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The following paper was originally published in the

Proceedings of the FREENIX Track:

1999 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Monterey, California, USA, June 6–11, 1999

Soft Updates: A Technique for Eliminating

Most Synchronous Writes in the Fast Filesystem

Marshall Kirk McKusick

Author and Consultant

Gregory R. Ganger
Carnegie Mellon University

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Soft Updates: A Technique for Eliminating Most Synchronous
Writes in the Fast Filesystem
Marshall Kirk McKusick
Author and Consultant

Gregory R. Ganger
Carnegie Mellon University


Traditionally, filesystem consistency has been maintained across system failures either by using
synchronous writes to sequence dependent metadata updates or by using write-ahead logging to
atomically group them. Soft updates, an alternative to these approaches, is an implementation
mechanism that tracks and enforces metadata update dependencies to ensure that the disk image
is always kept consistent. The use of soft updates obviates the need for a separate log or for most
synchronous writes. Indeed, the ability of soft updates to aggregate many operations previously
done individually and synchronously reduces the number of disk writes by 40 to 70% for file-
intensive environments (e.g., program development, mail servers, etc.). In addition to perfor-
mance enhancement, soft updates can also maintain better disk consistency. By ensuring that the
only inconsistencies are unclaimed blocks or inodes, soft updates can eliminate the need to run a
filesystem check program after every system crash. Instead, the system is brought up immedi-
ately. When it is convenient, a background task can be run on the active filesystem to reclaim
any lost blocks and inodes.
This paper describes an implementation of soft updates and its incorporation into the 4.4BSD
fast filesystem. It details the changes that were needed, both to the original research prototype
and to the BSD system, to create a production-quality system. It also discusses the experiences,
difficulties, and lessons learned in moving soft updates from research to reality; as is often the
case, non-focal operations (e.g., fsck and ‘‘fsync’’) required rethinking and additional code.
Experiences with the resulting system validate the earlier research: soft updates integrates well
with existing filesystems and enforces metadata dependencies with performance that is within a
few percent of optimal.

