When The Muslims Turn Their Back On Science: August 2021
When The Muslims Turn Their Back On Science: August 2021
When The Muslims Turn Their Back On Science: August 2021
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1 author:
Khalid Khan
University of Massachusetts Lowell
All content following this page was uploaded by Khalid Khan on 24 August 2021.
By Khalid Khan
In the history of Nobel prize, till 2020, in Lack of scientific temperament in Muslims
total, 631 people have won the Nobel prize for should be a concern not only for Muslims but for
science (Physics, Chemistry and Medicine), out of everyone. I recollect listening to a presentation by
which only two had gone to Muslims. According to a western cosmologist, who said, out of all the
the 2016 United Nations Arab Human Development named stars, two-thirds of them have Arabic names.
Report, the MENA (the Middle East and North Later he mentioned, imagine how much progress
Africa) region is home to only 5% of the world's we would have made and how many new stars we
population. Still, it produces 69% of the world's would have found, had the Arabs continued with
battle-related deaths, 58% of the world's refugees their research in the space.
and 45% of the world's terrorist attacks (UNDP, Singer (1979) observes in his book, A
2016). Due to the lack of education, ideology drives History of Technology, that "the Near East was
the decision making in Muslims and not evidence. superior to the West. For nearly all branches of
It is no wonder, the proliferation of fake news and technology, the best products available to the West
conspiracy theories abound in the Muslims; this were those of the Near East. Technologically, the
gives rise in a victim mentality in which we hold West had little to bring to the East" (As cited in Al-
someone else responsible for our bad condition. Hassan, n. d., para. 3).
The question here is why the contribution from the
Islamic World in creating new knowledge or their Why did the Islamic Golden Age end?
participation in global scientific endeavors is Sadly, I did not find even a handful of independent,
negligible. To be more specific, by Islamic World, I evidence-based study by the Muslim scholars on
mean those over 50 countries of the Organization this. To my wonder, I found several books, scholarly
of the Islamic Conferences (OIC). research papers, articles and essays on the fall of
Islamic science by Western authors. Do we people
Though today, Islam is not known for in the Muslim world understand and accept what
contributing to modern scientific projects, but brought the end to Islamic science? Understanding
history has witnessed that the Islamic world stood and accepting this is vital for Muslim's revival to
at the forefront of scientific advancement from 8th bring back the culture of scientific inquiry.
century till 11th century, after which it started going
downhill. This period is called the Islamic Golden First, let us look at the factors that laid the
Age. Historian Bernard Lewis (2002) notes, for foundation for the Golden Age. Right from the
many centuries, the world of Islam was in the beginning of Islam, the Caliphs and the scholars
forefront of human civilization and achievement. appreciated the value of knowledge with openness
no matter from where it came. Abbasid Caliph Al- "Behold in the creation of the heavens and the
Mansur commenced translation movement in 770 earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are
for the Arabic translation of many science and indeed signs for men of understanding" (Qur'an
philosophy books written in Greek, Syriac, Persian 3:190).
and Sanskrit. Bait al-Hikmah (House of Wisdom)
was founded by Caliph Harun al-Rashid,as a library The above verses tell us a few essential things.
for the collections of translated books and works. First, it is telling us to make an effort and go out and
Caliph Al-Mamun further institutionalized it. They discern how God brings life into being, the creation
leveraged the expertise received from the Greeks, of heaven and earth, alternation of night and day
Persians, Romans, Zoroastrians, Indians, Buddhist etc. And the second is, you have to find the way
and Chinese. Muslim scientists of that age were nature works, outside of Qur'an. You have to do this
well-versed with the Qur'an, and they drew independently; the answer is not in the Qur'an; you
inspiration from the verses of the Qur'an. It amazes have to find it out yourself.
me to see the versatility of the knowledge and
expertise of the Muslim scholars of that period. Another aspect to understand is that
Take note of the vastness of the knowledge of just cause-and-effect is a natural phenomenon
a few scholars such as Al-Razi, Al-Kindi, Al-Biruni, employed by the creator. You can't get the result
Ibn Sina, Al-Haytham. You will find each one of without making an effort. The Muslim scholars of
them to be a polymath. Their expertise varied from that age understood this. A famous verse of the
Islamic jurisprudence, theology, philosophy to Quran which means, "Indeed God will not change
mathematics, medicine and natural sciences. the conditions of a population until they change
what is in themselves." (13:11)
Science found favor in medieval Islam
because, for them, science was another way to There is also one of the reported sayings of
experience the creation and know the creator. We the prophet Mohammad (PBUH), according to
are discussing science now, but it is important to Tirmidhi:
note that the word 'science' was not even coined "One day Mohammad (PBUH) noticed a
until the nineteenth century. The closest word in Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it.
