite brute)
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Fortitude; the fire giant slides the target
3 squares.
Boiling Wave {standard; at-will)
Fire Giant Strike Team, Level 18 Encounter
Close blast 3; +2 ❑ vs, Fortitude: Id10 t 7 damage. and the (XP 10,000)
target is pushed 3 squares. + 1 fire giant icefist (level 19 elite brute)
Earthen Spikes (standard; recharge IV )
Area burst 1 within 20: spikes of stone burst from the ground;
+ 2 fire giant flamecrushers (level 17 brutes)
+21 vs. Reflex: 4d10 +- 7 damage: the affected area becomes + 1 cambion hellfire magus (level 18 artillery)
difficult terrain for the rest of the encounter.
Fire Shroud (minor: recharge) + Fire Fire Giant Command Group, Level 18 Encounter
One ally within 10 squares of the fire giant gains resist 10 to all
(X13 10,900)
damage until the end of the fire giant's next turn, In addition,
any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the ally while the fire + 1 fire giant element handler (level 18 controller)
shroud is in affect takes 15 fire damage.
+ S fire giant troopers (level 18 minions)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
Skills Arcana +18. Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering 4-18 + 1 fire giant flamecrusher (level 17 brute)
Str 21 (+14) Dex 17 0-13) Wis 17 (+13) + 3 firebred hell hounds (level 17 brutes)
Con 23 (+15) Int 17 (+13) Cha 18 (+14)
Equipment quarterstaff

CHAPTER 1 I Adventure Guide

Frost Giant Hunter Level 15 Artillery
FROST GIANTS Large elemental humanoid4cold, giant) XP 1.200
Frost giants are cruel raiders and marauders who ply Initiative +16 Senses Perception +13
the seas of the Elemental Chaos aboard longships HP 114; Bloodied 57
crafted from ice. In the natural world, they descend AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 28
from glacier-covered mountains in small raiding par- Resist 15 cold
Speed 8 (ice walk)
ties to kill, burn, and destroy anything that crosses
their path. They tend to be a brutal and superstitious
(D Icy Harpoon (standard; at-will) 4. Cold, Weapon
Reach 3; +22 vs. AC: 2d10 cold damage.
lot, led by the strongest members of their clans. © Icy Crossbow (standard; at-will) Cold, Weapon
The leader of a frost giant clan is called a jarl. On Ranged 15/30; +22 vs. AC; 3d6 + 5 cold damage.
rare occasions, when multiple clans come together Skewering Strike (standard: recharge al) Cold, Weapon
to form war parties for the express purpose of raid- Reach 3; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 5 cold damage. and the target
ing and plundering strong, fortified settlements, one slides 3 squares and is slowed (save ends).
Opening Strike
jarl rises to take the position of overjarl of the united
The frost giant gains combat advantage against enemies that
clans. Such gatherings rarely last long, as few jarls can have not yet acted during an encounter.
long stand taking orders from others. Combat Advantage
The frost giant deals an extra 1d10 damage against any target it
FROST GIANT LORE has combat advantage against.
Icebound Footing
A character knows the following information about
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant
frost giants with a successful Arcana check. moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
DC 22: In their arctic lands, frost giants dwell in can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
glacial caves or crude fortresses carved of stone and Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
ice. From these holds, frost giants hunt game and raid Skills Athletics +17. Endurance +16, Stealth +16
for slaves and plunder. The mightiest frost giant in a Str 21 (+12) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 22 (+13)
clan, called a jarl, leads weaker giants though intimi- Con 18 (+11) Int 12 (+8) Cha 12 (+8)
Equipment hide armor, harpoon, crossbow
dation and violence.
DC 27: A few frost giants have magical powers
and can use runes, sorcery, and foul rituals. Such FROST GIANT HUNTER TACTICS
powers give a giant influence in its clan, if not out- Frost giant hunters keep to the edge of a battle, pick-
right leadership. ing off their enemies with crossbow bolts. They
DC 29: There have been times in the past when concentrate their fire on spellcasters and ranged
disparate clans of frost giants came together under a attackers that harass their more melee-oriented allies.
single overjarl to attack the civilized nations. The hunter's harpoon is his deadliest weapon,
though he patiently waits for the right moment to
Frost Giant Level 17 Brute employ his skewering strike. i-le prefers to target blood-
tare elemental humanoid (cold, :iant) XP 1.600 ied enemies with it, using the slide effect to set them
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13 up for total destruction.
HP 201; Bloodied 100; see also dying swipe
AC 29; Fortitude 32, Reflex 27, Will 28
Frost Giant Raider Level 17 Minion
Resist 15 cold
tare elemental humanoid (cold. :lent) XP 400
Speed 8 (ice walk)
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13
la) Icy Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion: see also dying
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 4d6 4- 7 (crit 8d6 31) cold damage.
Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points)
AC 29; Fortitude 32, Reflex 27, Will 28
The frost giant makes an icy greataxe attack.
Resist 15 cold
4 Chilling Strike (standard; recharge Cold, Weapon
Speed 8 (ice walk)
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 cold damage. and the target gains
In Icy Greataxe (standard: at-will) Cold, Weapon
vulnerable 10 cold (save ends).
Reach 2: +20 vs. AC; 10 cold damage.
Icy Handaxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon GNI Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points)
Ranged 5/10; 420 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 cold damage.
The frost giant makes an icy grearaxe attack.
Icebound Footing
Icy Handaxe (standard; at-will) 4. Cold, Weapon
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant
Ranged 5/10: +20 vs. AC; 9 cold damage.
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
Icebound Footing
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
When an effect pulls, pushes. or slides a frost giant. the giant
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giarit
Skills Athletics +19
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Str 23 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 20 (+13)
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Con 21 (+13) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9)
Skills Athletics +19
Equipment hide armor. greataxe. 3 handaxes
Str 23 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 20 (+13)
Con 21 (+13) int 10 (4-8) Cha 12 (+9)
Equipment hide armor, greataxe. 3 handaxes

CHAPTER 1 J Adventure Guide

Frost Giant Marauder Level 17 Skirmisher Frost Giant Windkeeper Level 16 Controller (Leader)
large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) NP 1.b[ Large elemental humanoid (cold. giant) XP 1.400

Initiative Senses Perception ;11 initiative +13 Senses Perception +20

HP 168; Bloodied 84 HP 158; Bloodied 79
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 26 AC 30: Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 32
Resist 15 cold Resist 15 cold
Speed 8 (ire walk) • Speed
_ 8 (ice walk)
cp Icy Handaxe (standard; at•will) + Cold, Weap reD Spear of Storms (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon VIM
Reach 2:+22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 cold damage; hit or miss, the frost Reach 3;+21 vs. AC; 2d10 + 5 cold damage, and the target
giant may shift 2 squares after the attack. slides 3 squares.
Icy Handaxe (standard; atvoill) + Cold, Weapon -* Arctic Vortex (standard; at-will) + Cold
Ranged 5110; +22 vs. AC; 2d6 +6 cold damage; hit or miss, the Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 +5 cold damage,
frost giant may shift 2 squares after the attack. and the target slides 3 squares.
Hurling Charge (standard; encounter) + Cold, Weapon 11- Driving Blizzard (standard: recharge M )4. Cold
Ranged 5/10; +21 vs. Reflex: 1d8 + 8 cold damage; hit or miss. Area burst 2 within 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 cold damage.
the frost giant then makes a charge against the target. and the target is immobilized (save ends). Until the end of the
{Twin Strike (standard; recharge ) + Cold, Weapon encounter, the area becomes difficult terrain for creatures
The frost giant makes two Icy handaxe attacks; the frost giant smaller than Large size.
may shift 2 squares after the first attack.
Icebound Footing
iek. Gale of the North Wind (standard; encounter) + Cold
Close blast 5; targets enemies only; +20 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 5
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a Frost giant, the giant cold damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also a frost giant prune. Miss: Half damage and push 1 square.
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. Drums of the North (standard; at-will) 4. Fear, Implement
Threatening Reach Close burst 10; targets enemies: +20 vs. Will; the target is
The Frost giant can make opportunity attacks against all pushed 2 squares and slowed until the end of the Frost giant's
enemies within its reach (2 squares). next turn. Allies in the burst immediately shift 3 squares. The
Alignment Evil Languages Giant frost giant must sheath his longspear to play the drum.
Skills Athletics +19 Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
Str 21 (+13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 17 (+11) Skills Arcana 417, Nature +70, Religion 117
Con 24 (+15) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9) Str 70 (+13) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 24 (+15)
Equipment hide armor, 4 handaxes Con 72 (+14) Int 19 (+12) Cha 21 (+13)
Equipment hide armor, lungspear. drum

LIt 1 I Adventure Guide

Primordials, the lords of the Elemental Chaos, once
battled the gods over the fate of the natural world. By
the end of the Dawn War, all but a handful of primor-
dials were either imprisoned or destroyed.
Various cults and other followers revere specific
primordials. Some of these devotees seek to return
their revered primordial to the world, while others
prefer to make use of the primordial in order to gain
power or influence of their own.
The primordial known as Piranoth was the creator
and master of the giants before and during the Dawn
War. Specifically, earth, frost, and fire giants looked
to Piranoth as creator and master. Piranoth was
imprisoned in the Elemental Chaos in the waning
days of the Dawn War. When Piranoth is freed, he
spends some time in a state of diminished power as
he regains strength and energy.

Piranoth (Diminished State) Level 19 Solo Skirmisher

Hue elemental beast ( .rimordial) XP 12.000
Initiative see triple mind Senses Perception +21; darkvision
Cloud of Elemental Chaos aura 3; each enemy that starts its turn
in the aura takes damage: roll 1d6: 1-3, 10 fire damage; 4-5, 10
cold damage; 6.15 cold and fire damage.
HP 752; Bloodied 376
AC 30; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30. Will 32
Saving Throws +5
Immune attacks by characters below level 15; Resist 10 cold.
10 fire
Speed 6
Action Points 2
0 Magma Strike (standard; at-will) + Fire
Reach 4; +24 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 fire damage.
0) Arctic Whip (standard; at-will) ♦ Cold
Ranged 30; +22 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 +7 cold damage, and the
target is slowed (save ends).
t Earthen Storm (standard; at-will)
Close blase 5; +20 vs. Reflex: ldl + 8 damage, and the target
is pushed 3 squares.
4.1ceflre Slash (immediate reaction, when an attack misses
Piranoth; at-will) + Cold, Fire
Reach 4; +24 vs. AC; 1d10 + 8 cold and fire damage.
4i Elemental Torrent (standard; recharges each time Piranoth
spends an action point) + Cold, Fire
Area burst 3 within 20; -1-20 vs. Fortitude; 4d8 +7 cold and fire
damage. and the target slides 2 squares and is Immobilized
(save ends).
Chaos Jump (move; at-will)
Piranoth teleports 10 squares. Any enemies adjacent to
Piranoth when he teleports are dazed (save ends).
Earth Shift (minor-, a•will)
Piranoth shifts 3 squares. Any enemies adjacent to Piranoth
when he shifts are knocked prone.
Triple Mind
Piranoth acts three times in a round, on initiative counts 35, 25,
and 15. It cannot delay or ready actions. On each turn, it can
use one action, either a minor, a move, or a standard. It can use
one immediate action between each turn.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial
Str 26 (+17) Dex 28(+18) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 28 (+18) Int 14 (+10) Cha 19 (+13)

ClIAPTER 1 Adventure Guide

Torrian Guard Level 13 Soldier
TORRIANS Large natural humanoid XP 800 tY
Torrians are a race of lionid humanoids that once Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13
served as seneschals and major domos to the cham- HP 132; Bloodied 66 Vli
pions and guardians ofArgent. As the city of Argent AC 29; Fortitude 28. Reflex 26, Will 25
Speed 8
slid into the dim recollections of history, the remain- 2
Claw (standard; at-will)
ing torrians migrated to other places. A small number
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC: 2d8 + 6 damage.
of torrians survive to this day. living in hidden vales Torrian's Challenge (standard; recharge OH) LJJ
far from the centers of civilization. Close burst 3; targets enemies; the torrian pulls each target 2
squares to an adjacent square and then makes a close attack
Torrian Level 12 Lurker against each adjacent enemy; 1-20 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage.
Large natural humanoid XP 700 Rending Claw (standard; encounter; recharges when first
Initiative +14 Senses Perception 113 bloodied)
HP 94: Bloodied 47 Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 3d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes a -2
AC 26: Fortitude 24, Reflex 25. Will 73 penalty to all defenses until the end of the torrian's next turn.
Speed 8 4 Sudden Strike (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves or
C) Claw (standard; at-will) shifts out of a square adjacent to the torrian; at-wIII)
Reach 2: +17 vs. AC: 1d8 -h S damage. The torrian makes an immediate claw attack against the
Strike from Hiding (standard; the torrian must be invisible; triggering target.
recharge Primal Focus (standard: encounter)
Reach 2; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d8 3 damage, and the target is The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all
dazed (save ends). defenses until the end of its next turn.
Stealthy Step (move; at-will) Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
The torrian shifts 4 squares and becomes Invisible until the end Skills Athletics•5, Endurance +16. Intimidate +12
of its next turn. Str 18 (+10} Des 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
Primal Focus (standard; encounter) Con 20 (+11) Int 10 (+6) Cha 12 (+7)
The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all
defenses until the end of its next turn,
Combat Advantage
The torrian deals an extra 1d8 damage against any target It has
combat advantage against.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Skills Stealth +15
Str 17 (+9) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 15 (+8)
Con 16 (+9) Int 10 (+6) Cha 12 (1-2)

Torrian Seneschal Level 13 Controller (Leader)

Large natural humanoid XP 800
Initiative -9 Senses Perception +8
HP 128: Bloodied 64
AC 27; Fortitude 25. Reflex 26, Will 25
Speed 8
C) Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 1d8 6 damage.
Torrian's Roar (standard; encounter) + Healing
Reach 2; i 18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and (hit or miss) all allies
within 5 squares regain 10 hit points and gain a +2 bonus to
attacks until the end of the torrian's next turn.
Cause Fear (standard; recharge IX] lI il) + Fear
Close burst 2; targets enemies; +15 vs. Will; the target is pushed
3 squares and is immobilized (save ends).
Healing Word (minor, liround; encounter; recharges when first
bloodied) • Healing
Close burst 10; targets one ally; the target can spend a healing
surge and regain an additional 3d6 hit points.
Primal Focus (standard; encounter)
The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all
defenses until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Skills Arcana +15. Diplomacy +14, Nature +13. Religion +15
Str 151+8) Dex 17 (±9) Wis 15 (+8)
Con 16 (+9) Int 18 (+1O) Cha 16 ( I-9)

il PTER 1 Adventure Guide

The rest of the material in this book presents the
encounters that make up the adventure. Parts Two,
Four, Five, and Six can take place whenever the
adventurers decide to deal with them.
♦ Part One: The City of Argent (Encounters C1-C4.
pages 28-35). These encounters introduce the
adventure and help bring the player characters
into the story of Argent, its history, and the danger
facing it and the rest of the world.
+ Part Two: Research Encounters (Encounters
R I-It 3. pages 40-45). These encounters provide
clues and information concerning quests the
adventurers can undertake over the course of the
story. These take place any time after Part One is
+ Part Three: Earth Giant Encounters (Encoun-
ters E1-E7, pages 48-63). These encounters allow
the adventurers to face the challenge of the earth
giants and their titan lord, Earthshaker.
+ Part Four: Torrian Encounters (Encounters
T1-T3. pages 64-69). These encounters follow the
quest to find and recruit the torrians. These take
place any time after Part One is completed.
♦ Part Five: Implements of Argent Encounters
(Encounters 11-14. pages 70-77). These encounters
follow the quest to find the material needed to craft
the Implements of Argent. These take place any time
after Part One is completed.
+ Part Six: Diplomatic Encounters (Encounters
D1-D7, pages 78-89). These encounters follow the
quest to rally different points of light against the
giant uprising.
+ Part Seven: Frost Giant Encounters (Encounters
Fl-F13, pages 92-123). These encounters pit the
adventurers against the frost giants and their titan
lord. Glacier.
+ Part Eight: Fire Giant Encounters (Encounters
GI-GI I . pages 1 30-151). These encounters follow
the action as the adventurers take the battle to the
fire giants and their titan lord, Wildfire.
+ Part Nine: Primordial Encounters (Encounters
P1-P3, pages 154-160). These encounters take the
adventurers into the Elemental Chaos where they
must confront the freed primordial. Piranoth.
CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters
Encounter Level 12 (3,875 XP) Perception Check
DC 16: The lion-man clutches a singed scroll in one mas-
SETUP sive paw, holding it protectively against its chest.
1 fire archon flameshield (A)
Fire Archon Flanieshield Level 11 Soldier
2 earth elemental quakes (E) modunn elemental humanoid Anti I 111
2 fire elemental firestorms (F) Initiative 413 Senses Perception +14
5 fire elemental sparks (S) Ember Cloud (Fire) aura 1; each creature that begins its turn in the
1 torrian seneschal (T) aura takes S fire damage and is marked by the flameshield until
the end of the llameshield's next turn.

Use one or more of the adventure hooks (see page 8) HP 116; Bloodied 58
AC 27; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 22
to get the adventurers to this strangely deserted por-
Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 fire
tion of the forest. Here, they encounter Rrowthar, the Speed 8
torrian seneschal that has left the hallowed city of Sdmitar (standard: at -will) + Fire, Weapon
Argent behind in order to locate paragon-tier heroes +18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage fait 2d8 + 13) plus 1d8 fire
to come to the aid of the city's last guardian Unfor- damage. and target is marked until the end of the flameshield's
tunately, agents of the Elemental Chaos, intent on next turn.

destroying the hallowed city and releasing a primor- Flameshield Enticement (standard; recharge El3 11 ) + Fire
The fire archon's flameshield flares brightly; Close burst 3;
dial into the world, have reached Rrowthar first.
+16 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 5 fire damage, the target Is pulled 2
The adventurers approach the location shown on squares. and the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
the map from the south. 114Flame Mark + Fire
The flameshield deals an extra 1d8 fire damage against any
As the adventurers approach, read: enemy that is marked by It.
The thick, close-packed trees and underbrush give way to Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
a large clearing. A rocky protrusion blocks your view into Str 16 (+8) Dex 22 (+11) Wls 18 (+9)
Con 20 (+10) Int 16 (+8) Cha 14 (+7)
the clearing, but a few scattered trees can be seen rising
Equipment plate armor, light shield, scimitar
above the obstacle. The trees, however; appear as anything
but normal. They are ablaze, burning with a supernatu-
2 Fire Elemental Firestorms (F) Level 12 Controller
ral fire that doesn't seem to consume the trees or set the
Large elemental ma :ical beast (fire/ XP 700 oath
surrounding countryside ablaze. initiative +12 Senses Perception +7
Blazing Heat (Fire) aura 1; any creature that enters or starts its
Don't place any of the monsters until the adventurers turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage.
move into a position from which they can see them. HP 122; Bloodied 61
The fire archon flameshield leads this elemental AC 26; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25, Will 22

hunting party. When they broke into the natural Immune disease, petrification, poison; Resist 30 fire
Speed 6
world, they brought a piece of the Elemental Chaos
0 Fire Slam (standard; at-will) + Fire
with them, hence the strange and fiery properties Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 fire damage, and target is pushed
present in the clearing. 3 squares.
1:7 Firestorm (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire, Zone
When adventurers see into the clearing, read: Area burst 1 within 10; 414 vs. Reflex; 2d6 F 5 fire damage and
A large, lion-like humanoid with wild, rnanelike locks and a the target is Immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with fire

carved bone headpiece stands near one of the burning trees. and is considered difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Any creature that enters or starts Its turn in the zone takes
Five sparks of fire dance around the burned and wounded
fire damage.
creature, darting in to slash with tendrils of flame and Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
darting back out before the obviously weakened lion-man Str 13 (-F7) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 12 (+71
can strike back. Con 18 (+10) Int 4 (+5) Cha 16 (+9)
Between you and the creature, larger elementals form a
barrier, including two pillars of fire and two piles of ambu-
latory rock. To one side, you see a fiery humanoid form
dressed in pieces of bronzed plate armor and carrying a The fire archon orders the elementals to finish off
scimitar and shield. it speaks in a voice like the roar of an the wounded torrian, shouting out orders in Primor-
inferno, in a language as alien as the creature itself, and dial. As soon as the fire archon becomes aware of
the elementals begin to move toward the lion-man with the adventurers, he turns his attention to them and
savage intent. directs the earth elementals and fire elementals to do
the same. He leaves the sparks to kill Rrowthar. The
5 Fire Elemental Sparks (51 Level 12 Minion 2 Earth Elemental Quakes (El Level 10 Brute
Medium elemental magical lie.nt (fire, XP 175 each 1 age elemental magical beast (earth] XP ..00 roc i
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +7 Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. HP 125; Bloodied 62
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 26. Will 22 AC 22: Fortitude 24, Reflex 21. Will 21
Resist 30 fire Immune disease, petrification. poison w
Speed 7 Speed 5
® Fire Claw (standard: Fire
The fire elemental spark shifts 1 square and attacks, 1 17 vs. AC.
(f). Granite Punch (standard; at-will)
Reach 2. • 13 vs. AC, 2d10 , 6 damage.
mom it
8 fire damage icrit 17 fire damage). Earthquake (standard; recharge l7'. El) 1t
Fire Burst (immediate reaction, when reduced to 0 hit points; The ground around the earth elemental shakes violently. Close U,
at-will) .4. Fire burst 2; +11 vs. Fortitude; 3c18 + S damage, and the target is W
The fire elemental spark shifts 1 square and explodes. pushed2qar.
Close burst T; r15 vs. Reflex; 11 fire damage. Fire elementals Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
in the burst gain a +2 bonus to defenses until the end of their Str 21 (+10) Dex 15 (+7) Ms 12 (+6)
next turn. Con 15 (+7} Int 4 (+2) Cha 15 (+7) X
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Str 15 (+8) Dex 21 (+11) Wis 12 (+71
When the adventurers use the ritual scroll.
Can 16 (+9) Int 3 (+2) Cha (-I 5)
they are transported to the city of Argent. Go on to
Encounter C2: The Ancient City on page 30.
fire archon happily wades into the inferno cloud zones z
to engage the enemy, using his mark and flameshield
enticement to corral the adventurers into the sur- FEATURES OF THE AREA
rounding fires. Illumination: Bright light from the burning trees.
The fire elementals set up a fewfirestar n zones Broken Ground: The broken ground that litters
before the adventurers get close. They use this power the area is difficult terrain.
whenever they can, falling back to fire slam only when Everburning Trees: The flames burning on and
enemies are adjacent to them. around the trees give offgreat amounts of heat (aura
The earth elementals stand back, attempting to 1). Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the
place themselves between the adventurers and the aura takes 5 fire damage.
fire elementals while doing their best to avoid any of Rock Outcropping: The rocky protrusion is 20
the fires raging around them. They engage any adven- feet high. It can be climbed with a DC 21 Athletics
turers that try to break through to reach Rrowthar, check. A fall from the rock deals 2d10 damage.
pummeling them with granite punches.
The lire elemental sparks attack Rrowthar unless iiie6142dar.1 iiirlia:LCIIIENIMIll
an adventurer moves up to engage them. Rrowthar
has the same statistics as a torrian seneschal (see o llit .4-'. 6Z4 *et '

page 25). He has already been bloodied; he has 64

WE 1111111F':- ;11111E •"-iPii0i -

hit points remaining when the encounter begins.

Eel IL. Mit 1E" Cjg_g!_
The sparks continue to attack even after the torrian

falls. If he is reduced to -64 hit points. he dies. When

defeated, the sparks shift to try to get as many ene-
-gill. IN

mies as they can with their fire bursts, always trying to zoirc--Nor
include Rrowthar in the area. II womilitor- liismi r ..-

All of the elementaIs fight to the death. 1 GRIIIIDIZaillidil, _AM .

Rrowthar attacks once per round, at the end of the ' MOM 10,, , • -1

round. He uses cause fear whenever it is available, and LI MOWN , ?Mil ,. .__,,r: ..

will heal nearby adventurers if he can. s fi,gRaiiimii;iisim -

is _
_ .

] . t Ariggitilii111.11 104
DEVELOPMENT 11*-411111111MV
With the defeat of the last elemental, the forest ga Eh
niorrefflari3 .

returns to normal. IfRrowthar survives, he presents ,,7 .:11504Hiar; ;) _ L*

the adventurers with two sheets of vellum rolled 111 iriT' :71.90. g.:: . ,;-..-

tightly together: an Argent Portal ritual scroll and

the "Honor and Invitation" letter from Obanar (see
page 14). If he dies. then the scroll is damaged by the !E 57 ' -"---1 •

flames and must be repaired using a Make Whole

ritual before it can be used.
- One square = 5 feet
Encounter Level 12 (3,800 XP) Obanar, the Last Guardian Level 20 Controller
Medium natural humanoid. human XP 2,800
initiative 413 Senses Perception 4- 22
SETUP HP 186; Bloodied 93

2 bulettes (B) AC 34; Fortitude 32. Reflex 34. Will 35

Speed 6
3 galeb duhr stoneshaper
0 Thunder Strike (standard: at-will) + Implement, Thunder
1 stone-eye basilisk
+25 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 thunder damage, and the target is !Joshed 3
Guardian Obanar (G) squares.
Far Touch (standard; at - will) + Implement, Psychic
Place only Obanar in view when the adventurers Ranged 20; +24 vs. Will: 2d6 + 7 psychic damage, and until the
arrive in the city ofArgent. The other monsters don't end of Obanar's next turn, the target is slowed and takes a -2

appear until later in the encounter, as described penalty to attack rolls and saving throws.
<— Blast of Cold (standard; recharge n) + Cold, Implement
Close blast 5; targets enemies; 4-22 vs. Reflex: 4d10 • 7 cold
damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). Miss: Half
ARRIVAL damage and the target is slowed (save ends).
Arcane Shield (Immediate reaction. when Obanar is hit by an
The adventurers appear in the teleportation circle
attack; encounter)
just in front of the gate when they use the Argent Obanar gains a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until
Portal ritual provided by Rrowthar in Encounter the end of his next turn.
Cl: Desperate Message (see page 28). When the Fly (standard; encounter)
adventurers arrive, read: Obanar gains a speed of fly 8 until the end of his next turn.
Alignment Good Languages Common, Supernal
You appear within a glowing circle, its runes inscribed Skills Arcane +21, Insight +22, Religion +21
Str 12 (+11) Dex 15 (+13) W1524 (+17)
into the stone tiles beneath your feet. You are standing
Con 18 (+14) Int 22 (+16) Cha 15 (+12)
in a courtyard of sorts. surrounded by marble statues of
Equipment robes, quarterstaff
humans and humanoids. A reflecting pool shimmers ahead
of you, its glow barely perceptible. A statue of a female
2 Buleftes (B) Level 9 Elite Skirmisher
dressed in grand robes overlooks the pool, her outstretched
Lar:e natural beast XP 800 each
hand glowing with a calming light. Initiative +7 Senses Perception +5; darkvision,
A human in robes and a silver cloak, ancient by all tremorsense 20
appearances, leans heavily on a great staff "Welcome, HP 204; Bloodied 102; see also second wind
champions," he says in a strong voice, "welcome to Argent." AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 21, Will 21
At that moment, everything in the open mall shakes as a Saving Throws +2

great pounding resoundsfrom somewhere beyond the gate Speed 6, burrow 6: see also earth furrow
Action Points 1
behind you. With each powerful strike, the old man seems
0 Bite (standard; at-will)
to shudder. "lt will hold." the old man says. "it will hold."
Before it bites, the bulette can make a standing long Jump (as a
free action) without provoking opportunity attacks; +14 vs. AC;
DEVELOPMENT 2d6 + 7 damage. or 4d6 7 damage against a prone target.
.<.• Rising Burst (standard; at-will)
The old man is Obanar, the last guardian of Argent. Close burst 2; the bulette sprays rock and dirt into the air when
If Rrowthar survived the battle in the forest, he it rises out of the ground; I-13 vs. AC: 1d6 + 7 damage.
accompanies the adventurers through the portal and Earth Furrow (move; at-will)
introduces them to Obanar. "You have selected well, 1 he bulette moves tip to its burrow speed just below the
old friend," Obanar says after introductions are made. surface of the ground, avoiding opportunity attacks as it passes

Throughout the conversation, the sound of stone underneath other creatures' squares. As it burrows beneath
the space of a Medium or smaller creature on the ground. the
and metal striking wood and stone resonates from
bulette makes an attack against the creature: +8 vs. Fortitude;
beyond the grand man's gate. Obanar asks the adven- on a hit, the target is knocked prone.
turers to hold their questions until they reach a place Ground Eruption
more conducive to polite conversation. Then the The squares into which a bulette surfaces and the squares it
ground explodes upward, and two bulettes burrow leaves when it burrows underground become difficult terrain.
into the mall. Second Wind (standard; encounter) + Healing
Place the bulettes as shown on the map. The other The bulette spends a healing surge and regains 51 hit points. It
gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
monsters arrive on their turns in the next round,
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
entering the city through the tunnels the bulettes cre- Skills Athletics -1-16, Endurance +15
ated when they appeared. Str (+11) Des 73 (+5) Wis 12 (+5)
Cnn 27 (+10) int 2 (+01 Cha R1+31
Level 12 Soldier
Stone-Eye Basilisk
Large natural beast (reptile) Xi , Jim
Initiative --9 Senses Perception +13 When the battle ends, Obanar explains that Argent
Baleful Gaze Any creature within 5 squares of the stone-eye is under attack. He waves a hand over the reflecting
basilisk that attacks the basilisk is slowed until the end of Its pool and the water shimmers to show a top-down
next turn. This effect doesn't rely on the target seeing the view of the city. A red dot pulsates angrily over what
appears to be a great tower and among a nearby col-
HP 126: Bloodied 63
lection of smaller buildings.
AC 28; Fortitude 26. Reflex 22, Will 22
Immune petrification "Other invaders have made it Into the city."
Speed 4 Obanar explains as he studies the view in the water.
0 Bite (standard; at-will) "I must go to the highest level of the Guardian's Tower :
+17 vs. AC; 2d8 — 5 damage. to restore the protective wards. Rrowthar shall lead u
‹. Petrifying Gaze (standard; at-will) + Gaze et youtheinrdsayoucelwithm."
Close blast 3; +17 vs. Fortitude; the target is slowed (save ends).
Go on to Encounter C3: Street Battle, on page 32. w
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized (save ends). i-
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified (no save). z
Alignment Unaligned Languages — FEATURES OF THE AREA
Skills Stealth +12 0
Illumination: Bright light: even at night, the U
Str 20(+11) Dex 12 (+7) Wis 14 (+8)
reflecting pool glows brightly. 2
Con 22 (+12) lot 2 (+2) Cha 8 (+5)
Gate: The gate is made of metal-bound wood. It is
45 feet tall.
3 Galeb Duhr Stoneshapers Level 10 Artillery
Medium elemental humanoid (earth) XP 500 earls
Magic Circle: This teleportation circle is linked to
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +14; tremorsense 10 the Argent Portal ritual.
HP 86; Bloodied 43 Reflecting Pool: The pool is 10 feet deep. Obanar
AC 22: Fortitude 23, Reflex 20, Will 21 can use it to scry on the city.
Immune petrification, poison Statues: The statues represent adventurers of all
Speed 4 (earth walk), burrow 6 classes and races. The statue overlooking the pool is
C)Slam (standard; at-will)
a representation of Erathis, the god of civilization. A
+17 vs. AC: 1d8 + 6 damage.
character can identify Erathis with a DC 16 Religion
DT Stone Shard (standard; at-will)
Ranged 20: +15 vs. Reflex: 2d6 + 5 damage. The stoneshaper check.
can create shards to hurl when none are present.
Stone Wall (standard; recharge 0m)
The stoneshaper calls forth a wall of stone. Close burst 2; +13
vs. Fortitude: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 1
• • • • l glom
square and knocked prone. The stoneshaper gains +2 to all
defenses until the beginning of its next turn. -

Alignment Unaligned Languages Dwarven, Giant

Skills Stealth +13
Str 23 (+11) Dex 161+8) Wis 18 (+9)
Con 20 (+10) Int 12 (+6) Cha 12 (+6)

When the bulettes burst from the ground, Obanar
moves toward the statue of Erathis overlooking the
pool to use its magic against the invaders. Once he
reaches the statue, he uses a standard action each
round to make a DC 27 Arcana check. He needs four
successes to restore the defenses in this part of the
city. When he achieves the four successes, a wave
of energy radiates from the statue's hand. It seals
the bulette tunnels and rushes out to push back the
invaders at the outer walls. Obanar defends himself
as necessary as he makes his way to the statue.
Rrowthar rushes to help Obanar, providing heal-
ing as warranted to first Obanar and then to the
The basilisk attempts to stop Obanar, while flit
bulettes and the galeb duhrs take on the adventure, s
2 Magma Brutes (B) Level 13 Brute
Large elemental humanoid (earth. firel XP 800 each

Initiative - 9 Senses Perception +7 After the adventurers defeat the hill giant and its
HP 156: Bloodied 78 elemental allies, they can try to close the elemental
AC 25; Fortitude 26• Reflex 23. Will 21 rift. Whether the attempt to close the rift succeeds or
Immune petrification; Resist 20 fire; Vulnerable cold (slowed until
fails, Rrowthar suggests that the adventurers follow '

the end of the magma brute's next turn)

Speed 4
him to the Guardian's Tower so that they can join up
Slam (standard; at - will) + Fire
with Obanar. If Rrowthar isn't with the adventur-
Reach 2;4-17 vs. AC; 1d8 r 6 damage, and ongoing S fire ers, then Obanar appears as a ghostly image before

damage (save ends). them. "Champions. I could use your assistance," the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial projected image says. "Follow this glowing light to the
Skills Endurance +1 41 Guardian's Tower."
Su 22 (+12) flex 16 (+9) Wis 13 (+7)
Con 16(+9) Int 5 (+3) Cha 814-S)
5 Earth Elemental Gravelshards (E) Level 12 Minion Illumination: Dim light; the close-packed build-
Medium elemental magical beast (earth) Xis 1 PJ each ings don't allow much sun to filter down to the
Initiative k9 Senses Perception +5 decrepit streets. At night, the area is in darkness.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Buildings: The buildings are in various states of
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 25. Will 23 disrepair. Except for rubble, the buildings in this area
Speed 6. earthwalk
are empty.
1' Slam (standard: at will)

Elemental Rift: Marked "R" on the map; see the

+17 vs. AC: 8 damage -
- Gravelshard Collision (immediate reaction, when an attack section in the adjacent column for additional details
misses the gravelshard: on this feature.
The gravelshard shifts up to 3 squares to move adjacent to Rubble: The rubble where building walls and ceil-
another elemental with the earth keyword, granting that ings have collapsed is difficult terrain.
elemental 10 temporary hit points. Then it charges the
Treasure: The hill giant carries a number of trea-
nearest enemy. +17 vs. Relies: 9 damage and the target is
knocked prone.
sures upon his person, including the scroll with the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
ritual he used to open the elemental rift, three 1,000
Str 15 (+8) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 9 (15) gp gems, 400 gp, and a potion of vitality.
Con 15 (-i-8) int 11 (+6) Cha 13 (-7)


This group of elementals, led by a hill giant shaman, = 5 feet
entered the city when the wards briefly weakened.
This was the same time that the bulettes broke into
the Grand Mall and another strike force started for (

the vaults beneath the Guardian's Tower.

The purpose that the hill giant eludes to as the
adventurers arrive relates to the ritual the shaman
concluded just moment's before. He has opened an
elemental rift (marked "R" on the map) that further
works to weaken and disrupt the wards and oilier
arcane defenses protecting the city.
Every round on initiative count 20. the elemental
rift releases a burst of elemental energy: close burst
2; elementals are immune; +16 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 3
cold, fire, and lightning damage.
The adventurers can attempt to close the rift by
reversing the ritual, a copy of which the hill giant
shaman carries in a belt pouch. To reverse the ritual.
a character must make four successful DC 23 A rcana
checks (standard action). Each time the check fails.
the rift unleashes a larger burst of elemental energy:
close burst 20; +17 vs. Fortitude; 3d8 + 3 cold, fire,
and lightning damage.
If the character gains three failures before earning
four successes, the rift remains open and permanently
weakens and disrupts Argent's web of arcane defenses.
Encounter Level 15 (6,200 XP) 2 Fire Archon Flameshields (A) Level 11 Soldier
Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 600 each
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +14
SETUP Ember Cloud (Fire) aura 1: each creature that begins its turn in the
Breven Foss, element master (B) aura takes 5 fire damage and is marked by the flameshield until
the end of the flameshield's next turn.
2 fire archon flameshields (A)
HP 116: Bloodied 58
1 earth elemental battlewall (E)
AC 27; Fortitude 23, Reflex 24, Will 22
12 frostfell harriers (F) Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 fire
Speed 8
Obanar waits at the entrance to the tower. Read: Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 1d8 + S damage (crit 2d8 + 13) plus 1d8 fire
"I know that you must have a multitude of questions to damage, and the target is marked until the end of the
flameshield's next turn.
ask me, and I shall give you every opportunity to quench
Flameshield Enticement (standard: recharge Efi g3m).. Fire
your curiosity." Obanar says, "but I must ask you to remain
The fire archon's flameshield flares brightly: Close burst 3;
patient a while longer. Know that this is the city of Argent, +16 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 5 fire damage, the target is pulled 2
and I am its last guardian. Right now, the city is under squares. and ongoing S fire damage (save ends).
siege by hill giants and elemental creatures, and even as we Flame Mark + Fire
speak. a force of hostile combatants is making its way to the The flameshield deals an extra 1d8 fire damage against any
vaults beneath this tower. I must complete the rituals neces- enemy that is marked by it.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
sary to restore and re-establish the city's magical defenses,
Str 16 (+8) Dex 22 (+11) Wis 18 (+9)
so I must ask you to stop the intruders before they can
Con 20 (+10) Int 16 (+8 .) 14 (+7)
penetrate the vaults. Soon, we shall speak of the mysteries Equipment plate armor, light shield, scimitar
of Argent. the destiny of champions. and the fate of a multi
tude of worlds. Butfirst, we must keep Argent safe." Earth Elemental Battlewall (E) Level 14 Brute
Lar'e elemental ma: ical beast (earth) XP 1.000 each

THE VAULTS Initiative +9 Senses Perception +8

Battlewall aura 2; each ally in the aura and touching the ground
Rrowthar leads the adventurers to the vaults beneath receives a +2 bonus to AC and Fortitude defenses.
the Guardian's Tower, or Obanar sends an arcane HP 168; Bloodied 84
ball of light to guide them to the location of the AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 22, Will 22
intruders if Rrowthar isn't with them. They reach Immune disease, petrification, poison
Speed 5
the vault level to find that the outer door in the cor-
0 Earthen Strike (standard; at•w111)
ridor is slightly ajar, revealing a group of elementals Reach 2: +17 vs. AC: 2d12 + 8 damage, and if the target is
in the entry chamber. Beyond the entry chamber, a bloodied, it is knocked prone.
trap room serves to slow or even stop intruders from ■ • Earthstorm (standard; recharge ND
reaching the actual vault. The ground around the earth elemental churns and explodes.
When the adventurers arrive, the elementals Close burst 2; +15 vs. Fortitude; 3d10 + 8 damage, and the
guarding the entry chamber move to attack. target is pushed 2 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Str 22 (+13) Dex 15 (+9) Wis 12 (+8)
TACTICS Con 18 (+11) int 4 (+4) Cha 15 (+9)
The enemy has already breached the hidden vault.
The tactics indicate how the monsters guarding each TRAP Room
chamber approach the battle at hand. The section chamber in this vault complex has a per-
manent slow effect enchanted upon it. Any creatures
in the room are slowed.
ENTRY CHAMBER Barely perceptible sighs inscribed upon the floor
This group of elementals, an earth elemental battle- (DC 23 Perception check to notice) are part of the
wall and three frostfell harriers, attempts to keep the room's trap. Whenever a character enters a square
adventurers from moving deeper into the vault. The containing a sigh (marked as an "X" on the map),
battlewall rumbles into the midst of the adventurers, that character takes 10 damage and slides 3 squares.
making earthen strikes and using earthstorm whenever
The trap always slides a character either away from
it recharges. The harriers stay close to keep any ene- the door to the final chamber, or toward either of the
mies attacking the battlewall in their frostfield aura. If glowing walls of energy on each side of the room.
the harriers are destroyed, the battlewall retreats to Any creature that touches a wall of energy is
the next chamber. immediately pulled into the cell beyond the wall. Two
of the harriers have been trapped in this fashion.
Breven Foss (B) Level 13 Elite Controller (Leader) 12 Frostfel1 Harriers (F) Level 13 Minion Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid, human XP 1.600 Medium elemental magical beast (cold) XP 200 each
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +18 initiative t 14 Senses Perception +10
Elemental Energy aura 10; each elemental ally within the aura Frostfreld aura 1; each enemy within the aura takes a -2 penalty to
regenerates 10 hp at the start of its turn. attack rolls.
HP 764; Bloodied 132 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion,
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 27 AC 27; Fortitude 24, Reflex 26, Will 24
Saving Throws +7 Immune disease, poison
Speed 6 Speed 5, Fly 8 (hover)
Action Points 1 ice Claw (standard; at-will) + Cold

® Are Touch (standard: at-will) + Fire +16 vs. Fortitude; 9 cold damage.
+17 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 6 fire damage, and the target takes a -2 Ice Slide (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the
penalty to attack rolls until the end of Foss's next turn. frostfell harrier; at-will) + Cold
)1 Frost Bolt (standard; at-will) 4 , Cold The attacker takes 4 cold damage and slides 3 squares.
Ranged 10; +17 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 6 cold damage, and until Alignment, Unaligned Languages Primordial
the end of Foss's next turn, the target Is slowed and takes a -2 Str 11 (+6) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 19 (+10)
penalty to all defenses. Con 19 (+10) int 5 (i'3) Cha 6 (+4)
<' Elemental Burst (standard; at-will) + Cold, Fire
Close burst 5; targets enemies: -1-16 vs. Fortitude; 1+310 - 1- 6 cold
and fire damage. Foss slides the target 3 squares, and the target FEATURES OF THE AREA
is dazed (save ends). Illumination: Bright light.
Elemental Recall (immediate reaction, when Foss is reduced to
Energy Walls: The walls of glowing energy in
132 hp °Hewer; encounter)
the central chamber are trapped. Only Obanar can
Foss teleports away to a predetermined location; close burst 5;
+16 vs. Reflex; 3+310 + 6 cold and fire damage.
release a character trapped by the energy walls.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Primordial Magic Circles: The magic circles in the vault
Skills Arcana +17, Insight +Th. Religion +17 chamber to the east represent "safe deposit drawers"
Str 12 (+7) Deg 12 (+7) Wis 24 (+13) of a sort. A glowing curtain of arcane force surrounds
Con 20 (+11) Int 22 (+12) Cha 15 (+8) the item stored safely within each circle.
The small circle to the north contains the piece of
As the adventurers attempt to cross the room, the the divine engine that Breven Foss has come to steal.
frostfell harriers attack them.
The circles contain items of either historical signifi-
VAULT cance or that are dangerous. including a stone golem
Two fire archons and a trio of frostfell harriers guard and a level 16 magic implement.
the entrance to the vault. They fight to the death to Trapped Sigils: Marked "X" on the map.
give the elemental master Breven Foss time to finish
acquiring the vault's treasure.
Breven Foss is in the process of forcing open the
magical curtain designed to store and protect a piece
of the divine engine that was used to trap the primor-
dial Piranoth at the end of the Dawn War. He needs Till
to make three more DC 25 Arcana checks (minor 1111
action, one per round) to open the curtain of energy. 0
Once the curtain falls, Foss grabs the large chunk
of silver and gold and places it in a bag of holding. He
uses elemental burst whenever enemies get too close.
Otherwise, he targets enemies that he can see with
frost bolts. When he becomes bloodied, Foss immedi-
ately teleports to a predetermined location outside the
city, taking the piece of the divine engine with hint.

After Brevet] Foss escapes. Obanar appears in the
vault to help wrap up the battle with the elementals.
He can release any of the adventurers who may
have been trapped in a cell, and then he invites the
adventurers to join him fbr food and drink. "A rgent's
defenses are once again in place." Obanar explains.
We can alford a few moments to relax and talk of
the day's events."
After the adventurers help defeat the invaders that
were able to breach the defenses of Argent and slip Q. What is this threat?
inside the city. Obanar invites them to a comfort- "The giants have begun to come together in such numbers
able sitting room high within the Guardian's Tower. as has not been seen since the time of the Dawn War. Earth
Obanar (and Rrowthar, if he survived and returned giants have already struck here at Argent. and I believe
to the city with the adventurers)'offers the adventur- that they are also marching on other key locations through-
ers food and drink, and once refreshments have been out the land. I fear that the giants and their elemental allies
served, he turns to them and says, "I have called you have conspired to free a primordial from its ancient prison.
here to become the new champions of Argent. Ask This cannot be allowed to come to pass."
your questions. I shall do my best to provide you with
the answers you seek." Q: What was taken from the vault?
The intruders knew exactly what they were after. They
Q: Who are you? stole a piece of the divine engine that the gods used to
"I am Obanar, last guardian of Argent. More than one imprison the primordial called Piranoth. It appears that
hundred and twentylive years ago, the empire of Nerath the giants have teamed up with a group of elementals with
sent me here as a champion. Nerath, as all empires before the express purpose of setting Piranoth free."
it, supplied Argent with champions to honor its obligations
to the Paragon Compact." Q,: What can we do?
"Instead you should ask, what can you not do? You are
Q: What's the Paragon Compact? worthy champions, powerful and noble. It is time for you to
As the Dawn War ended, many of the gods set up the Par- put aside other needs and aspirations, for Argent has need
agon Compact with the leaders of the civilized people of the of you in this time of peril. If the giants rampage freely,
world to provide for the defense of the world against threats thousands of innocents shall die. And if the primordial is
that go beyond the usual fare of brigands and uprisings. set free. then the cost in life shall increase a hundredfold.
Threats that could destroy the world, such as demons, aber- More over, the primordial has the power and ability to
rations, and rampaging primordials. Every civilized nation organize the scattered forces of the Elemental Chaos into
has always provided champions to serve in Argent and take an army capable of starting a new Dawn War. We cannot
up the Silver Cloaks. But the compact has been broken. allow that to happen."
No one has come to Argent to stand by my side or take my
place for well over a century. Nerath has forgotten its oaths. Q: What are the duties and responsibilities of
and 1 am ashamed for my ancient homeland." the Champions of the Silver Cloaks?
"I wish there were a list I could give you, but things are
Q: Don't you know that Nerath no longer exists? never that clear att. For now, consider yourselves to be
"Nerath has fallen? And no other kingdom or empire has honorary champions. You have come to Argent to help me
arisen to take its place? I see. That explains much. And it understand and defeat the threat of the giants and the pri-
makes what I must ask you to do even more dangerous and mordial. After that is done, then we can talk about the fate
important." of Argent, the future. and whether or not you take up the
mantle of the Silver Cloaks."
Q: What Is this place?
"This is Argent, the city of valor and headquarters of the Q: What happens next?
Champions of the Silver Cloaks. Once it was a bustling "There are many ways to approach the peril before us.
metropolis, fill of life and energy. Today, it is a pale shadow There are quests to undertake, research to engage in, and
of its days of glory, a ghost town that is all but deserted. battles to launch before we can even hope to win this war.
And I, my friends. I am its ghost." For now, rest and recover your strength. On the morrow,
I shall endeavor to advise you on the next steps you may
Q: Why have you called us to help you? want to take. Thank you for answering my call, champions.
"I seta my seneschal, Rrowthar, to scour the land for cham- I know that you can succeed and save us all."
pions worthy of the honor of the Silver Cloaks. If Nerath
wasn't going to uphold its commitments and provide a EXTENDED REST
new generation of champions to stand atop Argent's eter-
Obanar offers the hospitality of Argent to the
nal walls, then I had to take action. I did this because the
adventurers, and Rrowthar shows them to apart-
compact must be honored, and my time grows ever shorter.
ments in the Mall of Champions where they can rest
More over, because a new threat has arisen that must be
and refresh themselves. This is a good time for an
dealt with before all is lost."
extended rest.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

The adventurers can also return to Argent, using
the Argent Portal ritual, whenever they need a safe
"The Champions of the Silver Cloaks have a variety of
place to rest and recuperate. magical aid at their disposal. not the least of which is
Argent itself. As the last guardian, I know the secret for
TRAVEL crafting a special set of magic items that will prove to be
There are a number of far-off places the player char- invaluable in your battles against the giants and their
acters must go over the course of this adventure. elemental allies. These Implements of Argent are not only
Some of these places are in the natural world, others powerful on their own, but the magic of the items increases
are in various parallel planes of existence. A few even when each of you wield one. I can craft this set of connected
require that the adventurers travel through time. magic items for you, but you must acquire the sky metal 1
Obanar can send them to each of these locations in need for the crafting."
a variety always, and they can use the Argent Portal To complete this quest, the adventurers must first
ritual to return to Argent whenever they choose. conduct some research to discover where the sky
metal can be found. "I learned the secret of t he craft-
ing from Guardian Qwor, but he died before he could
tell me where the sky metal could be found," Obanar
After a good night's sleep, the adventurers meet
explains. "Qwor haunts the Necropolis (location 12
with Obanar again in the morning. Ile gets right to
on the map ofArgent on page 14). Seek him out and
the point. "There are a number of options as to your
see if he will tell you how to find the sky metal. Then,
next actions in this situation," Obanar explains. "I
you will need to acquire enough of the metal For me
shall remain here, watching over Argent and making
so that I can do the crafting."
whatever preparations I can that will aid you in the
Go to Encounter R2: Researching the Sky
coming battles. But I am too old to follow where you
Metal on page 42 when the adventurers are ready to
must dare to thread." Obanar outlines the options, as
conduct this research.
he sees them, in any order you choose.
Go to Encounters 11-14 starting on page 70 when
Later in the adventure. Obanar will also suggest
the adventurers are ready to track down the sky
that the adventurers take on a few diplomatic mis-
metal. Note that they can go alter the metal at any
sions to rally the people of the world against the
point during the adventure.
marauding giants. This opens another quest chain
Quest XP: 1.400 (minor quest) for each unique
during an interlude later in the adventure.
item in the set that the adventurers acquire.


lirowthar's people. the torrians. once gladly served the city
of Argent and the Champions of the Silver Cloaks. They ENGINE QUEST
departed long ago, and today they are lost somewhere in "When the gods defeated Piranoth, they used a powerful
the world. They have forgotten their oaths and their honor. artifact of divine magic to imprison the primordial for all
Find the torrians. Make sure they are safe and convince time. This artifact is called a divine engine. and it is just
them to return to Argent so that the city can live again." one type of many that were constructed for various uses
To complete this quest, the adventurers must first during the Dawn War. We must determine where the other
conduct some research to discover what happened pieces are hidden so that we can gather them before our
to the torrians and where they have gone. Obanar enemy can get his hands on them."
prepares a vial of potion far each of the adventurers To complete this quest, the adventurers must first
and tells them to go to the open field to the west of the conduct some research to discover where the pieces
proctor's house (location 8 on the map of Argent on of the divine engine are hidden. Obanar suggests
page 14). "When you are ready, drink these potions," that the adventurers start their research in either the
Obanar says. "They shall open a window to the past library within the Guardian's Tower or by praying to
so that you can see what transpired on the day the tor- the gods in the Temple of the Dawn (location 6 on the
rians departed the walls of Argent for the last time." map of Argent on page 14).
Go to Encounter R1: Researching the Torrians Go to Encounter R3: Researching the Divine
on page 40 when the adventurers are ready to con- Engine on page 44 when the adventurers are ready
duct this research. to conduct this research.
Go to Encounter Tl: River Ambush on page 64 The research leads the adventurers on a diplo-
when the adventurers are ready to use the results of matic mission to the Astral Sea, as well as to other
their research to find the torrians. encounters throughout the adventure.
Quest XP: 3.500 (major quest) for successfully Quest XP: 8,000 (major quest) for successfully
researching what happened to the torrians, complet- stopping the threat or Piranoth and breaking the alli-
ing the torrian encounters (T1-T3). and convincing ance of the giants.
the torrians to return to Argent.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

As the adventurers travel around the world and WILDERNESS ENCOUNTER
among the planes to complete quests and otherwise
deal with the threat of the allied giants, they might Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,500)
run into any number of creatures outside the listed + 1 adult green dragon (level 12 solo controller,
encounters. Use these random encounters to provide Monster Manual page 80)
opportunities for additional experience, to challenge + 4 cyclops guards (level 14 minions.
parties that are having an easy time with the adven- Monster Manual page 46)
ture, or to fill in gaps in the story as appropriate.
A green dragon and its cyclops guards, on the run
ELEMENTAL STRIKE TEAM from an approaching army of giants, encounter the
adventurers while they are on one of their quests for
Level 12 Encounter (XP 3,800) Obanar. The party can try to talk the green dragon
+ 2 fire archon emberguards (level 12 brutes. into helping to protect the region. or they can simply
Monster Manual page 18) fight the creature and its servants in the hope of driv-
+ 4 firelashers (level 11 skirmishers, ing it away or killing it before the giants are attracted
Monster Manual page 104) to the commotion.

The moment the adventurers leave Argent the first TIME LOST ENCOUNTER
time, a strike team of elementals Follows them to see
what they are up to and to report back to their supe- Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,600)
riors. If the adventurers spot the elementals, or if the + 3 ghost legionnaires (level 13 soldier.
elementals see an opportunity for an ambush, a battle Monster Manual 2 page 119)
breaks out. + 2 direguard assassins (level 11 skirmishers.
Monster Manual 2 page 70)
HILL GIANT RAIDERS + S horde ghouls (level 13 minion, Monster Manual
Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,750) page 118)
+ 2 hill giants (level 13 brutes. Monster Manual These undead servants of Acererek can be encoun-
page 121) tered within Acererek's tower when the adventurers
+ 2 ogre warhulks (level 11 elite brutes. travel into the past to recover the sky metal needed to
Monster Manual page 199) craft the Implements of Argent.
+ 5 ogre thugs (level 11 minions, Monster Manual
Two hill giants lead a raiding team of enslaved ogres Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,000)
to cause trouble in the world. The ogres appreciate + 1 earth giant (level 14 brute, page 18)
the amount of destruction they have been allowed to + 2 chillfire destroyers (level 14 brutes.
engage in since the hill giants enslaved their tribe. Monster Manual 2 page 98)
and they are more or less willing allies in the giants'
plan for revenge. + 2 sandstorm furies (level 14 artillery.
Monster Manual 2 page 101)

ASTRAL SEA ENCOUNTER An earth giant has gathered a few elemental allies
Level 13 Encounter (XP 4,500) and sets out to plunder a settlement or attack the
mettlesome adventurers before they can complete
+ 3 githyanki warriors (level 12 soldiers.
one of the quests that Obanar has set them on. The
Monster Manual page 128)
earth giant is particularly brutal, and the aggressive
+ 2 githyanki mindslicers (level 13 artillery. elementals happily follow its lead.
Monster Manual page 128)
+ 1 gray slaad (level 13 skirmisher. Monster Manual
page 238)

As the adventurers travel the Astral Sea in search

of the astral giants, they can encounter this band of

ClIAPTER 2 Adventure Encounters


SQUAD Level 16 Encounter (XP 7,600)

Level 14 Encounter (XP 5,200) + 1 earth titan (level 16 elite brute, Monster Manual
page 122)
+ 1 earth giant soldier Cleve! 15 soldier. page 19)
+ 2 earth giant soldiers (level 15 soldiers. page 19)
+ 2 earth giant stalkers (level 14 lurkers, page 19)
+ 3 magma brutes (level 13 brutes. Monster Manual
+ 1 sandstorm fury (level 14 artillery,
page 183)
Monster Manual 2 page 101)
+ 5 sandstorm vortex funnelclouds (level 13 minion The earth titan Earthshaker might appear at any ❑

skirmisher, Monster Manual 2 page 101) time. accompanied by its guardians and servants. The E
This assault squad runs at the front of any earth giant it retreats if the adventurers get the upper hand in a
army, scouting the territory and making first strikes battle or if they are able to bloody the earth titan.
against enemy fortifications. Such a squad can also
be assembled to hunt down specific targets, such as a FIRE GIANT PATROL
group of troublesome adventurers.
Level 17 Encounter (XP 9,200)

FEYWILD ENCOUNTER + 2 fire giants (level 18 soldiers. Monster Manual

page 123)
Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,200)
+ 1 lire giant forgecaller (level 18 artillery.
+ 1 fey knight vestige (level 16 lurker,
Monster Manual page 123)
Monster Manual 2 page 106)
+ 3 fircbred hell hounds (level 17 brutes,
+ 1 fey-incanter vestige (level 18 lurker, Monster Manual page 160)
Monster Manual 2 page 107)
This patrol is typical of the roaming guards within
+ 2 centaur hunter (level 12 artillery,
FlamefallTower, but it can also be used as a patrol
Monster Manual 2 page 30)
wherever the fire giants or their allies are operating.
+ 2 centaur ravagers (level 12 brutes, Monster
Manual 2 page 30)

While traveling in the Feywild on a diplomatic mis-

sion, the adventurers run into a group of centaurs
already on edge due to the increasingly violent
attacks by giants and elementals. The fey lingerers,
lurking in the area when the encounter begins, join
the fray to re-create the battle that originally led to
their deaths.

