XII Psychology Chapter 1 Notes
XII Psychology Chapter 1 Notes
XII Psychology Chapter 1 Notes
• Intelligence is defined as an individual’s capacity to understand the world, and the ability to
make the best use of whatever a person has.
• Aptitude is defined as an individual’s potential and capability to learn and acquire skills and
aptitude tests give us a clear picture of what a person is capable of doing.
• Interest refers to the preference of an individual in what kind of activity he/she would like to
engage in himself/herself and that is relative to others.
• Personality refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make him/her distinct
from others
• Values are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behavior
Assessment Methods
Different tests and interviews are conducted as a medium of the assessment method. Several
methods other methods for psychological assessment are mentioned in variations in psychological
attributes notes:
Alfred Binet defined intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well, and reason well.
Wechsler denied intelligence as the global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally,
act purposefully, and deal effectively with his/her environment. Check out the various theories of
Theories of Intelligence
Psychometric Approach
It considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities. It expresses the individual’s performance in
terms of a single index of cognitive abilities. Various theories of intelligence based on this approach
are as follows:
Two-Factor Theory
• The psychometric argument for intelligence as a general ability was first advanced by British
Psychologist Charles Spearman
• Intellectual performance is partially determined by the General Intelligence/G factor and partly
by specific abilities
• G-Factor-Existence of broad mental capacity that influences performance on cognitive mental
• S-Factor –Ability to excel in certain areas or specific Intelligence.
Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
• This theory was proposed by Louis Turnstone
• This model of intelligence comprises 7 primary mental abilities
• Verbal comprehension-understanding meaning of words, concepts
• Numerical ability- accuracy in solving numerical
• Spatial ability- understand images and patterns
• Perceptual speed- perceiving information
• Memory-learning and recalling information
• Inductive reasoning- Based on facts to derive results
• Word fluency-speaking words fluently
1. Level 1 is about associative learning and here output is more or less similar to the input. For
Example- rote learning
2. Level 2 primarily focuses on Higher Order Thinking Skills. For example- Creative Learning
The SI theory identifies six kinds of operations:
Cognition: Involves understanding, comprehending, discovering, and becoming aware of information.
Memory recording: The ability to integrate and encode information.
Memory retention: The proficiency to retain and recall previously learned material.
Divergent production: Generating multiple creative solutions or ideas.
Convergent production: Arriving at a single correct answer or solution.
Evaluation: Making judgments or assessments based on criteria.
These operations represent fundamental cognitive processes.
There are five kinds of contents:
Visual: Pertains to visual information and mental imagery.
Auditory: Relates to auditory stimuli and sounds.
Symbolic: Involves understanding symbols, signs, and abstract representations.
Semantic: Concerns the meaning of words, concepts, and ideas.
Behavioral: Refers to knowledge related to human behavior and actions.
Different types of information fall into these content categories.
The SI theory defines six kinds of products:
Units: Basic elements of thought, such as individual facts or concepts.
Classes: Grouping related elements into categories or classes.
Relations: Identifying connections or associations between elements.
Systems: Organizing elements into structured systems or frameworks.
Transformations: Changing or manipulating information.
Implications: Drawing logical conclusions from given information.
These products represent the outcomes of cognitive processes.
Information Processing Approach
It describes the processes people use in intellectual reasoning and problem solving and its major
focus is on how an intellectual person act. Some of the theories based on the Information processing
approach are described as follows:
• Linguistic Intelligence – It refers to the ability of a person to use words and language well to
express one’s point of view. For example – writers, poets
• Logical-Mathematical Intelligence – Ability to reason well mathematically as well as logically
and have a high mathematical aptitude and scientific temper. For example, mathematicians,
• Spatial Intelligence- It refers to the ability to solve spatial problems well and can easily present
the spatial world easily in the mind. For Example- Sailors, Architects
• Musical Intelligence- The ability to perceive pitch and rhythm and to understand and produce
music. For Example – Music Composers
• Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence- The ability to control body movements and skilfully and
flexibly move their body. For example- Dancers, Athletes
• Interpersonal Intelligence- Ability to understand and relate well to others by seeing their point
of view, opinions, etc. For example – Counsellors, Politicians
• Intrapersonal Intelligence- The ability to understand oneself well and being skilled in self-
awareness. For example- Spiritual Gurus
• Naturalistic Intelligence- It is the ability to detect and understand phenomena in the natural
world. For example- Zoologist, Travellers
2. Experiential Intelligence/ Creative comprises the mental skills which are needed to deal with
novel problems in an effective/ creative manner.
3. Contextual Intelligence/ Practical includes those skills which are needed to cope up with
everyday demands and manage oneself and other people effectively. They are called Business
sense or Street smart.
PASS Model of Intelligence
• It was proposed by J.P. Das, Kirby, Jack Naglieri in 1994
• Intelligence is an interdependent function of those neurological brain units responsible for
planning, attention, and simultaneous and successive processing
• Attention / Arousal (Brain Stem)
➢ Attention is basic to all humans and important stimuli grab our attention. The optimum
level of attention helps us to focus well on important aspects of a task.
