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© 2021 JETIR February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

A Review of the Factors that Affect the Academic

Performance of the Students
Susheel Rani, Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, Jagannath University, Bahadurgarh

Many practical studies and research are carried out to investigate factors affecting students’ performance.
This study aims to review literature that seeks to determine the factors that affect the students’ performance.

Academic Performance, Achievement, Environment, Attributes, Socio Economic Status.

This is the era of globalization and technology. Education is the first step for every human activity. It plays a
vital role in the development of human capital and is linked with an individual’s well-being and
opportunities for better living (Juan Battle & Michael Lewis, 2002).
Education is the means to acquire knowledge and improve productivity and quality of life. This increase in
productivity also leads towards new sources of earning which enhances the economic growth of a country.
Many educators and researchers are interested in determining the variables which increase the academic
performance of the students. These variables are inside and outside school. These factors can be student’s
interest, environment, family, peer group etc.
But, defining and measuring the quality of education is not a simple issue and the complexity of this process
increases due to the changing values of quality attributes associated with the different stakeholders’ view
point (Blevins, 2009).
Besides other factors, socioeconomic status is one of the most researched and debated factor among
educational professionals that contribute towards the academic performance of students. The most prevalent
argument is that the socioeconomic status of learners affects the quality of their academic performance. Most
of the experts argue that the low socioeconomic status has negative effect on the academic performance of
students because the basic needs of students remain unfulfilled and hence they do not perform better
academically (Maslow’s Basic Need Hierarchy).
More specifically, this study aims to review the factors that affect the quality of students’ academic
Educational services are often not tangible and are difficult to measure because they result in the form of
transformation of knowledge, life skills and behaviour modifications of learners (Tsinidou, Gerogiannis, &
Fitsilis, 2010).
So there is no commonly agreed upon definition of quality that is applied to education field. The definition
of quality of education varies from culture to culture (Michael, 1998).
The school personnel, members of the families and communities provide help and support to students for the
quality of their academic performance. Learner’s environment and personal characteristics performs a major
role in academic achievement of the learner. This social assistance has a crucial role for the accomplishment
of performance goals of students at school (Goddard, 2003).
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© 2021 JETIR February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Besides the social structure, parents’ involvement in their child’s education increases the rate of academic
success of their child (Mary Keegan Eamon, 2005).
A gap between the achievement of boys and girls has been found, with girls showing better performance
than boys in certain instances (Chambers & Schreiber, 2004).
Gender, ethnicity, and SES are significant contributors to student achievement (Leah P. Mccoy, 2005).
The SES can be deliberated in a number of different ways; it is most often calculated by looking at parental
education, occupation, income, and facilities used by individuals separately or collectively. Parental
education and family SES level have positive correlations with the student’s quality of achievement (M.S.
Farooq, A.H. Chaudhry, M. Shafiq, G. Berhanu. (2011).
Socio Economic status has significant effect on academic achievement of student (Juan Battle & Michael
Lewis, 2002).
It is observed that the economically disadvantaged parents are less able to afford the cost of education of
their children at higher levels and consequently they do not work at their fullest potential (Rouse & Barrow,
Parents and teachers work in coordination to increase the achievements of students (Beth Hanes).
Students whose parents involve in their studies, homework perform better than other students (Valerie J.
Shute, Eric G. Hansen, Jody S. Underwood, Rim Razzouk, 2011).
Educated parents can better communicate with their children regarding the school work, activities and the
information being taught at school. They can better assist their children in their work and participate at
school (Fantuzzo & Tighe, 2000; Trusty, 1999).
Theory of Educational Productivity by Walberg (1981) determined three groups of nine factors based on
affective, cognitive and behavioral skills for optimization of learning that affect the quality of academic
performance: Aptitude (ability, development and motivation); instruction (amount and quality); environment
(home, classroom, peers and television) (Roberts, 2007).
The home environment also affects the academic performance of students. Educated parents can provide
such an environment that suits best for academic success of their children. The school authorities can
provide counselling and guidance to parents for creating positive home environment for improvement in
students’ quality of work (Marzano, 2003).
The academic performance of students heavily depends upon the parental involvement in their academic
activities to attain the higher level of quality in academic success (W.M. Barnard, 2004).
The academic environment is the effective variable for students and has positive relationship with fathers’
education and grade level (Kirmani & Siddiquah, 2008).
In families where there is only father or mother, there may not be adequate attention and complementary
care to the children as compared to families where there are father and mother together with children, and
this may affect academic performances (Hamilton-Ekeke, J.T. and Dorgu, 2014).
Interest in learning has positive impact on the performance of the student. Parents and teachers can do efforts
to connect the learning process with students’ interest (Peter James Kpolovie, Inter Andy Igho Joe, Tracy
Okoto, 2014).
(Leah P. Mccoy 2005) conducted a research on eighth class students and concluded that teacher’s efficiency
affect the understanding of the students’. If the teacher is efficient, he can make the students better
understand the subject as compared to an inefficient teacher.
Girls who were involved in non-academic activities, significantly had high achievements in academics
(Elisha A. Chambers & James B. Schreiber, 2004).

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As school size increases, students feel less connected to school, feel less positively about their teachers, and
participate less in school activities (Robert Crosnoe).
There is a range of factors that affect on the quality of performance of students. A series of variables are to
be considered when to identify the affecting factors towards quality of academic success. Identifying the
most contributing variables in quality of academic performance is a very complex and challenging job. So,
further research is needed to explore the factors influencing the students’ academic performance.
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