0 Longman 3rd Sec - Units 1-12 - Answers

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. It's been two months since we ……….our uncle in the village.

a) had visited b) visited c) have visited d) visit
2. My friend ……….a health problem since he lived in that highly polluted area.
a) has had b) had had c) had d) has been
3. I ………. dinner when Adel arrived, so I warmly asked him to share the meal with me.
a) had b) am having c) was having d) had had
4. Sorry for being late, Sir. Please, let me in; I ………. in very bad traffic.
a) have been b) have gone c) was d) had
5. My sister ………. her university degree in 2018.
a) was getting b) has got c) got d) had got
6. There are always economic crises ……….…. pandemics.
a) while b) as c) when d) during
7. How long ago ………. your father come back from London?
a) did b) has c) will d) had
8. My cousin has lived abroad ………. his childhood.
a) for b) since c) while d) when
9. Ali caught fish when he was in Alexandria. This means that ……… .
a) Ali didn’t catch fish since he was in Alexandria.
b) Ali didn’t catch fish when he was in Alexandria.
c) Ali hasn’t caught fish since he was in Alexandria.
d) Ali has been catching fish since he returned from Alexandria.
10. I will wait till my friend ………. before I order food.
a) had arrived b) arrived c) has arrived d) was arriving
11. I haven't met the General Manager…..……….. . It's my first time to meet him.
a) yet b) before c) already d) never
12. While ………. for the school bus, I met one of my old friends.
a) being waited b) am waiting c) was waiting d) waiting
13. My uncle ……….as a taxi driver for ten years. Now, he is a worker in a big clothes factory.
a) worked b) was working c) has worked d) works
14. I haven’t seen Wael ………. the last time we met in the village.
a) while b) when c) for d) since
15. While Samir was doing his homework, his sister ……….. to loud music. So, he wasn't able
to concentrate.
a) listened b) was listening c) is listening d) had listened
16. My pen friend arrived at Cairo Airport a moment ago. This means that he ………… .
a) has just arrived b) just has arrived c) hasn't arrived d) will arrive
17. I used to play football when I was young, but now I ………. .
a) am not b) don’t c) didn’t d) wasn’t
18. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) Have you all ready travelled to Aswan by ship?
b) Have you ever travelled to Aswan by ship?

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
c) I haven’t already travelled to Aswan by ship.
d) I haven’t travelled to Aswan by ship already.
19. What………. at 7 pm yesterday?
a) you were doing b) have you done c) were you doing d) will you be doing
20. The government ………. a lot of villages recently.
a) has modernised b) had modernised c) was modernising d) was modernized
21. Rami is very happy; he ………. a medal for writing poetry.
a) is winning b) won c) has won d) had won
22. A terrible accident ………. place on the Cairo- Alexandria desert road.
a) was taken b) has taken c) has been taken d) had taken
23. You needn't make food. I ………. a good meal already.
a) was cooking b) have cooked c) was cooked d) had cooked
24. A………… newspaper has small pages and large photos.
a) broadcast b) poster c) tabloid d) blog
25. She……… dinner when we returned home.
a) doesn’t make b) wasn’t made c) isn’t making d) wasn’t making
26. When the accused person proved that he wasn’t ……………, he was set free.
a) guilty b) tasty c) innocent d) relevant
27. What bad news! The book had been ………… before it was published.
a) leaked b) locked c) disappeared d) written
28. It is …………… that some people were typing up copies of the book to share it illegally.
a) comfortable b) appeared c) climbed d) claimed
29. A ………… newspaper is a more formal newspaper with large pages.
a) tabloid b) poster c) blog d) broadsheet
30. Online book …………… is an illegal action.
a) proficiency b) piracy c) accuracy d) security
31. It is not easy for young writers to…………… their new books.
a) write b) appear c) come out d) publish
32. The accident ………… despite the carefulness of the driver because there was a sudden
leak in the brake oil.
a) claimed b) caused c) occurred d) excused
33. I applied for the new job and I am waiting for the answer to my application with bated
breath. This means that I ……………. .
a) no longer expect that I will get the new job.
b) am waiting hopelessly to get promoted.
c) am in a nervous and excited state anticipating what will happen.
d) am sure I will get the new job.
34. The factory had collapsed, so the lawyers……… that the insurance company pay the legal
a) protested b) demanded c) rejected d) disappeared
35. …………… is one of the behaviours that you must stop practising.
a) Charity b) Checking c) Cheating d) Chatting
36. I was …………… to hear that my car had been stolen.
a) cheered b) checked c) chocked d) shocked
37. The convict behaved in a dishonest way. Behave is similar in meaning to …….. .
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 3
a) act b) refuse c) agree d) think
38. A successful journalist must be nosy and interested in people. This means that he/she has
to be ……..… .
a) not curious and ambitious b) curious and inquisitive
c) cheerful and forgiving d) unenthusiastically waiting for good news
39. The giant ship had broken down and …….. navigation in the Suez Canal for seven days.
a) allowed b) blocked c) refused d) eased
40. The captain said that a strong wind …….. the ship so that both its front and back hit the
sides of the canal.
a) stopped b) robbed c) begun d) spun
41. The Prime Minister ……. that there was a severe penalty against those who build illegally.
a) announced b) advertised c) refused d) decreased
42. The police officers are ………. the cause of the crime to arrest the criminal.
a) announcing b) hiding c) refusing d) investigating
43. Unfortunately, the collapse of the house has caused tens of ………. and a lot of injuries.
a) facilities b) abilities c) casualties d) impurities
44. After the accident, the injured people were ………. financially.
a) regulated b) compensated c) fined d) freed
45. Finally, the police discovered what had ………. the accident.
a) caused b) reasoned c) excused d) rescued
46. The journalist was biased by ……….; he put the story at the top of the page to show it was
a) repetition b) omission c) placement d) spin
47. The police were able to rescue the people who were………. inside the house during the
a) typed b) tripped c) wrapped d) trapped
48. ………. is a type of media bias in which a journalist uses words and phrases to support or
oppose a service, or even an idea.
a) Placement b) Spin c) Omission d) Commission
49. When I saw a huge animal in the dark, I jumped out of my skin. This means I was ………. .
a) amazed b) bold c) terrified d) brave
50. A/An ………. is a person who makes and repairs things made of iron by hand.
a) blacksmith b) carpenter c) mechanic d) electrician
51. The police are looking for the criminal who has ……….. that horrible crime.
a) made b) committed c) competed d) corrected
52. Once I got my breath back, I hurried home as fast as I could. I got my breath back means I
……….. .
a) found difficulty in breathing easily. b) shouted madly for help.
c) faced the situation bravely. d) started breathing normally again.
53. The robber grabbed the lady’s handbag and ……….. quickly so he could escape.
a) coped up b) sat down c) set off d) broke into
54. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Did you know that I’d been working from home for two months, Hatim
b) Did you know that I’d been working from home for two months Hatim?
c) Did you know that I d been working from home for two months, Hatim?
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
d) Did you know that I’d been working from home for two months, Hatim?
55. A/an …………. essay is a form of academic writing which is built around a detailed
description of a person, building, place, situation, etc.
a) narrative b) descriptive c) argumentative d) formal
56. A terrible accident happened in Banha, ………… . Which of the following completions
shows result?
a) due to the rash driver. b) although the driver was careful.
c) so some people were sent to hospital. d) but no one died.
57. It takes roughly two hours to get to the company. Roughly here means ………. .
a) seriously b) hardly c) harshly d) approximately
58. An argumentative essay ……………
a) recounts an incident that either you or others have experienced.
b) requires you to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence and set forth an argument
concerning that idea.
c) tells readers a story, often about an experience that resulted in a powerful life change.
d) is a form of academic writing that is built around a detailed description of a person,
building, place, situation, notion, etc.
Choose the correct translation:
59. We can read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe online.
Subscribers get access to more than 7,000 of the world's top publications as soon as
they're available for free or according to the rules.
‫ من‬0777 ‫ و ٌمكن للمشاركٌن الوصول الً أكثر من‬,‫ ٌمكننا لراءة آالف الصحف و المجالت من جمٌع أنحاء العالم عبر اإلنترنت‬.‫أ‬
.‫أفضل المنشورات فً العالم بمجرد توفرها مجانا ً أو وفما ً لللمواعد‬
‫ من‬0777 ‫ و ٌمكن للناشرٌن الوصول الً أكثر من‬,‫ ٌمكننا لراءة آالف الصحف و المجالت من جمٌع أنحاء العالم عبر اإلنترنت‬.‫ب‬
.‫أفضل المنشورات فً العالم بمجرد توفرها مجانا ً أو وفما ً لللمواعد‬
0777 ‫ و ٌمكن للمشاركٌن الوصول الً أكثر من‬,‫ ٌمكننا لراءة مالٌٌن الصحف و المجالت من جمٌع أنحاء العالم عبر اإلنترنت‬.‫جـ‬
.‫من أفضل المنشورات فً العالم بمجرد توفرها مجانا ً أو وفما ً لللمواعد‬
0777 ‫ و ٌمكن للمشاركٌن الوصول الً أكثر من‬,‫ ٌمكننا استٌراد آالف الصحف و المجالت من جمٌع أنحاء العالم عبر اإلنترنت‬.‫د‬
.‫من أفضل المنشورات فً العالم بمجرد توفرها مجانا ً أو وفما ً لللمواعد‬
ً ‫ و هذا بدوره ٌوفر الولت و الجهد فضالً عن خلك مناخا‬,ً‫لمد ٌسرت التجارة األلكترونٌة علً الناس عملٌة البٌع و الشراء إلكترونٌا‬
.ً‫تنافسٌا ً ٌصب فً صالح المستهلن أوال‬
a) E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and trade electronically. This, in
turn, saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive climate that benefits the
producer first.
b) E-learning has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electronically. This, in turn,
saves time and effort in addition to creating a complete climate that benefits the consumer
c) E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electronically. This, in turn,
saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive environment that benefits the
consumer first.
d) E-commerce has made it easier for many people to buy and sell electrically. This, in turn,
saves time and effort in addition to creating a competitive environment that fits the consumer

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 5

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d
1. I didn't send the report until I ………… it.
a) was revising b) revise c) have revised d) had revised
2. My uncle ………… for the company for ten years when he got the promotion.
a) had been working b) has been working
c) had worked d) will be working
3. Having ………… my friend’s telephone number, I contacted him.
a) finding b) found c) to find d) been found
4. The TV programme ………… well for five years before it was terminated.
a) had been worked b) has been working
c) had been working d) had worked
5. As soon as I heard of my friend’s success, I ………… him.
a) had congratulated b) will congratulate
c) have congratulated d) congratulated
6. My brother ………… short stories for three years before he published them.
a) will write b) had written c) had been writing d) has written
7. The match ………… when I reached the stadium; I missed the exciting start.
a) will begin b) had begun c) was beginning d) have begun
8. After Yasser………… two chapters of Great Expectations, he went to bed.
a) has been reading b) had been reading c) had read d) had been read
9. ………… ready for the party before the guests arrived?
a) Had you got b) Have you got c) Will you get d) Are you getting
10. I ………. till my brother returns home to make sure he’s well.
a) left b) didn't leave c) won't leave d) am leaving
11. Before the manager arrived, the lazy employee ………. any work for hours!
a) hasn’t been doing b) hadn’t been doing
c) hadn’t done d) hasn’t done
12. I saw my friend Feras last week. I ………. him since 2019.
a) hadn't seen b) hasn't seen c) didn't see d) won't see
13. I ………. that manager for years before I worked with him in that company.
a) had been knowing b) had known
c) have been knowing d) was knowing
14. They had been playing football for an hour before it ………. to rain.
a) had started b) have started c) started d) was starting
15. After I ……………. to quiet music for two hours, I felt relaxed.
a) had been listening b) listening
c) had listened d) was listening
16. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) Once I have heard the good news, I contacted Adel.
b) Once I heard the good news, I had contacted Adel.
c) Once I had been hearing the good news, I contacted Adel.
d) Once I had heard the good news, I contacted Adel.
17. What …………... all evening by the time Tamer returned home?
a) had you done b) are you doing
c) had you been doing d) you had been doing
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
18. She refused to lend me her camera until I ……….…. to take care of it.
a) had promised b) have promised
c) had been promising d) have been promising
19. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) I haven’t handed in my answer sheet until I'd gone over all the questions again.
b) I didn't hand in my answer sheet until I'd gone over all of the questions again.
c) I won’t hand in my answer sheet until I went over all the questions again.
d) I didn’t hand in my answer sheet until I've gone all the questions again.
20. I ………. revising all my lessons by last night.
a) am finishing b) have finished c) had finished d) will be finishing
21. Had you been waiting for Hala for a long time before she ……….?
a) was arriving b) have arrived c) had arrived d) arrived
22. Unfortunately, he missed the train. When he …….... the station, the train ………. .
a) reached / has left b) reached / had left
c) was reaching / has left d) had reached / left
23. He was overjoyed because he …….... his final exam.
a) will be passed b) had passed c) has passed d) had been passing
24. She was exhausted because she …….... all day.
a) will be working b) had worked c) has worked d) had been working
25. After …….….... her daily housework, she had some rest.
a) has done b) had done c) doing d) had been doing
26. My uncle works as a surgeon in …………….European country.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
27. Mr Sameh is a very kind manager; he forgives ……………. mistake I make!
a) however b) wherever c) whatever d) whoever
28. COVID-19 is still spreading, but the light is at the end of the tunnel. This means that
……….….. .
a) we will reach the end of the tunnel.
b) something bad will happen.
c) we should have a lot of hope even though everything is dark.
d) we shouldn’t be optimistic even though everything is clear.
29. The ……………. of the woman as a homemaker no longer exists; she now holds key
positions around the world.
a) stereo b) stereotype c) location d) site
30. Faten is over the moon; she has won a/an …….... for her collection of short stories for
a) fine b) penalty c) present d) award
31. China has made a significant ……………. in developing a vaccine to combat the
a) contribution b) ammunition c) contamination d) radiation
32. A role …….….... is a person looked up to by others as an example to be imitated.
a) module b) middle c) model d) medal
33. I paid close attention to the ………...... and jotted down key points to get ready for the final
a) maker b) lecturer c) listener d) worker
34. You must work harder; this training is necessary to …….... as a nurse.
a) amplify b) specify c) qualify d) defy
35. Don’t worry, everyone has …….... own problems; no one is immune to them.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 7
a) its b) her c) his d) their
36. A/An …….... is an expert in the interactions of matter and energy in the physical universe.
a) psychologist b) physicist c) archaeologist d) socialist
37. Taha Hussein’s books have been translated into many languages, …………….English,
French and Chinese.
a) including b) containing c) consisting d) taking
38. There shouldn’t be …………….against people of different cultures.
a) clarity b) equality c) prejudice d) justice
39. My cousin ……………. a STEM school in Al-Obour City.
a) goes b) attends c) studies d) learns
40. The major ……………. to achieving that project is money; there aren’t enough funds.
a) cause b) merit c) circle d) obstacle
41. I am sure your spirit of ……………. is the most important factor of success.
a) cause b) merit c) determination d) deterioration
42. In underdeveloped countries, illiteracy ……………. lack of national awareness there.
a) suspects b) respects c) reflects d) infects
43. Some private universities ……………. students in terms of their GPAs.
a) risk b) rank c) arouse d) rise
44. The problem is difficult, but I am doing my best to ……………. it.
a) think b) gain c) win d) overcome
45. Giana Farouk has ……………. medals in four different countries.
a) won b) gained c) beaten d) overcome
46. I never …………. that women are less efficient than men; in fact, they often outperform a
large number of males.
a) refuse b) deny c) assume d) resume
47. Sir, a lady in a black gown with a …………….is waiting for you outside.
a) vale b) vein c) veil d) veal
48. My neighbour’s children cause a lot of noise which makes me unhappy and ……………. .
a) pleased b) cross c) disobedient d) dishonest
49. The global distribution of wealth reflects high levels of …………….; there are rich and
extremely impoverished countries.
a) minority b) majority c) inequality d) equality
50. You must ……………. the bottle before taking this medicine.
a) chock b) shock c) leak d) shake
51. I'm …………….to my friends for their encouragement.
a) grateful b) harmful c) careful d) needful
52. I'll never forget the day my daughter put on her wedding dress and became a ………. .
a) groom b) bridegroom c) pride d) bride
53. There is a ……………. increase in online sales especially during Coronavirus pandemic;
people prefer online shopping to avoid infection.
a) hesitant b) significant c) trivial d) minor
54. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Amani said “What a wonderful surprise. It’s nice to see you here, Adel.”
b) Amani said, “what a wonderful surprise! It’s nice to see you here, Adel.
c) Amani said, “What a wonderful surprise! It’s nice to see you here, Adel.”
d) Amani said, “What a wonderful surprise It s nice to see you here, Adel.
55. Which of the following transitions shows cause?