Arabic was 'ilm', that means knowledge. Ilm or its Mohammad asked the Bedouin, "Why don't
derivatives are used in 704 verses of the Qur'an. you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin
There are about 750 verses in the Quran dealing answered, "I placed my trust in Allah." At
with natural phenomena. Many verses of the that, Mohammad (PBUH) said, "Tie your
Qur'an asks mankind to study nature, and this has camel and place your trust in Allah."
been interpreted to mean encouragement for
scientific inquiry and investigation of the truth. Here Independent inquiry, Scientific observation,
I quote a couple of verses from Qur'an: empirical knowledge, rationality etc. are the primary
means, these fit well with the 'tying of the camel'
"Travel throughout the earth and see how He brings analogy from the above Hadith, to make progress
life into being." (Qur'an 29:20) in science. And those laid the foundation of the
Islamic Golden age. There is an order to approach of this discussion. It is widely known, and there is a
science. It requires one to be open-minded and be plethora of books on this even by authors in the
ready to change their world view as and when one West. I don't even want to take pride in the glorious
acquires newer knowledge. And for those who are past. The Muslims have enough of self-pride, they
uncomfortable because there could ever be a don't need any more of it. What we need is self-
contradiction in science and religion, Sir Syed criticism, but it is often the case that the criticism in
Ahmed Khan's response to that was the most the Muslim world is directed at the West or
appropriate. He said 'Word of God (scriptures) somebody outward. This prejudice is one of the
cannot be in opposition to the Work of God (nature) Muslim's most significant obstacles in bringing
(Imteyaz, 2008). If a contradiction between religion reawakening in the Muslim World. The only time the
and science exists in mind, then either you don't criticism is internal when it is for the Muslims for
understand science, or you don't understand the being less religious as if just by being a pious
religion (Parray, 2015). Sir Syed's famous quote is Muslim will solve all the problems.
that ‘’a true Muslims is one who must have the holy
Quran in one hand and the science in the other’’ If you ask someone in the Muslim world
(Azhar, 2012). As we see his Aligarh Muslim about the reasons for the decline of the Islamic
University offering different courses like Medical, science, most likely you will get the explanation as
Engineering, Philosophy, Science, Arts, the Mongol's invasion of Baghdad that toppled the
Management, Languages, Islamic Studies, etc. Abbasid caliphate. But the fall in the scientific
Al-Ghazali too in his book "The contribution has preceded Baghdad's invasion.
Confessions of Al-Ghazali" cautions Muslims from They miss the subject that we are not interested
rejecting scientific truths. He says that ignorant here in the reason for the collapse of Abbasid
Muslims think that the best way to defend religion caliphate, we are looking for the reasons as to what
is by rejecting all the exact sciences. accusing their contributed for the closing of the Muslims minds?
professors as gone astray. The learned know that Why the research stopped? Why did scholars stop
these theories rest on infallible proofs. publishing books? There is a Harvard research
paper that looked into the scholarly output from the
According to the Nobel Prize winner in Muslim world between the 8th and 18th century. As
Physics, Abdus Salam, one-eighth of the Qur’an is per that, the number of books dedicated to scientific
a call for Muslims to seek Allah’s signs in the topics diminished in the late 11th century onward
universe and hence that science is a spiritual as (Chaney, 2016). The departure of scientific inquiry
well as a worldly duty for Muslims (Hoodbhoy, and reasoning began in the 11th century, about two
2007). Science also demands one to have the centuries before Baghdad's invasion in 1258.
humility to say, "I don't know", if something is not Within two years of the invasion of Baghdad,
known, rather than believing upon superstitions Muslim Mamluks, defeated the Mongols in the
and conjectures. battle of Ain Jalut north of Jerusalem. In 1261, the
Mamluk rulers of Egypt, re-established the Abbasid
A detailed view of the contributions of the caliphate in Cairo. The Abbasid caliphs in Egypt
scientists from Middle Ages is beyond the subject continued to maintain the presence of authority as
a religious head. The Mongol king Gazan Khan through God's direct intervention. That implies, no
converted to Islam, making Islam as Mongol's state element in this world has any physical or chemical
religion in 1295. Why is it that modern science did property. In this case, what is there to learn in any
not rise again from Cairo, Delhi or Ottoman Empire. natural science. What is there to achieve from
experiential learning. By this belief, all sciences
Abbasid caliphate was far from smooth need to be trashed; in fact, more or less that was
sailing. Wars, rebellion, famine, anarchy, the point made by the Asharites. This view was
assassinations of caliphs, Shi'a uprising, were part opposed to the rationalist view that God has
and parcel of the Caliphate. For over 200 years, created the laws of nature and maintains them as
Abbasids were out of power even in Baghdad, the disciplines of creation and existence.
