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Computer Aided Manufacturing Notes

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Objectives of section 16

 Understand Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and its

strategic role

 Explore CAM applications in the production

 Learn about CAM software

 Learn about the future of CAM systems

Slide 3
 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of computer
systems to plan, manage and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through either
direct or indirect computer interface with the plant’s production resources
 In other words, the use of computer system in non-design activities but in
manufacturing process is called CAM (Elanchezhian et al. 2007)

Strategic Role of CAM

 The application of CAM in the production offers advantages to a company to develop
capabilities by combining traditional economies of scale with economies of scope resulting in
the desired flexibility and efficiency
 Amongst other benefits provided by CAM, Post identifies the following (Post 2003):

 Greater supervision of the production

 Fast response to changes in market demand
 Greater flexibility
 Product variety
 Small lot-sizes
 Distributed processing capability
 Reduced waste
Slide 4
Theory and Application

 The roots of CAD/CAM trail back to the beginning of civilization, when the engineers
of the ancient civilizations such as Egyptians, Greeks and Romans acknowledged
the importance of the graphical communication. Later on, Leonardo Da Vinci
developed technics, such as cross-hatching and isometric views

 The invention of computers and xerography made possible the creation of graphics
and visualization (Zeid 1991)

 In the early 1950s, shortly after the World War II, the need for complex parts led to
the invention of the Numerical Control (NC) that substituted the requirements for
skilled human machine operators (Chang et al. 2006)

 At the same time another invention, namely the digital computer, assisted the
development of NC and provided the means for the creation of robots, computer-
aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and flexible
manufacturing systems (FMS)

Slide 5
Theory and Application
 The utilization of CAM software systems began in large automotive and aerospace
industries in 1950

 During the late 1950s, APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) was developed and
in 1959, General Motors (GM) began to explore the potential of interactive graphics.

 By the mid-1960s, the term Computer-Aided Design (CAD) started to appear. GM

announced their DAC-1 system (Design Aided by Computers) in 1964

 The decade of 1970 can be characterized as the golden era of computer drafting and
the beginning of ad hoc instrumental design applications (Zeid 1991)

 Among the first CAD/CAM systems was UNISURF that was developed by Pierre
Bezier in 1971 for the Renault industry and allowed surface modelling for automotive
body design and tooling (Bezier 1989)

 In 1979 the IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) was initiated and it
enabled the exchange of model databases among CAD/CAM systems.
Slide 6
Theory and Application

 Other notably standards that were developed in the same period include (Zeid 1991):

 GKS. ANSI and ISO standard that interfaces the application program with the
graphics support package
 PHIGS, that supports high function workstations and their related CAD/CAM
 VDI (Virtual Device Metafile), that describes the functions needed to describe a
 NAPLPS, that describes text and graphics in the form of sequences of bytes in
ASCII code

 The computers evolved rapidly and today’s systems are capable of planning ,
scheduling, monitoring, decision-making and generally managing all the aspects
of the manufacturing procedure, even “think” and adapt to changes automatically
(Chang et al. 2006)

Slide 7
Theory and Application
 The immense international competition that appeared in 1980s and the high demand
for industrial products became a worldwide phenomenon, therefore, manufacturers
were forced to adapt to the changes

 Small batches, reduced inventories, dynamic environment and rapid changes of the
environment call for increased flexibility and exploitation of the state of the art
technological achievements

 CAM was recognized as a solution to effectively cope with the requirements in the
shop-floor level

 The CAM systems act as an interface between CAD and NC machines. The complex
drawings created by CAD tools require “translation” in order to produce the coding for
the NC machines

 Alongside with (CAD), robotics and CNC, CAM is exploited by the majority of the
production systems nowadays .Some of the most recent developments in CAM
systems include rapid prototyping, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMs),
nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence
Slide 8
Theory and Application

 The evolution of virtual manufacturing has led to the creation of work-cell

simulation tools that are capable of developing, simulating and validating
manufacturing processes

 Moreover, off-line programming of multi-device robotic and automated processes

(virtual commissioning) offer optimization functionalities, from the concept to the
implementation phase

 At the 2000s, commercial CAM suites provided complete solutions to Product

Lifecycle Management (PLM) in multiple stages of the production, i.e.
conceptualization, design (CAD), manufacturing (CAM) and engineering (CAE)

 A great number of CAD tools exist today that provide functionalities of CAM/CAE
(Chryssolouris 2005)

Slide 9
Strategic Role of CAM

 The application of CAM in the production offers advantages to a company to develop

capabilities by combining traditional economies of scale with economies of scope
resulting in the desired flexibility and efficiency

 Amongst other benefits provided by CAM, Post identifies the following (Post 2003):

 Greater supervision of the production

 Fast response to changes in market demand

 Greater flexibility

 Product variety

 Small lot-sizes

 Distributed processing capability

 Reduced waste Slide 10

Application of CAM in the production

 The utilization of CAM enables the automation and computer support of all
the production activities on the shop floor, in order to manufacture parts
designed with computer-aided design (CAD) and analysed with computer-
aided engineering (CAE)

