Scientific Literacy in The Eaarly Years - Practical Work...
Scientific Literacy in The Eaarly Years - Practical Work...
Scientific Literacy in The Eaarly Years - Practical Work...
To cite this article: Sara Pereira, Maria José Rodrigues & Rui Marques Vieira (2020) Scientific
literacy in the early years – practical work as a teaching and learning strategy, Early Child
Development and Care, 190:1, 64-78, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2019.1653553
Departamento de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; bDepartamento de Ciências da
Natureza, Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; cDepartamento de
Educação e Psicologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
. Children do enjoy observing and trying to understand nature and natural phenomena
. Science education contributes to a positive and informed image about science
. An early exploration of scientific phenomena promotes a better understanding of concepts later
taught in school
. The adequate use of scientific language with children may play a role in the development of scien-
tific concepts
. Children are able to understand some scientific concepts and to think scientifically, and
. Science education allows for the development of scientific reasoning skills.
Besides developing scientific skills, when grounded on a socio-affective approach, science edu-
cation also promotes the development of scientific attitudes and beliefs as well as certain social beha-
viours. These can be understood as having a more cognitive dimension (open-mindness, curiosity,
creativity, objectivity, intellectual honesty, critical thinking, persistence) and also an affective dimen-
sion (respect, tolerance, cooperation, self-confidence). Many of these attitudes are necessary to be
scientifically literate. A scientifically literate person should be able to question reality so to make
informed decisions about problems that affect him or her, and to be able to contribute to the solution
of problems, to be intuitive in an investigative process, to be creative, curious and critical in finding
solutions and alternative ways to solve problems (Fialho, 2009). In short, science education in the
early years promotes the development of scientific skills such as observing, predicting and explaining
the world which are related and interdependent to others such as communicating, learning to learn,
autonomy and personal initiative.
Conceptual Change, and Teaching Through Research (TTR). TTR is the perspective which better
conforms to contemporary visions of the scientific endeavour, with the needs of today’s
society and with a science education of a practical nature and being Science-Technology-
Society (STS) orientated.
Cachapuz, Praia, and Jorge (2002) list four arguments in favour of TTR: calling on the need (i) to
be inter- and trans-disciplinary in trying to understand the world in its complex and global form,
adopting an holistic vision in studying current problems; (ii) to approach daily problem situations
which can allow for a solid foundation for the construction of knowledge and to reflect about
science processes, technology and its interactions with the environment and society, thus contri-
buting to the development of competencies, skills, attitudes and beliefs; (iii) to adopt a methodo-
logical pluralism regarding working strategies mainly considering guidelines relative to practical
work and, (iv) to defy classificatory assessment replacing it with formative assessment which
involves all intervening parties and considers the diversity of contexts. These are essential
aspects of teaching in order to achieve qualitative steps towards better learning and a better
way to approach STS issues (Marques & Paixão, 2009). Seen through this lens, knowledge
content is not understood as an end to itself, but considered socially relevant and contributive
to solving problems facing society and it will arise in teaching contexts where shared research
is experienced.
Education will then transcend merely instructional goals, emphasizing cooperative work and
child interaction and thinking skills. According to Pereira and Paixão (2004), while adopting a
TTR perspective, it is up to the kindergarten teacher to implement more open and flexible activi-
ties, which should be closely related to a given problem-situation. These must be adequately
contextualized to each class, focus on daily phenomena, appealing and able to generate
Practical work, in a child-centered approach, is considered to be the best strategy to promote a
scientific and technological education for all since the early years. It allows the building of some
understanding, though simplified, about science, its processes and its nature, as well as developing
a scientific attitude towards problem-solving (DGIDC, 2006). Practical work is also a teaching strategy
that allows to build a closer rapport between children and the kindergarten teacher, blurring any bar-
riers existing in the classroom (Deus & Neves, 2009). The kindergarten teacher is not considered as a
simple medium for knowledge transmission but as a guide for the necessary processes (Ibarra,
Arlegui, & Wilhelmi, 2009).
