Milk Testing

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Sampling and Quality Testing Sample from all the compartments of the tanker are collected after mixing

(normally called plunging) the milk for 10-15 min. in a and following tests are conducted.

1) Methylene Blue reduction Test (MBRT): This test is done to find the microbial load in the raw milk.
(10ml milk + 1ml methylene blue) is heated at 36-37 degree Celsius and change in colour is observed.
The quicker will be the colour removed the higher will be the microbial load.

2) Delvo Test: This test is done to find the presence of antibiotics in milk.

3) Temperature measurement: It should not be more than 6 degree Celsius.

4) Determination of Fat, SNF and protein using Equipment “IndiFOSS”

5) Organoleptic Test: This test is done to find taste, flavor and appearance i.e. normal pleasant
test/sour/sweet/salty/bitter/abnormal test.

6) Acidity test: Reading 0.130-0.148 is accepted while 0.150 and above is rejected.

7) Alcohol Test: (5ml milk+5ml alcohol) is mixed and appearance of any clot or flake is observed. The
presence of any flakes or clots shows appositive test.

8) Clot and Boiling (COB) Test: 5ml of sample is taken in attest tube and kept in boiling water for 5 min.
The formation of clot denotes a positive test. A positive COB test has acidity above 0.17% as lactic acid
and is not suitable for distribution as liquid milk or for processing.

9) Neutralization Test: (5ml milk + 5ml alcohol + 5ml rosalic acid) is mixed; a red rose colour shows the
presence of Carbonates. PMFME – Flavored Milk 11 | P a g e

10) Preservative Test: (10ml milk in wide mouth test tube + 5ml concentrated sulphuric acid); observe
the colour at the junction of two liquid. The presence of violet or blue colour indicates the presence of

11) Adulteration Test:

a. Sugar: (15ml well mixed milk in test tube + 0.1ml concentrated hydrochloric acid +0.1gm resorcinol)
place the tube in the boiling water bath for 5min. appearance of red colour shows presence of sugar.

b. Starch: (5ml milk is boiled in water bath and cooled to room temperature) + a drop 1% iodine
solution. Observe the presence of blue colour in the presence of starch which disappears on boiling and
appears on cooling.

c. Salt: (5ml silver nitrate + 2drops indicator solution + 1ml milk) keep for 2 min. the formation of pale-
yellow colour indicates salt +ve and if colour remains brownish, salt test is –ve.

d. Urea Test: (5ml milk + 5ml dimethyl amino benzaldehyde) mix properly and observe the colour
change. The presence of bright yellow colour shows Urea +ve.
Sampling of Milk and Milk Products for Different Tests


To be familiar with different procedures of collecting representative sample of milk and milk
products for evaluation of analysis.

Relevant Information:

Correct sampling of milk and its products in dairy industry is important. The error in
sampling will lead to have erroneous results. The sample may be required for chemical,
bacteriological and physical examination. The basic principles of sampling of milk are same
in all cases. Various factors interplay to have faulty sampling. For example, lack of
thorough mixing of milk before the samples are drawn, Lack of hygienic conditions, use of
unsterilized equipment, utensils and glassware’s.


1. Make sure that all the glassware’s, equipments and instruments are cleaned, sterilized
and dry.
2. Sampling of milk should be done at 900 F to 104 0 F.



ISI specification, 1 meter long with a disc having diameter of 150nmm and six holes in the

Long Handle Dipper:

ISI specification. Dipper is fitted with solid handle at least 150 mm long and capacity shall
not be less than 80 mi.

Sample Bottle:

Capacity of sample bottle shall be 100,150,250 ml. for collecting the sample for chemical
analysis. Plastic bottles may also be used.


Sampling of milk and milk products carried out by the following procedures.

1. Sampling of Fresh Milk:

Freshly drawn milk contains air and gases. For correct sampling, one should wait until milk
is at least one hour old.
2. Sampling from Individual Containers:

Mix thoroughly the milk from one container to another container for five times to ensure
uniformity of milk.
Do not allow the milk to stand for longer than five minutes after mixing and take required
quantity of milk with the help of a dipper.

