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Pace 115, attention /a'tenfiajn/ Noun uncount ‘attention is the thought or interest you give to something you are watching or listening to Collocates: pay attention {to something) I give your attention to something babies cry when they want attention | you need to pay jttention in class | can | have your attention, please? | he loves being the centre of attention (with everyone looking at him) | could tell that he wasn't giving me his ‘attention | you have my full attention (1 am listening to you very carefully) bite /bart/ Verb {0 bite something means to use your teeth to cut into it ‘or make a hole in it don't fet the dog bite me! |he’s a lovely dog — he won't bite || was bitten by a snake when | was a child lVaceicientally bit my own tongue | stop biting your fingernails (the hard bits at the end of your fingers) Noun: bite chase fers! Ver if you chase someone or something, you go after them very quickly because you want to catch them the children chased each other round the garcen | our ddog spends all his time chasing cats | police were chasing ‘wo of the criminals they chased me down the street Noun: chase Collocates: give chase chemical /'kemrk(o}I/ Noun ‘a chemical is an artificial substance made in a factory or laboratory, and used, for example, to make plastic and in industry oF farming a lot of chemicals from the factory went into the river some chemicals can damage the environment | farm workers were using dangerous chemicals | most farmers ut chemicals on their felds | industrial chemicals climb /klatm/ Verb if you ciimb something, you go up it using your feet and sometimes your hands. we slowly climbed the hill | lke to climb Mount Everest one day | we climbed the stairs all the way up to the top of the cathedral | had to climb up a ladder to clean the upstairs windows Noun: climb | Noun: climbing | Noun: climber crowded Fkraudid/ Adjective ifa place is crowded, there are so many people there that itis difficult to move around easily got onto a crowsied train | the crowcled streets of ‘Shanghai it gets crowded here in the summer | we. went into @ crowded bar | the streets were crowded with shoppers | the bomb went offin a crowded shopping are Noun: crowd Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder Unit 13, empty /empti/ Adjective if something is empty, there is nothing inside it the house is empty |an empty glass | my suitcase {5 empty |an empty road (with no cars there) | the restaurant was empty when we arrived Opposite - Adjective: full Collocates: full of something a form is a large area in the country with fields used {or growing plants and keeping animals for food. The people who own and work on farms are farmers some farmers give their cows names |it's @ hard tife being a former | ots of farmers use chemicals these days | a dairy farmer (who has cows for butter, milk, and cheese) la pig former "Noun: farm | Noun: farming field sfid/ Noun fleld is an area of land on a farm used for growing plants or for keeping animals, enjoy warking in the fields near my house | from the train window, we saw fields with cows in them \a field of potatoes | cattle were grazing in the field (cows were eating the grass) 2 forecast is when someone says what they think will happen in the future using facts that are available now Collocates: a weather forecast did you check the weather forecast? | the forecast is for rain in the afternoon | what's the weather forecast for the weekend? | did you see the forecast (he weather Forecast) for tomorrow? | the forecast said a storm was going to hit us tomorrow | the latest sales forecast Verb: forecast | Noun: forecaster Collocates: a weather forecaster fey /arsi Adjective if the weather is icy, its very cold. If @ road or path is icy, thas a covering of ice on It, and it Is very difficult to wal nit or drive along it he lost control of the car on an icy road | take a coat — It's icy outside | the path up to the house was very icy | buses stopped running because of icy roads Noun: ice jump /dsamp/ Verb if you jump, you make a big movement upwards or downwards he Jumped off the wall | we jumped into the poo! | the dog jumped over the fence | how high can you jump? | it's to0 high to jump from here Noun: jump © 2017 National Geographic Learning 1let /et/ Verb 10 /et someone do something, go somewhere, or have something means to allow them to go there, do it, have it Collocates: let someone do something don’t fet the dog bite me! IJ rang the bell and waited for someone to Jet me in | they wouldn't let me see my grandfather when he was in hospita! |! fet you have the car tonight if you buy some petro! rubbish /rabif/ Noun uncount rubbish is stuff that people throw away put your rubbish in the bin in the comer | the streets were