Hodson (1994) contradicts the idea that practical work is necessarily work involving a labora-
tory bench and some kind of experimentation. According to this author, practical work would be
any kind of activity that requires the student to be active and not passive, consistent with the idea
that he learns better through direct experience. Therefore not all practical work involves a labora-
tory bench. There are alternatives like computerized interactive activities, exploring different
materials, case studies, interviews, debates and role-play, essays, posters and scrapbooks,
library researches, photo and video documentaries. According to Caamaño (2003) and Martins
et al. (2006), practical work may consist of: sensory experiences, observation and illustration activi-
ties, practical exercises and investigations or investigative activities, where we could include
experimental work. They can and should be diverse in their typology, like exploratory, sorting,
illustrative and developing fair tests.
Investigative activities aim at developing students’ understanding of processes related to
questioning and allowing them to apply it in problem-solving situations that are theoretical or
practical in nature and that emerge from their close and familiar contexts and connected to
their everyday lives. These activities always involve two kinds of understanding. One conceptual
and another processual, which, articulated, would develop cognitive competencies needed to
solve problems (Caamaño, 2003; Goldsworthy & Freasey, 1997; Martins et al., 2006; Miguéns,
Through investigative activities, learning is an active process, based on experimentation and dis-
covery, where scientific knowledge can be approached in a concrete and intuitive way (Thouin, 2004).
They may inspire and encourage kindergarten teachers to conceive and help children conceive
experimental work, by preparing the necessary resources and records. Wellington (1998) and
Miguéns (1999) enhance the potential of talk, discussion and imagination when doing practical
work. This latter author points three arguments in favour of practical work with small children. At
a cognitive level, it may contribute to science understanding and conceptual development. At an
affective level, it is engaging. At a developmental level, it develops not only practical skills but a
higher level of competency using observation, measurement, prediction and inference which are
transferable to other areas of knowledge.
Bóo (2004) points out that scientific skills and attitudes are better revealed when children are
engaged on hands-on and minds-on activities, making observations, showing curiosity, giving
explanations, cooperating and behaving safely. Martins (2002), based on Goldsworthy and
Freasey (1997), presents some basic principles for the implementation of these activities at a kin-
dergarten level: (i) identifying children’s previous ideas, (ii) discussing the question-problem, (iii)
planning procedures, (iv) predicting results, (v) executing the experiment, (vi) interpreting results;
(vii) formulating a conclusion and (viii) stating new questions to investigate. Above all, they
should help children develop their ideas and conceptual understandings (Johnston, 2005). For
Berezuki, Obara, and Silva (2009), theses practical activities, if conducted in an investigative
and problem-solving approach, when well conducted, allow for situations where children may
evaluate the adopted resources and procedures, may formulate hypothesis, rethink their ideas,
make decisions which, in all, develops their scientific spirit. Miguéns (1991) adds that these activi-
ties are opportunities for children, starting from their own ideas and conceptions, to use strat-
egies of science, to recognize other perspectives as useful and to build new and functional
In Harlen’s perspective (2000), small investigations since the early years are essential for children to
explore the real world, prove their ideas and develop them. This author defends that small children
should use procedures technics like observation, interpreting information, asking questions, hypothe-
sizing, communicating and planning small investigations. They should define a problem in oper-
ational terms, identify what may or may not vary in an investigation and what should be
measured, use measurements, comparisons or observations to find the solution for the initial
Skills can be understood as a set of orderly and consecutive actions or tasks, aimed at accomplishing
a given objective (Martins et al., 2009), which are necessary to approach the concepts and are instru-
mental to build knowledge.
In the last decades science education in the UK and USA has been well established, where we can
find references to inquiry skills or skills of scientific inquiry (Eshach, 2006; Harlen, 2011a; Harlen &
Qualter, 2009; Johnston, 2011; Jones, Lake, & Lin, 2008). These are also guidelines found on the Bench-
marks (AAAS, 1993) that frame science education in the perspective of inquiry, which is considered,
latu sensu, as the ‘deployment of inquiry skills in striving to make sense of events and phenomena in the
natural and made world around us’ (Harlen & Qualter, 2009, p. 90). We can consider skills to be at a
procedimental level or at a thinking level (Caamaño, 2003), as we can distinguish ‘inquiry process
skills’ an ‘inquiry reasoning skills’ (NRC, 1996).