3. Sampling from Several Containers:

1. Mix the milk thoroughly with the plunger.

2. Take proportionate quantity of milk in a separate vessel.
3. Repeat this procedure for all cans.
4 .Mix the milk from separate vessels in one from which proportionate quantity of milk
samples from different cans are taken.
5. Take final sample from vessel with the help of a dipper.

4. Sampling of Cold Canned Milk:

1. In cold can milk there is formation of cream line; break the cream line before sampling.
2. Dump the cans into weight vat/tipping tank.
3. Record the temperature of the milk.
4. Adjust the temperature of the milk to 90-1040 F.
5. Stir, the milk thoroughly with plunger or agitator.
6. Take small quantity of sample at three or more different places from the vat.

5. Sampling of Partially Churned Milk and Cream:

1. Heat the milk to a temperature of 90-1040 F.

2. Stir, the milk thoroughly and take representative sample immediately.
This procedure can be followed when the milk or cream has “cream plug” layer of partially
churned fat. Such condition occurs when the milk is agitated during transportation. Milk
churns easily at a temperature of 26.5 to 29.5 0 C hence agitation at this temperature
should be avoided.

6. Sample of Cream:

Warm the cream to 122 0 F Mix it thoroughly and take a representative sample.

7. Sampling of Butter:

Remove three or four cores with a sample Trier from various parts of the products mass.
Core should be extending from exterior to the centre. Keep the combined cores in wide and
necked bottle for analysis.

8. Sampling of Dahi:

Entire dahi should be rendered homogenous carefully with a thin wire brush. Take
representative sample.

9. Sampling of Khoa:

1. Sift the khoa through a 20 meshsieve.

2. Grind any residue left and sift into 20 mesh sieve.
3. Mix the whole khoa again and protect it from absorption of moisture.
4. Take representative sample.

Composite Sample:

A composite milk sample is one which when properly prepare represents two or more lots of
milk. The sample must be taken in proportion to the amount of milk in each lot. Such milk
is placed in a properly labeled bottle and tested after a week or two. The results obtained
would give an average figure for total amount of milk received during the period. The
purpose of this is to reduce the number of analysis and loss of chemicals, labour etc.
The volume of composites sample should not be less than 175 ml. The milk is preserved by
adding preservatives to prevent souring since composite samples are kept for longer period.
I. Formalin 36% is added @ 0.1 ml. for 25 ml. of milk.
II. Dichromate of potash: required for metal container 6 – 8 grains for ½ liter milk.

Care of Sample:

i. Label the sample properly.

ii. During transportation, sample should not be exposed to sunlight, or not to be exposed to
near volatile odours as milk picks them up immediately.
iii. Use an air tight container, it should have 100 – 250 ml. capacity and should be rubber
iv. Keep the sample in a cool place at 45 – 60 0F.
v. In composite milk sample each time when milk is added, the sample must be mixed

Milk Testing - Platform Tests


For examination of milk by adopting rapid test for acceptance / rejection of incoming milk.

Relevant Information:

Platform tests include the tests for judging the quality of the raw milk.

These are:
(a) organoleptic evaluation (OE),
(b) Clot on boiling test (COP),
(c) Alcohol test (AT),
(d) Sediment test (ST)
(e) Resazurin test (RT).

The milk is collected from various sources and transported to milk scheme for processing,
marketing and distribution. Large quantity of milk is supplied to the plant through different
agencies, so that is subjected to check for its suitability. Hence it is essential to examine
the milk by using different platform tests.


1. Raw milk should be tested.

2. Curdled / spoiled milk should be separated.
3. Temperature of milk while receiving at milk plant should be 5 0 C.

Material Required:

Milk cans or containers.


i. Thermometer.
ii. Dipper
iii. Plunger.


Organoleptic Evaluation:

Examine the given sample of milk and record your observations on following aspects.

Odor / Smell:

1. It can be judged within few seconds.

2 Remove the lid of can hold it inverted and raised to the nose and inhale the smell.
3. Record the odor / smell as normal or abnormal.
4. Milk should be free from any off flavor like feed, fishy, barny etc.

