Alpha Sex Virus - Bio-Weapon Forces You To Cum Every Six Hours Regular Guy Transformed Into Irresistible Hung Stud Bangs Big... (MC Sizematters) (Z-Library)

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Alpha Sex Virus:

Compelled To Cum
By MC Sizematters
Copyright ©2014

All Rights Reserved

Reproduction in whole or in part without the author's express

approval is forbidden. For more information contact
[email protected].

Alpha Sex Virus is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual

persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This is a work of adult fiction
and not intended for readers under the age of majority.
Table of Contents


News of the Day

Patient Zero

Drunk & Horny

An Early Shock

The Infection Spreads

Infection Sets In

Remain Professional

Jerking His Sample

Massive Cock Injections

Kara Gives In

Virus Uncontained

Make Her Squirt

Cum Drunk

Can’t Resist It

I Need It Hard

It’s All Over The Internet

Cum Is The Cure

Pardon My Erection, I Must Be Going

A Meaty Interview

The Truth Will Prevail

I’ll Wait While You Fuck Her

A Roll and A Bliss

Wait, Don’t Cum Yet

Controlling Cock


Author’s Note

Alien Mind Control Breeder

Shemale Hypno-Breeder

Alpha Sex Virus

Hypno-Sex Vampire Seduction

Coven of the Hypno-Sex Vampires

Submission to the Hypno-Sex Vampire

Stoned DD Trophy Wives Cuckold On Black Cock Island

Stoned Cheating Wives On Black Cock Orgy Beach

Black Cock Orgy For White Trophy Wives

Stoned Office Cum Sluts Spread Wide

Mother & Daughter Crave Hung Black Alpha-Male Cum

About The Author

The streets shone black as the rain from a torrential downpour began
steaming back in to the thick humid air. Streetlights were ringed with halos
of fog as Kara Moody quickly made her way down Lime Street in London.
This was the hottest summer anyone could remember in London, and the
oppressive air made the walk to Leadenhall Market muggy and
uncomfortable. Kara chided herself for being so stupid. She should have
just called a cab an hour ago rather than waiting for the downpour to abate
so she could walk. Unfortunately there seemed to be a complete dearth of
cabs now that the rain had subsided, probably due to the combination of the
Chelsea football game, a charity concert at Wembley, and a breakdown in
the tube line between the Monument and Tower Hill Underground stations.

Humidity wasn't her only problem though. The need was growing
deep inside, achingly more unbearable with every step. It was becoming all
consuming. She shouldn’t have waited so long. “You have plenty of time”
she had told herself. Kara knew she was waiting too long. She knew when
the urge really hit her that it was going to quickly become irresistible. The
walk hadn't seemed so long from her climate-controlled office three
quarters of a mile away as she had peered through the sheets of rain
cascading over her seventh floor window, but now it seemed like an
insurmountable challenge.

The club on High Street was just a few minutes’ walk away really, but
she could already feel her mind wandering, thoughts growing unclear. She
began to focus on the growing ache between her legs. She was acutely
aware of her thighs brushing against each other in her tight skirt, and her
silk blouse clinging to her pert breasts as they jiggled with each high-heeled
footstep. She quickened her pace, her heels clicking on the sidewalk as she
hopped around puddles, the staccato sound echoing off the tall buildings
that threatened to close in on her.

“It’s not like you’ll die or anything.” Kara muttered to herself. After
all, it was only ten in the evening and the pubs were still open. She’d have
no problem getting what she desperately needed. It’s just that should she
lose control she would rather it be at the club where she felt safe, rather than
in a strange pub, or worse, in the middle of the street begging some random

Almost there; she broke into a trot as she rounded the corner to a line
of pubs, restaurants, and clubs. Panting, her head spinning, unable to think
straight, she ran down the passage, just a few more turns and she'd get what
her body was screaming out for. She ran around the corner and barreled into
a large man who had been leaning against an unmarked door, smoking.

Kara looked at the burly man dressed in a dark shirt and jeans. Her
chest heaving from the run, she was acutely aware of her hard nipples as
they pushed prominently against the thin silk of her clingy blouse. Or
perhaps it had nothing to do with the weather. She was also painfully aware
of the hot need between her thighs as she looked at the masculine figure.
She felt a drop of moisture trickle down her quivering inner thigh.

“Anything I can do to help miss?” The doorman smiled knowingly,

his strong hands surrounding her trembling arms. He’d seen rich women in
this condition countless times. He knew that his light grip was sufficient to
prevent the beautiful slim brunette from continuing on. He felt himself
hardening from the smell of her light perfume and the pleading look in her

Acutely aware of her body pressed up against his, Kara quivered at

the touch, inhaling his scent. She felt any ability to resist melt away as she
became totally enthralled; giving in to the overwhelming need for the
sizable organ she felt pushing against her. Tonight she was going to get
fucked, hard, by an anonymous man, just a minute's walk from her favorite
club. This was what she really wanted after all, dirty, hard, dangerous
feeling. She sank to her knees, barely aware as her stockings tore on the
paving stones. Her shaking hands reaching into his jeans to seize the thick
prize she craved more than anything else. As she had several times a day
since the epidemic hit, she gave in to the Bliss.
News of the Day
6 months prior

“In the weird and wacky news of the day…” The pretty blond
newscaster began her story. The evening news always liked to end the
newscast with either a cute fluffy animal story or a news oddity. Apparently
there were no new baby animals at the zoo today. The show had been
teasing a breaking report about a sex attack at the airport. “Terminal Three
at Heathrow was shut down for almost two hours this morning when an
USA Airways flight attendant decided that she couldn’t wait to get to the
hotel before having a tryst with a passenger."

“So that’s what buggered everything up!” Kara exclaimed as she

shoved a mouthful of curry noodles into her mouth. “I was stuck in
Terminal three for two hours with flippin’ McDougall The Senior! They
had the whole bloody thing blocked up because of that stupid cow.”

“Passengers report that the stewardess started behaving oddly just

before final descent, flirting suggestively with both male and female
passengers.” The newsreader continued while the screen showed scenes of a
woman being escorted by police, her open blouse pixilated. “Shortly after
deplaning she was seen having sex with one of the passengers in the seating
area outside of the gate. Police have declined to comment on what may
have caused the incident. A representative from the New York based airline
stated that they believe the attendant was perhaps drugged by the passenger
or had possibly suffered a stroke.”

“I had to keep McDougall entertained that whole time, feeding him

drinks at the SkyClub. He spent most of the time staring at my tits!” Kara
complained in between bites.

“Well I like looking at them.” Jack interjected. Jack Moody had been
married to Kara for just over five years. One of the things that attracted her
to him was his quick witty banter. He actually managed to talk her away
from her date the evening they met in a small pub while on vacation in
Wales. Despite her being dressed in track pants and a loose T-shirt, Jack felt
the flicker of arousal growing between his legs as he looked at her.

“Yes, but you’re allowed!” Kara laughed as she shouldered her

husband. “And to make matters worse, the place was so jammed up it took
two more hours to get back to the office. I’ll have to go in Saturday just to
get caught up.”

Kara was a junior lawyer at the firm of McDougall and Kross, a large
and successful London solicitor. They dealt mainly in business law, but
were always available to help their well-heeled clients with any legal matter
from divorce to less savory legal indiscretions. As a junior lawyer it was
usually her job to write up the briefs and motions for the courts, and to have
them ready for the partners to review by Monday morning.

“That’s too bad.” Jack replied. “I had hoped we could go to the park
on Saturday, then maybe a stroll downtown. It’s supposed to be a perfect
spring day.”

Jack was a research doctor of epidemiology for the Health Protection

Agency in Colindale. His job was to look for new and emerging threats to
public health, and to help track and categorize outbreaks to allow health
officials to better deal with them. The upside to this, was that unless people
were dying, he didn’t work weekends. This was something he loved to rib
his beautiful wife about regularly.

As a result, the couple led a very comfortable life; they had a well-
appointed flat in the London area, about halfway between their respective
workplaces. The only problem was that with their schedules, especially
hers, they didn’t have as much opportunity for adult playtime as Chase
would like. And Kara was so often exhausted from work that she had little
interest in sex at all, especially during the week.

“So remember: It’s best to wait for the cab ride home before you start
snogging. Right Richard?” The blonde news presenter laughed as she made
a scripted turn to her co-anchor.
"I'll remember that tip Crystal, thank you. Well that's the news for

"Well, we're already home. I say we get right to the snogging!" Jack
said brightly as he leaned over to kiss his wife's soft, if noodle flavored,
lips. Kara kissed him back tenderly, but lacked any real passion. He felt his
arousal evaporate even before she said anything.

"Oh, poor Jack. I'm sorry love, but I'm just knackered." She said as
she covered a yawn. "I need to get to work early tomorrow. Saturday night
or maybe Sunday morning, I promise."

Jack shifted his kiss to her forehead and nuzzled her close. He
understood how hard she worked, and how much her career meant to her.
Besides, he'd grown used to the disappointment.
Patient Zero
The next morning Jack rose to find that Kara was already in the
kitchen rushing through her usual breakfast of toast and egg. By the time
he'd showered and dressed she was about to head out the door.

"Do you mind if I take the car today?" She asked, pecking him on the
cheek and handing him his cup of tea. A devoted coffee drinker, she refused
to make it herself, preferring her morning fix from the large chain located in
her office building's lobby. But she never failed to make Jack a cup before
she left.

"Ta. No, I'll take the train. Drive safe." He kissed her on the cheek
before she ran out.

Arriving at work an hour later, Jack walked into the non-descript

seven story brick office building. Passing through the security doors at
reception he waited at the elevator. He was joined by a pretty young black

"Did you hear the news yesterday?" The girl laughed. Jessica Thames
was working at the department while she studied for her doctorate. She was
mid-height and slim with a pretty face. As usual she had her tightly curled
black hair tied back in a ponytail. Today she wore jeans and a pullover top
with a light jacket over top. "Fly the really friendly skies, right?"

Jack chuckled along with her as the elevator doors opened. He

pressed the fourth floor button and put his security card up to the reader on
the control panel. Jessica did the same. The elevator would only be allowed
to continue to the secure fourth floor if everyone on the elevator had the
correct credentials.

"Maybe it's a new perk for first class!" She continued as they took the
short ride. "I heard on the radio on the way in that there are more sex cases
popping up this morning. Something like this brings out the loonies you
The doors opened to reveal a small reception area with a receptionist
sequestered behind thick glass. Waving hello the pair used their key cards to
open the heavy security door to the right. Down the hall and around the
corner brought them to another heavy metal doorway with a large glass
window marked only with the number 405. Jack still had his card in hand
and opened the door for them. They entered into a small hallway with
another door a few feet in front of them. Once the first door clicked shut a
magnetic latch was activated, sealing them in. A hissing noise ensued as the
air in the small room was swapped for sterile air. This created a small wind
storm with a faint smell of disinfectant that blew their hair about. Once that
was complete they were able to use their key cards to enter the main lab.

Opening the inner door they walked out into a large lab facility
which, quite unusual for this type of facility, had huge picture windows on
two walls. Over by one of the work stations stood their co-worker, and the
group's administrator.

Susan Spears was a double PHD in molecular biology and

epidemiology, graduating top of her class, top in the world, in both. She was
the government's go-to person whenever there was an infectious crisis.
She'd led the team that identified and eradicated a mutated strain of Ebola
that had sprung up in Crewe from an illegal shipment of monkeys before
anyone outside of the department even knew there was a problem. She has
consulted on numerous cases with the American Center for Disease
Control, and for the UN. It was she that had convinced the UK government
that the center she now leads was necessary. At only forty two years old she
was at the top of her profession. Yet despite her accolades and position she
insisted on working in the lab four out of five days. It was an honor for Jack
and Jessica to make up her personally chosen team. Dressed in her
ubiquitous white lab coat she looked up and flipped her dark red hair from
her face. Her expressive green eyes lit up as she smiled broadly, a slight gap
in her front teeth gave her beautiful face a distinctive quality.

"Did you hear about Heathrow?" Jessica joked enthusiastically.

"They're changing it into a sex club!"

Susan's smile broadened as she stood up and put a hand on her hip.
"Funny, I actually have heard about it. See if you can guess who's looking at
the flight attendant's blood work today?"

"No way! Us?" Jessica said as she put her jacket and lunch bag in the
small kitchenette area. Since it was such an onerous job getting in and out
of the facility, each lab was equipped with a small kitchen area, bathroom,
and shower. They walked through the sliding glass doors that separated the
personal area from the lab.

"Really?" Jack mused as he did the same, slipping his lab coat. "Why
are we looking at the patient's blood? Do they suspect an infection?"

"Well, there's more to it than that I'm afraid." Spears explained as she
turned the computer monitor around. On it were six red dots over a map of
the London area. "It seems that she may not be the only one. Reports of
similar aberrant sexual behavior are popping up, and they seem tied to that

"A virus that makes you horny?" Jessica asked.

"The flight attendant, let's call her patient zero for the time being, has
slipped into a coma of some sort." Spears continued as they leaned in to
look at the monitor. "Several other potential patients are showing strange
altered behavior and several have lost consciousness. The thing is though..."

Susan switched the monitor to display the highly magnified image of

the blood sample.

"There's no apparent virus in the sample." Jack said absently as he

studied the image. "No cell lysis or unusual cell death."

"Exactly. And no antibodies or abnormal white cell count." Susan

responded, almost like a teacher to a student. "There are no apparent drugs
in the toxicology screen. But this thing is acting just like the beginnings of
an epidemic."

"So what do we do?" Jesse asked, leaning in close to the microscope

feed, squinting, because she refused to wear her glasses until she really had
"We dig. We make a culture to see if there really is something there,
and we go through the blood with a fine tooth comb. The hospital is sending
over the fluid samples and several biopsies. This feed is from their lab, we'll
have the real thing here within the hour." Spears said, laying out their plan.
"We run the numbers. We do what we always do. And put on your glasses
Jessica, you look silly with your face all scrunched up."

The team set to work going over the medical records and reports
while they waited for the physical samples to arrive. They started marking
things down on a large frosted-glass dry erase board. Nothing was in any
sort of order, the team generally worked this way at the start, not wanting to
get too bought into a theory at such an early stage. Jessica read through the
reports while Jack went through the medical records.

"It says that this woman was literally begging for, well, I mean..."
Jessica's brown skin took on a slightly reddish hue as she blushed. "Well,
she wanted sex, quite voraciously it says here. They ended up restraining

"Her vital signs all show a state of high arousal, tons of endorphins."
Jack added in, rescuing Jessica from continuing. "This woman appears to
have remained in a stage three level of arousal, best described as pre-
orgasmic, on the very edge of an orgasm, for several hours. Then she just
appeared to crash. Vitals dropped, pulse dropped... I mean everything fell
off a cliff like she'd been unplugged. Like a puppet with its strings cut."

"Wait, Jessie, what exactly did patient zero say?" Spears asked
looking up from the feed of the microscope.

"She was begging for, um, sex." Jessica answered tentatively.

"I understand, but what did she actually say?" Susan asked firmly,
brushing a string of shoulder length hair behind her ear. She smiled warmly
at the young black woman. "Don't be shy on me Jessica. Part of differential
diagnosis is to consider what the patient says, and how they say it, not just
the general complaint. Go on..."
Jessica looked down at the tablet display and started to read
uncomfortably. "Well, specifically she was asking for a man, well, a specific
part of the male anatomy. She was very specific."

"So she wanted cock?" Susan said succinctly. "What else?"

"Well, she was very insistent that he orgasm, ah, in her..." Jessica
continued, embarrassed.

"Oh just read it Jessie." The senior medical officer directed.

"Fine." Jessica answered sounding more like a pouting child than she
would have wished. She took a deep breath and read aloud. “She said: Just
fuck me! Please! All I want is a cock! You, please, just fuck me. Fuck me
and cum in me! I need your cum!"

Jessica looked up from the tablet, slightly annoyed. "Happy? She goes
on for pages, but it's pretty much the same stuff."

"Thank you Jessie, yes." Susan said with a slightly bemused smile.
"Now what did we learn?"

"Well, she wasn't just horny." Jessica said, thinking aloud. "She
specifically wanted to be penetrated by a male... And she wanted his

"Right, she was very specific as to what she wanted." Jack added. "If
she were just aroused one would think that she would seek her own orgasm
over his ejaculation."

The group was interrupted by an electronic ring. Jessica took the

opportunity to get out of her role as erotic story reader to attend to it. She
walked over to the inside wall near the door. Mounted in the wall was a
transfer chamber to facilitate transferring smaller materials, or even food,
through from the outside world into the sealed laboratory. Jessica spoke
briefly through the video intercom, able to see the lab technician on the
other side.
"Samples are here!" She announced as the inside door hissed, the
positive pressure in the transfer box venting into the room to contain any
possible infection from the lab area. She placed the plastic transfer cooler
on the work table and the team dug in, pulling out labeled blood samples
and tissue biopsies. Jessica carefully catalogued each sample before
handing them off to either Jack or Susan, who were eager to get started, or
placing them in boxes to be stored until they could get to them.

The team worked efficiently for the rest of the day, barely breaking
for lunch. By the time they looked up it was almost seven o'clock and they
finally had to admit that they were stymied. Finally Sue called it.

"OK, I give up!" She said, frustrated. "At this rate I'm guessing that
there's no pathogenic responses, and nothing that we can see going on. Let's
take the weekend and sleep on it, we can reconvene bright and early

"Are you sure Sue? The woman is in a coma." Jack asked, concerned.
"I don't mind coming in if needed."

"I appreciate the offer Jack." Susan said as she pulled off her lab coat,
tossing it into the laundry bin. "But she appears to be stable, and we don't
have any leads. If something changes in her condition, or if one of us has an
epiphany I'll call. But I need to get home. Charles and I have an engagement
tonight, and I'm sure you both have plans."

"Cool!" Jessie said brightly as she balled her lab coat up and made a
credible hook shot into the laundry. "I'm off to the pubs!"
Drunk & Horny
By the time Jack arrived back at their flat it was dark and raining out.
He rushed in the front door and dropped his umbrella in the stand, hanging
his wet overcoat on the hanger. The lights in the apartment were off except
for the flashing message light on the telephone. Jack pressed the play button
as she walked into the kitchen. Turning on the light over the kitchen island
dispelled some of the gloom as he reached into the refrigerator to grab a can
of Guinness. He popped the top on the can and let the small round nitrogen
widget hiss as it filled the beer with the little creamy bubbles the brand was
known for. He always smiled when he thought about clever design.

"Hi love, listen, I totally spaced..." He heard his wife's voice from the
voicemail. He already knew pretty much how this would go. She didn't call
his cell phone, which meant she was working late. "It's new client night,
and you know how the partners are, they want all the young women in the
firm turned out for the newest batch of fat old rich wankers to ogle while
they pick their pockets. So, um, well, you know. I'll be home late, and I'll
take a taxi so no worry. Sorry Jack."

Actually, Jack had forgotten as well, so he couldn't be too mad at his

wife. Besides, it was her job to attend business functions for the firm.
Resigned to his evening alone, he rifled through the freezer and slid a
frozen entrée into the microwave. Setting the timer for five minutes he
made his way to the couple’s plush bedroom. Kara had wanted to make the
bedroom look and feel like a posh resort, and on evenings like this Jack
loved it. He changed into a pair of loose pajama pants and his well-worn
Chelsea club T-shirt.

Grabbing the hot plastic tray from the microwave he absent-mindedly

picked at dinner while he watched the news. There were several more
instances of strange sexual behavior reported, but the presenters laughed the
stories off as copycat acts. Jack wasn't so sure. It really was starting to
sound like a new form of epidemic. He had a feeling he would be working
this weekend. Exhausted from the day's fruitless search for clues, and
almost feeling a little under the weather, he tidied up and went to bed early.
He managed to sleep for a couple of hours before he was awoken by
the sound of the front door slamming. Moments later he heard his wife
curse and giggle as she banged into something in the darkened flat. He
could hear her stumble towards their bedroom. Afraid that she might injure
herself he reached up and clicked on the bedside lamp. He was greeted by a
view of Kara's firm ass as it stuck in pushed through the bedroom door. His
wife was bent over, hopping backwards, trying to get her high heeled shoes
off. As she backed into the room she stood and turned in one teetering
movement and was surprised to see Jack sitting up in bed.

"Whoops!" She slurred drunkenly. Casting about she reached out to

put her purse on the dressing table, almost falling over in the process.
"Sorry to wake you up honey... Um... Wow I'm pissed!" She snorted with
laughter, almost falling over again. She dissolved into a fit of laughter as
she was forced to lean against the wall to stay upright.

Jack climbed out of bed to help his wife. "OK dear, let's get you to
bed." Jack said as he put his arms around his wife's trim waist. Kara reacted
by putting her arms around his neck and kissing him. Jack was caught a
little by surprise as her tongue slipped between his lips to touch his. The
taste of Scotch was strong as her tongue caressed his.

After a long kiss Kara broke off, murmuring in delight. "Evening

Jack." She said drunkenly as she hung around his neck, trying to remain
standing. "I was a naughty girl tonight."

"Oh? How naughty?" Jack said with a grin, playing along. He knew
his wife well enough to know that her idea of naughty was to lean over and
let one of the partners stare down her top. Jack felt his cock stir between his
legs, slowly engorging as he enjoyed the sensation of her body pressing
against his. When Kara got drunk she got horny. Jack may just get laid
tonight after all, assuming she didn't pass out first.

"I kissed a girl! Oh my god, I can't believe I said that!" Kara blurted
out, almost falling down again.

Chase swung her around a little, holding her by her slim waist to
steady her, happily aware of her pelvis pressing against his. He took a
moment to look at his wife. She wore what she had nicknamed her T & A
dress. The T & A dress was a tight burgundy colored dress that did a good
job of accentuating her modest cleavage while showing off her fit build,
firm ass, and long legs. Whenever she went to one of these social events she
pulled her shoulder length dark hair from its usual ponytail to frame her
face. At this hour her hair was all over the place, and the short hem of her
dress had ridden up to just below her panties.

"Are you serious? You kissed a girl?" Jack asked with equal parts
incredulity and fascination. "Really? Who?"

"Cathleen, McDougall's personal assistant." Kara explained,

stumbling over McDougall's name. "She invited me into the old fart's office,
leaned me up against his desk, it's huge, can you imagine what that old fart
needs with a desk the fucking size of a bed? And she laid one on me! You're
not mad are you? I was quite mad drunk."

Jack decided to tease her a little with his reply. "I don't know Kara,
honestly." He said dourly, trying his best to look hurt. "I mean, it's a bit of a
shock really."

"Yeah, right!" Kara squealed as she leaned back in his arms and
laughed. Feeling his hardening erection pressed against her she ground
against him, passion lighting up in her eyes. "Ooh, sounding all angry, but
your cock pressing against me would like to disagree. You wanker! Truth is
I quite liked it."

Jack raised his eyebrow at that. Kara was usually what could best be
described as a bit of a prude. She liked sex well enough, but preferred it in
the dark, in bed, with him. In fact, she usually eschewed oral sex unless she
was drunk, in which case Jack could usually coax a blow job as foreplay
from her. In the past she'd always shook her head whenever topics like
group sex, three ways, gay or lesbian sex came up. "It's fine for them and
all, I mean I don't care, but I would never." She'd say, usually followed by a
shudder of distaste.

"Really?" Jack asked, quite surprised even though his wife was
clearly quite drunk. "You let her kiss you, and you liked it?"
"I know, it sounds like the bloody pop song doesn't it?" She laughed.
Pausing, she thought back about the moment, slowly grinding her pelvis
against her husband. "I don't know really. We'd both been drinking and
mingling, you know, showing off the goods to potential clients. She found
me near the back of the room and grabbed my hand. She took me to
McDougall's office and closed the door. I thought she wanted to share some
gossip, you know, one of the partners making a pass at a client's wife or
something. Then she turned me around and pushed me against that great
desk. It was weird, almost like a dream, but it didn't even occur to me resist.
In fact, um, it made me quite wet."

Jack shifted his hands to cup her firm ass, keeping her pressed against
his hard cock. He watched as Kara swooned, closing her eyes and
swallowing hard. He slid one finger between her thighs and teased her
pussy from behind. "It's making you quite wet now." He said.

"Yeah, like now." She said in a low voice. Kara opened her eyes and
locked gazes with her husband, her pupils dilated, and her eyes glistening
with arousal. "And Cathleen was right on me, pressed up against me, her
breasts pushing against mine, her thigh between mine, and she kissed me.
Jack... I loved it; it was a total turn on. She was so soft and insistent. I swear
I would have tried it right then and there if one of the partners hadn't walked
in with a client. He didn't say anything, I think he was sneaking around to
smoke a joint, but we made some excuse about something in my eye. He
knew though Jack, he totally knew."

"I'm not sure what to say." Jack said, his eyes roving up and down his
wife's tight dress. "Does this mean you aren't interested in men anymore?
Or are you just thinking of broadening your horizons."

"Well, I don't know about my horizons, but I do know what I'm

interested in right now." Kara said with a big grin. Sliding her body down
his, she squatted on the bedroom floor in front of him. Reaching up, she
pulled his loose pajama pants down, giggling as his hard erection popped up
in her face. "Now this is what I need." She purred hungrily as she slid her
lips over the sensitive head, her hand sliding down the stiff shaft.
"Oh yeah..." Jack groaned as he felt her lips slide most of the way
down his cock. Kara didn't give head very often, but that didn't mean she
wasn't good at it. He gently laced his fingers through her hair; he loved the
sensation, and cradled her head as it started to bob back and forth.

Kara leaned back with a wet slurp and looked up at him, her eyes
filled with lust. She stroked his shaft, slippery with her spit. Jack couldn't
help but thrust through her fingers. "Does that answer your question?" Kara
said with a drunken smile on her lips. "Do you want me to suck your cock
more or are you ready to fuck me?"

"More." Jack groaned as he looked down at her, and at his wet

erection as it slid through her fingers.

Kara obliged by taking as much of his length into her warm wet
mouth as she could. Jack replied with a long moan of pleasure. Slowly she
pulled his shaft from her mouth, her lips tight around him forming a suction
that drove him mad. She stopped, holding just the head in her mouth,
swishing her tongue around it, teasing it, as she stroked the length of his
shaft. Jack groaned through gritted teeth. Seeing his beautiful wife sucking
on his cock like that and the intense sensation of her ministrations was too
much. He started to pump, almost losing control.

"Wait, stop! You're going to make me cum!" He said breathlessly. He

knew Kara didn't like being surprised by a mouth full of cum. In fact she
was angrily opposed to it.

Kara took her lips from around his swollen cockhead, but only
slightly loosened her grip around his shaft. Jack couldn't help but thrust
through her fingers, his wet cock brushing against her lips and cheek as she
held her face close.

"Hmm, maybe I should let you cum all over my face Jack." She
teased, sticking out her tongue to lick along his shaft as he thrust. "Would
you like to spray your cum all over your filthy wife's face honey?"

"Oh god yes!" Jack said, closing in on his orgasm. A few more thrusts
and he would cum.
But Kara leaned back, let go of his cock, and gave it a playful slap.
Jack groaned in frustration, his cock jerking in the air as his orgasm was
failed to engage. A single stream of cum pumped from the tip of his
cockhead and onto Kara's dress.

"No!" She said in mock consternation. Standing up she pushed Jack

back onto the bed, his erection sticking up high in the dimly lit room. She
tsk'd at the small dollop of cum on her dress before pulling it off. "You'd
just love that. You get your bullocks off, leaving me with an aching pussy
and a sticky face. I don't think so mate!"

Kara reached over and turned off the light, plunging the bedroom into
near darkness, only the backlit LCD clock providing blue highlights for
their bodies. She climbed onto the bed, and straddled her husband, rubbing
her wet pussy along his hard shaft. The couple moaned in unison, both
breathing heavy as she slid along his length. After a few moments doing
this Kara couldn't hold back any more. She lifted herself up and positioned
his hard cock against her wet opening. Sliding down she relished the
sensation of his thick organ splitting her pussy wide.

"Oh god you feel huge! Have you been taking those pills from the late
night advert?" She whispered urgently as she started to fuck him. "I mean
god, you feel fucking massive!"

"Ha, I wish!" Jack answered, grunting as he thrust up into his wife's

slim body. "You are so tight tonight, slow down; you're going to make me
cum too soon."

But Kara didn't stop; if anything she bore down harder, driving his
cock as deep into her recesses as she was able. "I don't care Jack." She
gasped, panting in ecstasy. "I just want you deep in me. I want you to fill
my pussy with your cum."

Jack had never heard his wife this horny, so eager. He couldn't help
himself. He grabbed her tight ass to leverage himself and began pistoning
his cock into her tight hot pussy. It only took thirty seconds or so before he
was over the edge and his shaft filled with cum, pumping it into Kara's
pussy. His slim sexy wife convulsed in a matching orgasm.
"Oh god yes!" Kara exclaimed as she felt his cock tighten in her, and
then the rush of his ejaculation as it filled her with warmth. "Oh yeah, yeah,
yeah. That's it baby, cum in my pussy! Cum in my pussy."

Jack kept pumping for what seemed like forever, it felt like his
orgasm went on and on. As it subsided he lay on his back, panting from the
exertion. Kara lay on top of him, slowly moving her hips while his cock still
resided deep within her.

"Oh baby that felt so good." She mumbled drunkenly while she
slowly writhed on his cock. It sounded like she was passing out. "Ooh,
that’s so good." She mumbled.

After a few minutes Jack's now flaccid penis slid from his wife's
pussy. She murmured in protest, but didn't move. Realizing she had drifted
off, Jack chuckled before gently rolling over, allowing her to slide onto the
bed next to him. She moaned quietly, but turned to curl up in a ball. He
rolled to face her and snuggled up against her, her ass pressed against his
deflated penis, and went back to sleep with a smile on his face. Normally
his wife was good in bed, pretty, fit, and eager. But when she was drunk she
turned into a horny slut. And Jack was forever thankful for that, especially
An Early Shock
Jack was rudely woken by his cell phone going off. He crawled out of
bed and stumbled to the dresser where the bright screen of his phone
reflected in the mirror. His eyes were too blurry, still filled with sleep, to see
who was listed on the caller ID. But considering the small number of people
who actually had his mobile number it was safe to assume that the call was

"Jack." He grumbled into the phone, trying to clear his head.

"Jack, it's Susan." The voice on the line was his boss, Susan Spears.
She sounded tired. "There's been a development and I need you to get in
here as soon as you can."

"Sure, what going on?" Jack asked, his brain slowly coming back to

"Patient zero is dead." Susan explained; her voice was cold on the
phone. "And there are new cases Jack, a lot of new cases. I think we have
an epidemic."

"Shit. OK, I'll be in as soon as I can." Jack said as he hung up. He

looked over at his wife as she lay there. The covers were thrown off and he
found his eyes following slim line of her back, and the gentle swell of her
ass. He felt a not so gentle swell start between his legs as he looked at her.
Rolling over, Kara peered at her husband.

"Work?" She asked sleepily.

Jack climbed back into bed with her and snuggled for a moment. He
was acutely aware of his morning erection pressing against his wife's supple
body. She pressed back against him, letting him know that she was also well

"I can't very well let you go off to work like that can I?” She asked
coyly, rolling over and gently stroking his cock while holding it against her
firm tummy.

Jack closed his eyes and exhaled with a happy groan. But clearing his
throat he made to withdraw and get ready. "I'd love to, but I have to get in to
work. It's an emergency."

"Uh-oh, that means that someone died." Kara said as she looked at
him through heavily lidded eyes. Her face suddenly brightened and she
pulled the covers over her head. Just as suddenly she reappeared. "Well
then, I'll have to be quick!" She bubbled, far too exuberantly for the early

Jack was going to protest until he felt her warm wet mouth
surrounding his hard cock, and her soft hair fall against his stomach. Her
tongue circled the head as she gently massaged his balls. He couldn't help
himself as he started to gently fuck her mouth. Her warm firm tongue
quickly drove him to the edge, unusual for him, but then again she almost
never did this.

"Uh, honey, I'm going to cum." He warned her as he approached an


She stopped suddenly, removing her mouth from his cock, leaving
him dry humping the sheet. She poked her head above the covers and
looked at him wryly. "I know. Why do you think I'm doing this? Now lie
back, relax, and let me make you cum."

"Happy to oblige." Jack said as he made a show of putting his hands

behind his head and leaning back on the pillow.

Kara disappeared under the covers and Jack could feel her slip his
rigid cock into her mouth. She wasted no time in bringing him back to the
brink, holding his balls against his shaft with one hand while she stroked his
cock with her mouth. After only another minute or so Jack groaned and his
cock pumped its load into his wife's warm mouth. Kara happily sucked on
him until he was finished, swallowing every drop.
When she finally reappeared she crawled right over to her pillow and
snuggled under the covers, a huge smile on her face. "Hmm, bye baby.
Have a good day at work." She said, slurring, as she drifted back to sleep.

Jack looked at her and shook his head. She must still be drunk, he
thought, because she never did this sort of thing sober. He quietly crawled
out of bed and into the bathroom to get showered. Strangely he found
himself still aroused as he washed, his cock was still hard and extremely
sensitive. He decided to jerk off in the shower to relieve the pressing need.
He didn't remember the last time he'd been this horny.

Finally dry and dressed, he chose a casual striped shirt and jeans since
he was going in on the weekend; he headed out to grab the early train. He
made a note to get some new jeans soon. These ones were feeling pretty

He had no way of knowing how his life was going to change that day,
or how the planet was going to change.
The Infection Spreads
The sun was just rising over the Thames as Jack rode the train into
work. He split his time between catching up on some periodicals on his
tablet, and watching an attractive young woman riding with her equally
attractive mother. There was nothing particularly sexy about what they were
wearing. The young woman wore tight jeans that showed off her slim hips
and nicely shaped ass, and the mother wore an open blouse that showed off
her chest, but nothing particularly provocative. And nothing that should be
causing the erection in Jack's uncomfortably tight jeans.

When his train arrived at the station Jack climbed to his feet with a
groan, holding his bag and jacket in front of him. Walking down the
sidewalk his discomfort eased. A block from the office he passed a clothing
store. Unfortunately the store was closed at this early hour, so Jack made a
note to nip by at lunch time and pick up a larger pair of jeans.

The office was normally almost empty on the weekend, especially at

this hour. But there were a number of other workers making their way in.
This must be serious, Jack thought, to have all these people in on the
weekend. He wasted no time in riding the elevator up to the fourth floor and
made his way into their containment lab. Once he had made his way
through the decontamination process he hung his jacket on the peg and put
his bag down on the counter.

"Anybody home?" He asked, expecting to hear Dr. Spears answer

from the lab area, but there was no response. All he had to do was look to
the side to see her. A small sigh drew his attention to the couch, and the
sleeping form of the doctor. She was lying face down, sleeping. But Jack's
eyes were drawn to her tight dress, and the slit that ran most of the way up
the back, and the way it clung to her shapely ass. Again he felt his cock
engorging uncomfortably. He stood and stared, unable to look away until he
heard the isolation doors cycle.

"Morning guys." A sleepy Jessica said as she walked in, an oversized

purse in one hand, and a giant coffee in the other. She was teetering in on a
tall set of wedge sandals. Her curly black hair was tied up in a pair of messy
pony tails sprouting from either side of her head. She was dressed more for
a party than work in a short bright pink dress with a plunging neckline. The
dress showed off her long athletic legs.

"So, um, which Spice Girl are you?" Jack asked with a smirk. "Brainy

"Ha, very funny Jack." She answered with a less than pleasant smirk
in return. "I mean seriously, I was out for the evening, I wasn't expecting to
be back here at dawn on a Saturday. It's not like I packed work clothes.
Besides..." She added as she bent over to remove her shoes and slip into a
pair of sneakers she kept in the lab. As she bent over her dress rode up to
just under her ass, almost flashing her panties at Jack. This didn't help his
aching erection one bit. She slapped her shapely firm ass with her hand
eliciting a sharp crack. "They used to call me Booty Spice!"

Jack laughed as he slipped on his lab coat. Beside him Sue had woken
up and was stretching, straightening her clothes. She must have been
dressed for an evening out. She wore a soft grey cardigan with a plunging V
neck, the dark tight skirt, dark stockings, and black high heeled pumps. Her
hair was, as usual, tied up in a ponytail, but had obviously been down

"I feel much better about the future of mankind knowing you two are
on the job." She joked as she stifled a yawn. "Sorry folks to call you in like
this, but the situation has gotten much more serious in the ensuing hours. I
had to cut my evening short too. I've been here since midnight. I got a call
about eleven last night that the patient zero had died due to a complete
system failure. But to make it worse, there have been dozens of other
reported cases of people arriving in hospital in a similar state. And add to
that a huge uptake in police being called due to… let's call it… sexual
disturbances. This is spreading, fast, and we haven't a clue what we're even
dealing with, let alone how to get ahead of it."

"Wow, OK, we need to take a step back and think about this." Jack
suggested as he put on his lab coat.
"That's what I was trying to do, but I was too tired, so I decided to
take a nap." Sue said as she popped a packet of coffee in the coffee
machine. It was going to be a long day, or days.

"But we don't even know what the thing is. All we know is that it
makes you horny and then you die." Jessie said, frustrated.

"Well, we know a little bit more than that, although not a lot more."
Spears started thinking aloud. "Yes, the symptoms present as overwhelming
sexual urges, followed by some sort of shock, leading to death. The patient
didn't suffer any devastating organ failure as such, like a bacterial infection
that attacks the heart muscle, at least not on initial autopsy. By the way,
we're having tissue samples rushed over as they become available. They just
sort of seem to stop. Like a car running out of petrol."

"We checked the blood samples and the biopsy for signs of either
bacterial or viral infection, but found signs of neither." Jack added. "And
her white count wasn't elevated."

"What about vector. Are the new patients all from the plane that
Patient Zero flew on?" Jessie asked. "Could it be chemical? Maybe
something introduced to the aircraft's food supply or water tanks?"

"You mean like a terrorist attack?" Jack asked, he hadn't really been
thinking about a military or terrorist vector. "But there were no traces of
chemicals in her system."

"None that we looked for anyway, that doesn't mean there isn't some
agent we're unaware of present." Sue said thoughtfully. "Jessie, why don't
you run a spectrograph on the blood sample? Oh, nice dress by the way, it's
cute on you. Jack, please go over what we did yesterday and see what we
missed. Think about a purposeful infection. I'll go over the new patient
reports and see if I can find any leads there."

The team started working, and really didn't look up until lunch
arrived. They retired to the lunch table to eat and update each other.
"I've gone over our work top to bottom and every which way I can
think of." Jack said before he took a big bite of his turkey sandwich. "I can't
see any detail we overlooked."

"There was nothing in the blood either." Jessie said, fidgeting and
shifting in her seat. She was ravenously hungry having missed dinner the
night before, and breakfast today. "Her blood is consistent with someone
who flies regularly but with elevated levels of naturally occurring metabolic
cannabinoid and sex related hormones."

"And I haven’t found anything in the medical reports for either

Patient Zero or any of the new patients." Sue added. "There is a connection
to the flight, but only a tenacious one. Thirty of the new cases reported were
from that flight, but the flight was a seven-forty-seven with almost four
hundred and fifty people on board. So either our mystery illness isn't that
virulent, or the vector came from somewhere else. And there were an
additional dozen cases this morning with no apparent link to the flight. And
the unofficial word is that there are cases showing up in the US, and
possibly other countries. Nobody is talking though."

