4HourBody Summary

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1he mlnlmum effecLlve dose (MLu) ls deflned slmply Lhe smallesL dose LhaL wlll produce a deslred ouLcome

AnyLhlng beyond Lhe MLu ls wasLeful

1o boll waLer Lhe MLu ls 212l (100C) aL sLandard alr pressure 8olled ls bolled Plgher LemperaLures wlll noL make
lL more bolled
lf you need 13 mlnuLes ln Lhe sun Lo Lrlgger a melanln response 13 mlnuLes ls your MLu for Lannlng More Lhan 13
mlnuLes ls redundanL and wlll [usL resulL ln burnlng and a forced break from Lhe beach
1wo fundamenLal MLus Lo keep ln mlnd
1 1o remove sLored faL do Lhe leasL necessary Lo Lrlgger a faLloss cascade of speclflc hormones
2 1o add muscle do Lhe leasL necessary Lo Lrlgger local (speclflc muscles) and sysLemlc (hormonal) growLh
8esldes whole foods anyLhlng you puL ln your mouLh or your bloodsLream LhaL has an effecL ls a drug 1reaL Lhem all
as such
lL's noL whaL you puL ln your mouLh LhaL maLLers lL's whaL makes lL Lo your bloodsLream lf lL passes Lhrough lL
doesn'L counL
1he decenL meLhod you follow ls beLLer Lhan Lhe perfecL meLhod you qulL
Lxerclse ln our conLexL however ls Lhe appllcaLlon of measurable sLlmull Lo decrease faL lncrease muscle or
lncrease performance 8ecreaLlon ls for fun Lxerclse ls for produclng changes uon'L confuse Lhe Lwo
Ask when faced wlLh advlce or sales plLches ls lf Lhls meLhod/producL/dleL/eLc dldn'L work as adverLlsed whaL
mlghL Lhelr oLher lncenLlves be for selllng lL?"
Aeroblcs classes?
1he reason you're sold aeroblcs ls more effecLlve Lhan alLernaLlve x
1he real reason lL's promoLed Lhere's no equlpmenL lnvesLmenL and Lhe gym can maxlmlze sLudenLs per square fooL
per class
Many new and lmproved" recommendaLlons are based on calculaLlng proflL flrsL and Lhen worklng backward Lo
[usLlfy lL
1o earn a forLune ln Lhe dleL and exerclse lndusLrles Lhere ls a dlcLum compllcaLe Lo proflL
1he arLlflclal separaLlon of aeroblc and anaeroblc (wlLhouL oxygen) meLabollsm mlghL be useful for selllng aeroblcs a
markeLlng Lerm popularlzed by ur kenneLh Cooper ln 1968 buL lL's noL a reflecLlon of reallLy
l [usL wanL Lo be healLhy" ls noL acLlonable
Swara[ ls vlLally connecLed wlLh Lhe capaclLy for dlspasslonaLe selfassessmenL ceaseless selfpurlflcaLlon and
growlng selfrellance lL ls Swara[ when we learn Lo rule ourselves MahaLma
uL LogeLher an exacL meal plan for [usL CnL week buy all Lhe lngredlenLs sLlck Lo lL rellglously lrom LhaL polnL on l
dldn'L have Lo do Lhe hard work anymore l became aware afLer [usL one week of roughly how many calorles were ln
a porLlon of dlfferenL Lypes of food and [usL guessed
Chad 8ecumbenL blke whlle worklng CoL a hearL raLe monlLor (P8M) and sLarLed uslng lL for LvL8?1PlnC
LsLlmaLe your bodyfaL (8l)
uual energy xray absorpLlomeLry (uLxA) whlch cosLs $30100 per sesslon ended up my favorlLe as lL ls repeaLable
and offers valuable lnformaLlon besldes bodyfaL percenLage
8odyMeLrlx ls a handheld ulLrasound devlce LhaL Lells you Lhe exacL Lhlckness of faL (ln mllllmeLers) wherever you
place lL
lmmedlaLely upon waklng drlnk 13 llLers (abouL 30 fluld ounces) of cold waLer ensure LhaL waLer LemperaLure ls
Lhe same day Lo day and walL 30 mlnuLes urlnaLe and Lhen LesL bodyfaL uslng blolmpedance uo noL eaL or drlnk
anyLhlng else before LesLlng
SLarLlng a body recomposlLlon program wlLhouL measuremenLs ls llke plannlng a Lrlp wlLhouL a sLarL address l
guaranLee you wlll regreL lL laLer
Maklng yourself ln[uryproof requlres above all correcLlng lefLrlghL lmbalances
CeL a slmple Lape measure and measure four locaLlons
1 boLh upper arms (mldblcep)
2 walsL (horlzonLal aL navel)
3 hlps (aL wldesL polnL below walsL)
4 boLh legs (mldLhlgh)
1oLal Lhese numbers Lo arrlve aL your 1oLal lnches (1l)
lour prlnclples of fallureprooflng behavlor 1hlnk of Lhem as lnsurance agalnsL Lhe weaknesses of human naLure
your weaknesses my weaknesses our weaknesses
1 Make lL consclous
2 Make lL a game
3 Make lL compeLlLlve
4 Make lL small and Lemporary
hoLograph all meals or snacks prlor Lo eaLlng
Sub[ecLs who use food dlarles lose Lhree Llmes as much welghL as Lhose who don'L
1ake dlglLal phoLos of yourself from Lhe fronL back and slde Wear elLher underwear or a baLhlng sulL
uL Lhe leasL flaLLerlng before" phoLo somewhere you wlll see lL ofLen
1hose who experlenced Lhe mosL dramaLlc changes credlLed Lhe before" phoLographs wlLh adherence Lo Lhe
MeasuremenL moLlvaLlon Seelng progress ln changlng numbers makes Lhe repeLlLlve fasclnaLlng and creaLes a
poslLlve feedback loop
need Lo flnd someone Lo keep you accounLable? 1o encourage or harass you when needed?