1. Background and Introduction image of the filesystem must have no dangling point-
In filesystems, metadata (e.g., directories, inodes and ers to uninitialized space, no ambiguous resource
free block maps) gives structure to raw storage capac- ownership caused by multiple pointers, and no unref-
ity. Metadata provides pointers and descriptions for erenced live resources. Maintaining these invariants
linking multiple disk sectors into files and identifying generally requires sequencing (or atomic grouping) of
those files. To be useful for persistent storage, a updates to small on-disk metadata objects.
filesystem must maintain the integrity of its metadata Traditionally, the BSD fast filesystem (FFS) [McKu-
in the face of unpredictable system crashes, such as sick et al, 1984] and its derivatives have used syn-
power interruptions and operating system failures. chronous writes to properly sequence stable storage
Because such crashes usually result in the loss of all changes. For example, creating a file in a BSD sys-
information in volatile main memory, the information tem involves first allocating and initializing a new
in non-volatile storage (i.e., disk) must always be con- inode and then filling in a new directory entry to point
sistent enough to deterministically reconstruct a to it. With the synchronous write approach, the
coherent filesystem state. Specifically, the on-disk filesystem forces an application that creates a file to
wait for the disk write that initializes the on-disk often the case, non-focal operations like bounding the
inode. As a result, filesystem operations like file cre- use of kernel memory used to track dependencies,
ation and deletion proceed at disk speeds rather than fully implementing the ‘‘fsync’’, system call seman-
processor/memory speeds in these systems [McVoy & tics, properly detecting and handling lost resources in
Kleiman, 1991; Ousterhout, 1990; Seltzer et al, 1993]. fsck, and cleanly and expediently completing an
Since disk access times are long compared to the unmount system call required some rethinking and
speeds of other computer components, synchronous resulted in much of the code complexity. Despite
writes reduce system performance. these difficulties, our performance experiences do ver-
The metadata update problem can also be addressed ify the conclusions of the early research. Specifically,
with other mechanisms. For example, one can elimi- using soft updates in BSD FFS eliminates most syn-
nate the need to keep the on-disk state consistent by chronous writes and provides performance that is
using NVRAM technologies, such as an uninterrupt- within 5 percent of ideal (i.e., the same filesystem
able power supply or Flash RAM [Wu & Zwaenepoel, with no update ordering). At the same time, soft
1994]. With this approach, only updates to the updates allows BSD FFS to provide cleaner seman-
NVRAM need to be kept consistent, and updates can tics, stronger integrity and security guarantees, and
propagate to disk in any order and whenever it is con- immediate crash recovery (fsck not required for safe
venient. Another approach is to group each set of operation after a system crash).
dependent updates as an atomic operation with some The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
form of write-ahead logging [Chutani et al, 1992; Section 2 describes the update dependencies that arise
Hagmann, 1987; NCR_Corporation, 1992] or shadow- in BSD FFS operations. Section 3 describes how the
paging [Chamberlin et al, 1981; Chao et al, 1992; BSD soft updates implementation handles these
Rosenblum & Ousterhout, 1991; Stonebraker, 1987]. update dependencies, including the key data struc-
Generally speaking, these approaches augment the on- tures, how they are used, and how they are incorpo-
disk state with additional information that can be used rated into the 4.4BSD operating system. Section 4
to reconstruct the committed metadata values after discusses experiences and lessons learned from con-
any system failure other than media corruption. Many verting a prototype implementation into an implemen-
modern filesystems successfully use write-ahead log- tation suitable for use in production environments.
ging to improve performance compared to the syn- Section 5 briefly overviews performance results from
chronous write approach. 4.4BSD systems using soft updates. Section 6 dis-
In [Ganger & Patt, 1994], an alternative approach cusses new support for filesystem snapshots and how
called soft updates was proposed and evaluated in the this support can be used to do a partial fsck in the
context of a research prototype. With soft updates, background on active filesystems. Section 7 outlines
the filesystem uses delayed writes (i.e., write-back the status and availability of the BSD soft updates
caching) for metadata changes, tracks dependencies code.
between updates, and enforces these dependencies at
write-back time. Because most metadata blocks con- 2. Update Dependencies in the BSD Fast Filesystem
tain many pointers, cyclic dependencies occur fre- Several important filesystem operations consist of a
quently when dependencies are recorded only at the series of related modifications to separate metadata
block level. Therefore, soft updates tracks dependen- structures. To ensure recoverability in the presence of
cies on a per-pointer basis, which allows blocks to be unpredictable failures, the modifications often must be
written in any order. Any still-dependent updates in a propagated to stable storage in a specific order. For
metadata block are rolled-back before the block is example, when creating a new file, the filesystem allo-
written and rolled-forward afterwards. Thus, depen- cates an inode, initializes it and constructs a directory
dency cycles are eliminated as an issue. With soft entry that points to it. If the system goes down after
updates, applications always see the most current the new directory entry has been written to disk but
copies of metadata blocks and the disk always sees before the initialized inode is written, consistency
copies that are consistent with its other contents. may be compromised since the contents of the on-disk
In this paper, we describe the incorporation of soft inode are unknown. To ensure metadata consistency,
updates into the 4.4BSD FFS used in the NetBSD, the initialized inode must reach stable storage before
OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and BSDI operating systems. In the new directory entry. We refer to this requirement
doing so, we discuss experiences and lessons learned as an update dependency, because safely writing the
and describe the aspects that were more complex than directory entry depends on first writing the inode.
was suggested in the original research papers. As is The ordering constraints map onto three simple rules:
1) Never point to a structure before it has been ini- dependency requiring that the relevant inode be written
tialized (e.g., an inode must be initialized before before the relevant directory entry. Although not
a directory entry references it). strictly necessary, most BSD fast filesystem implemen-
2) Never re-use a resource before nullifying all tations also immediately write the directory block
previous pointers to it (e.g., an inode’s pointer before the system call creating the file returns. This
to a data block must be nullified before that disk second synchronous write ensures that the filename is
block may be re-allocated for a new inode). on stable storage if the application later does an
‘‘fsync’’ system call. If it were not done, then the
3) Never reset the old pointer to a live resource ‘‘fsync’’ call would have to be able to find all the
before the new pointer has been set (e.g., when unwritten directory blocks containing a name for the
renaming a file, do not remove the old name for an file and write them to disk. A similar update depen-
inode until after the new name has been written). dency between inode and directory entry exists when
This section describes the update dependencies that adding a second name for the same file (a.k.a. a hard
arise in BSD FFS, assuming a basic understanding of link), since the addition of the second name requires
BSD FFS as described in [McKusick et al, 1996]. the filesystem to increment the link count in the inode
There are eight BSD FFS activities that require update and write the inode to disk before the entry may appear
ordering to ensure post-crash recoverability: file cre- in the directory.
ation, file removal, directory creation, directory When a file is deleted, a directory block, an inode
removal, file/directory rename, block allocation, indi- block, and one or more cylinder group bitmaps are
rect block manipulation, and free map management. modified. In the directory block, the relevant directory
The two main resources managed by the BSD FFS are entry is ‘‘removed’’, usually by nullifying the inode
inodes and data blocks. Two bitmaps are used to main- pointer. In the inode block, the relevant inode’s type
tain allocation information about these resources. For field, link count and block pointers are zeroed out. The
each inode in the filesystem, the inode bitmap has a bit deleted file’s blocks and inode are then added to the
that is set if the inode is in use and cleared if it is free. appropriate free block/inode maps. Rule #2 specifies
For each block in the filesystem, the data block bitmap that there are update dependencies between the direc-
has a bit that is set if the block is free and cleared if it is tory entry and the inode and between the inode and any
in use. Each FFS filesystem is broken down into fixed- modified free map bits. To keep the link count conser-
size pieces referred to as cylinder groups. Each cylin- vatively high (and reduce complexity in practice), the
der group has a cylinder group block that contains the update dependency between a directory entry and
bitmaps for the inodes and data blocks residing within inode also exist when removing one of multiple names
that cylinder group. For a large filesystem, this organi- (hard links) for a file.
zation allows just those sub-pieces of the filesystem Creation and removal of directories is largely as
bitmap that are actively being used to be brought into described above for regular files. However, the ‘‘..’’
the kernel memory. Each of these active cylinder entry is a link from the child directory to the parent,
group blocks is stored in a separate I/O buffer and can which adds additional update dependencies. Specifi-
be written to disk independently of the other cylinder cally, during creation, the parent’s link count must be
group blocks. incremented on disk before the new directory’s ‘‘..’’
When a file is created, three metadata structures pointer is written. Likewise, during removal, the par-
located in separate blocks are modified. The first is a ent’s link count must be decremented after the
new inode, which is initialized with its type field set to removed directory’s ‘‘..’’ pointer is nullified. (Note
the new file type, its link count set to one to show that it that this nullification is implicit in deleting the child
is live (i.e., referenced by some directory), its permis- directory’s pointer to the corresponding directory
sion fields set as specified, and all other fields set to block.)
default values. The second is the inode bitmap, which When a new block is allocated, its bitmap location is
is modified to show that the inode has been allocated. updated to reflect that it is in use and the block’s con-
The third is a new directory entry, which is filled in tents are initialized with newly written data or zeros.
with the new name and a pointer to the new inode. To In addition, a pointer to the new block is added to an
ensure that the bitmaps always reflect all allocated inode or indirect block (see below). To ensure that the
resources, the bitmap must be written to disk before on-disk bitmap always reflects allocated resources, the
the inode or directory entry. Because the inode is in an bitmap must be written to disk before the pointer.
unknown state until after it has been initialized on the Also, because the contents of the newly allocated disk
disk, rule #1 specifies that there is an update location are unknown, rule #1 specifies an update
dependency between the new block and the pointer to the filesystem to ascertain which inodes and blocks are
it. Because enforcing this update dependency with in use and bring the bitmaps up to date [McKusick &
synchronous writes can reduce data creation through- Kowalski, 1994]. An added benefit of soft updates is
put by a factor of two [Ganger & Patt, 1994], many that it tracks the writing of the bitmaps to disk and uses
implementations ignore it for regular data blocks. This this information to ensure that no newly allocated
implementation decision reduces integrity and secu- inodes or pointers to newly allocated data blocks will
rity, since newly allocated blocks generally contain be written to disk until after the bitmap that references
previously deleted file data. Soft updates allows all them has been written to disk. This guarantee ensures
block allocations to be protected in this way with near- that there will never be an allocated inode or data block
zero performance reduction. that is not marked in the on-disk bitmap. This guaran-
Manipulation of indirect blocks does not introduce tee, together with the other guarantees made by the soft
fundamentally different update dependencies, but they update code, means that it is no longer necessary to run
do merit separate discussion. Allocation, both of indi- fsck after a system crash. This feature is discussed fur-
rect blocks and of blocks pointed to by indirect blocks, ther in Section 6.
is as discussed above. File deletion, and specifically
de-allocation, is more interesting for indirect blocks. 3. Tracking and Enforcing Update Dependencies
Because the inode reference is the only way to identify This section describes the BSD soft updates data
indirect blocks and blocks connected to them (directly structures and their use in enforcing the update depen-
or indirectly), nullifying the inode’s pointer to an indi- dencies described in Section 2. The structures and
rect block is enough to eliminate all recoverable point- algorithms described eliminate all synchronous write
ers to said blocks. Once the pointer is nullified on disk, operations from BSD FFS except for the partial trun-
all its blocks can be freed. Only for partial truncation cation of a file and the ‘‘fsync’’ system call, which
of a file do update dependencies between indirect explicitly requires that all the state of a file be com-
block pointers and the pointed-to blocks exist. Some mitted to disk before the system call returns.
FFS implementations do not exploit this distinction, The key attribute of soft updates is dependency track-
even though it can have a significant effect on the time ing at the level of individual changes within cached
required to remove a large file. blocks. Thus, for a block containing 64 inodes, the
When a file is being renamed, two directory entries are system can maintain up to 64 dependency structures
affected. A new entry (with the new name) is created with one for each inode in the buffer. Similarly for a
and set to point to the relevant inode and the old entry buffer containing a directory block containing 50
is removed. Rule #3 states that the new entry should be names, the system can maintain up to 50 dependency
written to disk before the old entry is removed to avoid structures with one for each name in the directory.
having the file unreferenced on reboot. If link counts With this level of detailed dependency information,
are being kept conservatively, rename involves at least circular dependencies between blocks are not problem-
four disk updates in sequence: one to increment the atic. For example, when the system wishes to write a
inode’s link count, one to add the new directory entry, buffer containing inodes, those inodes that can be
one to remove the old directory entry, and one to decre- safely written can go to the disk. Any inodes that can-
ment the link count. If the new name already existed, not be safely written yet are temporarily rolled back to
then the addition of the new directory entry also acts as their safe values while the disk write proceeds. After
the first step of file removal as discussed above. Inter- the disk write completes, such inodes are rolled for-
estingly, rename is the one POSIX file operation that ward to their current values. Because the buffer is
really wants an atomic update to multiple user-visible locked throughout the time that the contents are rolled
metadata structures to provide ideal semantics. POSIX back, the disk write is being done, and the contents are
does not require said semantics and most implementa- rolled forward, any processes wishing to use the buffer
tions cannot provide it. will be blocked from accessing it until it has been
On an active filesystem, the bitmaps change constantly. returned to its current state.
Thus, the copy of the bitmaps in the kernel memory
often differs from the copy that is stored on the disk. If 3.1. Dependency Structures
the system halts without writing out the incore state of A soft updates implementation uses a variety of data
the bitmaps, some of the recently allocated inodes and structures to track pending update dependencies
data blocks may not be reflected in the out-of-date among filesystem structures. Table 1 lists the depen-
copies of the bitmaps on the disk. So, the filesystem dency structures used in the BSD soft updates imple-
check program, fsck, must be run over all the inodes in mentation, their main functions, and the types of
Name Function Associated Structures
track bitmap dependencies (points to lists of dependency structures for recently
bmsafemap cylinder group block
allocated blocks and inodes)
track inode dependencies (information and list head pointers for all inode-
inodedep related dependencies, including changes to the link count, the block pointers, inode block
and the file size)
track inode-referenced block (linked into lists pointed to by an inodedep and a data block or
allocdirect bmsafemap to track inode’s dependence on the block and bitmap being written indirect block or
to disk) directory block
track indirect block dependencies (points to list of dependency structures for
indirdep indirect block
recently-allocated blocks with pointers in the indirect block)
track indirect block-referenced block (linked into lists pointed to by an indirdep data block or
allocindir and a bmsafemap to track the indirect block’s dependence on that block and indirect block or
bitmap being written to disk) directory block
track directory block dependencies (points to lists of diradd and dirrem struc-
pagedep directory block
inodedep and
diradd track dependency between a new directory entry and the referenced inode
directory block
track new directory creation (used in addition to standard diradd structure when inodedep and
doing a mkdir) directory block
first pagedep
dirrem track dependency between a deleted directory entry and the unlinked inode
then tasklist
tracks a single block or fragment to be freed as soon as the corresponding block first inodedep
(containing the inode with the now-replaced pointer to it) is written to disk then tasklist
tracks all the block pointers to be freed as soon as the corresponding block first inodedep
(containing the inode with the now-zeroed pointers to them) is written to disk then tasklist
tracks the inode that should be freed as soon as the corresponding block (con- first inodedep
taining the inode block with the now-reset inode) is written to disk then tasklist
Table 1: Soft Updates and Dependency Tracking