"OK, we're definitely attacking this from the wrong direction." Jack
was frustrated by their lack of progress, and their lack of leads. "We've been
treating this like a standard infection. A virus doesn't have a plan; it just
takes any vector that works. What if we treat this like a smart bug, a bug
that has a plan, perhaps a bug that was designed. I don't want to sound
paranoid that this is some type of super biological weapon we're dealing
with, but let's treat it like it's made to spread and evade detection for as long
as possible. Think of it like a biological secret agent."

"Frightening." Spears declared. "But an excellent idea. Let's start

from scratch again with what we know, but take the counter-espionage point
of view."

Jessica shivered at the thought. For years the world has feared an
undetectable biological agent. "OK, where do we start?"

"Well..." Jack thought for a moment, trying to adjust himself as he

stood. He wondered what could be causing his penis to be so sensitive.
"Let's look at it like a military operation. First, how do you invade? How do
you get the infection into the body? I would suggest that an injection would
be highly unlikely, and pretty unwieldy to administer to that many people. "

"Well, assuming that some of the patients were infected on the flight
or in the airport..." Jessica offered. "It could be airborne, you know, patient
to patient through coughing and sneezing, or through some sort of
aerosolized disbursement. Most airborne infections have a relatively low
infection rate, even in an aircraft cabin. Otherwise we'd always get sick
after a flight because someone almost always has some kind of bug. Usually
the fat sweaty guy sitting next to me."

"Right, definitely a possibility." Susan continued the train of thought.

"It could be introduced via food or drink. A limited number of a certain
kind of meal perhaps. Everyone who had the chicken for example. Oh, but
wait, the effected passengers were seated in a number of different parts of
the aircraft, and the first class and coach don't share meals. Soft drinks
come in cans, and liquor in those little bottles. Perhaps ice? Some bacteria
and viruses can be frozen and remain viable upon thawing."

"Well, what about a physical contact site. A vasodilation gel could be

easily brushed from person to person without anyone being very aware of
it." Jessie continued the round robin analysis. "Perhaps even an infection
spread by touch, or even through the dermis. That's frightening, an infection
that's easily transferred through our primary line of defense, the skin."

"OK, there are some things we can test for and examine for there."
Jack continued. "But I don't want to go too far down any particular rabbit
hole yet. Let's keep throwing out ideas. Once you get it into the body, how
do you carry the infection and minimize detection until it's too late?"

"Oh shit!" Susan said suddenly as she rushed over to the phone. "I
need to make sure that plane is quarantined! If this is in the aircraft it could
spread exponentially."

"Right, let's hope it hasn't spread any further." Jack agreed before he
turned back to Jessica. He couldn't help but notice her hard nipples pressing
against the material of her dress. Not the best time to be thinking of tits he
chided himself. "Let's keep going, I feel like we're getting somewhere. Let's
assume the patient is infected, how does it hide from us?"

"OK, well, there are tons of infections that take a while to show
symptoms; all the while the patient is contagious. Maybe this is the case,
maybe they were infected prior to the flight, even days prior. Shit, in that
case the number of infected could be exponentially higher than what we're
seeing now!" Jessie exclaimed; this was a scary proposition. "Maybe they
all went to a theater together, or were exposed on the airport shuttle, or
perhaps they were exposed two weeks ago!"

"The plane's already flown, twice." Susan announced glumly. "But

they're grounding it back at Heathrow, and passengers are being contacted
asking them to come in for a check. Until we declare an emergency, though,
we can't compel them to get checked out."

"What if you were to design a pathogen that could hide?" Jack asked,
having a bit of an epiphany. "Doctors look for infection in sort of an order
of operations. We look in blood first, mucus membranes, fluids, so on. What
if you could design a bug that would hide in the corners?"

"Shit. While we spend our time chasing our tails, the thing spreads
through the population!" Jessie exclaimed as the idea became clear. "We
could be totally fucked! Do you really think this could be an attack?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Jessie, we're still playing the 'what if'
game." Spears said, trying to calm the younger woman down. She turned
and walked into her office and picked up the phone. "Still, better give the
Home Secretary a head's up, and I'm going to call a friend in the American

"OK, so where should we be looking?" Jack asked, wanting to keep

going while they were on a roll, and to keep Jessie distracted. "Where's the
last place we would look?"

"Well, bone I suppose." Jesse answered, but she seemed distracted.

She looked down slightly, her mouth open slightly, her breathing seemed
slightly erratic. "But, I mean, how would it hide in bone? Use the marrow?
Spread through white blood cells? It'd be devious, and slow."

"But then wouldn't the pathogen still show up in the bloodstream?"

Jack asked.

"Shit, right." She glanced at Jack. There was a strange look to her
eyes, they were glassy, and her skin was flush. "The nervous system! The
other body superhighway! Nerves go everywhere, but we rarely test them,
only observe their behaviors! It'd be perfect if you didn't know where to

Jessica stopped talking suddenly and leaned back against the

workbench. She shook her head a little as if to clear it and then looked back
at Jack. She had a very odd look on her face.

"Are you OK Jessie?" He asked, concerned.

"What?" She replied, looking at him strangely. "No, I'm fine, sorry,
must be fatigue. So let's check some nerve tissue from patient zero."

Jack went over to the microscope and looked through the selections of
prepared slides that had been sent over that morning. Finding a sample of a
skin biopsy he placed it under the imager. Switching the output to the large
high definition screen on the workbench he was able to isolate a patch of
nerve cells.

Jessica leaned in over his shoulder to look. She felt unusually close,
her face only inches from his. He could smell her perfume from the night

"Something's going on in America." Sue interjected. "I know because

they won't tell me a thing. Typical yanks, instead of pooling resources they
try to hide everything. How is the search going?"

"The nerve cells have already degraded." Jack announced, frustrated.

"No surprise, they're usually among the first to go when a patient dies."
Jessie leaned against the workbench, her feet apart and her head
hanging down. She sighed heavily.

"I know where we can get a fresh sample." She announced in a

quavering voice.
Infection Sets In
"What's the matter Jessica?" Sue asked, concerned. "Are you feeling
all right?"

"I'm feeling fine, brilliant actually..." Jesse answered with a sad smile.
"It's just that I'm really, really horny."

"You think you're infected?" Sue asked warily. "Couldn't you just be
feeling, you know?"

"No, I'm not just 'you know'. I'm so horny I'd happily throw down,
with either of you frankly, but especially Jack, right here on the floor." She
explained, her eyes glistening with arousal. "It's the kind of horny you get
after a bottle of wine and an hour or three of foreplay."

Jack reflexively leaned forward and gently took the pretty black girl's
forearm. "What can we do to help?"

Jessica inhaled deeply, closing her eyes, a slight groan escaping from
her lips as goose bumps rose on her skin. "Oh god that feels good. You
could fuck me up against this table."

Jack pulled his hand back. "Ooh, whoops, sorry about that. I didn't

"S'OK..." Jessie answered slowly as she tried to regain her

composure. "Not your fault. OK, I think I have a handle on it."

Spears walked over to the security pad by the airlock door and entered
a code. The light turned from green to red and started flashing. "Sorry kids.
We're quarantined. At least until we can figure out what this is and how it's

"Sorry." Jessie said.

"It's OK Jessie, it's not your fault." Sue said warmly. She reached out
to touch Jessie, but seeing the lustful look in the young woman's eyes she
thought better of it. "OK, symptoms. What are you feeling Jessie?"

"I'm just feeling really, really horny." Jessie rolled her eyes in
frustration, her fingers pressing into her thighs. "I just really want a cock,
you know? I really want to feel it pulsing inside me, cumming in me."

"I understand, but try to work with me Jessie." Spears replied

patiently. It was vital to get what information she could from the girl as
soon as possible. "Did it just happen like that? Or did it build up? How long
have you been feeling this way?"

"Right, well, it came on sort of slowly before lunch. You know, just a
little warm, like when you see someone you fancy at a pub, or you watch a
steamy scene in the cinema." Jessie explained as well as she could, despite
the growing sexual need. "But then maybe five minutes ago it hit me like a
lorry. All of a sudden I was horny, like, wet panties, tingly, nipples like
erasers, every inch of my body is screaming to be touched. It's hard to
control. I feel like I can't think clearly."

As if to punctuate, she slid her hands down her body and along her
thighs, sliding back up between her legs before she shook her hands. "Cor,
see? I really need to touch myself. I really want one of you to touch me.
Blimey, what I really want is his bloody prick in me!"

"Would it help if you touched yourself?" Susan asked frankly.

"I don't know. If I start I might not be able to stop." Jessie answered.

"OK, well, let me know if it becomes too much for you, maybe there's
something we can give you to help." Spears brushed the front of her lab
coat, smoothing it. "What about physical symptoms?"

"The physical symptoms are great." The slim black girl said with an
evil looking grin. "I mean it's full on mate. I'm warm all over, my skin is
super sensitive, god, my nipples are driving me nuts in this thing. Um, I'm
breathing heavy, a little wet in the mouth, my body feels a little twitchy.
And, um, you know, down there, my clit is so hard and sensitive I think I'll
have to take my panties off before I scream, and I'm, um, well lubricated.
Very well lubricated." Jesse looked down at her slim muscular legs to see a
droplet of moisture run down the inside of her thigh.

"OK, well as for me, I'm not feeling any unusual urges so far." Susan
interjected to change the subject a little, sensing that talking about it was
making it worse for her young protégé. "I admit that I'm feeling a little
heated, but I think it's just a reaction to Jessie's condition. How about you

"Well, I'm a little embarrassed to say..." Jack tried to organize his

thoughts; he found it difficult though, standing right next to a pretty girl in
the throes of near orgasmic excitement. "First off, I'm definitely not
climbing the walls horny. I have to admit that Jessie is having an effect on
me; I mean after all, she's a young attractive and openly aroused woman.
But I'd categorize it as a natural healthy reaction for a man of my age. But
with that said I've been feeling, how can I say this, sensitive all day. Easily

"You've been getting boners!" Jessie teased as she peered at the bulge
in Jack's jeans. She looked at it, her eyes following the outline of his cock
through the cloth. She absently slid one hand over her stomach and across
her pubic area before realizing what she was doing, shaking the almost
overwhelming desire to touch herself. "Nice one too."

Jack blushed and closed over his lab coat. Watching the nubile young
black woman writhe in desire made his cock ache, it was fully hard down
the tight leg of his pants.

"But no overpowering need to copulate?" Susan asked as clinically as


"No, not like that." Jack replied as diplomatically as he could.

Jessie turned around and leaned her hands against the table; she
arched her back and looked at Jack, pouting. "Like how then? Admit it; you
fancy a ride don't you?"
Jack stammered, taken a bit by surprise at the aggressive reaction
from his co-worker. "Well... It's not that..."

"Come on Jack, give me a go." Jesse said, her eyes becoming wild
with desire. She arched her back more, and leaned down a little, spreading
her legs a little, shoving her ass out even more. "Slip that big white snake in
and fuck me."

"Amazing." Sue said as she worked on something on the lab table, but
also carefully watching Jessie. "She's displaying classic primate mating
postures. All women do it to some extent, but normally not this blatantly
unless about to partake in coitus. It's her body's invitation for you to mount

"See Jack? I'm invitin’ you to mount me! So fucking mount me

already!" Jessie said as she spread her legs apart a little farther. "Oh my
god, what am I saying! Ouch!"

Jessie turned around to see Dr. Spears had injected her with a small
syringe. She exhaled slowly, her eyelids lowering a little, as a smile crept
across her face. She turned back around and sat against the edge of the
table. She visibly relaxed, although she started sliding her hands up and
down her body, paying particular attention to her breasts, thighs, and crotch.

"Whoa, what did you give me?" She slurred; her head weaving as she
tried to focus on Spears. "Fucking A, it feels brilliant."

"It's just something to take the edge off." Sue explained as she started
to use a small light to look in Jessie's eyes. "Is it helping?"

"I don't know. I guess so." Jessie said, watching her hands as they
played up and down her body. "I mean I'm still fucking horny, but I guess
I'm a little calmer. Sorry Jack, I was a bit of a cunt there."

"No worries Booty Spice." Jack laughed, mostly in relief. "I was
"I love you for your cock." She answered as she snorted with laughter.
"Cock! Such a funny word. All that K sound. Cock. Cock. Cock. Cock.
God, I could go for some cock right now. Can I see it?"

"No Jessie, you can't see it." Susan interrupted. "Why don't you come,
sit down?"

Susan walked Jessica over to the chair, the younger woman staggered
under the influence of the injection. As she sat down Susan moved her hand
from the black girl's arm, but Jessie stopped her.

"No, please, don't take it away." Jessie said, closing her eyes in
pleasure as Sue's hand gently moved against her arm. "That feels so good,
please don't stop."

Jack noticed goose bumps rising on Jessica's warm brown skin,

starting where Susan was touching her and spreading. Jessica made a quiet
gasp and crossed her well-toned legs, pressing her thighs together.

"Does this feel good?" Susan asked as she gently stroked the other
girl's skin with her fingertips. She was carefully observing Jessie's
reactions. "Just relax..."

Jessica responded, nodding, her eyes closed, her mouth open slightly
as she let out a quiet sigh of pleasure. She continued to rhythmically press
her thighs together as she rocked on the chair. Jack watched too, but his
interest was much less clinical he suspected. Jessie's body was tense and
slowly writhing in the chair, her nipples were outlined against the tight
material of her dress, her small breasts swelled from the low neckline.
Spreading her legs she pressed herself harder against the chair. Jack's cock
was literally throbbing in reaction, trapped tightly as it was.

"Jack..." Susan said quietly, not taking her eyes of the young woman.
"Would you bring me a biopsy pen and a swab kit please?"

Jack quickly and quietly gathered the items and returned. Susan asked
for the swab first. Without taking her eyes off Jessie she reached between
the young woman's legs when and quickly swabbed at the small puddle that
had formed between her thighs. She handed the swab to Jack before the girl
pushed her thighs back together.

"Now the other Jack..." She said quietly. Jack handed her a small
plastic cylinder that looked like a pen. She gently placed it on the dark skin
of Jessica's wrist. There was a sudden snap as she activated the mechanism.

"Ouch!" Jessie's eyes flew open in surprise. The shock appeared to

abate some of her arousal. "Hey, you could give a girl a head's up you

"Sorry, I just finally had you calmed down." Susan said as she handed
the biopsy tool to Jack. "How are you doing?"

"Well, the sedative is definitely helping; I could go for a right nap

about now." Jessie said as she watched Jack take the samples to table to
prepare them. "Course I could still go for some man meat between my legs
too. But I seem to have a little better control over it."

"OK, well why don’t you lie down on the couch and try to relax while
we check your samples." Susan said as she stood up. "I'm not sure how
much use you'd be at the moment."

"OK, you're probably right, sorry." Jessie said as she made her way to
the couch.

"Don't be sorry, you don't apologize if you have the flu do you?"
Susan smiled as she watched the pretty young woman lie down on the
couch. She hadn't noticed, but Jessie did have quite an athletic build. "Jack,
can I see you for a moment?" Susan walked into her office and waited for
Jack. She nodded to him to close over the door.

"I just wanted to let her relax and let the sedative take effect." She
began as she sat on the edge of her desk. "We need to take samples from
both of us. I suspect that with the virulence of this we'll find we're infected
as well. Perhaps it effects men and women differently, thus your, well,
"I figured as much myself." Jack said as he fished two biopsy pens
from his pocket. Handing one to Susan he used the other on his forearm,
wincing at the device clicked and took a little bite of flesh with it. Susan did
the same and handed the pen back to Jack. "I'll get started on these."
Remain Professional
After preparing the slides he put the first one, Jessie's, into the imager.
He took a moment to look over at his colleague. The slim woman was
stretched out on her back. Her dress had ridden up her well-shaped thighs
revealing her mound covered only by thin cotton panties. Jack felt his cock
throb in response and turned back to his work lest he stare. Hitting the
keyboard to transfer the image to the large screen he studied the nerve cells.
It was like he had been slapped in the face.

"She was absolutely right!" He whispered to himself. There, in the

nerve cell was something that shouldn't be there. It was like an extra thing
living in a perfectly healthy nerve cell. If someone had wanted to hide a
biological attack, this would be the perfect way to hide it.

He quickly swapped slides to the swab sample from Jessie. The

sample didn't contain many cells, at first nothing unusual, but then he
noticed that the fluid contained a number of neuron cells, unusual to be
found here. Looking closer he found the same package inserted into these

"There's no way these can be naturally occurring." he thought to

himself. "This is a purpose built payload."

He swapped out Jessie's sample for Susan's. He took a deep breath as

he placed her biopsy slide in the imager and brought it up on the screen. Her
sample showed the same tiny biological bit in her cells.

He stood up from his stool and quietly made his way to Susan's
office. He stopped to look over at Jessica to make sure she was still resting.
She appeared to be asleep, but she had shifted and it now appeared that she
had inserted her hand into her panties and was playing with herself. He
turned and walked into Susan's office without knocking.

He stopped short as he stepped into the office. Susan had her back
turned and was sitting very low in the chair. She was breathing oddly,
almost gasping, and shifting in her chair. He couldn't tell what she was
doing exactly, but the high pitched buzz gave him a pretty good idea. Her
body shuddered.

"Oh fuck..." He could hear her whisper to herself. She let out a stifled
whimper and her breathing became deep and fast.

Jack tried to quietly back out of the office, but he bumped the door a
little loudly. Susan turned, startled, her face flush, her eyes a little glassy.

"Oh, Jack, sorry, I didn't see you there." She said, flustered. She had
taken off her jacket, and her sweater was open more than Jack figured she
would like. She quickly fumbled to close it up and straighten her skirt.

"I'm sorry Susan, I, ah, I should have knocked. I'll let you have a
moment..." He said as he continued to back out of her office.

"No, Jack, it's OK. I was just trying to obtain a second sample, you
know, to compare to Jessica's." She said as she indicated the sample swab
on her desk. "I'm afraid I got a little carried away and needed to, um, finish.
So, what have you found out?"

"Well, there's definitely an infection, and it looks to be man-made..."

Jack took a deep breath. "And I'm afraid you're infected as well."

"I know." She answered, standing up. "I realized as much a little
while ago when I started to become aroused. I thought it was just a natural
reaction to Jessie's condition, but I realized it was more than that. I was
hoping an orgasm might alleviate the symptoms, but I can tell you, it most
certainly doesn't. If anything it intensifies them. What about your test?"

"Well, I actually hadn't looked yet." Jack admitted, he had been in a

hurry to let Susan know what he'd found. Truth be told, he probably was
avoiding finding out. "I can check now, I just wanted to give you an

"Well why don't you show me what you have?" She stood up and
adjusted her hem, did up a button on her cardigan and straightened her hair.
"I could use a little scientific order right now."
Susan led Jack back out to the workbench. Jack noticed a decided
feminine sway to her hips as she walked. This did nothing to help the
comfort level in his pants. He had left the magnified image on the main
screen and, true to her reputation; Susan saw the invader right away.

"Oh my god, you're right." Susan gasped as she moved the camera
around looking from cell to cell. "I don't see how this could be a random
virus mutation. This was made to hide. I doubt anyone else would have
thought to even look here. Well done."

"Thanks, it was mostly Jessie, she came up with the idea of using
nerve cells to hide the infection." Jack always liked to give credit where
due, and he wasn't sure he would have arrived at this idea were it not for
her. He was also finding his boss' rear rather enticing as she leaned on the

"Don't be too modest Jack, I know how you work." Susan said with a
smile as she tossed her hair to one side. She shifted, her hips swaying as she
pressed her thighs together. "This is getting quite distracting. Jack, would
you be a dear and prepare my slide while I look at this?"

Jack happily took the sample swab and set up a slide. He was
becoming decidedly aroused by his attractive boss. He wasn't sure if this
was a result of an infection, he was already pretty sure he was infected, or
because he had just walked in on his boss masturbating. The fact that he'd
had a near hard-on for the entire day should have alerted him that
something was going on.

As soon as the slide was ready he handed it to Susan. She quickly put
it under the imager and brought it next to the image of Jessica's. The virus,
or whatever it was, was readily apparent in both samples. However, the
neuron cells in Jessie's sample were easily three or four times that of

"How odd. Neurons shouldn't be in these samples at all." Susan said,

thinking aloud. "Perhaps it's a symptom of the condition. I think we need a
second sample from Jessie to see if the effect is progressive."
Jack looked over at the young woman sleeping on the couch, her short
skirt ridden up to her waist, her small panties and long legs exposed. "Can
we do it without waking her?"

"I hope so, with the way this thing progresses I'm not sure if we could
control her if we woke her."
Jerking His Sample
Susan, with Jack bringing up the proverbial rear, quietly stalked their
coworker. Susan knelt by the sleeping girl's form and turned to Jack.

"Her panties are soaked, but I think we should obtain a fresh sample."
She said whispering to Jack. Jack shrugged; he didn't see how they could
get one without waking the sedated girl. Susan had an idea though; she
brandished a small pair of snub nosed scissors from the sample kit. "I think
I can cut them off without disturbing her."

Susan carefully reached over and cut the thin cotton at the sides. This
allowed her to free the thin material and pull the front down. The problem
was that Jessie had her legs together; pulling the panties away would surely
wake her.

"I have an idea. Get the sample swab ready Jack, we may only have a
quick opportunity." Susan said as she looked back. "God this feels dirty,
doesn't it?"

Jack nodded back at her as she turned back around. The throbbing in
his pants reminded him just how dirty it did feel.

"I think I like this feeling Jack." She muttered as she reached over to
the girl.

Ever so gently Susan ran her fingers over the moist mound
underneath the material. She was gently feeling the young woman's pussy.
As she probed Jessie let out a long sigh of pleasure. "There it is, oh, and it's
quite erect." Susan whispered as she found what she was looking for. She
slowly and gently started to rub the girl's erect clitoris.

The pretty black girl responded, a breathy moan escaping her lips as
she spread her legs a little bit. Unfortunately this wasn't enough to either
remove the underwear, or gain access for a sample. But it did give Susan
slightly better access to the Jessie's sensitive button.
It only took a little more stimulation to get Jessie to shift, pulling one
knee up against the back of the couch, and spreading her other leg to allow
full access to her already wet pussy. Susan looked back at Jack and smiled,
her eyes glowed with her own arousal. She pulled back the little brown
hood to reveal Jessie's small hard pink clit. Licking her finger, she rubbed
the nub in a circular motion making the black girl moan with pleasure and
gyrate. After only a few moments her pussy was literally dripping with

"Ah, Susan, I think we can get the sample now." Jack whispered as he
watched the brunette finger her young protégé.

"In a minute Jack, this is too much fun." Susan replied without
looking back. She stared intently as she moved her finger from Jessie's hard
clit down between her moist labia until she gently slid her finger into the
girl's dripping pussy. "Jack, she's so wet."

"Then maybe now would be a good time to take the sample Susan."
Jack whispered firmly. It was clear that the revered doctor was succumbing
to the virus. "Come on Sue, snap out of it."

Susan looked back, her eyes heavy with desire, but she managed to
shake it off and realize what she was doing. "Right Jack, sorry, I, well I got
carried away. This is a strong impulse." She took the swab from Jack and
used it to take a sample from the young woman's wet pussy. She handed it
back to Jack and took one last look at the exposed girl. Unable to resist she
slid her finger along the wet slit and ended by teasing the girl's erect clit
before standing up. Turning around to face Jack she looked at her wet finger
for a second before slipping it into her mouth, and sucking Jessie's juices
from it. She closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. Jack was

"I can't help myself Jack, I'm getting so horny, and I'm having a hard
time resisting." She lasciviously looked down at the outline of Jack's
constricted cock. "I'm just praying that you're infected so I can get my
hands on that.” She gasped and looked at Jack’s face, horrified. “Oh god,
I'm sorry Jack."
"Don't worry about it Susan, I understand." Jack said as he turned to
take the sample to be mounted. "Let's figure this out and get the two of you
cured. Truth is though, I appreciate the attention."

"Hmmm, I can give you all the attention you can handle Jack." Susan
purred as she followed behind. As Jack was about to mount the sample
Susan tapped him on his shoulder. "Um, Jack, you haven't produced a
second sample for us."

"Do you think another biopsy will tell us anything?" Jack asked.

Susan smiled at him, a combination of lust and mirth. She reached

over to the workbench and picked up a half-liter beaker and held it out to
him. She leaned her head to one side. "See if you can fill this for me. Be a

"Fill it?" Jack asked, not quite cluing in. "Oh. OH! Right, I see what
you mean."

"I could help you if you like Jack." Susan said lustily. "I'd be more
than happy to."

"Thank you Susan, but I'm not sure my wife would appreciate it. I
think I can manage myself."

"Well, use my office if you like. Or feel free to whip it out and do it
here, I don't mind."

Jack smiled sheepishly and walked towards Susan's office. Closing

the door he looked at the beaker for a moment, not quite sure where to put
it. He finally decided that he'd be best off putting the beaker on the desk and
standing to masturbate. He felt very strange standing there in his female
superior's office ready to pull his cock out and bring himself to ejaculate
into a glass jar. But considering how he'd been feeling all day he looked
forward to giving his fellow a break from the confining jeans he'd chosen
this morning.
Not quite sure how to proceed he undid the top button of his jeans and
pulled down the zipper. It felt almost like the blood rushing back into a limb
that had fallen asleep as soon as he opened the front of the jeans. Sensation
flooded his cock, making it tingle and feel hot. The sensation was so strong
that Jack gasped and reached in to pull it out. He was shocked to see that his
cock appeared much fatter and larger than it normally did, perhaps just a
combination of the restrictive pants and the near constant arousal of the

Despite his initial apprehension it was impossible for Jack not to

stroke himself. The sensation after being trapped was magnified tenfold. As
soon as he wrapped his fingers around the thick shaft he felt his cock stiffen
and he was soon groaning with pleasure as he stroked his erection from the
base up over the swollen head. But despite the almost overwhelming
sensation he found that he couldn't quite bring himself to climax. Whether it
was the location in Susan's office with her pictures on the bureau, the smell
of her perfume, or maybe the fact he was fucking jacking off in her office,
he just couldn't quite get over the edge.

He tried peering out at the sleeping form of his pretty coworker, but
still all he could muster was a thin stream of pre-cum from his swollen
cockhead. And frankly he felt a little like a pervert for staring at his sedated
friend. He was starting to tire, and his cock just seemed to be getting more
and more sensitive.

He opened the blinds of Sue's front office window a crack and looked
out at Susan's form as she leaned over the monitor trying to see some detail
or other. But all Jack was interested in was the curve of her ass in the tight
skirt she wore. Leaning on one of her pair of matching leather coach chairs
he watched as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other and marveled
at the effect it had on her ass. He failed to notice, however, that she had
turned around and was looking back at him through the crack in the blinds.
When he did notice he quickly slid down and sat on the leather chair. Much
to his horror Susan slipped into her office moments later.

"Well done Jack!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked at his
erection. "I didn't know you were one of the lucky few mate!"
"Susan!" Jack said as he tried to cover his erection, rather
unsuccessfully he realized. "Please!"

"Oh don't bother, I've seen one or two before you know." Susan
dismissed his modesty while never taking her eyes off his cock. "Still, I
haven't seen one quite this big before. I have to admit, I quite fancy it."

"Susan, stop, it must be the virus. I'm afraid I'm at best startlingly
average." Jack was trying to maintain at least a shred of decency, quite
difficult with an erection that he was unable to stop stroking.

"Jack, surely Kara has mentioned, or some other girl has

mentioned..." She looked at Jack for some hint at recognition. "You
honestly don't see it, do you? Jack, really, you’re hung like a horse!"

Jack looked down at his penis. He had assumed it had felt bigger
because it had been squished in his jeans. But he held it in his hand and was
quite amazed to find that it indeed appeared huge. It looked to be easily
twice as thick as he normally thought it got, and it was certainly longer. In
fact, he found he could easily put both fists around it and still had some
cock left over. However doing so gave him an overwhelming compulsion to
stroke his cock.

"God Jack, you're making me weak." Susan slowly dropped to her

knees and knelt in front of him. "You can't cum can you?"

"No. Shit. Stop staring at it." Jack said, unable to stop thrusting his
cock through his hands. "I'm infected aren't I?"

"Sorry Jack, you're in the same boat as the rest of us."

"I sort of figured." Jack said intent on watching his hand slide up and
down his new up-sized erection. "Well what do we do now?"

"Well first we need your sample. I think I may have found something
after looking at your biopsy and I need this sample to confirm my
hypothesis." She slid closer to him. "Here, let me help."
"Just what are you going to do?" Jack snapped, embarrassed at being
caught with his pecker out, and unable to successfully complete an act that
millions of men achieve every day: jerking off.

Susan just gave him a look for a long moment before sidling up close
to him. "Well Jack..." She made sure to lean against his knee, pressing her
breast against him, opening one blouse button to show him a little more.

"I'm a woman..." She gently took his cock in her hand. The thick shaft
made her hand look tiny, it was so thick that she couldn't reach her fingers
all the way around. She licked her lips as looked at it.

"I'm soft in all the right places..." Leaning in close she inhaled deeply,
moaning slightly at his masculine smell before exhaling onto his cock,
making him thrust through her fingers.

"I smell pretty..." She stroked his cock in earnest and smiled as she
saw Jack start to relax and go with her touch. She started to massage his
balls with her other hand. She marveled at the huge organ in her hand, the
thick veins that surrounded it, the way the soft skin moved over the hard

"And you're thinking about what it would be like if I was sucking on

this marvelous cock right now." Jack moaned as Susan worked her magic
on his rigid cock. She so wanted to suck on the huge organ, feel her lips
slide over the thick rim of the cockhead, feel him ejaculate into her mouth.

"Why don't you?" He whispered, lost in her touch.

"Believe me Jack, there's nothing I'd rather do." Susan stared at the
huge cock in her hand, stroking it, longing for it, needing it. "But I don't
know that I could stop, and we really need that sample." She wanted his
cum, she wanted it more than she could imagine.

He could feel the pressure building as she gently massaged his balls
with her soft warm hand, and her other hand skillfully stroked his cock,
gently but firmly sliding over the ridge of his cockhead.
Seeing that Jack was approaching an orgasm she deftly reached over
for the empty beaker while she maintained eye contact with him. Her green
eyes held him enthralled while she positioned the intended receptacle. She
wanted to see his cum explode like a geyser from the rock hard cock.

"Cum for me Jack, please, I can't stand it."

Jack moaned, thrusting into her hand, he was almost there. He looked
at her, at her hand around his cock, at the skin of her partially exposed
breast, her red lips, and especially those captivating eyes as she stared
intently at his erection.

"Fuck... Sue... I'm going to..." Jack stammered as he felt his balls
contract and a huge rush travel up the length of his cock.

Susan cried out in surprise as a huge stream of cum pumped from the
end of Jack's swollen cockhead into the air, landing across her chest and
shoulder. She laughed while quickly reorienting his cock as she held the
beaker just below it. The next spurt shot into the beaker, thick and hard,
making a loud splat sound as it hit the bottom. She expertly milked his cock
as he shot load after load into the beaker, ejaculating for what must have
been thirty or more seconds.

Susan just stared at Jack's cock as she continued to stroke it. She was
mesmerized as she put down the beaker and placed her other hand on the
thick shaft.

"Ah, Susan?" Jack asked, the stimulation reigniting his arousal

already. "Susan!"

Susan quickly let go of his erection, pulling her hands back behind
her. She looked up at Jack, her eyes dilated with desire, not quite seeing
him. "Oh god Jack, sorry, I just... well... I'm losing control quickly Jack."

"Well, if things progress as we've seen I suspect none of us will be

able to resist much longer." Jack stood up and tried to put his still partially
erect penis back in his pants. Spears just knelt there, unable to take her eyes
of it as he tried to tuck it in. Visions of taking the still turgid organ between
her lips, sucking on it, making it cum in her mouth, swallowing greedily.
Unfortunately all Jack could to do was put the newly oversized organ into
his underwear and kind of tuck it in the top of his jeans. "In the meantime
let's get as much done as we can while we're able. Oh, and thank you for,
ah, helping out."

Dr. Spears stood up, taking Jack's hand to help herself to her feet. She
bounced up on her toes and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "You're
more than welcome Jack." She said before putting her hand to her mouth in
surprise. "Sorry, it sort of came over me. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl right
now, well, a horny giddy schoolgirl."

"So, ah, what was this discovery you made?" Jack said, trying to
change the subject, and trying not to stare at her somewhat exposed
cleavage. "Oh, you have some, er, I mean there, on your jacket..."

Susan looked down at the line of jizz on her jacket. Shrugging, she
pulled her lab coat off and dropped it on the chair. As Jack led the way out
of her office she wiped the remaining cum from the side of her breast with
her finger. Looking at it for a moment she popped her finger into her mouth
and licked it clean. She stopped short, shivered with pleasure, and closed
her eyes for a moment. She blushed and shivered again. "Oh, Jack, that
tastes good!"

"Hmm?" Jack said turning around to see the big grin on her face.

"Your cum, it tastes wonderful. My tongue is literally tingling." She

said before really realizing what she'd done. "Shit Jack, I don't have much
Massive Cock Injections
Susan prepared the slide with Jack's second sample while she
described her findings.

"Look, her second vaginal sample shows ten times the amount of
neuron cells." She explained as she prepared the slide. When Jack wasn't
looking she dipped her finger into the beaker and popped it into her mouth,
smiling as it hit her tongue. "And now look at your first sample, the biopsy.
You obviously are carrying the invader within your cells as well, but look
closely; it appears to be a slightly different structure. We'll need an electron
microscope to really see what's going on, but it definitely looks different."

Jack looked, it was a subtle difference, but the shape appeared

different in his samples to the female samples. Susan placed the new sample
under the imager and sent the image to the screen.

"Look, you have neurons in your sample, but again, different." She
said as she stepped close to Jack. He became very aware of her perfume and
of her femininity as she brushed against him. He felt his cock rising again,
pushing out from the top of his jeans. He was honestly at a loss about what
to do about it, trying to re-tuck it may make things worse.

"But why? Is the question." Jack thought out loud, his growing
erection starting to grow, extending until it lay against his boss’ ass, the
thick head reaching her lower back. "I mean, why are we finding these cells
here? It makes no sense."

"Let's see if we can get a better look at the neurons..." Susan reached
over and adjusted the imager. This pressed her ass harder against Jack's hard
cock. She either didn't notice, or didn't mind. A cursor appeared on the
screen and quickly oriented to one of the cells. A key click and the image
zoomed in to isolate the cell.

"There, there's the little fellow, you're right." Jack said as he leaned in
to see a little better. This had the unfortunate consequence of sliding his
erection harder against Susan's ass. The senior doctor responded with a
moan and by pushing back against him. Jack couldn't help himself. He
placed his hands on his beautiful boss' hips and pushed against her.

"Oh Jack, I don't know how much longer I can hold out." Susan
whispered breathily as she stretched back against Jack's big cock, sliding it
against her. "I want it in me so badly, I want you to cum in me more than
anything I can think of."

Jack managed to step back, letting go of his coworker. His cock

bobbed in the air in front of him and Jack couldn't resist stroking it. "Me
either, I'm really feeling incredibly horny, and your ass looks amazing in
that skirt. Fuck!"

"Uh guys? Did I miss something?" Jessie was sitting up looking at her
coworkers. She didn't look good.

"Jessie!" Susan exclaimed as she rushed over to her coworker. "Are

you OK? How do you feel?"

Jack did his best to push his hard cock under his shirt and doing up
the snaps on his lab coat. He walked over kind of hunched over.

"Horny as fuck, thank you." She replied with a slight smile. The smile
quickly turned to a frown. "But I really feel bad, really weak, I'm having
trouble seeing, everything is blurry. Is this what happens? I feel like this and
then I die?"

"We'll figure this out Jessie." Jack offered, his heart breaking when he
got a good look at the pretty young black girl. Her skin was ashen, her eyes
obviously having trouble focusing, her breathing was quick and shallow. It
was almost as if she was slowly suffocating. "We've all got it."

"What?" Jessie was horrified, but the overwhelming urges drove her,
and she still found her hands touching herself, her fingers finding her hard
clit. "So does that mean we can all fuck now? I don't care what happens, but
I really want your cum." She looked at Jack longingly. In return he felt his
cock throb in agreement.
"Yes!" Susan suddenly shouted, clapping her hands. She stood up and
whirled around with delight. "You brilliant girl! You brilliant, sexy, horny
girl! We are going to fuck. First of all, what have we got to lose? But
secondly, if I'm right, it's exactly what we need to do!"

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked. "This goes against every

"I know! That's what makes it so brilliant!" Susan continued

unabated. "Why are there two different versions of the virus Jack? Ying and
Yang, positive and negative, boy and girl. What other reason to design a
virus that makes you horny? Either you fuck to spread it, which doesn't
appear to be the case that all three of us would have had partners in the last
few days that had been exposed to the virus. Or the virus causes chaos by
making us fuck. Imagine a society where people are driven to copulate all
the time!"

"I'm thinking about it right now Susan" Jessica swooned, falling back
against the couch. Her fingers still played with her wet pussy. "I need it so
badly; it's all I can think about. If I could stand up I'd fucking tackle Jack
right now!"

"And have you shall Jessie." Susan turned to look at Jack, her eyes
wild with excitement. "Jack here is going to show you his new improved
and very large cock. He's then going to stick it in you and fuck you until
you both feel better. At least that's the plan."

Jack looked over at Jessie. The slim young woman appeared even
more fragile than she did a few minutes ago. She was having trouble sitting
up, her eyes were unfocused, and her breathing shallow. "Are you sure
Susan? She's not well. Sorry Jess."

"If I'm right, she'll feel better almost immediately. If I'm wrong, well,
we're really no worse off as I can't see anything else we can do for her."
Susan said gravely. "Besides, we'll be driven to copulate in the end, I can
barely control myself now. We're going to do it anyway. So come on Jack,
whip it out, give the girl what she wants."
"Please Jack..." Jessica pleaded with desire and fear mixed in her
eyes. "Fuck me..."

Jack pulled off his lab coat to reveal the monster erection he was
sporting. Looking down at his cock he realized just how big it had gotten.
He could only just close his hand around its girth, and it stuck out much
farther than it ever had. It was like someone grafted a big porn star cock
onto the front of him. He stroked it several times, closing his eyes in
pleasure before he approached Jessie.

The slim black girl's eyes glistened with desire as she watched the
huge cock sway in front of her coworker. All she could think about was him
driving that huge organ between her legs and the feeling of it when it pulsed
in orgasm, giving her what she craved. She shivered in anticipation as he
knelt down right in front of her. She reached one hand out to touch the
engorged organ.

Any hesitation on Jack's part was gone. His cock was tingling with
desire, rock hard, and all he could think about was fucking the pretty young
woman in front of him. Any concern about her current health status was
pushed from his consciousness as the infection drove him to fuck her. He
reached around behind her and scooted her forward. She put her feet up on
the couch and guided the massive cockhead between her dripping wet pussy
lips. Perhaps it was the overwhelming desire, but Jack could have sworn
that Jessie's color and vitality was returning as soon as his erection touched
her wet folds.

