Legacies of The Emblem

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Table Of Contents

Part One: The Many Worlds of Fire Emblem...3

Archanea...3 Cover art by u/TheFriendlyFire on Reddit
Valentia...5 Legacies of the Emblem is unofficial Fan Content
Jugdral...6 permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not
Elibe...7 approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the
Magvel...9 materials used are property of Wizards of the
Tellius...9 Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Fodlan...12 The mechanical aspects of Legacies of the Emblem
were written entirely by u/rubadud_stud. They are
Part Two: New Character Creation Options...13 unofficial homebrew rules, and as such are not
New Lineages...13 subject to the scrutiny put on official content
The Branded...13 published for D&D. Speak with your GM and ask
Taguel...14 them to review any content in this book you wish
New Subclass Options...15 to use before you create a character based around
Artificer Specialist: Mechanist...15 these mechanics.
Primal Path: Path of the Oni...17 In addition, this is the first draft of this
Path of the Totem Warrior Option: Boar...18 sourcebook. I am nowhere near ready to call this a
Bardic College: College of Dancing...19 fully finished product, and would love to hear any
Blood Hunter Order: Order of the Slithering Dark...20 opinions on this material. If you have any
Divine Domain: Divine Dragon Domain...21 suggestions for mechanical changes or inclusions
Druid Circle: Circle of Laguz...22 for future versions of this sourcebook, feel free to
Laguz Forms...23 PM me. I'm always happy to hear any ideas to
Martial Archetype: Mortal Savant...26 explore!
Lastly, this sourcebook includes the use of many
Monastic Tradition: Way of the Grappling King...28 pieces of fanart. I have done my best to adequately
Sacred Oath: Oath of the Vanguard...29 research and credit the artists who made each
Ranger Archetype: Sacaen Wanderer...30 piece of art. If you notice an error on my part in the
Roguish Archetype: Trickster...31 crediting process, please notify me so that I can
Sorcerous Origin: Crestborn...32 change it in future installments.
Otherworldly Patron: The Fell Dragon...34
Arcane Tradition: School of Plegia...35 Thank you very much for your interest in Legacies
Extra Feats...36 of the Emblem! If you have any feedback I would
love to hear it! I hope you enjoy content from the
Part Three: Magical Miscellany...37 many worlds of Fire Emblem as seen through the
Magic Items...37 lense of the world's greatest roleplaying game!
Weapons of the Lords...39
The Fire Emblem...44
New Spells...46
Appendix: Foes of Fire Emblem...51
Gharnef, the Dark Pontifex...51
The Black Knight...52
The Immaculate One...53

Potential Settings for Fire Emblem
The Many Worlds of Fire Campaigns
Vague threads connect each of the Fire Emblem games, but
Emblem most of the main storylines remain unconnected from each
Over the course of more than 30 years the popular Fire other. Each Fire Emblem game takes place on a continent,
Emblem series has become a staple in the video game world wherein several political elements will plunge the various
and has been a large influence for other entries in its genre. factions of the continent into all out war. Listed in this section
Boasting around 600 playable characters, 16 main series are the primary settings for each Fire Emblem story, as well
games spread across every console released by its publisher, as their major and minor factions and leaders.
as well as several spinoffs and crossovers, the world of Fire Archanea
Emblem is undoubtedly a vast one! This supplement for D&D Main Characters: Marth, Chrom, Lucina
5th Edition is a love letter to all things Fire Emblem, and Ruling Factions (Pre-FE13): Altea, Archanea, Aurelis,
seeks to combine elements of the game franchise with the Dolhr, Khadein, Gra, Grust, Macedon, Talys, Thabes, Pyrathi
mechanics of the world's greatest roleplaying game! Ruling Factions (FE13): Plegia, Regna Ferox, Ylisse
This supplement is 100% compatible with 5th Edition and As the original setting for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
can be enjoyed by both casual players and hardcore and the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem, as well as
enthusiasts of D&D. However, many of the items, features, their remakes Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the
and lore presented in this supplement reference events Emblem, as well as being the setting for Awakening,
specific to the worlds of Fire Emblem and may be difficult for Archanea has clearly had more attention than any other
a GM to incorporate into their homebrewed campaign or continent in the series, which is fitting as the series primarily
setting. It is recommended that games using the options feature Marth, the legendary Hero-King of Legend as its main
presented in this supplement be used in one of the many protagonist. Even when Marth is not present in a story set in
settings found in the Fire Emblem saga, many of which are Archanea, his bloodline is shown following a similarly heroic
listed and explained in this section. path by showing the stories of Marth's descendants, Chrom
So venture forth into the many worlds and characters of and Lucina.
Fire Emblem! Become an epic war hero of legend or change
the hearts of millions with Legacies of the Emblem!
"We have the strength to scale the walls
between us, to reach our hands in friendship,
so we can open our true hearts to
one another!
Art by Jin Wu

Archanean History: Thousands of years ago, Archanea was The Fire Emblem, also known as the Binding Shield, is
ruled by a race of divine dragons under their leader, Naga. A said to be capable of granting immense power to its wielder,
great tragedy fell upon them, however, and in order to survive and Plegia sought to use it to resurrect their prime deity: the
they took on the form of the significantly less powerful Fell Dragon Grima.
Manakete. Some dragons, however, refused to revert into this At one point in time, the Grimleal succeeded. They killed
form and fought against those that did, leading to the near Emmeryn, took the Fire Emblem, and used their power to
extermination of their kind. Just before she died, Naga resurrect Grima, who ravished the world with his vast hunger
created the Binding Shield to keep these dragons from and incredible necromantic power. Grima killed Chrom, but
returning, but the powerful artifact was stolen. his daughter, Lucina, lived on.
The thief who stole the Binding Shield used it to create the Lucina gathered as many allies as she could, assembling
kingdom Archanea, and such the beginning of human the final remnants of humankind. She used the Fire Emblem
civilization took place. to throw herself and her companions back in time, back
500 years after the birth of Archanea, a cruel and before Emmeryn was killed. While Lucina could not save her
malevolent figure known as Medeus took up arms against aunt, or prevent Grima was being risen, she was able to warn
Archanea after organizaing the creation of the Dohlr nation. Chrom and his companions of their coming doom, and she
Medeus nearly won, but was slain by a brave warrior who inspired them to join her quest to change the future.
wielding the Falchion, a powerful blade that is now revered Bringing two generations of heroes together, Lucina and
as a powerful artifact like the Binding Shield. Those who Chrom assembled the pieces of the Binding Shield and used
fought in the war against Medeus created many of the it to commune with the spirit of Naga, undergoing the sacred
civilizations that now make up Archanea, such as Aurelis, ritual known as the Awakening. This ritual gave Chrom the
Altea, and Macedon. power needed to defeat Grima, saving the world from his
There was peace on Archanea for many years, but it ended wrath.
when the dark wizard Gharnef resurrected Medeus, who Playing in Archanea: Archanea is a relatively easy
used Dohlr to start a second war. It was during this time of continent to imagine a campaign set in, as there are multiple
darkness that the Hero-King Marth rose up and, with the help time periods in which a GM could create a riveting story. One
of his allies, known as the Archanaen League, fought against could set a story in the distant past, when dragons still ruled
Dohlr in what would become known as the War of Shadows. the world under the leadership of Naga. The classic fantasy
After another period of peace, the warrior Hardin used tropes found in the War of Shadows lend themselves to tales
political connections to become the emperor of Archanea. of epic heroism, while the more complex politics of the War
Gharnef returned during this time, manipulating Hardin's of Heroes could entertain those who seek a more in-depth
mind. Under Gharnef's influence, Hardin began to invade plot. Additionally, setting a campaign in the time of Ylisse
other nations, beginning the War of Heroes. Once again could lead to the dark horror themes found in the Grimleal
Marth intervened, leading the nation of Altea against and Grima's conquest or high concept science fiction, as seen
Archanea's corrupted leadership. with Lucina and her friends of the Future Past timeline.
The War of Heroes proved to be more destructive than the
War of Shadows. Even though he prevented Hardin from
conquering the continent, and even stopped Medeus from "Anything can change!"
living a third time, Marth could not protect Archanea's social Art by u/Kaejunni on Reddit

structure. In the aftermath of the War of Heroes, Marth

managed to pick up all of the continent's broken pieces,
eventually becoming ruler of the entire continent, which
became known as the Archanean Alliance.
Several thousands of years passed before the continent
once again bore stories of heroes. By this time, the continent
had split into three factions; the warrior nation Regna Ferox
encompassing its northern half, while the sorcerous Plegia
occupied its southwestern quadrant with the noble Ylisse
located on its southeastern one. The rulers of Ylisse, known
as the Exalts, are said to be descended from the Hero-King
Marth while many in Plegia follow the Grimleal, an
organization dedicated to serving a foreign and malevolent
One of the Exalts of Ylisse waged war against its western
neighbor, Plegia, and is recorded as being cruel in doing so.
His selfish interests led to the suffering of many, but after his
passing his daughter, Emmeryn, sought to rectify her father's
mistakes. She did her best to repair Ylisse's relationship with
Plegia, but was mostly unable to satisfy her desires. Plegia
gathered its strength and retaliated against Ylisse, seeking
both revenge for their suffering and access to Ylisse's greatest
treasure: the Fire Emblem.

Valentia Four hundred years after the two warriors returned home,
Main Characters: Alm, Celica the Rigelian emperor Rudolf sought to rid the world of the
Ruling Factions (Pre-FE13): Rigel, Zofia influence from both gods. Alm, a young farmtown boy,
Ruling Factions (FE13): Kingdom of Valm stumbled into being recruited by the resistance force that
Valentia is the primary setting for Fire Emblem Gaiden was fighting against Rigel, and he quickly rose to become one
and its remake, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It exists in the of its top soldiers. Eventually he helped lead an invasion of
same world as Archanea, and is often depicted as being Rigel's territory, in which he made a shocking discovery: Alm
Archanea's western neighbor. The events of Alm's quest in was Rudolf's son, and was set to become the next emperor of
Valentia takes place alongside Marth's initial efforts during Rigel.
the War of Shadows, meaning that both the Hero-King Marth Meanwhile, across the continent, Celica, a young woman
and the Saint-King Alm were active at the same points in who had grown up alongside Alm, had made a similar
time. discovery and was struggling to come to terms with the
Valentian History: Valentia was originally ruled over by gravity of the circumstances. Celica was the daughter of Lima
two opposing draconic gods: Duma and his sister Mila. The IV, the ruler of Zofia. Celica struggled to accept the
siblings were given the tasks of guiding humanity, but their responsibilities put on her as she found news of her father's
ideologies differed incredibly. Duma believed that humans death and began to rise as Zofia's new ruler.
should seek to be powerful above all, as only in strength is In Rigel, Alm came to yet another realization: that his
there safety. Mila, however, believed that humans should be father's aim was not completely unwarranted. Rudolf sought
kind and nurturing, as violence is only caused by threat of to rid Valentia of gods, and had succeeded in defeating Mila,
other violence. Because they disagreed so heavily they agreed but had not managed to destroy Duma yet. Rudolf's
to separate into two kingdoms: the northern country of Rigel, reasoning was that there was evidence for the gods going
ruled over by Duma, and the southern country of Zofia, ruled mad and becoming cruel, giving in to horrible desires as their
over by Mila. minds became corrupted by age. Rudolf had already begun
The only time the two gods cooperated with one another seeing it happen in Rigel, as those around him became more
was when they were threatened by an outside force: a pirate and more corrupted by Duma's increasingly dark desires.
nation that threatened their civilization. From this conflict Having been killed in Alm's invasion, Rudolf left the task of
two warriors rose, one from either country, and afterwards finishing Duma to Alm and Celica, who united their armies
they returned to their homes as important figures to their against Duma's dark forces, eventually defeating him through
respective gods. These two warriors were bestowed with the their combined strength and friendship. Shortly afterward
blessing of royal blood, which was eventually passed down to Alm and Celica married, effectively dissolving the kingdoms
Alm, the descendant of the Rigelian hero, and Celica, the of Rigel and Zofia, instead forming the One Kingdom of
descendant of the Zofian hero. Valentia through their union.
Valentia made another appearance two thousand years
later during Chrom's reign as Exalt in Ylisse, but this time
under the name of Valm. Valm had become home to several
small tribes and nations, with one of notable status: the
Kingdom of Valm, led by Walhart, the direct descendant of
the Saint-King Alm. Walhart sought to unite all of Valm under
his kingdom, and led a vicious conquest to do so. His hunger
for power and control did not stop there, however, as he also
began an invasion of Regna Ferox with the goal of taking over
Ylisse as well.
In a desperate attempt to stop Walhart's conquest, a
member of royalty from the small Valmese nation Chon'sin, a
woman named Say'ri, reached out to Chrom and requested
his aid in driving back the oppressive king. Chrom and his
allies lent Say'ri their aid in her quest, and eventually Walhart
was defeated, restoring peace and freedom to Valm once
Playing in Valentia: Valentia is a land that proves that
there is hope for humankind as a species. If a GM's story is
set after Duma's defeat, they may consider that many
Valentians no longer respect the gods for their intervention or
gifts, but rather are inspired by their human leaders, Alm and
Celica. A campaign could also be set during Walhart's
oppressive rule, which was resolved partially because of the
Valmese peoples' willingness to stand together in opposition
of their persecution.