subjugated by other dynasties between years 945
and 1157. Regardless of all these political 2. To Counter the Emergence of Shi'a Islam:
upheavals, the science, art and literature continued Shi'a Ismailis were gaining power at the
to flourish in the Muslim world. It is to be noted that beginning of the 9th century from Morocco, Algeria,
once an environment and an attitude for scientific Tunisia, Libya to Egypt. They established a Fatimid
inquiry is developed, then the progress in science dynasty in Egypt in 969 and further expanded to
becomes a natural effect of that. It is erroneous to Syria and Sicily. They were seen as a significant
associate the disappearance of scientific output to threat by the Sunni Abbasids.
an invasion of a city.
Another Shi'a dynasty, by the name, Buyids,
Some others in the East would associate overpowered Abassids and captured Baghdad in
the reasons for the decline to, social and moral the year 945. Buyids encompassed the territory of
degradation in Muslims. This again is negating the most of today's Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria, parts
natural phenomena which are going against the of Oman, the UAE, Turkey, Afghanistan and
teachings of Islam. Pakistan. During the 10th and mid-11th centuries,
the Buyids were the most influential dynasty in the
Then what are the reasons for the fall of Middle East. During that period Abbasids just had a
Islamic Science? Here I will list down the five major ceremonial position in Baghdad. To counter the
ones that led to the fall of the Islamic golden age: spread of Shi'a Islam, Abbasids encouraged Sunni
Seljuq Turks to invade Baghdad. As a result, in
1. Rise of a New Anti-rational and Anti- 1055 Seljuq Sultan Tughril defeated Buyids and
philosophical Ideology: established Seljuq dynasty in Baghdad. Seljuq's
The surge of Asharite ideology in the 9th too let the Abbasids continue as so-called
century, which disdained the rationalist approach Caliphate dealing just with the religious matters. To
and rejected the relationship between cause and counter the Shi'a emergence on the ideological
effect in any natural order. Here is a famous front as well, the Seljuk grand Vazir Nizam ul Mulk
example that was given by their proponents: when founded Nizamiah Madarsas and spread it across
fire and cotton are placed in contact, the cotton is the Muslim world for Sunni religious studies. It was
burned not because of the heat of the fire, but the battle of ideas between Shi'as and Sunnis.
Nizam ul Mulk, the founder of Nizamiyah Guild, was 5. Religious Study Appeared More Lucrative
assassinated by the Shi'a Ismailis in 1092, you can Than Pursuing Science:
imagine how real the threats from Shia's were. With the spread of Nizamiyah madrasah
and shifting of Caliphs and sultan's patronage
3. Bifurcation of Knowledge in Religious towards anti-rational ideology, people found
Science and Natural Sciences: religious studies more lucrative and honorable.
Though the Quran doesn't make any When ilm (knowledge) got its narrow interpretation
distinction when it mentions "ilm to mean only religious science, the alims
(knowledge)" between religious knowledge and or scholars of religious science automatically
other sciences, the advocates of Asharites took occupied the most exalted position in the Muslim
'Ilm' as the science of religion or the science of the sociopolitical landscape. Graduates from
knowledge of God and His verses. For the first time Nizamiyah were given priority in key government
in Islamic history, religious studies became jobs, namely in the judiciary, in jurisprudence and
regulated. The religious sciences - Quran, Hadith other administrative positions. Nizamiyah
and fiqh (jurisprudence) - were said to be the finest madrasas focused on religious studies at the
field of studies by the prominent Sunni religious expense of independent inquiry.
scholars of that time. Study of Greek philosophy, -
which performed an essential part in cultivating free The mainstream Muslim's inquiring minds
inquiry - was entirely discouraged. Medicine and were attacked and occupied a couple of centuries
mathematics were accepted since these solve before the occupation of the city of Baghdad by
problems of that time, but physics and other natural Mongols.
sciences were declared unnecessary.