"Fuck, it's enormous!" Jessie gasped as she tried to work the fat
cockhead into her decidedly size-small pussy. She moaned with pleasure as
the swollen organ rubbed against her engorged clit and between her slippery

"Should I stop?" Jack asked, although not entirely sure he could do so

if called upon. "I don't want to hurt you."

"No! God no! Don't even think of stopping!" She held firm to Jack's
erection, slowly working the big cock in. "We just need to go slow. Big is
good Jack."
Finally, with his cockhead coated in her slippery juices, her tight
pussy managed stretch around his substantial girth. As soon as the head
entered her Jessie shook, her body responding to an unseen reaction that
washed away any feeling of fatigue. She started to gyrate her hips as he
slowly started to fuck her, pushing a little more of his cock into her each
time. She stared at the huge invading organ intently.

After a few moments she gasped. "Oh god... oh god... yes, right
there... oh fuck I'm cumming!" Jessie put her arms around Jack and held
him closer as she rode the massive orgasm. Her pussy gushed as she came,
coating Jack's thick shaft with her moisture, lubricating him to slide deeper
inside her than any man ever had. "Oh Jack, yes, just fuck me, just keep
fucking me, I've never been fucked like this." She gasped in his ear.

"Feeling better?" Susan said as she sat down next to her pretty black

"Fucking brilliant more like it!" Jessica said, her face was a mask of
ecstasy. "This cock is... oh fuck... amazing; he's fucking hitting places I
didn't know I fucking had. Oh god, I'm going to... I'm going to cum again..."

"So no fatigue? No vision problems?" Susan probed even as she

stared at the huge cock stretching the trim young woman.

"Feeling fucking fantastic, yeah fine I mean, everything is in fucking

Technicolor mate! Oh fuck, here it comes!" Jessie cried out as another
orgasm wracked her body. But rather than tiring her out, this only served to
make her fuck harder. Holding tight to Jack she matched his movements,
actually riding his huge cock as it filled her pussy. As she came down from
the euphoria of her orgasm she leaned back.

"Are you OK?" Susan asked as she absently ran her hand up the girl's
body. Jessie looked to be tiring and Susan was worried that her apparent
recovery was merely an initial burst due to the sexual arousal. "Are you
starting to fade?"

"No..." She replied, panting. "But I just had two back-to-back

orgasms, and a giant cock fucking the shit out of me, I'm a little out of
breath. I've never been fucked like this. It's a little overwhelming. I think
I'm going to... oh shit... cum aga-ohhhh fuck!"

Arching her back, Jessie cried out in ecstasy as her body shuddered,
overwhelmed by another orgasm. She looked up at Jack, who was happily
fucking her at a steady rate, a wide grin on his face. Her eyes were filled
with absolute adoration for him and his hard cock as it brought her to new
heights of pleasure.

"Wait, wait, give me a second Jack..." Jessie panted as she tried to

catch her breath. "It's too much, and I need to get this dress off, it's driving
me nuts."

Jack just smiled, but he stopped moving, leaving his thick cock
buried. The young black woman lay there panting for a moment before she
started gyrating again, slowly moving the cock in and out of her wet pussy,
unable to resist the fat shaft nestled in her tight folds. After only a few
seconds she was moaning again.

"Jack, I can't stop myself with you still in me, it's just too much, I
can't stop it." She said, breathing heavily again, her eyes heavily lidded.

"Right, sorry." He replied as he slowly pulled out. His cock slid out of
the girl's dark pussy, the thick shaft slick with her juices, it seemed even
bigger than before. As the fat cockhead crowned, Jessie let out a moan of
pleasure. Jack matched her with a groan, still overwhelmingly horny,
stroking his huge erection as he stood.

Jessie's breathing started to relax as she was able to get herself under
control. Her skin was flush with arousal, and her eyes were glazed with
pleasure. She slowly started to pull her dress off to reveal her slim athletic

"So how are the cravings Jessie?" Susan asked as she watched Jack
stroke his hard shaft. "Did that alleviate the need?"

Her hands played over her body, touching herself, paying particular
attention to her small breasts and her dark erect nipples. "No, god no. I want
his cock back in me. I'm almost starting to feel a little frantic, and I can feel
the weakness coming back. I need his cum." She explained as she stood up
to face Jack, putting her arms around his neck and holding him close, his
huge cock pressed against her tight muscular stomach. He couldn't help but
push against her, sliding his cock up and down.

"I need it..." She whispered as she gently stroked his cock with her
small hand. "I need you to cum in me."

"Yes, please do Jack; I'm afraid I'll need your cock sooner than later."
Sliding her tight dress up to her shapely hips Susan sat down on the edge of
the couch, opening her blouse to expose more of her large breasts in a black
lace bra. She reached into her purse and pulled out her small vibrator and
slipped it between her black stocking clad thighs.

"I hate you." She said to Jessica with a smile. "Such a beautiful
backside on such a trim girl. It's just not fair."

The young black girl smiled and kissed Jack. Spinning in his grasp,
she knelt on the couch, arching her back to present her shapely ass and
waiting pussy. She leaned her head back and moaned as Jack pressed his
massive cock against her dripping snatch. The fat cockhead entered her
easier this time; her body acclimated to his size, her pussy completely wet.
Taking her hips he slowly but steadily pushed his cock into her tight body
eliciting sobs of pleasure from the girl. By the time he had buried his cock
the pretty black girl was cumming again, her entire body shivering.

Jack started fucking her harder, getting closer to his own orgasm. It
was as if he was suddenly driven to cum, driven to breed. He looked over at
Susan to see her masturbating with a small vibrator pressed against her clit,
her other hand grasping at her beautiful large breast. "Come on Jack, fuck
her, we need to see what happens!" She panted.

Jesse looked over her shoulder at Jack, her face twisted in orgasmic
joy. "Come on big boy, fuck me! Fucking right!" She cried, gasping as Jack
slammed his cock deep inside. "Oh! God! Yes!"
Jack groaned loudly as he felt his cum travel along his hard shaft and
into the beautiful girl impaled upon him. She cried out, another orgasm
wracking her fit and trim frame as she pushed back against him burying his
cock deep inside her. To his side he was vaguely aware that Susan was also
cumming, her fingers now buried deep in her shaved pussy. He felt jet after
jet of cum shooting along his cock and into Jessica as a huge wave of relief
wash across him. He watched as the black girl's eyes dilated, completely,
and her face took on a look of absolute rapture. He started to wonder about
her reaction when a hot wave of pure ecstasy washed over him. His every
nerve tingled with pleasure.

This overwhelming ecstasy caused his cock to spurt anew, pumping

even more cum into the lithe girl, overflowing around his huge hard cock.
He lowered himself to lie beside Jessie, his thick cock still buried deep in
her pussy.

Susan was quickly over, checking on the two. Jessie's eyes were
closed, a look of pure pleasure on her face, writhing as the huge cock filled
her. Jack appeared out of it as well, a big sloppy grin on his face. Dr. Spears
became suddenly worried that they were crashing, that it was actually the
orgasm that somehow killed the victims. But on cursory examination they
both looked fine, just really stoned.

"How are you feeling Jessie? Are you alright?" Susan asked as she
gently shook the young woman.

"Wha? Huh? Oh, hey Suzy!" Jessie replied, her voice slow and
slurring. "Oh fucking wow… I feel fucking amazing... I mean I'm totally
fucked... You have great tits."

"Um, thank you. Jack what do you feel?"

Jack just laughed and grinned as he slowly started to slide his cock in
and out of Jessie's pussy. "I feel so good, so good! She's so fucking tight.
Hey Susan, I never told you, you're fucking fit, totally fuckable." He finally
announced before rolling back in laughter, his now massive cock pulling
from Jessie to wave in the air.
Susan was immediately drawn to the thick erection, her eyes wide
with desire. "Jack... It's still hard..."

Jack looked at his cock as it lay hard and wet against his belly. He
looked up at Susan's reaction, her open blouse, and his cock jerked. "I think
it likes you." he said wondering what they would feel like in his hands.

She took the thick shaft in her hand and began to stroke it, unable to
resist. "I need your cock Jack, but I want to try an experiment... It's kind of
my thing anyway." She licked the bottom of the long shaft making Jack
groan with pleasure. "I want to see if the effects translate orally."

"You wanna suck my cock, um, orally?" Jack slurred as he watched

her lick his cock. He smiled before moaning as Susan took the fat cockhead
into her mouth. She savored the smell of his masculinity, the taste of the bit
of jizz that slowly oozed from the slit, and the taste of the young woman
that had just been enjoying it. She pulled it from her mouth and stroked it
with both hands, examining it with glazed eyes.

"It's beautiful Jack. It's so hard, yet the skin is so soft. I love the thick
veins along it; it makes it look so strong." She was mesmerized by the
massive cock in her hand. She licked around the head before swallowing it
again. "God you taste good Jack. My pussy is aching for you, but I so want
to feel you cum in my mouth."

She continued to stroke the thick shaft, taking the head and four or
five inches of the massive cock down her throat. Jack couldn't help but
thrust with her, fucking her mouth as she became more and more aroused
by him. Licking along the shaft and teasing the cockhead she looked at him.

"I want your cum so much Jack." She whispered urgently. "God, I
think I'm going to cum just from sucking it, I've never done anything like
that... Oh god... Oh god... Oh fuck!"

Susan shook with pleasure as she came. Gasping for breath she held
her cheek close to his thick hard shaft, her mouth open, sliding her lips
against the swollen cockhead. As she regained some control she redoubled
her efforts on his cock. Using one hand to stroke his huge organ she used
the other to hold his balls up close to the shaft, all the while slobbering on
and sucking his cock. Soon Jack was thrusting and bucking; ready to cum.
Feeling this, Susan put her mouth around his soon to explode cock, her
tongue licking the underside of his large mushroomed cockhead, and
stroking his shaft until she heard him groan and felt the first warm gush of
cum hit her tongue.

Susan moaned loudly as she compulsively swallowed the warm thick

ambrosia. She felt her pussy dripping as she came again, her body shaking
with pleasure. But as she was just starting to cum down from her orgasm
she felt a new overwhelming rush of pure ecstasy. She opened her mouth to
say something only to find an unintelligible moan emanate. She instead
found herself holding the huge cock close to her as she drooled, not caring,
unable to care. She lay her head down on Jack's lap and smiled, the
beautiful big cock lying on her cheek. She felt wonderful, although she
couldn't quite understand why, but she was happy to be like this.

"Hey, Susan, are you OK." Susan heard the voice and opened her eyes
to see a pretty young black girl looking at her. She was beautiful. Susan
reached up to touch her face as she tried to sit up. "Wild huh?"

"Mmm, yeah, fucking amazing..." Susan moaned as she pushed

herself off her knees and onto the couch to sit between her co-workers. She
looked at Jack who watched the two women with a huge smile on his face,
his cock still semi hard. She felt a twinge of pleasure looking at the thick
organ, her fingers going between her legs in response. She began to giggle
uncontrollably. "I'm so stoned. Hey, we haven't died!"

"He's got magic cock." Jessie said as she too caught a case of the
giggles. "Jack and his Magic Cock! He fucks 'em and he fucks 'em up! God,
I've never been fucked like that!"

"I haven't even been fucked yet. Jack, fix that will you? I am fucked
up, and I need a proper fucking." Susan stretched, showing off her slim
frame and large breasts. "I dunno if it's the virus or his cock that's makin' us
like this, but it will require intense exploratory, um, fucking." She burst out
into hysterics again, falling down to lie on Jack's chest.
"Yes, we'll have to carefully fuck him until we have a hypotenuse,
hypnosis, hypothetical, um, you know." Jessie said as she playfully spanked
her boss' well shaped ass. "We'll have to obtain many, many, many

"Yes, many." Susan agreed as she teased her clit, spreading her pink
pussy lips as she did so. All of a sudden she felt the overwhelming need to
climb onto Jack's cock and bury it in her pussy. "I'm going to obtain a
sample right now."
Kara Gives In
After about twenty minutes Jessie started to come to her senses; it
was about a forty-five minutes or so before she felt normal again. "I think
I've come down now, I think. I certainly feel a lot better. How about you?"

Susan looked at her with glazed eyes and a dumb grin on her lips. "I
still feel dreamy, not like before, but pretty high. This is amazing."

Jack stood up and went to put on his shorts and crumpled jeans that
had been left in a pile on the floor. He pulled them up, but discovered that
his cock and balls were still just too big to fit comfortably.

"Jack, dear, just get your change of clothes, or put on a set of scrubs."
Susan said as she admired his package. "You'll never fit that in those. How
are you feeling by the way?"

Each of them kept a bag with an emergency change of clothes to use

in case. Jessie jumped at the idea and trotted over to the cabinet where they
stored the kits. Jack watched her ass as it jiggled, his cock twitching in

"Ooh, I can see how you're feeling Jack!" Susan scolded with an
obvious smile, giggling as she looked at him.

"What? Oh, sorry, I guess I'm feeling a little stoned still, not as much
as before." He pulled his jeans back off and walked over to join Jessie at the
cabinet, his cock swaying heavily between his legs." I was nowhere near as
wasted as you two though. You were completely out of it."

Jessie turned around, pulling a T-shirt on over top of a pair of sweat

pants. "You know, it wasn't like stoned exactly, it was so much more. It was
more like... bliss."

"Hmmm, yes, I think you're right Jessie..." Susan thought to herself,

smiling as she remembered the sensation. "It was definitely bliss. I wonder
if we'll experience that every time we have sex."
"Well, if all the boys are growing big wankers like that we just
might." Jessie laughed as she brushed by Jack, her hand running along his
shaft. "Shit, I'd better call Rolly, let him know what’s going on. Shit, and
tell him to go fuck someone.”

“I need to call the Minister of Health, and probably the CDC. We

have an epidemic, but we also know the cure, or at least the treatment.”
Susan got up from the couch, staggering a little from the head rush and the
remains of the high, and set off to her office still dressed only in a black
lace bra, stockings and garters. “I suppose I should at least put on a fresh
lab coat before I make the Skype call.”

Jack pulled on a pair of medical scrub pants and pulled his cell phone
from his bag. He became suddenly very worried to see he had five missed
calls and three messages from Kara. He quickly pulled up his voicemail to

“Hey Jack, just checking in, miss you. Great time last night, and this
morning, sorry I was so sloppy. Well, give me a call, miss you.” Nothing
worrisome here so far, that is until Jack listened to the second message. “

“Jack, hey babe, uh, listen, I really need you to call. Really need to
talk to you. I hope you’re OK. Um, really need you, I mean here, with me,
call me.”

The final message told him everything he needed to know. Her voice
was shaky and stressed, she was breathing heavy.

“God Jack, please pick up, please pick up! Something’s really wrong.
I think I have that thing that people are talking about. I’m so horny Jack,
god I want you fucking me right now. I don’t understand what’s happening
to me. I don’t know how much longer I can resist. I just need it so bad, I
don't think I care who. Please Jack, where are you?”

Jack hung up the phone and started to dial Kara’s cell phone. The last
call was from almost fifteen minutes ago. Anything could have happened to
her by now; he saw how the virus effected the women in the office, and
how it affected him.
“What? Rolland Jay are you… You’re getting a blowjob right now!”
Jessie exclaimed into her telephone. “You wanker! Who is it? Is it that bitch
from downstairs? What? You’re going to… Oh fuck! Fine!” She pressed the
icon to hang up the phone and laughed. "Well, at least he's finally getting a

Seeing the worried look on Jack's face concerned her. She walked
over to him to offer moral support.

“Kara! Are you OK? What’s happening?” Jack said as soon as he

heard the line connect.

“I don’t know Jack, thank god you called.” Kara said, her breathing
heavy. “What’s happening to me Jack? I can’t control myself. Please tell me
you’re in the lobby.”

“Sorry, I wish I could tell you I was.” Jack said sadly. “I’m afraid
we’ve been quarantined, we have the virus here. And I suspect you do too.”

Jessie could hear Kara start to sob on the other end of the line. She
put her hand on Jack’s shoulder to comfort him, leaning her head against his

“What ever will I do Jack?” Kara sobbed. “I can’t stop myself. I’ve
already frigged twice, and it doesn’t help Jack. I want a cock. I want it in
me. Jack, I need to feel it cum so badly!”

“I know dear. And this is very hard for me to say, but you have to
listen very carefully.” He took a deep breath. “The virus works by ramping
up your sex drive until you can’t resist it any longer.”

“Tell me about it Jack. My knickers were so wet I had to take them

off. I’m dripping down my leg Jack.” Jessie overheard. She could also hear
the tone of her voice change. She didn’t know if Jack heard it, but Jessie
could tell that Kara was playing with herself again. “Just tell me, am I going
to die Jack?”
“No, you aren’t going to die Kara, I promise. But listen to me,
because you’ll think me mad, but you have to do it.”

“Do what Jack, do I need to get medicine? What kind, there’s the
pharmacy on the first floor.”

“Kara, you need to go find a man and have sex with him.”

“What? Jack no!” She sounded shocked, but there was an

undercurrent in her voice of arousal, of the desire to give in to her body’s
out of control urges. “I mean, I couldn’t Jack.”

“Trust me. I wouldn't tell you to do this if there were any other way.
Besides, in the state you’re in, the second you see an erect penis you won’t
be able to resist it.”

“Jack, there’s someone at my door. I think it’s Karl from accounting,

it looks like his glasses. What should I do?” There was a mix of panic and
lust in her voice. Her body was compelling her to fuck, but what was left of
her rational thought was rejecting the idea. She was basically asking
permission from her husband to fuck another man.

“It’s OK love; you’ll be fine as long... as long as he cums inside you.”

Jack found it very difficult to tell her to fuck another man, yet he heard a
sigh of arousal come from his beautiful wife. “Go open the door and invite
him in. Better now than to wait until you’re too weak. His cock is going to
be very big.”

“It is?” Kara asked obvious sexual desire in her voice. The thought of
an erect penis was driving her to distraction, but the thought of a very large
hard one was making her pussy drip with desire. “Are you sure Jack?”

Jack could already hear her moving through the room, walking over
to the door. Her breathing increased in anticipation as the handle could be
heard to turn.

“Karl. Hi, what can I do for you?”

“Mrs. Moody I, that is, I wondered, can I come in?”

“Uh-huh, come in Karl, close the door.” Her breathing had increased
as she whispered. “Have you come to fuck me?”

Kara's voice came back on the phone, she was breathing heavily, and
arousal was her voice. "Are you sure Jack?"

Jack swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm sure."

There was no answer, just the sound of kissing, wet sloppy kissing.
Despite listening to his wife make out with another man, Chase found his
cock rising to attention in his hospital scrubs.

“God I want your cock Karl.”

The sound of clothing moving, a zipper, the brush of a silk blouse

being pulled off, and the sound of a belt hitting the carpeted floor. More
kissing and the sound of furniture creaking as someone sat on it.

Jack felt a hand on his erection. Jesse was looking at the imprint of
his hard shaft against the light blue material. She ran her nails up and down
its length, watching it twitch as she did.

“You’re so wet Mrs. Moody.”

“Call me Kara, I mean, you’re going to fuck me after all.” More

sounds of material and the snap of a pantyhose waistband. “God your hard
Karl, when does it get bigger?”

“Uh, um, that’s as big as it gets. Don’t stop stroking it though. It’s OK

The sound of the phone coming to the side of a face, a heavy breath.
“Jack, it’s not huge. Is it OK?”

“It’s not?” Jack asked, puzzled, as he felt Jessie pull his scrubs down,
his cock bouncing up to point at her face as the waistband pulled it down
and released it. He felt her warm mouth encircle the sensitive head. Her
brown eyes looked up at him adoringly as she suckled his hard cock.

"No, it's quite normal sized, maybe a little on the smaller side." She
explained, her breathing increasing. "God I want his cock Jack, I want his
cum in me."

"Go ahead, it's fine, you need to do this Kara." Jack said with a touch
of regret in his voice. This regret was somewhat assuaged by the gentle
slurping Jessie made as she sucked his cock, her hands sliding along the
thick shaft.

"Do you want me to suck on it?" Kara's voice came over the phone,
but it wasn't directed at her now forgotten husband. "Will that make you

"Uh, yeah, I mean maybe."

The sound of the phone being put down on a hard surface and the
sliding of something followed by the quiet pop of a bent knee. Slurping
noises and moans from a male voice.

"Fuck yeah, suck on it. God you're good. Yeah, lick it like that."

Heavy breathing and moaning. Kara gasped in pleasure, and Jack felt
his cock twitch in response. This caused Jessie to moan as his pre-cum
started to flow into her mouth.

"Put your cock in me. Fuck me."

More movement followed by a groan of pleasure from Kara, and a

grunt from the man. Breathing quickens, the sound of flesh slapping on

"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, oh yes!"

"God you're fucking wet!"

Jack couldn't help but push his cock deeper into Jessie's mouth. She
looked up at him with desire, her eyes slightly glazed and heavy. She
looked beautiful with her full lips wrapped around his heavily veined shaft,
her hand sliding along its length, slowly pumping his essence into her

"Oh god, like that, I'm coming Karl. Fuck me harder, harder!"

Jack recognized Kara's familiar cries of orgasm as she came. She

begged the stranger to fuck her, harder, deeper, more. She sobbed with
ecstasy as she came before breathlessly urging her suitor on.

"Come on Karl, fuck me! Fuck me hard! I want you to cum! I want
you to fill me with your cum Karl."

"God, fuck! Lie back, put your legs up. Fuck what an arse."

"Oh yeah yeah yeah, that's it, yeah, come on Karl, cum in my pussy,
cum in my wet little cunt."

Karl could be heard panting heavily, groaning.

"Yes! Cum in me Karl! Cum in me! That's it, good, good boy, cum in
me. Oh god yes... Oh fuck... Oh yeah that's amazing... Oh fuck it's
amazing... oh god... oh wow..."

Jack ejaculated into Jessie's waiting mouth as he heard his wife

quickly succumb to the post climax bliss. Heavy spurts of cum rode the
length of his hard cock, jetting into Jessie's warm mouth as she eagerly
swallowed. All he could hear was his wife's quiet sounds of ecstasy from
the phone as he pictured her lying on her desk, the accountant's cum
dripping from her pussy, aware of nothing but the waves of absolute
pleasure that washed over her. All he could think about was the feeling of
cumming in the young black woman's mouth.

Closing the connection, knowing that his wife would be distracted for
at least a half hour, he turned his attention to Jessie. He watched as she
lovingly sucked on his cock, craving every drop of his cum, until he started
to soften. Unlike when under the undeniable effect of the virus, he felt no
psychotropic effects, no stoned feeling. He just felt a normal pleasurable
afterglow of an orgasm.

Jessie stood up and put her arms around Jack, holding him close,
pressing her body against him, especially her pelvis against his still thick
penis. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I'll live. Strange to listen to one's wife fuck a stranger though.
Still, I'm relieved that she'll be OK, at least as far as we know for the
moment. How about you? You don't appear stoned this time."

The pretty black girl considered for a moment before answering.

"Well not blissed out, not like before, but I'm certainly feeling some effects.
I have a definite sense of euphoria, I can function fine, or at least I feel like
I can, but I'm sort of floating, like a contact high if there's a lot of pot smoke
in a room."

"Jessie, ah, why did you... I mean, not that I didn't enjoy it and all..."

"Why did I blow you?" She answered with a smile as she gently ran
her fingers along the still impressive organ. "I couldn't help myself could I?
I saw it there, getting bigger, and the strongest craving came over me. I just
kind of went blank on anything else, all I wanted was your cock again. It
wasn't like before, but I really had to have it. Another effect of the virus? Or
maybe I just like your big cock."

"The mind boggles at the possibilities, but maybe I should pull my

trousers up and we should see how Susan is doing with the ministry."

"Hmm, I rather like you walking about with that big thing on
display..." Jessie said with a big grin. She paused because they could hear
Susan's raised voice from her office. "...but it sounds like we best get in
there, at least for moral support."

They quietly walked into Susan's office to see her arguing stridently
with her computer screen. "But Mr. Secretary, if you don't release this
information more people are going to die!"
Virus Uncontained
"Dr. Spears, you cannot be serious!" An angry voice crackled across
the desktop speakers. "There is no way the Ministry is going to advise the
general public to go about fornicating! And the PM's office will never
condone this. It ran on a family values platform for god's sake, not a bloody
orgy platform!"

"Look, Mister Secretary, it's temporary to keep people alive until a

cure or treatment can be found. So far, there is no other way to deal with it!"
Susan had obviously been around this circle with him a few times.

"No, you listen, Dr. Spears." The Secretary said gravely. "Your job is
to identify the disease and find the cure. When you have the cure you may
call me, until that time I will not recommend we turn the country into a
modern Sodom! Good afternoon Doctor!"

Susan threw her hands back with a shriek of frustration as the

Secretary disconnected. "He's going to kill thousands! Millions! It's not
about campaigns or churches; it's about people's lives!"

Unbeknownst to Susan and the rest, the Secretary now sat in his
office with a broad smile on his face as his rather small penis ejaculated into
the waiting mouth of his young office assistant. He had been a little sad to
see his experienced assistant of the past twenty years move to serve his
deputy. But she was old, and fat. This new girl was so much younger, with
large breasts, and a slightly chubby body; just the way he preferred. As the
wave of ecstasy enveloped him he watched the new girl's glazed eyes
looking back at him as she lovingly sucked his cock. He was confident had
made the right staffing decision.

"I'm calling Cathy over at the CDC in America; maybe she'll have
more luck." Susan said as she clicked on the contact icon.

A few moments later the face of a woman appeared. She appeared

middle aged, probably in her forties, with long dirty-blonde hair. She looked
harried and stressed out. She was also being fucked by an unseen man as
she leaned on a table.

"Susan! It's there too isn't it?" Her image moved back and forth, her
hair swaying, as the man fucked her. "Sorry, I can't help it."

"Yes, it's here. And don't worry, I completely understand.

Uncontrollable sexual desire..."

"Yes, exactly the same here, not sure how it... it... oh god I'm

Susan watched the woman close her eyes and gasp with pleasure as
the man behind her drove her over the edge. When she was finished they

"Sorry Sue, but like you said, it's irresistible. Are you experiencing
the post orgasmic after effects?"

"Blissed out of my mind?" Susan laughed. "Yes, most definitely, we

have no idea what mechanism is causing it."

"Us either, we think it's something to do with massive dopamine

production, but we're just guessing." Cathy paused and bit her lower lip as
the man changed angle. "I don't think I have much time left, I can't stop him
from cumming, I can’t."

"How significant is the enlargement factor there?"

"What enlargement factor?" The blonde asked breathlessly.

"Penis enlargement? Surely you noticed?"

The American looked quizzically through the screen. "I don’t know
what you're talking about. Matt, pull out for a second and show the
camera." She moved the camera to the side to give a better view of her
naked ass, and the man behind her. He pulled his erection out of her, still
rubbing against her ass, to reveal a very average looking penis.
"Jack, can we show her?" Susan brought Jack around to her side and
pulled out his flaccid penis. Even in this state he was larger than the erect
man on the screen. Susan couldn't help but stroke it, starting to bring it to
life, lengthening in her hand.

"Holy shit! You mean it wasn't like that before?" The blonde was
amazed at the size of Jack's cock, even as she urged the other man back into
her pussy. "No, nothing like that, and I'd have noticed, I've had to, ah, help
out most of the men here. Ugh, I don't have much time." She closed her
eyes as the man increased his tempo, panting as he neared a climax.

"Look, we need to get the word out, it's fuck to survive, but the
powers that be won't accept that here." Susan said quickly, sensing that her
colleague would become useless very soon.

"Here either, we have a Christian-Right White House. And they only

believe in abstinence. We're trying to get the word out through social media,
but we're getting blocked. I'm surprised you even got through on Skype. Oh
fuck he's gonna... Oh fuck! Fuck yes!"

They watched as the woman cried out in intense pleasure, then

watched as her face broke out in a wide smile, her eyes glazing over, and
the drug like ecstasy overcoming her. She put her stretched her arms along
the table, knocking the web cam aside. The connection was suddenly lost
and replaced by an official looking screen.

"Fuck!" Susan slammed her fists on the desk in frustration. She

picked up the phone on her desk. "They've cut us off. Phones are dead too."

Jack pulled out his cell phone, the display showed no service. "My
cell's down."

"It's all down I'm afraid. It's part of a hostile quarantine protocol. In
case we have to quarantine hostile terrorists or something and we need to
prevent them from accessing the outside. I never thought they'd use it on
us!" Susan was beyond angry; she stood up and paced her office looking a
little silly as her lab coat flew open revealing her lingerie. Jessie covered a
grin, but Susan caught it and quickly closed her lab coat. "Oh stop it! It's
hard to be furious with you laughing at my knickers!"

"You weren't wearing any knickers." Jessie deadpanned before

bursting into laughter. "Oh, we are completely fucked aren't we?"

"Yes, we are." Susan said with a sudden sigh of resignation. "But it

doesn't mean we can't keep doing our job. We've found the infection, now
we need to learn about it, and try and find a way to combat it. Now if you'll
excuse me I'm going to change into something more science-y. Why don't
you start getting some culture dishes ready?"

The team set to work making growth cultures and seeding them with
samples of the virus taken from patient zero, and from themselves. They
treated some of the samples with a standard panel of antibiotics and
antivirals, as well as a sample of other possible medications. By dinner time
all that was left to do was wait as the samples incubated overnight.

"I'm famished!" Jessica said as the door panel binged indicating that
their food tray had cleared quarantine. Pulling the tray through she smelled
the bags of Chinese food they had requested. "At least they feed us lab-rats

The three gathered around the table and enjoyed their dinner, laughing
at anything they could think of to take their mind off their predicament.
Finally satiated, Jack turned on the TV and sat down on the couch joined by
Jessica. Susan pulled a white plastic bag that had been left in the transfer
box. Opening it up, she tossed light blue piles of material to her colleagues.

"Here you go. Pajamas for the night." She said as she went into her
office to change.

Jessica used the shower, and Jack just changed where he was. First to
arrive back in an oversized pajama top and holding the bottoms bunched
around her waist was Jessie. Susan arrived moments later in a similar state.
As if on cue both women let go of the bunched bottoms letting them
crumple to the floor as they laughed.
"Well, at least the top covers everything right?" Jessie laughed as she
stepped out of the pile and sat down on the couch.

"Don't bother on my account." Jack laughed.

Susan did the same, tossing the bottoms behind the couch. "I have to
be a little more careful, I'm taller than you, you know. But it'll do."

Jack posed as if modeling his, his slightly swollen cock pushed

against the soft material. "Well mine fit just fine; I don't know what you're
complaining about."

"Well I know what you're NOT complaining about Jack." Susan joked
as she pulled the pajama top down to cover herself.

"Say, where do we sleep tonight? Are they bringing in cots or

something? It'll be like camping." Jessie said as she looked around,
planning where she might sleep.

"Didn't you know?" Susan said as she reached down to pull her pretty
young colleague up from the couch. Once Jessie was standing, Susan
reached under the seat of the couch and pulled on a hidden lever. The couch
unfolded with a creak to reveal a kind sized bed. Susan then pointed to the
armchair sitting at an angle to the couch. "That folds out too. I figured the
girls will take the bed and you can take the single Jack. Pillows and
blankets are over there."

Jessie pulled out blankets, sheets, and pillows tossing the smaller set
to Jack for his bed. Jack just piled his stuff on top of the chair for the time
being. Susan and Jessie made the bed and climbed in. Susan patted the next
to her for Jack to join them. Jack circumspectly sat down on top of the
blankets as they turned to the TV as the news began.
Make Her Squirt
"Concern is growing about the spread of what is being dubbed the
S3X1 virus and authorities are calling for people to stay home and avoid
contact with others as much as possible. Experts so far have not determined
the method of transmission but are recommending hand washing and
wearing a mask if one has to leave the house." The pretty blonde news
presenter read from her teleprompter doing her best to present a serious
looking pout. "Symptoms start as a sharp increase in libido followed by
manic behavior. Once infected, the sick then appear to quickly lapse into a
coma, followed by death a number of hours later."

The camera switched over to her partner, Richard, a serious looking

middle aged man with just the right amount of grey at his temples to look
trustworthy. Richard continued gravely.

"If you meet anyone exhibiting symptoms one should avoid physical
contact, and at all costs, avoid sexual contact with them. If a family member
becomes infected it is best for all family members to remain in a different
area of the household and to call authorities. Public health vans will be
driving through neighborhoods distributing tranquilizers to help deal with
infected individuals during their manic symptom phase."

The picture switched to the blonde reporter again. Crystal Connors

was only in her twenties but had risen fast in the television station to
become co-anchor of the news partly because of her great reporting, but
largely because of her great breasts and her ability to look both sexy and
serious at the same time.

"Reports are trickling in from around the world about similar

infections. Sources in the US, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Germany,
and most of the western world are confirming similar odd behavior." She
paused, swallowing heavily and licking her lips. She faced the other camera
and continued. "It sounds like health officials in all countries are scrambling
to come up with a cure or treatment for the condition. The British Minister
of Health stated in a press conference that he expected to have a treatment
to begin distribution in a matter of days."

"Liar!" Susan yelled at the television. "We have a bloody treatment!

He just doesn't want to admit it! Hopefully natural urges will take care of
most people, but it's going to be bloody terrible. Ugh, change the channel
would you?"

Jack turned the channel to some science fiction show where a group
of young and attractive scientists chase after aliens and dinosaurs to save

"Do you suppose it's gone?" Jessie asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" Susan replied.

"The desire, you know, to have sex. Do you think it's cured? I would
sure love to feel that bliss again.” She paused for a second. “Shit, I sound
like an addict."

"I don't know. We haven't had any symptoms in about six hours, but
our samples still show the active virus in our systems. I don't think we're
done, I just haven't a clue how it may manifest itself again." Susan stared at
the screen for the rest of the show.

"Actually, now that you mention it," Susan spoke up as the credits
rolled. "I can pretty much guarantee that we'll see the virus reassert itself."

"How can you tell?" Jessie asked expectantly, thoughts of the bliss
tugging at her mind.

"Well, I've been diddling my clit for the past five minutes." Susan said
with a shudder and a deep breath. "I really can't help myself, I'm quite
horny. In fact, I bring it up, because I’m going to cum soon." She closed her
eyes and gasped, a shiver making her move about.

Jack felt his cock start to rise at the thought of the pretty brunette in
sexual need, playing with herself just inches from him. He now saw that she
had somehow managed to quietly pull her knees up and spread her legs, and
her hand could be seen moving under the blanket.

"Do you need some assistance?" Jack asked hopefully. He certainly

relished the idea of sliding his newly enlarged cock inside his very
attractive boss.

"You too Jack?" Susan watched as his cock hardened against the thin
pajama material, its outline clearly visible.

"No, not as such. Well, I don't think so anyway." Jack tried to explain.
"Well for god's sake Susan, you're sitting not three inches from me
masturbating. What effect do you think it'll have on me?"

"Just seeing that monster again is having an effect on me, I can tell
you that." Jessie said as she too stared at his thick erection. "But I'm not
feeling compelled, not yet anyway. If you keep showing that thing off
though I can't guarantee."

"What do you need us to do Susan?" Jack asked seriously. The sexual

tension in the room had become suddenly palpable as the doctor, no longer
feeling the need to hide her masturbation, allowed herself to give in to her

"Nothing yet, I mean, maybe give me a snuggle so I don't feel as

weird, but I want to ride it out. And I want to maybe try a few things if one
of you starts showing symptoms. But Jack, I hope you won't mind taking
care of me when I get to that point." Susan said breathlessly, her eyes half
closed as she writhed in self-pleasure.

"You won't have to ask me twice Susan, gladly." He said as he absent

mindedly ran his hand along his hardening erection.

"Well come on then, give us a snuggle." Susan moved over closer to

Jack, and put her head against his shoulder while Jessie moved close to her
boss, putting one arm behind her, the other gently holding the bottom of
Susan's thigh. "Oh yes, that's it, oh that feels nice. I think I'm going to cum
Susan closed her eyes with a smile on her face. After a few seconds
her brow furrowed and her expression changed. Her lips parted as she
began to take sharp intakes of air and make little whimpering noises. After a
few more seconds she began to jerk, her mouth opened into a silent 'O' and
her brows raised up as she came, her fingers flying under the covers. A big
smile spread across her generous mouth as she took some deep breaths.

"Oh, that was a good one, thank you." She finally said as she looked
at her friends with glazed dilated eyes. "Oh Jack, that looks so tempting. I
don't know how long I'll be able to resist." she said as she reached out with
damp fingers to touch his hard cock. The simple touch made it jump.

"Sorry Jack, mustn't touch. Not yet anyway." She said with a wink,
her sense of humor showing through. She turned to Jessie with a gleam in
her eye. "But you..."

"Me? What about me?"

"Didn't you know?" Susan said with a big grin. "I'm bisexual. That's
why my husband and I are swingers. We both love to fuck beautiful young
women, like you."

Susan leaned over and kissed her young assistant. Initially caught by
surprise, Jessie began to kiss her back. A quiet moan escaped the girl's lips
as the two parted. Jessie pulled herself closer to the older woman, curling
up with her, her hand exploring the woman's thigh.

"I didn't know..." Jessie whispered as she kissed Susan again.

The brunette looked at the young woman in her arms; her eyes were
alight with desire for the girl's tight young body. She slid her hand down
Jessie's taut belly and between her thighs. The young woman spread her
legs to the touch. Susan ran her fingers over the girl's hard clit, along her
moist labia and slid a finger into her warm wet opening.

"You're so wet." Susan kissed the girl again, their tongues dancing.
"Do you need to bliss too?"
"No, not yet anyway..." Jessie answered with a gasp of pleasure.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Jessie... I thought..." Susan started to pull back,
slowly sliding her finger from the girl's wet pussy. Jessie reached out and
held her wrist gently.

"No you don’t, don't you stop now." She whispered as she guided
Susan's hand back between her legs. She arched her back and moaned as
Susan slid two fingers into her pussy, her touch expertly finding the girl’s
G-spot. "Oh god that feels good, yeah, right there..."

"I didn't know you were bisexual." Susan said as she licked the girl's
lips before kissing her again.

"I'm not..." Susan said breathlessly, her body straining with pleasure.
"Yes, don't stop, I'm going to cum... oh god... oh god..."

"I know." Susan purred as she stimulated the young woman into a
mind blowing orgasm, her pussy gushing on her hand. She kept finger
fucking Jessie slowly as she came, prolonging and intensifying her orgasm.
As the girl recovered, Susan brought her now dripping fingers up to her lips
and licked them, then kissed Jessie, letting her taste her own juices. Sliding
her finders deep inside the athletic black woman she quickly started to bring
her to another orgasm.

"Oh shit, you're doing it again! Oh fuck I'm cumming! Oh fuck yes!"
Jessie leaned her head back in a wail of pleasure, her body wracked with
strong orgasmic contractions as she pushed her pussy hard against Susan's
expert hand.

"Oh my god that was amazing!' Jessie gushed as she finally

recovered, the glow of her back-to-back orgasms making her skin shine a
rich brown. She felt Susan stimulate her G-spot again and the growing
pressure of another oncoming orgasm. "Oh shit, oh shit, what're you doing,
are you trying to make me explode?"