blocks with which they can be associated. These buffer are linked onto its worklist list. After the buffer
dependency structures are allocated and associated has been locked and just before the buffer is to be writ-
with blocks as various file operations are completed. ten, the I/O system passes the buffer to the soft update
They are connected to the in-core blocks with which code to let it know that a disk write is about to be initi-
they are associated by a pointer in the corresponding ated. The soft update code then traverses the list of
buffer header. Two common aspects of all listed dependencies associated with the buffer and does any
dependency structures are the worklist structure and needed roll-back operations. After the disk write com-
the states used to track the progress of a dependency. pletes but before the buffer is unlocked, the I/O system
The worklist structure is really just a common header calls the soft update code to let it know that a write has
included as the first item in each dependency structure. completed. The soft update code then traverses the list
It contains a set of linkage pointers and a type field to of dependencies associated with the buffer, does any
show the type of structure in which it is embedded. needed roll-forward operations, and deallocates any
The worklist structure allows several different types of dependencies that are fulfilled by the data in the buffer
dependency structures to be linked together into a sin- having been written to disk.
gle list. The soft updates code can traverse one of these Another important list maintained by the soft updates
heterogenous lists, using the type field to determine code is the tasklist that contains background tasks for
which kind of dependency structure it has encountered, the work daemon. Dependency structures are gener-
and take the appropriate action with each. ally added to the tasklist during the disk write comple-
The typical use for the worklist structure is to link tion routine, describing tasks that have become safe
together a set of dependencies associated with a buffer. given the disk update but that may need to block for
Each buffer in the system has a worklist head pointer locks or I/O and therefore cannot be completed during
added to it. Any dependencies associated with that the interrupt handler. Once per second, the syncer dae-
mon (in its dual role as the soft updates work daemon)
wakes up and calls into the soft updates code to process In general, the flags are set as disk writes complete and
any items on the tasklist. The work done for a depen- a dependency structure can be deallocated only when
dency structure on this list is type-dependent. For its ATTACHED, DEPCOMPLETE, and COMPLETE flags
example, for a freeblks structure, the listed blocks are are all set. Consider the example of a newly allocated
marked free in the block bitmaps. For a dirrem struc- data block that will be tracked by an allocdirect struc-
ture, the associated inode’s link count is decremented, ture. The ATTACHED flag will initially be set when the
possibly triggering file deletion. allocation occurs. The DEPCOMPLETE flag will be set
Dependency States. Most dependency structures have after the bitmap allocating that new block is written.
a set of flags that describe the state of completion of The COMPLETE flag will be set after the contents of
the corresponding dependency. Dirty cache blocks can the new block are written. If the inode claiming the
be written to the disk at any time. When the I/O sys- newly allocated block is written before both the DEP-
tem hands the buffer to the soft updates code (before COMPLETE and COMPLETE flags are set, the
and after a disk write), the states of the associated ATTACHED flag will be cleared while the block pointer
dependency structures determine what actions are in the inode is rolled back to zero, the inode is written,
taken. Although the specific meanings vary from and the block pointer in the inode is rolled forward to
structure to structure, the three main flags and their the new block number. Where different, the specific
general meanings are: meanings of these flags in the various dependency
structures are described in the subsections that follow.
The ATTACHED flag indicates that the buffer 3.2. Bitmap Dependency Tracking
with which the dependency structure is associ-
ated is not currently being written. When a disk
write is initiated for a buffer with a dependency bmsafemap
that must be rolled-back, the ATTACHED flag is worklist
cleared in the dependency structure to show that cylgrp_bp
it has been rolled-back in the buffer. When the allocindir head
disk write completes, updates described by inodedep head
dependency structures that have the ATTACHED new blk head
flag cleared are rolled-forward and the allocdirect head
ATTACHED flag is set. Thus, a dependency
structure can never be deleted while its Figure 1: Bitmap Update Dependencies
ATTACHED flag is cleared, since the information
needed to do the roll-forward operation would Bitmap updates are tracked by the bmsafemap struc-
then be lost. ture shown in Figure 1. Each buffer containing a
cylinder group block will have its own bmsafemap
The DEPCOMPLETE flag indicates that all asso- structure. As with every dependency structure, the
ciated dependencies have been completed. first entry in the bmsafemap structure is a worklist
When a disk write is initiated, the update structure. Each time an inode, direct block, or indirect
described by a dependency structure is rolled- block is allocated from the cylinder group, a depen-
back if the DEPCOMPLETE flag is clear. For dency structure is created for that resource and linked
example, in a dependency structure that is asso- onto the appropriate bmsafemap list. Each newly allo-
ciated with newly allocated inodes or data cated inode will be represented by an inodedep struc-
blocks, the DEPCOMPLETE flag is set when the ture linked to the bmsafemap inodedep head list.
corresponding bitmap has been written to disk. Each newly allocated block directly referenced by an
inode will be represented by an allocdirect structure
COMPLETE linked to the bmsafemap allocdirect head list. Each
The COMPLETE flag indicates that the update newly allocated block referenced by an indirect block
being tracked has been committed to the disk. will be represented by an allocindir structure linked to
For some dependencies, updates will be rolled the bmsafemap allocindir head list. Because of the
back during disk writes when the COMPLETE FFS code’s organization, there is a small window
flag is clear. For example, for a newly allocated between the time a block is first allocated and the time
data block, the COMPLETE flag is set when the at which its use is known. During this period of time,
contents of the block have been written to disk. it is described by a newblk structure linked to the
bmsafemap new blk head list. After the kernel
chooses to write the cylinder group block, the soft
update code will be notified when the write has com- vnode inode
pleted. At that time, the code traverses the inode,
direct block, indirect block, and new block lists, set-
ting the DEPCOMPLETE flag in each dependency
structure and removing said dependency structure
from its dependency list. Having cleared all its depen-
dency lists, the bmsafemap structure can be deallo-
cated. There are multiple lists as it is slightly faster
and more type-safe to have lists of specific types.
dinode dinode dinode ... dinode
3.3. Inode Dependency Tracking
buffer of dinodes

inodedep Figure 3: Inode Update Steps

state (see below) disk buffer holds the contents of an entire
deps list disk block, which is usually big enough to
dep bp include 64 dinodes. Some dependencies are
hash list fulfilled only when the inode has been writ-
filesystem ptr
ten to disk. For these, dependency structures
inode number
need to track the progress of the writing of
the inode. Therefore, during step 1, a soft
nlink delta
update routine, ‘‘softdep_update_inode-
saved inode ptr
block’’, is called to move allocdirect struc-
saved size
tures from the ‘‘incore update’’ list to the
pending ops head
‘‘buffer update’’ list and to move freefile,
buf wait head
freeblks, freefrag, diradd, and mkdir struc-
inode wait head tures (described below) from the ‘‘inode
buffer update head wait’’ list to the ‘‘buf wait’’ list.
incore update head
Step 2: The kernel calls the vnode operation,
VOP_STRATEGY, which prepares to write
Figure 2: Inode Update Dependencies
the buffer containing the dinode, pointed to
Inode updates are tracked by the inodedep structure by bp in Figure 3. A soft updates routine,
shown in Figure 2. The worklist and ‘‘state’’ fields are ‘‘softdep_disk_io_initiation’’, identifies
as described for dependency structures in general. The inodedep dependencies and calls ‘‘initi-
‘‘filesystem ptr’’ and ‘‘inode number’’ fields identify ate_write_inodeblock’’ to do roll-backs as
the inode in question. When an inode is newly allo- necessary.
cated, its inodedep is attached to the ‘‘inodedep head’’ Step 3: Output completes on the buffer referred to
list of a bmsafemap structure. Here, ‘‘deps list’’ chains by bp and the I/O system calls a routine,
additional new inodedeps and ‘‘dep bp’’ points to the ‘‘biodone’’, to notify any waiting processes
cylinder group block that contains the corresponding that the write has finished. The ‘‘biodone’’
bitmap. Other inodedep fields are explained in subse- routine then calls a soft updates routine,
quent subsections. ‘‘softdep_disk_write_complete’’, which
Before detailing the rest of the dependencies associ- identifies inodedep dependencies and calls
ated with an inode, we need to describe the steps ‘‘handle_written_inodeblock’’ to revert roll-
involved in updating an inode on disk as pictured in backs and clear any dependencies on the
Figure 3. ‘‘buf wait’’ and ‘‘buffer update’’ lists.