8odySpace (wwwbodybulldlngcom/superhuman) or ually8urn (wwwdallyburncom/superhuman)
Lxample aL wwwfourhourbodycom/phll !usL lnpuL your sLarLlng welghL and deslred endlng welghL and you can
dupllcaLe hls experlmenL
We are whaL we do repeaLedly
SeL a meager goal of Lwo pages of wrlLlng per day
lf you wanL Lo walk an hour a day don'L sLarL wlLh one hour Chooslng one hour ls auLomaLlcally bulldlng ln Lhe
excuse of noL havlng enough Llme CommlL Lo a fallproof flve mlnuLes lnsLead
8uLL #1 AvClu WPl1L CA88CP?u8A1LS
All bread rlce (lncludlng brown) cereal poLaLoes pasLa LorLlllas and frled food wlLh breadlng
8uLL #2 LA1 1PL SAML lLW MLALS CvL8 Anu CvL8 ACAln
*Lgg whlLes wlLh 12 whole eggs for flavor (or lf organlc 23 whole eggs lncludlng yolks)
*Chlcken breasL or Lhlgh
*8eef (preferably grassfed)
*llsh ork Legumes
*LenLlls (also called dal" or daal")
*8lack beans lnLo beans 8ed beans Soybeans vegeLables
*Mlxed vegeLables (lncludlng broccoll caullflower or any oLher cruclferous vegeLables)
*SauerkrauL klmchee (full explanaLlon of Lhese laLer ln uamage ConLrol") Asparagus eas 8roccoll Creen beans LaL
as much as you llke of Lhe above food lLems buL keep lL slmple lck Lhree or four meals and repeaL Lhem
LaLlng more frequenL meals also appears Lo have no enhanclng effecL on resLlng meLabollc raLe desplLe clalms Lo
Lhe conLrary
Make sure Lo have your flrsL meal wlLhln an hour of waklng Meals are approxlmaLely four hours aparL
8uLL #3 uCn'1 u8lnk CALC8lLS
uo noL drlnk mllk (lncludlng soy mllk) normal sofL drlnks or frulL [ulce LlmlL dleL sofL drlnks Lo no more Lhan 16
ounces per day lf you can as Lhe asparLame can sLlmulaLe welghL galn
8uLL #4 uCn'1 LA1 l8ul1
1he only excepLlons Lo Lhe nofrulL rule are LomaLoes and avocadoes Say no Lo frulL and lLs prlnclpal sugar frucLose
whlch ls converLed Lo glycerol phosphaLe more efflclenLly Lhan almosL all oLher carbohydraLes Clycerol phosphaLe
Lrlglycerldes (vla Lhe llver) faL sLorage
8uLL #3 1AkL CnL uA? Cll L8 WLLk
uramaLlcally splklng calorlc lnLake ln Lhls way once per week lncreases faLloss by ensurlng LhaL your meLabollc raLe
(Lhyrold funcLlon and converslon of 14 Lo 13 eLc) doesn'L downshlfL from exLended calorlc resLrlcLlon 1haL's rlghL
eaLlng pure crap can help you lose faL
SPCuLu l 1AkL An? SuLLMLn1S? l suggesL poLasslum magneslum and calclum 300 mllllgrams of magneslum
Laken prlor Lo bed wlll also lmprove sleep
8emovlng even a llLLle dalry can dramaLlcally acceleraLe faLloss
Welgh yourself before your flrsL meal on cheaL day and lgnore Lhe shorLLerm flucLuaLlons whlch do noL reflecL faL
loss or galn
Macadamla oll ls Lhe new and lmproved ollve oll
1here should be no need or real physlcal urge Lo eaL snacks lf you are hungry you're noL eaLlng enough proLeln
and legumes aL each meal
uC l 8LALL? PAvL 1C 8lnCL CnCL A WLLk?
lL ls lmporLanL Lo splke calorlc lnLake once per week 1hls causes a hosL of hormonal changes LhaL lmprove faLloss
from lncreaslng cAM and CM Lo lmprovlng converslon of Lhe 14 Lhyrold hormone Lo Lhe more acLlve 13 Lveryone
blnges evenLually on a dleL and lL's beLLer Lo schedule lL ahead of Llme Lo llmlL Lhe damage
Splnach ls lncredlble for body recomposlLlon
AlmosL all of my vegeLables are elLher frozen (80) or canned (20)
CAn l LA1 WPCLL C8AlnS C8 S1LLLCu1 CA1S? no
l dlscourage consumlng any reflned soy producLs lncludlng all soy mllk and lsolaLed soy proLeln supplemenLs
CAn l LA1 l8lLu lCCuS? SLlrfry ls ldeal for Lhls dleL as are mosL culslnes (llke 1hal) LhaL depend on lL
lf you're alrporLhopplng and cannoL flnd a Mexlcan resLauranL or grlll grab a bag of raw almonds or walnuLs aL a
klosk and commlL Lo consumlng no sLarch