"Actually yes, I want you to cum in my mouth, but I want you really
horny to do it." Susan said with a big smile. "Both times you came you
squirted all over my hand, this time I'm going to make you cum so hard
you'll shoot across the room, or more to the point, into my mouth. I want to
see if the bliss can be triggered mono-sexually, or if it requires both sexes.
And I want to taste you, badly."

Jessica was in no position to argue as she quickly succumbed to

Susan's touch. The brunette threw the light blue blanket off the pretty black
girl and positioned herself beneath her without missing a stroke. Jessie held
her calves, pulling her legs back and spreading herself wide. Unable to
speak, she just watched as the pressure to cum overwhelmed her.

"That's it, cum for me, just let go." Susan egged her on, increasing her
pressure, using her other hand to press against the black girl's shaved pubic

"Fuck, it’s happening to me again! I need to bliss now, oh god I want

to bliss so badly. Fuck me Sue, fucking make me cum all over you!" Jessica
cried out as the overwhelming need hit her suddenly. Her body shook as she
let the brunette take her over the precipice. She felt her whole core contract
rhythmically as she came, her body exploding in pleasure as she watched a
stream, no, a geyser erupt from her pussy into the air.

Susan cried out in surprise and delight as Jessie came, her pussy
shooting easily as high as her head. Quickly she put her face between the
girl's slim muscular thighs and eagerly lapped up her clear sweet-tasting
cum. Unable to control herself, she reached between her own legs to rub her
clit as she came, finally falling forward between Jessie's legs, and into her
arms. The two women kissed passionately for a minute or two afterwards.

It was Susan that finally broke the embrace and pushed up on her
arms enough to look at her partner. "So? Good?"

"Yes, god I feel brilliant right now; that was amazing." Jessie beamed,
her eyes gleaming with pleasure. “Did you, you know? You look fairly

"No. I mean I came, but certainly not blissing.” Susan said with a
"I love the term Blissing, I think we should make that official!” Jessie
said as she brushed Susan’s hair from her face.

“I do feel kind of buzzed, kind of like I'm floating a little.” Susan said
as she stared into Jessie’s brown eyes.

"Funny, I had that feeling earlier when I took care of Jack, but neither
of us needed to Bliss." Jessie pulled Susan back down to kiss her, enjoying
the feeling of the other woman's large breasts pressed against her smaller

"Wait, when did you take care of Jack?" Susan lifter her head, a huge
Cheshire cat grin split her pretty face.

"When you were on the phone, he, ah, kind of needed some help with
a big hard problem." Jessie said with a big conspiratorial smile. "I sucked
him off and he came in my mouth. God does he cum. I felt like I'd just
taken a big bong hit, ah, not that I'd know what that felt like."

"Say ladies..." Jack interjected, clearing his throat. "Speaking of

needing some help with a hard problem..."
Cum Drunk
Both women looked at their male companion, forgotten in their
unbridled lust. Jack sat in the corner of the couch, his pajama top discarded,
and his rock hard cock sticking out of the bottoms. The massive organ
twitched, sending a stream of pre-cum from the slit on top of the fat head to
slide down the shaft and over his sizable balls.

"Oh Jack, I'm so sorry." Susan sat up and slowly unbuttoned her
pajama top and discarding it to reveal her large firm breasts. She cupped
them and pinched her hard pink nipples. "I really am, but I think we might
be able to make up for it, right Jessica?"

Jessie pulled her top off to reveal the rest of her slim muscular body;
her eyes glistened with desire as she looked at the heavily veined cock.
"Definitely. Now that I need to Bliss I need cock, and you have the best one
I've ever seen."

Susan crawled over to him and straddled his knees, moving closer to
him, her breasts swaying. She leaned down and slowly ran her tongue up
the length of his thick shaft, licking the pre-cum, swallowing it with a wink
as she flicked the head with the end of her tongue.

"Oh, that tastes so good Jack, it makes me feel warm all over. There's
definitely something going on with your cum." She spoke with a slight slur
to her words. Jack noticed a languid look in her eyes, and dilating pupils.
She continued to crawl over him until she straddled him, rubbing her warm
pussy against his rigid shaft. "Do you need to Bliss too?"

"No, I'm just so fucking horny from watching you two for the last
fucking half-hour!" Jack said as he pressed against her, his cock shooting
another small jet of pre-cum. "Fuck, it keeps doing that."

"Jack, it's so much bigger, and it cums so much more than a normal
man's that this must be some sort of enhanced ejaculate that goes with it."
Susan said before sliding down and slipping the cock into her mouth,
nestling the large shaft between her warm breasts. Jack moaned and slid his
cock between her firm flesh and into her mouth. "God, I'm getting high just
from this. I really want you to cum in me Jack. I really want you to fuck me
so I can Bliss."

"What about me?" Jessie exclaimed as she slid in next to her boss
eagerly taking his cock into her mouth. "I need to bliss too Jack. Wow, it
does taste really good."

Jack moaned and thrust his hard cock between the two eager mouths.
He could really get used to this. Two beautiful women who absolutely
craved his cock, what man could want more? "I'll be happy to take care of
both of you, I promise. But I think in fairness Susan has been craving longer
so she may need relief first."

"Fine." Jessica said with a mock disdain. She would do anything for
Jack's cock, including letting another woman have it first. Savoring one
long last suck on the glorious erection she relented, even encouraged Susan
by sliding her fingers down the woman's back, between her ass cheeks,
making sure to press against her asshole as she slid them by, and finally
slipping them into the woman's wet pussy.

Susan moaned and kissed Jack, stroking his huge cock, as Jessie
fingered her pussy. "Fuck I need to cum; I need your cock Jack." Unable to
resist his hard flesh, Susan climbed on top of the huge organ and slowly
impaled herself on it. "Oh god... it's so big... You're like a fucking, ugh,
horse, Jack..."

She lowered herself, her tight pussy slowly accommodating his bulk
until she managed to fit half of his thick shaft into her body before she had
to relent and raise herself up with a deep moan. Jessie took the opportunity
to slide in and lick Jack's hard shaft, massaging his balls as she did.
Working her way up she let her tongue tease Susan's stretched pussy, and
flick her ass. Susan moaned as she started to fuck Jack, the huge cock
slowly working deeper into her tight wet pussy.

Jessie knelt next to the pair, occasionally leaning in to kiss Jack or

Susan, or to tease one of them with her tongue, rather enjoying the effect
she was having on them. She also loved to stroke the base of Jack's huge
cock as her boss fucked herself on it.

Susan reared up, pushing her breasts against Jack's mouth, urging his
to suck on her hard nipple. Holding herself up, she fucked just the tip of
Jack's thick cockhead until she couldn't hold back any longer and impaled
herself on his entire length and bringing herself to an orgasm. This caused
her to cry out in ecstasy as she ground her pussy hard against him.

"I need you to cum Jack, I need your cum, I need to Bliss..." She
gasped, her forehead pressed against his, their lips gently brushing. Her
tempo increased as she rode the massive cock, its girth filling her pussy in
ways she'd never imagined, driving her wild with uncontrollable need. "Oh
god fuck me! Cum for me, cum in my pussy, oh fuck I'm... oh god... oh...
oh... Oh god yes!"

Susan drover herself to orgasm again, her warm wet pussy

rhythmically massaging Jack's cock until it started to pump cum up the
thick shaft and deep into her body. Seconds after his cum hit her she felt the
inexorable glow of the Bliss overtake her. She clung to Jack, her body
wracked with intense contractions of pleasure as she slowly rode his jerking
cock, each cum fueled contraction a new intense wave of pleasure.

"Oh god Jack, yes, yes, oh fuck that feels so good. Oh fuck I love
your cum, I love your cock..." Susan murmured, slurring, as the Bliss took
hold. She could have held him all night like this, his massive cock filling
her body, every little movement sending waves of intense pleasure through
her. She felt soft lips on hers, and the smell of perfume. It took a moment to
realize it was Jessie kissing her, gently drawing her away from Jack.

"Come on babe, time to share." Jessie said seductively while she

stroked Susan's hair.

"But I like his cock Jessie, It's still really big and hard." Susan said,
enthralled by the pretty young women. As much as she didn't want to lose
the big cock buried in her pussy, she was having a hard time resisting Jessie.
Everything felt so good right now. "OK, wait, OK, but you have to eat my
"What? You really are stoned." She opined as she helped Susan crawl
off Jack's hard erection and lie down on the bed.

Susan lay back languidly looking lovingly at Jessica, running her

hands over her breasts with a sigh of pleasure. "No, really, I want you to eat
my pussy, and make sure you swallow some of Jacks wonderful cum."

"You're serious." Jessica was intrigued and turned on by the idea. But
she was driven by her overwhelming need for a hard cock in her dripping
wet pussy. She turned to Jack.

"What? Yeah, we need to see if it's his cum or his cock." Susan
reached down and spread her pussy, playing with her erect clit. "Please it'll
just take a second, feel free to lick me clean if you enjoy it."

"It makes sense Jessie, go ahead, I'll take care of you." Jack climbed
up on one knee, stroking his still hard cock.

Jessie felt completely at Jack's will, whatever he wanted she would

do. She knelt down between Susan's thighs thrusting her ass in the air for
Jack, and began to lap at Susan's cum filled pussy. After only a few seconds
the black girl was eagerly licking her coworker, and moaning with pleasure.

"Does it make you cum?" Susan asked as she too moaned in pleasure,
her hips gyrating to the girl's talented tongue. "Because it's going to make
me cum."

"No, not quite, but it makes me feel so good." She leaned up on her
arms and looked back at Jack's cock longingly. "I need that cock Jack, I
need to Bliss."

Jack was happy to oblige. Lining his huge erection against her wet
pink opening he applied a steady pressure, pushing his way into her tight
tunnel. As the thick ridge of his cockhead slid into her pussy Jessie's arms
collapsed under her and she nearly came. Gasping in ecstasy she hugged
Susan's thigh.
"Oh yeah, god, fuck me Jack, deeper... deep! Ugh! God, you're going
to make me cum!" Jessie cried as her pussy contracted, pushing Jack's thick
cock out of her tight opening as she squirted. She pushed back against him,
unable to focus as she came though, and ended up with Jack's cock sliding
between her firm ass cheeks and along her tight pink asshole. As she
recovered she quickly remounted the massive cock.

While Susan's pussy felt like a form fitting glove around his cock,
holding him and gently stroking him with every thrust. Jessie felt tight all
around, firmly gripping every inch of his cock, urging him to fuck her,
urging him to cum. He wanted to fuck her faster, but just couldn't, she was
too tight. It only took another minute or two of thrusting from his thick cock
to bring her to another orgasm. This time Jack's almost foot long shaft was
buried to the root in her tight body. She almost passed out as her pussy
contracted around the huge shaft.

"Fuck me you're big, you feel bigger than earlier if that's even fucking
possible." Jessie moaned, her entire body shaking. Jack helped her to lie
down on her side as he positioned himself straddling one of her thighs and
pushing her other leg up. Susan grabbed the opportunity to slide down and
suck on his cock while he positioned Jessie. She then spread the black girl’s
labia and positioned Jack's massive meat into her opening.

With a groan Jack pushed, his cock easily sliding into her tight
channel. Jessie reacted by arching her back and crying out in pleasure.
Holding onto her firm thigh he started to ride her, sliding his huge cock
deep and pulling back until just the fat ridge of his cockhead remained
buried in her. Susan joined in, licking and teasing Jessica's hard clit, quickly
bringing the woman to a shuddering orgasm just as Jack’s thick shaft started
to twitch, pulsing and bending as it shot thick loads of cum into her.

"Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah!" Jessie cried, her eyes wide with
ecstasy as the huge cock filled her. Her eyes glistened as she looked up, the
drug effect of the virus coursing through her. "Oh yeah... yeah... oh yeah it
feels so good... Oh god I love you Jack... Fuck yeah..." She said, her voice
becoming slurred. She writhed with pleasure as Jack slowly fucked her,
enjoying the afterglow of his own orgasm until he felt Susan's hand on his
cock. Looking down into her dark dilated eyes he pulled his cock slowly
from the slim young woman, watching as an overflow of cum oozed after
him, and groaning in pleasure as Susan licked his cock clean.

Finally he lay back after what turned out to be over an hour of hard
fucking, tired. "I'm knackered girls, I'm turning in." He lay where he was,
not wanting to climb out and make his chair into a bed. Neither of the girls
was in any condition to protest so he just climbed under the light blanket,
pulling it up to his waist. His cock, finally softening, still showed its thick
outline against the material. He closed his eyes as Susan snuggled up and
put her head on his chest, Jessie laying out on her back snoring at the other
side of the convertible bed.

Yawning, Jack put his arm around Susan and settled down to sleep.
Or he would have had he not felt the sudden sensation of his cock
engorging with blood. It hardened and pressed against her warm flesh.
"Fuck" he murmured under his breath. "Fuck for an hour and a half, and
now I need to bliss."

He looked over at the women, both were sound asleep, he must have
dozed off for a few minutes. But the overwhelming urge would not be
resisted, and he pushed his cock against his shapely boss. Susan stirred and
looked at him with sleepy eyes. She appeared to be still blissing. Without
even asking she seemed to know his need, and gently took his hard cock in
her mouth, her head resting on his stomach. She gently started to stroke his
cock with her hand, licking the underside of his cock with her tongue. Jack's
breathing quickly increased as he gently fucked her warm mouth. It only
took a few minutes before Jack moaned quietly, his turgid cock shooting
jets of cum into Susan's mouth. The senior scientist eagerly swallowed his
load, moaning in returned pleasure as she began to bliss again.

Sucking his cock dry she absently let it slip from her lips, stoned,
happy, contented, at least for tonight. Jack laid there, his mind wandering
through the fog of ecstasy as he drifted off to sleep.
Can’t Resist It
"I need to fuck!" Went through Jack's mind as he woke with a raging
hard-on. Opening his eyes he was relieved, and very happy, to see the two
women sitting at the edge of the table giggling and kissing while they
looked at a computer tablet. As he stirred they both turned to him with the
unbridled need to Bliss in their eyes.

"Bloody time you woke up, I don't think we could have waited much
longer!" Jessie teased as both she and Susan crawled over to him. "You
don't mind if we both suck your cock do you? We're pretty far along, and
we've already cum four or five times. We're going to explode if we don’t

Susan didn't need an answer; Jack's moan as she took his swollen
cock into her mouth told her everything she needed to know. Jessie joined
her and Jack had the enviable view of both women sliding their warm wet
mouths along his cock, taking turns sucking on the fat cockhead. It wasn't
long before Jack was eagerly thrusting between their two mouths, his cock
slippery with spit, Susan's hand tightly grasping his shaft. "C'mon Jack, give
it to us..." Susan purred as she felt his balls tighten up and the thick stream
cum rise the length of the shaft. Jack's thick cock spurted a huge fountain of
cum easily three feet into the air to land on the girls and him. Jessie was
first to slip her lips around his throbbing rod, sucking down a couple of
loads of cum before ceding it to Susan to do the same. Both girls moaned as
the cum hit their system, and the wave of Bliss over took them. Jack felt the
same warm feeling of ecstasy float over him as he lay there enjoying the
eager slurping of his coworkers.

Jack lay there for a few minutes cuddling with his giggly partners as
they talked about the blue of the blanket, and why do they always use blue,
and Susan's green eyes. Both girls were totally stoned. Jack, on the other
hand, felt slightly more lucid as he got up and made his way to the shower.
Sure, he was stoned, but he seemed to be more functional. He climbed
under the hot spray and enjoyed the sensation of the hot water on his skin.
In his state of mind the sensation was amazing. The feeling of the water
running down his body and over his cock felt so good that it started to
harden again. He moved his soapy hand to meet it, stroking his quickly
thickening shaft. He came twice more, shooting against the glass, before the
bathroom door opened.

He watched as Susan entered the bathroom. Her curvaceous body

enticed him to stroke his cock harder. She brushed back her hair and had a
drink of water before turning to look at Jack. He looked back, her large
breasts firmly holding his attention, her hips swaying as she walked over
towards the shower.

"Mind if I join you? I'm feeling rather sticky." She said with a
bemused smile as she looked at his hard cock. Desire crossed her features as
she stepped into the large glass enclosed shower without waiting for his
reply. Stepping forward like the star of a wet dream Susan put her arms
around Jack's neck and kissed him. Her tongue teased his as she reached
down and stroked his soapy cock, holding it between their bodies. Jack
couldn't resist her touch and slowly slid his erection between them.

"I'm not normally like this..." Susan said breathlessly as she broke the
kiss. Taking the soapy sponge she squeezed soap over her breasts, letting it
slide down her sleek stomach and between her thighs then rubbing it over
Jack's body. "I mean I like sex and all, but Jack, as soon as you get hard I
can’t resist the urge to fuck you. It's like what Jessie described yesterday."

Jack was listening, but he was more intent with running his hands
over her soap slicked tits, eliciting oohs of pleasure from his busty boss.
"You mean other than when you're driven by the need to bliss?"

"Yes, like the need to Bliss, but different. It's like I become a cock
slut. I can't resist it Jack." She turned around and pushed her soapy ass
against his erection, sliding it between her cheeks. "Oh yeah, grab my tits.
Yeah, like that. Fuck. So all I want to do is have your cock. I think I'd do
just about anything you asked Jack."

Jack slid his hard cock between her ass cheeks, groaning at the
sensation of his cockhead slipping between her firm flesh. "Is it horny?
Loving? God you have a fantastic body Susan, I never realized how good."
He reached down between her legs and started stimulating her with his

"Oh fuck Jack, don't stop. And you're cock feels so good rubbing
against my bum." Susan moaned, her knees almost giving way as he rubbed
her clit. She thought about her feelings toward Jack. "I don't know, I feel
safe, desired, almost, well, subservient I guess. Oh yes, fuck, right there!"

"Like an alpha primate?" Jack asked he fingered his boss to orgasm.

Susan shook, her legs buckling as she squirted in the shower. Jack kept
fingering her pussy as she came, pushing his hard cock against her ass.

"Oh god Jack, that was amazing." Susan said as she sank to her knees
in front of him. "I can't stand up my legs are shaking so much."

She looked up at his huge erection with what could almost be

described as adoration. She stroked the thick shaft with both hands, passing
them over the fat mushroom of a cockhead. Grabbing the bottle of shower
soap she squirted some liberally on her breasts, and into her hand. Working
up more lather on Jack's cock and balls, she leaned forward and cradled his
erection in her cleavage, pressing her breasts together as Jack thrust
between them.

"Maybe it's pheromones. If the Bliss virus makes me put out

pheromones when I'm aroused that might account for your behavior." He
was going to cum. Hell; just watching his cock slide between her big tits
was enough to make him cum.

Susan could feel him tense, ready to cum. She wrapped both hands
around his rock hard shaft, or at least as far around as they would reach, and
stroked him. "Come on Jack, cum on me, cum all over me. I want to feel
you on me!" Jack moaned; a thick stream of cum pumping from the huge
tense organ and into the air. Susan smiled as she stroked him, load after
load, first onto her breasts, then a load in her mouth and across her cheek,
pumping, stroking, until he was satiated.

"I don't know what it is." Susan said as she took a break from sucking
his cock. She still stroked his semi-hard erection and rubbed it across her
face. "But I really love your cock Jack. It's so big, and long, and fat. It’s the
most wonderful thing I can think of."

"Ah, you'd best stop that unless you want to go through this all
again." Jack said as he felt the blood start to return to his cock. "Apparently
my refractory period is now measured in minutes, if not seconds."

"Hmm, tempting for sure, but we do have work to do, and breakfast
should be here soon." Susan slowly stood up, hesitantly letting go of his
organ, and started to wash her shoulder length dark red hair. "Jessie and I
did a little shopping before you got up."

"Oh? I thought we were cut off." Jack said as he rinsed himself off,
trying not to get too distracted by his coworkers stunning body.

"Protocol." Susan leaned back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair,
the water cascading down her large breasts as she leaned back into the
water. "We may not be able to call outside but, in our case anyway, we can
certainly order in from the control desk. Jessie and I ordered breakfast and
lunch, we figured we could decide on dinner later. And we ordered some
clothes, maybe not the best choises given the state of mind we were in. And
we ordered an GameBox."

"A video game? Why on earth would you order a video game, did you
need a fix of Team Battlefield Six or something?" Jack slid on a pair of
scrubs, his flaccid but still thick cock outlined in the still too tight crotch.

"Jessie had an idea, brilliant if it works; we'll see if they give it to us

first." Susan stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel just
as Jessie staggered into the bathroom.

"Morning." She mumbled, still recovering from her bliss. "Breakfast

just arrived... Hey, you two were totally shagging in here, weren't you? I can
tell by the big Cheshire Cat grins the pair of you have on. Wankers could've
invited me. I have to pee now if you perverts will excuse me."
I Need It Hard
The trio enjoyed a very well prepared breakfast featuring scrambled
eggs, sausage, toast and jam, and pancakes with authentic Canadian maple
syrup. They took their time savoring the tasty food while they discussed the

"I haven't been able to even think about looking at the news." Jessie
said in between bites. "I just know it's going to be horrid. The fact that we're
still in here means that there are people dying out there."

"It's so frustrating." Susan said as she popped a big forkful of pancake

into her mouth. "Let's talk about something else, like Jack's cock. So Jack,
how much bigger would you say it is than previous?"

"Um, well, I didn't really measure it before, but I'd say I was a fairly
average bloke in that department so, well, it's probably almost twice as long
as before, and certainly much, much thicker." Jack said, a little embarrassed
to be talking about his genitals at the breakfast table, despite what had gone
on the past twenty four hours.

"It's fucking huge is what it is." Jessie chimed in. "I don't know if I'll
ever be able to go back. I hope all the fellows got a new big one like Jack's."

"Well, if they did, they haven't mentioned it in the news." Susan said.
"I'm pretty sure it would have warranted a mention. Something subtle like:
On the plus side Jeremy, all the infected men are now hung like a horse.
Yippee for our team!"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right." Jessie conceded. "We'll just have to

keep Jack all to ourselves. Oh, and of course Kara too. You know, with my
newfound appreciation of lesbian sex, thank you Susan, I wouldn't mind a
go at her at all."

"Jessica, can you describe the feelings that led you yesterday to, you
know, suck on Jack's cock while he spoke to his wife?" Susan asked
"Well, I don't know really..." Jessie paused, thinking back, becoming
slightly aroused at the memory. "I mean I saw it there, it's pretty visually
stunning isn't it. And all of a sudden I just wanted it so much, I wanted him
so much. It's not like the bliss, but it was like horny in a can. I remember a
really masculine presence to him, almost animal. And then before I thought
about it I was on my knees in heaven."

"I was the same way just now. No offense Jack, I mean you're
attractive enough, but when I saw you in the shower you were more than a
bit of alright." Susan shifted in her seat thinking about her steamy
encounter. "You were absolutely irresistible. I mean, sure, I was still under
the influence of the bliss, but I couldn't resist. We need to experiment with
this a little; it may point to some sort of pheromones or something."

"Oh, I'll volunteer!" Jessie said with a big grin.

"Well, let's see if we can get some work done first, and we should
probably check out the news to see what's going on in the outside world."
Susan switched on the TV. "Besides, if this thing is at all predictable, we'll
need to bliss around lunch time."

News reports on the television were grim. Hospital wards were

overflowing, and a growing number of people seemed to be dying. The
official message from the government, at least the UK and US governments,
was to avoid contact, especially sexual contact with the infected. Susan and
Jessie wept, holding each other, and leaning on Jack in frustration.

"OK, enough crying." Susan finally declared through her own tears.
"We need to get at it to see if we can find out more about this thing, and
maybe find a cure or a treatment. Jessica, please check the cultures from
yesterday to see if there were any positive results. Jack, please check out the
Internet to see if we can glean any trends or clues from news reports,
bloggers, I don't know, even fucking YouTube. I'm going to start collating
the data we have, and I'm going to set up workbooks for us to record our
sexual state every fifteen minutes."

The three spent the next few of hours on their tasks before
regrouping. When the airlock indicator cycled through Susan went to
collect the lunch tray and the packages the girls had requested earlier in the
morning. Gathering the other two in the lounge corner Susan handed out
booklets to the others.

"Here you go. Your sex diaries." She opened the booklet to show
them the grid form to write down the time, sexual state, and any other notes.
"Obviously some will have to be filled out after we finish blissing, I'm not
sure how much good we'd do when we're so high."

She reached for the packages underneath the cart. "Oh goody, they did
send the GameBox, I wasn't sure they would. Do you really think this will
work Jessie?"

"I'm sure they have all the regular communication ports blocked. You
know, VoIP, messenger programs, the usual. And I'm sure they're sure they
have them all blocked too. But I think I know a way to get a message out.
At least if Rolly is still alive... and listening." Jessie paused somberly for a
moment. "Who am I kidding, he's shagging anything that moves, I know
him. And when he's not he'll be online. Did the clothes come?"

Susan handed a wrapped package to each of them. "Looks like it, I

can't believe they didn't even question it. We were so horny needing to Bliss
when we ordered these!" She said with a big grin as she headed to her
office. "I'm getting changed."

"I can't believe we're going to do this." Jessie added with a giggle as
she took her package to bathroom to change.

When she returned the athletic black woman was dressed in a tight
red spandex tank top that showed of her pert breasts, her strong torso, slim
hips. Below she wore skin-tight black yoga pants that clung to her shapely
booty, and her muscular legs.

At the same time Susan appeared from her office in a similar outfit.
Clinging tightly to her large breasts was a dark blue spandex T-shirt. On the
bottom she wore a dark grey pants that hugged her every curve. She walked
right over to Jessie and embraced her, running her hands over the younger
woman's firm ass. "You're right, these are so comfortable! And you look
amazing, very sexy."

Jessie ran her hands over her boss' large firm breasts as she snuggled
closer to the taller woman. "You too. I can't believe I never appreciated
women before. We're not going to get much work done like this."

"You can say that again." Jack added as he watched the two women
embrace. He had also changed and wore a tight T-shirt similar to the
women's, one that showed off his lean muscled frame. Below the waist
though he wore tight synthetic pants. His semi-rigid cock was clearly
outlined down one leg. It twitched and lengthened as the women watched.

Both women giggled as they touched each other. "He seems to have a
problem Dr. Spears. Perhaps we should treat him?" Jessie said with a laugh.

"Yes, yes we should, but hold on a second. So far I'm only minimally
interested." Susan said as she thought aloud. "Sure, I'm enticed by his huge
cock growing for me, but I'm not feeling compelled. Hold on a moment."

Susan ran over to the supply cabinet and pulled out a pair of breathing
filters. She handed one to Jessie and put hers over her mouth and nose.
Jessie followed, already catching up to Spears' train of thought. "You want
to see if the effect of his is an airborne pheromone."

"Exactly." Susan said brightly. Turning to Jack she shrugged. "Sorry

Jack, we're going to see how long we can hold out, but I need you to keep

"With those outfits it probably won't be very difficult." Jack said.

"No, I mean I want you really aroused. I suspect there'll be a

connection with any pheromone output. So if you could just, ah..."

"What?" Jack shrugged for a moment before staring at her. "Really

"I'm afraid so Jack, we need you rock hard and ready without our
help, at least to begin the test." Susan said with a poorly hidden grin.
"Jessie, current status? Are you feeling unusually aroused or drawn to Jack?
Any symptoms of Bliss?"

Jessie stared as Jack pulled his huge cock out from the pants and
slowly stroked it. "Cor blimey, I could do with a piece of that, but no,
nothing I can't deal with, and no need to Bliss." She kept staring as Jack's
fingers moved along his thick shaft.

"Me neither. Keep your mask on though, if I'm right you'll feel very
differently as soon as you take it off." Susan admired Jack's thick erection
as well, her arm around Jessie's waist. "That's a good boy Jack, keep

"Just wait'll you need to bliss, then I'll get you." Jack growled with a
smile. He stroked his hard cock, actually marveling at its sheer size. His
hand just made it around the thick, heavily veined shaft, and he could easily
use both hands to stroke it, with a good couple of inches still sticking out.
He watched as a thick pearl of pre-cum oozed from the large opening of the
thick rimmed cockhead. He groaned and looked up at the women. "Come
on, help a guy out here."

Both women looked at his cock, their hard nipples, Susan's obvious
blush, and the growing dark spot in Jessie's crotch made their desire
obvious. "So you're saying..." Jessie paused for dramatic effect. "We should
give you a hand?" Both girls burst out in laughter.

"Very funny." Jack grumbled as his cock jumped, a little spurt of pre-
cum flying straight up in the air. "Ugh, I was actually hoping for something
a little more substantial."

"I bet you were." Susan grinned as she turned to Jessie. "I want to try
something. Jessie, how would you feel about teasing our turgid friend here,
but put on some gloves, no skin to skin contact."

"Really? That sounds really cruel..." Jessie grabbed a pair of exam

gloves from one of the boxes before looking over her shoulder. "I love it!
What do you want me to do?"

"Well, why don't you start by maybe sitting on Jack's lap, touch him a
little, but remember, no skin contact." Susan said before turning sternly to
Jack. "Same goes for you, no touching! Let her do the work, you can keep
touching yourself as much as you like though."

Jack groaned, but kept stroking his hard shaft as he watched Jessie
approach him, her hips swaying seductively. "OK, no touching, as least as
long as I can resist. You are evil, you know that don't you?"

"I know." Susan smiled as she watched Jessie bend over and drape her
curly black hair over Jack's face. "Did I mention I'm a bit of a Dom when
the mood strikes me?

"I'm learning so much about you over the past day Susan." Jack
smiled, his eyes roving up and down her curves.

Jack inhaled Jessie's scent with a smile. He stopped stroking his cock
when Jesse reached down and ran her fingers along the length. He put his
hands at his side and watched the woman's athletic body move under the
tight clothing. Jessie turned around, running her hand along the tight
material as it stretched between her ass, slowly lowering herself to push his
hard meat against her flesh. Jack moaned in response and pushed his cock
even deeper into her cleft.

"Jessie, any changes?" Susan asked, making notes on her tablet.

"Yeah, I'm really wet and his cock feels brilliant against my ass."
Jessie said wryly. "But I know what you mean. No, no overpowering urges,
no need to bliss. I would like a good shag though."

"So you could, say, just stop and come over here and stand next to

"Yeah, sure." Jessie said, standing and leaving Jack alone and putting
her arms around Susan. Jack groaned, his hard cock twitching, another spurt
of pre-cum landing on his shirt.
"Agh, no fair!" Jack protested as he stroked his cock again. The
massive organ was rock hard, veins standing out against the shaft, the large
mushroom of a head swollen and flush. "Are you sure there's a point to this?
Or are you just torturing me?"

"Well, a bit of both really." Susan chuckled with a grin. "I do want to
test my pheromone theory, but I do so love to watch you wank that big cock
of yours. Oh well, so Jessie, symptoms?"

"I'm standing with you aren’t I?" Jessie bumped Susan with her hip
and laughed. "I'm horny as hell having that thing stuck between my cheeks,
but no need to Bliss and no overwhelming need for him. I would very much
like to get that in me though."

"You and me both. If my supposition is correct, we'll both be more

than eager to do just that." Susan said eyeing Jack's erection lustily. "OK
Jack, torture time is over. Jessie, why don't you take off your mask, take a
deep sniff, and see if you feel any different."

"Gladly." Jessie pulled the air filter mask off her face and shook her
head. Taking a big breath she looked over at Susan.

"Feel anything? Oh..." Susan asked. But as soon as the words left her
mouth she could see the change in Jessie. Jessie's large brown eyes fluttered
briefly and the irises dilated. Her full lips parted and her breathing
deepened. Susan watched as goose bumps appeared on her skin and her
nipples hardened and pressed against the tight material of her top.

"Oh fuck yeah..." Jessie groaned as she turned to look at Jack. She
tried to describe her state of mind as she stepped over to Jack, pulling off
her gloves. "Totally fucking horny, totally want his cock, a little light
headed, a little spacey, just really need his cock."

Reaching down Jessie stroked his huge erection with one hand while
trying to pull down her yoga pants with the other; she ended up with the
pants bunched at the knees, falling over on the couch next to Jack. She
shrieked in delight as Jack grabbed her legs and flipped her onto her back,
pushing her knees up against her chest. Grabbing his cock, he pressed
between her thighs and against her wet opening. Jessica let out a wail of
pleasure as his huge cock slowly entered her, stretching her pussy tight
around the shaft.

"Yeah yeah yeah, fuck me!" She cried as Jack started slowly sliding
his slick shaft in and out of her. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Fuck
yeah!" Her voice started to rise in pitch as Jack increased his tempo,
fucking her tight pussy. "Oh fuck yeah! Harder! Harder! Oh yeah I'm gonna
cum! Oh fuck yeah!"

Jessie shook, so close to orgasm, her body on fire. She felt the first
contraction of her pussy just as Jack pulled his huge cock out of her. He
held her legs as she bucked, her body trying to cum. She let out a loud
groan of sexual frustration. Jack ignored her and rubbed his hard shaft along
her wet pussy slit.

"Ugh, fuck! Jack!" She cried plaintively, her eyes rolling back as his
huge cock slid into her pussy again. "Ugh, yeah, make me cum Jack! Don't
be mean!"

"I told you I'd get you back." Jack grinned as he fucked her hard
again, bringing her up to the edge of orgasm. Jessica locked eyes with him,
her mouth open as she panted. Jack slowed down, seeing that she was about
to cum.

"No Jack, don't stop, fuck me Jack. I really have to cum." Jessie
pleaded with him. His slow deliberate fucking still brought her to the edge.
A smile crept across her face as her eye lost focus. "Ah yeah, oh, oh fuck
yes, I'm going to..."

Jack pulled his cock out of her tense and tight body just as her pussy
squirted a single splash, her moment missed again. Her entire body writhed
as it tried to cum, but Jack held her just enough to prevent her orgasm. She
arched her back and cried out in frustration.

"Jack no!" Jessie cried in frustration, her body shaking with need.
"Please Jack, fuck me with that glorious cock of yours and make me cum!"
"God this is hot!" Susan slightly muffled voice came from behind her
mask. She sat on one of the lunch chairs, eyes ablaze with excitement, feet
pulled up to the seat, her hand down her Spandex pants and into her pussy
masturbating. "You look like you're going to explode. Jack, play nice, let
the poor girl cum would you?"

Jack smiled and nodded, rubbing his hard cock against Jessie's ass
while he pulled her pants off, freeing her legs to spread. Kneeling a little
closer to her, he rubbed his cockhead against her hyper sensitive clit. Jessie
whimpered in pleasure and reached down to spread her pussy for Jack.
Sliding his massive cock into her warm wet folds he started to fuck her. She
put her hand around his neck and stared into his eyes, pleading for release.
Jack held her leg over his shoulder, bending her almost in half, as he drove
deep into her tight body.

Jessie's eyes began to lose focus and drift up, her body started to jerk
uncontrollably, she held Jack's head close to her. With guttural cries of
ecstasy she was completely overwhelmed by the most powerful orgasm she
had ever experienced. Her entire body spasmed as her pussy gushed around
Jack's huge invading cock. He pushed his cock deep inside her as he kissed
her. Jessie kissed him back, whimpering in pleasure until finally she had to
lean back, exhausted.

"Oh. My. God. Jack. That was amazing." Jessie panted, her fingers
rubbing her pussy and stroking Jack's shaft as it sat nestled in her folds.
"My whole body is buzzing. I'm not blissing, but I feel all warm and loved
like, definitely altered, high. Are you going to cum in me Jack?"

"Wait a minute! It's my turn." Susan pulled her fingers from between
her legs, they were wet. "I mean, well, we have the other half of the
experiment to perform right? And I suspect that, if I'm right, I'll need some
of that cock too. Even if I'm wrong, I'm bloody wound up from watching
you two go at it and I want some relief."

"What do you want me to do?" Jack asked. He watched his shapely

boss undress, she was careful not to knock her mask loose. He slowly
fucked Jessie making her eyes roll back as she moaned with pleasure.
Lastly Susan removed her surgical gloves and walked towards Jack.
"Well, I don't suppose you have to do anything as such. I just need to
touch you..." Susan started to say when Jack quickly reached out and
tweaked her nipple. "Jack! I suppose that'll do, but it might be too short a
contact... Oh... Oh my... No, that was enough..." Susan looked as the nipple
Jack had pinched hardened, followed quickly by the other. Just as Jessie
experienced, a wave of goose bumps moved across her skin. She felt her
pussy moisten as a driving desire for Jack's cock overwhelmed her. She
pulled off her air filter mask and licked her lips, her eyes glistening with
desire. "Oh Jack, I need you so much..."

She stepped towards Jack, her eyes roving over him until they settled
on his hard cock, half buried in Jessie. She started to touch and stroke his
half exposed shaft causing him to slowly thrust into Jessie in reaction. "Oh
wow, I mean, I've not felt like this really ever, I mean other than this
morning. I can't even think about anything other than you Jack, more to the
point, this..." She pulled his huge cock from her coworker's pussy and
promptly began to suck on the fat head, stroking the shaft with her hand.
She inhaled deeply with pleasure. "I feel strange, giddy, sort of foggy, I just
want to do anything to make you feel wonderful. I want your cum..."

"Oh?" Jack asked with a smile, an idea hatching in the back of his
mind. "So if I asked you to kneel at the foot of the couch and wait for me
you would?"

Susan shivered for a moment, her eyes flashed with sexual

excitement. "Well, I could say no, but I really want to do what you ask of
me." She squirmed, trying not to comply, but feeling the compulsion to
kneel down in front of Jack, her hands on her thighs, her head tilted slightly
down, and her eyes looking up expectantly. She watched Jack slide his
massive erection back into the lithe black girl. "I think this is the part where
you give me a reward for my good behavior?"

Jack pulled his long cock from Jessie's tight pussy with a wet sound,
followed by a soft sigh of loss from the girl. Sitting with his legs on either
side of Susan he stroked his cock, enjoying the way her eyes followed every
movement. "OK, you may lean forward and suck on my cock."
A tiny moan of pleasure escaped Susan's throat as she leaned towards
the huge cock. Planting her lips on the very tip she slowly slid her mouth
around the fat cockhead and the first inch or so of the shaft. Her cheeks
pulled in as she sucked, slowly raising her head back up until her lips rested
on the tip again. She then proceeded to lick the head, and slide it into her
mouth again. She continued until Jack pulled his cock from her mouth. He
gestured for Jessie to lean over and pick up where Susan had let off. She
eagerly attacked his cock with a moan, her fingers working her pussy hard.

"Jack, this is amazing, I'm dripping wet." Susan moved her hands up
and down her body, paying particular attention to her breasts. "I'm sexually
aroused by doing what you told me. I've seen it, I mean Michael and I are
swingers, I've seen almost everything. I've seen submissives that get off on
being controlled. But I've never been into that, and any time I tried it I was
only comfortable as the dominant one. I mean, you know me, I'm anything
but submissive."

"Too right." Jessie said as she came up for air, her eyes glazed, going
back down to lick the base of his cock.

"I'm showing complete submissive traits Jack." Susan said

introspectively. "Tell me to do something else, it feels so good."

"OK, well, I want you to stand up, walk around and eat Jessie's pussy
until she cums while she gets to suck me off." Jack said a little sternly, he
was rather enjoying this.

Susan smiled, obviously enjoying the sensation of obeying him. She

promptly stood up, making sure to lean her large breasts over Jack's face as
she did, and leaned over the side of the couch. She buried her face between
Jessie's thighs and started licking and sucking. It wasn't long before Jessie
was crying out in pleasure.