"I serve the One Kingdom of Valentia,

a world where people live and thrive
based on their own efforts,
not the whims of gods."
Art by @taromarunnn on Twitter
Jugdral Sigurd and his friends experienced several exciting
Main Characters: Leif, Sigurd, Seliph adventures over the course of several months, including
Ruling Factions: Augustria, Grannvale, Issach, the Sigurd's marriage and the birth of his son, Seliph, but things
Munster District, Miletos, Silesse, Thracia, Verdane took a turn for the worst when Sigurd heard news of the
Jugdral is the primary setting for Fire Emblem: Genealogy murder of his sister Ethlyn and brother-in-law Quan. After
of the Holy War, as well as its partner game Thracia 776, defeating their killers, Sigurd returned to Belhalla, where he
which takes place during Genealogy's intermission. Together was met by Arvis, a Grannvale noble, who summoned him to
these two games tell a long, world-sprawling epic of larger celebrate Sigurd's victory. It became apparent that this was
than life heroes and immensely powerful villains, set in a not Arvis' intention, however. In an event that would become
world with a complex and unique history. The events of the known as the Battle of Belhalla, Arvis turned against Sigurd
Jugdrali Saga take place in the same world as those in and his allies, incinerating them all with a divine tome known
Archenaea and Valentia, although Jugral's tales happen about as Valflame.
one thousand years prior to Marth or Alm's birth. The aftermath of the Battle of Belhalla would throw
Jugdrali History: The original hub of civilization in Jugdral Grannvale, and Jugdral at large, into darkness, as the
was the Republic of Gran, which enjoyed a peaceful reign for continent's most powerful nation became unified under one
hundreds of years until its fall to Loptous, a powerful Earth leader. Arvis had manipulated events behind the scenes to
Dragon that led a violent crusade in search of power. This lure all of Grannvale's leaders into one area, leaving them
crusade became known as the Loptrian Empire, and it vulnerable. The few who survived the incident went into
reigned over Jugdral for two hundred years, with each of its hiding. In the following time Arvis would take his conquest
Emperors directly possessed and controlled by Loptous, who outside of Grannvale, eventually bringing all of Jugdral under
ruled with an iron fist. his control.
In the Gran Year 611, a resistance against the Loptrian One of the remnants of the Battle of Belhalla was Leif, the
Empire formed, but was largely unsuccessful. This conflict son of Quan and Ethlyn, nephew of Sigurd. He spent most of
became known as the Holy War, and for quite some time it his childhood on the run, as the Loptr Church sought his
seemed as though Loptous would once again prevail. death due to his noble parentage. However, he found shelter
However, in one final attempt at attaining power, the final in the small village of Fiana within the country of Thracia.
twelve leaders of the resistance poured forth their hearts in
prayer to various divine dragons. In return, the divine
dragons descended and imbued the resistance's leaders with
blood rites, physically transforming them and causing them
to become extremely powerful. These leaders became known
as the Twelve Crusaders, and after they received this power
in what would become known as the Miracle of Dahna, they
rose up and defeated the Loptrian Empire.
In the aftermath of the Holy War, more civilizations began
to spring forth from the ashes of the war. Most of the Jugdrali
countries were founded by various members of the Twelve
Crusaders, whose descendants went on to become notable
leaders and heroes throughout history. Seven of the
Crusaders settled in the Kingdom of Grannvale, and their
families became its leaders, leading Grannvale to be one of
the most powerful of the Jugdrali territories.
In the Gran Year 757, Grannvale suddenly began to invade
the neighboring country of Isaach in response to Isaachian
barbarians encroaching on Grannvale territory. Because of
this invasion, many of Grannvale's leaders were drawn to
Isaach, including Byron, the descendant of the Crusader
Baldr. Byron left his son, Sigurd, to defend their territory. The
invasion of Isaach essentially left Grannvale's backdoor open,
and the neighoring country of Verdane saw this as an
opportunity to gain territory easily. They began to strike at
locations along the Grannvale-Verdane border, which drew
Sigurd's attention. Sigurd gathered other nobles from
Grannvale and began fighting back against Verdane. Sigurd
was successful in his efforts, but in doing so discovered a
dastardly plot from the Loptr Church, in which the dark cult
planned to ressurect Loptous and reinstate their empire.
"Seliph, I hope that you can forgive
me one day. Please, grow into a strong man.
One people look up to."
Art by @zunbayasi on Twitter

One day Leif and a band of adventuring spirits from Fiana One year later, in the Gran Year 777, a small band of
were protecting their home from bandits when the village resistance fighters similar to Leif's group rose to prominence
was attacked and destroyed by Raydrik, the Arvis-appointed in the territory of Isaach, where they fight against Grannvale's
Duke of Munster. During the battle, Raydrik kidnapped influence. This force wass led by none other than Seliph, the
several young maidens from Fiana. Leif and the remaining now grown son of Sigurd who has sworn to avenge his father.
villagers were then met by Finn, a noble of Grannvale who Their resistance fought valiantly against the tyranny that
helped Leif escaped the massacre that claimed the lives of Grannvale had instituted in Isaach.
his parents, and together Leif, Finn, and the villagers from Eventually Seliph and his forces made it to the Thracian
Fiana began to build a small rebel force that allowed them to penninsula, where they were met by Leif and his forces.
rebel. Together they fought against Raydrik and his allies Together they worked to next liberate Thracia, and Loptous,
within the Loptr Church, eventually rescuing their friends through the guise of Julius, began to take notice of their
while cementing themselves against the Loptr Church and consistent victories.
Grannvale Army. Julius, along with Ishtar, a powerful mage for whom he has
During this time, the tyrannical government in Grannvale romantic interests, battled Seliph's forces head on in the
experienced its own dilemma. The son of Arvis, Julius, was small country of Miletos. They fail to stop Seliph's unceasing
gifted the tome of Loptous by the Loptr Church, and it began march, though, as Seliph approaches Chalphy, the territory
to plant dark thoughts in his mind, just as it had done with formerly guarded by his father. Guarding Chalphy was none
the Loptrian Emperors of generations past. Julius used the other than Arvis himself, who was not as ruthless as his son,
tome to overthrow his father and began to succumb to the but still aimed to protect what little power he still possessed.
possession of the dark god Loptous. In doing so, Juilius After a long journey, Seliph avenged his father's death by
became even more frightening than his father was, killing Arvis and liberating Grannvale, as well as many of
reinstituting the child hunts of old where Loptous demanded Jugdral's other countries.
the brainwashing of young men and women from around The fight was not over, though. Seliph pursued Julius to
Jugdral into serving his devious designs. While Arvis Belhalla, where their fathers had battled nearly two decades
remained the Grannvale Empire's ruler, Julius became far prior. Here Julius made his final stand against Seliph, but in
more powerful than his father. the end Seliph was able to put a stop to Loptous' plots.
However, through Julius' body, Loptous speaks his final
words, declaring that as long as evil remains in the hearts of
men, someone will arise to wreak havoc just as he had.
Playing in Jugdral: Jugdral is a perfect picture for the
constant tug between good and evil that exists in the worlds
of Fire Emblem. Stories told in Jugdral should feature this
theme, as the heroes of these stories are forced to see the
darkest realities of the world that they live in, but rise to the
occassion in spite of them. Additionally, there are several
time periods in which a campaign could take place. One
could tell a story during the Holy War as allies or enemies of
the Twelve Crusaders, they could assist in the crusades of
Sigurd or Leif, or they could even build their own resistance
against the Grannvale Empire and the Loptr Church. Jugdral
is a continent teeming with storytelling possibility.
"My home has fallen into the clutches of
occupiers, but I will take it back from them."
Art by chynandri on Tumblr

Main Characters: Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Roy
Ruling Factions: Bern, Etruria, Ilia, Lycia, Sacae
Elibe is the setting of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and
its prequel, The Blazing Blade. It is set in a world that has
recovered from an apocalyptic event known as the Scouring,
a rivalry between humans and dragons that some do not
consider to be settled.
Elibe's History: Thousands of years ago humans and
dragons lived together in peace. However, for reasons
unknown, humans declared war on dragons, beginning a long
conflict between the two races that became known as the
Scouring. The dragons were greater than the humans in
every way except for one: humans could reproduce faster
than dragons, causing them to outnumber their opponents.
Human ingenuity was also one of their virtues.

Eight heroes known as the Eight Legends imbued their Soon after this Bern attacked Lycia, inciting a rebellion
weapons with magical power strong enough to cut dragons against the noble class and causing many Lycian territories to
down like grass. But along with human ingenuity comes quickly fall into Bern's hands. Around this time Eliwood had
human hubris, causing the Eight Heroes to forgo considering contracted a terrible illness and assigned his son, Roy, to
the consequences of their actions. command the Lyian army. As the commander, Roy did his
The battles between the Eight Legends and the dragons best to defend Lycia from Bern in their initial invasion, but
caused the very laws of physics to warp, breaking reality with was largely unsuccessful. After rescuing Lilina but failing to
every skirmish. Nature seemingly responded to this by save her father, Hector, from death, he and the remainder of
draining the world of its magical potential, covering the world his army fled to the kingdom of Etruria, where they uncover a
in a thick, harsh winter. The lack of magic caused the plot of corruption within the reigning nobility system.
dragons to become so weak that they required stones with Having overcome the evil in Etruria, Roy added their
innate magical power to assume their full forms. Humans remaining forces to his own and marched towards Bern. He
took advantage of these weaknesses and began to finish off faced many trials along the way, and in doing so uncovered
the dragons, who fled to the Dread Isle Valor, where their the secret locations of each of the Divine Weapons of the
leaders, the Divine Dragons, had created an escape for them Scouring. He and his forces gathered all but one of them,
in the Dragon Gate, a portal only accessible to dragons that which was being held by King Zephiel, the leader of Bern.
would take them to a world of safety. Any dragons who did Using the power of the Divine Weapons, Roy and his army
not successfully make it to the portal were slain by humans made it to Bern's capital, where they confronted and defeated
or went into hiding. Zephiel, reuniting all of the Divine Weapons.
In the Post-Scouring Year 979, a group of Sacaen nomads Once they were reunited, the Divine Weapons began to
were attacked and pillaged by a group of bandits. The only shine with a holy light. This light led Roy to the Dragon's
survivor was a girl named Lyn, a young woman that had Gate, where he discovered Zephiel's true intention: he had
grown up in Sacaen society her entire life. Sacae has no actually succeeded in opening the Gate, summoning a crazed
government, but rather exists as a collective of nomadic Demon Dragon named Idunn, a product of the dragons' final
herds that wander the vast, open plains of the country. Upon attempt to overcome the humans during the Scouring that
the death of her family, Lyn traveled to a nearby town, where could endlessly summon dragons. In a fierce and ferocious
a group of knights found her and informed her that she was battle Roy and his army defeated Idunn before she could
secretly of royal lineage. As it turned out, Lyn was the unleash the Scouring once more on Elibe.
granddaughter of Hausen, the Marquess of Caelin, a territory Playing in Elibe: The stories told in Elibe borrow heavily
in the country of Lycia. She set out on a quest to reunite with from Arthurian mythology and legend. They are stories of
her grandfather and find her birthright, but Hausen's brother larger than life heroes who value chivalry and loyalty above
Lundgren took notice. Lundgren made an assassination all else. If one decides to tell a story during the time of
attempt against Hausen and sent his forces after Lyn in an Eliwood or Roy's stories, these themes should be taken into
attempt to tak the throne for himself, but failed in both areas. consideration. Another interesting time period to set a story
Eventually he was defeated by Lyn, who made it to Caelin in in could be during the Scouring itself, with a band of heroes
time to rescue her grandfather. rising up against the tyrannical reign of dragons; a conflict
One year later, Lyn's friend Eliwood left his home is the that led to an apocalypse that created the world future stories
Lycian territory of Pherae to search for his father Elbert, the would be set in.
Marquess of Pherae. He was joined by Hector, the son of
Uther, the Marquess of Ostia, another Lycian territory.
Together they discovered that the Marquess of the Santaruz
territory had been assassinated, and they traced his murder
to Darin, the Marquess of the Laus territory.
After they made this discovery, they heard that Castle
Caelin, Lyn's home, has been attacked by Laus forces, which
could only mean one thing: Laus has declared war on the
other Lycian territories. Eliwood and Hector rushed to Castle
Caelin, where they were met by Lyn, who they helped to
liberate her home. In the aftermath of this battle, they
discovered the location of Elbert: he was being held captive
by the Dark Druid Nergal at the Dragon's Gate. Nergal
planned to siphon the life force from Elbert to cause the
manakete Ninian to transform into her dragon form, opening
the Dragon's Gate and unleashing chaos upon the world.
However, Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn were able to band
together with their allies to stop him and protect Elibe from
another destructive event that would have been just as
terrible as the Scouring.
Twenty years later, the peace that they had fought hard to
maintain was shaken when the kingdom of Bern, began a
terrifying conquest, swiftly conquering the kingdoms of Ilia
and Sacae
"For those I must protect, I cannot lose."
Art by @gonzarez1938 on Twitter
Magvel Playing in Magvel: Magvel is a land that is filled with
Main Characters: Eirika, Ephraim classical fantasy tropes. The theme of its history is one of
Ruling Factions: Carcino, Frelia, Grado, Jehenna, good triumphing over evil time and time again, and stories
Rausten, Renais told in this continent should reflect this.
Magvel is the setting of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Tellius
It is ruled by six nations, five of which were founded by Main Characters: Ike, Micaiah
legendary heroes. In the context of the game's story, tensions
brew between the Grado Empire and the kingdom of Renais. Ruling Factions: Begnion, Crimea, Daein, Gallia, Goldoa,
These tensions come to a head when Grado suddenly Kilvas, Phoenicis
invades Renais, dragging each of the other countries of Tellius is the main setting of Fire Emblem: Path of
Magvel into the conflict. Radiance and its sequel, Radiant Dawn. It's most unique
Magvelian History: Long ago, the continent of Magvel and feature is the laguz people, a race of humanoids with animal-
its people were tormented by the forces of the fearsome like traits that can temporarily transform into powerful
Demon King Fomortiis. What few humans existed in the near representations of those animals. Racial tensions between
uninhabitable continent cried out to the heavens to whatever the laguz and beorc, also known as humans, is a main feature
gods were listening, and in response they were miraculously of these games and is a factor in the lives of many of Tellius'
and inexplicably granted five treasures known as the Sacred citizens.
Stones. Each of the stones was weilded by a hero of mankind Tellian History: Long ago the world was populated by one
in their fight against the hordes of monstrocities that being: Ashunera, the Dawn Goddess. She grew lonely, and
threatened their species with extinction. Eventually the created a race known as the Zunanma in order to ward off
heroes were able to defeat Fomortiis, sealing his spirit away her solitude. She existed side by side with the Zunanma for
in the Sacred Stone of Grado. Each of the five heroes went generations and watched as they evolved, and she suffered as
on to found their own country, each named after the hero that their interests began to sway from their worship of her. They
created it. began to evolve to adapt to different interests and pursuits,
The only exception to this was the country of Carcino, eventually becoming the ancestors of the laguz and beorc
which is also the youngest of the six nations. Rather than that are now seen in Tellius. They began to form different
being a monarchy or theocracy like the other Magvelian tribes with different interests, which led to conflict that
countries, Carcino is a land of mercenaries and is govered by Ashunera could not control. So she decided to start clean. In
a council of elders who are seemingly benevolent to their a fit of emotional rage she released a great torrent, flooding
citizens. the world and nearly destroying the entire population in what
In the Year of the Stone 803, the Grado Empire launched a is now known as the Great Flood.
sudden attack agains the kingdom of Renais. Renais was
unable to put together much of a resistance against this
unexpected invasion from one of their allies. Renais' King
Fado was killed in the initial attack on the kingdom, but he
was able to send his daughter, Eirika, away safely with the
intention to find her brother, Ephraim, who had not been
seen in Renais for quite some time.
While Eirika searched for him, Ephraim led a war from
inside Grado's territory, as he had managed to slip inside
their borders during their invasion of Renais. He dealt blow
after blow to Grado's forces, and only became stronger when
he was eventually reunited with Eirika. The siblings agree,
though, that they are not strong enough to topple the Empire
on their own, and they set forth to recruit reinforcements
from around Magvel.
They gained many allies from across the continent and
made a shocking discovery: their childhood best friend and
recently appointed Emperor of Grado, Lyon, had been
experimenting with the Sacred Stone of Grado. These
experiments had led to the spirit of Fomortiis merging with
his own, revealing the true cause behind Grado's initial
invasion of Renais. Fomortiis had been using Lyon to
manipulate Grado into starting a war that would allow him to
get revenge for the centuries he spent imprisoned.
Though they had to battle their friend and previous ally,
Eirika and Ephraim came together with their allies to defeat
the forces of Grado, and did battle with the physical form of
Fomortiis himself. They destroyed his body, sealing his soul
away once more and saving Magvel from enduring another
reign of terror under the Demon King.
"We two have always been together.
And together we will always stay."
Art by ナナ on Pixiv
In the aftermath of this apocalypse, Ashunera saw the pain Along the way, Greil was killed by his rival, the Black Knight,
she had caused and deliberately split herself into two entities: and left leadership of the mercenaries to Ike, who took to his
the goddess Ashera, a being of purely logical and analytical father's mission with tenacity and heroism. He traveled
motivation, and Yune, a childish, impulsive being filled with across the land with Elincia, forming bonds with the likes of
emotion. Ashera appointed her Three Heroes to keep her in Caeneghis, the leader of the cat laguz tribe in Gallia and
check, but Yune ran rampant through the world, sowing joyful Tibarn, the leader of the hawk laguz tribe in Phoenicis.
chaos wherever she went. Ashera decided it would be best to However, the strongest ally he found was in the Apostle
do away with Yune, but her heroes convinced her to spare her Sanaki, the leader of the theocracy of Begnion, who supplied
opposite half instead. Yune's spirit was imprisoned in a Ike with an army large enough to overthrow the Mad King
medallion and entrusted to Lehran, one of Ashera's allies and Ashnard and restore peace to Tellius for a time.
a trusted saint. Chaos in the world did not cease, however. Three years after Ashnard's death, tensions began to grow
Ashera began to seek judgement on the world, but her desires once again. Rulership of Daein had been given to Begnion,
were quelled by her allies once more. Instead, she fell into a whose Senate acted extermely aggressively towards its
deep slumber, saying that she would wake in one thousand foreign citizens. Begnion rule was opposed by Micaiah and
years to see if the world was worth sparing. She would wake her Dawn Brigade, a small faction of freedom fighters that
if Yune's spirit was removed from Lehran's Medallion, upon aimed to restore Daein's independence by putting a new
which she would pass judgement without hesitation. figure on the throne: the secret son of Ashnard, Prince
Lehran's Medallion was passed down through Lehran's Pelleas. They succeeded, but Pelleas, being a man of doubt
bloodline for generations, eventually being the prized and anxiety, succumbed when secrelty threatened by the
treasure of the royal heron tribe of laguz. However, in a bid to Begnion Senate. He was manipulated into signing a blood
gain control of the theocracy of Begnion, the Begnion Senate pact with the Senate, causing him to be supernaturally
assassinated their Apostle Misaha and framed it on the heron compelled to wage war against the rest of the world. This was
laguz. Infuriated, the people of Begnion invaded and the doing of Begnion's Prime Minister Sephiran, who was
destroyed the heron laguz's territory in an event known as the actually Lehran, the servant of Ashera, who sought to wake
Serenes Massacre. One of the survivors of the massacre was Yune in order to wake Ashera from her slumber, causing her
the heron princess Lillia, who fled with Lehran's Medallion in to pass judgement on the world. Ultimately Sephiran's plan
her possession. succeeded, and Ashera woke, petrifying every weak soul in
Lillia was not safe for long, however, as she was discovered the world. After Ashera's Judgement was passed, it was up to
by the agents of Daein's Mad King Ashnard, who captured her Ike, Micaiah, and the combined strength of their allies to fight
and took possession of Lehran's Medallion. He attempted to back against Ashera and save the world from her wrath.
force Lillia to open it and release Yune, as he believed she Playing in Tellius: Tellius is a world of delicate political
would bestow great power upon him, but his attempts did not balance and relations. There are many, many factions and
work as Yune would not be released without a sufficient leaders competing for control or personal gain. When playing
amount of chaos and tension in the world. So Ashnard set his in Tellius, one must consider their character's loyalties first
mind on one goal: create chaos. and foremost. For example, a character from Begnion could
Ashnard waged war against the neighboring country of be a loyal servant of the Apostle Sanaki, a conniving
Crimea, killing their king and taking control over their land conspirator aligned with the Senate, or even a secret agent of
using what seemed like little effort. What he did not know Sephiran as he tries to awaken the embodiment of chaos.
was that he had left a member of the royal family alive: the
secret princess Elincia, who fled to a man named Greil that
had served her father. Greil and his mercenaries, including
his son Ike, agreed to find protection and allies for Elincia.