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) however b) firstly c) therefore d) due to
56. The main purpose of a/an …………. essay is to describe your point of focus in a vivid and
particular manner, so that readers can easily picture the described object, person, or state
in their mind.
a) narrative b) formal c) argumentative d) descriptive
57. A narrative essay …………… .
a) recounts an incident or experience that either you or others have experienced.
b) requires you to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and set forth an argument
concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner
c) is a form of academic writing in which you argue for a point or an opinion you support
d) is a form of academic writing that is built around a detailed description of a person,
building, place, situation, notion, etc.
58. The following is part of a/an ………. essay.
The Rod El Farag Axis Bridge is one of Cairo's most modern architectural projects. It is a
cable-stayed bridge that connects Cairo to Rod El Farag across the Nile River. It was built by a
very large construction business. With a width of 67.3 metres, the bridge holds the Guinness
World Record for the world's widest cable-stayed bridge. It's a practical bridge as well as
a lovely sight to behold.
a) Descriptive b) Narrative c) persuasive d) argumentative
, 0707 ‫ فً دورة األلعاب األولمبٌة الصٌفٌة لعام‬.‫ حممت الرٌاضة المصرٌة نجاحا ً كبٌرا ً فً الٌابان‬,‫بالممارنة مع الجوالت السابمة‬
.‫ كجم سٌدات‬16 ‫أصبحت فلاير أشرف أول العبة مصرٌة تفوز بمٌدالٌة ذهبٌة فً مسابمة فوق‬
a) Like previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of success in Japan. At
the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first Egyptian player to win a gold
medal in the women's + 61kg event.
b) In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of success in
Japan. At the 2020 Winter Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first Egyptian player to win a
gold model in the women's +61kg event.
c) In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of success in
Japan. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the second Egyptian player to
win a silver medal in the women's +61kg event.
d) In comparison to previous rounds, Egyptian sports have achieved a great deal of success in
Japan. At the 2020 Summer Olympics, Feryal Ashraf became the first Egyptian player to win
a gold medal in the women's +61kg event.
60. Women stand side by side with men in making progress everywhere. Yet, do you think that
women can occupy jobs that have a risk factor as efficiently as men?
ً‫ هل تعتمد أن المرأة لادرة علً شغل الوظائف الت‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫ تشارن المرأة فً مساعدة الرجل فً إحراز التمدم فً كل مكان‬.‫أ‬
‫تنطوي علً مخاطرة بكفاءة مثل الرجل؟‬
ً‫ هل تعتمد أن المرأة لادرة علً شغل الوظائف الت‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫ تمف المرأة جنبا ً الً جنب مع الرجل فً إحراز التمدم فً كل مكان‬.‫ب‬
‫تنطوي علً مخاطرة بكفاءة مثل الرجل؟‬
‫ هل تعتمد أن المرأة لادرة علً شغل الوظائف‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫ تمف المرأة جنبا ً الً جنب مع الرجل فً إحراز الرفاهٌة فً كل مكان‬.‫جـ‬
‫التً تنطوي علً مخاطرة بكفاءة مثل الرجل؟‬
ً‫ هل تعتمد أن المرأة لادرة علً االستمرار ف‬,‫ و مع ذلن‬.‫ تشارن المرأة جنبا ً الً جنب مع الرجل فً إحراز التمدم فً كل مكان‬.‫د‬
‫الوظائف التً تنطوي علً مخاطرة بكفاءة مثل الرجل؟‬

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d
1. Our new villa is ……………. by a large garden.
a) surrounded b) appeared c) separated d) disappeared
2. Some people believe that ………….. on animals is cruel behaviour.
a) running b) feeding c) experimenting d) implementing
3. She usually works hard; she ……….…. herself in her work.
a) avoids b) immerses c) imagines d) frees
4. The manager wants to ………..…. the new safety procedures inside the factory.
a) carry b) appear c) avoid d) implement
5. Today, some manufacturers use robots to mass …………. goods to increase sales and
achieve higher profits.
a) use b) reduce c) produce d) replace
6. Photosynthesis is the ………. by which green plants and other certain organisms transform
light energy into chemical energy.
a) process b) operation c) industry d) mechanism
7. The Ministry of Education has been trying to support different …….……. to digital learning.
a) operations b) approaches c) obstacles d) difficulties
8. It is impolite to telephone others at ………….. times.
a) accurate b) proper c) inconvenient d) inconveniently
9. It had been a .…………. successful year; I had the opportunity to achieve all my dreams.
a) terrible b) spectacular c) terribly d) spectacularly
10. My manager is very sensitive. When I’m with her, I must watch every word I say. This
a) I shouldn’t worry about what I say.
b) I should be very careful about what I say.
c) I shouldn’t see the result of what I say.
d) I should be spontaneous.
11. There is now a large selection of portable Bluetooth ……… available on Amazon in Egypt.
a) readers b) speakers c) listeners d) writers
12. The ………. system consists of the Sun and the planets that orbit it.
a) outer b) geothermal c) lunar d) solar
13. There are extinct volcanoes, impact craters, and lava flows on the moon's .……….. .
a) surface b) top c) depth d) width
14. Galileo Galilei was the first ..………. to investigate the surface of Mars.
a) astrologer b) astronaut c) astronomer d) artist
15. In the past, a lot of people thought that the Sun was a/an ..………. .
a) planet b) plant c) desert d) ocean
16. The ..…… is no longer mysterious, thanks to scientists who have clarified the world to us.
a) plant b) island c) desert d) universe
17. A ..………. is a vehicle or machine that is intended to travel through space.
a) spaceward b) spacecraft c) train d) bus
18. Since the landing of Apollo 11 in 1969, twelve ..………. have walked on the Moon.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) astrologers b) astronauts c) astronomers d) artists
19. Which of the following means in general?
a) On the other hand b) On balance
c) On the whole d) On a bigger scale
20. My father likes classical music. – I, on ..………., like jazz.
a) the one hand b) the other hand c) balance d) duty
21. I invited 300 people to my sister’s wedding. The party was on …………. .
a) the whole b) balance c) the other hand d) a large scale
22. We considered all factors; ..………., the project has achieved high profits.
a) on demand b) on the one hand c) on balance d) on the other hand
23. When Mazen’s father died, Mazen ..……….. a lot of money as inheritance.
a) earned b) won c) beat d) gained
24. It was a gloomy room that was poorly lit by oil lamps. Gloomy is an antonym for ..…….. .
a) pleasant b) dull c) depressing d) pleased
25. The young child is serving a/an ..……….. as a carpenter.
a) scholarship b) apprenticeship c) hardship d) membership
26. This .……….. place isn’t suitable for me; I have an allergy, especially in spring.
a) airy b) rainy c) dusty d) sunny
27. We backed her up when she complained about working conditions. This means we
..……….. her.
a) ignored b) supported c) punished d) rewarded
28. As soon as you push this button, the door ..……….. .
a) going to open b) has opened c) open d) will open
29. We will go for a trip as soon as our car ..……….. .
a) has repaired b) will be repaired
c) has been repaired d) had repaired
30. I’ll stay here till Lina ..……….. back from school.
a) will come b) comes c) have come d) had come
31. I don't know when the meeting ..………... .
a) starts b) will start c) start d) had started
32. Salma ..………... to leave the house as soon as she feeds her cat because she has an
urgent meeting.
a) has got b) will have got c) got d) get
33. ..………... bread before you come home?
a) Had you bought b) Have you bought c) Did you buy d) Will you buy
34. I ..………... to the theatre until I meet my friends.
a) didn’t go b) haven’t gone c) won’t go d) hadn’t gone
35. Once I ..………... the meeting, I will go to the club.
a) will finish b) finished c) have finished d) had started
36. When she ..………... home, she will start preparing lunch.
a) returns b) have returned c) will return d) had returned
37. As soon as you see the criminal, ..………... the police at once.
a) have telephoned b) telephone c) will telephone d) telephoned
38. The moment I ..………... everything for the party, I will contact you.
a) had prepared b) will prepare c) have prepared d) was preparing
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 11
39. I promise I’ll call you as soon as I ..………... more information.
a) had had b) has had c) will have d) have
40. I will go out when I ..………... my assignment.
a) have finished b) will finish
c) will have finished d) finished
41. When the movie ..………... , I will go to bed.
a) have finished b) ends c) will end d) had ended
42. When I return home, I ..………... studying because I have a headache.
a) not going to start b) haven’t started
c) will start d) won’t start
43. ………... for help when you are in trouble?
a) Are you asked b) Have you asked c) Will you ask d) Did you ask
44. I will start writing the report once I ………... the research.
a) was doing b) have done c) will do d) had done
45. When we have done the experiment, we ………... the results with the science teacher.
a) was discussing b) discussed c) have discussed d) will discuss
46. Do you think that Artificial Intelligence ………... doctors and nurses?
a) will be replaced b) will replace c) had replaced d) going to replace
47. I think it ………. hot tomorrow.
a) is going to be b) is being c) will be d) will have been
48. My little grandchild ………. three next Friday.
a) will be b) will have been c) is going to be d) would be
49. I hope the exam ………. difficult.
a) isn’t being b) isn’t going to be c) won’t have been d) won’t be
50. You don’t think she is ill, ……..?
a) do you b) isn’t she c) is she d) you do
51. You shouldn’t mix with bad friends: better alone than in ……… bad company.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
52. I don't believe …………. he says; he usually tells lies.
a) what b) that c) which d) who
53. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Tamer, have you read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
b) Tamer, have you read Great Expectations by Charles’ Dickens’?
c) Tamer have you read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?
d) Tamer, have you read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens?
54. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) When I had finished work, I will travel to Ismailia.
b) When I have finished work, I will travel to Ismailia.
c) When I have finished work, I travelled to Ismailia.
d) When I finished work, I will travel to Ismailia.
55. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) The headmaster said, Rami, could you tell me why you don t pay attention to your
b) The headmaster said, “Rami, could you tell me why you don’t pay attention to your
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
c) The headmaster said, “Rami could you tell me why you don t pay attention to your
d) The headmaster said “Rami could you tell me why you don t pay attention to your
56. Reading widens our horizons. Moreover, it enriches our culture. Moreover, here shows
……..…. .
a) reason b) cause c) contrast d) addition
57. Which of the following doesn’t express contrast?
a) He contacts us although he is busy.
b) He is busy, so he can’t contact us.
c) He is busy, but he contacts us.
d) Despite being busy, he contacts us.
58. The following is part of a/an ………. essay.
a) descriptive b) narrative c) persuasive d) argumentative
Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the worst experiences
of my life was learning how to swim. However, I decided that swimming was an
important skill to acquire and practise. I thought that learning to swim could make me
physically stronger. I felt that would help me be more confident. On the first day of learning
how to swim, I felt nervous. Yet, I was encouraged by the excellent performance of my friends.
Gradually, I learned how to swim. What a useful experience!
Choose the correct translation:
59. Technology plays a vital role in modern lives and profoundly affects the course of human
civilisation. Technological advancement has made our lives easier and faster.
‫ لمد جعلت االحٌاة الحدٌثة التمدم‬.‫ تلعب االتكنولوجٌا ً دورا حٌوٌا فً الحٌاة االحدٌثة وتؤثر بعمك على مسار الحضارة اإلنسانٌة‬.A
.‫التكنولوجً فً حٌاتنا أسهل وأسرع‬
‫ لمد جعل التمدم التكنولوجً حٌاتنا‬.‫ تلعب االتكنولوجٌا ً دورا حٌوٌا فً الحٌاة االحدٌثة وتؤثر بعمك على مسار الحضارة اإلنسانٌة‬.B
.‫أسهل وأسرع‬
ً‫ تلعب االتكنولوجٌا ً دورا حٌوٌا فً الحٌاة االحدٌثة وتؤثر بعمك على مسار الثمافة اإلنسانٌة لمد جعل التمدم التكنولوج‬.C
.‫حٌاتنا أسهل وأسرع‬
‫ لمد جعل التمدم التكنولوجً حٌاتنا أسهل‬.‫ تلعب الحٌاة دورا حٌوٌا فً االحٌاة الحدٌثة وتؤثر بعمك على مسار الحضارة اإلنسانٌة‬.D
‫ ٌحاول لصوص الكمبٌوترعادةً خداعن لمنحهم كلمة المرورالخاصة بن لتثبٌت برامج ضارة لوصول‬,‫من خالل الهندسة اإلجتماعٌة‬
.‫إلى معلوماتن السرٌة والتحكم فً جهازالكمبٌوتر الخاص بن‬
a) Through genetic engineering, hackers usually try to trick you into giving them your password
to install malicious hardware to access your secret information and control your computer.
b) Through social engineering, hackers usually try to persuade you into giving them your
password to install malicious software to access your secret information and steal your
c) Through social engineering, hackers usually try to trick you into giving them your password
to install malicious software to steal your secret information and control your mobile.
d) Through social engineering, hackers usually try to trick you into giving them your password
to install malicious software to access your secret information and control your computer.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 13

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. The famous novelist has won a lot of international …………….. .
a) awards b) rewards c) words d) wards
2. Teachers use different ways to assess students ……………... .
a) treatment b) movement c) achievement d) agreement
3. Try to avoid …………….. when writing a news story.
a) pride b) prejudice c) justice d) conscience
4. The …………….. looked fascinating in her wedding dress.
a) groom b) bridegroom c) bride d) pride
5. We should reward those who have made significant …………….. to our society.
a) ammunition b) constitutions c) distributions d) contributions
6. People have different opinions about the use of the internet. Opinions is similar in meaning
to ……………...
a) innovations b) expectations c) points of view d) points of clash
7. I couldn't put my finger on the cause of the problem. This means that …………….. .
a) I wasn't able to hide it. b) I was able to hide it
c) I couldn't know what it was. d) I couldn't expect it.
8. Scientists have discovered permanent liquid water on Mars. Permanent is an antonym for
…………….. .
a) renewable b) temporary c) continuous d) everlasting
9. The protagonist had a heart of stone. This means that ……………. .
a) He was very cruel. b) He lived in the desert.
c) He had a broken heart. d) He was kind-hearted.
10. Naguib Mahfouz is still a/an …………….. to young novelists.
a) inspiration b) respiration c) animation d) regulation
11. The new secretary is grumpy; she is …………….. .
a) good-natured b) well-known c) bad-tempered d) badly used
12. There were a lot of obstacles, but she …………….. them.
a) overused b) overcame c) overheard d) overturned.
13. The secret formula for success is hard work and …………….. .
a) situation b) ammunition c) deterioration d) determination
14. Many companies can't be …………….. financially for their losses during the Coronavirus
a) communicated b) compensated c) contained d) continued
15. The number of …………….. is very high; it was a terrible accident.
a) utilities b) capacities c) qualities d) casualties
16. A/An …………….. is someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in
order to learn.
a) amateur b) employer c) apprentice d) professional
17. The …………….. was found guilty of murder after a trial in a court of law.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) convict b) innocent c) crime d) judge
18. …………….. intelligence is the development of machines to perform tasks that normally
require human intelligence.
a) Natural b) Artificial c) High d) Mechanical
19. The policeman suspected that the man was on …………….. because he was acting
a) purpose b) duty c) drugs d) crimes
20. I think technology could be used in museums to provide audio information
about the objects on ……………. .
a) purpose b) duly c) display d) charge
21. Naguib Mahfouz was …………….. as one of the most distinguished novelists in the Arab
a) considered b) excluded c) appeared d) ranked
22. After going through many obstacles, the young man …………….. as a doctor.
a) taught b) qualified c) defied d) rewarded
23. A …………….. model is a person who people can look up to and try to be like them.
a) role b) rail c) reel d) real
24. When you leave out facts or certain information that doesn't agree with your point of view,
this is called bias by …………….. .
a) omission b) placement c) spin d) reality
25. The police …………….. the terrorists at a roadblock.
a) typed b) taped c) trapped d) tripped
26. My brother is going to …………….. in social engineering; it is the branch he likes most.
a) realise b) specialise c) emphasise d) economise
27. Yasmeen‟s winning invention was ……….. by the need for cleaner water in her village.
a) contained b) stained c) parked d) sparked
28. I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone fired his revolver late at night. This means
that ……………. .
a) I had expected this behaviour. b) The action didn't surprise me.
c) The action terrified me. d) I felt something rub against my skin
29. I missed the start of the movie. This means that: …………. .
a) When I reached the cinema, the film had started.
b) When I reached the cinema, the film hadn't started.
c) When I reach the cinema, the film will start.
d) The film won't start till I reach the cinema.
30. She …………….. as a secretary for ten years only. Now, she is a sales manager for a big
food company.
a) works b) worked c) has worked d) had worked
31. As soon as she returned home, she realised that she …………….. her watch in her office.
a) had been left b) will leave c) has left d) had left
32. I went to the company and …………….. the sales manager.
a) met b) had met c) have met d) will meet
33. I haven't seen Mr. Ahmed …………….. the last time we met at the club.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 15
a) for b) when c) since d) ago
34. I …………….. for thirty minutes when my friend reached the company.
a) have waited b) had waited
c) have been waiting d) had been waiting
35. She …………….. three lessons before she went to bed.
a) has revised b) had revised
c) has been revising d) had been revising
36. I …………….. the house until the doctor had come and examined my friend's father.
a) haven't left b) wasn't leaving c) didn't leave d) hadn't left
37. I think reading a novel is …………….. more interesting than watching a movie.
a) as b) much c) many d) a lot of
38. Have you received a reply to your complaint? Yes, I …………….. it yesterday.
a) received b) had received c) was receiving d) have received
39. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) The naughty boy was punished because he has made many mistakes.
b) The naughty boy was punished because he had been made many mistakes.
c) The naughty boy was punished because he had made many mistakes.
d) The naughty boy has been punished because he had made many mistakes.
40. When I …………… the news, I will tell you!
a) will get b) had got c) was getting d) have got
41. Don't worry; I …………….. until you feel better.
a) didn't leave b) won't leave c) hadn't left d) will leave
42. Once l …………….. sure the car is ready for the journey, | will contact you.
a) have made b) had made c) was making d) will make
43. I can't meet you since I …………….. my lessons all day.
a) will revise b) had revised c) will be revising d) have revised
44. Did you finish reading the novel I …………….. you?
a) will lend b) have lent c) will be lending d) had lent
45. It's nice that cats usually clean …………….. !
a) ourselves b) herself c) themselves d) itself
46. Who is the …………….. of the two boys?
a) tallest b) taller c) more tall d) a tall
47. While my mother …………….. our lunch, I was doing my homework, so I couldn't help her.
a) made b) has made c) was making d) is making
48. I was exhausted because I …………….. been working all day long.
a) had been working b) have been working
c) have worked d) had worked
49. He couldn't join the online meeting because he …………….. a hard time connecting to the
a) is having b) have had c) was having d) had had
50. By next October, I …………….. the university.
a) have join b) will join c) am joining d) will have joined
51. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
a) “He's coming home late tonight,” my father said.
b) "He's coming home late tonight, my father said.
c) “He's coming home late tonight” my father said.
d) “He s coming home late tonight,” my father said.
52. Which of the following sentences is structurally INCORRECT?
a) Scarcely had I gone to the club when I met my friends.
b) Hardly had I gone to the club, when I met my friends.
c) I had scarcely gone to the club when I met my friends.
d) No sooner had I gone to the club, then I met my friends.
53. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a) Wael did you realise why I was angry with Gamal's brother?
b) Wael, did you realise why I was angry with Gamal's brother.
c) Wael, did you realise why I was angry with Gamal's brother?
d) Wael, did you realise Why I was angry with Gamal s brother?
54. Which of the following is part of a persuasive essay on the negative impact of the news on
social media?
a) To start with, we should consider the passible benefits of the current news we follow
all over the world.
b) Moreover, the constant cycle of news, which is mostly bad, can make people stressed
and worried.
c) On the other hand, we can't ignore that a lot of people aren't keen on following
current events.
d) In summary, social media plays an important role in spreading public awareness
concerning the challenges we face.
55. When you start writing an essay about the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation, you
can use …………….. .
a) To sum up, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation is an unforgettable place to
b) However, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation was moved from its original
c) Without a doubt, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation is a splendid place to
d) In conclusion, our ancient Egyptian civilisation is a source of pride to all of us.
56. A/An …………….. essay depends on opinions and emotions.
a) argumentative b) narrative c) persuasive d) descriptive
57. I really must buy my mother a present on her birthday party. This shows …………….. .
a) lack of necessity b) regret c) ability d) inner feeling
58. One of the following sentences CAN'T be used when you CONCLUDE writing an essay on
the merits of mass media …………….. .
a) To sum up, mass media could be a window for the whole world.
b) In my opinion, the mass media has a lot of disadvantages if we use it badly.
c) In my view, mass media is very useful to all of us.
d) In conclusion, mass media has made the world a small village.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 17
59. We live in the age of the Internet where information travels round the world in seconds,
and is available to people in more countries than ever before. This has made our lives
easier and faster.
‫ثوان و ٌتم اتاحتها لألشخاص فً بلدان أكثر من أي ولت‬ ٍ ً‫ نحن نعٌش فً عصر التكنولوجٌا حٌث تنتمل المعلومات حول مصر ف‬.A
.‫ األمر الذي جعل حٌاتنا أسهل و أسرع‬,ً‫مض‬
‫ثوان و ٌتم اتاحتها لألشخاص فً بلدان أكثر من أي ولت‬
ٍ ً‫ نحن نعٌش فً عصر التكنولوجٌا حٌث تنتمل المعلومات حول العالم ف‬.B
.‫ األمر الذي جعل حٌاتنا أسهل و أسرع‬,ً‫مض‬
‫ثوان و ٌتم اتاحتها لألشخاص فً بلدان‬ٍ ً‫ نحن نعٌش فً عصر التكنولوجٌا حٌث تنتمل المعلومات بواسطة األلمار الصناعٌة ف‬.C
.‫ األمر الذي جعل حٌاتنا أسهل و أسرع‬,ً‫أكثر من أي ولت مض‬
‫ثوان و ٌتم اتاحتها مجانا ً لألشخاص فً بلدان أعظم من‬
ٍ ً‫ نحن نعٌش فً عصر التكنولوجٌا حٌث تنتمل المعلومات حول العالم ف‬.D
.‫ األمر الذي جعل حٌاتنا أسهل و أسرع‬,ً‫أي ولت مض‬
‫ لذا نحن بحاجة الً البحث عن مصادر بدٌلة للطالة المتجددة ألن النفط‬, ‫ٌعتمد النمل و الكثٌر من الصناعات بشكل كامل علً النفط‬
.‫سٌنفد فً المستمبل‬
a) Transport and a lot of factories are completely reliant on natural gas; we need to look
for alternative sources of renewable energy because oil will run out in the future.
b) Flights and many industries are completely reliant on oil; we need to look for
alternative sources of nonrenewable energy because oil will run out in the future.
c) Transport and many industrialists completely rely on oil: we need to look for
alternative sources of renewable energy because oil will run out in the future.
d) Transport and a lot of industries are completely dependent on oil, so we need to look
for alternative sources of renewable energy because oil will run out in the future.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. …………….. is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive
and prolonged stress.
a) Break out b) Burnout c) Knockout d) Checkout
2. I couldn’t continue working because I was completely…………….. .
a) exhausted b) relaxed c) interested d) interesting
3. When I …………….. to school, I knew we had a new colleague in our class.
a) reached b) got c) left d) needed
4. The new secretary was worried that he wouldn’t be able to …………….. with his boss’s
a) run b) race c) cope d) carry
5. Doctors and nurses are responsible for the care and …………….. of their patients.
a) well-born b) well-being c) self-harm d) self-denial
6. Time …………….. is highly recommended when running your own business.
a) management b) retirement c) punishment d) reassignment
7. Don’t worry, your father is…………….., and he is going to leave the hospital very soon.
a) approving b) moving c) improving d) removing
8. Congratulations! I heard you have been …………….. to a higher position.
a) uprooted b) promoted c) operated d) removed
9. If you start studying early for your exams, you won’t feel afraid and too ……………. .