"You know she really becomes aggressive sucking my cock when you
eat her out. The harder you go, the harder she goes." Jack moaned as he
looked over at the beautiful brunette with her face buried.
Susan popped her head up, her face wet with Jessie's juices. "Shall I
lick her arse too then?"

"Hmm, yes Susan, I want you to stick your tongue in our young
friend's bum."

Susan closed her eyes in pleasure before gently spreading Jessie's ass.

"Oy! I don't do that!" Jessie said in mild protest just as Susan's tongue
started to tease her asshole. "Oh! Oh fuck... maybe I do... That feels really
good..." Jessie moaned as the intense sensation spread. She enthusiastically
went back to work on Jack's rock hard erection. After only a few minutes
Jessie stopped her ministrations and hugged his long warm cock against her
cheek while she came, gasping in pleasure.

Jack thrust through her tight grip, his sensitive cockhead rubbing
against her soft cheek. "Fuck, I'm going to cum. Susan, come here."

Susan quickly walked over and knelt before Jack, her eyes locked on
his stiff prick. Jack got up on his knees and positioned himself over Jessie.
The pretty black girl lay on her back, her hands working furiously between
her thighs, and opened her mouth ready to receive his ejaculate.

"Oh fuck yeah Jack, I need your cum, I'm gonna Bliss!"

"OK Susan, jerk me off into her mouth but don't let my cock touch
her. Let's see if there is a need for contact." Jack directed.

Susan leaned her head back with a huge smile. "Ooh I love it!" She
cried before reaching for Jack's massive hard cock. It only took a minute or
so of her stroking the stiff shaft, and occasionally licking the head, before
Jack started to groan. Jets of hot cum shot from the swollen cockhead into
Jessie's mouth until she closed it to swallow. Susan playfully aimed the
spewing cock to hit her friend's face and chest until Jessie opened up again.
Jessie's face lit up as her Bliss overtook her while swallowing as many of
the remaining loads of cum as she could.
When Jack was finished Susan leaned over and kissed Jessie. The
younger woman happily shared Jack's cum with Susan, and moaned in
pleasure as the red head licked the remainder of the warm white cream from
her face. Jessie looked up at Jack, pure adoration in her fully dilated eyes.
"I'm so Blissed, and it's all your fault." She said sternly before stretching
with pleasure.

Susan got up and quickly went over a computer station at the

workstation. Her fingers flew over the keyboard as she recorded results and
observations. "I want to get this all down before I forget any of it. I'm
feeling quite high, but if I need to Bliss I'm sure I'll forget something
important." Susan spoke very quickly, her mind racing. "So it appears that
direct contact isn't needed for the bliss effect to happen, but the ejaculate
must have a very short shelf life. I mean when I tried it yesterday I didn't
bliss, and it was moments afterwards. I can't believe how much I loved
doing what you told me, amazing, totally not in my character. It looks like
when a female is under the influence of your pheromones she becomes very
subservient. Fuck, I think I need your cock."

Susan reached between her legs and quickly rubbed her clit to
appease her growing need briefly. She returned to her notes, typing at an
amazing speed. Jack watched her, his erect cock twitching, the first vague
itch in the back of his consciousness that he too needed to Bliss as well. She
continued to type furiously for another ten minutes before she let out a
frustrated sigh and once again started to play with her pussy, spreading her
legs a little wider. It became quickly clear that she was not going to be able
to stave off her need, so Jack quietly stood up and walked behind her. He
gently placed his hands on her hips and stood in close behind her, his cock
pressing up against her wet pussy and flat stomach. Susan turned her head,
flipping her hair to the side, and looked back at him. Her eyes were glazed
with desire. She licked her lips and nodded.

Jack pulled back far enough to position his huge rod against her tight
wet opening. Slowly he entered her, giving her body a chance to
accommodate his girth. Susan let out a long guttural moan as he filled every
inch of her pussy, the head of his cock gently prodding her cervix. He
slowly pulled out until only the fat cockhead was lodged in her cunt before
slowly filling her again. With her thighs shaking, Susan succumbed to the
first of several orgasms she would experience in the coming minutes.

Susan clung to the counter as Jack slowly fucked her. He relished

every inch of her wet pussy as he repeatedly slid his cock almost all the way
out before sliding back in again. He continued this, bringing the forty year
old scientist to an orgasm every few minutes until finally he was driven to
cum himself. Increasing his tempo he held Susan's waist tighter as she cried
out in ecstasy, telling him to cum, egging him on. His hips made a slapping
sound against her ass, and his balls swung back and forth to hit her erect
clit. Finally he pushed his cock home, spraying his cum into her deepest
recesses, and driving her to a final crushing orgasm. He slowly slid his cock
in and out an inch or two as he pumped his seed into her tight pussy. The
Bliss washed across both of them, adding to the euphoria of their orgasms.

Susan finally stood up, Jack's rigid cock still held tightly in her pussy.
He reached his arms around her and played with her breasts as he kissed her
neck. "That was amazing Jack." She slurred, stoned in orgasmic ecstasy. "I
think I'm addicted to your cum, and maybe your cock too. Definitely your
cock too." She added as Jack slid his erection deeper into her cum filled
pussy. They returned to the couch to enjoy their Bliss with Jessie.
It’s All Over The Internet
An hour later the threesome had washed, changed and were quickly
eating their lunch. The Jessie wore a pair of tight pink sweatpants and a
zipper hoodie, Susan a mid-thigh skirt and a soft wool cardigan while Jack
was dressed in a looser pair of sweatpants and form-fitting long sleeved

"I'm glad lunch is Sushi!" Jessie said as she popped a tuna roll into
her mouth. "By the time we got to it a hot lunch would have been stone

"Well, I planned it that way." Susan joked as she cleaned up her little
plastic tray. "Jessie, why don't you see what you can do with the GameBox,
we'll help if we can, and Jack, see if you can find anything new from
outside sources."

"Sounds good." Jack said as he carried his and Susan's lunch to the
trash. Jessie was still finishing off her last few pieces. "Um, by the way
girls... Thanks, you were terrific this morning. I hope I didn't over do it."

"Ohh, how sweet Jack." Jessie said in earnest. "No, you were a
perfect gentleman the whole time. I'd do that again anytime."

"Yes, I concur, you were perfect." Susan said giving him a quick peck
on the cheek. "Besides, you know I'd do almost anything for your cock as
this stage."

"Hmm, me too." Jessie said, eyeing the bulge in Jack's sweatpants.

Jack went to his a workstation while Susan carried the materials, all
wrapped in a biohazard bag, to the airlock. Jessie sat down in front of the
TV and started going through the game console's menus.

Susan returned a few minutes later with a quizzical look on her face,
gesturing back to the door with her thumb. "That's the third guard we've had
today. Do you suppose the infection has spread that quickly?"
"Well, estimating based on some of the news reports I can find on the
Internet..." He pulled a larger display up and transferred his data there.
"Look, assuming just a single infected individual, taking into account our
infection rate and speed, and the initial info we have, add in international
reports, you get something like this."

The women watched as single tiny red dots in London and Atlanta
started to multiply and spread. Very quickly there were dots over most of
the civilized world, and large blotches in the major cities until more of the
map was red than not. Susan and Jessie stared in disbelief.

"And that's just after eight weeks." Jack said as he watched the spread
slow. "This thing is much more virulent than any pandemic we've ever seen.
I think it's already too late to even slow it down. By the time we were able
to make a vaccine there's be nobody left to give it to. The only positive
thing is that the infection doesn't appear to kill, assuming the infected is
able to copulate."

"So what do we do? We're supposed to stop these kinds of things, but
this seems unstoppable." Jessie asked.

"Well, you're only partially right Jessie." Susan looked at the display
as red dots still slowly spread to the most remote areas of the globe as the
simulated year finished. "Our job is to identify, classify, contain, prevent, or
find treatments. We've identified it as a man-made biological construct, I
hesitate to call it a weapon. You're right, we were unable to contain it, I
don't think anyone but the person or persons distributing it could have
contained it. And we're too late to prevent it spreading, especially cut off
from the world as we are. But we can try to get out information about
treatment. Hell, treatment is simple, when you feel the need to Bliss you go
and fuck someone. And we can look for ways to counteract the condition,
or at least postpone the onset of symptoms. If we can't stop them from
having to Bliss, maybe we can at least keep them alive if they are unable."

"Think of the consequences without the HIV vaccine!" Jack added as

a bright side. Much like the worldwide distribution of the Polio vaccine in
the fifties, when a vaccine stopping HIV was discovered several years ago
there was a global health mobilization to immunize the population over the
subsequent two years. In those few short years the virus had been eradicated
from most of the planet. "Oh shit, that's where I'd seen it before! I knew that
payload looked familiar!" Jack hurriedly pulled up the molecular database
and searched.

After a few moments of searching Jack stepped back from the

monitor, gob smacked. "Well fuck me." He said crossing his arms after he
transferred the image to the large monitor. "Look familiar?"

"This is the HIV inoculant?" Susan asked, amazed. Contained in the

vaccine was a tiny structure that looked suspiciously like the one in the new
infection. "Somebody slipped this into the vaccine?"

"Like a Trojan?" Jessie added. "What does the breakdown say about

Jack pulled up the chemical specification of the vaccine and started

cross referencing against the molecular diagram. All three scoured the
screens that explained on a cellular level, and on a molecular level. It took
over an hour for the three to go through the documentation.

"It's not here." Jack announced. "How can an undocumented structure

go out in a vaccine?"

"We're looking at the UK documentation. The vaccine was reviewed

and approved in the US; take a look at their documentation. When the
vaccine arrived here we would have taken new images." Susan explained as
she searched the American publication kept on the Federal Drug Archive
website. "I've always thought it stupid that we make our own images, like a
bureaucratic make work project. There, look."

The three stared at the US images, shocked. The Bliss structure, as it

would come to be known, was nowhere to be seen in the US images.

"Someone doctored the mother batch after testing, but before

distribution." Jack said, amazed. It was like catching the killer in a police
drama. This was one of those 'ah-hah' moments. "It looks like the internal
structure may be different, but the genetic payload container is almost
identical, and I've not seen one like it anywhere in nature."

"Well, that's how a Trojan works isn't it." Jessie speculated, already
pretty sure of the answer. "Like a computer virus. You slip something
innocuous into the system, like a free music app. There's unused code in the
app, but nothing dangerous, nothing to set off any alarms. I bet if you were
to analyze that bit of the vaccine sample you won't find anything negative,
not even a histamine reaction. You need the second part of the virus
interacting with it to make it activate."

"This would need either a huge conspiracy… or a very small group

with intimate access to the process, or both." Susan said. They stood and
stared at the data for several minutes before anyone said anything. Susan
turned to Jessie. "OK, how close are you? We need to communicate."

"I'm ready; if Rolly's in game I should be able to contact him right

away." Jessie said as she rushed over to the game controller, bringing up a
game menu then switching to a tablet connected to the game console. "I'm
sure they've blocked off the in-game voice chat function and the text
messaging as well. But I bet they haven't shut down the game lobby status.
It's normally programmed with pre-made selectable statuses, but with a
little hacking we can put out own messages into that stream. It's a testing
back door that they never bothered to fix. Who would care really?"

"Good, see if you can make contact. My only contact here is with the
minister's office, and they aren't talking to me.' She grabbed her tablet and
started to the airlock. "I'm going to try and get a message through to the
guards the old fashioned way. Jack, see if you can narrow down who might
have done this. We can't stop it, but we can bloody well figure out who
started it."

"Come on Rolly, be the lazy sod I know you are... News says offices
and pubs are shut down, so you better be at home you wanker." Jessie said
as she entered the game lobby with her message updated in the status bar
under the gamer tag. "Come on... come on..."
Susan walked into the decontamination room, well, more like a closet
with two doors than a room. The doors had fairly large thick paned
windows in them and Susan had a good view of the hallway, and the armed
guard standing beside the door. She used her well-manicured fingernail to
tap on the window. This elicited absolutely no response from the guard
standing inches away. Susan had forgotten just how soundproof the doors
were, probably to contain the screaming zombies should something go
terribly wrong. She tried again, slamming her fist against the Plexiglas. This
caused the guard to turn and look.

Susan quickly held up her tablet. On it was written: "Can you talk?"
The guard shook his head indicating no. He looked behind him. Susan
cleared the screen and wrote: "May I ask you questions? Blink once for
yes." The guard blinked once, trying to appear as if he was just checking out
the lab.

Are you infected? No blink, Slight shrug.

Are there many who are infected? Blink.

Are they still telling you to avoid sex? Blink.

Are there many casualties? Nothing.

You don't know if people are dying? Blink. The guard looked stricken,
his eyes welling a little with tear.

Sorry. You lost someone? Blink. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Will you open this door? Nothing.

Can you help us get a message out? Long pause. Blink.

Thank you. I'll try and set something up and contact you again. Blink.

If you need to copulate you must do so. Uncomprehending stare.

If you have to fuck you must do it or you will die. Blink.

Susan came back through the airlock and closed the inside door. She
hoped that the guard would be able to help them, but she needed the other
piece of the puzzle. "Please give me some good news Jessie."

"He's online, but hasn't hit the lobby yet; he must be in game or
something." Jessie said staring at the screen. "He's... oh, wait, his status just
changed. He's seen me. Ah, he's happy to see me. It'll take him a few
minutes to get set up to communicate, this takes a long time."

"Great, nice work." Susan sat down next to Jessie. "I bet you're glad
to know he's alive."

"I am, at least he's getting laid for a change." Jessie said with a laugh.
"Still, I suppose I can't really complain now can I? Oh, here he is."

Susan watched as Jessie's fingers flew over her tablet keyboard. The
little status bubble next to her gamer avatar updating, and his answering.

"Yeah, I'm OK Rolly, but we need to keep moving in case they notice
the traffic and trace it." Jessie said to herself as they communicated.

"Every1 OK?"

"OK much sex" The reply came.

"No worry, me 2 m8t." Jessie confessed. She turned to Susan. "Not

like it's much of a secret once you're infected."

“Yeah not bad” The status said.

"Like yr new pecker?" She asked.


"Yr penis bigger?"

"??? Yr daft" Came the reply. “hard a lot tho”

"Interesting, no physical changes... Unless you think he wouldn't
notice." Susan pondered.

"No, he'd notice. He bloody obsesses over his penis. I think he

measured it every morning." Jessie laughed before entering a new message.

"hows thngs there?"

"Mad sex -Martial Law" Came the reply.

"Will U help me?" Jessie asked.

"Sure. Illegal?" The battle ready soldier avatar inquired.

"Definite" Jessie giggled as she typed.


"OK, here's what we need him to do. He needs to make a call to the
newsroom, and tell them that he will only speak with Crystal, but that he
has exclusive information about the epidemic that the government's hiding."
Susan began as Jessie typed, paring the sentence down to its minimum to fit
in the limited space.

Meanwhile Jack was searching through news releases, databases, and

documentation related to the HIV vaccination, its development, and the
companies involved in bringing it to market. At this stage he'd figured that
he'd narrowed down the field of likely perpetrators to a few thousand. Not
bad he supposed, but still a needle in a haystack.

Looking over at his two female companions he felt his cock twitch
and express an interest by starting to grow. He put aside any of those
thoughts for the time being by trying to figure out why the virus would
trigger such an astounding physical change in him. Since he'd found no
other evidence of similar changes in other men yet he found it unlikely that
he would be the only man effected. What made him unique? It's not likely
that he could or would be targeted specifically. But the fact that it did effect
him may be a clue. He decided to take a different approach in his research.
Perhaps he wasn't getting the full picture from the medical and
epidemiological web sites. If his group was being sequestered, probably
most of the official sources were being hampered as well. But it's hard for
the government to censor all the Internet.

As soon as Jack logged onto the various social networks he was

rewarded with a wealth of information. Image and video sharing sites were
filled with pictures of people having sex; it was like orgies had suddenly
broken out around the world. Social feeds were filled with posts talking
about being high on sex, being cum stoned, bragging about orgies and sex
partners. It was like a sex fueled New Year’s Eve. It was clear that the drive
of the virus was far outstripping any attempt by the government to stop it.

On one PeopleBook account a pretty young Asian college girl posed

with a cock in her hand and a drool of cum dripping from her chin. Her eyes
looked black they were so dilated. The translation from Japanese by the
browser read: "My super penis hero was too much for her!"

A celebrity gossip website showed two attractive trophy wives

reclining languidly in the corner of booth of some expensive VIP club
room. One woman had her breasts exposed and was sucking on the waiter's
respectably large erection, while the other perched on the other side, legs
spread, masturbating. All three were obviously altered. The caption under
the photo identified the scene as "Candy and Joan from Burbank TV Wives
fame give a big tip to their waiter at Zone."

A Tweeter posting under the hashtag #Momsexpsycho showed a

small crowd of formally dressed people and students at a school dance of
some sort surrounding a pair of forty-something women half-naked. One
was riding the cock of a student she had pinned on the grass while the other
was sucking the cock of what appeared to be a teacher. The tweet read:
"Two MILFs went fucking nuts at graduation!

Links to an Picturegram account showed various grainy and washed

out photos of a group of people in someone's back yard lying on the ground,
passed out by a pool, all in various stages of undress, some engaged in
sexual activities, some mugging for the camera.
A picture of a pretty young blond standing just inside a kitchen door.
Her eyes had the overwhelmed horny and frantic look associated with the
need to Bliss as she stared into the camera. Her jean shorts were unzipped
showing her blonde pubic hair, and she had pulled one large breast from her
spaghetti strap top and was sucking on the hardened nipple. The caption
read: "My girlfriend's daughter showed up back home tonight like this.
What would you do?" Clicking the arrow on the right of the frame slid
another photo up, blurry and overexposed, showing the girl sucking on the
picture taker's cock. This caption read: "Yeah, you would too, admit it. Fuck
it, she's over 18!"

One image was a video link showing a pretty young woman lying on
the ground, unable to get up, her breasts hanging out of her top and her
bikini bottoms pulled down around her knees. Her dilated eyes appeared red
in the camera phone image as she slurred loudly to the camera. "Ohhh fuck!
Hey girlfriend! What the fuck? I fucked three guys! I'm flying! Everyone is
soooooo stoned!"

Pictures of young women, dilated eyes glazed over, cum dripping

from their mouth. Asian teenagers posing and laughing, some in obvious
Bliss, partying and fucking with their phone cameras. Women succumbing
to the overwhelming sexual need, or Blissed out. Jack's cock thickened at
the repeated sights.

"Well, finger's crossed." Susan stretched as she and Jessie wrapped

up. "Now we wait and hope someone named Rolly comes through for us.
I'm going to give the ministry another try." She headed to her office and
closed the door. She had a feeling this call wouldn't go any better than the
last one.

Jack shut off his screen and rubbed his eyes. He'd made a lot of
progress, but still had no answers. He had a few experiments running, but
nothing to look at yet. He strolled over to one of the large windows and
gazed down at the street below. "Well fuck me..." He murmured as he
watched a young guard, military, driving his cock into an older female
traffic warden. The woman had to be double his age, and was definitely a
few cakes the other side of chubby. But it didn't seem to bother the soldier
at all as he grabbed her full hips and drove as deep as he could. The
woman's large pendulous breasts swung as he fucked her. The pair cried out
as he came inside her. The woman clung to the wall as the Bliss overtook
her while the soldier staggered back, his suddenly freed cock still dribbling
its load onto the ground. The warden slowly stood up, her glazed eyes and
languid smile apparent even from the fourth floor. After straightening her
uniform into some semblance of respectability she gave the soldier a quick
kiss on the cheek and stumbled her way down the street. The soldier slipped
his penis back into his trousers and did his best to stand his post while
leaning against a signpost for support, and singing, out loud, something that
the building's soundproofing happily muted.

Shortly afterwards a young man came running down the street, is

pants down to the top of his legs, and his erect cock bouncing in front of
him. He was followed by two young businesswomen who chased him. It
reminded Jack of a zombie movie, expecting the young man to be dragged
to his death any moment. But instead he stopped and leaned against the
wall, laughing uproariously. The two women caught up to him and accosted
him. One dropped to her knees and immediately started sucking on his hard
cock while the other kissed him passionately. The second woman eagerly
pulled open her blouse and for the boy to play with her breasts while she
pulled her dress up over her hips and leaned against the wall for him to fuck
her. The young man pulled his cock from the first girl and plunged into the
second. He fucked her, pounding her against the wall while the other girl
stood and embraced the man. Another man walked by on the sidewalk and
was quickly accosted by the second woman. The sight of her naked breasts
and round hips convinced him to service her against the wall next to her

The voyeuristic thrill of watching the event left Jack slightly aroused.
He decided to join Jessie and see if she had made any headway. The young
woman sat cross legged on the couch playing her video game and waiting
for a reply from her friend. Jack plopped himself down in the corner of the
couch and watched as she played. His eyes still wandered down the exposed
small of her back to settle at the just visible crack of her butt peeking above
the waistband. His cock responded by thickening slightly in his loose fitting
sweatpants. He enjoyed the sensation of his cockhead as it slid against the
"Hear anything from the boyfriend?" Jack asked as he looked back up
to the large screen and the 3D mayhem it showed.

"First off, he's not my boyfriend. We're just mates, you know? No,
nothing, but it'll take him a while. Might not even hear until tomorrow." She
answered, deeply engrossed in the video game.

"Just friends?" Jack asked, prying.

"Yeah, well, came close once or twice when we got really wasted, but
he could never get it up." She admitted with a smile. "What about you? Any

"Well, the good news I can definitely narrow it down. It was

definitely someone or a small group with very close access, technology, and
ability." Jack rearranged his semi-hard cock, it felt like a log against his leg.
He really was trying to keep the images of fucking the lithe black girl out of
his mind's eye. "But without access to batch manifests, access logs, and
distribution records I can't narrow it down closer than a few thousand
people, and I don't even know who most of those people are to even begin
without outside help."

"Shit, that really sucks Jack." Jessie was beginning to squirm. For
some reason she was getting horny, but she didn't feel the urge to Bliss. It
suddenly dawned on her. She turned around to look at Jack. "Jack, are you
staring at my ass?"

Jack smiled as he looked her in the eye. "No. Why do you ask?" He

"Well, it's just..." Jessie explained, suddenly unsure for a moment

before she realized that he was pulling her leg. "You wanker! It's your fault
I'm getting all tingly." She playfully slapped his shoulder and snuggled back
up against him, pressing her firm ass against his swollen organ. Jack let a
small groan escape and tried to relax, his hands resting around her slim
waist as she continued to play the game. Happy to keep him interested, she
made a point to regularly squirm against his semi hard cock, usually making
it spring harder to life.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Susan said as she came stamping out of her office.
"How infuriating! It's like he want's people to die!"

"Conversation went well then I take it?" Jack asked, obviously tongue
in cheek.

Susan just screeched in frustration as she stamped back into her

office. The sound of a cupboard door being slammed open and the clink of
glasses could be heard. She reappeared a few moments later with a bottle in
one hand, and three tumblers in the other. She slammed the bottle down on
the coffee table and placed the glasses down next to it.

"I need a drink." She announced as she quickly poured the amber
liquid into one of the glasses. She quickly put the bottle down with a clunk
and grabbed the glass. Tossing her head back she downed the half full glass
in one large gulp. "Gah! Oh god. Here, have one." She coughed as she
poured a generous amount of whisky into the other glasses, and then refilled
her own. "Cheers!" She toasted before downing the second glass. Sitting
back on the chair she closed her eyes and composed herself.

"We... are going to get shitfaced tonight." Susan announced when she
opened her eyes. "My predecessor left me that bottle, told me it was for
when things seemed dark. Well, I think this qualifies." She poured three
more glasses of scotch and took a sip before taking a deep breath. "My
conversation with the Minister was quite unsatisfactory. He indicated in no
uncertain terms that the situation was under control, that there was no way
the government was going to recommend its citizens engage in immoral
fornication as a cure for anything. Then he said something strange. He said
that another team working on the cure right now. If there's another team,
wouldn't you think we'd be in contact with him? Something is terribly

"You mean like a conspiracy of some sort?" Jack asked as he took a

hefty swig of the whisky. He enjoyed the feeling of the liquor as it burned
its way down. He shifted and pushed his partially erect cock against Jessie's
firm ass. Jessie reached around to gently stroke the hardening organ and
smiled at him as she also took a swig.
"I don't want to sound like a conspiracy nut, but this goes against
every protocol, every practice we've ever set up. He was even talking about
martial law being imposed all across Britain." Susan noticed the alert light
at the airlock as the soft sound of the air exchange could be heard. She
jumped up to go see what had arrived, the alcohol starting to work into her
system. "Oh! Dinner's here!"

As she arrived at the door she saw the attendant waiting by the
intercom. Susan pressed the button. "Is everything OK?"

"Yes ma'am, we did the best we could with the, um, list." The girl
looked uncomfortable. "Some of the stores were closed and, um, tomorrow
we're going to be on a skeleton crew so I'm afraid it's going to be whatever
is in the canteen for food."

"Oh, I understand, thank you." Susan said with a warm smile. Things
must be getting worse out there. "Are you OK?"

"Yes ma'am, just a little frightened. It's getting quite bad. People are
worried, there's talk of travel restrictions." The girl explained. "You will be
able to find a cure won't you?"

Susan looked at the frightened young woman in her powder blue top
and matching sweater and her light tweed skirt. "Are you infected?" Susan

The girl's eyes cast around the hallway, a look of fear on her face. She
settled back on Susan but didn't answer. She didn't need to. The look in her
eyes told the story.

"Ah. Yes. Of course not." Susan feigned. A look of relief spread

across the girl's fine features. "Because if you were I'd tell you that
everything will be okay, and all you had to do was give in to the need and
you'd be just fine."

"Really?" The girl said with a smile of relief.

"Really. You'd be fine if you were infected, which of course, you’re
not." Susan smiled back. "I hope to see you tomorrow, please say hello."

The girl smiled, nodded, and headed off as the tiny screen went blank.
Susan opened the inside door of the airlock and pulled the tray into the
room. As the smell of dinner wafted up she was distracted by Jessie's cry of

"Fuck yeah Rolly!" Jessie exclaimed as she typed franticly. "You sexy
beast, you did it... Shit."

"What happened? What's wrong?" Susan left the tray and the good
smells and sat on the edge of the couch next to Jack.

"He tried to meet the guard, but he was being escorted out. Rolly says
he looked wasted." Jessie explained as the characters changed quickly.
"They've just announced an after-dark curfew... Non-essential services,
banks, factories are being asked to close... Social media sites are being
filtered or blocked... It's martial law."

"Shit." Susan said curtly as she reached for her drink. She took a loud
sip. "What about the reporter?"

"Hold on..." Jessie typed in the query.

"You're right Susan, this is a conspiracy of some sort. It's like James
Bond movie." Jack said as he put an arm around Susan's waist to give her
some moral support.

"Yeah, yeah he got in touch with her assistant." She read. "They want
some sort of proof before they take the risk. Some sort of proof we are who
we say we are."

"They do know we're hermetically sealed here right?" Susan asked,

taking another drink. "What do they want us to do? Put a candle in the
Jessie relayed the question. "Yeah, he think's that'll do. They know
where our lab is, if we put a sign in the window they'll drive by and
confirm. He says put two candles in the window tonight. Wait, do we even
have candles?"

"Sure, in the emergency kit." Jack said as he slid off the couch to
double check. "I'll just make sure they're still there."

"Well then, candles it is." Susan said with a laugh, the warmth of the
whisky spreading through her.

Jack returned carrying a computer tablet. "We're good for the candles,
we have a dozen. And what your friend is saying is right, it looks like much
of the Internet is being throttled and filtered. I can't find information on the
infection anywhere; it just keeps returning me to the ministry information
page, which is all wrong by the way. Social media is really slow; nothing
comes up under virus, infection, sex, fucking, nothing direct, some alluding
to it in some feeds. Almost everything takes me back to the government

"I don't understand it. What are they trying to hide?" Susan asked as
she took the tablet.

"OK, candles it is. We're going to reconvene tomorrow at noon so as

not to draw too much attention to our chatting." Jessie said as she logged off
the game and switched to the television. "Say, if everything goes marshal
law will we get stuck in here?"

"Good question. No, we won't get trapped." Susan explained as she

topped everyone's glass off. "It's a sort of failsafe protocol. Every day the
system needs to be reset by a live attendant. If nobody confirms it for five
days, the system automatically unlocks. I guess they do that so we can
repopulate the earth after we kill all the zombies. Yarr!"

Susan threw herself on the other two, chewing at their necks like a
zombie much to the laughter and enjoyment of the other two. The playful
wrestling soon took on a different tone as Susan continued to nibble and
kiss Jessie's neck. The black girl moaned and put down the game controller
as the older woman massaged her small breasts. Jack could feel his cock
hardening in his track pants as he watched. Susan quickly let go of Jessie
and stood up, weaving on her feet.

“I’m pouring fresh drinks! We’re going to get royally fucked up

Cum Is The Cure
Jack awoke with a splitting headache. It took him a moment to notice
the sensation of two warm mouths on his turgid cock. He moaned in both
pleasure and pain. He couldn’t really remember what happened last night,
other than there was a lot of sex involved. His noises made the two girls
look up.

“It’s a pity you can’t suck your own cock Jack, it really cures a
hangover.” Susan said with glazed eyes. She looked adoringly into Jack’s
eyes as she took his fat cockhead into her mouth.

“You should try, Jack, might open a whole new world for you.” Jessie
said with a sloppy grin. “I woke up feeling like arse this morning, but a few
licks on this, and I was right as rain, even better. It’s bloody long enough
isn’t it? You could totally give yourself a blowjob!”

“Ah, well, maybe next time.” Jack groaned, his head throbbing with a
hangover. He was in so much pain that he wanted to crawl into a corner and
die, but the intense need to Bliss made him thrust into the eager mouths.
“You two are doing just fine...”

Moments later Jack felt his cock tighten and spew cum into Susan’s
mouth. She greedily swallowed, her eyes closing as she started tripping.
After a while she leaned back, Blissing, the hard pumping cock slipping
from her lips, a thick spurt landing on her cheek before Jessie took her turn.
"Your turn." she purred happily.

Jack felt the overwhelming wave of pleasure as the Bliss overtook

him as well. He watched detachedly as his hard cock filled the black girl’s
mouth until she was overcome with its effects, letting it go to slap against
his belly, the organ still slowly pumping the remainder of his load. They
were learning that when both parties needed to Bliss, the cumulative effect
was magnified, even more so when an additional Blissing person was
As promised, his headache vanished in that first flash of pleasure.
None of the three noticed the change in the games onscreen message. They
lay together, snuggling, Jessie couldn't resist climbing on top of Jack's still
hard cock for proper fuck.

When the group regained their composure Susan went off to pee, and
Jack pulled on a pair of track pants and a T-shirt while Jessie noticed the
change to the game status.

“Shit!” She exclaimed as she typed into the makeshift connection to

the game box. “Fuck! That Stupid cow! She says she doesn’t believe what
we said. She says why would the government lie to us.”

“I can’t say I’m surprised.” Susan said with a sigh as she returned,
wrapping herself in a white bathrobe. “I mean, think about it. Would you
believe a conspiracy story about a giant government cover-up that makes
people fuck? It sounds like the Americans and our government are sticking
with their story, and are going to kill who knows how many people. I don’t
understand to what end though, what can they gain?”

“I was afraid of this. Turn on the TV.” Jack said as he reached for the
control. The screen popped to life showing the newscasters with a serious

“We have very distressing news to report.” Crystal spoke into the
camera, her eyes glistening with emotion. “Our own Richard Smyth was
there when it happened.”

“Thank you Crystal.” Richard said gravely before turning to other

camera. “It was just yesterday afternoon when producer Erin Miles, camera
operator George Roday, and I, visited a special isolation unit dealing with
the frightening epidemic that is consuming all of Britain. I’ll let the pictures
tell the story. Thanks to George Roday for putting this segment together.”

The picture cut to an on-the-scene report with Smyth talking into the
camera. “I’m standing in a specially set up quarantine ward in the Royal
London hospital. Patients infected with the epidemic are being brought here
by the score and treated as best as can be expected in this trying time. But
resources are at the breaking point. Let's look inside.”

The shot changed to a ward door guarded by Royal Marines. “Behind

these doors are those stricken with the condition.” The reporter took a step
through the automatic doors. “Patients are being brought through here in
great distress, and national health workers are doing their best to deal with
the crisis.”

The video froze and the shot cut back to Smyth in the studio. “We’d
stopped taping to set up for our next shot. I was waiting; our cameraman
was adjusting the lights and setting the angle. In all honesty we’d lost track
of Erin, you see, it’s not unusual for the producer to go off and start to
arrange for the next shot. But when we saw she was missing we became

The shot switched to a handheld camera walking towards a grey steel

door, closed, a hand reached out to turn the knob. The door swept across the
lens view to reveal the young producer leaning against the wall. She was
being fucked hard from behind by a young skinny intern, they're point of
contact pixelated. Her cries of pleasure distorted the microphone until the
audio auto-adjusted. Smyth was seen to be pulling on her arm to draw her
away from the intern.

“No! I want it! I want his cum! Oh fuck yes I can feel it any second!
Leave me the fuck alone, I need it!” The producer could be heard to say as
she slapped her coworker's hands away. The swearing was bleeped out for
television, but it was clear what she was saying. She did not want to be
taken away from the man who was slamming his cock deep inside her.

“We apologize for the graphic nature of this video.” Smyth explained
to the camera. “Our producer… Our friend and colleague Erin Miles had
clearly become infected. The good news is that we managed to pry the pair
apart before the young man could consummate. The Ministry Of Health
official that spoke to use afterwards told us that it is likely she had become
infected prior to our taping of this event, and had just started showing
symptoms. I visited Erin in hospital afterwards. “
"Shit, they did absolutely the wrong thing." Jessie said angrily. "If
he'd finished they would have Blissed and it would have been on the news.
He might have just killed her."

The scene cut to the young woman, heavily sedated, in a hospital bed.
She moaned and tried to move, but the drug they had administered made her
virtually unable.

“Oh god, I need cock. Fuck me, please, cum.” She slurred. The video
of the young woman played, bleeps replacing the offending words. “I’m so
horny Rick, please, give me your cock, I’ll do anything.”

Smyth reached out and took her hand, comforting her.

The shot returned to the studio, on Smyth, as he looked into the

camera. “Erin slipped into a coma about ten minutes before we began this
program. Our prayers are with her and her family in this difficult hour.”

Crystal reached over and took Smyth’s hand. “We’re all pulling for
her Richard, what a harrowing experience.”

“Look! She’s just bloody infected herself too!” Jessie cried at the
screen. “What a stupid clueless cow she is!”

“Maybe we should just start drinking again.” Jack said glumly.

“No. We need to keep doing what we do. I don’t know what the hell’s
going on in the government, but I can’t see them maintaining control at this
rate. And we had better have some answers when they run out of sound
bites.” Susan said confidently. “What was the time stamp on that video?”

“Um, they said it happened yesterday, initially anyway.” Jack offered.

“I don’t think they specified the time.”

“OK. Jessie, please have Rolly communicate back to our intrepid

reporter that both she and her co-anchor are infected. We anticipate he will
begin to show symptoms by the evening broadcast, and that she will show
her symptoms by tomorrow morning.” Susan said, doing the incubation
estimate in her head. “Sooner depending on when she was exposed to him
after his infection. “

“OK, I’ll pass it along.” Jessie said with a shrug. “Do you think it’ll
make a difference?”

“My dear, as soon as she starts to feel the craving, she’ll want to
talk...” Susan said with an evil smile. “...And more. With any luck, she’ll be
able to get us out of here. The staff appears to be almost down to nobody.
Oh, and tell her that she had better not wait too long to talk with us when
the symptoms hit, she'll only have a few hours.”

“Well, let’s pop open some of these instant meals and then get to
work. We’ll need to Bliss soon enough.” Jack said, his spirits lifted.

The threesome worked through the morning without interruption and

had lunch. It wasn’t until they’d finished eating that the now familiar pull to
Bliss started to arouse them. Jack started to stroke his hardening cock
through his pants and look at the girls. Susan took Jessie by the arm and
ushered her towards her office, the black girl looked longingly at the outline
of Jack's thick cock.

“Hold off Jack, give us a little girl time. I want to try something,
science and all.” She quickly led the young black girl into her office,
closing the door, knowing that any more exposure to Jack would leave them
helplessly compliant.

“So, you wanted a crack before Jack got his cock in me?” Jessie said

Susan leaned on her desk and, arching her back, stuck out her well-
toned ass towards the girl. “Oh yes Jessie, I can’t resist you, you must take
me and ravish me at once!” She joked, but also feeling a twinge of desire as
her need to Bliss increased.

"Gladly, but I don’t think you can handle me!" Jessie joked, grabbing
Susan by the hips and humping her, leaning back to deliver a sharp smack
to her boss' ass. Susan looked at Jessie with mock shock on her face before
quickly turning around and grabbing the young woman, planting both hands
on the black girl's firm ass.

"Think you can handle me do you?" Susan said with arousal sparking
in her eyes. She ground her hips against Jessie's and kissed her. Jessie
kissed back, a moan of pleasure escaping her throat.

"Um, shouldn't we join Jack? I'm sure he's waiting for us." Jessie said
breathlessly as their lips parted, her eyes heavy with desire. Without waiting
for an answer she leaned back in and kissed the auburn-haired beauty
passionately. She moaned and pushed her mound against Susan as the older
woman slid under Jessie's sweatpants and kneaded her ass, her fingers
slipping down to tease her already wet pussy from behind. "Fuck it, Jack
can wait, I can’t."

Susan turned Jessie around so that the younger woman was against
the desk. Holding Jessie's gaze, Susan pulled the girl’s top off and pinched
her hard dark nipples. Jessie inhaled and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the
sharp sensation. Opening them again she reached forward and pulled open
Susan's sweater to reveal the woman's large firm breasts. Almost hypnotized
by the warm flesh, she touched them, marveling at the contrast between her
own dark skin and the large pale globes. She watched in fascination as the
pink nipples hardened into large nubs before leaning over and taking one
and sucking it between her lips.

"You're learning." Susan said with a delighted moan as she lifted her
other breast to her own mouth to suck on it. With her other hand she pulled
Jessie's sweatpants down and expertly teased the girl's clit. Gently pushing
Jessie back until she sat on the edge of the desk, Susan slid the girl's
sweatpants off. Jessie instinctually spread her legs until they were almost
straight back like a gymnast pose. Susan leaned down and licked Jessie's
tight black pussy and gently spread her labia to get a good look at her clit.
"Let's see if we can tease her out." Susan whispered as licked the girl's
sensitive nub with her tongue, her fingers spreading her pussy to reveal a
slit of bright pink against her tight dark lips.

"Oh shit..." Jessie whispered as Susan teased her clit to harden and
peak out from underneath its brown hood. "Oh fuck... oh shit... Oh Susan
bloody hell..." Leaning back, the young woman thrust against Susan's
nimble tongue, her legs lifting, they began to shake. She stared at the other
woman with her tongue so expertly teasing the hard clit, clicking it back
and forth, and making Jessie's whole body shake with each touch.

