Cyber Security MCQ

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POPULAR PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION IN CYBER SECURrTy multiply like viruses but spread from computer to com 4. Programs that MO lt called as: | DEL Que. 2: a) Worms by Vinss 2) Boot q) None Answer: (a) thea 2. Which of the following is a cybercrime? ; [MODEL QuEsp, a) Hacking b) Cyber bulling c) Virus attack d) Allott Answer: (d) lee 3. DLL stands for oo [MODEL q a) Dynamic Link Library b) Digital Link Library VESTioy c) Distributed Link Library d) Domain Link Library Answer: (a) 4. Hackers who release information to the public is ; [MODEL QUEST a) a black hat b) a grey hat c) a white hat da brown Answer: (b) * 5, Which of the following is a social Engineering site? [MODEL QUESTION a) ebay b) facebook ¢) amazon d) CWB Answer: (a) 6. Validation of the source of information is known as [MODEL QUESTION a) Confidentiality b) Authentication c) Non-repudiation — d) Data integrity Answer: (b) 7. The Dos attack is one type of [MODEL QUESTION, a) Active Attack b) Passive Attack c) Brute force attack d) None of these Answer: (a) 8. Traffic analysis is one type of [MODEL QUESTION a) active attack b) passive attack c) brute force attack d) none of these Answer: (b) 9. Chain & Abel is a popular ... .... tool. [MODEL question) a) password cracking b) networking c) security d) messenger Answer: (a) CBS-2 CYBER SECURITY ektivism is [MODEL QUESTIO! 0. Pretivism / b) Hacking for a cause = : passive hacking 4) Malicious hacking nse (b) r grabbing is an example of what? 7 1 1.8m ie operating system fingerprinting [MODEL QUESTION] 7 Active operating system fingerprinting Oo) Footprinting : ) Application analysis answer: (2) «1, Whatis the full form of CERTICC? [MODEL QUESTION] a) Computer Engineering Response Team Co-ordination Centre b) Computer Emergency Record Team Co-ordination Centre c) Computer Emergency Response Team Co-ordination Centre d) Computer Engineering Record Team Co-ordination Centre Answer: (C) 43, LDAP stands for a) Lightweight Directory Access protocol b) Lightweight Data Access Protocol c) Lightweight Domain Access Protocol d) Lightweight DNS Access protocol Answer: (a) [MODEL QUESTION] 14. What is enumeration? 2) Identifying active systems on the network b) Cracking passwords ¢) Identifying users and machine names 4) Identifying routers and firewalls Answer: (c) [MODEL QUESTION] Short Answer e Questions f comparison between a conventional crime and a cyber crime. ves and reasons behind cyber crimes. [MODEL QUESTION) 14) Give a brie! 4) List the moti Answer: Crime is a social and economic phenomenon and is as old as the human society. Crime 1, “82! concept and has the sanction of the law. Crime or an offence is "a legal wrong be followed by criminal proceedings which may result into punishment." ‘ime is the latest and perhaps the most complicated problem in the cyber world. “rime may be. said to be those crime, where either the computer is an object or * of the conduct constituting crime. "Any criminal activity that uses a computer i thie instrumentality, target or a means for perpetuating further crimes comes ‘C ambit of cyber crime." CBS-3 CATIONS HACKE ZOeULAR PUBL! RS & CYBERCRIME ice Type Questions Multiple Choi: lectronic means to stalk or harass a, 47h of the Internet OF other elect . Mind) 1. The US individuals, oF af organization is termed: h [MODEL Quesiitt 7) Gyoerspace i) Cyber Stalking c) Pornography 4) None of tga! te Agswer: (0) ‘. [MODEL 2 —_¢ of raw data is known as t QUES: . Caer attack _ b) Data diddling c) Forgery d) Web Sack! Aaswer: (0) i ig a technique used for [MODEL Quesz; * Secs ‘on computer hardware b) attacks on computer software (Oy) c} attacks on operating system d) attacks on wireless network Answer (2) 4 Pharming is used for a) Data hiding c) Hosts of file poisoning Amswer: (0) 5. Skimming means a) Stealing ATM PIN information c) Stealing identity Answer: (2) a system otherwise Answer: (2) 7. The practice of buying ‘domain names’ that have existing [MODEL QUE: b) Data alteration STION] d) File overriding 15 digits / [MODEL QUESTION, b) Stealing telephonic information d) None of these or systems, with the intent to copy, steal, deface or damage parts of or the complete [MODEL QUESTION] b) Techno vandalism business names and [MODEL QUESTION] selling it back to the rightful owner at much higher price is 2) cyterterrorism 6) cybersquatting c) cyberwarfare d) forgery Auswer: (6) 2. Credit card fraud is a cybercrime against [MODEL QUESTION] a) individual b) property c) organization d) society Answer: (6) CBS-16 RR eR gps Fe ONE 88 OF elle oroperty tg - MODEL GUESTIONy pases 0) Financial 2) Metical 2) None of these adele a rojg SIR PORE HOY OE a0 inteligent tecatation of the CT into FT ie pn oe 5) Virws ©) Brats force ate aon sgswer |) rey YP 2DhY 8 also town ze (ODE. Questing er Key I ROEraniy 5) seymmeric tey cypagrciy 1) oath (2) & (6) agswer: (2) [ Short Answer Type Guess | ‘te down the Gitferect types of Credit Card foude, © MODEL QUESTION, Saswer: ilies credit card fronds are 2s follows: DS Gimmes Te Sanden ames or Er ceoiine Counterfeit card frend “iS Saad usually involves skimmine The dame 5s ten mesic com 2 Se meoesic CBS-17 CYBER SECURITY AHICAL HACKING & SOCIAL ENGINEERING Mult; ple Choice Type Questions ; thics behind training how to h tis the et! ack a system? iit think like hackers and know how to defend such ee ae a) ka system without the permission To hac : hack a network that is vulnerable 4 To corrupt software or service using malware answer (a) 1 performing a shoulder surfing in order to check other's password is oo ethical practice. [MODEL QUESTION] g) a. good 7 7 . b) not so good c) very good social engineering practice d) a bad answer: (d) —_—— has now evolved to be one of the most popular automated tools for unethical hacking. [MODEL QUESTION] a) Automated apps b) Database software c) Malware d) Worms ‘Angwer: (C) is the technique used in business organizations and firms to [MODEL QUESTION] b) Unethical hacking d) Internal data-breach 4, protect IT assets. a) Ethical hacking c) Fixing bugs Answer: (a) 5. The legal risks of ethical hacking include lawsuits due to of personal data, [MODEL QUESTION] a) stealing b) disclosure c) deleting d) hacking Answer: (b) § Before i i dure, which ke’ . performing an penetration test, through legal procedure, y bins listed below is net mandatory? [MODEL QUESTION] 7 Know the nature of the organization ) Characteristics of work done in the firm a System and network ' ) Type of broadband company used by the firm Uswer: (d) 7. Ate i tient inform pertormi he ethical hacker should never disclose clien "formation to other parties. me [MODEL QUESTION] hacking b) cracking) penetration testing d) exploiting "ewer: (d) CBS-41 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS ber security that deals with m, it is the branch of cy | sality a diferent theotee and a principle regarding the view coe about what ig ig, Op ‘tht rey Social ethics = Kthles Eines Secuni, acy c) Corporate ethics ) Ethics in Black h ha Answer: (d) “iy i its and situations, better : ; helps to classify argument ; vnc rstay Sime andes to determine appropriate actions. : _ (MODEL Que! CY bey, Bc rberomice b) Social ethics STloyy ¢) Cyber-bullying d) Corporate behavior Answer: (a) 10.A penetration tester must identify and k eep in mind the requirements of a firm while evalu: — ating the Security Postures —~ : [MODEL gy a) privacy and security ESTion b) rules and regulations ¢) hackin: sechniques 4) ethics to talk to seniors Answer: (a) 11. Which of the following do not comes under Social En, a) Tailgating b) Phishing Answer: (d) gineering? [MODEL QUESTION, c) Pretexting ) Spamming 12. In a Phishing, attackers target the a technology to so social engineering. [MODEL QUESTION] a) Emails. b) WI-FI network c) Operating systems d) Surveillance camera Answer: (a) [MODEL QUESTION] Bs cana diving b) Shoulder surfing ae a d) Spear Phishing 14. Social engineering can be thwarted Te a} Phyehaa! b) Administrative Answer: (a,b,c) 4) Proactive controls i Is? ising what kinds of TENODEL QUESTION! CBS-42 CYBER SECURITY jaiengineering preys on many Weakness, including [MODEL QUESTION I i 15.99 hnology b) People 4) Te° c) Human Nature i os (a,b ) d) Physical i ineering can use all the followi social engineer! following exci 65 mobile phones b) Instant Giseasne {MODEL QUESTION] ) Trojan horses d) viruses nse? (¢) i ineering is designed to tt. social eng Y —— MO! ) Manipulate ee behaviour b) Make people Monet nUESTIONI ¢) Infect a SYS d) Gain a physical advantage answer? (2) 48, What is the best option for thwarting social-engineering attacks? Aa) [MODEL QUESTION, 4) Technology b) Training ¢) Policies —_d) Physical controls : Answer: (D) [MODEL QUESTION] 49.In social engineering a proxy is used to a) Assist in scanning b) Perform a scan c) Keep an attacker's origin hidden