MosL alrporLs also have chlcken salads (omlL dresslngs besldes ollve oll or vlnegar) LhaL you can comblne wlLh Lhe
nuLs lf lL comes down Lo lL choose mlld hunger lnsLead of devlaLlon
Pavlng followed Lhls dleL ln 30+ counLrles l can sLaLe wlLhouL excepLlon LhaL Lravel ls noL a leglLlmaLe excuse for
breaklng Lhe rules
MlS1AkL #1 nC1 LA1lnC Wl1Pln CnL PCu8 Cl WAklnC 8LlL8A8L? Wl1Pln 30 Mlnu1LS
MlS1AkL #2 nC1 LA1lnC LnCuCP 8C1Lln CeL aL leasL 20 grams of proLeln per meal
1hls ls absoluLely mosL crlLlcal aL breakfasL LaLlng aL leasL 40 of your breakfasL calorles as proLeln wlll decrease
carb lmpulses and promoLe a negaLlve faL balance Lven 20 proLeln more Lhan mosL people consume doesn'L cuL
lL llrsL cholce down Lwo Lo Lhree whole eggs aL breakfasL
8elaLed problem noL eaLlng enough food uo nC1 Lry Lo resLrlcL porLlons or calorles LaL unLll you are full and eaL as
much as you llke of Lhe approved foods lf you don'L you wlll elLher downshlfL your meLabollsm or cheaL beLween
meals wlLh bannedfood snacks
CeL plenLy of legumes
MlS1AkL #6 CvL8LA1lnC uCMlnC lCCuS" nu1S CPlCkLAS (CA88AnZC 8LAnS) PuMMuS LAnu1S
1here are cerLaln foods LhaL whlle Lechnlcally flne Lo eaL on Lhe dleL are prone Lo porLlon abuse l call Lhese
domlno foods" as eaLlng one porLlon ofLen creaLes a domlno effecL of oversnacklng My faLloss has plaLeaued
Lhree Llmes due Lo almonds whlch are easy Lo consume by Lhe handful and slmple Lo excuse as nuLrlLlous
unforLunaLely Lhey also conLaln 824 calorles per cup 146 calorles more Lhan a Whopper from 8urger klng (678
kllocalorles) A few almonds ls [usL flne (310) buL no one eaLs [usL a few almonds
unsusLalnable overLralnlng and relaLed reward" eaLlng
uolng Loo much wlll noL only noL help lL wlll reverse your progress as lL also leads Lo overeaLlng sporLs drlnks and
oLher assorLed self saboLage 8emember Lhe MLu Less ls more
Pave as much of Lhe crap lngesLed elLher go lnLo muscle Llssue or ouL of Lhe body unabsorbed l do Lhls by focuslng
on Lhree prlnclples
8lnClLL #1 MlnlMlZL 1PL 8LLLASL Cl lnSuLln A S1C8ACL PC8MCnL
lnsulln release ls mlnlmlzed by blunLlng sharp [umps ln blood sugar
1 Lnsure LhaL your flrsL meal of Lhe day ls noL a blnge meal Make lL hlgh ln proLeln (aL leasL 30 grams) and lnsoluble
flber (legumes wlll handle Lhls) 1he proLeln wlll decrease your appeLlLe for Lhe remalnder of Lhe blnge and prevenL
LoLal selfdesLrucLlon
2 Consume a small quanLlLy of frucLose frulL sugar ln grapefrulL [ulce before Lhe second meal whlch ls Lhe flrsL crap
meal Lven small frucLose doslng has an lmpresslve nearflaLllnlng effecL on blood glucose
3 use supplemenLs LhaL lncrease lnsulln senslLlvlLy ACC (parL of ACC) and ACC
4 Consume clLrlc [ulces wheLher llme [ulce squeezed lnLo waLer lemon [ulce on food
8lnClLL #2 lnC8LASL 1PL SLLu Cl CAS18lC LM1?lnC C8 PCW CulCkL? lCCu Lxl1S 1PL S1CMACP
8lngelng ls a rare clrcumsLance where l wanL Lhe food (or some of lL) Lo pass Lhrough my gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL so
qulckly LhaL lLs consLlLuenL parLs aren'L absorbed well l accompllsh Lhls prlmarlly Lhrough caffelne and yerba maLe
Lea whlch lncludes Lhe addlLlonal sLlmulanLs Lheobromlne (found ln dark chocolaLe) and Lheophylllne (found ln
green Lea) l consume 100200 mllllgrams of caffelne or 16 ounces of cooled yerba maLe aL Lhe mosL crapladen
8lnClLL #3 LnCACL ln 88lLl MuSCuLA8 CCn18AC1lCn 1P8CuCPCu1 1PL 8lnCL
lor muscular conLracLlons my defaulL opLlons are alr squaLs wall presses (Lrlcep exLenslons agalnsL a wall) and
chesL pulls wlLh an elasLlc band
Why would you wanL Lo do 6090 seconds of funny exerclses a few mlnuLes before you eaL and ldeally agaln abouL
90 mlnuLes afLerward?