It only took a few minutes until Jessie's entire body was shaking and
her breath was coming in ragged gasps. She used one hand to steady herself
perched on the edge of the desk while pulling at her nipple with the other.
"Oh god... Oh god... Oh fuck yes I'm cumming!" She cried out as she felt
herself overwhelmed.

But Susan suddenly stopped and looked at her with devilish eyes.
Jessie's body spasmed as it tried to cum, but Susan was a master at this.
"Ah! Oh god!" Jessie cried out in denial as she tried to reach between her
legs, desperate to cum. But the older woman held her wrist and pulled the
black girl close, kissing her.

"No, not yet baby girl. I'm not ready to let you cum yet." She
whispered in Jessie's ear as the younger woman whimpered and pressed her
pussy against Susan, rutting like an animal in heat, but unable to bring
herself to climax.

“You too?” Jessie cried in frustration. “First Jack, now you! Why does
nobody bloody want me to cum?”

Susan turned the young woman around and bent her over the desk.
Jessie let out a cry of pleasure when Susan pushed her hard against the desk
and slid her other hand between the black girl's fit legs. Slipping two fingers
deep into Jessie's wet pussy, Susan vigorously fucked the young woman,
teasing her hard clit with her thumb. After only a minute or so Jessie's legs
started to shake, her left leg tensing and lifting up as she approached her
much needed orgasm.

She cried out, her pussy gushing, as she started to cum. But Susan
again quickly stopped her movement and held Jessie's body in place. The
black girl convulsed, so close to cumming, but her restricted movement
preventing her. Her legs shook, her pussy dripping, her whole body
straining against the more experienced woman.
"Fuck Susan! Let me cum, I need it so bad!" She cried in a strange
mix of frustration and arousal. "God, you're fucking killing me!"

"Soon." Susan said as she turned the slim girl back around,
positioning her so that she leaned up against the desk again, and pulling the
girl's quivering thigh up and pinning it with her own. She slid her two
middle fingers into Jessie and started to fuck her again, her thumb rubbing
the girls erect clit. Again, Jessie reached the point of orgasm and Susan
stopped, holding the young woman to prevent her making herself cum.

Jessie sobbed in frustration and arousal as she slid to her knees, her
shaking legs unable to hold her up. Susan knelt beside her, kissing her, her
hand reaching between Jessie's dripping folds. The black girl shivered and
whimpered at the touch.

"Please let me cum..." She whispered hoarsely. "God I want to cum so


Susan guided the girl, forcing her to lean back on her hands, her bent
legs spread. Slowly sliding her fingers up and down, sliding them deep in
Jessie's pussy and then sliding it up to slip over the girl's hard sensitive clit.
"You can cum when I decide you're ready to bring to Jack." She flicked the
girl's clit making Jessie shudder and moan with need. The black girl tried to
press against Susan's fingers, desperate to orgasm. After several more flicks
Jessie started to moan and buck, her pussy squirting. But again Susan
prevented the young woman from cumming, keeping her balanced back on
her hands. Jessie held her thighs together trying to bring herself over the
edge, but her orgasm faded leaving her shaking and delirious.

Jack sat on the couch, his hard cock in his hand, getting quite restless
when the two women reappeared a half hour later. Susan was dressed in a
tight black slip, doing a fine job of showing off her natural assets, and tall
heels that clicked as she walked. Jessie was nude. Her mocha skin glistened
with sweat, and her inner thighs shone as her wetness dripped from her
pussy. She staggered as the older woman guided her across the office, her
face flush, her eyes were heavily lidded and glazed, her breathing heavy.
Jack's cock stiffened at the erotic sight and he started to stand up.
Susan stopped Jessie with a gentle touch to her elbow and indicated for Jack
to stay seated. "No, I want you to sit down for this one Jack, actually, you
should lie down on the couch." She guided Jack so he lay on his back, his
thick cock standing hard in the air, pulsing with his heartbeat. "I want you
to make Jessie cum in your mouth. I guarantee she's ready, and she's going
to cum like a torrent. A female orgasm doesn't immediately trigger the Bliss
in you. I think because there is not sufficient contact between the mucous
membranes during female orgasm to trigger it in the male. If she squirts in
your mouth we can be assured of the results."

"I'm happy to oblige, did you need me to cum first?" Jack said with a

Susan looked down to see that she had been subconsciously stroking
Jack's huge cock, a pheromone and Bliss driven desire for his ejaculate
overriding her conscious thought. She quickly let go and stepped back. "Oh,
no, well, not yet anyway. This is incredibly difficult, I so need to Bliss too. I
should have worn a mask and gloves. We're fucking so often now it's hard
to separate business and pleasure because they're both so, um, pleasurable.
I'll just sit over here and observe, Jessie would you please climb up to let
Jack lick your pussy?"

"Oh god yes!" Jessie said with a groan of relief. "My legs are shaking
and I want to cum so bad. You might need a diving mask and snorkel Jack."

Susan sat back uncomfortably on one of the chairs, her legs crossed,
trying to regain some composure. "So after you cum Jessie I need to know
if either, or hopefully both, of you Bliss. And then I'm afraid I'll need your
cock Jack, quite badly."

Jack laid back on the couch and helped Jessie as she climbed over
him. Quivering with need she lowered herself gently over Jack's mouth. She
gasped with pleasure the second his tongue slid between her wet labia.
After only a few seconds her entire body was shaking, and her breathing
was ragged. "Oh yeah. Lick me Jack... oh fuck yeah I'm going to... Oh
god... Oh fuuuuuuck!"
Susan couldn't resist playing with her pussy while she watched the fit
young woman's body convulse in orgasm, her pussy clearly gushing into
Jack's open mouth. Moments later she was enthralled as Jack's thickly
veined cock started to tense and jump rhythmically. A stream of white cum
flowed from the fat engorged head, first drooling puddle of cum onto his
stomach, then a thick jet spraying Jessie's ass and then another onto the
girl's back, each ejaculation building until it was raining over the girl. Susan
couldn’t look away as the huge cock pumped stream after stream into the
air, shooting over her head and into her black curls.

Unable to stay upright, Jessie fell forward onto the arm of the couch,
her shaking thighs blocking Susan's view of Jack's face. She couldn't tell if
Jack had Blissed or just spontaneously ejaculated. She stood up, her own
legs shaky with sexual energy, and made her way over to the couple.

"Jessie?" She said, trying to see the girl's face. "Are you OK? Did you

Jessie turned her head, her curly hair springing to the side, a great
huge smile on her face revealed that she was definitely Blissing. "Fuck I
need your cock Jack." She groaned as she lowered herself along his body,
impaling herself on his still rock hard organ. She immediately started to
moan, grinding her hips frantically, building quickly to another orgasm.

"Jack?" Susan asked, her fingers unable to stay away from her own
needy pussy.

Looking up at her she could see that Jack's pupils were dilated like
dinner saucers. She didn't need to ask if he was Blissing. "Hey Suzy! That
was fucking brilliant! Totally wild cum." He slurred, a huge grin on his
face. Jack looked down as the lithe black girl rode his cock. "Look at her
fuck." He closed his eyes as the tight black pussy brought him to a climax
again. He groaned as his massive cock pumped the young woman full of

Susan couldn't hold back anymore. She gently took Jessie's chin and
turned her face towards her own. Jessie stared blankly at Susan for a
moment before breaking into a huge smile. "Hey Sue! Hey thanks! That
was brilliant! I never came so hard in my fucking life! He's got a big cock,
doesn't he?"

Susan answered through a gritted teeth smile. "Well, I'd know if you'd
get off it and give me a turn!" She managed to pull Jessie off the still-hard
cock and take the girl's place. She slowly impaled herself on the heavily
veined shaft. Jack moaned with pleasure and smiled up at his boss before
drawing her close for a kiss. It only took a few moments of his insistent
thrusting, and the surprise addition of Jessie's tongue teasing her asshole, to
make Susan cum. She buried her head against Jack's neck as she fucked
him. She eagerly humped his thick cock to earn her load of cum from him
before collapsing into his arms, Blissing.

The threesome laughed, snuggled and fucked their way through the
Bliss before returning to a leisurely afternoon of work. After dinner they
turned on the late news. The camera showed a very upset Crystal James
talking into the camera, her eyes wet with barely held back tears.

"Again, breaking news that our own Richard Smyth was struck down
with the infection at the end the supper newscast." Crystal looked down, as
newscasters do before changing cameras, pausing for several seconds to
collect herself before continuing. "He had complained about not feeling
himself during the breaks, but he didn't give any indication of what was
wrong. But then as we returned to do our usual closing... Rick was...

The screen switched to a two shot of Crystal and Richard sitting at the
desk. A title on the bottom identified the video as "recorded previously".
Richard was clearly in distress. His skin was flush, and his eyes appeared
dilated and glassy, his hands holding the papers shook. He was noticeably
staring at his blonde co-anchor's breasts. The camera changed to a close-up
of Crystal.

"So remember to keep indoors and to isolate anyone with symptoms

as soon as possible..." There was the sound of voices in the background and
suddenly Crystal turned, a look of shock on her face. The camera switched
to the two shot and Smyth could clearly be seen to be stepping towards his
beautiful blonde co-host. What was also clearly visible was his hard cock as
he reached out to grab Crystal's breast. He leaned close and pushed his
erection against her cheek. The newswoman quickly turned her head, a
glistening line visible across her cheek. She scrambled out of her seat as
several stage hands restrained Smyth and allowed her to escape.

Smyth was yelling as Crystal was escorted from the stage and the end
credits appeared. "Come on Crystal! Fuck me you fucking prick tease!
Every day with your big fucking tits all over the fucking place! Come on,
give us a go you fucking tart!"

The scene cut back to the live studio with a graphic indicating that is
was so. Crystal wiped away a tear from her cheek and looked into the
camera. "Please understand that Richard Smyth was not himself. What we
saw was a result of this terrible infection. He didn't know what he was
doing. He's resting as comfortably as possible in the first aid station
accompanied by the network physician. Please know that Richard would
never do anything to hurt me."

The blonde turned to the other camera, the split second look down
allowed her to compose herself. "Authorities tell us that they are no closer
to finding a treatment for the rampant pandemic that seems to be effecting
every human adult. National Health has indicated that their prescribed
isolation is greatly slowing the spread of the illness. However, with that
said, there is a rising death toll with severe losses reported in parts of
America, Africa and the Middle East. The Prime Minister made some
remarks earlier from a quarantined location via video."

"The people of Great Britain must come together and pray for our
salvation." The PM spoke into the camera. "I believe that we are seeing
retribution from above in the form of disease for the last half century of
open sexuality and moral looseness. It is a dark day for Britain, and the
world. I believe that only God can truly help us."

Susan turned off the TV with a huff. "Stupid idiot, why is he going on
about this? What has he got to gain from the deaths, the loss, when it's so
easy to fix?"
"He doesn't really believe this, remember the rumors that came out
during the campaign? He's no bible thumper." Jessie added angrily. "How is
he making book off this crisis, that's the question!"

"You're probably right." Susan said calmly. "But did you notice how
flush Crystal was? That blonde bunny is starting to feel the effects of the
virus. I suspect we'll get a message in the next couple of hours. Now if you
two don't mind, we should get a kit packed in case, and then get some rest."
Pardon My Erection, I Must Be Going
The trio awoke to the electronic beeping of their air lock control

Jessie stretched with feline flexibility and ran her hands over her taut
firm body. She shook her head to try and wake up. Already she could feel
the beginning need to Bliss growing inside her. She slid a finger between
her already moist pussy lips.

"Come on sleepy head, something's going on." Susan said as she

pulled the oversized T-shirt she'd been sleeping in down to cover her ass.
"This may be it."

"Sue... But I want to Bliss." Jessie looked around the room, bleary
eyed. "Wait, what time is it?"

"It's about ten of four" Susan answered offhandedly as she went over
to the communication screen. The screen remained blank, so she walked
through the airlock inner door to look out the window.

The inherent problem in any security system is that there's always a

weak point. It may be a physical weakness, like an unsecured entry point, or
an easy to pick lock. But in most cases the weak spot of any security system
is a human one.

In this case the weak link was a slightly overweight Information

Technology clerk. Daryl Higgins was actually an outside contractor for the
Health Protection Ministry who had previously been recruited as a news
source when he worked for large defense contractor. He had opportunity
because of where he worked, and motive in that he was being paid by one
of the producers for Crystal's evening news show.

Higgins had received a call over an hour previous asking him to

disable the security logging on the locked lab and, while he was at it, secure
a route to a back service area where the group could be picked up. He had
gone back and forth within his slightly dull brain as to the pros and cons of
following the producer's instructions. It would mean a tidy cash payment
for him, enough to buy a car in this case. But as he considered the matter he
became doubly motivated as his hard cock formed a small tent within his
tan slacks and Susan's lab held the only two women in the building. The
young Mr. Higgins knew that he really wanted to place his erection in one
of those woman.

"Dr. Spears?" Higgins asked, not making eye contact. "I've been
asked to let you out."

"Well good, please, go ahead!" Susan answered, excitedly as she

turned towards the lab. "Come on you two, we're going to get out!"

"But Dr. Spears, you see, I don't want to lose my position." He said
timidly, glancing furtively up and down the hall. "And I think I may be

"You think you're infected?" Susan asked, realizing that the young
man was in a very unstable condition. Looking at him, and judging by the
stiff cock pushing against his uniform slacks, she surmised that he was in
the latter stage of the need to Bliss. If he didn’t, soon, he would collapse,
and they're escape would collapse with him.

Jessie arrived at Susan's side, a bag in hand. She had thrown on a T-

shirt and tight jeans. The T-shirt clung tightly to her fit torso and showed off
her pert breasts. Higgins looked up and stared at the black girl's breasts,
then looked over at Susan. His eyes went wide, a look coming over him. He
frantically reached down to pull down his zipper and grab his erection. He
started to stroke the swollen glans, quickly bringing himself to a climax. He
couldn’t ejaculate on his own under the need to Bliss, his cock stiffened and
jerked, but only a few drops of ejaculate dribbled out. He needed a member
of the opposite sex to allow him to actually ejaculate and Bliss.

"I'm sorry, I can't stop myself." Higgins mumbled, embarrassed.

Compulsively he continued masturbating. "I don't know what to do, I can't
control myself, I think... I think something is wrong with me."
Susan looked at Jessie and whispered. "Where's Jack. This guy need
to Bliss, and he needs to let us out of here."

Jack arrived at the door several seconds later, a hard case of lab
equipment in tow, and a bag of personal effects. "What's the matter?"

"Just a minor roadblock, um, say, Jessie, would you mind giving Jack
a blowjob?" Susan whispered eyeing Higgins, trying to look seductive in
hopes that he may be overcome with the need to Bliss enough to open the
door for her.

"You don't have to ask me twice." Jessie said, eagerly getting to her
knees and pulling out Jack's engorging penis. "God I need this."

Susan saw Higgins' eyes follow the pretty young black girl as she
eagerly took the huge cock in her mouth. "Can you turn a little, give him a
better view?" Susan whispered, slowly unbuttoning the top two buttons of
her blouse, trying not to look too obvious. Higgins was unstable, if he
thought he was being set up he'd bolt and likely end up passing out in some
back office. "Oh, and don't let Jack cum."

"What?" Jessie cried, pulling the turgid erection from her mouth, a
line of spit still connecting her lip to the thick organ in her hand. She
couldn't get her fingers around the hard shaft. "Are you daft?"

"Shhhhh!" Susan hushed before taking Jack's cock in her hand and
stroking it, partly for show, and partly because she really wanted to touch it.
"I'm afraid if he cums it'll break the spell. Besides, watching you Bliss may
scare him away. If my plan works you'll need to suck the poor boy off. If he
doesn't Bliss soon he'll break down."

"Well what about this poor boy?" Jack asked, watching as Jessie
returned her lips to surround his fat cockhead, and sliding them down along
his shaft.

"In due time Jack, you know one of us will take care of you. Just try
to control yourself until after we get out of here." Susan turned back to
Higgins. She studied him as he continued to stare at Jessie's lips sliding
along the wet shaft. "It's working. You know, studies have shown that males
are aroused by the sight of other aroused males. That's part of what makes
pornography work. If you cum, he'll feel the almost overpowering urge to
ejaculate too. I'm afraid he's weakening too quickly."

"Great." Jack said dryly.

"What's your name?" Susan asked, trying to sound seductive.

"Daryl... Daryl Higgins..." The young man answered, still staring at


"Daryl, pleased to meet you." Susan answered. "Listen, we can help

you. There's a treatment for the virus that's infected you."

This got his attention. He turned to look at her, stroking his erection a
little slower. His eyes roamed from her face down to her exposed cleavage.
He began to stroke his erection harder as he zeroed in on her large globes.

"I'm sick?" Higgins asked, still unable to look up, his gaze moving
between Jessie and Jack, and Susan's almost exposed breasts. "You can
make me normal again?"

"Yes Daryl. This isn't your fault..." Susan stepped closer to the door.
Reaching up she slowly pulled her T-shirt over her head, letting her hair
cascade down, and exposing her impressive frame. "I can help you Daryl,
you don't have to die..."

"Die?" Higgins looked up at her. "I'm going to die?"

"Not if you open that door and let me take care of you." She tried to
maintain a balance between seductive and authoritative. "I can cure your
problem Daryl, and make you feel wonderful, but you have to let me out."

"How?" Higgins asked, worried, his hand pumping his cock as he

stared at her breasts. "Are you going to prick me with a needle?"

"No Daryl, nothing as barbaric as that..." She paused for what she
hoped would be a seductive length of time. "I'm going to make you cum in
my mouth."

Daryl groaned, his cock jerking again, a single small stream of cum
spitting against the security glass, the cum actually hitting right in front of
Susan's face. He staggered, still jerking off, his face becoming pale as he
teetered on the edge of consciousness. He looked at her, panic in his eyes as
he felt himself slipping.

"Hurry Daryl, open the door!" Susan pleaded, pressing against the
window. "If you pass out, I won't be able to help you!"

Higgins stared at her for a moment, the words slowly going through
his mind as he tried to focus on her. Finally he lurched toward the computer
control and started to punch in the access code. Failing the first time he
slowed down, checked a piece of paper from his pocket, and re-entered the

There was a quiet "bing" and the door hissed open. Susan rushed to
the young man, who was leaning heavily against the desk. He quickly
grabbed hold of Susan with frantic strength, spun her around, and pushed
her against console, his cock thrusting against her ass. In his frenzy he was
unable to mount her.

"Jessie! Quick, take care of him would you? He's got me pinned! All
he's going to do is cum on my leg. Hurry!" Susan called to the airlock
where her slim black assistant was dutifully teasing Jack's massive hard
erection, trying to keep him on the edge of cumming.

Looking up with glazed eyes, Jessie saw what was happening and
crawled quickly through the door. Jack had to laugh at the sight, even as he
groaned, so close to orgasm, his cock hard with need, cum drooling from
the end. He jerked himself off, bringing himself to the edge of orgasm, his
cock jerking, and several spurts of cum flying up against the thick glass.
This did little to curb his need to Bliss, but he knew he'd be able to stay
hard and have his pick of the women in a moment. He took a moment to
admire his now huge cock as he stroked it, cum still flowing from the thick
swollen head.
Jessie crawled as quickly as she could, her head spinning with the
desire to Bliss. She knelt beside him and grabbing his thrusting erection in
her hand. "Hold still you wanker!" She laughed. But the doughy IT tech
groaned, his cock spurting thin streams of cum as he pressed up against
Susan. "Oh fuck!" Jessie exclaimed as she grabbed the stiff erection,
slipping it into her mouth, and enjoying the wash of pleasure as she
swallowed his relatively small load of cum.

Daryl moaned loudly, his body jerking as the effects of the Bliss
washed over him for the first time. "Oh yes... oh fucking hell..." He opened
his eyes and stared at Susan. "I love you..." He mumbled.

"I'm flattered, but you should be thanking her." Susan pointed down
to the pretty black girl who was still kneeling there, Daryl's softening cock
slipping from her lips, her face a mask of Bliss. She looked up at the pair
with a soft smile.

"Thank you then... Thank... You..." Daryl started to pass out, the Bliss
overwhelming him. Susan was able to gently lower him to the floor as his
legs gave out. As he sat leaning against the wall he held up the paper to
Susan. "You'll need this to get..." he said just before passing out.

Susan pulled the wad of paper apart, flattening it. Quickly scanning it
she realized it included a secure route. "We've got our way out. And
according to the note we only have ten minutes to get out of the building. I
need to get dressed!"

Susan started to return to the lab only to have Jack take her gently by
the wrist. His contact made her instantly horny and submissive to him. She
looked at his hard cock, and then up to his eyes. She leaned close and kissed
him, her hand stroking his erection. She felt herself become very wet.

"Jack..." She whispered. "Please... We have to go."

"But I need to Bliss, I can't stop it." Jack replied, his eyes roving her
large breasts.
But no sooner had he spoken Jessie eagerly took his erection into her
mouth, eager to relieve him. This was enough for Susan to break free of his
enthrall and dash to the lab to get dressed. She heard him groan as he came
in Jessie's mouth. The young woman noisily gulping each mouthful.

Susan quickly threw on a dark purple blouse and black skirt that she
always kept in her office for emergencies. She paused briefly to slip a finger
between her wet pussy lips and to tease her clit. She was still feeling the
effects of Jack's pheromones. Quickly rubbing herself, her breath
shuddering as she made small cries of pleasure, she brought herself to a
quick orgasm to relieve the pressure. Following that, she straightened her
clothes and remembered to grab a backup copy of their data that they had
been storing on a USB key.

Walking back through the airlock Susan found Jack and Jessie on the
floor, Blissing. The young assistant's jeans were pulled down to the top of
her thighs and Jack had his massive erection buried in between her thighs
fucking her. Jessie was beside herself as the huge white shaft filled her tight
black pussy, driving her to multiple orgasms.

"Guys!" Susan exclaimed, even though the sight of Jack's huge cock
stretching the young woman's tight vagina was taking her breath away. "We
only have a few minutes to get out of here before security realizes we're

Jack looked over at Susan with dilated eyes and a sloppy stoned look
on his face. "Wha? Oh, right, hold on." Jack rolled Jessie onto her back and
held her legs against her chest, driving his cock deep inside her. Jessie
screamed with pleasure as Jack's massive cock pumped its cum deep inside
her, filling her, causing her Bliss to increase, washing over her like a warm
wave. Jack leaned back watched as his cock tensed and released
rhythmically, pumping cum into the writhing girl.

Satiated, Jack stumbled to his feet, his huge cock swinging in front of
him, cum still drooling from the head. He leaned over and helped Jessie up.
The pair clung to each other as they tried to remain standing, giggling.
Jessie reached down and started to stroke Jack's cock again but Susan
grabbed her hand and started leading the pair down the route marked on the
paper she had taken from Daryl.

"Come on you two, we need to move fast. Our window of opportunity

is about to slam shut." She said as she led on, trying to urge the pair along
faster than a stroll. Susan looked back to see Jack's cock still swinging from
his fly. She laughed, but was also strongly drawn towards it. "And put that
thing away!"

Susan deftly navigated through the odd maze of directions the paper
described to lead them through the least monitored parts of the complex all
the while hoping that Daryl had indeed been able to shut down or re-route
the appropriate sensor and video feeds. The other two staggered noisily
behind her, teetering into walls, and colliding with her whenever she
stopped. She finally realized that Jack, Blissing as he was, was bumping
into her with the sole purpose of grinding his still thick cock against her ass.
She was finding the firm lump harder and harder to resist. She must be
starting to need to Bliss.

Finally arriving at the outside fire exit Susan stopped and shushed her
coworkers. Jack and Jessie made a show of shushing each other loudly
before bursting into barely subdued laughter. Susan's stern look made them
quiet down, realizing the seriousness of their predicament. They were three
prisoners about to break quarantine from a government facility while under
martial law. This was no small undertaking, and the consequences could be
serious, even deadly. They could still sneak back to their lab, lock
themselves in, and fuck until the crisis was over.

"Well, here goes nothing..." Susan said, looking over her shoulder. "If
he didn't shut down the fire alarm to this door, we might be in for a very
short escape."

Susan pressed the push bar on the door. The latch made a loud clack
as the door unlocked, but no alarm. Peering out Susan saw a young woman
standing next to a van decorated with the broadcaster's logo, and a picture
of the two news anchors looking seriously outward. The young woman was
pretty, with long dark hair. She was dressed in a pair of jeans and a large
sweater. She looked to be fresh out of college.
"Doctor Spears?" She asked in a whisper. Susan nodded and quietly
led the other two out the door, looking about in the early morning shadows
for signs of a trap. "Good morning, I'm Caroline, we should get moving."

As if on cue, a claxon sounded in the building. Either their

disappearance had been discovered, or the security hacks put in place by
Daryl had hit their time limit. Either way, they climbed into the van while
the young woman got behind the wheel. Without drama, she drove them
away, sticking as best she could to a long and winding route that had been
hopefully designed to circumnavigate the majority of traffic cameras in the
area, making it more difficult to track them.

"How long until we get there?" Susan asked, the need to Bliss quickly

"Better part of an hour I should think." Caroline answered, looking

back in the mirror. "We felt the need to take a rather circuitous route."

"Great, that's plenty of time." Susan said before turning her attention
to Jack. "Pull it out Jack. I don't know if I can wait hours, and if I do it now
I'll have time to sober up so I won't look like a babbling fool when we

After about an hour of driving, the van pulled up in front of an

unmarked warehouse on the north end of London in a suburb called Hayes.
Susan was immediately suspicious.

"What's going on, where are we?" She asked, her voice edgy with
tension. "We're supposed to go to the studio aren't we?"

The young woman turned in her seat to face them. Her eyes showed a
slowly growing need for sex as she greedily eyed the bulge in Jack's jeans.
Closing her eyes for a moment, she focused back on Susan.

"Oh, my, I can see how this may seem very out of order." She
explained, a little flustered. "We call this place 'The Bunker'. It was set up
for the G9 conference a number of years ago in case downtown London was
under siege. We have a full broadcast facility here, and it's a fairly well
guarded secret. But we have to hurry. Miss Connors is not well, and I'm told
you can help her, help all of us I'm afraid, as it seems that I may be infected
as well. I think I'm showing the early symptoms, and I could really use a
treatment from Mister Moody, I mean, wow."

"I'm sure he'd be happy to oblige, but perhaps we'd best see to Crystal
first." Susan said with a slight blush. She had tried to be as circumspect as
possible while she blew Jack in the back of the van, but it's quite difficult to
contain oneself when Blissing. "How many are you? How many men and

"We're all female, ma'am." The young woman answered as she

opened a nondescript door on the side of the building. "Miss Connors
thought is safest, I mean, given the symptoms and all."

"You're going to be a busy boy Jack!" Jessie said with a grin, slapping
Jack on the butt as he held the door for the ladies.

"Could be worse." Jack said, his cock thickening a little at the thought
of a building full of needy horny women. He had found that his sex drive
had increased commensurate to the increase in the size of his penis. He
wasn't sure if it was a function of the virus, or a function of having two
attractive coworkers who craved his attention at least several times a day.
He took a suspicious look around before closing the door behind them.
A Meaty Interview
It would become the most watched newscast in the history of the
world. It was rebroadcast in over one hundred countries around the world
within three days of its original broadcast in the UK, and had been viewed
online over twelve billion times, more than once for every human alive on
the planet.

The news broadcast opened with a "Breaking News" graphic that was
only used when there was a huge news story. What was about to be reported
certainly qualified. Rather than opening up the show in the expected news
desk, viewers were presented with a shot of Crystal Connors seated in a
darkened studio sitting on a tall office chair.

"Good evening, I'm Crystal Connors." She paused briefly as the

camera slowly closed in on her. "What we are about to present contains
frank sexual discussion and video. While we have edited the events for
time, please be assured that nothing was faked, and all of the events are
completely real. Additionally we have posted the unedited footage to a
number of the top video sharing and bit-torrent websites. Less than an hour
ago I was near death from the S3X1 virus that is quickly sweeping our
globe. As you can see, I am sitting here in front of you, live, in perfect
health. I was treated by a team under the guidance of Doctor Susan Spears. I
promise you, the treatment you are about to see has so far proved one
hundred percent effective. Anyone can do it, it's easy, fun, and will save
your life."

The front lights went down leaving her backlit, her blonde hair
glowing, as she turned to the side as if watching the video herself. The
picture cut to reveal Connors on a couch, propped up on some pillows. She
wore her blouse from the previous news case, several buttons open, giving
the audience a much more complete view of her cleavage. Her face was
pale and clammy, her hair in disarray splayed out across the pillow. Her
usually sparklingly clear eyes appeared dull and they seemed unfocused as
she looked around frantically. She turned and tried, with only occasional
success, to look into the camera.
"Um... This is Crystal Connors reporting from, fuck, um, I can't say..."
Her eyes rolled back as she slowly blinked before focusing back on the
camera. She licked her dry lips. "God, I feel shit. Um, I feel so tired, I just
want to go to sleep. I guess this is what dying feels like, I can't fight it
anymore, I don't want to fight it. I'm so flippin' horny."

Crystal arched her back and moaned, her body shaking as she
masturbated out of camera sight. "I've been friggin'… I mean masturbating
for hours, my body won't cum anymore, I'm too tired. All I want, all I can
think about is a hard cock, um, penis, um, orgasming... Oh fuck it. I'm
fucking horny as hell and all I want is a cock cumming in me. "

Crystal looked to the side, exhausted. "OK, I got through it, now can
you do it? Oh yeah..."

The dead eyed blonde looked back at the camera. "With me is

National Health Services, uh, Doctor Susan Spears, who I'd totally shag if
could fucking move, and who is the director of, oh fuck, epidemics... I can't
even think..." She turned back to the side. "Do it... please..."

The camera pulled back a little to reveal Susan seated by the buxom
reporter. She smiled at the young woman and nodded to the back of the
room. "Absolutely, Crystal, we'll take care of you right now. Jack?"

The camera fixed back on Crystal... "Hurry, please, I can't take it

anymore. Maybe you can explain the treatment as you give it to me?" She
moaned, her breathing shallow, her lips dry again.

Susan smiled as, out of camera view, Jack approached the couch and
sat down, moving one of Crystal's shapely legs to spread them. The
beautiful blonde looked down at Jack's huge cock and gasped.

"Is he going to put that in me? Please tell me he is..." She moaned,
trying to move to get to Jack, her body too weak to comply.

"Crystal, what is it that the virus drives you to want more than
anything else?" Susan asked as Jack lined his erection up with the blonde's
dripping pussy.
"Oh my god I want that!" She whispered expectantly. "Oh god I want
him to fuck me. I want him to fuck me and fill me with cum. God, I'll never
work again, but all I want is his cum."

"That's the treatment." Susan explained with a smile. "We've been

given exactly the wrong information. We shouldn't be avoiding sexual
contact, we should be embracing it, doing it like rabbits."

Crystal moaned as Jack slowly started to enter her tight pussy. She
breathed in little gasps as her opening slowly stretched to accommodate his
massive girth. Seen only from the waist up all the audience could see was
Crystal's one thigh held up towards her, but they could hear her ragged
breathing, her hoarse whimpers of pleasure, and they could plainly see her
come back to life.

"Brilliant! I feel amazing already! Will... will... oh god I'm going to

cum on telly!" Jack's huge cock had worked about two-thirds of the way in,
its size triggering a massive orgasm in the sexy news presenter. Crystal
grabbed her breasts and arched her back as she came, her mouth open in a
silent scream of ecstasy. "Oh god! Oh god! It's so fucking big I'm going to...
oh fuck!"

Susan reached over and stroked the blonde's hair from her face,
Crystal took her hand and slid the doctor's finger into her mouth and sucked
on it as she rode her orgasm. When she looked up again at Susan her eyes
were a clear vibrant blue. "So that's it? I'm cured?" She said before moaning
and closing her eyes as Jack started to stroke deep in her pussy. His thick
cock pressed against every part of her, stretching her labia tight and making
her clit vibrate with pleasure.

"Well, first he has to ejaculate in you..." Susan began to explain as

Crystal cut her off.

"Oh god yes." Crystal moaned. "I want him to cum in me."

"He has to ejaculate which will trigger the Bliss, and temporarily
alleviate the symptoms. We have yet to find a cure though." Susan
explained. "And there's another catch."
"There always is. Hold on a minute love." Crystal purred. "Jack,
would you be a dear and sit back so I can do a proper interview while I fuck
you, I mean, while you give me my treatment?"

Jack slid his long cock out of her tight pussy. His heavily veined shaft
was slick with her copious juices. A small jet of pre-cum spurted onto
Crystal's pale thigh. The blonde quickly reached down to swipe the white
creamy liquid onto her finger and slipped it into her mouth. She moaned in
pleasure as soon as the cum touched her wet mouth. "It makes me tingle

"Yes, it does, or at least Jack's does anyway. As you can see, he seems
to have been very positively affected by the virus." Susan said, admiring her
co-worker's thick erection and envious of the pretty blonde who as slowly
lowering herself onto the fat cockhead.

"The audience can't see, but he has an absolutely huge cock. Fucking
massive." Crystal said, her eyes fluttering as she impaled herself. "Oh
fucking brilliant, fuck, I'm going to cum!"

Crystal shook; her tight pussy rhythmically tightening around the

huge invader. She held onto Susan's hand so she could lean back down
against Jack and fuck herself on his cock while still talking to Susan. "So
while I get fucking treated, and let me tell you girls, he is a treat. Size does
matter. Susan, please explain further. Bliss?"

"Yes, well, Bliss is the name we gave it." Susan explained, she
flushed slightly watching the young blonde fuck herself up and down Jack's
hard erection. She wasn't embarrassed, but she dearly wanted to join in. She
shifted in her seat, her pussy wet with desire. "Here's the thing. To alleviate
the symptoms you need to have sex... with the opposite sex... and the must
be a transmission of fluids. Otherwise it doesn't work."

"Ugh, I'm all in. I can't wait for him to transfer all of his fluid into...
god he's big." Crystal bounced up and down on his cock, her breathing hard
as she approached another orgasm. She pulled open her blouse and revealed
her large breasts barely contained by a sheer bra. Her hard nipples stood out
clearly as she massaged them. "I feel like I'm doing a bloody porno. You
know, my breasts were voted best of tube last year. Oh god Susan I'm going
to cum again. Fuck!"

Susan explained some more of the mechanics while the news

presenter came. She went over how male ejaculation would trigger a female
orgasm, and the Bliss, vaginally, orally, and even anally. She touched on
how female ejaculation could trigger the Bliss, and briefly how and why
gay or lesbian sex didn't.

"OK, I see what you mean." Crystal said, obviously tired. "I feel so
much better, really high to be honest, but I still really want his cum. I have
to have his cum. How does he fucking last so long?"

"You have no idea Crystal..." Susan started to say.

"Oh! You've been fucking him haven't you?" Crystal suddenly

realized. She started to say something else but Jack started fucking her,
hard, his massive cock swelling and stiffening deep inside her. "Oh fuck
yeah, god yes, fucking cum in me. I want your cum... You still haven't told
me why you call it... Oh god yes he's going to cum! Why do... why do you
call it Bliss?"

Susan smiled, looked over at the camera and nodded for the operator
to get a good shot of Crystal's glowing contorting face. "You're about to find

Brightly lit screens all around Great Britain carried a picture of the
stunningly beautiful blond news presenter bouncing up and down. She
played with her now exposed breasts, the camera operator had given up
trying to frame them out of shot, and she was begging for cum on national

Her face was wild with ecstasy as the big cock drove her to multiple
orgasms. Any thought of an interview had left her mind for the single desire
of feeling the cock explode deep inside her.

"Please baby, gimme your cum..." She pleaded desperately, breathing

heavily. "That's it, fuck me hard, fill me with your cum. Oh god baby I need
your cum... That's it, fuck yeah, fuck yeah fuck yeah..."

Crystal squealed as she felt the huge shaft pulse deep within her, a
warm wet feeling enveloping her pussy as Jack pumped load after load of
cum deep inside her, sending her over the edge into another orgasm. A huge
smile appeared on her face and the camera actually recorded her eyes
dilating the moment the Bliss hit her.

"Oh fuck yeah, cum in me baby, cum in me..." She cried as Jack's
massive hard cock spewed the nectar she craved. Then the Bliss hit her.
"Holy shit... Oh yeah... Oh god that's..."

Crystal raved as she was overwhelmed by the Bliss. She continued to

fuck herself on Jack's rock hard erection, riding a minutes-long orgasm even
after his had ended. The camera stared, unblinking, just as millions watched
at home, watched the first publicly recorded Bliss. After her orgasm
subsided, Crystal lay back against the couch, the big cock still deep within
her. The camera watched as she stared back at it, tilting her head, fascinated
by the machine as if it were an alien life form.

"Folks..." She started drunkenly as she tried to talk to the camera. "I
have been properly fucked. I am fucking stoned right now... my whole body
is vibrating. My pussy is super tingly. I can't describe… it all feels..." She
took a moment to suck on one of her hard nipples, becoming engrossed in
it, grinding her pussy against the huge cock half embedded in her.

"That's why we call it Bliss." Susan explained, extremely turned on

by the blonde. "It's a pleasurable side effect to the process. The virus has a
male and female component, or at least as far as we are able to determine at
this early stage. It is the contact with, and the exchange of, the respective
viruses that counteracts the negative effects of the infection."

"How long does it last?" Crystal asked, stretching with pleasure, her
breasts spectacular in the studio lights. "Please say all day."

Susan laughed and absently stroked the blonde's breast. "I'm afraid
not. But it does last between about twenty minutes and an hour."
The scene dissolved to a close up of Crystal, she was leaning against
the arm of couch, her hair bounced as she moved. "Well, it's been, um, a
buncha minutes, and I'm fucking high as a fucking kite! Oh, yay me! I got
Jack to fuck me again! He's like a fucking horse! Oh god… cumming!"

The scene dissolved again to find Crystal lounging languorously on

the couch, one hand holding a curl of blonde hair at the corner of her
mouth, the other off screen. Close beside her sat Susan, it appeared that the
blonde had her legs draped over the attractive scientist. Crystal addressed
the camera. "Hmmm, forty minutes and I'm still so stoned and mellow. The
uncontrollable craving is gone, I mean, I'd very much like another visit
from Doctor Jack, or one from Doctor Susan for that matter..." She was
interrupted by screams of passion coming from off screen, a woman
begging for cum. "But I'm afraid out technical director Lynne needs her

"Wow, it's been almost an hour and I'm starting to come down."
Crystal talked into the camera, her professional demeanor returning. "I'd
like to try and describe the feeling of the Bliss to you, but I'm not sure I can.
It's like the pleasure of an orgasm times one hundred. Add to that a floating
euphoria, an almost psychedelic experience, it's like the perfect drug. My
head is still flying, but I feel like I have a bit more control."

Crystal turned to Susan. "So Doctor Suzy, first of all let me tell you
that you are so completely sexy. Does this Bliss make one suddenly
bisexual? Because I would love to lick... Oh my… apparently I'm still a
little loopy."

"Thank you for the compliment. We don't have enough research to

definitively say, Crystal. But it appears to hyper-sexualize its victim. And in
the case of women, that seems to include other women. I'm naturally bi-
sexual myself, but I'm much more attracted to men. With the virus I became
absolutely ravenous for pleasure with both sexes. My lab assistant Jessie
was completely heterosexual but readily became bisexual under the
influence of the virus, and afterward. Jack, on the other hand, has reported
no bi-sexual urges so far."
"You said that sex is not a cure, just a treatment. What happens to me

"Well, the Bliss will continue to fade over the next little while..."
Susan was interrupted by the blonde.