General Appearance:

Note whether the milk is clear or any visible dirt or foreign matter has gained entrance in
milk. If so describe its nature for detecting the amount of dirt, in the milk, conduct the
sediment test if necessary.


Observe the colour of milk as white, light yellow; record whether color of milk is normal or
abnormal. (Abnormal colours are reddish, bloody, bluish etc.)


Record the consistency of milk as normal, watery, thick, ropy, and slimy.


Note down the temperature of milk at the time of receiving. It should be below 500 F.

Milk Testing - Clot on Boiling Test (COB)


To determine the stability of milk for heat processing.

Relevant Information:

If milk is kept as such at room temperature, there will be increased in the acidity which is
called as developed acidity. If acidity is increased to more than 0.2 percent, there is
coagulation due to heat treatment, which is the result of dissociation of calcium caseinate
salt. Hence it is essential to know the heat stability of incoming raw milk for further


Avoid direct heating of milk. Use hot water bath.

Material Required:

1. Milk and milk container.


1. Test tube 20 ml. capacity.

2. Hot water bath
3. Test tube stand
4. Heating arrangement (Electrical connection).


1. Take 5 ml of milk in the test tube.

2. Put this on boiling water bath for 5 minutes.
3. Remove the tube from water bath without shaking.
4. Note any acid smell or precipitated particles on the sides of the test tube.
Sample showing precipitated particles are recorded as positive C.O.B. test. Such milk is
rejected on the platform.

Milk Testing - Alcohol Test


To detect abnormal milk such as colostrums or mastitis milk.

Relevant Information:

The alcohol test is used for rapid assessment of stability of milk for processing particularly
for condensing and sterilization. The alcohol test is useful as an indication of the mineral
balance of milk and not as an index of developed acidity. The test aids in detection
abnormal milk such as colostrums, milk from animals in late lactation, milk from animals
suffering from mastitis and milk in which mineral balance has been disturbed.


Avoid direct heating of milk,

Material Required:
i. Milk sample,
ii. 68% Ethyl alcohol by weight (Density 0.8675 g/mi. at 27 0 C).


1. Test tube 15 x 1.9 cm preferably with graduation mark at 5 and 10 ml.

2. Measure of alcohol for 5 ml.
3. Test tube stand.


1. Take 5 ml. of milk in test tube.

2. Add equal quantity of 68% Ethyl alcohol.
3. Mix the contents of the test tube by inverting several times.
4. Examine the tube and note any coagulation.
If coagulation has occurred fine particles of curd will be visible on the inside surface,
presence of flake or curd denotes positive alcohol test. Such samples are rejected.

Milk Testing - Sediment Test


To know the extent of visible dirt present in the milk as a mark of clean milk production.

Relevant Information:

Sediment test of raw milk will reveal the extent to which visible insoluble matter has gained
entrance in the milk. It is a rapid test indication quantitative measure of carelessness in
handling the milk and lack of sanitation. But in milk that appears as visible or insoluble
sediment is always associated with relative amount of microbes. The test is carried out by
allowing a measured quantity of milk to pass through a fixed area of a filter disc and
comparing the sediment with the prescribed standards.


1. Row milk should be tested.

2. Curdled milk should be separated.
3. Temperature of milk while receiving at milk plant should be 5 0 C.

Material Required: Milk


i. Sediment tester:This apparatus consists of a bottle open at both ends. To the neck of
which is fastened a clip and wire guage. This inverted neck is kept downwards in stand
small cotton discs are used to retain the dirt.

ii. Lintine disc 32 mm in diameter.

iii. Sampling dipper of 500 ml. capacity.

iv. Sediment disc ratings: 0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg sediment per 500 ml. of milk.

v. Sieves


i. Take a milk sample from well stirred can of milk with the help of sampling dipper.
ii. Filter the milk through properly adjusted firm link disc held in the sediment tester, so that
a filtration area of 28 mm in diameter is exposed.
iii. Remove the cotton disc from sediment tester after filternation.
iv. Compare the lintine cotton disc with the standard disc as indicated below

Milk Testing - Two Minutes Resazurin Test


To determine extent of bacteriological quality of milk.