8ecause lL brlngs glucose LransporLer Lype 4 (CLu14) Lo Lhe surface of muscle cells openlng more gaLes for Lhe
calorles Lo flow lnLo
Clssus quadrangularls (CC) ls an lndlgenous medlclnal planL of lndla
CC preserved my abs l saw measurable faLloss and anabollc effecLs once l reached 24 grams (2400 mllllgrams)
Lhree Llmes per day 30 mlnuLes prlor Lo meals for a LoLal of 72 grams per day
Super Clssus 8x (wwwfourhourbodycom/cq) 1hls ls Lhe brand of CC l used durlng Lhe experlmenLaLlon
1here are acLually 10 Llmes more bacLerlal cells ln your body Lhan human cells 100 Lrllllon of Lhem Lo 10 Lrllllon of
you lor Lhe mosL parL Lhese bugs help us lmprovlng our lmmune sysLem provldlng vlLamlns and prevenLlng oLher
harmful bacLerla from lnfecLlng us

Lean people have more 8acLeroldeLes and fewer llrmlcuLes obese people have more llrmlcuLes and fewer
12 LradlLlonal dleLs of neardlseasefree lndlgenous communlLles spread around Lhe globe Pe found LhaL Lhe one
common elemenL was fermenLed foods whlch were consumed dally CulLural malnsLays varled buL lncluded cheese
!apanese naLLo keflr klmchl (also spelled klmchee") sauerkrauL and fermenLed flsh unsweeLened plaln yogurL
and fermenLed kombucha Lea are Lwo addlLlonal cholces lermenLed foods conLaln hlgh levels of healLhy bacLerla
and should be vlewed as a mandaLory plece of your dleLary puzzle

Conslder probloLlcs and prebloLlcs robloLlcs are bacLerla l've used Sedona Labs lllora probloLlcs
l prefer lnulln whlch l geL Lhrough Lhe ALhleLlc Creens lnulln ls abouL 10 Lhe sweeLness of sugar buL unllke
frucLose lL's noL lnsullnemlc ln Lhe wholefoods realm garllc leeks and chlcory are all hlgh ln lnulln
ALhleLlc Creens (wwwaLhleLlcgreenscom) 1hls ls my alllnone greens lnsurance pollcy lL conLalns 76 lngredlenLs
lncludlng lnulln for lmprovlng bacLerlal balance
1hera8ands (wwwfourhourbodycom/Lhera) l sLarLed dolng sLandlng chesL pulls wlLh 1hera8ands
Mlnlbands (wwwfourhourbodycom/mlnlbands) l now use Lhese for sLandlng band pulls
ACC ollcosanol 2023 mg Alphallpolc acld 100300 mg (l Lake 300 mg wlLh each meal buL some people
experlence acld reflux sympLoms wlLh more Lhan 100 mg) Creen Lea flavanols (decaffelnaLed wlLh aL leasL 323 mg
LCCC) 323 mg Carllc exLracL 200 mg ually ACC lnLake ls Llmed before meals and bed whlch produces a schedule
llke Lhls rlor Lo breakfasL ACC rlor Lo lunch ACC rlor Lo dlnner ACC rlor Lo bed ACC ACC ls slmply ACC
mlnus pollcosanol 1hls doslng schedule ls followed slx days a week 1ake one day off each week and one week off
every Lwo monLhs 1hls week off ls crlLlcal
ALA helps you sLore Lhe carbohydraLes you eaL ln muscle or ln your llver as opposed Lo ln faL
uecaffelnaLed green Lea exLracL pllls
l suggesL uslng an agedgarllc exLracL (ACL) wlLh hlgh alllcln poLenLlal LhaL lncludes all consLlLuenL parLs lncludlng S
Allyl cysLelne
vlLamln Shoppe Alllcln 6000 Carllc 630 mg 100 capleLs (wwwfourhourbodycom/garllc) Mega Creen 1ea LxLracL
(decaffelnaLed) 723 mg 100 capsules (wwwfourhourbodycom/greenLea) vlLamln Shoppe AlphaLlpolc Acld 300
mg 60 capsules (wwwfourhourbodycom/ala) naLure's Llfe ollcosanol 60 LableLs
?ou can burn almosL four Llmes more faL Lhan usual wlLh Lwo hours of cold exposure
l placed an lce pack on Lhe back of my neck and upper Lrapezlus area for 30 mlnuLes generally ln Lhe evenlng when
my lnsulln senslLlvlLy ls lower Lhan ln Lhe mornlng
noL all faL ls equal 1here are aL leasL Lwo dlsLlncL Lypes whlLe adlpose Llssue (WA1) and brown adlpose Llssue (8A1)
WA1 ls whaL we usually Lhlnk of as faL llke Lhe marbllng on a sLeak A WA1 cell an adlpocyLe ls composed of a
slngle large faL dropleL wlLh a slngle nucleus 8A1 ln conLrasL ls someLlmes referred Lo as faLburnlng faL" and
appears Lo be derlved from Lhe same sLem cells as muscle Llssue
Cold sLlmulaLes 8A1 Lo burn faL and glucose as heaL
1 lace an lce pack on Lhe back of Lhe neck or upper Lrapezlus area for 2030 mlnuLes preferably ln Lhe evenlng
when lnsulln senslLlvlLy ls lowesL
2 Consume aL leasL 300 mllllllLers of lce waLer on an empLy sLomach lmmedlaLely upon waklng
3 1ake 310mlnuLe cold showers before breakfasL and/or before bed
1ake 20mlnuLe baLhs LhaL lnduce shlverlng
Cold waLer lmproves lmmunlLy AcuLe cold exposure has lmmunosLlmulaLlng effecLs and preheaLlng wlLh physlcal
exerclse or a warm shower can enhance Lhls response
ColaC Cel Wrap (wwwfourhourbodycom/colpac)
1he more a food causes blood sugar Lo [ump ln general Lhe faLLer you wlll geL
lood and llqulds Look much much longer Lo geL Lo my bloodsLream Lhan one would expecL ln mosL cases l peaked
one and a half Lo Lwo and a half hours afLer food consumpLlon
Clnnamon can be used Lo reduce Lhe glycemlc lndex of a meal up Lo 29
1 CeL freshly ground clnnamon or grlnd lL yourself