Step 1: The kernel calls the vnode operation, 3.4. Direct Block Dependency Tracking
VOP_UPDATE, which requests that the disk
resident part of an inode (referred to as a din- Figure 4 illustrates the dependency structures involved
ode) be copied from its in-memory vnode in allocation of direct blocks. Recall that the key
structure to the appropriate disk buffer. This dependencies are that, before the on-disk inode points
filesystem. However, it cannot be released until the
bmsafemap new fragment or block has had its bitmap entry and
cylgrp_bp->b_dep worklist
contents written and the inode claiming the new frag-
allocindir head ment or block has been written to the disk. The frag-
inodedep head ment to be released is described by a freefrag structure
new blk head
allocdirect head
(not shown). The freefrag structure is held on the
‘‘freefrag’’ list of the allocdirect for the block that will
lbn1_bp->b_dep lbn3_bp->b_dep
replace it until the new block has had its bitmap entry
inodedep allocdirect allocdirect allocdirect
worklist worklist worklist worklist
and contents written. The freefrag structure is then
state (see below) state (see below) state (see below) state (see below) moved to the ‘‘inode wait’’ list of the inodedep associ-
deps list deps list deps list deps list ated with its allocdirect structure where it migrates to
dep bp dep bp dep bp dep bp
hash list logical blkno 1 logical blkno 2 logical blkno 3
the ‘‘buf wait’’ list when VOP_UPDATE is called. The
filesystem ptr new blkno new blkno new blkno freefrag structure eventually is added to the tasklist
inode number old blkno old blkno old blkno after the buffer holding the inode block has been writ-
nlink delta new size new size new size
saved inode ptr old size old size old size
ten to disk. When the tasklist is serviced, the fragment
saved size freefrag freefrag freefrag listed in the freefrag structure is returned to the free-
pending ops head next allocdirect next allocdirect next allocdirect block bitmap.
buf wait head my inodedep my inodedep my inodedep
buffer update head DEPCOMPLETE DEPCOMPLETE 3.5. Indirect Block Dependency Tracking
incore update head

cylgrp_bp->b_dep worklist
Figure 4: Direct Block Allocation Dependencies cylgrp_bp
allocindir head

to a newly allocated block, both the corresponding inodedep head

new blk head
bitmap block and the new block itself must be written allocdirect head
to the disk. The order in which the two dependencies
complete is not important. The figure introduces the lvl1indir_bp->b_dep lbn14_bp->b_dep

allocdirect structure which tracks blocks directly refer- indirdep allocindir allocindir
worklist worklist worklist
enced by the inode. The three recently allocated logi- state (see below) state (see below) state (see below)
cal blocks (1, 2, and 3) shown are each in a different saved data ptr deps list deps list
state. For logical block 1, the bitmap block depen- safe copy bp dep bp dep bp
done head offset 8 in indir blk offset 12 in indir blk
dency is complete (as shown by the DEPCOMPLETE
allocindir head new blkno new blkno
flag being set), but the block itself has not yet been ATTACHED old blkno old blkno
written (as shown by the COMPLETE flag being freefrag freefrag
cleared). For logical block 2, both dependencies are next allocindir next allocindir
my indirdep my indirdep
complete. For logical block 3, neither dependency is
complete, so the corresponding allocdirect structure is ATTACHED ATTACHED
attached to a bmsafemap ‘‘allocdirect head’’ list (recall
that this list is traversed to set DEPCOMPLETE flags Figure 5: Indirect Block Allocation Dependencies
after bitmap blocks are written). The COMPLETE flag
for logical blocks 1 and 3 will be set when their initial- Figure 5 shows the dependency structures involved in
ized data blocks are written to disk. The figure also allocation of indirect blocks, which includes the same
shows that logical block 1 existed at a time that dependencies as with direct blocks. This figure intro-
VOP_UPDATE was called, which is why its allocdirect duces two new dependency structures. A separate
structure resides on the inodedep ‘‘buffer update’’ list. allocindir structure tracks each individual block
Logical blocks 2 and 3 were created after the most pointer in an indirect block. The indirdep structure
recent call to VOP_UPDATE and thus their structures manages all the allocindir dependencies associated
reside on the inodedep ‘‘incore update’’ list. with an indirect block. The figure shows a file that
For files that grow in small steps, a direct block pointer recently allocated logical blocks 14 and 15 (the third
may first point to a fragment that is later promoted to a and fourth entries, at offsets 8 and 12, in the first indi-
larger fragment and eventually to a full-sized block. rect block). The allocation bitmaps have been written
When a fragment is replaced by a larger fragment or a for logical block 14 (as shown by its DEPCOMPLETE
full-sized block, it must be released back to the flag being set), but not for block 15. Thus, the
bmsafemap structure tracks the allocindir structure for dependencies associated with a newly allocated block
logical block 15. The contents of logical block 15 have pointed to by the indirect block. These structures are
been written to disk (as shown by its COMPLETE flag used as described in the previous three subsections.
being set), but not those of block 14. The COMPLETE Neither the indirect block nor the data block that it ref-
flag will be set in 14’s allocindir structure once the erences have had their bitmaps set, so they do not have
block is written. The list of allocindir structures their DEPCOMPLETE flag set and are tracked by a
tracked by an indirdep structure can be quite long (e.g., bmsafemap structure. The bitmap entry for the inode
up to 2048 entries for 8KB indirect blocks). To avoid has been written, so the inodedep structure has its DEP-
traversing lengthy dependency structure lists in the I/O COMPLETE flag set. The use of the ‘‘buffer update
routines, an indirdep structure maintains a second ver- head’’ list by the inodedep structure indicates that the
sion of the indirect block: the ‘‘saved data ptr’’ always in-core inode has been copied into its buffer by a call to
points to the buffer’s up-to-date copy and the ‘‘safe VOP_UPDATE. Neither of the dependent pointers
copy ptr’’ points to a version that includes only the (from the inode to the indirect block and from the indi-
subset of pointers that can be safely written to disk rect block to the data block) can be safely included in
(and NULL for the others). The former is used for all disk writes yet, since the corresponding COMPLETE
filesystem operations and the latter is used for disk and DEPCOMPLETE flags are not set. Only after the
writes. When the ‘‘allocindir head’’ list becomes bitmaps and the contents have been written will all the
empty, the ‘‘saved data ptr’’ and ‘‘safe copy ptr’’ point flags be set and the dependencies complete.
to identical blocks and the indirdep structure (and the
safe copy) can be deallocated. 3.7. New Directory Entry Dependency Tracking

3.6. Dependency Tracking for new Indirect Blocks

dirpage_bp->b_dep diradd (foo)
inodedep (bar) parent dir pagedep worklist
dinode indirect block data block
worklist worklist state (see below)
state (see below) state (see below) next diradd
deps list hash list dir offset
dep bp mount ptr new inode number
hash list inode number previous dirrem
dinode_bp->b_dep indir_bp->b_dep data_bp->b_dep filesystem ptr logical blkno my pagedep