full of rubbish | please do not leave rubbish here | our rubbish is collected every Monday (someone comes to take it avvay) | a rubbish tip (a place where people can take big pieces of rubbish) | 0 rubbish bin scared /skea(t}d/ Adjective if someone Is scared, they are afraid because they think something bad is going to happen to them Collocates: scared of something | scared that 'm scared of spiders | there's no need to be scared | thought | heard someone downstairs and got really scared | she was scared that she'd fall into the water Verb: scare | Adjective: scary ‘smell /smel/ Verb if something smells sweet, bad, delicious, etc., you think that is what itis like because of the smell that it has the meat smells bad | those flowers smell lovely | the food smells delicious | the kitchen smells fishy (has 0 strong smelt of fish) Noun: smelt surrounded /soraundrd/ Adjective if someone or something is surrounded, there Is ‘something that goes all the way around them Collocates: surrounded by something the city is surrounded by nice countryside | the old town is surrounded by walls | she was surrounded by hundreds of music fans | the fields were surrounded by woods and hills Verb: surround top /top/ Noun the fop of something Is the highest point on it Collocates: on top of something he climbed up to the top of the hill | the bathroom is at the top of the stairs | can you see that bird on top of the 100? | he hid it on top of the wardrobe ‘Adjective: top Il Opposite ~ Noun: bottom | Adjective: bottom ‘a wails a solid barrier made of brick or stone that separates one area from another four prisoners jumped over the wail and escaped | they replaced the wooden fence with a brick wail | I climbed ‘onto a wall at the edge ofthe field | she jumped down off the wail | we put up « painting on the wall yesterday Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder Unit 13, windy /windi/ Adjective when Its windy, the wind Is blowing very hard Collocates: windy weather | a windy day {t's windy outside | it's been very wet and windy recently lit was another windy day | expect the weather to get very windy by the end of the week | windy conditions ‘made the bike ride home harder than usual Noun: wind PAGES 116-117 flooding /ladin/ Noun uncount flooding is a situation when a large amount of water comes into an area oF bullding where it is not meant tobe I the rain continues, there might be some flooding tonight | the station is closed because of flooding |, flooding caused serious damage to the schoo! | the town had its worst flooding since 2003 Noun: flood | Verb: flood invite /tnivatt/ Verb Ifyou invite someone to a social occasion, you ask them ifthey would like to come Collocates: invite someone to something let's invite Pou! and Elizabeth to dinner | we've been invited to a party ot our neighbour's house | she wonted 10 invite 100 people to the wedding | she invited me in {into her house) for a cup of coffee | it was very kind of ‘you to invite me Noun: invitation pull down pul ‘daun/ Phrasal verb 10 pull dow a building means to destroy it and remove everything, for example in order to put a new building in its place they're pulling down the old church | they're going 10 ‘pull down the old cinema | the gallery was pulled down jin 1858 | the house where | grew up was pulled down last year to reach a particular level on a scale or to reach @ particular place means to get there the temperature reached 35 degrees yesterday afternoon | the population of China reached one billion in 1982 | unemployment reached 10% | we finally reached the top of the mountain reason /ri:z/a)n/ Noun Ifyou have a reason to do something, there are facts or ideas which make you think it will be a good Idea to do it did you have a reason for inviting them? \'m not ringing ‘you for any reason, just wanted a chat | what was the reason for your decision? | what is the reason for this behaviour (why have you behaved badly)? showing /Joumy/ Noun ata cinema, a showing Is a particular time when you can watch a film. Cinemas usually have several showings during a day © 2017 National Geographic Learning 2there are showings at 3, 5:15, 7:30 and 1011 went to the early showing at the local cinema | the frst showing Isat 4 o'clock | there's a showing at & | the 4 o'clock showing is too early for me spring /sprn/ Noun spring is the time of year when the leaves start to appear onthe trees, after winter and before summer spring is my favourite time of year | we're going camping Inthe spring a lovely spring day | it's often quite warm here in spring | we had a wet spring last year fit rained ariot) wet /wet/ Adjective ‘something that is wer is covered with water ar another liquid. Ifthe weather is wet, it rains a lot the towel was very wet | careful — the floor’s wet | another wet weekend