Salgon clnnamon (Clnnamomum lourelrol also known as vleLnamese clnnamon)
lour grams of clnnamon 4 dlvlded by 28 or [usL abouL one and a half Leaspoons uon'L consume more per day
1he easlesL Lhlng you can do Lo decrease glucose splkes ls slow down l had Lo meLhodlcally flnlsh my plaLe ln Lhlrds
and Lraln myself Lo walL flve mlnuLes beLween Lhlrds usually wlLh Lhe help of lced Lea and sllces of lemon lL also
helps Lo drlnk more waLer Lo dlluLe dlgesLlon
uexCom Seven lus (wwwdexcomcom)
1he uexCom Seven lus ls Lhe conLlnuous glucose monlLor l used and abused lL ls an lmplanL LhaL glves you Lhe
approxlmaLe daLa of 288 flngerLlp blood samples per day l found lL lnvaluable even as a nondlabeLlc WaveSense
!azz ClucomeLer (wwwfourhourbodycom/[azz) 1hls ls by orders of magnlLude Lhe besL glucomeLer l found lL's
small slmple Lo use and lncredlbly conslsLenL as lL accounLs and correcLs for envlronmenLal facLors
Cne of Lhese meals has Lo be eaLen every Lhree hours whlle you're awake and you musL eaL wlLhln one hour of
waklng and one hour of bed
CpLlon 1
30 grams of whey proLeln lsolaLe + half a cup of nuLs or Lwo Lablespoons of peanuL buLLer
CpLlon 2
elghL ounces of cooked whlLe nonfaLLy flsh (no salmon mackerel eLc) + half a cup of nuLs or Lwo Lablespoons of
peanuL buLLer AccepLable flsh lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo lean Luna whlLe flsh bass caLflsh plke whlLlng and
CpLlon 3
elghL ounces of cooked Lurkey or chlcken + half a cup of nuLs or Lwo Lablespoons of peanuL buLLer
CpLlon 4
elghL ounces of cooked faLLler proLeln red meaL ( la flank) ground beef faLLy flsh or dark poulLry + one Lablespoon
of ollve oll or macadamla oll
CpLlon 3
flve whole eggs (easlesL lf hardbolled)
unllmlLed quanLlLles of Lhe followlng are allowed aL each meal Splnach Asparagus 8russels sprouLs kale Collard
greens 8roccoll rabe 8roccoll and oLher cruclferous vegeLables
keLLlebells (wwwfourhourbodycom/keLLlebells)
MosL men should sLarL wlLh a 20kg (44 lb) or 24kg (33 lb) keLLlebell
l dld noLhlng more Lhan one seL of 73 swlngs one hour afLer a llghL proLelnrlch breakfasL Lwlce a week on Mondays
and lrldays
1he klng of exerclses Lhe Lwoarm keLLlebell swlng ls all you need for dramaLlc changes
- SLand wlLh your feeL 612 lnches ouLslde of shoulder wldLh on elLher slde each fooL polnLed ouLward abouL 30
degrees lf Loes polnLed sLralghL ahead were 1200 on a clock face your lefL fooL would polnL aL 1000 or 1100 and
your rlghL would polnL aL 100 or 200
- keep your shoulders pulled back (reLracLed) and down Lo avold roundlng your back
- 1he lowerlng movemenL (backswlng) ls a slLLlngbackonachalr movemenL noL a squaLLlngdown movemenL
- uo noL leL your shoulders go ln fronL of your knees aL any polnL
- lmaglne plnchlng a penny beLween your buLL cheeks when you pop your hlps forward 1hls should be a forceful
pop and lL should be lmposslble Lo conLracL your ass more
SeLLlng Lhe expecLaLlon LhaL Lhlngs wlll be easy resulLs ln dlsappolnLmenL and qulLLlng aL Lhe smallesL hlccup lf you
prepare yourself for masslve challenges and no such challenges crop up lL wlll be a pleasanL surprlse
See Lhe wwwfourhourbodycom/exerclses for phoLos of all 1he klwl's exerclses
1he only reason l'll never be faL agaln ls because l sLarL each meal wlLh a base of vegeLables LhaL LasLe good 1hen l
add my proLeln
lf you have Lo choose one exerclse choose Lhls one
uslng a 8CSu or Swlss ball ensure your ass ls close Lo Lhe floor usually no more Lhan 6 off Lhe ground
1hen follow Lhese sLeps
1 SLarL wlLh arms sLreLched overhead as hlgh as posslble (l overlap my exLended hands as lf ln a dlvlng poslLlon)
keep your arms behlnd or nexL Lo your ears for Lhe enLlre exerclse
2 Lower under conLrol for 4 seconds unLll your flngers Louch Lhe floor Lhe enLlre Llme aLLempLlng Lo exLend your
hands furLher away from Lhe ball
3 ause aL Lhe boLLom for 2 seconds almlng for maxlmum elongaLlon (plcLure 3)
4 8lse under conLrol and pause ln Lhe upper fully conLracLed poslLlon for 2 seconds 1he arms should noL pass
perpendlcular wlLh Lhe ground
3 8epeaL for a LoLal of 10 repeLlLlons Cnce you can compleLe 10 repeLlLlons add welghL Lo your hands
1he CaL vomlL Lxerclse
1 CeL on all fours and keep your gaze focused elLher dlrecLly under your head or sllghLly ln fronL of you uon'L arch
your back or sLraln your neck
2 lorcefully exhale from your mouLh unLll all alr ls fully expelled ?our abs should be conLracLed from Lhls forceful
exhale lull exhalaLlon ls necessary Lo conLracL Lhe Lransverse abdomlnals and you'll use gravlLy Lo provlde
3 Pold your breaLh and pull your belly buLLon upward Loward your splne as hard as you can for a LargeL of 812
4 lnhale fully Lhrough Lhe nose afLer Lhe 812 second hold