inodedep allocdirect indirdep allocindir

inode number dirrem head ATTACHED
worklist worklist worklist worklist nlink delta diradd head DEPCOMPLETE
state (see below) state (see below) state (see below) state (see below) saved inode ptr pending ops head diradd (bar)
deps list deps list saved data ptr deps list worklist
saved size no flags
dep bp dep bp safe copy bp dep bp
pending ops head state (see below)
hash list logical blkno done head offset in indir blk
inodedep (foo) next diradd
filesystem ptr new blkno allocindir head new blkno buf wait head ..
inode number old blkno ATTACHED old blkno
inode wait head . dir offset
nlink delta new size freefrag
buffer update head buf wait head new inode number
saved inode ptr old size bmsafemap next allocindir
saved size freefrag worklist my indirdep incore update head .. previous dirrem
pending ops head next allocdirect cylgrp_bp ATTACHED
. my pagedep
buf wait head my inodedep allocindir head ATTACHED
inode wait head ATTACHED inodedep head DEPCOMPLETE
buffer update head cylgrp_bp->b_dep new blk head
incore update head allocdirect head
DEPCOMPLETE Figure 7: Dependencies Associated with Adding New
Directory Entries
Figure 6: Dependencies for a File Expanding into an
Indirect Block Figure 7 shows the dependency structures for a direc-
tory that has two new entries, foo and bar. This figure
Figure 6 shows the structures associated with a file that introduces two new dependency structures. A separate
recently expanded into its single-level indirect block. diradd structure tracks each individual directory entry
Specifically, this involves inodedep and indirdep struc- in a directory block. The pagedep structure manages
tures to manage dependency structures for the inode all the diradd dependencies associated with a directory
and indirect block, an allocdirect structure to track the block. For each new file, there is an inodedep structure
dependencies associated with the indirect block’s allo- and a diradd structure. Both files’ inodes have had
cation, and an allocindir structure to track the
their bitmap’s written to disk, as shown by the DEP-
COMPLETE flags being set in their inodedeps. The newdirpage_bp->b_dep
inode for foo has been updated with VOP_UPDATE, but dirpage_bp->b_dep mkdirlisthd mkdir

has not yet been written to disk, as shown by the COM- new dir inodedep parent dir pagedep worklist

PLETE flag on its inodedep structure not being set and worklist worklist MKDIR_BODY

by its diradd structure still being linked onto its ‘‘buf state (see below) state (see below) my diradd
next mkdir
wait’’ list. Until the inode is written to disk with its deps list hash list
increased link count, the directory entry may not dep bp mount ptr
appear on disk. If the directory page is written, the soft hash list inode number
updates code will roll back the creation of the new filesystem ptr logical blkno
inode number dirrem head my diradd
directory entry for foo by setting its inode number to
nlink delta diradd head next mkdir
zero. After the disk write completes, the roll-back is
saved inode ptr pending ops head diradd
reversed by restoring the correct inode number for foo.
saved size no flags worklist
The inode for bar has been written to disk, as shown pending ops head state (see below)
by the COMPLETE flag being set in its inodedep and buf wait head parent dir inodedep next diradd
diradd structures. When the inode write completed, .. dir offset
inode wait head .
the diradd structure for bar was moved from the inod- buffer update head new inode number
buf wait head
edep ‘‘buf wait’’ list to the inodedep ‘‘pending ops’’ incore update head .. previous dirrem
list. The diradd also moved from the pagedep ATTACHED
. my pagedep
‘‘diradd’’ list to the pagedep ‘‘pending ops’’ list. Since DEPCOMPLETE ATTACHED ATTACHED
the inode has been written, it is safe to allow the direc- COMPLETE DEPCOMPLETE MKDIR_BODY
tory entry to be written to disk. The diradd entries
remain on the inodedep and pagedep ‘‘pending ops’’ Figure 8: Dependencies Associated with Adding a
list until the new directory entry is written to disk. New Directory
When the entry is written, the diradd structure is freed.
One reason to maintain the ‘‘pending ops’’ list is so buffer at any given point in time. Thus, two structures
that when an ‘‘fsync’’ system call is done on a file, the are used to track the action of the two different buffers.
kernel is able to ensure that both the file’s contents and When each completes, it clears its associated flag in the
directory reference(s) are written to disk. The kernel diradd structure. The MKDIR_PARENT is linked to the
ensures that the reference(s) are written by doing a inodedep structure for the parent directory. When that
lookup to see if there is an inodedep for the inode that directory inode is written, the link count will be
is the target of the ‘‘fsync’’. If it finds an inodedep, it updated on disk. The MKDIR_BODY is linked to the
checks to see if it has any diradd dependencies on buffer that contains the initial contents of the new direc-
either its ‘‘pending ops’’ or ‘‘buf wait’’ lists. If it finds tory. When that buffer is written, the entries for "." and
any diradd structures, it follows the pointers to their ".." will be on disk. The last mkdir to complete sets the
associated pagedep structures and flushes out the DEPCOMPLETE flag in the diradd structure so that the
directory inode associated with that pagedep. This diradd structure knows that these extra dependencies
back-tracking recurses on the directory inodedep. have been completed. Once these extra dependencies
have been completed, the handling of the directory
3.8. New Directory Dependency Tracking diradd proceeds exactly as it would for a regular file.
Figure 8 shows the two additional dependency struc- All mkdir structures in the system are linked together
tures involved with creating a new directory. For a reg- on a list. This list is needed so that a diradd can find its
ular file, the directory entry can be committed as soon associated mkdir structures and deallocate them if it is
as the newly referenced inode has been written to disk prematurely freed (e.g., if a ‘‘mkdir’’ system call is
with its increased link count. When a new directory is immediately followed by a ‘‘rmdir’’ system call of the
created, there are two additional dependencies: writing same directory). Here, the de-allocation of a diradd
the directory data block containing the "." and ".." structure must traverse the list to find the associated
entries (MKDIR_BODY) and writing the parent inode mkdir structures that reference it. The deletion would
with the increased link count for ".." (MKDIR_PAR- be faster if the diradd structure were simply aug-
ENT). These additional dependencies are tracked by mented to have two pointers that referenced the associ-
two mkdir structures linked to the associated diradd ated mkdir structures. However, these extra pointers
structure. The BSD soft updates design dictates that would double the size of the diradd structure to speed
any given dependency will correspond to a single an infrequent operation.
3.9. Directory Entry Removal Dependency Tracking 3.11. File and Directory Inode Reclamation
When the link count on a file or directory drops to zero,
pagedep its inode is zeroed to indicate that it is no longer in use.
dirpage_bp->b_dep worklist In the non-soft-updates FFS, the zeroed inode is syn-
state (see below) dirrem chronously written to disk and the inode is marked as
hash list worklist free in the bitmap. With soft updates, information
mount ptr state (see below) about the inode to be freed is saved in a freefile struc-
inode number next dirrem ture. The freefile structure is added to the ‘‘inode
logical blkno mount ptr wait’’ list, and it migrates to the ‘‘buf wait’’ list when
dirrem head old inode number VOP_UPDATE is called. The freefile structure eventu-
diradd head parent inode num ally is added to the tasklist after the buffer holding the
pending ops head my pagedep inode block has been written to disk. When the tasklist
no flags no flags is serviced, the inode listed in the freefile structure is
returned to the free inode map.
Figure 9: Dependencies Associated with Removing a
Directory Entry 3.12. Directory Entry Renaming Dependency
Figure 9 shows the dependency structures involved
with the removal of a directory entry. This figure
introduces one new dependency structure, the dirrem
new file inodedep parent dir pagedep dirrem
structure, and a new use for the pagedep structure. A
worklist worklist worklist
separate dirrem structure tracks each individual direc-
state (see below) state (see below) state (see below)
tory entry to be removed in a directory block. In addi-
deps list hash list next dirrem
tion to previously described uses, pagedep structures
dep bp mount ptr mount ptr
associated with a directory block manage all dirrem
hash list inode number old inode number
structures associated with the block. After the direc-
filesystem ptr logical blkno parent inode num
tory block is written to disk, the dirrem request is inode number dirrem head my pagedep
added to the work daemon’s tasklist list. For file dele- nlink delta diradd head no flags
tions, the work daemon will decrement the inode’s saved inode ptr pending ops head diradd
link count by one. For directory deletions, the work saved size no flags worklist
daemon will decrement the inode’s link count by two, pending ops head state (see below)
truncate its to size zero, and decrement the parent buf wait head next diradd
directory’s link count by one. If the inode’s link count inode wait head dir offset
drops to zero, the resource reclamation activities buffer update head new inode number
described in Section 3.11 are initiated. incore update head previous dirrem