"Our people must be saved,

and if I can help in that effort, I will."
Art by @flamingopuuuunch on Tumblr

Fateslandia Sumeragi accepted the parley, but it turned out to be a trap.
Main Character: Corrin While Sumeragi was vulnerable, Garon murdered him and
Ruling Factions: Hoshido, Nohr, Valla kidnapped Mikoto's child, Corrin. He hid Corrin away, where
Fateslandia is the title that has been given to the they were raised by Garon's servants and children, the latter
canonically unnamed continent that houses the events of the of whom had all been born to different mothers.
Fire Emblem Fates series, which features the Birthright, The conflict between Hoshido and Nohr grew for several
Conquest, and Revelation storylines. The primary feature of years until it reached a significant turning point when Corrin
these storylines is the branching path of fate, and which story was manipulated into an assassination plot. Garon targeted
truly happens depends entirely on the choice of the games' Hoshido's Queen Mikoto, Corrin's mother, and framed Corrin
protagonist, Corrin. for her murder. In doing so he removed his most significant
Fateslandian History: Not much is known about the rival from power and caused a child he did not trust to take
history of the world that Fateslandia inhabits. It is generally the fall for it.
agreed, though, that some of its first inhabitants were the Mikoto's assassination resulted in the most fearsome battle
First Dragons, twelve god-like entities that waged war with between Hoshido and Nohr yet. In the middle of the chaos
each other across the continent. One of the dragons, known was Corrin, who was caught between two families: those who
as the Rainbow Sage, sought peace, and imbued several wished for them to return to their true home in Hoshido, and
weapons with his power. He gaves these weapons to humans those they had been raised with in Nohr. The decision
so that they might enter the war and end the conflict once between these two families would change the fate of not just
and for all. However, some of the other First Dragons took the war, but also the world at large.
notice of this and began to ally themselves with various Playing in Fateslandia: In this story, Corrin must choose
human factions so that they could gain an advantage in the between two warring countries and, by extension, two
war. families. Will Corrin choose to stay in Nohr, where they were
Specifically, the Dusk Dragon, the Dawn Dragon, and the raised, or will they defect to Hoshido, where their true birth
Silent Dragon all allied with humans, choosing to become family resides? Or will Corrin refuse to pick a side entirely?
patrons of the Nohrian, Hoshidan, and Vallan peoples Personal decisions like this are the basis of the concepts
respectively. They forged blood rites with the leaders of these found in Fateslandia.
civilizations, causing future nobility to have the ability to
access Dragon Veins, access points of great magical power
only accessible to those descended from those who were
blessed by the First Dragons.
One by one, the First Dragons began to disappear. One of
the last to do so was Anankos, the Silent Dragon that resided
in Valla. As is the case with all dragons, his power began to
infect his mind, causing him to become mentally unstable. He
grew vicious and unpredictable, but the Vallan people were
able to quell this by singing him a divine song. While this
worked initially, it was only a short term solution, as
eventually Anankos succumbed to total madness and killed
the king of Valla. This act caused Anankos to go into a
frenzied rage, destroying Valla and cursing it to eternal doom.
However, just before Anankos truly went mad, in one of his
final moments of clarity, he tore off a portion of his soul,
seperating it from his body. The fragment took on a human
form, and had no memory or knowledge of its draconic past.
It traveled the ruined land of Valla and eventually met a
woman named Mikoto, who he fell in love with. The two had
a child together, but in the process the fragment regained its
knowledge of its past. Fearing for the safety of Mikoto and its
child, the fragment sent them away from Valla.
Mikoto and her child arrived in Hoshido, the land blessed
by the Dawn Dragon, who had long since vanished from the
world. It was in Hoshido that she was discovered by its ruler,
King Sumeragi, who was grieving the loss of his wife and
mother of his four children. Mikoto helped Sumeragi heal
from his loss, and eventually they fell in love.
As the ruler of Hoshido, Sumeragi was also involved in the
decades-long conflict the country had with its neighboring
country of Nohr, the land blessed by the Dusk Dragon, who
had also disappeared generations ago. One day King Garon
of Nohr reached out to King Sumeragi, suposedly proposing
a peace treaty that would end their years of rivalry.
"I make my own fate!"
Art by u/Kaejunni on Reddit
Fodlan In the Imperial Year 801, the Leicster region also rebelled
Main Characters: Byleth, Claude, Dimitri, Edelgard against the Empire. They were successful in turning back the
Ruling Factions: The Church of Seiros, the Leicster Empire, but were significantly weakened. This allowed
Alliance, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, the Adrestian Faerghus to recieve little resistance when they invaded the
Empire Alliance's territory, and for eighty years the Alliance remained
Fodlan is the primary setting of Fire Emblem: Three under occupation. What followed was known as the Crescent
Houses, and features a diverse array of locations and factions Moon War, which lasted for two decades. In 901, one
that encompass a complicated political spectrum. In Fodlan, hundred years after the Alliance had initially tried to cast
many of the world's leaders are out for themselves and are down their overlords, they finally succeeded. The Alliance is
willing to forge alliances with evil parties, engage in religious not ruled by any figurehead, but rather a council of five
rebellion, and force radical change in order to suit their goals. leaders from the country's most influential noble houses. The
Fodlan's History: Long ago, the proginetor god, Sothis, greatest of these houses is House Reigan. House Reigan has
walked the land with her children, the Nabateans. However, been in decline as their previous Archduke had not produced
one man, Nemesis, the King of Liberation, revolted against an heir. However, it was recently revealed that his sister had
her. A massive war followed that encompassed the entire born a child in secret with a foreigner, leading to the safety of
continent. Sothis rose against Nemesis with her followers, their lineage in Claude von Reigan, now the Archduke of the
including the Saint Seiros, also known as the Immaculate Leister Alliance. Claude's values are set on goals external to
One, and other historical figures of notes, such as the Four Fodlan's territories. Half of Claude's blood belongs to the
Saints and the Four Apostles. Nemesis had his own allies neighboring continent of Almyra, whose relationship with
that were just as powerful, known as the Ten Elites; powerful Fodlan is tense, to say the least. Claude wants to ease that
human generals that crafted powerful magic weapons from tension and establish a mutual friendship between the two
the Nabateans they slew. One day Nemesis led a powerful continents, and he wants to create a world where people can
assault against the Nabateans, killing all of them, including walk free of racial prejudice.
their goddess Sothis. From Sothis' spine he crafted the Playing in Fodlan: Fodlan is now at a tipping point in its
Sword of the Creator, a powerfully destructive blade fueled by history. Empress Edelgard has declared war on the rest of
the magic of the Crest of Flames that imbued him. Fodlan, aiming to radically destroy the nobility system that
Out of all the Nabateans, only Saint Seiros and a few she deems oppressive. King Dimitri has allied himself with
others remained. Seiros, filled with a vengeful fury, continued the Church of Seiros and their Archbishop Rhea in hopes to
the fight against Nemesis and managed to turn the tide. In protect those who cannot protect themselves. Archduke
the decisive Battle at the Talitean Plains she slew Nemesis Claude is nowhere to be seen, having set his sights on goals
and the Ten Elites, taking the bones of her family with her. higher than the rivalry of two nations. Whose side will you
In the aftermath of the war, Seiros guided humanity to a choose, and whose story will you change?
better future. She established the Church of Seiros and "Your will and mine are now as one.
watched as Fodlan's society changed over the centuries. You know I am the Beginning. What shall you do?"
First came the Adrestian Empire, a country of rigid Art by @the-reckless-ronin on Tumblr
tradition and politics whose founding was graced by the
presence of Saint Seiros herself. The Empire is ruled by the
Hresvelg house, which can be traced back for over 1,000
years. It is now ruled by Empress Edelgard von Hresvelg, an
extremely passionate ruler whose eyes are set on the
destruction of Fodlan's current political system, which she
deems to be corrupt. By the time of Edelgard's rule, most of
the continent is ruled by those with Crests in their blood; a
factor that grants a person and their descendants power and,
in the context of Fodlan's society, control. Edelgard believes
that power should be given to those who earn it, and to those
that are chosen by the people at large, not to those who are
born into a special privilege.
In the Imperial Year 747, Loog of House Blaiddyd rebelled
against the Empire. He allied with many like-minded lords
around the Empire and created his own nation, now come to
be known as the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. It has been
ruled by the Blaiddyd family for several hundred years, and
its current ruler is Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. Faerghus is a
land that symbolizes classical heroism, and its ruler is not
much different from this. Knighthood and royal servitude are
the highest goals for those who are raised in Faerghus, and
chivalry and justice are seen as supreme ideals. Dimitri,
although he has been known to stray from this path,
ultimately aligns with these interests, seeking the solidarity in
tradition and friendship.

