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Initial Environmental Examination (IEE):

An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is a preliminary assessment conducted for certain

types of projects to determine their potential environmental impacts. The purpose of an IEE is to
identify whether a project is likely to cause significant environmental effects and, if so, to propose
measures to mitigate or manage those effects. IEEs are typically required for smaller-scale projects
or activities that are expected to have limited environmental impacts.

Key components of an IEE include:

1. Project Description: A detailed description of the project, including its objectives, scope,
location, and implementation methods.
2. Baseline Environmental Conditions: An assessment of the existing environmental conditions in
the project area before the project starts.
3. Identification of Potential Impacts: Identification and assessment of potential environmental
impacts associated with the project.
4. Mitigation Measures: Proposed measures to minimize, mitigate, or offset potential adverse
environmental impacts.
5. Public Consultation: Involvement of stakeholders, including local communities, in the decision-
making process, especially when their interests or environment might be affected.

IEEs are often required as part of the approval process for projects, helping regulatory authorities
make informed decisions about whether a more detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
is necessary.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a more comprehensive and detailed study

conducted for larger and potentially more environmentally significant projects. The goal of an EIA
is to thoroughly assess the potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of a proposed
project, and to develop strategies to minimize or manage those impacts.

Key components of an EIA include:

1. Scoping: Identifying the scope and boundaries of the assessment, including the environmental
factors to be considered.
2. Baseline Study: Detailed analysis of the existing environmental, social, and economic conditions
in the project area.
3. Impact Prediction: Identification and prediction of potential impacts associated with the project,
considering various alternatives.
4. Mitigation and Enhancement Measures: Detailed plans for minimizing, mitigating, or
enhancing positive impacts associated with the project.
5. Public Consultation and Participation: Active engagement with stakeholders to incorporate
their perspectives, concerns, and feedback into the decision-making process.


6. Environmental Management Plan (EMP): A plan outlining how the project will be managed to
ensure compliance with environmental standards and regulations.

EIAs are often mandatory for projects with significant potential environmental impacts, and they
play a crucial role in the decision-making process for project approval. The depth and complexity
of the EIA process make it a valuable tool for promoting sustainable and environmentally
responsible development.

QuestionNo-2: Is it mandatory to do EIA for hydropower projects?

In many countries, the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for
hydropower projects depends on the size and potential environmental impact of the project. The
regulations and requirements can vary significantly from one jurisdiction to another. Generally,
larger hydropower projects are more likely to require a comprehensive EIA, while smaller projects
may be subject to less stringent environmental assessment processes.
Here are some factors that influence whether an EIA is mandatory for hydropower projects:
1. Project Size:
 Larger hydropower projects, typically those with higher generating capacities, are
more likely to trigger mandatory EIA requirements.
2. Environmental Sensitivity:
 Projects located in environmentally sensitive areas, such as protected ecosystems,
critical habitats, or areas prone to natural disasters, are more likely to require a
thorough environmental assessment.
3. Regulatory Requirements:
 National and local environmental regulations and laws determine whether an EIA
is mandatory. These regulations often specify the threshold criteria that trigger the
need for an EIA.
4. International Funding or Financing:
 If a hydropower project is funded by international organizations or involves
international financing, there may be additional requirements for environmental
assessments, including EIAs.
5. Public and Stakeholder Concerns:
 The level of public and stakeholder concern about potential environmental impacts
can influence the decision to conduct an EIA, even if not mandated by law.


6. Cumulative Impacts:
 If there are concerns about cumulative environmental impacts from multiple
hydropower projects in a region, authorities may require a comprehensive
assessment of the combined effects.
It's important for project developers to be aware of and comply with the specific environmental
regulations and requirements of the country or region where the hydropower project is planned. In
some cases, project developers may voluntarily choose to conduct an EIA to address potential
environmental and social concerns and to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable
To determine whether an EIA is mandatory for a specific hydropower project, developers should
consult with relevant environmental authorities, regulatory bodies, and legal experts in the
jurisdiction where the project is located.

नेपालमा ठूला जलविद् युत आयोजनाका लावि EIA को चरणहरू के छन्?