➢ Simultaneous processing takes place in Occipital & Parietal lobe of the brain. It is
about establishing relationships between different topics in order to come up with
something unique and meaningful.
➢ successive processing takes place in frontal temporal part of the brain. It is about
remembering information properly in a serial order.
• Planning
➢ “Planning takes place in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Once the information has
been attended to and processed, planning occurs, which helps in devising a course of
action, implementing it, and evaluating the results.
Assessment of Intelligence
Assessment of intelligence means proper understanding and evaluation of the intelligence of a
person. The intelligence of a person is assessed with the help of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which was
first proposed by William Stern in 1912.
It’s essential to recognize and support individuals with intellectual disabilities, providing appropriate
care and understanding based on their specific needs.
1. High Creativity
2. High Ability Giftedness from Teachers’ point of view
3. High Commitment
1. Exceptional Concentration
2. Preference for Novelty
3. Large Attention Span
4. Good Memory
• Individual tests are administered on a single individual and the test administrator is required to
adjust with feelings, the mood of the subject
• Group tests are administered on a group of individuals and it is not necessary for the test
administrator to adjust to the mood of the subjects
• Verbal Test – The subject is required to give responses either oral or written.
• Non-Verbal Test- Requires use of pictures as test items. For example, Raven’s Progressive
Matrices (RPM)
• Performance Test- Requires movement of objects/materials. For example, block activity
• Culture fair tests are culturally appropriate and are suitable to test the intelligence of all types
of cultures
• Culture Biased Tests are not culturally appropriate and it is not suitable to test the intelligence
of all types of cultures.
• Cognitive competence includes a cognitive ability and skills like decision-making, analysis, etc
• Social competence includes social skills like communication skills, empathy, cooperation.
• Emotional Competence focuses on self-regulation and having a regular check on one’s
emotions and thoughts.
• Entrepreneurial Competence includes qualities like commitment, dedication, determination,
perseverance, etc
Emotional Intelligence
This concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced by Salovey and Mayer. Emotional
intelligence is a set of skills that underlie accurate appraisal, expression, and regulation of emotions.
It is expressed in terms of EQ (Emotional Quotient).
Aptitude tests come in two forms: Independent (specialized) and Multiple (generalized). Among
these, the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) is commonly used in educational settings, consist of 8
independent subtests, including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning, clerical
speed and accuracy, mechanical reasoning, space relations, spelling, and language usage.
Additionally, an Indian adaptation of DAT has been developed by J.M. Ojha, and several other
aptitude tests exist in India for measuring scientific, scholastic, literary, clerical, and teaching
Creative fields like filmmaking do require both intelligence and creativity for better problem solving
and decision-making. For example- a writer or a filmmaker must have some intelligence to
understand the field and what kind of content is required in the modern era and creativity along with
that helps them to come up with something unique and out-of-the-box.
In a nutshell, we can say that creativity focuses on being open-minded whereas intelligence mainly
involves coming up with the correct solution to the issue. Some of the famous psychologists who
have developed creativity tests are Guilford, Torrance, etc.
1. Define Intelligence?
2. What is Aptitude?
3. What is Emotional Intelligence?
4. What is Integral Intelligence?
5. What is Technological Intelligence?
6. Differentiate the various approaches of Intelligence and classify the theories of Intelligence on the
base of the approaches?
7. What is Buddhi?
8. Explain Cubic structure of Intelligence proposed by JP Guilford?
9. "Intelligence is the ability to adapt, to shape and select an environment to accomplish ones goals"
explain the above concept?
10. Explain Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence?
11. Explain the nature and nurture controversy of intelligence?
12. Describe PASS model theory of Intelligence?
13. Explain the Cognitive assessment system of JP DAS?
14. What are the various types of intelligence tests?
15. What are the various misuses of Intelligence tests?
16. Explain the relationship between creativity and Intelligence?
17. Explain the Indian concept of Intelligence?
18. Explain the classification of Terman& Merrill on Intelligence?
19. Name the following
a. Any 3 individual tests
b. Any 3 group tests
c. Any 3 verbal tests
d. Any 3 non-verbal tests
e. Any 3 performance tests
f. Any 3 aptitude tests
g. Any 5 intelligence tests
h. Any 5 intelligence tests for which Indian norms have been developed
i. Any 4 intelligence tests developed in India
20. "Roma is a 10 years old girl how has an exceptional general ability which can be seen in wide
variety of areas"
a. Which ability is been discussed here?
b. Explain its important characteristics in detail?
21. Differentiate between the following
a. Culture Fair and culture bias test
b. Individual and group test
c. Verbal, Non-verbal and performance tests
d. Talent and giftedness. Give Examples
22. Explain the various domains of psychological attribute that categorizes variety of tests.
23. How is Psychometric approach different from information processing approach?
24. Explain the theory of Primary mental abilities?