Branded Traits
Lineages You have the following racial traits.
The worlds of Fire Emblem largely contain characters of Ability Score Increase. When you choose this lineage,
human lineage, but there are opportunities to convert some one ability score of your choice increases by 2, and another
of the classic D&D lineages to specific Fire Emblem worlds. ability score of your choice increases by 1.
For example, one could use the mechanics for elves to Age. The lifespan of the Branded is often the median of
represent Fodlan's Nabateans, or Eberron's shifters to their human and laguz parents' expected lifespans, averaging
represent Tellius' laguz. around 180 years. They mature at the same rate as humans,
The following section details two new lineages for use in reaching adulthood at 18 years old.
Fire Emblem games: the Branded from Tellius and the Creature Type. You are Humanoid.
Taguel from Archenaea. Size. You are Medium.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Branded Beorc Heritage. You gain proficiency in two proficiencies
of your choice. These can include skill checks, artisan's tools,
In the continent of Tellius, the Branded are a race of half- vehicles, and musical instruments.
breeds that represent the union between humans and laguz. Laguz Heritage. When you choose this lineage, choose
However, because of the tension between the two cultures, one of the following features to gain. This represents which
the Branded are seen by both communities as a curse. They tribe of laguz your laguz parent comes from.
are social outcasts, and those who publically reveal that they Cat Heritage. As a bonus action, you can choose to gain
are Branded can expect to be ostracized for no reason other advantage on all of your attack rolls for the turn that you use
than their lineage. this feature in. However, once you use this feature all
Physically, the Branded look identical to humans save for a creatures have advantage on attack rolls to hit you until the
strangely colored birthmark that appears somewhere on their start of your next turn. You can use this feature once, after
bodies at birth. This mark remains on that spot for the which you must complete a short rest to use it again.
entirety of the individual's life. The Branded often retain Dragon Heritage. When you take the Attack action as part
physical characteristics of their laguz parent's humanoid of your turn, you can choose to make an additional weapon
form, but they cannot transform in the same ways their attack as a bonus action on the same turn. You can use this
parent can. Instead, they possess a small, innate power that feature once, after which you must complete a short rest to
grants them a boon related to their parent's laguz heritage. use it again.
Hawk Heritage. When you hit a creature with a weapon
attack, you can choose to cause the weapon to deal one extra
damage die when you roll for the attack's damage. You can
use this feature once, after which you must complete a long
rest to use it again.
Heron Heritage. As a bonus action, you can touch one
creature within 5 feet of you and lose an amount of Hit Points
equal to your level. However, the creature you are touching
regains a number of Hit Points equal to triple the amount you
lost. You can use this feature once, after which you must
complete a short rest to use it again.
Lion Heritage. As a bonus action, you can shove a
creature that you can see within 5 feet of you that is one size
larger than you or smaller. A target can willingly be shoved,
but a target that wishes to resist must succeed a Strength
saving throw, the DC for which equals 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier.
Raven Heritage. As an action, you can regain an amount
of Hit Points equal to your level. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you
do so, you must complete a short rest to use it again.
Tiger Heritage. When an enemy you can see within 15
feet of you hits you with an attack roll, you can use your
reaction to cause them to reroll the attack, using the new roll
as a result. You can use this feature a number of times equal
to your proficiency modifier. Once you do so you must
complete a long rest to use it again.
Wolf Heritage. You gain a natural weapon in the form of a
powerful bite. You are proficient with this weapon, which
uses your Constitution modifier for its bonus to attack and
damage rolls, and it deals 1d4 piercing damage on a hit.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language of your choice.
"Fortune twists in the wind,
and today it blows my way." 13
Art by @edo_sama on Twitter
Taguel Claw. Melee Weapon Attack, your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice) to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Native to the continent of Archenaea, the taguel have faced a one target. Hit. 1d8 + your Stength or Dexterity modifier
history of hardship. They once had a large population, but (your choice) slashing damage.
were forced into slavery under humans, and as such their You can remain in your taguel form for 1 minute, until you
numbers dwindled severely and rapidly. The First Exalt of are incapacitated, or until you reach 0 Hit Points. Once you
Ylisse is said to have championed their cause, outlawing their use this feature you must complete a short or long rest in
slavery in the halidom and fighting for their freedom order to do so again.
throughout the continent. As such, the taguel view Ylissean Grisly Wound. When you hit a creature with a Claw attack
royalty as saviors, and have often sought out employment while in your Form of the Taguel, you can choose to add an
under their houses. Despite the First Exalt's efforts, and additional 1d8 slashing damage to the total damage. You can
those of his descendants, the taguel were still put in grave use this feature once per turn, and you can use it a total
danger. number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Once you
During his adventures, the Exalt Chrom came across have done so, you must complete a long rest to do so again, at
Panne, a taguel who claimed to be the final member of her which point you regain all expended uses of this feature.
people. She was able to do much to help further the Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
population of the taguel, however, eventually bearing a son one other language of your choice.
through whom new hope was found.
The taguel are a race of shapeshifters that can transform
into different types of beasts. In Archenaea, the other “Despite our history, I never hated mankind.
offshoots have gone extinct, leaving only the rabbit-like The exalt proved your race's worth. Until
variant to try to rebuild its population through Panne and her man-spawn slaughtered my people and put
son, Yarne. However, other similar races do exist throughout my warren to ruin, that is.”
the worlds of Fire Emblem. The kitsune and wolfskin found Art by ozkh on Deviant Art
in Fateslandia strongly resemble the taguel in both culture
and abilities, and the laguz of Tellius are perhaps what this
lineage could represent at the height of its power.
Taguel Traits
You have the following racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. When you choose this lineage,
one ability score of your choice increases by 2, and another
ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Although it has not been recorded since their race
nearly died out, taguel have been known to mature around
the same rate as humans but live nearly twice as long, often
reaching old age around 200 years of age.
Creature Type. You are Humanoid.
Size. You are Medium.
Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You discern colors in that darkness as shades of grey.
Even Rhythm. When you finish a long rest, roll 1d10. If the
number is even, at some point in the day you can add the
number rolled to an ability check that you make. You can add
the bonus after you see the roll, but you must do so before
you know the check's outcome. You can only do so once, after
which you lose the ability to use this feature again until you
complete a long rest.
Form of the Taguel. As an action you can transform into a
creature that resembles a giant, Medium-sized rabbit. You
can speak, and use any class features or magical items that
you have that do not require the use of your hands. As a
result, you cannot cast spells that require somatic
components while in this form. In addition, you cannot use
any weapons or shields while in this form. While in this form
difficult terrain does not cost you any extra movement.
While in your taguel form your Armor Class equals 10 +
your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You gain
access to the following attack option, which counts as a
natural weapon for you with which you are proficient:

Mechanist Artificer Specialty
The practice of the mechanist is a complicated one that many This subclass and its features are avialable to level 3
dare not engage in due to the intense level of skill required to artificers with the Artificer Specialty feature.
master it. However, it is seen as a sacred art in the kingdom Tool Proficiency
of Hoshido, where many of the land's powerful ninjas engage Beginning at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with weaver's
in this art of patient precision. Over the course of their tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency
studies, a Mechanist creates a karakuri; a puppet made of with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.
intricate clockwork devices and fanciful cloths that is made to
be ridden into battle. The sheer amount of work put into this Ranged Knowledge
practice turns many off to its mastery, but it is incredibly At 3rd level, your intense training has taught you how to be
rewarding for those who choose to stick to it. best effective away from the frontlines of combat. You gain
proficiency with heavy crossbows and longbows.
Karakuri Mechanist Spells
Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared
Medium construct
after you reach particular levels in this class, as shows on the
Armor Class 13 + your Intelligence modifier Mechanist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells
Hit Points 2 + your Intelligence modifier + five for you, but they don't count against the total number of
times your artificer level (the karakuri has a artificer spells you prepare.
number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your artificer
level) Mechanist Spells
Speed 30 ft. Artificer Level Spell
3rd ensnaring strike, hail of thorns
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5th cordon of arrows, find steed
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 9th conjure barrage, flame arrows
13th find greater steed, grasping vine
Saving Throws Dex +1 plus PB, Con +2 plus PB
Skills Athletics +2 plus PB, Acrobatics +1 plus twice 17th conjure volley, swift quiver
your PB
Damage Immunities poison Karakuri
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, At 3rd level, you have finally finished putting together your
poisoned life's work: a karakuri; a puppet mostly made of cloth that you
Challenge - Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your can control from near or far using a complicated series of
bonus strings attached to your body. It is outfitted with
compartmental gadgets and weapons, so get creative with
Tethered. The karakuri cannot be more than 30 feet how your karakuri is constructed. It obeys your commands.
from its creator. See its game statistics in the Karakuri stat block, which uses
Vigilant. The karakuri cannot be surprised. your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places. You determine
the karakuri's appearance.
Actions In combat, the karakuri takes its own turn but does so
directly after your turn. It can move and use its reaction on its
Metal Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
modifier to hit, range 5 ft, one target. Hit 1d8 + PB
own, but the only action it can take on its own is the Dodge
slashing damage.
action. You can use a bonus action on your turn to command
it to take a different action. If you are incapacitated, the
Spring-Loaded Projectile. Ranged Weapon Attack: karakuri falls to the ground as it is directed by your physical
your spell attack modifier to hit, range 80/320 ft, action.
one target. Hit 1d8 + PB piercing damage. If you cast a spell on your turn, you can determine whether
Repair (3/Day). The magical mechanisms inside the
the spell originates from your position or your karakuri's.
karakuri restore 2d8 + PB hit points to one If the mending spell is cast on the karakuri, it regains 2d6
construct or object within 5 feet of it. Hit Points. If it has died within the last hour, you can use your
weaver's tools as an action to revive it, provided that you are
Reactions within 5 feet of it and you spend a spell slot of 1st level or
higher to do so. The karakuri returns to life after 1 minute
Deflect Attack. The karakuri imposes disadvantage with all of its Hit Points restored.
on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is
within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against
At the end of a long rest you can create a new karakuri if
a creature other than the karakuri.
you have weaver's tools with you. If you already have a
karakuri with you, the first one immediately perishes.

Extra Attack Hastened Puppeteering
At 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, when you Starting at 9th level, you have learned how to enhance the
take the Attack action on your turn. physical gestures you make to control your karakuri to cause
it to be faster and able to go a greater distance from you.
Golembane The distance your karakuri is allowed to be from you due
Beginning at 9th level, you have such an intimate knowledge to its Tethered feature becomes 60 feet. In addition, it gains
of constructed creatures that you know exactly how to hurt access to this new action:
them in the most effective ways. You and your karakuri have
advantage on attack rolls against creatures with the construct Multiattack. The karakuri makes two weapon attacks; two
tag. with its Metal Claw, two with its Spring-Loaded Projectile, or
In addition, whenever you or your karakuri deals damage one with each.
to a creature with the construct tag, the target takes an extra Additionally, your karakuri's weapon attacks now count as
1d6 damage of the attack's type. magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance to
nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Starting at 15th level, you have become such an expert in
controlling your karakuri that you can temporarily create a
secondary version of it to help you in battle.
As an action on your turn you can spend a spell slot of 1st
level or higher to summon a replica of your karakuri, which
uses the same stat block as the original. It remains for a
number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. Its
"It appears as though you have the enemy in mechanics work the same as your original karakuri's, but you
check. But I believe in order to finish the game can only command one of them at a time with a bonus action.
you will need more pawns. Use me as you see fit."
Art by maneatingbunnies on tumblr

Path of the Oni
Taken by barbarians of far-flung lands, the Path of the Oni is
pursued by those whose connection to their inner fury has "It's brave of you to summon me when I'm all worked up.
allowed them to become adept at warping magic around Are you ready to fight?"
them in small ways. In addition, Onis are trained to work well Art by u/LeviLagann on reddit.
with others, and find that cooperation on the battlefield is an
important factor to survival.
Primal Path
This subclass and its features are available to level 3
barbarians with the Primal Path feature.
Seal Resistance
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you hit a creature with a
melee weapon attack, they have disadvantage on the next
saving throw they make against a spell or magical effect.
Raging Resistance
Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects while you are raging.
Death Blow
Beginning at level 10, you are able to team up with allies in
order to more efficiently take down your opponents.
Whenever you attack a creature that is within 5 feet of one of
your allies with a melee weapon attack roll, you score a
critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
Beginning at 14th level, you are able to immediately strike
back against an enemy when they attack you. When you are
hit by a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to
cause the attacker to make a Constitution saving throw. The
DC for this saving throw is equal to 8 + your proficiency
bonus + your Strength modifier. On a failure, the target takes
half of the same type of damage they dealt to you as if you
had attacked them. Any resistances or immunities the
attacker has to the type of damage used still apply.
You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your
Constitution modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
feature whenever you finish a long rest.

Path of the Totem Warrior: Boar
The boar totem is not one taken lightly, as its users are “Someone must put a stop to this
known for being pushed to the brink of their mental and cycle of the strong trampling the weak.”
physical limits in their efforts to achieve the wild and Art by @zetsukoshi on Tumblr
unstoppable aggression shown by wild boar. They are
gruesome enemies and frightening allies who tear through
their targets indiscriminately, without thought or concern in
their mind.
Path of the Totem Warrior Options
These features are available only to barbarians of the
appropriate levels who have chosen the Path of the Totem
Warrior Primal Path.
Totem Spirit
At 3rd level, when you adopt this path, you choose a totem
spirit and gain its feature. If you so choose, you could change
your appearance, such as growing tusks where there would
be none or elongating those that already exist.
Boar. If you are raging and you are reduced to 0 Hit Points
by an attack, spell, or other effect and the total amount of
damage that reduced you is equal to or lesser than your
proficiency bonus + your barbarian level, you are instead
reduced to 1 Hit Point.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution modifier. You regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
Aspect of the Beast
At 6th level, you gain a magical benefit based on the totem
animal of your choice.
Boar. You are imbued with the quick and unpredictable
nature of the boar. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack roll, you can immediately move 5 feet away
from them without spending any of your movement.
Totemic Attunement
At 14th level, you gain a benefit based on the totem animal of
your choice.
Boar. You gain the unstoppable brute force of a boar. Once
per turn while you are raging, you can make a melee weapon
attack against a creature after moving in a straight line
towards them for at least 20 feet. If the attack hits the
creature, they take an extra 1d8 damage, and they must make
a Strength saving throw if they are Huge or smaller. The DC
for this saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength modifier. On a failure, a target is knocked prone.

College of Dancing
Only a select few are chosen to attend the College of
Dancing, and even fewer fully succeed in the pursuit of this
invigorating art. Those who manage to make this study their
profession, however, find themselves to be extremely valuable
assets to others in combat, as their dancing performances are
inspiring enough to make even the most energetic warrior
work twice as hard!
Bardic College
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 bards
with the Bardic College feature.
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor,
shields, and scimitars.
Invigorating Dance
At 3rd level you gain the ability to perform an inspiring dance
that causes your allies to push themselves beyond their
normal physical limits. As an action, you can spend one use
of your Bardic Inspiration feature to perform a dance for one
ally that you can see within 5 feet of you other than yourself.
On the target's next turn they gain one additional action,
which can be used to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide,
or Use an Object actions. If the target takes the Attack action,
they can only make one weapon attack with their extra
If the target ends their turn without using their extra action
they lose the benefits of the dance.
Sword Dance
Starting at 6th level, you have learned how to incorporate a
weapon into your intricate battlefield performance. At the end
a short or long rest you can choose one melee weapon with
which you are proficient. The chosen weapon now uses your
Charisma modifier for its attack and damage bonuses rather
than Strength or Dexterity.
Only one weapon can be affected by this feature at a time.
You can change which weapon is enhanced whenever you
finish a short or long rest.
Protective Dance
Beginning at 6th level, your battlefield dance now includes
thoughtful steps that allow you to weave easily through
enemy attacks while not interrupting you performance. When
a piece of armor increases your Armor Class using your
Dexterity modifier, you can instead use your Charisma
modifier. However, you are still bound to any limitations the
armor puts on how much it can be affected in this way.
For instance, if you are wearing a breastplate, your Armor
Class would become 14 + Cha modifier (max 2). "Only thorns left on this rose."
Art by u/faithom on reddit
Special Dance
Beginning at level 14, whenever you use your Invigorating
Dance feature, you can roll your Bardic Inspiration die. The
target of your dance gains a bonus to their Armor Class equal
to the amount rolled on the Bardic Inspiration die. This
bonus remains until the end of your next turn.