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) steered b) relieved c) relaxed d) stressed
10. What activities can you …………….. to help you feel good?
a) do b) make c) take d) move
11. If you’re …………….. from burnout, you can experience a lot of stress.
a) forbidding b) resulting c) suffering d) preventing
12. I must leave now; I’m …………….. to be in the office in half an hour.
a) imposed b) supposed c) refused d) enclosed
13. Don’t …………….. the new nurse for breaking the machine. It was an accident.
a) renew b) reward c) scold d) forgive
14. She …………….. at her son when she found out that he hadn’t done his homework.
a) pleased b) frowned c) aimed d) saw
15. You need to drive your car slowly; I don't think the mist will …………….. very soon.
a) think of b) run after c) clear off d) put off
15. If you …………….. the position of the desk, there will be more room for the chair.
a) alter b) charge c) check d) share
16. The young man wasn’t set free, since he had no …………….. that he was innocent.
a) removal b) disapproval c) proof d) roof
17. An anonymous …………….. donated ten thousand pounds for our local charity.
a) factor b) benefactor c) malefactor d) tractor
18. Our hearts were all …………….. on spending the weekend in the country, until my brother
broke his leg and we had to postpone the trip.
a) left b) prepared c) set d) sat
19. As I had …………. all along, he was not a real businessman; he turned out to be a crook!
a) pretended b) invented c) respected d) suspected
20. My cousin will have a lot of property in the future. Property is similar in meaning to …..….. .
a) inventions b) impressions c) possessions d) suggestions
21. I will have to …………….. a lot of tests before I can get this job.
a) make b) do c) test d) carry
22. In order to improve your mental health, you need to …………….. responsibility for the
things you can control.
a) sit b) let c) make d) take
23. Burnout is caused by both the decisions you …………….., and the situations you can’t
a) take b) make c) do d) set
24. I felt really …………….. and angry with myself when I lost the match.
a) creative b) impressed c) frustrated d) encouraged
25. It’s important to be …………….. of the signs of burnout.
a) pleased b) keen c) full d) aware
26. I don’t like this kind of work because it is …………… .
a) needful b) eventful c) stressful d) regretful
27. …………….. start learning Chinese?
a) How about b) Why don’t you c) Let’s d) Have you tried
28. My dad said, “From this moment and into the future, you must do your homework a soon
as you finish your lunch.”. The underlined part means: ……………..
a) from tomorrow on b) starting from tomorrow
c) from now on d) starting from yesterday

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29. A picture is worth a thousand words. This means that …………….. .
a) you shouldn’t be talkative b) you should be silent
c) it’s better to show than to tell d) it’s better to tell than to show
30. …………….. spending the weekend in Alexandria?
a) You could b) Why don’t you
c) Let’s d) Have you considered
31. …………….. consult your dictionary or ask your teacher for help.
a) You could b) What about c) How about d) Have you tried to
32. You …………….. your composition: it is full of mistakes.
a) must have revised b) should have revised
c) shouldn’t haven revised d) had to revise revised
33. I had a lot of money. I ………that expensive T-shirt, but I don’t like baggy clothes.
a) must have bought b) shouldn’t have bought
c) could have bought d) had to buy
34. She could hardly carry out the difficult task, ……………..?
a) could she b. she could c) couldn’t she d) she couldn’t
35. I regret arriving late; I …………….. on time.
a) must have come b) needn’t have come
c) should have come d) had to come
36. You …………….. another mobile phone. The one you have is just fine.
a) must have revised b) should have
c) shouldn’t have bought d) had to buy bought
37. I shouldn’t have repeated that mistake. This means that I …………….. it.
a) didn’t commit b) repeated
c) ought to have repeated d) had to repeat
38. He oughtn’t to have sent the email without enclosing the attachment. This means that he
…………….. .
a) sent the email and enclosed the attachment.
b) had to enclose the attachment with the email.
c) didn’t send the email or enclose the attachment.
d) sent the email without enclosing the attachment.
39. I might stop working for this company. This means ……………...
a) I am completely sure that this will happen
b) there is a chance that this will happen
c) I have made up my mind to stop working for this company
d) I am completely sure that I will go on working for this company
40. Speaking to native speakers …………….. a way of improving your fluency. It is a good
idea to do this.
a) should be b) could be
c) should have been d) might be
41. It’s probable that he won’t come to the company today due to his illness; he ……………..
cancel the meeting.
a) must b) might c) should d) had to
42. I used to sit …………….. my desk doing a lot of office work every day.
a) under b) to c) on d) at
43. He’s really beating himself up over failing the exam. This means ……….. .

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Longman exercises
a) he has decided to try again
b) he wants to forget all about that event
c) he blames himself for failing the exam
d) he ignores that event
44. The manager …………….. the meeting because he was seriously ill.
a) had to postpone b) shouldn’t have postponed
c) must postpone d) needn’t have postponed
45. A growing number of households have at least one computer. Households here means
a) the big buildings in a certain city
b) the people who live together in one house
c) the offices in a company
d) the desks inside one room
46. Have you considered …………….. a report about the conditions in the company?
a) write b) to write c) writing d) of writing
47. You behaved rudely with your friend; you …………….. have behaved yourself.
a) might b) must c) should d) shouldn’t
48. Why …………….. you spend the weekend in the countryside? - That’s a good idea.
a) won’t b) don’t c) didn’t d) haven’t
49. We should all spread …………….. peace because it is the basis of stability.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
50. You could do this task with your friend if you wish. This shows………. .
a) ability b) suggestion c) blame d) refusal
51. Which of the following doesn’t express regret?
a) I should have revised well for the exam.
b) I’m sorry for not revising well for the exam.
c) I should revise for the next exam.
d) I regret not revising for the exam.
52. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) I won’t tell you now. however, all will be revealed tomorrow at midday.
b) I won t tell you now. However, all will be revealed tomorrow at midday.
c) I won’t tell you now. However all will be revealed tomorrow at midday.
d) I won’t tell you now. However, all will be revealed tomorrow at midday.
53. Which of the following shows possibility?
a) I must have taken an earlier train. b) I should have taken an earlier train.
c) I could have taken an earlier train. d) I needn’t have taken an earlier train.
54. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) There are three main clues to the crime: the need for money the previous quarrel with
the old man and the blood on the young man’s T-shirt.
b) There are three main clues to the crime: the need for money, the previous quarrel with
the old man and the blood on the young man s T-shirt.
c) There are three main clues to the crime: the need for money, the previous quarrel with
the old man and the blood on the young man’s T-shirt.
d) There are three main clues to the crime the need for money, the previous quarrel with
the old man and the blood on the young man’s T-shirt.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 21

55. Which of the following is part of an essay about the changes you have experienced in your
a) For some people, changing career direction could be a risk, so they prefer sticking to
one career throughout their lives
b) Lack of work experience could be a major obstacle when applying for a new job.
c) Personally, I have a lot of experience due to the various situations I have
been through in life.
d) In conclusion, personal skills are highly recommended to occupy certain posts.
56. Which of the following can be used in a formal email?
a) Bye b) Dear friend c) Yours sincerely d) Love from
57. …………… practising a lot of sport, he also likes reading. Which of the following completes
the sentence, showing addition?
a) Despite b) As well as c) Regardless of d) Because of
58. Which of the following can end an essay about the merits of changing career?
a) Moreover, changing career could enable you to make more money regardless of the
experience you can acquire.
b) In conclusion, changing career is very important, as you can acquire a lot of various
experiences in different fields.
c) To start with, changing career isn’t a good decision to make, since it has a lot of
disadvantages and there are many different obstacles that you will face.
d) In short, changing career could be a waste of time if you don’t have the required skills
to occupy another post.
59. Burnout is a mental problem that affects more people today. Therefore, we must take
some rest to get rid of burnout, which affects the accuracy of the work we do.
‫ لذلن ٌجب أخذ لسط من الراحة للتخلص من اإلرهاق الذي ٌؤثر علً دلة‬, ‫ اإلرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثرعلً مزٌد من العمل الٌوم‬.A
.‫العمل الذي نموم به‬
ً‫ لذلن ٌجب أخذ لسط من الراحة للتخلص من اإلرهاق الذي ٌؤثر عل‬, ‫ اإلرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثرعلً مزٌد من الناس الٌوم‬.B
.‫كمٌة العمل الذي نموم به‬
‫ لذلن ٌجب أخذ لسط من الراحة للتخلص من اإلرهاق الذي ٌؤثر علً دلة‬, ‫ اإلرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثرعلً مز ٌد من الناس الٌوم‬.C
.‫العمل الذي نموم به‬
‫ لذلن ٌجب أخذ لسط من الراحة لتملٌل اإلرهاق الذي ٌؤثر علً دلة العمل‬, ‫ اإلرهاق مشكلة ذهنٌة تؤثرعلً مزٌد من الناس الٌوم‬.D
.‫الذي نموم به‬
‫ غالبا ً ما ٌرتبط الحرمان البٌئً بالعزلة اإلجتماعٌة‬.ً‫الحرمان البٌئً هو غٌاب الظروف البٌئٌة التً تحفز التطور الفكري و السلوك‬
.‫ي وكون شدٌدا ً لدرجة أنه لد ٌسبب بعض األمراض االجتماعٌة‬
a) Environmental deprivation is the result of environmental conditions that stimulate
intellectual and behavioural development. It is often associated with social isolation
and may be so severe that it causes social problems.
b) Environmental deprivation is the absence of emotional conditions that stimulate
intellectual and behavioural development. It is often associated with economic
isolation and may be so severe that it causes harmful diseases.
c) Environmental deprivation is the absence of environmental conditions that stimulate
intellectual and behavioural development. It is often associated with social isolation
and is so severe that it causes some mental illnesses.

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Longman exercises
d) Environmental deprivation is the presence of social conditions that stimulate
intellectual and behavioural development. It is often associated with social
isolation and is so severe that it causes mental illnesses.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. You can join the………. meeting by clicking on the link I sent you.
a) false b) virtual c) offline d) factual
2. I had to ………. my mobile during the meeting so no one would hear it while it rang.
a) mute b) meet c) turn on d) turn off
3. The internet ………. is quite strong in the office, so you can do all your online tasks easily.
a) linking b) connection c) joining d) separation
4. I usually turn ………. my computer when I leave the office.
a) on b) of c) off d) in
5. If you neglect your work, it will be difficult to catch………. .
a) down b) out c) up with d) up
6. The young man was arrested after the police discovered that he had been ………. in a fight.
a) engaged b) enjoyed c) enlarged d) entered
7. ..………. revenge on those who have insulted you will never give you a sense of peace!
a) Letting b) Making c) Taking d) Sitting
8. She is very rich; she has………. a fortune from her late grandfather.
a) robbed b) inherited c) left d) done
9. We should find ways of staying in………. with each other. For the time being, I think emails
will be fine.
a) isolation b) separation c) touch d) catch
10. Please, turn the sound ……….. . I can’t hear you clearly.
a) up b) on c) off d) over
11. Can you think of a ………. to the problem of noise in our city?
a) link b) solution c) fact d) result
12. An efficient ………. should be promoted to motivate them to achieve more success.
a) unemployment b) employment c) employer d) employee
13. My teacher has given us some study ………. so we can improve our achievement.
a) tops b) tapes c) tips d) types
14. Some people have problems while ………. studying, and it might help to get up and move
a) they’re b) he’s c) she’s d) we’re
15. Don’t give ………. on your dreams. One day you will achieve them.
a) over b) up c) at d) of
16. A good teacher never ………. a single technique; they always use different trategies.
a) appears b) succeeds c) adopts d) agrees
17. I didn’t go out since I had to spend the weekend catching ………. the lessons I had
a) with b) up c) for d) up with
18. I am going to pick my uncle up from the airport. This means that I’m going to ……….
a) say goodbye to my uncle at the airport.
b) take my uncle from home to the airport and see him off
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 23
c) meet my uncle at the airport and take him to another place
d) go to the airport and travel with my uncle.
19. I am completely ………. that buying this bag is a good decision.
a) agreed b) disagreed c) convinced d) forced
20. The sound was terribly loud, so I asked her to turn it ………. .
a) out b) down c) up d) on
21. Have you ………. the software of the new application? -Yes, it is very useful.
a) instilled b) agreed c) installed d) canceled
22. Which mobile phone have you decided ………., Sir?
a) at b) up c) to d) on
23. If you want to study for a maths exam, ………. a list of the topics you need to know.
a) do b) make c) appear d) cancel
24. I can’t ………. on hard work for more than five hours; I’m afraid of making mistakes.
a) persist b) suggest c) concentrate d) penetrate
25. After I finish answering all the questions, I usually………. a quick revision.
a) do b) make c) sit d) fit
26. I need to ………. a new antivirus from a trusted website.
a) upload b) download c) load d) overload
27. I intend to ………. the faculty of engineering after I finish secondary school.
a) leave b) go c) join d) enroll
28. My friend’s health has ………. since he started smoking.
a) decided b) improved c) increased d) declined
29. I got a plumber to………. the new washing machine.
a) instill b) install c) join d) communicate
30. A lot of people still believe………. magic!
a) in b) with c) of d) at
31. If you can’t download the new application, ………. your internet connection.
a) check b) shake c) cancel d) agree
32. You must ……………. repeating these silly mistakes or you will get low marks.
a) arrange b) deny c) avoid d) enjoy
33. She lost ……………. hope and decided to give up.
a) no article b) a c) an d) the
34. He admitted killing the old man. Admitted is an antonym of …….…… .
a) agreed b) believed c) denied d) confessed
35. The criminal was in disguise to avoid …………. by the police.
a) arresting b) being arrested c) arrest d) be arrested
36. The shop assistant talked me into buying that expensive T-shirt. This means that he
………..… .
a) allowed me to buy it for a low price
b) persuaded me to come again for a better collection.
c) convinced me to buy it.
d) forced me to buy it.
37. I was made ………. the composition again, as it was full of mistakes.
a) to revise b) revise c) revising d) to revising
38. Your suggestion appears………. logical; I agree with you.
a) is b) to be c) being d) to being

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Longman exercises
39. She needn’t ………. the things that are unnecessary.
a) buys b) to buy c) buy d) to buying
40. I prefer reading ………. TV.
a) to watching b) than watch c) to watch d) more than watch
41. You must ….………. using your mobile for a long time; it’s harmful.
a) continue b) stop c) enjoy d) encourage
42. I ……….…. her to use my dictionary.
a) made b) let c) allowed d) refused
43. Heba: Let’s go to the library. This means that Heba ……. to the library.
a) suggests going b) lets us go c) allows us to go d) refuses to go
44. I got him to change his mind. This means that I ……. change his mind.
a) forced him to b) let him
c) persuaded him to d) hoped he would
45. My mother asked me to stop ………..…. bread because we needed it for lunch.
a) buy b) to buying c) buying d) to buy
46. The burglar admitted …………... the lady’s jewellery.
a) that he had stolen b) that he has stolen
c) to steal d) to stealing
47. I shouldn’t have annoyed my brother. This means that I ……….…. that.
a) hoped to do b) regret doing c) regret to do d) was pleased to do
48. I am sorry; I forgot …………. your book. I am going to return it tomorrow.
a) to bringing b) bringing c) to bring d) bring
49. I promise ……..…. you overcome this problem.
a) I would help b) I will be helped c) to help d) help
50. Why didn’t you return the book you had borrowed? - Oh! I remember ………… it a week
a) to returning b) return c) to return d) returning
51. When I train, I follow the coach’s advice; I ………..… a break every 15 minutes to get some
a) refuse to take b) avoid taking c) stop to take d) stop taking
52. Because of the bad weather conditions, Egypt Air regrets ……..…… its flight to London.
a) to cancel b) canceling c) cancel d) to canceling
53. I …………… eating late at night since it makes feel heavy in the morning.
a) forbid b) dislike c) enjoy d) hope
54. She intended ………..… a new dress for her birthday party.
a) will buy b) would buy c) to buy d) buy
55. I ………….… him to attend my sister’s wedding.
a) decide b) hope c) made d) expect
56. The convict …………… stealing the lady’s money, so he was imprisoned.
a) denied b) admitted c) decided d) hoped
57. I will start …………..… my homework as soon as I have lunch.
a) doing b) to doing c) make d) making
58. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) My friend said, “Have you read Oliver Twist Rami”?
b) My friend said, “have you read Oliver twist, Rami?”
c) My friend said, “Have you read Oliver Twist, Rami?”

