QAS P003 Document Control Procedure

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Document Control Procedure (QAS-P003)

Saint Louis Public Schools

1.0 SCOPE:
The online version of this procedure is
1.1 This procedure outlines the process for adding, official. Therefore, all printed versions
of this document are unofficial copies.
modifying, or deleting documents within or
related to the QAS documentation system at the
Saint Louis Public Schools.


2.1 Management Representative

3.0 APPROVAL AUTHORITY: ______________________________________ _____________________

Signature Date
3.1 Management Representative


4.1 QAS – Quality Assurance System

4.2 SLPS – Saint Louis Public Schools


5.1 Documentation used by the SLPS covered by this procedure includes documentation
required by the ISO 9001:2000 Standard. This documentation includes:

5.1.1 The tier one Quality Assurance System Manual (QAS-M001);

5.1.2 Department handbooks/manuals as referenced in the departmental

procedures prefixed by the department's three-letter code and suffixed
with "M" (for manual), followed by a three-digit sequential numbering

5.1.3 Procedures, prefixed by the department's three-letter code and

suffixed with "P" (for procedure), followed by a three-digit numbering

5.1.4 Work instructions, as required and referenced, prefixed by the

department's three-letter code and suffixed with "W" (for work
instruction), followed by a three-digit numbering scheme;

5.1.5 Forms, as referenced in manuals, procedures, and/or work instructions

prefixed by the department's three-letter code and suffixed with "F" (for
form), and followed by a three-digit numbering scheme.

5.1.6 Lists, as referenced, prefixed by the department’s three-letter code

and suffixed with “L” (for list) are followed by a three-digit numbering

5.1.7 Guidelines, as referenced, prefixed by the department’s three-letter

code and suffixed with “G” (for guidelines) are followed by a three-
digit numbering scheme

5.2 Documentation used in the continuous improvement system is approved prior to release
according to the requirements of the document's approval authority, this Document
Control Procedure, and/or the Document Control Form (QAS-F003).

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Document Control Procedure (QAS-P003)
Saint Louis Public Schools

5.3 Minimum approval requirements are as follows:

5.3.1 Tier one Quality Assurance System Manual: Superintendent,

Management Representative, and Management Review Team;

5.3.2 Other department manuals: Department manager/supervisor;

5.3.3 Tier two procedures: Departmental manager/supervisor;

5.3.4 Tier three work instructions: Departmental manager/supervisor;

5.3.5 Tier four forms: Departmental manager/supervisor (as specified on the Document
Control Form QAS-F003).

5.3.6 Tier five lists: Departmental manager/supervisor.

5.4 Revisions or deletions are approved by the same functions that originally approved the
documents during the initial implementation prior to release of the change.

5.5 Documentation is reviewed at least annually to determine the need for revision. The
Document Control Form (QAS-F003) is used to report these revisions. This review
completion is reported in the management review meetings.

5.6 The most current documentation is made readily available to those performing the tasks
defined. Availability is primarily through the Internet documentation site. Any hard copy
document(s) is to be for reference only and does not serve as the legal document.

5.7 A master list of documents in the quality system is maintained and is readily accessible
through the Internet.

5.8 Documentation is legible and readily identifiable to ensure proper use and deployment of
the quality system.

5.9 Documentation that is controlled externally to the quality system, such as state
standards, etc., is listed on an external documents list, and controlled in a way
appropriate to the process requiring the document.

5.10 Any obsolete documents are either removed from the Internet site or hard copy location
to prevent unintended use. In the event obsolete documentation is retained, the
electronic copies are filed in an electronic archive file and hard copies are filed in with
department file cabinet.


2.1 Document Control Form QAS-F003


Identification Storage Retention Disposition Protection

Hard Copy in Minimum 3 years Discard as Locked office
binder in Project desired desired

QAS-P003 Page 2 of 3
Document Control Procedure (QAS-P003)
Saint Louis Public Schools

Electronically on Ongoing Electronic

SLPS QAS web maintenance of
page revisions

Electronically on Ongoing
SLPS QAS web maintenance of Archive Electronic
page revisions

Date: Rev. Description of Revision:

04/02/08 Initial Release

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