ATTACHED my pagedep
3.10. File Truncation DEPCOMPLETE ATTACHED
In the non-soft-updates FFS, when a file is truncated to COMPLETE
zero length, the block pointers in its inode are saved in
a temporary list, the pointers in the inode are zeroed, Figure 10: Dependencies Associated with Renaming a
and the inode is synchronously written to disk. When Directory Entry
the inode write completes, the list of its formerly
claimed blocks are added to the free-block bitmap. Figure 10 shows the structures involved in renaming a
With soft updates, the block pointers in the inode being file. The dependencies follow the same series of steps
truncated are copied into a freeblks structure, the point- as those for adding a new file entry, with two varia-
ers in the inode are zeroed, and the inode is marked tions. First, when a roll-back of an entry is needed
dirty. The freeblks structure is added to the ‘‘inode because its inode has not yet been written to disk, the
wait’’ list, and it migrates to the ‘‘buf wait’’ list when entry must be set back to the previous inode number
VOP_UPDATE is called. The freeblks structure is even- rather than to zero. The previous inode number is
tually added to the tasklist after the buffer holding the stored in a dirrem structure. The DIRCHG flag is set in
inode block has been written to disk. When the tasklist the diradd structure so that the roll-back code knows to
is serviced, the blocks listed in the freeblks structure use the old inode number stored in the dirrem struc-
are returned to the free-block bitmap. ture. The second variation is that, after the modified
directory entry is written to disk, the dirrem structure is subsystem to sort all the write requests into the most
added to the work daemon’s tasklist list so that the link efficient order for writing. Still, the ‘‘fsync’’ part of
count of the old inode will be decremented as the soft update code generates most of the remaining
described in Section 3.9. synchronous writes in the filesystem.
Unmounting filesystems. Another issue related to
‘‘fsync’’ is unmounting of filesystems. Doing an
4. Experiences and Lessons Learned unmount requires finding and flushing all the dirty
This section describes various issues that arose in mov- files that are associated with the filesystem. Flushing
ing soft updates from research prototype to being a pro- the files may lead to the generation of background
duction-quality component of the 4.4BSD operating activity such as removing files whose reference count
system. Some of these issues were evident shortcom- drops to zero as a result of their nullified directory
ings of the research prototype, and some were simply entries being written. Thus, the system must be able to
the result of differences in the host operating systems. find all background activity requests and process them.
Others, however, only became evident as we gained Even on a quiescent filesystem, several iterations of
operational experience with soft updates. file flushes followed by background activity may be
The "fsync" system call. An important filesystem required. The 4.4BSD FFS allows for forcible
interface is accessed through the ‘‘fsync’’ system call. unmounts of filesystems which allows the unmount to
This system call requests that the specified file be writ- take place while the filesystem is actively in use, which
ten to stable storage and that the system call not return required additional support.
until all its associated writes have completed. The pro- Removing directories. The prototype implementation
totype soft update implementation did not implement oversimplified the sequencing of updates involved with
the ‘‘fsync’’ system call. removing a directory. Specifically, the prototype
The task of completing an ‘‘fsync’’ requires more than allowed the removal of the directory’s name and the
simply writing all the file’s dirty data blocks to disk. It removal of its ".." entry to proceed in parallel. This
also requires that any unwritten directory entries that meant that a crash could leave the directory in place
reference the file also be written, as well as any unwrit- with its ".." entry removed. Although fsck could be
ten directories between the file and the root of the modified to repair this problem, it is not acceptable
filesystem. Simply getting the data blocks to disk can when fsck is bypassed during crash recovery.
be a major task. First, the system must check to see if For correct operation, a directory’s ".." entry should
the bitmap for the inode has been written, finding the not be removed until after the directory is persistently
bitmap and writing it if necessary. It must then check unlinked. Correcting this in the soft updates code
for, find, and write the bitmaps for any new blocks in introduced a delay of up to two minutes between
the file. Next, any unwritten data blocks must go to unlinked a directory and its really being deallocated
disk. Following the data blocks, any first level indirect (when the ".." entry is removed). Until the directory’s
blocks that have newly allocated blocks in them are ".." entry is really removed, the link count on its parent
written, followed by any double indirect blocks, then will not be decremented. Thus, when a user removed
triple level indirect blocks. Finally, the inode can be one or more directories, the the link count of their for-
written which will ensure that the contents of the file mer parent still reflected their being present for several
are on stable store. Ensuring that all names for the file minutes. This delayed link count decrement not only
are also on stable store requires data structures that can caused some questions from users, but also caused
determine whether there are any uncommitted names some applications to break. For example, the ‘‘rmdir’’
and if so, in which directories they occur. For each system call will not remove a directory that has a link
directory containing an uncommitted name, the soft count over two. This restriction means that a directory
update code must go through the same set of flush that recently had directories removed from it cannot be
operations that it has just done on the file itself. removed until its former directories have been fully
Although the ‘‘fsync’’ system call must ultimately be deleted.
done synchronously, this does not mean that the flush- To fix these link-count problems, the BSD soft updates
ing operations must each be done synchronously. implementation augments the inode ‘‘nlink’’ field with
Instead, whole sets of bitmaps or data blocks are a new field called ‘‘effnlink’’. The ‘‘nlink’’ field is still
pushed into the disk queue and the soft update code stored as part of the on-disk metadata and reflects the
then waits for all the writes to complete. This true link count of the inode. The ‘‘effnlink’’ field is
approach is more efficient because it allows the disk maintained only in kernel memory and reflects the final
value that the ‘‘nlink’’ field will reach once all its out- memory load for this case and not allow it to grow past
standing operations are completed. All interactions a tunable upper bound. When the bound is reached,
with user applications report the value of the ‘‘effn- new dependency structures can only be created at the
link’’ field which results in the illusion that everything rate at which old ones are retired. The effect of this
has happened immediately. limit is to slow down the rate of removal to the rate at
Block Reallocation. Because it was not done in Sys- which the disk updates can be done. While this restric-
tem V Release 4 UNIX, the prototype system did not tion slows the rate at which soft updates can normally
handle block reallocation. In the 4.4BSD FFS, the remove files, it is still considerably faster than the tra-
filesystem sometimes changes the on-disk locations of ditional synchronous write filesystem. In steady-state,
file blocks as a file grows to lay the file out more con- the soft update remove algorithm requires about one
tiguously. Thus, a block that is initially assigned to a disk write for each ten files removed while the tradi-
file may be replaced as the file grows larger. Although tional filesystem requires at least two writes for every
the prototype code was prepared to handle upgrades of file removed.
fragments to full-sized blocks in the last block of a file, The fsck Utility. As with the dual tracking of the true
it was not prepared to have full-sized blocks reallo- and effective link count, the changes needed to fsck
cated at interior parts of inodes and indirect blocks. became evident through operational experience. In a
Memory used for Dependency Structures. One con- non-soft-updates filesystem implementation, file
cern with soft updates is the amount of memory con- removal happens within a few milliseconds. Thus,
sumed by the dependency structures. This problem there is a short period of time between the directory
was attacked on two fronts: memory efficiency and entry being removed and the inode being deallocated.
usage bounding. If the system crashes during a bulk tree removal opera-
tion, there are usually no inodes lacking references
The prototype implementation generally used two from directory entries, though in rare instances there
structures for each update dependency. One was asso- may be one or two. By contrast, in a system running
ciated with the data that needed to be written and one with soft updates, many seconds may elapse between
with the data that depended on the write. For example, the times when the directory entry is deleted and the
each time a new block was allocated, new dependency inode is deallocated. If the system crashes during a
structures were associated with the allocated disk bulk tree removal operation, there are usually tens to
block, the bitmap from which the block was allocated, hundreds of inodes lacking references from directory
and the inode claiming the new disk block. The struc- entries. Historically, fsck placed any unreferenced
ture associated with the inode was dependent on the inodes into the lost+found directory. This action is
other two being written. The 4.4BSD soft updates reasonable if the filesystem has been damaged because
code uses a single dependency structure (associated of disk failure which results in the loss of one or more