Level 15 Encounter (XP 6,400)
+ 1 frost giant (level 17 brute, Monster Manual 2
page 122)
+ 2 frost giant hunters (level 15 artillery, page 22)
+ 1 chillfire destroyer (level 14 brute,
Monster Manua, 2 page 98)
+ 2 windfiend fury (level 12 controller,
Monster Manual 2 page 102)

This hunting party combines frost giants and their

elemental allies into an effective team of deadly
stalkers. This group can be encountered anywhere
the frost giants are active, including the frost giant
enclave at Frost Spire.
JtA1 NE 11[]N

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Encounter Level 10 ( 2 , 00 XP) from the champions, the guardian, and even the rest
of the torrians. These secret dealings were making
the proctor very, very wealthy.
SETUP Hour 6. Arcana (DC 21. standard action): The charac-
Ohanar provides the adventurers with vials of a ters discover the lingering presence of arcane magic.
strange liquid, one vial for each member of the party. still evident on the scrolls and ledgers after all these
When the adventurers go to the open field just west decades. The magic has the taint of dark influence
of the proctor's house (location 8 on the Argent city and mind control, as though the proctor was enticed
map on page 14), they find a flat expanse of grass. through magic to leave Argent and take the torrians
They have two possible approaches to this research with him.
encounter: they can search the proctor's house and Success: [f the characters earn 4 successes, they
they can drink the potions provided by Obanar. Both learn that the proctor was enticed through dark
involve skill challenges, as described below. magic to accept gold and other wealth in exchange
for convincing the torrians to leave Argent and take
SEARCHING THE HOUSE up service to the mysterious "Physandos." The dark
magic has a definitive demonic taint about it.
SKILL CHALLENGE Failure: lithe characters get 3 Failures, they earn
This ancient structure was once the home and office no XP and learn only what they uncovered up to that
of the torrian who served as the proctor of Argent. If point in the skill challenge. More over, a magical trap
the adventurers decide to search the place. use this left behind unleashes a terrible Force that immedi-
skill challenge. ately attacks them. The magic gives form to a creature
Each round represents one hour of searching. Each of anger and destructive rage, a demon furor that
round, every member of the party within the house appears as a dark cloud of deadly energy. with whip-
must make a separate check as directed by the chal- ping tendrils and multiple maws of hungry darkness.
lenge. Add up the number of successes and failures
the party attains each round. More successes gains Level 12 Solo Skirmisher
Demon Furor
them 1 success for the round. more failures earns 1 Lar:e elemental ma . ical beast (demon. shadow) XP 3,500
failure toward the completion of the challenge. Initiative (17 Senses Perception +14
Level: 12 Hungry Darkness aura 1; all creatures that enter or start their
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures). turn in the aura take 5 damage.
Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana, History, HP 488; Bloodied 244
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 24. Will 23
I nsight, Perception, Thievery.
Saving Throws +5
Hour 1, Perception (DC 10, standard action): The
Speed 4, fly 4 (hover)
characters search the house and discover a hidden Action Points 7
room. The door to this room is trapped and locked. (i) Angry Tendril Strike (standard; at - will)
Hour 2. Thievery (DC 23 or 10, standard action): One Reach 3; +17 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and the target is pulled
character takes the lead (DC 23), while the other 7 squares.
characters attempt to aid that character (DC 10, suc- 4 Flurry of Tendril Strikes (standard; at - will)
The demon furor makes three angry tendril strike attacks.
cess provides the lead character with a +2 bonus).
Debilitating Anger (minor, 1/round; at- will)
If the party succeeds, the door to the hidden room
Ranged 10;115 vs. Will: the target takes a -2 penalty to AC and
opens safely. If the party fails, the door opens but a Reflex defenses (save ends).
trap goes off: each member of the party loses I heal- (- Blinding Fear (standard; recharge %El) + Fear
ing surge. The surge returns after the partycompletes Close burst 3: +15 vs Will; 1d8 i- 5 damage, the target is
two extended rests. pushed 3 squares, and the target is blind (save ends).
Hour 3. Perception (DC 16, standard action): The * Infectious Rage (standard; encounter; recharges when first
characters discover hidden records from the time of
Area burst 3 within 20; +15 vs. Will; 1d8 5 damage. and the
the last proctor, just before the torrians left Argent.
target makes an immediate basic melee or basic ranged attack
Hour 4. History (DC 16. minor action): The charac- against its closest ally.
ters rifle through the scrolls and ledgers to discover Bloodied Fury
that the proctor. a torrian named Thror, was accept- While bloodied, the demon furor gains a +2 bonus to attacks.
ing payments of gold from someone identified as an additional +1d6 to all damage rolls, and it takes a -2 penalty
"Physandos." to AC and Reflex defenses.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal. Common
Hour 5. Insight (DC 21. standard action): The char-
Str 17 0-91 Dex 19 (-00) Wis 16 (+9)
acters realize that these records indicate that the
Con 18 OM Int 2 (+2) Cha 15 (+8)
proctor was planning something in secret, hidden
lithe group fails this check, they receive no addi-
tional information.
SKILL CHALLENGE Round 4, Arcana (DC 16, standard action): The char- —
The potions provided by Obanar open a window acters watch as more of the event unfolds. Read:
to the past if the adventurers consume them while "Argent is all but deserted, its champions are gone." 0
standing in the grass to the west of the proctor's house. Thror continues. "We can remain and slowly fade away
When the adventurers drink the potions in the appro- as the city deteriorates, or we can decide our own fate. It
priate location, use this skill challenge. Note that if is time for the torrians to become masters of their own
the potions are consumed at any other location, noth- destiny, and Physandos has offered us a place where we can t..7
ing happens. Also note that if any characters in the prosper."
vicinity don't consume the potion, they see their com- If the group succeeds at this check, they notice
panions become still as statues and turn into ghostly that Thror makes gestures as he addresses the
versions of themselves for the duration of the vision. crowd. subtle patterns with his fingers and hands.
Each round represents one minute in the vision, He is casting some kind of spell without the crowd's t'`,4,
though the characters might perceive that time is knowledge.
moving faster or slower in any given round. Each lithe group fails this check, they receive no addi-
round, every member of the party in the vision must tional information. tzt
make a separate check as directed by the challenge. Round 5. Endurance (DC 16, standard action): The
Add up the number of successes and failures each mist around the characters grows darker, as though Lu
round. More successes gains 1 success for the round, something else has entered the vision with them. Any
more failures earns I failure toward the completion of character that fails loses I healing surge. The surge
the challenge. When they consume their potions, read: returns after the party takes three extended rests. 0
Round 6. Arcana (DC 21, standard action): The char- z L/
The potion tastes bitter and dusty on your tongue, and acters watch as more of the event unfolds. Read: LIJ
suddenly a thick mist rises from the ground around you. "Let us accept this generous offer from Physandos,"
You seem to have become part of the mist, and you look out Thror says. "Let us take our families and our hopes and our
through the haze of -yesterdays to see Argent as it once was. dreams and settle the Sheltered Woods, far to the west of
Torrians by the dozens gather in the grassyfleld outside the the Plains of Chaos. Further, let us agree to the few obliga-
proctor's house, each looking anxiously toward the proctor's tions that Plivsandos has asked of us." The crowd cheers.
front door. It opens, and a figure you know is Thror, proctor If the group succeeds at this check, they realize
of Argent, steps out to greet the crowd. that Thror is casting a spell of influence on the crowd.
Level: 12 lithe group fails this check, they receive no addi-
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures). tional information.
Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana, Endur- Round 7. Insight (DC 16. standard action): The char-
ance, History. Insight, Perception. acters notice that the crowd has become glassy eyed
Round 1, Perception (DC 10, standard action): The and has entered a trance state. nodding and cheering
characters notice that not all of the torrians seem every word that Thror imparts.
comfortable with this gathering, and they hear more lithe group fails this check, they receive no addi-
than one whisper wondering where the guardian is. tional information.
Tithe group fails this round, they notice nothing Hound 8, Perception (DC 2/, standard action): The
unusual with the crowd. characters notice a barely perceptible cloud of dark-
Round 2. Endurance (DC 16, standard action): The ness hovering near the proctor's head. The dark cloud
rigors of the time vision try to overwhelm the charac- has a demonic taint to it that feeIs unclean. He finishes
ters. Any character that fails loses 1 healing surge. The his speech, the crowd hanging on every word and
surge returns after the party takes two extended rests. ready to follow him wherever he decides to lead them.
Round 3. History (DC 16, standard action): The char- lithe group fails this check, they receive no addi-
acters watch as this historic event plays nut. Read: tional information.
Thror the proctor strides forth to address the crowd. Success: lithe characters earn 6 successes, they
"My friends," he says in a loud voice, "we have watched learn everything presented above.
as Argent has slipped away, as if devastated by a wither- Failure: lithe characters get 3 failures, they earn
ing disease. Where are the champions, in this our darkest no XP and learn only what they uncovered up to that
hour? Where is the guardian? Where is the seneschal? We point in the skill challenge_ If they did not learn the
are alone, and the time has come to examine our options." location of the new torrian settlement, they must use
lithe group succeeds at this check, they notice that other means to determine that information. The Con-
Thror wears a ring bearing the signet of an ancient sult Mystic Sages ritual will provide the location, for
cult tied to Oublivae, the demon queen of ruin example, and Obanar can consult his own sources if
and destruction. This provides a +2 bonus to each the characters fail the skill challenge.
character's Arcana check in the next round.
Encounter Level 12 (3,800 XP) The champion wight asks the following questions
over the course of this challenge:
"What business does the living have in this land of
the dead?"
Obanar points the adventurers to an undead guard- "Prove that you are worthy to wear the Silver
ian named Qwor, who haunts Argent's Necropolis Cloak."
(location 12 on the map of Argent on page 14). "Seek "What do you know of the honor oft he Champions
him out and see if he will tell you how to find the sky of Argent?"
metal," Obanar says. Rrowthar digs a large key out of
a pouch on his belt and hands it to one of the charac- Level: 12
ters. The adventurers must successfully complete a Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures).
skill challenge to learn about the sky metal. Skills Used in this Challenge: Athletics, Diplo-
macy, History, Insight, Intimidate.
THE NECROPOLIS Athletics (DC 16. standard action):The character
The key provided by Rrowthar unlocks the massive makes an amazing show of athletic power. proving
gate surrounding the Necropolis. When the adven- that he or she is physically worthy of the Silver Cloak.
turers enter the grounds of the Necropolis, read: If a character fails this check, the wight laughs and
insults the character. "Worthy? Not even close."
Beyond the gate, the Necropolis is even more silent and This skill can be used to gain up to 2 successes.
still than the rest of the near-empty city, and a sense of Diplomacy (DC 16, standard action): The character
hushed reverence hangs in the air. A cobblestone path presses the urgency of the situation and the need that
winds between crypts and large. elaborate mausoleums. As the group has to talk to Qwor about matters of grave
you search for some indication of where Guardian Qwor importance.
is interred, an undead creature with a Iongsword, its blade ifa character fails this check, the wight becomes
glowing with dark energy, appears from around one of the more distrustful. The next Diplomacy check
ancient tombs. increases to DC 18.
"What business does the living have in this land of the This skill can be used to gain up to 2 successes.
dead?." the creature asks. pointing its sword toward you. History (DC 2 I, standard action):The character uses
This question begins the skill challenge. historical precedent from the time when the cham-
pion wight was alive to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of how the past impacts the present.
IF the character falls this check, the wight grows
CHALLENGE, PART ONE angry at the lack of respect the party has for history.
The Necropolis skill challenge requires the adven- This skill can be used to gain I success.
turers to negotiate with two separate undead Insight (DC 16. standard action):The character gets
creatures—a champion wight, and Qwor, the ghost of a true sense of how honor and dedication remain
the guardian who once trained Obanar. Each negotia- integral to the champion's sense of self.
tion includes various tests to determine the mettle Use of this skill doesn't count as a success or fail-
and might of the adventurers, as both creatures ure toward the completion of this challenge. Instead,
refuse to pass on their knowledge to those they deem it provides either a +2 bonus or -2 penalty to the next
to be unworthy. Diplomacy or Intimidate check the characters make.
The champion wight has become evil This skill can be attempted once during the
due to its transformation, but it still retains enough of challenge.
its honor and memories as a Champion of the Silver Intimidate (DC 21, standard action):The character
Cloaks to want to deal honorably with the adventur- uses bravado, presence, and force of will to make the
ers. Should the adventurers fail to impress the wight, champion wight acquiesce to their need to find Qwor.
however, they will have a battle on their hands. If the character fails this check, the wight
The negotiation with the champion wight depends becomes more angry and feels personally insulted.
on the adventurer's ability to convince the creature All DCs for the remaining skill checks in this
that they are champions or that they are working in challenge increase by +2.
the interest of the champions. Establish an initiative This skill can be used to gain 1 success.
order, then allow each character in turn to attempt Success: lithe characters earn 4 successes, the
any oldie listed skill checks. champion wight bows to them and points them toward
the mausoleum where they can find the ghost of Qwor.
Failure: If the characters get 3 failures, they earn Third Obstacle, Religion (DC 18), Thievery (DC 18). or
no XP and the champion wight grows violently angry. Perception (DC 23): (standard action): The third obstacle
The undead creature calls forth five ghost worg pack- takes the form of an elaborate burial chamber that '
mates, and then the group of creatures attack. contains a series of traps. To overcome this obstacle,
Find the statistics for these creatures on page 12. the characters must earn 2 successes by disabling or
circumnavigating the traps.
NECROPOLIS SKILL A character can use a Religion check to discern
that the chamber is laid out in the pattern of Erathis's
CHALLENGE, PART Two Grand Bastion in Nerathum, the capital city of
Whether the champion wight points the way, or they ancient Nerath. Recognizing this pattern allows the
find it after defeating him, the adventurers eventually character to find a safe path through the chamber.
locate the mausoleum that Qwor haunts. This chal- Or, a character can use Thievery to disable the
lenge combines negotiation with puzzle solving as the traps to create a safe passage through the chamber.
adventurers must navigate the twists and turns of the Or, a character can use Perception to instinctively
tomb to converse with Qwor's ghost. locate a safe path to the other side of the chamber.
Each round represents one obstacle in the mau- A failed check indicates that the characters set off
soleum, either a physical obstacle or the general a trap. Every character must make a DC 18 Endur-
obstacle presented by the ghost. Each round, one ance check or lose one healing surge.
member of the party makes a check as directed by After the party attains 2 successes against this
the challenge. Other members of the party can assist obstacle, they leave the burial chamber and enter
with the check. Qwor's Inner Sanctum.
Fourth Obstacle, Diplomacy (DC 18). Insight (DC .18),
Level: 13
or Thievery (DC 23); (standard action): Within Qwor's
Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures).
Inner Sanctum, the adventurers face the final obsta-
Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana. Athletics.
cles they must overcome to gain information from
Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Insight, Perception, Reli-
the ghost of the dead guardian. Using Diplomacy and
gion, Thievery.
Insight, the characters convince Qwor to help them.
First Obstacle. Athletics (DC 23), Diplomacy (DC 23).
Then a Thievery check is needed to access Qwor's sar-
or Thievery (DC 18); (standard action): The locked mau-
cophagus without setting off a trap.
soleum door presents the first obstacle. A character
The interaction with Qwor requires 2 successful
can attempt to bash open the door (Athletics). convince
Diplomacy checks to gain his help and trust. A suc-
Qwor's ghost to open it (Diplomacy), or try to unlock it
cessful Insight check provides a 4-4 bonus to the next
(Thievery). Up to two other characters can assist with
Diplomacy check.
the check, using the same skill as the lead character.
Starting Interaction: "Why do you disturb my rest?
lithe character fails this check, the party can
Why should I aid you? Are you worthy of the Silver
make up to two more checks (using the same or a dif-
Cloak? What danger requires gear as powerful as the
ferent skill) to overcome this obstacle.
Implements of Argent?"
A success opens the way into the mausoleum.
After 2 Diplomacy Successes: "I can see how the
Second Obstacle, Arcana (DC 23). Dungeoneering (DC
Implements of Argent can aid you in this dangerous
18), or Perception (DC 25); (standard action):The Cor-
situation. Unfortunately, rare metal that falls from the
ridor of Many Chambers presents the second obstacle
sky is required to craft the Implements. The only set I
in this challenge. The tomb is larger on the inside than
know of was lost when a group of champions disap-
it appeared to be from the outside. To overcome this
peared into the Abyss more than a century ago. The
obstacle, the characters must earn 2 successes as they
only option is to go to the last place where the metal
attempt to find the correct path through the maze.
was known to be—Bad Turath, approximately 600
A character can attempt to find a pattern in the
years ago. Within my sarcophagus, you shall find a
arcane construction and magic inherent in the place
gem. Be careful of the trap. however."
(Arcana). Or a character can use innate or trained
Finally, a successful Thievery check reveals the
underground tracking skill to find the correct path
hiding place of a fist-sized, dark-blue gem_
(Dungeoneering). If all else fails, sheer observation
Success: lithe characters earn 8 successes, they
power can help navigate the maze of chambers (Per-
overcome the obstacles and gain Qwor's help. "Good
ception). Up to two other characters can assist.
kick. champions," Qwor says as he opens a path nut of
A failed check indicates that the characters
the mausoleum. "Take the gem to Marlin and he shall
become Lost in the maze for a round. Every character
be able to use it to send you where you need to go."
must make a DC 18 Endurance check or lose one
Failure: lithe characters get 3 failures, they earn
healing surge.
no XI' and they lose out on the chance to gain the
After the party attains 2 successes against this
I I Ti plements of A rgent.
obstacle, they find their way into a grand burial
Encounter Level 16 (7,000 XP) When the adventurers enter the library, read:

SETUP Tall, ornate double doors swing open to reveal a huge

library. Shelves full of books and scrolls cases fill the room,
Obanar tells the adventurers the story of Piranoth as reaching from the ground level to the ceiling some three
he remembers it, how the divine engine was used to levels overhead. Work tables and comfortable chairs are
imprison the primordial, and then how the artifact spaced around the area, and spiral staircases lead to the
was broken into pieces and hidden. "One piece was shelves above you. Glowing orbs of soft light hover in differ-
interred here, in the vaults, but it is now in the hands ent locations around the room, providing illumination. The
of the enemy," Obanar explains. "We must determine place smells of leather, dust, and ancient parchment.
the location of the other pieces and get to them before
the enemy does." Level: 16
Obanar suggests two methods for uncovering this Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana, History,
secret information. "You can look for information in Perception, Religion, Thievery.
the library here in the Guardian's Tower, or you can Round 1. Perception (DC 25, standard action): Each
go to the Temple of the Dawn and pray to the gods for character starts the search for information by making
guidance and revelation." a Perception check. This represents the time needed
Both of these approaches are handled by skill to get a sense of the library's layout and to seek out
challenges. If the party attempts to use both obvious scrolls and books related to the Dawn War,
methods. the total experience awarded should not artifacts of the gods. primordials, and Piranoth in
exceed 7,000 XP. specific.
if the characters achieve 3 or 4 successes, they
THE LIBRARY SKILL each get a -F2 bonus on the check made in the next
round of the challenge. If the characters achieve 5
CHALLENGE successes, they get a +4 bonus on the next check.
The skill challenge in the library is a bit different Round 2, Arcana (DC 25). History (DC 20), or Reli-
from other skill challenges in this adventure. Failure gion (DC 25): (standard action): In this round, each
isn't really a factor in the challenge per se. as the character grabs a selection of t he materials they
characters have more or less all the time in the world found in the previous round and spends time reading
to conduct their research. Instead, the number of suc- and researching. Each character can employ the skill
cesses the party achieves determines the amount of listed above that they feel most comfortable using.
Information they can uncover from the collection of If the characters achieve 3 or more successes in
scrolls and books in the library based on their schol- this round, one or more of them determine that there
arly skills and ability to find pertinent information are additional, hidden texts somewhere within the
among the stacks and stacks of scrolls and books. library, as many of the passages they are reading refer
Each round represents one hour of searching and to other works not among the materials collected in
reading ancient texts. Each round, every member of the first round. This opens up the use of the Percep-
the party makes a separate skill check as directed by tion and Thievery skills to locate any hidden tomes.
the challenge. Add up the number ofsuccesses the Bonus Round. Perception (DC 25) or Thievery (DC 20);
characters achieve each round. After two rounds of (standard action): With hints that hidden works may
searching and perusing documents (three if certain be available, the characters spend time searching for
conditions are met), the party has learned everything secret rooms and hidden compartments within the
it can from the texts stored here. library. Successes this round don't count toward the
Award experience for this skill challenge based on completion of the challenge, but they do provide the
the number of successes the characters achieve: opportunity for one last round of research.
If the characters earn 2 or fewer successes, they
Number of Successes XP Award find no additional texts and the challenge ends. Ifthey
1-3 No XP earn 3 or more successes, they find more texts and
4-5 1,400 XP earn a +2 bonus on checks made in the next round.
G-8 2,800 XP Round 3, Arcana (DC 25), History (DC 20), or Religion
9-10 4,200 XP (DC 25); (standard action): In this round, each charac-
11-13 5,600 XP ter spends time reading and researching the newly
14+ 7,000 XP discovered texts. Each character can employ the skill
listed above that they feel most comfortable using.
This ends the challenge. Add up the number oFs-uc- The temple doors open upon a grand space. A dome over- 1.-J
cesses earned to determine what the characters learn. head allows sunlight to shine into the center of the circular 2
1-3 Successes: A divine engine is a type ofarti- chamber, where it illuminates the impressive Altar of Many 4-`,:j
fact, although one of godlike power and origin. At Gods. Prayer benches encircle the altar, rising in seven tiers Lu
least a dozen divine engines were known to have sothaeviwundrfoalshipe.Srn
been crafted during the Dawn War. Piranoth's Bane honoring a multitude of gods encircles the main altar, and z
is one such artifact. the place has a reverence and a presence that calms even
4-5 Successes: As the Dawn War was drawing the most turbulent soul.
to a close, the gods crafted a divine engine with the
Level: 16
specific purpose of defeating and imprisoning t he
Complexity: 1 (3 successes before 3 failures).
primordial known as Piranoth. It was successful in its
Skills Used in this Challenge: Endurance,
use. and Piranoth was banished fbr all eternity.
Insight, Religion.
6-8 Successes: Piranoth's Bane, a divine engine

Round I. Religion (DC 20, standard action): The
also called KIafekku, was designed by Erathis, the
characters begin to pray and meditate.
god of invention, and Torog, the god of imprisonment.
If the group fails this round, nothing happens.
Moradin, god of creation and artisans, constructed
Round 2. Religion (DC 13. standard action): The
the artifact and gave it form and substance. It had to
characters get into a rhythm and their prayers begin
be used after Piranoth was defeated, while he was in
to calm them and put them into a susceptible state.
an unconscious state. After it was used. Kurd, the god
if the group fails this check, nothing happens_
of strength and battle, shattered the divine engine
If the group succeeds this round, a dark presence
into five pieces, each of which flew off to a different
tries to disrupt their prayers. Use the "Dark Presence
corner of the multiverse.
Round" below.
9-10 Successes: One piece of Piranoth's Bane was
Dark Presence Round, Endurance (DC 13, free action):
found by a champion named Deekon, who gave it to
A dark presence strikes at the characters, sending
the guardian of Argent for safekeeping. This piece is
a terrifying vision of darkness and crawling hor-
stored in the vaults beneath the Guardian's Tower.
rors into their minds. Every character must make
Rhis last bit of information is no longer true.'
an Endurance check. This check doesn't count as
11-13 Successes: The mysterious astral giants
a success or failure for completing the mission. If a
have been known to keep track of the whereabouts of
character fails this check, he or she loses 1 healing
divine engines. The giants of the Temple of Inchoate
Mysteries, in the Astral Sea, are known as the fore-
Round 3. Religion (DC 13. standard action): The
most experts on Piranoth's Bane. It is rumored that
characters pray and meditate, and their minds
they, along with select exarchs ofMoradin (such as the
become clear and focused.
exarch Torugar), know the ritual necessary to restore
lithe group fails this check, nothing happens.
Piranoth's Bane to working order.
lithe group succeeds this round, use the "Dark
14+ Successes: It is believed that Piranoth can be
Presence Round" below.
freed with only a partially intact divine engine. With
Dark Presence Round. Endurance (DC 20,free action):
at least three pieces of the engine and the added
A dark presence strikes at the characters, sending
assistance of a god, Piranoth's Bane can be used to
tendrils of dark energy into their bodies. Every char-
unlock Piranoth's prison. In such a case, Piranoth
acter must make an Endurance check. This check
would return to the world in a diminished state.
doesn't count as a success or failure for completing
the mission. If a character fails this check, he or she
THE TEMPLE OF THE DAWN loses 1 healing surge.
SKILL CHALLENGE Round 4. Insight (DC 20, standard action): The
characters get the distinct impression that the dark
Another approach to learning about the divine
presence trying to disrupt them is related to spiders
engine is to petition the gods at the Temple of the
and shadows.
Dawn. The characters can use this method instead of
lithe group fails this check. they gain no
conducting research in the library, or they can come
to the temple to round out their research.
Round 5, Religion (DC 13, standard action): The
Each round represents time to reflect and meditate
characters feel safe and at peace as a comforting pres-
on the god or gods of each character's choice. Each
ence fills the temple.
round, every member of the party must make a sepa-
Success: lithe characters earn 3 successes, an
rate check as directed by the challenge. Add up the
exarch of Erathis appears to provide them with the
number of successes and failures each round. More
information available in the Library skill challenge.
successes gains 1 success for the round, more failures
Failure: If the characters get 3 failures, they earn
earns I failure toward the completion of the chal-
no XP and get no information.
lenge. When the adventurers enter the temple. read:
Each time the adventurers return to Argent to rest or
consult with Obanar or Rrowthar, events within the
story progress to the next stage. Use the infirmation THE TORRIANS
below as a guideline for what occurs when and how If the adventurers successfully free the torrians from
your version of the adventure might unfold. depending the influence of the demon Physandos and get them
upon the actions and choices of the player characters. to agree to return to Argent. this interlude takes
place. The adventurers can bring the torrian leaders
RETURN TO ARGENT with them using the Argent Portal ritual, but the rest
of the clan must use more mundane travel methods
The first time the adventurers return to speak to
to get to the city. Obanar thanks the player characters
Obanar, probably after completing one or more
for their efforts and welcomes the torrian leaders
research encounters in other parts of Argent, they
back into the city. He appoints their leader. Gruthow,
arrive to find the city once again under siege. Read:
to be proctor of the city. and then tells Rrowthar to
Youfind Obanar on an observation balcony high atop the help the torrians, who are beginning to arrive on
Guardian's Tower. You can hear angry shouts in the dis- Foot. get settled. 'Argent is a happier and brighter
tance, getting closer and closer with every passing moment. place now that the torrians have returned." Obanar
"The hill giants have laid siege to the city," Obanar tells you proclaims.
in a quiet voice. "The defenses shall hold, at least for a short After the torrians are made welcome and head off
while. Perhaps you can strike at the enemy while I prepare to get settled in, Obanar brings the adventurers up to
a more powerful offensive solution." speed on the current situation. Read:

Obanar asks the adventurers to defend two locations. "Now that the torrians have returned, we can work on
They can decide to tackle these locations in either restoring the city's ancient glory and commerce," Obanar
order. but he tells them that they must make sure that says. "In the meantime, what information have you to
neither location is breached before he can complete share with me about the giants, their allies, or our progress
his preparations. on finding the pieces of the divine engine and the sky metal
The two locations are the landing platform at the needed to craft the Implements of Argent?"
walls of the Temple of the Dawn and the main gate to
the Gateyard. The adventurers can use this time to take an
Go to Encounter El: The Siege, Part One and extended rest, and to conduct any research they have
Encounter E2: The Siege, Part Two, starting on not already completed in regards to the other quests
page 48, when the player characters are ready. that Obanar has made available to them.


lithe adventurers travel into the past to collect some
THE MARCH or all of the sky metal needed to make the Implements
The first time the adventurers return to speak to Obanar
of Argent. the ritual scroll that Obanar provided them
after their initial encounter, they arrive in time to help
with before they left returns them to this time when
defend Argent from a siege by earth giants and their allies.
they are ready to cast it. Note that the gem and the
Breaking the siege is only the beginning of this sequence
scroll are both one-use-only items, so the trip into and
in the adventure. While the earth giant army marches on
back from the past can only be taken once in each
Argent and other nearby settlements, the adventurers
decide (through their own analysis or thanks to strategic
Once the adventurers return, Obanar gathers
suggestions made by Obanar) that the best way to break
whatever sky metal they collected and sets to work
the march of the earth giants is to follow their supply lines
on crafting the Implements of Argent. if the characters
back to their main camp and take out their leaders.
spend an extended rest in the city. when they awaken
The adventurers follow the supply lines back to a hill
Obanar has completed two of the magic items for the
giant steading nestled among rocky hills. Here, the adven-
group. "I shall continue to work on the other items
turers can take the battle to the earth giant commanders
as time permits," Obanar says, though he appears
while the raiding force marches on the settlements of
weaker and more tired than at any other time the
the natural world. If the adventurers defeat the hill giant
characters have encountered him. 'the magic needed
battle chief and his earth titan master, they effectively
for the crafting is taking a toll on the ancient wizard.
take the earth giants out of the equation. See Encounters
The third item will he completed following the
El -E7, starting on page 48, for details.
next extended rest the party takes.

C II APTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

The fourth item will be completed after two addi- Another diplomatic mission sends the adventurers


tional extended rests are taken. to three closely situated settlements—one human, one
The fifth and final item will be completed after dwarf. and one tribe of goblins led by the hobgoblin
two additional extended rests are taken. warlord Skruk (Encounter DT, starting on page
So, if the party could afford to sit in the city and 88)—to convince them to join together to withstand a
wait, it would take a total of six days for the items giant attack force.
to be made. However, Obanar won't allow them to Quest XP: 1.600 (minor quest) for successfully
lounge around the city while the threat of the giants negotiating an alliance of the three settlements so
hangs over the world. "I shall do my work," the they can adequately defend themselves against the
ancient wizard tells them. "You go and do your work approaching army of giants.
in the meantime, and perhaps the world won't come Completing any of these quests buys the adven-
to an end because we were taking a short break." turers time, rallies local forces to defend themselves
Note that if there are more than five player charac- more effectively against the invading giants, and pro-
ters in the group. any extra magic items in the set are vides additional aid in the climactic battles to come.
created at the same time. For example, if there are six
player characters in the group and they decided to LOCATING TORUGAR
double up on the leader's helm, then both leader's helms
IF the adventurers learned about the divine engine
are crafted during the same extended rest_
and its history. they know that the exarch of Mora-
din named Torugar knows the ritual required to
FROST GIANTS ON mend the broken artifact. As time goes on, Obanar
learns that Torugar has been captured by the fire
THE MARCH giants. You must rescue the exarch before the fire
The frost giants begin to send raiding parties to attack giants are able to pry the ritual from him," Obanar
peaceful settlements along the coast during the height of explains. "1 believe he is being held at Flamefall
the earth giant march. The adventurers go to help defend Tower. It isn't inconceivable that the lire giant Forgers
against the attacks, or to locate a piece of the divine might be able to figure it out on there own, but they
engine, or both as the giants become more and more will be greatly hindered without the knowledge that
aggressive. Rumors of larger, more organized giant armies the exarch possesses."
appearing throughout the land might trigger the player Quest XP: 2,400 (minor quest) for locating Toru-
characters to engage in one or more diplomatic missions gar and rescuing him from the fire giants.
to rally the defenses of the natural world. Along the way,
the adventurers discover that a force of frost giants has
gone to Frost Spire in the Elemental Chaos to accomplish FIRE GIANTS ON THE MARCH
a task that will aid the giant alliance—and be detrimental The fire giants are hard at work trying to accomplish two
to Argent and the natural world. tasks—they need to gather the pieces of the divine engine
To put a stop to the frost giants, the adventurers must and then put it back together so it can be used to unlock
enter the Elemental Chaos and travel to Frost Spire. if Piranoth's prison. The adventurers go to Flamefall Tower,
the adventurers defeat the frost giant jars and his frost in a part of the natural world where the connection to
titan master, they win a telling victory in the increasing the Elemental Chaos is particularly strong, as they follow
deadly war. See Encounters Fl -F13, starting on page 92, the trail of the divine engine or they go in search of the
for details. missing exarch of Moradin, Torugar.
The adventurers arrive at Flamefall Tower and infil-
DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS trate the fire giant stronghold. At this point in the
As time passes, Obanar provides the adventurers adventure, depending on the prior actions of the player
with additional quests of a diplomatic nature. The characters, the giant armies are wrecking havoc in the
astral giants encounters (Encounters D1-04. start- natural world or are being held in check or even forced
ing on page 78). part of the quest to learn more about into a retreat by the rallied settlements of the area. What-
the divine engine, are part of these diplomatic mis- ever the case, the fact that the fire giants are close to
sions. After the adventurers have dealt with the hill attempting to free the primordial means that the danger
giants, Obanar asks them to undertake two other is far from over. Indeed, it's about to get worse. if the
diplomatic missions. adventurers defeat the fire giant king and his fire titan
One diplomatic mission takes the adventurers to master, they need to only step into the Elemental Chaos
the Court of Fallen Leaves to rally an eladrin point of in order to find the titan lords who want to make one
light (Encounters D5-D6. starting on page 82). last try at releasing Piranoth. See Encounters G1 - Gil ,
Quest XP: 1,400 (minor quest) for successfully starting on page 130, and Encounters P1-P3. starting
convincing the eladrins to provide troops and support on page 154, for details_
to aid the settlements of the natural world from the
giant onslaught.
CHAPTER 2 1 Adventure Encounters
Roc (R) Level 14 Elite Skirmisher
Encounter Level 14 (5,200 XP)
Hu re natural beast XP 2.000
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +15
The first time the adventurers return to speak to HP 288; Bloodied 144
Obanar, they discover that the city of Argent is once AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 30, Will 26
again under attack. Obanar consults a scrying mirror Saving Throws +2
in his chambers within the Guardian's Tower to get a Speed 4, fly 10 (clumsy), overland flight 15; see also claw snatch

sense of the progress the invaders are making. Note Action Points 1

that while Argent's ability to see far beyond its walls 10 Bite (standard; at-will)
Reach 2: +19 vs. AC; 2d6 7 damage.
has eroded over time, Obanar can still see what tran-
-I. Claw Snatch (standard; at-vvIII)
spires in and around the city. Read: The roc moves up to its fly speed and makes an attack against a
Medium or smaller target at any point during its move; +17 vs.
"The defenses are holding the bulk of the invading force at Reflex; 1410 7 damage, and the target is grabbed, carried the
bay, but two strike teams have broken through," Obanar rest of the roc's move, released, and knocked prone In a space

says. "You must make sure that neither of the strike teams adjacent to the roc.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
enter the city while I prepare the offensive capabilities of
Str 25 (+14) Des 25 (+14) Wis 16 (+10)
the city's magic: Cha 12 (+8)
Con 24 (+14) Int 2 (+3)
"They attempt to breach our defenses at two locations,"
Obanar continues. "They try to pierce the walls at the land-
3 Hill Giants (H) Level 13 Brute
ing platform at the Temple of the Dawn, and they try to tar•e natural humanoid I:ianti XP 800 each
storm the main gate leading from the road to the Gateyard. Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
Rocs and raiders have already made it to the landing HP 159; Bloodied 79
platform. so I recommend you start the defense of the city AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21. Will 23
there." Speed 8
0 Greatciub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage.
THE LANDING PLATFORM - Sweeping Club (standard; encounter) + Weapon
A landing platform provides access to the city from The hill giant makes a greatclub attack against two Medium
the eastern face of the mountain. In days °fold, visi- or smaller targets; on a hit, the target is pushed 2 squares and
knocked prone.
tors and champions alike could reach the city atop
)f Hurl Rack (standard; at-will)
flying mounts, using the landing platforms to gain Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage.
entry. The magic of the city prevents any creatures Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
from flying over the walls and into the city directly, Skills Athletics +16
but the landing platforms were open to public use. Str 21 (-11) Dex 8 (+5) Wis 12 (+7)
With the current attacks. Obanar has extended Con 19 (+10) int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5)
the city's defenses. The magical barriers keep the Equipment hide armor, greatclub

bulk of the invading army at bay for the time being.

but some rocs and their riders have made it as far Hill Giant Shaman (5) Level 13 Controller
Lar•e natural humanoid (:lanti XP 800
as the landing platform and are now ready to scale
Initiative +9 Senses Perception —13
Argent's walls.
HP 131; Bloodied 65
Place the monsters as shown on the tactical map.
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 73
The adventurers can open the gate (not recom- Speed 8
mended) or use interior ladders to get atop the walls. ® Quarterstaff (standard: at•will) + Implement, Weapon
Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage.

SETUP Earthstorm (standard; recharge 'XU) + Implement, Weapon

Requires quarterstaff. Close blast 5; +15 vs. Fortitude; 3d10
1 roc (it) 6 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and blinded (save
3 hill giants (II) ends).
1 hill giant shaman (S) Volcanic Blast (standard; at•will) + Implement, Weapon
Ranged 10; +17 vs. Reflex; ldl 0 + 6 damage, and target gains
vulnerable 5 fire (save ends).
ROLEPLAY ING Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
As soon as the hill giant shaman notices the player Skills Arcana +13, Nature +13
characters, he shouts a challenge. Read: Str 21 (+11) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
Con 19 (+10) Int 14 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)
"I-low can creatures so small have brains enough to think? Equipment hide armor, stone quarterstaff
Destroy I h emr
When the adventurers finish defending the land- u
TACT ICS ing platform, Obanar sends a ghostly vision of himself
Four rocs dropped their riders onto the landing plat- to urge the player characters to head to the main gate ';"
form. Three of the rocs swooped around and found (Encounter E2 on the next page).
themselves once more beyond the defensive barrier
surrounding the city. The fourth roc. however, was
able to stay close enough to offer support to the giants
on the landing platform. Illumination: Bright light. This battle occurs
The roc swoops over the landing platform. making during the day.
attempts to claw snatch the most convenient player Battlement Walls: The walls rise 50 feet above
characters. lilt successfully grabs an opponent, it car- the landing platform. The battlements provide cover
ries it the rest of its movement and drops it. It tries to to anyone adjacent to them. Trap doors atop the bat-
relocate opponents into positions more favorable to tlements lead to ladders and an open space inside the
the hill giants, but it will try to release an opponent so walls. Enemies of Argent cannot fly over or climb up
that it falls from the landing platform. if the opportu- the walls of the city unless the gate in the wall is open
nity presents itself. (thereby disrupting the magical barrier protecting
The roc cannot hover. Every round, it must either the city in that area).
fly or land. If it lands, it makes bite attacks against Gate: The gate is 45 feet tall. It opens by sliding
any opponents within reach. into the walls. It is locked and barred from the inside.
The bill giants rush toward the gate. They attack The gate can be attacked: AC 2, Reflex 2, Fortitude
the gate each round, attempting to bash their way 20, 400 hit points. Rocks hurled by the giants on
inside and opening a breach for the rest of the giant their approach to the landing platform have already
army to take advantage of. reduced the gate's hit points to 225.
If opponents present themselves, two of the hill Landing Platform: The landing platform is made
giants break off from the gate to deal with them. They of solid wood, anchored to the side of the cliff. The
either hurl rocks (especially if any characters attack split-level platform features wide stairs. Anyone fall-
from the top of the wall), or position themselves to ing from the landing platform lands on a jutting rock
make greatclub or sweeping club attacks. They try to use ledge 200 feet below (20d 10 damage).
flanking maneuvers if they can set them up.
One hill giant continues to attack the gate, as
long as other hill giants are available to engage the
The hill giant shaman leads this assault on the
landing platform. He orders the other giants around,
directing them to attack the gate or the player char-
acters as the situation demands. He also uses whistles
and hand signals to command the roc, sending it
after specific targets as the battle continues.
On its turn, the hill giant shaman uses volcanic
blast to attack enemy targets from a distance. He uses
earihstorm whenever it recharges and there are two or
more enemies within range of the blast. The hill giant
shaman resorts to quarterstaff attacks as a last resort,
when an enemy is too close to make a ranged attack
against and when his close blast isn't available.
These giants fight to the death to try to open the
gates of Argent.

lithe hill giants breach the gate. the rest of the invad-
ing army can enter through the disrupted magical
barrier. Use one of the random encounters on pages
38 39 to immediately send more enemies into the

breach. Any of these encounters would be appro-

priate: Elemental Strike Team, Hill Giant Raiders,
Elemental Marauders. or Earth Giant Assault Squad.
The adventurers can close the gate and reestablish
the barrier once they defeat the random encounter.
Encounter Level 14 (5,300 XP) Behir Young Adult (B) Level 11 Solo Soldier
Hue natural ma• ical beast XP 3,500
Initiative see Iiiihrmog reflexes Senses Perception +12;
SETUP tremorsense 10
1 behir young adult (B) Lightning Storm aura 5; an enemy that starts its turn in the aura
takes 5 lightning damage.
1 hill giant (H)
HP 500; Bloodied 250
1 earth archon ground rager (E)
AC 28; Fortitude 25, Reflex 24, Will 24
Resist 15 lightning
A huge force of hill giants and their allies march Saving Throws +5
toward the walls of Argent, approaching from the Speed 7, climb 5
south. Most of the invading army stops about 600 Action Points 2

feet from the walls, where a barrier of magical energy 0 Claw (standard; at•will)

L keeps them at bay. The hill giants attack the barrier

with ferocity. both physically and magically, and the
barrier is beginning to crack and splinter in places.
This allows the first strike team to break through.
Reach 3; +19 vs. AC: 2d6 + 5 damage.
4. Bite (standard; at-will)* lightning
Reach 3; +19 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage plus ids lightning
damage .
Devour (standard; recharges when no creature is affected by
When the adventurers reach the walls above the this power)
main entry point to the Gateyard, read: Reach 3: +17 vs. Reflex; 2d6 5 damage, and a Medium or
smaller target is swallowed. A swallowed target is grabbed and
restrained (escape ends both). A swallowed creature has line
A huge force of giants stands in a long, deep line some 600
of sight and line of effect only to the behir, and no creature has
feet away from the Gateyard wall. You can see hill giants. line of sight or line of effect to It. A creature that escapes the
elementats, and great beasts of all descriptions among the grab is no longer swallowed and appears in a space adjacent
invading force. A shimmering curtain of energy holds them to the behir. A behir can move normally and use other attacks
at bay. but the giants strike at the curtain with clubs, rocks, against other targets while it has a target grabbed in this way.
fists, and waves of magical attacks of their own. As you When the behir dies, the target can escape as a move action.
watch, a portion of the curtain crackles and briefly sputters appearing adjacent to the behir's former space.

out. The giants cheer, and a few attackers move through the I Devouring Damage (free. 1/turn; affects target grabbed by
devour only)
damaged barrier before it snaps back into place. The target takes 5 damage.
A hill giant rushes toward the gate, shouting trium- E. Lightning Breath (standard; recharge :-: Lightning
phantly as it approaches. It is accompanied by an armored Close blast 5;+15 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 lightning damage and the
warrior apparently made of rock, and a huge lizard with target is dared. Miss: Half damage.
six legs. lightning crackling around it as it charges forward. e Thunderleg Stomp (standard; at-will)
Close burst 3: +15 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 -F S damage. and the target
is knocked prone.
Perception Check
lightning Reflexes
DC 23: The hill giant carries a large earthen sphere
The behir acts three times in a round, on initiative counts 30,
strapped to his back. 20. and 10. It cannot delay or ready actions. On each turn in
the round, it has a standard action to use. It can turn a standard
Hill Giant (H) Level 13 Brute action into a move action if it wants. It can use one immediate
Large natural humanoid ( • idly XP 800 action between each turn.
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7 Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
HP 159; Bloodied 79 Str 23 (+12) Des 20 (+11) Wis 21 4-11)
AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21, WIII 23 Con 21 (-,11) Int 7 Cha 13 i-q)
Speed 8
Greatciub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Reach 2; 11 5 vs. AC; 2d10 — 7 damage .
Sweeping Club (standard; encounter) + Weapon 1•111 The hill giant seeks to open the gate so that the rest of
The hill giant makes a greatclub attack against two Medium the army can enter the city once the barrier collapses.
or smaller targets; on a hit, the target is pushed 2 squares and The hill giant carries an elemental weapon created
knocked prone.
by a powerful earth giant shaman. A large earthen
Hurl Rock (standard; at-wIll)
sphere. hollow and filled with reagents, acts as a
Ranged 8/16;4-15 vs. AC; 2d6 5 damage.
Alignment Chaotic evil
bomb. The hill giant can hurl it like a rock. His orders
Languages Giant
Skills Athletics +16 are to throw it at the gate when he gets within 8
Str 21 (+11) Dex 8 (+5) Ms 12 (+7) squares of the wall. On impact, the elemental weapon
Con 19 (+10) int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5) unleashes a close burst 3; +17 vs. Reflex; 4412 + 7
Equipment hide armor. greatclub Ire damage.
After hurling the elemental weapon. the hill giant
rushes forward to continue to attack the gate. He
ignores other opponents if he can, leaving them for
his allies to deal with.
Earth Archon Ground Roger (E) Level 14 Controller
Medium elemental humanoid (earth) XP 1.000
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +13; tremorsense 20
Earth Liquefaction aura 5; each creature without the earth
keyword that ends its turn within the aura and did not move
during its turn Is slowed until the end of its next turn.
HP 143; Bloodied 71
AC 28; Fortitude 27, Reflex 25, Will 26
Immune disease, petrification. poison
Speed 6 (earth walk)
0 Slam (standard; at-will)
+19 vs. AC; 2d8 i- 6 damage.
® Raging Earth (standard; at-will) + Thunder
Ranged 20: +17 (+20 against slowed creatures) vs. Reflex; 1d8
6 thunder damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends).
+ Shove (standard; at-will)
+19 vs. AC: 1410 > 6 damage, and the target is pushed 4 squares
and knocked prone.
-* Ground Eruption (standard: recharge[] + ♦ Thunder
Area burst 1 within 10 ;418 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 thunder
damage. and the target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage.
and the target is knocked prone.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 20 (4-12) Dex 14 (19) Wis 23 (+13) . . .csitiart. fec r
Con 23 0-13) int 191+11) Cha 17 (4-10)
Equipment chainmail
breach the defensive barrier. Each time this occurs.
The earth archon runs interference for the hill giant, four hill giant grunts (see page 18) appear at the
seeking to protect it so that it can hurl the elemental southern edge of the map and join this battle.
weapon and then open the gate. It uses raging earth to On a roll of 19-20. Obanar finishes his prepara-
attack distant opponents, and employs shove against tions. The defensive barrier glows with more power,
targets that get too close. It uses ground eruption when and bolts of arcane fire fly from the top of the Guard-
the opportunity to catch two or more enemies in the ian's Tower to smash into the invading army. Within
burst presents itself. moments, the giants turn and run. Any monsters
The young hehir, aligned with the giants and close to the wall continue to fight. regardless of how
ready to deal destruction on a massive scale, initially events play nut beyond the barrier.
wants to get close enough to the gate to attack it with When the battle ends, Obanar sends a ghostly
lightning breath. However, once the adventurers make vision of himself to urge the player characters to
themselves known, especially by attacking the behir. follow the invading army's supply lines back to wher-
the creature flies into a rage and seeks to destroy ever its commanders can be found. You must find
them. It tries to devour the closest target. using its the piece of the divine engine and determine who
free action every turn to deal 5 damage. It can use has instigated these attacks," Obanar tells them. Go
its other attacks while it devours a target, sending to Encounter F3 on page 54 when the player charac-
lightning breath blasts and thunderieg stomps at other ters are ready.
opponents in the area.
These monsters. on a suicide mission to breach the FEATURES OF THE AREA
gate. fight to the death. Illumination: Bright light. This battle occurs
during the day.
DEVELOPMENT Battlement Walls: The walls rise 50 feet. The
Time proves to be a factor in this battle. Not only must battlements provide cover to anyone adjacent to
the adventurers provide Obanar with enough time to them. Trap doors atop the battlements lead to ladders
finish preparing Argent's magical offenses, they must and an open space inside the walls.
defeat the first invading strike team before the giants Gate: The gate is 45 feet tall. It opens by sliding
can once again break through the defensive harrier. into the walls. It is locked and barred from the inside.
At the start of the third round of combat in this The gate can be attacked: AC 2. Reflex 2, Fortitude
encounter, and at the start ofevery round thereaf- 20, 400 hit points.
ter, roll 1d20. On a roll of 1-2, the giants once again
The hill giants have a massive camp in the rocky hills 6. COMMON HALL
about 10 miles south of Argent. This steading consists The long hall is the common area for the compound.
of tents, hastily erected mud and stone huts, and a Giants and their servants work and eat in this area. A
wooden compound built into the side of a large hill. font of bubbling magma fills the center of the hillside
The compound consists of the wooden outer building wall, and two stone doors lead into the interior cham-
and chambers hollowed out of the inside of the hill. bers. A smoke hole in the ceiling lets in some light.
See Encounter E5: Common Hall on page 58.
The overview map on the facing page shows several 7. STONEWORK CORRIDOR
notable locations in the hill giant steading's main com- A stonework corridor connects the chambers within
pound. Detailed encounters for these areas follow. the hillside.
The compound's wooden walls are 5 feet thick and See Encounter E6: Hill Giant Battlechief on
20 feet tall. Gates in the wall provide entry into the page 60.
compound, and two smoke holes on the roof allow
smoke from the fires inside to escape. 8. WAR Room
This chamber, used as a war room by the hill giant
1. MAIN ROAD battlechief, is locked. Crude maps and documents on
A crude path winds through the camp and up into a table in this room provides clues to the giants' plans.
the hills toward the main compound. See Encounter E6: Hill Giant Battlechief on
See Encounter E3: Infiltrating the Compound page 60.
on page 54.
2. ENTRY HALL This is the personal chamber of the hill giant bat-
The main entrance into the hill giant compound tlechief. It Features sleeping furs and a hearth.
leads to a gatehouse of sorts, where hill giants and a
rage drake ravager serve as guards. 10. ORC MERCENARIES
See Encounter E3: Infiltrating the Compound Orc mercenaries in service to the hill giant bat-
on page 54. tlechief use this chamber to rest and store their gear.


A crude path winds around the back of the hill toward Sleeping furs in this common room are used by hill
this alternate entrance into the hill giant compound. giants to rest. A hearth provides light and heat.
A trap in the small entry hall serves as both a deter-
rent and a warning for those inside the compound.
See Encounter E4: Shaman Offensive on 12. BACK CORRIDOR
This stonework corridor leads to other chambers
page 56.
deeper within the hill. as well as to stairs that lead to
the natural caves below the area.
4. RITUAL CHAMBER See Encounter E7: Cave of the Earth Titan on
One of the main chambers within the compound, page 62.
this area is dominated by a magic circle inscribed
on the stone floor. Braziers provide light. as does the
smoke hole in the ceiling. The hill giant high shaman 13. THRONE ROOM
The battlechier• throne room features a crude throne
performs rituals here to help the current offensive.
on a dais, blazing braziers, and a font of bubbling
See Encounter E4: Shaman Offensive on
magma. The floor is trapped in two locations.
page 56.
See Encounter E6: Hill Giant Battlechief an
page 60.
A heavy curtain separates this enclosed space from
the larger ritual chamber. This is the chamber of the 14. HIDDEN TREASURE CHAMBER
The hill giants' treasure is stored here.
hill giant high shaman. Sleeping furs and a work table
full of reagents and components can be found here. See Encounter E6: Hill Giant Battlechief on
See Encounter E4: Shaman Offensive on page 60.
page 56.

ClIAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters



- ;:.,•414-r!5'

One square = 5 feet


CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Encounter Level 11 (3,200 XP) If the group fails this check, the orc slaves sound
the alarm and an Earth Giant Assault Squad rushes
This encounter comes in two parts, each part worth over to engage the adventurers (see page 38).
at least 3,200 XP. The first part involves a skill chal- Round 6. Stealth (DC 16, standard action): The char-
lenge as the adventurers sneak through the hill giant acters sneak the rest of the way through the camp to
camp toward the compound. The second part fea- reach the path leading up to the compound's gate.
tures a battle at the compound's main gate. Success: If the characters earn 4 successes, they
reach the compound without drawing undue atten-
tion to themselves.
Failure: If the characters get 3 failures, they reach
CHALLENGE the compound but are followed by an Earth Giant
The adventurers engage in a skill challenge to follow Assault Squad (see page 38).
the supply lines ofthe hill giant army back to its main
camp, and then to sneak through the camp to reach SETUP
the battlechief's compound. 1 rage drake ravager (R)
Each round represents time to track, sneak, and 1 hill giant (H)
observe giant encampments along the way. Each 2 ogre warriors (0)
round, every member of the party must make a sepa-
rate check as directed by the challenge. Add up the The path up to the compound's main gate runs along
number of successes and failures each round. More the bottom of the escarpment upon which the com-
successes gains 1 success for the round, more failures pound is built upon. If the adventurers failed the skill
earns 1 failure toward the completion oldie chal- challenge, they face an Earth Giant Assault Squad in
lenge and indicates that the party has triggered a addition to the compound's usual guardians.
random encounter. As the adventurers approach the compound gate.
Level: 11
Complexity: I (4 successes before 3 failures). The compound is constructed of thick logs, with solid walls
Skills Used in this Challenge: Bluff, Intimidate, and a slanted roof The gate ahead looks strong and sturdy.
Nature, Perception, Stealth. A hill giant is yelling at a pair of ogres as you approach,
Round 1, Perception (DC 16, standard action):The and none of them have appeared to notice you as yet.
characters follow the trail of the hill giant army back
along its supply lines. Note that if the adventurers failed the skill challenge.
If the group fails this round, they run into an Ele- the hill giant and ogres are ready as they approach.
mental Strike Team (see page 38). In this case. they work with the Earth Giant Assault
Round 2, Bluff (DC I6, standard action): The charac- Squad to defend the compound from the intruders.
ters run into a patrol of Hill Giant Raiders (see page
38). If they successfully bluff the patrol, the hill giants
Hill Giant (H) Level 13 Brute
let them pass by Large natural humanoid (giant XP 800
If the group fails this check, the patrol attacks. initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
Round 3, Nature (DC 16, standard action): The char -
HP 159: Bloodied 79
acters look for signs of the giants' passing. If they AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21. Will 23
succeed, they find the fastest path to the main camp. Speed 8
C) Greatclub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
lithe group fails this check, they spend an hour
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 2d10 i 7 damage.
lost in the wilderness and must re-do this round.
Round 4. Perception (DC 10, standard action): The
4. Sweeping
Sweeping Club (standard; encounter) + Weapon
The hill giant makes a greatciub attack against two Medium
characters reach the main camp and discern that the or smaller targets; on a hit, the target is pushed 2 squares and
main compound is farther in, built into the side of a knocked prone.
hill overlooking the camp. Hurl Rock (standard: at-will)
If the group fails this check, they are noticed and Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC: 2d6 4- 5 damage.

attacked by Elemental Marauders (see page 38). Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Skills Athletics +16
Round 5, Intimidate (DC 21, standard action): The
Str 21 (+11) Dex 8 (+5) Wis 12 (+7)
characters convince a couple of orc slaves to let them Con 19 (+10) Cha 9 (+5)
Int 7 (+4)
pass quietly. Equipment hide armor, greatciub
Rage Drake Ravager (R)
I aim, natur.rf E/•oIST (mown!. reptile'
Level 15 Brute
XP 1.200
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +10 Illumination: Bright light. If the adventurers •en
HP 178; Bloodied 89; see also bloodied rage approach the compound at night, dim light is pro- 2
AC 27; Fortitude 28. Reflex 26, Will 26 vided by fires situated throughout the camp.
Immune fear (while bloodied only) Compound Walls: The walls of the compound 0
Speed 8
are 20 feet high. The roof above is slanted.
C) Bite (standard; at-will)
+18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage; see also bloodied rage.
Gate: The gate is unlocked at the start of the
4. Claw (standard; at-will) encounter. If the hill giant flees into the compound,
118 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage; see also bloodied rage. he tries to use a minor action to close the gate and a
4. Raking Leap (standard; at-will) standard action to lock it. AC/Reflex 4; Fortitude 12;
The rage drake leaps up to 8 squares, making four claw attacks 40 hit points. A DC 23 Strength check can also be
against a single target as it lands. used to force open the door.
Bloodied Rage (while bloodied)
Escarpment: The escarpment is 15 feet high and
The rage drake gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and deals an
very steep; DC 21 Athletics check to climb.
extra 10 damage per attack.
Raging Mount (while bloodied and mounted by a friendly rider of
1Sth level or higher; at-will)* Mount
The rage drake grants its rider a +2 bonus to attack rolls and
damage rolls with melee attacks.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 20 (+12) Dex 14 (-F10) Wis 14 (110)
Con 18 (+11) Int 4 (+4) Cha 13 (+9)

2 Ogre Warriors (0) Level 11 Skirmishers

Large natural humanoid XP 350 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +7
HP 115; Bloodied 57
AC 25; Fortitude 24. Reflex 22. Will 21
Speed 8
0 Club (standard: at-will) • Weapon
Reach 2; +16 vs. AC; 1d8 + S damage; see also skirmish.
♦ Weapon
Javelin (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10/20; 416 vs. AC; 1d8 + S damage; see also skirmish.
M. Hurling Charge (standard; encounter) ♦ Weapon
The ogre warrior makes a javelin attack followed by a
charge attack.
Skirmish +1d10
If. on its turn, the ogre warrior ends its move at least 4 squares
away from its starting point. it deals an extra ldl 0 damage on
its melee attacks until the start of its next turn.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Str 20 (+10) Dex 16 (+8) Ms 14 (+7)
Con 19 (+9) Int 4 (+2) Cha 6 (+3)
Equipment hide armor, club, quiver of 6 javelins

As soon as the hill giant becomes aware of the adven-
turers, he orders the ogre warriors to attack. Then he
spends a minor action to open the gate and call forth
the rage drake ravager. The hill giant hurls rocks for
as long as he isn't in melee combat. If the rage drake
or both ogres fall, then the hill giant attempts to flee
into the compound and raise the alarm.
The ogre warriors use javelins initially, hoping
to get in a hurling charge before engaging in close
The rage drake devourer, a meaner, more power-
ful version of the typical rage drake, tries to surprise
opponents with a raking leap before switching to bite
and claw attacks.
Encounter Level 14 (5,000 XP) 2 Hill Giant Grunts (M) Level 13 Minion
r2e Lilaa I It giant,' XP 200 each
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
SE-run HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.

1 hill giant high shaman (6) AC 25; Fortitude 27. Reflex 21, Will 23
Speed 8
1 hill giant stinger (5)
0 Greatclub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
2 hill giant grunts (M) Reach 2; IS vs. AC; 9 damage and the target Is pushed
1 rage drake ravager (R) 1 square.
Steel maw trap (T) )1 Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC; 9 damage.
The adventurers can approach this encounter from Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant

three directions. They can enter through the Entry Skills Athletics +15
Str 19 (+iO) Dex 8 (+5) Wis 12 (+7)
Hall after dealing with Encounter E3. They can
Con 18 (+10) Int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5)
approach through the Trapped Gate. Or they can Equipment hide armor. greatciub
climb to the roof and drop through the smoke hole
directly into the Ritual Chamber. Hill Giant High Shaman (G) Level 13 Elite Controller
If the characters don't alert the compound to their Lar:e natural humanoid (• land XP 1.600
presence, when they view the Ritual Chamber, read: Initiative --9 Senses Perception +13
HP 262, Bloodied 131
Two large braziers illuminate this chamber, and muted AC 27; Fortitude 25. Reflex 23, WIII 23
light also enters from the smoke hole in the roof The light Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
reveals three hill giants and a large reptile milling around
Action Points 1
the room. A glowing circle is inscribed into the floor of this
() Quarterstaff (standard; at•will) + Implement, Weapon
chamber, and a heavy curtain completely covers the south- Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage.
west wall. )1 Whisper of Pain (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10; vs. Will; ldl + 6 damage, and the hill giant
If the adventurers make their presence known, per- shaman and his allies gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against the
haps by setting off the Trapped Gate or allowing the target until the end of the hill giant shaman's next turn.

hill giant from Encounter E3 to sound the alarm, Earthrage (standard; at-will) + Implement, Weapon
Close burst 3; targets enemies only; +17 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 6
then the giants are ready for action (and the hill giant
damage. and target is knocked prone.
is among the defenders here). If not, then give the <-• Earthstorm (standard; recharge X Kt]) + Implement, Weapon
PCs a +2 bonus to initiative checks for this encounter. Requires quarterstaff. Close blast 5; +15 vs. Fortitude;
3d10 + 6 damage. and the target Is pushed 1 square and
Rage Drake Ravager (R) Level 15 Brute blinded (save ends).
tare natural beast (mount, re. tile) XP 1.200 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +10 Skills Arcana +13. Nature +13
HP 178; Bloodied 89; see also bloodied rage Str 71 (+11) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
AC 27; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 26 Con 19 (+10) int 14 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)
Immune fear (while bloodied only) Equipment hide armor, stone quarterstaff
Speed 8
Bite (standard; at-will)
+18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage; see also bloodied rase.
+ Claw (standard; at-will) The giants in this area react in one of two ways,
+18 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage; see also bloodied rase. depending on how the adventurers approach this
4. Raking Leap (standard; at-will) encounter. If the adventurers set off the trap, then the
The rage drake leaps up to 8 squares, making four claw attacks giants move to engage the intruders at the doorway
against a single target as it lands.
between the Trapped Gate and the Ritual Chamber.
Bloodied Rage (while bloodied)
If the adventurers enter through the Entry Hall or the
The rage drake gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and deals an
extra 10 damage per attack.
smoke hole, the giants try to surround them in the
Raging Mount (while bloodied and mounted by a friendly rider of Ritual Chamber.
15th level or higher; at•will) + Mount The rage drake ravager hates intruders, especially
The rage drake grants Its rider a +2 bonus to attack rolls and creatures that aren't hill or earth giants. It makes a
damage rolls with melee attacks. raking leap to get into the middle of the intruders' line
Alignment Unaligned Languages -
or even behind it to attack the weakest members.
Str 20 (412) Dex 14 0101 Wis 14 (410)
The hill giant slinger stays back or moves away from
Con 18 (+11) tnt 4 (+4) Cha 13 (+9)
the enemy in order to make use of her ranged attacks.
The hill giant grunts start out by hurling rocks if
they have the opportunity, and then they wade in For
close combat action.
The hill giant high shaman starts the encounter
in his room, behind the heavy curtain. As soon as he
becomes aware of trouble in the compound. he uses a
prepared ritual to teleport (as a minor action) into the
magic circle and use earthrase. Then he teleports hack
behind the curtain with his final prepared ritual
(another minor action). After that, he emerges to aid
his servants against the intruders.
If the high shaman's servants fall, or lithe high
shaman is bloodied, he retreats to the Common Hall
at the first opportunity. The other creatures in this
encounter fight to the death.

Hill Giant Slinger (S) Level 14 Artillery

Large natural humanoid (giant: XP 1.000
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15
HP 112: Bloodied 56
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 23
Slam (standard: at-will)
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 damage.
Illumination: Bright light from the braziers.
(?±) Sling (standard; at-will) + Weapon Braziers: These flame-filled bowls provide light
Ranged 15/30: r 21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage for the chamber.
Special Shot (standard; recharge + Weapon Curtain: A curtain of heavy furs hangs from floor
Ranged 15/30; +19 vs. Reflex: 2d8 + 6 damage. and target is to ceiling, blocking the entrance to the high shaman's
slowed and takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends both)•
private chamber.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Skills Acrobatics +17, Nature +15, Stealth +17
Magic Circle: This inscribed circle is used by the
Str 19 (+11) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 16 (+10) high shaman for various rituals and other magical
Con 22 (+13) int 9 (+6) Cha 11 (+7) conjurations and summonings.
Equipment hide armor, sling Shaman's Private Chamber: The high shaman's
private chamber features sleeping furs, a work table,
Steel Maw Level 13 Lurker and a stool. Hidden within the furs (DC 23 Percep-
Irdp XP 800 tion check) is a pouch containing 2,000 gp. The table
Without warning, a jagged steel brace, its pointed edges looking contains various tools and reagents, parchment sheets
like the teeth of some great beast, slams down from the ceiling, with strange notes. and a potion of vitality.
smashes into the ground. and then snaps back up and out of sight. Smoke Hole: The smoke hole in the ceiling is 20
Trap: When a character steps into or otherwise attempts Feet above the ground. It is directly over the northeast
to cross a trapped square, the steel maw drops like a corner (lithe Ritual Chamber.
toothed guillotine and then retracts back into the ceiling.
Trapped Hall: A steel maw trap guards the west-
ern entry hall. See the stat block on this page For
+DC 23: An open groove in the ceiling above barely hides
jagged metal points within its dark recesses. details.
Additional Skill: Dungeoneering
+DC 16: Same as for Perception, above.
When a creature enters, crosses through, or starts its turn in
a trapped square. the steel maw drops. strikes, and retracts.
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: All creatures in a trapped square
Attack: +16 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is knocked prone
and dazed (save ends).
+A character can attempt to disable the trap from an
adjacent square. This requires a DC 25 Thievery check.
+A character leaping over a trapped square still sets off
the steel maw. However, a leaping characters receives a
+2 bonus to Reflex as he or she flies through the space
beneath the steel maw.
Encounter Level 14 (5,300 XP) 2 Hill Giants (H) Level 13 Brute
Lar . e natural humanoid + ;iani XP 800 each
Initiative Senses Perception /
SETUP HP 159; Bloodied 79
1 earth giant (E) AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21, Will 23

iiF 2 hill giant slingers (S) Speed 8

0 Greatclub (standard; at-will) + Weapon
2 hill giants (VI) Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 2d10 + 7 damage.
1 fire elemental firestorm(F)
- Sweeping Club (standard; encounter) + Weapon
The hill giant makes a greatclub attack against two Medium
Heavy double doors open upon the Common Hall, or smaller targets; on a hit, the target is pushed 2 squares and
where a number of giants work or rest. If the giants knocked prone.
are alerted to the presence of the adventurers, then Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage.
they lock and bar the double doors. The high shaman
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
from Encounter 4 may be here to help defend Skills Athletics +16
the hall if he retreated at the end of the previous Str 21 (4-11) Dex 8 (+5) Wls 12 (+7)
encounter. Con 19 (+10) Int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5)
Equipment hide armor, greatclub


Fire Elemental Firestorm (F) Level 12 Controller
DOORS Lar•e elemental malcal beast (fire' XP file

If the double doors to the Common Hall are locked Initiative 1 2 Senses Perception +7
and barred, the adventurers must get them open to Blazing Heat (Fire) aura 1; any creature that enters or starts Its
turn in the aura takes 5 fire damage.
proceed deeper into the compound.
HP 122; Bloodied 61
The first option is to break down the barred doors. AC 26; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25. Will 22
This requires a DC 24 Strength check. One other Immune disease. petrification, poison; Resist 30 fire
character can aid the character making the check. Speed 6
The second option is to unlock and unbar the 0 Fire Slam (standard; at-will) + Fire
doors from the outside. This requires a DC 16 Thiev- Reach 2; +17 vs. AC: 1d8 + 5 fire damage, and target is pushed
3 squares.
ery check to unlock the doors, and then a DC 23
41E. Firestorm (standard; at-will) + Fire, Zone
Thievery check to unbar the doors from the outside. Area burst 1 within 10; +14 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 5 fire damage and
Either way. the giants are ready to defend them- the target is Immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with fire
selves when the adventurers open the doors. and is considered difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Any creature that enters or starts Its turn in the zone takes 5
Perception Check fire damage.
DC 16: In addition to the giants in this long hall, you Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
Str 13 (-1-7) Dex 22 (+12) Wis 12 (17)
spot a creature offire dancing within the font of bubbling
Con 18 (+10) Int 4 (+5) Cha 161.9)
magma in the center of the far wall.