Order of the Slithering Dark Blood Curse of Agartha
Across the various worlds of the Fire Emblem legends, there At 15th level, you have learned how to use darkness to defend
are none who are so infamous for their abuse of blood magic yourself from oncoming attacks, and how to strike back
as Those Who Slither in the Dark. Their secret order of dark against those that harm you. You gain access to the Blood
magicians have secretly infiltrated many levels of Fodlan's Curse of Agartha for your Blood Maledict feature, which
doesn't count against the total number of blood curses you
governments, going so far as to have agents directly can know.
influencing events in the Adrestian Empire, the Holy Blood Curse of Agartha. When a creature hits you with an
Kingdom of Faerghus, and even within the very walls of attack roll, you can use your reaction to reduce the amount of
Garreg Mach monestary itself. damage taken by 3 times your Intelligence modifier.
Amplify: When you choose to amplify this blood curse, the
Blood Hunter Order creature that damaged you takes an amount of necrotic
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 blood damage equal to the amount of damage reduced by the blood
hunters with the Blood Hunter Order feature. curse.
Agarthan Illusions Viskam
Starting at 3rd level, you have been equipped by Those Who Starting at 18th level, you have learned an advanced form of
Slither in the Dark with a set of magical abilities that magic available to only the most wicked Agarthans. As an
enhance your infiltration and manipulation abilities. You action, you can target a creature that you can see within 120
learn the disguise self spell. When you cast it using this feet. They, in addition to all creatures within 5 feet of them,
feature, you can make yourself appear up to three feet taller must make a Dexterity saving throw, the DC for which equals
or shorter. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability modifier for 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. On a
this spell. failed save, a creature takes 6d10 lightning damage, or half
You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal as much on a successful save.
to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses of If you have a feature that elongates the range of spells,
this feature when you finish a long rest. If you have levels in such as the Spell Sniper feat or the Distant Spell Metamagic
another class that gives you spell slots, you can cast disguise feature, this feature can be enhanced by them.
self using those spell slots, but you cannot enhance it as you You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
can using this feature. Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
Lurking Assassin
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following skills
of your choice: Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion,
Performance, or Stealth. In addition, you gain proficiency in
the poisoner's kit.
Shadow Slither
Beginning at 7th level, you have been taught how to deftly
transport yourself through shadows. When you are in an area
of dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that
is also in an area of dim light or darkness.
When you use this feature, the next time you deal rite
damage to a creature during the same turn you deal an extra
amount of rite damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Nabatean Lore
At 11th level, your study of the Nabatean culture of old has
enhanced your understanding of religious culture. Whenever
you make an Intelligence (Religion) check to recall
information about the religious affiliation of a location or
object, you can add a number to the check's result equal to
one roll of your hemocraft die.
In addition, your studies have given you an advanced
understanding of draconic biology, as the Nabateans of old
fashioned themselves around dragons and their powers.
Whenever you deal rite damage to a creature with the dragon
tag, you can add one additional rite damage die to the attack's
total damage.

"I'll cut a bloody path."

Art by @czarco_rubato on twitter

Divine Dragon Domain Divine Fire
Over the course of history, many cultures have worshipped Starting at 1st level, you gain the sacred flame cantrip. It
various Divine Dragons and those who share their likeness. counts as a cleric cantrip for you, and it does not count
These are creatures who are said to bring life to the earth against the total number of cleric cantrips you can know.
and guide their faithful servants. Such deities include the In addition, you gain proficiency in heavy armor and
martial weapons.
Divine Dragons Naga and Mila, but also the creator goddess
Ashunera and the proginetor god Sothis. Each of these Elemental Dragon's Blessing
beings of incredible power imbues their followers with power At 1st level, your god has gifted you with the ability to
akin to that found in dragons, symbolizing their strength, replicate some of the defensive abilities found in the dragon
wisdom, and longevity. tribes of old. When you finish a long rest, choose one of the
following types of damage: cold, bludgeoning, fire, or poison.
Divine Domain You have resistance to the chosen type of damage until the
This subclass and its features are available to level 1 clerics end of your next long rest, when you can choose a different
with the Divine Domain feature. damage type.
Divine Dragon Domain Spells Channel Divinity: Manakete
Beginning at 1st level, you gain domain spells at the cleric Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
levels listed in the Divine Dragon Domain Spells table. See transform into a being whose likeness is similar to that of a
the Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells work. dragon. While in this form, you gain a +1 bonus to your spell
Divine Dragon Domain Spells save DC and spell attack rolls, but you cannot use weapons,
Cleric Level Spells
armor, or shields. Instead, your Armor Class equals 10 + your
Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
1st chromatic orb, color spray While in this form you have access to a special melee
3rd dragon's breath, gust of wind weapon attack using your draconic claws. You are proficient
in this weapon, which uses your Wisdom modifier for its
5th fly, protection from energy bonuses to attack and damage rolls. On a hit, the target takes
7th elemental bane, polymorph 1d8 magical slashing damage.
9th awaken, creation The damage for this weapon increases to 2d8 when you
reach 7th level in this class, and again to 3d8 when you reach
13th level in this class.
You can remain transformed for a number of rounds equal
to your Wisdom modifier, after which you revert back to your
original form.
Divine Breath Weapon
Beginning at level 6, your Manakete form becomes even more
formidable. While transformed using your Manakete feature,
you can use an action to release a powerful breath weapon in
a 15-foot cone in front of you. All creatures in this area must
make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On
a failure, a creature takes an amount of radiant damage
rolled on a number of d8s equal to your proficiency bonus.
On a successful save, a creature takes half damage.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until the
next time you use your Manakete feature to transform.
Potent Spellcasting
Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the
damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Starting at 17th level, your Divine Breath Weapon feature
now releases in a 30-foot cone. However, when you use your
Divine Breath Weapon feature, you can choose a number of
creatures equal to your proficiency bonus inside the area that
are not affected by the breath weapon.
In addition, when you use your Divine Breath Weapon
feature, you regain an amount of Hit Points equal to half of
the amount rolled on the breath weapon's damage dice.

"Courage my children, this is your song.

I am the Earth; I will make you strong."
Art by u/acespiritualist on reddit
Circle of Laguz Beast Tribe Mastery
The Laguz are devout followers of the creation goddess At 10th level, your Laguz Forms become enhanced in the
Ashunera, who has blessed them with shapeshifting following ways:
capabilities that allow them to assume the form of various The Strength score of your Cat Laguz form increases to
powerful beasts. They are known for their physical strength, 16 (+3), and its Bite attack now deals 1d6+3 piercing
and are famous for overpowering even the strongest of beorc damage while its Claw attack now deals 1d4+3 slashing
warriors. damage.
The Dexterity score of your Tiger Laguz form increases to
Druid Circle 14 (+2), and its Armor Class increases to 14.
This subclass and its features are avialable to level 2 druids The Strength score of your Wolf Laguz form increases to
with the Druid Circle feature. 18 (+4), and its Bite attack now deals 2d6+4 piercing
damage. In addition, the Strength saving throw DC to
Beast of the Hunt avoid being knocked prone by your Bite attack increases
At 2nd leve, Laguz tradition has passed down an art to you to 12 + PB.
that allows them to exploit enemies' weaknesses even when
they take on other forms. You have the following benefits: Bird Tribe Mastery
Beginning at 14th level, when determining how many Hit
You learn the hunter's mark spell, which counts as a druid Points your Heron Laguz form has, you now have 4 + your
spell for you. It is always prepared and doesn't count Wisdom modifier + twice your druid level.
against the total number of druid spells you can have
When you make a concentration check to maintain "To wing, brothers! Keep up with me if you can!"
concentration on hunter's mark, you can add your Art by @seofim on twitter
Wisdom modifier to the roll.
You can cast hunter's mark without spending a spell slot.
You can do so a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest.
You can cast hunter's mark even when you are in a
different form created by your Wild Shape feature.
Laguz Forms
Beginning at 2nd level, you can transform into mighty laguz
creatures. As an action, you can spend one use of your Wild
Shape feature to transform into one of the creatures found in
the Laguz Forms section that follows this subclass.
All of the restrictions found in the Wild Shape feature
apply to this. At 2nd level you have access to two Laguz
Forms, but you gain access to more as you level up, as
described on the Laguz Forms table.
Laguz Forms
Druid Level Laguz Forms
2nd Cat Laguz, Tiger Laguz
6th Wolf Laguz
10th Hawk Laguz, Heron Laguz
14th Dragon Laguz

Beast Tribe Warrior

Beginning at 6th level, your Laguz Forms become enhanced
in the following ways:
The Dexterity score of your Cat Laguz form increases to
18 (+4), and its Armor Class increases to 14
The Strength score of your Tiger Laguz form increases to
18 (+4), and its Bite attack now deals 1d10+4 piercing
damage, while its Claw attack deals 1d8+4 slashing
damage. In additon, it now adds its Constitution modifier
to its Armor Class, increasing it to 13.

Laguz Forms
The following stat blocks are usable for Circle of the Laguz Tiger Laguz
druids, but can also be incorporated to represent Laguz Medium beast
NPCs and companions.
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 6 + your Wisdom modifier + twice your
druid level
Cat Laguz Speed 30 ft.
Medium beast


Hit Points 3 + your Wisdom modifier + twice your 17 12 14 Same as Same as Same as
druid level (+3) (+1) (+2) yours yours yours
Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft.
Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB),
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception (10 +
14 16 12 Same as Same as Same as Perception skill)
(+2) (+3) (+1) yours yours yours Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus

Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB), Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom
Stealth (3 + PB) (Perception) checks made that rely on smell.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception (10 +
Perception skill) Roar. As a bonus action, you can release a powerful
Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus roar that allows you to access extra physical might.
Until the start of your next turn, you deal an extra
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom amount of damage equal to twice this form's
(Perception) checks made that rely on smell. Strength modifier whenever you hit a creature with
a melee weapon attack.
Pounce. If you move at least 20 feet in a straight
line toward a creature before hitting it with a Claw Actions
attack, the target must succeed a Strength saving Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
throw, the DC for which equals 10 + PB. On a modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d10 + 3
failure, the target is knocked prone, and as a bonus piercing.
action you can make one Bite attack against the
target. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
Quickclaw (1/Turn). When you make a melee modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 3
weapon attack while in this form, you can attack slashing.
one creature that is within 10 feet of you.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d6 + 2
piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d4 + 2
slashing damage.

Wolf Laguz Hawk Laguz
Medium beast Medium beast

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 14

Hit Points 6 + your Wisdom modifier + twice your Hit Points 4 + your Wisdom modifier + twice your
druid level druid level.
Speed 30 ft. Speed 10 ft., fly 80 ft.

17 14 14 Same as Same as Same as 16 18 12 Same as Same as Same as
(+3) (+2) (+2) yours yours yours (+3) (+4) (+1) yours yours yours

Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB), Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB)
Stealth (2 + PB) Senses passive Perception (10 + Perception skill)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception (10 + Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus
Perception skill)
Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus Keen Sight. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks made that rely on sight.
Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made that rely on Maelstrom. Your melee weapon attacks score a
sound and smell. critical hit on a natural roll of 19 or 20.

Pack Tactics. You have advantage on attack rolls Actions

against a creature that is within at least 5 feet of Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: you spell attack
one of your allies, provided your ally isn't modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6 + 4
incapacitated. slashing damage.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d6 + 3
piercing damage, and the target must make a
Strength saving throw, the DC for which equals 11
Heron Laguz
+ PB. On a failure, the target falls prone. Medium beast

Armor Class 12
Reactions Hit Points 4 + your Wisdom modifier + your druid
Howl. When a ranged attack roll misses you, and level
the creature that made the attack is within 30 feet Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
of you and can hear you, you can use your reaction
to howl at them. They must make a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC or be paralyzed STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
until the end of their next turn. Whenever a 10 14 10 Same as Same as Same as
creature succeeds the saving throw against this (+0) (+2) (+0) yours yours yours
feature, they are immune to it for the next 24
hours. Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB)
Senses passive Perception (10 + Perception skill)
Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus

Blessing. As a bonus action, you can target each

creature of your choice that is within 5 feet of you,
restoring an amount of Hit Points equal to your
Wisdom modifier.

Galdr. You can sing a magically inspiring song to
one ally that is within 5 feet of you. When you do
so, they can take an additional action on their next
turn. This additional acton can be used to take the
Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage,
Hide, or Use an Object action.

Dragon Laguz Blood Tide. You and all allies within 5 feet of you gain a
Large beast +1 bonus to all attack rolls.
Armor Class 12 + your Wisdom modifier
Hit Points 6 + your Wisdom modifier + twice your Actions
druid level Boon. You can remove one effect on one creature
Speed 15 ft., fly 30 ft. within 5 feet of you that is causing them to be
charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Breath Weapon (PB/Transformation). You exhale a breath
18 10 6 Same as Same as Same as of fiery destruction in a 20-foot cone in front of you.
(+4) (-) (-2) yours yours yours All creatures within this area must make a Dexterity
saving throw against your spell save DC or take 3d8 +
your Wisdom modifier fire damage, or half as much on
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
a success.
from nonmagical weapons
Skills Perception (your Wisdom modifier + PB) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier
Senses dakrvision 60 ft., passive Perception (10 + to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d10 + 4 slashing
Perception skill) damage.
Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus

"Try as hard as you like, but your tricks will be no use to you when you face the laguz!"
Art by danno gs on danbooru

Mortal Savant Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier
The way of the Mortal Savant is one that teaches its learners
the ability to infuse their martial expertise with powerful Mortal Savant Spellasting
arcane magic. Mortal Savants are a symbol of death Fighter Cantrips Spells
wherever they appear, and many who face them on the Level Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
battlefield either succumb to the Mortal Savant's expert skill 3rd 2 3 2 - - -
or their own instinct to retreat. 4th 2 4 3 - - -
Martial Archetype 5th 2 4 3 - - -
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 fighters 6th 2 4 3 - - -
with the Martial Archetype feature.
7th 2 5 4 2 - -
Spellcasting 8th 2 6 4 2 - -
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability to enhance 9th 2 6 4 2 - -
your abilities with the blade with those of magic. See chapter
10 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of 10th 3 7 4 3 - -
spellcasting and chapter 11 of the same book for the wizard 11th 3 8 4 3 - -
spell list.
Cantrips. You learn your choice of either the green-flame 12th 3 8 4 3 - -
blade or booming blade cantrips. In addition, you learn one 13th 3 9 4 3 2 -
cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn 14th 3 10 4 3 2 -
another wizard cantrip of your choice when you reach 10th
level. 15th 3 10 4 3 2 -
Spell Slots. The Mortal Savant Spellcasting table shows 16th 3 11 4 3 3 -
how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 17th 3 11 4 3 3 -
1st level or higher. To cast one of these spells, you must
expend a spell slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all 18th 3 11 4 3 3 -
expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. 19th 3 12 4 3 3 1
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell magic missile
and have a 1st-level and 2nd-level spell slot available, you can 20th 3 13 4 3 3 1
cast magic missile using either slot.
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three Black Tomefaire
1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must Starting at 3rd level, when you cast a spell from the
choose from the evocation and necromancy spells on the necromancy school of magic, you can choose to temporarily
wizard spell list. gain a +1 bonus to the spell's attack roll or saving throw DC.
The Spells Known column of the Mortal Savant You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Spellcasting table shows hen you learn more wizard spells of Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be an evocation feature whenever you finish a long rest.
or necromancy spell of your choice, and must be of a level for
which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th Adrestian War Magic
level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to cast a
level. spell, you can make one melee weapon attack as your bonus
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can come action.
from any school of magic.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one Swordfaire
of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your Beginning at 10th level, when you make a melee weapon
choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a attack, you can spend one spell slot to give the attack a bonus
level for which you have spell slots, and it must be an to its attack and damage roll equal to the level of the spell slot
evocation or necromancy spell, unless you're replacing the spent.
spell you gained at 3rd, 8th, 14th, or 20th level from any
school of magic.
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your magic
through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the
saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making
an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier

Warding Blow Astra
Starting at 15th level your peak physique grants you the At 18th level, you have developed a technique that will allow
ability to become less susceptible to magical attacks. When you to quickly dispatch your foes. When you score a critical
you are the target of a spell that would cause you to make a hit against a creature using a melee weapon attack, you can
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw, you can use choose to forgo dealing double damage as normal to make a
your reaction to give yourself advantage on the saving throw. series of quick attacks against the target. Make 5 attacks with
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your the weapon used in the critical hit. Your attack and damage
Constitution modifier. You regain all expended uses once you roll bonuses stay the same, but the damage dice become one
finish a long rest. size smaller than they usually are. For instance, if your
weapon usually deals 1d8 damage, it deals 1d6 during these
special attacks.
Each of the attack rolls must target the same creature. If it
is defeated before you finish making all five attacks, you
"Stronger. Faster. Never enough." cannot make any other attacks you would normally make
Art by はるさめ on Pixiv from the usage of this feature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Constitution modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
ability once you finish a long rest.