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 25

d) My friend said “Have you read Oliver Twist, Rami?”
59. Which of the following is part of an essay about the skills needed to face the challenges of
the future?
a) However, no one can ignore the importance of experience to remain employable
regardless of the changes we are going to face in the future.
b) Most experts agree that workplaces will require employees with different skills to
cope with the challenges they are going to face.
c) Personally, I think that traditional criteria will remain the same in the future when
selecting appropriate employees.
d) That is why a lot of young people still prefer to have a job near where they live.
60. Which of the following is not structurally incorrect?
a) I suggested travelling by car.
b) I suggested that he travel by car.
c) I suggested that he traveling by car.
d) I suggested that we should travel by car.
61. Scientists believe that work conditions will be quite different in the future. Artificial
Intelligence is one of the most important factors that will decrease the number of people
working in different fields.
‫ ٌعد الذكاء الصطناعً من أهم العوامل التً ستزٌد من عدد‬.‫ ٌعتمد العلماء أن ظروف العمل ستكون مختلفة تماما ً فً المستمبل‬.A
.‫العاملٌن فً المجاالت المختلفة‬
‫ ٌعد الذكاء الصطناعً من أهم العوامل التً ستملل من عدد‬.‫ ٌعتمد العلماء أن ظروف العمل ستكون مختلفة تماما ً فً المستمبل‬.B
.‫العاملٌن فً المجاالت المختلفة‬
‫ ٌعد الذكاء الصطناعً من أهم النتائج التً ستملل من عدد‬.‫ ٌعتمد العلماء أن ظروف العمل ستكون مختلفة تماما ً فً المستمبل‬.C
.‫العاملٌن فً المجاالت المختلفة‬
‫ ٌعد الذكاء الصطناعً من أهم النتائج التً ستزٌد من‬.‫ ٌعتمد علماء اإللتصاد أن ظروف العمل ستكون مختلفة تماما ً فً المستمبل‬.D
.‫عدد العاملٌن فً المجاالت المختلفة‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. The manager used to encourage his workers’ ………. levels.
a) necessity b) productivity c) facility d) equality
2. People usually try to ………. their standard of living to lead a better life.
a) raise b) arise c) rise d) arouse
3. She is ………. about the project; she speaks about its benefits all the time.
a) kind b) worried c) angry d) enthusiastic
4. He used to talk proudly about his possessions. He………. about how much money he had
a) complained b) told c) boasted d) beat
5. This research was done ………. the request of the science teacher.
a) from b) at c) in d) for
6. Nowadays, employees are mostly evaluated according to their ………., regardless of the
number of years they have worked.
a) importance b) experience c) efficiency d) sufficiency
7. The exams questions should………. in order to cover all aspects of the assessment.
a) decrease b) include c) raise d) vary
8. You aren’t working hard; you need to be more ………. .

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Longman exercises
a) talkative b) productive c) negative d) successive
9. I read an important report on ………. the impact of advertising on children.
a) assessing b) pressing c) aggressing d) blessing
10. There was a/an ………. in sales and the company gained a lot of profit.
a) decline b) increase c) deterioration d) suggestion
11. Energy bills have increased ………. this winter all over the world.
a) significant b) significance c) significantly d) signify
12. Hard work ………. in success.
a) results b) happens c) increases d) expects
13. I took a ten-………… break to refresh my energy.
a) minutes b) minutes’ c) minute’s d) minute
14. You can ………. better if you study in a quiet environment.
a) concentrate b) evaluate c) raise d) get distracted
15. “You are doing well,” my coach said. “I’m sure you will carry ………. achieving more
a) in b) on c) of d) at
16. When you make a change to the way you work, you need to ……... its advantages and
disadvantages first.
a) concentrate b) fabricate c) evaluate d) regulate
17. Pollution has a serious impact on the weather. Impact here is similar in meaning to
…………. .
a) importance b) influence c) affect d) cause
18. I usually have a thirty-minute walk every day; sport has a ………... effect on health.
a) negative b) positive c) terrible d) rare
19. Children need to be taught not to talk back to their parents. This means that children
…………. .
a) weren’t allowed to discuss issues. b) shouldn’t be allowed to reply rudely.
c) were asked to stop making noise. d) weren’t allowed to say anything.
20. My father smiled …………….. at me.
a) affectionately b) foolishly c) foolish d) affectionate
21. The prisoner was given a life …………….. for his crimes.
a) insistence b) sentence c) tolerance d) negligence
22. How do you usually……... ideas amongst a group of friends to get more information about
a) rise b) mind c) brainstorm d) storm
23. I tried ………. my study time into twenty-minute periods and took breaks between them.
a) continuing b) cutting c) dividing d) leaving
24. I was too busy, so I …………my sister ……….. my room.
a) had / to tidy b) allowed / tidy c) made / to tidy d) got / to tidy
25. What are the pros and …………... of social networking websites?
a) canes b) cans c) coins d) cons
26. One of the ……... aspects of modern technology is that it makes our lives easier and more
a) negative b) positive c) relative d) offensive
27. What are the factors that …………... to achieving more progress?
a) lead b) add c) increase d) raise

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 27

28. My mother usually lets my elder sister …….…….. lunch when she is away.
a) to make b) making c) makes d) make
29. Am I ……... to use this dictionary?
a) allowed b) making c) aimed d) allowing
30. At first, he insisted on his opinion, but I managed to …………... him to change his mind.
a) allow b) get c) make d) let
31. Unfortunately, the bad weather …………... us …………... out.
a) made / to go b) allowed / to go
c) stopped / from going d) prevented/ to go
32. I let my friend use my mobile phone. This means that I ……...…… them to use it.
a) made b) allowed c) forced d) suggested
33. My mother was busy, so she got lunch …………... by my brother.
a) made b) be made c) making d) to make
34. Cruel managers usually …….…….. less work done.
a) prevent b) allow c) get d) let
35. I went to the dentist’s to …………... my teeth checked.
a) allow b) let c) prepare d) have
36. I recommend you…………... late anymore.
a) aren’t late b) don’t be c) not be d) not to be
37. Sorrowfully, no one does their task well, ……..…...?
a) do they b) don’t they c) does he d) doesn’t he
38. She was tired, so she returned ………..... early.
a) to home b) home c) the home d) a home
39. …….……... careful he is, he sometimes makes mistakes.
a) Whatever b) Regardless c) However d) Despite
40. In spite of being tired, he continued working for a long time. In spite of is a/an ……... for
a) opposite b) similar c) antonym d) synonym
41. By the end of next year, the road to my town ……..... .
a) will have paved b) will have been paved c) will pave d) will be paved
42. Unfortunately, I got low marks; I wish I ……. harder when I had had the time.
a) had studied b) studied c) would study d) have studied
43. He …………. silly mistakes, does he?
a) never made b) has c) never makes d) makes
44. We ……..... research on the effect of global warming on daily activities; we are still working
on it.
a) had been doing b) have been doing c) will be doing d) were doing
45. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Do you have sugar free cookies, Huda? b) Do you have sugar-free cookies, Huda.
c) Do you have sugar, free cookies Huda? d) Do you have sugar-free cookies, Huda?
46. Which of the following is used to reflect contrast?
a) Ahmad doesn’t read stories because he has no free time.
b) In addition to reading, I like swimming.
c) While Ahmad likes reading, I prefer swimming.
d) Amir, as well as Ahmad, like reading.
47. The core point in the following paragraph is ……........ .

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) Technology can replace man in all fields of life.
b) Technology is the main cause of destruction, so we must avoid using it.
c) Technology has advantages and disadvantages, so we must use it carefully.
d) A lot of people fall prey to technology addiction.
Technology plays an important role in our lives. We use it in a lot of fields of life. However, I’m
totally in favour of using technology carefully in a way that doesn’t cause trouble or lead to
addiction. We should bear in mind that technology is a double-edged weapon. That is why we
should use technology in a constructive way that benefits us all. I’m against those who call for
the mass use of technology at the expense of human security and safety. Also, I am against
using it instead of people; technology can’t replace man in many fields. Teaching, for example,
requires actual contact between students and teachers.
48. Workplace engagement and productivity are influenced by several factors. As a result,
many people do not feel engaged at work when they work in an inappropriate environment.
ً‫ ال ٌشعر الكثٌر من الناس بحب فً العمل عندما ٌعملون ف‬,‫ نتٌجة لذلن‬.‫ تتأثر المشاركة فً مكان العمل و اإلنتاجٌة بعدة عوامل‬.A
.‫بٌئة غٌر حارة‬
‫ ال ٌشعر الكثٌر من الناس باإلندماج فً العمل عندما ٌعملون‬,‫ نتٌجة لذلن‬.‫ تتأثر المشاركة فً مكان العم ل و اإلنتاجٌة بعدة عوامل‬.B
.‫فً بٌئة غٌر مناسبة‬
‫ ال ٌشعر الكثٌر من الناس باإلندماج فً العمل عندما ٌعملون‬,‫ نتٌجة لذلن‬.‫ تتأثر النواحً النفسٌة و عوامل أخري فً مكان العمل‬.C
.‫فً بٌئة غٌر مناسبة‬
‫ ال ٌشعر الكثٌر من الناس باإلندماج فً العمل عندما ٌعملون‬,‫ نتٌجة لذلن‬.‫ تتأثر المشاركة فً مكان العمل و اإلنتاجٌة بعدة عوامل‬.D
.‫فً بٌئة مناسبة‬
49. Political conflicts have a significant impact on the global economy. As a result, leaders of
the world should settle their disagreements peacefully to avoid destruction and instability.
‫ و نتٌجة لذلن ٌجب ععلً لادة العالم تسوٌة خالفاتهم بسرعة لتجنب الدمار و‬,ً‫للصراعات السٌاسٌة تأثٌر كبٌر علً السالم العالم‬
.‫عدم االستمرار‬
‫ و نتٌجة لذلن ٌجب ععلً لادة العالم تسوٌة خالفاتهم بسرعة لتجنب الدمار و‬,ً‫للصراعات السٌاسٌة تأثٌر كبٌر علً االلتصاد العالم‬
.‫عدم االستمرار‬
‫ و نتٌجة لذلن ٌجب ععلً لادة العالم تسوٌة خالفاتهم بسرعة لتجنب الدمار و‬,ً‫للصراعات اإلللٌمٌة تأثٌر كبٌر علً السالم العالم‬
.‫عدم االستمرار‬
‫ و نتٌجة لذلن ٌجب ععلً شعوب العالم تسوٌة خالفاتهم بسرعة لتجنب الدمار و‬,ً‫للصراعات السٌاسٌة تأثٌر كبٌر علً السالم العالم‬
.‫عدم االستمرار‬
‫تهدف مبادرة "حٌاة كرٌمة" إلً التخفٌف عن كاهل المواطنٌن بالمجتمعات األكثر احتٌاجا ً فً الرٌف و األماكن العشوائٌة فً الحضر‬
.‫و تسعً هذه المبادرة لضمان حٌاة كرٌمة لتلن الفئة و تحسٌن ظروف معٌشتهم‬
a) The “Haya Karima” initiative hopes to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in Upper Egypt and urban slums. This initiative seeks to ensure a dignified life
for this category and to improve their living conditions.
b) The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off employees in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative is adopted to ensure a
dignified life for this category and to improve their living conditions.
c) The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative seeks to ensure a dignified
life for this category and improve their living conditions.
d) The “Haya Karima” initiative aims to alleviate burdens off citizens in the neediest
communities in the countryside and urban slums. This initiative is adopted to provide a
dignified life for this category and remove their living conditions.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 29

‫ البد أن نكون موضوعٌٌن و‬,‫ فال تكن سلبٌا ً و تكتفً بمجرد الشكوي و انتماد أفعال اآلخٌرٌن‬,‫ٌجب أن تكون عضوا ً فاعال فً المجتمع‬
.‫نسعل للنمد البناء و لبول اآلخر‬
a) You must be an active worker in society. Do not be negative and only complain and criticize
the actions of others. You must be subjective and strive for constructive criticism and the
acceptance of others.
b) You must be an active member in society. Do not be negative and only complain and
criticize the actions of others. You must be objective and strive for constructive criticism and
the acceptance of others.
c) You must be an active member in your country. Do not be negative and only complain and
criticize the opinions of others. You must be objective and strive for constructive criticism
and the acceptance of others.
d) You must be an productive member of society. Do not be negative and only complain and
criticize the actions of others. You must be objective and strive for constructive criticism and
the acceptance of others.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. The manager used to encourage his workers so as not to let their ………. levels decline
a) necessity b) productivity c) facility d) equality
2. I totally ………. him; his behaviour is very strange.
a) suspect b) respect c) connect d) inspect
3. I felt really ……….; I got low marks although I had studied hard.
a) amused b) fascinated c) frustrated d) educated
4. There are doubts about the ………. of the new drug in treating the side effects of COVID-19.
a) insistence b) appearance c) effectiveness d) carelessness
5. Experts are looking ………. the possibility of enhancing digital learning.
a) forward b) out c) up d) into
6. Some people get ………. easily and lose concentration if there is too much noise.
a) distracted b) attracted c) connected d) rejected
7. “………. out” means to disappear slowly or become quieter
a) Run b) Fade c) Carry d) Look
8. Drinking lots of water is ………. for good health.
a) additional b) trivial c) brutal d) essential
9. Some people find it strange to………. a virtual meeting; they prefer face-to-face contact
a) leave b) go c) join d) enroll
10. Please turn down the volume; I'm suffering ………. a severe headache.
a) with b) from c) of d) by
11. We have achieved ………. progress in the field of communication, which makes us proud
a) debatable b) forgettable c) removable d) remarkable
12. The lecturer spoke about the ………. effects of mental health problems.
a) negative b) positive c) talkative d) possessive
13. All my hard work and sacrifice will be worth the effort when I achieve my goals. This

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) It will show why I paid so much money.
b) It will show why I regretted not trying to do more.
c) It will justify the energy I spent.
d) It will justify the reason why I failed
14. A generous ………. shared in equipping an intensive care unit for children in the
neighbouring hospital.
a) conspirator b) benefactor c) miser d) loser
15. The police investigator still has no ………. that the young man is the killer; he needs to find
clear evidence
a) proof b) roof c) doubt d) refusal
16. You have enabled me to solve the problem. Thanks………. your help!
a) to b) about c) for d) with
17. Computer games have a negative ………. on children’s health.
a) increase b) impact c) reason d) level
18. Maha spent her big………. of money on unimportant items, and now she regrets it.
a) share b) chair c) cheer d) check
19. The meeting is in ……….; it hasn’t finished yet.
a) advance b) addition c) progress d) short
20. In your opinion, what ……….to an increase in students’ productivity levels?
a) hopes b) leads c) wants d) results
21. Our ………. of students’ diaries resulted in some interesting conclusions.
a) analysis b) analyses c) analytic d) analyst
22. Companies are keen to hold ………. the employees who have made adequate progress.
a) down b) back c) on to d) of
23. You shouldn’t be ………. of others' success; instead, you should try to emulate it.
a) hopeless b) careless c) envious d) worry
24. …..………., we can say that studying in the morning appears to be the most beneficial time
to study. This was confirmed by experts through their approved research
a) In doubt b) In conclusion c) In turn d) in vain
25. Unfortunately, they stopped………. ; it is clear that they can’t hear us.
a) to responding b) respond c) to respond d) responding
26. …….……. spending the summer holiday in Sharm El-Sheikh?
a) I suggest b) Let’s
c) Have you considered d) Why don’t you
27. I recommend she………that report for further information.
a) reads b) read c) reading d) needs to read
28. I regret selling my old car. This means ………….. .
a) I should have sold it. b) I wish I hadn’t sold it.
c) I can’t have sold it. d) I didn’t have to sell it
29. I could have spent the weekend in Alexandria, but I preferred my village. This means
…………… .
a) It was possible for me to spend the weekend in Alexandria.
b) It is probable that I spent the weekend in my village.
c) I can’t have spent the weekend in my village.
d) I was obliged to spend the weekend in my village.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 31
30. Why don’t you go to the theatre with us? This shows (a/an) …..…… .
a) inquiry b) blame c) regret d) suggestion
31. I blame you for making noise; you …………… that.
a) ought to have done b) shouldn’t have done
c) should do d) mustn’t have done
32. I ………. reading adventure stories; they appeal to me so much!
a) decide b) plan c) consider d) dislike
33. My father usually………. us……. video games in our spare time so we don’t harm our
a) discourages/ from playing b) discourages / to play
c) encourages/ to play d) instructs / to play
34. Would you like ……….… in the class project?
a) share b) to share c) sharing d) to sharing
35. She hopes ………..… an air hostess when she grows up.
a) she was b) she would be c) will be d) to be
36. I’m so sorry; I forgot ……… that exercise. I will do it tomorrow.
a) doing b) to doing c) to do d) that I did
37. I feel I know this man; I remember……… him last month.
a) meeting b) to meet c) I will meet d) to meeting
38. I am going to devote more time to ……… revision work.
a) do b) doing c) make d) making
39. I really regret ……… to smoke when I was young; my lungs are in terrible condition.
a) I will start b) starting c) to start d) to starting
40. I stopped ……… the news and looked up when I heard the noise.
a) to read b) from reading c) reading d) read
41. I ………. to join the faculty of engineering when I finish secondary school; it’s my dream!
a) pretend b) intend c) consider d) enjoy
42. We should look up to old people. The phrasal verb look up to means ………… .
a) ignore b) help c) detest d) respect
43. How can we bring about a change in the inappropriate behaviour of some young people
who abuse the internet? "Bring about" means "…………. ."
a) disappear b) cause c) delete d) appear
44. My car broke down again. I will ………… a mechanic to repair it.
a) have b) get c) let d) make
45. Kamal: Did you prepare lunch?
Yousef: …………. because I was too busy studying.
a) Yes, I have already prepared it b) No, I had prepared it
c) No, I had it prepared d) Yes, I didn’t ask anyone to prepare it
46. It is my habit to decorate things myself, so I ………… .
a) painted my room b) got someone to paint my room
c) had my room painted d) got my room painted
47. You shouldn’t have told our secret to Aya; you let me……… .
a) down b) off c) on d) at
48. I had the new washing machine installed. This means that ………….. .
a) the new washing machine had been installed.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
b) the new washing machine was installed.
c) I will get the new washing machine installed.
d) I was able to install the new washing machine myself
49. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) I went to the mechanic’s to have my car repairing.
b) I went to the mechanic’s to let my car repaired.
c) I went to the mechanic’s to have repaired my car.
d) I went to the mechanic’s to have my car repaired.
50. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Amin said to me “I’m going to take a five day holiday to prepare for my sister’s
wedding next Thursday”.
b) Amin said to me, “I’m going to take a five day holiday to prepare for my sister s
wedding next Thursday”.
c) Amin said to me, “I’m going to take a five-day holiday to prepare for my sister’s
wedding next Thursday.”
d) Amin said to me, “I’m going to take a five-day-holiday to prepare for my sister s
wedding next Thursday.”
51. The coach came under fire as a result of the team’s poor results. This means ………….. .
a) He got burnt because he got distracted.
b) He was forgiven for the poor results.
c) He was bitterly criticised for the poor results.
d) He was rewarded despite the poor results.
52. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) “Look out, there’s a car behind you, Tamer” Amani yelled.
b) “Look out! There’s a car behind you, Tamer!” Amani yelled.
c) “Look out? There’s a car behind you, Tamer.” Amani yelled.
d) “Look out! There’s a car behind you Tamer!” Amani yelled.
53. On the one hand, I’d like a job that pays more, but on the other hand, I enjoy the work I’m
doing at the moment because it's in the field I like most. The underlined expressions show
……..…… .
a) a similarity between two different facts b) a comparison of two different facts
c) addition d) your decision to leave the current job
54. In an informal email, you can conclude with ………… .
a) Bye b) See you later c) a and b d) Yours sincerely
‫ فهً تفرض عموبات صارمة ضد التجار الجشعٌن الذٌن ٌحتكرون السلع‬,‫تسعً الحكومة للتحكم فً األسعار بشتً السبل الممكنة‬
.‫االستهالكٌة و البضائع األساسٌة لٌرفعوا أسعارها و ٌحمموا مكاسب غٌر مشروعة‬
a) The government hopes to control prices by various means. It will impose severe
penalties against rich merchants who buy consumer goods and basic commodities in
order to raise their prices and achieve illegal gains.
b) The government seeks to control prices by various means. It tries severe penalties
against greedy merchants who monopolise consumer goods and basic commodities
in order to control their prices and achieve illegal gains.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 33

