Análisis de Suelos

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Methods of Soil Analysis

as Used in the

OSC Soil Testing Laboratory

L. A. Alban
Mildred Kellogg

Miscellaneous Paper 65 February 1959

Agricultural Experiment Station • Oregon State College • Corvallis
as used in the
OSC Soil Testing Laboratory

L. A. Alban and Mildred Kellogg


There are many methods currently in use for the testing of soils. Each
section of the country appears to favor a particular method or group of methods
and many times individual soil testing laboratories develop modifications of
these methods. Then, too, procedures have changed greatly in the last 10 to 15
years. The development of new instruments, such as the flame photometer, and
new titration procedures such as EDTA or Versene, have practically revolutionized
soil testing. They not only have made the methods more accurate but have made
them many times more rapid.

The methods for the analysis of soils as given here are those which are
currently being used in the Oregon State College Soil Testing Laboratory. They
have been selected on the basis of their reliability for predicting fertilizer and
liming needs of Oregon soils and for their adaption to use for a large volume of
soils. Changes will be made in these procedures from time to time as new methods
and techniques are developed.

It is not the purpose of this bulletin to describe the various methods

listed nor to compare them with any other methods in use. There are several
books (1,2,6,8,10) and periodicals which devote many pages to the description
of procedures involved in testing soils. Where applicable a reference is given
to the originator of a particular method.


Soil samples are air-dried and then passed through a mechanical crusher
consisting of two rollers which turn toward each other. The soil then passes
through a 10-mesh screen. The rollers are kept clean by large brushes held
tightly against them. The soil samples are kept for at least 5 days before being
tested, especially for potassium.


I. pH - 1:1 soil water paste

A. Reagents
1. Standard buffer solutions to standardize pH meter
B. Procedure
1. Weigh 10 grams of soil into a 50 ml beaker or No. 250 C.R. souffle
cup. Add 10 ml of distilled water.. Stir thoroughly.
2. Let stand for at least 30 minutes, stirring two or three times.
3. Read with a pH meter using a glass electrode.

II. LIME REWIREMENT - Woodruff method (12)

A. Reagents
1. Buffer solution - Weigh out 800 grams calcium acetate, 160 grams
p-nitrophenol, and 12 grams magnesium oxide. Dissolve in about 18
liters distilled water. Make up to 20 liters. Let settle for a
week then adjust to pH 7.0 with HC1 or NaOH.

2. Standard buffer solution for pH meter.

B. Procedure
1. Weigh 10 grams of soil into a 50 ml beaker or No. 250 C.R. souffle
cup. Add 10 ml of distilled water, stir and let stand for at least
15 minutes.
2. Add 20 ml of the buffered solution, mix well, and let stand for at
least 20 minutes, stirring two or three times.
3. Read on glass electrode pH meter. East 0.1 drop from pH 7.0 is
equivalent to 1000 lbs. CaCO3.
The buffer solution could be added afer the soil pH is determined in
Part I.
III. PHOSPHORUS - Sodium bicarbonate method (7)
A. Reagents
1. Sodium bicarbonate, 0.5 Molar - Dissolve 42.01 grams NaHCO3 (Ann
and Hammer, commercial grade can be used) in distilled water and make
up to 1 liter. Adjust the pH to 8.5 with NaOH.
2. Almronium molybdate - Dissolve 15.0 grams ammonium molybdate
11371.) 6 Mo 7024 • 41120 in 300 ml of warm distilled water (600 C).
Filter if necessary and add to the solution, after cooling, 342 ml of
concentrated HC1 gradually with mixing. Make up to 1 liter.
3. Stannous Chloride
a. Stock solution - Dissolve 10 grams FTIC12 02H20 in 25 ml concen-
trated HC1. Prepare fresh every two months or less. Use large
crystals rather than fine powder.
b. Dilute solution - Add 0.5 ml of the stock solution to 66 ml of
dist ille d water. Prepare fresh for each set of determinations or
at least once a day.
4. Standard phosphate solution - Dissolve 0.2195 grain pure KH9POL in
distilled water. Dilute to 1 liter with bicarbonate extracting solution.
This solution contains 50 pm of phosphorus and serves as the base
stock solution. Standard solutionsof 0.5 to 5 ppm P can be made up
when needed.
B. Procedure
1. Weigh out 2.5 grams of soil into a 50 ml shaking bottle and add 25 ml
extractant. Shake for 30 minutes.
2. If resulting soil solution is colored, decolorizewith Darco G-60.
Use about 4 teaspoon for each 25 ml extract, or more if necessary.
Filter through Whatman No. 5 filter paper. The Darco G-60 may be
added to the soil prior to shaking. (The Darco G-60 should be tested
for phosphorus and if it contains enough to color the solution, it
should be washed with sodium bicarbonate before using.)
Place 5 ml of the filtrate in a 25 ml volumetric flask. This can be
done with an automatic pipette.
4. With an automatice pipette add 5 ml of ammonium molybdate solution to
each flask and shake well. Remove all traces of the molybdate solution
from the neck of the flask by washing down with distilled water until
approximately 10 ml has been added.
Add 1.0 ml of the dilute stannous chloride solution, mix well immediately,
make up to volume with distilled water and again shake thoroughly.