Way of the Grappling King Eviscerate
Not many monks make a practice of being loud and At 6th level, you have learned how to magically siphon life
boisterous, but these lucky few are the exception to that rule. force from your foes in close quarters combat. When you deal
Those that practice the Way of the Grappling King find damage to a creature using an unarmed strike, you can spend
themselves emulating a great scoundrel whose unfortunate 1 Ki Point to regain 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier Hit Points.
string of bad decisions led him down a challenging path that Supreme Grappler
ultimately proved to be a good test for his character. At 11th level, you have become extremely adept at grappling.
You have advantage on all checks and saving throws made to
Monastic Tradition prevent a creature from escaping the grappled or restrained
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 monks conditions.
with the Monastic Tradition feature.
Threatened Technique
Bonus Proficiencies Beginning at 11th level, you learn a technique that you may
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Strength only use in times of great need. When your Hit Points are
(Athletics) checks. When you make these checks, you can reduced to half your Hit Point maximum or less, you can use
also add your Wisdom modifier to the roll. your reaction to spend 3 Ki Points and begin using this
hidden technique. Until the end of your next turn, all of your
Fistfaire unarmed strikes deal an extra amount of damage equal to
Beginning at 3rd level, you can infuse your fists with all of your Wisdom modifier, and all attack rolls made against you
your physical strength. Once per turn, when you hit a have disadvantage.
creature with an attack roll using an unarmed strike, you can
add a bonus to the damage equal to your Strength modifier. Vajra-Mushti
You can use this feature twice per turn when you reach At 17th level, when you take the Attack action on your turn
10th level in this class, and three times per turn when you you can choose to make one additional attack roll as part of
reach 17th level in this class. the same action. If this additional attack hits, it deals an extra
1d8 damage of the attack's type.
Fists of Justice You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to magically help Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
others around you. You can cast the cure wounds spell, using feature when you finish a long rest.
Wisdom as your spellcasting modifier.
You can cast this spell a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier. You regain all extended uses of this feature "It's good to be king!"
when you finish a long rest. Art by @art_cerealex on twitter

Oath of the Vanguard Aether
The swearing of a sacred oath is a binding promise that Starting at 20th level, you can use a bonus action to gain the
should not be taken likely. Such an oath was once taken by following benefits for 1 minute:
the legendary hero Ike, who rose from an unassuming You ignore any targets' immunity to bludgeoning, piercing,
childhood as a mercenary's son to becoming one of the and slashing damage.
greatest warriors history has ever seen. Such is the path of
the Vanguard; to rise above all adversity and overcome even When you take the Attack action you can make three
the most daunting of challenges. attacks.
The first attack you make during each turn restores health
Sacred Oath to you. If this attack hits, you can roll a number of d8s
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 paladins equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain an amount of
with the Sacred Oath feature. Hit Points equal to the amount rolled.
Tenets of the Vanguard The second attack you make during each turn has a +2
The tenets of the Vanguard stress the importance of bonus to its attack and damage roll.
persistence in the face of adversity. The third attack you make has an increased chance to
Perserverance. Even when the world is against you, you become a critical hit. You score a critical hit on a natural
have a moral obligation to do what you feel is right. Let roll of 19 or 20, or 17 or higher if your Wrath trait is
nothing and no one take that from you. active.
Might. Those who seek to destroy that which you live for
cannot be allowed to see their goals to fruition. You have been
given divine might; use it to fight against those that oppose
Justice. Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
They are the ones to whom this world belongs.
Channel Divinity
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel
Divinity options:
Heavy Blade. As a bonus action you can use your Channel
Divinity to briefly increase the might of your weapons. For a
number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier your
movement is reduced by 5 feet, but you gain a +1 bonus to all
melee weapon attack and damage rolls.
Wrath. As a bonus action when your Hit Point maximum
has been reduced to half or lower you can use your Channel
Divinity to go into a brief, desperate state. While in this state
you deal a critical hit on a natural roll of 18 or higher. You
remain in this state for 1 minute, until you are healed so that
you have more than half of your Hit Point maximum, or until
you are incapacitated or die.
Aura of Ashera
Beginning at 7th level, you and creatures within 10 feet of you
ignore any targets' resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage.
The radius of this aura increases to 30 feet when you reach
18th level.
Starting at 15th level, whenever you use your Divine Smite
feature to deal damage to a creature, you can choose to
regain an amount of Hit Points equal to half of the radiant
damage dealt by the Divine Smite.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this feature
whenever you finish a long rest.

"I fight for my friends!"

Art by kairuhaido on danbooru

Sacaen Wanderer Defiant Speed
The vast plains of Sacae are home to many nomadic tribes, Beginning at 7th level, you have learned the Sacaen methods
many of whom live off of the land and survive off of what for remaining quick on your feet in combat. While you have
nature brings them. They greatly revere their deities, Father more than half of your maximum Hit Points, your speed
Sky and Mother Earth, and ask for their guidance and increases by 10 feet and difficult terrain does not cost you
any extra movement.
support in their many travels. Your speed increases by another 5 feet when you reach
15th level in this class, for a total of an increased speed of 15
Ranger Archetype feet while you have more than half of your maximum Hit
This subclass and its features are avialable to level 3 rangers Points.
with the Ranger Archetype feature.
Silent as the Plains
Sacaen Wanderer Magic Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to exude an aura of
Beginning at level 3, Father Sky and Mother Earth have gifted peace around you, emulating the calming environment found
you with an extra amount of magical ability. You learn an in the Sacaen plains. You learn the pass without trace spell. If
additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as you already know this spell, you can learn another spell of
shown on the Sacaen Wanderer Spells table. Each spell your choice from the ranger spell list for which you have spell
counts as a ranger spell for you, and doesn't count against the slots. This spell does not count against the total number of
number of ranger spells you know. ranger spells you can learn.
Sacaen Wanderer Spells You can cast this spell once without using a spell slot to do
Ranger Level Spell
so. You must wait until the end of your next long rest to do so
3rd heroism
5th zone of truth Sol Katti
Beginning at 15th level, you have advantage on saving throws
9th wind wall against spells and magical effects.
13th hallucinatory terrain In addition, whenever you take the Attack action on your
17th banishing smite turn, the first attack roll that hits deals an extra 1d6 extra
damage of the weapon's type.
At 3rd level, you have been trained to act quickly in times of
great need. When you are attacked by an enemy that you can
see and your Hit Points are equal to or less than half of your
Hit Point maximum, you can use your reaction to make one
weapon attack against the enemy targeting you if they are in
range of your attack.
Trustworthy Nomads
The Sacaens are known for their incredible honesty. At 3rd
level, you gain proficiency in Charisma (Persuasion) checks,
and whenever you make one you can add your Wisdom
modifier to the roll.

"The nomads of the plains do not abandon their

fellow tribespeople. Their sorrow is my sorrow.
Their anger is my anger. In my freinds' names, I
will cut you down!
Art by Christian-Angel on CGSociety
Trickster Shade
Ever elusive, but also ever helpful, on the battlefield, tricksters Beginning at 9th level, you have learned how to become light
are rogues who use their dashing charm and wit to weave in on your feet when engaging in melee combat. When you
and out of combat, always keeping their enemies on their make a weapon attack on your turn, you can use a bonus
toes. They can even tap into small amounts of magic in order action on the same turn to give all enemies disadvantage on
attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn, or
to further assist their allies or confuse their foes. until you take damage.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Roguish Archetype proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this
This subclass and its features are available to level 3 rogues feature when you finish a long rest.
with the Roguish Archetype feature.
Lucky Seven At 13th level, you are expertly nimble and are able to slip by
Starting at 3rd level, you gain the ability to temporarily enemies unnoticed, even in close quarters. Whenever you use
enhance your luck in a very specific area, increasing your your Cunning Action feature to take the Disengage action,
chances of surviving a fight or flight situation. When you you can move through any spaces that are occupied by
finish a long rest, choose one of the following: Strength, enemies. When you do so, each 5-foot space that is already
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, or occupied by an enemy counts as difficult terrain for you.
Armor Class. When you use this feature you must end your turn in an
If you choose your Armor Class, you gain a +1 bonus to unoccupied space.
your Armor Class until you finish a long rest.
If you choose one of your ability scores, you gain a +1 Foul Play
bonus to saving throws using the chosen ability score. By 17th level, you have become an expert in battlefield
You can choose to switch which ability score or Armor elusiveness and mobility, even in magical ways. As a bonus
Class bonus whenever you finish a long rest. action, you can choose one willing creature that you can see
within 30 feet of you. You swap spaces with the target,
Helping Hand magically teleporting to their space while they teleport to
At 3rd level, you can cast the bless and cure wounds spells. yours.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. You can use this feature once, after which you must finish a
You can cast each spell a number of times equal to your short rest to use it again.
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of these
spells whenever you finish a long rest.

"I make deep cuts!"

Art by Wings-Of-Revelation on Deviantart

Crestborn When you make an attack roll using your Holy Relic, you can
choose before rolling the attack to gain a bonus to the attack
Long ago, a group of holy warriors fought against ultimate and damage roll equal to your proficiency bonus. You can do
evil at the right hand of the progenitor god, liberating the so once, after which you must finish a long rest to be able to
world from an age of eternal darkness. Somehow, whether use your Holy Relic in this way again.
through luck, experimentation, or some other method, have If you lose your Holy Relic you can gain a new one by
come to possess the blood of these holy warriors. This blood performing an 8-hour ritual using a new weapon of the type
flows through your veins and gives you access to some of the chosen when you first gained this feature. Performing this
great power your holy ancestors once used to save the realm. ritual it extremely taxing, and after doing so you gain 1 level
of exhaustion.
Sorcerous Origin
This subclass and its features are available to level 1 Blood of Saints and Apostles
sorcerers with the Sorcerous Origin feature. Beginning at 6th level, you can now roll 1d20 when you roll
on the Noble Crests table.
Elite Power
Starting at 1st level, you have unlocked great power within Crest Attunement
your ancestry. You can call upon the abilities of your powerful At 14th level, your connection to your devout bloodline has
forefathers to enhance your already powerful abilities. increased your connection to divine power. When you roll for
Whenever you complete a long rest, roll 1d10. You then gain a new Noble Crest feature, you can roll twice, gaining both
an ability from the Noble Crests table that corresponds with results until the end of your next long rest.
the number you rolled. You retain the ability to use this In addition, your Holy Relic now counts as magical for the
feature until the next time you finish a long rest, after which purposes of overcoming resistance to nonmagical
you must roll for a new feature. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Holy Relic Crest of Flames
At 1st level, the discovery of your ancestral power is At 18th level, your connection to your divine ancestry and
represented by the discovery of a weapon that you are drawn your Holy Relic have caused you to become an unstoppable
to, known as a Holy Relic for its connection to your devout force. Whenever you make an attack roll with your Holy Relic,
bloodline. When you choose this subclass at 1st level, you you score a critical hit on a natural roll of 18 or above.
become proficient in one type of weapon of your choice, and In addition, when you damage a creature with your Holy
you gain access to one of these weapons before your Relic, you can choose to regain an amount of Hit Points equal
narrative begins. to one half of the total damage dealt with the attack. You can
Your Holy Relic is a sign of near unexplainable martial use this feature once, after which you must finish a long rest
prowess. It is enhanced by your connection to your inherent to use it again. Alternatively, you can also spend 5 sorcery
power, and certain abilities that you gain will enhance its points after making the attack to do so again without taking a
effectiveness. Be creative with its deisgn and identity, for it is long rest.
just as important to the power of your heritage as you are.

"I don't have time for this!"