with the disk block) to describe a block allocation. directories. However, it results in the incorrect action
There is a single dependency structure associated with of stuffing the lost+found directory full of partially
each bitmap and each inode, and all related block allo- deleted files when running with soft updates. Thus, the
cation structures are linked into lists headed by these fsck program must be modified to check that a filesys-
structures. That is, one block allocation structure is tem is running with soft updates and clear out, rather
linked into the allocated block’s list, the bitmap’s list, than saving, unreferenced inodes (unless it has deter-
and the inode’s list. By constructing lists rather than mined that unexpected damage has occurred to the
using separate structures, the demand on memory was filesystem, in which case the files are saved in
reduced by about 40 percent. lost+found).
In daily operation, we have found that the additional A peripheral benefit of soft updates is that fsck can
dynamic memory load placed on the kernel memory trust the allocation information in the bitmaps. Thus, it
allocation area is about equal to the amount of memory only needs to check the subset of inodes in the filesys-
used by vnodes plus inodes. For a system with 1000 tem that the bitmaps indicate are in use. Although
vnodes, the additional peak memory load is about some of the inodes marked "in use" may be free, none
300KB. The one exception to this guideline occurs of those marked free will ever be in use.
when large directory trees are removed. Here, the
filesystem code can get arbitrarily far ahead of the on- Partial File Truncation. Although the common case
disk state, causing the amount of memory dedicated to for deallocation is for all data in a file to be deleted, the
dependency structures to grow without bound. The ‘‘truncate’’ system call allows applications to delete
4.4BSD soft update code was modified to monitor the only part of a file. This creates slightly more compli-
cated update dependencies, including the need to have
deallocation dependencies for indirect blocks and the running time. This is particularly impressive when one
need to consider partially deleted data blocks. Because considers that the finds and the pauses involve no
it is so uncommon, neither the prototype nor the BSD update dependencies, and the Andrew benchmark is
soft updates implementation optimizes this case; the largely CPU bound.
conventional synchronous write approach is used The second test consists of building and installing the
instead. FreeBSD system. This task is a real-world example of
a program development environment. The results are
5. Performance as follows:
This paper gives only a cursory look at soft updates Filesystem Disk Writes Running
performance. For a detailed analysis, including com- Configuration Sync Async Time
parisons with other techniques, see [Ganger, McKu- Normal 162,410 39,924 2hr, 12min
sick, & Patt, ]. Asynchronous 0 38,262 1hr, 44min
We place the performance of BSD FFS with soft Soft Updates 1124 48,850 1hr, 44min
updates in context by comparing it to the default BSD
FFS (referred to below as "normal"), which uses syn- The overall result is that soft updates require 75 per-
chronous writes for update ordering, and BSD FFS cent fewer writes and has a 21 percent shorter running
mounted with the O_ASYNC option (referred to below time. Although soft updates initiates 30 percent more
as "asynchronous"), which ignores all update depen- writes than asynchronous, the two result in the same
dencies. In asynchronous mode, all metadata updates running time.
are converted into delayed writes (a delayed write is The third test compares the performance of the central
one in which the buffer is simply marked dirty, put on a mail server for Berkeley Software Design, Inc. run
least-recently-used list, and not written until needed with and without soft updates. The administrator was
for some other purpose). Thus, the O_ASYNC data obviously unwilling to run it in asynchronous mode,
provides an upper bound on the performance of an since it is a production machine and people will not
update ordering scheme in BSD FFS. As expected, we abide by losing their mail. Unlike the tests above,
have found that soft updates eliminates almost all syn- which involve a single disk, the mail spool on this sys-
chronous writes and usually allows BSD FFS to tem is striped across three disks. The statistics were
achieve performance with 5 percent of the upper gathered by averaging the results from thirty days of
bound. Compared to using synchronous writes, file non-weekend operation in each mode. The results for
creation and removal performance increases by factors a 24-hour period are as follows:
of 2 and 20, respectively. Overall, 4.4BSD systems
Filesystem Disk Writes
tend to require 40 percent fewer disk writes and com-
Configuration Sync Async
plete tasks 25 percent more quickly than when using
the default 4.4BSD fast filesystem implementation. Normal 1,877,794 1,613,465
Soft Updates 118,102 946,519
To provide a feeling for how the system performs in
normal operation, we present measurements from three The normal filesystem averaged over 40 writes per sec-
different system tasks. The first task is our ‘‘filesystem ond with a ratio of synchronous to asynchronous writes
torture test’’. This consists of 1000 runs of the Andrew of 1:1. With soft updates, the write rate dropped to 12
benchmark, 1000 copy and removes of /etc with ran- per second and the ratio of synchronous to asyn-
domly selected pauses of 0-60 seconds between each chronous writes dropped to 1:8. For this real-world
copy and remove, and 500 executions of the find appli- application, soft updates requires 70 percent fewer
cation from / with randomly selected pauses of 100 writes, which triples the mail handling capacity of the
seconds between each run. The run of the torture test machine.
compares as follows:
6. Filesystem Snapshots
Filesystem Disk Writes Running
Configuration Sync Async Time A filesystem snapshot is a frozen image of a filesys-
tem at a given instant in time. Snapshots support sev-
Normal 1,459,147 487,031 27hr, 15min
eral important features: the ability to provide back-ups
Asynchronous 0 1,109,711 19hr, 43min
of the filesystem at several times during the day, the
Soft Updates 6 1,113,686 19hr, 50min
ability to do reliable dumps of live filesystems, and
The overall result is that asynchronous and soft (most important for soft updates) the ability to run a
updates require 42 percent fewer writes (with almost filesystem check program on a active system to reclaim
no synchronous writes) and have a 28 percent shorter lost blocks and inodes.
copied return their contents. Writes to snapshot files
Inode are not permitted. When a snapshot file is no longer
not copied
needed, it can be removed in the same way as any other
file; its blocks are simply returned to the free list and
not copied its inode is zeroed and returned to the free inode list.
not used
Snapshots may live across reboots. When a snapshot
not used not copied
not used file is created, the inode number of the snapshot file is
single not copied recorded in the superblock. When a filesystem is
double not used mounted, the snapshot list is traversed and all the listed
triple not used snapshots are activated. The only limit on the number
of snapshots that may exist in a filesystem is the size of
not copied
not copied
the array in the superblock that holds the list of snap-
shots. Currently, this array can hold up to twenty snap-
Multiple snapshot files can concurrently exist. As
described above, earlier snapshot files would appear in
Figure 11: Structure of a snapshot file
later snapshots. If an earlier snapshot is removed, a
later snapshot would claim its blocks rather than allow-
Implementing snapshots in BSD FFS has proven to be
ing them to be returned to the free list. This semantic
straightforward, with the following steps. First, activ-
means that it would be impossible to free any space on
ity on the relevant filesystem is briefly suspended.
the filesystem except by removing the newest snap-
Second, all system calls currently writing to that
shot. To avoid this problem, the snapshot code care-
filesystem are allowed to finish. Third, the filesystem
fully goes through and expunges all earlier snapshots
is synchronized to disk as if it were about to be
by changing its view of them to being zero length files.
unmounted. Finally, a snapshot file is created to track
With this technique, the freeing of an earlier snapshot
subsequent changes to the filesystem; a snapshot file is
releases the space held by that snapshot.
shown in Figure 11. This snapshot file is initialized to
the size of the filesystem’s partition, and most of its file When a block is overwritten, all snapshots are given
block pointers are marked as ‘‘not copied’’. A few an opportunity to copy the block. A copy of the block
strategic blocks are allocated and copied, such as those is made for each snapshot in which the block resides.
holding copies of the superblock and cylinder group Deleted blocks are handled differently. The list of
maps. The snapshot file also uses a distinguished snapshots is consulted. When a snapshot is found in
block number (1) to mark all blocks ‘‘not used’’ at the which the block is active (‘‘not copied’’), the deleted
time of the snapshot, since there is no need to copy block is claimed by that snapshot. The traversal of the
those blocks if they are later allocated and written. snapshot list is then terminated. Other snapshots for
which the block are active are left with an entry of
Once the snapshot file is in place, activity on the
‘‘not copied’’ for that block. The result is that when
filesystem resumes. Each time an existing block in the
they access that location they will still reference the
filesystem is modified, the filesystem checks whether
deleted block. Since snapshots may not be written, the
that block was in use at the time that the snapshot was
block will not change. Since the block is claimed by a
taken (i.e., it is not marked ‘‘not used’’). If so, and if it
snapshot, it will not be allocated to another use. If the
has not already been copied (i.e., it is still marked ‘‘not