d) Automate the discovery of vulnerabilities Answer: (C) 20, Social engineering can be used to carry out email campaigns known as : [MODEL QUESTION] a) Spamming b) Phishing c) Vishing d) Splashing Answer: (b) 21, Now a days Phishing has become a criminal practice of using social engineering over which of the following? [MODEL QUESTION] a) Social networking sites b) Mobile Phones ¢) E-mail d) Cyber cafes Answer: (b) . Short Answer Type 9 uestions « i int is purpose of ethical hacking? [MODEL QUESTION] r Ethi . fa Hacking is also called a ie or systems to find out t mejor would have exploited an damages to a business. an act of penetrating that system which the financial loss or other 5 penetration Testing. It is hreats and vulnerabilities in d caused the loss of data, CBS-43 POPULAR PUBLICATIONS CYBER FORENSICS & AUDITing eee OOS Multiple Choice Type Questions rensics also known as? 4. Computer fo! b) computer orien MODEL QUegy, igital forensic science ; 7 3 Sater forensic science d) computer forensics invest ny Answer: (C) ation, 2. Which method used stochastic properties of the computer system to inv activities lacking digital artifacts? : 7 [MODEL Queetitas a) Steganography b) Stochastic forensics c) Both 4) None on Answer: (b) ete 3. Computer forensics also be used in civil proceedings. [MODEL gy a) Yes b) No c) Can be yes or no d) Can Answer: (a) iy 4. Which of the following techniques are used during computer forensic investigations? ; _ [MODEL QUESTion, a) Cross-drive analysis b) Live analysis c) Deleted files d) All of these Answer: (d) 5. CCFP stands for? [MODEL QUESTION a) Cyber Certified Forensics Professional b) Certified Cyber Forensics Professional ¢) Certified Cyber Forensics Program b) Certified Cyber Forensics Product Answer: (b) 6. How many c's in computer forensics? [MODEL QUESTION a)1 b)2 ce) 3 a4 Answer: (c) Short Answer Type Questions 1. What do you understand by cyber forensics? [MODEL question Answer: Computer forensics, also referred to as computer forensic analysis, electors ee ry, compu electronic evidence discovery, analysis, and computer examin, media (hard disks, diskettes, 1 examiner can result in the reco; digital discovery, data recovery, data discove' ation, is the process of methodically examinils apes, etc.) for evidence. A thorough analysis > * nstruction of the activities of a computer use! «! compe CBS-62 CYBER SECURITY CYBER SECURITY CYBER ETHICS & LAWS 4, Many Cyber Crimes comes under Indian Penal Code Which one of the following ig example? - [MODEL QUESTION] is) Sending Threatening message by Email b) Forgery of Electronic Record c) Bogus Website d) All of above Answer: (4) 2. The Information Technology Act 2000 is an Act of Indian Parliament notified on [MODEL QUESTION} a) 27" October 2000 b) 15" December 2000 ¢) 17" November 2000 d) 17" October 2000 Answer: (d) 3. Digital Signature Certificate is requirement under various applications. [MODEL QUESTION] a) Statutory b) Legislative c) Govenmental d) Voluntary Answer: (a) 4, Assessing Computer without prior authorization is a cyber crime that comes under [MODEL QUESTION] a) Section 65 b) Section 66 c) Section 68 d) Section 70 Answer: (b) 5. means a person who has been granted a licence to issue a electronic signature Certificate. [MODEL QUESTION] a) Certifying Authority b) Certifying private key Authority ¢) Certifying system controller d) Appropriate Authority Answer: (a) 6 ___is adata that has been organized or presented in a meaningful manner. [MODEL QUESTION] a) A process b) Software c) Storage d) Information Answer: (d) a -—___is an application of information and communication technology (ICT) for elivering Government Service. [MODEL QUESTION] a) Governance b) Electronic Governance ©) Governance and ethics d) Risk and Governance Answer: (b) CBS-91 “1a Kauauind aayaunos ‘suojresado suOUa “AWD paziueI0 ‘uorsers xe1 Surddeupry souoyd 1}99/SIIndwWoD ut “uoneorunun # ‘uLIO} stuOND/9 UT Polly Mou are "219 suu0y me] Cuedwiod “sumyas xeI awoou SuIpn|sUt SUL TIUNLAAON # “aug} oTUOR22f9 U IEP ajqenyes sieip daoy pue syiowueu soindwoo si2yp uodn puadap Bumoyjo; 24) “Ob (2) Rasay vonesBaqu) (p vogeauipon (2 vonsesuy (q weysks ayowas e uo 2esn jo Gquaps ainss# 0] (® Nouszno 1300W) SL UOREQQUERAY S (g@) Rasay UOIssssdi0s (p sonwou06s3 (9 uogd.Gou3 (q SHuRpang (& WNousano T3a0n) 1 uopun ase saBuey? oyy Ssajun a)gesn jou Si y Jew OS BIEN yO SuUsyY 241 Y SNOMWONSNE BYINOd

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