6. Read color intensity in the colorimeter using a 560 mu filter, ten

minutes after addition of the stannous chloride solution. Determine
amount of phosphorus from curve prepared by running a series of


A. Reagents
1. Ammonium acetate, 1 N - Add 700 of ammonium hydroxide to about 5
liters of distilled water. Then add 580 ml of acetic acid and make up
to 10 liters. Shake vigorously. Adjust to pH 7.0 using a glass electrode
pH meter.
2. Standard solutions for potassium, clacium and sodium - The following
amounts of pure primary reagents, dissolved in a small amount of
distilled water and made up to 1 liter with ammonium acetate, are
used for standard solutions of 1000 ppm of the element:
a. Potassium - 1.9100 grams KC1
b. Calcium - 2.4973 grams CaCO3
c. Sodium - 2.5418 grams NaC1
3. Standard solution for magnesium - Dissolve 0.5 grams pure Mg ribbon and
2.4973 gram CaCO3 in 1:1 HC1 and evaporate to dryness on hot plate. Take
up residue in 500 ml NH OAc, add 125 ml of 1000 ppm solution, 50 ml
of 1000 ppm Na solution, and make up to a liter with NH L OAc. The mag-
nesium standard solution should contain 1000 ppm Mg, 2000 ppn Ca, 125 ppm
K, and 50 ppm Na.
B. Procedure
1. Weigh or measure 2 grams of soil into a 50 ml shaking bottle, add 20
ml of the ammonium acetate extractant, and shake for 30 minutes.
2. Filter through Tatman No. 5 filter paper.
3. Determine with the flame photometer using the following wave lengths:
a. Magnesium - 383 mu (285.2 mu if possible)
b. Calcium - 554 mu
c. Sodium - 580 mu
d. Potassium - 768 mu
4. Prepare a curve for each element by running a series of standards.
V. CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY - Ammonium acetate method (9)
A. Reagents
1. Ammonium acetate, 1 N - Make up the same as in IV.
2. Ethyl alcohol, 95%.
3. Hydrochloric acid, 0.1 N
4. Boric acid solution, saturated
5. Standard sulfuric acid, approximately 0.1000N - Use 27.7 ml C.P.
concentrated H2 SO4 and make up to 10 liters. Mix well. Standardize
against 25 ml of 0.1000 N Na 2 CO3 solution made by weighing out 2.6570
grams of oven dry C.P. Na 2CO3 and making up to 500 ml with distilled
water. Use mixed indicator.
6. Mixed indicator - 0.1 gram bramcresol green and 0.02 gram methyl red
dissolved in
100 ml ethyl alcohol.

B. Procedure
1. Weigh out 10 grams of soil and place in a shaking bottle with 50 ml
of ammonium acetate solution, shake for 30 minutes.
2. Transfer to a Buchner funnel and wash with an excess of 150 to 200
ml of ammonium acetate. Potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium can
be run on this extract by making filtrate up to a volume of 250 mis.
Filtrate is run on the flame photometer using standards from IV.
3. Wash out the excess ammonium acetate with 150 to 200 ml ethyl alcohol
and discard filtrate.
4. Change to a clean filter flask and wash the soil with 250 ml
0.1 N HC1 to replace the ammonia.
5. Transfer the filtrate from steps 4 to an 800 ml Kjeldahl flask, add
10 grams NaC1, 10 mis concentrated NaOH, and an anti-bumping disc.
6. Attach immediately to the condenser and distill approximately one-third
of the solution over into a previously placed 500 ml Erlenmeyer
flask containing 50 ml saturated boric acid solution and 1 ml mixed
7. Lower the Erlenmeyer flask to prevent back-suction of the material and
turn off burners.
8. Titrate the NH3 with 0.1000N H2SO4.
C. Calculation