Attitudes and beliefs are essential for an individual to interact in different social contexts. They are
understood as a mindset and a way to act in a given situation (Zabala & Arnau, 2007). The articulated
and interdependent nature of the mobilization of attitudes and beliefs leads us to merge these con-
cepts as inseparable: attitudes/beliefs.
Johnston (2005) makes reference to attitudes of science and attitudes towards science, stating that
their development favours cognitive development (Johnston, 2011). Science education should be a
privileged way to develop attitudes/beliefs as it no longer can be considered a value free zone (Harlen
& Qualter, 2009), and the kindergarten teacher should be a model of the attitudes he intends children
to develop as they are caught, not taught (Harlen, 2000).
Harlen and Qualter (2009) consider that ‘attitudes show not in what children can do or know, but
in their willingness to use their knowledge or skills where appropriate’ (p. 138).
Knowledge can be understood as basic stones on which scientific interpretations stand and that,
interrelated, allow for scientific explanations (Pereira, 2002).
DeBoer (2000) states that ‘science content has formed the backbone of science curriculum since its
inception’ (p. 598) as it is an essential component to scientific literacy and needed to understand and
interact with the world. But the challenge for science education stands in finding an equilibrium
between curricular content that necessarily includes building content knowledge and developing
skills and attitudes/beliefs that are indispensable for the students/future citizens (Bybee, Fensham,
& Laurie, 2009).
Many scientific concepts are of difficult (re)construction by young children, as it is required to
grasp different relationships of a quantitative nature that require mathematical tools they do not
yet have available (Pereira, 2002). Other concepts require to high an abstraction effort and strong
deductive ability that presupposes previous conceptual experience that young children, by age
alone, cannot embrace.
Harlen (2011b), Johnston (2011) and Martins et al. (2009) establish as a goal for science education
the development of representations (or ideas) that are not too far from scientific concepts that chil-
dren will find during their schooling, and that can serve as an evaluative frame for a progressive
reconstruction. This is an idea Ravanis, Koliopoulos, and Boilevin (2008) share, entitled as precursory
models. Above all, science education should allow for children to progress from description to expla-
nation, from small to big ideas and from those that are personal to those that are shared (Harlen &
Qualter, 2009).
Many researchers today look for more pragmatic approaches to research that have a more firm
investment from professionals that implement innovative interventions in real educational contexts,
from where they can draw elements to refine them. Wang and Hannafin (2005) have conceived DBR
has a sequence of systematic processes of I&D, emphasizing the close relationship between the con-
ception of the new intervention and the investigative activity, where investigators also assume a pos-
ition of designers, adopting a hybrid methodology that is supported by methods and processes of
those fields.
Regarding the teaching and learning of science, DS has been defined as an instrument that both
promotes the mobilization and development of children’s scientific competencies and as curricular
innovation, drawing from kindergarten teachers’ practices. These are articulated and complementary
goals to the teaching and learning of science.
The main focus in developing DS with this purpose is in defining their characteristics, especially
when they are aimed at 3–5 year old children.
Work undertaken by Tenreiro-Vieira and Vieira (2004) in a context of teacher training programmes
allowed them to define a set of features CTS resources and DS should respect: (i) consider students’
previous ideas; (ii) contextualize science teaching by exploring problem-situations that allow students
to learn science concepts and processes while trying to find answers; (iii) focusing on STS when they
help students to grasp the complexity and globalism of the world; (iv) appeal to the development of
critical thinking skills, allowing for rational and responsible answers; (v) appeal to a methodological
pluralism, allowing for a variety of investigative ways to approach a problem and to mobilize and
develop thinking skills and to build knowledge. These are some of the recommendations of other
authors such as Afonso (2008), Harlen (2011b), Johnston (2011), Martins (2002) and Reis (2008).