Earth Giant Level 14 Brute

2 Hill Giant Slingers (S) Level 14 Artillery
Lar:e elemental humanoid (:iant) 1.110(1
Lar.e natural humanoid I; lano XP 1.000 each
Initiative 46 Senses Perception +8
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15
HP 170; Bloodied 85
HP 112; Bloodied 56
AC 26; Fortitude 28, Reflex 22. Will 24
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 23
Speed 6. see also earth step
Speed 8
0 Slam (standard; at-will)
0 Slam (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage.
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage.
e Sling (standard; at-will) + Weapon Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
Ranged 20; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage.
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage.
Earth Step
Special Shot (standard; recharge [XI RA) + Weapon
The earth giant ignores difficult terrain when it shifts.
Ranged 15/30; 19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 damage. and target is
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant, Primordial
slowed and takes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends both).
Skills Athletics +17
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Str 20 (+12) Dex 8 (+6) Wis 12 (+8)
Skills Acrobatics +17, Nature +15, Stealth +17
Con 20 (+12) int 9 (+6) Cha 12 (+8)
Str 19 (+11) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 16 (+10)
Con 22 (+13) Int 9 (+6) Cha 11 (+7)
Equipment hide armor, sling
Assuming that the adventurers have revealed their Illumination: Bright light from the font of bub-
presence by this point and that the giants are now on Ming magma, the fire elemental. and the smoke hole
alert, the giants guarding the Common Hall lock and in the ceiling.
bar the double doors to the Ritual Chamber and then Magma Font: A font of bubbling magma fills the
prepare for battle. center of the hillside wall. Carved into the very rock
The hill giant slingers take up positions far from of the hill, the font connects to a similar font in the
the doors to take full advantage of their ranged Throne Room. Any creature that enters or starts its
attacks. They begin the battle using special shot, then turn in the font takes I S fire damage.
resort to sling attacks as long as they can maintain Large Double Doors: Large double doors block

some distance from the intruders. the main entry into the chambers built within the
The earth giant leads the hill giants into close hill. A DC 23 Strength check is required to open the
combat to keep the adventurers from moving into heavy stone doors.
the Common Hall. If some of the adventurers make Small Double Doors: Small double doors to the
it through the line of defense. then the earth giant east of the magma font appear to be closer to human
orders the hill giants to help it flank with the enemy. sized than the other doors in this compound. These
The fire elemental starts by hurling afirestorm into doors lead to the servants' corridor and to the rooms
the midst of the adventurers. It doesn't really care if used by the ore mercenaries working for the giants.
it catches any ofthe giants in this attack. Then it slips The doors are locked, requiring a DC 16 Thievery
out of the font of bubbling magma and moves in to check to open.
make fire slam attacks against any enemies that made
it past the line of giants.
If the hill giant high shaman retreated to this area,
he uses his attacks to help defend the Common Hall.
He does everything in his power to keep the adven-
turers from getting to the doors that lead into the
hillside and the chambers within.

If the adventurers search the high shaman after
defeating him, they uncover a small box with a
hinged lid within the shaman's belt pouch. When the
adventurers open the box, read:

The small metal box opens with a snap. and a tiny spark
offirefloats out. The spark immediately begins to move
through the air, writing flaming words in a strange lan-
guage that remain visible for a few moments before they
sizzle out.

If any of the characters can read giant. they know

that the message says:

"Why are you contacting me now? What is wrong? Has

something unexpected occurred?"

The letters sizzle out, and then the spark begins to

write again. Read:

"You again. Impressive. Come, then. Let us see if champi-

ons of Argent still scream when they die."

The spark of fire is a gift from Breven Foss. the ele-

ment master working to free Piranoth. He provided
this communications device to the high shaman. He
is with the earth titan, waiting fbr the adventurers in
Encounter E7 (see page 62).
Encounter Level 15 (6,300 XP) 5 Hill Giant Grunts (G) Level 13 Minion
Lar e natural humanoid (.ianti XP 200 each
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7
SETUP HP 1, a missed attack never damages a minion.

1 hill giant hattleehief (B) AC 25; Fortitude 27, Reflex 21, Will 23
Speed 8
1 hill giant shaman (S)
@Greatclub (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
hilt giant grunts (G) Reach 2: +15 vs. AC; 9 damage and the target Is pushed
5 ore mercenaries (0) 1 square.
), Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
Great double doors open upon a wide hallway with Ranged 8/16; +15 vs. AC; 9 damage.
doors on each side. The hallway surrounds the hill Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant
Skills Athletics +15
giant battlechief's throne room. A set of smaller
SO 19 (+TM Dex 8 (+5) Wis 12 (+7)
double doors leads into the servants' portion of the
Con 18 (+10) Int 7 (+4) Cha 9 (+5)
hallway, where the corridor is more narrow. Equipment hide armor, greatclub
Depending on how the adventurers enter the
portion of t he compound inside the hill, there are dif- Level 13 Controller
Hill Giant Shaman (5)
ferent ways that this encounter might play out. These tar e natural humanoid (pant krill
are covered below. Initiative +9 Senses Perception +13
HP 131: Bloodied 65
THROUGH THE GREAT DOORS AC 27; Fortitude 25. Reflex 23, Will 23
Speed 8
If the adventurers enter the inner compound through
@ Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Implement. Weapon
the great double doors on the west, they have access Reach 2; i 18 vs. AC; 2d8 15 damage.
to the War Room and Battlechief's Chamber on the Earthstorm (standard: recharge [411i•1 ♦ Implement. Weapon
western side of the corridor, and to the Throne Room Requires quarterstaff. Close blast 5; +15 vs. Fortitude;
on the eastern side, as well as to the Back Corridor 3d10 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 1 square and
that leads down to Encounter ET (on page 62). blinded (save ends).

The War Room and the Battlechief's Chamber )f Volcanic Blast (standard; at-will) + Implement, Weapon
Ranged 10; +17 vs. Reflex; ldl 0 + 6 damage, and target gains
are currently unoccupied. If the adventurers go in to
vulnerable 5 fire (save ends).
explore these rooms, the ore mercenaries wait in the Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
corridor for them to emerge before they attack. Skills Arcana +13, Nature +13
The hattlechief, now aware of the intruders, orders Str 21 (+11) Des 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
all of his defenders to remain in the Throne Room. Con 19 (+10) int 14 (+8) Cha 16 (+9)
He sends the ore mercenaries around the corridor Equipment hide armor. stone quarterstaff

to try to drive the adventurers into the Throne Room

and the trap that awaits them therein. 5 Orr Mercenaries (0) Level 12 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid XP 700 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +8; low light vision
THROUGH THE SMALLER DOORS HP 120: Bloodied 60; see also warrior's surge
If the adventurers enter the inner compound through AC 27; Fortitude 25. Reflex 24, Will 23
the smaller double doors on the east, they run into the Speed 6 (8 while charging)

ore mercenaries first. Once a battle begins here, the QQ Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Weapon
+17 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage (crit 1d12 + 17).
battlechief orders a couple of the grunts to enter the
)1' Handaxe (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
corridor through the north door to draw the intrud- Ranged 5/10; i 17 vs. AC; 1'18 i - 5 damage; see also killer's eye.
ers up into the wider section of the hallway.Then he Warrior's Surge (standard, usable only while bloodied:
sends the shaman through the secret door to attack encounter) + Healing, Weapon
them from the rear. The battlechief remains in the The orc mercenary makes a melee basic attack and regains 30
Throne Room, hoping to catch the adventurers in the hit points.
trap should they defeat his defenders in the corridor. Killer's Eye
When making a ranged attack, the ore mercenary ignores cover
and concealment (but not total concealment) If the target is
Perception Check within 5 squares of it.
DC 25: You notice the telltale sign of a secret door on the Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
western side of the corridor. Skills Endurance +14, Intimidate +9
DC 27: You notice the telltale sign of a secret door on the Sir 19 ( +10) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
eastern side of the corridor. Con 16 (+9) Int 11 (+6) Cha 11 (-1-6)
Equipment leather armor, greatase. 4 handases
Hill Giant Battlechief Level 14 Skirmisher (Leader)
Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 1,000
Initiative -03 Senses Perception -15
HP 144; Bloodied 72
AC 28; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 25
Speed 8
Q Battleaxe (standard: at-wIll) + Weapon
Reach 2: - -19 vs. AC; 2d10 8 damage.
4. Inspiring Attack (standard; recharge ♦ Healing, Weapon
Reach 2; I 21 vs. AC; 3d10 + 8 damage, and all allies within 10
squares heal 15 hit points.
Frenzied Advance (minor; at-will)
Close burst 10; allies within the burst shift 3 squares.
Battle Weave (immediate reaction; when an attack hits or misses
the hill giant; at-will)
The hill giant bat tlechiPt shifts up to 3 squares and gains
combat advantage against all enemies until the end of his
next turn.
Combat Advantage
The hill giant battlechief deals an extra 2d6 damage against any
target it has combat advantage against.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common, Giant
Skills Athletics lig, Intimidate -1-14, Stealth +16
Str 22 (+13) Dex19 (+11) Wis 17 (t•10)
Con 24 (+14) Int 16 (+10) Cha 15 (+9)
Equipment hide armor, battleaxe

Assuming that the adventurers enter the Throne
Room, the giants try to direct the battle so as to draw
the characters toward one of the trapped sections of FEATURES OF THE AREA
the floor.
Illumination: Bright light in all of the chambers.
The hill giant grunts stay to the outside of t he
Dim light in the corridor.
room, trying to push enemies onto the trapped areas.
Magma Font: A font of bubbling magma fills the
The hill giant shaman stays near the battlechief
center of the Throne Room's southern wall. Any crea-
to defend his leader. He tries to attract the attention
ture that enters or starts its turn in the font takes 15
of one or more melee characters to get them to cross
fire damage.
onto the trapped section of the floor.
8. War Room: This chamber is locked (DC 18
The battlechief stands back and also attempts to
Thievery check to open). Crude maps and documents
draw the characters closer. He saves inspiring attack to
on a table here show that the giants are marching on
heal the shaman and the ore mercenaries.
three locations: earth giants march on Argent and the
The orc mercenaries could engage the adventurers
human farms and settlements in the area; frost giants
in the corridor, but ifthe characters enter the Throne
march on the coastal towns of Andor and Flotsam;
Room, the ores use the corridor to move around to
fire giants march on the Nentir Vale. There is also a
attack the adventurers from behind.
letter from the frost giant jarl that hints at a special
mission to a place called Frost Spire.
DEVELOPMENT 9. Battlechief's Chamber: The personal sleeping
If the adventurers are caught in the trap, they fall into chamber of the hill giant battlechief. A level 14 magic
the chamber beneath the hill. Now they must con- item is stored here.
tend with the creatures in Encounter E7 (on page 14. Hidden Treasure Chamber: if the adventur-
62) as well as any of the defenders remaining in this ers discover the secret door, they can unlock it with
encounter. the key that the battlechief carries or with a DC 27
Thievery check. The chamber contains 7,200 gp,
seven 1,000 gp gems, and a level 15 magic item.
Trap: The bat tlechieFor the shaman can activate
the trapped floor sections at any time by triggering
a switch on the throne (minor action). When acti-
vated, the floor collapses and drops anyone standing
within the marked area 50 feet (5d10 damage) to the
chamber below.


Encounter Level 16 (7,200 XP) Earth Titan (E) Level 16 Elite Brute
Huse elemental humanoid (earth, - tam) XP 2,800
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +9
SETUP HP 384; Bloodied 192
1 earth titan (E) AC 31; Fortitude 33, Reflex 27, Will 28
immune petrification
2 earth giant stalkers (G)
Saving Throws +2
2 earth giant soldiers (5) Speed 6
Breven Foss, element master (B) Action Points 1
CI Slam (standard; at-will)
The adventurers more than likely enter this encoun- Reach 3; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage.
ter by falling through the trapped floor in the Throne 1, Double Attack (standard; at-will)
Room (see Encounter E6 on page 60). The tactics The earth titan makes two slam attacks.
Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
and other information are presented with this
Ranged 20; +18 vs. Reflex; 2d8 -1- 6 damage, and the target Is
assumption. lithe adventurers somehow manage to dazed (save ends).
make it through the upper compound without alert- ‹- Earth Shock (standard: encounter)
ing all of the giants, then they could approach this Close burst 2; +18 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 damage, and the
underground chamber by descending the stairs off target is stunned until the end of the earth titan's next turn.
(Stile Back Corridor. They would then approach this Miss: Half damage. and the target is not stunned.

chamber from the northern passage. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant, Primordial
Skills Athletics +19
If the adventurers do fall into the chamber, they
Str 23 (+14) Dex 8 (+7) Wis 12 (+9)
drop 50 feet and take 5d10 points of damage as Con 22 (+14) int 11 (+8) Cha 13 (+9)
the encounter begins. If any of the defenders in
Encounter E6 arc still alive, they shout and jeer at
2 Earth Giant Stalkers (G) Level 14 Lurker
the adventurers from above, and then make their way Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 1,000 each
down the stairs to join this final battle. Initiative -1-13 Senses Perception +14
When the adventurers reach this area, place the HP 108; Bloodied 54
earth titan and the earth soldiers. The stalkers and AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24. Will 24
Breven Foss are hiding in the shadows at the start of step
Speed 6, see also earth
the encounter. Read: 0 Slam (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage.
[— Stone Merge (standard; at-will)
Pools of bubbling magma and a river of flowing lava cast
The earth giant stalker shifts 3 squares and merges into the
dim light into this subterranean chamber. Three great ground or a stone wall, disappearing from view. When the earth
creatures of earth and rock. including one that resembles a giant merges, it causes a thunderous shockwave. Close burst 1;
walking hillside, occupy this chamber. +17 vs. Fortitude; enemies only: the target is dared (save ends).
(-• Deadly Eruption (standard; at-will)
Perception Check Can only be used if the earth giant used stone merge in the
previous round, The earth giant stalker shifts 3 squares and
DC 20; The human who stole the piece of the divine
erupts From the ground or a stone wall, rejoining the battle.
engine from Argent's vault stands in the shadows near the Close burst 1; +17 vs, Reflex; 3d6 6 damage.
earth titan. Earth Step
DC 24: You notice two additional earth giants hiding in The earth giant ignores difficult terrain when It shifts.
the shadows. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant, Primordial
Skills Stealth +14
Str 18 (+11) Dex 14 (+9) Wis 14 (±9)
BREVEN Foss Con 18 (+11) Int 9 (-F6) Cha 12 (+8)
The dement master has no intention of sticking
around for this battle. He has reported in to Earth

shaker the earth titan. sent the piece of the divine

engine on to the fire giants. and now wants to head The earth giant soldiers move in to attack first,
off to help the frost giants with their mission to Frost attempting to immediately set the pace of the battle.
Spire. Ile smiles at the adventurers, then says: They fight side-by-side if possible, alternating between
thunder strike attacks when that power is available.
"Ah, the champions of Argent. Now predictable. They The earth giant stalkers like to use stone merge.
are yours to destroy. Earthshaker. Enjoy yourself. I shall
followed by deadly eruption to slip around the enemy
give your regards to the frost giant jarl."
and take them by surprise. They alternate this tactic,
I Ie teleports away, using a prepared ritual scroll. so that one stalker is always in play and one is always
The earth giants fight for the glory and honor of Elemental Chaos, where it flows into an obelisk so ;,
the earth titan, battling to the death to protect Earth- that he can be reconstituted later (see Encounter P1
shaker and advance the plans of the giants. on page 154 for details).
2 Earth Giant Soldiers (5) Level 15 Soldier FEATURES OF THE AREA
Large elemental humanoid (giant ) XP 1,200 each
Initiative +12 Senses Perception -11
Illumination: Dim light.

HP 150: Bloodied 75
Columns: Columns of solid rock extend to the
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, WIII 2h ceiling of the chamber some 40 feet overhead. The
Speed 6. see also earth step columns provide cover to any creatures adjacent to I-
Thunder Maul (standard; at-will) 4. Thunder, Weapon I them.
Reach 2: r 22 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 thunder damage. Lava Flow: A river of lava flows from north to
+ Thunder Strike (standard; recharge ;:-:j Thunder, F
south in the eastern part of the chamber. Any crea-
Close burst 1: -F20 vs. AC: 3d10 + 6 thunder damage, and the
ture that enters a square adjacent to the flow, or that
target is dazed (save ends).
starts its turn in such a square, takes 5 fire damage
Battle Focus (immediate reaction. when an enemy leaves an from the intense heat. Any creature that enters or
adjacent square; at-will) + Weapon starts its turn within the flow takes 25 fire damage.

The earth giant soldier makes a melee basic attack against the Magma Pools: Two pools of bubbling magma by
enemy, even if the enemy is shifting. the north and south walls provide dim light to the
Threatening Reach I chamber. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in
The earth giant soldier can make opportunity attacks against
all enemies within its reach (2 squares).
a magma pool takes 15 fire damage.
Earth Step
Rubble: Sections of crumbled rock create difficult
The earth giant ignores difficult terrain when it shifts. terrain in a number of locations within the chamber.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant, Primordial A DC 25 Perception check reveals that there are
Skills intimidate +13 4.400 gp worth of small gems scattered among the
Str 20 (+12) Dex 16 (+10) Wls 14 (+9) broken rocks in the western section of rubble.
Con 22 ( int 12 MI Cha 12 (+8)
Ceiling Openings: The area above the dotted
lines on the map correspond to the trap doors in the
EARTHSI-IAKER floor of the Throne Room. These openings are carved
The earth titan Earthshaker rumbles when he speaks. into the ceiling. reaching 10 feet up through the rock
Confident and cruel, he commands the hill giants to the Throne Room 50 feet above.
and earth giants with solid direction and brute force.
He has agreed to team up with the other titans for the
express purpose of releasing Piranoth and claiming
the power that the primordial will provide.
The earth titan uses earth shock when he can catch
the majority of the adventurers in the burst. Other-
wise, he makes double attacks each round, focusing
on the strongest member of the enemy party.
Earthshaker is very condescending to "inferior
creatures" such as the adventurers. lie gloats about
the alliance of giants and the imminent return of Pira-
noth. Al long last," Earthshaker rumbles. "the giants
shall have their revenger

Any creatures that survived the battle in Encounter
E6 (see page 60) descend the stairs to join this final
battle in the hill giant steading. They begin arriving
from the northern passage at the beginning of Round
3. First the hill giant grunts arrive. Then in Round
4, any surviving arc mercenaries arrive. Finally, in
Round 5. the hill giant battlechief and the hill giant
shaman show up to bolster the earth titan's forces.
if the adventurers reduce the earth titan to 0
hit points. Earthshaker cries out in fury and then
explodes into hundreds of chunks of earth and stone.
All of the titans have prepared for such an event.
and Earthshaker's life force immediately flies to the
Encounter Level 13 (4,200 XP) Torrian Guard (C) Level 13 Soldier
Lar:e natural humanoid XP 800
Initiative 411 Senses Perception +13
SETUP HP 132: Bloodied 66
2 torrians (T) AC 29; Fortitude 28, Reflex 76. Will 25
2 torrian hurlers (H) Speed 8

1 torrian guard (G) 0 Claw (standard; at-will)

Reach 2: +20 vs. AC; 2d8 i 6 damage.
River trap RI
E• Torrian's Challenge (standard; recharge Nlii))
Close burst 3; targets enemies; the torrian pulls each target 2
This encounter begins a series of three linked squares to an adjacent square and then makes a close attack
encounters to find the torrians and free them from against each adjacent enemy: +20 vs. AC: 1d10 f 6 damage.
their years of enforced bandage by the adaman- Rending Claw (standard; encounter; recharges when first
tine dragon and its demon master, Physandos. The bloodied)

adventurers can approach these encounters after Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 3d6 + 6 damage, and the target takes a -2
penalty to all defenses until the end of the torrian's next turn.
completing Part One of the adventure (Encounters
4. Sudden Strike (immediate reaction. when an enemy moves or
C1-C4, starting on page 28) and Encounter R1: shifts out of a square adjacent to the torrian; at-will)
Researching the Torrians, on page 40. The torrian makes an immediate claw attack against the
Once the adventurers learn that the torrians fol- triggering target.
lowed Physandos to the Sheltered Woods, far to the Primal Focus (standard; encounter)
west of the Plains of Chaos, Obanar can use his magic The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a -7 bonus w all
to teleport them to that location. They must use the defenses until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Argent Portal ritual to return to the city when they
Skills Athletics +15. Endurance 4-16, intimidate 1-12
complete this series of encounters. Rrowthar won't Str 18 (+10) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 14 (+8)
accompany them on this quest. He decides that he Con 20 (+11) Int 10 (+6) Cha 12 (+7)
must stay in Argent to help Obanar and watch over
the ancient guardian.
ARRIVING NEAR THE RIVER The torrians watching this approach to the settlement
remain hidden until they can determine who the
Obanar sends the adventurers to a magic circle in
adventurers are and what they want. They have been
the Sheltered Woods. They appear in the northwest
under the influence of Physandos for so long that
corner of the map, inside an ancient magic circle
they are naturally suspicious and fearful of all strang-
that was much more active during the height of the
ers. If the adventurers perform any hostile actions, or
Nerath empire. Don't place any of the torrians until
if they become embroiled in the river trap, the torri-
the adventurers notice them or the torrians make
ans see this as a sign to defend themselves.
themselves known. When the adventurers arrive,
2 Torrian Hurlers (H) Level 13 Artillery
Large natural humanoid XP 800 each
You appear in a clearing in a thick and ancient forest, Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13
standing in the midst of an inscribed circle that looks to HP 100; Bloodied 50
be as old as the tall trees around you. Somewhere nearby, AC 25; Fortitude 25. Reflex 27, Will 25
you can hear the sound of rushing water, and you notice a Speed 8
swift-moving river to the east. Beyond the river, rising from 0 Claw (standard; at-will)

behind a thick curtain of trees, you see the smoke•of cooking Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 1d8 • 6 damage.
Torrian Sling (standard; at-will) + Weapon
fires wafting into the sky and hear the sounds of a settle-
Ranged 10/20: +20 vs. AC; 1d8 • 8 damage.
ment engaging in the business of the day. Double Shot (standard; recharge 1i ) + Weapon
Ranged 10/20; targets one or two creatures; +20 vs. AC; 2d8 +
Perception Check 8 damage.
DC 18: The river appears to be running fast and deep. It Primal Focus (standard; encounter)
flows from north to south. The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all
DC 25: You spot a large shape hiding in the shadows defenses until the end of its next turn.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
behind a nearby boulder.
Skills Nature +13. Stealth +16
Str 15 (+8) Dex 20(01) Wis 15 (+8)
Con 16 (+9) Int 18 (+10) Cha 16 (+9)

• e:

2 Torria ns (T) Level 12 Lurker The hurlers start out with double shot, making ranged
Large natural humanoid XP 700 each attacks from the far side of the river. The guard waits .t
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +13
for any intruders to get past the trap, and then he
HP 94; Bloodied 47
engages them with rending claw.
AC 26; Fortitude 24, Reflex 25, Will 23
Speed 8
(1) Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2: E 17 vs. AC: 1d8 E 5 damage. If the characters attempt to peacefully talk their way
Strike from Hiding (standard; the torrian must he Invisible: past the watchers, they discover that something isn't
rechargenilg ill , ) quite right with these torrians. Head:
Reach 2; +15 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target is
"The whispers," one of the torrians says. "I hear them,

dazed (save ends).
Stealthy Step (move; at-will)
brother," another responds. "Physandos says they must not
The torrian shifts 4 squares and becomes invisible until the end be allowed to cross the river." says a third. "For Physandos,
of its next turn. for Physandos, for Physandos," they all begin to chant as
Primal Focus (standard; encounter) they move toward you.
The torrian regains 10 hit points and gains a +2 bonus to all
defenses until the end of its next turn. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Combat Advantage :44
The torrian deals an extra 1d8 damage against any target it has
Illumination: Bright light during the day, dark-
combat advantage against. ness at night.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common Deep Water: Any creature that enters or starts
Skills Stealth +15 its turn in the river's deep water is pushed 3 squares
Sir 17 (+9) Dex 18 (+10) Wis 15 (I-8) down the river (south) and is dazed (save ends). Crea-
Con 16 (+9) int 10 H-6) Cha 120-7) tures in the deep water must make a DC 18 Athletics
check to swim at half their movement speed.
River Trap Level 13 Obstacle River: The river consists of shallow water (2 feet
tap XP 800 deep) and fast-moving deep water (10 feet deep). A
Suddenly a strip of ground just beyond thefar edge of the river character can attempt to leap across the river with
explodes into a curtain of dazzling energy, and you are pushed a running jump and a DC 30 Athletics check. Oth-
back into the deep. cold water of the rushing river. erwise, the character must swim across (see - Deep
Trap: When a character steps Into or otherwise attempts to Water," above).
cross a trapped square, a wall of dazzling force shoots up Trap: The two strips of trapped squares activate
and pushes the character into the fast-moving water.
the river trap. See the stat block Ibr more information.
+ DC 2 5: You notice that the grass in a narrow strip of
ground on the other side of the river appears to be lower,
less overgrown than the grass around it.
Additional Skill: Arcana
+DC 23: You sense arcane energy stored within a narrow
strip of ground on the other side of the river.
When a creature enters or crosses through a trapped
square, the wall of dazzling force springs up to a height of
15 feet and attacks.
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: All creatures in a trapped square
Attack: +20 vs. Reflex
Hit: ldl 0 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 4 squares.
+A character can attempt to cross the river at a spot not
covered by the trap.
+A character can attempt to disable the arcane trap from an
adjacent square. This requires either a DC 23 Arcana check
or a DC 18 Thievery check. A success disables one trapped
square for one hour. A failure causes the trap to trigger, and
it attacks the character that failed the disable attempt.

As soon as the adventurers perform a hostile action
or set of the river trap, the torrians move to defend
themselves. The torrians slip out of the shadows to MI kid I,. 1 [1 ,1'

strike from hiding, then use stealthy step to disappear. 11111;

Encounter Level 14 (5,000 XP) check as directed by the challenge. Add up the
number of successes and failures each round. More
After the adventurers get past the river trap and the successes gains I success for the round, more failures
torrian watchers (see Encounter T1 on page 64), earns l failure toward the completion of the challenge
they can follow the sounds to the torrian settlement and indicates that Physandos is growing stronger.
hidden deep in the Shelter Woods. As the adven- Level: 14
turers emerge from the forest into the settlement's Complexity: 3 (8 successes before 3 failures).
clearing, read: Skills Used in this Challenge: Arcana, Diplo-
macy. Endurance, Heal, Insight, Religion. Streetwise.
A small town has been constructed deep in this ancient
forest. Made up of wood framed buildings, thatched huts, ROUND I: INTRODUCTIONS
and a couple of structures made of stone and brick, the A large torrian with gray-tinged fur warily approaches. his
place looks like any town or village you have ever visited. dark eyes focused intently upon you. He appears to be timid,
Except that all of the people of this town are torrians, and or maybe frightened, but not necessarily of you and your
all of the torrians go about their work in complete silence. companions. "I am Gruthow," he says. "Who are you?"
Torrians cook. Torrians clean. Torrians make repairs on Diplomacy (DC 11, standard action): The characters
the town's buildings. Males, females. and children share in each make a check to introduce themselves in the
the various tasks equally, without any complaints or ques- friendliest, most nonthreatening manner possible.
tions or even conversation. lithe group fails this round, Gruthow and the
One torrian notices you, and suddenly, as one. the entire torrians initially don't like the adventurers. The next
town stops what it is doing and turns to look at you. check made by each character receives a -2 penalty.


If the adventurers successfully completed Encoun- Gruthow and the rest of the torrians listen to your words
ter R1: Researching the Torrians (see page 40), with great intensity. "Why have you come to this place?" he
they learned where the torrians went after they left asks. "Why do you bring back memories of distant times?"
Argent; that the then-proctor of Argent. a torrian History (DC 11. standard action): The characters
named Thror, was enticed by gold and dark magic recount the glory of Argent and how the torrians
to take up service to a mysterious individual named forgot their oath and their honor when they aban-
Physandos; and that Thror used a spell of influence to doned the city of the champions.
convince the rest of the torrians to follow him to the lithe group fails this round, the torrians grow
Sheltered Woods. agitated and confused. The next check made by each
What they will figure out as this encounter character receives a -2 penalty.
unfolds is that Physandos is a demon loyal to Oubli-
vae the demon queen that exists to manipulate and
Gruthow and his people appear confused and conflicted.
control other creatures. It has a good thing going
The situation isn't all that it appears to be.
here, with its mental claws firmly buried in the torri-
Each character can choose to use either Insight or
ans and Urthix, the adamantine dragon it uses when
Streetwise this round.
it needs to inflict mayhem and destruction. This
Insight (DC 18, standard action): The characters get
encounter takes the fortn of a skill challenge.
a sense that the torrians are deeply frightened. and
The nominal leader of this community is the tor-
not by the adventurers. The torrians in the crowd
rian named Gruthow. He steps forward to meet the
constantly shift their eyes to each side, as though
adventurers. This begins the skill challenge.
looking for someone or waiting for something to
happen. Gruthow chooses his words carefully, as
EXORCISING PHYSANDOS though someone else was listening to this exchange.
SKILL CHALLENGE Streetwise (DC 23. standard action): The characters
use their understanding of life in a town or city to
The adventurers engage in a skill challenge to learn
determine that the torrians are acting like a people
what is truly going on in this torrian town, to coax
who have been threatened. mistreated, and intimi-
Physandos from hiding. and to free the torrians from
dated. In some ways, they behave as slaves might.
Physandos's demonic influence.
lithe group fails this round, they have no real clue
Each round represents time spent conversing with
that things in this town are worse than they imag-
the torrians and the demonic entity Each round,
ined. The next check made by each character receives
every member of the party must make a separate
a -2 penalty.

ROUND 4: MEETING PHYSANDOS "The torrians are mine! I will destroy them before I let you .
Gruthow suddenly grows tense, as though every muscle release them from my will! Hear me well and understand,
in his body has turned to steel. An uncharacteristic smile arrogant gnats. I am Physandos, and I am power beyond —
spreads across his lionidface, and he says in a higher, more your feeble understanding!"
shrill voice, "Champions, huh? They'll let anyone wear
those dusty old cloaks these days, won't they? Tell me, is Old Each of the remaining rounds in the challenge, the f l
Obanar, that weakling wizard, still alive?" charteswokg psePhyando'wil
Diplomacy (DC 18. standard action): The characters and force the demon to abandon the torrians. This
try to keep Gruthow talking as they attempt to figure requires each character to use Diplomacy. Heal, or
out what is actually going on here. Religion each round.
lithe group succeeds this round, Physandos intro- Diplomacy (DC 23, standard action): The characters 1.L,
duces itself to the adventurers, speaking through reach out to the torrians and try to convince them to 0
Grut how. "1 am Physandos, and these are my happy fol- resist Physandos's will. ry
lowers. Perhaps you'd care to join us? 1 could have a lot of Heal (DC 18. standard action): The characters use /-
fun with the likes of you." the positive energy of the healing arts to confound
If the group fails this round. Physandos feels and hurt Physandos. H
insulted and grows angry. 1 am Physandos! You dare Religion (DC 18, standard action): The characters use
enter my domain? You dare speak to my property? The religious ceremony and faith to drive ofithe demon. 0
audacity!" Physandos sends a wave of dark energy into lithe group succeeds in one of these rounds. Phys- L„)
the adventurers. Each character must succeed on a andos experiences pain and anguish as the demon is Z u
DC 18 Endurance check or lose I healing surge. slowly expelled from the torrians. "You hurt me! Why
would you want to hurt me like that? How dare you hurt
ROUND 5: WHAT IS PHYSANDOS? me like that! I am Physandos!"
The voice that has identified itself as Physandos jumps If the group fails in one of these rounds. Physandos
from torrian to torrian as it talks to you. First it emerges insults the characters and hurls dark energy at them. "I
from Gruthow, then from a torrian female to your right, ant Physandos! Your weakness is evident! You are nor worthy
then from a torrian child three rows back. "You have come to even bow in my presence. let alone try to challenge me. I
to my home, threatened to take my property, and you would not even accept you as a blood sacriftce, you pathetic
expect me to welcome you? No. no, that is not the way I dredges!" Physandos sends a wave of dark energy into
work, you arrogant gnats? Lay down your weapons, listen the adventurers. Each character must succeed on a DC
to my whispers, and perhaps you will see that the life I offer 18 Endurance check or lose 1 healing surge.
is not so terrible." Success: If the characters earn 8 successes, they
Each character can choose to use either Arcana or reveal Physandos for what it truly is. Read:
Insight this round. A dark cloud of malevolence rises out of the collected tor-
Arcana (DC 18, standard action): The characters use rians and roils above them. "You hurt me!" cries the voice
their knowledge of Arcana to identify what kind of of Physandos from the dark cloud. "1 shall never forget this
creature Physandos might be. A success, in addition injury, this insult! I shallfind you one day. and I shall make
to counting toward the completion of the challenge, you pay!" With that, the cloud drifts north, into the hills
identifies Physandos as a demon of some kind. deeper within the forest.
insight (DC 18, standard action): The characters use
intuition to get a better sense of Physandos. A success. The torrians come out of their trance as Physandos
in addition to counting toward the completion of the flees to Urthix's cave to heal itself and plan revenge.
challenge, recognizes that Physandos is manipulative, Failure: If the characters get 3 failures. Physandos
possessive, evil. and possibly insane. grows in power and confidence. Read:
lithe group fails this round, Physandos sends out
a wave °Nark energy to punish them for attempting A dark cloud of malevolence rises out of the collected tor-
to learn its secrets. Each character must succeed on a rians and roils above them. "You are pitiful creatures."
DC 18 Endurance check or lose 1 healing surge. Physandos says from the depths of the cloud. "Let us finish
The characters must repeat this round if they fail, this/ I await you in Urthix's cave!" With that, the cloud
trying to determine what Physandos is until they suc- drifts north, toward the distant hills.
ceed or gain 3 failures to end the challenge. The torrians come out of their trance, but they
remain truly terrified. "The demon has gone to
ROUNDS 6-10: FIGHTING PHYSANDOS the cave," Gruthow says. "Physandos goes to wake
Physandos, some kind of manipulative and maybe even Urthix1"
possessing demon, has insinuated itself into these torri-
Succeed or fail, the adventurers must proceed to
ans. They are possessions to the demon, playthings that it
Encounter T3: Urthix's Cave on page 68.
amuses itself with. And it won't relinquish control easily.
Encounter Level 17 (8,000 XP) Adult Adamantine Dragon (A) Level 14 Solo Soldier
Lam e natural ma :ical beast (dra :on) XP 5,000
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +16; darkvision
SETUP HP 564; Bloodied 282; see also bloodied breath

Urthix, adult adamantine dragon (A) AC 30; Fortitude 28. Reflex 27. Will 26
Resist 20 thunder
Physandos, demon manipulator (D)
Saving Throws +5
8 demonic manifestations (M) Speed 8, fly 10 (hover), overland flight 15
Action Points 2
The final battle against Physandos to free the torrians 10 Bite (standard; at-will)
takes place in and around a cave to the north of the Reach 2; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage. and ongoing 5
settlement. How this encounter begins depends on damage (save ends).

whether or not the adventurers succeeded or failed at (El Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2: +19 vs. Reflex: 1d10 + 6 damage.
the skill challenge in Encounter T2 (see page 66).
Draconic Fury (standard; at-will)
The adult adamantine dragon makes three claw attacks and
SKILL CHALLENGE SUCCESS then makes a bite attack against a different target.
If the adventurers successfully completed the skill 4 Wing Buffet (immediate reaction, when an enemy enters or
challenge, Physandos is hurt and driven out of the leaves an adjacent square; at-will)
Reach 2;+19 vs. Fortitude: 1d8 + 6 damage. and the target is
torrians. It flees to this cave to heal and plan its
knocked prone.
revenge. In this case, use the statistics for Physandos <— Breath Weapon (standard; recharge Ix] t t ♦ Thunder
as they are presented here. Note that the demon Close blast 5; +17 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 thunder damage,
starts this encounter bloodied (224 hp) due to the and the target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage. Effect: At
characters' victory in the skill challenge. the start of the adult adamantine dragon's next turn, it gives
a thunderous roar: close burst 3; no attack roll; 15 thunder
SKILL CHALLENGE FAILURE +Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied: encounter)
If the adventurers failed the skill challenge, Phys- Breath weapon recharges, and the adult adamantine dragon
andos gains power and confidence for the coming uses it.
battle. The demon purposefully withdraws from < Frightful Presence (standard; encounter)* Fear
the torrians to return to its physical form, which is Close burst 5; targets enemies; +17 vs. Will; the target is
stunned until the end of the adult adamantine dragon's next
guarded by the enthralled adamantine dragon. With
turn. Aftereffect: The target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls
the help of the dragon and its newfound confidence.
(save ends),
it plans to totally destroy the adventurers. Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic
The demon gains a +2 bonus to all defenses, a +2 Skills Insight 115. Intimidate +13
bonus to attack and damage rolls, and an extra action Str 23 (+13) Dex 21 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)
point to use in the battle. Its demonic manifestations Con 21 (+12) Int 11 (+7) Cha 12 (+8)
gain a +2 bonus to all defenses, and a +2 bonus to
attack rolls and damage. 8 Demonic Manifestations (M) Level 11 Minion
Medium elemental humanoid (demi -till XP 0
As the adventurers approach the cave, read: Initiative +12 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion.
A dark maw in the hillside ahead reeks of despair and
AC 25; Fortitude 23, Reflex 23, Will 21
desolation. The place just feels ... wrong ... and it isn't just Speed 4, fly 8
because of the foul smell emerging from the darkness. 0 Claws (standard; at-will)
+16 vs. AC; 9 damage.
At the start of this encounter, whether the adventur-
.4 Sudden Strike (standard; encounter)
ers succeeded or failed the skill challenge, Physandos The manifestation flies tip to 8 squares. avoiding opportunity
and its allies hide within the utter darkness of the attacks along the way. It attacks once at any time during its
cave. They don't emerge from the cave, instead prefer- movement; +15 vs. Reflex; 9 damage.
ring to wait For the adventurers to come to them. Demonic Persuasion (standard; encounter)
Inside the cave. Physandos has returned to its Close burst 3; targets enemies; +14 vs. Will; the target is pulled
2 squares toward the manifestation. Then the manifestation
physical form and hides among the bones that the
explodes, dealing 9 damage to every enemy that is adjacent to
adamantine dragon uses as a nest. The demon has
it. This destroys the manifestation.
positioned its demonic manifestations on the dark Alignment Chaotic evil Languages —
ceiling so that they can attack from hiding. Str 16 (+8) Dex 17 (+8) Wis 13 (+6)
Con 14 (+7) Int 2 (+1) Cha 12 (+6)
Demon Manipulator (D) Level 11 Solo Controller
Medium elemental humanoid demon) XP 3,000
DEVELOPMENT ' •••• • ••••

Initiative i 9 Senses Perception •15; darkvIsion lithe characters defeat Physandos, Urthix is freed
HP 448; Bloodied 224 from the demon's control and influence. It imme-
AC 25: Fortitude 23, Reflex 24. Will 26 diately stops fighting and asks to parley with the
Resist 15 fire, 15 radiant
adventurers. Lithe adventurers agree, the dragon
Saving Throws +S
thanks them for freeing it and offers them the con-
Speed 6
Action Points 2
tents of its meager treasure horde (see below). If they
0 Claws (standard; at-will) refuse, the dragon fights to the death.
.16 vs. AC; 2d6 5 damage. After the battle, the torrians also thank the adven-

). Ray of Manipulation (standard: at - wIII) turers and agree to return to Argent. Gruthow and
Ranged 20: t15 vs, Will; 1d8 I- 5 damage, and the target is two other influential torrians follow the adventurers
dominated (save ends), through their Argent Portal ritual, while the rest of
R' Deceptive Attack (standard:
the clan sets out to make the trip in a more con-
The demon manipulator makes either two claw attacks or two
my of manipulation attacks.
ventional manner. They load up carts and wagons,
-I; Whispers of Manipulation (standard: at-will) striking out on foot for the journey back to Argent.
Area burst 1 within 10: -!-13 vs. Will: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the
target slides 3 squares and is dazed (save ends).
Demonic Suggestion (standard; at-will)
Close blast 5; targets enemies: +13 vs. Will: 1d8 + 5 damage, Illumination: Bright light outside the cave, dark-
and the target is pushed 2 squares and immobilized (save ends). ness inside the cave.
Demonic Manifestation (minor, 1/round, when bloodied only: Bones: The piles of bones are difficult terrain.
rechargel1ii) Stone Column: A column of stone extends from
The demon manipulator spawns a demonic manifestation in an
the floor of the cave to the ceiling some 30 feet over-
adjacent square.
head. It provides cover to any creature adjacent to it.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Arcana +13, Bluff +16, Insight r 15. Streetwise +16
Treasure: Gems and gold scattered among the
Str 15 (+7) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 21 (+10) larger bone pile total 9.300 gp. If the characters
Con 16 (+8) Int 16 (+81 Cha 23 (+11) search the hone pile and make a DC 25 Perception
check. they also discover two potions of vitality_
When the characters enter the cave and can see, read:

The stench grows worse the closer you get to the cave's
entrance. It's a mix of sweat and fear and rotting meat. A
pile of bones, mostly picked dean, carpets the cave floor just
inside the entrance. The bones appear to come from ani-
mals and humanoids alike. in the darkness beyond. the cave
seems to stretch forever into the depths beneath the hill.
Perception Check
DC 20: You have the sense that you are being watched,
and you see something large move atop the pile of bones
beyond the column of stone ahead ofyou.
DC 25: Something moves in the darkness overhead.

The adamantine dragon. Urthix, fell under Physan-
dos's control almost two hundred years ago_ It leaps out
of the shadows, uses frightful presence. then spends an
action point to unleash its breath weapon on as many
enemy targets as possible. It cannot break the demon's
hold on its own, so it fights to the death. If t he demon
dies first, it is freed and immediately stops attacking.
The demon manipulator hangs back, using ranged
attacks to pepper the party. Once it becomes blood-
ied, it adds new demonic manifestations to the battle
as often as possible. Whether overconfident or hurt 1‘ • - •

and angry. Physandos fights to the death to keep con- s

trol of the dragon and the torrians. 4,‘.4

Our. square = ILL. L.

The demonic manifestations try to get close to A•

4.V.; • k
multiple targets and use demonic persuasion. If it can't
target multiple enemies, it uses sudden strike.
Encounter Level 15 (6,000 XP) Perception Check
DC 26: One of the statues turns slightly as you walk by, as
After the adventurers complete Encounter R2: though adjusting itself to watch you.
Researching the Sky Metal, on page 42, Obanar
can use the dark-bIue gem to send them 600 years Lightning Trap Level 14 Obstacle
into the past to collect the sky metal necessary to craft Trap XP 1,000
the Implements of Argent. One piece is required for
Tice floor ahead features glinting blue tiles. When you make
each item they wish to have crafted fbr them. the wrong step, a storm of Iighiningfills the room.
Trap: When a character enters a trapped square, bolts of
THE RITUAL lightning spread out in a burst.
Obanar gestures for the adventurers to take their Perception
places within the magic circle. Ile begins the ritual, + DC 23: You notice which part of the floor is trapped.
using the blue gem as a focus. Halfway through the Trigger
When a creature enters or begins Its turn In a trapped
ritual, the gem begins to glow. ()banal- gestures, and square, lightning attacks from that square.
the gem floats to one of the characters. Read: Attack
"Remember that the gem shall guide you to where the sky Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: All creatures in burst
metal is stored," Obanar explains. When you are ready,
Attack: +17 vs. Fortitude
use the gem as the focus of your Argent Portal ritual, and Hit: 2d8 + 6 lightning damage, and the target is dazed (save
you shall return here, to this time, within minutes of when ends). On a critical hit, the target is stunned (save ends).
you departed. But be warned, the past is not a place for Miss: Half damage, and the target is not dazed.
you to linger, and you shall not be able to range beyond the Countermeasures
place where the sky metal waits. Defend yourselves, but do +An adjacent character can disable a tile (DC 25
not try to change that which has already occurred." Thievery check).

With those last words of wisdom, Obanar completes the

ritual, and the circle around you flares with arcane bril- 2 Warforged Flamepriests (F) Level 13 Controller
Medium nal Mai humanoid iconstruct] XP 800 each
liance. When the light fades, you flnd yourself standing in
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +11
a grand hallway lined with statues.
HP 129; Bloodied 54
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 25. Will 27
SETUP Saving Throws +2 against ongoing damage
2 warforged knights (K) Speed 5

2 warforged destroyers (D) ® Fiery Warhammer (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon

+18 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 damage plus 1d8 fire damage. and the
2 warforged flamepriests (F)
target takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of the warforged
Lightning traps ITS flantepriest's next turn.
+ Heat of Battle (standard; recharge + Fire, Weapon
This is the manor house of the wizard Acererak. 1-18 vs. AC: 1d10 6 damage plus 1d8 fire damage, and ongoing
located somewhere in the heart of the empire of 5 fire damage until the target ends its turn in a space that isn't
Bael-Turath. 600 years before the current age. The adjacent to the warforged flamepriest.
adventurers have traveled here by magic, with the Mending Flash Fire (standard; encounter) + Fire, Implement
help of an ancient dark-blue gem that is somehow in Close burst 5: targets enemies; +17 vs. Reflex; 1d8 i 6 fire
damage-Effect:The warforged flantepriest and each ally
tune with the rare sky metal they have come to find.
within the burst gain 10 temporary hit points. Each warforged
Acererak is not yet evil or undead, though the
ally within the burst uses worforoed resolve as an immediate
adventurers will see evidence of the demi-Iich he is reaction.
destined to become during their visit to this place. The -ifr Blunted Mind (standard; encounter) + Implement, Psychic
wizard's manor house is protected by traps and guard- Area burst 3 within 10; targets enemies; A-17 vs. Will: 2d8 1- 6
ians, and the adventurers will need to overcome these psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls
to recover the sky metal necessary to create the magic and a -4 penalty to damage rolls (save ends both).

items that Obanar has promised them. Warforged Resolve (minor-, encounter) + Healing
The warforged flamtpriest gains 9 temporary hit points and can
Note that Acererak cannot he convinced to give up make a saving throw against an ongoing damage effect. If it uses
his sky metal. He covets rare things, such as this spe- this power while bloodied, it also regains 9 hit points.
cial material, and he has no desire to negotiate with Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
thieves from some distant Future. Skills Heal +16, Religion +14
The warforged mercenaries in Acererak's employ 5tr 15 (+8) Dex 12 (+7) WIs 20 (+11)
hide among the statues in this grand hall. Unless Con 17 (+9) Int 17 (+9) Cita 14 (+8)
Equipment chainmail, warhammer, holy symbol
the adventurers notice them. the warforged remain
hidden until one of t Ile lightning traps are triggered.
2 Warforged Destroyers (0) Level 14 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid (living construct) XP 1,000 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +9 The warforged mercenaries engage the intruders
HP 105; Bloodied 52 when they are spotted or when a character enters
AC 26; Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 25 a secret room or sets offa lightning trap. They have
Saving Throws +2 against ongoing damage
no interest in rushing off to warn anyone; they know
Speed 6
that Acererak sees everything that occurs within
C) Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Weapon
-q1 vs. AC: 1d8 4- 8 damage.
the manor. The knights move in to engage targets up
4 Rumble Staff (standard; encounter) + Force, implement close, as do the flamepriests. The destroyers hang
+19 vs. Fortitude; 2118 + 6 force damage. and the target is back to make ranged attacks as Iong as that opportu-
pushed 2 squares and knocked prone. nity is available. They fight to the death.

Collision Bolt (standard; encounter) + Force, Implement
Ranged 10: +19 vs. Fortitude: 1d8 + 6 force damage. and the DEVELOPMENT
warforged destroyer makes a secondary attack against one or
two targets within 3 squares of the primary target. Secondary
When the adventurers move into the area between the
Attack: +19 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 6 force damage, and the secret doors, the gem glows brightly and the character
destroyer slides the target 3 squares toward the primary target. carrying it feels it lug to either side of the corridor.
Effect: After all attacks are resolved, any target hit by an attack
Is knocked prone if it is adjacent to another target. FEATURES OF THE AREA
›'Thunder Orb (standard: + Implement, Thunder
Illumination: Bright light.
Ranged 10; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 thunder damage, and the
warforger destroyer pushes the target 2 squares.
Lightning Traps: Three lightning traps defend
Destruction Sphere (standard; encounter) + Implement, this area; one in each secret room and one in Front of
Thunder the eastern door.
Area burst 3 within 10; +18 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 6 thunder Magic Circle: Inscribed in the floor, this is where
damage, and the target is knocked prone. Miss: Half damage. the adventurers appear when they arrive.
Warforged Resolve (minor: encounter) + Healing Secret Rooms: A DC 23 Perception check is
The warforged destroyer gains 9 temporary hit points and can
needed to spot a secret door, and a DC 18 Thievery
make a saving throw against an ongoing damage effect. If it uses
this power while bloodied, it also regains 9 hit points.
check opens one. One piece ofsky metal sits on a ped-
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common estal in each room.
Skills Arcana +15. Nature +14. Stealth +16 Statues: The alcoves contain statues of warforged
Str 17 (+10) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 15 (+9) heroes. The alcoves where the actual warforged hide
Con 1S l-9) Int 16 (1-10) Cha 12 (+8) are otherwise empty.
Equipment robes, quarterstaff

Warforged Knights (K) Level 12 Soldier

Medium natural humanoid (living constructi XP 700 eat]]
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +10
HP 122; Bloodied 61; see also warforged resolve
AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 24, Will 25 I l n e ti t( 11 :I F t' • :) •1

Saving Throws +2 against ongoing damage

Speed 5
Longsword (standard: at-will) + Weapon
+19 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target is marked until
the end of the warforged knight's next turn; see also battlefield
• Knight's Honor (standard; recharge EILI) + Weapon
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +19 vs. AC: 2d8 + 5 damage,
and ongoing 5 damage until the target attacks the warforged
Battlefield Tactics
The warforged knight gains a 4-2 bonus to melee attacks if it has
an ally adjacent to the target.
Warforged Resolve (minor; encounter) + Healing
The warforged knight gains 10 temporary hit points and can
make a saving throw against an ongoing damage effect. If it uses
this power while bloodied, it also regains 10 hit points.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common 11111111111111
Skills Endurance +.14. Intimidate 12
5tr 20 (+11) Dex 16 (+9) Wis 18 ( CI 0) C111 111111111i I
Con 181+10) Int 101+6) Cha 11 (+7)
Equipment plate armor. heavy shield. longsword 111111" I
4[E1 111
is 5 11111201111P
Encounter Level 14 (5,600 XP) 2 Boneclaws (B) Level 14 Soldier
Lar•e shadow animate (undead) XP 1,000 each
Initiative - *IS Senses Perception +13; darkvision
SETUP HP 136: Bloodied 68; see also necrotic pulse
2 boneclaws (B) AC 30; Fortitude 24. Reflex 27, Will 25
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
3 skeletal arcane guardians (5)
Speed 8
C) Claw (standard; at-will)
This level of Acererak's tower is divided between two Reach 3; +20 vs. AC; 1e112 t 6 damage.
encounters: Encounter 12 and Encounter 13. This •:" Necrotic Pulse (free, when first bloodied; encounter) +
encounter features events and creatures in the north- Healing, Necrotic
ern rooms and the corridor beyond. The following Close burst 10; undead allies in the burst regain 10 hit points,
and enemies in the burst take 10 necrotic damage.
encounter deals with the southern rooms.
Relentless Opportunist
The stairs wind around an open tower that rises 40
lithe boneclaw hits with an opportunity attack, it can make
feet above and drops 40 feet below. The gem urges its another opportunity attack against the same target during
wielder upward, and the stairs lead to a small room the current turn.
above. When the adventurers reach this room, read: Threatening Reach
The boneclaw can make opportunity attacks against all
The stairs end in a small room. Stonegargoyles stand enemies within its reach (3 squares).
to either side of the head of the stairs. and a set of closed Alignment Evil Languages Common
double doors are on the opposite wall. The gem glows Skills Intimidate i-16, Stealth +18
brighter as you approach the doors. Suddenly a mouth Str 17 (+10) hex 23 (+13) INN 12 (+8)
appears in the center of the doors, and a booming voice Con 16 (+10) Int 10 (-1-7) Cha 18 (+11)
echoes through the room, You have invaded the home
of the wizard Acererak! Proceed in this direction at your 3 Skeletal Arcane Guardians (5) Level 1S Brute
own peril!" Medium natural animate (undeadi XP 1.200 each
Initiative +12 Senses Perception -I-15; darkvision
HP 176; Bloodied 88
LOCKED DOOR AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 25
The double doors are locked. A character can attempt Immune disease, poison: Resist 10 necrotic;

to unlock the doors with a DC 25 Thievery check. Vulnerable 10 radiant

Speed 8
or try to bash open the doors with a DC 23 Strength
C) Twin Scimitar Strike (standard; at-will) Weapon
check. Each time a check fails, or if the adventur- The skeletal arcane guardian makes two scimitar attacks
ers try to open the door before they realize that it is against the same target; +18 vs. AC; Idl + 6 damage
locked, a trap in the form of the stone gargoyles is (crit 1d10 4- 161. This also holds true for opportunity attacks.
triggered. -I. Cascade of Steel (standard; at-will) 4- Weapon
Stone Gargoyle Trap: Ranged 5, targets charac- The skeletal arcane guardian makes two twin scimitar strike
attacks (four scimitar attacks total).
ter that triggered the trap: +19 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 6
Arcane Assassin (immediate reaction; when an enemy uses an
fire damage.
arcane power; at-will) + Weapon
The trap can be disabled by an adjacent character,
The skeletal arcane guardian shifts 8 squares and makes a
DC 18 Thievery check. melee basic attack against the triggering target.
4-Sudden Strike (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy
WORKSHOP shifts; at-will) + Weapon
The skeletal arcane guardian makes a melee basic attack
When the adventurers open the door, read: against the enemy.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
The large room ahead of you features tail windows along
Str 20 (i12; Ilex 20 (+12) Wis 16 0-10)
the north and east walls. Long tahlesfiRed with all kinds of Con 16 I .10) Int 3 (+3) Cha 3 ( -E- 3)
tools and vials and jars and papers are set up neatly within. Equipment 4 scimitars
Standing in the middle of the room, near the north and
south walls, are two large, skeletal humanoids with long,
skewer-like claws. They move to intercept you as the door
swings wide. The boneclaws move to intercept and engage the
intruders as close to the doorway they entered as
Acererak, who has recently become fascinated with possible. They stop just far enough into the room so
the art of necromancy, has placed these undead that the potential for the skeletal guardians to slip up
guardians in his workshop to deal with any intruders. behind and set up flanks is available. The boneclaws
prefer to take advantage of their long reach. As a
boneclaw gets close to being bloodied, it begins to
position itself to best use necrotic pulse to aid its allies
and harm its foes.
The skeletal guardians begin the encounter in the
northwest section of the workshop. They slide toward
the sound of battle. ready to engage the intruders
from behind. The skeletal guardians use cascade of
steel most of the time, piling attacks and damage on
one target at a time. As soon as an arcane character
uses an arcane power. however, the guardians utilize
arcane assassin to move and attack the caster. There-
after, they concentrate on destroying the intruding
arcane character.
These undead creatures fight until they are
destroyed, and they eagerly follow the adventurers out
oft he workshop if they haven't been defeated first.

The gem glows brightly if it is carried near the
southern door, and it gently tugs the character who
possesses it toward the southwestern portion of this
level of the tower.

Spiked Floor Level 16 Lurker

Trip x1' MOD
One square = 5 feet
Spikes burst front file floor. s triking upward with deadly
Trap: When a character enters a trapped square, spikes FEATURES OF THE AREA
burst from the floor. Illumination: Bright light.
Central Hall: The southern door of the work-
+ DC 25: You notice which part of the floor is trapped.
shop leads to a long central corridor with two sets of
When a creature enters a trapped square. spikes shoot up double doors along its southern wall.
from that square. The doors opposite the workshop doors lead to the
Attack wizard's library (see Encounter 13 on page 74).
Standard Action Melee 1 The western doors lead to the tower stairs that pro-
Target: Creature in trapped square vide access to the top level oldie tower. Two traps, a
Attack: +19 vs. Reflex
spiked floor and a lire cage. protect this passage from
Hlt 1d10+ 7 damage, and ongoing 10 poison damage and
unauthorized visitors.
slowed (save ends both).
The stairs lead up to Encounter 14 on page 76.
+ An adjacent character can disable the trap (DC 20 Windows: Tall, evenly spaced windows filled
Thievery check). with clear glass cover the north, east, and west walls
of the workshop. From this height in the tower, about
Fire Cage Level 16 Lurker
40 Feet up, the windows look out upon a BaeI-Turath
Trip XP F.'100
city with amazing spires and shining edifices that are
Hors offireflare up around you.
at once Familiar and totally alien. The city appears
Trap: When a character enters a trapped square, a cage of to be alive with humans, primarily, but also with
fire forms around him.
dwarves, elves, and halflings, among others.
Workshop: The wizard's workshop fills the north-
+DC 25: You notice strange sigils upon the floor.
ern portion of this level of Acererak's tower. Tables
When a creature enters a trapped square, a fire cage forms. in the larger, eastern portion of the room are filled
Attack with sheets of parchment, ink bottles and quills,
Standard Action Melee 1 arcane components. jars and bottles (some Filled with
Target: Creature in trapped square liquids, some empty), and various tools. The table
Attack: +19 vs. Fortitude
located in the western section of the room holds the
Hit 1d1 0 + 7 fire damage, ongoing 10 fire damage, and the
cadaver of a troll, the body in the midst of a compli-
target is immobilized (save ends both).
Countermeasures cated dissection.
+ An adjacent character can disable the sigils (DC 20 if the adventurers spend 10 minutes searching the
Thievery check or DC 25 Arcana check). room, they recover 1.800 gp worth of residuum.
Encounter Level 17 (8,400 XP) LIBRARY DEFENDERS
The bone naga starts curled up on the floor
SETUP between two tables. The demonic flameskulls sit
2 sword wraiths (W) upon high shelves on the western wall. The sword
1 bone naga (N) wraiths are hidden within the wall. insubstantial.
2 demonic flameskulls (F) They phase into the room on [heir turns in the first
round of combat_
This encounter features events and creatures in the Don't call for initiative checks until the adventur-
southern rooms of this level. The following encounter ers enter the library and spot one of the defenders, or
deals with the corridor and the southern rooms. until the defenders decide to attack.
The double doors to the library are adorned with
an ornate letter "A" rendered in Old Common. The TACTICS
doors are neither locked nor trapped. The creatures
The bone naga rises, moving to engulf as many
within the room are not immediately visible; don't
intruders as possible in its death rattle aura. Thereaf-
place the monsters until the PCs can see them. When
ter, it uses death sway whenever it will inflict damage
the adventurers open the doors to the library, read:
on the most targets.
The demonic flameskulls carry on a conversation
Tice dark-blue gem glows brightly and the now familiar tug
as the battle progresses, discussing how sorry these
of its magic nudges you toward the southwest. Beyond the
foolish intruders are going to be for trying to invade
doors, you see a grand library, its walls covered in shelves
Lord Acererak's manor house. In between insulting
packed with bound books and scroll cases. Three large
the characters, the skulls discuss the best name for
rabies in the center of the room are each covered with what
their master's project: "I like Place of Peril," says one;
appears to be the model of some vast complex, complete
"No, no. Den of Demise is way better." proclaims the
with tiny rooms, staircases, and other recognizable features.
other. They toss around u nhalyfire as their standard
attacks, watching for the best moment to use vile
Perception Check
DC 22: A small skull sits atop a shelf on the west wall. The
The sword wraiths phase out of the eastern wall
hollows of its eye sockets glow with tiny flames.
and join the attack, possibly catching the adventurers
DC 25: A pile of bones fills the floor between the two far
from behind and providing flanks for the bone naga.
tables. A slight rattle reverberates from among the bones.

Bone Naga (N) Level 16 Elite Controller DEVELOPMENT

Large immortal ma :Ica! beast tundead) XP 2,80 ❑ The gem's glow intensifies as it gets closer to the
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13; darkvision secret room. See below for details about the secret
Death Rattle (Necrotic) aura 2; enemies that start their turns in
the aura are dazed.
HP 328; Bloodied 164
AC 32; Fortitude 32, Reflex 28, Will 29 SECRET ROOM
Immune disease. poison: Resist 20 necrotic:
A secret door in the shelves on the western wall
Vulnerable 10 radiant
can be discovered with a DC 25 Perception check.
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7
The door is locked, requiring a DC 20 Thievery
Action Points 1 check to open.
0 Bite (standard; at-will) • Necrotic The room features statues of what appears to be an
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d4 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 adventuring party: a human male wizard, a human
necrotic damage (save ends). Aftereffect: The target is male paladin, a dwarf female cleric, a human female
weakened (save ends).
rogue, a goliath male barbarian, and a warforged
Death Sway (standard: at-will) ♦ Necrotic
ranger. These are exact duplicates of a younger Acere-
Close burst 3; blind creatures are immune; +21 vs. Will: the
target is dazed (save ends). If the target is already dazed, It takes
rak and the adventuring companions of his youth.
2d6 + 6 necrotic damage instead. A pedestal in the center of the room holds a chunk
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common. Draconic, of sky metal.
Skills Arcana +18. History +18, Insight +18, Religion f18
Str 22 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) WIs 20 H31
Con 28 (+17) Int 20 0-13) Cha 22 (+14)
ate '

2 Demonic Flamesbulls (F) Level 15 Artillery

Tiny natural animate (undead, demon) XI' 1.200 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception Illumination: Bright light.
HP 114; Bloodied 57; see also demonic fury Central Hall: The southern door of the work-
Regeneration 5 shop leads to a long central corridor with two sets of
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 26 double doors along its southern wall.


Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 10 necrotic;
The western doors lead to the tower stairs that pro-
Vulnerable 5 radiant
vide access to the top level of the tower. Two traps. a
Speed fly 10 (hover)
® Fiery Bite (standard; at•will) 4 Fire
spiked floor and a fire cage, protect this passage from
Reach 0; +22 vs. AC; 1d8 damage plus 1d8 fire damage. unauthorized visitors. See Encounter 12 for details.
Unholy Fire (standard: at-will) 4 Fire, Necrotic The stairs lead up to Encounter 14 on page 76.
Ranged 10; +20 vs. Reflex; 2d8 4 8 fire damage. plus ongoing 5 Library: The shelves cover each wall, stretching
necrotic damage (save ends). from floor to ceiling. Many of the books and manu-
* Vile Consecration (standard; encounter) • Fire, Necrotic
scripts deal with arcane theories, wizard treatises,
Area burst 3 within 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d8 4- 8 fire and necrotic
damage. Miss: Half damage. The flameskull can exclude two
and necromancy. A search of the shelves taking at
allies from the effect. least 10 minutes and requiring a DC 25 Perception
Demonic Fury check turns up one of the following items. All three
While the demonic flameskull is bloodied, It deals an extra can be found if the adventurers spend 30 minutes
1d8 damage with its attacks. searching the shelves.
Mage Hand (minor; at-will) 4 Conjuration The items to be found are a View Location ritual
As the wizard power mage hand (see Player's Handbook
scroll, a Shadow Walk ritual scroll, and a Passwall
page 158).
ritual scroll. There is also a lost tome (in the time of
The flameskull sheds bright light out to 5 squares, but it the adventurers) titled History of the Fabled Realm,
can reduce its brightness to dim light out to 2 squares as a which discusses the earliest days of the empire of
free action. Bael-Turath. It is worth 5,700 gp.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, one other The models on the tables show three different
Skills Stealth 4 12 versions of some kind of complex. A DC 20 Dun-
Str 61+5) Dex 18 (+11) Wis 15 (+9)
geoneering check recognizes the complexes as vast
Con 18 (+11) Int 23 (+13) Cha 21 (+12)
tombs, and a DC 25 Dungeoneering check notices
that each complex is filled with all kinds of traps and
2 Sword Wraiths (W) Level 17 Lurker
obstacles, many of them deadly. These are Acererak's
Medium shadow humanoid iundeadl XP 1,600 each
Senses Perception +14; darkvision
first designs for his legendary Tomb of Horrors.
Initiative +19
HP 90; Bloodied 45; see also death strike
Regeneration 10 (if the sword wraith takes radiant damage,
regeneration is negated until the end of the sword wraith's
next turn)
AC 30; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30. Will 32
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic, insubstantial:
Vulnerable 10 radiant (see also regeneration above)
Speed fly 8 (hover); phasing ; see also shadowglide
0 Shadow Sword (standard; at-will) • Necrotic
+20 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage. and the target is
weakened (save ends).
+ Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points) 4 Necrotic
The sword wraith shifts 4 squares and makes a melee basic
attack. dealing an extra 2d8 necrotic damage on a hit.
Combat Advantage + Necrotic
The sword wraith deals an extra 2d6 necrotic damage against
any target it has combat advantage against.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
The sword wraith shifts 6 squares.
Spawn Wraith
Any humanoid killed by a sword wraith rises as a free willed
sword wraith at the start of its creator's next turn. appearing
in the space where it died (or in the nearest unoccupied space).
Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead ritual) does
not destroy the spawned wraith.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common
Skills Stealth +20 441.4.,

Str 14 (+10) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 12 (+9)

Con 18 (+12) Int 11 (+8) Cha 24 (+15) One square = 5 feet
Encounter Level 16 (7,500 XP) Spectral Servant Level 15 Minion
Medium shadow humanoid lundead) XP 0
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
SETUP HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 26
Acererak (A)
Speed 4
Bridge of sighs
0 Spectral Claws (standard; at-will) + Necrotic
Ooze tile trap (T) +•20 vs. AC: 9 necrotic damage.
+ Spectral Dance (immediate reaction, when missed by
When the adventurers climb to the top of the tower, an attack; at-will)
the gem gently tugs them toward a strange device The spectral servant shifts 3 squares and makes a spectral claw
within the eastern cupola. This is also where the attack at any point during that movement. It gains resist all
damage until the start of Its next turn.
wizard Acererak is busily working. Acererak, who
Alignment Evil Languages —
shall one day become a terrible demilich of vast
Str 16 (+10) Dex 19 (+11) Wis15 (+9)
power and the creator of the legendary Tomb of Con 14 (+9) Int 2 (+3) Cha 12 (+8)
Horrors, is simply a powerful wizard at this point in
history. He has begun to dabble with the necrotic Ooze Tile (T) Level 12 Obstacle
arts. but has not yet become evil. However. he has Tr ail XP 700
no patience for thieves, and that is how he sees the The tile beneath your foot suddenly turns to ooze, sucking you
adventurers. down into 11 as it scalds your flesh with acid.
When the adventurers reach this level, read: Trap: When a character enters a trapped square, the square
becomes an ooze that slows the character and deals acid
Tice stairs lead up to an open tower room, the walls alter- damage.
nating between solid stone and open slits that look out upon Perception
+ DC 21: You notice that the tile ahead has a wet sheen.
the nearby city. Thefloor of this room runs around the
outer walls, leaving the center as an open shaft that drops When a creature enters a trapped square, it attacks.
to the bottom of the tower far below. An uncovered cause- Attack
way, itsfloor covered in glowing sigils, leads to a second Standard Action Melee 1
tower chamber. A massive device of glowing orbs, rotating Target: Creature in trapped square
arms, and crystal tubesjills the eastern wail. A robed figure Attack: +1S vs. Reflex
with a glowing staff stands before the device, turning dials Hit: 1 d8 + 5 acid damage, and the target is slowed (save
and whispering words of power that you don't actually hear
but instead feel reverberating through you. The remaining +A character who notices the sheen can step around the tile.
pieces of sky metal that you seek are clearly visible within
the device's internal structure.
Without turning or even pausing in his work, the robed
figure says, al offer you one chance to avoid my wrath, you Acererak uses Acererak's missiles and necrotic ray against
cowardly thieves. Throw yourselves from my tower and 1 distant targets. He calls up a spectral servant every
shall allow fate to determine whether you live or die. Oth- round, always keeping two in play until he has called
erwise, prepare to truly understand why I am numbered up all five. He saves temporal warp until the intruders
among the greatest wizards of Bael Turath. I am Acererak reach the eastern cupola. He fights to the death.
of the Scarlet Robes, and this is my home!"
If the adventurers approach Acererak, the wizard lithe adventurers attempt to negotiate with Acererak,
attacks. Note that there are traps set up between they must convince him that they are really from the
where the adventurers arrive and where Acererak future and that their need For the sky metal is great.
makes his stand. The ooze tile traps are designed to This requires 8 successes before 3 failures: filuff(DC
slow intruders while dealing minor damage, while 25), Diplomacy (DC 20), History (DC 20), Insight (DC
the arcane cage trap is designed to capture intruders 25), and Intimidate (DC 27). lithe challenge fails,
for later disposal. Acererak calls them thieves as he launches an attack.
lithe adventurers attempt to negotiate with the IFAcererak is defeated, his body disappears. He
wizard, he gives them one chance to convince him rises in l.d l0 days as a licit. thus starting Acererak's
why he shouldn't turn them all into hogs and have path to ultimate darkness and evil.
them slaughtered for their bacon. This requires a skill lithe adventurers win the skill challenge or defeat
challenge, as described in "Development." Acererak, they gain the remaining pieces of sky metal
that they need to provide each party member with an
Implement of Argent.
Acererak (A) Level 15 Solo Controller Arcane Cage Level 13 Obstacle
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 6,000 each Trap xr,
initiative +11 Senses Perception 117 The glowing sigils flare brightly, and bars of arcane power fill
Arcane Shield aura 1; enemies that end their turn in the aura the causeway.
are pushed 1 square. The aura dissipates when Acererak is
Trap: When a character enters the causeway, the arcane ti1
bloodied. ti
cage snaps into existence. O
HP 584; Bloodied 292
AC 29; Fortitude 26, Reflex 29. Will 27
When a creature steps between the dotted lines, the area
Saving Throws +5
fills with an arcane cage.
Speed 6
Action Points 2
While in the arcane cage, ranged attacks cannot pass out of
0 Dazzling Touch (standard: at-will) rr
the cage.
+20 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed
Endurance Check
(save ends).
Acererak's Missiles (standard; at-will)
A creature that starts its turn in the arcane cage must make 61J
a DC 18 Endurance check or take idi 0 + 6 damage. H
Ranged 20: +19 vs. Reflex: ldl 0 6 damage. and one other
Move Action
enemy within 2 squares of the target takes the same damage.
A creature within the arcane cage is slowed. In addition,
Acererak's Blast (standard; atwill) Cold 0
to take a move action, a creature must make a DC 11 U
Close blast S; +17 vs. Fortitude: 1d10 + 6 cold damage. and
Strength check to push through the morass of power that
ongoing 5 cold damage and the target is slowed (save ends _u
fills the cage. If the check falls, no movement occurs for
that action.
Necrotic Ray (standard: recharge ii) + Healing, Necrotic
Ranged 20: +19 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 6 necrotic damage. and
+A character outside the trap can disable the sighs until
Acererak heals 10 hit points.
the start of Acererak's next turn (DC 23 Arcana or DC 25
Shadow Burst (standard; recharges when first bloodied;
Thievery check).
encounter) + Necrotic
+A character inside the trap can disable the sigils (DC 2 5
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +17 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 6 necrotic
Arcana or DC 27 Thievery check). This causes the cage to
damage. the target slides 2 squares, and the target Is blinded
drop until the start of Acererak's next turn.
(save ends).
<- Prismatic Beams (standard; encounter) + Fire, Poison
Close burst St targets enemies; +17 vs. Fortitude. Reflex, Will. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Hit (Fortitude): 2d6 + 7 poison damage, and ongoing 5 poison
Illumination: Bright light.
damage (save ends).
Hit (Reflex): 2d6 + 7 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage Western Cupola: The squares marked "'I"' con-
(save ends). tain ooze tiles. Failing from either cupola or into the
Hit (Will): The target is dazed (save ends). pit deals 6d I0 damage.
Special: Acererak makes one attack roll against each target,
comparing the result to each of the target's defenses. A target
may be subject to any, all. or none of the effects, depending on
his or her defense scores. Targets make a separate save against
each ongoing effect.
Temporal Warp (standard; recharges when first bloodied;
Acererak warps time, allowing him to act faster than those
around him. For the rest of this round. Acererak gains a 1-2
bonus to all defenses. In the next round. Acererak acts three
times, at initiative count 30, 20, and 10. At each of these
counts, he gets to perform a standard action, a move action,
and a minor action. At the end of this round. Acererak takes 20
damage. in the round after that, he acts normally at his original
count in the initiative order.
Feather Fall (free, when Acererak falls: encounter)
Acererak takes no damage from the fall, regardless of the
distance. and does not fall prone at the end of the fall.
Summon Spectral Servant (minor, l(round; at-wIII)
Acererak summons a spectral servant. The servant appears In
one of the magic circles. Acererak can summon up to a total of
5 spectral servants during the course of an encounter. When a
spectral servant Is destroyed. Acererak takes 10 damage and
gains +1d8 necrotic damage on his next damage roll.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
Skills Arcana +19, History +19. Insight +17
Sir 14 (+9) Der 18 (+11) Wis 20 (+12)
Con 1$(+11) int 24 (+14) Cha 16 (+10)
Equipment quarterstaff, wand, potion of vitality
Encounter Level 12 (3,600 XP) Level: 15
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3 failures).
After the adventurers complete Encounter R3: Skills Used in This Challenge: Bluff, Diplomacy.
Researching the Divine Engine (see page 44) and Intimidation, Insight, Religion. Streetwise.
they inform Obanar of their results, the last guardian The negotiations with Akrathial involves deal-
sends them on their first diplomatic mission and pro- ing with a seemingly drunk and surly but actually
vides them with the following quest. shrewd and cunning githyanki ship captain who
drives a hard bargain and doesn't take guff from
QUEST: SEEK OUT THE anybody. The number of successes the adventur-
ers achieve determines how much this trip into the
Astral Sea is going to cost them.
"it is clear fromyour research that the best method for learn- "Humph," Akrathial grunts after you explain what you
ing more about Piranoth's Bane is to locate the astral giants want, "the Sea between here and the temple is hazardous. I
of the Temple of Inchoate Mysteries," Obanar says. "I do can take you, but it will cost you."
not know where in the Astral Sea this temple might be, but I Bluff (DC 23, standard action): You invent rea-
can send you to a place called Black Harbor. The githyanki sons why Akrathial should charge you less. You're
pirates of Black Harbor know how to get everywhere in the using Bluff if the reasoning behind the discount is
Astral Sea—or at least that was the case in my day. You fundamentally fictitious, and Diplomacy if it's funda-
should be able to find transport to the temple there. Find the mentally truthful.
astral giants and convince them to aid us In this mission." This skill can be used to gain 4 successes, but once
Quest XP: 6,000 (major quest) if the adventurers you use this skill, you can't use Diplomacy.
locate the temple and the astral giants, learn about the Diplomacy (DC 23, standard action): You explain the
divine engine and ritual to restore it to working order. truth of your mission, and why it is in everyone's best
and convince the astral giants to provide additional interest for you to reach the astral giants.
aid in the form of magic or military support. If the This skill can be used to gain 4 successes, but once
adventurers only accomplish one or two of these tasks, you use this skill, you can't use Bluff.
they treat this as a minor quest instead (1,200 XP). Intimidate (DC 18. standard action): You not-so-sub-
tly suggest that Akrathial and the Gossamer Ghost
THE BLACK HARBOR might wind up at the bottom of the Black Harbor if
he doesn't offer the adventurers a fair price.
When the adventurers are ready, Obanar teleports This skill can be used to gain 1 success, but it
them to the Black Harbor. This port town is located increases the DCs by +2 for the rest of the challenge.
on the coast of a jungle island in the natural world, Insight (DC 18, standard action): You can tell that
but it sits on a border where the space between the Akrathial is nervous about something. and it isn't you.
planes is thin. Strange ships sail from this port to A success also opens up the use of the Streetwise skill
locations on both terrestrial and planar seas. in this challenge.
A githyanki mage named Ruothvach is the nominal This skill can be used to gain I success in the
mayor of the Black I larbor, but he and his astral ship, challenge.
the Crown of Cobalt. are there less than a quarter of
Religion (DC 23, standard action): You use your
the time. Squads of five githyanki warriors (Monster own knowledge of the Astral Sea to make sure that
Manual page 128) keep the mayhem among the Black Akrathial believes that you can spot any deception on
Harbor's flophouses and taverns from spilling onto his part concerning this trip.
the ships or otherwise jeopardizing actual trade. This skill can be used to gain 1 success in the
When the adventurers arrive, there are two battle- challenge.
damaged terrestrial galleys manned by a mix of Streetwise (DC 18, standard action): You discover
human and }milling pirates and one strangely ornate that Akrathial is eager to pick up cargo and get out of
silver ship in the port: the Gossamer Ghost. Inquiries Black Harbor before Ruothvach's imminent return.
reveal that the captain, Akrathial, is drinking in one of This skill can be used to gain 1 success in the
the seedier bars on the wharf, called the Drowned Rat. challenge.
In this skill challenge, the adventurers must Success: Akrathial agrees to take the adventurers
bargain with Akrathial to gain passage aboard the to the Temple of Inchoate Mysteries For 5,000 gp.
Gossamer Ghost for passage into the Astral Sea. Failure: Akrathial agrees to take the adventurers
to the temple, but the price is much higher: 20,000
gp, minus 2,000 gp for each success the adventurers
earned before failing the skill challenge.
Encounter Level 16 (7,000 XP) 2 Astral Giants (A) Level 16 Soldier
Lar.e Immortal humanoid jant) XP 1,400 each
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +19
SETUP HP 160: Bloodied 80
AC 32; Fortitude 31. Reflex 27, Will 28
2 astral giants (A)
Resist 10 radiant
3 astral giant warpswords (W)
Speed 8; see also astral leap
The Gossamer Ghost carries the adventurers to the 0 Spear (standard; at-will) 4. Radiant, Weapon
Temple of Inchoate Mysteries, a cathedral-like Reach 2: +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage. The target is
marked until the end of the astral giant's next turn.
building floating in the Astral Sea. The astral giants
Astral Resonance
living here are a group dedicated to the pursuit of As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
knowledge and invention. They cherish their privacy. within 10 squares. it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
neither leaving nor accepting visitors unless the signs Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea;
and portents of Erathis direct them to do so. recharges when first bloodied)
The 86 stairs that lead From the small dock to the The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant. Supernal
temple doors are guarded by astral giants. They make
Skills Athletics -21. Religion +16
sure that intruders never reach the temple. Read:
Sir 26 (+16 Dex 18 (+12) Wis 22 (+14)
The golden staircase seems to float in midair—a bright, Con 24 (+15) Int 16 0-11 Cha 181+12)

silver-white haze stretches all around it. The giant-sized Equipment plate armor. spear. shield

steps climb out of sight. Appearing on the stairs above you

are giants with silver shin, their lower bodies of silver mist. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: Bright light.
TACTICS Astral Sea: Creatures hurled into the Astral Sea
The astral giants try to repel any intruders. The sol- must make DC 20 Athletics checks to "swim" at
diers move to engage. while the warpswords strike half speed back to the stairs. Failing the check by 5
and retreat each round. They use dimensional blow to or more means that the creature floats 1d6 squares

teleport foes into the Astral Sea. away from the stairs.
Golden Stairs: The giant-sized stairs are difficult
3 Astral Giant Warpsword (W) Level 16 Skirmisher
terrain for creatures smaller than Largi. size.
Large immortal humanoid ).;i,ini) XP 1A00 each
Initiative —15 Senses Perception +13
HP 158: Bloodied 79
AC 30; Fortitude 28. Reflex 26, Will 26
Resist 10 radiant
Speed 8; see also 'Istria/ leap
❑ Warpsword (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 7.4110 7 damage, plus ongoing 5 radiant
damage (save ends).
4 Dimensional Blow (standard; recharge :: ♦ Radiant,
Teleportation, Weapon
Reach 2; +27 vs. AC; 2d10 +10 radiant damage, the target is
teleported 5 squares. and the target is dazed until the end of its
next turn.
Astral Retreat (immediate reaction when damaged by an attack;
at-will) + Teleportation
The astral giant teleports 2 squares.
Astral Resonance
As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
within 10 squares. it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Astral Leap (move; encounter, only within the Astral Sea;
recharges when first bloodied)
The astral giant can fly up to 30 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
Skills Athletics +21. Religion +16
Str 24 (+15) Dex 20 (+13) Wls 20 (+13)
Con 22 (4 14) Int 160-11} Cha 17 (+11)
Equipment chain armor, greatsword
Encounter Level 1 ( 7 .0 00 XP) TALKING YOUR WAY IN
If the adventurers quickly announce their peace-
ful intent, they can forestall the combat and try to
3 astral giants At talk their way into the temple. Doing so is a skill
I astral giant star-strider (5)
2 ethereal marauders (E) Level: 15
When the adventurers finally reach the top of the Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3
stairs, they see a grand landing and a massive set of failures)
double doors. The astral giants are easy to spot, but Skills Used In This Challenge: Bluff, Diplomacy,
the ethereal marauders begin the encounter inside the Insight, Intimidate
statues: don't place them until they phase out of the Bluff (DC 25, standard action): Any ruse that sug-
statues into the spaces marked on the map. Read: gests that the adventurers are actually supposed to
be visiting falls into this category. The temple doesn't
The golden steps climb higher and higher through the silvery get many visitors, and astral giants are cautious by
haze until a landing emerges above you. Matching statues nature.
of crouching chimerasflank two gigantic doors of burnished This skill can be used to gain 4 successes, but once
copper. Gems stud the statues and the doors at irregular you use this skill, you can't use Diplomacy.
intervals: opals upon the chimeras and rubies upon the doors. Diplomacy (DC 23, standard action): if the adven-
Carved into the stone mantel above the doors is a word turers explain the situation they're facing and try to
in Supernal: Enigma. Standing in front of the doors are negotiate or plead for help, it's a Diplomacy check.
four more of the strange, silvery giants. This skill can be used to gain 4 successes, but once
you use this skill, you can't use Bluff-
FEATURES OF THE AREA Insight (DC 18, standard action): This covers
Illumination: Bright light. attempts to discern why the astral giants are so suspi-
Astral Sea: Creatures hurled into the Astral Sea cious, what techniques will likely mollify them, etc.
must make DC 20 At hletics checks to "swim" at Anyone who gets a DC 25 on the check realizes that
half speed hack to the stairs. Failing the check by 5 these astral giants are particularly nervous, especially
or more means that the creature floats 1d6 squares whenever the adventurers talk about primordials,
away from the stairs. other giants, or the divine engine.
Doors: The giant-sized doors are closed but not Using this skill doesn't count as a success or failure
locked. They are heavy, requiring a DC 23 Strength for the challenge, but instead provides a +2 bonus to the
check to open (even the giants strain a little to open next character's Bluff. Diplomacy, or Intimidate check.
these doors). The rubies
encrusted into the doors are
low grade: it takes 60 min-
utes to collect them, and
they arc worth 1,200 gp.
Golden Stairs: The
giant-sized stairs are dif-
ficult terrain for creatures
smaller than Large size.
Statues: The statues on
the stairs are made of solid
stone. The statues on the
landing are hollow, and
the ethereal marauders
like to lurk within these
statues and watch what
happens outside. The opals
encrusted into the chimera
statues are low grade: it
takes 30 minutes to remove
them and they are worth
800 gp.

Intimidate (DC 25, standard action): Even if they Astral Giant Star - strider (S) Level 17 Lurker
should be impressed by the dangerous visitors, the Large immortal humanoid (giant) XP 1.600

astral giants tend to think of anything smaller than Initiative 18 Senses Perception +19
HP 128; Bloodied 64
they are as something weaker as well.
AC 31; Fortitude 29. Reflex 29, Will 30
Success: The astral giants agree to escort the adven- Resist 10 radiant
turers to the skywatcher's dome without a battle Speed 8; see also astral leap
taking place, where they meet Zanashu. The fight in 0 Longsword (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon
skywatcher's dome still happens, but the astral giants Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 f 7 radiant damage.
from this encounter won't interfere with its outcome. ® Crossbow (standard; at-will) + Radiant, Weapon
If the adventurers also noticed the reactions of the Ranged 15130; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage.
Astral Shadows (standard: rechargeljg) + Radiant
giants to the adventurers' situation, one of the giants
Close burst 5; +20 vs. Will; enemies only; 1d8 + 7 radiant
reveals the following during the walk to the dome: damage. and the astral giant becomes invisible until the end of
"You are not the first to come to us with these tales of its next turn.
Piranoth and Piranoth's Bane," one of the giants says. Star-stride (standard; encounter) + Radiant, Teleportation
"Since the arrival of the drow, our leader has been acting Close burst 3; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d8 7 radiant damage. and the
very strangely. Perhaps your arrival will settle Zanashu astral giant teleports 3 squares and gains combat advantage
and restore the harmony of the temple." against all enemies until the end of Its next turn.
Combat Advantage
Failure: The astral giants find the adventurers to be
The astral giant deals an extra 2d6 damage against any target it
insulting and boring. They deliver an ultimatum, and has combat advantage against.
then the battle begins: Astral Resonance
"Leave now," one of the giants rumbles, or we'll throw As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
your battered bodies into the Astral Sea." within 10 squares, it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea;
TACTICS recharges when first bloodied)
The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
The astral giants don't stray far from the doors, using Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
their reach to best advantage. The star-strider makes Str 21 (+14) Dex 20 (+14) Wis 22 (+15)
an astral leap into the midst of the adventurers, uses Con 20 (+14) int 18 (+13) Cha 19 (+13)
star-stride, and then teleports away. It uses its cross- Equipment longsword. crossbow
bow then to make ranged attacks.
The ethereal marauders emerge from the statues 2 Ethereal Marauders (E) Level 15 Lurker
when the battle starts, using planephase form to phase Medium aberrant magical beast XP 1.200 each

into the open. Whenever they are insubstantial. they Initiative +17 Senses Perception -1-14; low-light vision
HP 115: Bloodied 57
use reality warp against targets. They save ethereal
AC 29: Fortitude 27, Reflex 28, Will 25
jaunt to employ when it will do the most damage.
Vulnerable psychic; an ethereal marauder that takes psychic
damage immediately ends planephase form.
3 Astral Giants (A) Level 16 Soldier Speed 7: teleport 3: phasing ; see also ethereal jaunt
Large immortal humanoid (giant) XP 1.400 each 0 Bite (standard; at-will)
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +19 +20 vs. AC; 2d8 +6 damage.
HP 160; Bloodied 80 Reality Warp (standard; usable only while Insubstantial: at-will)
AC 32; Fortitude 31, Reflex 27, Will 28 ♦ Teleportation
Resist 10 radiant +18 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 6 damage, and the ethereal marauder
Speed 8; see also astral leap teleports the target 3 squares. The marauder then teleports 3
Spear (standard: + Radiant, Weapon squares into a space adjacent to the target.
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage. The target is Planar Evasion (Immediate reaction, when the ethereal marauder
marked until the end of the astral giant's next turn. is hit by a melee attack; recharge1::;[k:Illfl ) Teleportation
Astral Resonance The marauder teleports 3 squares.
As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally <- Ethereal Jaunt (standard; encounter) + Teleportation
within 10 squares. it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Close burst 3; +17 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 6 damage, the target
Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea; is dazed (save ends), and the ethereal marauder teleports 3
recharges when first bloodied) squares and gains planephase farm until the end of it next turn.
The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares. Planephase Form (standard; at-will)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal The ethereal marauder partially phases into another plane,
Skills Athletics +21, Religion +16 gaining insubstantial and phasing until the end of its next
Str 26 (+16) Des 18 (+12) Ws 22 (+14) turn or until it hits or misses with an attack. Sustain Minor:
Con 24 (+15) Int 16 (+11) Cha 18 (+12) The effect persists.
Equipment plate armor, spear. shield Alignment Unaligned Languages Deep Speech
Skills Stealth +18
Str 20 (+12) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 14 (+9)
Con 19 (+11) Int 16 (+10) Cha 16 (+10)
Encounter Level 17 (8,800 XP) DROW CONNECTION
Lolth. the Demon Queen of Spiders, has agreed to
SETUP provide the titan lords with the one thing they need
Zanashu, astral giant lightpriest (L) to free Piranoth: a god to help them unlock Piranoth's
Esixtara, drider battlelord (B) prison. To this end, Lolth has sent a squad of trusted
2 astral giants (A) drow to coerce the leader of the astral giant commu-
4 drow venomblades (V) nity at the Temple of Inchoate Mysteries to provide
them with whatever the giants know about Piranoth's
The adventurers discover that the leader of this band Bane. The drow have given Zanashu the gift of a holy
of astral giants has been corrupted by a gang of visit- symbol that has been cursed to make him perform as
ing drow. The drow have come as allies of the titan Esixtara commands, they have uncovered the loca-
lords, seeking the same thing as the adventurers— tions of the relic, and they have the name of an exarch
locations of the remaining pieces of the divine engine of Moradin who they can extract the ritual of mend-
and the ritual necessary to put the relic back together. ing from. (Zanashu has thus far been able to keep the
When the adventurers enter the temple, read: actual ritual from falling into the drider's hands.)
A massive dome full of stars graces the ceiling of this huge Religion Check
chamber. The stars race across the blackness of the dome, DC 25: The holy symbol of Erathis that the astral giant
moving much faster than they do in the night sky you are lightpriest wears isn't quite right. It has five gears and five
used to looking up at. Unadorned columns stretch from star points instead of the traditional six of each.
floor to ceiling, and shrines occupy niches along the walls,
Insight Check (after a successful Religion check)
their many candles filling the chamber with a warm glow.
DC 20: The lightpriest appears as though something were
Two astral giants stand on guard just beyond the open
influencing or controlling his actions in some way.
doors, while a third giant wearing the holy symbol of
Erathis stands beneath the dome, behind a great spider- TACTICS
like creature with the head and torso of a female elf and
a group of dark-skinned elves brandishing venom-coated Zanashu, under the dominating influence of Esixtara,
longswords. orders the astral giants to destroy the intruders. Every
"It seems you were correct, Esixtara," the priestly giant action he takes against the adventurers seems to cause
says, "the agents of Argent have come to steal the temple's the lightpriest some amount of discomfit and effort, as
secrets. Guards, destroy them!" he is fighting to break free of the drider's control.
The astral giants attack as commanded, even
though they feel something is wrong.
Drider Battlelord (B) Level 15 Brute
Large fey humanoid (spider) XP 1.200 Esixtara uses darkfire and web immediately, hoping
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +15; darkvision to hinder the adventurers and make them vulnerable
HP 182; Bloodied 91 to attack. She backs toward the shrine on the western
AC 27; Fortitude 28. Reflex 26. Will 24 wall, calling on Loki.' when she becomes bloodied.
Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb)
Greatsword (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon 2 Astral Giants (A) Level 16 Soldier
+20 vs. AC; 1d12 + 8 damage. Large immortal humanoid (giant) XP 1.400 each

Quick Bite (minor, at-will) 4. Poison Initiative +14 Senses Perception +19
Requires combat advantage; +17 vs. Fortitude; 1d4 + 1 damage, HP 160; Bloodied 80
and ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). AC 32; Fortitude 31, Reflex 27, Will 28
Darkflre (minor; encounter) Resist 10 radiant
Ranged 10; +17 vs. Reflex; until the end of the drider's next Speed 8; see also astral leap
turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers, and ® Spear (standard: at-will) ♦ Radiant, Weapon
the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment. Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage. The target is
fr* Web (standard; recharge (A marked until the end of the astral giant's next turn.
Ranged 5; 116 vs. Reflex; the target is restrained (until escape). Astral Resonance
Escaping from the web requires a successful DC 25 Acrobatics As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
check or DC 27 Athletics check. within 10 squares, it receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant, Elven Astral Leap(move; encounter, only within the Astral Sea;
Skills Dungeoneering +15. Stealth +17 recharges when first bloodied)
Str 24 (+14) Dex 21 (+12) Wls 16 (+10) The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
Con 22 (+13) Int 13 (+8) Cha 9 (+6) Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
Equipment leather armor, greatsword Skills Athletics +21, Religion t-16
Str 26 (+16) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 22 (414)
Con 24 (+151 int 16 (+111 Cha 18 121
Equipment plate armor. spear. shield
4 Drow Venomblades (V) Level 13 Skirmisher
hledium fey hum.inr,ui XP 800 each

initiative +13 Senses Perception +12; darkvision lithe adventurers remove the cursed holy symbol 40
HP 124; Bloodied 62 from Zanashu, they free him of Esixtara's control. He
AC 27; Fortitude 23. Reflex 25, Will 22 immediately orders the giants to aid the adventurers
Speed 6 and destroy the drow.
0 Longs-word (standard; at-will) + Weapon
When Esixtara is bloodied, she goes to the shrine
+18 vs. AC; 1d8 + S damage, and ongoing S poison damage
(save ends).
she has rededicated to Louth and calls on the god to
0 Short Sword (standard; at-will) Weapon aid her. Lolth teleports her away from the temple
118 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage with the information she has gained.
(save ends). After freeing Zanashu from the influence of the
4. Blade Mastery (standard; recharge IX i i i + Weapon drider, the astral giant provides the adventurers with
The drow venomblade makes one longsword attack and one the ritual to repair the divine engine and use it to
short sword attack.
"mporanimov reestablish Piranoth's prison. He also gives them the
4.- Cloud of Darkness (minor; encounter)
Close burst 1; this power creates a cloud of darkness that
locations of the relic's five pieces: two are already
remains in place until the end of the drow venomblade's next
with the fire giants at Flamefall Tower. one remains
turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except hidden at a place called Frost Spire, one is in the
the drow venomblade. Any creature entirely within the cloud possession of a djinn called Kaseem, and one is in
(except the draw venomblade) is blinded until it exits. the mayor's home in the city of Breelton. Stress that
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Elven the frost giants are closing in on the two at Flotsam
Skills Acrobatics +16, Dungeoneering +12, Intimidate +14,
and Frost Spire. Save Breelton for last (see page 127).
Stealth +18
Str 16 (+9) Dex 21 (+11) Wis 14 (+8)
Finally, he tells them that he was forced to reveal the
Con 12 (+7) Int 12 (+7) Cha 12 (+2)
location of Torugar, exarch of Moradin, to the drider.
Equipment scale armor, longsword, short sword
Astral Giant Ughtpriest (L)Level 17 Controller (Leader) Illumination: Dim light.
Large immortal humanoid (giant) XP 1,600 Shrines: Each shrine displays an item significant
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +13 to the astral giants: a spear, a text, a stone from an
HP 164; Bloodied 82
ancient temple. The second shrine from the north on
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 28
Resist 10 radiant
the west has been dedicated to Lolth by Esixtara.
Speed 8; see also astral leap
Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) Radiant, Weapon
Reach 2; '22 vs. AC; 2d6 7 radiant damage.
Lightwave (standard; at-will) + Radiant 1
Close blast 5; +21 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 7 radiant damage, and the
target is pushed 3 squares.
Blinding Light (standard; recharge [;j1,Xlii i + Radiant
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 radiant damage, and the
target is blinded until the end of the astral giant's next turn.
<-• Life-Absorbing Burst (standard; recharge {a) ♦ Healing,
Close burst 5; +19 vs. Fortitude; 1d8 + 7 radiant damage, and
the astral giant and all allies in the burst regain 20 hit points.
* Lighttrap (standard; encounter) Radiant
Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 radiant damage,
and the target is slowed (save ends). First failed save: Target
takes 5 radiant damage and is Immobilized (save ends). Second
failed save: Target takes 10 radiant damage and is restrained
(save ends).
Astral Resonance
As long as the astral giant has an unbloodied astral giant ally
within 10 squares, it receives a E 2 bonus to attack rolls.
Astral Leap (move; encounter; only within the Astral Sea;
recharges when first bloodied)
The astral giant can fly up to 10 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant, Supernal
Str 22 (i 1S) Dex 18 (+13) VVis 20 (+13)
Con 20 (+14) Int 20 (+11) Cha 24 (+11)
Equipment quarterstaff, holy symbol
Encounter Level 11 (3,000 XP) "Welcome, travelers, to the Court of Fallen Leaves," she
says, as she bows low, gesturing to the double doors that
During one return trip to Argent, Obanar asks the stand behind her.
adventurers to go on a diplomatic mission to rally the
Court of Fallen Leaves. This eladrin stronghold in The eladrin woman is Alarielle. She leads the
the Feywild conducts regular trade with the coastal adventurers to a long, wide entry chamber in the
towns of Andor and Flotsam, both currently being building. There, the courts' warriors and retainers
marched upon by an overwhelming force of frost have gathered while the noble members of the court
giants. Read: hold a private counsel within their chambers. Alari-
elle offers to answer any of the adventurers' questions
"The Court of Fallen Leaves regularly sends traders into while her masters complete their business.
the natural world to conduct business with Andor, Flotsam,
and other coastal settlements," Obanar says. "1 shall send
you to the eladrin stronghold as official representatives of BACKGROUND
Argent. I am sure they will be happy to help defend against The Court of Fallen Leaves was once a powerful alli-
the hordes of giants." ance of eladrin lords. Now, it is a mere shadow of
its former self. The teleportation circle once led to a
Quest XP: 1.400 (minor quest) for successfully powerful castle that protected the Feywild, but the
convincing the eladrins to provide troops and support place is now a near ruin. The Court of Fallen Leaves
to aid the coastal settlements in the natural world has dwindled in numbers, and the three lords that
from the frost giant onslaught. remain (Kaerwyn, Tarcntia, and Maervik) are content
to bicker and scheme against each other.
The adventurers have the opportunity to win an alli- SKILL CHALLENGE
ance with the Court of Fallen Leaves, a collection of
eladrin nobles that could provide a useful contingent The adventurers must impress the members of the
of warriors and spellcasters to help defend the settle- Court of Fallen Leaves. If they do well, they gain an
ments of the natural world. important edge in their fight against Taroxn. If they
The adventurers travel to the Feywild and gain an fail, the eladrin levy several curses against them to
audience with the court. There, three of its members hamper their efforts.
charge them with recovering a magic item, the chalice Level: 14
of autumn's regret, from the fomorian Taroxn. If the Skills In This Challenge: Acrobatics, Athletics,
adventurers retrieve the item, the court lends its mili- Bluff Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate, History, Nature.
tary might to the support of the besieged settlements. The format for this skill challenge is different from
Unfortunately, the court is as capricious, conniv- other skill challenges. The successes and failures are
ing, and duplicitous as the worst of the fey. While not divided between two scenes, and in the second scene
evil, these eladrin are decidedly unaligned. In their further divided between the court's three members.
mind, the plea for help is merely an amusing diver- In the first scene, the adventurers talk with the
sion. They have a hard time truly grasping the gravity members of each lord's retinue and explore the
of the situation that the natural world is facing, or ruined castle. Their success and failure in this scene
realizing what it means for the Feywild should the plays a direct role in their meeting with the lords.
natural world fall. In the second scene, the adventurers must speak
with each of the three lords. The lords offer either a
INTO THE FEYWILD benefit or a drawback for the encounter with Taroxn.
When the adventurers depart for the Court of Fallen
Leaves, read: SCENE 1: THE RETINUES
You step through Obanar's teleportation circle and arrive
The eladrin lords' followers mull around a large,
in the courtyard of a crumbling castle. Three towers rise
marble hail. A moldering red carpet covers the floor,
around you, joined by walls to form a triangle of sorts.
while dust and cobwebs cover everything. Here and
Nested between the two towers is a two-story building of
there, weeds grow through cracks in the floor.
white marble. A pair of eladrin warriors clad in gleaming
Each noble has a number of retainers here. In
chainmail and bearing spears flank an eladrin woman
addition to talking to the retainers, the adventurers
dressed in a flowing gown. Three glittering orbs of light
can explore the area. Each adventurer makes one
circle her brow, and as you watch her dress slowly shifts in
skill check in this scene. A given skill can only be
color from emerald green, to light purple. to a brilliant red.
used once during this scene.
Successes and failures here only affect the next The adventurers can use any combination of skills
scene in the challenge. Do not end the challenge if to gain the successes, but they cannot use the same
the adventurers accumulate three failures, though in skill against a lord more than once. Each character 4 ‹

such a case the characters face a tougher challenge as can make one check to impress a lord.
the encounter plays on. Lord Maervik (Athletics, History Intimidate, DC 18., Z
Diplomacy or Insight (DC 18, standard action):A few standard actions): Characters with a Strength of 15 or LI;
honeyed words can win the trust of Lord Kaerwyn's
noble warriors. On a successful check, they tell the
higher gain a +2 bonus on checks against Maervik.
Ilan adventurer uses Athletics, Lord Maervik u.
adventurer that their lord is an honorable man who challenges that character to a wrestling match. The u.
respects fighting ability and chivalry. lordand the adventurer make three opposed Athlet-
lithe adventurers fail this check, they receive a -5 ics checks. If the PC wins two of the three checks,
penalty on all checks during their audience with Lord Maervik decides to support their efforts.
Kaerwyn. His retainers describe the adventurers as The lord offers the adventurers a small cask of 0
rude louts without an ounce of honor or respect. his finest brandy. He tells them to each drink a shot L)..
Acrobatics or Bluff (DC 23. standard action): Lady before the battle to come. If they do so, they gain a +2
Tarentia's troubadours are impressed with artful lies bonus on saves until the end of the encounter. ❑
and bawdy stories. The more outrageous. the better. If the adventurers fail to win Maervik's support, he tj.1
On a successful check, they tell the adventurer that gives them a cask of even stronger brandy. They gain I—
their lady is currently obsessed with the arcane arts. the save bonus. but also slide 1 square in a random
lithe adventurer fails this check, they need 3 suc- direction at the start and end of each of their turns 0
cesses rather than 2 to win Lady Tarentia's support. until the end of the encounter. L.J
Her followers describe the adventurers as boring, and Lady Tarentia (Arcana, Bluff, History, DC 23, star- Zuj
she pays no attention to their plea. actions): PCs with access to the arcane power Bard
Athletics or Intimidate (DC 18, standard action): source gain a +2 bonus on checks against Tarentia.
Several centaurs, brutish barbarian warriors, accom- The lady comes off as a giggling young woman, but
pany Lord Maervik. They respect demonstrations of beneath this facade lurks a calculating, clever mind.
strength, and an adventurer who can menace them If the adventurers win her over. she tells her spy,
earns their admiration. On a successful check, they tell the gnome Twistroot, to aid them. Otherwise, she
the adventurer that their master always keeps his word tells him to hinder them. See Encounter D6 on page
to someone who defeats him in a physical contest. 86 for more information.
On a failure, Lord Maervik hears that the adven- Lord Kaerwyn (Diplomacy. Insight, Religion, DC
turers are weak and ineffectual. If an adventurer 20, standard actions): This paladin of Corellon has a
wrestles him, the hest of three Athletics checks soft spot for priests of any faith. Characters with the
becomes the best of five instead. divine power source or trained in Religion gain a +2
History or Nature (DC 15, standard check): A character bonus on checks against him.
can walk the grounds and notice that this place was Lord Kaerwyn is cold and haughty. Ile sees the
once more majestic. He or she also notices a plaque adventurers as a nuisance, and the business with the
mounted near the keep's gate. It proclaims the alliance giants not his concern. He responds well to promises
of the Court of Falling Leaves. If the adventurer suc- of a glorious battle.
ceed on this check, the group gains a +5 bonus to any If the adventurers win his support, lie gives them
single check during the second scene by invoking the the eye of a fomorian preserved in a jar. lithe PCs
memory of the alliance and the current lords' failure to crush the eye outside of Taroxn's lair. they learn the
maintain the traditions and splendors of the past. location and nature of each creature in the lair.
If the adventurers fail to win his support, he
SCENE 2: THE AUDIENCE CHAMBER secretly places a curse upon them. The next time a
Once the adventurers have each interacted in the first PC is hit by an attack roll with a natural 19, that hit
scene, the leader of each group of courtiers is sum- becomes a critical hit.
moned to the counsel chamber. After a few moments,
the adventurers are invited inside. OUTCOME
The chamber is as dingy and run down as the Whether the adventurers gain the support of all
entrance way. The lords sit at a narrow wooden table. of the lords or not, the lords of the Court of Fallen
The table and chairs are the only things that have I.eaves give them a mission to help them decide on
been cleaned and maintained in this area. whether to provide aid to the natural world. "Go into
Each lord has a list of three skills and a DC next the lair of the fomorian Taroxn, recover the chalice of
to their names. The adventurers need 2 successes autumn's regret, and return it to us," says Lord Kaer-
on checks against a lord to win his or her support. A wyn. "Accomplish this task and we shall support the
single failure turns the lord against them. embattled settlements with troops and other aid."
Encounter Level 18 (11,000 XP) Webs: A creature that enters a square of webs is
restrained (save ends).
SETUP Treasure: The chalice of autumn's regret is in the
Taroxn, fomorian painbringer (T) pile of 12,700 gp along with a level 17 magic item.
1 fomorian warrior (F)
1 cyclops battleweaver (C) Blackspawn Gloomweb (B) Level 16 Lurker
1 blackspawn gloomweb (B) Large natural beast (reptile) XP I.400
Initiative 119 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
After the adventurers make a deal with the Court of HP 120; Bloodied 60
Fallen Leaves, they travel into the Feydark to defeat AC 30: Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 20; see also gloom
Taroxn and recover the magic item for the eladrin Resist 15 acid
nobles. In addition, the boons and banes placed upon Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb); see also mobile melee attack
them by the eladrin determine the hindrances or 0 Bite (standard; + Acid
+21 vs. AC; 2d10 + 6 damage. and ongoing S acid damage
advantages they gain in their quest. Read
(save ends).
For two days you have plumbed the depths of the Feydark. Goring Charge (standard; at•will)
Using a map provided by the eladrin, you have avoided the The blackspawn gloomweb makes a charge attack: +21 vs.
Fortitude; 2d8 + 7 damage. the target is knocked prone. and
dangers that lurk in this place. Now you follow the last leg
the blackspawn gloomweb makes a bite attack against the
of the route to Taroxn's lair. The passage ahead leads to a same target.
large cavern. Spectral green light washes out of the cavern, I. Mobile Melee Attack (standard; at-will)
cast by enormous stands of tree-sized mushrooms. The The blackspawn gloomweb can move up to half Its speed
dank, loamy odor reminds you of a fetid swamp. and make one melee basic attack at any point during that
movement. The creature doesn't provoke opportunity attacks
This encounter depends heavily on the outcome when moving away from the target of its attack.
of the skill challenge with the Court of Fallen Leaves. Acidic Web (standard; at-will) + Acid
Refer to the skill challenge for how Twistroot behaves Ranged 10; +20 vs. Reflex; the target takes ongoing 10 acid
toward the adventurers, along with whether to apply damage and is restrained (save ends both).

each eladrin noble's boon or bane. Gloom

If the blackspawn gloomweb does not move on its turn, the

FEATURES OF THE AREA shadows that constantly swirl around its form settle into a
cloudlike mass that grants concealment until the beginning of
Illumination: Dim light. its next turn.
Mushroom Bog: This ground is muddy, and the Alignment Unaligned Languages —
toadstools are enormous. The bog provides cover, is Skills Stealth +20
difficult terrain, and is filled with poison gases. A Str 22 (+14) Dex 24 (+15) Wls 10 (+8)
Con 18 (+12) int 2 (+4) Cha 8 (+7)
character that enters or begins his or her turn here
takes 10 poison damage and is
dazed (save ends).
Mushroom Patches: The
smaller patches provide cover
and are difficult terrain, but they
are not toxic.
Portcullis and Winch: The
portcullis is made of iron. It can
be broken with a DC 25 Strength
check, has AC 5 and Reflex and
Fortitude 3, and 30 hit points. It
takes 2 standard actions to open
the portcullis and 1 minor action
to close it. A creature beneath
the portcullis when it closes is
attacked: +21 vs. Reflex; 5d10
+ 20 damage. and the target is
immobilized (save ends). lithe
attack misses, the creature slides
clear oithe portcullis (1-3 slide
west. 4-6 slide east).
Fomorian Warrior (F) Level 17 Elite Soldier Cyclops Battleweaver (C) Level 17 Skirmisher
Huge fey humanoid (giant) XP 3,200 Large fey humanoid XP 1,600
Initiative +12 Senses Perception 13; truesight 6 Initiative +14 Senses Perception +18; truesight 6
HP 332; Bloodied 166 HP 165; Bloodied 82
AC 34; Fortitude 38. Reflex 30, Will 32 AC 31: Fortitude 30. Reflex 28, Will 29
Saving Throws +2 Speed 8
Speed 8 Glaive (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
Action Points 1 Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 1d10 4 6 damage.
0 Mace (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon Sweeping Glaive (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
Reach 3: 122 vs. AC; 1d12 + 10 damage; see also skuncrocker. Requires glaive; close blast 2: +22 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 damage, and
Evil Eye (minor; at - will) the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.
Ranged 5; +20 vs. Will: the target is immobilized (save ends). 1 Evil Eye (minor; at-will)

The target Is no longer immobilized if the fomorian uses its evil Ranged 20; the target takes a -2 penalty to speed until the end
eye on another creature. of the encounter or until the cyclops battleweaver uses evil eye
Skull crac ker on a different target.
The fornorian warrior deals an extra 2d10 damage on melee Effect Transfer (immediate interrupt, when the cyclops
attacks made against an immobilized creature. battleweaver suffers an effect that a save can end; encounter)
Alignment Evil Languages Elven The effect instead applies to the target of the hattleweaver's
Skills Intimidate +17 evil eye.
Str 30 (+18) Dex 15 (+10) Wls 10 (+8) Alignment Unaligned Languages Oven
Con 22 (+14) int 11 (+8) Cha 18 (+12) Str 23 (+141 Dex 18 (+12) Ms 20 (+13)
Equipment hide armor, mace Con 21 (+131 int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9)

Fomorian Painbringer (T) Level 19 Elite Controller

TACT ICS Huge fey humanoid {giant) XP 4.800
Taroxn relies on her two bodyguards. the formorian Initiative +8 Senses Perception -1-16; truesight 6
warrior and the cyclops battleweaver, to protect her HP 362; Bloodied 181
from harm. Taroxn stands next to the treasure pile AC 35; Fortitude 35, Reflex 29, Will 33

at the southeast end oft he cavern, happily counting Saving Throws +2

Speed 8
her hoard. The cyclops and the foinorian stand at the
Action Points 1
stone pattern, engaged in a game of dice, while the
0 Flail (standard; at•will) 4. Weapon
gloomweb sleeps in its webs. It is a deep sleeper, and Reach 3: +24 vs. AC: 2c16 + 7 damage: see also studied foe.
is difficult to rouse. At the end of Taroxris turn, roll a )1 Evil Eye (minor; at-will)
d20. On a 10 or higher, the gloomweb awakens and Ranged 5; +22 vs. Will: the target takes 3d6 + 5 damage
joins the fight. Roll for its initiative as normal. whenever It damages the fomorian painbringer. if the

Taroxn moves into range only after her guards painbringer uses this power against a new target. the previous
target is no longer affected.
have engaged the PCs in battle. She uses evil eye on
Funnel Pain (standard: at-will)
any character with the ability to harm her, favoring
Ranged 8: +22 vs. Will: 4d6 + 5 damage: see also studied foe.
wizards or other controllers. She tries to keep the <- Painful Visions (minor; encounter)
mushroom bog between her and the PCs. If engaged Close burst 4; +22 vs. Will; the target is dazed (save ends); see
in melee, she gladly accepts opportunity attacks to also studied foe.
move away. confident that her evil eye extracts a high Studied Foe
levy from her foes. The fomorian painbringer gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls
against a creature affected by its evil eye power.
The fomorian warrior is a simple, dimwitted brute.
Alignment Evil Languages Elven
He uses his evil eye on a defender in an attempt to lock
Skills intimidate +19
the character down so that the rest of the monsters can Str 74 (+16) Dex 9 (+8) Wis 14 (+11)
attack softer targets. He remains near the entrance. Con 21 (4.14) int 1 2 (+10) Cha 21 (+14)
The cyclops battleweaver stays between the foino-
rian warrior and Taroxn, serving as a second line of
defense. She uses her reach to strike at PCs engaged DEVELOPMENT
by the fomorian warrior. She uses her evil eye on any Twistroot enters the cavern invisibly. 'flits gnome spy
elves, rogues. or other mobile characters. has one mission, depending on whether or not Lady
Once battle is joined, the gloomweb uses its spider Tarentia told him to aid or hinder the adventurers.
climb ability to scuttle up the cavern's ceiling. From Ifhe is supposed to aid them, he uses an action
there, it uses its acidic web to harass and trap charac- each round to either give an adventurer an immedi-
ters. Once the fomorian warrior or the cyclops fall. it ate saving throw or to sneak over and slip a potion of
climbs down to engage the adventurers in melee. vitality into a wounded adventurer's hand. He has two
Note that Twist root, Tarentia's spy. has followed potions to aid them with.
the adventurers into the cavern. What he does If he is supposed to hinder them, he drops the
depends on how the skill challenge played out. See portcullis so that it divides the party, releasing it after
"Development" for details. one or two PCs have entered the cavern,
Encounter Level 15 (6,400 XP) BROKEN ANVIL CHALLENGE
To convince Baran] Stonefist to ally with the humans
During one return trip to Argent, Obanar asks the
and goblins, the adventurers must appeal to his hurt
adventurers to go on a diplomatic mission to forge
pride and Find a way to make amends for past insults.
an alliance between three nearby settlements: one
The village of Broken Anvil consists of stone
human, one dwarven, and one goblinoid. Read:
buildings and hollowed chambers carved into the
surrounding hillside. Most of the inhabitants of the
An army of giants, a mix of frost and fire, along with
village are dwarfs, but there are also halflings. goli-
elemental allies and various monster slaves and merce-
aths, and a small group of dragonborn living here.
naries, prepares to march upon a place to the west of the
There are two parts to this challenge. Each part
Nentir Vale known as Three Corners: Obanar explains.
requires 4 successes before 3 failures; the first part
"Here, three settlements stand in the path of the giant
provides information and a bonus, while the second
onslaught—a town of humans, a village of dwarves, and a
part determines whether or not the party gains the
tribe of goblins. You must so and forge an alliance between
support of Baram Stonefist and the community of
these three communities, for they shall surely fall if they
Broken Anvi l.
stand alone."
Note that lithe adventurers have already been to
Treeline and exposed the doppelganger, then they
Quest XP: 1,600 (minor quest) For successfully
receive a +2 bonus to checks when they negotiate
getting the three settlements to join forces for the
with Baram Stonefist.
mutual defense of the region.
Level: 17
BEHIND THE SCENES Skills Used: Bluff, Diplomacy, History, Insight,
The three communities that live within close proxim- Intimidate. Religion. Streetwise.
ity of Three Corners don't get along particularly well. Part 1: Gathering Information; Bluff (DC 20).
The mostly human town of Treeline has a long-stand- Diplomacy (DC 20). Insight (DC 25), Intimidate (DC 25),
ing rivalry with the dwarven village of Broken Anvil Streetwise (DC l 3): The adventurers explore Broken
that revolves around trade and fishing upon Silvery Anvil to get information to help them negotiate.
Lake. Both communities, meanwhile, consider them- lithe party succeeds, they are met with acceptance
selves to be at war with the goblins of the Skewered and hospitality. They learn that Broken Anvil has long
Rat tribe led by the hobgoblin warlord called Skruk. had a friendly rivalry with Treeline over trade and
Despite the ever-increasing Frequency of attacks by fishing on Silvery Lake that recently turned hostile.
the giants, none of the communities of Three Corners Sala Brim. leader ofTreeline, turned the annual fish-
believes that a massive army of giants and elemen- ing competition into a bitter experience for Baram
tals is marching across the land. The reactions of the Stonefist, not only beating him in the contest but
leaders of these settlements to the claims made by the insulting him throughout and making him look like a
adventurers range From disbelief to ridicule to anger fool. Proceed to Part 2: Negotiating with Baram.
and aggression. The adventurers can approach the lithe party fails. they are met with silence and
communities in any order. menacing stares. They receive a -4 penalty to their
Skruk and the goblins expect that this is a trick of cheeks in Part 2: Negotiating with Baram.
some sort, and he maintains an attitude of threaten- Part 2: Negotiating with Baram; Bluff (DC 25),
ing hostility throughout any meeting. Diplomacy (DC 20). History (DC 20), Insight (DC 13),
The human leader, Sala Brim, treats the adven- Religion (DC 20): The adventurers appear before
turers as amusing children. She explains away each Baram Stonefist, leader of Broken Anvil, to state their
of their warnings, insisting that nothing unusual is case and convince the dwarf to Form an alliance with
going on. and even if a few giants wander too close the nearby communities before the giants arrive.
to Treeline, her warriors would take care of them. In If the party succeeds, Baram's attitude becomes
truth. Sala Brim is a doppelganger who has replaced one of trust and friendliness. "You make a compelling
the human leader at the behest of the giants she is argument for cooperation," Baram says. "If you con-
allied with. Her goal is to keep the people of Tree- vince either or both of our neighbors to align, you can
line from mustering an effective defense against the count on the support of Broken Anvil."
giants. lithe party fails, Baram becomes angry and sus-
The dwarf leader, Baran.' Stonefist, won't agree to picious of the adventurers. "Who arc you to bring
help until the insult leveled at him by Sala Brim is warnings and falsehoods to my town? Go cry dragon
expunged with a heartfelt apology. somewhere else." he tells them, demanding that they
leave Broken Anvil immed iatelv and never return.
If the party succeeds, they expose Sala as a dop-
TREEL1NE CHALLENGE pelganger. The real Sala was eliminated so that the
To convince the primarily human community of switch could take place. The doppelganger works for
Treeline to join forces with the neighboring settle- Breven Foss, sowing dissent and discord among the
ments of Broken Anvil and the Skewered Rat goblin people of Three Corners. Once Sala is exposed, she
tribe, the adventurers must first discover that Sala attacks and tries to escape. The new leaders of Tree-
Brim has been replaced by a doppelganger. Only then line immediately agree to an alliance.
can they negotiate in any meaningful manner with lithe party fails, Sala demands that the adventur-
Treeline's new leaders. ers leave Treeline immediately and never return.
There are three parts to this challenge. Each part

requires 4 successes before 3 failure. Level 16 Skirmisher
Doppelganger Rogue
Note that if the adventurers have already been Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger1 XP 1.400
to Broken Anvil, they gain a +2 bonus to checks to Initiative 14 Senses Perception .14
expose Sala Brim's true identity. HP 150; Bloodied 75
AC 30; Fortitude 28. Reflex 29, Will 29

Level: 17 Speed 6
0 Longsword (standard; at - will) + Weapon
Skil ls Used: Bluff. Diplomacy, History, Insight,
.21 vs. AC; ldl 0 -h 7 damage.
Intimidate. Nature, Perception, Streetwise.
Shapeshifter Feint (minor; at-will) WNW
+19 vs. Reflex; the doppelganger gains combat advantage
Part 1: Gathering Information; Bluff(DC 20). against the target until the end of the doppelganger's next turn.
Diplomacy (DC 20). Insight (DC 25), Intimidate (DC 25), Combat Advantage
Perception (DC 20); Streetwise (DC I 3): The adventur- The doppelganger sneak deals an extra 3d8 damage against
ers explore Treeline to get information to help them any target it has combat advantage against.
negotiate with the leaders of the community. Change Shape (minor; at-will) ♦ Polymorph
A doppelganger can alter its physical form to take on the
If the party succeeds, they are met with nervous
appearance of any Medium humanoid, including a unique
politeness and aloof hospitality. They learn that the individual (see Change Shape, Monster Manual page 280).
once-popular leader of the community. Sala Brim, has Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Giant
become cold and haughty in recent weeks. She even Skills Bluff -1-17, Insight +14, Stealth +17
insulted and humiliated the leader of the dwarven Str 16 (+11) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 13 (+9)
community of Broken Anvil, which was extremely Con 14 (+10) Int 10 (+8) Cha 18 (+12)
uncharacteristic of her usual outlook and behavior.
lithe party fails, they are met with silence and SKEWERED RAT CHALLENGE
menacing stares. They receive a -2 penalty to their To convince Skruk to agree to the alliance, the adven-
checks in the next part of the challenge. turers must best the leader in a contest of skill and
Part 2: Negotiating with Sala; Bluff (DC 25), physical prowess. They must overcome each of Skruk's
Diplomacy (DC 25), History (DC 20), Insight (DC 13), champions (achieve 2 successes against each) before
Intimidate (DC 20): The adventurers appear before gaining 3 failures in total across the entire challenge.
Sala Brim, leader of Treeline, to state their case and
convince the human to form an alliance with the Level: 17
nearby communities before the giants arrive. Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures)
lithe party succeeds, they gain a +2 bonus to Skills Used: Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, Endur-
checks in the next part of the challenge. ance, Intimidate, Perception, Religion. Stealth,
If the party fails, they gain a -2 penalty to checks Thievery.
in the next part of the challenge.
Succeed or fail, Sala smiles and offers the adven- Chiss, a goblin shaman, engages the PCs in a con-
turers the same response. "1 believe that you believe test of mystic knowledge. Arcana (DC 20), Nature
that we are in terrible danger," Sala Brim says. "I (DC 25), Religion (DC 25) are used in this contest.
see no real evidence of such an alliance of giants.
Brubb, a bugbear, engages the PCs in a contest of
however. I am afraid that you have been deluded by physical superiority. Athletics (DC 25), Endurance
agents who want Treeline to make itself vulnerable to (DC 20), Intimidate (DC 25) are used in this contest.
its real enemies—Broken Anvil and the goblins that Klik, a goblin sneak, engages the PCs in a contest
follow the bandit Skruk." of stealth and dexterity. Acrobatics (DC 20). Percep-
Part 3: Exposing Sala; Insight (DC 20). Intimidate tion (DC 20). Stealth (DC 25), and Thievery (DC 25)
(DC 25). Nature (DC 20). Perception (DC 25), Streetwise are used in this contest.
(DC 20): The adventurers must discover why Sala lithe PCs succeed, Skruk agrees to join the alli-
Brim's attitude has changed so drastically. They can ance. If they fail, Skruk expels the party from goblin
either gather more infbrmation by talking to the territory.
people of Treeline, or they can confront Sala directly.
In this portion of RevenHe O. the Giants, the adven- The village consists of a number of simple huts
turers travel to Flotsam, a small village perched on built from scrap wood and broken stones from the
the shores of the Frozen Sea. Once there, they must ruined fort, along with a number of igloos. Stone jet-
defend the village from an attack by raiding frost ties serve as docks for small boats.
giants and help the villagers weather a particularly Flotsam rests on the stony rim of the Frozen Sea.
bad storm. In so doing, they earn the trust of Kaseem. Tides and eddies off the coast connect with the Sea of
a djinn sea captain who watches over the village and Howling Souls in the Elemental Chaos, as the border
knows how to navigate the Frozen Sea and cross over between the natural world and the Plane Below is
into the Elemental Chaos to reach Frost Spire. very thin in this area. The locals rely on the sea for
food including fish, sea plants, and so forth to provide
GETTING INVOLVED a sustainable diet.