1. ml H2SO4 x N x 100 = C.E.C. in m.e./100 grams of soil

VI. TOTAL SALTS (Conductivity) (10)

A. Procedure - 1:1 soil-water extract

1. Weigh 20 grams of soil into a 50 ml shaking bottle.
2. Add 20 ml distilled water and shake for 30 minutes. Filter with
3. Determine the conductivity with a Solu-Bridge.
B. Procedure - saturation extract
1. Place 50 to 100 grams of soil in a 250 ml beaker, add distilled water
and stir thoroughly until the soil is completely.moist. Let the
soil set for at least an hour. If free water collects on the surface
the water content is too high. If the soil paste is stiff, the water
content is too low. At saturation the soil surface should glisten
and the soil flow just slightly when the beaker is tipped.
2. Transfer soil into a suction funnel and filter.
3. Determine conductivity with a Solu-Bridge.

This laboratory uses an RD26 Solu-Bridge which reads in millimhos/an.

VII. ORGANIC MATTER - Walkley-Black method (11)
A. Reagents
1. Potassium dichromate 1 N - Dissolve 40.04 grams K 2Cr207 in distilled
water and make up to 1 liter. If this solution is carefully prepared,
it will be exactly 1 N.
2. Ferrous-ammonium-sulfate, 0.4 N - Dissolve 159.6 grams Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H20
in distilled water containing 40 ml concentrated H2SO4 and make up to
1 liter. Determine normality periodically by titrating against the
potassium dichromate solution.
3. 0-phenanthroline ferrous sulfate com lex - 0.025 M solution, "Ferroin".
4. Phosphoric acid - 14.6 M 85
B. Procedure
1. Pass soil through a a mm sieve and weigh out 0.5 grams soil into a
500 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Add 10 ml potassium dichromate and 20 ml concentrated H9SOL . Mix
rapidly and thoroughly for 1 minute. Let stand for at Ieat 20 minutes
or until cool.
3. Dilute to 150 ml with water and add 10 ml concentrated H3PO4.
4. Titrate with 0.4 N ferrous-ammonium-sulfate. Use 6 drops
0-phenanthroline indicator.
5. Run a blank simultaneously using same procedure.
C. Calculation
1. ml Fe(N114)2 (SO4) 2 used (blank - sample titration) x N x .545 = % 0.M.
The factor .545 is derived as follows:

(.4 N) x 12 x 112 x 100 = .545

4000 0.76 0.5
in which 12/4000 is the meq. weight of carbon, 1.72 is the factor
used based on the assumption that organic matter is 58% carbon, 0.76
is the percent recovery factor, and 0.5 is the weight of the sample.
VIII. TOTAL NITROGEN = Kjeldahl method (1)
A. Reagents
1. Concentrated sulfuric acid ) low in N.
2. Concentated sodium hydroxide (40E7,17- Add 10 kg sodium hydroxide flakes
to 15 liters of water. Add the flakes slowly with constant stirring.
3. gatalza-t Na 2 SO 4 , 100 grams; CuSO4 , 25 grams; selenium metal, powder
10 grams. Mix well.
4. Zinc, mom.
5. Boric acid solution saturated
6. See V. A. 5.
7. Mixed indicator - Dissolve 0.1 gram bromcresol green and 0.02 grams
methyl red in ethyl aclohol and make to 100 ml.
B. Procedure
1. Weigh out 10 grams of soil and place in an 800 ml Kjeldahl flask.
2. Add 1 teaspoonful (10 grams) of catalyst and 30 ml concentrated
3. Digest until clear (20 to 30 minutes) + one-half clearing time (10 to
15 minutes.) Cool.
4. Meanwhile place a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml boric acid
solution and 4 drops of indicator under the condenser. Be sure the
condenser tube is below the liquid surface.
5. Add 400 ml distilled water, one boiling stone and a small piece of
mossy zinc to the Kjeldahl flask.
6. Pour in slowly and carefully down the side of the flask 60 ml of
concentrated NaOH. Do not mix at this point.
7. Connect to condenser; then gently rotate solution until the material
is thoroughly mixed.
8. Turn on distillation unit burners and distill over approximately 100 ml.
Turn off burners and immediately lower the Erlenmeyer flasks.
9. Titrate NH with 0.1000 N H 2SO4 using the mixed indicator.
10. Run a blan whenever there Is a change in reagents or at least once
a day.
C. Calculation