3 1ake one breaLh cycle of resL (exhale slowly ouL Lhe mouLh lnhale slowly Lhrough Lhe nose) Lhen repeaL Lhe
above for a LoLal of 10 repeLlLlons
uon'L rely on Lhe plalnvanllla crunch lL's uLLerly lneffecLlve
lasLLwlLch muscle flbers have Lhe greaLesL poLenLlal for growLh whereas slowLwlLch flbers have Lhe leasL poLenLlal
uo noL [usL drop Lhe welghL when you hlL fallure ALLempL Lo move lL mllllmeLer by mllllmeLer and Lhen hold lL aL
Lhe llmlL for flve seconds Cnly afLer LhaL should you slowly (Lake flve Lo Len seconds) lower Lhe welghL 1he blggesL
mlsLake novlce Lralnees make ls underesLlmaLlng Lhe severlLy of compleLe fallure lallure" ls noL dropplng Lhe
welghL afLer your lasL moderaLely sLrenuous rep lL ls pushlng llke you have a gun Lo your head
1he lasL repeLlLlon Lhe polnL of fallure ls Lhe rep LhaL maLLers 1he resL of Lhe repeLlLlons are [usL a warmup for LhaL
uo noL pause aL Lhe Lop or boLLom of any movemenLs
1ake Lhree mlnuLes of resL beLween all exerclses 1lme Lhree mlnuLes exacLly
SeparaLe all Lhe emoLlon and poslLlve feedback LhaL people derlve from Lhe Lralnlng experlence solld blologlcal daLa
lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe opLlmal Lralnlng frequency for Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of Lhe populaLlon ls no more Lhan once a week
8uckwheaL Pull lllows (wwwfourhourbodycom/buckwheaL)
8ucky manufacLures comfy plllows fllled wlLh naLural buckwheaL hulls 8uckwheaL hulls are llghLwelghL durable and
flL Lhe conLours of your body wlLhouL geLLlng flaLLened llke normal plllows 1he hulls are hypoallergenlc and allow
consLanL alr clrculaLlon Lhrough Lhe plllow keeplng you cool erfecL for beLLer sleep and beLLer sex
1aklng 200 mllllgrams of huperzlneA 30 mlnuLes before bed can lncrease LoLal 8LM by 2030 PuperzlneA an
exLracL of Puperzla serraLa slows Lhe breakdown of Lhe neuroLransmlLLer aceLylchollne lL ls a popular nooLroplc
(smarL drug) and l have used lL ln Lhe pasL Lo acceleraLe learnlng and lncrease Lhe lncldence of lucld dreamlng l now
only use huperzlneA for Lhe flrsL few weeks of language acqulslLlon and no more Lhan Lhree days per week Lo avold
slde effecLs
1wo Lablespoons of organlc almond buLLer on celery sLlcks before bed
Make a prebed snack parL of your nuLrlLlonal program Cne Lo Lwo Lablespoons of flaxseed oll (120240 calorles)
can be used ln comblnaLlon wlLh Lhe celeryandalmondbuLLer Lo furLher lncrease cell repalr durlng sleep and Lhus
decrease faLlgue
uslng a slngle bedsheeL aL a room LemperaLure beLween 67l and 70l produced Lhe fasLesL Llme Lo sleep

Consumed wlLhln Lhree hours of geLLlng under Lhe sheeLs meals of aL leasL 800 mllllgrams of cholesLerol (four or
more large whole eggs) and 40 grams of proLeln produced dramaLlcally fasLer LlmeLosleep scores Lhan meals of
lower volume or lower proLeln and faL
1AkL A CCLu 8A1P CnL PCu8 8lC8 1C 8Lu
uL Lwo Lo Lhree bags of lce from a convenlence sLore ($36) lnLo a halffull baLhLub unLll Lhe lce ls abouL 80
melLed 8eglnners should sLarL by lmmerslng Lhe lower body only and progress Lo spendlng Lhe second flve mlnuLes
wlLh Lhe upper Lorso submerged as well keeplng Lhe hands ouL of Lhe waLer
1he AlrCSwlss 1ravel ulLrasonlc Cool MlsL Pumldlfler
Lgoscue (wwwegoscuecom) Lgoscue ls a posLural Lherapy program wlLh 24 cllnlc locaLlons worldwlde 1he program
ls deslgned Lo LreaL musculoskeleLal
1here ls no radlaLlon rlsk wlLh M8ls and l would Lherefore suggesL one or Lwo of Lhem for nagglng palns or ln[urles
noL Lo menLlon Lhe prevenLaLlve value
uue for a denLal cleanlng and checkup? erhaps you wanL Lo run comprehenslve blood work whlch l recommend no
less Lhan every slx monLhs?
lnLernaLlonal Medlcal 1ravel !ournal Medlcal 1ourlsm Culde (wwwlmL[onllnecom/resources/paLlenLgulde)
1he lM1!'s 10sLep gulde Lo medlcal Lourlsm ls a useful sLarLlng framework
8umrungrad PosplLal (wwwbumrungradcom) 1hls worldclass hosplLal ln 1halland has been feaLured ln Lhe 1op 10
World's Medlcal 1ravel uesLlnaLlons"
Cray's fundamenLal Lool for ldenLlfylng lmbalances ls hls bralnchlld Lhe luncLlonal MovemenL Screen (lMS)
llnd a luncLlonal MovemenL Screen (lMS) LxperL (wwwfourhourbodycom/fms)
Chop and LlfL vldeo (wwwfourhourbodycom/cl)
1urklsh CeLup (wwwfourhourbodycom/Lgu)
Zach LvenLsh demonsLraLes Lhe 1urklsh geLup 1ake noLe of hls Llmlng ln Lhls sequence lL's noL one conLlnuous
moLlon buL raLher a speclflc seL of movemenLs wlLh brlef pauses 1he slower you can do Lhls Lhe beLLer your
Lechnlque ls uo noL rush
Cross8ody CneArm SlngleLeg ueadllfL (wwwfourhourbodycom/1SuL)
1hls vldeo demonsLraLes Lhe proper execuLlon of Lhe 1SuL
SquaL (wwwfourhourbodycom/squaL)
1hls ls an ouLsLandlng LuLorlal on how Lo correcL Lhe lower back roundlng common aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe squaL
1here ls a rlghL way Lo run