नेपालमा ठूला जलविद् यु त आयोजनाहरूको लावि िातािरणीय प्रभाि मूल्याङ्कन (EIA) प्रवियामा
सामान्यतया धेरै मुख्य चरणहरू समािेश हुन्छन्। विवशष्ट आिश्यकताहरू र चरणहरू वभन्न हुन सक्छन् , तर
यहााँ EIA प्रवियाको सामान्य रूपरे खा छ:


EIA अध्ययनको दायरा पवहचान र पररभावित िनुुहोस्। यसमा अध्ययन क्षेत्रको वसमाना, विचार िनुुपने
िातािरणीय कारकहरू र जलविद् युत आयोजनाको सम्भावित प्रभािहरू वनधाु रण िने समािेश छ।

आधारभूत डाटा सङ्कलन:

पररयोजना क्षेत्रमा अिस्थित िातािरणीय, सामावजक र आविुक अिथिाहरूको विस्तृत अध्ययन िनुुहोस्।
यसमा िनस्पवत, जीिजन्तु , पानीको िुणस्तर, हािाको िुणस्तर, आिाजको स्तर, सामावजक-आविुक पक्षहरू
र अन्य सान्दवभुक कारकहरूको डे टा सङ्कलन समािेश छ।

प्रभाि मूल्याङ्कन:


जलविद् युत आयोजनाको सम्भावित िातािरणीय, सामावजक र आविुक प्रभािहरूको मूल्याङ्कन िनुुहोस्।
यसमा विवभन्न पररयोजना विकल्पहरू विचार िदै सकारात्मक र नकारात्मक दु िै प्रभािहरूको भविष्यिाणी
र मूल्याङ्कन समािेश छ।

सािुजवनक परामशु र सहभाविता:

सरोकारिालाहरू, थिानीय समुदायहरू र जनतासाँि इनपुट सङ्कलन िनु , सरोकारहरूलाई सम्बोधन िनु , र
वनणुय प्रवियामा थिानीय ज्ञान समािेश िनु संलग्न हुनुहोस्। यस चरणमा सािुजवनक बैठकहरू, परामशुहरू,
र सािुजवनक प्रवतविया सङ्कलन समािेश हुन सक्छ।

िैकस्ल्पक मूल्याङ्कन:

विवभन्न पररयोजना विकल्पहरू र वतनीहरूको सम्भावित प्रभािहरूको मूल्याङ्कन िनुुहोस्। यो कदमले

सबैभन्दा पयाु िरणीय रूपमा वदिो र सामावजक रूपमा स्वीकायु विकल्प पवहचान िने लक्ष्य राखेको छ।

न्यूनीकरणका उपायहरू:

मूल्याङ्कनका िममा पवहचान िररएका सम्भावित प्रवतकूल प्रभािहरूलाई कम िनु िा अफसेट िनु
उपायहरूको एक सेट विकास िनुुहोस्। यसमा ईस्न्जवनयररङ् समाधानहरू, आिास पुनथिाु पना, क्षवतपूवतु
कायुिमहरू, िा हावन कम िनु अन्य रणनीवतहरू समािेश हुन सक्छन्।

पयाु िरण व्यिथिापन योजना (EMP):

िातािरणीय मापदण्ड र वनयमहरूको पालना सुवनवित िनु जलविद् यु त आयोजनाको वनमाु ण, सञ्चालन र
विघटन िदाु कसरी व्यिथिापन िररनेछ भनेर रूपरे खा बनाउने िातािरणीय व्यिथिापन योजना तयार

EIA ररपोटु को मस्यौदा:

सबै वनष्किुहरू, मूल्याङ्कनहरू, र योजनाहरू एक व्यापक मस्यौदा EIA ररपोटु मा कम्पाइल िनुुहोस्। यो
प्रवतिेदन विस्तृत र पारदशी हुनुपछु , वनणुय वलने र सािुजवनक छानवबनको लावि आधार प्रदान िने।

समीक्षा र स्वीकृवत:


समीक्षाको लावि मस्यौदा EIA प्रवतिेदन सम्बस्ित वनयामक अवधकारीहरूलाई पेश िनुुहोस्।
अवधकारीहरूले पररयोजना स्वीकृवतमा वनणुय िनुु अवघ ररपोटु को पूणुता, शुद्धता र पयाु प्तताको मूल्याङ्कन

अस्न्तम EIA ररपोटु :

समीक्षा प्रवियाको िममा प्राप्त प्रवतवियालाई अस्न्तम EIA प्रवतिेदनमा समािे श िनुु होस्। त्यसपवछ यो
प्रवतिेदन अस्न्तम स्वीकृवतको लावि पे श िररन्छ।