Curriculum materials should promote teacher learning in addition to student learning, as so they
can be considered in a perspective of educative curriculum materials. Davis and Krajcik (2005)
present a set of design heuristics they should respect: (i) allow teachers to anticipate and interpret
what students think or do during the activities; (ii) support teachers’ conceptual learning; (iii)
include linkages for them to establish connections with other content units of the curriculum; (iv)
clarify and represent the curriculum, and (v) promote what Brown (2009) defined as the teacher’s ped-
agogical design capacity.
According to Bóo (2004), the efficacy of the DS will depend on features such as (i) promoting a safe
yet engaging environment for the children; (ii) being challenging; (iii) being cognitively challenging;
(iv) support children’s development, and (v) being adequate to different children. Johnston (2005)
also enhanced the need for a playful approach to inquiry in the early years. Children should
explore the world in order to approach scientific concepts and to develop skills and attitudes/
beliefs, and toys can serve as resources which allow children to build ideas and to mobilize scientific
competencies. This playful approach should not oversimplify the way children are exposed to science
in a debate of ‘education versus entertainment’ (McCrory, 2011), but we should adopt engagement
hooks which allow children to simultaneously mobilize cognitive and affective processes that contrib-
ute to learning.
These are guidelines also found in documents like ‘Resources for Teaching Elementary School
Science’ (NSRC, 1996), ‘Science for All Children’ (NSRC, 1997) and ‘Inquiry and the National Science
Education Standards’ (NRC, 2000), available to the American community upon the publication of
the Standards, and in other authors like Millar (2010).
we now describe.
The main goal of this DS is for children to identify the materials from which different objects are
made of. In terms of learning outcomes, the kindergarten teacher is provided with a list of content
knowledge children may be able or are expected to (re)construct when participating in this DS,
shown in an order of growing complexity:
The exploration begins with eliciting children’s ideas about objects and materials and the proper-
ties of some familiar materials, through a contextualization strategy. For this purpose, it is proposed
that the kindergarten teachers invite children to collect objects and toys from the classroom and
to identify the materials they are made of. He will then make out series of objects/toys made of
the same material including an ‘intruder’, which is made of a different one. By manipulating those
materials children will be able to find out about some of their physical properties (e.g. elasticity, mal-
leability, transparency, smell, etc.) through their senses and will then be invited to find out which is
the intruder and explain why. This exploration and successive comparisons will allow children to
begin to relate some of those properties to some materials, becoming more proficient in identifying
them later on. To further help them to accomplish that, they should also be engaged in manipulating
the samples included on the kit and to compare them to the objects they have at hand and to share
their ideas with the other children. Controversy, doubt and disagreement on a given material should
be used by the kindergarten teacher to promote discussion and debate. Children should be asked
what would happen if a given material (e.g. glass) was to be used to make a given object (e.g. a
doll). To be asked to explain why they think a given object/toy is made of that material and what
would happen if it was made of any other material. Or to give examples of objects that can be
made of that same material.
As children think and talk about the implications of choosing specific materials for objects that
have a certain purpose and application the kindergarten teacher is able to gain insight about chil-
dren’s ideas about materials and some of their properties, accessing their prior knowledge and/or
The exploration (the Lotto game itself) may be developed by up to 9 children or teams of children.
The kindergarten teacher is able to decide how large of a group of children should be involved in the
game according to the children’s characteristics, or to choose how many and which boards of
materials should be present on the game. Each child/team gets or chooses a base and is asked to
identify its material. From this point on they ‘play the game’. The kindergarten teacher or one of
the children take one piece at a time out of the box. They should all look at it very carefully, identify
the material used to make the object glued on it and correspond it to the right base. They can explain
to the group which characteristics of that material allows them to identify it. They can manipulate the
samples to gather more sensorial information to help them distinguish materials which share simi-
larities. Children should be encouraged to think about changes made to some of the materials
that could have been cut, painted, glossed or glued together. The kindergarten teacher has a
major role in encouraging them to express and debate their ideas, to establish relationships
between other objects from their daily lives and, globally, to (re)construct knowledge by promoting
children’s mobilization of thinking skills and, inevitably, their attitudes/beliefs.