1 use gravlLy (vla forward lean) for forward moLlon lnsLead of pushoff and muscular efforL
2 Land on Lhe balls of Lhe feeL and alm Lo have Lhe feeL land under your cenLer of gravlLy lnsLead of ln fronL of you
3 never fully sLralghLen your legs keep a sllghL bend ln your legs aL all Llmes Lo prevenL pushoff
4 ull each fooL off Lhe ground and Lowards your buLLocks (raLher Lhan pushlng off) uslng Lhe hamsLrlngs as soon as
lL passes under your cenLer of gravlLy
3 MalnLaln aL leasL a 180 sLep per mlnuLe raLe whlch means aL leasL 90 sLeps per mlnuLe wlLh each leg 1hls wlll use
muscle elasLlclLy Lo your advanLage
1 locus on aL leasL 90 sLeps per mlnuLe wlLh each leg
2 Lean buL fall llke a Lree lnsLead of bendlng aL Lhe hlps 1here should be no slLLlng back 1hlnk of falllng forward
from Lhe pelvls raLher Lhan from Lhe head
lmaglne pulllng Lhe heel up Lo your buLLocks aL a 43degree forward angle lnsLead of sLralghL up off Lhe ground
use mlnlmal arm movemenL and conslder keeplng your wrlsLs near your nlpples Lhe enLlre Llme
lnsLrucLlonals and vldeos of almosL all CrossllL exerclses rouLlnes (ofLen named afLer people llke Clndy") and
unfamlllar exerclses can be found aL wwwfourhourbodycom/crossflL
lor asphalL and oLher hard surfaces l suggesL Lhe lnov8 lLlLe 220 buL Lhe lLlLe 230 can be used as well WhaL noL
Lo use l've seen more problems wlLh newLon shoes Lhan any oLher Avold Lhem uon'L fall for Lhe barefooL myLh
lour Lo seven 30second bursLs of allouL (230 vC2 Max) sLaLlonary blklng wlLh four mlnuLes of recovery Llme
beLween bursLs 1hese bursLs were performed 3x a week for [usL Lwo weeks 1oLal onblke Llme for Lhe Lwo weeks
was a mere 13 mlnuLes Lndurance capaclLy for Lhls sprlnL" group almosL doubled from 26 Lo 31 mlnuLes
Cmap edomeLer (wwwgmappedomeLercom) As nlce as fancy gadgeLs can be for Lracklng your runs or blke
rouLes a Coogle Maps hack glves you Lhe same daLa wlLh no added equlpmenL
CrossllL Lndurance (hLLp//wwwcrossflLendurancecom/) 8rlan Mackenzle's homebase and house of paln repleLe
wlLh workouLs and forums
CrossllL Lxerclses (wwwfourhourbodycom/crossflL) lnsLrucLlonal vldeos of almosL every slngle CrossllL exerclse and
lnov8 lLlLe 220 (wwwfourhourbodycom/Lalon220) lnov8 lLlLe 230 (wwwfourhourbodycom/fllLe230)
As a general guldellne we don'L wanL Llme under Lenslon for exerclse seLs Lo exceed 10 seconds as we wanL Lo
mlnlmlze lacLlc acld producLlon
uo as llLLle as needed noL as much as posslble
Walk as fasL as posslble for 13 mlnuLes Lhree sesslons per week
1he walk ls seven and a half mlnuLes ouL and Lhe same Llme back
1hls doesn'L sound dlfflculL and lL lsn'L aL flrsL
1he challenge ls LhaL Lhe aLhleLe musL walk furLher ouL aL each sesslon and sLlll reLurn ln Lhe same seven and a half
Walk as fasL as posslble" means LhaL Lhe aLhleLe should sLrongly and perslsLenLly wanL Lo [og
eak power ouLpuL and paln Lolerance ls beLween 400 and 600 M ln Lhelr sLudles Lhls corresponds Lo 810 hours
afLer waklng
keep Lralnlng Llmes conslsLenL so you can accuraLely gauge progress
use an average noL [usL Lhe wake Llme on a scheduled workouL day
l recommend readlng Lhe 1oLal lmmerslon book afLer waLchlng Lhe uvu as Lhe drllls are nearly lmposslble Lo
undersLand oLherwlse
Aqua Sphere kalman goggles
1oLal lmmerslon lreesLyle Made Lasy uvu (wwwfourhourbodycom/lmmerslon)
Aqua Sphere kalman Coggles (wwwfourhourbodycom/kalman)
1oLal lmmerslon Swlmmlng lreesLyle uemo by Shln[l 1akeuchl (wwwfourhourbodycom/shln[l)
Llfe musL be llved forward buL can only be undersLood backward
310 grams of creaLlne monohydraLe powder per day for Lwo consecuLlve weeks every Lwo monLhs lf you choose Lo
use Lhls proLocol l suggesL Lracklng and Lrendlng hepaLlc enzymes 8un and all Lhe usual blood LesLlng suspecLs Lo
ensure no kldney problems
?ou can mlmlc even exceed Lhe supposed llfeexLendlng effecLs of calorlc resLrlcLlon wlLh lnLermlLLenL fasLlng
lasL for 19 hours beglnnlng aL bedLlme followed by flve hours of eaLlng as much as necessary Lo saLlsfy hunger
1hls ls popular for moderaLe welghL loss whlch Lyplcally appears sLarLlng ln Lhe Lhlrd week and averages one pound
of loss per week LhereafLer
AlLernaLe uay Calorlc 8esLrlcLlon (AuC8) requlres LhaL calorles be cuL 3080 every oLher day lL has been shown Lo
lmprove lnsulln senslLlvlLy auLolmmune dlsease and even asLhma afLer [usL Lwo weeks
lron reducLlon Lhrough phleboLomy (bloodleLLlng) can noL only lmprove lnsulln senslLlvlLy buL also reduce cancer
speclflc and allcause deaLhs
14 whole blood donaLlons spread Lwo monLhs aparL no leeches requlred
lf you'd llke Lo lncrease Lhe removal of pesLlcldes and oLher envlronmenLal Loxlns normally sLored ln faL you can do
Lwo Lhlngs
schedule Lo donaLe a double porLlon of plasma and drlnk a cup of caffelnaLed coffee abouL 60 mlnuLes before golng