c) The government seeks to control prices through various means. It imposes severe
penalties against greedy merchants who monopolise consumer goods and basic
commodities in order to raise their prices and achieve illegal profits.
d) The government seeks to decrease prices through various means. It imposes severe
penalties against greedy merchants who monopolise consumer goods and basic
commodities in order to raise their prices and achieve quick profits.
‫ بمماطعة التجار الجشعٌن و التولف عن تخزٌن السلع و عدم شراء األشٌاء الغٌر‬,‫البد أن ٌغٌر الناس من عاداتهم االستهالكٌة السٌئة‬
.‫ و هكذا ٌمكنهم التصدي لموجة الغالء و التخفٌف من أعباء المعٌشة‬,‫ضرورٌة‬
a) People must change their bad consumption habits by punishing greedy merchants,
stopping storing goods and not buying unnecessary things, so they can face the
wave of high prices and control the burdens of living.
b) People must change their bad consumption habits by boycotting greedy merchants,
stopping storing goods and not buying unnecessary things, so they can face the
wave of high prices and reduce the burdens of living.
c) People must change their bad production habits by boycotting greedy buyers,
stopping storing goods and not buying unnecessary things, so they can face the
wave of high prices and reduce the high cost of living.
d) People must change their bad consumption habits by boycotting greedy merchants,
stopping storing goods and not buying necessary things, so they can reduce the
wave of high prices and reduce the burdens of living.
57. The future of work is shaped by two significant factors: the increasing adoption of artificial
intelligence in the workplace, and the development of the workforce to include employees
with the right skills to meet the challenges of our age.
‫ و تطوٌر الموي‬,‫ االعتماد المتزاٌد علً الذكاء االصطناعً فً سوق العمل‬:‫ ٌتشكل مستمبل العمل من خالل عاملٌن مهمٌن‬.A
.‫العاملة لتشمل الموظفٌن ذوي المهارات المناسبة لمواجهة تحدٌات عصرنا‬
‫ و تطوٌر الموي العاملة‬,‫ االعتماد المتزاٌد علً الذكاء االصطناعً فً مكان العمل‬:‫ ٌتشكل مستمبل العمل من خالل عاملٌن مهمٌن‬.B
.‫لتشمل الموظفٌن ذوي المهارات المناسبة لمواجهة تحدٌات عصرنا‬
‫ و تطوٌر الموي العاملة‬,‫ االعتماد الكبٌر علً الذكاء االصطناعً فً مكان العمل‬:‫ ٌتشكل مستمبل العمل من خالل عاملٌن مهمٌن‬.C
.‫لتشمل الموظفٌن ذوي المهارات المناسبة لمواجهة تحدٌات عصرنا‬
‫ و تطوٌر الموي العاملة‬,‫ االعتماد المتزاٌد علً الذكاء االصطناعً فً مكان العمل‬:‫ ٌتشكل مستمبل العمل من خالل لوتٌن مهمتن‬.D
.‫لتشمل الموظفٌن ذوي المهارات المناسبة لمواجهة تحدٌات عصرنا‬
58. Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way to assess your skills in light of your
ambition. So, you must set a plan to promote your potential and achieve your goals.
‫ لذلن ٌجب أن تضع خطة لتعزٌز‬.‫ إنها طرٌمة لتمٌٌم مهاراتن فً ضوء طموحن‬,‫ التنمٌة الذاتٌة هً عملٌة تستمر مدي الحٌاة‬.A
.‫إمكاناتن و تحمسك أهدافن‬
‫ لذلن ٌجب أن تضع خطة لتعزٌز‬.‫ إنها طرٌمة لتمٌٌم مهاراتن فً ضوء طموحن‬,‫ التنمٌة المهنٌة هً عملٌة تستمر مدي الحٌاة‬.B
.‫إمكاناتن و تحمسك أهدافن‬
‫ لذلن ٌجب أن تضع خطة لتعزٌز‬.‫ إنها طرٌمة لتمٌٌم مهاراتن فً ضوء طموحن‬,‫ التنمٌة الذاتٌة هو هدف ٌستمر مدي الحٌاة‬.C
.‫إمكاناتن و تحمسك أهدافن‬
‫ لذلن ٌجب أن تضع خطة لتعزٌز‬.‫ إنها طرٌمة لتمٌٌم مهاراتن فً ضوء طموحن‬,‫ التنمٌة الذاتٌة هو أسلوب ٌستمر مدي الحٌاة‬.D
.‫إمكاناتن و تحمسك أهدافن‬

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. I’m enthusiastic ……………. the new post I occupy.
a) for b) about c) in d) with
2. Rehab is ………., but that hasn't stopped her from working out.
a) disabled b) unable c) fit d) ready
3. Diets are most effective when ………. with exercise.
a) dealt b) prevented c) separated d) combined
4. Because of his accomplishments, my father has always been a/an ………. to my sons; he is
their favourite role model.
a) inspiration b) respiration c) hindrance d) obstacle
5. In today's world, success is sometimes ………. by how much money you make from your
a) refined b) defined c) refused d) appeared
6. I noticed an elegant lady sitting next to my aunt. "Elegant" is similar in meaning to "………. ".
a) regretful b) dutiful c) armful d) graceful
7. My uncle is an ………. assistant at the City Council.
a) administrative b) administration c) administrate d) administrator
8. He can’t move; he has a ………. problem with his leg.
a) psychological b) physical c) chemical d) biological
9. Success in life is based on hard work and ………. .
a) aviation b) elimination c) deterioration d) determination
10. We need to work hard to …………. the minds of foreign investors about the efficiency of
Egyptian workers.
a) change b) charge c) check d) refuse
11. Which ………. do successful people share, so they can keep making progress?
a) quantities b) qualities c) demerits d) obstacles
12. A/An………. question is the one that you don’t expect to get a specific answer to.
a) amusing b) ordinary c) retelling d) rhetorical
13. I ………. this type of sport; I like it very much.
a) adore b) deal c) detest d) delay
14. I’m glad that my neighbour ………. and left hospital.
a) healed b) cured c) recovered d) discovered
15. You don’t have to ……….; no one can hear us.
a) cry b) whisper c) shout d) speak
16. Sorrowfully, everything in some people’s lives is measured in ……… of money.
a) advance b) fact c) turn d) terms
17. The champion was able to ………. his physical disability and win the gold medal.
a) overcome b) overhear c) overdo d) oversleep
18. I was really fascinated; the view was ………. .
a) impressing b) impression c) impressive d) impress
19. The project is a real……….; we have achieved high profits.
a) successful b) success c) succession d) successive
20. Successful people are always looking for new ………. to learn more and develop their
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 35
a) results b) disadvantages c) obstacles d) opportunities
21. Don’t expect to ………. immediate success because it could take a long time.
a) achieve b) relieve c) believe d) deceive
22. You should ………. the lecture by using key words if you don’t need to remember the
a) confuse b) paraphrase c) delete d) refuse
23. You ………. the hall; it looks lovely!
a) were decorating b) will decorate c) have decorated d) had decorated
24. I ………. the movie you recommended. I'm enjoying it.
a) have watched b) had watched
c) have been watching d) had been watching
25. He………. three cups of coffee since he reached the office this morning.
a) had drunk b) has drunk c) is drinking d) has been drinking
26. They ………. in London since 2004. They are still living there.
a) had lived b) have lived c) have been living d) had been living
27. She ………. lunch for two hours before her children returned home.
a) had prepared b) has prepared
c) has been preparing d) had been preparing
28. I ………. reading the book you recommended, so we can talk about it now.
a) had finished b) have finished
c) have been finishing d) had been finishing
29. I.………. my friend, Kamel, since we were at school.
a) have known b) had known
c) are knowing d) have been knowing
30. I ………. 2000 metres today.
a) have run b) had run
c) have been running d) had been running
31. Tamer ………. his new car for five months now.
a) had had b) has had
c) has been having d) had been having
32. Please help me; I ………. my passport. What can I do?
a) had lost b) will be losing c) has been losing d) have lost
33. I ………. Wuthering Heights all day. It's very interesting, but I'm only on chapter 3.
a) have been reading b) had read
c) had been reading d) have read
34. Your hands are really dirty. What ………. ?
a) had you been doing b) had you done
c) have you been doing d) will you be doing
35. My grandfather ………. abroad; he prefers to spend his time wandering round his
a) has ever travelled b) has never travelled
c) has already travelled d) had never travelled

36. I miss you so much; I ………. you for ages!

a) won’t see b) hadn’t seen
c) haven’t been seeing d) haven’t seen

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
37. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world economy ………. .
a) has greatly affected b) had been greatly affected
c) has been greatly affected d) had greatly affected
38. ….………. doing the new exercise yet?
a) Have you finished b) Had you finished
c) Will you finish d) Are you finishing
39. I am still working; I ………. doing that task yet.
a) hadn’t finished b) haven’t finished c) won’t finish d) have finished
40. They ……….…. the road to our village recently.
a) had paved b) have been paved
c) have been paving d) had been paving
41. She …………... a thorough cleaning of the house. Everything is sparkling.
a) had done b) had been doing c) has been doing d) has done
42. My aunt …….……. Tanta for ten years only. Now, she is living in Mansoura.
a) has lived b) had lived c) has been living d) lived
43. ….………. Luxor before? - Yes, I went there last winter.
a) Are you visiting b) Have you visited
c) Have you been visited d) Will you visit
44. He hasn't been able to play tennis ………. he broke his leg.
a) since b) for c) go d) when
45. You can’t meet Taher because he ………. Cairo International Book Fair.
a) has been to b) has gone to c) has gone d) has been
46. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) “I’m visiting you tonight, my friend said”.
b) “I’m visiting you tonight” my friend said.
c) “I’m visiting you tonight,” my friend said.
d) “I m visiting you tonight,” my friend said.
47. Which of the following is used to show one of the merits of the internet?
a) We can’t ignore the fact that the internet has become the home to a lot of e-crimes.
b) The main advantage to emphasise is that the internet is the most rapid source of
c) To me, the internet is really a double-edged weapon. Therefore, it should be used
d) Regrettably, many people, particularly in rural regions, do not have access to the
48. You summarise the content of your essay when you ………….
a) develop the main idea.
b) write the elements of your essay in detail
c) make the end open
d) write the conclusion of your essay

49. Without motivation in life, it’s hard to strive for success and achieve internal
happiness. You should try to achieve more success for yourself first before trying to
please other people.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 37

‫ ٌجب أن تحاول تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح لنفسن‬.‫ من الصعب السعً لتحمٌك النجاح و تحمٌك السعادة الداخلٌة‬, ‫بدون مشاكل الحٌاة‬
.‫أوال لبل محاولة إرضاء اآلخرٌن‬
‫ ٌجب أن تحاول تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح‬.‫ من الصعب السعً لتحمٌك النجاح و تحمٌك السعادة الداخلٌة‬, ‫بدون الدافع فً الحٌاة‬
.‫لنفسن أوال لبل محاولة إرضاء اآلخرٌن‬
‫ ٌجب أن تحاول تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح لنفسن‬.‫ من السهل السعً لتحمٌك النجاح و تحمٌك السعادة الداخلٌة‬, ‫بدون الدافع فً الحٌاة‬
.‫أوال لبل محاولة إرضاء اآلخرٌن‬
‫ ٌجب أن تحاول تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح‬.‫ من الصعب السعً لتحمٌك النجاح و تحمٌك السعادة مع اآلخرٌن‬, ‫بدون الدافع فً الحٌاة‬
.‫لنفسن أوال لبل محاولة إرضاء اآلخرٌن‬
ً‫التنمٌة المستدامة هً استراتٌجٌة تهدف إلً تحمٌك أهداف التنمٌة البشرٌة مع الحفاظ فً الولت نفسه علً الموارد الطبٌعٌة الت‬
.‫ٌعتمد علٌها االلتصاد و المجتمع‬
a) Sustainable development is a strategy that aims to achieve humane development
goals while simultaneously preserving the natural sources that the economy and
society rely on.
b) Social development is a strategy that aims to achieve human development goals
while simultaneously preserving the natural resources that the country and society
rely on.
c) Sustainable development is a strategy that aims to achieve human development goals
while simultaneously preserving the natural resources that the economy and society
rely on.
d) Sustainable development is a strategy that needs to achieve human development
plans while simultaneously preserving the natural resources that the economy and
society rely on

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. My long-term goal is to have a successful ………. as a project manager.
a) employee b) employer c) work d) career
2. I need a ………. job for three hours every day to increase my income.
a) short-time b) full-time c) permanent d) complete
3. I am looking ……… an internship at a car factory.
a) with b) forward c) for d) into
4. There are twenty ………. for the same job; the salary is generous.
a) interviews b) employers c) interns d) candidates
5. I worked for a clothes factory for two months as a kind of ………. .
a) internship b) intern c) membership d) scholarship
6. Rami: Is it a job for some time daily?
Hatim: No, it’s a ………. job as I am in need of a full salary.
a) part-time b) full-time c) temporary d) voluntary
7. I’m a hard-working, ………. and organized individual with a genuine interest in digital
a) motivate b) motivation c) motivated d) motivator
8. I’ve ………. all necessary information in my CV To ensure thoroughness and to make it
a) included b) excluded c) contained d) consisted
9. I’m able to build websites perfectly. “Build” here is similar in meaning to “………..”.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) sign b) appear c) do d) create
10. I have got 3 advanced- ………. qualifications at grade A in business studies.
a) mark b) level c) sign d) symbol
11. I am going to ………. an internship at a nearby factory during the school holidays.
a) agree b) enroll c) do d) make
12. Hurricanes and tropical storms are different kinds of natural………. that threaten man.
a) disasters b) holidays c) celebrations d) festivals
13. You should ……….your internship on something you really enjoy.
a) make b) base c) sit d) leave
14. The statue of Ramesses II is colossal. “Colossal” is similar in opposite in meaning to
a) small b) huge c) big d) tiny
15. Who was in ………. of the sales department after Mr. Adly had resigned?
a) change b) charge c) choice d) chat
16. Safety ………. inside the factory must be taken seriously.
a) measures b) manners c) chaos d) planes
17. It would be ………. to buy that expensive mobile; the one you already have is very smart.
You should be wise enough with your money.
a) economical b) ordinary c) extravagant d) careful
18. He was imprisoned because he couldn’t ………. off his debt on time.
a) take b) go c) see d) pay
19. He is very ……….; he behaves in an unpleasant way and thinks that he is better than
everyone else.
a) modest b) arrogant c) simple d) cruel
20. During their father's ………., the sisters sobbed uncontrollably.
a) funeral b) festival c) party d. birth
21. He recently ………. from the faculty of commerce and is currently an accountant at an
international company.
a) joined b) left c) graduated d) studied
22. An ………. is a person who works for a company or factory for a limited period of time
without being paid.
a) internship b) intern c) employer d) employee
23. When I was a sales manager, I was awarded a prize for ………. in increasing sales.
a) excellence b) excellent c) excellently d) excel
24. There has been a breakthrough in communication since the internet ………. .
a) was invented b) invented
c) has been invented d) is invented
25. The car ………. well; it no longer breaks down.
a) did nor repair b) must have been repaired
c) can't have been repaired d) must have repaired
26. After I returned home, I found that my clothes ……….. by my sister.
a) is being ironed b) was ironing c) had been ironed d) had ironed
27. I was doing my homework while dinner ………….…. by my mother.
a) is prepared b) had been prepared c) was preparing d) was being prepared
28. Look! Our school ………….…. now.
a) is painting b) is being painted c) was painting d. have been painted

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 39

29. I felt worried as soon as the plane ……….. off.
a) took b) had been taken c) has taken off d. was taken
30. Who ………..… the radio invented by?
a) was b) had c) has d) is
31. The patient ………. thoroughly before the serious operation.
a) was examining b) had to be examined c) had examined d) had to examine
32. What upsetting news! My friend's car ……….……. .
a) had damaged b) has damaged
c) had been damaged d) has been damaged
33. Most of the novels ………..…. by Naguib Mahfouz are still read by thousands of people.
a) writing b) written c) were written d) which written
34. What the manager said in the meeting ……………. .
a) hasn't been expected b) wasn't expecting
c. hadn't expected d) hadn't been expected
35. Having ………., the car became ready for the journey.
a) repaired b) being repaired c) been repaired d) to be repaired
36. I'm hoping that this serious issue ……………. tomorrow.
a) is resolving b) will resolve c) was resolved d) will be resolved
37. Because this medicine has the potential to be poisonous, it must …………. with a doctor's
prescription only.
a) be using b) be used c) use d) have used
38. Egyptian cotton clothes ………. all over the world.
a) are sold b) are to sell c) selling d) has been sold
39. These trees need to ………. regularly.
a) be watered b) water c) be watering d) have watered
40. By next September, a new secondary school in our village ………….. .
a) will be built b) will have been built c) has been built d) will have built
41. I ………. an email from the company every time the manager asks me to undertake a new
a) send b) sent c) was sent d) am sent
42. …….……. in medical conferences in Egypt?
a) Is French speaking b) Is French spoken
c) Can French speak d) Does French speak
43. Unfortunately, the stolen money ………., yet.
a) hasn’t been restored b) hasn’t restored
c) hadn’t been restored d) weren’t restored
44. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) The exercise can’t revise well, it’s full of mistakes.
b) The exercise can’t be revising well, it’s full of mistakes.
c) The exercise mustn’t have been revised well, it’s full of mistakes.
d) The exercise can’t have been revised well, it’s full of mistakes.
45. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) You ve to improve your English it’s a widely-spoken language.
b) You’ve to improve your English: it’s a widely-spoken language.
c) you’ve to improve your English: it’s a widely spoken language.
d) You’ve to improve your English: it’s a widely spoken language