The game is played until the last piece is extracted, and ends with a summary and systematization
of what they learned from this activity, organizing their ideas and assuring there are no misconcep-
tions leading to alternative conceptions.
The assessment activity will allow the kindergarten teacher to further understand the children’s
knowledge (re)construction after participating in the Loto. It can be developed by children on the
same day or when the kindergarten teacher finds it more convenient, with the same groups of chil-
dren or with smaller ones.
Children will be invited to spin both wheels of fortune, getting a combination of a material and of
an object (for example, a ball, shirt or key). They are then asked to explain the reasons why that given
object could or could not be made of that given material, basing themselves on the knowledge they
have of their properties. This will be used to assess children’s learning in terms of knowledge content,
by eliciting the ideas they were able to (re)construct during the exploration by means of manipulating
the existing samples and objects and participating on the debates and brainstorming generated
during the game. By doing so, children are trying to correspond that object-material combination
to other such combinations in the Lotto, found on the contextualization strategy or in any other
phase of this DS. They should effectively transfer the knowledge they were able to (re)construct
during the Lotto in order to be competent at doing this. And the kindergarten teacher should be
able to understand knowledge children (re)constructed regarding the properties of materials and
how they determine the choices we make when we are required to build any given object.
Out of the other 9 developed DS in the investigation, the Loto also showed a greater count of evi-
dence regarding the exhibition of different skills. Like, for example, ‘Establishing cause–effect
relationships’, ‘Identifying and commenting on regularities and patterns’ and ‘Describing obser-
vations’. These results would seem to indicate that this DS does promote teaching and learning situ-
ations where children are confronted with multiple solicitations to mobilize their skills in the context
of emergent science. They could also indicate that these are skills inevitably needed to complete the
exploration. I.e. they are required to observe the properties of the given materials and to understand
the function of the given objects and to relate one with the other. This requires multiple skills as well
as, above all, pre-existing knowledge.
Conversely, we were able to observe that skills such as ‘Planning a simple experimentation’ were
not exhibited by the children. This is most certainly due to the fact that this DS (basically playing
Lotto) mostly requires forming groups of objects depending on the material they are made of, orga-
nizing pre-existing pieces and following basic rules. This confirms that activities of different nature
demand the mobilization of different skills (Johnston, 2011; Martins et al., 2009).
We can assume a kindergarten teacher may thwart skills mobilization if he/she restricts children’s
manipulation of the didactic resources, consequently hindering their mobilization of thinking skills
(like ‘ordering and serializing’) and of process skills (like ‘Making simple measurements’). This may
happen, for example, when an experimental activity is implemented in the form of a demonstration.
One of the less observed was ‘Question daily events’. This may suggest that this is an attitude/belief
difficult for children to mobilize and that may be dependent on their development and previous
experiences, on previous demands for it. It may also be dependent on the way children developed
other needed attitudes/beliefs, other skills and on the knowledge they were able to build.
Regarding the attitudes/beliefs dimension, we could assume that in a session where a kindergar-
ten teacher promotes active questioning, favouring open-ended questions, with and among the chil-
dren it is more likely that children will mobilize attitudes/beliefs such as ‘Expressing ideas and
opinions’ or ‘Performing tasks by self-initiative’.
Knowledge exhibited
The Lotto was the DS which showed a greater number of evidence pointing to forms of manifestation
of knowledge by children, having been observed even in other DS exploring related concepts like
liquid viscosity, friction, origin of materials.
These results may indicate, first of all, that children were able to exhibit knowledge at different
levels of complexity, regarding the exploration. They reinforce the idea that concepts are often inter-
twined and difficult to compartmentalize, and this is a theme that supports building knowledge on
other areas of scientific knowledge.
For example, ‘Materials have specific properties (like, elasticity, permeability, texture, …)’ was
observed in all the implementation sessions of all of the 10 DS. It sums up the larger number of evi-
dence gathered in the whole of the implementation sessions of the original investigation. Likewise,
‘Objects are made of materials’ was observed in all but 2 of the 20 implementation sessions.