"So if I have sex again with Jack... Yes please..." Crystal said, joking
to the camera, but intrigued by Jack's huge cock as he stood off screen. "If I
had sex again with him would I get to Bliss again?"

"I'm afraid not Crystal, otherwise I'm sure I'd still be locked up in the
lab. I mean, who could resist?" Susan answered with a smile. "In
somewhere around six to ten hours you'll feel the need to Bliss again. All
the same symptoms will return, the extreme arousal, the disorientation, the
need to masturbate. You'll have to find a man, I'm sure you'll have plenty of
volunteers, and have him ejaculate in you. At which point you'll Bliss

"Two or three times a day? And a Bliss every time? I can’t even
imagine." Crystal said, at once amazed and enticed at the idea, her mind
already hooked on the Bliss. "How do you manage?"

"Well, it's not like you suddenly go all nymphomaniac." Susan

answered with a smile. "Once you know the sensations to look for you can
feel the need slowly build. You can accommodate to some extent. But if you
try to ignore it you'll become ravenous again, you'll lose complete control."

"When we decided to relocate to this studio, what we call The

Bunker, we decided to only bring female crew members in hopes that we
would be protected from the virus. That decision could have killed us,

"It could have potentially, yes." Susan answered directly.

"Doctor, why is the government telling us not to have sex?" Crystal

continued slowly, her brain slowly catching up to the storyline.
"I don’t know Crystal." Susan said sadly. "I can't figure out what their
motivation would be. We told them what to do to save lives, and they
locked us up for it. Many people are likely dead because of that decision."

The scene finally cut back to the studio. Crystal was seated in the
studio, the dramatic lighting gone. She was sitting in her chair next to Susan
Spears and Jessie Thames who were seated on the couch. She looked at the

"Well, as you can imagine, it's rather mortifying to watch oneself

acting like that. But I literally felt near death when we started, and
everything you saw was real. Dr. Spears, was my reaction typical?"

"Yes, well, as far as we can tell with limited research." Susan said,
glancing at Jessie with a smile. "We both react in much the same way you
just did. And, you've also watched several of your coworkers Bliss as well.
It seems to be a pretty predictable pattern."

"And you were able to work the Bliss in with your regular activities
as you searched for the cause and treatment of the virus?" Crystal asked. It's
taken me almost an hour to get my wits about me. "It's a good thing you had
such a well-equipped lab partner in the form of Doctor Moody."

"I wish I could say that it was all very straightforward like that."
Susan said, smiling. "Interestingly, at least some of Jack's size and prowess
appears to be related directly to the virus. While I have no direct experience
previous to the Bliss virus, I mean I'm sure he was more than adequate, but
according to him he experienced a very significant increase in length and

"Let's be honest, he's massive, bigger than I've ever seen." Crystal

"Yes, and decidedly hard to resist." Susan blushed a little.

"So the boys are really getting something extra out of this, and we
girls really get the big end of the stick."
"I don't know. From what we can gather anecdotally, Jack is unique in
enjoying the effects, or at least in a relatively small effected group." Susan
explained, managing to make big cocks sound scientific. "Ironically, we
stumbled onto the treatment only because Jessie was in the same state you
were in an hour ago and we didn't know what else to do. A successful virus
tends to drive the mechanisms it needs to survive and propagate. So as a last
resort we decided to give the host what it craved. It's lucky we did."

"But you reported your findings up the chain of command, right?"

Crystal asked, already knowing the answer.

"We did." Susan said coldly. "We reported all our findings. We were
shut down and quarantined for doing so. We were categorically told that
there is no way our findings would be passed up the chain. Contacting you
surreptitiously was the only way we were able to get the message out."

Crystal looked off camera briefly and nodded. "OK, we're ready,
thank you." She turned back to the camera. "We're going to give you
another demonstration, live, of the Bliss. This is Caroline, she's a first year
Assistant Producer with the show, and doing a fine job by the way."

The young woman sat down next to the blonde news presenter. She
squirmed and was obviously in an advanced need to Bliss. Although she
tried to sit still, her hands moved up and down her thighs, occasionally up to
her nipples as they pressed against her sweater. She squirmed and shifted,
looking at something just off camera.

"Caroline, thank you for appearing on camera." Connors said, taking

one of the girl's hands to try and keep them still. "Please tell the audience
how you are feeling."

The slim young brunette looked furtively around, embarrassed, and

then locked eyes with the blonde news reporter. Her eyes glistened with
desire as she licked her lips. "Crystal, I want it, I want it so bad. When can I
have it?"

"Have what Caroline? Please, explain it to our audience." Connors

answered. Oddly, the blonde found herself becoming incredibly turned on
by the young woman. She felt a delicious twinge of pleasure as she felt her
nipples harden against the thin material of her blouse, realizing that the
entire television audience would see it too. She leaned in closer to the
young woman. "Describe what you're feeling and you can have it."

"Sorry, right." Caroline gulped, closing her eyes for a moment. "It just
came over me a little while ago. I'm incredibly turned on, horny, I mean, I'm
dripping wet here. All I can think of is sex..." She looked off-screen and
licked her lips. "All I can think of is his great big cock there and I really
want to have it now! I want his cock, I want his cum!"

Crystal looked at the girl, not speaking, then leaned in closely and
kissed her. The two women kissed deeply, their tongues playing and teasing
each other's. Caroline took the blondes large breasts in her hands and
massaged them. Caroline responded, moaned, and kissed deeper before
sitting back on the couch, her mouth open in shock.

"Go ahead dear." Connors finally said, breaking the embrace.

Caroline didn't wait, she turned to the side, dropped off the edge of
the couch, and knelt in front of a seated Jack, his huge cock standing tall
and hard in the foreground of the shot. The young brunette sucked the fat
head into her mouth and stroked the thick shaft.

"Is this what it's going to be like?" Crystal said, staring at the young
woman sucking on the beautiful hard erection. She pressed her thighs
together to assuage her growing arousal. "I mean, everyone?"

Susan also watched the young woman, her own desire burning. "We
don't know for sure yet, but yes, I believe you're exactly right. At least for
the foreseeable future. This is going to mean a massive shift in society, in
social norms. Sex may well become as common and public as taking a
drink. Offices, factories, schools, travel, even home life, will have to stop
several times a day for people to Bliss. This will impact every aspect of our
lives. It's mind-boggling to consider the ramifications."

"Are children effected? I hadn’t even thought of that." Crystal asked

suddenly. The thought of sex in schools made her wonder how young the
Bliss starts.

"I don’t know for sure yet, but anecdotal evidence we've collected
suggests that its onset is likely tied to puberty in some way. We don't know
if there's an upper age limit." Susan continued, unable to take her eyes off
the young woman as she swallowed half of Jack's huge cock. She could tell
by the way he watched the young woman that he was getting ready to cum
soon. She really liked it when Jack came. "But it definitely seems to infect
everyone that comes in contact with it."

"Um, Doctor Spears..." Carolyn shifted uncomfortably, facing Susan,

but unable to stop looking at the bulging veins that ran up the length of the
huge cock as the pretty young brunette covered it in saliva. "I think I need
to Bliss again, I mean, I'm really horny, and I really want to cum, uh,
orgasm. Isn't it too soon? Not that I'd mind."

"That's Jack I'm afraid." Susan said with a deep breath. "He has that
effect on women. You don't need to Bliss, but it's very difficult to ignore."

Jack moaned, about to cum. The camera centered in on Caroline as

she frantically stroked his cock with both hands, her mouth bobbing up and
down over the fat mushroom of his cockhead. His swollen balls pulled up
tight to his body, and the shaft tensed. Viewers could see the thick shaft
pulsate and thicken rhythmically as the streams of cum traveled up the thick
center vein and into the girl's mouth.

Caroline moaned with pleasure as the first warm load pumped onto
her tongue, a small load, quickly followed by a huge thick stream of cum
blasting into her mouth. She quickly swallowed as her mouth was refilled
with his warm wonderful cum. Moments later the wash of Bliss started.
Viewers could watch her expression soften and her eyes dilate as the drug-
like effects overpowered her. After a dozen loads of hot cum she let the big
cock slip from her lips and rest against her cheek. But the moment she did a
huge fountain of cum sprayed from the still pumping cock, over her head, to
splatter back over her shoulder, onto her hair, and across her face. Surprised
she looked over at the huge cock only to have another spray of cum splash
against her forehead and into her hair. Craving every drop of his seed she
opened her mouth wide and pumped his shaft, catching spurt after spurt in
her mouth, swallowing as fast as she could, cum spraying over her closed
mouth when she was too slow. Finally, overwhelmed, she held the cock
close to her cheek, kissing the head and shaft, stroking it with her hand as
the ejaculations slowed, still pumping against the side of her face. She
occasionally sucked from the head, but was overwhelmed by the Bliss.

The camera shot switched to Carolyn, watching the ejaculation in

utter rapture, her legs spread wide and her fingers deep in her own pussy.
The camera pulled in closer and she looked into the lens dreamily. "I'm
sorry, I, I couldn't stop myself. This is the new world. Go out, find a partner,
and protect yourself. Have sex to live. We'll break in as news warrants.

The studio went dark, the participants silhouetted against the lit
background. Crystal could be seen dropping to her knees and going to Jack.
It was obvious what she was about to do when the news graphic replaced
the studio scene.
The Truth Will Prevail
It's often left up to history to determine those moments when the
world changes. Caught in the middle of events, the participants rarely
understand the implications of the events in motion, or their place in them.
This was not the case with Bliss.

The world news report was still carrying the governmental line of
non-contact with the infected, but had made note of the massive worldwide
reaction to Crystal Connors' breakthrough story. It also covered limited
video of what amounted to wild orgies and public sex in a number of
different countries. The news anchor cut into a story about quarantine
procedures around a cruise ship that had just docked in Florida and had
been refused debarkation. He appeared to receive word in their earpiece.
"We're, ah, being instructed that we are cutting back live to the London
studio with an update."

The picture changed to Crystal Connors, looking relaxed, confident,

and well fucked. Her hair was arranged, but had the appearance of being
tossed about. She looked into the camera with a subtly delicious grin. She
nodded almost imperceptibly before beginning.

"I'm Crystal Connors. First off, let me thank all of you who have been
emailing and tweeting your support. We are not only doing fine, but we are
also extremely safe." The blonde read into the camera, her lips glistening in
the studio lights. "About fifteen minutes ago we received a visit from our
friends at MI-5. I can now tell you that an inquiry is currently under way
reaching into the highest levels of government. Police are still asking that
citizens stay off the streets as much as possible as they sort out the crisis.
The government has still not officially endorsed Doctor Spears'
recommendations to engage in sexual contact with the opposite sex."
Crystal turned to the side and the camera pulled back to show Spears seated
along the anchor desk.

"Doctor Spears." Crystal began. "You must be terribly frustrated that

the government still refuses to acknowledge your findings, but you must be
pleased that word is finally getting out."

"Well, I suppose I am..." Susan began tentatively. "But I can't stop

thinking about how many may have perished, and will continue to die,
because it took so long to get the word out. How many people died because
governments suppressed the information? I don't mean to sound paranoid,
but we do have some initial evidence that points to this being a man-made

"Like a chemical weapon?" Crystal asked.

"Well, like a biological weapon of some kind. The only thing is that it
doesn't appear kill unless you fight the effects. I'm not sure what the gain
would be." Susan explained, her mind racing through possible motives.
"But what we do know is that the virus was designed to hide in your body,
activate on a semi-regular schedule, and has a male and female component.
We have much work to do to understand what is happening."

"Without being locked up this time with any luck." Crystal joked,
breaking the somber mood.

"Yes, with any luck." Susan answered. "It's important to remember

that we've only just scratched the surface. All we really know is that sex
counteracts the detrimental effects of the virus. But we don't know exactly
how or why. We don't know if this virus will mutate into something harder
to control. And while I suspect it's too late for a vaccine, given the rate of
spread, we may be able to find a control or a cure for the virus."

"I'm not sure I want a cure!" Crystal joked, wrapping the interview
up. "If Bliss is being sick, I don't want to be well! Thank you again Susan,
for saving me, and for giving us the vital information to save ourselves.
Please come back very soon to give us an update? Oh, and feel free to bring
Doctor Moody with you. We are shifting coverage now to a live interview
with the leader of the Loyal Opposition."

The lights went down and a production assistant quickly came to

collect Susan's microphone. Crystal came over and gave her a big hug.
Susan was acutely aware of their large breasts pressing together.
"You did it Susan, you got the world to listen!" The blonde reporter
gushed, excited about breaking the biggest story in a century. "And you
saved my life. I mean, stick a fork in me, I was done until you brought Jack
and his wonderful cock to me. I'm sorry I didn't believe you sooner. We
could have saved so many more. We're starting to get casualty reports in,
and I'm afraid it's disastrous. We still have no word from the rest of the EU,
or from America. America particularly seems to be cut off. Of course the
Chinese claim that nobody there is infected."

"I don't even want to know, at least not until tomorrow." Susa said,
suddenly exhausted beyond belief. "But thank you, for taking this huge risk,
and for letting the truth get out."

"So what do you do next?"

"Sleep." Susan answered, closing her eyes and smiling. "See my

husband, Bliss with my husband hopefully, and start back again tomorrow I
suppose. I'm told we're being taken back to our homes, but we'll be well

"Oh my, I hadn't thought about your partners, how they must feel. The
whole need to Bliss is really going to change things." Crystal thought, the
realization of the monumental shift that society would need to go through
suddenly hit home. "Do you all have someone?"

"I'm married, but it's an open marriage, so the thought of Michael

fucking other women doesn't concern me, if anything, it sort of excites me
more than usual." Susan said, a glint in her eye. "Jack is married, and Jessie
is single as far as I know. Her boyfriends seem to come and go pretty

"Well, do keep in touch, and stay safe." Crystal said as her Stage
Director came to collect her. She kissed Susan on the cheeks, followed by a
tentative kiss on the lips. "I think this may have awakened a whole new side
of me. Please say you'll come back, I mean for an interview, or whatever.
You know."
"Gladly." Susan said with a knowing smile. She'd look forward to
making the curvaceous young blonde shiver orgasm.

Susan, Jack, and Jessie assembled at the back of the studio waiting for
their security detail to clear the parking lot. Once that was completed they
were escorted quickly into the back of an armored Range Rover SUV. The
vehicle, along with two other matching vehicles, moved swiftly away. They
sat in the back, Jack in the middle of the two women, and rode in silence for
much of the forty five minute drive, first, to Jack's flat. Each of the three
would stay in a different location for security reasons. As they neared his
home for the evening Jessie undid her seat belt and crawled onto Jack's lap,
straddling him. Right away she could feel the bulge of his massive cock
swell to meet her.

"Please say you'll come if I call Jack." She said, her eyes glistening on
the edge of tears.

Jack put his hands on her hips and ran them down her firm thighs.
"Gladly, but, why would you need to call?"

"Well what if I need your cock?" She asked, a tear rolling down her
cheek. "I mean, I've had the best fucking sex in my life on your cock. And I
just want to make sure that if the other ones don't work I can call you."

"Jessie, I think when you Bliss it doesn't make any difference who's
cock is involved." Jack said as he wiped away the tear and kissed her gently.
Jessie couldn't help but grind against his hardening cock when he did. "But
I promise I'll be here if you need me. Besides, we work together, I'm sure
we're going to Bliss almost every day."

The SUV pulled up to the curb. Several guards were already in place
out front. Jack was sure there were a dozen more he couldn't see
surrounding the area. Jessie slid off his lap, and onto Susan's to allow Jack
to climb out.

"Thanks Jack, see you tomorrow." Jessie said earnestly as Jack

climbed out. Then, with a laugh, she buried her face in Susan's neck and
started nibbling. "See what you're going to miss Jack?"
The three exchanged their goodbyes and Jack walked up the steps to
his flat. The stairs glistened wet and water droplets hung from the handrail,
a testament to the day-long drizzle that had just ended. He unlocked his
door, turned and nodded to the detail out front, and walked into the house.
I’ll Wait While You Fuck Her
"Kara! Honey, I'm home!" Jack called as he hung up the jacket he
borrowed from the security detail. Taking off his shoes he heard sounds. His
heart sunk a little when he realized it was coming from his bedroom, and it
was the quick breathing of his wife. The low moans indicated that she
wasn't alone. He wasn't surprised. He knew, at least intellectually, that his
wife was fucking another man a few times a day in order to Bliss. He was
the one that told her to do it. He had been doing the same thing with the two
attractive women that he worked with, and the entire news crew. But
everything that had gone on over the last few days just hadn't prepared
himself for the possibility that she would be fucking another man when he
arrived home.

Walking quietly he crept towards the bedroom door, it was ajar

allowing him to peek at what was happening. Despite his trepidation, he felt
his cock engorging, pushing against the stretchy material of the news
program logo'd sweat pants he'd borrowed. He could hear his wife whimper
with pleasure, her breathing quick, the sound of flesh slapping. He took a
moment to calm down before he ventured a look. Despite everything, he
was shocked to see his young slim wife straddling a middle-aged black
man, riding his thick cock. It wasn't as big as the one Jack had recently
grown, but it was much larger than what his had been prior to the virus. He
heard noises emanating from Kara that he'd never heard during their
lovemaking. It made him jealous.

The thick black cock had a very noticeable bend. The effect of this
was that every time his wife would slide up, just keeping the fat head in her
pussy, the shaft would twist. Then, as she pushed back down, it would
torque and resist before shoving in. His shaft was slick with his wife's
juices. Jack was initially jealous of the large black cock invading his wife,
but then he realized that in his new enlarged state, he actually had a much
bigger cock. He wasn’t even sure why that mattered, but it did make him
feel better. While watching, and stroking his hardening cock through the
material of his trousers, he accidentally bumped the door open, the hinges
squeaking. Kara spun her head around at the sound.
"Who is it? Who's there?" She said, and edge of panic in her voice.
Jack stepped into the room and gave a halfhearted wave.

"It's just me Kara, I'm back." Jack said, rather embarrassed at being
caught a peeping tom.

"Jack? Oh thank god you're back. I've been so worried." She said,
relief flooding across her. Beneath her the black man stirred, pushing his
cock into her pussy. Oddly, Jack recognized their neighbor from two doors
down, Stanley Gibbons. Kara's look of relief twisted into something
different, animal, desperate, and she started moving herself up and down on
the hard cock, unable to resist.

"I'm sorry Jack, I can't help it. I need this cock..." She explained, the
arousal in her voice quickly overtaking any sorrow or regret she may have
felt. She moaned and slid back down the big black cock until it was once
again buried in her dripping pussy. She lifted herself up until the black shaft
was barely lodged in her pussy, trying not to fuck him. She slowly ground
her hips, fucking just the tip, a whimper coming from her lips. "I'm so sorry
Jack, I tried to wait when they told me you were coming home. It's just..."

The black man groaned and pushed his cock a little deeper into Jack's
slim wife. Kara couldn't resist, a loud moan of pleasure escaping as she
impaled herself, burying his cock deep in her pussy. She ground against
him, riding the thick black meat, her breath coming in pants. She raised
herself up again, his cock barely inside her pussy, her thighs shaking with
the need to orgasm. "God Jack he's so fucking hard... I need to make him to

The black man groaned and tried to push back inside her. Kara tried to
hold back, but was unable to resist. Slowly lowering herself a little as she
slowly started to fuck his hard cock deeper and deeper. She looked up at her
husband, breathing heavily, unable to resist the driving urge to Bliss. "I'm
sorry Jack..."

Sliding every inch of his thick black cock deep inside her, she
urgently rode him, wild animalistic groans came from her as she felt him
start to tense, his black cockhead flaring and swelling, the shaft stiffening.
"Fuck... Come on, give it to me... cum… cum... Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, come on, fucking cum. Fuck yeah, yeah, cum... cum..." Her voice
cracked as she ground herself down against him, unable to control herself as
she begged for release.

Jack watched for a moment as the black man's balls tightened, his
thick shaft pulsed, pumping cum into his wife. Kara sobbed in orgasm and
he watched her face turn from a sneer, to a smile, to a look of abject ecstasy,
first at her own orgasm, then as the Bliss overtook her.

Jack slowly backed out of the room. "I'll be out in the living room
having a pint." He said quietly, not sure if his wife could even understand
him. "Oh, good to see you Stanley." He closed the door over to quiet the
moans and cries of Bliss emanating from his wife, he went to the
refrigerator to get a beer, poured it into a pint glass, and sat down, doing his
best to ignore the moans of pleasure coming from the bedroom. Out of
reflex he turned on the television, but all that was on was news. He enjoyed
a surreal moment watching his hard cock getting a blowjob by the young
news woman again, his own cock stiffening at the memory.
A Roll and A Bliss
"Oh shit!" Jessie exclaimed as the SUV pulled away.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Susan asked, stifling a

laugh at the young woman's apparent frustration.

"No. I'm fucking horny, I need to Bliss." She answered with a pout.
"Jack fucking set me off and then he took his big cock inside to play with
his wife. Now what am I going to do?"

"Well, you are roommate Roland has a penis, and he certainly has
earned a proper reward." Susan said, her voice playfully mocking her
assistant while she slid her hand between the girl's thighs. She could feel
Jessie's moist heat, she really was horny.

"What, Rolly? I hadn't thought... Still, he's got a perfectly serviceable

cock." Jessie said, trying to think straight while she squirmed under Susan's
experienced hand. "Stop it! I can't think straight."

"You never thought about shagging Rolly?" Susan teased.

"Well, no actually... Well, yeah, we almost did it coming home drunk

from the pubs... Ah! Hey, you're getting me in a fucking way!" Jessie
jumped, pushing Susan's hands away. "I can't think straight, all I want's a
cock now! I'll make you eat my pussy if you don't stop."

"Like that's a threat. I'll make you cum so hard you'll have to be
carried up the stairs to your flat." Susan said with a lusty growl. She
reached over to pinch Jessie's nipple, standing hard against her T-shirt,
making the fit black girl arch her back in pleasure. "Besides, we'll be at
your place in only a few minutes, I wouldn't have time. I'm just getting you
all hot and bothered for Rolly. I want you to drain that boy's balls for the
help he gave us. He really came through."

"I'm going to get you for this." Jessie glared in lust at her boss, still
squirming, a distinct wet spot between her thighs. "And I'm going to drain
his balls dry, or any other cock I can get my hands on. He'd better hope I see
him first and not James. Fuck it, they can both fuck me. Fuck I sound like
such a slut, but I need to Bliss so badly. It's all your fault."

"Oh, well I wouldn't want to be accused of besmirching your fine

morals." Susan said in mock indignation. She quickly removed her hands,
not touching Jessie anymore. The lithe black girl groaned in frustration and
pounced on Susan, straddling her much like she did Jack a short while ago.
The two women kissed and fondled one another for the remaining minutes
of the ride. Jessie got out of the SUV and blew a kiss to Susan.

"See you tomorrow love, I might be a little late, you know, have to
wake and Bliss I imagine." She turned to the tall agent guarding her door
and nodded at him. "Fancy a fuck upstairs?" The agent smiled and politely
declined saying he was on duty. The growing bulge in his trousers indicated
that his cock had made a different assessment. "Suit yourself, but make sure
you come running if I call."

Jessie skipped up the stairs and into the well-appointed apartment she
shared with Rolly and James. It was a geek's playground in the areas that
the boys decorated, but stylish and funky in her areas. She closed the door
and shouted.

"Roland Shaker you sexy beast! Where are you?" She called while
squirming out of her tight T-shirt. She left the cotton top on the floor and
hopped down the hallway as she tried to get out of her tight jeans. She
hopped around the corner pulling the tight denim from her foot and backed
into the large living room wearing nothing but her wet panties. "Rolly, I'm
here to give you the best reward blow job you've ever had! Oh..."

The room was empty and dark. She looked at her watch. Sure enough,
it was almost midnight. Quietly she snuck into Rolly's room and stood for a
moment, watching his sleeping form. Rolly wasn't a particularly good
looking, or bad looking fellow. He was skinny, short, and quite frankly,
plain. He had short sandy colored hair and relied on glasses to correct his
absolutely terrible vision. He murmured and rolled onto his back,
stretching, an obvious erection visible against the sheet. The outline of his
cock made Jessie's head spin and her pussy warm with desire. She quickly
stripped off her panties and stepped to the side of the bed.

Her eyes wide with anticipation, she carefully pulled the sheet off her
sleeping friend. She looked at his hard cock. Her initial impression was one
of disappointment. Unlike Jack, Rolly had a very average penis, maybe
even on the small side. Jessie's view of large and small cocks had been
seriously challenged over the past days. However, after just a second of
looking at it she felt the overwhelming need to have it in her, to make it
cum in her. To Bliss. Carefully putting her leg over his she straddled him
and leaned down to take the stiff cock all the way in her mouth. She initially
noticed that it easily fit in her mouth, but the feeling of the warm hard flesh,
and the slight taste of precum drove any consideration out of her head to be
replaced with the overwhelming desire to make it shoot. Rolly moaned as
she worked his cock in her mouth, encircling it with her tongue.

"Christ! What... Jessie?" Rolly stammered as he grabbed his glasses.

"Jessie? What are you doing? Not that I want you to stop or anything, feel
free to keep on... I mean, oh shit that feels good!"

Jessie took his hard cock from her mouth and stroked it as she looked
up at him. "You know I can't stop Rolly. Think of this as your reward for
coming to my rescue." She increased her tempo and watched as he
stiffened, already nearing a climax. "You're not going to last long Rolly, I'm
not going to let you. Do you want to give me your cum in my mouth or my

Rolly almost came right there, but Jessie anticipated it and rested her
hand at the base of his cock. "I mean, ugh, I don't know..."

Jessie slid his cock into her mouth and slowly removed it, sucking it,
gently letting her tongue run along the base of his cock. Rolly thrust, about
to cum until she let his erection pop out of her mouth.

"What's it going to be Rolly?" She punctuated with a lick of his

sensitive cockhead that made him jump and thrust towards her. She let go of
his stiff cock and raised herself up, her hands cupping her small firm
breasts. "Do you want to cum in my mouth, or do you want to cum in my
tight, wet little pussy?"

"I, uh, um..." Rolly stuttered.

"Or, I could go find James..." She said, looking back over at his
bedroom door. "I bet he'd give me his cum..."

"Pussy!" Rolly blurted out, his eyes ravenously drinking in the sight
of his beautiful roommate. "I mean please, I want to give you your cum in
my pussy... Your pussy I mean... My cum... shit. That is if you..."

Jessie didn't let him finish, couldn't in fact, she had held off as long as
she could, but she needed to Bliss and she needed his cock in her to do that.
She quickly slid forward and let his small hard erection slip into her hot
folds. She moaned loudly as he instinctively thrust into her, the need to
ejaculate driving him. She lay on his chest and enjoyed the feeling of his
frantic fucking, a grin of pleasure spreading across her lips.

"Come on Rolly, give it to me..." She whispered in his ear, kissing

him, pulling on his bottom lip. "I need your cum baby, I know you want

Rolly groaned and thrust into her, his small hard cock spitting his less
than prodigious load into her wet pussy. Regardless of size, it was more
than enough as Jessie felt herself orgasm, irresistibly driven to Bliss.
Moments later she felt the ecstatic wave overwhelm her, carrying her to
pure pleasure. She writhed on Rolly's cock, even as it quickly softened and
slid from her pussy. She gave out a small sigh, wishing that Jack's huge
cock was still filling her, still hard, still fucking her, letting her fuck herself
in oblivious sexual rapture.

As she lay across Rolly she drifted in the Bliss. "Fuck me again...
Wait, Don’t Cum Yet
Susan was exhausted when the SUV finally pulled up in front of her
house. She quickly nodded her thanks to the driver, to the female agent
guarding her front door, and rushed inside. She was horny, very horny, and
she needed relief. It had been easy with Jack right there, Jack and his
glorious cock, so full of cum, so big, so hard, always... She closed the door
and rushed up the stairs to find her husband.

As she reached the top landing she could hear the rhythmic creaking
of the bed. This wasn't a complete surprise, and not that unusual. Susan and
Michael had an open marriage and were free to enjoy sex with any other
partners they chose. Often they would bring them home to include the other
spouse. In fact, the couple retained a shared personal assistant who lived in
an apartment within their large home. They specifically hired sexually
promiscuous bisexual women who could be seduced during their interview.
The assistant was never forced to have sex, nor was their job ever in
jeopardy if they declined sex after their hire. It was considered a fringe
benefit. They typically hired young women who were saving money for
university, and after two years of employment they would have enough
money to pay for their university degree. This allowed the girls to go to
school, and gave Michael and Susan a new young sexual playmate every
year or two.

So when Susan walked in on her husband fucking their assistant

Veronika she was neither surprised nor upset, in her state, she was almost
orgasmic. Veronika had joined them just a few months ago. She was a petite
gymnast, born in the Czech Republic, but moved to the UK with her parents
when she was a teenager. Unfortunately, she outgrew her compact gymnast
size and shape becoming gracefully tall with perfect breasts that, while not
particularly large, proved too large for her chosen sport. They had hired her
on the spot when she, just after her interview finished, followed Susan into
the bathroom and brought her new boss to a thigh shaking orgasm with just
two fingers before prompting Michael to fuck her while she stood on one
foot, her other leg raised straight in the air.
Veronika's face was currently buried in a pillow, the lithe girl on her
knees, her back arched to push her perfect ass into the air. Susan's husband
Michael was intently fucking her, standing behind her at the edge of the
bed, his hands around her waist where her slim hips curved out. She knew
her husband well enough to know he was going to cum soon. Urgently in
need of Bliss, Susan rushed into the room.

"I need you to fuck me Michael. Susan whispered in her husband's

ear, her hand caressing his balls. "I need your cum."

"Yeah, fuck I'm cumming..." Michael groaned, ejaculating deep into

the lithe Czech. Susan listened to the young woman gasp in Bliss. She
watched the smile associated with Blissing split her husband's face.

"God, Michael, not yet..." Susan whispered, hoping to pull his cock
out the young woman. Her heart fell as she felt his softening penis slip from
the girl's pussy. Jack could go for what seemed like forever; cumming
multiple times, and still able to perform.

Her husband's dilated eyes looked over at her wife. "Oh Susan, that
was fucking amazing. I love you." He slurred his words as he sloppily
kissed his wife before slowly crumbling onto the bed.

Susan was frantic, her need to Bliss was becoming overwhelming.

Veronika lay on the bed next to Michael. She rolled over and looking back
up at her employer. Her face bore a broad smile and her glazed eyes
indicated her Blissed state. She looked at Susan lustily and held her arms
out towards her.

"Come, I'll fuck you with my tongue." Her eyes flared with barely
restrained desire. "He almost always passes out when he Blisses, you won't
get anything from him for a half hour, maybe an hour."

"Shit." Susan exclaimed, her body driving her to seek out a hard cock.
She was terribly tempted by her nubile and willing assistant. The young
woman had a talent for bringing Susan to monumental orgasms. But her
need was overriding and wouldn't let her ride out the next half hour waiting
for her husband to recover. "Sorry Nika, I can't wait."
Susan left the bedroom door open as she rushed downstairs and back
out her front door. At first she didn't see the agent at the foot of her front
stairs. Walking down to the laneway she caught sight of the woman at the
side of the stairs, slightly hidden from view.

The young agent was squatting in front of one of the male guards.
Susan nearly swooned when she saw the young woman's mouth sliding
along the guard's erection. She took a step closer, her heart in her throat.
Her shoe crunched on the gravel and the agent spun around.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am..." The pretty young agent stammered as she
quickly stood up. She turned her back on the male guard, but kept one hand
on his cock, slowly stroking his erection. "I, ah, I mean it's just that..."

"Do you need to Bliss?" Susan interrupted, her eyes looking eagerly
at the young man.

"Oh, no, no ma'am. It's Agent Trenton here, he's the one that needs it."
The woman said, looking down at the ground, embarrassed. "It's the new
protocol; actually, your protocol, ma’am."

"So you're infected as well then?" Susan asked, her interest

momentarily assuaging her overwhelming need.

The female agent pointed to a small red ribbon on the front of her
outfit. "This indicates that I carry the infection. It's actually nicknamed a
Simpson ribbon, after you I mean. We're following your protocol for
dealing with the virus. And since I'm one of the few women on the squad
I've been pretty busy servicing the other agents. Of course I don't mind and
all, and when it's my turn I'm very well taken care of."

"Well, Agent, I really need Agent Trenton's cock. I have to Bliss

desperately." Susan said eagerly, her driving need for a male returning.

"Oh, of course Dr. Simpson, please." The female agent quickly

stepped aside, her hand still stroking her squad mate, but making room for
Susan pulled her skirt up over her ass and leaned against the wall.
"Fuck me agent, that’s an order!" She said breathlessly, her head spinning
with need.

The young agent eagerly lined up his hard cock with Susan's wet
pussy and slid it into the waiting woman. As soon as he had inserted it he
began to pump. Susan moaned in pleasure and relief. She pushed back
against him. His cock wasn't big, at least not like Jack's, and it didn't fill her
like his did, driving her to orgasm after orgasm. But it was hard, and she
knew instinctively that his wonderful cum would soon make her Bliss.

"Come on Agent..." Susan gasped as he pounded hard against her ass.

"That's it, fuck me harder... Cum in me. I want you to cum."

The female agent came to stand beside Susan. She leaned in and
kissed her, running her hand up under Susan's sweater to play with her
breasts. "Let me help him along for you, this gets him off every time." The
female agent whispered in Susan's ear before moving to stand beside the
male agent. She reached between copulating pair and cupped his balls,
massaging them. Putting her other hand behind his head she kissed him,
teasing him with her tongue. Susan moaned as she felt the agent stiffen with
the added attention.

"Come on..." Susan groaned through gritted teeth. He was so close, so

close to giving her what she needed. She felt him push deep, felt the
rhythmic pulsing of his shaft, but unlike Jack, she couldn't feel his cum
pumping inside her. After a second she could definitely feel the effects as
her body contracted with a strong orgasm and she began to Bliss. Suddenly
her whole body was awash in orgasmic pleasure and her mind was filled
with ecstasy. She was only barely aware of the young agent's cock slipping
from her pussy, or of the female agent escorting her back into her house and
into her bed where she snuggled with Veronika. As she floated on her high
she was only passingly aware of her husband fucking her before she drifted
off into sleep.
Controlling Cock
About the same time Susan was drifting off to sleep, Jack heard the
shower start. He opened another beer and shifted uncomfortably on the
couch. He needed to Bliss, and his cock throbbed as it pressed up against
the sweat pants. He heard the bedroom door open and his neighbor Stanley
stepped out, closing the door behind himself.

"Um, hey mate..." He started, unsure of Jack's reaction. "I'm, ah, you
know, sorry..."

"Cheers, don't worry about it Stanley." Jack waved away his apology
with his beer. He knew that the need to copulate under the effects of the
Bliss were irresistible. "I'm glad it was with you, not a stranger. It's a brave
new world mate, new rules."

"Yeah, cheers then." Stanley quietly made his way down the stairs and
out the door.

"Hey Stanley..." Jack said, causing the middle aged black man to stop
and turn. "I don't know quite how to ask you this, but, I mean it's for
science, not for me but um... You have a pretty big cock, penis I mean..."

"Uh, thanks I think?" Stanley answered hesitantly. It oddly wasn't the

first time he'd been asked this question.

"Um, yeah, I don't mean it quite like that, but..." Jack searched for the
right words, blushing. "Has it always been big like that? I mean, it didn't
just grow a couple of days ago did it?"

"It's been like this pretty much since I hit puberty I guess..." Stanley
said, not quite understanding the question. "You know, sometimes those
urban legends are right. I guess I'm just lucky's all."

"Ah, right then, thanks." Jack answered, looking down at his beer in
embarrassment. "Cheers then, sorry to ask, it's just that there's some
evidence that a few blokes got an upgrade with the virus. We're trying to
find a link, but we've only been able to document one case. Have a good
night Stanley."

"You too Jack." Stanley said as he started out again. "It was just sex
right? She really does love you Jack."

"Ta Stanley, I know. No worries mate." Jack replied as his neighbor

let himself out.

Jack rubbed his thick cock through his pants and took another sip of
beer as the shower shut off. He appreciated his wife taking a shower after
fucking Stanley. But the desire to Bliss had passed the point of no return.
He needed to fuck, needed to cum. He wouldn’t have cared if Stanley was
still fucking her at this stage. Standing up, he placed his mostly empty beer
on the counter, and flicked off the light.

He entered the bedroom at the same moment Kara exited the

bathroom. She was wrapped in a bath towel and was using another towel to
dry her hair. "Jack..." she started as she saw him. She stood there, unsure
whether to come closer or not. She was unsure of his reaction. Her lower lip
quivered. "I'm so sorry babe, but I couldn't help it you know, none of us
can... I just need cum so badly when it hits, I can't stop myself, I don't want
to, it's brilliant when I trip Jack." Her eyes were still dilated and heavy as
she looked at her husband, obviously still Blissing, but also feeling guilty.
Despite herself, the ongoing ecstasy made her smile with pleasure.

"I know Kara, it's OK." Jack said, his eyes roving over her, seeing her
hard nipples as they pressed against plush white fabric clinging to her fit
figure. "Remember? I told you that you had to fuck to survive."

"Did you?" She said foggily, looking up at the ceiling as she tried to
recall. "I don't quite remember to be quite honest. I remember calling you,
and then this burst of ecstasy... God, I'm getting so fucking horny just
thinking about it."

Jack's cock twitched, hanging heavily down the leg of his sweat pants,
it bumped against his thigh sending a jolt of pleasure through the engorging
head as it spat pre-cum down his leg. He looked at his beautiful wife, her
glazed eyes closing as she inhaled deeply. When she opened them she
looked at her husband with unbridled need. She stepped close to him,
leaned up, and kissed him. She inhaled his scent as she slid to her knees in
front of him, her towel dropping to the floor. Grasping the waistband of his
pants, she pulling them down, gasping as more and more thick cock was
revealed until finally the fat head popped out. Her eyes followed the huge
thick rod as it swayed in front of him as if it were a hypnotist's watch. The
heavily veined cock rose to meet her.

"God Jack, what the fuck?" Kara said as she slid her hands down the
length of his shaft, feeling the heat radiate. "Am I still that wasted?"

"Why don't you find out?" Jack said, knowing that she couldn't resist
his cock. He was quite liking the convenience of his pheromones driving
women to distraction whenever he was horny.

Kara moaned with desire as she nuzzled the base of his cock, licking
the thick root, and marveling as the massive organ continued to lengthen,
thicken, and harden until it stood straight out from his body. She sat back on
her heels and stroked the long shaft with both hands as she studied it,
amazed, overwhelmed with desire to taste him.

"Fuck it's real..." She started to say before being overcome. She slid
her mouth over the fat head and partway down the shaft while she
continued to stroke it. Jack moaned in response to the feeling of his wife's
mouth lubricating his cock, and seeing her succumb to his need.