Relevant Information:

The majority of the organisms in milk are capable of reducing and decolorizing the resazurin
dye. When bacteria grow in the milk they utilize oxygen, the rate of remove or reduction is
proportional to the keeping quality. This test is also based on the same principles as M.B.R.
(Methylene Blue Reduction) test, but dye is Resazurin which is much more sensitive that the
Methylene blue. For this reason this test provides a rapid measure of the keeping quality of

During incubation, the dye undergoes reduction very largely through the metabolic activity
of the organisms present. The greater the number of organisms present in milk, the more
quickly the dye is reduced. The reduction takes place in two distinct stages. Resazurin is
blue at the reaction of milk. In the first stage dye is changed to pink colour and in second
stage pink colour is changed to colourness. The cells present in the milk may also influence
the reduction of Resazurin and for that reason; the test may also measure physiologically or
pathologically abnormal milk.


The test should be carried out aseptically.

Material Required:

i Milk sample
ii. Resazurin colour/solution 0.05%.


i. All purpose lovibond comparator.

ii. One Resazurin colour disc from blue to white.
iii. Water path, thermostically controlled to maintain temperature of 37 0 C.
iv. Test tube 10 ml.
v. Pipette 10 ml. and 1 ml.

i. Milk the sample thoroughly by inverting from one to another container.

ii. Pour 10 ml. of milk sample in to previously sterilized test tube.
iii. Add quickly 1 ml. of Resazurin solution in the test tube.
iv. Mix the milk and dye thoroughly by inverting 2-3 times.
v. Place the tubes in the water bath at the temperature of 37.5 0 C only for two minutes.
vi. The tubes are then removed from the water bath.
vii. Compare the colour to test tube with standard disc until the colours are matched under
viii. Record the number of disc/colour of disc. If colour falls between two disc numbers
record half value.

Determination of Fat in Milking


The price of milk fixed on its fat content.

To determine the fat level in milk by Gerber method.

Relevant Information:

Fat is the most important constituent of milk as it is used as a basis for fixing the
purchase and sale price of milk. It helps to detect adulteration like watering and skimming
milk. Gerber’s method commonly used in Europe and in India.
Dr. N Gerber of Zurich Switzerland invented this method in the year 1892-1895. In this test
H2SO4 is used to increase specific gravity of milk serum which makes greater difference
between milk serum and fat globules. It also destroys stickiness of milk by dissolving all the
SNF. The free fat globules rise to the surface by subsequent application of centrifugal force
to this mixture and heat produced due to mixing of acid and milk, causing melting of fat. It
facilitates the fat particles to come to the surface freely. The specific gravity of fat is 0.9 and
that of acid milk mixtures is 1.43. This situation promotes complete separation of fat when
proper centrifugal force is applied.
Due to application of centrifugal force lighter substances (Butter fat) are thrown towards
centre and rest of serum portion that is heavier is thrown towards the pheriphen.
Addition of amyl alcohol helps for separation of fat from the milk acid mixture and also
prevents the charging of fat and sugar by the H2SO4.


1. Carryout through mixing of milk before testing.

2. Amyl alcohol must be pure.
3. Sulphuric acid is to be added gently by the sides of the butyrometer without wetting the
neck of the butyrometer. Avoid direct pouring of milk on acid.
4. The three fluids viz. Sulphuric acid, milk and amyl alcohol should be added gently, so that
they form three distinct layers.
5. Rubber stopper should be dry, clean and without crack.
6. Before centrifuging the butyrometer, see that there is no curdy white material left
7. The centrifugal machine must be properly balanced.
8. Always carry out the test in duplicate.
9. Butyrometer should be free from Na2Co3 (soda ash) if cleaned by Na2Co3 otherwise it
lowers the specific gravity and strength of Sulphuric acid.
10. Use butyrometer stand for shaking of butyrometer contents to dissolve the SNF content
of milk.

Material Required:

i Milk
ii.Sulphuric acid (
iii.Amyl alcohol (


1. Milk sample bottle.

2.10 ml automatic tilt measure for H2SO4.
3. 1 ml automatic tilt measure for amyl alcohol.
4. 10.75 ml capacity milk pipette.
5. Dairy floating thermometer.
6. Hot water bath.
7. Gerber’s centrifuge machine (1100 rpm).
8. Gerber’s butyrometer plain neck with graduations from 0-10%.
9. Butyrometer stand.
10. Rubber stopper.
11. Guiding pin or key.


