Formulated Network

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‘arerrcere GOVERNMENT OF INDIA eriaTeRT MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (eTaatE RAILWAY BOARD) No. 2021/SD-I/22/07/11 New Delhi, Dated: 19.08.2022 The General Managers, All Zonal Railways Vice Chairman, Rail Land Development Authority Sub: Format of Detailed Project Reports for Station development/ redevelopment/ major upgradation projects. Format for Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for station development/ redevelopment/ major upgradation projects is attached herewith as Annexure-1, The annexed format is indicative. For identified stations, the DPRs may be sent to Railway Board for sanction of works. ‘The above referred format is only for the submissions being made to the Railway Board for sanction of itemized works under the umbrella works, The DPR’s being uploaded as part of tenders shall be customized as per needs by the authority inviting the tenders. & 19.62" Rakesh Choudhary Executive Director(Station Dev & Transf.) Railway Board Mob. 9717643650 Email: [email protected] Annexure-] ent/Major DPR format for Station Development/Redevelopm: Upgradation Projects ji all contain 'd Project Report (DPR) for Station Development Projects shi 8 information: The Detaile the followin, 1. Executive Summary £ Purpose and objective of the report b. Structure of the report Overview of the project Heritage context, Statu: and surrounding areas ©. Architectural Theme: Brief on connection with 2 Introduction and «: 's and any other importance of station/ structures the evolution of the design inspiration and the local context, art and culture, etc. site context Existing site features — existing structures, Structures, and important structures, b. Existing site photographs and photographs of site visits/ Consultations held. utilities, trees, religious © Surveys reports and Assessments: Engineering surveys, Existing utility mapping, building condition survey, Inventory of Stracterce ty Importance, Study of sensitive structures, Traffic Survey Report, Passenger Survey Report, Geotechnical Investigation report, Land Due Diligence Report, Infrastructure Development Report, Railway Data and Requirements report, Byelaws and Master Plan report, Site analysis map and report, Passenger Forecast Report. (Executive Summary shall a included in main report and actual reports may be kept in Annexures on need basis for tendering purpose). ‘Three-Dimensional Views of the station a. 3-D Architectural View / = b. _ Bird’s Eye View (It is preferable to have the existing aerial view and “the new development from same angle(s) to understand the scope and scale of new developments) = eae seer "eating Tralfc Plan: Summary of a traffic study conducted- vie’ : Dae cottons al tavectiion Reyer regarding batdenecks and es b. Inferenc Leen orcgeast - Future model share and requirements as per PHT c. Demand culations ene of moveme! ayit ssengers. . arriving pa! pick-up Planning Drop-off and oe ed other related facilities, king- deman® © tion and walkability strategies f. Part; modal integrati Multi g ints within the station ~ segregation of departing and h, Level of services analysis in roads leading to station - suggestions for improvement outside the railway area. . Yard Plan and Future requirements a. Yard Plan received from railways b. Study of Yard plan and modifications proposed by Railways on Yard as per horizon year for planning c. assessment of Future Requirements of Station w.rt ongoing Railway Infrastructure Projects of DFCCIL, RVNL, NHSRCL ete. 6. Master Planning a, Objective b. General Consideration and Planning Principles c. Urban Context and connect of station with the city; How the planning aims to assist and enhance the same. 4. Station Master Plan (Brief and components of the final design) ©. Architectural expression and Fagade Aesthetics { Public spaces and place making strategies including integration of commercial spaces with station uses- g. Heritage and historical Conservation E. Rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, water recycling and solid waste management. £ Samaineoierctcecs, ~ Teves energy generation, passive strategies for energy conservation: ‘area Program for railway facilities, station facilities, and commercial/ k, Strategies for Divyangian compliance in the station 1 Fire compliance at master plan level. Details of Station Planning a, Introduction and Existing Station Summary and challenges b. Station Planning objective j = ©. sizing and planning of Station elements - Station Building Design Principles |. Passenger Amenities : _ Accessibility 47‘ i ities/ services for old, infirm, and Divyant an passengers { Station Maintenance management \ g. Fire evacuation strategy H hh, Area program i. Typical times Important floor plans (not 0 _ parcel Area Design & Infrastructure 8. Servions ote esting seers and SSIS including cone Jocal bodies- b. Infrastructure