le blank tl&tallliai1maial19TAIMaN01
weight of material grams
IX. BORON - Curcumin method (3)
A. Reagents
1. Curcumin - oxalic acid solution - Dissolve 0.04 gram finely ground
curcumin in 100 ml 950 ethyl alcohol by warming slightly in warm
water. When curcumin is dissolved, add 5 grams oxalic acid, dissolve,
cool, and store in refrigerator for at least two days before using.
When stored in a refrigerator the reagent should keep for a week or
2. Ethyl alcohol
3. Standard boron stock solution - Dissolve 0.5716 gram of C.P. boric
acid in 1000 ml distilled water. This solution contains 0.1 mgm
of boron per ml or 100 ppm and servew as the primary base stock
solution. From this standard solution of 0.2 to 2.0 ppm B should be
made up when necessary.
B. Procedure
1. Weigh 20 grams of soil into a 125 or 250 ml boron-free flask.
2. Add 40 ml distilled water and reflwm for 5 minutes. Condensers
should be of boron-free glass.
3. Place suspension in 50 ml centrifuge tube and centrifuge for 20 to
30 minutes at 2000 RPM. Help clarify by adding 0.02 gram calcium chloride
before centrifuging.
4. If extract is colored add small amount of decolorizing charcoal and
5. Place a 1-ml aliquot of the clear solution in a No.000 Coors
evaporating dish.
6. Add 4 ml curcumin-oxalic acid solution and mix thoroughly by rotating
the evaporating dish.
7. Evaporate to dryness on a water bath at 55 0 4 300, and then continue
to bake the residue at this temperature for a minimum of 15 minutes
to insure complete dryness. Cool.
8. Treat the reaction products with 25 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol.
9. Filter through a Whatman No. 2 (or equivalent) filter paper. Filtering
can be done directly into the comparison tubes, if desirable.
10. Read in colorimeter or spectrophotometer at 540 mu.
11. Determine amount of boron from curve prepared by running a series
of standard solutions.
A. Reagents
1. Phenoldisulfonic acid - Dissolve 25 grams of pure (white) phenol in
150 ml concentrated H2SOL . Add 75 ml of fuming H,SOL . Mix the
solution and heat for 2 Hours at 100 0C in a boilifig Bath. Store
solution in a brown bottle.
2. Ammonium•hydroxide solution - Mix equal volumes of concentrated
NH OHand distilled water.
3. Calcium hydroxide solution - Add excess Ca(OH) to 1 liter of
distilled water. 2
4. Standard nitrate solution - Dissolve 0.7221 gram of pure dry KNO in
distilled water and dilute to 1 liter. This solution contains MO ppm
N or nitrates and serves as the base stock solution. Standard solution
of 0.5 to 10 ppm N should be made up when necessary.
B. Procedure
1. Shake 10 grams of soil with 50 ml of distilled water for 10 minutes.
Add 0.2 gram Ca(OH) 2 powder and shake for an additional 5 minutes.
2. Filter and wash with an additional amount of water.
3. Transfer 5 ml of the filtrate to a 5-ml beaker. Add 1 ml (Ca(OH)
(Ca(OH) 2
solution and evaporate to dryness on a warm hot plate. Cool.
4. Add 1 ml of phenoldisuifonic acid and rotate the beaker so that the
acid comes in contact with all of the residue.
5. Add 14 ml of distilled water and 5 ml of 1:1 ammonium hydroxide
6. Transfer the solution to a colorimeter tube and read in a colorimeter
at 420 mu.
Determine the amount of nitrate from curve prepared by running a series
of standard solutions.