1. Put the clean and dry butyrometer in a butyrometer stand with open mouth upwards.
2. Run 10 ml of sulphuric acid with the tilt measure in the butyrometer.
3. Pipette out 10.75 ml of milk sample gently by the side of butyrometer, whose
temperature is about 60-70 0 F.
4. Pour 1 ml. of amyl alcohol with tilt measure.
5. Stopper the butyrometer with the help of lock stopper using regulating pin/guiding pin.
6. The tube is well (mixed) shaken till mahogany red colour is obtained. Keep the
butyrometer in hot water bath till it attains 60-70 0 F and the butyrometer are placed in the
centrifuged machine that is revolved at 1100 rpm for 4 minutes.
7. Take out the butyrometer in an upright position with the stopper end down wards.
8. Keep the butyrometer in hot water bath a 149 0 F (600 C) for some time.
9. Adjust the fat column which will appear clear and yellowish within the graduation with the
help of key.
10. Note the reading. Reading should be taken from bottom of the fat column to lower
border of meniscus on the scale.

Determination of Activity (Titrable Acidity) of Milk

Relevant Information:

Milk is amphoteric in reaction which turns blue litmus to Red and Red litmus to blue. The
acidity of milk is of two kinds.
i. Apparent or natural acidity which is due to citrates and phosphates present in the milk
and dissolved CO2 during the process of milking and thereafter.
ii. Real acidity or developed acidity which is due to lactic acid produced by the action of
bacteria on lactose in milk.
Generally the acidity of milk means the total acidity (Natural + developed) or tirratable
acidity. It is determine by titrating a know volume of milk with standard alkali to the point
of an indicator line phenolphthalein.

Acidity is expressed as percent lactic acid. Since 1 ml of 0.1 N lactic acid contains 0.009
grams of lactic acid, the number of ml. of 0.1 N NaOH required to neutralize the lactic acid
in the sample, multiplied by 0.009 will give the amount of lactic acid (grams) in the sample,
when the result is divided by weight of milk sample and multiplied by 100 the percent lactic
acid will be obtained.


Use fresh N/10 NaOH solution.

Material Required:

1. Milk sample.
2. N/10 NaOH solution.
3. Phenolphthalein indicator.


a) 10 ml capacity pipette.
b) 100 ml conical flask or porcelain dish.
c) 50 ml capacity burette with stand.
d) Porcelain tile.
e) Glass rod.


1. Fill the burette with N/10 NaOH solution.

2. Mix the milk sample thoroughly by avoiding incorporation of air.
3. Transfer 10 ml milk with the pipette in porcelain dish/conical flask.
5. Add equal quantity of glass distilled water.
6. Add 3-4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and stir with glass rod.
7. Take the initially reading of the alkali in the burette at the lowest point of meniscus.
8. Rapidly titrate the contents with N/10 NaOH solution continue to add alkali drop by the
drop and stirring the content with glass rod till first definite change to pink colour which
remains constant for 10 to 15 seconds.
9. Complete the titration within 20 seconds.
10. Note down the final burette reading.

No of ml. of 0.1 N NaOH solutions
required for neutralization x 0.009
% Lactic acid = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Weight of sample
(Weight of sample = Volume of milk x specific gravity)

Determine of Specific Gravity of Milk


To determine the basic nature of milk.

To decide the nature of adulteration of milk.

Relevant Information:

Lactometers are used for rapid determination of specific gravity. The method is based on
law of floatation which states that when a solid is immersed in a liquid. It is subject to
upward thurst equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body and acting in upward

The types of Lactometer Generally used:

1. Quevenne’s type:

This is calibrated a 15.5 0 C or 60 0 F, it gives accurate reading in the temperature ranges

of 60 +/- 6 0F subject to temperature correction factor. The correction is calculated as
For every 10 0 F change in temperature there is corresponding change of 1.0 lactometer
reading. After correction factor the reading is known as corrected lactometer reading.