कायाु न्वयन:

पररयोजना वनमाु ण, सञ्चालन र वडकवमसन िदाु अनुमोवदत EIA वसफाररसहरू, न्यूनीकरण उपायहरू, र
िातािरणीय व्यिथिापन योजना लािू िनुुहोस्।

अनुिमन र लेखापरीक्षण:

आयोजनाले अनुमोवदत EIA वसफाररसहरू र िातािरणीय व्यिथिापनका उपायहरू पालना िरररहे को छ

भनी सुवनवित िनु वनयवमत अनुिमन र लेखा परीक्षण िनुुहोस्। यसले िातािरणीय अिथिाहरूको वनरन्तर
मूल्याङ्कन र आिवधक समीक्षाहरू समािेश िनु सक्छ।

विशेि कदम र आिश्यकताहरू नेपालमा प्रचवलत कानुनी र वनयामक ढााँ चाको अधीनमा हुन सक्छन् भन्ने
कुरामा ध्यान वदनु महत्त्वपू णु छ। पररयोजना विकासकताु हरूले सान्दवभुक िातािरणीय अवधकारीहरूसाँि
वमलेर काम िनुुपछु र EIA प्रवियाको लावि सरकारले थिापना िरे को वदशावनदे श र प्रवियाहरू पालना
िनुुपछु ।

Question: why and when Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)is done?


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is conducted for several reasons, primarily to

ensure that the potential environmental consequences of a proposed project are
thoroughly evaluated and understood before a decision is made to proceed with the
project. The key reasons for conducting EIA include:

1. Identification of Environmental Impacts: EIA helps in identifying and assessing

the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project. This includes both


direct and indirect effects on the environment, such as changes to air and water
quality, biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health.

2. Decision Support: EIA provides decision-makers with comprehensive information

about the environmental implications of a project. This information is crucial for
making informed decisions about whether to approve, modify, or reject a project.

3. Public Participation: EIA typically involves public consultation, allowing affected

communities and stakeholders to provide input and express concerns about the
proposed project. This participatory approach helps ensure that a variety of
perspectives are considered in the decision-making process.

4. Sustainable Development: EIA contributes to the principles of sustainable

development by integrating environmental considerations into the planning and
decision-making processes. It aims to balance economic and social development
with environmental protection.

5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Many countries have laws and regulations
that require the completion of an EIA for certain types of projects. EIA is often a
legal requirement to obtain permits or approvals for development activities.

6. Risk Management: EIA helps in identifying potential environmental risks

associated with a project and developing strategies to mitigate or manage these
risks. This proactive approach is essential for minimizing adverse impacts on the

7. Project Design and Modification: The findings of the EIA can lead to
modifications in the project design or the incorporation of mitigation measures to
reduce environmental impacts. This ensures that projects are designed and
implemented in a more environmentally responsible manner.

8. International Funding and Cooperation: Some international financing

institutions and donors require the completion of an EIA as a condition for
providing funding or assistance for development projects.

As for when EIA is conducted, it is typically done during the early stages of the project
cycle, ideally before major decisions are made and construction begins. Conducting EIA
early in the planning process allows for the integration of environmental considerations
into project design and decision-making, increasing the likelihood of sustainable
development and minimizing adverse environmental impacts. The specific timing may


vary by country and project type, but the goal is to ensure that environmental
considerations are an integral part of the decision-making process from the beginning.

प्रश्न: वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन (EIA) किन र िकिले गररन्छ?


िातािरणीय प्रभाि मूल्याङ्कन (EIA) धेरै कारणहरूका लावि सञ्चालन िररन्छ, मुख्य रूपमा प्रस्तावित
पररयोजनाको सम्भावित िातािरणीय पररणामहरूको राम्रोसाँि मूल्याङ्कन र पररयोजनालाई अिावड बढाउने
वनणुय िनुु अवघ बुझ्नको लावि। EIA सञ्चालन िनुुका मुख्य कारणहरू समािेश छन् :