Drainage, Power, signags } c. Power supply plan including Cleanliness and Hygiene for entry/ egress/ evacuation, ete as Per MSSRS. wre than 10 nos) tions from demand - assessment of Water supply, Sewerage, ies and communication facilities. h. Level of services analysis in roads leading to station - suggestions for improvement outside the railway area. Yard Plan and Future requirements a. Yard Plan received from railways b. Study of Yard plan and modifications proposed by Railways on Yard as per horizon year for planning c. Assessment of Future Requirements of Station w.r.t. ongoing Railway Infrastructure Projects of DFCCIL, RVNL, NHSRCL etc. 6. Master Planning a. Objective b, General Consideration and Planning Principles Urban Context and connect of station with the city; How the planning aims to assist and enhance the same. Station Master Plan (Brief and components of the final design) e, Architectural expression and Fagade Aesthetics Public spaces and place making strategies including integration of commercial spaces with station uses. &. Heritage and historical Conservation Rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment, water recycling and solid waste management. i, Sustainability strategies - renewable energy generation, passive strategies for energy conservatio: j. Area Program for railway facilities, station facil retail k. Strategies for Divyangjan compliance in the station 1. Fire compliance at master plan level. 7. Details of Station Planning a. Introduction and Existing Station Summary and challenges b, Station Planning objective a ; c. Sizing and planning of Station elements - Station Building Design Principles d.. Passenger Amenities : | e. Accessibility and special amenities/ services for old, infirm, and Divyangjan passengers , | { Station Maintenance plan including Cleanliness and Hygiene management g. Fire evacuation strategy h. Area program | i.) ‘Typical times for entry/ egress/ evacuation, ete as per MSSRS. j. Important floor plans (not more than 10 nos.) ik. Parcel Area Design 7 ices & Infrastructure ee . . a. Review of the existing services and utilities including connections from local bodies. erage, b. Infrastructure demand - assessment of Water supply, Sewerase Drainage, Power, signages and communication facilities. c. Power supply ties, and commercial/ od HVAC services cture demand including green e. Plan for mitigating in strategies and new com {. Fire Fighting arrangem' g. Details of way finding, similar systems. h, Relocation Strate} 9. Relocation planning of structures a. Requirements of relocation of structures 'b. Technical feasibility of relocation of structures 7 c. Project Implementation Strategy (phasing) including details for handing over right of way 10, Structural and Geotechnical Concepts a. Structural feasibility and design b. Design codes and standards . d. crease in infest ‘ic ired. mections re power backup cluding emergency PONE! OTT ating and ra s, PA system, lighting, signage: ay for the existing utilities . Loading standards and combination |. Geotechnical characteristics and recommendations €. Noise and vibration mitigation measures. q. Construction Methodology and Plan a. Space for casting/ stacking/ working yard >. Construction Methodology ©. Construction phasing plan Planning of Demolition and Relocation of structure €. Sequence of work over existing tracks including block requirements f. Passenger Safety during construction g. Temporary structure h, Clearance and restoration of spaces. Permits required for working . Traffic Diversion/ Phasing/ Re-routing during construction j. Testing and Commissioning (Quality management planning) 12. Social & Environmental Impact Assessment a. Environmental Management plan b. Area-specific Social Assessment planning (must include gender and local ethnic aspects) Safety, health, and environmental measures d. Resettlement and Land Acquisition Plan Strategies for Green Building- at Master planning level (passive strategies) Strategies for Green Building at construction/ materials/ design, ete (active as well as passive strategies) Strategies for Green building certification Brief overview and Salient features of the project* Detailed Estimate (CAPEX) ‘a. Station structural and Architectural building works and finishes and MEP costing ‘Summary of major components of cost Risk Analysis & Mitigation Identification and Analysis of Risk factor b. Social, engineering and construction aspects c. Proposal for the Mitigation of the above risk 16. Techno-Economic Viability Study a. Technical Feasibility b. Economic Viability/Financial Analysis of Project (Investment Cost(CAPEX) ete (ii)Revenues like Fare box revenue and other sources of revenues (ii)Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) Calculation for complete Master Plan (iv) FIRR calculation excluding the plots identified for future commercial development (v) Net Present Value (NPV) or Net Present Worth (NPW) Calculation (vi) Economic Value of the project capturing the impact on the commercial activities in surrounding areas, including impact of Transit Oriented Development. 