2. ISI lactometer:

This new lactometer recommended by Indian standard Institution is calibrated at 27 0 C

Milk sample is kept at 27 0 C and reading of the lactometer is noted.


i. The milk to be tested should be 2-3 hours old after milking. This will allow air and gasses
to escape from this sample.
ii. The temperature of the sample should be adjusted between 50-80 0 F for accurate
iii. Sample should be thoroughly mixed by pouring it from the sides of the container.
iv. Use standard lactometer Quevenne’s or ISI.
v. Do-not allow the lactometer to remain in milk longer.
vi. Read lactometer reading in ½ to 1 minute.
vii. Lactometer should not touch to the sides of jar/cylinder.

Material required:

Whole milk, skim milk, partially adulterated milk.


1. Lactometer
2. Jar
3. Petri dish
4. Diary floating thermometer
5. Beakers.


i. Adjust the temperature of milk sample at 50-80 0 F

ii. Fill the clean, dry glass jar about 2/3 rd volume of it with milk, pour the milk down along
the sides of the jar to avoid the incorporation of air.
iii. Lower the lactometer gently in the milk making sure that the lactometer floats freely
without touching the sides of the jar.
iv. Add milk to brim of the jar.
v. Read the lactometer reading at the top of the meniscus within one minute.
vi. Record the temperature of milk.


Specific gravity of milk can be calculated by the following formula (for all type of

Corrected lactometer reading

Sp. Gr. = --------------------------------------------------------- +1
Corrected lactometer reading = LR + CF.
Where CF for Quevennes lactometer
CF (+) = 0.1 x difference in temperature above 60 0 F
CF (-) = 0.1 x difference in temperature below 60 0 F

Determination of S.N.F. (Solid Not Fat) and Total Solids of Milk


To estimate the level of Total solid content of milk.

To decide the quality of milk on the basis of total and SNF.

Relevant Information:

Total solids content is the entire residue left after complete evaporation of water from milk.
This includes fat protein, lactose and mineral matter. These solid constituents exist in milk
in a mechanical mixture.

I) Total solids can be determined by

i) Gravimetric method
ii) By use of formula
iii) By Richmond’s scale.
1. Precautions:

As per exercise 3 (B)

Material Required: Milk


i) Specific gravity bottle

ii) Balance
iii) Porcelain dish
iv) Hot air oven
v) Tongs
vi) Hot water bath.
vii) Desiccators
viii) Glass jar
ix) Lactometer
x) Dairy floating thermometer
xi) Petri plate/dish


I) Gravimetric method:

i. This is an accurate method but not practicable and hence is not used.
ii. Take flat bottomed 50 cm diameter porcelain crucible.
iii. Clean and dry in hot air oven for 1 ½ hour.
iv. Not the weight of crucible.
v. Add 5 ml of milk sample and weight it.
vi. Put the crucible in hot air oven adjusted at 100 0 C for 3 to 4 hours.
vii. Remove the crucible from oven and cool in desiccators’ and weight.
viii. Again put the crucible for ½ hour in oven.
Remove the crucible from oven and cooled in desiccators’ and weigh.

This process should be continued/repeated till getting the constant weight or difference in
last two weights should not exceed 0.01 gm. The total solids are determined by formula.
Weight of residue
Total solids % = -------------------------------------------------- x 100

Weight of milk sample

II) By use of Formula:

i) Determine the fat percentage of milk sample by Gerber’s method.

ii) Take out the lactometer reading and temperature of milk and calculate.
Corrected lactometer.
iii) Place the figures of fat and CLR in the following formula for calculating total solids and
solids not fat.