1. वातावरणीय प्रभाविरूिो पकिचान: EIA ले प्रस्तावित पररयोजनाको सम्भावित िातािरणीय

प्रभािहरूको पवहचान र मूल्याङ्कन िनु मद्दत िछु । यसले िातािरणमा प्रत्यक्ष र अप्रत्यक्ष दु िै प्रभािहरू
समािेश िदु छ, जस्तै हािा र पानीको िुणस्तरमा पररितुन, जैविक विविधता, पाररस्थिवतक प्रणाली, र मानि

2. कनणणय समर्णन: EIA ले वनणुयकताु हरूलाई पररयोजनाको िातािरणीय प्रभािहरूको बारे मा विस्तृत
जानकारी प्रदान िदु छ। यो जानकारी पररयोजना स्वीकृत िने , पररमाजुन िने िा अस्वीकार िने बारे सूवचत
वनणुयहरू िनुको लावि महत्त्वपूणु छ।

3. सावणजकनि सिभाकगता: EIA मा सामान्यतया सािुजवनक परामशु समािेश हुन्छ, जसले प्रभावित
समुदाय र सरोकारिालाहरूलाई प्रस्तावित पररयोजनाको बारे मा इनपुट प्रदान िनु र वचन्ता व्यक्त िनु
अनुमवत वदन्छ। यो सहभावितामूलक दृवष्टकोणले वनणु य प्रवियामा विवभन्न पररप्रे क्ष्यहरू विचार िररन्छ भनी
सुवनवित िनु मद्दत िदु छ।

4. किगो कविास: EIA ले योजना र वनणुय प्रवियाहरूमा िातािरणीय विचारहरू एकीकृत िरे र वदिो
विकासका वसद्धान्तहरूमा योिदान पुर्याउाँ छ। यसले आविुक र सामावजक विकासलाई िातािरण
संरक्षणसाँि सन्तुलनमा राख्ने लक्ष्य राखेको छ।

5. िानूनी र कनयामि अनुपालन: धेरै दे शहरूमा कानून र वनयमहरू छन् जुन वनवित प्रकारका
पररयोजनाहरूको लावि EIA पूरा िनु आिश्यक छ। EIA प्रायः विकास िवतविवधहरूको लावि अनुमवत िा
स्वीकृवतहरू प्राप्त िनु कानु नी आिश्यकता हो।

6. जोखिम व्यवस्र्ापन: EIA ले पररयोजनासाँि सम्बस्ित सम्भावित िातािरणीय जोस्खमहरू पवहचान िनु
र यी जोस्खमहरूलाई कम िनु िा व्यिथिापन िनु रणनीवतहरू विकास िनु मद्दत िदु छ। यो सविय दृवष्टकोण
िातािरण मा प्रवतकूल प्रभाि कम िनु को लािी आिश्यक छ।

7. पररयोजना किजाइन र पररमाजणन: EIA को वनष्किुहरूले पररयोजना वडजाइनमा पररमाजुन िा

िातािरणीय प्रभािहरू कम िनु न्यूनीकरण उपायहरू समािेश िनु नेतृत्व िनु सक्छ। यसले सुवनवित िदु छ
वक पररयोजनाहरू अवधक िातािरणीय रूपमा वजम्मेिार ढं िले वडजाइन र कायाु न्वयन िररएका छन्।

8. अन्तराण करिय िोष र सियोग: केही अन्तराु वष्टिय विविय संथिा र दाताहरूले विकास पररयोजनाहरूको
लावि कोि िा सहायता उपलब्ध िराउनको लावि सतु को रूपमा EIA पूरा िनु आिश्यक छ।


EIA सञ्चालन िदाु , यो सामान्यतया पररयोजना चिको प्रारस्म्भक चरणहरूमा िररन्छ, आदशु रूपमा प्रमुख
वनणुयहरू वलनु र वनमाु ण सुरु हुनु अवघ। योजना प्रवियाको प्रारस्म्भक चरणमा EIA सञ्चालन िनाु ले
पररयोजनाको वडजाइन र वनणुय वलने िातािरणीय विचारहरूलाई एकीकरण िनु , वदिो विकासको सम्भािना
बढाउन र प्रवतकूल िातािरणीय प्रभािहरूलाई कम िनु अनुमवत वदन्छ। विवशष्ट समय दे श र पररयोजनाको
प्रकार अनुसार फरक हुन सक्छ, तर लक्ष्य भनेको िातािरणीय विचारहरू सुरुदे स्ख नै वनणुय िने प्रवियाको
अवभन्न अंि हो भनी सुवनवित िनुु हो।

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