in Manchester | i's going to be wet tomorrow (is going to rain) | we're going to have 0 wet summer Verb: wet Il Opposite ~ Adjective: dry PAGES 118-119 chance /tfa:ns/ Noun if there is a chance of something happening, itis, Possible that it will happen. Ifyou say that there is no ‘chance of it happening, you think itis impossible Collocates: no chance | a good chance | the chances of doing something there was no chance of getting ony milk at 8 in the evening | there's a remote chance that we'll get there on time (it's possible, but not very likely) | what are the chances of getting a ticket (how likely is it that we can get o ticket)? | there's only a small chance of winning the lottery | I think you've got a good chance of getting the job condition /kanidf(a}n/ Noun the condition of something is the particular state itis in, for example whether itis broken or not Collocates: in good/bad condition the roads here are in very bad condltion | the car sin perfect condition | i's ten years old but stilin very good condition | the cooker i in poor condition and we need a ‘new one | bought an old fridge, but i's in perfect condition connection /ka'nek/(ajn/ Noun your internet connection is the point where your ‘computer, TV, etc. joins the wires that allow you to use the internet we have a good internet connection | there's no internet connection in the underground railway | we were without ‘on internet connection for nearly a week Verb: connect convenient /kan\vizniant/ Adjective something that is convenient helps you to do things easily. For example, ifa place is convenient for the station, itis near the station so you can get there easily. Ifitis convenient to do something, then you can do it without any problems because you are not busy with anything else Collocates: convenient for something Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder Unit 13, the fat is very convenient for shops and the station | the hotel was in the city centre, very convenient for the museums | the wide door makes it convenient for getting furniture into the house | shopping online is so convenient | the app is a convenient way to practise ‘your Greek | is now a convenient time to have dinner? Noun: convenience || Opposite ~ Adjective: inconvenient couple /kap(a}l/ Noun € couple is two people who are married or in a relationship with each other (9 TV programme about a couple who ore building thelr own house | we went (0 the cinema with another couple | they make a lovely couple |a happily married couple | we made friends with a Swedish couple | we never talk 10 the couple who five next door earth /:(9}/ Noun uncount earth is the dark stuff on the surface of the ground that plants can grow in my clothes were dirty from all the earth and grass | the earth here Is good for growing potatoes | the wet earth covered my shoes edge /eds/ Noun the edge of something is the part that is at the side and not the middle Collocates: the edge of something the wall at the edge of the field | he stood at the edge of the road | we watched from the edge of the lake | our house is on the edge of the town escape /iskerp/ Verb Ifyou escape from somewhere unpleasant, you succeed ingetting away from it Collocates: escape (fom) somewhere they wanted to escape the city and lve in the country | we go to the mountains to escape the summer heat | tive men escoped from prison las night | she escaped through a window Noun: escape Collocates: make your escape flat flat/ Adjective something that is fatis level and even, not round or curved, this part of the country is very flat | people used to think the world was flat| put the board on a flat surface | Holland is very flat (it doesn’t have many hills) bill fhal/ Noun a hillis an area of land that is not flat, but goes up. His ‘are smaller than mountains there's a nice view from the top of the hill | fong walk up the hil | steep hill | my vilage is on the other side of the hill | we climbed to the top of the hill limited /inmrtid/ Adjective if something Is limited, there Is not very much of it or not very many of it there's only a limited choice of jobs there | a limited number ofttickets are available | the kitchen gets only a limited ‘amount of ight | information about the event is limited Verbs: limit | Nouns lit © 2017 National Geographic Learning 3natural /nztfolral/ Adjective ‘something that is naturat has not been made or changed by people but exists like that in nature oll our dishes are made from natural ingredients | the chairs are made from natural wood | the paint looks red jn matural fight (the light from the sun, not from electric light bulbs) | a jar of natural yoghurt (with nothing added toi Opposite — Adjective: artficiat perfect /ps:(nftkt/ Adjective something that is perfect is very good, and cannot become any