17. Statutory clearance / Licenses etce/Approvals/ NOC/Stakeholder Consultations a. Local authorities, other govt. departments, Traffic police, Railways, Airports authorities, Environment, Heritage, etc. b. List of stakeholder consultation and records (Important letters, MOM etc.) *Salient features of the project shall contain project-specific information as per the format placed in Annexure-2to this letter. Salient features of the projects: 1, Name of the Project: 2. Zonal Railway: 3. Division: 4. Category of Station: 5. Cost of the Project in Cr+ 6. State of Project: 7. Construction Period: 8. Name of Technical/ Architectural Consultant: 9. Other items: “ed Annexure. ‘ S.No | item Existing Value | Proposed value Horizon Year, for Remark Total plot/site area for development(in acres) | Total Built up area (sqm) No. of Platforms (High Level/Medium/Rail Level) No of Subways and their width and length Daily Passenger Footfall in Station ‘Average daily Passenger Trains in Station (Nos) ‘Annual Passengers- Departure (Nos) ‘Annual Passengers- Arrival (Nos) ‘Annual Unreserved Passengers (Non- suburban)-Departure (Nos) 10 ‘Annual Unreserved Passengers (Non- suburban)-Arrival (Nos) S.No Item Existing Value Proposed Horizon Year. ir ‘Annual Reserved Non- AC passengers(Non- suburban)-Departure (Nos) irelne ly for) Resaaais ——_. ;———] 12 Annual Reserved Non- AC passengers (Non- suburban)-Arrival (Nos) 13 Annual Reserved AC passengers-Departure (Nos) 14 Annual Reserved AC passengers-Arrival (Nos) 15 Annual Number of Visitors to the Station (Nos) 16 Peak Hour Traffic (PHT) 17 Type of Modes of Transportation at Station like Bus-Stop, Metro-Station, Local Taxi ete in Concourse (sqm) 29 Total Commercial area 18 __[No. of Lifts 1 19 Access Controls 1 20 No. of Escalators | 21 No. of Travellators 22 [No of FOB's and ther width /length 23 Length &Width of Concourse and its area (sqm) 34 | Total seating capacity in Platform Area (Nos) 25 | Total seating capacity in Waiting/ Concourse Area (Nos) 26 [Area of AC Lounge (sqm) && Seating Capacity (Nos) | D7 [Area of Non-AC Lounge (sam) & Seating eee Capacity (Nos) 28 | Total Commercial area for ‘Remarks S.No Ttem Existing Value Proposed Horizon Year value in Station Building (sqm) 30 No. of Toilets 31 No. of Water Coolers 32 [Total Parking area (sqm &ECS) (a) Surface _ Parking (Sqm & ECS) (b) Basement Parking (Sqm & ECS) (c) Elevated Parking (Sqm & ECS) (d) Divyang Parking 33 [Platform Surface Area (Sqm) 34 [Area of Through roof common across platforms (sqm) 35__| Area of PF shelter (sqm) 36 [Landscaping Area in Circulating Area (sqm) 37 Materials envisaged for fagade 38 | Materials envisaged for convourse Through roof 39 | No. of display screens for information with sizes 40 Total water requirement per day 41 | Source of water existing and augmentation required 4 [Rain water harvesting (RWH) unit capacity 43 [Solar Panel Installed ‘Area (sqm) & Capacity 44 | Water Recycling Plant/Treatment Plant with Capacity_ Z| Total power requirement per day and augmentation required G6 |No &Capacity of transformer 47 [ No &Capacity of DG set 4B | No & Capacity of Battery backup 75 [Area___marked __for ‘S.No | Item retail/commercial use Existing Value | Propoacd Horizon Year, value for | Remarks 50 Facilities planned for parcel movement 51 52 Parcel area (sqm) No. of coach indication 53 boards No. of Trains at a 54 35 Glance Boards No. of Multiline Boards No. of True Color LED 356 Boards No. of Baggage Scanners S7 No. of DFMD's 58 Battery Operated Cars 59 planned 60 Covered, pathway available for connection with other modes of transport No. of Booking windows 61 other than PRS 62 No. of PRS Counters Station O& M Expenses @ fin INR per Annum) in year Cleaning & House Keeping Such as. cleaning, garbage removal, Pest control, Departmental Staff cost for station up keep. ) Building, Platform maintenance/ _ repair cost, staff cost for station up keep. (iii) Water Charges (iv) Maintenance/repair of electrical equipment's such as Lifts, escalators, AC, lights & fans etc. _ supply, electrical staff cost for station up keep. W Electricity charges (vi) D& G Expenses (vii) Maintenance/repair charges of telecom equipments such as PA system, CGS, CCIV, trains display board, staff cost for station up keep S.No Item Existing Value | Proposed Horizon Year. value for Any Other regular expenditure in station O&M ete Remarks | Station Revenue(in INR Per annum) in year ..... (After redevelopment) Commercial Publicity /Station Advertisement from PF, FOB, circulating area ete, Parking contracts Catering Contracts including miscellaneous stalls Pay & use Toilets ATM's Retiring Rooms/cloak rooms Platform tickets Parcel handling charges Station Development Fees(User Charges) Other Revenues etc CPM/CE (Signature)

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