snapshot claiming the deleted block is deleted, the
copied’’), a new block is allocated and placed in the
remaining snapshots will be given the opportunity to
snapshot file to replace the ‘‘not copied’’ entry. The
claim the block. Only when none of the remaining
previous contents of the block are copied to the newly
snapshots want to claim the block (i.e., it is marked
allocated snapshot file block, and the modification to
‘‘not used’’ in all of them) will it be returned to the
the original is then allowed to proceed. Whenever a
file is removed, the snapshot code inspects each of the
blocks being freed and claims any that were in use at
6.1. Instant Filesystem Restart
the time of the snapshot. Those blocks marked ‘‘not
used’’ are returned to the free list. Traditionally, after an unclean system shutdown, the
filesystem check program, fsck, has had to be run over
When a snapshot file is read, reads of blocks marked
all inodes in an FFS filesystem to ascertain which
‘‘not copied’’ return the contents of the corresponding
inodes and blocks are in use and correct the bitmaps.
block in the filesystem. Reads of blocks that have been
This is a painfully slow process that can delay the restart BSD uses the vnode driver, vnd. The vnd driver takes
of a big server for an hour or more. The current imple- a file as input and produces a block and character
mentation of soft updates guarantees the consistency of device interface to access it. The vnd block device can
all filesystem resources, including the inode and block then be used as the input device for a standard BSD
bitmaps. With soft updates, the only inconsistency that FFS mount command, allowing the snapshot to appear
can arise in the filesystem (barring software bugs and as a replica of the frozen filesystem at whatever loca-
media failures) is that some unreferenced blocks may tion in the namespace that the system administrator
not appear in the bitmaps and some inodes may have to chooses to mount it.
have overly high link counts reduced. Thus, it is com-
pletely safe to begin using the filesystem after a crash 6.3. Live Dumps
without first running fsck. However, some filesystem Once filesystem snapshots are available, it becomes
space may be lost after each crash. Thus, there is value possible to safely dump live filesystems. When dump
in having a version of fsck that can run in the back- notices that it is being asked to dump a mounted
ground on an active filesystem to find and recover any filesystem, it can simply take a snapshot of the filesys-
lost blocks and adjust inodes with overly high link tem and run over the snapshot instead of on the live
counts. A special case of the overly high link count is filesystem. When dump completes, it releases the
one that should be zero. Such an inode will be freed as snapshot.
part of reducing its link count to zero. This garbage col-
lection task is less difficult than it might at first appear, 7. Current Status
since this version of fsck only needs to identify
resources that are not in use and cannot be allocated or The soft updates code is available for commercial use
accessed by the running system. in Berkeley Software Design Inc.’s BSD/OS 4.0 and
later systems. It is available for non-commercial use in
With the addition of snapshots, the task becomes sim- the freely-available BSD systems: FreeBSD, NetBSD,
ple, requiring only minor modifications to the standard and OpenBSD. The snapshot code is in alpha test and
fsck. When run in background cleanup mode, fsck should be available in the BSD systems towards the
starts by taking a snapshot of the filesystem to be end of 1999. Sun Microsystems has been evaluating
checked. Fsck then runs over the snapshot filesystem the soft updates and snapshot technology for possible
image doing its usual calculations just as in its normal inclusion in Solaris. Vendors wishing to use soft
operation. The only other change comes at the end of updates for commercial use in a freely-available BSD
its run, when it wants to write out the updated versions or in their own products should visit http://www.mcku-
of the bitmaps. Here, the modified fsck takes the set of or contact Dr. McKusick.
blocks that it finds were in use at the time of the snap-
shot and removes this set from the set marked as in use
at the time of the snapshot—the difference is the set of References
lost blocks. It also constructs the list of inodes whose
Chamberlin et al, 1981.
counts need to be adjusted. Fsck then calls a new sys- D. Chamberlin, M. Astrahan, & et al., “A History and
tem call to notify the filesystem of the identified lost Evaluation of System R,” Communications of the
blocks so that it can replace them in its bitmaps. It also ACM, 24, 10, p. 632−646 (1981).
gives the set of inodes whose link counts need to be Chao et al, 1992.
adjusted; those inodes whose link count is reduced to C. Chao, R. English, D. Jacobson, A. Stepanov, & J.
zero are truncated to zero length and freed. When fsck Wilkes, Mime: A High-Performance Parallel Storage
completes, it releases its snapshot. Device with Strong Recovery Guarantees, Hewlett-
Packard Laboratories Report, HPL-CSP-92-9 rev 1
(November 1992).
6.2. User Visible Snapshots
Chutani et al, 1992.
Snapshots may be taken at any time. When taken S. Chutani, O. Anderson, M. Kazar, B. Leverett, W.
every few hours during the day, they allow users to Mason, & R. Sidebotham, “The Episode File Sys-
retrieve a file that they wrote several hours earlier and tem,” Winter USENIX Conference, p. 43−60 (January
later deleted or overwrote by mistake. Snapshots are
much more convenient to use than dump tapes and can Ganger, McKusick, & Patt, .
G. Ganger, M. McKusick, & Y. Patt, “Soft Updates: A
be created much more frequently. Solution to the Metadata Update Problem in Filesys-
The snapshot described above creates a frozen image tems,” ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (in
of a filesystem partition. To make that snapshot acces- preparation).
sible to users through a traditional filesystem interface,
Ganger & Patt, 1994. 8. Biographies
G. Ganger & Y. Patt, “Metadata Update Performance
in File Systems,” USENIX Symposium on Operating Dr. Marshall Kirk McKusick writes books and articles,
Systems Design and Implementation, p. 49−60 consults, and teaches classes on UNIX- and BSD-
(November 1994). related subjects. While at the University of California
Hagmann, 1987. at Berkeley, he implemented the 4.2BSD fast filesys-
R. Hagmann, “Reimplementing the Cedar File Sys- tem, and was the Research Computer Scientist at the
tem Using Logging and Group Commit,” ACM Sym- Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG)
posium on Operating Systems Principles, p. 155−162
(November 1987). overseeing the development and release of 4.3BSD and
4.4BSD. His particular areas of interest are the virtual-
McKusick et al, 1996.
M. McKusick, K. Bostic, M. Karels, & J. Quarter- memory system and the filesystem. One day, he hopes
man,, The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD to see them merged seamlessly. He earned his under-
Operating System, p. 269−271, Addison Wesley Pub- graduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell
lishing Company, Reading, MA (1996). University, and did his graduate work at the University
McKusick et al, 1984. of California at Berkeley, where he received Masters
M. McKusick, W. Joy, S. Leffler, & R. Fabry, “A Fast degrees in Computer Science and Business Adminis-
File System for UNIX,” ACM Transactions on Com-
tration, and a doctoral degree in Computer Science.
puter Systems, 2, 3, p. 181−197 (August 1984).
He is a past president of the Usenix Association, and is
McKusick & Kowalski, 1994.
M. McKusick & T. Kowalski, “FSCK - The UNIX
a member of ACM and IEEE.
File System Check Program,” 4.4 BSD System Man- In his spare time, he enjoys swimming, scuba diving,
ager’s Manual, p. 3:1−21, O’Reilley & Associates, and wine collecting. The wine is stored in a specially
Inc., Sebastopol, CA (1994).
constructed wine cellar (accessible from the web at
McVoy & Kleiman, 1991.˜mckusick/) in the base-
L. McVoy & S. Kleiman, “Extent-like Performance
From a UNIX File System,” Winter USENIX Confer-
ment of the house that he shares with Eric Allman, his
ence, p. 1−11 (January 1991). domestic partner of 20-and-some-odd years. You can
NCR_Corporation, 1992. contact him via email at <mckusick@mcku-
NCR_Corporation, Journaling File System Adminis->.
trator Guide, Release 2.00, NCR Document
D1-2724-A (April 1992).
Greg Ganger is an assistant professor of Electrical and
Ousterhout, 1990. Computer Engineering and Computer Science at
J. Ousterhout, “Why Aren’t Operating Systems Get-
ting faster As Fast As Hardware?,” Summer USENIX Carnegie Mellon University. He has broad research
Conference, p. 247−256 (June 1990). interests in computer systems, including operating sys-
Rosenblum & Ousterhout, 1991. tems, networking, storage systems, computer architec-
M. Rosenblum & J. Ousterhout, “The Design and ture, performance evaluation and distributed systems.
Implementation of a Log-Structured File System,” He also enjoys working on the occasional filesystem
ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, p. project. He spent 2+ years at MIT working on the
1−15 (October 1991). exokernel operating system and related projects as part
Seltzer et al, 1993. of the Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems
M. Seltzer, K. Bostic, M. McKusick, & C. Staelin, group. He earned his various degrees (B.S, M.S, and
“An Implementation of a Log-Structured File System
for UNIX,” Winter USENIX Conference, p. 201−220 Ph.D.) from the University of Michigan. He is a mem-
(January 1993). ber of ACM and IEEE Computer Society. Greg never
Stonebraker, 1987. seems to have spare time, but does very much enjoy a
M. Stonebraker, “The Design of the POSTGRES good game of basketball. You can contact him via
Storage System,” Very Large DataBase Conference, email at <[email protected]>.
p. 289−300 (1987).
Wu & Zwaenepoel, 1994.
M. Wu & W. Zwaenepoel, “eNVy: A Non-Volatile,
Main Memory Storage System,” International Con-
ference on Architectural Support for Programming
Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), p.
86−97 (October 1994).

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