A. Reagents
1. Potassium chloride extracting solution - Dissolve 149 grams KCI in 2
liters of distilled water.
2. Nessler reagent - In a 1000 ml volumetric flask dissolve 91 grams
mercuric iodide and 70 grams potassium iodide, using as little water as
possible. Add 224 grams KOH, dilute to 1 liter, mix well and cool.
Let stand for a few days to allow any precipitate to settle. Decant
into a brown glass bottle and store for use.
3. Sodium hydroxide - tartrate solution - Dissolve 80 grams sodium tartrate
in about 500 ml of distilled water. Add 26 grams NaOH and after it is
dissolved dilute to 1 liter.
4. Gum accacia solution - Dissolve 10 grams powdered gum accacia in 195 ml
distilled water then add 5 ml Nessler t s reagent. Gum accacia may be
dissolved most readily by adding sufficient water to make a paste
and then add the balance of water while stirring. Let settle a few
days and decant into a brown glass bottle.
5. Copper sulfate solution - Dissolve 25 grams CuSO4 in 1 liter of water.
6. Standard ammonium solution - Dissolve 0.4714 gram pure ammonium sulfate
in 1 liter of distilled water. This gives a solution of 100 ppm N
as ammonium. From this stock solution standards of 0.1 to 2.5 ppm N
as ammonium can be made as needed.
B. Procedure
1. Place 10 to 20 grams of soil in a shaking bottle.
2. Add 100 ml extracting solution and 4 drops of copper sulfate solution.
3. Shake for 30 minutes and filter. Suction filtering can be used to
speed up the operation.

Note: Beyond this point tame is critical. Add all reagents to each
stele before going onto next. Read color in 15 minutes.

4. Place 4 ml of sodium hydroxide-tartrate solution to a 50 ml volumetric

flask. Add 20 ml of the filtered extract and mix. Add 1 ml Nesslerts
reagent and mix well. Then add 1 ml more of Nessler t s reagent and
again mix. This procedure keeps the solution from becoming turbid or
flocculating. To develop the color fully, it may require 2 mls of
Nessler t s reagent at the last addition. Dilute immediately to the 50 ml
mark. Mix the solution well.
5. After 15 minutes from the beginning of step 4, transfer solution to a
colorimeter tube and read in a colorimeter at 420 mu.
6. Determine the amount of ammonium from curve prepared by running a
series of standards.

XII. CALCIUM CARBONATE EQUIVALENT - for limestone sample (1)

A. Reagents
1. Hydrochloric acid, 1 N - Dilute 860 ml concentrated HC1 to 10 liters
with distill, d water. Mix thoroughly. Standardize against primary
2. Soaiud hydroxide, 1 N - Dissolve 420 grams sodium hydroxide pellets
in about 5 liters of distilled water stirring constantly to prevent
caking. Cool, then make up to 10 liters with distilled water. Mix
thoroughly. Standardize against the standard 1 N HC1.
3. Phenophthalein indicator - Dissolve 1 gram phenolphthalein in 50 ml
ethyl alcohol and add 50 ml distilled water. Place in a dropper bottle.
B. Procedure
1. Weigh out 1 gram of finely ground material into 250 ml Erlenmeyer
2. Add a known amount of 1 N HC1 (usually 25 m1). Heat on hot plate
until almost boiling. Remove, cool and wash down neck of flask with
distilled water.
3. Titrate excess HC1 with 1 N NaOH using phenolphthalein as indicator.
C. Calculations

1. 1 ml of 1 N HC1 = 0.05 gram CaCO3

2. grams CaCO3 x 100 = % CaCO3 equivalent

1. Association of Official Agricultural Chemistry. 1955 Official and

Tentative Methods of Analysis, Ed. 8. Washington, D. C.
2. American Potash Institute. 1948 Diagnostic Techniques for Soils and
Crops. Washington 6, D. C.

3. Dible, W. T., Truog, E. and Berger, K. C. 1954 Boron determination

in soils and plants. Simplified curcumin procedure. Anal. Chem.

4. Harper, H. J. 1924 The accurate determination of nitrates in soils.

Phenoldisulfonic acid method. Ind. and Eng. Chem. 16:180-183.
5. Harper, H. J. 1924 The determination of ammonia in soils. Soil
Sci. 18:409-418.
6. Jackson, M. L. 1958 Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Edgewood Cliffs, N. J.
7. Olsen, S. R. et al. 1954 Estimation of available phosphorus in soils
by extraction with dosium bicarbonate. USDA Circular No. 939.
8. Piper, C.S. 1942 Soil and Plant Analysis. The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia.
9. Schollenberger, C. J., and Simon, R. H. 1945 Determination of
exchange capacity and exchangeable bases in soils - 2nunoniurn acetate
method. Soil Sci. 59:13-24.
10. U. S. Department of Agriculture. 1954 Diagnosis and Improvements of
Saline and Alkali Soils. Gov't Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
11. Walkley, A. and Black, I. A. 1934 An examination of the Degtjareff
method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification
of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci. 37:29-38.
12. Woodruff, C. M. 1948 Testing soils for lime requirement by means of a
buffered solution and the glass electrode. Soil Sci. 66:53-64.

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