Richmond’s Formula:

Total solids % = ----------------------- + 1.21 F + 0.14
SNF % = --------------------------- + 0.21 F + 0.14
ISI Formula:
T.S. % = -------------------------- + 1.22 F + 0.72

SNF % = ------------------------- + 0.22 F + 0.72
Where CLR = Corrected lactometer Reading
F= Fat content in milk

III) By Richmond’s Scale:

To have immediate results the total solids content is determined by Richmond’s scale. The
mechanical device made in the form of a ruler with a sliding centre slip. The total solids can
be determined if lactometer reading, temperature of milk and fat content is known. The
observed lactometer reading is placed opposite the little arrow at 60 0 F on the temperature
scale. The corrected lactometer is observed opposite the line indicating observed
temperature of milk. This would give the corrected lactometer reading. Next, the arrow on
the sliding portion is placed against the fat content of the given milk and bottom part of
scale would give the percentage of total solids opposite to the CLR reading on small scale.

S. M. C. College of Dairy Science, Anand- 388110, Gujarat,India. J and J College, Nadiad-387002, Gujarat,
2College of Dairy Technology, Warud, Pusad - 452004, Maharashtra, India
E-mail: [email protected]
(Received : October, 2008)
Abstract: Dietetic and diabetic rosogolla, manufactured by utilizing low-fat cow milk and citric acid as coagulant
were packed
in polyethylene terepthalate jars and stored at refrigerated (7±2° C) and room (26±2° C) temperature. During
storage, pH of
dietetic, diabetic and control rosogolla decreased, while free fatty acids, 5-hydroxy methyl furfural and soluble
content increased with the advancement of the storage irrespective of the storage temperature. Total viable count and
and mold count increased slowly in the samples stored at 7±2º C, but very sharply when stored at 26±2º C. Coliform
in both the cases was observed to be zero. A concentration of 40º brix of both sugar syrup and sorbitol when used
for cooking
and soaking can give a shelf-life of more than 40 days at refrigeration temperature.
Key words: Free fatty acids, 5-hydroxy methyl furfural, soluble nitrogen, total viable count, yeast and mould.
Commercial success of a dairy/food product is mostly
decided by its behavior during storage and its shelf-life is the
most critical parameter from both manufacturer and consumers
point of view. Shelf-life is generally affected by various reasons
like storage temperature, moisture content of product, initial
microbial load of raw and finished goods, etc. Growth of
microorganisms brings about several physico-chemical and
textural changes in the product which ultimately reduces the
acceptability of the product during long storage. To overcome
the ill-effects of storage on the rosogolla various treatments
like heat treatment during chhana making, concentration of
cooking and soaking syrup, etc. are implemented which help to
control the growth of the bacteria. Dietetic and diabetic
Rosogolla were manufactured using low-fat cow milk and had
an average composition as moisture- 49.8 and 52.2 %, fat- 4.6
and 4.4 %, protein- 11.8 and 12.7 %, sucrose/sorbitol- 32.4 and
29.6 % and ash- 0.9 and 0.8 % respectively.
Material and methods
The present study was conducted in SMC College of
Dairy Science, Anand, in the year 2007-08. The fresh raw cow
milk (4.5 % fat, 8.5 % MSNF and 0.16 % acidity) procured from
Live Stock Research Station, AAU, Anand was preheated and
separated to obtain skim milk (0.1 % fat, 8.9 % MSNF and 0.17 %
acidity). Double refined cane sugar was obtained from the local
market of Ahemdabad and sorbitol (70 % liquid), from Darshan
chemicals, Anand. Aspartame was procured from Nutrasweet-
12, USA. PET jars obtained from Anand, were sterilized using
100 ppm available chlorine solution
*Part of M. Tech. thesis submitted by the first author to the Anand Agricultural University, Anand - 388 110, India
Cow Milk (2 % Fat, 8.5% MSNF)
Coagulant 1% Citric acid Heating to boiling point
Heating to 60O C Cooling/Coagulation to 60O C (pH 5.4)
Holding coagulated mass for 10-15 min.
Straining Whey
Dripping of whey (20-25 min.)
Manual Kneading and Ball formation (7 – 8 g)
Cooking in sorbitol solution (40 %) Cooking in DR sugar solution (40 %)
(20-25 min) (20-25 min)
Soaking in 40 % sorbitol + Soaking in 40 % DR sugar syrup
14.3 g aspartame
Diabetic Rosogolla Dietetic Rosogolla
Cow Milk (2% Fat. 8.5% MSNF)

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for manufacture of diabetic and dietetic rosogolla

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