As the adventurers deal with their research quests

and with the threat of the earth giants, they eventu-
The following landmarks can be found in or near the
ally discover that there is an alliance of gia tits. Frost
village of Flotsam.
giants in the alliance sail from their frozen lands to
Bridge: The villagers built this crude, wooden
strike at coastal towns and villages, such as Andor
bridge to connect the two parts of the village sepa-
and Flotsam. Worse, the adventurers learn that the
rated by the Flotsam River. The bridge creaks and
frost giant jarl has undertaken a special mission to
pops ominously when crossed, and the locals know to
a place called Frost Spire. The elemental master.
cross over it one at a time.
Brcven Foss, even confirmed that he was heading
Docks: Flotsam's docks are simply long, stone for-
there to help the jarl. In discussions with Obanar,
mations carved to allow small fishing boats to dock
the last guardian identifies Frost Spire as a location
here. The villagers keep them clear of snow and ice to
in the Elemental Chaos. "I suggest you try to stop the
make loading and unloading as easy as possible.
jarl before he completes his task," Obanar says. "I can
When a boat returns from a fishing trip, the vil-
send you to Flotsam, where you should be able to find
lagers gather at the docks to see what the fishermen
transportation into the Elemental Chaos. Many of
have caught. While most return with fish and other
the pirates oft he Frozen Coast know how to navigate
food, once or twice a year a boat returns with a crea-
between the planes."
ture from the Elemental Chaos.
Huts: The huts are little more than mounds of
THE VILLAGE OF FLOTSAM broken rock and driftwood built with a hollow, cen-
Flotsam, a small village oldesperate treasure hunters tral area accessible by a small tunnel dug through
and fishermen sits along the shore oldie Frozen Sea. the snow. Most ofthem rest atop packed snow and
Battered by vicious storms which can drop over a foot ice. Several of the more-prominent villagers dwell in
of snow on the village in a single day, the place never- well-crafted igloos.
theless tenaciously clings to life. Several times in the Ice Floes: Here and there, chunks of ice float in
past, monsters, a deadly storm, or a similar mishap the water offshore.
have laid waste to the village. Yet, the place survives. River: The Flotsam River, an icy cold waterway,
Flotsam lacks any sort of true leadership or winds from the warmer inland regions to empty into
government, though the inhabitants have come to the Frozen Sea. lee floes regularly appear within the
trust and rely on each other. Justice is harsh, swift. swift-moving river.
and brutal here, with thieves and murderers either Standing Stones: Four 6-foot tall stone pillars
killed by an angry mob or driven from the 'village or stand at the corner of a stone floor scribed with
stripped of their belongings and forced to face the arcane ruins. Snow never piles up here, and the stone
dangers of the Frozen Coast alone. pulses with arcane energy.
Flotsam is built amid the scattered nuns of an Teleportation Circle: The teleportation circle is a
ancient fort. A single. tumbled stone wall marks what low circle of stones of the same make as the wall. It is
was once a defensive position, while four columns of located 200 feet west of the village. A well-used trail
hardened amber surround a large, flat stone embed- through the snow leads from the circle to the village
ded in the ground and covered with arcane runes. of Flotsam.
The stone is a nexus for several types of magic, and Wall: This 40-foot-tall stone wall is ancient and
a skilled caster can tap into it to enhance his or her very unusual. It is utterly smooth and shows no signs
abilities. A nearby teleportation circle links this place of natural wear, though only three small sections of
with distant locales, though few use it today. it remain. Even the rubble lacks signs of cracks and
wear due to the weather.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Most believe that the great treasure houses of Frost


Spire have flooded, and the riches within them are
Kaseem is a djinn, an elemental creature of wind. In
now scattered to the waves. Since the death of the
his humanoid form, he is blue-skinned and goes bare-
frost giant jarl, no living creature has set foot there.
chested. even on the coldest of days. He speaks in a
A ferocious storm circles the island, destroying any
well-mannered voice, always polite and patient. He
never uses contractions, and does his best to calm any ship that dares its waters. When the jarl died, his
disputes. He has lived among the villagers of Flotsam most trusted followers buried him on the island and
wrought a powerful ritual to protect the place from
for a long time, and protects the place as best he can.
thieves. Or at least, that is what the giants believed.
Kaseem owns and sails the Percheron, a small ship
In truth, Frost Spire is the remaining piece of an
crafted from ice and imbued with the magic of storm
and sea. When sailing, Kaseem transforms into a enormous spear hurled by Hord at the dawn of the
war between the gods and the primordials. The spear
vortex of winds. His elemental nature allows him
impaled the primordial Suulkar, lord of oceans and
to guide the ship through any storm, no matter how
water, and nearly killed the powerful creature. When
the divine engine that trapped Piranot It was shat-
tered, a piece of it landed in this desolate location. Jarl
FROZEN SEA AND SEA OF Hargaad sought to recover divine artifacts and other
HOWLING SOULS items that could awaken the primordial and heal its
wounds. The jarl Lined. and Suulkar remains trapped
The Frozen Sea, a cold stretch of ocean that pounds
beneath Frost Spire, caught on the boundary between
along the Frozen Coast, flows near thin cracks in
life and death.
reality that connect the natural world to the Elemen-
tal Chaos. To some that sail this dangerous stretch of
water, the sea simply takes a ship or two every season, THE FROST GIANTS
never to be returned. To others with more experience An expedition of frost giants. led by the fearsome Jarl
and knowledge. the course between the planes pres- Grugnurson, are the first creatures to step foot on
ents an opportunity for profit and adventure. the Spire since Jarl Hargaad's death. The jarl carries
Within the Elemental Chaos floats a SO-mile-wide, with him the talisman of seven winds, a magic item
bowl-shaped storm formation. The rim of the storm capable of controlling the storms around Frost Spire.
forms a 3-mile-wide "beach" that surrounds the He gathered a number of warriors. including a small
water contained within the bowl, the storm tossed contingent of ice archons led by the archon wizard
Sea of Howling Souls. Thick clouds churn above the Zaelex, and headed to the island.
sea in an enormous vortex, an endless hurricane Jarl Grugnurson and his followers came in search
that sweeps the waves with powerful winds and, at of a piece of the divine engine, which is supposed
times, blizzard-like storms. Even at its most peaceful to be hidden within Frost Spire. They also plan to
moments, the storm creates winds that kick up dust release Suulkar, to further incite terror and provide
and snow drifts. At their worst, the winds can pick up an additional ally for Pira [loth when the primordial is
a dragon and cast it into the sea. freed.
The temperature throughout the sea hovers just Grugnurson and a few elite guards traveled into
above freezing. Icebergs float across its waters, while the inner sanctum where Suulkar slumbers several
somewhere in the sea stands an island of rock and ice days ago. They took the talisman of seven winds with
known as the Frost Spire. Legends tell that a mighty them, stranding the rest oldie expedition on the
frost giant lord. Jarl Hargaad, secreted a cache of island. His remaining lieutenants have fallen to
gems, gold, and magical treasures within Frost Spire, infighting.
a great hoard pillaged from dozens of domains within Worse yet, Zaelex and the frost giant smith Hel-
the Astral Sea, cities of the Elemental Chaos, and staff condoned the looting of an ancient Frost giant
settlements in the natural world. The jar! was eventu- burial ground on the island. The restless giant dead
ally slain during a raid on Gruumsh's astral domain. now wander about, killing any giants they encounter.
Few explorers would have any reason to visit this Many of the surviving warriors, gripped by panic at
storm-blasted place. save for the kernel of truth that the apparent sacrilege and the jarl's disappearance,
keeps the legend of Frost Spire alive in the hearts of took to their longships and attempted to escape. Only
the greedy and ambitious. At times. the sea's storm- a few made it past the storm, with the rest sent to the
tossed waves deposit minor treasures and magical bottom of the sea.
items. Goblets fbrged from gold and decorated with As it stands now, the frost giants at Frost Spire are
gems, swords that blaze with the light of the sun, divided, tense. and desperate. The adventurers must
and other treasures are washed into the connected
seas and sometimes caught in the nets of surprised
light their way through them while perhaps turning
the mistrust (and perhaps even the undead giant jarl's
fishermen. wrath) in their favor.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Encounter Level 18 (11,000 XP) 3 Frost Giant Marauders Level 17 Skirmisher
tar e elemental humanoid i.told, 'land XP 1,600 each
Initiative +14 Senses Perception +11
SETUP HP 168; Bloodied 84
3 frost giants AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 26

3 frost giant marauders Resist 15 cold

Speed 8 (ice walk)
I frost giant windkeeper
icy Handaxe (standard: at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Reach 2; 122 vs. AC; 2d8 r 8 cold damage; hit or miss, the frost
Obanar teleports the adventurers to the magic circle giant may shift 2 squares after the attack.
just outside the village of Flotsam. The adventur- ® icy Handaxe (standard; + Cold, Weapon
ers arrive in time to see the sails afrost giant ships Ranged 5110;+22 vs. AC; 2d6 +6 cold damage: hit or miss. the
approaching the shore. Frost giants aboard the ships frost giant may shift 2 squares after the attack.

prepare to leap to the beach at attack as soon as the Hurling Charge (standard; encounter) + Cold, Weapon
Ranged 5/10;4-21 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 8 cold damage; hit or miss,
vessels make landfall.
the frost giant then makes a charge against the target.
Don't place any of the monsters as yet, since the I. Twin Strike (standard: recharge 1 + Cold. Weapon
encounter begins with the frost giants approaching The frost giant makes two icy handaxe attacks; the frost giant
the shore of Flotsam. Read: may shift 2 squares after the first attack.
Icebound Footing
You appear in afrozen waste, with icy cold and relentless When an effect pulls, pushes. or slides a Frost giant. the giant

wind howling all around you. For a brief, merciful moment. moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
the winds pause. Then the moment of silence is shattered
Threatening Reach
by the sound of a great horn. The Frost giant can make opportunity attacks against all
Three kayaks carved from ice glide across the water enemies within its reach (2 squares).
toward the shore and the village that hugs the coast. The Alignment Evil Languages Giant
ships are impossibly large, as are their occupants, frost Skills Athletics +19
mil s 17 (+111
giant warriors clutching great axes that nearly match their Str 21 (03) Dot 19 (+12)
prodigious heights. One of the frost giants, dad in thick Con 24 (+15) int io (+8) Cha 12 (+9)
Equipment hide armor. 4 handaxes
furs, grasps a horn and gives it another blast. As he does so,
the howling winds once again begin to blow.
3 Frost Giants Level 17 Brute Roll for initiative, though the giants do nothing but
Lar:e elemental humanoid (cold, :iant) XP 1.600 each row to shore on the first round of combat. The kayaks
Initiative 111 Senses Perception +13 arrive at the points indicated on the map at the end
HP 201; Bloodied 100; see also dying swipe
of the first round. The kayaks begin directly north of
AC 29; Fortitude 32, Reflex 77, Will 28
Resist 15 cold
their landing points, just off the map. The adventur-
Speed 8 (ice walk) ers enter the map from the west side.
10 Icy Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon The frost giants seek to land their ships at the
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 4d6 -h 7 (crit 8d6 31) cold damage. points marked on the map, disembark, and slaughter
• Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points) everyone in the village. The giants grant no quarter,
The frost giant makes an icy greataxe attack.
nor do they ask for any.
• Chilling Strike (standard; recharge IN; 0+ Cold, Weapon
The giants are organized into three groups, one for
Reach 2; 420 vs. AC: 2d6 7 cold damage, and the target gains
vulnerable 10 cold (save ends).
each kayak. The kayaks are labeled A. B, and C, and
icy Handaxe (standard: at-will) + Cold, Weapon- each group uses different tactics.
Ranged 5/10; r 20 vs. AC; 2d8 7 cold damage. Kayak A: This group includes the windkeeper
Icebound Footing and 1 frost giant. They seek to secure the village's
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant walled area. They massacre anyone they see, then the
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant windkeeper uses his spells to harass any defenders
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
within the village's eastern end. The frost giant stands
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Skills Athletics +19
on the western end of the bridge to block access to the
Str 73 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 20 (+13) windkeeper and protect him from harm.
Con 21 (+13) int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9) Kayak B: This group consists of 1 frost giant and
Equipment hide armor. greataxe. 3 handaxes 2 frost giant marauders. They rampage through the
village's eastern end, kicking over huts and killing
anyone they find in the streets. In their frenzy, they
always attack the nearest enemy.
Frost Giant Windkeeper Level 16 Controller (Leader)
Large elemental humanoid (cold. giantl XP 1,400
Initiative .13 Senses Perception +20 Illumination: Bright light. .dttei

HP 158; Bloodied 79 Bridge: The bridge is in poor repair. If2 or more 15

AC 30; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, WIII 32 size Medium creatures or 1 Large creature stands
Resist 15 cold on it. it immediately collapses. Anyone on the bridge
Speed 8 (ice walk)
when it falls suffers 2d10 damage as it tumbles into 0
(.1) Spear of Storms (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
theicywarblo.Tgntsd iceh
Reach 3:4-21 vs. AC; 2d10 . 5 cold damage. and the target
slides 3 squares.
bridge's poor shape.
* Arctic Vortex (standard; at-will) + Cold Huts: The giants take particular joy in demolish- e4
Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 -5 cold damage, ing the villagers' crude huts. As a minor action once i-
and the target slides 3 squares. per turn, a giant can kick an adjacent but for 1d10
* Driving Blizzard ;standard; reehargeND] ) + Cold damage. If a but takes more than 20 damage total, it LL
Area burst 2 within 20; -F20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 cold damage,
collapses. Anyone inside a collapsing but takes 2d10
and the target is immobilized (save ends). Until the end of the
damage and is immobilized (save ends). The area
encounter, the area becomes difficult terrain for creatures
smaller than I arge size. becomes difficult terrain.
‹. Gale of the North Wind (standard; encounter) + Cold Ice Floes: Here and there, chunks of ice float in
Close blast 5; targets enemies only; +20 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 5 the water.
cold damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked Kayaks: The kayaks are 2 squares wide and 6
prone. Miss: Half damage and push 1 square. squares long, just large enough to hold three frost
+ Drums of the North (standard: at-will) + Fear, Implement
giants each. It costs one extra square of movement to
Close burst 10; targets enemies; -F20 vs. Will; the target is
enter or exit a kayak.
pushed 2 squares and slowed until the end of the frost giant's
next turn. Allies in the burst immediately shift 3 squares. The Standing Stones: A creature standing on the
Frost giant must sheath his longspear to play the drum. stone embedded on the ground can use a minor
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant action to tap into its power. Until the end of its turn,
Skills Arcana +17, Nature +20. Religion +17 it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls with implement
Str 20 (-h13) Des 21 (+13) Wis 24 1+15) powers. For each attack it makes that gains the bonus
Con 22 (+14) lot 19 (+12) Cha 21 (+13)
but misses, the creature suffers 2 damage.
Equipment hide armor. longspear, drum
Wall: The wall is 8 squares tall. Climbing the wall
requires a DC 20 Athletics check.
Kayak C: This kayak transports I frost giant and
I frost giant marauder. They rush along the village's
eastern edge to seize the standing stones. From there,
they use ranged attacks to help the giants from kayak
B finish offthe villager's defenders. They are cannier
fighters despite their battle madness and focus their
attacks on adventurers with ranged and area attacks.
Attacking Huts: Some giants might spend their
turns smashing huts. Ideally, at teast one giant each
round should hack at a hut. Damage three or more
huts to make the next encounter more interesting.

Place 8 villagers in the village streets when the attack
begins. Lacking combat abilities, the villagers try
to hide in their huts. Otherwise, they run from the
giants. They try to run to the west, toward the walls. I lefllll
In their panic they forget the bridge's weakness and 4'71; If
might cause it to collapse. A villager is killed with a
single hit. They have defenses of 15.
Plill I
Encounter Level 16 (7,80 ❑ XP) number of mini-encounters designed to set the stage
for the upcoming voyage and to evoke the feeling of
After the adventurers defeat the frost giants, they chaos, danger. and peril of this region that is so close
meet Kaseem, a djinn windsword who calls Flotsam to the Elemental Chaos.
home. Kaseem insists that they help repair the huts
and prepare for a coming storm. Kaseem refuses to REPAIR DUTY
aid the adventurers until these tasks are completed. Kaseem asks the adventurers to help repair the
Kaseem was once part of a guild of elemental crea- damaged huts and tend to wounded villagers. The
tures who aided Argent and its champions in ages adventurers can repair a but at the direction of the
past. Ile often provided help in the form of wayfar- villagers. This work takes 2 hours per but damaged
ing—navigating paths through the deadliest areas of during the fight with the giants.
the Elemental Chaos when the champions ofArgent The following mini-encounters take place on a
needed to enter the Plane Below. timeline based on how long the adventurers spend
fixing the huts. lithe adventurers finish early, they
DjInn Windsword Level 17 Soldier can avoid some of the encounters.
Large elemental humanoid lair) XP 1.600
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +19: Hindsight 10
HP }62; Bloodied 81
When the adventurers begin work on a hut, one
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 29. Will 29
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 lightning. 15 thunder
character aided by up to two others can attempt a DC
Speed 6, fly 8 (hover) 25 Dungeoneering or Nature check to speed up the
(D Scimitar (standard; at•wIII) + Weapon process. On a success, the characters repair the but
Reach 2: +24 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage (rat 3d8 4- 23), and the in 1 hour. On a failed check, it takes 3 hours to make
target is marked until the end of the djinn windsword's next the repairs.
?T Come to Me (minor 1/round; at-will)
Ranged 5; +22 vs. Fortitude; the djinn windsword pulls the
target 5 squares. Just as the adventurers complete repairs on the first
Wind Vortex (standard; at-will) but (or their second, with good skill checks), a mas-
Ranged 5; +22 vs. Reflex; the target slides 3 squares. sive wave appears on the horizon. The villagers run
4- Whirlwind Dervish (standard; recharges when the djinn for cover. In just under a minute. the tidal wave hits.
windsword is struck by a critical hit) 4- Lightning, Thunder
The tidal wave is minor by the standards of this
Close burst 2; +22 vs. AC: 3d10 + 6 lightning and thunder
region. It is a wall of water barely 10 feet tall once it
Change Shape (minor; at-will) ♦ Polymorph iTM crashes over the shore. Still, it damages to Id4 huts
djinn windsword can alter its physical form to appear as an and each PC who fails a DC 18 Athletics check to run
attractive Medium humanoid of any race or gender (see Monster for cover takes 3d10 + S damage from the wave.
Manual page 280).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Primordial
Skills Bluff +18, Insight +19, Nature +19, Thievery +19
Str 26 (+16) Dex 23 (+14) Wis 23 (+14)
The adventurers soon learn what caused the tidal
Con 18 (+12) Int 19 (+12) Cha 20 (+13) wave. A small chunk of rock fell from the sky, a frag-
Equipment scimitar ment tossed out of the Elemental Chaos from a slaad
colony. Some ofthe slaad survived the impact, wash-
THE MEETING ing ashore to attack the village. Among the invaders
are three gray slaads, two red slaads, and five slaad
Once the frost giants are slain, Kaseem appears
before the adventurers and begs them to help the
The slaads try to sneak ashore and devour a few
people of Flotsam. He arrives just as the battle ends.
villagers and knock over the nearest hut. They simply
While he is greatly impressed by the courage the
want to cause chaos. They attack the adventurers if
adventurers have shown (assuming they fought
the party attempts to defend the village.
against the giants). he expects them to take care of
During the fight, Kaseem uses his powers to aid
the villagers before they depart or otherwise continue
the adventurers. I Ie transforms into a wind vortex and.
their personal quest.
on his turn, can slide one creature 3 squares. Pick
The adventurers must spend a day helping repair
one monster, PC, or villager as the target. Kaseem
the village. During this time, a ferocious wind squall
protects villagers first, pushes a slaad out of a flank
hits Flotsam, and a number of creatures emerge from
second, or moves a PC into a flank or out of danger as
the Frozen Sea to attack. This sequence consists of a
his third choice of action in a round.
3 Gray Slaads (Rift Slaad) Level 13 Skirmisher Slaad Spawn Level 17 Minion Skirmisher
Medium elemental humanoid XP 800 each Small elemental humanoid XP 400 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +7; low light vision Initiative +17 Senses Perception 1.10; low-light vision
HP 128; Bloodied 64; see also planar flux HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 27: Fortitude 25. Reflex 26, Will 24 AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 31 Will 26
Immune chaos phage (see Monster Manual page 239) Speed 5, teleport 3
Speed 6, teleport 4 0 Bite (standard; at-will)
°Claws (standard; at-will) -4 Disease ,22 vs. AC; 13 damage.
+18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 2 damage, and the slaad makes a secondary
attack against the same target. SecondaryAttack: +16 vs.
44Chaotic Siam (standard; at-will)
The slaad spawn jumps a distance up to its speed and then
Fortitude; on a hit, the target contracts chaos phage. attacks an adjacent enemy: l22 vs AC; 12 damage and the


Condition Transfer (immediate interrupt, when hit by an attack target is knocked prone. Miss; The stead spawn explodes and is
that applies any conditions; recharge reduced to 0 hit points. The spawn then makes the following
Ranged 5:+16 vs. Fortitude: conditions applied by the triggering close burst 1 attack: -20 vs Reflex; 9 damage.
attack affect the target instead of the slaad. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages —
•E• Induce Planar instability (standard; encounter) SIT 17 (+11) Dex 24 (+15) Wis 14 (+101
Close burst 3; +16 vs. Will; 1d8 + 2 damage, and the target Con 22 (+14) Int 3 (+4) Cha 7 (+6)
shifts 3 squares and is knocked prone.
Planar Flux (free, when first bloodied; encounter) + Teleportation reason. If the PCs intervene, they can help cairn the
The slaad teleports 8 squares and becomes insubstantial until
villagers and Will Kaseem's respect.
the end of its next turn.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
This is a complexity 1 skill challenge. The PCs
Skills Athletics -13. Stealth +15
need 4 successes before they accrue 3 failures. They
Sir 1S 181 Dex 18 (+10) Wis 12 (-I-7) can use the following skills, but can make only one
Con 16 1 - 9Y int 9 (-1-5) Cha 14 (+8) check each. One PC at a time can aid each skill check.
Diplomacy (DC 19, standard action):The PCs can
2 Red Slaads (Blood Slaad) Level 15 Soldier talk some sense into the two sailors, bringing their
Lar:e elemental humanoid XP 1,200 each tempers under control.
Initiative -13 Senses Perception 1 8: low-light vision Intimidate (DC 19. standard action): lfgent le persua-
HP 146; Bloodied 73 sion doesn't work, threats and reminders that there's
AC 29: Fortitude 28. Reflex 29, Will IS
too much work to do to let a squabble get in the way
immune chaos phage (see Monster Manual page 239)
can also help.
Speed 8, teleport 4
® Bite (standard: at-will) Perception (DC 23, standard action,): The statuette
Reach 2: 121 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage. was buried in a box near the village wall. It was
Claw (standard; at-will) Disease knocked further inland by the tidal wave. With a
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage. and the shad makes a success, a PC finds the splintered box. Success also
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: -i-19 allows the PCs to use Thievery (see below).
vs. Fortitude: on a hit, the target contracts chaos phage.
Nature (DC .16, standard action): By simply pointing
4. Leaping Pounce (standard: recharge )
nut the ferocity of the tidal wave, the PCs can convince
The slaad shifts 4 squares and makes two claw attacks. If either
claw attack hits, the target is marked until the end of the slaad's
the villagers that the item's loss was no one's fault.
next turn. Thievery (DC 16. standard action): Success deter-
Horrid Croak (standard; encounter) Fear mines that the box was battered open. While the lock
Close blast 5; +19 vs. Fortitude; the target is immobilized until is broken, it was not picked or bashed. Rather, it tore
the end of the shad's next turn. apart when the box was splintered by the wave.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Insight (DC 19. standard action): A success indicates
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +16
Str 17 (+10) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 12 (+8)
that neither villager is lying when they claim that
Con 18 (+11) Int 11 (+7) Cha 15 ( they didn't steal the statuette.
Success: The adventurers convince the two villag-
ers to stop fighting. Work continues at a brisk pace,
HOUR 4: THE ARGUMENT and the villagers agree that the wave must have car-
This encounter gives the players a chance to roleplay
ried off their treasure.
a hit with the villagers. As work proceeds, two villag-
Failure: The villagers become bitter enemies. A
ers get into a fight. The adventurers can break up the
noticeable pall settles over the community, and the vil-
fight easily enough. The two people involved are the
lagers work in grudging silence for the rest of the day.
dwarf Mag Maggarg. a one-eyed. old dwarf who has
lost all his teeth, and the human sailor Vandulf: Van-
dulf is bald, wears a thick layer of furs. and is covered WRAPPING UP
in runic tattoos. Award the PCs full XP for defeating the slaad. They
The two argue over what happened to a gold earn 200 XP each and Kaseem gives them a level 18
statuette they recovered From the sea three days ago. magic item as a gift if they succeed at the skill chal-
Kase= tries to calm them, but they refuse to listen to lenge. as well as his piece of the divine engine.
Encounter Level Varies THE PERCHERON
Kaseem's ship is a vessel of wind and water carved
The adventurers now have a chance to talk to Kaseem
from blue ice. Icicles hang from its sides, and a figure-
and explain their situation. After they convince
head of a proud warhorse decorates its prow. Despite
the djinn to help them get to Frost Spire, the rest of
its appearance, the ship is warm to the touch. Its ele-
this encounter takes the Ibrrn of a series of random
mental nature provides some protection against the
encounters as Kaseem's ship braves the perils of the
sea's wrath. While aboard the ship. the adventurers
Frozen Sea and the Sea of Howling Winds as it makes
suffer no ill effects from the weather (unless other-
its way to the Elemental Chaos.
wise noted in the encounters below).
Even under the best of conditions, sailing through
When Kaseem pilots the ship, he transforms into
the rift into the Sea of Howling Souls is a perilous
a whirling vortex of wind that swirls around its mast.
undertaking. Not only do storms churn and toss the
A sail of clouds descends from the mast's top and bil-
sea, but a multitude of strange creatures prowl its
lows outward at Kaseem's command. Unfortunately.
waters. Even with Kaseem's help, the adventurers face
Kaseem must remain in this form to control the ship.
a daunting journey.
During a battle, he leaves the adventurers to fend for
In this portion of the adventure, the characters
themselves. If he did transform back into humanoid
face a harrowing trip aboard the Percheron. You can
form, the fierce waves and howling winds would
present the trip as a simple narration using the ele-
quickly capsize the Percberon.
ments below, or include several battles and hazards
Tent: For the comfort of passengers, Kaseem
as you see fit. Think of this as a chance to let the
erected a yellow and blue stripped tent on the Percher-
adventurers catch up on XP, accumulate some addi-
on's deck. It has enough space inside for six characters
tional treasure, and gather hints of story lines you
to sleep comfortably. In addition, a glowing coal
want to explore beyond this adventure. This section
mounted on an iron frame radiates enough heat to
is an open space for you to include elements of your
hold back the hitter cold.
own design.
Masts: The masts are 4 squares tall. Atop it sits a
small crow's nest. Climbing the mast is relatively easy
(DC 11 Athletics check) due to handholds carved
into the pole. In addition, a character atop the crow's
nest gains a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice
approaching ships or monsters.

It takes three days For Kaseem to bring the adventur-
ers to Frost Spire. Before the first day of travel ends,
the ship passes from the Frozen Sea in the natural
world into the Sea of I fowling Souls within the
Elemental Chaos. The encounters and hazards that
follow can be used to inject some excitement into the
Even iFyou do not use any of the encounters.
remember that the adventurers sail aboard a djinn-
propelled ship of ice and snow upon a roiling sea
contained within a massive, bowl-shaped rock that
floats within the Elemental Chaos. This is journey
across a vista of magic, wonder, and danger. not a
jaunt to the corner shop in a peaceful village. In
addition to the encounter ideas below, there are also
several wondrous sites you can use to inject a sense
of wonder and magic into the session. Use them,
or create your own to impress upon the players the
strange voyage their characters have undertaken.
As a rule of thumb. plan on one encounter. hazard, craft on the water. Yurria and her followers seek to
or vista for each of day of the voyage. At dusk of the ram Kaseem's ship and slay the adventurers.
third day, the adventurers arrive at the Frost Spire. A noted pirate, Yurria is but one of several death
During a fight, the Percheron moves 8 squares per hags who ply the waves of the Elemental Chaos.
round. If a PC is knocked into the water, he or she Whoever strikes the killing blow against her feels
must make a DC 20 Athletics check to swim. Kaseem a deathly chill run down his or her spine. Yurria's
has perfect control over the Percheron allowing him to two sisters. Derona and Willina, place a curse upon


turn back and retrieve a PC as needed. A character that character. Each night. he or she is plagued with
who begins his turn in the sea suffers 5 cold damage. nightmares about the two bags, who appear to swear
vengeance. It is up to you to decide what form this
DEATH FROM ABOVE revenge takes, but assume that both ofYurria's sisters
Level 13 Encounter (4,000 XP) have access to ships. construct servants, and undead
minions. They can follow and attack the adventurers
2 rocs (Monster Manual, page 220) anywhere.
These two massive birds of prey have been drawn to
the howling storms above rift between the planes. HAZARDS AND VISTAS
They love to glide on the strong winds. They spot the A number of natural dangers can threaten the adven-
Percheron from high above and attempt to swoop turers throughout the voyage. Some can leave them
down and devour its passengers. in worse shape, while others are merely bizarre sights
The rocs glide silently down upon the ship. Any upon these strange and distant seas.
adventurers on watch must make DC 24 Perception Howling Souls: With a sudden gust of wind, a
checks to avoid being surprised as the birds streak swarm of'howling souls washes over the ship. The
out of the clouds and attack. souls, dragged along by the relentless winds, shriek
During the fight, the rocs try to drop adventurers in agony. These are the souls of those who have died
into the water using claw snatch. See above for swim- upon this planar sea, trapped forever among the
ming on the sea. raging winds. Perhaps the adventurers recognize old
foes. allies, or even souls that duplicate their appear-
THE SEEKERS ance, among the swarm. Viewing your own image in
Level 15 Encounter (6,200 XP) such a swarm is an ill omen. The next time the adven-
turer uses an action point to take an extra action, he
2 kuo-toa marauders (Monster Manual. page 172) or she suffers a -2 penalty to any attacks or checks
2 kuo-toa harpooners (Monster Manual. page 172) made as part of that action.
1 kuo-toa monitor (Monster Manual. page 172) Tidal Wave: A huge wave of water, carrying with
1 kuo-toa whip (Monster Manual. page 173) it chunks of ice that dwarf the Percheron, threatens
to swamp the ship. As the wave approaches, Kaseem
A small band of kuo-toa are on a quest at the bid- takes action to reduce the shock to the ship. When
ding of Ghool'aTath, a powerful aboleth. They seek the tidal wave hits. the Percheron is almost turned
treasure on the Sea of Howling Souls. Unlike other on its side. Each adventurer must make a DC 23
kuo-toa, their scales are light blue with white streaks. Acrobatics check or lose a healing surge as they are
a sign of the strange ritual the aboleth used to ward slammed to and fro by the crashing wave and the
them against the cold (a DC 18 Arcana check reveals smashing chunks of ice.
this information). Vortex: The Percheron sails into a fog bank. After
The kuo-toa attempt to sneak up on the ship.
an hour in the gloom, Kaseem brings the ship to a
swimming beside it before climbing over the sides sudden halt. He whispers to the adventurers that
to attack the adventurers. Their leader, the whip they must keep absolutely quiet. When all is quiet,
Boolsya, carries a coral dagger. This item is useless the adventurers hear the sound of rushing water. The
in combat, but it might play into Ghool'a'fath's plans. fog breaks, revealing a whirlpool forming in the sea
Perhaps it is the item the kuo-toa sought. ahead of them. On the opposite side of the whirlpool,
an iceberg looms. Dozens of ogres swarm over the
THE SHIP OF BONES surface of the iceberg as it slides into the whirlpool,
Level 16 Encounter (7,800 XP) pulled in by dozens of massive black tentacles that
3 abyssal ghouls (Monster Manual, page 118) erupt from the whirlpool's center. The adventurers
1 death hag (Monster Manual. page 151) hear an inhuman shriek and the screams of the ogres
1 battle guardian (Monster Manual. page 149) as the iceberg disappears beneath the waves and the
whirlpool slowly dissipates.
The death hag Yurria sails the Sea of Howling Souls
aboard a small ship crafted from bones. Four long,
skeletal limbs that end in bony flippers guide the
The Frost Spire is a jagged crag of ice that rises from ascend to the top of the steps, give them descriptions
the waters of the Sea of Howling Souls. Slicer cliffs of Location 4, both instances of Location 2. the Dead
ring the Spire's outer edges. They rise nearly 500 feet Plateau, the Plains of Ice, the Howling Valley. and the
above the water. A single hollow carved at the base of Ice Hollow.
the Spire's north edge allows access into a sea cave.
From there, the adventurers can ascend stairs to the HOWLING VALLEY
Spire's interior. These two narrow valleys feature winds that are
The Spire's interior consists of a plain of ice and even more punishing and relentless than the typical
snow. The cliffs rise 100 feet above it. creating a valley gales that roll over the rest of the island. While in the
of sorts. Rolling hills of ice, interspersed with broad Howling Valley. characters suffer a -5 penalty on Per-
plains and mountainous ice formations, dominate the ception checks and a -2 penalty on Endurance checks.
Spire's interior. A black cloud hovers over the Spire, The spirits of dead frost giant warriors linger in this
dropping a steady fall of snow upon it. Only the cruel place. Each hour, roll a d20. On a 16 or higher. the
winds from the Sea of Howling Souls prevent the Spire spirits appear before the PCs and levy upon them a
from being buried under hundreds of feet of snow. task. See "The Restless Dead" on page 103 for details.
This portion of the adventure combines survival
and exploration. As the adventurers arrive on Frost ICE BRIDGE
Spire Island. Kaseem's ship suffers serious damage. A broad arc of ice extends from the island's mainland
Stranded on the island, the party must deal with the to a smaller, adjacent spire, the Island ofTombs. The ice
punishing elements, frost giant warriors, ice archons, here is treacherous. If a character stands near the edge,
wandering undead giants. and eventually the might the winds make a +15 attack against Fortitude, sliding
ofJarl Grugnurson and Suulkar itself. the off the bridge to his or her death. A saving throw
allows the character to catch the edge before falling.
The Frost Spire Island map includes two types of tags. A steep slope drops downward here, funneling into
Named areas, such as the Ice Bridge, describe general a rift-like depression on the island. The ice Hollow is
regions of the island. Refer to these entries for general about 200 feet deep at its lowest point. A thick mist
descriptions and hazards of the island. swirls in its lower depths, where it is warmer and less
The numbered entries refer to encounter areas exposed to the constant wind. The adventurers can
further detailed later in this section. take extended rests here and need not make Endur-
ance checks while traveling.
DEAD PLATEAU Unfortunately for the adventurers, the ice here is
This broad, flat, elevated plain is the uppermost melting because of Suulkar's gradual reawakening.
edge of a rock spire. The scouring winds blow snow There is a chance (16 or higher on a d20 roll, check
and ice off this place, depositing it into the Plains of once per hour) that the adventurers find the wreck-
Ice below. age of a frost giant camp that tumbled into the hollow
Anyone who carefully inspects the bare rock can as the ice melted.
notice (with a DC 23 Perception check) what looks If the adventurers take an extended rest here, they
like a faint pattern of lines and symbols that seem experience awful dreams of the Sea of Howling Souls
to undulate across the rock. With a DC 23 Arcana rising above its levels to drown all of the Elemental
check, the character learns that the entire plateau Chaos. After this dream, the adventurers suffer a -2
is, in fact, the broken shaft of a spear used to pin penalty to Will defense until they complete their next
Suulkar to the bottom of the Sea of Howling Souls. extended rest.
Travelers on the Dead Plateau stand atop the shaft.
Monsters are rare here, giving a -2 modifier to the ISLAND OF TOMBS
wandering monster roll. but characters also suffer a When the frost giants dwelled here. they carved tombs
-2 penalty to Endurance checks in this region. As the for their dead from the ice, interred the bodies. and
bare rock attests, the winds are stronger here. replaced the ice to freeze the corpses in place. Slain
giants. clad in mail and bearing weapons, are visible
within the ice. Excavating one the slain giants takes
weeks. The items buried with them are worthless old
A series of 50-foot-tall cliffs (DC 18 Athletics check to
armor and weapons. The giants, as befits a group of
climb) rise above this area, giving characters a clear
view of the regions to the west. If the adventurers evil marauders, find too much utility in magical gear
to bury it with those weak enough to die on a raid.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Speed Per Hour
There are two bodies of water on the island. Both of
5 1 mile
them are extremely salty, making the water undrink-
6 1.5 miles
able. The water in both is absolutely clear, giving an
7 2 miles
unblemished view of the ice that forms the lake's
bottom. The water is choppy due to the winds that
scour the island (DC 18 Athletics check to swim in In addition, the characters must make Endurance
these waters). checks every four hours that they are on the island
While on the shore of the lake, wandering monster and exposed to the elements. The characters don't
checks receive a +2 bonus. There are no wandering need to make these checks if they are in a cave or
monsters on the lake itself. some other shelter.
Crossing a lake might prove difficult. The adven- If the characters move at half speed while travel-
ling, they gain a +1 bonus to this check for each of the
turers can attempt to build a raft from a chunk of
carved ice. Building a raft requires a DC 23 Dun- four hours they move at this reduced speed.
The characters can also choose to move faster. If
geoneering or Nature check, and two DC 18 Athletics
checks. These checks represent two hours of work, they increase their per hour speed by 1 mile, they
and up to two characters can aid in each skill check. suffer a -2 penalty to their Endurance checks for each
lithe PCs fail one check, the raft is still sea worthy. if hour they move at this pace.
they fail two checks, the raft is obviously flawed and
they must start over. If they fail two checks and miss
Check Result Effect
at least one check by 10 or more, the raft appears
10 or less Lose 1 healing surge, gain vulnerable
usable but breaks apart 2d10 minutes into the voyage.
10 cold
11 - 20 Lose 1 healing surge, gain vulnerable
PEAKS 5 cold
The peaks that ring the island rise over 400 feet. 21 - 25 Lose 1 healing surge
Climbing the peaks is no easy task (DC 25 Athletics 26+ No effect
check). Here and there, shelves of ice allow climbers
to take a break from the ascent. There are no random The supernatural winds and intense cold of the
encounters here. Anyone who manages to ascend island saps a character's strength and also leaves him
the peaks can take little solace in their triumph. The or her more vulnerable to future cold attacks. Heal-
other side drops almost straight down to the raging ing surges return as normal after an extended rest,
Sea of I cowling Souls below. and any vulnerabilities gained disappear after an
extended rest. A character can lose multiple surges
PLAINS OF ICE to multiple checks. If a character acquires multiple
This region is a flat plain of bare ice. Snow drifts pile vulnerability results, only the highest vulnerability
up here and there, like frozen dunes upon a desert. applies.
Monsters are common upon the Plains of Ice;
add +2 to rolls to check for wandering monsters. WANDERING MONSTERS
A number of ferocious creatures prowl the island.
TRAVEL ON THE ISLAND Every two hours that the adventurers spend wander-
Frost Spire Island is, like much of the plane of Ele- ing the island's wastes, roll a d20 with modifiers for
mental Chaos, an unforgiving environment. Winds the current region, as appropriate. On a result of 19
howl across the island and blizzards are a common or 20. the adventurers encounter a group of wander-
occurrence. The players should feel that the island is ing monsters.
a dangerous place, with the simple dangers of cold, Before the encounter begins, roll 1d6 to determine
wind. and snow as deadly as the frost giant warriors the group of monsters the adventurers meet. Once
that stalk the land. the adventurers defeat a band of wandering monsters,
The adventurers can travel across the island eliminate it from this list. Reroll lithe die indicates a
based on the speed of the slowest character in the group that has already been defeated. There are three
group. The distance traveled per hour is slower than groups of frost giants, two groups of undead, and one
normal, due to the icy terrain, deep snow, and terrible dragon on the island.
weather. The monsters appear within 2d10 + 10 squares of
the adventurers. Check for surprise as normal, with
both the adventurers and monsters comparing their
passive Perception scores to the opposing group's
lowest Stealth check.

CHAPTER 2 Adventure Encounters



Level 15 Encounter (6,600 XP) Three major NPCs on the island are detailed below.
Use the following descriptions to guide how you run
1 frost giant (page 22) the adventure if the players attempt to negotiate or
2 frost giant hunters (page 22) form some sort of alliance.
1 frost giant marauder (page 23)
1 warthorn battlebriar (Monster Manual, page 28) GORRICK (ENCOUNTER F7 PAGE 110)
As the spiritual leader of the frost giant expedition,
This group of frost giants, along with a warthorn hat- Gorrick is enraged that the giants have plundered the
tlebriar formed from a combination of jagged ice and tombs of their ancestors at the behest alit mere ice
thorny shrubs, attempts to ambush the party, using archon. Garrick offers to ally with the adventurers
the battlebriar as a decoy. Once the party attacks under one condition—they must kill the smith Hel-
the battlebriar, the giants leap from nearby cover to staff and the wizard Zaelex and cast their bodies into
attack. the tomb afar] Hargaad. He tells them to push aside
the snow blocking entrance to the tomb and leave
4-5: THE WALKING DEAD the bodies at the base of the stairs. Gorrick expects
Level 15 Encounter (6,400 XP) Ilargaad to attack and kill them. lithe characters
defeat the undead jarl, Garrick acknowledges their
2 frost giant boneclaws (Monster Manual, page 37) power and helps them crab the key to the inner sanc-
1 frost giant sword wraith (Monster Manual. tum. He remains on the island, tending to the looted
page 267) graves. He sees defeat as the price of their sacrilege.
2 frost giant abyssal ghouls (Monster Manual,
page 118) jARL HARGAAD
The frost giants, in their boredom and greed, have The undead frost giant jarl is enraged that his descen-
taken to looting their buried ancestors on the Island dents would so casually loot the tombs and burial
of Tombs. Some of the dead frost giants now walk mounds of their ancestors. If the adventurers enter
the Frost Spire, seeking vengeance. The adventurers the tomb without triggering the pit trap, he speaks
stumble across a number of freshly slain giants before with them. In a grating. rasping voice, he offers to
the undead attack. These creatures fight to the death. give them the treasure from Encounter 1■ 8 iftthey
Note that these are size Large versions of the mon- bring him the severed heads of Helsta ft, Gorrick, and
sters presented in the Monster Manual, with 1d6 cold Zaelex. He also demands that the adventurers recover
damage added to any attacks they make. the ancestral urns From Locations 1, 3, and 7 and
bury them on the Island olTombs. If the adventurers
6: THE WYRM return to the tomb without fulfilling these conditions.
Level 17 Encounter (8,000 XP) Hargaad and his coterie of undead attack them and
fight to the death.
1 elder white dragon (Monster Manual, page 85)
The white dragon Ketherek prowls the skies above This scheming ice archon spellcaster joined the jarl's
the island, eager to determine why so many frost expedition in hopes of increasing his power and pres-
giants have congregated here. The dragon has picked tige. I Iis loyalty to Grugnurson or lack thereof makes
off a few isolated giants and is eager to figure out him the weakest of the jarrs three lieutenants. If the
some way that it can use the situation to its trea- adventurers approach his tower in peace. Zaelex's
sure hoard. The dragon soars over the adventurers, minions escort them to an audience with the wizard
watching them from a distance. Vain, greedy. and on the second floor of the structure.
scheming. Ketherek is open to sparing the adventur- Zaelex wants to see the frost giants eliminated so
ers if they promise a sizable treasure. Otherwise. that he can escape the island. Ile offers to create the
the dragon attacks and fights until bloodied. At that key to the inner sanctum if the adventurers kill Hel-
point, it flees the island. never to return. Ketherek staff and Gorrick and turn over the forged frost fire
does not care for trickery, and if double-crossed and a shard of elemental ice to him. In truth, he plans
it attacks the adventurers at the most opportune to lure the PCs into his tower and kill them after they
moment. have done the work of destroying the giants.
Zaelex saw Breven Foss arrive recently, using
magic more powerftil than any the archon can wield.
The elemental master went in search of Grugnurson
and has yet to return

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

The action on Frost Spire Island is a mix of freeform his sway. They are now his servants, dedicated to
exploration, careful negotiations, roleplaying, puzzle restoring him to life, and all thoughts of alliance have
solving, and a race against time. Here's what the been cast away.
adventurers face: Meanwhile, Zaelex, Gorrick, and Helstaff have
♦ The adventurers need to explore the island and turned against one another. Each is convinced that
learn of its inhabitants and the current situations. the others have allied with Grugnurson to cut them
out of the power and treasure. As the jarl remains
♦ They must gain access to the inner sanctum. In
missing. tension between the others simmers to a
order to accomplish this. they need to retrieve the
breaking point. To win the loyalty of the frost giant
Tome of the Frozen Gate from Zaelex. a shard of pure
warriors, Zaelex and I Ielstaff gave them permission
elemental ice from Gorrick, and the forged frost
to loot the burial mounds on the Island of Tombs. The
fire from Helstaff.
looting has awakened undead creatures, and many of
+ In the inner sanctum, they must defeat Jarl the giants fled this place rather than face the wrath of
Grugnurson, battle the primordial Suulkar, and their long-dead ancestors.
claim the talisman of seven winds so that they can The adventurers step into a scene of chaos. Many
escape this place and continue the fight against of the frost giants. without the stern leadership of Jarl
the giants. Grugnurson to guide them, have revolted. A number
It's likely that this section follows this general pat- of them fled the island. leaving the rest stranded. The
tern: The adventurers explore the island, learn about constant storm is no easier for the giants to navigate
the situation by fighting or interacting with its inhab- than it is for Kaseem. The giants and their archon
itants, ally with one of the villains, destroy the others, allies have waited for over a week for some sign of the
enter the inner sanctum, defeat the jarl and his jarl. Thus far. they have seen and heard nothing from
minions, battle Suulkar, and either seal the deal with the missing frost giant jarl.
their allies, betray them, or get betrayed by them.
EXPLORING THE ISLAND The adventurers must find entrance to Suulkar's
The tunnel through the ice leads to Location I inner sanctum via the Gate of Ice. Opening the gate
(Encounter F4: The Frozen Beach on page 104). is no easy task. The adventurers must forge a key
the place that the frost giants landed when they of pure elemental ice. Luckily, the frost giants have
arrived on the island. This portion of the adventure all the tools needed to complete this task. Unluck-
is somewhat freeform, as the adventurers must ily, the components needed to create the key lie
range across the island in search of the inner sanc- in the clutches of the three rivals who await Jarl
tum of Suulkar. However, while the adventurers Grugnurson's return: the wizard Zaelex, the shaman
have latitude in where they can travel and the plans Gorrick. and the smith Helstaff.
they attempt to set into motion, the frost giant Jarl Zaelex holds a book. the Tome of the Frozen Gate, that
Grugnurson and his allies are by no means com- describes how to craft the key. Gorrick tends to several
placent. Grugnurson works to free the primordial pillars of pure, elemental ice that must be harvested
Suulkar. Grugnurson used his nominal allies, the ice For the components needed to create the key. The
archon wizard Zaelex, the ice shaman Gorrick, and smith Helstaff tends to the forged frost fire, a "flame"
the smith Helstaff, to gain access to Suulkar's inner of pure cold needed to shape the elemental ice.
sanctum. Originally, these villains planned to share None of these three villains trusts the other.
in the power that Suulkar granted to them, but it is Grugnurson intentionally entrusted them with one
now clear that Grugnurson wants it all for himself. part of the process needed to create the key, believ-
ing that such a show of trust would win each's loyalty
THE FEUD while creating a careful balance between them. With
Grugnurson and his allies assumed that the primor- his apparent disappearance, Grugnurson's carefully
dial Suulkar was dead, and that the inner sanctum arranged web of alliances has cracked and shattered.
held Jarl Hargaad's treasure trove. In truth, Suulkar The adventurers step into this situation as a wild
lingers in a state just short of death. as do many of the card. Their presence is an unexpected complication,
trapped pritnordials. Grugnurson saw an opportunity and they have the option to work for or against any
to gain far greater power than a simple pile of coins, or all of the three villains. In the end, they need to
a few magic items, and a piece of the divine engine. figure out what the frost giants are up to, recover the
He and his inner circle of confederates attempted to piece of the divine engine before the jarl docs, and
restore the primordial to life, but instead came under stop the frost giants from releasing the lesser but still
dangerous primordial Suulkar from its prison.
CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters
The adventurers have a chance to acquire a few
quests while on the island. The first quests are part of As the adventurers approach the Frost Spire aboard
the adventure. Ones marked optional come Into play Percheron. read the following:
based on the choices the player characters make.
Ahead looms what might be the most threatening storm
ESCAPE THE ISLAND you have ever seen. Jet black clouds filled with flashes of z
The adventurers must recover the talisman of seven lighting that illuminate the blizzard raging beneath it
winds to escape the island. Kaseem can use the magic stretches across the horizon. Directly beneath the storm, a
item to shield the Percheron from the winds that massive spire of ice towers over the churning sea.
surround Frost Spire Island, thereby allowing the A massive gust of wind slams into the Percheron. For
damaged vessel to make the return trip safely. the first time on your journey. you hear Kaseem grunt with
The magic item can also be used to form a calm area effort as the ship turns against the wind.
around the adventurers, allowing them to make use
oftheir Argent Portal ritual to leave the plane. ilthey The voyage through the storm is a nightmare of wind,
want to use that method to escape from Frost Spire. waves. lightning, and snow. Time and again. mas-
There are two talismans available to recover: one sive sea swells hammer the Perrheron, but each time
possessed by Jail Grugnurson and one possessed by Kaseem manages to keep the ship afloat. After what
Breven Foss. seems like an eternity, Kaseem finally spots a hollow
Once the adventurers use a talisman to escape on the Spire's northern face and guides the Percheron
from Frost Spire, the item loses its magic and Frost toward it. The hollow leads to a long, broad tunnel cut
Spire once again becomes inaccessible. through the ice. It ends at Location 1, Encounter F4:
Quest XP: 1,000 xp (minor quest). The Frozen Beach on page 104. As the Percheron
enters the hollow. read:
If the adventurers gather the Tome of the Frozen Gate Without warning, a lightning bolt arcs from the clouds to
from Zaelex, a shard of pure elemental ice from Gor- strike the spire above you. A huge chunk of ice, one three
rick, and the forge frost fire from Helstaff. they can times the size of your ship, drops toward you. With a wild
craft the key needed to open the inner sanctum. howl, Kaseem conjures a mighty blast of wind to push the
Quest XP: 1.000 xp (minor quest). Percheron to safety. The chunk of ice slams into the water,
sending the ship careening into the frozen shore with an
ear-splitting crack. Kaseem unleashes a stream of oaths but
DEFEAT SUULKAR manages to bring the ship safely ashore.
lad Grugnurson and his allies have partially freed
the primordial Suulkar and haven fallen under the
power entity's sway. The adventurers need to break STRANDED!
the hold of Suulkar and make sure that the primor- Despite Kaseem's efforts, the Percheron is badly
dial remains in its prison on Frost Spire Island. damaged. Kaseem explains that the materials he
Quest XP: 6.000 xp (major quest). needs to make repairs are hack in his but at Flotsam.
"There's magic involved," he says. "and I can't just
THE RESTLESS DEAD (OPTIONAL) carve another ship out of the ice and start sailing."
As the adventurers explore the Howling Valley, there The Percheron. in its current shape, won't survive a
is a chance that the ghosts of several frost giants return trip through the raging storm that surrounds
appear before them. The ghosts levy a geas upon the Spire.
the adventurers, demanding that they recover the Kaseem returns to humanoid Form to inspect the
ancestral urns found in Locations 1, 3, and 7 and damage. He refuses to leave the ship, as he worries
bury them in the ice on the Island of Tombs. "Do not it could be stolen or receive additional damage. He
open the urns." the ghosts warn. lithe adventurers owes the adventurers the voyage to and from Frost
accomplish this task, they complete the quest. lithe Spire Island, and nothing more. As a being of air
adventurers leave Frost Spire without completing this and wind he can. if needed. simply abandon his ship
quest. they suffer a -2 penalty on all saving throws for (though it would pain him to do so) and return to
one week. Flotsam without it.
Alternatively. Jarl Hargaad can give the adventur- "I don't want to leave my ship or you stranded
ers this quest if they speak with him when they meet here, but there may not be much more that I can do,"
him instead of leaping right in to attack. he says. "lithe giants sailed here, they must have
Quest XP: 1.000 xp (minor quest). some sort of magic to get them through the storm.
Maybe that would help us as well."
Go on to Encounter F4: The Frozen Beach.

CHAPTER 2j Adventure Encounters

Encounter Level 15 (6,600 XP) 2 Frost Giants (F) Level 17 Brute
Lar•e elemental humanoid (cold. •lent) XP 1.600 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13
SETUP HP 201; Bloodied 100; see also dying swipe
2 frost giants (F) AC 29; Fortitude 32. Reflex 27, Will 28
Resist 15 cold
1 frost giant windkeeper (W)
Speed 8 (Ice walk)
1 winterclaw owlbear (0) 0 Icy Greataxe (standard: at-will) ♦ Cold, Weapon
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 4d6 A 7 (crit 8d6 + 31) cold damage.
This encounter takes place in Location 1 on t lie Frost 4. Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points)
Spire Island map (see page 99). The frost giant makes an icy greataxe attack.
The frozen beach is the only point on Frost Spire 4. Chilling Strike (standard; recharge ♦ Cold, Weapon
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 cold damage, and the target gains
Island where Kaseem can dock his ship. After the
vulnerable 10 cold (save ends).
ship emerges from the storm and crashes into the
Icy Handaxe (standard: at-will) + Cold, Weapon
beach, the adventurers must follow a long, winding Ranged 5/10; A-20 vs. AC; 7d8 + 7 cold damage.
set of stairs to reach the island's interior. Icebound Footing
After the ship reaches the shore of the frozen When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant
beach, read the following: moves 2 squares less than the effect specffies. Also, a frost giant
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
The ship has come to rest inside a large cave carved into the
Skills Athletics +19
ice, ust above the water level. Ropes. crates, and barrels are
Str 23 (+14) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 20 (413)
piled upon the frozen shore. In the back of the cave, a set of Con 21 (+13) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9)
steps carved into the ice head upward to a platform before Equipment hide armor, greataxe. 3 handaxes
ascending further upward and inward toward the interior
of the island. Frost Giant Level 16 Controller (Leader)
A number of slain frost giants have been piled atop a Windkeeper (1111)
Large elemental humanoid (cold, !iant) XP 1,400
rise of ice, their corpses covered in hideous wounds.
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +20
HP 158; Bloodied 79
A small group of frost giants. along with their pet owl- AC 30; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30. Will 32
hear, lurk here. The giants wish to seize any incoming Resist 15 cold
ships so that they can try to escape the island. The Speed 8 (Ice walk)
frost giants have taken to fighting among themselves ® Spear of Storms (standard; at-will) +Cold, Weapon
due to the vacuum created by the missing jar). The Reach 3; +21 vs. AC; 7d10 + 5 cold damage. and the target

corpses belong to the giants that fell in prior battles slides 3 squares.
Arctic Vortex (standard; at-will) + Cold
upon this frozen beach.
Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 +5 cold damage,
As the adventurers begin to explore the beach, and the target slides 3 squares.
compare their passive Perception scores against -3:- Driving Blizzard (standard; rechargeN )1 , Cold
the Stealth check results of the lurking giants and Area burst 2 within 20; +2 ❑ vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 cold damage,
owlbear. and the target is immobilized (save ends), Until the end of the
encounter, the area becomes difficult terrain For creatures
smaller than Large size.
Stealth Checks
<• Gale of the North Wind (standard; encounter) + Cold
Frost giants, Stealth result 21
Close blast 5; targets enemies only; +20 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + S
Winterclaw owlbear. Stealth result 29 cold damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked
Frost giant windkeeper, Stealth result 23 prone. Miss: Half damage and push 1 square.
Drums of the North (standard; at-will)+ Fear, Implement
Any player character with a passive Perception score Close burst 10; targets enemies: -i-20 vs. Will; the target is
that is equal to or greater than one of the hiding pushed 2 squares and slowed until the end of the frost giant's
next turn. Allies In the burst immediately shift 3 squares. The
giants or the owlhear immediately notices the crea-
frost giant must sheath his iongspear to play the drum.
ture skulking atop the rise price above them. When
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
this occurs, place the noticed monsters on the map. Skills Arcane +17. Nature +20. Religion +17
Note that the windkeeper and one frost giant lay Str 20 (+13) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 24 (+15)
prone on the eastern rise, watching the approaching Con 22 (+14) Int 19 (+12) Cha 21 (+13)
adventurers. The second Frost giant and the owlbear Equipment hide armor, longspear. drum
hide behind the pile of frost giant corpses.
Winterdaw Owlbear (0) Level 14 Elite Controller Rise: The rise dice to the east and west create
Huge fey beast XP 2.000 areas of higher ground in this cave. The rise forms a
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +15; low-light vision sheer wall of ice that is 15 feet high. A DC 25 Atli- 41
HP 280; Bloodied 140; see also frost wall
letics check is required to climb the wall to the rise co
AC 28; Fortitude 28. Reflex 23, WM 24
above. LI
Saving Throws +2
Speed 7 lice walk) Shelf: The area at the top of the stairs is open to
Action Points 1 the cave below. Just to the east is another set of stairs 0
iQ Winterclaw (standard; at•will) + Cold leading up to the Frost Spire's interior. LA.
Reach 3: +18 vs. AC: 1d8 + 7 damage plus 1d8 cold damage. Stairs: The stairs form a gentle slope for giants.
and the target is slowed (save ends). but represent an arduous climb for smaller creatures.
f. Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Cold Large and bigger creatures treat the stairs as normal H.,
The winterclaw owlbear makes two winterclaw attacks. If both
terrain. Creatures smaller than Large treat them as rj.
claws hit the same target. the target is immobilized (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends). ccdifculteran,bohwgiupandow.
Frost Wail (standard; recharges when first bloodied) + Cold Treasure: The frost giants here have gathered a
Close burst 3; +16 vs. Fortitude; 1 d1 0 + 5 cold damage. and the pile of treasure from their dead compatriots. They
target Is immobilized (save ends). have a total of 22,000 gp in gems between them.
Alignment Unaligned Languages — In addition, the windkeeper carries a 2-foot tall,
Str 24 (+14) ❑ ex 14 (+9) Wis 16 1+10)
bronze urn. This is one of the urns that the ghosts
Con 20 (+12) Int 2 (+3) Cha 12 (+8)
want the adventurers to find and bury, as described w
under "The Restless Dead" on page 103. The urn is
TACTICS sealed with wax and contains several bone fragments
The frost giants plan to ambush the adventurers and from an ancient frost giant_lfthe adventurers open
take their ship. Due to the sudden and violent nature the urn, they desecrate the remains. They sufier a -2
of their approach. the giants are ready for the adven- penalty to all defenses for the entire encounter the
turers when they reach the frozen beach. next time they fight undead frost giants on the island.
The windkeeper remains in the upper part ofthe
cave, atop the rise of ice by the carved stairs. The frost
giant that lurks nearby attempts to remain hidden.
Once the adventurers disembark from the ship and one square = 5 feet

set foot on the frozen beach, he rushes out to attack.