Art by @alinalal on Twitter

Noble Crests
d10/d20 Name Effect
1 Blaiddyd Whenever you take the Attack action on your turn using your Holy Relic, you can spend 1 sorcery point
to make two attack rolls. If you have a feature that allows you to make two attacks, such as the Extra
Attack or Crest of Indech features, you can instead spend 1 sorcery point to make a third attack as a
bonus action on the same turn.
2 Charon When you hit a creature with the construct, dragon, or monstrosity tag with an attack roll using your
Holy Relic, you can spend an amount of sorcery points equal to or less than your proficiency bonus to
deal an extra 1d6 points of damage. This damage increases by 1d6 for every sorcery point spent past
the first.
3 Daphnel When you hit a creature with an attack roll using your Holy Relic, you can spend 1 sorcery point to
increase the amount of damage dealt by an amount equal to your Dexterity modifier.
4 Dominic When you gain this Noble Crest you gain an additional amount of sorcery points equal to your
proficiency bonus. These cannot be regenerated using spell slots or any other method of sorcery point
5 Fraldarius As a bonus action, you can spend 1 sorcery point to regain 1d8 Hit Points.
6 Gautier When you deal damage to a creature using your Holy Relic, you can spend 1 sorcery point to cause the
attack to deal an extra 1d8 damage.
7 Gloucester When you are hit by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to spend 1 sorcery point, after which your
Armor Class increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. This increase lasts until the start
of your next turn.
8 Goneril You can spend 1 sorcery point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
9 Lamine When a creature you can see within 30 feet lands a critical hit, you can use your reaction to spend 1
sorcery point, upon which their critical hit deals the normal amount of damage for the attack they
10 Riegan When you take the Attack action on your turn to make an attack roll using your Holy Relic, you can
spend 1 sorcery point as a bonus action on the same turn to take the Dodge action.
11 Maurice When you or an ally you can see within 30 feet makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to spend
1 sorcery point, after which the target gains advantage on the attack roll.
12 Cethleann At the end of your turn you regain an amount of Hit Points equal to your sorcerer level. You cannot use
this feature if you are incapacitated, unconscious, or dead.
13 Cichol Whenever you make an attack roll against a creature using your Holy Relic, the target is unable to make
opportunity attacks against you until the start of your next turn, regardless of whether you hit them or
14 Indech When you take the Attack action on your turn using your Holy Relic, you can make two attack rolls.
15 Macuil When you gain this Crest, choose one spell that you know that is 3rd-level or lower. You can now cast
this spell once without spending a spell slot or sorcery points.
16 Aubin Your movement speed increases by 10 feet while you have access to this Crest.
17 Chevalier While you have access to this Crest, you can use your Charisma modifier as the bonus to your Holy
Relic's attack and damage rolls rather than your Strength or Dexterity modifiers.
18 Noa When you reduce a creature to 0 Hit Points using a spell or your Holy Relic, you gain temporary Hit
Points equal to 1d6 + your sorcerer level.
19 Timotheos While you have access to this Crest you have advantage on death saving throws.
20 Seiros While you have access to this Crest you have a bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma
The Fell Dragon Grima's Truth
In some turn of bad luck or evil circumstance you have Starting at 6th level, when you are subject to a spell that
stumbled into the generations-long plot of malice long causes a number of creatures within a certain area to make
concocted by the Fell Dragon Grima. Although you may not saving throws for half damage, you can use your reaction to
know what it is, he has a purpose for you and you are an target a number of creatures within the area of effect equal to
your Charisma modifier, which can include yourself. Every
instrument in his bid to return to plague the world with creature targeted with this feature gains a bonus to their
darkness. You are now a member of the Grimleal, and you are saving throw equal to your Charisma modifier.
being rewarded for doing so. At least, for now you are. You can use this feature once, after which you must
complete a short or long rest to use it again. You can use it
Otherworldly Patron twice per short or long rest when you reach 14th level in this
This subclass and its features are avialable to level 1 class.
warlocks with the Otherworldly Patron feature.
Expanded Spell List At 10th level, when you make a weapon attack roll or cast a
The Fell Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spell that has a casting time of 1 Action and a duration of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells Instantaneous, you can choose to cause the attack or spell to
are added to the warlock spell list for you. become warped by dark magic. The attack or spell targets the
Fell Dragon Expanded Spells creature regardless of whether they are inside the attack or
Spell Level Spells
spell's range. If the spell has an area of effect, it is centered
on the target.
1st inflict wounds, ray of sickness You can use this feature once, after which you must
2nd animate dead, dragon's breath complete a short or long rest to use it again.
3rd life transference, phantom steed
Rightful God
4th black tentacles, vitriolic sphere At 14th level, when you make a weapon attack roll or spell
5th dominate person, raise dead attack roll using a cantrip, you can choose before making the
attack roll to cause the attack to automatically hit. When you
do so, roll a d20. If you roll a 19 or 20, the attack that
Beginning at 1st level, the Fell Dragon has increased your automatically hit also counts as a critical hit.
durability in order to sustain your usefulness. When you are You can use this feature once per turn, and you can use it a
reduced to 0 Hit Points, you can use your reaction to reduce total number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. Once
the damage taken from the attack by half, possibly saving you do so, you must complete a long rest before you can use
your life. it again, at which point you regain all expended uses of this
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your feature.
Charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses when you Art by mallius on tumblr
finish a long rest.

School of Plegia Anathema
Ylisse's western neighbor, Plegia, is home to many dark and Starting at 6th level, whenever an enemy within 15 feet of you
ancient secrets. Not the least of these is an art of wizardry is targeted by an attack roll, you can use your reaction to
that teaches its practitioners how to toy with their victims in lower the target's Armor Class by an amount equal to your
various ways, whether it be through exuding a necrotic aura proficiency bonus. This reduction lasts for the duration of the
single attack, and you must make the choice of whether to
or finding themselves victorious only to be blasted with reduce their AC before the result of the attack roll is seen.
retaliating arcane power. If one find themselves to be the You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
victim of a Plegian spell, they can only pray that they will not Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
soon be met with a grim fate. feature at the end of a long rest.
Arcane Tradition Lifetaker
This subclass and its benefits are available to level 2 wizards At 10th level, you have learned dark magic that allows you to
with the arcane tradition feature. siphon the life force of your defeated foes. When you defeat
an enemy on your turn, you can use a bonus action on that
Bonus Proficiencies same turn to roll a number of d8s equal to your proficiency
Starting at 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Charisma bonus. You heal a number of Hit Points equal to the resulting
(Intimidation) checks. If you are already proficient in this number.
skill, you may choose another one of your choice. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
In addition, you also learn one extra language of your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses of this
choice. feature at the end of a long rest.
Maelfic Aura Vengeance
Beginning at 2nd level, you exude an aura of malicious intent. At 14th level, you have learned how to quickly cast extremely
Whenever an enemy within 10 feet of you takes damage from deadly magic in times of great need. When you are hit by an
a spell that spends a spell slot, they take an additional attack roll or spell that reduces you to half of your Hit Point
amount of damage of the spell's type equal to your proficiency maximum or lower, you can use your reaction to cast a spell
bonus. that you have prepared that has a casting time of 1 Action, a
This feature ceases to work if your form is changed, if you duration of Instantaneous, and is 5th level or lower centered
fall unconscious, or if you are incapacitated or die. on the target that reduced you to half of your Hit Point
maximum or lower.
If you deal damage to the attacker, they take an extra
amount of damage of the spell's type equal to half of the
amount of Hit Points you currently have missing.
You can use this feature once, after which you must
"Death comes for us all in the end. Why complete a short rest to use it again.
invite it early, fighting for a cause I
don't believe in?"
Art by @Gzeidraws on Twitter

Extra Feats Song of Lost Thoughts
When a character gains the Ability Score Improvement Prerequisite: Charisma 13
feature, they can instead choose to gain one of the following As an action, you can perform a short and invigorating
feats if their DM permits. song to one ally that you can see that is within 5 feet of you.
On that ally's next turn, they gain one of the following
benefits of your choice. You make this choice when you use
Aegis this feature on an ally.
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13
You gain the following benefits: If they take the Attack action on their turn, they can make
Your Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. one additional weapon attack as part of the same action.
When you are damaged by a ranged attack roll, you can For the duration of the turn their movement speed is
use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by half. increased by a number of feet equal to your level, rounded
up to the nearest increment of 5.
Luna They gain a bonus to one saving throw that they make
Prerequisite: Strength 13 during their turn. This bonus equals your Charisma
When you land a critical hit against a creature with a melee modifier.
weapon attack, you can choose to deal triple damage instead They gain a bonus to their Armor Class until the end of
of the normal double damage. the turn. This bonus equals your Charisma modifier.
Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest in If a creature does not use their chosen benefit by the end of
order to do so again. their turn, it fades.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Miracle Charisma modifier. You regain all expended uses at the end
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 of a long rest.
You gain the following benefits:
Your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of
When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, make a
Constitution DC 20 ability check. On a success, you
instead drop to 1 Hit Point. Once this feature succeeds,
you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: Wisdom 13
You gain the following benefits:
Your Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When you see a critical hit made by a creature within 30
feet of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to
nullify the critical hit, causing the attack to deal its normal
amount of damage. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Wisdom modifier, but you regain all
expended uses after you complete a long rest.
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13
You gain the following benefits:
Your Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of
You can take the Help action as a bonus action on your
turn as you strategically describe a course of action for a
nearby ally to take. You can do so a number of times equal
to your Intelligence modifier. You regain all expended uses
of this ability after you complete a long rest.

"You are the ocean's gray waves..."

Art by Azto Dio on ArtStation

Magic Items
Many iconic magical items exist throughout the many worlds
of the Fire Emblem series. Each continent is littered with
special items, many of which are tucked away in hidden areas
or difficult to reach corners. Each of them is worth seeking
out and using for their many different benefits.
Caduceus Staff
Staff, rare (requires attunement)
Whenever you cast a spell of 5th level or lower that does
not deal damage and heals a creature, you can choose make a
Wisdom check as part of casting the spell. The DC for this
check is equal to 15 + the level of the spell slot spent. On a
success, the spell slot is not spent, but the spell is cast, as you
channel the power of the staff to do so.
Once this property of the staff succeeds, you cannot use it
again until the next dawn.
Hexlock Shield
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
This magical shield grants you a +1 bonus to your Armor
Class in addition to the normal benefits of a mundane shield.
In addition, whenever you are targeted by a spell attack roll
or you are forced to make a saving throw against a spell, you
can use your reaction to give the attacker disadvantage if they
are targeting you with a spell attack roll, or yourself
advantage if you are making a saving throw against their
You can use this property a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. The item regains all uses of this property
daily at dawn.

"Time to tip the scales!"

Levin Sword Art by tokocoo on Tumblr

Levin Sword
Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magical, lightning shaped blade.
In addition, the sword has 3 charges. When you take the
Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks wit a small
bolt of lightning that shoots from the blade towards a slightly
distant target. When you do so, make a spell attack roll
against the target, who can be up to 10 feet away. On a hit,
the attack deals an amount of lightning damage equal to 1d8
+ your spellcasting ability modifier.
If you do not have a spell attack bonus, you use your
Intelligence score for the attack and damage bonuses of the
sword's special lightning attack.

"I am glad of my abilities,

for it is a way in which I am able to help others."
Caduceus Staff Art by u/RiketVs on Reddit

Spectre Card Wo Dao
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a creature that Weapon (longsword), rare
cannot cast spells) You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
When found, this magical card is inscribed with arcane this magical longsword.
symbols that can only be translated by a creature after they In addition, the Wo Dao lands a critical hit on a natural roll
have attuned to the card. The symbols, when translated, are of 18, 19, or 20. When you land a critical hit using the Wo
instructions that describe to their reader how to cast a Dao, you also deal an extra 1d8 slashing damage that is not
cantrip. This cantrip is determined at random or selected by doubled.
the DM.
After attuning to the card, its user can cast the cantrip (save Wolf Beil
DC 13). They can cast the cantrip from the card a number of Weapon (greataxe), rare (requires attunement)
times equal to their proficiency bonus, after which they must You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
wait until the next dawn to do so again. this magical greataxe. You also have a +1 bonus to your
Armor Class while attuned to it.
In addition, when you are attuned to the Wolf Beil and take
Additional Cards damage from a weapon attack roll, you can use your reaction
Other cards similar to the spectre card but to reduce the damage taken by twice your proficiency bonus.
stronger in power exist, although they are notably You can use this property of the Wolf Beil three times. It
much rarer. For instance, the reaper card allows its regains all expended uses daily at dawn.
user to cast a 1st-level spell whose save DC is 14,
and a daemon card allows its user to cast a 2nd-
level spell whose save DC is 15.

"You want to know if I'm strong, huh?

Why answer with words when I can answer "Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate
with a fight? Let's go!" the praise. It makes me want to try harder"
Wo Dao art by u/AnotherChosenOne on Reddit
Wolf Beil art by koi-carreon on Tumblr

Weapons of the Lords Raging Storm. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack roll using Aymr on your turn, you can
The worlds of Fire Emblem feature many heroic figures, and immediately move up to half your movement speed and take
many of them wield noble and powerful weapons that the Attack action once more, so long as all of the attacks
enhance their legendary status. This section deals many of made during this special action are made using Aymr. You
those weapons, all of which can be used to enhance one's can use this feature once, after which you must complete a
battle presence. short rest to use it again.
Areadbhar Durandal, the Blazing Sword
Weapon (glaive), legendary (requires attunement) Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
This magical weapon was once wielded by Lord Roland
This spear was held by King Dimitri of Fodlan, who used it in during the Scouring in the world of Elibe, where he helped
his crusade to maintain Fodlan's system of tradition and vanquish the threat of dragons. It is said to overcome the
justice. strengths of dragons and their minions. As such, it has also
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with gained another name in the legends recorded in Elibe: the
this magical weapon. When you hit a creature with the Fire Emblem.
dragon tag, you deal an additional 1d10 slashing damage. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Royal Weaponry. Whenever your current Hit Points match this magical weapon. When you hit a creature with the
your maximum Hit Points you have advantage on all dragon tag, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage, or
Dexterity saving throws. an additional 1d10 if you are using two hands to wield
Atrocity. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack roll Durandal.
using Areadbhar on your turn, you can choose to deal an Blazing Blade. Durandal has a number of charges equal to
additional 1d10 slashing damage. You can do so once per your proficiency bonus. You can spend one charge to cast the
turn, and you can do so a number of times equal to your branding smite spell on the sword. Durandal regains all spent
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses daily at charges daily at dawn.
dawn. In addition, you can spend 3 of Durandal's charges as an
action to cause the blade to enter a state of destructive power.
Aymr During this transformation the sword deals an additional 1d8
Weapon (battleaxe), legendary (requires attunement) fire damage every time it deals damage. While this
Empress Edelgard used this axe, created by the Agarthans to transformation is active, any time you deal fire damage to any
further their nefarious goals, in her attempts to bring a new creature, whether from Durandal, a spell, or other feature,
light to Fodlan. you ignore any resistance they may have to fire damage, and
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with you treat any immunity to fire damage as resistance. This
this magical weapon. When you hit a creature with the transformation lasts for 1 minute after it is activated.
dragon tag, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage, or
an additional 1d10 if you are using two hands to weild Aymr. "The longer change takes, the more who
Imperial Weaponry. At the end of each of your turns, if you fall victim to the injustices of our current era."
have not dealt damage to any creature or object during that Art by monana on Danbooru
turn, you gain advantage on all Wisdom saving throws until
the start of your next turn.

