Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

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4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

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Thank you for taking the Week 10 :
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Course outline
Week 10 : Assignment 10
About NPTEL () Your last recorded submission was on 2024-04-03, 22:40 IST Due date: 2024-04-03, 23:59 IST.
Please go through the below paper: “Beware of What You Share Inferring Home Location in Social Networks”
How does an at
NPTEL online ( and
course work? () answer the following questions from [Q1-Q5].

Prerequisite 1) Which of the following social networks was NOT mentioned in the paper as a source for the dataset ? 1 point
Assignment ()

Welcome to Foursquare
PSOSM class () Facebook
Google Plus
Introduction to
Social Media API 2) What is the main focus of the study mentioned in the paper ? 1 point
Inference of Social Security Number from Home Location in Social Networks
Misinformation Inference of Home Location in Social Networks
and Privacy ()
Impact of Nudges on Location Sharing in Social Networks

Privacy and None of the Above

Pictures on
Online Social 3) What is a valid AGI? 1 point
Media ()
Valid Artificial General intelligence
Policing and Valid Ambiguous Geographical Information
Social Media () Valid Artificial Geographical Interface
None of the above
E-crime and
social media ()

Social media and

ecrime ()

resolution and 1/6
4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

social media () 4) Look at the Figure below (Figure 1) and answer the following question : 1 point
Assessment submitted.
X Research
papers: Location
based Privacy ()

Research Papers
Part - II ()

Week 10.1: Beware

of What You Share
“Majority of the users on each of the above mentioned platforms provide home location information at the street
Inferring Home
Location in Social
level.” This statement is:
Networks (unit?
) False

Week 10.2: On the

5) Refer to the figure below (Figure 2) and answer the following question : 1 point
dynamics of
username change
behavior on Twitter

Week 10.3: Boston

Marathon Analyzing
Fake Content on
Twitter (unit?

Week 10 Feedback
Form : Privacy and
Security in Online
Social Media (unit?
) The distance between inferred and declared user home cities on Twitter is less than 40 km for ____ of users.

Quiz: Week 10 : 20 %
Assignment 10
40 %
name=157) 80 %
Week 11:
Summary ()
Please go through the following paper, “On the dynamics of username change behavior on Twitter”
materials/Notes ( and answer the following questions from [Q6-
() Q10]

Text Transcripts

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Books () 2/6
4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

6) From the following figure (Figure 3), what is the correct inference? 1 point
Assessment Solving
X Session - Jan
2024 ()

80% of users rarely change usernames and 20% change user names frequently.
20% of users frequently change usernames and 80% change usernames rarely.
The percentage of users attributed to the change of usernames follows a Pareto Distribution.
The percentage of users attributed to the change of usernames does not follow a Pareto Distribution.

7) Which of the following method(s) were used in the paper for measuring the similarity between two 1 point
consecutive usernames ?

Cosine Similarity
Longest Common Subsequence
Longest Common Substring
All of the Above

8) Observe the figure below (Figure 4) about the additions or deletions of characters to usernames of 1 point
several users on Twitter while changing their usernames and select the correct option(s) :

Most users added or deleted characters either from the start, middle or end of their username. 3/6
4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

Most users deleted characters at the end of their usernames.

Assessment submitted.
X Most users added characters to the middle of their usernames.
None of the Above.

9) Which of the following statements is/are true ? 1 point

Changing usernames rapidly in a short period of time is called Space Gain.

Actively using common usernames like “@happy” or “@smile” is called Username Squatting.
Inactive users preventing others from using that specific username is called Username Squatting.
None of the above

10) Refer to the figure below (Figure 5) about a partner account promoting another in a tweet and answer 1 point
the following question:

Which of the following phenomena is shown in the above figure as discussed in the paper ?

Username Squatting
Obscured Username Promotion
Adjust to Events
Space Gain

Please go through the following paper, “Boston Marathon Analyzing Fake Content on Twitter”
( )and answer the following
questions from [Q11-Q15]

11) Which of the following statements is true about Boston blasts? 1 point

Twin blasts occurred during the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2013 at 18:50 GMT
Twin blasts occurred during the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2009 at 18:50 GMT
Four people were killed and 264 were injured in the incident
All of the above 4/6
4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

12) What does the following figure depict (Figure 6) ? 1 point

Assessment submitted.

The figure shows the temporal distribution of tweets after the Boston blast
The figure shows the spatial distribution of tweets after the Boston blast
Both (a) and (b)
None of the above

Refer to the table below (Table 1) about some parameters of Aditya’s account and answer the following questions

13) Calculate the GlobalEngagement for Aditya. 1 point

Hint: please refer to the n(status) and age definitions as

provided in the paper. The age is to be taken in hours.

None of the above

14) Calculate the Likeability for Aditya. 1 point

Hint: , please refer to the n(favourited) and n(status) 5/6
4/3/24, 11:17 PM Privacy and Security in Online Social Media - - Unit 13 - Research Papers Part - II

definitions as provided in the paper.

Assessment submitted.
X 0.1
None of the above

15) “The credibility of a verified user according to the method in the paper will be considered as 1”. This 1 point
statement is:


You may submit any number of times before the due date. The final submission will be considered for grading.
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