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
46. Which of the following sentences can complete this part of an essay about the merits and
demerits of technology?
To keep pace with the recent changes all over the world, the use of modern technology
in different fields of life is a must nowadays. However, we must take into consideration
that technology has both positive and negative aspects. Technology is the outcome of
scientists’ efforts and research. On the one hand, it has improved the quality of our
lives. ……………….…………… .
a) In short, we all agree that technology has no downsides to consider.
b) On the other hand, it has the potential to waste our time and make us lazy.
c) Moreover, it can save our time and effort.
d) In conclusion, I see we had better avoid using technology.
47. What mustn’t be included in a CV?
a) Contact Information. b) Work Experience.
c) Education and skills. d) Personal information.
48. Accepting others is a highly civilised aspect that we all should have. You can express your
opinion and respect the opinions of others as well.
.ً‫ ٌمكنن التعبٌر عن رأٌن كما ٌمكنن احترام آراء اآلخرٌن أٌضا‬.ً‫ ٌعتبر لبول اآلخر سمة متحضرة للغاٌة ٌجب أن نتحلً بها جمٌعا‬.A
.ً‫ ٌمكنن التعبٌر عن رأٌن و احترام اآلخرٌن أٌضا‬.ً‫ ٌعتبر لبول اآلخر سمة متعصبة للغاٌة ٌجب أن نتحلً بها جمٌعا‬.B
.ً‫ ٌمكنن التعبٌر عن رأٌن و االحتراس اآلخرٌن أٌضا‬.ً‫ ٌعتبر لبول اآلخر سمة متحضرة للغاٌة ٌجب أن نتحلً بها جمٌعا‬.C
.ً‫ ٌمكنن التعبٌر عن رأٌن كما ٌمكنن احترام اآلخرٌن أٌضا‬.ً‫ ٌعتبر لبول اآلخر سمة سٌئة للغاٌة ٌجب أن نتحلً بها جمٌعا‬.D
‫فً سوق العمل لم تعد الخبرة وحدها هً العامل األساسً الذي ٌضعه أصحاب األعمال فً االعتبار فهنان مهارات العمل التً ال تمل‬
.‫أهمٌة عن الخبرة‬
a) In the labour market, experiment alone is no longer the main factor that employers
take into consideration; there are work skills that are more important than experience.
b) In the labour market, experience alone is no longer the main factor that employers
take into consideration; there are work skills that are no less important than
c) In the labour market, experience alone is still the main factor that employers take into
consideration; it is more important than skills.
d) In the labour market, experience alone is no longer the main factor that employees
take into consideration; there are work skills that are not as important as experience.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. My brother started working in a factory and gained reasonable working ………. of safety
a) ignorance b) suffering c) knowledge d) science
2. To better my skills, I chose to enroll in a ………. writing class.
a) creatively b) creative c) creation d) creator
3. The entire job experience I've gained has been life-………. .
a) joining b) charging c) stealing d) changing
4. My brother ………. the first prize in a short story competition.
a) beat b) earned c) won d. gained
5. My grandfather has a lot of ……….; we frequently seek his guidance.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 41

a) wisdom b) hatred c) jealousy d) health
6. The Ministry of Education is adopting plans to ………. the Egyptian educational system.
a) reuse b) reinvent c) recycle d) refuse
7. My sister has decided to change ………. and go to university to get a higher degree.
a) reaction b) infection c) collection d) direction
8. Mr. Rami, our science teacher, has made significant ………. to his students' lives in order to
motivate them to achieve their goals.
a) ammunitions b) situations c) contributions d) constitutions
9. She was offered employment in the sales department. “Employment” here is similar in
meaning to “………. ”.
a) career b) job c) profession d) idleness
10. You must continue to improve your skills in order to remain ………. .
a) employable b) unemployed c) employer d) employment
11. Taher, my new colleague, is a 32-……….-old gentleman.
a) years’ b) year’s c) year d) years
12. My grandmother can still ………. volunteer work; she enjoys helping others.
a) make b) do c) refuse d) abuse
13. My neighbour is very old and likes to help young people. I don’t think he is typical of most
people of his age. “Typical” could be the opposite of the meaning of "………. ".
a) common b) familiar c) weak d) exceptional
14. After retirement, a lot of old people like to spend their time on hobbies that they are ……….
about in order to enjoy their lives.
a) worried b) passionate c) angry d) keen
15. When I received the dreadful news, my heart ……….; I was upset and disappointed.
a) sank b) cheered c) thought d) flew
16. We ………. live in Alexandria; this is our constant place of residence.
a) temporary b) temporarily c) permanently d) permanent
17. When I heard about the road accident, I ………. for my friend’s safety because he was
driving that car.
a) considered b) feared c) blamed d) criticised
18. No one has declared the final result yet, so I can’t ………. that I have got the gold medal.
a) accept b) seem c) appear d) confirm
19. There is a night ………. who goes round the building to keep us safe at night.
a) thief b) watchman c) burglar d) dustman
20. He wasn’t faithful; he ………. his friend when he was in trouble and refused to help him!
a) deserted b) desired c) disappeared d) remained
21. I ………. down to get the lady’s handbag from the floor.
a) broke b) filled c) crouched d) cut
22. If you don’t hit the books this week, you won’t pass the exam. This means ………. .
a) You should throw away the books. b) You should study hard.
c) You should buy the needful books. d) You should postpone your exam.
23. She is very punctual; she rarely comes late, …………?
a) is she b) she doesn’t c) doesn’t she d) does she
24. He is very sad because ……………. his money has been lost.
a) neither b) all c) each d) every
25. In exams, ……………. student is given a question paper.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) every b) all c) a few d) each of
26. Take care! The little child carried a glass bottle in ………… hand.
a) neither b) all c) every d) each
27. I have hardly …………….. money left; I spent all of it on clothes.
a) no b) some c) any d) many
28. I have read …………….. of your ideas and I like them all.
a) none b) some c) any d) much
29. ………….. young people prefer to work in nearby places to their homes.
a) A lot of b) Lots c) A lot d) Every
30. Ahmad : Have you bought much bread Yasser : No, I bought only …………….. .
a) few b) a few c) a little d) any
31. …………….. of the students failed; all of them passed.
a) Each b) None c) Every d) All
32. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) All your answers is wrong. b) Not of your answers are wrong.
c) A lot your answers are not correct. d) You haven’t given any correct answers
33. We need to book a bigger hall; this one can hold …………….. guests only.
a) a few b) a lot of c) many d) no
34. There is …………. equipment in the new office, so we need to buy some more.
a. many b) few c) little d) much
35. Would you like to have …………….. fresh fruit juice?- Yes, only …………….. , please?
a. some / a few b) some / a little c) many / a little d) much / little
36. I’m so sorry, I don’t have…………….. time to help you.
a. some b) a lot c) many d) any
37. There isn’t ……………..work to do today, so I can go out with you.
a. much b) a little c) many d) some
38. I have almost …………….. sugar in the apartment. I need to buy …………….. .
a) much / some b) no / some c) many / a little d) any / some
39. We have…………….. of petrol in the car, so it is enough to reach our destination.
a) a little b) lot c) plenty d) many
40. There is ……….. meat left; we only have enough for three, and we've invited 12 people!
a) little b) a little c) more d) much
41. A ……….. workers gathered outside the company to complain about the mistreatment of
the manager.
a) many b) lots c) lot d) lot of
42. The majority of students got ready for the final exam, but…………….. them lagged behind
as they didn’t revise well.
a) a few b) a lot c) a few of d) lots
43. I have no money left. …………….. the money I had was lent to my friend Kamal.
a) All b) A few of c) None of d) A little
44. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) I need little sugar so as not to put on many weight.
b) I need a little sugar so as not to put on more weight.
c) I don’t want a lot sugar so as not to put on more weight.
d) I don’t want lots sugar so as not to put on weight.
45. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 43

a) Rami it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next Thursday.
b) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister s wedding party next Thursday.
c) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next Thursday.
d) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next thursday.
46. We use “Consequently,” in a paragraph or an essay to …………
a) introduce the result of something.
b) give a reason for something.
c) give contrasting information.
d) introduce a summary of the main points.
47. A narrative essay's goal is to …………
a) convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.
b) adopt a specific position on an issue with the intention of persuading readers.
c) tell readers a story, often about an experience that resulted in a powerful life-
changing moment.
d) advise you to research a theory, analyse evidence, elaborate on the idea, and present
a clear and concise argument about the notion.
48. What is the main idea of this paragraph?
In our daily lives, technology plays a vital part. We use it in a variety of situations. However, I
am a firm believer in wisely using technology in a manner that does not cause harm or
addiction. It's important to remember that technology is a double- edged sword. That is why we
must use technology in a way that is beneficial to all of us. I oppose those who advocate for
widespread technological use at the price of human security and safety. Also, I am opposed to
employing it in place of humans; in many sectors, technology cannot replace people. For
example, teaching necessitates direct touch between students and teachers.
a) The writer is in favour of the wise use of technology, bearing in mind not to let it harm
or replace humankind in all fields.
b) The writer is a believer in wisely using technology in a manner that does not cause
harm or addiction, regardless of the possible unemployment of some people.
c) The writer is a firm believer in the mass use of technology at the expense of man as
long as we make profits.
d) The writer is against the wise use of technology although it makes people’s lives
easier and more comfortable.
‫تشٌر ظاهرة تشغٌل األطفال إلً استغاللهم فً أشكال مختلفة من العمل بما ٌحرمهم من طفولتهم و ٌمنعهم من الذهاب إلً المدرسة و‬
.ً‫ٌؤثر علٌهم جسدٌا ً و اجتماعٌا ً و معنوٌا‬
a) Child labour refers to the exploitation of children in different forms of crime that
deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and affects
them psychologically, physically, socially and morally.
b) Child labour aims at the exploitation of children in different forms of work that
frightens them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and affects
them physically, socially and morally.
c) The phenomenon of child labour refers to the exploitation of children in different
forms of work that deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to
gardens and affects them physically, socially, and economically.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
d) The phenomenon of child labour refers to exploiting children in various forms of work
that deprives them of their childhood, prevents them from going to school and affects
them physically, socially, and morally.
50. If you want to achieve more success in life, you'll need a lot of determination. So, if you fail
at the beginning, never lose hope or give up.
‫ ال تفمد األمل و‬,‫ و لذلن إذا فشلت فً البداٌة‬,‫ فأنت بحاجة إلً الكثٌر من التصمٌم‬,‫إذا كنت تحاول تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح فً الحٌاة‬
.‫و أطلب نصٌحة اآلخرٌن‬
‫ ال تفمد‬,‫ و لذلن إذا فشلت فً البداٌة‬,‫ فأنت بحاجة إلً الكثٌر من المجهود‬,‫إذا كنت ترغب فً تحمٌك بعض من النجاح فً الحٌاة‬
.ً‫األمل و ال تستسلم أبدا‬
‫ ال تفمد‬,‫ و لذلن إذا فشلت فً البداٌة‬,‫ فأنت بحاجة إلً الكثٌر من التصمٌم‬,‫إذا كنت ترغب فً تحمٌك المزٌد من النجاح فً الحٌاة‬
.ً‫األمل و ال تستسلم أبدا‬
‫ ال تفمد األمل‬,‫ و لذلن إذا فشلت فً البداٌة‬,‫ فستحتاج بعض التصمٌم‬,‫إذا كنت ترغب فً تحمٌك المزٌد و المزٌد من النجاح فً الحٌاة‬
.ً‫و ال تستسلم أبدا‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. I never believe ………. that he says; he usually tells lies!
a) every b) all c) whole d) each
2. How long ………. each other?
a) will you be known b) have you been knowing
c) have you known d) had you known
3. You are wasting your time before the final exam; you ………. computer games for three
hours now.
a) have played b) had been playing
c) are playing d) have been playing
4. My grandfather ………. the village house since his retirement.
a) has owned b) is owning c) has been owning d) had owned
5. He’s still angry with me and he ………. my apology yet.
a) hasn’t been accepted b) hasn’t accepted
c) don’t accept d) hadn’t accepted
6. Do you need ………. else, sir? - Yes, I need a packet of tea, please.
a) all things b) everything c) anything d) nothing
7. He………. for the company since he was twenty-five. He enjoys his work there.
a) had worked b) has worked c) is working d) has been working
8. I ………. my mobile. Can you help me find it?
a) got lost b) had lost c) have lost d) have been losing
9. Why are worried, Tamer? - I ………. for my exam result all day.
a) have been waiting b) have waited
c) had been waiting d) had waited
10. I haven’t seen Yasser ………. the last time we were at the conference together.
a) when b) since c) for d) ago
11. I need ………. rice, please; I need a small amount.
a) a little b) a few c) little d) much
12. When Rami got home, he found that a delicious meal………. by his mother.
a) had been prepared b) had prepared
c) has been preparing d) was preparing
13. It ………. that a new school will be built in our town.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 45
a) is reporting b) is reported
c) have been reported d) had been reported
14. Our house ……….…. in 2002.
a) built b) has built c) was built d) has been built
15. Because the road ………, you won't be able to take this route.
a) will pave b) had been paved c) is paving d) is being paved
16. Eman has had no promotion for three years. She hopes………. next month.
a) to be promoted b) will be promoted c) to promote d) to being promoted
17. Amani: Didn’t you buy any flour? Heba: No, I bought………. to make cakes.
a) any b) no c) some d) many
18. While they were watching TV, the house ………. suddenly. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
a) had been collapsed b) was collapsed
c) collapsed d) is collapsing
19. ….………. about the result of the exam next week?
a) Will we tell b) Were we told c) Will we be told d) Were we telling
20. Not ………. students will get full marks unless they study hard and do excellent revision
a) a few b) many c) a lot d) none
21. She ………. for the exam all day. Now, she appears to be exhausted.
a) had been revising b) has been revising
c) will be revising d) revised
22. Don’t worry about Hatim because I ………. him the money he needed.
a) has been given b) was given c) have given d) had given
23. A lot of smart mobile phones ……… in China.
a) are produced b) has been produced c) produce d) are producing
24. I don’t like ……… late at night.
a) to visit b) to be visited c) visiting d) to being visited
25. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) He is still writing the final report; he hadn’t finished yet.
b) He is still writing the final report; he hasn’t finished yet.
c) He is still writing the final report; he had finished it by 6 pm.
d) He was busy because he has been writing the final report for two hours.
26. My kids are worried about ………. for making a lot of noise.
a) been punished b) be punished c) punishing d) being punished
27. I spend ………. time watching TV as I’m always busy studying most of the day.
a) a lot b) much c) a little d) a few
28. Don’t ………. the opportunity to share in helping people as long as you can do this.
a) miss b) lose c) keep d) get
29. If you are dissatisfied ………. the product, please return it within15 days.
a) of b) by c) from d) with
30. Do you think that earning more money is a real ……….?
a) succession b) success c) successful d) succeed
31. The real ………. why he was angry is that he was insulted openly.
a) reason b) result c) merit d) opinion
32. You should stop smoking; it's a life-saving decision to ………. .
a) appear b) take c) make d) a & b

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
33. I need a day ……….; I need to relax outside of my home.
a) of b) off c) in d) out of
34. My sister usually has her hair ………. every week.
a) appeared b) grown c) made d) done
35. Some people find it challenging to ………. their personal lives with their work.
a) appear b) delete c) balance d) separate
36. We should ………. in doing volunteer work to serve our community.
a) decide b) participate c) join d) take
37. In her CV, my sister presented herself as a/an ………. for an internship in digital marketing.
a) candidate b) employee c) leader d) employer
38. I have very good ………. skills; I’m sure my interviewer will be amazed!
a) organ b) organiser c) organisational d) organisation
39. My children don’t like playing ………. games; they always want to go out and play in the
a) outdoors b) indoor c) indoors d) outdoor
40. I have a………. for designing on the computer; it is my favourite hobby.
a) process b) passion c) work d) demerit
41. How will you decide what career ………. to take?
a) decision b) section c) direction d) reflection
42. I was astonished when I found out that I had won a medal in the poetry competition.
"Astonished" is a synonym for "extremely ………. ".
a) happy b) surprised c) sad d) worried
43. What is your job…….? - I am senior editor.
a) symbol b) rate c) title d) address
44. The movie star has a lot of.…… who flock to follow and see him everywhere he goes.
a) admirers b) enemies c) competitors d) rivals
45. Due to the enthusiasm they have, young people can succeed in their jobs although they
.……….… experience.
a) leak b) lack c) lock d) leach
46. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Rami it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next Thursday
b) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister s wedding party next Thursday.
c) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next Thursday.
d) Rami, it will be nice to see you again at my sister’s wedding party next thursday.
47. Reading enables us to widen our horizons. Moreover, it’s an amazing source of
information. Moreover here shows …………. .
a) contrast b) addition c) condition d) reason
48. The following is part of a/an …………. essay.
a) narrative b) argumentative c) persuasive d) descriptive
Holidays are a time for us to recharge our batteries and spend quality time with our family and
friends. Every holiday, we have a nice time and indulge in our favourite pastimes; we have a lot
of fun and make good memories. The previous holiday, on the other hand, was not perfect. As
usual, we drove to Sharm El-Shiekh in our car. We heard strange noises in our car's engine on
the road, and it suddenly broke down. My brother was unable to restart the engine. Our car had
to be towed to a nearby service centre. We were surprised to learn that the engine had a
significant fault that would take two days to resolve. We waited a long time for a car to arrive

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 47

and pick us up. Taken by surprise, we forgot to take our necessary things out of our car.
Therefore, we were forced to send our brother back to the service centre to collect our
luggage. Really, it was a holiday to forget all about!
‫ تنفذ الحكومة المصرٌة سٌاسة إصالح التصادي‬,‫باإلضافة إلً االهتمام بتطوٌر البنٌة التحتٌة و إنشاء العدٌد من المشروعات المومٌة‬
.‫ و من المتولع أن نستمتع بنتائج تلن السٌاسة فً المستمبل المرٌب‬,‫طوٌلة األمد‬
a) In addition to the interest in developing infrastructure and establishing many private projects,
the Egyptian government hopes for a short-term social reform policy. It is expected that we
will enjoy the results of this policy in the near future.
b) In addition to the interest in developing infrastructure and establishing many national
projects, the Egyptian government is implementing a long-term economic reform policy. It is
expected that we will enjoy the results of this policy in the near future.
c) In addition to the interest in developing infrastructure and establishing many investment
projects, the Egyptian government is planning for a long-term scientific reform policy. It is
thought that we will enjoy the results of this policy in the near future.
d) In addition to the interest in developing infrastructure and establishing many national
projects, the Egyptian government is implementing a long-term scientific reform policy. It is
accepted that we will enjoy the results of this policy in the near future.
50. A lot of businesses allow you to earn more money online by performing different activities
that computers cannot do, such as analysing and rating web content.
‫تسمح لن الكثٌر من األعمال بكسب المزٌد من المال عبر اإلنترنت من خالل المٌام بأنشطة صعبة ال تستطٌع أجهزة الكمبٌوتر المٌام‬
.‫ مثل جمع بٌانات محتوي الوٌب و تمٌٌمه‬, ‫بها‬
‫تسمح لن الكثٌر من األعمال بكسب المزٌد من المال عبر اإلنترنت من خالل المٌام بأنشطة مختلفة ال تستطٌع أجهزة الكمبٌوتر المٌام‬
.‫ مثل برمجة محتوي صفحة علً االنترنت و تمٌٌمها‬, ‫بها‬
‫تسمح لن الكثٌر من األعمال بممارسة المزٌد من الهواٌات عبر اإلنترنت من خالل المٌام بأنشطة مختلفة ال تستطٌع أجهزة الكمبٌوتر‬
.‫ مثل تحلٌل محتوي صفحة علً االنترنت و تمٌٌمها‬, ‫المٌام بها‬
‫تسمح لن الكثٌر من األعمال بكسب المزٌد من المال عبر اإلنترنت من خالل المٌام بأنشطة مختلفة ال تستطٌع أجهزة الكمبٌوتر المٌام‬
.‫ مثل تحلٌل محتوي صفحة علً االنترنت و تمٌٌمها‬, ‫بها‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. The Eiffel Tower is probably the most famous ………. in Paris.
a) land tenancy b) landfall c) landmark d) landfill
2. A ………. is a traditional story, particularly one that relates to people's early history or
explains a natural or social phenomenon.
a) superstition b) myth c) role model d) dream
3. The Karnak ………. dates back from around 2055 BC to around 100 AD.
a) temple b) oasis c) mountain d) river
4. My aunt asked a famous ………. to help her with a legal problem. He defended her well in
the law court.
a) farmer b) judge c) criminal d) lawyer
5. The British museum is the most popular tourist ………. in London.
a) destruction b) obstruction c) attraction d) distraction
6. I live in a quiet fishing village with a/an ………. harbour which is really fantastic.
a) picturesque b) ugly c) ordinary d) dull
7. The ancient tomb contained the fossilised ………. of extinct animals.