The fall in Arabic science was met by the
4. Patronage of the Caliphs: rise of science in the West. Europe translated the
Caliph Al-Mutawakkil was not known for classical and scientific works from Arabic to Latin.
having a thirst for knowledge. In the middle of 9th- By the early 13th century, Europe had formally
century, the Abbasid Caliphs completely shifted incorporated Arabic science into the curricula of
their support in favour of Asharite ideology. The their universities. The scholarly work of Ibn Rushd
opposing school, Mu’tazilizm was finished as (Latinized: Averroes) and Ibn Sina (Latinized:
political power and traditionalism assumed its Avicenna), were taught in European universities for
ascendency over the rationalist forces” (Makdisi, centuries. The anti-rational and anti-philosophical
1981, p. 7). And anyone who did not submit to that ideology placed the Muslims at a position from
view was imprisoned, banished or executed. where it completely missed noticing the European
People saw their great scholars such as Ibn Sina, Renaissance, the Reformation, the scientific
Al-Farabi disrespected, Ibn Rushd disgraced and revolution, and the European Enlightenment period.
exiled, his writings were banned and his books That's not all; they did not even care to notice the
burned. The Muslims got the directions of where to invention of the revolutionary printing press. By the
go from there. year 1500, there were about a thousand printing
presses in operation throughout Western Europe
and had produced 8 million books, whereas in
Ottoman Empire printing in Arabic was prohibited In Islam, knowledge was valued and
by the death penalty. In 1727, the empire had its the respected. The House of Wisdom (Bayt al-Hikma)
first legal print house for printing secular works, but was an institution for education, translation and
printing activities did not take off until the 19th research. It institutionalized free inquiry, where
century, a delay of 4 centuries in the adoption of scholars from all regions and all religions came and
such a revolutionary media is inexcusable. There is shared their knowledge. Today we need many
no single event in Islamic History that was more Houses of Wisdom, to regulate free inquiry. We are
damaging than this one incident supported by the at an added advantage since we have an example
religious scholars. Compare this with the earlier in history to follow and the Qur'an, which tells us to
Abbasid Caliphs who brought the papermaking go out and gain knowledge on how things work.
from China in the 8th century. Europeans learned Science doesn't mean western science; it is also a
paper making from the Muslims who established legacy left behind by the scientists of the Islamic
the first paper mill in Spain. Golden age. Today we have to learn from the
leaders in the field of science and technology, be it
Muslims woke up from their slumber only in the USA, Japan, European countries, South Korea
1798 when Napoleon invaded Egypt with far or Israel. The Abbasids brought decimals and
superior and modern war machinery, equipment arithmetic from India, philosophy and geometric
and technology. And the entire Arab and Muslim principals from Ancient Greek, paper making from
lands were up for grabs by anyone in possession of China, medicinal knowledge from Persia. The
advanced scientific and military power. One wrong methods and setup of Bayt al-Hikma itself were
turn in history, most likely taken due to some emulated based on the Academy of Gundeshapur
political and ideological reason, did cost the of Persia, which fell to Muslims in the year 638. The
Muslims in general and Sunnis in specific, Bayt al-Hikma was staffed with graduates of the
unimaginable negative consequences, that are Academy of Gundeshapur. We need to emulate our
even continuing till this day. When we are talking universities based on the Harvards, the MITs and
about reinventing the scientific inquiry in the Muslim the Oxfords of today.
mind, it is vital to keep a watch on what precisely
made the mainstream Muslims switch off their I believe humans cannot see the future, so
inquiring mind. their writings too cannot be relevant forever. About
a thousand years ago, the Muslims governed the
Lewis (2003) notes in his book 'What Went major part of the civilized world. In science,
Wrong' that, the relationship between Christendom technology, art and culture, they were at the top.
and Islam in the sciences was now reversed. Those Religious literature produced by the scholars of that
who had been disciples now became teachers; period was relevant for that age. The whole of it
those who had been masters became pupils, often cannot be applied today when the Muslims are
reluctant and resentful pupils. But as long as we lagging in almost all the developmental indicators.
remain reluctant, resentful, violent pupils, we can The issues and the concerns of the Muslims today
not make any progress. are different. The religious scholars of the Middle
Ages understood the utility of arithmetic and We all know power is essential even for
medical science, but they could not comprehend living in peace. All varieties of power for a nation
the value of physics. Those scholars in the past flows from having the most robust economy and the
who considered physics to be unnecessary, may strongest military. Both of these come from the
not feel the same if they get a chance to see how superior science and technology. Rules of the
nations today leverage science in transforming game have changed. It is high time we tell the world;
their countries into an economic and military we are the veterans of this game, see you in the
powerhouse. Today developed nations can rule the universities, libraries and laboratories. Soon we will
underdeveloped without even occupying it. In the be able to bring an era free from oppression and
contemporary world, we see how just intimidation exploitation for the entire humanity which can be
of an economic sanction by the great nations brings called the Golden Age not only for Muslims but for
the weaker countries on their knees. humanity as a whole.
View publication stats
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