better he designed his perfect house | the weather last week wos perfect! the mea! was perfect, thank you | your English is perfect (you speak it very wel) ig /prg/ Noun 2 pigs an animal with four short legs, often pink in colour and with no fur, hat is kept for its meat. The meat from a pig is pork @ pig farmer | pigs are very intelligent animals | they have over 100 pigs on the farm | a field of pigs programme 'praugrem/ Noun 8 programme is a radio or television show 9 TV programme about cooking | there was a really Interesting programme on the BBC last night | she makes documentary programmes for the radio | there are lots of sports programmes on TV | that’s my favourite programme scenery /sitnari/ Noun uncount the scenery is everything you can see from wherever you are when you are in the countryside the scenery from our hotel window was lovely | we sot (on the train watching the scenery go past | there was beautiful scenery along the valley | beautiful mountain scenery | you cam enjoy the scenery when you're on a bike | they stopped to admire the scenery violent /'varalont/ Adjective something that is violent involves the use of force or ‘weapons to hurt or kill people can’t understand his violent behaviour | a violent attack Jn the street | this country has less Violent crime thon ‘many other countries | the flm wos very violent ‘Adverbs violently | Noun: violence PAGES 120-121 disease /dtzizz/ Noun ‘a disease Is @ serious iiness rats can cause disease | he died of heart disease | she suffers from a blood disease | don't want to catch the disease Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder Unit 13, rat /reet/ Noun a rat is an animal ike a big mouse with a long tall Vo sure | saw a rat in the garden | rats can carry disease IWhad a pet rat when J was 12 | a huge rat ran across the room and I screamed work /waz(f}k/ Verb if something works, it succeeds in daing what you want ito do we tried all sorts of things, but nothing works | try this = it should work | the system works very welll the new washing machine works really well | the engine isn't working properly KEEP (KEPT, KEEPING) ‘Keep can mean different things, Look at the examples below. Translate them, How many different verbs In your language do you use? bbe in the same state: / keep fit by going running every day /1 can't keep awake / keep calm / keep warm / keep dy store something: keep your passport in a sate place / keep my car in the garage / you need to keep it in the fridge / keep itin a cool dry place / where do you keep ‘your plates? continue to do something: / keep forgetting to do it/ he ‘keeps phoning me /she keeps asking about it/I hope my. team keep winning continue to have something: you can keep ti, ifyou lke / keep the change (money)/keep the ticket in case they ‘ask to see it again do what you said you would de: he keeps his promises / she didn't keep her appointment make a record of something: keep a record of what you spent /Ikeep a diary/ keep a list of new words © 2017 National Geographic Learning 4EXERCISES PREPOSITIONS A. Choose the correct preposition. Look up the word in bold if you need help. 1 | couldn't answer because I didn't pay attention ot / to the question. 2 My bag is really heavy because it's full with | of books. 3. My brother is seared of / for rats and spiders. 4 Our new house is surrounded with / by beautiful countryside. 5 Tom invited us at /1o his party, but we couldn't go. 6 The weather forecast said there was a chance of / for tain. WORD FAMILIES B_ Write the noun form of the words from the unit. 1 Invite 2 violent 3 convenient 4 crowded 5 windy C_ Tick the words in the unit that are both a verb and a noun. 1 bite 2 chase Bie 4 escape 5 reach 6 jump. D_ Complete the sentences with the correct noun form of the word in bold. 1. Many people think there is too much on TV these days. violent 2 like the ‘convenient of shopping online, 3 Isent them an didn't reply. invite to my party, but they 4 You have to be good at science to be a weather forecast 5 Joe grew up on a farm, but he wasn't interested in - farm Outcomes Elementary Vocabulary Builder Unit 13, ‘Write the opposite of the word from the unit. Look up the words. 1 natural 2 convenient 3 wet 4 top 5 empty Couocarions F Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Look up the words in bold if you need help. go cause take pay make 1 You shoula teacher says. attention to what the 2 We waited unti it was dark and then we ‘our escape. 3 She a big bite out of my chocolate bar 4 We're all climbing at the weekends 5 Dirty water can disease. Complete the missing adjectives. 1 ane___y suitcase 2 aw__yday 3 av____-terime 4ac ttime 5 ing _dcondiion 6 as __ysilm 7 ac_____dtrain © 2017 National Geographic Learning §
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