The owlbear roosts behind the pile of frost giant
corpses. Once the adventurers come ashore, it also
rises up to attack.
The final frost giant hangs back, using the corpses I, x47, ail
for cover. He uses its icy handaxe attack when any of
the adventurers wanders close. If either the owlbear 21

' 1111•••••••••
or the first frost giant fall, he leaps out from behind mmo immormumm
simmunt .issmoimanamm
cover to attack. mammius iimmompir
Desperate to escape the island and tired of the 11111111111111101111111L 1•11101111
constant wind, these frost giants are ready to leave. 11111111.0.118
They fight to the death in order to take control ofthe u itti ■■■ • lllilfll
Percheran. MUM NM
Illumination: Dim light. Softly glowing lichen on
the walls and ceiling of the ice chamber provide dim ■i.■■■■■■
light in this area.
Corpses: Nearly a dozen slain frost giants are
piled atop the rise of ice to the west. The corpses form
difficult terrain and provide cover. The owlbear hides
behind the pile, gaining a +10 bonus to its Stealth
checks to remain hidden (already figured into the
Stealth result on the facing page).
Encounter Level 16 (7.200 XP) The frost giant guards. for lack of any other option.
remain at their post. Driven mad by Suulkar's magic.
SETUP they wail Ibr intruders to approach and launch their
attack. In their deranged minds, they believe that
2 frost giant hunters (H) they must defend Stitilkar from intruders who seek to
3 frost giant marauders (M) prevent the primordial from waking fully.
This encounter takes place in any of the spots marked TACTICS
Location 2 on the Frost Spire Island map (see page 99).
The frost giants erected several guard posts across The frost giants have the high ground in this fight.
the Frost Spire to guard against the growing undead and they seek to keep it. While the map shows only
menace on the island. the area around the promontory, at the table you
This encounter spread covers each of these guard should expand the area to provide the giants with
posts. You can use the provided map for each guard enough distance to use their ranged attacks. Assume
post, or you can improvise each map as you see fit. that the path is clear in a 20-square radius from the
The basic structure of each guard post is the same: promontory's base. The giants seek to wear down the
the giants picked high points on the island to keep adventurers as they move across the open ground.
watch, and stocked those positions with hard packed The frost giant marauders hurl ice halls at the
balls of ice to use as ranged weapons against any hos- adventurers (see "Features of the Area"). hoping to
tile creatures. kill them before they close to melee range. Once the
As the adventurers approach a guard post. read: adventurers draw near, the marauders set up near the
ice ball pile to wait for the PCs to make their charge.
Ahead a looming ice cliff rises into the stormy sky.A sharp, Once the adventurers draw close, the giants push
sloping pathway winds upward to the cliffs peak, creating over the pile of ice to create a landslide.
a jutting promontory point. Atop the cliff stands a number The frost giant hunters rely on their crossbows to
of frost giants. bring down the intruders. Once the adventurers scale
t he promontory, they switch to their harpoons.
These crazed giants light to the death.
2 Frost Giant Hunters (H) Level 15 Artillery
Large elemental humanoid (cold, • lent) XP 1,200 each
3 Frost Giant Marauders (114) Level 17 Skirmisher
Initiative • I6 Senses Perception - 1- 13 Lar • e elemental humanoid (cold. giant) XP 1.600 each
HP 114; Bloodied 57 Senses Perception +11
Initiative +14
AC 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex 26, Will 28 HP 158: Bloodied 84
Resist 15 cold
AC 31: Fortitude 30, Reflex 27, Will 26
Speed 8 (ice walk) Resist 15 cold
0 Icy Harpoon (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon Speed 8 (ice walk)
Reach 3; +22 vs. AC; 2d10+ 5 cold dal„,,,„. 0 Icy Handaxe (standard; at-will) 4. Cold, Weapon
e Icy Crossbow (standard: at-will) ♦ Cold, Weapon Reach 2; +22 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 cold damage: hit or miss. the frost
Ranged 15/30; A-22 vs. AC; 3d6 + 5 cold damage. giant may shift 2 squares after the attack.
+ Skewering Strike (standard; recharge [:!:J [0)) Cold, Weapon ® icy Handaxe (standard; at-w111) + Cold, Weapon
Reach 3; +20 vs. Reflex: 3d10 + 5 cold damage, and the target Ranged 5/10: +22 vs. AC; 2d6 +6 cold damage; hit or miss, the
slides 3 squares and is slowed (save ends). frost giant may shift 2 squares after the attack.
Opening Strike Hurling Charge (standard; encounter) + Cold, Weapon
The frost giant gains combat advantage against enemies that Ranged 5/10; 121 vs. Reflex; 1d8 F 8 cold damage; hit or miss,
have not yet acted during an encounter. the frost giant then makes a charge against the target.
Combat Advantage
4- Twin Strike (standard; recharge %L) + Cold, Weapon
The frost giant deals an extra 1d10 damage against any target it The frost giant makes two Icy handaxe attacks; the Frost giant
has combat advantage against. may shift 2 squares after the first attack.
Icebound Footing
Icebound Footing
When an effect pulls. pushes. or slides a Frost giant. the giant When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant Threatening Reach
Skills Athletics +17, Endurance +16, Stealth +16 The frost giant can make opportunity attacks against all
Str 21 (+12) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 22 (+13) enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Con 18 (+11) Int 12 (+8) Cha 12 (18) Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Equipment hide armor, harpoon. crossbow
Skills Athletics +19
Str 21 (i 13) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 17 (+11)
Con 241-15) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9)
Equipment hide armor. 4 handaxes
There are three guard posts on the island. You can alter- One square = 5 feet
nate the monsters at each location, as shown.
Archon Post (7,800 XP)
2 ice archon rimehammers
EMI 1f

3 chillfire destroyers MUM •


Frost Giant Post (7,000 XP) 411. Ate, MI • r

2 frost giants il. irr ' MOM • CC

2 frost giant hunters
.. 1. Et I 1 1 ME
■■■ MIlkt ma
1 frost giant windkeeper
fa, lorkwail
_. s ■
Statistics for the frost giants can be found on pages
22-23. ,,--..
— - A. ellill::1
■ ., -.- "
... ...,,i,
• 1110•1111PagWitkr .
3 ChiWire Destroyers
Lar 'e elemental ma, ical beast (cold, fire)
Level 14 Brute
XP 1,000 each
..f+02.. , 0
I. -.00V/11/111W-WailMf
Walt gli, 111111111111-1r.q-PArt
!MINK. •: . : :P.'
Initiative -F12 Senses Perception +12 111N01111.1r. - III Ilillibit --

1113111Wir ''''' •111NE ►

Leaking Firecore (Fire) aura 2; while the chillfire destroyer Is MEM 111111WW-
bloodied, each creature that starts its turn within the aura takes KEMP Emir'
10 fire damage. .fits[ UMW lir
HP 173; Bloodied 86; see also firecore breach ■111WW ■■
Ila-%: RENEW Al 111
AC 26; Fortitude 26. Reflex 25, Will 25 Kfinituff , JEROME .4
mem r4- ■ .■
.NNW Atli
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold. 10 fire
IFIAIIIIIRI0 rillifill ■W■ dis ■ il
Speed 5
WWW•111WW 1•11111 ■ Mli GIME ME
® Freezing Slam (standard; at-will) + Cold 1111/111111.1! - ■ •••11•11/ :INBORN WO
Reach 2; +17 vs. AC: 1E112 + 6 damage plus 1d12 cold damage. WIENIMP.I. dIMMIWNE inEWINIIIIWINIWILI
Trample (standard; at-will) + Cold ■ INEM* -, ANEW•11W . V EISEEMIIIIIIIIIIIP 11
The chillfire destroyer moves its speed and can move through
enemies' spaces. The destroyer makes an attack: +15 vs. Reflex;
ldl 0 + 6 damage plus 1d10 cold damage, and the target is
knocked prone Illumination: Dim light. The constant storm
Firecore Breach (when the chillfire destroyer drops to 0 hit blankets the entire island in dim light. At night. the
points) + Fire island is covered in darkness.
The destroyer does not die until the start of its next turn. Until Ice Balls: The frost giants have gathered a large
then, the destroyer can take no actions. At the start of the
pile of ice halls for hurling at enemies. The pile is
destroyer's next turn, it makes an attack: close burst 3; +15 vs.
Reflex; 4c110 6 fire damage.
difficult terrain that provides cover. In addition, as a
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial minor action a giant adjacent to the pile can grab an
Str 16 (+10) Dor 20 (+12) Ms 20 (+12) ice ball. A hurled ice ball uses the attack below.
Con 23 (+13) Int 5 (-F4) Cha 12 (-F8) Ranged 10/20; targets I creature; +18 vs. Reflex;
Id 10 + 6 cold damage. and the target is pushed 2
2 Ice Archon Rimehammers Level 19 Soldier squares.
medium elemental Xi' 2.400 each In addition, as a standard action a giant can
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12 kick over the pile to create a small avalanche. This
Icy Ground (Cold) aura 1: enemies treat the area within the aura destroys the pile. Use the following attack to repre-
as difficult terrain.
sent the avalanche. The giant places the blast as it
HP 185; Bloodied 92
AC 35; Fortitude 35, Reflex 32, Will 31
wishes, but the blast's origin space is the ice ball pile:
immune disease, poison; Resist 30 cold Close blast 5; targets all creatures in the blast; ÷I 8
Speed 6 (Ice walk) vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 6 cold damage, and the target is
® Maul (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon pushed 2 squares.
+25 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage plus 1d6 cold damage, and the Cliff: The cliff face is 30 feet tall. Climbing the
target Is slowed (save ends). Against a slowed target, the cliff requires a DC 20 Athletics check. Falling from
rimehammer deals an extra 2d6 cold damage.
the cliffdeals 3d10 damage.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 24 (+16) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 16 (+12)
Con 25 (+16) Int 14 (+11) Cha 15 (+11)
Equipment plate armor, maul
2 Frost Giant Raiders (R) Level 17 Minion moves, it can chose to move through one of the sec- :-
Large elemental humanoid (cold. giant) XP 400 each tions of weakened wall. This costs one extra square of
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +13 movement and creates a space large enough for the .`U
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion: see also
giant to fit through. Characters adjacent to the wall w
dying swipe
AC 29; Fortitude 32, Reflex 77. Will 28
when it is destroyed take 1d10 + 6 cold damage from ,
Resist 15 cold the failing chunks of ice. ••
Speed 8 (ice walk) Supplies: The frost giants have several large piles
(i) Icy Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon .m1111.1 of supplies stored here in crates and barrels. The
Reach 2; -20 vs. AC; 10 cold damage. crates and barrels are stacked 10 feet tall. A DC 13 1-
-1 Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points) 1111 Athletics check is required to climb the piled supplies. Z
The frost giant makes an icy greatoxe attack.
During the battle, the giants can knock over the crates
icy Handaxe (standard; at-will) Cold, Weapon 0
Ranged 5/10; 420 vs. AC; 9 cold damage.
and barrels. A giant adjacent to the supplies can use L.,
icebound Footing the following attack as a standard action. After the
When an effect pulls, pushes, nr slides a frost giant, the giant attack, the supplies and all squares within the blast
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant are difficult terrain. A character on the supplies when
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. a giant uses them to attack is automatically hit.
Alignment Evil Languages Giant Close blast 3; targets all creatures in the blast;
Skills Athletics +19
+18 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is
Str 23 (+14) Dex 16(x11) Wis 70 (+131
Con 21 (4-13) Int 10 (+8) Cha 12 (+9)
knocked prone.
Equipment hide armor, greataxe, 3 handaxes Treasure: The frost giants in this cave have accu-
mulated a level 16 magic item, two potions of vitality,
TACTICS and 4,000 gp in gems.
lei addition, one °Utile crates contains a 2-Foot tall,
The frost giants in this place have been cast into a
bronze urn. This is one of the urns that the ghosts it
maniacal fear of the outside world. They refuse to
want the adventurers to find and bury. as described
leave the cave and are quickly working their way
under "The Restless Dead" on page 103. The urn is
through their supply of food and water. They believe
sealed with wax and contains several bone fragments
that Suulkar lurks outside the cave, ready to devour
from an ancient frost giant. If the adventurers open
anyone foolish enough to exit this safe haven. When
the urn, they desecrate the remains. They suffer a -2
the adventurers arrive, the giants assume they are
penalty to all defenses for the entire encounter the
demons or angels come to claim their souls. They
next time they fight undead frost giants on the island.
fight with a strength born of madness.
Some of the walls in the ice cave are relatively
weak, as they giants carved through the ice to expand
the dwelling space. During the battle, the giants
smash through the walls to surround the adventurers
or otherwise gain an advantageous position.
The giants' overall battle plan is simple. The raiders dr" MMINE77,,a,
111111111111111 ■ W■■■■ •-0-
11 ■ 11111 MENEM MEN
distract the intruders and try to lure them deeper into
the cave. The rest of the giants then emerge to attack. EN ...r. vp .19)
The marauders begin the fight in the central area

of the cave. They throw icy handaxes belbre rushing

through the weakened walls to flank the adventurers.
The hunters begin the fight in the rear of the cave.
They take shots if possible. but wait For the marauders
••••■• ins a s
to crash through the walls before using skewering strikes.


Illumination: Bright light. The ever-Inn/lino torches
provide bright light throughout the cave.
Walls: The walls in this cave are easy to climb,
as they are roughly hewn from the ice. A character
can climb the walls with a DC I3 Athletics check. In
addition, due to the plentiful hand and footholds, a
character on the wall can attack without restrictions.
Weak Walls: Many of the ice walls in this cave
are relatively thin and brittle. While too thick for a
1 1 11! •-.111.1 ! •
size Medium creature to smash through them, a giant
can shoulder through them with ease. When a giant
Encounter Level 17 (8,000 XP) Only one thing can help the adventurers avoid
an attack. If they mention Zaelex, Gorrick becomes
eager to ally with the adventurers against the archon
SETUP wizard. Gorrick wants the book that Zaelex jealously
Garrick Frostcaller (G) guards, and he'll make any deal to acquire it. He has
2 chillfire destroyers no intention of honoring such a deal, but don't tell the
1 rockfire dreadnought adventurers that. See page 102 for more information.
2 storm stone furies
Garrick Frostcaller (G) Level 18 Controller (Leader)
This encounter takes place in the spot marked Loca. Large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 2.000
tion 4 on the Frost Spire Island map (see page 99). Initiative +12 Senses Perception 14
Gorrick Frostcaller, a powerful frost giant spell. HP 172; Bloodied 86
caster and a student of the war between the gods and AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 31. Will 30
the primordials, understands the potential dangers Resist 15 cold
Speed 8 (ice walk)
of delving too deep into the ice of Frost Spire. He is
0 Frost Touch (standard; at-will) + Cold
responsible for summoning and conjuring a variety
Reach 2: F 22 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 cold damage. and the target is
of elementals to help with the task of burrowing into immobilized until the end of Gorrick's next rum.
the ice. Now. he remains in his icy redoubt, desperate e Ray of Frost (standard; at-will) Cold
for a way to escape from the island. He tries to trick Ranged 10: +22 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 4-6 cold damage, and the
the adventurers into speaking with him so that he has target is slowed until the end of Gorrick's next turn.
enough time to gather his power and destroy them. Ice Tomb (standard: recharge M [El ) + Cold
Ranged 20;+22 vs. Reflex; 3d10+ 6 cold damage, and the
A fanatic to the core, lw would rather die than betray
target is entombed in a block of ice until the end of Gorrick's
the grand scheme of revenge that the titan lords have
next turn. While entombed, the target is stunned. and attacks
come up with. cannot gain line of effect against the target.
As the adventurers approach the ice hut, read: Elemental Wrath (standard; at-will)
Ranged 20; targets one elemental ally; the elemental ally
A deep depression cuts into the ice ahead. A sloped path makes a basic attack with a +4 bonus to the attack roll and
leads down into the depression toward a small building damage roll.

crafted from ice. Within the depression and scattered on Icebound Foaling
Garrick moves 2 squares fewer than any Forced movement
the ice to the west of it are a number of elaborately carved
specifies. He makes a saving throw to avoid being knocked
ice pillars. They resemble rearing dragons, heavily armed prone.
and armored frostgiants, and other creatures native to Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant.
frigid environments. Primordial
Skills Arcane +20. Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, History +20.
Gorrick rests within his abode when the adventurers Thievery +17
approach. His elemental minions do not begin the Str 21 (+14) Des 16 (4-12) Wis 21 (414)
Con 20 (+14) Int 22 (+15) Cha 16 (+12)
encounter on the map. Instead, they arrive as he calls
them to join the fight.
Rockf ire Dreadnought Level 18 Soldier
Law elemental magical beast (earth, fire) XP 2,000
GORRICKIS DECEPTION Initiative +17 Senses Perception +12
G ar rick attempts to parlay with the adventurers, Waves of Flame (Fire) aura 1: any creature that enters or starts its
hoping to distract them and win their trust. When turn in the aura takes 10 fire damage.
HP 170; Bloodied 85
they least expect it, he summons his elemental min-
AC 34; Fortitude 34. Reflex 32, Will 29
ions to attack. The frost giant claims to he a simple Immune disease, petrification, poison; Resist 25 fire
artisan who has been conscripted to dig into the ice Speed 8
for some unknown purpose. He points to the icy pil- 0 Fist of Flame (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire
lars that surround his but as proof of his true nature. Reach 2; 21 vs. Reflex: 2d8 + 8 fire damage_
As the adventurers ask him questions, Gorrick )f Brimstone Rock (standard; at-will) + Fire
The rockfire dreadnought hurls a flaming chunk of brimstone at
attempts to waste their time as the elemental nexus
the target. Ranged 10/20;4-23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 6 damage plus 5
that surrounds this place gathers power. Keep track of
fire damage.
the passage of time. If Garrick can distract the adven- Alignment LT- naligned Languages Primordial
turers for 5 minutes, he attacks as the nexus achieves Str 27 (+17) Des 22 (+15) Wis 16 (+12)
full power_ If the adventurers attack Garrick before Con 18 (+13) Int 8 (+8) Cha 7 (+7)
that time, the nexus is only partially useful to him.
2 ChiIlfire Destroyers Level 14 Brute 2 Stormstone Furies Level 14 Artillery
Large elemental magical beast (cold, fire) XP 1.000 each Medium elemental magical beast (air. earth) XP 1.000 each
Initiative t 12 Senses Perception 12 Initiative +12 Senses Perception . 9
Leaking Flrecore (Fire) aura 2; while the chillfire destroyer is HP 113; Bloodied 56


bloodied, each creature that starts its turn within the aura takes AC 26: Fortitude 26, Reflex 25, Will 25
10 fire damage. Immune disease, petrification, poison; Resist 10 thunder
HP 173; Bloodied 86; see also firecore breach Speed 6
AC 26: Fortitude 26. Reflex 25, Will 25 ® Grinding Stones standard; at-will)
immune disease, poison; Resist 10 cold. 10 fire X21 vs. AC; 1d10 3 damage.
Speed S Hurtling Thunderstone (standard; at-will) ♦ Thunder I
0 Freezing Slam (standard; at•will) + Cold Ranged 20: +21 vs. AC: 2d8 4 6 damage. Miss: Half damage.
Reach 2; 417 vs. AC; 1d12 6 damage plus lt-111 cold damage. Effect: One square the target currently occupies becomes the
Trample (standard; + Cold origin square of a burst 2 attack that occurs at the start of the
The chillfire destroyer moves its speed and can move through stormstone Fury's next turn: +19 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 6 thunder
enemies' spaces. The destroyer makes an attack: +15 vs. Reflex: damage..
1d10 + 6 damage plus ldl 0 cold damage, and the target is <- Shrapnel Burst (minor; recharge lEfl CID+ Thunder
knocked prone. Close burst 2: 121 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage plus] (16 thunder
Firecore Breach (when the chillfire destroyer drops to 0 hit damage, and the stnrmsrnne fury pushes the target 2 squares_
points) + Fire Meld to Ground (when first bloodied; requires the stormstone
The destroyer does not die until the start of its next turn. Until fury to be on the ground: encounter) + Teleportation
then, the destroyer can take no actions. At the start of the The fury disappears. and no creatures have fine of sight or line
destroyer's next turn, it makes an attack: close burst 3: +15 vs. of effect to it. At the start of its next turn, the fury appears
Reflex; 4d10 6 fire damage. within 10 squares of its previous space.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial Alignment Unaligned languages Primordial
Str 16 .10} Dex 20 ii12) Wis 20 (+12) Su- 16 (+10) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 15 (+9)
Con 231-13) Int (-A) Cha 12 (+8) Con 23 (+13) Int 6 (+5) Cha 20 (+12)

TACTICS 11Gorrick fails to stall the adventurers, a character

that begins his or her turn adjacent to a pillar has
Once combat begins, the elementals appear. They resistances reduced by S and elementals gain a +1
emerge from the ice pillars closest to the hut, each bonus on attack rolls against the character until the
emerging from a different pillar. Using a variety of end of the character's next turn.
rituals. Gorrick bound the elementals to defend him. Treasure: There arc two shards of pure elemental
Gorrick uses his powers to slow down the adventur- ice harvested from the pillars on the table in the hut.
ers, holding them at bay as the elementals attack. At There is also a level 16 magic item, a 1.000 gp
the first opportunity, he moves away from the battle gem, and a potion of
(double moving if necessary) to avoid more attacks and
to let the elementals fully engage the intruders.
The elementals fight to the death. The rockfire
dreadnought engages as soon as it can. The storm-
stone furies attack front a distance, and the chillfire
destroyers use their trample attack again and again,
ignoring attacks of opportun ity.


Illumination: Dim light. The constant storm
blankets the entire island in dim light. At night, the
island is covered in darkness. Bright light inside the
but due to an everburning torch.
Gorrick's Hut: Crafted from ice, this small abode
serves as a workshop for Garrick. A DC 20 Athletics
check is required to climb to the roof There is a wide
hole in the roof that can be used to enter the hut.
Elemental Nexus: The ice carvings scattered
around Gorrick's but are plinths infused with
elemental energy. At Gorrick's command. they gain
greater and greater power.
If Gorrick manages to stall the adventurers for 5
minutes, any character that begins his turn adjacent
to a pillar loses all resistances and elementals gain a
+2 bonus on attack rolls against the character until
the end or the character's next turn.
Encounter Level 16 (7,000 XP) Frost Giant Sword Wraith (5) Level 17 Lurker
Lar•e shadow humanoid (cold, gant. undead) XP 1.600
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +14; darkvision
SETUP HP 90; Bloodied 45; see also death strike

2 frost giant boneclaws (B) Regeneration 10 (if the sword wraith takes radiant damage,
regeneration is negated until the end of the sword wraith's
I frost giant bodak reaver (R)
next turn)
I frost giant sword wraith (S) AC 30; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 32
flash frost shaft trap (X) Immune disease. poison; Resist 15 cold. 20 necrotic, insubstantial;
Vulnerable 10 radiant (see also regeneration above)
This encounter takes place in the spot marked Loca- Speed fly 8 (hover): phasing ; see also shadow glide
tion 5 on the Frost Spire Island map (see page 99). C) Shadow Sword (standard: at-will). Necrotic
+20 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is
When the giants first landed on the Frost Spire.
weakened (save ends).
they looted many of the tombs they found here. They +1- Death Strike (when reduced to 0 hit points) + Cold, Necrotic
left this cave alone. Jarl Hargaad rests here, though The sword wraith shifts 4 squares and makes a melee basic
the looting of his vassals' burial grounds has awoken attack, dealing an extra 2d8 cold and necrotic damage on a hit.
him from his eternal slumber. I ie has risen as a Combat Advantage + Cold, Necrotic
bodak. The sword wraith deals an extra 2d6 cold and necrotic damage
As the adventurers approach the burial cave, read: against any target it has combat advantage against.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
The sword wraith shifts 6 squares.
A cave set into the side of an ice cliff is adorned with the
Spawn Wraith
symbol of a frost giantjarl. Flickering torchlight makes the Any humanoid killed by a sword wraith rises as a free-willed
cave's opening glow with warm light. sword wraith at the start of its creator's next turn, appearing in
the space where it died (or In the nearest unoccupied space).
The frost giants left a pair of everburning torches within Raising the slain creature (using the Raise Dead ritual) does not
the cave as a signal to expedition members who destroy the spawned wraith.

decided to wander the island. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant

Skills Stealth +20
This encounter uses a pit trap found just inside the Wis 1) (+9)
Str 14 (+10) Dex 24 (+15)
cave entrance. lithe adventurers blunder into the Con 181+12) int 11 (+8) Cha 24 -(15)
pit. some of them may be forced to fight the undead
on their own while the rest of the party struggles to Frost Giant Bodak Reamer (R) Level 18 Soldier
reach the main burial chamber. La r.e shadow humanoid (cold, )ant. undead) XP 2,000
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +17: darkvision
2 Frost Giant Boneclaws (B) Level 14 Soldier Agonizing Gaze (Fear. Gaze, Necrotic) aura 5: a creature in the
Lar;e shadow animate (cold, :)ant, undead) XP 1,000 each aura that makes a melee or a ranged attack against the bodak
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +13; darkvision reaver takes 5 necrotic damage before the attack roll is made
HP 136; Bloodied 68; see also necrotic pulse and takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
AC 30; Fortitude 24, Reflex 27, Will 25 HP 175; Bloodied 87
Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 cold, 20 necrotic; AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30. Will 31
Vulnerable S radiant Immune disease, poison; Resist 15 cold, 20 necrotic; Vulnerable 5
Speed 8 (ice walk) radiant; a bodak reaver that takes radiant damage can't weaken
® Icy Claw (standard; at-will) + Cold a target until the end of Its next turn.
Ruch 3; 20 vs. AC; Id] 2 6 cold damage. Speed 7 (ice walk)
■<• Necrotic Puke (free, when first bloodied; encounter) + CI Icy Greataxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Necrotic, Weapon
Healing, Necrotic +23 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6 cold damage (crit 2d12 + 18) plus 1d8
Close burst 10; undead allies in the burst regain 10 hit points, necrotic damage, and the target Is dazed and weakened (save
and enemies in the burst take 10 necrotic damage. ends both).
Relentless Opportunist Death Gaze (standard; encounter) + Gaze, Necrotic
If the boneclaw hits with an opportunity attack. It can make Ranged 10; targets a living creature: +20 vs. Fortitude; if the
another opportunity attack against the same target during the target is weakened, it is reduced to 0 hit points; otherwise, the
current turn. target takes 1d6 + 6 necrotic damage and loses a healing surge.
Threatening Reach Death Drinker
1 boneclaw can make opportunity attacks against all If a living creature is reduced to 0 hit points within 5 squares
enemies within its reach (3 squares). of the bodak reaver, the reaver gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls
Alignment Evil Languages Giant until the end of its next turn, as well as 15 temporary hit points.
Skills intimidate -i-16, Stealth +18 Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant
Str 17 (+10) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 12 (+8) Str 22 (+15) Dex 21 (+14) Wis 16 (+12)
Con 16 (+10) int 10 (+7 ) Cha 18 (+11) Con 23 (+15) int 10 (+9) Cita 23 (+15)
Equipment plate armor. greataxe
Flash Frost Shaft Level 16 Obstacle a character to slide a boulder one square. Up to two L..
Trap XP 1,400 characters can aid an attempt to slide a boulder.
Stuldenb ice bursts front beneath you and the ground opens. The boulder can also be pushed down the stairs U
creating an ice-coated shaft that slides you down, dropping you with a DC 25 Strength check made as a standard —J
onto a carpet of bones in a lower chamber.
action. This is an attack against all creatures on
Trap: When a character steps into a trapped square (marked
the stairs and at the base of the stairs. The boulder
"X" on the map), he or she slides down a shaft and lands
atop a pile of bones in the lower chamber. The shaft
collapses into snow after it is used to attack in this
immediately fills with ice, cutting off this pathway. manner.
Trigger -I-18 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is
knocked prone. Any creature missed by the attack

When a creature enters a trapped square, the trap
activates. takes half damage and is not knocked prone.
Attack Stairs: The stairs are cut for Large or bigger crea-
Free Action Close burst 2
tures to easily navigate. Medium or smaller creatures
Target: All creatures in the burst
treat the stairs as difficult terrain.
Attack: +19 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d12 + 7 cold damage, and the target is pulled 2 Bone Pile: The pile of bones beneath the shaft is
squares into the newly farmed shaft. The target slides difficult terrain.
down the shaft to land prone in a random square marked Throne: 'This enormous throne is carved from
"Y" in the lower chamber. stone. It is covered with scenes depicting frost giant
Effect: The shaft immediately fills with ice, blocking this warriors sailing longships and attacking shoreline
pathway down. The trap cannot be sprung again for 24
settlements of creatures smaller than themselves.
Treasure: Four 5.000 gp gems can be found in
the bone pile with a DC 20 Perception check. If the
TACTICS adventurers search the throne and make a DC 25
The undead surge forth to attack any creature that Perception check, they discover a level 19 magic item
enters the lower chamber. They ignore anyone in the hidden in a secret compartment
upper chamber. lithe adventurers push aside the
snow boulders that block the stairs, the giants wait
until the intruders descend the stairs before attacking.
The boneclaws form a defensive barrier across
the chamber, pouncing on anyone who falls down
the shaft or blocking the stairs to prevent any rescue
The bodak reaver is clad in the Finery of a great,
frost giant king (or jarl). It is hungry for living victims
and attacks without remorse. When any of the adven-
turers enter the lower chamber. it leaps up from its
throne to attack.
The sword wraith lurks beside the throne or near
the edge of the battle. It darts in to strike with combat
advantage. Ifit cannot gain combat advantage, it pre-
fers to withdraw and wait for an opening.


Illumination: Bright light in the entry cave due to
an everburning torch. Darkness in the lower chamber.
Columns: Four columns of ice stand in the entry
chamber. They are decorated with carvings of axes.
swords, harpoons, and other weapons favored by
frost giants.
Ice Pillars: The four pillars of ice in the lower
chamber pulse with frost magic. Any living creature
that begins its turn adjacent to a pillar takes 10 cold
damage and cannot shift until the end of its next turn.
Snow Boulders: Large boulders of packed snow
block the stairs leading down to the lower chamber.
Moving a boulder requires a DC 20 Strength check
made as a standard action. A successful check allows
Encounter Level 15 (6,600 XP) be trapped in a cage of ice, but they can easily melt
the bars and attack. Meanwhile, Helstaff attacks the
SETUP adventurers from an opening in his quarters which
2 firebred hell hounds (H) overlooks the forge. The quicklings emerge from trap
2 quickling zephyrs (Q) doors hidden in the floor of the forge to strike fast
1 frost giant windkeeper (W) and furiously.
Helstaft a frost giant windkeeper, spends most of
This encounter takes place In the spot marked Loca- his time in his personal chamber. Driven paranoid
tion 6 on the Frost Spire Island map (see page 99). by a combination of Suulkar's awakening and the
The iron smith Helstaff, a frost giant windkeeper, attacks made against the forge, he waits in ambush
dwells within this series of cavern chambers. He for intruders to show themselves. He prefers to attack
Forges weapons and armor for the frost giants. along through the open window, striking down into the
with the tools needed to excavate the ice of the Frost forge below with either arctic vortex or driving blizzard.
Spire. He is aided in his work by a pair of hell hounds If the adventurers discover the secret door of ice that
and two quicklings. hides the entrance to his chamber, he climbs down
These chambers are carved into one of the few into the forge to avoid engaging in melee combat by
areas of exposed rock on the island. himself. When pressed into close combat, he relies on
As the adventurers approach the area, read: drums of the north and spear of storms, saving gale of the
north wind for when he can catch most of his enemies
A small hill of earth and stone breaks up the seemingly end- within its blast.
less sheets of ice that stretch before you. A cave opens onto The firebred hell hounds provide the searing
a set of stairs carved into the rock that descend deeper into flame for Helstaffs forge. As a minor action, they can
the Frost Spire. melt the bars that seal their lair. They do this when
an intruder enters the forge, immediately springing
Since the collapse of the giants' hierarchy on the to attack. Until such a time, they paw at the bars in an
island, the frost forge has become the site of several attempt to lure their enemies closer.
battles. Undead giants tried to attack this place not too The quicklings begin the encounter in their lair
long ago, and both Gorrick and Zaelex have sent forces at the bottom of their stairs. Once a battle begins in
to attempt to wrest the frost flame from Helstaff. the forge, they rush into the secret doors marked "A."
When the adventurers reach the cave entrance, "B," and "C" to emerge from a corresponding trap
read: door hidden in the floor of the forge. They dart in and
The corpses of three frost giants are scattered in the snow out of the melee, seeking to attack wizards and other
just outside the cave entrance. They appear to have been characters with poor melee capabilities.
dead long before they fell here, as no blood covers the snow,
and their flesh is dried and pulled taught over their bones. 2 Quickling Zephyrs (Q) Level 14 Lurker
Small fey humanoid XP 1.000 each
The barking of hounds echoes from deep within the cave.
Initiative +20 Senses Perception +10; low-light vision
HP 82; Bloodied 41
Perception Check
AC 30; Fortitude 26, Reflex 29, Will 23
DC 20: Horrid burns cover the bodies of the dead frost Speed 12, climb 6; see also blinding speed and unstoppable
giants. @Short Sword (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+19 vs. AC; 1d6 + 9 damage.
The firebred hell hounds provide the burns and the Blinding Speed (move; rechargelnl ) ♦ Illusion
barking. and the forged frost fire can be found in this The quickling zephyr moves up to 12 squares and becomes
location. invisible until it attacks or until the end of Its next turn.
Combat Advantage
TACTICS if the quickling zephyr has combat advantage against its target.
It deals an extra 2d6 damage and dazes the target (save ends)
Helstaff wishes only to be left alone to pursue his on a successful melee attack.
craft. After several attacks by his brethren, he and his Unstoppable
assistants have developed a simple plan for defending The quickling zephyr ignores difficult terrain and can move
their cavern chambers. across any solid or liquid surface.

The two hell hounds bark, whine, and howl at Alignment Evil Languages Elven
Skills Acrobatics +26, Bluff +13. Stealth +21
each other. Helstaff hopes that the distraction draws
Str 12 (+8) Dex 28 (+16) Wis 17 (+10)
intruders directly to the forge, where he and his min- Con 22 (+13) Int 16 (+10) Cha 12 f+111
ions can launch their attack. The hounds appear to Equipment short sword
Frost Giant Level 16 Controller (Leader)
Windkeeper (W)
Lar:e elemental humanoid (cold.: cant) XP 1.100 One square = 5 feet

Initiative t 13 Senses Perception +20

HP 158; Bloodied 79
AC 30; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 32
Resist 15 cold
Speed 8 (ice walk)
C) Spear of Storms (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Reach 3; +21 vs. AC; 2d10 + 5 cold damage, and the target
slides 3 squares.
-g• Arctic Vortex (standard; at-will) + Cold
Area burst 1 within 20; +20 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 +5 cold damage.
and the target slides 3 squares.
-* Driving Blizzard (standard; recharge 7e: t tl ) + Cold
Area burst 2 within 20; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 5 cold damage,
and the target is immobilized (save ends). Until the end of the
encounter, the area becomes difficult terrain for creatures
smaller than Large size.
<• Gale of the North Wind (standard: encounter) + Cold
Close blast 5; targets enemies only; +20 vs. Fortitude; 4d10 + 5
cold damage. and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked
prone. Miss: Half damage and push 1 square.
<• Drums of the North (standard; at-will) + Fear, Implement
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +20 vs. Will: the target is
pushed 2 squares and slowed until the end of the frost giant's
next turn. Allies in the burst immediately shift 3 squares. The
frost giant must sheath his longspear to play the drum.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
Skills Arcana +17. Nature +20, Religion +17
Sir 20 (+13) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 24 (+15)
Con 22 (+14) int 19 (+12) Cha 21 (+13)
Equipment hide armor, longspear. drum
Helstalf's Chamber: The uppermost chamber in
this complex, this room sits 20 feet above the forge.
2 Firebred Hell Hounds (H) Level 17 Brute
XP 1,600 each
An open window looks down upon the forge. A DC
Medium elemental beast (fire)
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +17
20 Athletics check is required to climb the wall from
Fire Shield (Fire) aura 1: any creature that enters or begins its turn
the window. The chamber contains sleeping furs.
In the aura takes 1d10 fire damage. Forge: The central chamber is Helstaff's forge.
HP 205; Bloodied 102 The worktables and anvils feature armor and
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28. Will 29 weapons in various stages of completion. A pit of blue-
Resist 40 fire white frost fire in the center of the chamber blazes
Speed 8
with a strange combination of intense heat and cold.
Bite (standard; at-will) 9 Fire
+20 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 plus 1d1 0 fire damage.
Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the pit
<• Fiery Breath (standard; recharge liii ) + Fire
takes 15 fire damage and 15 cold damage: a creature
Close blast 3; ∎ 18 vs. Reflex; 4d6 7 fire damage. gains ongoing 5 cold and fire damage upon leaving
<• Fiery Burst (standard: recharge ill ) + Fire the pit. A small metal brazier containing a smolder-
Close burst 3; +18 vs. Reflex; 4(110 + 7 fire damage. ing piece of frost fire hangs above the pit.
Alignment Unaligned Languages — A font of ice-cold water stands against the southern
Str 22 (+14) Dex 14 (+10) Wls 19 (+12)
wall. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the
Con 25 (+15) Int 2 (+4) Cha 12 (+9)
font takes 10 cold damage.
Three trap doors hidden in the floor of the forge
FEATURES OF THE AREA (DC 25 Perception to notice) connect this room to
Illumination: Bright light in the upper and cen- the room below. Small creatures can move through
tral chambers (Helstaffs quarters and the forge). the tunnels without penalty. Larger creatures must
Dim light in the lower chamber (quicklings' lair). squeeze to enter and move through them.
Stairs: The stairs are cut for Large or bigger crea- Treasure: A level 18 magic item is among the
tures to easily navigate. Medium or smaller creatures weapons and armor in the forge.
treat the stairs as difficult terrain.
Secret Door: A DC 25 Perception check is
required to spot this door. Helstaff carved a block of
ice to hide the entry to his chamber. Moving it aside
requires a DC 25 Strength check.
The hailscourges keep to the roof, raining
attacks upon intruders that fight their way to the
second level.
The archons fight to the death.

Zaelex used a ritual of primordial magic to raise the
tower from the icy tundra. The structure is a living
being that obeys his commands. As a minor action,
once per round, Zaelex can do one of the following.
Icy Maw: The floor beneath an enemy opens,
dropping the enemy to the level below. This power
is usable only against targets on the second or third
level. The opening immediately closes after the
enemy falls.
+23 vs. Reflex; the target falls 10 feet to the floor
below, taking 1d10 damage.
Ice to Water: The floor beneath a target partially
melts. turning the area slippery. The square remains
slick until the end of the encounter. Any creature that
enters or starts its turn in the square is attacked.
+23 vs. Reflex; the target falls prone.


Illumination: Bright light.
Outer Walls: Scaling the tower's walls requires a
DC 25 Athletics check.
First Level: The tower's lowest level features a
large ice statue of Zaelex (a monument to his arro-
gance) along with a series of ice pillars.
Second Level: This level features a chamber used
as a workroom and a library. The library has shelves
along its wall. but they are empty except for an urn.
The central section of the level is open to the sky.
Creatures on the roof can see down into this area.
The eastern chamber is a workroom, with a table
and chest carved from the ice. The table is covered
with powdered silver and gold, carefully arranged in
an arcane pattern. This is where Zaelex toils over his
pet projects. While the powder seems as fine as dust,
no amount of force can move it. If an adventurer
observes the dust for a minute, he or she might notice
that the entire pattern slowly moves and changes (DC
25 Perception check).
Third Level: A trap door in the southeast corner In addition, a 2-foot tall, bronze urn sits on a shelf
allows access to this place. Opening it is a minor in the library. This is one of the urns that the ghosts
action. The three statues depict archon warriors. want the adventurers to find and bury, as described
They are purely decorative. under "The Restless Dead" on page 103. The urn is
Treasure: The archons have been busy, collect- sealed with wax and contains several bone fragments
ing treasure from the frost giant graves on the island. from an ancient frost giant. If the adventurers open
The chest carved from ice in the workroom contains the urn, they desecrate the remains. They suffer a -2
40,000 gp in coins and gems. Zaelex carries the Tome penalty to all defenses for the entire encounter the
of the Frozen Gate. next time they fight undead frost giants on the island.

Encounter Level 20 (15,200 XP) Perception Check
DC 37: Something fast approaches from out of the blind-
SETUP ing snow, rushing right toward you.

1 remorhaz Any character that succeeds at the Perception check

2 winter wolf frostbreat hs notices the approaching wolves. Anyone who fails the
3 dire winter wolf iceelaws check grants combat advantage to the creatures for
their first attack in the battle.
This encounter takes place as the adventurers travel
from one numbered location to another across the
Frost Spire. Use this encounter once, preferably after TACTICS
the adventurers have had a relatively easy encounter. The remorhaz tries to bite and grab a target. Then
There is no tactical map for this encounter. It takes it spends its action point to immediately attempt to
place on a flat plain of ice and snow, with a scattering swallow the grabbed victim. The following round.
of icy mounds to break up the landscape. it leads off with immolating carapace. then moves
The remorhaz and a pack of winter wolves have away. This is followed by a trample attack as it tries to
• become a sort of hunting party. The wolves follow the include as many enemies as possible. Then it starts
remorhaz around the island as it burrows and sur- the cycle again with a bite attack.
faces in search of prey. When the remorhaz strikes, The winter wolves work together, avoiding the
the wolves rush in to take whatever bits of flesh they remorhaz as they harry the adventurers. The ice-
can before the remorhaz eventually swallows its claws rush forward, pausing long enough to unleash
victim. their freezing breath blasts before making claw and run
When the adventurers approach the area where attacks. The iceclaws love to attack with combat advan-
you want this encounter to occur, read: tage, dealing extra cold damage with each such attack.
If they take damage. they use slipstream to slide away
The frozen plain ahead reflects the lightning crackling in from an opponent and set up for their next attack.
the dark clouds above. Icy peaks in the distance break up The Frostbreaths, meanwhile. hang back and use
the otherwiseflat expanse of snow. Suddenly, the ground ray of cold to slow opponents. and blast of sleet when
rumbles and shakes, and a mound of snow rises as though opponents get too close.
something very large were moving
beneath the frosty surface—and
heading right toward you!
The ground in front of you
explodes, throwing snow and ice
in all directions. A huge creature.
like an enormous centipede with
icy blue scales and a quilled frill.
emerges from the broken ground.
A terrible screech fills the air as the
elemental beast opens its tooth-filled
maw and gets ready to deliver a deadly

The remorhaz emerges from

its tunnel to strike right in the
middle of the party. It attacks
once in this surprise round,
before the adventurers roll ini-
tiative and get to act. After this
initial bite attack, roll initiative
to establish the battle order fbr
the adventurers, the remor-
haz, and the winter wolves.

Jr' '411i1d...

The winter wolves move into and out of combat, 2 Winter Wolf Frostbreaths Level 18 Artillery
Medium natural magical beast XP 1.000 each
taking advantage of any opportunities presented to
Initiative d-17 Senses Perception +13: low-light vision 4th
them by the remorhaz as it battles the adventurers.
HP 136; Bloodied 68
The remorhaz attempts to escape if the adventur-
ers reduce it to 100 hit points or fewer. The winter
AC 30; Fortitude 29. Reflex 31, Will 27 3
Resist TO cold • U.!
wolves run off if the remorhaz is driven away or Speed 8 lice walk)
defeated, or if the winter wolves lose two or more CE) Bite (standard; at-will) + Cold Mill 1—
members of their hunting pack. , 25 vs. AC:; ldl 7 damage plus 1d8 cold damage.
l Ray of Cold (standard; at-will) + Cold
Ranged 10; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 cold damage, and the
DEVELOPMENT target is slowed (save ends).
the adventurers defeat the remorhaz, they can Blast of Sleet (standard: recharge) {11 + Cold
attempt to follow its trail back to its subterranean Close blast 5; +21 vs Reflex; 3d8 + 7 cold damage, and the
target slides 3 squares and falls prone.
lair. This requires a DC 27 Perception check and 1d4
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
hours of tracking. If the adventurers find the lair, they
Skills Stealth +22 (+271n snow or ice)
discover the remains of previous victims and the trea- Str 21 •14) Dex 26 (+17) Wis 19 (+13)
sure these victims left behind. This includes a level Con 22 (+1S) Int 10 (+9) Cha 131+10)
17 magic item, an ornate set of dress armor worth
7,500 gp, a collection of gems worth 5.500 gp, and Remorhaz Level 21 Elite Brute
two potions of vitality. Hu s elemental beast XP 6,400
If the adventurers defeat the winter wolves, they Initiative I H Senses Perception +15; low-light vision
can attempt to trace a path back to their lair, hidden Blistering Heat (Fire) aura 2; each creature that starts its turn
within the aura takes 10 fire damage.
within a cave in a nearby hill of ice and stone. This
HP 480; Bloodied 240
requires a DC 22 Perception check and 1d4 hours AC 33; Fortitude 33, Reflex 34, Will 32
of tracking. If the adventurers find the lair, they dis- Saving Throws +2
cover treasure scattered within the cave, including a Speed 6. burrow 4 (tunneling)
collection of various gems worth a total of 8,000 gp. Action Points 1
0 Bite (standard; at-will)
3 Dire Winter Wolf keclaws Level 17 Skirmisher Reach 2; 124 vs. AC: 2d12 i- 10 damage. and the target is

Large tiaitiral magical beast XP 1.600 each grabbed.

Senses Perception -F20; low-light vision

Swallow (minor: at-will) + Fire
Initiative +19
Reach 2; targets a creature grabbed by the remorhaz; +24 vs.
HP 168: Bloodied 84
Fortitude; the target is swallowed and is no longer grabbed.
AC 31; Fortitude 29, Reflex 30, Will 28
While swallowed, the target is restrained and takes 10 damage
Resist 20 cold
plus 10 fire damage at the start of the remorhais turn. The
Speed 8 (ice walk)
T. Bite (standard; at will) + Cold
swallowed creature has line of sight and line of effect only to
the remorhaz, and no creature has line of sight or line of effect
-, 22 vs. AC: 1d10 -:- 7 damage plus 1d8 cold damage.
T Claw and Run (standard; at-will) Cold to the target. The swallowed creature can make only melee or

Two attacks against one or two targets; +22 vs. AC: 1d8 + 7 close attacks. If the swallowed creature deals 30 damage to
the remorhaz with an attack, the remorhaz regurgitates the
cold damage per attack. After the first or second attack, the
creature into an adjacent square, and the creature is no longer
dire winter wolf can shift 4 squares.
<• Freezing Breath (standard; recharge :•: m ) + Cold swallowed. When the remorhaz dies, the target Is no longer
swallowed and can escape as a move action, appearing in the
Close blast 5: +20 vs. Reflex; 2d8 4 7 cold damage. and
remorhaz's former space.
ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage.
Combat Advantage
4 Trample (standard; at-will)
The remorhaz moves its speed and can enter enemies' spaces.
The dire winter wolf gains combat advantage against a target
The remorhaz makes an attack against each enemy whose
that has one or more of the dire winter wolf's allies adjacent
space it enters: +22 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 5 damage, and the target
to it. The dire winter wolf deals an extra 2d6 cold damage on
attacks against any target it has combat advantage against. is knocked prone.

Slipstream (Immediate reaction, when an attack damages the ‹. Immolating Carapace (standard; recharge IM) + Fire
Close burst 1; 124 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 5 fire damage, and the
dire winter wolf; at•will)
target takes ongoing 10 lire damage until it ends its turn in a
The dire winter wolf shifts 4 squares and gains +2 to all
space that is not adjacent to the remorhaz.
defenses until the start of its next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Giant Enraged Heat (Immediate reaction, when a creature hits the
remorhaz with a melee attack; usable only while bloodied;
Skills Stealth +22 (+27 in snow or ice(
at-will) + Fire
Str 26 I -161 Dex 28(+17) Wis 24 (-E-15)
lire triggering creature takes 10 fire damage.
Con 24 (+15) Int 12 (+9) Cha 18 (+12)
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 23 (+16) Dex 26 (1-18) Wis 21 (+15)
Con 20 (+15) Int 51+7) Cha 10 •-10)
Encounter Level 13 (4,400 XP) FROST FIRE FORGE
The frost fire burns within I IelstafFs forge. The fire is
This encounter takes place in the spot marked Loca- a white and blue flame that casts a pale, harsh light.
tion 6 on the Frost Spire Island map (see page 99). The character must work the various tools and stoke
Once the adventurers have collected the three the fire of heat and cold to prepare it to accept the
items, they can forge the key they need to follow Jarl pure elemental ice. This requires two hours of work
Grugnurson into the inner sanctum. and a DC 22 Athletics check.
When the check succeeds. the frost fire burning
FORGING THE KEY in the forge becomes a silver so intense that it hurts to
To gain entrance to the inner sanctum, the characters look directing into the flame.
must forge a key of pure elemental ice. As described
earlier, this requires a shard of elemental ice from PURE ELEMENTAL ICE
Garrick's but (Location 4), the Tome of the Frozen Gate The ice pillars outside of Gorricles but consist of pure
from Zaelex's tower (Location 7), and the forged frost elemental ice. The adventurers can find two shards
fire tended by Helstaff (Location 6). The adventurers ready to use in the hut, or they can extract shards
need the book for the directions to craft the key, the from the pillars. It takes one hour and a DC 22
elemental ice to serve as the raw material, and the Thievery check to harvest a usable shard of ice. Pure
frost fire to craft it without damaging the pure ice. elemental ice is completely transparent. Note that any
Creating the key requires a series of skill checks. failed checks when attempting to craft the key con-
The adventurers have access to enough elemental ice sumes one shard ofpure elemental ice.
that, sooner or later, they can complete the key. The When the forge is ready, a character must feed the
checks determine how quickly the work is finished. pure elemental ice into the forge and work the pre-
Three characters must work together to forge the pared tools to shape the shard into a key. This requires
key. One must follow the directions from the Tome of one hour of work and a DC 22 Thievery check.
the Frozen Gate. Another must handle the tools in Hel-
staff's forge to manipulate the frost fire to prepare it
If the three checks succeed, the completed key
for the ice. Finally, a third character must feed the ice
emerges from the forge as a narrow. 3-foot-long sliver
into the frost-fire-imbued forge to craft the key. These
of ice that looks like an icicle with a series of grooves
three steps require one day of work in Helsta
carved along its length. It comes to a point as sharp as
forge. One PC can aid each check, however none of
a dagger. White and blue energy courses through the
the lead characters can aid with the other checks.
ice, like liquid water sealed within it. While the key
All three characters must succeed with their
looks fragile, it is as hard as tempered steel.
checks to craft the key. Otherwise. the adventurers
must start the process over again the next day. after
an extended rest, using all of the required items.
The gate to the inner sanctum is carved into the side
of the peaks that dominate the southwestern portion
of the island (Location 8 on the map on page 99). The
This 30-page book is carved from ice, with its covers
double doors are crafted from ice and are covered with
a 1-inch slab of white ice. Each page is a paper-thin
carvings of writhing tentacles that rise from the sea.
sliver of transparent ice scribed with silver runes.
The doors open by inserting the key. Slowly, the
Holding different pages together causes the runes on
doors swing open to reveal a set of stairs carved into
each to run together and form different messages.
the ice that plunge downward at a steep angle.
Thus, taking the first three pages and holding them
When the doors open. the characters experience
together causes a different message (or perhaps gib-
a vision. For a moment, the wind and snow that howl
berish) to appear. In order to read the ritual, the
over the island cease, and a crimson fire plays across
characters must determine the pages they must
the tops of the peaks. That fire coalesces and flows
hold together and what order to read them in. This
down the peaks, revealing the dark, shadowy form of
requires a DC 22 Arcana check that takes two hours
of work. gargantuan tentacles buried deep within the ice. For
a moment. the tentacles writhe and struggle as if t hey
When the check succeeds, the runes swirl and
seek to break free of the ice that entraps them. With
move like smoke caught within the ice. They form
a final, crimson flash, the fire dissipates, the winds
into a language that only the character making the
return, and all signs of the tentacles disappear.
check can read.
Just inside the open doors, the adventurers see the
body of a huge white dragon, its chest open and its
heart removed. It ave died recently.
-.1jawar °'
Encounter Level 20 (14,000 XP) The Frost giant jarl, the warchief Grugnurson, takes
the final steps needed to completely awaken the
slumbering Suulkar. The warchief and his frost giant
hunters are under Suulkar's powerful influence. for
Frost giant warchief (W) the slumbering primordial is not some mindless tool
3 frost giant hunters (H) to be used by lesser beings such as themselves.
Frost titan (T) Grugnurson, at the behest of Suulkar, has sum-
Breven Foss moned the frost titan Glacier to this subterranean
cavern to expose his lord to the awakening primor-
The adventurers proceed through the gate, down the dial. Suulkar cares nothing about the titan lords or
steep steps, and work their way deep beneath the ice their desire to free Pi ranoth. It just wants to get out
and snow of the island. After an hour of travel, they of this prison of ice and gather Followers that it can
reach a cavern of water and ice and see a group of control.
frost giants engaged in some arcane task. Read: The ritual that Grugnurson is being directed to
complete involves the still-beating heart of a white
Before you stretches a long, wide chamber hacked from dragon and a pool of crimson blood. If the jarl is
the ice. The ceiling rises 50 feet, and embedded within the z
allowed to complete the ritual, Suulkar will fully
ire, just beneath the frozen surface, are thick, entwined awaken and cast off the frozen prison that is the Frost
tentacles. Spire. When this occurs, the primordial will be free
A narrow path of ice twists before you. Pools of water z
to wreak havoc across the planes.
stretch to the edge of this chamber. At the end of the path. a Breven Foss is not visible when this encounter
stone platform with a flight of stairs rises up out of the ire. begins. He appears as directed later in the encounter.
Threefrostgiants with harpoons guard the way to
the stone platform, where a powerful-looking frost giant This encounter is continued on the next page.
appears to be casting a spell over a crimson pool.
Suddenly a blizzard swirls into existence right ahead
3 Frost Giant Hunters (H) Level 15 Artillery
of you. It spins with icy ferocity before it takes the shape of Large elemental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 1.200 each
a huge frost titan. "I am here, Grugnurson!" the titan bel- Initiative —16 Senses Perception +13
lows. "Why have you called me from my work when we are HP 114; Bloodied 57
so close to releasing Piranoth?" AC 27: Fortitude 27, Reflex 26. Will 28
Resist 15 cold
Speed 8 (ice walk)
0 Icy Harpoon (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Frost Giant Warchief (W) Level 20 Brute
Xi' 2,80 ❑ Reach 3: +22 vs. AC: 2d10+ S cold damage.
Lar_e elemental humanoid (cold, :iant)
initiative +15 Senses Perception +16 @ Icy Crossbow (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Ranged 15/30; -22 vs. AC; 3d6 + 5 cold damage.
HP 233; Bloodied 116; see also dying swipe
Skewering Strike (standard; recharge ::•:IED + Cold, Weapon
AC 32; Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 31
Reach 3; +20 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 5 cold damage. and the target
Resist 15 cold
slides 3 squares and is slowed (save ends).
Speed 8 (ice walk)
0 Icy Greataxe (standard; at•will) + Cold, Weapon Opening Strike
The frost giant gams combat advantage against enemies that
Reach 2; 125 vs. AC; 4d6 -h 9 (crit 8d6 + 331 cold damage.
have not yet acted during an encounter.
Dying Swipe (when the frost giant drops to 0 hit points)
Combat Advantage
The frost giant makes an icy greatoxe attack.
4 Chilling Strike (standard; recharge :•:;[0) ♦ Cold, Weapon
The frost giant deals an extra 1d10 damage against any target it
has combat advantage against.
Reach 2; +25 vs. AC; 2d6 -h 9 cold damage. and the target gains
icebound Footing
vulnerable 10 cold (save ends).
Icy Handaxe (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant. the giant

Ranged 5/10; 25 vs. AC: 2c18 -i- 9 cold damage. moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Icebound Footing
VV hen an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost giant, the giant Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
moves 2 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost giant
an make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. Str 21 (1 12)
Skills Athletics +17, Endurance •16. Stealth +16
Des 19 (411) Wis 22 (+13)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant,
Con 18 (+ 11) Inc 12 (•8)
Equipment hide armor, harpoon, crossbow Cha 12 (+8)

Skills Athletics +23

Str 25 (+17) Dex 21 (+15) Wis 22 (+16)
Con 23 f+161 Int 14 (+12) Cha 16 (+13)
Equipment hide armor. greataxe, 3 I -lamb:nes

... .1
"awmn 747,Nr+i-

117Nrw — 2e!:41,te 111.
This encounter is continued from the previous page. Frost Titan (T) Level 20 Elite Brute
I lug(• cluniental humanoid (cold, giant) XP 5.600
initiative +14 Senses Perception +16
Brevet' Foss, Final Battle Level 14 Elite Controller
Finthulwinter Breath (Cold) aura 2; enemies treat the aura's area
Medium natural humanoid, !Inman XP 2,000
as difficult terrain. Each enemy that starts its turn within the
1+• initiative -8 Senses Perception +19
aura takes 5 cold damage.
Elemental Energy aura 10; each elemental ally within the aura
HP 466; Bloodied 233; see also furious swipe
regenerates 10 hp at the start of its turn.
AC 32; Fortitude 34, Reflex 29, Will 33
HP 264; Bloodied 132
Resist 15 cold
AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 28
Saving Throws +2
Saving Throws
Speed 8 (ice walk)
Speed 6
Action Points 1
Action Points 1
0 icy Greataxe (standard:at-will) + Cold, Weapon
0 Fire Touch (standard; at-will) + Fire
Reach 3; +23 vs. AC: 2d8 + 9 (crit 4d8 + 25) cold damage, and
+18 vs. Relies; 1d10 + 6 fire damage, and the target takes a -2
ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends).
penalty to attack rolls until the end of Foss's next turn.
4 Furious Swipe (free, when first bloodied and again when the
Frost Bolt (standard; at-will) + Cold
frost titan drops to 0 hit points)
Ranged 10; 4-18 vs. Fortitude: 2d8 + 6 cold damage. and until
The titan makes an icy grentaxe mark.
the end of Foss's next turn, the target is slowed and takes a -2
Cold-Blooded Kick (minor 1/round; at-will)
penalty to all defenses.
Reach 3: +21 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 9 damage. and the target is
<— Elemental Burst (standard; at•will) + Cold, Fire
pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
Close burst 5: targets enemies; +17 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 6 cold
)1 Ice Bolts (standard: recharge Ig
and fire damage. Foss slides the target 3 squares, and the target
Ranged 20; targets one or two creatures; +21 vs, Fortitude; 1d8
is dazed (save ends).
9 cold damage. and the target is slowed (save ends).
Elemental Mist {immediate reaction, when Foss takes damage:
Blast of Winter (standard; encounter)
Close blast 5: +21 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 6 cold damage, ongoing 10
Foss becomes invisible until after he hits or misses with an
cold damage (save ends), and the target is immobilized until the
attack or until the end of his next turn.
end of the frost titan's next turn. Miss; Half damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Giant,
Glacial Footing
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost titan, the titan
Skills Arcana +17. Insight +18. Religion +17
moves 4 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost titan
Str 12 (+8) flex 12 (+8) Wis 24 (+14)
can make a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone.
Con 20 (+12) Int 22 (+13) Cha 151+9)
Alignment Evil Languages Giant, Primordial
Skills Athletics +24
So 28 (+19) Dee 19 (+14) Wis 23 (•16)
Perception Check Con 23 •'16) Int 12(+11) Cha 16 (+13)
DC 22: A heating heart of great size sits atop a pedestal on Equipment greataxe
the stone platform. With every beat of the heart, dark blood
pours forth, forming a pool around the pedestal andflowing
into the icy water. The water and the ice around the cham- TACTICS
ber are slowly turning crimson, and the tentacles within the The jarl and his followers fight to the death. The frost
ice seem to pulse each time the heart pumps blood. titan, unaware of Suulkar and the influence that the

BREVEN Foss primordial has over the frost giants here, joins them
in battle against the adventurers. Breven waits for an
The elemental master Brevet.] Foss is dedicated to opportunity to grab the piece of the divine engine
the quest to free Piranoth from its eternal prison. He that hangs from Grugnurson's belt, then he moves to
works with the titan lords to make sure that Pira- join the frost titan in hopes that the two of them can
noth's bid for freedom succeeds. Breven has come escape with the prize they were sent here to get.
to Frost Spire to help Jail Grugnurson complete The jarl warchiel fights with insane fury, laughing
his mission: to recover a piece of the divine engine. and delighting at the carnage he causes. He takes up
Unfortunately, Grugnurson heard the subtle whis- a position at the top of the stairs, hurling axes and
pers of the slumbering primordial trapped here, then moving to engage enemies in direct combat.
and has abandoned his original mission in favor of a The frost titan Glacier moves to block the path to
new one. The jarl wants to free Suulkar and gain the the stone platform. He focuses on using cold-blooded
power that the primordial has promised him. Breven kick to send enemies into the freezing water_ if he
quaffed a potion of invisibility and has been watching knocks a character prone but fails to push him
Grugnurson for a while now. The elemental master into the water, he delights in striking with combat
is trying to decide how to salvage the original plan advantage.
when Grugnurson summons the Frost titan Glacier The frost giant hunters use their crossbows,
and the adventurers arrive. switching to their harpoons when the adventurers
draw near.
Once the titan is bloodied, two of the hunters z
leap into the water, swim to where the adventurers
entered, and climb up to attack from behind or to
engage wizards or rangers in melee.
Breven Foss grabs the divine engine from
Grugnurson, moves to a position behind the frost 0
titan, and then attacks with either frost bolt or elemen- LL

tal burst, depending on the distance between himself

and the adventurers. While he hopes to escape with
the frost titan and the relic, this is probably the place
where this villain makes his last stand.

Grugnurson has finished the ritual whispered into
his mind by the slumbering Suulkar. Now. with each
beat of the white dragon heart, Suulkar grows closer LL
to being able to free itself from its prison. The adven-
turers must stop this from occurring. They can spot
the signs with a Perception check, or Breven Foss can
warn them during the battle. Breven wants to free
Piranoth—Suulkar might endanger that goal. C
Keep track of rounds in this battle. On round 3,
initiative 20 in the order. Suulkar begins to make +18 LJ

vs. Will attacks against individual adventurers each

round. A success deals 1d10 + 6 psychic damage and
dominates the target (save ends). On round 10, the
ice begins to crack and tentacles start to emerge. On
round 15, Suulkar breaks free.
To stop this. the adventurers must destroy the
heart It has AC 10, Fortitude 20, Reflex 10, and 100
hp. A DC 22 Arcana check deals 25 damage to the
heart. If the heart is destroyed, Suulkar returns to a
deep sleep.
If the adventurers reduce the frost titan to 0 hit
points, Glacier explodes into hundreds of chunks of
ice. Glacier's life force immediately flies to the Ele-
mental Chaos, where it flows into an obelisk for later
reconstitution (see Encounter P1 on page 154).


Illumination: Bright light.
Blood: The blood that pools around the dais and Weak Ice: These areas are covered with a thin layer
flows into the icy water is difficult terrain. of ice. If an attack does 20 or more damage (or 10 or
Heart: Atop a dais on the stone platform sits the more fire damage) to these squares, the ice collapses.
heart of a white dragon. It continues to beat and Creatures standing on the square when it collapses
pump blood thanks to the magic of the ritual Suulkar are dropped into the freezing water below.
whispered into Grugnurson's mind. The heart is Treasure: Jarl Grugnurson and Breven Foss both
causing Suulkar to Fully awaken. See "Development" carry a talisman of the seven winds, a golden necklace
above. with a disk carved From whalebone. With one of
Stone Platform: The stone platform rises 10 feet these items, the adventurers can calm the storm
off the icy floor. The stairs are difficult terrain. around Frost Spire so that they can leave the island. A
Water: The water surrounding the ice in this piece of the divine engine is also here.
chamber is relatively calm (DC 18 Athletics check to The jarl also carries five 5,000 gp gems and a 20th
swim) but incredibly cold. Any creature that enters or level magic item.
begins its turn in the water takes 15 cold damage. Breven also carries a bronze plaque with the
words "F la mefall Tower" in Giant and a drawing of
the tower inscribed upon it.
Flamefall Tower, a black edifice nestled among the GIANTS IN THE WORLD
mountains far to the south of the Nentir Vale, stands
beneath a flowing river of lava. The lava streams into At this point in the adventure, the progress of
the tower from a series of volcanoes, providing the the giant armies depends on how successful the
power that keeps the tower's forges and furnaces blaz- adventurers have been and which quests they have
ing. Flamefall Tower is controlled by the fire giant completed along the way. Determine how many of
king Snarr, vassal to the fire titan lord Wildfire. the listed accomplishments the adventurers success-
The tower (actually three towers connected to each fully completed. then cross reference that number to
other) has been churning out weapons and armor fbr the state of the giant armies shown below.
the giant armies, in addition to its usual work mining REVENGE OF THE GIANTS
iron, silver, and adamantine from the immense cav- Accomplishments Points
erns beneath the mountains. The fire giants have Convinced the torrians to return to Argent,
been working in secret for many months, preparing Secured the aid of the Court of Fallen Leaves. 1
to arm the forces of t he titan lords for war. In these Forged an alliance with two or three of 2
penultimate moments of their plan, the tower's forges the settlements of Three Corners.
and furnaces have been turned to one primary proj- Defeated the hill giant battlechiet 2
ect: they are busy repairing the pieces of the divine and the earth titan.
engine that the giants have been able to collect, Defeated the frost giant jarl and the frost titan. 2
combining them to re-create the artifact known as
Piranoth's Bane. With the restored divine engine. the Points State of the Giant Army
titan lords believe that they can free Piranoth from its The giant armies rampage across the land
eternal prison. and have conquered much territory.
1 3
- The giant armies have had some set backs,
GETTING TO but are well on their way to victory.
4-6 The civilized settlements are working
together to keep the giant armies at bay.
Flamefall Tower should he the last giant stronghold 7-8 Alliances forged by the civilized settlements
that the adventurers learn about, and thus the last have destroyed most of the giant armies.
giant stronghold they go to explore. By this point in Only the fire giants remain a viable threat.
the adventure, the party should have completed all
of the research and diplomatic quests they intend to,
and they should have dealt with the earth giants and
the frost giants. A number of clues and discoveries FLAMEFALL TOWER?
point theni to Flamefall Tower. The fire giants have recovered three pieces of the
+ After the adventurers learn the name of an divine engine once known as Piranoth's Bane (see
exarch of Moradin who knows how to mend the the sidebar on page 127). They have captured the
divine engine, one Torugar, Obanar discovers that the exarch of Moradin named Torugar, and they are forc-
exarch has been captured by fire giants. ing the exarch to help them repair the three pieces.
+ The astral giants provided the locations of all They also have draw allies, provided by the Demon
of the pieces oft he divine engine: one in Frost Spire, Queen Lolth. who can help the fire giants make use
one with Kaseem the djinn of Flotsam. two with the of the incomplete artifact.
fire giants at FIamelaIl Tower, and one in Breelton. The fire giant king Snarr has sequestered himself
+ Breven Foss carried a strange bronze plaque in one of the tower workshops. where he forces the
engraved with the words "Flamefall Tower" in Davek weakened exarch to mend the artifact. The fire titan
(the written form of Giant) and a picture of an equally Wildfire is also on hand within Flamefall Tower,
strange triple-spired tower. Obanar recognizes the growing more and more impatient. The fire titan
object as a sort of portal key. "I can use this to teleport waits for the mended artifact to be prepared. Then,
you to a teleportation circle at this location," he says. with artifact in hand and draw exarch at his side.
When the adventurers have learned everything Wildfire plans to enter the Elemental Chaos and
they can and are ready to make the trip, Maria" finally set the primordial Piranoth free.
teleports them to Flamefall Tower. They arrive within If the hill giant battlechief and the frost giant jarl
the teleportation circle on the portal platform (see have fallen to the adventurers, then King Snarr is par-
Encounter Gl: Portal Platform on page 130). ticularly paranoid that they will be coming for him
next. He makes sure that the tower is on full alert
before locking himself away to complete his work.
CHAPTER 2 Adventure Encounters
l ithe earth titan and frost titan have fallen to the raise them again before the PCs can reach the fabri-
adventurers, the fire titan Wildfire is enraged and cation floor. When the players figure out what's going
consumed with thoughts of revenge. That said. the on and use the controls in the audience chamber to 3
titan knows that they prepared for just such a contin- intentionally raise and lower the towers, then they've
gency, and so he forces himself not to give in to his earned access to Snarr and the divine engine. 11
wild nature and inadvertently cause their plans to go
awry. He knows he needs to keep focused so that he REACTING TO INTRUDERS
can make sure that the divine engine arrives at the
King Snarr is obsessed with completing repairs
appointed place. at the appointed time.
on the divine engine, so he won't stop working on
A force of 30 fire giants remains in place to guard
it even as Flamefall Tower is under assault by the
Flamefall Tower, as well as azer slaves, a few draw
adventurers. Tlw giants and other denizens are cer-
ambassadors, and a variety of elemental creatures
tainly capable ofbasic tactics designed to thwart and
and other allies of the titan lords.
intruders, and the fire titan can take
command of the place lithe situation calls for it.
THE MOVING TOWERS The giants regularly practice defending the
Flamefall Tower has a traditional tower that's six tower, but it's more important to show the giants
giant-sized stories tall. Attached to the north and undertaking rudimentary measures in view of the
south walls are secondary towers that, when embed- adventurers than it is to plot out an elaborate series of
ded gears receive power from the magma fall, can countermeasures.
move up and down the sides of the central tower. Once the adventurers start fighting in FIamelall
The north and south towers are usually in the posi- Tower, employ the following techniques to give the
tion shown on the side-view diagram on page 126. players a sense that the fire giants are mobilizing to
With the use of levers in the audience chamber (see defend their fortress:
Encounter G2: Audience Chamber on page 132) ♦ Rooms adjacent to a room where a battle takes
the north and south towers can be raised or lowered. place (including directly upstairs and downstairs)
Doing so takes only one round per level. Characters hear the sounds of a light. Monsters there become
in the central tower don't notice the side towers alert for next 30 minutes.
moving unless they're next to one of the portcullises ♦ The north and south towers move up or down.
and can actually see the side-tower interiors move up + lithe adventurers take more than a short rest in
or down. Characters in a side tower likewise don't see a chamber, a patrol appears (see page 128).
the movement unless they're looking at a portcullis + Use a patrol to refresh and restock a room the
or out a window, but they do feel a gentle vibration in adventurers have cleared. You can do this while
the floor that lasts for about six seconds. the adventurers are lighting elsewhere in Flamefall
Originally built as a defense mechanism, the abil- Tower. or add the monsters when the adventurers
ity of the north and south towers to rise and fall is retreat to take an extended rest.
now merely a convenience for the fire giants. Snarr + In an otherwise empty room, show signs that
orders the towers raised when he wants privacy on monsters were recently there and left in a hurry. The
the fabrication floor (see Encounter G11: King living quarters are particularly good for this, because
Snares Crafting on page 150). for example. they're usually empty anyway.
That's why the rising towers exist in the game + lithe adventurers defeat monsters in a room, leave,
world. Why they exist in the game is simpler: So you and then conic back, tell them that someone or some-
can surprise the adventurers by changing the layout thing dragged the bodies of the fallen monsters away.
ofTlamefall Tower in the middle of the adventure.
Because the towers move quickly and there aren't FLAMEFALL TOWER
many reference points (such clear views of the central
tower from the north or south towers), it's likely that OVERVIEW
the adventurers won't realize what's happening. They'll Flamefall Tower consists of a central tower and two
come to a portcullis and discover a completely dif side towers (identified as the north tower and the
ferent room than they thought was going to be there. south tower). The side towers can he raised or low-
Let your own sense of pacing determine when the ered to provide more direct access from one level of
towers move. You don't need to invent a reason for the the tower to another.
giants to have moved a tower, because it's not likely the The lava emerging from the series ofvolcanoes at
adventurers would ever learn the reason anyway. the top of the mountains is channeled into a single
The moving towers also have a secondary purpose: stream that flows into the central tower. Pipes in the
Putting Snarr and the fabrication floor off limits until walls distribute the flowing lava to specific chambers
the adventurers have explored the rest of the tower. throughout the central tower to provide power for the
If you lower the towers to surprise the adventurers. forges. furnaces. and gears that move the side towers.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

The numbered entries below correspond to the map
shown. Note that the ceilings on each level are 30 feet
high unless a specific encounter states otherwise. TOWER

This platform on the exterior of the central tower is
not shown on the map. It is located on the same level
as Location 2. A teleportation portal is inscribed upon
the floor of this platform to accommodate visitors to
Flamelidl Tower, and a sturdy portcullis guards the
entrance to the tower. See Encounter Gl: Portal
Platform on page 130.