 The equipment on the shop-floor, such as robots, controllers, machine

tools and machining centres are controlled and operated using CAM
systems (Post 2003)

 CAM technologies comprise NC machines, expert systems, machine

vision, robots, lasers and FMS technologies used alongside with computer
hardware, databases and communication technologies

 CAM systems are tightly connected with CAD systems

Slide 11
Application of CAM in the production
 The CAD databases must reflect the manufacturing requirements such as tolerances
and features

 The part drawings must be designed having in mind CAM requirements. Moreover,
the manufacturing systems nowadays require high coordination due to their
networking characteristics

 Synchronization among robots, vision systems ,manufacturing cells, material

handling systems and other shop floor tasks are challenging tasks that CAM

 The role of CAD/CAM systems in the production can be as the intersection of five
 design tools,

 manufacturing tools,

 geometric modelling,

 computer graphics concepts and

 networking concepts (Zeid 1991)

Application of CAM in the production

 Apart from the fact that the CAM technology has brought a revolution in
manufacturing systems by enabling mass production and greater flexibility (Yeung

 It has also enabled the direct link between the three-dimensional (3D) CAD model
and its production

 The data exchange between CAM, CAD and CAPP is a dynamic procedure and
takes place through various production stages

 Data is exchanged regarding process routes and machines between function of

process route sequence and machine assignments from CAPP systems and
identified manufacturing process and machines from CAM systems

 Moreover, reports regarding setup methods, fixtures and operations sequences

between function of setup planning and fixture selection in CAPP and function of
identifying setups, fixtures, getting operation sequences and machined features in
CAM are transmitted
Slide 13
Application of CAM in the production

 Further to that, information about cutting tools and cutting parameters between:

 function of operation planning

cutting tool selection

cutting parameter selection


 edit and output in CAPP and function of getting cutting tools and cutting
parameters in CAM is exchanged.

 Finally, messages concerning process plan change suggestions between:

function of operation planning
cutting tool selection
cutting parameter selection
 edit and output in CAPP and function of generating cutting path, CNC code and
simulation in CAM are exchanged (Ming et al. 2008).
Application of CAM in the production

 The mechanical drawing files from CAD applications are required from the
CAM system in order for a part to be manufactured.

 CAM programs represent a designed part as a wireframe of two or three


 The NC programmer needs to define auxiliary geometry during the

programming course and since the CAM program do not offer model editing
abilities the need is presented for the CAM system to be combined with a
CAD system (Seames 2002)

 Numerical Control refers to a system that includes hardware and software

and control machine tools and other production equipment via numerical
input (Post 2003)

 NC is a method of automatically operating a manufacturing machine

based on a code of letters, numbers,
Slide 15and special characters
Numerical Control (NC) and CAM

 Numerical Control refers to a system that includes hardware and

software and control machine tools and other production equipment via
numerical input (Post 2003)

 NC is a method of automatically operating a manufacturing machine

based on a code of letters, numbers, and special characters

 In 1947, John Parson of the Parsons Group, began experimenting with the
idea of using tree-axis curvature data to control machine tool motion for
the production of aircraft components. The project was funded by the US Air

 In 1951 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),USA, assumed the

project and the first NC machine was developed in 1950s at MIT (Seames

Slide 16
Numerical Control (NC) and CAM

 The evolution of computers, led to the creation of Computer Numerical

Control (CNC) in the 1970s

 The difference in NC and CNC lies in the controller technology

 While, NC functions need to be designed and implemented in hardware

circuits, CNC functions can be implemented in CAM software

 The coding of the early NC machines and todays CNCs is performed using
the same standards, namely G&M codes formalized as the ISO 6893
standard (International Standards Organization 1982)

Slide 17
Numerical Control (NC) and CAM

 The codes were stored in magnetic tapes, the most common of which were
¼ - inch computer grade cassette tape

 The Electronics Industries Association (EIA) developed standards for

tape format and coding (Seames 2002)

 Moreover, to ensure the interoperability and the seamless data exchange

between the different stages of the chain that utilize different commercial
tools and technologies, the STEP standards have been developed and
formalized into ISO10303 (International Standards Organization 1994)

 and evolved later to ISO14649(International Standards Organization 2003)

and ISO10303-AP238 (International Standards Organization 2004)
commonly known as STEP NC

Slide 18
Numerical Control (NC) and CAM

 The improvements in the computer technology led to the creation of Direct

Numerical Control (DNC)

 DNC involves a computer that acts as a partial of full controller to one or

more NC machines

 Further to that, improvements in the field led to the creation of Distributed

Numerical Control, where several CNC machines are linked together inside
a network allowing the gathering and storing of upstream and downstream
shop-floor information

Slide 19
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and CAM
 A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a reprogrammable manufacturing
system capable of producing a variety of products automatically (Chryssolouris

 An FMS employs programmable electronic controls that, in some cases, can be set
up for random parts sequences without incurring any set-up time between parts

 Inside FMSs, the production components require adaptability to a variety of

product processing requirements and therefore, CNC turning/machining centers
and robotic workstations comprise the majority of equipment in these systems
(Chryssolouris 2005)