These results lead us to believe that this DS approaches concepts transversal to many subject
areas, should contextual conditions allow for interactions that lead to knowledge (re)building by
We can note that ‘Materials can be from either natural or non-natural origin’ was the only one not
to be observed. This may be due to the fact that this is content knowledge too complex for children
to grasp. This may be related to factors previously discussed like children’s lack of experiences and
maturity at this age range (Harlen, 2011b; Johnston, 2011; Martins et al., 2009; Pereira, 2002). The
(re)construction of knowledge related to this concept doesn’t likely occur intuitively from simple
daily observations. It may demand being approached in activities in formal science education settings
and it will certainly be progressively rebuild by children throughout their lives (Martins et al., 2009). In
all, we are able to say that these children did not show evidence of having built knowledge about this
concept, which does not exclude the possibility of doing so while participating in this or any other
activity, especially if the kindergarten teacher has a questioning attitude throughout its
Our results allow for a highly positive evaluation of the developed DS, and of the ‘Materials Lotto’ in
particular. This would correspond to the evaluation of the efficacy of the DS (Nieven, 2010), as it is
focused on the results deriving from their implementation in real-life educational contexts.
The DS were also highly evaluated by the participating kindergarten teachers who implemented
them in their educational settings. The ‘Materials Lotto’ scored 4,8/5 and 5/5 in the different evalu-
ation parameters, regarding all their components.
Throughout the implementation sessions children gave ample evidence of mobilizing their think-
ing and process skills in order to accomplish the proposed tasks, working responsibly, autonomously
an cooperatively. They exhibited the ability to do so at a developmental stage prone to more self-cen-
tered attitudes, but, as observed, of a scientific nature also. Evidence was gathered that allows us to
believe children were able to reach conclusions by exploring relationships and explanations between
ideas and events, having constructed knowledge and understanding. Children exhibited having
(re)constructed knowledge at some form, sometimes showing to be new and more complex and
observed when we compared different phases of the exploration. Gathered evidence also allows
us to verify that knowledge from previous activities was transferred to new ones, as in some cases
children based their arguments and predictions on previous observations.
The ‘teacher factor’ cannot be depreciated as a contextual variable that may inevitably restrict the
interactions which occurred during the exploration of the DS, and, inevitably, children’s learning and
development. We enhance the need for the kindergarten teacher to have a strong content knowl-
edge about the concepts relating to each science activity which will allow for a correct and
precise approach to scientific concepts, as it will determine the nature (and accuracy) of the knowl-
edge children will be able to (re)construct. This is the greatest guarantee that science education itself
does not hinder its own goals by leading to the construction of alternative concepts, so much more
difficult to deconstruct.
To accomplish such a task, it is necessary to teach teachers, developing adequate teacher training
programmes strengthening their content and pedagogical knowledge. On the other hand, teaching
strategies should be available to kindergarten teachers which are focused on children’s understand-
ing and require their scientific knowledge and inquiry processes.
Despite the fact that the kindergarten teacher may be the soft underbelly of the DS, all of the
above references allow for a positive evaluation of the developed DS. It shows the potential
towards science education in the early years which is reinforced by the fact that children were posi-
tively engaged throughout their participation and showed they can be competent in science. Also, it
contributes towards a more universal science and technological literacy for all.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Notes on contributors
Sara Pereira is a kindergarten teacher with over 25 years experience working with 3–5 year olds in kindergarten schools
integrated in the Ministry of Science and Education network. Her areas of interest are science education in the early years
and teacher training.
Maria José Rodrigues is professor at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Her research inter-
ests include science education from an early age in the perspective of Science-Technology-Society, and has published
several papers in this area. She has over 20 years of teaching experience and has collaborated in several research
project proposals.
Rui Marques Vieira is professor in University of Aveiro and teaches courses in teacher education. He has been involved in
several national and international projects. He has tutored more than 50 MsC students and 10 PhD students. He has pub-
lished books and several papers and developed several educational resources.
Maria José Rodrigues Escola
Rui Marques Vieira
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