Whenever King Snarr is in residence, this large
chamber serves as his throne room. Otherwise. it is
used by the master fabricator to meet with traders
and allies of the lire giants. The controls used to raise
and lower the north and south towers can be found
in this chamber. Stairs here lead up to the roof of the
central tower and down to the Common Area. See 7 FURNACE
Encounter G2: Audience Chamber on page 132. Located in the central tower. this level features
a series of chambers that are each occupied by a
powerful furnace. Ores can he smelted here. See
3. FIRE GIANT COMMON AREA Encounter G4: Elemental Furnace on page 136.
This location in the central tower serves as an exer-
cise and common area for the fire giants. Here,
lire giants lounge around, work on private projects, 8. SUMMONING CHAMBER
practice martial skills, and engage in other leisure A bone naga arcanist, loyal to the fire titan, works in
activities. Stairs here lead up to the Audience Cham- a secluded chamber on this level of the north tower.
ber. From this level, the only way to descend deeper In addition to exploring potential rituals associated
into the central tower is by accessing the north or with the divine engine, the bone naga is preparing to
south towers. summon undead creatures to bolster the Forces of the
fire giants. Sec Encounter G5: Summoning Cham-
ber on page 138.
Located in the north tower, this level contains sleep-
ing quarters fir the fire giants stationed within 9. RITUAL CHAMBER
Flamelall Tower. Common rooms contain sleeping Draw provided by Lolth, the god of shadow and
mats and lockers for personal items. A few private spiders. toll here to prepare a ritual provided by the
Demon Queen that will allow the divine engine to
chambers serve as quarters for higher-ranking lire
giants. operate even though not all of the pieces were used
to mend it. See Encounter G6: Ritual Chamber on
page 140.
Located in the south tower, this level contains quar-
ters for visiting traders and other guests of King Snarr 10. LAVA OUTFLOW CHAMBER
and the lire giants. Currently. the drow exarch and The lava that flows from the top of the central tower
her party occupy quarters here, as does a rakshasa to the bottom through a large pipe is eventually
noble negotiating a treaty with the fire titan. diverted to this chamber at the bottom of the north
tower. A chute in the ceiling allows the lava to pour
into the pool in this chamber and flow out into an
6. ARMORY aqueduct that leads back into the mountain. The
A series of vaults comprise the central tower's armory. chute only allows lava to flow into this area when the
Each vault features racks of armor and weapons, and north tower is locked into its at-rest position, when
a few are also equipped with forges and worktables Location 10 is adjacent to Location 11. See Encoun-
where weapons and armor can either he crafted or ter G7: Salamander Defenders on page 142.
repaired. See Encounter G3: Armory on page 134.

CHAPTER 2 1 Adventure Encounters

The intense heat of the central tower saps a character's

strength and also leaves him or her more vulnerable
The foundry on this level of the central tower usually
churns out ingots of iron, silver, or adamantine for to future fire attacks. Healing surges return as normal
after an extended rest, and any vulnerabilities gained
use by crafters in other parts of the tower, or even to
disappear after an extended rest, as well. A character
be used as trade goods to add to the fire giants' cof-
can lose multiple surges to multiple checks. If a char-
fers. Currently, the foundry is working to duplicate
acter acquires multiple vulnerability results, only the
the missing pieces of the divine engine. See Encoun-
highest vulnerability applies.
ter G8: False Relics on page 144.


A series of special vaults on the lowest level of the Three major N PCs can be encountered within
south tower are used to store the ingots of iron. silver, Flamefall Tower. Use the following descriptions to
and adamantine that the fire giants craft from the ore complement the material provided in the encounters
extracted from the nearby mountains. See Encoun- detailed later in this book.
ter G9: Storage Vault on page 146.
13. SLAVE QUARTERS The king of these fire giants is Snarr, a powerful and
The azer slaves working in Flamefall Tower and the charismatic leader who commands the utmost loyalty
nearby mines within the mountains live on these from the fire giants that follow him. He is obsessed
levels of the north and south towers. See Encounter with the idea that by releasing Piranoth, he will gain a
GM: Fire Giant Slaves on page 148. huge chunk of the world as his new kingdom. He plans
to enslave all of the nongiant races in his new territory.
14. FABRICATION CHAMBER forcing them to work for the glory and betterment of
A series of massive chambers on the lowest level the fire giants—and to elevate the name of Snarr to the
of the central tower serve as fabrication chambers highest levels. 'fo accomplish this, he has undertaken
where the master crafters of the fire giants can con- the task of reconstructing the divine engine that was
struct amazing siege engines and even artifacts. King used to imprison Piranoth. A key can unlock as well as
Snarr works here, completing the final tasks neces- lock, and that is Snarr's goal.
sary to mend the divine engine known as Piranoth's
Bane. See Encounter G11: King Snarr's Crafting
on page 150.
One of the titan lords that have formed an alliance
THE HEAT OF to free Piranoth and take revenge upon the natu-
ral world, Wildfire is the most powerful titan the
FLAMEFALL TOWER adventurers must contend with in this adventure.
The lava flowing through the central tower makes The fire titan is suspicious of the Brow, but without
Flamefall Tower unbearably hot for creatures not con- the remaining pieces of the divine engine. Wildfire
nected to elemental fire. Each time the adventurers knows that he needs the help of a god to set Piranoth
start an encounter in the central tower, or once each free. Lolth offered her assistance, and the titan lords
hour if they are moving around the central tower reluctantly agreed to accept it. Wildfire, however.
without attracting any attention, have each character remains alert for betrayal. He also works very hard to
make an Endurance check. keep his fury and thoughts of revenge in check, even
though he wants to destroy the adventurers who have
defeated his fellow titan lords.
Check Result Effect
10 or less Lose 1 healing surge, gain
vulnerable 10 fire LOLESTRA
11 - 20 Lose 1 healing surge, gain An exarch of Lolth sent by the Demon Queen to aid
vulnerable S fire the giants. Lolestra is haughty. confident, and some-
21 - 25 Lose 1 healing surge what insane. She revels in deception and tnindgames,
26-i- No effect enjoys torturing victims for sport. and can barely
contain her contempt of the giants she has been
forced to work alongside. She can't wait to cast the
DISASTER AT BREELTON ritual Lolth has provided her with and return to her
After the events at Frost Spire, the adventurers learn that palace in the Underdark. If the adventurers defeated
a huge army of giants destroyed the city of Breelton and Esixtara at the Temple of Inchoate Mysteries (see
have acquired a third piece of the divine engine.Obanar Encounter D4: The Skywatcher's Dome on page
can relay the news, or the adventurers can visit the site 82), then Lolestra wants to make them suffer before
and witness the destruction firsthand. she destroys them.
CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters
Drow Matron Level 16 Elite Controller 2 Draw Templars Level 16 Soldier
Medium fey humanoid XP 1,800 Medium fey humanoid XP 1,400 each
Initiative 412 Senses Perception +16; darkvision Initiative + f 1 Senses Perception +15; darkvision .a1:1
Lolth's Authority aura 5; draw and spider allies in the aura gain a HP 150: Bloodied 75
+1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. AC 32; Fortitude 28, Reflex 22, Will 25
HP 304; Bloodied 152; see also spider link Immune fear
AC 32; Fortitude 25. Reflex 30, Will 30 Speed 6
Saving Throws -2 ID Spear (standard; at-will) + Weapon 1111.
Speed / , 23 vs. AC: 1d8 i 8 damage, and the target Is marked until the 0
Action Points 1 end of tire draw templar's next turn.

C) Mace (standard; at-will) + Weapon Fierce Rebuke (immediate interrupt, when an adjacent marked
+21 vs. AC: 1d8 +4 damage. target shifts: at-will) + Weapon .a
4 Wrath of the Spider Queen (Immediate reaction. when the Requires spear; +23 vs. AC; 2d# I 8 damage, and the target is
draw matron is hit by a melee attack: at-will) knocked prone.
4-21 vs. AC: 1d6 .4 2 damage. <- Wrath of Lolth (standard; recharges when First bloodied)
* Webs of Madness (standard: at-will) + Psychic Close burst 1; +21 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 4 poison damage, and
Burst 2 within 20: -19 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 9 psychic damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends), and the target is pushed
the target is dazed and slowed (save ends both). 1 square.
Lolth's Rebuke (minor; recharge i;.:114) + Poison Whispers of the Spider Queen
Area burst 1 within 10: +19 vs. Will; target is weakened and A draw teniplar gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against a
dazed (save ends both). If the target is slain while weakened bloodied target.
and dazed, it explodes in a burst 3:4-17 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Common. Elven
poison damage. Skills Intimidate +17, Stealth +9
Darkfireiminor; encounter) Str 24 (+IS ) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 15 (110)
Ranged 10;4-19 vs. Reflex; until the end of the drew matron's Con 14 (+10) Int 8 (+7) Cha 19 (412)
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers. Equipment plate armor, spear
and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
Spider Link (minor; at-will) + Healing
The draw matron can transfer up to 75 damage she has taken
to a spider or draw within 5 squares of her. She cannot transfer
more hit points than the creature has remaining.
Mask of the Matriarch (immediate interrupt, when the draw
matron is targeted by a melee attack; encounter) + Fear
The target moves its speed away from the draw matron-
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common.
Skills Bluff -19. Insight +21, Intimidate 19. Religion +21,
Stealth -'17
Str 14 (+10) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 27 (+16)
Con 16 (+11) Int 26 (+16) Cha 22 (-1-14)
Equipment chainmaii, mace. mask of the matriarch

3 Drow Demonbinders Level 15 Skirmisher

Medium fey humanoid (demuni XP 1.200 each
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +7: darkvision
HP 153; Bloodied 76; see hideous transformation
AC 29; Fortitude 31, Reflex 27, Will 30
Resist 10 variable (1/encounter: see Amster Manual page 282)
Speed 7
0 Demon Rod (standard: at-will) + Weapon
4-20 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and the target is dazed until the
end of its next turn. Miss: The demonbinder can shift I square
as a free action.
Abyssal Blast (standard; at-will)
Ranged 10: -, 18 vs. Reflex; 2d6 / 7 damage, and the target is
dazed (save ends).
Hideous Transformation (immediate reaction. when first
bloodied) + Fear, Polymorph
Close burst 2; +18 vs. Will; target is stunned until the end of
the demonhinder's next turn. In addition, the demonbinder can
shift 3 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Abyssal, Common. Elven
Skills Arcana +17, Intimidate +13, Stealth -1-15
Str 10 (+7) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 11 (+7)
Con 25 (+14) Int 20 (+12) Cha 13 (+8)
Equipment leather armor, demon rod
Encounter Level 17 (8,000 XP) 2 Fire Giants (G) Level 18 Soldier
tar: e elemental humanoid (: iant) XP 2,000 each
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +14
SETUP HP 174; Bloodied 87
2 fire giants (G) AC 34; Fortitude 34. Reflex 28, Will 28
Resist 15 fire
1 fire giant forgecaller (F)
Speed 7
1 nabassu gargoyle (N)
(4)) Searing Greatsword (standard; at-will) 4. Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; ldl 2 + 6 damage plus 2d8 fire
This encounter takes place at Location 1. This exte- damage, and the target is marked until the end of the fire
rior platform extends from the spire atop the central giant's next turn.
tower and connects to Location 2. When Obanar E Sweeping Sword (standard; encounter) ♦ Fire, Weapon
uses the bronze plaque that the adventurers found Requires greatsword; close blast 2; +21 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6
damage plus 2d8 fire damage. and the target is marked until
upon Breven Foss. he can teleport the party to the
the end of the fire giant's next turn.
inscribed circle on this platform. When the adventur- )f Iron Javelin (standard; at-will) + Weapon
ers appear in the circle, read: Ranged 15/30; -21 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage. and the target is
slowed until the end of the fire giant's next turn.
You see a platform of black stone and dark fortress walls Alignment Evil Languages Giant
beyond it—like a castle courtyard, but you are clearly stand- Skills Intimidate +14
ing on a platform attached to a spire atop a black tower. Str 23 (+15) Dex 11 (+9) Wis 10 (+9)
Con 22 (+15) int 10 (+9) Cha 11 (+9)
Two other towers connect to the black tower, one to each
Equipment plate armor, greatsword, 4 javelins
side. Three fire giants—two in plate armor and one in red
dragonhide—stand about 20 feet from the circle, squinting
Nabassu Gargoyle (N) Level 18 Lurker
as they stare right at you. Behind them, you see an iron XP 2,000
Medium elemental humanoid (earth)
portcullis that leads into the spire. The entire area is bathed Initiative +20 Senses Perception +17; darkvision
in a reddish light, and you can see a stream of molten lava Bloodfire Gaze (Fire) aura 2; any creature taking ongoing
pouring down from the mountaintops above like a fiery damage that enters or starts its turn in the aura takes 5 fire
waterfall. The lava flows into an opening in the tower roof damage and is weakened (the effect ends when the creature
leaves the aura). This aura is not active while the nabassu
Perception Check gargoyle is in stone form.
HP 136; Bloodied 68
DC 25: One firegiant says in a low voice, "It's not the
AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 30, Will 28
drow—are they intruders?" The one wearing dragonhide Immune petrification
replies, "Just as King Snarr warned us." Then the giants Speed 6. fly 8
draw weapons and prepare to defend themselves. ® Claw (standard; at-will)
DC 31: You see a horned gray head peering over the edge +23 vs. AC; 2d8 + 7 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
of the crenellations on the platform ledge. Savage Bite (standard; recharge ill ) + Healing
+23 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage. or 2d10 + 7 damage against a
bloodied or weakened target. In addition, the gargoyle regains a
Fire Giant Forgecaller (F) Level 18 Artillery
number of hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt.
Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 2.000
Stone Form (standard; at-will)
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +17
The gargoyle becomes a statue and gains resist 30 to all
HP 136; Bloodied 68
damage. regeneration 5, and tremorsense 10. It loses all other
AC 32; Fortitude 33, Reflex 29, Will 30
senses and can take no actions in stone form other than revert
Resist 15 fire
to its normal form (as a minor action).
Speed 8
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
0 Smoldering Mace (standard; at-will) + Fire, WeapOn Skills Stealth +21
Reach 2; +21 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage plus 1d10 fire damage .
Str 25 (4161 Dee 24 (+16) Wis 17 (+12)
Fire Pillar (standard; at-will) + Flre
Con 22 (+15) Int 5 (+6) Cha 20 (+14)
Ranged 20; +21 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 3 fire damage.
* Flame Burst (standard; recharge ®) + Fire
Area burst 2 within 10; +21 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 3 fire damage. and TACTICS
ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
One fire giant charges into melee and tries to mark
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Skills Intimidate +14
an opponent it believes is a defender. The other tries
Str 23 (+15) Dex 15 (+11) Wis 16 (+12) to mark a different opponent. They maneuver to keep
Con 22 (+15) int 10 (+9) Cha 11 (+9) enemies away from the forgecaller and to keep as
Equipment dragonhide armor, mace many targets as possible within range of their sweep-
ing sword attack (close blast 2). At the start of each
turn, if a fire giant can maneuver to get at least three
enemies with the sweeping sword attack, it uses that
power—even if the fire giant has to provoke an oppor-
tunity attack to set it up.
The forgecaller stays back and uses flame burst as
often as it can and fire pillar whenever flame burst is
unavailable. Aflame burst won't hurt the fire giants
much, so the forgecaller doesn't mind if they're
caught in the area. It doesn't care about the gargoyle,
either—the fire giants regard the gargoyles as pests.
Roll initiative for the nabassu gargoyle at the
start of the second round of combat. It flies behind
an adventurer (preferably a target that has taken
some amount of damage) and delivers a claw attack.
As soon as an enemy is taking ongoing damage.
the gargoyle uses its savage bite against that target.
Remember to check for the gargoyle's aura effect at
the start of every creature's turn—including the fire
giants, who don't have to worry about the fire damage
but might be weakened by the aura. The nabassu gar-
goyle likes to perch upon the spire keep and doesn't
care for the fire giants. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: Bright light from the magmafall,
DEVELOPMENT which paint the area in a reddish tint.
The fire giants get too caught up in the heat of battle Ledge: It's a 100-foot fall from the platform to the
to actually retreat or sound an alarm, so it's possible top of the tower below. Characters that fall (or jump)
that the adventurers can enter Flamefall Tower from land on the roof of the central tower and take 10d10
here undetected. damage. From there, they can climb back up the side
If the adventurers leave the tower and return later. of the spire (DC 20 Athletics check) or enter through
perhaps after leaving to take an extended rest, they the stairs that lead to the audience chamber (see
won't find fire giants here when they return. They Location 2).
will be beset by five nabassu gargoyles (a level 18 Iron Portcullis: The portcullis is in the down
encounter), however, when they arrive in the portal. and locked position due to King Snares fears that the
The adventurers must defeat the gargoyles several champions of Argent might try to interfere with their
times before the gargoyles figure out that the adven- plans. It can be unlocked manually from the inside
turers are too dangerous and should be left alone. with a lever. The lever is located on the wall to the
Even if the fire giants know that the adventurers west of the portcullis, inside the spire keep. DC 25
are using the teleportation portal to attack Flame- Strength check to lift it if it is unlocked, DC 30 if it is
fall Tower, they leave the portal circle intact. It's locked. (Assume that the giants can automatically lift
the fastest way to get reinforcements into and out of an unlocked portcullis.) Raising the lever all the way
Flamefall Tower, and all of the fire giants' allies know retracts the portcullis into the ceiling, and lowering
how to use it. the lever all the way lowers it to the floor. Placing the
lever in the middle position locks it in place.
FLAMEFALL TOWER Portal Circle: This inscribed circle functions like
any linked portal, except that it's larger than most.
Once the adventurers have a moment, they can
The bronze plaque that Breven Foss carried (see
examine their surroundings. The platform they arrive
Encounter F13: Against the Frost Titan on page
on extends from the spire atop the tower of black
121) is linked to this circle.
stone. Two identical towers are attached to the central
tower, one on each side. though they are set slightly
lower than the level of the central tower. The towers
are nestled along the side of a rugged mountain
range. A stream of molten lava flows like fiery water
from the top of the mountains, pouring into a collec-
tion pipe that extends up from the top of the central
tower to catch the flowing lava.
Encounter Level 18 (11,500 XP) 5 Drow Warblades (W) Level 16 Lurker
Medium fe humanoid XP 1,400 each
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +15; darkvision
SETUP HP 114: Bloodied 57

5 fire giant troopers (F) AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 29. Will 27
Speed 6
1 drow noble (N)
Warblade (standard; at-will) + Poison. Weapon
5 drow warblades (W) +21 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 damage, and the drow warbiade makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +19
This encounter takes place at Location 2. After enter- vs. Fortitude; see drow poison for the effect.
ing the spire keep, the adventurers can descend the Hand Crossbow (standard; at-will) + Poison, Weapon
stairs to the roof of the central tower. This grants Ranged 10/20; +21 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage, and the drow
warblade makes a secondary attack against the same target.
them access to the stairs that lead to King Snarr's
SecondaryAttack: +19 vs. Fortitude: see draw poison for the
audience chamber. When the adventurers climb
down the stairs (they can descend from either the Daricfire (minor; encounter)
north or south stairs), read: Ranged 10; +19 vs. Reflex; until the end of the drow warblade's
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers,
A raised dais at the center of the far wall of the chamber and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
features a black obsidian throne built for a creature much Combat Advantage
The drow warbiade deals an extra 3d8 damage on melee and
larger than a human. No one sits upon the throne, but a
ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage
sword-wieldingfire giant stands at attention at the foot of
the stairs. A detailed mosaic depicting a red dragon adonis Drow Poison + Poison
the center of thefloor. To either side, giant-sized trestle A creature hit by a weapon coated in drow poison takes a -2
tables are positioned for either a feast or a meeting. A drow penalty to attack rolls (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The
female sits cross-legged atop the dais, surrounded by five target is also weakened (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw:
drow males in chain armor. She seems to be lecturing the The target falls unconscious until the end of the encounter.
Alignment Evil Languages Common. Elven
drow. Three morefire giants stand at the other end of the
Skills Dungeoneering + ' 15. Intimidate +14, Stealth +17
chamber, apparently extremely bored by whatever the Brow
Str 161+11) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 14 (+10)
is talking about. Con 12 (+9) Int 13 (+9) Cha 12 (+9)
On the walls hang battered shields—mostly human- Equipment chainmail, warhlade*, hand crossbow, 20 bolts'
sized, but afew intended for giant-sized wielders are 'Thew weapons are coated in iinnv poison .
displayed as well. There's a wide variety, all dented, crum-
pled, or otherwise showing signs of battle damage. TACTICS
The fire giant troopers rush to defend the tower as
If the adventurers immediately spring into action,
they may gain surprise (the passive Perception of soon as they become aware of the intruders. The fire
the fire giant troopers is only 19. and the drow war- giant closest to the stairs the adventurers use to enter
blades are too busy listening to the noble to notice the chamber engages them in melee combat, while
intruders.) If the adventurers make their presence the others hang back for a round or two to hurl iron
javelins. As soon as one or more of the giants fall, one
known before attacking. then no surprise round is
granted to them. of the troopers breaks off to head for the stairs lead-
ing down into the tower in order to raise the alarm.
The drow noble seems more amused by the
5 Fire Giant Troopers (F) Level 18 Minion
Large natural humanoid (giant) XP 500 each appearance of the intruders than surprised or angry.
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +9 Indeed, she has been bored and suddenly sees the
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. adventurers as the means to some much needed
AC 34; Fortitude 34. Reflex 28, Will 28 entertainment. She uses shadow wrath as her first
Speed 7 attack, then she moves away to put as much distance
Searing Longsword (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon „,,,a 4 as possible between herself and the intruders. She
Reach 2: 423 vs. AC; 10 damage plus 1d8 fire damage.
uses &I/40re to make one enemy more vulnerable to
))" Iron Javelin (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +21 vs. AC; 10 damage, and the target is slowed
the warblades, and makes fire web attacks as long as
until the end of the fire giant trooper's next turn. she has range on the intruders. Once the adventurers
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant 4 push deeper into the chamber, the noble unleashes
Str 22 (+15) Dex 10 (+9) Wis 10 (+9) her maddening oratory to damage and daze as many
Con 20 (+14) int 8 (+8) Cha 9 (+8) targets as possible. and to heal her warblades. She
Equipment chain armor. longsword fights to the death, mostly because she never seriously
believes that the adventurers pose a real threat to her.
Drow Noble (N) Level 18 Controller (Leader) Stairs Up: The stairs on the north and south
Medium fey humanoid XP 1,000 walls of the chamber lead up to the roof of the cen-
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +20; darkvision tral tower. This is how the adventurers enter this
Noble Authority aura sight; drow and spider allies in the aura gain
a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
HP 164; Bloodied 82
Stairs Down: The stairs along the west wall of
AC 32; Fortitude 27, Reflex 29, Will 32 the chamber lead down to Location 3, the fire giant's
Speed 7 common area.


(f) Longsword (standard; at-will) + Weapon Table: Each table stands 5 feet off the ground
+23 vs. AC; 1d8 + 9 damage. as they are sized for the comfort and use of the fire
Fire Web (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire giants. A character under a table gains cover from an
Ranged 5; +22 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 7 fire damage, and the target
attacking fire giant, but not from the drow.
is immobilized and gains vulnerable 5 fire (save ends both).
Darkfire (minor; encounter)
Throne: The throne atop the dais is designed to
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Reflex; until the end of the drew noble's accommodate a fire giant of King Snares size and
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attacks, stature.
and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment. Drow Noble's Book: The book, mostly a treatise
1,'; Shadow Wrath (standard; recharge i I!) ♦ Necrotic on the theoretical underpinnings of magic, includes
Area burst 2 within 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; 4d10 + 7 several rituals: Shadow Walk, View Object, and
necrotic damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Maddening Oratory (standard; recharge III) + Psychic j
Close burst 5; +20 vs. Will; 3d8 + 7 psychic damage, and
Treasure: The drow noble carries a book (see
the target is dazed (save ends). Drow allies in the burst gain above) and 6,000 gp in a pouch she wears on her belt.
10 hit points. If the adventurers search the throne and make a DC
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant, Elven 27 Perception check, they discover a secret compart-
Skills Bluff 419, Diplomacy +19. Insight +20, Stealth +16 ment. The compartment is locked (DC 25 Thievery
Str 12 (+10) Dex 15 (+11) Wis 22 (+15) check). If a character attempts to open the compart-
Con 12 (+10) Int 16 (+12) Cha 20 (+14)
ment without unlocking it, he or she takes 25 fire
Equipment chainmail, longsword
damage. Inside the compartment is a level 18 magic
The drow warblades accompany the drow noble
and serve as her honor guard. While they all ulti-
mately serve the exarch Lolestra, these warblades
have been assigned to the drow noble for a long time
and are totally devoted to her. They immediately
move to protect her when the intruders arrive. The
warblades take turns using darkfire, so that they can
maintain combat advantage against the strongest
defender the intruders have. A couple of the war-
blades close with the enemy, attempting to set up a
flank while making warblade attacks. Don't forget to
make the secondary attacks for the drow poison. The
others hang back to use their hand crossbows from a
distance. They fight to the death to protect the drow


Illumination: Bright light.
Mosaic: The mosaic inlaid into the floor depicts a
red dragon. A DC 25 Perception check lets a charac-
ter notice that some of the pieces used in the mosaic
are valuable gems. A DC 20 Thievery check allows a
character to remove a number of gems worth 220 pp.
If the check fails, the character can only recover 110
pp worth of gems.
Shields: The shields hanging on the walls are
trophies taken in battles. Some are from the recent
campaign, while others date back centuries. None of One square = 5 feet
the shields are magical.
Encounter Level 17 (8,800 XP) Fire Giant Icefist (F) Level 19 Elite Brute
Lare elemental humanoid (•cant) XP 4.800

SETUP Initiative +15

HP 454: Bloodied 227
Senses Perception +12

1 fire giant icefist (F) AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 28
1 salamander archer (A) Saving Throws +2
2 salamander swordbearers (S) Resist 15 fire
Speed 7
This encounter takes place at Location 6. The adven- Action Points 1
turers must descend through either the north or Ice Punch (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Requires frigid gauntlets; reach 2; +22 vs. AC: 1d8 + 18
south tower to reach this level of the central tower. A
damage plus 2d8 cold damage.
series of vaults, each protected by a portcullis, fill this
Blizzard of Blows (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
level of the tower. Because of the war efforts, which The fire giant icefist makes three ice punch attacks. If all
have depleted the tower of most of its occupants, and three attacks hit, make an immediate freezing grasp attack as
due to all of the work happening in the lowest levels a free action. This attack can't be used while the icefist has a
where King Snarr toils to mend the divine engine, the grabbed target.
armory isn't the bustling location it once was. When Freezing Grasp (standard; recharge :-: i i) ♦ Cold. Weapon
Requires frigid gauntlets; +20 vs. Reflex: 1d8 18 damage plus
the adventurers reach this area, they come across
2d8 cold damage, and the target is grabbed.
a lot of empty vaults and one armory vault that is
occupied. Bright light spills from this particular vault. At the start of a grabbed target's turn, the grabbed target takes
Read: 10 cold damage.
• Beyond the portcullis, two salamanders hold their
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Skills Intimidate +20
strangely curved swords out toward a spinning grindstone Str 29 (+18) Dex 23 (+15) Wis 16 (+12)
in a wooden frame, causing a shower of sparks as the metal Con 27 (+17) Int 17 (+12) Cha 23 (+15)
meets the stone. Equipment chain armor, frigid gauntlets
Another salamander with a bow across its back stands
The salamander swordbearers use tail lash to
at a table covered with a pile of brilliant purplefeathers. It
appears to be preparing arrows for its bow. confound the movement of the adventurers. Try to
A fire giant leans against a wall, adjusting the straps on position the swordbearers so they are in the way of the
the strange gauntlets it wears. The gauntlets appear to be adventurers to better trigger the attack. The sword-
bearers work to set up flanks for each other. When
covered in aline layer of frost.
an enemy becomes bloodied, the two swordbearers
Armor racks stand at intervals along the left and right
concentrate their attacks on that target, employing
walls. About half are empty, and the other half have bat-
tered or incomplete suits of giant-sized plate or chainmail executioner's strike and tail lash to maximum effect.
The salamander archer's tactics are pretty simple:
hanging on them. A small forge glows a dull red in one
corner. Hanging from pegs about 10 feet off the ground are it tries to stay out of melee combat and shoot as many
arrows as possible. It uses tail thrust to keep would-be
giant-sized melee weapons—mostly swords and mauls.
Maps cover the walls where weapons and armor aren't melee combatants at a distance; remember that the
in evidence. archer has reach 2 and can use tail thrust more than
once on its turn.
The fire giant icefist oversees the activities of the
salamanders here, who are working on their own Illumination: Dim light from the glowing forge.
weapons for a change. When the intruders arrive. Bright light in a 20-square radius from each salaman-
the fire giant starts by hefting a spare grindstone der, as long as the salamander is alive.
and hurling it at the adventurers (see "Features of the Armor Racks: None of the armor sets hanging on
Area" for details). Then he rushes toward the intrud- these racks are complete. If the PCs are determined
to construct Large armor from the pieces, they can
ers and uses blizzard of blows on a single target. If the
fire giant manages to grab a target. he can hold that get two sets of plate armor and three sets of chain-
enemy with one arm while making ice punch attacks mail by cannibalizing armor pieces and straps from
against other targets. Remember that grabbed targets components scattered throughout the vault. This
requires an hour of work.
suffer the effects of coldsnap at the start of their turns.
Salamander Archer (A) Level 15 Artillery 2 Salamander Swordbearers (S) Level 16 Soldier
Large elemental humanoid (fire, reptih XI, 1.100 Large elemental humanoid (fire, reptile) XP 1,400 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +9 Initiative ■ 14 Senses Perception -12
HP 114: Bloodied 57 HP 153; Bloodied 76 2
AC 28: Fortitude 26, Reflex 23. Will 22 AC 32: Fortitude 28. Reflex 29, Will 27
Resist 20 fire Resist 20 fire
Speed 6 Speed 6
(D Tail Lash (standard; at-will) + Fire Khopesh (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire. Weapon
Reach 2: 118 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 fire damage. Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 1d8 4 7 damage, plus S fire damage.
a Longbow (standard; at•will) + Fire, Weapon 0 Executioner's Strike (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire, Weapon
Ranged 20/40; +20 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage plus 1d6 fire Targets bloodied enemy only; reach 2; +21 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 +
damage. 7 damage, plus 5 fire damage. If the target is prone, it takes an
, Tail Thrust (minor; at-will) additional 10 damage.
Reach 2: +18 vs. Reflex: the target is pushed 1 square. . Tail Lash (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves within 2
Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon squares of the salamander swordbearer; at-will) ♦ Fire
The salamander archer makes two ranged basic attacks The salamander attacks the enemy: reach 2: +21 vs. Reflex;
against the same target or two separate targets within 5 1d 10 + 7 fire damage, the target is knocked prone, and the
squares of each other. target's move action ends in that square.
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
Str 17 (+10) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 15 (+9) Str 20 (+13) Dex 22 (+14) Wis 18 (+12)
Con 18 (+11) Int 11 (1-7) Cha 11 (+7) Con 18 (+12) Int 13 (+9) Cha 15 (+10)
Equipment longbow, quiver of 30 arrows Equipment k hopesh

Grindstone: The grindstone in the framework Treasure: One weapon or suit of armor stored
spins of its own volition. Any creature that is pushed here was taken from a human-sized opponent. If the
or slides into the spinning grindstone takes 3d10 adventurers make a successful DC 25 Perception
damage. A spare grindstone leaning against the check, they spot the item among the other arms and
wall next to the fire giant makes an excellent mis- armor stored here. They find a level 20 magic item,
sile weapon. The fire giant can hurl it as an attack; either a weapon or armor, as you see fit.
ranged 20; +20 vs. AC; 2d10 damage and the target
is knocked prone; make a secondary attack against a
target within 2 squares of the original target; +20 vs.
AC; 1d10 damage.
One square
Iron Portcullis: Ordinarily left unlocked and = 5 feet
closed, the portcullis can be locked manually from
the inside with a lever. DC 25 Strength check to lift a
closed portcullis it if unlocked, DC 30 if it is locked.
(Giants can automatically lift an unlocked portcullis.)
Raising the lever all the way retracts the portcullis
into the ceiling, and lowering the lever all the way
lowers it to the floor. Placing the lever in the middle
position locks the portcullis in place.
The portcullis on the south wall opens into the
main hallway running through this level of the tower. mpg

The portcullises on the east and west walls lead to

other vaults on this level.
Maps: Among the maps on the walls is a map
of the mining tunnels within the mountains and a
regional map showing major Underdark communities
nearby. Other maps are military in nature. show-
ing encampments and battle plans for the fire giant
armies currently on the march.
Weapons: There arc fourteen Large weap-
ons hanging on the walls: two falchions, seven
greatswords, four mauls, and one greataxe.
Work Table: The feathers are normal feathers.
suitable for fletching. There are 60 complete Large
arrows on the table, and enough shafts, arrowheads,
and feathers to make another 60.

Encounter Level 17 (8,000 XP) Fire Giant Flamecrusher (F) Level 17 Brute
Lar.e elemental humanoid .iantl XP 1,600
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +10
SETUP HP 204; Bloodied 102
1 fire archon blazesteel (A) AC 29; Fortitude 30, Reflex 25. Will 28
Resist 15 fire
1 fire giant flamecrusher (F)
Speed 7
2 fire elemental infernos (E) Searing Maul (standard; at•wIII) + Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage plus 2d8 fire damage.
This encounter takes place at Location 7. The adven- 0 Overhead Smash (standard; at-will) + Fire. Weapon
turers must descend through either the north or Requires maul: reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 14 damage plus 2d8
south tower to reach this level of the central tower. fire damage, and the target Is knocked prone.

A series of furnace chambers, each protected by a • Battering Blows (standard; usable only when bloodied;
encounter) + Fire, Weapon
portcullis, fill this level of the tower. Because of the
Requires maul; close burst 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage
war efforts, which have depleted the tower of most of plus 2d8 fire damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and
its occupants, and due to all of the work happening in knocked prone.
the lowest levels where King Snarr toils to mend the Alignment Evil Languages Giant
divine engine, the furnaces aren't the bustling loca- Skills Endurance +20
tion they usually are. When the adventurers reach Str 27 (+16) Dex 17 (+11) Wis 15 (410)
this area, they come across a lot of empty chambers Con 24 (+15) Int 8 (+7) Cha 22 (414)
Equipment plate armor, maul
and one furnace chamber that is occupied. Here,
the last replacement piece for the divine engine has
recently been completed and is now on its way to Fire Archon Blazesteel (A) Level 19 Soldier
Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 1.40()
King Snarr. The remaining creatures guard the area.
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +12
Read: HP 182: Bloodied 91; see also wounded fireburst
AC 3S; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32, Will 28
Beyond the portcullis, a massive furnace with iron doors Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 fire
stretches from floor to ceiling. There's a metal tank on Speed 8
either side of the furnace doors, with pipes connecting each 0 Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
+25 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 damage (crit 2d8 + 16) plus 1d8 fire
to the floor and ceiling. A fire giant holds a steaming stone
damage, and the target is marked until the end of the
mold with massive iron tongs as he moves it to a side work
blazesteel's next turn.
table. A massive anvil dominates the far end of the room. .(• Wounded Rreburst (when first bloodied and again when the
and numerous drawings hang upon the walls, along with blazesteel Is reduced to 0 hit points)* Fire
tongs. hammers, jigs. and other tools of the blacksmith's Close burst 2; +21 vs. Reflex; 10 fire damage. and ongoing 5 fire
trade. Threeflery creatures stand near the open doors of damage (save ends).
the blazing furnace. Combat Advantage + Fire
The blazesteel makes a single extra scimitar attack and deals
an extra 1d8 fire damage against any enemy it has combat
2 Fire Elemental Infernos (E) Level 18 Controller
advantage against.
Large elemental magical beast (fire) XP 2.000 each
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +10
Str 26 (+17) Dex 24 (+16) WIs 16 (+12)
Blazing Heat (Fire) aura 3; any creature that enters or starts its
Con 22 (+15) Int 14 (+11) Cha 15 (+11)
turn in the aura takes 10 fire damage.
Equipment plate armor, scimitar
HP 170; Bloodied 85
AC 32; Fortitude 30. Reflex 32, Will 29
Immune disease, petrification, poison; Resist 30 fire TACTICS
Speed 6
The fire giant flamecrusher starts this encounter
Q Fire Tendril (standard; at-will) + Fire iaddi1
Reach 3:4-23 vs. AC; 1d10 + 7 fire damage. and target
carrying the still-steaming mold that was used to
slides 3 squares. form the last missing piece of the divine engine.
* Inferno (standard; at-will) + Fire, Zone Remember that King Snarr hopes that by completely
Area burst 1 within 10; +22 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 fire damage and mending Piranoth's Bane (even if he is using some
the target is Immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with fire replacement pieces that he has fashioned himself) he
and is considered difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. will have a better chance of calling upon its powers to
Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the zone takes 10
set Piranoth free.
fire damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
As soon as the fire giant notices the intruders, he
Str 14 (+11) Dex 22 (+15) Wis 12 (410) tosses the red-hot stone mold onto the table. Then he
Con 18 (+13) int 8 (+8) Cha 16 (+12) pulls his maul and turns to attack. He uses overhead
smash as his primary mode of attack, though he magma pipes into the elemental furnace, where the
will switch to searing maul if he's having a hard time molten rock mingles with the elemental fire to feed ..pit
hitting his target. When the fire giant becomes blood- thefurnacdmitheznglys
ied, he positions himself to use battering blows, trying temperatures. Every time an area attack includes a
to catch as many opponents as possible in the burst. furnace tank, there's a chance that the tank ruptures
The fire archon blazesteel charges and makes a and explodes. When a close blast or burst, or an area —I
scimitar attack against the nearest melee-capable burst, includes a tank, roll 1d20. On a roll of 1, the
adventurer. Then it bides its time with scimitar attacks tank explodes, spewing lava in all directions. If both Z
until one of the fire elemental infernos can move into tanks are destroyed, the damage dealt by the furnace 2
a flanking position—providing the blazesteel with an is reduced to 1d10 + 7 fire damage.
extra scimitar attack and extra fire damage. Exploding Tank: Close burst 5; +20 vs. Reflex; 4d12
The fire elemental infernos like to get close to their + 7 fire damage. and ongoing 10 fire damage (save
opponents to allow their blazing heat auras to do their ends). Miss: Half damage. and no ongoing damage. ,„;
jobs. One tries to establish a flanking position with Iron Portcullis: Ordinarily left unlocked and cc
the fire archon blazesteel, while the other alternates closed, each portcullis can be locked manually from t-w
between using fire tendril attacks to slide opponents the inside with a lever. DC 25 Strength check to lift a
into the open furnace and inferno to set up zones of closed portcullis it if unlocked, DC 30 if it is locked.
immobilizing fire elsewhere in the area. (Giants can automatically lift an unlocked portcullis.) 0
The fire archon attempts to escape if the other Raisngthelvrwyactsheporuli
creatures fall. It hopes to reach other fire giants or into the ceiling, and lowering the lever all the way
the drow so that it can raise the alarm and warn lowers it to the floor. Placing the lever in the middle
King Snarr about the intruders. The fire giant flame- position locks the portcullis in place.
crusher and the fire elemental infernos, however. get The portcullises on the north and south walls lead
caught up in the heat of battle and fight to the death. to other furnace chambers on this level.
Stairs: The stairs leading down out of this cham-
DEVELOPMENT ber are sealed. They don't go anywhere.
The stone mold on the table was used to forge one
of the missing pieces of the divine engine known
as Piranoth's Bane. A character can make a DC 25
Dungeoneering check or a DC 20 Religion check to
recognize the shape within the mold as one of the
pieces of the divine engine—perhaps even one of the
pieces the adventurers recovered from Frost Spire
Island. It is clear from this still-hot mold that this tool
was used very recently.


Illumination: Bright light, from the fire archon
blazesteel and the fire elemental infernos (each emits
bright light in a 10-square radius). The glow of the
furnace provides dim light, once the elemental crea-
tures are defeated.
Anvil: The massive anvil is designed for use by the
fire giants. It shows the wear and tear of ages of use,
but it also looks to be well cared for and maintained.
Elemental Furnace: The massive iron furnace
burns with elemental fire. As long as the heavy iron
doors remain open, creatures can be pushed or slid
into the intense heat of the elemental furnace. Any
creature that enters or starts its turn in the elemental
furnace takes 4d10 + 7 fire damage.
Closing the furnace door takes a standard action
because it is so heavy. A Medium character can
change the action to a minor action by making a DC
25 Strength check.
Furnace Tanks: The tanks on each side of the
furnace allow lava to flow from the tower's internal
5 Haunted Armor Level 19 Minion Soldier
Animuses (A)
Medium immortal animate (undead) XP 600 eat II
Initiative -1-14 Senses Perception +11; darkvision
HP a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 35: Fortitude 31. Reflex 30, Will 29
Resist 10 Lire, 10 poison
Speed 6
0 Longsword (standard: ♦ Necrotic, Weapon
+26 vs. AC; 12 necrotic damage.
Ectoplasmic Burst (when the haunted armor animus drops to
0 hit points) .0 Necrotic
Close burst 3: +24 vs. Fortitude; 12 necrotic damage and the
target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages —
Str 19 03) Dex 16 (-I-12) Wis 14 (+11)
Con 151411) int 8 (+8) Cha 11 (+9)
Equipment heavy shield, longsword

armor animus appears in the circle. It uses another

minor action to summon a fourth animus. On its
second turn, it repeats the process until there are
five animuses in play, then it turns its attention to the
intruders. The bone naga can make bite attacks (with
reach 2). The bone naga also has a powerful death
dance attack. but it avoids using it if the wights or ani-
muses are within the burst area.
The slaughter wights are straightforward. They
One square = 5 feet
rush into melee and try to weaken as many different
opponents as possible. When they are defeated, don't
forget their death wail power.
The animuses try to get between the adventurers
Summoning Circle: The summoning underway
and the bone naga. They concentrate exclusively on
protected the arcanist from the intruders. is a multi-step process that the bone naga doesn't
The bone naga, thoroughly captivated by the goals expect to complete for another week or two. In the
of the giants and their titan lords, fights to the death. meantime, the circle remains full of smoke and occa-
sionally spits out a haunted armor animus. Creatures
who move into or start their turn inside the circle
FEATURES OF THE AREA take 10 poison damage from the smoke. Creatures
Illumination: Dim light, provided by the glowing who start two consecutive turns in the smoke are also
runes at the edge of the summoning circle. dazed (save ends), and creatures who start three or
Iron Portcullis: This portcullis is locked. DC 30 more consecutive turns in the smoke are dominated
Strength check to lift a locked portcullis. Raising the by the bone naga (save ends).
lever all the way retracts the portcullis into the ceil- Treasure: A gold-encrusted writing quill on the
ing, and lowering the lever all the way lowers it to the workbench is worth 7,500 gp. Among the vials and
floor. Placing the lever in the middle position locks other components on the bench are two potions of
the portcullis in place. vitality. The bone naga wears a small leather pouch
Stairs down to Location 10 can be accessed by on a chain from one of its ribs. The pouch contains
exiting through the portcullis and finding a similar 1.500 gp.
chamber across a wide hallway.
Workbench: It takes significant effort to decipher
the cramped, coded script that the bone naga uses:
both a DC 25 Religion check and a DC 25 Arcana
check (separate characters can make the checks if
they're examining the papers at the same time and
collaborating). They describe ritual techniques for
summoning undead creatures from the Shadowfell.


Encounter Level 19 (13,600 XP) a locked door (DC 22 Thievery check unlocks the
door, or the door can be bashed open with a DC
25 Strength check) that leads to stairs that descend
SETUP directly into the chamber.
1 fire giant icefist (F) When the adventurers approach the ritual chamber.
2 drow arcanists (A) read:
2 drow rangers (R)
1 rakshasa noble (N) Five magic circles inscribed on the floor of this chamber
glow with arcane light. A portal glows on a side wall. Metal
This encounter takes place at Location 9 in the south cages of various sizes stand against the far wall. A fire
tower. Stairs in this chamber lead up to Location 13 giant wearing strange iron gauntlets leans against one of
and down to Location 12. the cages as he watches two drow as they trace patterns of
Draw arcanists prepare support rituals that will arcane energy in the air. In the center circle, the hazy image
aid Lolestra when she casts the ritual provided by of a draw female in ornate robes decorated with a spider
Lolth that will activate the divine engine and set web rnotif converses with the drow arcanists.
Piranoth free. If the adventurers disrupt this arcane
workings happening in this chamber, it delays
Perception Check
Lolestra's efforts until they can reach the chamber
DC 24: A rakshasas wearing a fine furred cape stands in
the shadows, watching the draw perform their ritual.
where her and King Snarr are working.
DC 28: Two more draw are crouched high in alcoves near
A lire giant stands guard over the drow, mostly
the ceiling. They both have longbows resting on their thighs.
because Snarr doesn't completely trust the drow. A
rakshasas noble, in the midst of forging an alliance If the adventurers pause to eavesdrop on the drow's
with the giants, has asked to observe the working of conversation, they learn information about what's
the ritual. going on at this point in the adventure.
The adventurers can approach this chamber from Drow Image: King Snarr and I are almost ready to pro-
an easily accessible staircase that leads down from ceed. Have you completed your portion of the ritual?
the slave quarters of the south tower to the hallway Drow Arcanist: Not yet. mistress. We have just a few
outside the chamber. This places the adventurers on more steps logo.
the other side of the portcullis. Or, they can access Brow Image: I suggest you hurry. I believe that there are
agents of Argent within the towers.
Fire Giant lcefist (F) Level 19 Elite Brute
Brow Arcanist: Understood, mistress. We shall cast the
Large elemental humanoidigidnti XP 4,800
final portion of the ritual and then join you in the fabrica-
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12
tion chamber.
HP 454; Bloodied 227
AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 28, Will 28
Brow Image: No, time has run out. The intruders have
Saving Throws +2 found you. Finish the ritual, then destroy the intruders. I
Resist 15 fire shall close the portal and await your signal to proceed.
Speed 7 Brow Arcanist: As you command, mistress.
Action Points 1
CD Ice Punch (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon 2 Drow Rangers (R) Level 17 Artillery
Requires frigid gauntlets: reach 2; -1-22 vs. AC: 1 d8 + 18 IlLifnant)lii XP 1,600 each
damage plus 2d8 cold damage. Initiative +13 Senses Perception 15; darkvision
Blizzard of Blows (standard; at-will) + Cold. Weapon HP 122; Bloodied 61
The fire giant icefist makes three Ice punch attacks. fall AC 29; Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 28
three attacks hit, make an immediate freezing grasp attack as Speed 7
a free action. This attack can't be used while the icefist has a 0 Longsword (standard; at-will) + Weapon
grabbed target. 4 - 24 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 7 damage.
1. Freezing Grasp (standard; recharge [::]H + Cold, Weapon Longbow (standard; at-will) + Weapon
Requires frigid gauntlets; +20 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 18 damage Ranged 10/20; +24 vs. AC; 1d10 7 damage. plus 2E16 quarry
plus 2d8 cold damage, and the target is grabbed. damage if the target is the closest enemy.
Coldsnap Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Weapon
At the start of a grabbed target's turn, the grabbed target The draw ranger makes two longbow attacks against the
takes 10 cold damage. same target.
Alignment Evil Languages Giant Alignment Evil Languages Common, Elven
Skills Intimidate +20 Skills Dungeoneering +15, Stealth +18
Str 29 (+18) Dex 23 (+15) Wis 16 (+12) Str 16 (+11) Dex 20 (+13) %Ws 15 (+10)
Con 27 (+17) Int 17 (+12) Cha 23 (+15) Con 14 (+10) Int 13 (+9) Cha 12 (+9)
Equipment chain armor, frigid gauntlets Equipment )calker armor, iongsword. longbow. 40 arrows
2 Drow Arcanists (A) Level 17 Controller
Medium fey humanoid XP 1.600 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +14; darkvision The drow arcanists spend one round each making 4:0 1
HP 156: Bloodied 78 DC 28 Arcana checks to finish their ritual. They
AC 31; Fortitude 26. Reflex 29, Will 31 need to achieve five more successes to complete it.
Speed 7 They have one failure. Two more failures before the U
CI Dagger (standard; at will) + Poison, Weapon U five successes ends the ritual in failure. In the second <RI
+22 vs. AC; 1d4 + 9 damage, and the drow arcanist makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack:
+21 vs. Fortitude; see draw poison for the effect..
to fight the intruders.
›f Shadow Missile (standard; at•will) + Necrotic The rangers attack from their hiding places,
Ranged 10; +21 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and making double attacks every round.
the target is slowed (save ends). The fire giant wades into close combat.
Darkfire (minor, encounter) The rashasas uses deceptive veil to disguise itself as

Ranged 10;+21 vs. Reflex: until the end of the drow arcanist's
a human prisoner. When all attention is turned to the
next turn, the target grants combat advantage to all attacks.
and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment.
drow, it attacks.
Shadow Fire (standard; recharge [R)+ Fire
Area burst 2 within 20; 121 vs. Reflex; 5d6 + 7 fire damage, FEATURES OF THE AREA
and the target is immobilized (save ends). Illumination: Bright light.
Drow Poison + Poison
Magic Circles: The center circle is used by the
A creature hit by a weapon coated in drew poison takes a -2
penalty to attack rolls (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The
drow to communicate with Lolestra and to focus the
target is also weakened (save ends). Second Foiled Saving Throw:
energy of their ritual. A creature that starts its turn in
The target falls unconscious until the end of the encounter. one of the circles suffers the following effect:
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Elven Circle I: Randomly teleported to one of -the other
Skills Arcana +17, Nature +19, Religion +17 circles, then immobilized (save ends).
Str 12 0- 9) Dex 15 (+10) Wis 22 (+14) Circle 2: 10 fire damage.
Con 12 (+9) int 18 (+12) Cha 20 (+13)
Circle 3: 10 lightning damage.
Equipment dagger*, wand
*This weapon is coated in drow poison.
Circle 4: 10 cold damage.
Circle 5: Dazed by disturbing visions ofthe Abyss
Level 19 Controller
(save ends).
Rakshasa Noble (hi)
Medium natural humanoid XP 2,400
Portal: This portal leads to the fabrication cham-
Initiative -, 14 Senses Perception +19: low•light vision
ber (Location 14). After Lolestra's image fades, the
HP 178; Bloodied 89 portal closes in 1d4 + 1 rounds.
AC 33: Fortitude 31, Reflex 33, Will 34; see also phantom Image
One square = 5 feet
Speed 7
0 Claw (standard; at-will)
22 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is blinded until the
end of the rakshasa noble's next turn.
Mind Twist (standard; at-will) + Psychic
Ranged 20; +22 vs. Will; 3d6 1• 7 psychic damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends).
Phantom Lure (standard; at-will) + Charm
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Will; the target slides 5 squares.
)1 Frightful Phantom (standard; recharge %ill]) + Fear
Ranged 5; +22 vs. Will; 4d8 + 7 psychic damage, the target is
pushed 5 squares, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Deceptive Veil (minor; at•will) + Illusion
The rakshasa noble can disguise itself to appear as any
Medium humanoid. A successful Insight check (opposed by the
rakshasa's Bluff check) pierces the disguise.
Phantom Image (minor: recharge :-: )+ Illusion
Until the end of the rakshasa noble's next turn, any creature
that attacks the rakshasa's AC or Reflex defense must roll twice
and use the lower attack roll result. If either result is a critical
hit, use that result instead.
Alignment Evil Languages Common
Skills Arcana +20. Athletics +17, Bluff +21. Diplomacy +21,
History +20, Insight +19, Intimidate +21
Str 16 (+12) Dex 20 (+14) Wis 20 (+14)
Con 18 (+13) Int 22 (+15) Cha 24 (+16)
Encounter Level 1 8 (10,000 XP) Salamander Noble (N) Level 15 Controller
LarTe elemental humanoid (fire, re tile) XP 1.200
Initiative +17 Senses Perception +16
SETUP HP 152; Bloodied 76
1 salamander noble (N) AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 26
Resist 20 fire
1 salamander archer (A)
Speed 6
2 salamander swordbearers (S) 0 Tali Crush (standard; at-will) + Fire
fire archon blazesteel (B) Reach 2; +16 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 fire damage. and the target is
Lava hazard grabbed (until escape). The grabbed target takes Idl 0 + 6 fire
damage at the start of its turn while grabbed. The salamander
This encounter takes place at Location 10 in the noble cannot make melee basic attacks while grabbing a
creature with its tail.
north tower. Stairs in this chamber lead up to
j4 Longspear (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Location 8.
Reach 3; +18 vs. AC; 1d12 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 fire
Salamanders allied to the fire giants of Flamefall damage (save ends).
Tower live in this chamber, bathing in the magma Fire Cage (standard; recharge Ef3 ) + Fire
that flows through the fortress. Lava flows out of a Ranged 10: +18 vs. Reflex; the target takes ongoing 10 fire
chute in the ceiling, pooling in this chamber before damage and is immobilized (save ends both) as a cage of searing
flowing out through a sluice that leads back to the Flame springs up around it. The cage does not block line of sight.

lakes oflava underneath the nearby mountains. Threatening Reach

The salamander noble can make opportunity attacks against
When the adventurers reach this chamber, read:
all enemies within its reach (2 squares).
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
A lava pours from the ceiling to form a pool that glows a Skills Insight +16. Intimidate +15
dull red in the middle of this chamber before sluggishly Str 20 (+12) Dex 20 (+12) Wis 18 (+11)
flowing out through a wide opening in the east wall. At the Con 24 (+14) Int 14 (+9) Cha 16 (410)
edge of the pool, four salamanders variously armed with Equipment longspear

spears, bows, and curved swords, mill about in the stifling

heat. 2 Salamander Swordbearers (5) Level 16 Soldier
1..ity,e elemental humanoid dire, reptile) XP 1,400 each

Perception Check Initiative -I-14 Senses Perception 412

HP 153; Bloodied 76
DC 25: You see the glint of metal among the stones in
AC 32; Fortitude 28, Reflex 29. Will 27
piled in the northeast corner.
Resist 20 fire
DC 26: You spot a humanoid creature of fire and steel Speed 6
moving within the fiery cascade of lava. 0 Khopesh (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; 1-73 vs. AC; 1d8 -I 7 damage, plus S fire damage.

Salamander Archer (A) Level 15 Artillery 0 Executioner's Strike (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
I .irge elpritent,ilhionanoid (fire, reptile) XP 1,700 Targets bloodied enemy only; reach 2; +21 vs. Fortitude;

Initiative +10 Senses Perception 9 2d8 + 7 damage. plus 5 fire damage. If the target is prone,

HP 114; Bloodied 57 it takes an additional 10 damage.

AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 22 4. Tall Lash (immediate reaction, when an enemy moves within
Resist 20 fire squares of the salamander swordbearer; at-will) + Fire
Speed 6 The salamander attacks the enemy: reach 2:4-21 vs, Reflex;

0 Tall Lash (standard: at-will) + Fire 1d10 + 7 fire damage, the target is knocked prone, and the
target's move action ends in that square.
Reach 2; 418 vs. AC, 1d10 -h 6 fire damage.
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial
® Longbow (standard: at-will) + Fire. Weapon
Str 20 (+13) Dex 22(-14) Wis 18(+12)
Ranged 20140;+20 vs. AC; ldl 0 + 6 damage plus 1d6
fire damage. Con 18 (+12) Int 13 (+9; Cha 15 (+10)
Equipment Hippest]
.1. Tall Thrust (minor, at-will)
Reach 2; +18 vs. Reflex; the target is pushed 1 square.
), Double Attack (standard; at will) • Fire, Weapon TACTICS
The salamander archer makes two ranged basic attacks against
the same target or two separate targets within 5 squares of Throughout the battle, the noble orders the other
each other. salamanders around, commanding them to make
Alignment Evil Languages Primordial specific attacks against specific characters. The noble
Sir 17 (+10) Dex 22 (+13) Wis 15 (-1-9) doesn't know the names of the characters. so it uses
Con 18 (+11) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7) whatever demeaning nicknames it can invent on the
Equipment longbow, quiver of 30 arrows
fly to identify them.
41■■1 7511,p1111!

In the first round, the noble uses fire cage against FEATURES OF THE AREA , cc
whichever adventurer looks the fastest. Then it stands
front and center between the adventurers and the Illumination: Dim light, from the glowing lava. 4,8
Lava Pool: Creatures who enter or start their
archer. It intentionally leaves space on either side of it u.:
so that it can use threatening reach on characters that turn in the lava pool take 20 fire damage. A crea- u_
try to move around or past it to set up a flank. The ture pushed. pulled, or slid into the lava pool gets an
noble prefers to use its longspear, but if an opponent immediate saving throw to clutch the edge and not
moves adjacent to it, the noble counters with a tail fall in; success means the creature is instead prone in
the square it was in before it would have moved into
crush. The noble takes a standard action on its next
turn to move a grabbed opponent and itself into the the lava. The salamanders have fire resist 20, so they
lava pool. don't take damage and can freely move into and out
The swordbearers move so they're between the of the lava pool.
Lava Outflow: If the adventurers follow the sluice
archer and the adventurers, preferably on either
side of the noble and a few squares away. They target out of the.chamber. they find themselves at the base
enemies who are bloodied whenever possible. of the north tower, heading toward the mountain.
Rock Pile: If the adventurers noticed the glint
The archer's tactics are simple: shoot as many
arrows as possible. lithe adventurers engage it in of metal in the pile of rocks, they can search for the
melee, it tries to shift (over the course of several turns treasure of the salamanders. The treasure is a collec-
if necessary) so that it places itself on the other side of tion of gems worth 22,000 gp.
the lava pool.

Fire Archon Blazesteel (B) Level 19 Soldier

Medium elemental Immanuid (fire) XP 2,400
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +12
HP 182; Bloodied 91; see also wounded fireburst
AC 35; Fortitude 33, Reflex 32. Will 28
immune disease. poison; Resist 30 fire
Speed 8
@Scimitar (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
+25 vs. AC; 1d8 + 8 damage (crit 2d8 + 16) plus 1d8 fire
damage. and the target is marked until the end of the
blazesteel's next turn.
• Wounded Fireburst (when first bloodied and again when the
blazesteel is reduced to 0 hit points) Fire
Close burst 2; +21 vs. Reflex; 10 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire
damage (save ends).
Combat Advantage Fire
The blazesteel makes a single extra scimitar attack and deals
an extra 1d8 fire damage against any enemy it has combat
advantage against.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 26 (+17) Dex 24 (+16) Wis 16 (+12)
Con 22 (+15) Int 14(+11) Cha 15 (+11)
Equipment plate armor, scimitar

Lava Pool Level 19 Obstacle

H aiiud XP 1..100
Lava pours from the ceiling in a cascade of molten fire, forming
a pool in the center of the chamber and flowing out through a
hole in the wall.
Hazard: The heat in the chamber is debilitating, but the real
danger comes from being pushed into the scalding lava.
When a creature starts its turn In the lava overflow
Free Action
Target: One creature.
Attack +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 7 fire damage.
Effect If a creature enters or starts its turn in a square within
the lava pool, the creature takes 20 fire damage and is
knocked prone.