 CAM systems, NC and robotics offer reprogramming capabilities at the machine

level with minimum setup time

 An FMS comprise the following features: Interchangeable and/or specific machining

units, Various work pieces within a component range, Usually free component

Slide 20
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and CAM
 The main challenge in the installation of a FMS lies to the control of the complex
network of equipment and shop floor activities of such a system

 By utilizing state of the art CAM systems, the implementation of FMS becomes
feasible due to the benefits that CAM systems provide

 The deployment of an FMS with integrated CAD/CAM systems offer a variety of

benefits such as:

 improved productivity through higher machine utilization,

 shorter lead times,
 more reliable production (self-correcting production and uniform quality),
 reduced work-in-progress (Koenig 1990)

 Moreover, by integrating CAPP systems into FMS, the process plans can be
created rapidly and consistently and total new processes can be developed as
fast as plans similar to those for existing components (Rehg and Kraebber 2005)
Slide 21
CAM software
 CAM software can be divided into 2D and 3D applications. The 2D means that the
CAM system imports a 2D drawing file from a CAD system and calculates a tool
path with all movements taking place on a constant Z-level

 Several tool paths on different Z-levels can be combined to create a 3D result,

which is then called 2.5D machining

 A 3D CAM system in contrast imports a full 3D CAD model and calculates tool
paths to create a 3D result

 A second distinction of CAM systems is between simple and high-end CAM


 The high-end CAM software targets large enterprises that require absolute control
of the manufacturing parameters in order to produce an optimum result

 High-end systems include functionalities that support a fourth or for full 5 axis
machining, constant tool loading features, automatic step-over calculation,
automatic detection and removal of rest material and rendered machining
CAM software survey
 Software vendors are currently developing integrated CAD/CAM systems,
further enhancing the capabilities of today's CAM applications
 The solutions provided by the leading CAD/CAM vendors, offer high-end
features, like:
 parametric modelling for solid shapes

 2 ½ to 5 axis machining tool path generation

 networking and collaborative design features

 post processing capabilities

 re-sequencing of operations FIGURE 1 CAM Multi-Stage Machining

 simulation and optimization of NURBS interpolation and

 generative machining and

 assisted manufacturing that captures manufacturing and process know-

how and automates repetitive NC functions

Slide 23
CAM software survey

CAM and related technologies Vendors Market share in 2009

 For 2009, Dassault Systèmes was the market leader on the basis of both direct
vendor revenues received and end-user payments for CAM software and services

 Delcam was the leader in terms of industrial seats shipped

 Planit Holdings was the leader on the basis of industrial seats installed

 Siemens PLM Software’s NX was the leader in industrial seats shipped by brand

 CNC Software’s Mastercam was the leader in both industrial and educational seats
installed by brand name

 OPEN MIND Technologies was named as the most rapidly-growing vendor,

although their revenue growth rate was only 1.6%

Slide 24
Future of CAM systems
 The manufacturing environment is characterized by ever changing dynamics and

 The production procedure is based more and more on virtual simulations and
networking features, in factory level as well as and global level

 The need is presented for effective coordination, collaboration and

communication amongst all the aspects of production, from humans to machines

 The future CAM systems need to focus on collaborative technics, effective

communication and efficient data exchange

 Moreover, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will allow the development of “thinking” tools
and the exploitation of AI in the CAM systems will offer automatic optimization of
NC tool paths and benefit from knowledge-based systems

 Adding to that, self-evolving robots are a fairly new concept and will have positive
impact on CAM systems
Slide 25
Future of CAM systems

 The development of self-evolving robots can bring on CAM advantages on more

economical approach to robotics

 The cost of designing and building a robot will be reduced from millions of dollars
to just a few thousand dollars

 In the future, the use of these inexpensive robots to assemble parts, clean up
spills, and perform many other specific tasks in a factory will become a reality
(Post 2003)

 Moreover , Virtual commissioning is a new concept that addresses the complexity

of the production systems and the need for short ramp-up time

 In the Virtual commissioning approach, virtual prototypes are used for the
commissioning of control software in parallel to the manufacture and assembly
of the particular production system (Reinhart and Wunsch 2007)

Slide 26
Future of CAM systems
 Virtual commissioning is tightly connected with CAD/CAM software and the
advances in the second impact the first

 Finally, digital manufacturing incorporates technologies for the virtual representation

 factories
 buildings
 resources
 machine systems equipment
 labour staff and their skills, as well as
 for the closer integration of product ,and
 process development through modelling and simulation

 The implementation of digital manufacturing is relying on state of the art

CAD/CAM and CAPP systems and their evolution (Chryssolouris et al 2008)

Slide 27
Cross references
 Computer Aided Technologies (CAx)

 Computer Aided Design (CAD)

 Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)

 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

 Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)

 Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP)

 Numerical Control (NC)

 Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

Slide 28
End of Section
Reference Note
Copyright University of Patras, School of Engineering, Dept. of
Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, Dimitris Mourtzis. Dimitris
Mourtzis. «Computer Numerical Control of Machine Tools. Computer
Aided Manufacturing (CAM)». Version: 1.0. Patras 2015. Available at:
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