DLL - English 2 - Q1 - W6

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School: AGUSTIN T.


GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ANGELICA G. CASTELO Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 2 – 6, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Reading comprehension Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates Demonstrates understanding of

Demonstrates understanding of sentence construction for understanding of paragraph development to identify
paragraph development to correct expressions. sentence text types
Identify text types construction for
correct expressions.
B. Performance Identifies correctly how Properly identifies and describes Properly identifies and Identifies correctly how paragraphs/
Standard paragraphs/ texts are developed. people, animals, describes people, animals, texts are developed
places, things and uses them in a places, things and uses them
variety of oral and in a variety of oral and
written theme-based written theme-based
activities activities
C. Learning Use words denoting sequences Identify nouns from the selection Recall how to form plural Give the main idea of the story listened Administer Summative Test
Competency/ in telling their daily activities listened to nouns by adding -s to
Objectives EN2OL-Ia-j-1.1 Form plural nouns by adding -s Form plural nouns by adding - EN1LC-Ic-1.1
Write the LC code for each. EN2G-If-g-2 es

II. CONTENT Lesson 20: Words showing Lesson 21: Plural Form of Nouns Lesson 22: More Rules: Plural Lesson 23: Doing it Right Summative Test
order of events by Adding -s Form of Nouns Story: Mary and Martha on Duty

A. References K-12 CG p 30 K-12 Curriculum Guide p.22 K-12 Curriculum Guide p. K-12 Curriculum Guidep22 Summative test files
1. Teacher’s Guide 46 47-48 48-49 49-50
2. Learner’s Materials pages 63 - 64 65-66 67-68 71-73
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resource pictures, charts Pictures,tarpapel, chart Pictures,charts Chart, tarpapel, strips of cartolina
A. Reviewing previous lesson Lead the pupils in singing “The What are nouns? Write the plural of each ot the Answering wh questions in the story Song
or presenting the new lesson Good Morning Song” Give examples of nouns
following nouns.
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask one pupil to tell something Ask pupils to look for nouns in the Look at the pictures. Ask: Do you help your teacher clean Setting of standard
the about one picture. Show pictures story listened to. your classroom What do you usually
lesson used previously. Write the pupils’ answers on the do in helping her in cleaning your
appropriate column: - classroom?

C. Presenting examples/ Introduce the use of words Ask pupils to give examples of Nouns ending in s, h, x Reading the story Giving of instruction
instances of the new lesson denoting sequences like first, singular nouns. Limit the answers kiss – kisses bush – bushes “Mary and Martha on Duty”
second, then, next and last. to nouns that end in consonants church – churches fox – foxes
except y (preceded by consonants, ax – axes
x, v, f, s, h).
Ask them to form the plural by
adding –s.
plant – plants fan – fans
chair – chairs spoon – spoons
fork – forks row – rows
room – rooms
D. Discussing new Using these words, retell the Ask: What letter is added to the How are the plural nouns in Who sweeps the oor? Supervising the test
concepts and practicing new story while explaining when noun to make it plural? Group A formed? Who are the characters in the story?
skills #1 they can use the words. Give other examples of plural What did they do?
nouns What is the story all about?
What can you say about Mary and
Would you also do what Mary and
Martha did? Why?
E. Discussing new concepts Ask pupils to talk about their Write the plural of each of the ff. How are the plural nouns in
and practicing new skills daily activities using sequential nouns. Group B formed? (Refer to LM, p. 72)
#2 linkers. ( see tarpapel )

F. Developing mastery (leads Do LM p. 63. Underline the nouns in the Let the pupils write the plural Divide the class into 4 and ask them to
to Formative Assessment 3) Let`s aim. sentence. Tell whether the noun is form of the following nouns: act out the scenes in the picture cards.
singular or plural. 1. city
( see chalkboard ) 2. church
3. cherry
4. strawberry
5. injury
G. Finding practical Do LM p. 63. Game Say: Make the plural nouns Group activity Show honesty in answering the
application of concepts and We Can Do It Plural Noun Spelling Bee: singular. test questions
skills in daily living Tell the pupils to form two lines, 1. box
facing each other. ____________________
The first pupil gives a singular 2. strawberry ____________
noun that starts with the letter “A” 3. fairy __________________
and writes it down theboard.The 4. glass __________________
partner must spell the plural form 5. lady __________________
of the noun on the board. If they
are correct they remain
standing.The next pupil names a
noun that starts with “B” and the
pair repeats the same process.(Go
through the entire alphabet.)The
last remaining pair who is standing
H.Making generalizations Who can tell what we learned Singular nouns ending in Nouns that end with .–s, .– Main Idea tells what the story is all
and abstractions about the today? consonant sounds except y, x, v, f, ch, .–x, -ss form their plural by about.
lesson s, h form their plural by adding –s. adding .–es. Nouns that end in
y preceded by consonants
form their plural by changing
y to i and adding .–es.
I. Evaluating learning Answer LM p. 64. (Refer to LM, p. 66) Match column A with column Listen to your teacher as she reads the Recording the test results
Measure my learning B by writing the paragraph.
letter before each number. Underline the main idea of the
A B paragraphlistened to.
1.box a. Fair 1. Animals help us in many ways. They
2. strawberry b. boxes give us food. Some give us
3. Fairy c. glasses clothing.Other animals helpus in our
4. glass dstrawberri work. Some become our friends.
5. lady e. ladies What is the paragraph
J. Additional activities for Write 5 example s of nouns and Draw or cut pictures of nouns Ass. Challenge the pupils for the next
application or remediation write their plural by adding s. ending in –y, -ss, -ch, -x. Let Underline the main idea in each test.
them paste the pictures on paragraph
their notebook ( see board )
A..No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80%
___ of Learners who earned 80%
80% in the evaluation above 80% above above
B.No. of learners ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional
who require additional additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for activities for remediation
activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught up the
caught up with the lesson the lesson up the lesson lesson
the lesson
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to
continue to require require remediation require remediation to require remediation require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration well: ___ Group collaboration
did these work? ___ Games ___ Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Games ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Carousel ___ Carousel activities/exercises ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diads ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method
Why? Why? ___ Lecture Method Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs Why? ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s Cooperation ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s Cooperation in
Cooperation in in ___ Group member’s doing their tasks
doing their tasks doing their tasks Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my principal __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
or supervisor can help me __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
solve? __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works

G. What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
use/discover which I wish to __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from
share with other teachers? views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used as
used as Instructional Materials as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition Materials __ local poetical composition
__ local poetical composition

Prepared by : Checked by: Noted by:

Substitute Teacher Master Teacher I Head Teacher III

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