Kara sucked on her husband's huge new cock, her Bliss continuing,
even enhanced, as the pre-cum flowed into her mouth. Jack reached down
to take his wife's hand and lead her over to their bed. She kept her other
hand on his hard shaft, stroking it. Jack turned her so she could sit on the
edge of the bed. She lay back and spread her athletic legs as he knelt down,
placing his thick hard cock across her tummy.

"Fuck Jack, it's fucking huge. I don't know if I can fit you..." Kara
said in awe, and with a little trepidation. But nothing was going to stop her
from fucking his massive cock. She couldn't help but writhe against it,
rubbing her pussy on it, feeling its weight. "Oh god fuck me Jack."
Jack raised himself up so that his fat cockhead was lined up with her
wet pussy. Kara reached down to spread herself and guide her husband's
emgorged cock into her waiting pussy. Jack pressed up against her tight
opening, but despite having fucked their well hung neighbor less than a half
hour previous, his cock did not slide right in.

Kara whimpered as her desire for to feel the cock inside her grew. She
rubbed her wet pussy against his engorged cockhead, her juices coating it,
the sensation making her even wetter. Jack moaned and started to push. His
thick cock slowly started to slip into her tight opening, spreading her labia
tight. His slim wife started to pant as his massive cock slowly split her.
Finally Jack's thick cockhead slid inside his wife, the overwhelming
sensation driving her to cum.

"Oh Jack!" Kara cried, her abdomen visibly contracting as she had a
massive orgasm, her legs jerking in slightly delayed accompaniment. She
thrashed her head back and forth, her long dark hair flying, as she
experienced a second powerful rolling orgasm.

As he watched his newly massive cock fill his wife's tight pussy all he
could think of was cumming. He fucked her intently, her cries of pleasure
driving him on until it felt like his cock had swollen ten times, and the
sensation of her tight pussy grabbing his cockhead drove him over the edge.
He continued to watch as his thick cock, buried halfway into his beautiful
wife, tensed and released, the pleasurable feeling of his cum as it poured up
the length of his cock and out the sensitive engorged head. He felt the Bliss
wash over him as he watched his wife's body jerk in reaction to each load
he pumped deeper and deeper into her fit body. Cries of orgasm turned to
gasps and whimpers of ecstasy as her eyes rolled back in Bliss. Jack made a
foggy mental note of her apparent repeated Bliss to explore later. Fatigue
closing in on him, he pulled his cock from Kara and climbed onto the bed.
His wife snuggled up against him, her ass spooning into him. He slid his
huge cock back into her and the pair drifted off into a psycho-sexual dream-
filled night with his cock filling her pussy.
Kara felt herself slipping down the wall. The bouncer’s spent cock
slipping from her wet pussy as she rode the waves of Bliss. She enjoyed this
particular fantasy, the business woman caught by a doorman in a back alley.
And she enjoyed the rough way that Cyril fucked her against the brick wall.
Of course it was all a fantasy, Cyril was one of the staff at her sex club. He
helped her in through the club’s back door to enjoy her Bliss in comfort and
safety. Through her Bliss addled thoughts she tried to remember to give
Cyril an extra-large tip tonight. And she also thought that perhaps she had
waited a little too long to make her way to the club. She came very close to
fucking whatever drunkard she ran into along the way. But perhaps that was
part of the fantasy as well.

Cyril helped her lay down on a comfortable couch and kissed her
before leaving. Kara watched as an older man knelt between a very young
woman’s spread thighs and licked her to a gasping orgasm. She tried to
remember back before the Bliss; just a few months back. She just couldn’t
remember what it was like before Bliss. Despite the massive deaths during
the infection phase, she didn’t want to think about a world before Bliss.

The world has changed.

Author’s Note
Thank you, I truly hope you enjoyed the story. If the story made you
cum, please rate it with a four or five star rating, and even a positive revue,
it would really help me out!
Also, I truly want your feedback! Tell me what you liked, didn’t like,
or what you’d like to see in future stories! You can contact me at:
[email protected]
Thank you again for reading.
Check out all of MC Sizematters’ XXX stories!

Alien Mind Control Breeder

Shemale Hypno-Breeder (Sequel to Alien Mind Control Breeder)

Alpha Sex Virus

Craving the Vampire Series

Hypno-Sex Vampire Seduction
Coven of the Hypno-Sex Vampires
Submission to the Hypno-Sex Vampire

Fuck Weed Series

Stoned DD Trophy Wives Cuckold On Black Cock Island
Stoned Cheating Wives On Black Cock Orgy Beach
Black Cock Orgy For White Trophy Wives
Stoned Office Cum Sluts Spread Wide
Mother & Daughter Crave Hung Black Alpha-Male Cum

About MC SizeMatters
Alien Mind Control Breeder

He catches her eye briefly; she can’t turn away. His stare bores into
her, drawing her towards him. She feels giddy, sexy, her pussy wet between
her legs. Her mind drifts, thoughts of wild sex, of the stranger, a huge cock,
engorged, she’s on her knees, sucking on it, mounting him, deeper, crying
out in passion as he fills her with his potent cum. She will do anything for
him… She cannot resist the Breeder.
The human race is on the brink of extinction. Toxic pollution from
two centuries of industrial revolution has damaged humanity’s DNA to the
point where the entire human species will cease to reproduce within a
generations. But there is hope. And it’s hanging in the form of a massive
hard cock between the legs of an alien-designed Mind-Controlling Alpha-
Male Breeder.
A benevolent alien race, one that has coexisted on Earth with humans
for millennia, is taking drastic action. Working in secret with select world
governments, they have been splicing alien and human DNA to create a
new kind of meta-human, one to repair the human genome. They call them
Rick is one of a small number of Breeders being activated worldwide,
starting tonight. He has vague memories of being orphaned as a young
child. Taken in by his stunningly beautiful aunt, Laura, he lives like a
brother to her pretty teenage daughter, Janet. But everything changes as he
awakens to a vivid blue light permeating their home. He meets an
alien/human hybrid, with a strange alien cock, known as Jon, who activates
Rick’s Breeder DNA. The alien trains him with the help of an exotic, sexy
multi-orgasmic alien shemale with a tight pussy, and a foot-long cock.
He’s not human anymore, he’s a Breeder. His body puts out
pheromones that make him the Alpha-Male. Women become willing sex
slaves to his huge cock, and men are powerless to oppose him. Deep within
his brain awakens the ability to control minds, subjugate will, and place
irresistible suggestions with only a touch. And his body quickly evolves a
twelve-inch cum spewing cock that is irresistible to women. It drives them
to mind-bending orgasms even as they beg him to impregnate them with his
massive shaft.
He quickly subjugates the women around him, fucking his beautiful
aunt, and nubile cousin. Add to them his unrequited high school crush, a
big-tit blonde cheerleader who teased and taunted him for years, but is
quickly brought to her knee, slave to his thick cock. He then extends the
influence of his irresistible breeder cum to the sexy Asian mother and
daughter neighbors, the yuppie couple next door. His transformation
culminates when he turns a Luau party full of unsuspecting attendees into a
house wide orgy where every woman leaves filled with Breeder cum, and
the men wonder what the fuck happened.
The Alien Mind-Control Alpha Breeder: Women can’t resist his
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Author’s Note
Shemale Hypno-Breeder

MC SizeMatters is back! And this time he’s gone completely off the
rails in his wildest explicit sex novel ever!
She’s a captivating beauty with a mane of long red hair, beautiful big
breasts, a perfect body, and long luxurious legs. But beneath that designer
dress there’s something extra, hard, and thick. It’s twelve inches of cum
spewing, mind bending cock. But by the time they realize the trap, it’s too
late. She’ll erase their will and control their carnal desires until they become
sexual slaves to her every whim. She’s a Shemale Hypno-Breeder, and
nobody knew she existed.
The human race is on the brink of extinction. Toxic pollution from
two centuries of industrial revolution has damaged humanity’s DNA to the
point where the entire human species will soon cease to reproduce. A
benevolent alien race is working in secret with select world governments,
they have been splicing together alien and human DNA to create a new kind
of meta-human, one that can repair the human genome. They call these
alpha-males: Breeders.
The Breeder’s job is, quite literally, to breed a new version of the
human race to save the species. He drives women wild with desire and
screws them to mind-bending orgasms even as they beg to be impregnated
by his massive cock. Once the Breeder fills a woman with his irresistible
seed, she is virtually guaranteed to carry his genetically upgraded offspring.
But, a splinter group of military officials and scientists has gone rogue
and created their own kind of Breeder. A beautiful Shemale Breeder with
breasts that produce a mind-wiping aphrodisiac milk, and a foot long
erection that’s irresistible to women. This dominant transsexual is collecting
only the most beautiful young women at a prestigious women’s college and
making them her sex slaves. Then she got really lucky.
During one of her inductions she manages to snare a female Breeder,
the beautiful teenage stepsister to the most powerful male Breeder in the
world. Using the teen as bait, she manages to ensnare both Breeders, and his
closest concubines. She quickly controls the Breeder male into filling his
pretty teenage stepsister with cum. This sets the genetic combination for the
dominant Shemale to grow a massive cock on the sexy teen where her clit
once resided, turning the girl into a sex crazed, hard-cocked fuck addict.
It’s a battle for control of the future of the human species as the
Alpha-Male Breeder fights to break free of the beautiful Shemale’s control,
even as his hypnotized cocked stepsister and her stunning mother turn
against him. He must enlist the help of other Breeders if he has any hope of
saving them, and himself.
Shemale Hypno-Breeder is a gender bending roller coaster ride of
mind-control, sci-fi fun, hung Alpha Breeders, and beautiful women being
turned into huge-cocked sexual predators. It’s a fully explicit mind blowing
sexual adventure unlike anything else you’ve ever read.
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Author’s Note
Alpha Sex Virus
What will you do when the world changes? When sex becomes an
overwhelming addiction, like a drug, and if you don’t give in to the ecstasy
several times a day, you die. That is the effect of the Alpha Sex Virus, and
nobody is immune.
Jack Moody is the best in the business in tracking infection vectors,
and he’s hot on the trail of the new Alpha Virus. He’s also hiding a twelve-
inch throbbing side-effect of the virus between his legs. But his secret is
growing all out of proportion, and he can’t control it much longer. Jack has
becoming an Alpha Male, and he quickly learns that when his massive cock
grows, women can’t resist it.
Susan Spears is a beautifully brilliant doctor, she leads the top lab in
Britain’s Health Protection Agency. She’s also Jack’s boss. Even with her
incredible big-breasted body, and a bi-sexual weakness for group sex, she’s
probably the smartest woman in Britain. But Jack’s enormous shaft brings
her to her knees, begging to take every inch, and relishing his cum like a
Assisting them in the lab is a sexy and athletic grad student named
Jessie Thames. She’s cute, petite, black, and perfectly bootylicious. She’s
the key to finding a treatment, and she can’t wait to bend over while Jack
fills her tight pussy with twelve aching inches of hard cock. She’s eager to
please, on her knees, begging for his cum.
Then there’s Jack’s young sexy wife Kara. She’s an overworked
lawyer at a top legal firm in London where she was hired more for the way
her long legs and firm ass look in a tight dress, than her formidable legal
skills. Despite being beautiful and sexy, she’s usually too tired to fuck at the
end of the day. That is, until Jack’s Alpha Virus cock kicks in. Now she’s
overwhelmed with desire for his thick shaft, and copious cum. But what
happens when the virus hits her, and she can’t get to Jack? She needs to
cum, or die.
It’s up to this crack team of British medical experts to try and stop
what looks like a global sex pandemic with an infection rate of 100%.
Events quickly spiral out of control as the beautiful doctors succumb to the
Alpha Virus, driven to do anything to please the Alpha Male’s massive
cock. They’ll use their hands, mouths, and willing bodies to harvest his hot
cum. All the while they find their efforts to find the truth suppressed by
unknown agents within their own government. They race to find a cure
even as the overwhelming need to fuck turns every woman into a slut, and
Jack into a rock hard hung Alpha stud.
Finally they realize a treatment. But they must make a late night dash
across the city to enlist the help of a beautiful, voted “best Tits On
Television”, news reporter to get the truth out past government censors. The
trouble is, the reporter is infected too, and in desperate need of a foot-long
fuck from the doctor.
Alpha Sex Virus is a hardcore, sexually explicit novel featuring
extremely graphic sex scenes.
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Author’s Note
Hypno-Sex Vampire Seduction
Craving the Vampire 1

Vampires are real. They will suck you dry. But it isn’t your blood
they’re after, it’s your body. They’ll control your mind, your body, and your
cravings. You can’t resist them. You will succumb to their unending,
overwhelming, unstoppable sexual desires until they fuck the life force out
of you. It will be ecstasy to the end.
Kim is a sexy big-breasted reporter who interviews a man with an
inconceivable story. What she doesn’t realize is that from the moment she
entered his lair he began seducing her into his dark erotic world. Will she be
able to resist his seductive control over her as he weaves his sexual tale?
Mary is a beautiful young woman with long flowing red hair and a
flawless pin-up body. She married Tom, her high school crush, upon his
return from the military. Mary is sexy and horny, but inexperienced and
unfulfilled. That is, until she meets Sonia, an age old Vampire with huge
tits, a tight pussy, and a limitless appetite for hard wet sex.
Sonia ensnares the naïve couple with an intoxicating mix of sexual
seduction and a mind-altering cocktail until they can no longer resist. She
then introduces the young innocent Mary to the unbridled ecstasy of a
Vampire with a huge cock. Mary is unable to resist his massive meat, first
touching, then taking every inch deep as she cheats and ultimately abandons
her inferior husband.
But Sonia has big, hard plans for Tom as she sucks every last drop of
his life force in a night of incredible drug-fueled fucking. Can he win his
cuckolding Mary from the bed of the big cock vampire before he loses her
forever? Or does his life take a different sex-obsessed turn?
Discover the hardcore big cock, cum-covered world of Craving the
Vampire: Slut Seduction where the author spawns an explicitly written
sexual tapestry of beautiful, seductive, horny women and incredibly big
cocks locked in over-the-top sexual action.
You can't resist Craving the Vampire: Slut Seduction.

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Author’s Note
Coven of the Hypno-Sex Vampires
Craving the Vampire 2

Vampires are real. But it’s not your blood they’re after, it’s your body.
They’ll control your mind, and use your body. You can’t resist their
unstoppable sexual appetite as they fuck you dry. It will be ecstasy to the
Sonia is an age-old Master Vampire with the body of a bit tit porn star
and an insatiable appetite for sex. She’s accompanied by a huge male
Vampire with an enormous hard cock his muscular legs. They need sex to
The male Vampire’s massive cock seduced Tom’s young sexy wife
Mary, but Master Vampire Sonia is quickly inducing Tom into the Vampire
Coven. His own massive meat is growing, and Tom needs to feed. So Sonia
presents the newly created Vampire with a challenge: What if his young
sexy sisters were on the menu? Morgan, the sexy slutty one, and Baily, the
fresh innocent hottie. Both are enthralled by the Vampire to be willing
victims. Can he resist them?
The beautiful reporter, Kim, falls deeper under the spell of the
Vampire’s story when a wild, sexy, and very busty lesbian becomes the
subject of a sexual demonstration of mind control and big cock supremacy.
He literally brings her to her knees, leaving her covered in cum, and
begging for more. Will the entranced reporter escape? Or is it too late once
the Vampire unleashes his massive fuck organ?
Discover the hardcore taboo sex-filled world of Coven of Sluts! Book
2 in the Craving the Vampire series where the author rewrites everything
you ever knew about big cock sex and vampire fuck fiction. It’s all about
massively hung vampires, erotic mind control, and the bevy of beautiful
women turned into eager cum sluts to service them.
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
Submission to the Hypno-Sex Vampire
Craving the Vampire 3

The cum covered conclusion to the Craving the Vampire hardcore

series! Don’t miss it!
Kim, the busty young Asian reporter thinks she’s escaped the clutches
of a foot-long cocked Master Vampire. A monster who’s mere touch, and
massive organ can turn any woman into a wild and willing cum slut. She
races to meet up with her friend at the hottest nightclub in town, Oh
Be sure to arrive early, because Oh Positive locks its doors at the
stroke of midnight, and nobody is getting out. Kim is up to her mini-skirt in
trouble with mind-altering cocktails, a bevy of beautiful bi-sexual hostesses,
a cadre of massively hung vampires, and so many wet orgasms she doesn’t
realize the danger she’s in until it’s too late.
Kim and her sexy socialite friend can’t resist the scantily clad female
Vampires’. The sexy monsters with tight perfect bodies start by plying the
women with an ancient liquor that dulls their mind, and excited their flesh.
The beautiful humans can’t resist the enticing touch of the Vampire’s sexy
servants as they overwhelm them with fingers, tongues, and lithe bodies
until they’re panting with pleasure.
But it’s all just a warm up for the Master Vampire whose monster
cock will take them to the edge of ecstasy, stretching their pussies, and
feeding off their sexual life force until they finally can’t cum anymore.
They’ll do anything for more of his Vampire cum, but will they die for it?
It’s an all-out fuck fest featuring a dance floor full of beautiful horny
women, and big cock Vampires. Nobody gets out until they’ve had the
wildest sex party of their lives.

Shop Amazon Now!

Author’s Note
Stoned DD Trophy Wives Cuckold On Black Cock Island
Fuck Weed 1
Meet Chase Markman, just a regular forty-two year old guy, married
to a pretty wife. About six years ago Chase lost his job in a high tech firm
and the family quickly fell into crushing debt. They were literally weeks
away from being forced out into the street when Mindy’s father stepped in
to relieve them of their debt. His only condition was that the family move
back to Texas to be near him.
Meet Mindy Markman, she married Chase just out of College. Since
moving to Texas, Mindy has worked her overweight, two hundred pound
frame into a slim sexy and tight one-hundred fifteen pound body. She looks
more like a twenty year old fitness model than a forty something mother of
a teenage daughter.
On the plus side, Chase has a steady job with decent pay. They live in
a desirable neighborhood in a pricey suburb of Dallas.
On the minus side, Chase owes Mindy’s father more money than he
can ever think of repaying. He hates Chase for being a failure, criticizes him
whenever possible, and has convinced Mindy that she married a complete
loser. Add to that, now that Chase has a beautiful wife, with new big breasts
courtesy of Daddy, and added to Chases crushing debt, Mindy has lost all
interest in sex with him.
Chase brought Mindy to the Glamity Bay Island Resort in hopes of
rekindling their marriage, and their sex life. Despite the fact that Mindy felt
uncomfortable with the all black male staff, the influence of her trophy wife
friends in Texas, she loved the tropical getaway. That is, until she found out
that all Chase could afford was the cost of the time-share presentation trip.
Furious with her husband, feeling deceived, it didn’t look like Chase would
be getting any sex on vacation either. But after a few of the special local
cookies, laced with the Kali flower, Mindy seemed to relax and enjoy the
resort, maybe even forgiving Chase.
That evening Beauregard Finny entertained the couple at a special
beachside cabana providing Glamity Bay Zombies to drink, and a grilled
gourmet dinner, while he explained the amenities of the resort. Both Chase
and Mindy got a little drunk. When Mindy left them alone for a few
minutes, Chase confided in Finny his problem, and the ever affable Finny
offered to introduce Mindy to Sinsemilla. Chase figured his problems
would be over.
Sinsemilla is derived from the Kali flower that grows only on Glamity
Bay. It’s also known as Devil’s Weed, or Fuck Weed, by the locals. Smoked
in a pipe, or rolled in a joint, like cannabis, one hit makes women happy and
horny. A second hit makes her stoned and dripping wet. Keep going and
she’ll be craving cock like a slut all night long. The island men also know
that the drug concentrates in their semen, making their cocks, and cum,
irresistible to women.
There’s one other thing that grows like nothing else at Glamity Bay.
The local black men are all hung like horses. Finny was happy to show
Mindy his massive, nearly foot long, ebony cock. After tasting the Devil’s
Weed, Mindy forgot her distaste for black men and fucked Finny until she
could barely make it back to their room.
That was all it took. Mindy is addicted to the mind bending euphoria
of the Sinsemilla, and the massive black meat of the men of Glamity Bay.
The problem is, she’s no longer interested in Chase with the parade of
monster cock black men eager fuck her.
Chase was also quickly addicted to the weed. Its effect similar in men
as with women, it induces a euphoric high, a near constant erection, and
many, many orgasms. But it also left him cowed, dominated by the hung
black bulls, unable to stand up to them as they take his wife.
His vacation dream to rekindle things with his beautiful wife has gone
up in smoke. Has Chase lost his wife for good?
It’s a massively hung hardcore black cock fueled fuck-fest as only
MC Sizematters can craft. You’ll be drenched and begging for more by the
time you finish!
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
Stoned Cheating Wives On Black Cock Orgy Beach
Fuck Weed 2
Meet Chase Markman, just a regular forty-two year old guy, married
to a pretty wife. About six years ago Chase lost his job in a high tech firm
and the family quickly fell into crushing debt. They were literally weeks
away from being forced out into the street when Mindy’s father stepped in
to relieve them of their debt. His only condition was that the family move
back to Texas to be near him.
Meet Mindy Markman, she married Chase just out of College. Since
moving to Texas, Mindy has worked her overweight, two hundred pound
frame into a slim sexy and tight one-hundred fifteen pound body. She looks
more like a twenty year old fitness model than a forty something mother of
a teenage daughter.
On the plus side, Chase has a steady job with decent pay. They live in
a desirable neighborhood in a pricey suburb of Dallas.
On the minus side, Chase owes Mindy’s father more money than he
can ever think of repaying. He hates Chase for being a failure, criticizes him
whenever possible, and has convinced Mindy that she married a complete
loser. Add to that, now that Chase has a beautiful wife, with new big breasts
courtesy of Daddy, and added to Chases crushing debt, Mindy has lost all
interest in sex with him.
Chase brought Mindy to the Glamity Bay Island Resort in hopes of
rekindling their marriage, and their sex life. He enlists the manager of the
resort, Finny, to introduce his wife to Sinsemilla in hopes that it will loosen
his frigid wife up.
Sinsemilla is derived from the Kali flower that grows only on Glamity
Bay. It’s also known as Devil’s Weed, or Fuck Weed, by the locals. Smoked
in a pipe, or rolled in a joint, one hit makes women stoned and horny. A
second hit makes her dripping wet. Keep going and she’ll be craving cock
like a slut. The island men also know that the drug concentrates in their
semen, making their cocks and cum irresistible to women.
There’s one other thing that grows like nothing else at Glamity Bay.
The local black men are all hung like horses. Finny was happy to show
Mindy his massive, nearly foot long, ebony cock. After tasting the Devil’s
Weed, Mindy forgot her distaste for black men and fucked Finny until she
could barely make it back to their room. That was all it took. Mindy is
addicted to the mind bending euphoria of the Sinsemilla, and the massive
black meat of the men of Glamity Bay.
So, it looks like Chase got his wish. Mindy loves the Sinsemilla, and
she’s definitely more interested in sex again. Unfortunately she’s only
interested in sex with the big black cocks of Glamity Bay, leaving poor
Chase flaccid and cuckolded.
But it’s only the start! In the next installment, Chase and Mindy
embark on their own three-hour-tour to a secluded beach for an afternoon of
snorkeling in the exotic reef, drinks, food, and lots of Fuck Weed. They are
joined by a stoned out millionaire, his hot new trophy wife, his MILFy
former wife, and their horny teenage daughter. Their guide is an athletic
blonde surfer babe who takes some pity on Chase’s predicament. And the
cruise is hosted by the Finny family patriarch, and the man who started
Glamity Bay. He gleefully shows the sexy group of women how he got the
name Big Al by producing a truly massive black cock at least a foot long,
and as thick around as a baseball bat.
The afternoon turns into a hard cock, cum splattering orgy of
orgasmic proportions. Even Chase gets his share of sloppy seconds as Al’s
monstrous black meat and massive ejaculations prove too much for some of
the girls. But not Mindy, a cock this big is just the challenge she dreamed
And then it’s time to get down to business. Chase can’t afford a
membership to Glamity Bay, but Mindy will do anything be there. Finny
gives the couple the big black and hard sell. Mindy can’t say no to his
massive offer, and Chase can’t defy the muscular Alpha-Male bull. Maybe
there is a way they can afford to buy in, if only Mindy can withstand the
Don’t miss the next part of the biggest blackest alpha-cock out there!
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
Black Cock Orgy For White Trophy Wives
Fuck Weed 3
Chase brought his sexy wife Mindy to the Glamity Bay Island Resort
in hopes of rekindling their marriage, and their sex life. He enlists the
manager of the resort, Finny, to introduce his wife to Sinsemilla in hopes
that it will loosen his frigid wife up.
Sinsemilla is derived from the Kali flower that grows only on Glamity
Bay. It’s also known as Devil’s Weed, or Fuck Weed, by the locals. Smoked
in a pipe, or rolled in a joint, one hit makes women stoned and horny. A
second hit makes her dripping wet. Keep going and she’ll be craving cock
like a slut. The island men also know that the drug concentrates in their
semen, making their cocks and cum irresistible to women.
There’s one other thing that grows like nothing else at Glamity Bay.
The local black men are all hung like horses. Finny was happy to show
Mindy his massive, nearly foot long, ebony cock. After tasting the Devil’s
Weed, Mindy forgot her distaste for black men and fucked Finny until she
could barely make it back to their room. That was all it took. Mindy is
addicted to the mind bending euphoria of the Sinsemilla, and the massive
black meat of the men of Glamity Bay.
Chase and Mindy embark on their own three-hour-tour to a secluded
beach for an afternoon of snorkeling in the exotic reef, drinks, food, and lots
of Fuck Weed. They are joined by a stoned out millionaire, his hot new
trophy wife, his MILFy former wife, and their horny teenage daughter.
Their guide is an athletic blonde surfer babe who takes some pity on
Chase’s predicament. And the cruise is hosted by the Finny family
patriarch, and the man who started Glamity Bay. He gleefully shows the
sexy group of women how he got the name Big Al by producing a truly
massive black cock at least a foot long, and as thick around as a baseball
bat. The trip leaves the women stoned out of their minds, and covered in
Overwhelmed by her experience so far at Glamity Bay, Mindy
promises to be true to Chase. No more Diablo Weed, and no more Black
Alpha-Male Cock.
Here’s the problem: Mindy and Chase have been invited by Finny to
be VIP guests of honor at the island’s Toga Party. They feel obligated to
drop by, just for a few minutes, or so they think. And there’s catch: on party
day, only men may consume the Sinsemilla drug, making them hard, horny,
and eager to cum. The women, however, have to find another way to get
their fix. You can guess what they’ll be sucking on to get high.
How long will their promise of monogamy last after they arrive at a
Roman style orgy complete with the hung black men of Glamity Bay
fulfilling the role of cock gods, and contestants vying for their attention in a
sex fueled version of a beauty pageant featuring the hottest hand-picked
women on the island. What will they do when they find out that Mindy is
one of the contestants! Can she compete without succumbing to the massive
hard black cock on display?
Mindy quickly becomes overwhelmed by the massively endowed
alpha-cocks and their mind bending weed. At the same time Chase fights to
keep hold his wife. But Chase goes too far, and pays the price. Will he lose
his sexy wife forever? Will he even get off the island alive?
Light the pipe and find out!
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
Stoned Office Cum Sluts Spread Wide
Fuck Weed 4
Meet Chase Markman, just a regular forty-two year old guy. He
married his college sweetheart Mindy, and they have a beautiful teenage
daughter at home. But times have changed. Chase owes Mindy’s father
more money than he can ever think of repaying. And Mindy has lost all
interest in sex with him, even treating him like a joke around her trophy
wife friends. That is, until Chase took Mindy on a tropical paradise vacation
to Glamity Bay Island Resort.
There the couple was introduced to Sinsemilla, commonly known as
Devil’s Weed, or Fuck Weed. Sinsemilla is derived from the Kali flower
that grows only on Glamity Bay. It’s smoked in a pipe, or rolled in a joint,
like cannabis. The locals know that one hit makes a woman stoned and
horny. A second makes her orgasmic. Keep going and she’ll crave cock all
night long. The men also know that the drug concentrates in their semen,
making their cocks and cum irresistible to women.
There’s another thing that grows like nothing else at Glamity Bay:
Massive Black Cocks. The local men are all very black, and more to the
point, all hung like horses. The Manager, Finny, introduced Mindy to Fuck
Weed on the first evening, and a few minutes later, to his massive foot-long
ebony cock. After that, Mindy forgot her distaste for black men, quickly
growing addicted to the mind-bending herb, and to the massive black cocks
of the island.
It was a life changing vacation for both of them. Chase found out
what a slut his wife really was when she was stoned. And Mindy discovered
that, not only was she no longer repulsed by black men, but that she would
do just about anything to fuck a huge black cock and swallow his thick
cum. She just couldn’t resist a massively hung black Alpha–male, especially
when she was high on Fuck Weed.
What little interest Mindy had in her husband was completely erased
whenever a thick black cock was near. And Chase was completely cowed
by the massive black bulls eager to fuck his wife.
But at the end of their time on the island Mindy realized that she still
did love Chase, and was content to go home with her husband. That is, as
long as she could come back for a regular black cock vacation. Plus, Chase
was as addicted to the weed as she was, and when he smoked it regularly,
the drug would concentrate in his cum. This meant that Mindy was also
ironically addicted to his cock. At least as long as the weed held out.
Check out the next installment in the series as Chase has to go back to
his dreaded workplace and confront his hostile overbearing boss. She’s his
father-in-law’s latest trophy wife. She’s got a perfect body and perky tits,
but she also has a serious hate-on for Chase. Sure, she likes to flaunt her
amazing body, and beautiful face, but around Chase she’s cold as ice. Will
Chase be able to trick her into trying Sinsemilla, and swallowing his hard
cock in her perfect pussy, to thaw out this ball-busting vixen in time to put
his master plan into action? Maybe her sexy secretary can help!
Will Chase be able to adjust to a an office full of sexy women even
though he can’t light up and whip out his cock anytime he wants? What will
his perky lesbian secretary do when she finds him smoking Fuck Weed?
What if he gets too stoned and tries to bend her over his desk for some deep
dick-tation? Or will she even be able to think straight once he’s done with
her? Maybe he can enlist her talented tongue and tight body to fulfill his
Mindy is thoroughly addicted to Sinsemilla, and to hard black cocks.
What will she be like when she’s cut off from all the Sinsemilla she can
smoke, and an island full of massive ebony Alpha-males to service her
horny desires? How long will her husband’s drug infused cum be good
enough, especially if they burn through all of their Devil’s Weed? Find out
what happens when Mindy finds another source of the precious Fuck Drug
right next to home. She’ll do anything to get her fix.
Now that they brought the drug home, what will happen when their
perky teenage daughter shows up? She’s young, pretty, sexy, and ripe for
the fucking. Will Mindy indoctrinate her into a world of drug infused sexual
ecstasy and huge cum-spewing cocks? And will Chase be able to keep his
hands off his nubile daughter?
Find out what happens next as the rules change, and Chase becomes
the Big Cock (well, for a white guy anyway) Alpha-Male for a change!
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
Mother & Daughter Crave Hung Black Alpha-Male Cum
Fuck Weed 5
Meet Chase Markman, just a regular forty-two year old guy. He
married his college sweetheart Mindy, and they have a beautiful teenage
daughter at home. But times have changed. Chase owes Mindy’s father
more money than he can ever think of repaying. And Mindy has lost all
interest in sex with him, even treating him like a joke around her trophy
wife friends. That is, until Chase took Mindy on a tropical paradise vacation
to Glamity Bay Island Resort.
There the couple was introduced to Sinsemilla, commonly known as
Devil’s Weed, or Fuck Weed. Sinsemilla is derived from the Kali flower
that grows only on Glamity Bay. It’s smoked in a pipe, or rolled in a joint,
like cannabis. The locals know that one hit makes a woman stoned and
horny. A second makes her orgasmic. Keep going and she’ll crave cock all
night long. The men also know that the drug concentrates in their semen,
making their cocks and their cum irresistible to women.
There’s another thing that grows like nothing else at Glamity Bay:
Massive Black Cocks. The local men are all very black, and more to the
point, all hung like horses. The Manager, Finny, introduced Mindy to Fuck
Weed on the first evening, and a few minutes later, to his massive foot-long
ebony cock. After that, Mindy forgot her distaste for black men, quickly
growing addicted to the mind-bending herb, and to the massive black cocks
of the island.
It was a life changing vacation for both of them. Chase found out
what a slut his wife really was when she was stoned. And Mindy discovered
that, not only was she no longer repulsed by black men, but that she would
do just about anything to fuck a huge black cock and swallow his thick
cum. She just couldn’t resist a massively hung black Alpha–male, especially
when she was high on Fuck Weed.
What little interest Mindy had in her husband was completely erased
whenever a thick black cock was near. And Chase was completely cowed
by the massive black bulls eager to fuck his wife.
But at the end of their time on the island Mindy realized that she still
did love Chase, and was content to go home with her husband. That is, as
long as she could come back for a regular black cock vacation. Plus, Chase
was as addicted to the weed as she was, and when he smoked it regularly,
the drug would concentrate in his cum. This meant that Mindy was also
ironically addicted to his cock. At least as long as the weed held out.
Before they left Glamity Bay Chase made a deal with the devil. And
he seems to have put his plan into action, plus he’s busy building his office
harem of cum sluts.
He was been able to turn his perky lesbian secretary, and her big tit
lover, into cum loving cock sluts. Allison is ready, willing, and able to help
him put his plan into motion as long she gets her daily deep dick-tation. He
also enlisted the help of his father-in-law’s latest trophy wife. She’s the boss
with a perfect body and perky tits, but Chase was able to trick her into
trying Sinsemilla. Thoroughly stoned, she greedily swallowing his hard
cock, and became a picture perfect cum slut.
But after a drug fueled office orgy, he’s high as a kite on Sinsemilla,
his cock is hard and horny for pussy, and he’s got to get home where his
sexy daughter is having a teen pool party. His house is going to be filled
with nubile young flesh. Can he keep his hands off his daughter’s bikini
clad friends? Can he keep his cock away from his sexy daughter?
Don’t miss the final chapter in the Fuck Weed saga. You’ll see the
weed fueled results of a teen pool party gone wild, filled with hot young
horny girls who can’t resist a hard cock. You’ll get off on the surprise party
Back at work, hot and horny Kymberly receives a shocking visitor
that could jeopardize Chase’s whole plan, and take away his pool of loyal
sexy fuck toys. It’s a foot long surprise that leaves everyone gasping for air!
And that’s not all! Just when Chase thinks he might have made it,
Mindy presents him with a twist you won’t see coming. It’s a cum-covered
event that takes Chase, Mindy, and their sexy teen daughter Nikki past their
sexual boundaries in an incestuous climax that will make your head spin!
It’s a non-stop parade of hot horny women, massive black cocks, and
Fuck Weed fueled sex you can’t stop reading! Don’t miss it!
Shop Amazon Now!
Author’s Note
About The Author

MC SizeMatters is a twisted sex writer who has been writing about

mind control, slutty women, and huge cock characters for over fifteen years.
Working in adult media marketing for almost two decades, he has learned
more about what turns people on than just about anyone else around.
Not content to spew out barely-there stroke stories, MC Sizematters
creates sexy worlds filled with believable characters caught up in
irresistibly compelling hardcore situations that read like bestselling novels,
with a XXX sensibility. He writes stories that get readers off, time and time
Truly one of the masters of the Alpha-Male Mind Control genre he
weaves imaginative and slightly twisted tales filled with explicit hardcore
sex from start to finish.
We asked MC Sizematters a few questions about his unique and
original writing style:

Q - You’re latest story Alien Mind Control Breeder you added in a

Shemale, a Futu, a hermaphroditic character with both male and female sex
organs. This is a bit of a departure for you, why this idea?
MC - I think there’s something really sexy about the idea of a
definitely female character with a big hard cock. This story is about alien
sexual intervention in human reproduction. I thought this a great place for a
sexy female type character with a big cock.
In the next story in this series, not only do I introduce readers to a
dominating red-haired Shemale, but she also transforms the main character,
Rick’s, sister/cousing Janet into a fuck crazed dickgirl. It’s pretty fucked up.

Q - What is the attraction about Mind Control?

MC - I think was the movie "In Like Flynt" that first peaked my
interest. Beautiful bikini clad women in front of spinning hypno-discs being
turned into "Pleasure Units". Of course there was the similar theme in the
Bond movie "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". Maybe it was watching
Ginger and Mary Ann hypnotized on Gilligan's Island, or Velma and
Daphne in Scooby Do. Vampires are all about mind control and sexuality,
thus taking my Craving The Vampire series to the sexual control extreme.
Regardless, the idea of sexy women being turned into sex craving sluts
always appealed to me.

Q - A common theme seems to be your female characters losing

control and giving in to their hidden slut.
MC - I've always been fascinated with the idea of one succumbing to
their inner desires, to a big hard cock. Perhaps it's the way that society
keeps our sexual needs and desires bottled up. We are pressured to resist our
sexual needs, to repress our desires when they don't fit social expectations.
It's worse for women who are taught from a very early age that sexual urges
are to be resisted, that openly enjoying sex is bad, that too many sexual
partners makes them a slut. I can't even imagine how bad it is for my
gay/bi/trans friends. In my experience, women have more sexual needs than
men. Well I say embrace your inner slut! That's why I often write about the
letting go of repression and sexual norms, especially in my female
characters. I also like naughty women.

Q - Is this the source of the Alpha-Male theme that runs through

much of your work?
MC - Definitely! In most of my stories it's about control, and loss of
control. The Alphas personify the controlling force. They are the sexual
action heroes of the story with the mind control (whether mystical in the
case of Vampire, or viral in Sex Virus, or Drug Induced in my Sex Weed
series), and the physical representation of temptation in the form of a huge
sexual organ. The Alpha drives the sexual submission and awakening of my
female characters.
It also drives the cuckold theme in so many of my stories. There is
something compelling about the idea that a man's wife, partner, girlfriend,
or co-worker can be turned into a horny slut just by being exposed to the
alpha male’s cock.
Besides, the fantasy of many men is to be the Alpha Male. I think we
all like to imaging that the woman in our life we find sexy are just one step
away from dropping to their knees and sucking our cocks.

Q - Your characters often seem to have big breasts and perfect bodies,
your Alpha-Male characters are hung beyond belief, why?
MC - Breasts, ass, sexy bodies, orgasms, and hard cocks are all
physical representations of sexuality and arousal. I just like to take those
representations and amp them up a bit, OK, to the extreme. Just like
Hollywood action heroes are faster, stronger, smarter, and sexier than a
normal person, so are my horny characters. Beautiful women with terrific
bodies, hung guys who are always hard, and over the top sex that ends in
messy ecstasy make up my sex-action stories.

Q - You write longer stories, even novels, when so many in the erotica
genre seem to write very short pieces. Why go to all the trouble?
MC - Listen, I'm going to write what's in my twisted little imagination
anyway. I don't want my readers to feel ripped off. How would you feel if
you spend three bucks on a story only to finish it in fifteen minutes? Now,
not everything I write is a novel, but I want to make sure that readers get
their money's worth. I want them to get a story that isn't over before it
begins. I want them to get off multiple times, and I want them to be able to
go back and enjoy the stories time and time again.
I do this for the fun, and for the love of dirty stories. If I can make a
little on the side, great. But I have a day job, so I'm not dependent on
cranking out short stories every few days to pay my rent.
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