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Longman exercises
a) pillars b) remains c) temples d) forts
8. Who ………. the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics? – Champollion decoded them.
a) deciphered b) hid c) disappeared d) wrote
9. We were ………. by the beauty of nature when we visited our village.
a) disgusted b) distracted c) educated d) captivated
10. The High ………. helps to store and provide water for agriculture all year.
a) Dam b) Ferry c) Bridge d) Way
11. The archaeologists have found wonderful ………. inside the royal tomb.
a) trees b) landfalls c) artefacts d) museums
12. Mohamed Mashally was known as the doctor of the poor; he ………. his life to treating
them for free.
a) prevented b) appeared c. dedicated d) educated
13. The museum is well ………. visiting; it contains rare artefacts.
a) believed b) worth c) done d) made
14. Do you know where the………. of Qaitbey lies?
a) fort b) lighthouse c) ferry d) temple
15. He isn’t a kind man; don’t be ………. by his tricky behaviour.
a) misled b) believed c) appeared d) helped
16. My sister likes to make clothes out of wool; she is currently ………. a sweater for my
a) letting b) knitting c) hitting d) sitting
17. In 1899, two archaeologists found many well- ………. crocodile mummies in Umm el-
a) reversed b) preserved c) cooked d) killed
18. The impressive modern Bibliotheca Alexandrina is one of the most important………..
landmarks in the city.
a) ancient b) unknown c) contemporary d) temporary
19. The film was really ………; the girls believed the incident and started weeping.
a) removable b) comic c) funny d) moving
20. What ………. me to visit the museum is my desire to see the wonderful mummies of kings
and queens.
a) inspires b) conspired c) respired d) realized
21. “The Tragedy” is one of the most famous authentic works by Picasso. Authentic is similar
in meaning to “………..”.
a) fake b) genuine c) false d) ordinary
22. When I visited Khan el-Khalili, the ……….. for me was getting some souvenirs for my
a) highlight b) light year c) light sleep d) high noon
23. We use “………..” when we want to introduce the summary.
a) first of all b) not at all c) above all d) all in all
24. Ann hasn’t arrived yet. She ……….. the train. Who knows?
a) should have missed b) might have missed
c) had to miss d) must have missed
25. I regret making that silly mistake; I ……….. have quarrelled with my friend.
a) should b) must c) shouldn’t d) can’t
26. I ………… in a small village, but I moved to live in Alexandria when I joined university.

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a) am living b) used to live c) would live d) will live
27. She ……… be happy; she has just passed her final exam.
a) must b) had to c) can't d) ought not to
28. Amin travelled to work by bus. He ……… by train as usual.
a) must have travelled b) had to travel
c) could have travelled d) might have travelled
29. Tamer did not attend the party. He ………. invited. He’s just had a heart attack and is in
a) can't have b) can't have been
c) mustn't have been d) shouldn't have
30. My father left for work and he ………. to take his mobile phone. I found it in the living room.
a) mustn't have remembered b) had to remember
c) couldn’t have remembered d) must have remembered
31. I ……………up early on Fridays, but now I like to get up early every day.
a) got b) won’t get c) use to get d) didn’t use to get
32. Kamal ………..… by train yesterday. I’m uncertain.
a) might travel b) might have travelled
c) should travel d) must have travelled
33. ………… has arrived on time, haven’t they?
a) Everyone b) No one c) Neither of them d) All of them
34. She …………… the map. She found herself in a completely different town.
a) had to follow b) can’t have followed
c) may have followed d) mustn’t have followed
35. Yasser would always go to the cinema on Thursdays. This means:
a) He is used to going to the cinema on Thursdays.
b) He used to go to the cinema on Thursdays.
c) He always goes to the cinema on Thursdays.
d) He never went to the cinema on Thursdays.
36. Your answer is full of mistakes. You ……………. it well.
a) needn't have checked b) must have checked
c) can’t have checked d) had to check
37. He ………… on time because he missed his usual early train.
a) had to arrive b) must have arrived
c) won’t have arrived d) couldn’t have arrived
38. This temple ……… be important; it's visited by hundreds of people every day.
a) shouldn't b) can't c) mustn't d) must
39. Everyone is putting their umbrellas up; it …………… raining.
a) had to start b. must have started
c) shouldn't have started d. mustn’t have started
40. My father…………… to work when he was young, but nowadays he uses his car.
a) would always walk b) didn’t use to walk
c) is used to walking d) always walks
41. …………… football when he was a child?
a) Does he play b) would he play
c) is he used to playing d) Did he use to play
42. He no longer smokes as he ………… .

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) would do b) used to do
c) is used to doing d) never used to do
43. It's about a one-hour drive to the factory, give or take a few minutes. "Give or take" means
a) plus b) minus c) plus or minus d) exactly
44. No one has invited her to the wedding party, …………?
a) have they b) has he c) hasn’t she d) haven’t they
45. A colon (:) can be used to …………
a) end a sentence b) show explanation
c) express a result d) express exclamation
46. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) Her son, Jack Jones Jr., was born on nov. 6, 2010.
b) Her son, Jack Jones Jr , was born on Nov. 6, 2010.
c) Her son Jack Jones Jr., was born on Nov. 6, 2010.
d) Her son, Jack Jones Jr., was born on Nov. 6, 2010.
47. We write a descriptive essay when we…….
a) narrate a story or a personal / someone’s event or experience.
b) persuade someone of a certain point of view, adopting our own opinion, which is
rather based on emotions.
c) focus on the details or description of something, like a place or a monument, for
d) try to make someone accept our opinion, which is mainly based on logic.
48. In this part of the essay, the author ………
The Great Pyramid of Giza, located north of Cairo, Egypt on the west bank of the Nile
River, is the only ancient world wonder that has survived to the present day. It is one of
three royal pyramids built between 2700 and 2500 B.C., including Khufu, Khafra and
Menkaura. Khufu, also known as "The Great Pyramid," is the largest and most impressive,
covering 13 acres and containing over 2 million stone blocks weighing between two and 30
tons each.
a) spoke about the seven wonders of the world.
b) showed the reason why The Great Pyramid of Giza was built.
c) explained the merits and demerits of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
d) introduced a descriptive style for The Great Pyramid of Giza.
49. Choose the correct translation:
‫ باإلضافة لكونه مصدر إلهام لألجٌال المادمة لتحمٌك المزٌد من‬, ‫ و الذي ٌعد مصدر فخر للمصرٌٌن‬, ‫تحظً مصر بتراث ثمافً هائل‬
.‫التنمٌة و النجاح فً شتً المجاالت‬
a) Egypt has a marvellous social heritage, which is a source of pride for the Arabs, in
addition to being a source of inspiration for future generations to achieve more
development and success in various fields.
b) Egypt has a marvellous cultural heritage, which is a source of pride for the Egyptians,
in addition to being a source of inspiration for future generations to achieve more
development and success in various fields.
c) Egypt has a tremendous cultural heritage, which is a source of wealth for the
Egyptians, in addition to being a source of inspiration for the present generations to
achieve more development and success in various fields.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 51

d) Egypt has a tremendous cultural heritage, which is a source of pride for the
Egyptians, in addition to being a source of power for future generations to keep this
heritage and achieve success in various fields.
50. Choose the correct translation:
The government adopts a sustainable development strategy, which represents a roadmap for
achieving the dreams and aspirations of Egyptians in a dignified life.
.‫ تتبنً الحكومة استراتٌجٌة تنمٌة مستدامة تمثل خارطة طرٌك لتحمٌك أحالم و تطلعات الموظفٌن المصرٌٌن فً حٌاة كرٌمة‬.A
.‫ تتبنً الحكومة استراتٌجٌة تنمٌة مستدامة تمهد الطرٌك لتحمٌك أحالم و تطلعات المصرٌٌن فً حٌاة كرٌمة فً كل أنحاء البلد‬.B
‫ لمد تبنت الحكومة استراتٌجٌة تنمٌة مستدامة تمثل خارطة طرٌك لتحمٌك أحالم و تطلعات المصرٌٌن فً حٌاة كرٌمة فً كل‬.C
.‫أنحاء الرٌف‬
.‫ تتبنً الحكومة استراتٌجٌة تنمٌة مستدامة تمثل خارطة طرٌك لتحمٌك أحالم و تطلعات المصرٌٌن فً حٌاة كرٌمة‬.D

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. My brother is bilingual; he speaks ………. .
a) one language b) two languages c) three languages d) no language
2. In some countries, there may be one ………. language, which is usually the one used by the
a) silent b) temporary c) dominant d) second
3. The first language you learn as a baby is your ………. .
a) unknown language b) mother tongue
c) foreign language d) second language
4. He is ……….; he is able to speak a number of languages.
a) dumb b) mute c) bilingual d) multilingual
5. What are the ………. that give Egyptians a unique identity?
a) demerits b) characteristics c) characters d) quantities
6. Knowing about your family’s roots helps build a sense of ………. and brings you closer to
older relatives.
a) horror b) humour c) identity d) quality
7. I’m fortunate to have two cultures in my family. “Fortunate” is a synonym for “……….”.
a) lucky b) baggy c) unlucky d) miserable
8. Leila warmly ………. her son, who was terribly afraid, and he soon felt safe.
a) kicked b) hit c) embraced d) traced
9. Tourists leave the country fascinated by the places they visited and the hospitable people
they met. This shows the tourists’ ……. .
a) dissatisfaction b) infraction c) over action d) satisfaction
10. There are sixteen other ………. spoken round the country, for example in Nubia, people
speak Nobiin.
a) symbols b) dialects c) accents d) codes
11. In Nubia and the Nile Valley, you will see monuments that ………. famous Pharaohs like
Khufu, Djoser, Amenhotep III and Khafre.
a) cultivate b) eradicate c) commemorate d) communicate
12. Egypt has a rich history which ………. back thousands of years.
a) pretends b) happens c) dates d) writes
13. ………. is the way in which a society deals with cultural diversity, both at the national and
community level.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
a) Multilingualism b) Multiculturalism c) Multimedia d) Multicourse
14. I’m proud that one of my ………. shared in establishing the local museums hundreds of
years ago.
a) ancestors b) fathers c) grandchildren d) sons
15. Despite living in a nice villa, I realised I was ………. after I had spent a few months in
London; I missed my family so much!
a) homeless b) homebuilt c) homemade d) homesick
16. Try to be optimistic; don’t let this little incident .………. your day.
a) make b) spoil c) cause d) help
17. The wound is gaping. The bandage must be ………. enough to stop the bleeding.
a) baggy b) loose c) tight d) light
18. The witness said that the young man had hit the other car ………. . He damaged it on
a) deliberately b) deliberate c) intentional d) unintentionally
19. I gave you my word. I will visit you next week. “I gave you my word,” means:
a) I spoke with you. b) I promised you.
c) You shouldn’t expect me to come. d) You should have believed me.
20. It is incredible that he survived that terrible accident. “Incredible” here is a synonym for
a) supposable b) imaginable c) unbelievable d) believable
21. Luxor, ………. monuments are famous everywhere, attracts tourists from all over the
a) what b) which c) that d) whose
22. My uncle works for the company, ………. has developed a vaccine against COVID-19.
a) which b) what c) where d) whose
23. Mr Kareem, ……. lives in Luxor, assures that tourists going there will experience hospitality
and an amazing history.
a) who b) that c) whom d) which
24. These famous sonnets are poems ………. by William Shakespeare on a variety of themes.
a) were written b) written c) which written d) writing
25. In the past, Britain had a great empire ………. the sun never set on.
a) what b) where c) which d) whose
26. Cleopatra was the last of a series of rulers, called the Ptolemies, ………. ruled Egypt for
300 years.
a) whose b) whom c) which d) who
27. Al Azhar Park, ………. we used to go, is currently being renovated.
a) where b) that c) which d) who
28. Mr Amin, ………. retired, enjoys spending a lot of time with his grandchildren.
a) whom b) that c) who’s d) whose
29. My neighbour's baby, ………. I am caring for, is currently in the hospital.
a) whose b) that c) who’s d) whom
30. This is the interesting novel ……. I wanted to lend you.
a) what b) that c) where d) who
31. Unfortunately, it was only a one-year guarantee ……. came with the fridge, so we will have
to pay so much to have it repaired.
a) what b) that c) where d) who

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32. Do you know the manager with ……. I work?
a) who b) that c) whom d) whose
33. The accountant ……. we employed last month is really efficient.
a) what b) which c) whose d) no relative pronoun
34. Thank you for presenting ……. thorough lecture.
a) such b) such a c) so d) enough
35. The person ……. acts are irresponsible is usually unreliable.
a) whom b) who c) whose d) which
36. The TV ……. I bought last month has started to give a very low sound.
a) who b) that c) what d) when
37. She forgot to bring back her friend’s camera, ……. she had to apologise.
a) which b) at which c) for which d) that
38. Do you think French is .………. all over Africa?
a) speaking b) speaking widely c) widely spoken d) widely-spoken
39. He showed me all ……. he had brought from the book fair.
a) what b) where c) which d) that
40. I think that Chinese is ……. difficult that we can’t learn it easily.
a) such a b) so c) enough d) such
41. I don’t know ……. this strange man is coming from.
a) who’s b) who c) where d) that
42. Do you know ……. your uncle is coming back from Algeria?
a) where b) when c) who d) whose
43. Siwi is the language ………. in parts of the south of the country.
a) spoken b) which is speaking c) speaking d) which spoken
44. It is a .………. fact that being bilingual can improve some brain functions.
a) knowing b) widely knowing c) well known d) well-known
45. ….………. you say is unbelievable: the sun is not a planet!
a) Which b) What c) That d) Who
46. Our civilisation, ………. is the oldest in the world, is our source of pride.
a) where b) what c) that d) which
47. I don’t know ………. making this noise, but all of you must keep quiet.
a) whose b) who’s c) that d) who
48. Which of the following is structurally correct?
a) I read the book which you lent it to me. b) I read the book you lent me.
c) I read the book what you lent me. d) I read the book you lent it to me.
49. The mobile phone cost so .………. that I couldn’t buy it.
a) many b) much c) few d) little
50. Don’t worry; the lecture is easy .………. to study alone.
a) enough b) so c) too d) such a
51. I don’t know the name of the factory in………. he works.
a) what b) which c) where d) who
52. After having been infected with COVID-19, I became too tired to work. This means that
a) I became fit enough to work. b) I wasn’t so tired that I could work.
c) I was tired enough to work. d) I became so tired that I couldn’t work.
53. Try to keep your car clean and well maintained; it will sell more easily.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
We use semi-colons instead of full stops to …………
a) show exclamation. b) introduce unexpected events.
c) separate two main clauses. d) compare two main clauses.
54. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) “I haven't put those shelves up yet” said Walid.
b) “I haven t put those shelves up yet”, said Walid.
c) “I haven't put those shelves up yet,” said Walid.
d) “I haven't put those shelves up yet, said Walid.
Read this part of the essay and choose the correct answer:
During pandemics, parents prefer homeschooling to help their children avoid being infected.
Despite this temporary procedure, I’m a strong supporter of learning at school. It’s much more
beneficial than homeschooling. According to statistics, at school, students learn much better
because they have actual interaction with their teachers. In addition, they can practise
activities a lot more effectively. Moreover, they receive their lessons in a natural atmosphere at
school, where they gain knowledge and have useful competition with their classmates. This, in
turn, could have a great effect on their achievement.
55. This could be part of a/an …… essay.
a) persuasive b) narrative c) descriptive d) argumentative
56. According to this essay, the writer …….
a) prefers homeschooling in all cases.
b) finds homeschooling more beneficial than learning at school.
c) supports learning at schools for further benefits.
d) tends to support a mixture of both types: homeschooling and learning at school, even
in normal cases.
57. The underlined word "temporary" is opposite in meaning to "……."
a) permanent b) provisional c) short d) ineffective
58. Students gain knowledge and have useful competition with their classmates at school.
“Gain” here is similar in meaning to “……”.
a) lose b) miss c) acquire d) inquire
59. Choose the correct translation
Modern culture and civilisation have become dependent on science and technologies as they
have become an integral part of life according to the needs and requirements of the people.
‫ لمد أصبحت المعرفة و الحضارة الحدٌثة معتمدة علً العلوم و التمنٌات حٌث أصبحت هامة فً الحٌاة وفما ً الحتٌاجات و متطلبات‬.A
‫ لمد أصبحت الثمافة و الحضارة الحدٌثة معتمدة علً العلوم و التمنٌات حٌث أصبحت جزءا ً ال ٌتجزأ من الحٌاة وفما ً الحتٌاجات و‬.B
.‫متطلبات الناس‬
‫ أصبحت الثمافة المدنٌة الحدٌثة معتمدة علً العلوم و التمنٌات حٌث أصبحت جزءا ً عظٌما ً فً الحٌاة وفما ً الحتٌاجات و متطلبات‬.C
.‫ أصبحت الحضارة الحدٌثة معتمدة علً العلوم و التمنٌات حٌث أصبحت جزءا ً ال ٌتجزأ من الحٌاة وفما ً ألحالم و متطلبات الناس‬.D
60. Choose the correct translation
‫هنان العدٌد من العناصر األساسٌة التً تشكل كل ثمافة مهما اختلف نوعها مثل البٌئة الجغرافٌة و الروابط األسرٌة و اللغة و نوعٌة‬
.‫التعلٌم و المعتمدات و المٌم‬
a) There are a lot of basic elements that make up every knowledge, regardless of its
type, such as geographical environment, family relations, language, quality of
education, issues and values.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 55

b) There are a lot of basic elements that affect every culture, regardless of its type, such
as the geographical environment, family ties, language, quality of education, beliefs
and skills.
c) There are a lot of basic elements that make up every culture, regardless of its type,
such as geographical environment, family ties, language, quality of education, beliefs
and values.
d) There are a lot of minor elements that make up every culture, regardless of its type,
such as the geographical environment, family ties, hobbies, quality of education,
beliefs and values.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. Ali told me that he …………… his lesson at that moment.
a) was revising b) has been revising c) will revise d) was revised
2. I was told that a secondary school …………… in the neighbouring village.
a) has built b) has been built c) had been built d) had built
3. My father told me that we …………… to the club until we finished our homework.
a) don’t go b) won't go c) hadn't gone d) wouldn’t go
4. Samir says that he…………… the summer holiday in Hurghada when he has finished
a) has spent b) will spend c) would spend d) had spent
5. The general manager declared that the company …………… efficient and punctual workers
the next month.
a) had promoted b) is promoting
c. is going to promote d) was going to promote
6. Tom said that he …………. about that accident before he returned home.
a) hadn’t told b) isn’t told c) hadn’t been told d) won’t tell
7. She informed me that my friend Rami …………. a terrible accident while he was driving to
a) have had b) had c) will be having d) is having
8. I told her that she…………. a bad mistake and that she should be cautious later on.
a) had made b) is making c) would make d) has made
9. Gaber …………. he was ready for the interview.
a) told b) said c) wondered d) informed
10. The social studies teacher told us that Russia …………. the world's largest country by
a) was b) is c) has been d) will be
11. Tarek complained that the service at that hotel …………. bad.
a) has been b) is c) was d) would be
12. The interviewer said that they would inform me of the result of the interview …………. .
a) next week b) the following week c) last week d) the week before
13. Could you tell me why ……….. to London last month?
a) did you travel b) had you travelled c) you travelled d) you had travelled
14. Ali wanted to know………. I was ready for the exam or not.
a) whether b) why c) that d) when
15. Tamer wonders when I ………. home because he needs my help badly.
a) had returned b) going to return c) would return d) will return