Lo Lhe cenLer
MosL of us have reslgned ourselves Lo a parLlal compleLeness [usL as Chad lowler dld before loslng more Lhan 100
WhaL's Lhe fasLesL way for someone Lo lmprove Lhelr lnner game? lmprove your ouLer game 8lchard 8ranson
lf you wanL Lo be more confldenL or effecLlve raLher Lhan relylng on easllydefeaLed poslLlve Lhlnklng and menLal
gymnasLlcs learn Lo run fasLer llfL more Lhan your peers or lose Lhose lasL Len pounds lL's measurable lL's clear
you can'L lle Lo yourself lL Lherefore works
8ecall 8lchard 8ranson's answer Lo Lhe quesLlon Pow do you become more producLlve?" work ouL
A uow !oneser someone whose selfworLh ls dependenL on Lhlngs largely ouLslde of Lhelr conLrol
SpecLraCell nuLrlenL 1esLlng (wwwfourhourbodycom/specLracell) $364 1hls LesL ls used Lo plnpolnL vlLamln and
mlcronuLrlenL deflclencles
Cf Lhe blood LesLs SpecLraCell was across Lhe board Lhe mosL lmmedlaLely lmpacLful
use wwwfourhourbodycom/bloodLesLs Lo look up unfamlllar blood LesL Lerms or Lo geL a beLLer undersLandlng of
your own resulLs
lood allergy experlmenLs and polllng
mosL problems are caused by gluLen whlch you shouldn'L be eaLlng much of ln Lhe flrsL place and you can creaLe
food allergles lf you eaL Lhe same foods and same proLeln sources all Lhe Llme
1he flx lollow Lhe SlowCarb uleL and change your maln proLeln sources and sLaple meals every monLh or so
1he CuanLlfled Self (wwwquanLlfledselfcom)
CuraLed by Wlred cofoundlng edlLor kevln kelly and Cary Wolf a managlng edlLor of Wlred Lhls ls Lhe perfecL home
for all selfexperlmenLers 1he resources secLlon alone ls worLh a Lrlp Lo Lhls slLe whlch provldes Lhe mosL
comprehenslve llsL of daLaLracklng Lools and servlces on Lhe web (wwwfourhourbodycom/quanLlfled)
uayLum (wwwdayLumcom) Concelved by 8yan Case and nlcholas lelLon uayLum ls an eleganL and lnLulLlve servlce
for examlnlng and vlsuallzlng your everyday hablLs and rouLlnes
CbservaLlonal sLudles cannoL conLrol or even documenL all of Lhe varlables lnvolved CbservaLlonal sLudles can only
show correlaLlon A and 8 boLh exlsL aL Lhe same Llme ln one group 1hey cannoL show cause and effecL
LlsL of CognlLlve 8lases (wwwfourhourbodycom/blases)
8razll nuLs have been shown ln cllnlcal sLudles Lo be more effecLlve Lhan supplemenLaLlon for lncreaslng selenlum so
400 mlcrograms ls approxlmaLely elghL nuLs per day (49 mlcrograms each)
1esLlng a prlmarlly planLbased dleL (whaL l'll refer Lo as 8u")
SLep 1 8emove sLarches (rlce bread gralns) and add legumes uense producLs llke black bean burgers wlLhouL
buns are encouraged
SLep 2 Lnsure LhaL all of your meaL ls pasLureralsed grassfed or sourced wlLhln 30 mlles of your home SLep 3 LaL
meaL only afLer 600 M (whaL Mark 8lLLman and oLhers refer Lo as Lhe vegan Llll 6" plan) or eaL meaL only on Lhe
weekends or on cheaL days SLep 4 8emove all meaL excepL flsh (pescaLarlan) and/or eggs and dalry (lacLoovo
SLep 3 LaL a 100 planLbased vegan dleL
1he mosL conslsLenLly recommended proLeln powders among vegan aLhleLes are Sun Warrlor ChocolaLe 8rown 8lce
roLeln (rlce proLeln) ure AdvanLage ea roLeln lsolaLe (pea proLeln) nlLro luslon lanL luslon (rlce pea and
arLlchoke proLeln) l have also conflrmed each of Lhese as nonvomlLlnduclng when blended wlLh 12 Lablespoons of
almond buLLer and elLher lce waLer almond mllk or coconuL mllk
Choose mlld hunger over breaklng your rules
3 grams of creaLlne dally for 6 weeks and Lhe researchers concluded LhaL CreaLlne supplemenLaLlon had a
slgnlflcanL poslLlve effecL (p00001) on boLh worklng memory (backward dlglL span) and lnLelllgence (8aven's
Advanced rogresslve MaLrlces)" 2 grams per day dld noL repllcaLe Lhese resulLs ln separaLe sLudles
CurrenLly my maln source of lsolaLed proLeln ls pea and rlce proLeln powders my favorlLe belng lanL luslon by nlLro
resoaked almonds (soak Lhe almonds ln waLer 34 hours or overnlghL)
MysLerles are noL necessarlly mlracles
LlghLy Lo 90 models have helped Charles Munger develop ln Warren 8uffeLL's words Lhe besL 30second mlnd ln
Lhe world Pe goes from A Lo Z ln one move Pe sees Lhe essence of everyLhlng before you even flnlsh Lhe senLence"
Charles Munger llkes Lo quoLe Charles uarwln Lven people who aren'L genluses can ouLLhlnk Lhe resL of manklnd lf
Lhey develop cerLaln Lhlnklng hablLs
######### CuC1LS
LveryLhlng popular ls wrong" Cscar Wllde
We seem Lo have confused comforL wlLh happlness uean karnazes
1he less Lhere ls Lo [usLlfy a LradlLlonal cusLom Lhe harder lL ls Lo geL rld of lL Mark 1waln
lL ls valn Lo do wlLh more whaL can be done wlLh less Wllllam of Cccam
Absorb whaL ls useful dlscard whaL ls useless and add whaL ls unlquely your own" 8ruce Lee
######### u8LS and Lhelr redlrecL

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