.. 4111111111111111111111111111111111. h.Alhommeaddirk
Itger- 411111111111
possible, targeting the most-powerful of the intrud- Iron Portcullis: These portcullises arc locked. vi
ers. While it waits for the power to recharge, it makes DC 30 Strength check to lift a locked portcullis. Rais-
double attacks. Don't forget the creature's fiery riposte ing the lever all the way retracts the portcullis into
which allows it to make an Immediate attack when the ceiling, and lowering the lever all the way lowers cc
an adjacent enemy scores a hit against it. The genasi it to the floor. Placing the lever in the middle position, itg
uses elemental manifestation to cycle through different locks the portcullis in place.
damage types. It prefers to switch between lightning Metal Shavings: Piles of scrap metal piled in u.
and thunder damage. as it knows that the adventur- various locations around the chamber are difficult
ers probably have some amount of fire protection due terrain.
to the nature of their mission against the fire giants. Oven: Intense heat radiates from the oven. Any cc
The fire archon hangs back and uses rain of fire creature that starts its turn adjacent to the oven takes 1(2
in the first round, igniting as many enemy targets as 5 fire damage. Any creature that enters or starts its z
possible. It remains ready to use cinder burst when turn in the oven takes 10 fire damage. Opening the
enemies converge upon it. then it either moves or oven doors from the outside is a minor action, from 8
flame steps away to teleport close to a fire giant. the inside it is a standard action.
Window: This is one of the few chambers in
Fire Archon Ash Disciple (A) Level 20 Artillery Flamefall Tower to have a window—in this case a
Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 2,800 square window 10 feet across with light wooden lat-
Initiative )18 Senses Perception )13 ticework that swings open like shutters.
HP 150; Bloodied 75: see also death embers The window looks out upon a location in the
AC 33; Fortitude 33, Reflex 34, Will 29
Elemental Chaos, an area not unlike an ocean of
Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 fire
Speed 8; see alsoficone step
different elements—flowing water, shifting earth,
0 Flaming Fist (standard; at-will) + Fire burning magma, crackling lightning, and blizzards of
+20 vs. Reflex: 1d8 5 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage snow and sleet. Islands float within the elemental sea.
(save ends). including one that features a step pyramid and three
-.1; Rain of Fire (standard: encounter) + Fire MOP octagonal pillars. This is a view of Piranoth's prison,
Area burst 1 within 10; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d8 - 8 fire damage, and the location of the final set of encounters starting on
ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and no
page 154.
ongoing damage.
Work Table: In addition to various tools, the
<• Flame Wave (standard; encounter) + Fire
Close blast 5; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 8 fire damage, and the molds used to craft the replacement pieces of the
target is pushed 2 squares and takes ongoing 10 fire damage divine engine are located here.
(save ends).
<- Cinder Burst (standard; encounter) + Fire
Close burst 5: +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + 8 fire damage, and the
target is blinded (save ends).
<- Death Embers when reduced to 0 hit points) + Fire
As the effect of cinder burst. The ash disciple is consumed in the
burst, leaving only its metallic robes behind.
Flame Step (move; at-will) + Teleportation
The ash disciple can teleport to within 3 squares of any fire
creature within 20 squares of it.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 20 (+15) Dex 27 (+18) Wis 16 (+13)
Con 24 (+17) int 14 (+12) Cha 15 (t12)
Equipment scale armor (metal robes)


Illumination: Dim light, provided by the oven.
Antechamber: The antechamber has more cast-
ing tools and a level 19 magic item, either a weapon or
armor, that the fire giant recently completed work on.
Chute: A chute in the floor of the southwest One square = 5 feel
corner of the room drops into the fabrication cham-
ber. Falling into the chamber from here results in a
50 foot drop and 5d10 damage from the fall.
, -
Vic: 1 •
-- • - 1 111111r
Encounter Level 18 (11,200 XP) DC 25: The energy seems to be moving along the surface
of the moat.
The moat is a trap, placed so that members of the fire
1 fire giant element handler (E) giant clan wouldn't be tempted to take ingots for them-
1 fire giant flamecrusher (F)
selves. The azers can cross the moat without worry
'SO 1 azer flameward (A) as they stack the ingots. King Snarr isn't worried that
2 firebred hell hounds (H) they'll steal ingots, as they never leave the tower or the
Freezing moat trap nearby mines, and they can't easily hide the ingots.
This encounter takes place at Location 12 in the When the adventurers make their presence
south tower. Stairs here lead up to Location 9. A hall- known, the fire giant unleash their hell hounds and
way outside the portcullis leads to a connection point order the beasts to attack. Then the fire giants join in,
for the central tower. Where it connects to depends but not before ordering the azer to "guard the ingots
upon which level the south tower has been lifted or with your miserable, worthless lifer
raised to correspond with.
Fire Giant Element Handler (E) Level 18 Controller
Before they joined forces with the titan lords, Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 2,000
this clan of fire giants became wealthy by supplying Initiative +13 Senses Perception +18
Underdark civilizations like the drow with refined HP 175; Bloodied 87
metal. They have halted their mining operations in AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 29. Will 30
recent weeks to concentrate fully on supply arms and Resist 15 fire

armor to their giant and elemental allies, and to work Speed 7

10 Fiery Quarterstaff (standard: at-will) + Fire, Weapon
on mending the divine engine. The ingots in this
Reach 2: +23 vs. AC; 1d8 7 damage plus 2d8 fire damage.
chamber represent the fire giant's remaining supply Fire Bolt (standard; at-will) + Fire
of wealth. Ranged 20; +22 vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 4 fire damage, and the
When the adventurers reach this chamber, read: target is dazed until the end of the fire giant's next turn.
>f Searing Wind (minor 1/round; at-will)
A shallow moat bisects this room, separating the far end Ranged 10; -1-22 vs. Fortitude; the fire giant slides the target
from the portion where you descend the stairs. Two fire 3 squares.
giants stand on the near side of the moat, each with a hell <— Boiling Wave (standard; at-will)
hound on a chain. Close blast 3; +20 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 7 damage, and the

On the far side of the moat, an azer with a glaive target is pushed 3 squares.
-.); Earthen Spikes (standard; recharge 1:fl )
strapped to his back stacks brick-like ingots of various sil-
Area burst 1 within 20; spikes of stone burst from the ground;
very hues in neat piles. +21 vs. Reflex; 4d10+ 7 damage; the affected area becomes
difficult terrain for the rest of the encounter.
Arcana Check
Fire Shroud (minor; recharge i + Fire
DC 20: You feel the pulse of energy moving back and One ally within 10 squares of the fire giant gains resist 10 to all
forth in front of you. It seems to brush against you at regu- damage until the end of the fire giant's next turn. In addition,
lar intervals—roughly once everyfive or six seconds. any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the ally while the fire
shroud is In affect takes 15 fire damage.
Ater Flameward (A) Level 19 Skirmisher Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XI' 2,4(411 Skills Arcana 118, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +18
Initiative —15 Senses Perception +15 Str 21 (+14) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 17 (+13)
Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers at Con 23 (+15) Int 17 (+13) Cha 18 (+14)
the start of its turn takes 5 fire damage. Equipment quarterstaff
HP 181; Bloodied 90
AC 33; Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 37
Resist 30 fire TACTICS
Speed 5 The fire giant element handler stands back to use its
Glalve (standard: at-will) + Fire, Weapon ranged attacks, starting with earthen spikes andfire
Reach 2; +24 vs. AC; 1d10 4 7 damage plus 2d6 fire damage.
bolt. It uses boiling wave when multiple enemies are in
Flameward (immediate reaction, when an enemy attacks the azer
flameward; at-will) + Fire
range. It uses searing wind (minor action) each round
The azer flameward shifts 5 squares and the enemy that to slide opponents toward the moat.
triggered this reaction takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). The azer flameward stands at the edge of the moat
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant and uses the reach of his weapon to attack enemies
Str 20 (+14) Dex 18 (+13) Wis 22 (+15) that enter the trap. It can be intimidated into surren-
Con 21 (+14) Int 14 (+11) Cha 16 (+12} lid dering once it is bloodied (DC 22 Intimidate check).
Equipment chainmail, glaive
Fire Giant Flamecrusher (F) Level 17 Brute
Large elemental humanoid (giant) XP 1,600
Initiative -11 Senses Perception -'10 One square = 5 Feet
HP 204: Bloodied 107
AC 29: Fortitude 30, Reflex 25, Will 28
Resist 15 fire
Speed 7
(2) Searing Maul (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +20 vs. AC: 2d8 4 8 damage plus 2d8 fire damage.
4. Overhead Smash (standard; at-will). Fire. Weapon
Requires maul; reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 2d8 + 14 damage plus 2d8
fire damage, and the target is knocked prone.
IE. Battering Blows (standard; usable only when bloodied;
encounter) + Fire, Weapon
Requires maul; close burst 2; +20 vs. AC; 2d8 + 8 damage
plus 2d8 fire damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares and
knocked prone.
Alignment Evil Languages Giant
Skills Endurance +20
Str 27 (+16) Dex 17 (+11) Wis 15(+10)
Con 24 (+15) Int 8 (+7) Cha 22 (+14)
Equipment plate armor, maul

2 Firebred Hell Hounds Level 17 Brute

Medium elemental beast (firel XP 1,600 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +17
Fire Shield (Fire) aura 1; any creature that enters or begins its
turn In the aura takes 1d10 fire damage.
HP 205; Bloodied 102
AC 30: Fortitude 30, Reflex 28. Will 29
Resist 40 fire
Speed 8
CI Bite (standard; at•will) Fire
20 vs. AC: 1d10 + 6 plus 1d10 fire damage. FEATURES OF THE AREA
Fiery Breath (standard; recharge ) Fire Illumination: Bright light, emitted by the azer
Close blast 3; +18 vs. Reflex; 4d6 F 7 fire damage.
and hell hounds within 10 squares.
(1- Fiery Burst (standard: recharge ) + Fire
Ingots: The ingots are stacked in three neat piles—
Close burst 3: +18 vs. Reflex; 4d10 + 7 fire damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages — an immense stack for iron in the middle, and two
Str 22 (+14) Dex 14 (+10) Wis 19 (+12) smaller stacks for silver and adamantine to each side.
Con 25(+151 int (+4) Cha 12 (+9) Each ingot weighs 100 pounds.
Moat: The moat is 5 feet deep. See the statistics
Freezing Moat Level 18 Obstacle block on this page.
Ira i XP 2,000 Treasure: The ingots are each worth the following
The still water appears cairn and empty. At the bottom oftlie amounts of gold. There are 880 iron ingots, worth 25
clear water, strange sigils glow with a ad. blue light. gp each (22,000 gp total), 330 silver ingots, worth
Trap: When a character enters the moat, the magic 100 gp each (33.000 gp total), and 72 adamantine
protecting it attacks. ingots. worth 500 gp each (36.000 gp total).
When a creature enters or starts Its turn in a moat space.
Free Action
Target: One creature.
Attack: +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit 3d12 + 5 cold damage, and the target Is immobilized
(save ends).
A character in the moat can disable the sighs (DC 20
Arcana check or DC 25 Thievery check). This disrupts
the magic and disables the trap until the end of the
character's next turn.
+ Four successes before three failures totally disables
the trap.
Encounter Level 17 (9,000 XP) Second voice: No. The final pieces are almost done tem-
pering in the main furnace chamber. Once they've cooled
SETUP off we need to take them to King Snarr.
I azer taskmaster (T) Gruff voice: Then what?
2 azer ragers (R) Second voice: Then we wait for King Snarr to either dis-
3 azer foot soldiers (S) miss us or whip us because one of the pieces doesn't fit.
5 azer warriors (W) Gruff voice: Figures.
Second voice: And you'd rather spend the day helping
This encounter takes place at Location 13 in either Marrow?
the north or south tower. Gruff voice: (shudder) Not for all the ingots in the tower.
This warrenlike series of rooms covers this level
of both the north and south towers. Here. most of the When the adventurers make their presence known
azers live when they aren't slaving away for the lire or peer into one of the occupied rooms in the slave
giants. They are fearful enough that they cower when warren. read:
they hear the mailed boot of an approaching giant.
You hear rustling and crackling from beyond several of the
When the adventurers leave the hallway beyond
iron doors. and then the corridor lights up as azers start to
the portcullis or descend the stairs into this area, read:
pour into the hallway, their fiery beards flickering with fear
The ceiling here is lower than elsewhere In the towers—only and anger.
10 feet high or so. Barred iron doors—some open, some
closed—line the sides of the corridor that stretches before 3 Azer Foot Soldiers (5) Level 14 Soldier
you. There's a brazier at the end of the hallway with a Medium elemental humanoid XP 1.000 eaLh
Initiative +12 Senses Perception 411
bright flame that reaches almost to the ceiling.
Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers at
All of the azers are hiding or resting in their rooms the start of its turn takes 5 fire damage.
HP 141; Bloodied TO
when the adventurers reach this area. Note that the
AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 26, Will 27
adventurers must speak Giant to understand the con-
Resist 30 fire
versation in the room to the right side of the corridor. Speed 5
Warhammer (standard; at-will). Fire, Weapon
Perception Check
420 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage plus 1d8 fire damage, and
DC 20: Flickering light frames several of the iron doors in the target is marked until the end of the azer foot soldier's
the corridor, and a gruff, muttering voice says, "When do next turn.
we need to go down to the furnace?" Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant
Str 19 (+11) Dex 16(+10) Wis 18(+11)
If the adventurers pause to listen to the conversation. Con 21 (+12) Int 11 (+7) Cha 15 (+9)
they discover some details about life in Flamefall Equipment scale armor, light shield, warhammer
2 Azer !lagers (RI Level 15 Brute
Second voice: It should be soon. No more sleeping. You XP 1,200 each
144edium elemental humanoid (Mei
know how the giants hate that. Initiative +9 Senses Perception +9
Gruff voice: Slag-heap duty? Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers at
the start of Its turn takes 5 fire damage.

Azer Warriors (W) Level 17 Minion HP 181:Bloodied 90

Medium elemental humanoid (fire) XP 400 each AC 27; Fortitude 28, Reflex 25, Will 24

Initiative 4-11 Senses Perception +12 Immune fear; Resist 30 fire

Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers at Speed 6

the start of its turn takes 5 fire damage. I@ Spiked Gauntlet (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. f-18 vs. AC: 1d6 + 6 damage. and ongoing 5 fire damage
AC 31; Fortitude 30, Reflex 26, Will 27 (save ends).
•(• Chains of Flame (standard, usable only while bloodied;
Resist 20 fire
Speed 5 encounter) ♦ Fire
(r) Warhammer (standard: at-will) + Fire, Weapon Close burst 5: +17 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 5 fire damage. Enemies
adjacent to an azer or with ongoing fire damage are
+20 vs. AC; 7 fire damage, and ongoing 3 fire damage
immobilized until the end of the azer rager's next turn.
(save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant
Str 22 (+13) Dex 15 (+9) Ms 14(+9)
51r 21 (+13) Dex 17 (+11) Ms 18 (+12)
Con 21 (112) Int 11 (+7) Cha 15 (+9)
Con 23 (+14) Int 11 (+8) Cha 16 (+11)
Equipment scale armor, spiked gauntlets
Equipment chain mail, light shield, warhasnmer
Azer Taskmaster (T) Level 17 Controller (Leader)
Medium elemental humanoid Ifir0 XP 1,600
Initiative 412 Senses Perception +14
Warding Flame (Fire) Any enemy adjacent to two or more azers at
the start of its turn takes 5 fire damage.
HP 165; Bloodied 82
AC 31; Fortitude 28. Reflex 27, Will 29
Resist 30 fire
Speed 5
(D Scourge (standard; at-will) ♦ Fire, Weapon
+22 vs. AC: 1d6 + 5 damage plus 2d6 fire damage.
Clinging Flames (immediate reaction, when an enemy within 5
squares of the azer taskmaster takes fire damage; at•will) + Fire
The enemy takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Giant
Str 20 (+13) Dex 18 (+17) Wis 22 (+14)
Con 21 (+13) Int 14 (+10) Cha 16 (+11)
Equipment chainmail, scourge

The azers treat the adventurers as intruders and
attack them on sight. If the adventurers want to talk
to the azers, they need to get their attention first. If
the adventurers lay down their weapons, the azers
are willing to hear them out. lithe adventurers
attack, however, the azers fight back, and a few try to
escape to warn the giants about the incursion.
All the monsters in this fight are azers, so the One square = 5 le•t

warding flame ability that all azers share is important.

At the start of every character's turn, check to see
whether two azers are adjacent to the character. If
there are, deal 5 fire damage to the character. FEATURES OF THE AREA
The foot soldiers simply wade into battle, mark- Illumination: Dim light, except around the bra-
ing as many different opponents as possible. Try to zier and the azers, who all emit bright light.
maneuver them in between the adventurers so that Iron Doors: A DC 20 Strength check is needed to
warding flame and flanks are easier for them to set up, open or close an iron door.
even if they have to provoke an opportunity attack to Iron Portcullis: This portcullis is locked. DC 30
do so. Strength check to lift a locked portcullis. The lever
The taskmaster stands amid the foot soldiers and for this portcullis is in the hallway instead of in the
hits the adventurers with scourge. Remember that the chamber, however. Raising the lever all the way
taskmaster can use clinging flames as an immediate retracts the portcullis into the ceiling, and lowering
reaction only once per turn; if possible, he tries to the lever all the way lowers it to the floor. Placing the
hit someone who doesn't already have ongoing fire lever in the middle position locks the portcullis in
damage. place.
Ragers rush forward to strike with spiked gauntlets. Azer Personal Effects: The floor of each of the
They use their chains °Blame as soon as they become rooms has small bags, wooden boxes, and battered
bloodied. chests that contain the azer's wealth, such as it is.
The warriors set flanks and help as they can, but Searching these items reveals replacement armor
one or more of them also try to get away to sound the parts. a few coins, and spare clothes. All together, it's
alarm and warn the giants. worth only 7.000 gp. They are slaves, after all.
Brazier of Regeneration: The brazier heals 5
DEVELOPMENT hit points to any creature with the fire subtype that
starts its turn within 2 squares of it. All of the azers
This encounter emphasizes that the azers are utterly are aware of this property, and the taskmaster in par-
loyal slaves to the fire giants. Any attempts to sym- ticular likes to make use of the device.
pathize with them or find common ground are met
with bitter mockery. The azers are unable to recon-
cile their loathing for their tot in life with enmity for
the fire giants who have enslaved them.
Encounter Level 20 (14,400 XP) 2 Fire Giant Element Handler (F) Level 18 Controller
rve elemental humanoid a .iant XP 2,000 each
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +18
SETUP HP 175; Bloodied 87
King Snarr (S) AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 29, Will 30
Resist 15 fire
1 fire titan (T)
Speed 7
2 fire giant element handlers (F) 0 Fiery Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Reach 2; +23 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage plus 2d8 fire damage.
This encounter takes place at Location 14 at the Fire Bolt (standard; at-will) + Fire
bottom of the central tower. There are three ways to Ranged 20; 22 vs. Reflex; 2d10 4 fire damage, and the
reach this chamber: using the portal in Location 9 target is dazed until the end of the fire giant's next turn.

before it closes: dropping down the chute in Location Searing Wind (minor 1/round; at-will)
Ranged 10; +22 vs. Fortitude; the fire giant slides the target
11; or manipulating the position of either the north or
3 squares.
south tower so that Location 10 or Location 12 is on Bolling Wave (standard; at-will)
the same level. Close blast 3;+20 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+ 7 damage, and the
When the adventurers reach this area, arriving target is pushed 3 squares.
either at one of the portcullises or by dropping into -* Earthen Spikes (standard; recharge
the southwest corner of the chamber, read: Area burst 1 within 20; spikes of stone burst from the ground;
r21 vs. Reflex; 4d10 4. 7 damage; the affected area becomes
difficult terrain for the rest of the encounter.
This massive chamber features strange items constructed
Fire Shroud (minor; recharge Iff ) + Fire
of metal and stone. A portal shimmers along the western
One ally within 10 squares of the fire giant gains resist 10 to all
wall, revealing an alien landscape of every element flowing damage until the end of the fire giant's next turn. In addition,
together in a disturbing sea of chaos. Through the portal, a any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the ally while the fire
female draw in ornate robes decorated with a spider motif shroud Is in affect takes 15 fire damage.
stands beside the completed version of the divine engine. Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant
She smiles slyly as she notices you through the arcane haze. Skills Arcana +18, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +18
Str 21 (+14) Dex 17 (+13) Wis 17 (+13)
In the chamber, afire titan and threefire giants prepare
Con 23 (+15) Int 1 7 (-13) Cha 18 (+14)
to enter the portal. One of the giants, dressed in fine plate Equipment quarterstafi
armor made from the scales of a red dragon, points toward
the weird device in the center of the chamber. Bound to the
Fire Titan CT) Level 21 Elite Soldier
device, you see the battered and bloody form of a dwarf "KW Hu:e elemental humanoid (giant) XP 6,400
the exarc and let's get on with this," snarls the firegiant. Initiative +18 Senses Perception +21
HP 398; Bloodied 199
King Snarr (S) Level 18 Elite Brute AC 39; Fortitude 36, Reflex 33, Will 33
Large elemental humanoid (.iant) XP 4,000 Resist 30 fire
Initiative +16 Senses Perception +17 Saving Throws +2
HP 428: Bloodied 214 Speed 8
AC 30; Fortitude 30. Reflex 29, Will 28 Action Points 1
Resist 15 fire Fireraging Greatsword (standard: at-will) + Fire. Weapon
Speed 7 Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 2d6 + 9 damage plus 4d6 fire damage,
CD Searing Maui (standard; at-will) + Fire. Weapon and the target is pushed 2 squares and marked until the end
Reach 2; 421 vs. AC; 2d8 4- 7 damage plus 2d8 fire damage_ of the fire titan's next turn.
+ Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Fire. Weapon Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
King Snarr makes Iwo searing maul attacks. The fire titan makes two fireraging greatsword attacks.
<.• Thundering Smash (standard; recharges when First bloodied; Hurl Lava (standard: recharge g •
encounter) + Fire, Thunder. Weapon Requires a source of lava; ranged 20; +24 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 6
Requires maul; close blast 3; +20 vs. AC; 3d8 + 7 damage plus fire damage, and the target Is Immobilized until the end of the
2d8 fire and thunder damage, and the target Is pushed fire titan's next turn. A flying creature hit by this attack crashes
2 squares and dazed (save ends). (Dungeon Master's Guide 47).
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Giant <.• Burning Wave (standard; at-will) + Fire
Skills Arcana +18, Endurance +21, Intimidate +20 Close burst 5; +24 vs. Reflex; 2d10 fire damage, and ongoing
SO 27 (-1-17) Dex 24 (+16) Wis 17 (+12) 10 fire damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing
Con 24 (+161 Int 181+13) Cha 72 (+151 damage.
Equipment red dragon plate armor, maul Alignment Evil Languages Giant. Primordial
Skills Intimidate 4-20
Str 29 (-419) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 23 (+16)
Con 23 (+16) Int 10 (+10) Cha 21 (+15)
Equipment greatsword

IF the adventurers rescue Torugar, he tells them

DEVELOPMENT that Lolestra will start the ritual immediately. "It
One of the fire giant element handlers moves to shall take her eight hours to complete the ritual, so
comply with King Snarr's order. The dwarf is Toru- you have time to rest and prepare before you enter
gar, exarch of Moradin. who has been tortured close the Elemental Chaos." The exarch, weak and badly cc
to death until he revealed what Snarr and Wildfire hurt, thanks the adventurers for freeing him, prays U
wanted to know. lithe adventurers don't act, the ele- to Moradin, and vanishes in a burst of blinding light.


ment handler strikes Torugar with a killing blow. Where he was standing, a strange tool made of ada-
However. if the adventurers do anything to get mantine glows softly in the center of the floor.
the attention of the giants and make their presence If Torugar is killed. the adventurers don't receive
known, all of the fire giants turn in their direction. As Moracfirt's universal apparatus.
soon as this occurs, read:
The fire titan bellows, "Who dares interrupt the sacred
activity of Wildfire? Lolestra. close the portal! I shall join Illumination: Bright light.
you soon, regardless of what happens here. Snarr, if you Strange Devices: These large metal objects are
value your existence and plan to share in the glory of Piran- the remains of the work King Snarr did to repair the
oth, destroy the champions of Argent! Destroy them now!" divine engine. One of them was used as a torture
table for Torugar.
Torugar: The weak and wounded exarch can
provide the adventurers with help during the battle if
Wildfire, the fire titan. doesn't care if the adventurers the fire giants don't kill him. He has one cure serious
destroy him in this battle. Regardless of the outcome. wounds (target regains hit points as if it had spent two
Wildfire's life essence will fly into the Elemental healing surges) he can cast if a character stands next
Chaos if he falls, where he will be reconstituted along to him, and two mass cure light wounds (close burst 5;
with his fellow titan lords. To that end. he wants noth- each ally in burst gains hit points as if they had spent
ing more than to hurt and destroy as many of the a healing surge plus 10).
champions of Argent as lie can. Wildfire hurls lava to Treasure: King Snarr has a level 21 magic item and
start the battle, then makes double attacks in subse- three 5.000 gp gems, as well as a focusing stone tuned
quent rounds. When he can get all of his enemies in to the teleporation circle in the Elemental Chaos.
the burst, he unleashes burning wave.
King Snarr uses thundering smash to start the
battle. then makes double attacks until he is first
bloodied, which allows him to use thundering smash
again. He has no contingency for returning from the
dead, but he quickly gets caught up in a battle frenzy.
The fire giant element handlers immediately forget
about the exarch and turn to take on the intruders.
They usefire bolt as a matter of course, and boiling
wave when the battlefield allows it. Each tosses an ■ I
earthen spike in different rounds so as not to waste the
effect. One places a fire shroud upon King Snarr and TirdEllikh.Ar.
the other upon Wildfire to grant them resist 10 to all 8.15••••11
damage for a turn. ■■■-1■ 11•11111/
•••• IMF
Due to circumstances and (on the part of Wildfire) J ■ 11111 ■ •1111§..: _.FAM
planning, these creatures fight to the death. 10•11•••1111111111WAV NIU
'1E 111 .1mr
__ N■ m
CONCLUSION 11•111111, 11•111••111111r
lin Mak
When Wildfire is defeated. his fiery form explodes
into smoldering embers. His life force. however,
travels to the Elemental Chaos where it flows into an 4taqaou
obelisk for reconstitution later in the adventure.
After the battle ends. the adventurers can look
around. It's evident that King Snarr was hard at work
in this massive chamber, mending the divine engine
so that it can be used to set Piranoth free. It appears
that the giants and their allies are now ready to pro- One square = 5 feet
ceed to the final part of their master plan.
After defeating King Snarr and the fire titan Wildfire
at Flamefall Tower. the adventurers can return to
Argent using the Argent Portal ritual. What happens UNIVERSAL APPARATUS
next depends on how the various encounters leading The artifact known as Moradin's universal apparatus has
up to this moment have unfolded. a single purpose: to aid the adventurers if they decide
to fully restore Piranoth's Bane to its original work-
ITEMS OF ARGENT ing order. The adventurers only receive this divine
If the adventurers are still waiting for components of aid if they rescue Moradin's exarch. Torugar, from the
the magic item set to be completed, Obanar presents fire giants of Flamefall Tower. With the item in their
the remaining items to them when they arrive. Obvi- possession, the adventurers gain an additional way to
ously, how much of the item set was crafted depends defeat Piranoth in the final encounters. This takes the
on how many pieces of sky metal the adventurers form of a skill challenge that can be used in Encoun-
acquired in their trip to the past. lf they gathered up ter P3: The World Mover on page 158.
enough sky metal for each of them to receive a magic To make use of the skill challenge. the adventurers
item in the set, then at this point anyone who hasn't must have Moradin's universal apparatus. all five actual
yet been given an item gets his or her item now. pieces of the divine engine known as Piranoth's Bane
After completing work on the magic item set, (using the substitute pieces built by the fire giants
Obanar appears older and more tired than at any doesn't count), access to Piranoth, and access to Pira-
previous time the adventurers have encountered him. noth's prison. Depending on how the adventure has
His health seems to be failing, and the work of craft- unfolded, all of these elements could come together
ing magic items and shoring up the defenses of the in Encounter P3. One character performs this skill
city have taken a toll on the ancient guardian. challenge while the rest of the party deals with the
released Piranoth and its allies. One other character
can aid in the challenge, but that removes him or her
DEGREE OF URGENCY? from the rest of the encounter.
If the adventurers were able to rescue Torugar, the Level: 20
exarch of Moradin, they not only get the experience Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures).
for completing a quest, but they get a useful item and Skills Used in this Challenge: Endurance, Heal,
important information. Insight. Perception. Religion.
If he survived, Torugar told the adventurers that Round 1, Insight (DC 22, standard action): The char-
they have eight hours to use to their best advantage acter studies the pieces of the relic and the workings
while Lolestra completes her ritual. The ritual will of the universal tool to determine how to proceed.
take at least that long for her to complete. lithe character fails this round, nothing happens
When the exarch departed. he left behind a strange and the round must be repeated. If the character
item: Moradin's universal apparatus. See below far details. succeeds, a clear understanding of how to proceed
On the other hand, if the adventurers were not able blossoms in the character's mind.
to save the exarch, then they received no information Round 2. Perception (DC 22. standard action): The
about the ritual and they didn't get Moradin's universal character determines the order in which the relic
apparatus. In this case, they have no idea how fast they pieces must be placed together.
have to move to stop Lolestra. They might take a chance lithe character fails this check, he or she receives
and risk the time required for an extended rest, or they a -2 penalty to checks made for the rest of this
might decide to head into the Elemental Chaos imme- challenge.
diately. with just a short rest to sustain them. If the character succeeds, he or she receives a +2
Even without the information provided by Toru- bonus to checks made for the rest of this challenge.
gar. the adventurers can describe what they saw at Round 3, Religion (DC 14, standard action):The char-
Flamefall Tower to Obanar and see what he thinks of acter prays and meditates, setting the first piece into
the situation. Any character who witnessed the draw place.
ritual and makes a DC 25 Arcana check can suc- If the character fails this check, repeat this round.
cessfully describe the details of the ritual to Obanar. If the character succeeds, the first piece is placed.
Obanar's isn't an expert, but it seems to him that the Round 4, Religion (DC 22, standard action): The
ritual to set Piranoth free, especially while using only character prays and meditates, setting the second and
a portion of the divine engine, will take from seven to third pieces of the relic into place.
ten hours. "Of course, I have no idea what influence lithe character fails this check, repeat this round.
LoIth will have on the timeframe," Obanar says.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

If the character succeeds, the party gains a +2 LOLESTRA'S RITUAL
bonus to attack rolls against Piranoth and its allies for
the rest of the encounter. Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders, has agreed to pro-
Round 5, Endurance (DC 22, standard action): The
vide the titan lords with the aid they need to extract
character struggles to place the fourth and fifth Piranoth from its prison. With at least three pieces of
pieces of the relic into their proper positions. Because the divine engine and the added assistance of a god.
the fit is tight and at difficult angles, and because Piranoth's Bane can be used to unlock the primor-
the divine engine is now emanating waves of divine dial's prison. Lolestra, an exarch of Lolth, has been
energy, the character's endurance is tested. imbued with enough divine power to provide this
If the character fails this check, he or she loses 1 aid. She enters the Elemental Chaos to perform the
healing surge and the round must be repeated. ritual that will set Piranoth free. See Encounter P1:
If t he character succeeds, the divine engine lets Releasing Piranoth on page 154.
out a burst of healing (close burst 10) that allows the
character and his or her allies to regain hit points as if OBANAR
the characters had spent a healing surge. The ancient guardian isn't well. He has been working
Round 6. Heal (DC 27, standard action): Now that almost nonstop to defend Argent and aid the adven-
the pieces of the divine engine have been put back turers. He knows that his time on this world is almost
together, it must be mended, or healed. so that it can over, and he wants to make sure he provides the new
once again do the work it was designed for. The char- champions with all of the knowledge and aid he can
acter uses knowledge. prayer. and healing skills to before the Raven Queen calls for his soul.
repair the divine engine.
Success: lfthe character earns 3 successes, the EXTENDED REST
divine engine known as Piranoth's Bane becomes
fully functional. The character hears a powerful voice The adventurers have time to take an extended rest
speak directly into his or her thoughts. Read: before they travel to the Elemental Chaos, although
they may not know exactly how much time they have.
"Well done, paragon! Now you can use Kleekku for the
Lolestra's ritual requires eight hours, so the adventur-
purpose for which it was originally constructed. When the ers have time to rest (six hours) and deal with other
World Mover is bloodied in battle, you shall have a brief
tasks (two hours) before they make the trip.
window in which to act. Call upon the power of Klar'ekku at
that moment, and if you are worthy of wielding the divine TRAVELING TO THE
engine, the World Mover shall return to its prison. May the ELEMENTAL CHAOS
blessings of those who forged the Paragon Compact see you
through this final battle."
When the adventurers are ready, Obanar can use
the Focusing stone they recovered from King Snarr
Failure: lfthe character gets 3 failures. the divine to open a portal to the Elemental Chaos. This ritual
engine falls apart. There is no time to start over right takes a lot of the vitality Obanar has remaining, but
now, and so the party gains no advantage in the final that doesn't cause the guardian to pause. Read:
battle with Piranoth. The only way to defeat Piranoth
is through a fight to the death. Obanar directs you to the teleportation circle in the Grand
Mall. "You have done well in this difficult situation, my
friends," the old man says, "and I am proud to call you
THE DIVINE ENGINE champions of Argent. You have truly earned the Silver
The divine engine known as Piranoth's Bane plays an Cloaks. Go now, and stop Piranoth before the World
important role in the course of this adventure. In the Mover is set free." With that, Obanar begins the ritual
final encounters. it is probable that the adventurers you have seen him perform numerous times over the past
have gained possession of two pieces of the relic (from few weeks. The runes inscribed in the circle begin to glow,
the encounters that take place on Frost Spire Island). and a window to another place shimmers inw existence
Meanwhile, the giants have used the remaining three before you. Through the haze rising around the drcle, you
pieces and replicas of the two pieces the adventurers see a strange and disturbing sky full of lightning, sleet,
have to reconstruct the divine engine. fire, and rain. An island of blasted rockfloats in this sky of
In the Elemental Chaos, the giants (and their ally warring elements. Standing on the island, just beyond the
Lolestra, exarch of Lolth), use the divine engine to view of your circle, Is a female draw dressed in ornate robes
set Piranoth free. lithe adventurers bring the actual adorned with spider iconography. A spider-shaped amulet
pieces of the relic with them (which Obanar suggests luings around her neck. The circle flares, and suddenly
if they don't think of it), they can mend Piranoth's Argent is gone, replaced by the Elemental Chaos."
Bane and use it to send the World Mover back to its
eternal prison, as described above. Go to Encounter P1 on page 154.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters

Encounter Level 19 (12.400 XP) LOLESTRA
Lolth's exarch is close to completing the ritual that
SETUP sets Piranoth free. Each round, she uses a minor
Lolestra, Exarch of Lolth action to make a DC 30 Arcana check. On her
1 earth titan (T) first success, the pillar of stone releases a torrent
3 earth archon rumblers (R) of energy that slams into the earthen island beside
Lolestra. When the blaze of energy clears, Earth-
Use the poster map when running this encounter. shaker the earth titan reforms in that space and joins
The adventurers appear in and around the magic the battle. She needs to achieve three successes to
circle labeled "1" on the map. Place the earth archon complete the ritual.
rumblers and Lolestra on the map as shown. Earth-
shaker, the earth titan, appears in the place marked 3 Earth Archon Rumblers (R) Level 17 Brute
on the map later in the encounter. Medium elemental humanoid (earth) XP 1.600 each
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +13; tremorsense 20
HP 204; Bloodied 102
THE ELEMENTAL CHAOS AC 29; Fortitude 31. Reflex 28. Will 29
The adventurers arrive upon one of many islands Immune disease, petrification, poison
of solid land swirling around a platform in the Speed 6 (earth walk)

Elemental Chaos. Islands of earth, ice, and fire 0 Stone Warhammer (standard; at-will) 4. Weapon
420 vs. AC: 2d10 -* 9 damage.
orbit an octagonal platform of solid adamantine. A
I; Avalanche Strike (standard; at-will)
step pyramid atop the platform serves as Piranoth's Close burst 2; 4-18 vs. Reflex; 1(110 4 9 damage, and the target
prison. Three pillars, one of stone, one of ice, and is knocked prone.
one of magma, are positioned around the edges of Thundering Might ♦ Thunder
the platform. These hold the life essences of the An earth archon rumbler's attack deals 2d8 extra thunder
titan lords that the adventurers defeated earlier in damage if the rumbler is adjacent to more than une enemy.

the adventure. Between the pillars and the pyra- Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 24 (+1S) Dex 18 (+12) Wis 21 (+13)
mid, floating above the center of the platform, is the
Con 24 (+15) Int 15 (+10) Cha 17 (+11)
divine engine. Elemental energy flares around the Equipment warhammer
divine engine, arcing to the pillars and the pyramid
and back again. A sea of converging elements roil all
around the islands. TACTICS
Lolestra's primary goal is to complete the ritual.
Earth Titan (T) Level 16 Elite Brute unleash the power granted to her by Lolth. and
Huge elemental humanoid (earth, giant) XP 2,800 leave to rejoin her mistress in the Demon Web Pits.
Initiative 17 Senses Perception +9 Her first success in the ritual after the adventurers
HP 384; Bloodied 192 arrive releases the life essence of Earthshaker from
AC 31: Fortitude 33, Reflex 27, Will 28
the stone pillar. The second success starts a reaction
Immune petrification
Saving Throws +2
in the pillars of ice and magma that will release the
Speed 6
frost titan and fire titan over the next two encounters.
Action Points 1 The third success completes the ritual, unleashing a
(E) Slam (standard: at-will) torrent of energy from the spider amulet that hangs
Reach 3; , 20 vs. AC; 2d10 i 6 damage. around her neck. This energy flows through the
4 Double Attack (standard; at-will) divine engine and into the step pyramid, starting a
The earth titan makes two slam attacks.
chain reaction that will set Piranoth free in Encoun-
Hurl Rock (standard; at-will)
ter P3 (see page 158).
Ranged 20; -18 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target is
dazed (save ends).
Lolestra needs to use a minor action each turn
Earth Shock (standard; encounter) to continue the ritual. She doesn't stand idly by so
Close burst 2; +18 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 6 damage, and the that the adventurers can attack her with impunity,
target is stunned until the end of the earth titan's next turn. however. She begins combat by using bow before me
Miss: Half damage. and the target is not stunned. to grant her elemental allies combat advantage. Then
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Giant. Primordial she spends an action point to throw Lolth's tangle at
Skills Athletics +19
the adventurers. It subsequent round. Lolestra uses
Str 23 (+14) Dex 8 (+7) Wis 12 (49)
Con 72 (+14) Int 11 (+8) Cha 13 ti 9)
double attack to hurl poison bolts or to strike with her
quarterstaff if an opponent has gotten too close.
Lolestra, Exarch of Lolth (L) Level 19 Elite Controller
Medium fey humanoid. Brow XP 1.8011 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +14; darkvision Illumination: Bright light.
Spider Queen's Blessing aura 5; enemies within the aura take a -2 Magic Circles: These glowing inscriptions come Z<
penalty to all defenses. into play in later encounters. The adventurers arrive ct
HP 360; Bloodied 180 in and adjacent to the runes labeled "1" on the map.
AC 33: Fortitude 29, Reflex 31, Will 33
Elemental Sea: Characters can attempt to jump
Saving Throws -1-2
from island to island. Note that the wind and bursts Z
Speed 7
Action Points 1
of energy in the space between the islands makes t.e)
Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) + Weapon leaping through the space harder. Treat all attempts
-,24 vs. AC; 2d6 •+ 7 damage, and the target loses any immunity to jump as though the characters were making stand- Lt
or resistance to poison until the end of the encounter. ing jumps. it
Poison Bolt (standard; at-will) + Poison A character can attempt to "swim" through the
Ranged 10; +23 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 damage. and ongoing 10
elemental sea. This requires a DC 22 Athletics check. et.
poison damage and the target is slowed (save ends both).
On a success, the character moves at half speed
.l.Pf Double Attack (standard; at-will) 441 s.0
Lolestra makes two Quarterstaff or poison bolt attacks.
through the elemental sea. There are other effects
-IZ*Loith's Tangle (standard; recharge ®) + Necrotic, Zone related to the elemental sea, depending on the ele-
Area burst 1 within 10; webs full of spectral spiders cover the ment encountered, as described below.
zone (draw and spiders are immune); +22 vs. Reflex; the target Lava: Creatures moving through the lava take 10 u
is restrained (save ends). The zone is difficult terrain until the fire damage for every square of lava they enter. When Z
end of the encounter. Any creature that starts its turn in the
a character emerges from the lava, he or she must
zone takes 15 necrotic damage.
make a DC 22 Endurance check. lithe check fails,
4. Bow Before Me! (standard; encounter) + Charm, Poison,
the character loses 1 healing surge.
Close burst 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Will; the target falls Lightnin8: Creatures moving through the lightning
prone. The target grants combat advantage and takes ongoing take 10 lightning damage and emerge onto an island
5 poison damage
o save ends both) dazed (save ends).
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common. Giant, Elven Treasure: When Earthshaker is defeated, his
Skills Arcane +21. Bluff +23, Insight 118. Religion +21, Stealth +20
rocky form breaks apart. A search of the remains
Str15 (411) Dex 22 (+15} Ms 38 (+13)
reveals 29 1,000 gp gems.
Con 20 (+14) Int 24 (+16) Cha 26 (+181
Equipment quarterstafi

If Lolestra completes the ritual, as soon as she

becomes bloodied she decides to leave the battle. She
rushes to the nearest magic circle, prays to Lolth, and
disappears. Feel free to utilize Loith and her servant
Lolestra in future adventures.
The earth archon rumblers emerge from the rocky
ground to attack the adventurers and keep them busy
so that Lolestra can work without interruption.
Earthshaker the earth titan vows revenge against
the insignificant mortals as he returns to life. He
hurls rocks for a round or two before wading in to
make double attacks against the character that issued
the killing blow in their earlier battle.

if Lolestra fails to complete the ritual, Lolth steps
in. Should Lolestra get three failures, Lolth appears
in spectral form. emerging from the spider amulet.
She casts her spell into the divine engine, then turns
upon Lolestra. "You have failed your mistress for the
last time!" Lolth proclaims, and Lolestra disappears
under a mound of black spiders. Then Leith's image
fades away as well.
Encounter Level 20 (14,600 XP) 6 Frost fell Harrowers (H) Level 20 Minion Skirmisher
Medium elemental ma: ical beast (cold) XP 700 each
Initiative +19 Senses Perception +14
SETUP Frostfield aura 1; each enemy within the aura takes a -2 penalty to

Frost titan (1') attack rolls.

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
2 ice archon rimehammers (R)
AC 34; Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 31
6 frostfell harrower (H) Immune disease, poison
Speed 5, fly 8 (hover)
Use the poster map when running this encounter. ® Ice Claw (standard; at-will) + Cold
The adventurers have time to take a short rest as +23 VS, Fortitude, 15 cold damage.
an eerie quiet falls across the area. The churning ele- Ice Slide (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the

ments and the crackle of energy playing across the frostfell harrower: at•will) Cold
The attacker lakes / cold damage and slides 3 squares.
adamantine platform are the only sounds. As soon as
Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
the short rest comes to an end, read: Str 16 (+13) Dex 24 (+17) Wis 19 (+14)
Con 21 (+15) Int 10 (+10) Cha 6 (+8)
A bolt of lightning bounces from the step pyramid, shat-
tering the divine engine and apparently blowing it to bits. Frost Titan (T) Level 20 Elite Brute
Then energy erupts from the pillar of ice, striking one of Hu, e elemental humanoid (cold, :iant) XP 5,600
the frozen islands. A cloud of ice and snow billows up from Initiative +14 Senses Perception +16
where the energy hit the ground, and as it clears you see a Fimbulwinter Breath (Cold) aura 2; enemies treat the aura's area
huge frost titan appear as if from the bolt of energy itsey: as difficult terrain. Each enemy that starts Its turn within the

"Once more, we shall do battle!" the titan bellows, raises aura takes 5 cold damage.
HP 466; Bloodied 233; see also furious swipe
one hand and calling forth icy creatures from the frozen
AC 32; Fortitude 34, Reflex 29, Will 33
islands_ "Piranoth, grant us strength!" Resist 15 cold
Saving Throws +2
Perception Check Speed 8 (ice walk)
DC 27: You notice that the five pieces of the divine engine Action Points 1
each appear in a different magic circle. 0 Icy Greatexe (standard; at-will) Cold, Weapon
Reach 3: —23 vs. AC: 2d8 + 9 (crit 11d8 + 25) cold damage, and
ongoing 10 cold damage (save ends).
DIVINE ENGINE + Furious Swipe (Free, when first bloodied and again when the
The adventurers might decide to gather the pieces of frost titan drops to 0 hit points)

the divine engine so that they can attempt to mend The titan makes an icy greataxe attack.
+ Cold-Blooded Kick (minor 1/round; at-will)
it to use against Piranoth. Determine which magic
Reach 3; '21 vs. Reflex; 1d8 q- 9 damage, and the target is
circles the five pieces appear in, and also decide pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
which three pieces are the real pieces. A character Ice Bolts (standard; recharge IT::R1)
can collect a piece by moving adjacent to the magic Ranged 20: targets one or two creatures; +21 vs. Fortitude;
circle. A DC 22 Religion check allows a character to 1d8 + 9 cold damage. and the target is slowed (save ends).
determine lithe piece is real or a replica. e Blast of Winter (standard; encounter)
Close blast 5: +21 vs. Reflex; 3d8 + 6 cold damage. ongoing
10 cold damage (save ends), and the target is immobilized until
2 Ice Archon Rimehant niers (Il) Level 19 Soldier
the end of the frost titan's next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Medium elemental humanoid (cold) XP 2,400 each
Glacial Footing
Initiative +15 Senses Perception +12
When an effect pulls, pushes, or slides a frost titan, the titan
Icy Ground (Cold) aura 1; enemies treat the area within the aura
moves 4 squares less than the effect specifies. Also, a frost
as difficult terrain, • a
titan make sav i ng LI) being11.111.1,RCU
HP 185; Bloodied 92
Alignment Evil Languages Giant, Primordial
AC 35; Fortitude 35. Reflex 32, WIII 31
Skills Athletics +24
Immune disease, poison; Resist 30 cold
Str 28 (+19) Des 19 (+14) Ms 23 (+16)
Speed 6 (ice walk)
Con 23 (+16) lnt 12 (+11) Cha 16(+13)
ID Maul (standard; at-will) + Cold, Weapon
Equipment greataxe
+25 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 damage plus 1c16 cold damage, and the
target is slowed (save ends). Against a slowed target. the
rimehammer deals an extra 2d6 cold damage.
Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Primordial
Str 24 (+16) Dex 18 (-F13) Wis 16 (+12)
Con 25 (+16) Int 14 (+11) Cha 15 (+11)
.•••• • o.

A character can attempt to "swim" through_the _

TACTICS elemental sea. This requires a DC 22 Athletics check. C
The frostfell harrowers slide among the adventurers, On a success, the character moves at half speed
striking with ice claws before slipping away to attack through the elemental sea. There arc other effects
a different target. Whenever an attack misses a har- related to the elemental sea, depending on the ele-
rower, it uses ice slide to deal some damage and slide ment encountered, as described below.
away. Frost: Creatures moving through the frost take
The ice archon rimehammers set themselves 10 cold damage for every square of frost they enter.
between the adventurers and the titan. They pound Upon emerging from the frost, the character must
on the most dangerous of the adventurers, especially make a DC 22 Endurance check. If the check fails,

concentrating on characters that employ fire attacks. the character loses 1 healing surge and is slowed
Glacier the frost titan remembers the humiliating (save ends).
defeat he suffered at the hands of the adventurers. Lava: Creatures moving through the lava take 10
He is not inclined to repeat that result. He starts out fire damage for every square of lava they enter. Upon
by hurling ice bolts, all the while seeking the charac- emerging from the lava, the character must make a
ter that caused him the most pain in their previous DC 22 Endurance check. If the check fails, the char-
battle. Once he spots that character, Glacier charges acter loses 1 healing surge.
forward to make icy greataxe attacks. Don't forget to Lightning: Creatures moving through the lightning
deliver cold-blooded kicks to knock enemies into the take 10 lightning damage and emerge onto an island
swirling elements surrounding the islands. dazed (save ends).
If Glacier is defeated, he makes a final furious swipe Water: Swimming through the turbulent waters is
attack and calls, "Piranoth, avenge your servant!" harder, requiring a DC 27 Athletics check.
Wind: Creatures moving through the turbulent
FEATURES OF THE AREA wind must make a DC 27 Endurance check when
Illumination: Bright light. they emerge of else lose 1 healing surge.
Ice: The ice islands are difficult terrain. If a crea- Treasure: When Glacier is defeated, his frozen
ture without ice walk moves more than 2 squares form breaks apart. A search of the remains reveals 15
with a move action, it needs to make a DC 22 Acro- 2,000 gp gems.
batics check or fall prone (which ends that move
Elemental Sea: Characters can attempt to jump
from island to island. Note that the wind and bursts
of energy in the space between the islands makes
leaping through the space harder. Treat all attempts
to jump as though the characters were making
standing jumps.
Encounter Level 2 2 (21,900 XP) 7 Elemental Spawn (S) Level 18 Minion Brute
Lar•e elemental ma:ical beast XP 500 eac Ir
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +12
SETUP Elemental Storm aura 1; each enemy that starts Its turn within
Piranoth (P) the aura takes 5 cold, fire, and lightning damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
1 fire titan (T)
AC 30; Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 27
7 elemental spawn (5)
Immune disease. poison; Resist 10 cold. 10 fire, 10 lightning
Speed 6
Use the poster map when running this encounter. (5 Elemental Smash (standard; at-will) + Cold, Fire, Lightning
Once again, quiet falls over this portion of the +22 vs. AC; 12 cold, fire, or lightning damage. determined
Elemental Chaos, and the adventurers have the randomly each time an attack hits.
<- Elemental Explosion (free action, when the elemental spawn Is
opportunity to take a short rest. When the short rest
reduced to 0 hit points)* Cold, Fire, Lightning
ends. Piranoth emerges from the step pyramid. Read:
Close burst 2; 121 vs. Reflex; 12 cold. fire. and lightning
The energies playing around the pyramid and between the Alignment Unaligned Languages Primordial
pillars suddenlyflares in power and intensity, and a strong Str 20 (+14) Flex 18 (+13) Wis 16 (+12)
wind begins to blow across the surface of the islands. Large Con 22 (+15) Int 8 (+8) Cha 9 (+8)
creatures that appear to be amalgamations of different ele-
ments rise out of the islands, and a bolt of energy from the Piranoth (Diminished State) Level 19 Solo Skirmisher
pillar of magma releases afire titan onto the island nearest Fil[p elemental beam ( rimordial) XP 12.00D
the adamantine platform. Initiative see triple mind Senses Perception +21; darkvision

As the elemental creatures turn their attention toward Cloud of Elemental Chaos aura 3; each enemy that starts its
turn in the aura takes damage: roll 1 dfi: 1-3, 10 fire damage;
you, the pyramid emits a burst of devastatingly bright light.
4-5,10 cold damage; 6, 15 cold and fire damage.
As the light fades, a huge creature composed of fire, frost, HP 752; Bloodied 376
and earth steps forward. While its shape is that of a great AC 30: Fortitude 31, Reflex 30, Will 32
giant, its form seems toflow from one element to the next Saving Throws +5
with no apparent pattern. "I. Am. Free." The creature says, Immune attacks by characters below level 15:
its voice like fire and Am. Piranoth." Resist 10 cold, 10 fire
Speed 6
Action Points 2
Fire Titan (T) Level 21 Elite Soldier
Magma Strike (standard; at-will) + Fire
Huge elemental humanoid t 'Lino XP 6,400
Reach 4; +24 vs. AC; 3d6 i 8 fire damage.
initiative +18 Senses Perception +21
Arctic Whip (standard; at-will) + Cold
HP 398; Bloodied 199
Ranged 30; 4-22 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 +7 cold damage. and the
AC 39; Fortitude 36, Reflex 33, Will 33
target is slowed (save ends).
Resist 30 fire
<• Earthen Storm (standard; at-will)
Saving Throws +2
Close blase 5;4-20 vs. Reflex: Idl 0 + S damage. and the target
Speed 8
is pushed 3 squares.
Action Points 1
Icefire Slash (immediate reaction, when an attack misses
0 Fireraging Greatsword (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Piranoth; at-will) + Cold, Fire
Reach 3; 4-26 vs. AC: 2d6 + 9 damage plus 4d6 fire damage.
Reach 4: +24 vs. AC: 1410 + 8 cold and fire damage.
and the target is pushed 2 squares and marked until the end
-V. Elemental Torrent (standard; recharges each time Piranoth
of the fire titan's next turn.
spends an action point) • Cold, Fire
}Double Attack (standard; at-will) + Fire, Weapon
Area burst 3 within 20: 120 vs_ Fortitude; 4d8 -i-7 cold and fire
The fire titan makes two fireraging greatsword attacks.
damage. and the target slides 2 squares and is immobilized
Hurl Lava (standard; recharge ) ♦ Fire
(save ends).
Requires a source of lava; ranged 20: +24 vs. Reflex; 4d6 + 6
Chaos jump (move; at-will)
fire damage. and the target is immobilized until the end of the
Piranoth teleports 10 squares. Any enemies adjacent to
fire titan's next turn. A flying creature hit by this attack crashes
Piranoth when he teleports are dazed (save ends).
(Dungeon Master's Guide 47).
Earth Shift (minor: at-will)
+ Burning Wave (standard: at-will) + Fire
Piranoth shifts 3 squares. Any enemies adjacent to Piranoth
Close burst 5; 24 vs. Reflex; 2d10 fire damage. and ongoing 10
when he shifts are knocked prone.
fire damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and no
Triple Mind
ongoing damage.
Piranoth acts three times in a round, on initiative counts 35, 25,
Alignment Evil Languages Giant, Primordial
and 15. It cannot delay or ready actions. On each turn, it can
Skills Intimidate +20
use one action, either a minor, a move, or a standard. It can use
Str 29 (+19) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 23 (+16)
one immediate action between each turn.
Con 23 (+16) Int 10 (+10) Cha 21 (+15)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial
Str 26 (+17) Dex 28 (+18) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 28 (+18) Int 14 (+10) Cha 19 (+13)
$ .1, - ',1•6 . S.

needs to make a DC 22 Acrobatics check or fall

TACTICS prone (which ends that move action).
As soon as Piranoth appears, the adventurers are .c>
Elemental Sea: Characters can attempt to jump
each randomly telepoted to a magic circle (roll 1d6). from island to island. Note that the wind and bursts 2
The elemental spawn shamble to engage the of energy in the space between the islands makes
adventurers. Remember that their aura deals damage leaping through the space harder. Treat all attempts
to characters that start their turn within it, and to jump as though the characters were making stand- o
that they utilize elemental explosion when they are ing jumps.
defeated. A character can attempt to "swim" through the
The fire titan Wildfire leaps from island to island, elemental sea. This requires a DC 22 Athletics check. I
ignoring the effects of the elemental sea. He just On a success, the character moves at half speed
wants to destroy the adventurers and clear the way through the elemental sea. There are other effects
for Piranoth to return to the natural world. related to the elemental sea, depending on the ele-
Piranoth, even in its diminished state. is a terror to ment encountered, as described below.
behold. Its aura deals damage across a wide area. It Frost: Creatures moving through the frost take 10 5
gets to act three times in a round. It refuses to waste cold damage for every square of frost they enter. Upon
one moment of its newfound freedom, and it won't emerging from the frost, the character must make a Q
allow insignificant mortals to challenge it. Piranoth DC 22 Endurance check. If the check fails, the char- L- )
fights with the fury of a primordial of old, even if it u j acterlos1hinguadslowe(vn).
isn't yet up to its full level of power. Lava: Creatures moving through the lava take 10
fire damage for every square of lava they enter. Upon
SKILL CHALLENGE emerging from the lava, the character must make a
If one of the characters wants to restore the divine DC 22 Endurance check. If the check fails, the char-
engine to working order, he or she engages in the acter loses 1 healing surge.
skill challenge described on page 152. Success in this Lightning: Creatures moving through the lightning
challenge provides attack bonuses for the party, some take 10 lightning damage and emerge onto an island
much-needed healing, and the divine engine can dazed (save ends).
be used to imprison Piranoth once the primordial is Water: Swimming through the turbulent waters is
bloodied. This takes the form of a special attack. harder, requiring a DC 27 Athletics check.
Standard action; ranged 10; +21 vs. Will. First Wind: Creatures moving through the turbulent
Hit: All of Piranoth's defenses are reduced by 2 and wind must make a DC 27 Endurance check when
parts of its elemental form begin to flow back into the they emerge of else lose 1 healing surge.
pyramid. Second I Iit: All of Piranoth's attack rolls are
reduced by 2 and it is pulled to a square adjacent to This encounter is continued on the next page.
the pyramid. Third Hit: Piranoth screams as its ele-
mental form flows into the pyramid and disappears.

Illumination: Bright
Magic Circles: The
energies that released
Piranoth have affected
the magic circles. When
a creature enters a circle.
it randomly teleports to
another circle (roll 1d6).
Fire Stone: The islands
of red-hot rock deal 10 fire
damage to any creature
that starts its turn here.
Ice: The ice islands
are difficult terrain. If a
creature without ice walk
moves more than 2 squares
with a move action, it
This encounter continues from the previous page. CONCLUSION
Step Pyramid: The step pyramid. crafted from With the defeat of Piranoth, the titan lords, and the
solid adamantine rising from the octagonal platform. giant leaders, the alliance of giants and elementals
is 15 feet tall. Supernal runes and divine sigils cover falls apart. This threat has been averted. As the
every surface of the pyramid. A DC 22 Religion check adventurers stand upon the islands in the elemental
allows a character to notice the raw divine energy sea, Torugar or another exarch of Moradin appears.
flowing through the pyramid, and a DC 27 Religion Beside him stands an exarch of Erathis. The two fig-
check recognizes the healing potential within that ures bow before the adventurers. Read:
energy. Any non-elemental creature that begins its
turn adjacent to the pyramid regains 15 hit points. "Well done, champions of Argent," the exarchs say, talking
Stone Pillar: The pillar that held the life essence in perfect synchronicity. "For the service you have rendered.
of Earthshaker has an additional property. Any crea- accept these gifts. We shall take Piranoth's Bane and hide
ture that begins its turn adjacent to the pillar can it away for a time when it is needed again. Tell Obanar that
regain any one encounter power that it has already his time is done. We shall welcome him into the court of the
expended in this encounter. The pillar functions once gods after he has had one last chance to speak with you."
in an encounter for any particular creature.
Ice Pillar: The pillar that held the life essence of The exarchs disappear, leaving behind a chest filled
Glacier has an additional property. Any creature that with 50 astral diamonds, a level 21 magic item, and a
begins its turn adjacent to the pillar takes 15 cold level 22 magic item.
damage and is slowed (save ends). The adventurers can return to Argent with the
Magma Pillar: The pillar that held the life Argent Portal ritual. Obanar thanks them, tells them
essence of Wildfire has an additional property. Any that the city is now in their care. "Watch over the
creature that begins its turn adjacent to the pillar world, my friends," he says, and then he closes his
can regain any one daily power that it has already eyes and finally succumbs to the ravages of age.
expended this day. The pillar functions once per day The adventurers can use Argent as a base of opera-
for any particular creature. tions, or they can leave the city to the torrians and
abandon their new role as champions of Argent. Of
DEFEATING PIRANOTH course, destiny is not easily denied, and as they strive
The adventurers have two primary methods for toward the epic levels, they will always be known as
defeating Piranoth the World Mover. They can fight those that wear the Silver Cloaks.
Piranoth to the death. This requires the adventurers What happens next? That's up to you, as the Dun-
to reduce Piranoth's hit points to 0 or fewer. If the geon Master. And it depends on what the adventurers
adventurers accomplish this, read: want to do next.

As you deliver a last, mighty strike, Piranoth staggers

and falls. The very fabric of the Elemental Chaos seems
to shudder as the ancient primordial gasps a final time
and falls still. Suddenly, the various elements flowing
through the World Mover's form slide apart and sepa-
rate, rejoining the elemental sea until nothing remains of
the mighty primordial.
The second, potentially easier method is to use a skill
challenge to repair the divine engine. Once Piran-
oth's Bane is functional, it can be used as a weapon
against the bloodied primordial. Each successful hit
with the divine engine weakens Piranoth. On the
third hit. Piranoth is sent back into its step pyramid
prison. When this occurs, read:
As Piranoth's Bane unleashes a third blast of divine energy
into the primordial. Piranoth screams in rage and terrible
pain. Its elemental form flows like streams of liquid, rush-
ing back into the glowing step pyramid despite Piranoth's
obvious struggle to hold itself together. Within moments, as
the angry screams fade, Piranoth seeps back into the ada-
mantine and disappears. The very fabric of the Elemental
Chaos seems to shudder as the prison seals, once again
trapping Piranoth within its extradimensional space.

CHAPTER 2 I Adventure Encounters


Earth giants. frost giants, fire giants . . when the giants

strike out to raid and destroy the civilized lands, it becomes

apparent that something much larger and more dangerous
lurks in the background_ A group of adventurers must locate
the spark that has ignited this spreading fire and find a way
to snuff it out before it engulfs the world.

Revenge of the Giants is a super-Iength adventure that

takes characters from 12th level to 17th level. It includes
background material, adventure hooks, new monsters and
magic items, and a powerful, unfolding story that shows of
the best of the paragon tier of play. It also includes a double-
sided battle map depicting key encounter sites, designed
for use with D&IP Miniatures.

For use with these 4th Edition DuNGEoNs & DRAGONS' products:

Player's Handbook core rulebooks

Dungeon Master's Guide' core rulebooks
Monster Manual" core rulebooks
LAD' Miniatures D&D'H Dungeon Tiles



ISBN: 978-0-7989-5206-2

18j181 1 01 952052
Sue Retail: us. lusts cm., 537.06
Pruned In the U.S.A 241700000

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