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
16. My mother asked why ………. that loud noise.
a) I was making b) was I making c) I will make d) had I made
17. I asked my mother if food ……….. .
a) has prepared b) had prepared
c) had been prepared d) has been prepared
18. My friend wanted to know how long ………….. for the car factory.
a) am I working b) I am working
c) had I been working d) I had been working
19. Huda inquired ………….. or not I would accept that invitation.
a) if b) whether c) that d) which
20. Please, tell me where ………. meet tomorrow.
a) we were going to b) we are going to c) will we d) are we going to
21. The shop assistant asked why I ………. to change that tie.
a) want b) was wanted c) wanted d) have wanted
22. Samir ………. me why I had chosen that T-shirt.
a) said b) inquired c) ordered d) asked
23. My friend recommends that I …………. that mobile because it isn’t a smartphone.
a. to buy b) not to buy c) don't buy d) buy
24. The policeman ………..… the rash driver not to drive so fast.
a) made b) wondered c) instructed d) said
25. I suggested that Ali ………..… to the library with us.
a) went b) to go c) going d) go
26. Rami: My brother said," Why ………..… consult a doctor?
Hatim: Surely, I will act upon his suggestion.
a) haven’t you consulted b) don't you
c) didn't you d) you didn't
27. My friend recommends………..… “Oliver Twist “as it is interesting.
a) reading b) to read c) read d) not reading
28. 'Don't park here; it is forbidden". - The policeman said we………..… park there.
a) should b) shouldn’t c) mustn’t d) must
29. My friend suggests………………. for the next bus because it is too late.
a) not waiting b) to waiting c) we waited d) don't wait
30. Mohamed Salah is a talented player who has achieved marvellous success; he is really a
living……………. .
a) lie b) legend c) superstition d) fable
31. To achieve more success, you will need a lot of perseverance. "Perseverance" is the
synonym of ".………. ".
a) carelessness b) cleverness c) determination d) deterioration
32. …………. are stories that were made up by people who wanted to explain how our world
works, such as how natural events occur.
a) Dreams b) Legends c) Lies d) Myths
33. The Nile no longer …………. as it used to as a result of the high dam.
a) irrigates b) moves c) floods d) rains
34. The novel is vastly ……………….; the author presents the main character as more
extreme or dramatic than he really is.
a) exaggerated b) realistic c) authentic d) historic

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 57

35. Sorrowfully, the young man lost his mind and wounded his neighbour in a ………. of anger.
a) fat b) foot c) fit d) fete
36. Stop being talkative; I’m ………………. up with your lies!
a) made b) fed c) given d) looked
37. Our country will continue to make progress as long as sincere people do………. .
a) disappear b) rest c) escape d) exist
38. To…………. Is to extend your arms and legs.
a) stretch out b) cheer up c) break down d) look back
39. There should be a/an .…………. decline in the national birth rate to achieve more
development and raise standards of living.
a) steady b) fluctuating c) instable d) trifle
40. Peter is an intelligent student, but he lacks.…………. .
a) hesitation b) motivation c) retardation d) obstruction.
41. Myths can be passed ………………. from one generation to another.
a) in b) into c) on d) to
42. Peace is the backbone of stability and growth all across the world, so its spread is a topic
of ………………. concern.
a) minor b) local c) limited d) universal
43. We had a big argument a few months ago, but it’s all water under the bridge now. This
a) That was an event in the past and it’s still regarded as important now.
b) That was an event in the past, but it’s no longer regarded as important.
c) That event is still effective like running water.
d) That event is as important as running water.
44. The police have strong.…………. that the factory worker is the killer.
a) evidence b) cleverness c) eagerness d) dizziness
45. My friend is really.………… ; he never brags about his achievements or possessions.
a) tolerate b) arrogant c pompous d humble
46. He behaved with great .…………. towards his rival after he had won the game. He showed
true nobility.
a) activity b) chivalry c) hatred d) envy
47. Having healthy food and doing sports are the secrets of .……. youth.
a) external b) ordinary c) eternal d) limited
48. Myths and legends tell us about the .…………. of people from the past.
a) perspectives b) failures c) humour d) laziness
49. The purpose of ………… is to teach a lesson or moral. They are often about animals,
plants or forces of nature.
a) myths b) fables c) superstitions d) lies
50. Which of the following is punctuated correctly
a) You don't know your 20 year-old neighbour well, do you?
b) You don't know your 20-year-old neighbour well, do you?
c) You don't know your 20-year old neighbour well do you?
d) You don t know your 20-year old neighbour well, do you?
51. Finally, the terrorist paid with his life. His means:
a) He was sentenced to death as a result of his crimes.
b) He had to pay a huge fine for his crime.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬

Longman exercises
c) He had to prove he was innocent.
d) He was imprisoned for a short time.
52. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) What! I can’t believe you did this to your brother s friend!
b) What! I can’t believe you did this to your brother’s friend?
c) What I can’t believe you did this to your brother’s friend!
d) What! I can’t believe you did this to your brother’s friend!
Read this paragraph and choose the correct answer:
The primary purpose of mass media is to reach out to the general public and inform them.
Moreover, it analyses and observes our surroundings in order to deliver information in the form
of news. As a result, the general public is continually informed about not only their immediate
surroundings but also the rest of the world. This is how the media disseminates and perceives
information. Weather forecasts, for example, enable individuals and farmers to plan ahead.
Fishermen, likewise, receive information on tidal activity from the news. Furthermore, the
media works to preserve the fabric of our social heritage by showcasing our rituals, mythology,
and civilisation.
53. What is the main idea of this essay?
a) The disadvantages of the mass media.
b) The merits and demerits of the mass media.
c) The role of the mass media.
d) How to avoid being badly affected by the mass media
54. According to the paragraph, the news provides information on .……… to fishermen.
a) kinds of water b) tides c) species of fish d) quiet waves
55. According to the paragraph, the mass media is beneficial to .………… .
a) farmers only b) specific professions c) different people d) navigation only
56. Furthermore, it analyses and observes our surroundings in order to deliver information in
the form of news.
In this sentence, “Furthermore” shows .……………… .
a) addition b) contrast c) cause d) contrast
57. The underlined word “disseminates” means ………… .
a) prints b) prevents c) spreads d) inquires
ً‫ فالبد أن نسعً بجد للكً نحمك أحالمنا و ننجح فً الحٌاة باإلضافة الً المساهمة ف‬,‫لٌس كافٌا ً أن نفتخر دوما ً بإنجازات أجدادنا‬
.‫تحمٌك مزٌد من الرلً للمجتمع‬
a) It is not enough to always be proud of the achievements of our parents; we must
strive hard to achieve their dreams and succeed in life, in addition to contributing to
the further advancement of society.
b) It is not enough to always be keen on the achievements of our ancestors; we must
strive hard to achieve our dreams and succeed in life, in addition to contributing to
the further welfare of society.
c) It is not enough to always be proud of the civilisation of our ancestors; we must strive
hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions in life, in addition to contributing to the
further advancement of society.
d) It is not enough to always be proud of the achievements of our ancestors; we must
strive hard to achieve our dreams and succeed in life, in addition to contributing to
the further advancement of society.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 59

59. You should stop criticizing others without objectivity. You should be positive and take
effective steps towards giving back to the community, or at least appreciating what others
are doing
‫ فٌجب أن تكون إٌجابٌا ً و أن تتخذ خطوات فعالة تجاه رد الجمٌل للمجتمع‬,‫ ٌجب أن نتولف عن مجاملة اآلخرٌن دون موضوعٌة‬.A
.‫أو علً األلل أن تمدر ما ٌموم به اآلخرون‬
‫ فٌجب أن تكون إٌجابٌا ً و أن تتخذ خطوات فعالة تجاه رد الجمٌل للمجتمع أو علً األلل أن‬,‫ ٌجب أن ننتمد اآلخرٌن موضوعٌة‬.B
.‫تمدر ما ٌموم به اآلخرون‬
‫ فٌجب أن تكون إٌجابٌا ً و أن تتخذ خطوات فعالة تجاه رد الجمٌل للمجتمع‬,‫ ٌجب أن نتولف عن انتماد اآلخرٌن دون موضوعٌة‬.C
.‫أو علً األلل أن تمدر ما ٌموم به اآلخرون‬
‫ فٌجب أن ال تكون سلبٌا ً و أن تتخذ خطوات فعالة تجاه رد الجمٌل للوالدٌن‬,‫ ٌجب أن نتولف عن انتماد اآلخرٌن دون موضوعٌة‬.D
.‫أو علً األلل أن تمدر ما ٌموم به اآلخرون‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:

1. The man was honoured by the government; he ……………. a lot of achievements for the
sake of the country.
a) can’t have made b) must have made
c) may have made d) should have made
2. I think I ……………. my watch in the hall. Please can you check this?
a) should have left b) will have left
c) might have left d) will have left
3. Hatim ……………. his car. It is still in front of the house.
a) can't have taken b) had to take
c) might have taken d) shouldn’t have taken
4. She ……………. at home; I have just seen her in the club.
a) might be b) had to be c) must have been d) can’t be
5. It is likely that my friend travelled to Alexandria by train. This means:
a) He couldn’t have travelled to Alexandria by train.
b) He might have travelled to Alexandria by train.
c) He must have travelled to Alexandria by train.
d) He had to travel to Alexandria by train.
6. Rehab ……………; all of us spoke politely with her.
a) might have insulted b) can’t have been insulted
c) must have insulted d) can’t have insulted
7. The young man was set free. The judge……………. sure that he was not guilty.
a) might have been b) can’t have been
c) must have been d) mustn’t have been
8. It’s probable that he forgot to reply to my email. This means that he …………. have forgotten
to reply to my email.
a) might b) can’t c) must d) should
9. This is the club in …………. we played the tennis match yesterday.
a) which b) where c) that d) when
10. I don’t think Basim is serious. Do you believe ……………. he says?
a) who b) which c) that d) what
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
11. Gamal made a silly mistake ……………. his friends criticised him.
a) which b) on which c) for which d) to which
12. Shakespeare, ………… plays are famous everywhere, was one of the greatest poets and
playwrights in England.
a) whose b) which c) who’s d) what
13. My brother attended Cairo University, ……………. he studied Arabic language and
a) which b) where c) who d) that
14. We met our friend ……………. father was rewarded for in the participation in the Hayah
Karima initiative.
a) who b) who’s c) whose d) whom
15. I haven’t decided……………. mobile phone to buy; both of them are smart.
a) that b) what c) whose d) which
16. Do you know the name of the novelist ……………. wrote Wuthering Heights?
a) who b) which c) whose d) whom
17. The Vatican City, ……………. population is around 1,000 people, is the least populated
country in the world.
a) where b) which c) whose d) that
18. Is Mandarin the main language ……………. in China?
a) speaking b) which spoken c) was spoken d) spoken
19. Brazil is one of the top 10 countries in……………. coffee is produced.
a) where b) which c) that d) what
20. Damietta is an Egyptian city ……………… produces high quality furniture.
a) that b) where c) what d) whom
21. Mr Ahmad, ……………. our teacher of English, is friendly and kind.
a) whose b) who’s c) who d) that
22. My uncle promised he………… buy me a new mobile for my birthday party.
a) had to b) will c) would d) is going to
23. Hadeer said to us, “I ………… away for a few days”.
a) going to be b) has been c) would be d) will be
24. Tamer inquired why ………. the weekly meeting.
a) I had postponed b) had I postponed c) I will postpone d) I have postponed
25. Could you tell me why ………... school suddenly yesterday?
a) did you leave b) you left c) would you leave d) you had left
26. Leila said, “I’m typing the final report because the manager needs it urgently.” The correct
reported sentence is……….. .
a) Leila said that she is typing the final report because the manager needed it urgently.
b) Leila said that she was typing the final report because the manager need will it
c) Leila said that she was typing the final report because the manager needed it
d) Leila says that she was typing the final report because the manager needed it
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 61
27. German isn’t ……..…. like English all over the world.
a) speaking widely b) wide spoken c) widely spoken d) widely-spoken
28. Which sentence is structurally correct?
a) My mother inquired me where I had met my new friend the day before.
b) My mother asked me where I had met my new friend the day before.
c) My mother asks me where I had met my new friend the day before.
d) My mother asked me where had I met my new friend the day before?
29. The minister ………. that the government was going to develop our village with the Hayah
Karima initiative.
a) ordered b) declared c) asked d) told
30. I suggest that Adel ………. his father about the strange man he saw in the garden of the
a) informs b) would inform c) inform d) informing
31. Mohamed tells me that he ……………. the next weekend with his friends outside Cairo.
a) had spent d) spend
c. was going to spend d) is going to spend
32. You aren’t ……………. to lift this heavy box; I will help you.
a) strong enough b) such strong c) too strong d) such a strong
33. Hungarian is ………. difficult language that it is very hard to learn.
a) too b) so c) such d) such a
34. We should all take ………. in our cultural heritage and glorious civilisation.
a) care b) place c) pride d) bird
35. I hope that Arabic will be the………. language at international festivals, so that it will
spread more and more.
a) temporary b) dominant c) rare d) uncommon
36. I like stories that are……….and give us fun.
a) imaginary b) imaginatively c) imagine d) imagination
37. The ………. Gardens of Babylon are thought to have been built in the ancient city of
a) Hungry b) Hanging c) Hinging d) Hanger
38. I hope to take a five-………. holiday to have some rest and restore my energy.
a) days’ b) day’s c) day d) days
39. It was ………. that we both bought the same T-shirt; we hadn’t planned to do so!
a) decided b) intended c) a plan d) a coincidence
40. Some people believe that Cairo Tower is the most important ………. in Cairo.
a) landfall b) landmark c) landfill d) land bridge
41. It is very important to ………. money for charities to help the poor.
a) raise b) rise c) arise d) arose
42. Egypt is taking ………. steps towards implementing the economic reform plan. Experts
believe we are on the right track.
a) improper b) unsteady c) steady d) wrong
43. We are ………. by the development projects carried out in Egypt nowadays. These
projects will provide more work chance for youth.
‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬
Longman exercises
a) shocked b) fascinated c) struggled d) sad
44. The child was ……….in horror because of the terrifying nightmare he had seen.
a) saying b) laughing c) appearing d) screaming
45. You should be ………. to be multilingual; this is highly beneficial.
a) fortunate b) unfortunate c) deliberate d) unconfident
46. She warmly ………. her son, who was afraid of the passing dog in the street.
a) hit b) threw c) embraced d) raced
47. When you first met me, how did I come across? This means:
a) How did I pass the difficult situation? b) What impression did you have of me?
c) What impression did I have of you? d) How did you affect me?
48. To take my mind ………. the bad thoughts, I went to the theatre with my friends.
a) of b) in c) into d) off
49. The government is trying to implement very ………. means of communication so we can
attract more foreign investment.
a) elaborate b) uncommon c) deliberate d) slow
50. The lighthouse of Alexandria is a very popular tourist ………... .
a) intention b) attention c) attraction d) interaction
51. What experience do you think is relevant to the new position? “Relevant” is similar in
meaning to “……….”.
a) detached b) unwanted c) difficult d) related
52. Scientists are trying to preserve some rare animals that are about to ………. out.
a) die b) find c) run d) look
53. Everyone should ………. their main goals in life and try to achieve them.
a) sit b) set c) suit d) side
54. A full stop can’t be used ………. .
a) before the person you are speaking to b) at the end of a statement
c) at the end of imperative sentences d) at the end of reported questions
55. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?
a) I said to Eman, Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
b) I said to Eman "Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
c) I said to Eman, "Don’t waste your time watching too much television, Eman".
d) I said to Eman, "Don t waste your time watching too much television, Eman.
56. Which of the following can’t be used to show contrast?
a) because b) although c) in spite of d) despite
57. Which of the following sentences could be a topic sentence for an essay on "The
importance of being bilingual"?
a) Spreading your native language is a good way of allowing other people all over the
world to learn more about your country’s civilisation.
b) Acquiring a second culture other than a native one develops a person’s experience
and helps them get in touch with people of other nations.
c) Learning a second language, other than a native language, develops a person’s
learning aptitude and helps in a great way to keep the brain alert and healthy.

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬ 63

d) To sum up, learning a second language develops a person’s learning aptitude and
helps in a great way to keep the brain alert and healthy.
58. Which of the following sentences could end an essay on “The importance of cultural
a) First of all, cultural heritage can create a sense of individual and collective belonging,
which helps to maintain social and territorial cohesion.
b) Moreover, cultural heritage can be a wider window through which we make proper
propaganda about our ancient civilisation in particular.
c) In short, being multicultural can be beneficial when travelling abroad or dealing with
people from other nations.
d) To sum up, cultural heritage can create a sense of individual and collective
belonging, which helps to maintain social and territorial cohesion.
Choose the correct translation:
‫ٌجب أن نشجع األعمال الدرامسة التً تظهر الجهود المخلصة للمٌادة السٌاسٌة لحماٌة البالد من شتً المخاطر و ذلن لدعم‬
.‫االستمرار و لنشر الوعً لدي الشعب المصري‬
a) We must encourage dramas that show the efforts exerted by the political leadership
to protect the country from different dangers so we could support stability and
spread national awareness among the Egyptian people.
b) We must encourage dramas that show the sincere efforts of the political leadership to
protect the country from various dangers so we can support stability and spread
national awareness among the Egyptian people.
c) We must encourage dramas that show the sincere efforts of the political leadership to
protect the country against enemies. Thus, we can support stability and spread
national awareness among the Egyptian people.
d) We must encourage dramas that show the sincere efforts of the political leadership to
protect the country from different dangers, so that we can support stability and
increase national income among the Egyptian people.
Choose the correct translation:
Young people should think practically: with the help of low-interest bank loans, many ambitious
young people can start simple projects to achieve their ambitions and benefit society.
‫ ٌمكن للعدٌد من الشباب الطموحٌن بدء مشرعات‬,‫ بمساعدة المروض المصرفٌة ذات الفائدة‬:ً‫ٌجب أن ٌفكر الشباب بشكل عمل‬
.‫بسٌطة لتحمٌك طموحات المجتمع و احالمهم‬
‫ ٌمكن للعدٌد من الشباب الطموحٌن بدء مشرعات‬,‫ بمساعدة المروض المصرفٌة منخفضة الفائدة‬:ً‫ٌجب أن ٌفكر الشباب بشكل عمل‬
.‫بسٌطة للتوسع فً تجارتهم و إفادة المجتمع‬
‫ ٌمكن للعدٌد من الشباب الطموحٌن بدء مشرعات‬,‫ بمساعدة المروض المصرفٌة منخفضة الفائدة‬:ً‫ٌجب أن ٌفكر الشباب بشكل عمل‬
.‫بسٌطة لتحمٌك طموحاتهم و إفادة المجتمع‬
‫ ٌمكن للعدٌد من الشباب الطموحٌن بدء مشرعات‬,‫ بمساعدة المروض البنكٌة منخفضة المٌمة‬:ً‫ٌجب أن ٌفكر الشباب بشكل عمل‬
.‫بسٌطة لتحمٌك طموحاتهم و إفادة المجتمع‬

‫ مراجعة نهائية‬- )‫سلسلة أسباير ـ (الصف الثالث الثانوي‬


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