Falchion, the Blade of Light
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
Many versions of Falchion have been wielded by various
heroes, all of which existed in the world of Archenaea and
Valentia. Marth used it in his battles against Medeus, while
Alm used a different version to defeat Duma. Centuries later,
another version was used by Chrom, while yet another
Falchion from a different time joined his side in the hands of
his daughter Lucina. Falchion is a weapon used by the
world's greatest saviors, and its presence alone is enough to
change the tide of battlefields.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magical weapon. When you hit a creature with the
dragon tag, you deal an additional 1d8 slashing damage, or
1d10 if you are using two hands to wield Falchion.
Heroic Stamina. When you first attune to Falchion, you
may roll one additional Hit Die and add the result, plus your
Constitution modifier, to your maximum Hit Point total.
These extra Hit Points are taken away if you unattune from
Falchion. In addition, at the end of each of your turns, you
gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
You only gain temporary Hit Points in this way if you are
Hero-King's Inspiration. When you roll initiative, you and
all allies within 10 feet of you gain a +3 bonus to one ability
check, attack roll, or saving throw that they make within the
first round of combat. In addition, if you take the Attack
action on your turn using Falchion during your first turn in
combat, you can make one additional weapon attack as part
of the same Attack action.
Blade of Light. As a bonus action, you can use Falchion to
cast the blinding smite spell. You can do this a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus. Falchion regains all
uses of this feature daily at dawn.
Banishing Blade. As an action, you can use Falchion to
cast the banishment spell. When you cast this spell on a
creature with the dragon tag, the target has disadvantage on
their saving throw. You can use this feature once. Falchion
regains the ability to use this feature again daily at dawn.
Weapon (longbow), legendary (requires attunement)
This bow was used by Archduke Claude in his mission to
unite the people of Fodlan with their foreign neighbors while
also trying to bring peace to a divided civilization.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magical weapon. When you hit a creature with the
dragon tag, you deal an additional 1d8 piercing damage.
Leicster Weaponry. Once per turn you can move through
a space occupied by an enemy without spending any
additional movement.
Fallen Star. When you are targeted by an attack roll from a
creature that you have damaged since the beginning of your
last turn, you can use your reaction to impose a -5 penalty to
their attack roll. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses
daily at dawn.

"Hope will never die!"

Art bu u/AvitaArtist on Reddit

"You say you hope we can be friends when the world knows peace,
but I see no reason to wait that long."
Art by Moekki (Oekkimm) on Danbooru
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) Siegfried
This sacred katana is the symbol of Hoshidan royalty. It is Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
wielded by King Ryoma, who inherited it from his father, This dark blade is used by King Xander of Nohr in his
Sumeragi. He carries it with great weight, knowing that it conquest. It represents the burden that has been palced on
represents his responsibility to the Hoshidan people. him by his father, Garon, who has tasked him with the defeat
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damages rolls made with of Hoshido.
this magical weapon. You can use either your Dexterity or You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Strength scores for Raijinto's bonus to attack and damage this magical weapon, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor
rolls, as if the weapon had the Finesse property. Class while you are attuned to it.
Royal Versatility. When you first attune to Raijinto, choose Holy Protection. In addition, whenever you are attacked
one saving throw with which you are not proficient. You gain by a creature that has taken damage, you can use your
proficiency in the chosen saving throw, and you can choose reaction to cause their attack roll to be made with
which saving throw is effected by this property whenever you disadvantage.
finish a long rest. Dark Destruction. Whenever you take the Attack action
Heavenly Thunder. Whenever you take the Attack action with Siegfried, you can choose to replace one of your melee
with Raijinto, you can choose to replace one of your melee weapon attacks with a ranged weapon attack against a
weapon attacks with a ranged weapon attack against a creature up to 10 feet away. On a hit, this attack deals
creature up to 10 feet away. On a hit, this attack deals necrotic damage instead of its normal damage type.
lightning damage instead of its normal damage type.

Sword of the Creator Awakened. The sword's bonus to attack and damage rolls
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) increases to +2. and its total charges increase to 5.
Buried for centuries after it was used for evil in the hands You can now spend one of the sword's charges to attack
of Nemesis, the King of Liberation, this heroic blade was and enemy that is up to 10 feet away from you.
uncovered by the reincarnation of the Proginetor God Sothis. Ruptured Heaven. Whenever you hit a creature with the
The blade lies dormant in the hands of any other wielder, Sublime Creator Sword they take an additional 1d8 fire
unless they possess the mythical Crest of Flames that only damage. If the creature hit has the dragon tag, they take an
descendants of the goddess herself can inherit. additional 1d8 fire damage.
The Sword of the Creator is accurately named, as it is Exalted. The sword now glows with a crimson, ethereal
constructed from the very spine of Sothis and houses her light as it has reached its true potential, becoming the
power. The King of Liberation constructed it after he killed Sublime Creator Sword. The sword's bonus to attack and
her and used it as a weapon of terror against the goddess' damage rolls increases to +3, and its total charges increase to
children. Nemesis waged war against Sothis' descendants for 10.
years until he was put to death by Saint Seiros and the Four The Sublime Creator Sword is an unstoppable force.
Saints, who were all that remained of Sothis' children. Upon Whenever you deal fire damage using this sword, you ignore
reclaiming the Sword of the Creator, all that was left of her a creature's resistance to fire damage. In addition, the
mother, Saint Seiros buried the blade deep underneath the Sublime Creator Sword lands a critical hit on a natural roll of
monestary of Garreg Mach, where it remained until 19 or 20.
uncovered by Sothis' reincarnation several centuries later.
Dormant. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls The Sword of the Creator's Growth
made with this magical sword. The Sword of the Creator is a holy, ancient artifact
In addition, the sword has 3 charges. You can spend one whose power has laid dormant for centuries. When
charge when you hit a creature with an attack using the it is found, it does not exude its full potential, but a
Sword of the Creator to deal an extra amount of damage wielder must grow in power and kindness before it
equal to your proficiency bonus. does so.
The Sword of the Creator regains all expended charges The Sword of the Creator uses the rules for
daily at dawn. advancement of a Vestige of Divergence, as
described in page 271 of Explorer's Guide to

"Here is something to believe in!"

Art by flame2frost on zerochan.net

Thani Tyrfing
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a wizard) Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
This divine tome was used by Micaiah in her efforts to This holy blade was used by Sigurd in his mission to defeat
remove corruption from Tellius, from the Begnion Empire to Arvis, but after his defeat it was given to his son, Seliph, who
her own home of Daein. took up the sword and finished what his father set out to do.
When found, this magical spellbook contains the following You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
spells, which are wizard spells for you while you are attuned this magical weapon.
to the book: death ward, detect evil and good, fire storm, Holy Weapon of Baldr. When you first attune to Tyrfing,
flame strike, magic circle, revivify, symbol, zone of truth. your Dexterity score increases by 2, as does your maximum
The book has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 charges daily at for that score. In addition, your movement speed increases by
dawn. You can use the charges in the following ways while 10 feet. Both of these benefits are lost if you unattune from
holding it: Tyrfing.
Divine Virtue. When an enemy deals damage to you by
If you spend 1 minute studying the book, you can expend casting a spell, you can use your reaction to take half damage
1 charge to replace one of your prepared spells with a from the spell. You can use this feature a number of times
different spell in the book. The new spell must be one equal to your proficiency bonus. Tyrfing regains all uses of
from the above list of spells that are already written in this feature daily at dawn.
Thani. Miraculous Prayer. When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points
When your current Hit Points are reduced to half of their and not killed outright, you can use your reaction to be
maximum, you can spend 1 charge as a reaction to reduced to 1 Hit Point instead. You can use this feature once,
immediately cast a spell at the creature that damaged you. after which you must complete a short rest to do so again.
This spell must be of a spell level equal to your proficiency
bonus or lower, and it must have a casting time of 1 Action
and a duration of Instantaneous.

"I am glad to grow stronger.

I may equal my father in time."
Art by Inshira Hasibuan

The Fire Emblem Verdant Wind. As an action, you can cause a number of
creatures of your choice equal to your proficiency bonus
Although there have been very many different interpretations within 120 feet to make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a
and versions of the legendary Fire Emblem, one stands out failure, a target takes 5d8 magical bludgeoning damage as
as their pinnacle: the Binding Shield, a weapon wielded by you call upon the forces of nature to surge against your
the Hero King Marth, and later by his eventual successor, enemies. You can't use this property again until the next
Exalt Chrom. There are several pieces to the Binding Shield dawn.
that must be assembled to cause it to reveal its true power. Aura of the Earth Mother. You and all creatures of your
These pieces are scattered across the world, hidden by the choice within 10 feet have a +1 bonus to all attack and
Divine Dragon clan in an effort to keep the Fire Emblem from damage rolls. This feature does not work while you are
falling into the wrong hands. incapacitated, unconscious, or dead.
As mentioned, there are many versions of the Fire
Emblem. Lehran's Medallion, the Sacred Stone of Grado, the Lifesphere
Omega Yato, and several more are interpretations of this Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement)
incredibly powerful item and, if found, should be treated with This scarlet orb, also known as Gules, is a piece of the
equal respect. Binding Shield. It was originally given to the Hero King
Marth as a sign of peace and goodwill from an ally, and has
Darksphere ever since remained a symbol of healing and hope.
Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement) Random Properties. The lifesphere has the following
This dark orb, also known as Sable, is a piece of the randomly determined properties:
Binding Shield. It was once used by the dark magician
Gharnef, who used it to cause his nefarious spirit to haunt 1 minor beneficial property
the Hero King Marth and his allies long after he had Conjure Fire Elemental. While you are holding the sphere
perished. and are attuned to it, you can use an action to cast the
Random Properties. The darksphere has the following conjure elmental spell, summoning a fire elemental. You can't
randomly determined properties: use this property again until the next dawn.
1 minor beneficial property Crimson Flower. As an action, you can target a number of
creatures equal to your proficiency bonus that you can see
Summon Lesser Demons. While you are holding the within 120 feet of you. This number can include you. Each
sphere and are attuned to it, you can use an action to cast the target regains 5d8 Hit Points. You can't use this property
summon lesser demons spell. You can't use this property again until the next dawn.
again until the next dawn. Aura of the Dawn Goddess. At the end of each of your
Cindered Shadows. When an enemy you can see within turns, you or one ally of your choice within 10 feet regains
120 feet makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to 1d6 Hit Points. This feature does not work while you are
target them with dark magic, perhaps negating their attack incapacitated, unconscious, or dead.
entirely. Roll 1d6. On a roll of 4-6 their attack misses
regardless of what they rolled. You can use this property a Lightsphere
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement)
all uses of this property at the end of a long rest. This orange orb, also known as Argent, is a piece of the
Aura of the Liberation King. At the end of each of your Binding Shield. Aside from being an integral part of the Fire
turns, one enemy of your choice within 10 feet of you takes Emblem, it is also a necessary component to crafting the
1d12 necrotic damage. This feature does not work while you legendary tome known as Starlight.
are incapacitated, unconscious, or dead. Random Properties. The lightsphere has the following
randomly determined properties:
Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement) 1 minor beneficial property
This green orb, also known as Vert, is a piece of the Conjure Celestial. While you are holding the sphere and
Binding Shield. It was a powerful weapon in the war between are attuned to it, you can use an action to cast the conjure
Walm and Ylisse, and was a tool that Walhart used in his celestial spell. You can't use this property again until the next
relentless conquest. After his defeat it was used by Chrom dawn.
and his allies to defeat the Fell Dragon Grima Silver Snow. As an action, you can target a number of
Random Properties. The geosphere has the following creatures that you can see that are within 120 feet equal to
randomly determined properties: your proficiency bonus. Each of them must make a DC 17
1 minor beneficial property Wisdom saving throw or have their speed reduced to 0 until
the end of your next turn.
Conjure Earth Elemental. While you are holding the Aura of the Proginetor God. At the end of each of your
sphere and are attuned to it, you can use an action to cast the turns, choose one effect that is afflicting you or an ally within
conjure elemental spell, summoning an earth elemental. You 10 feet of you that is causing the target to be charmed,
can't use this property again until the next dawn. frightened, paralyzed, or poisoned. Once chosen, the effect is
nullified. This feature does not work while you are
incapacitated, unconscious, or dead.

Starsphere Fire Emblem. With the combined power of the Fire
Wonderous item, artifact (requires attunement) Emblem's gemstones, you can harness the power that they
This dark blue orb, also known as Azure, is a piece of the held before they were affixed to the Binding Shield. At the
Binding Shield. It was once broken apart in a stressful ritual end of each long rest, choose one of the gems. You gain
in which it was a necessary component, but was reassembled access to one of their abilities, as listed below, until the end of
and repaired by the Hero King Marth. your next long rest, whereupon you can choose to select a
Random Properties. The starsphere has the following different benefit.
randomly determined properties: Darksphere: Cindered Shadows
1 minor beneficial property Geosphere: Verdant Wind
Lifesphere: Crimson Flower
Conjure Air Elemental. While you are holding the sphere Lightsphere: Silver Snow
and are attuned to it, you can use an action to cast the Starsphere: Azure Moon
conjure elemental spell, summoning an air elemental. You Divine Aura. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can
can't use this property again until the next dawn.
Azure Moon. As an action, you can target a number of choose one of the Aura abilities associated with one of the
creatures equal to your proficiency bonus within 120 feet. Binding Shield's five gemstones. You retain the chosen ability
Choose one of the following ability scores: Intelligence, until you finish a long rest, whereupon you can choose to
Wisdom, or Charisma. Each target of this feature gains a select a different Aura ability.
bonus to their next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw Darksphere: Aura of the Liberation King
equal to your modifier of the chosen ability score. You can't Geosphere: Aura of the Earth Mother
use this feature again until the next dawn. Lifesphere: Aura of the Dawn Goddess
Aura of the Sky Father. You and each ally within 10 feet Lightsphere: Aura of the Proginetor God
have a +1 bonus to their Armor Class. This feature does not Starsphere: Aura of the Sky Father
work while you are incapacitated, unconscious, or dead.
The Binding Shield
Armor (shield), artifact (requires attunement)
Once a hero worthy of wielding the Fire Emblem has
assembled all of its pieces and affixed each of its gems to the
proper place in the shield's surface, the true power of the
Binding Shield is released.
While attuned, the wielder gains a +2 bonus to every saving
throw and to their Armor Class, in addition to the normal
bonus provided from a mundane shield. In addition, the
Binding Shield has a number of charges equal to the
wielder's proficiency bonus.
Random Properties. The Binding Shield has the following
random properties:
2 minor beneficial properties
1 major beneficial property
Holy Banishment. As an action, you can spend one of the
shield's charges and cast the banishment spell (spell save DC
18). A creature with the dragon tag targeted by this spell cast
from the Binding Shield has disadvantage on their saving
Chosen Exalt. When an enemy enters the range of one of
your melee weapon attacks, you can spend one of the shield's
charges as a reaction to make an opportunity attack against
Conjure Elemental. While you are holding the shield and
are attuned to it, you can use an action to spend one of its
charges to cast the conjure elemental spell.

"If you will allow me, I can be your strength!"

Art by u/kuraido_ on Reddit

New Spells Apocalypse
The worlds of Fire Emblem are filled with magic that flows 6th level evocation
through each and every aspect of the natural order. Magic is Casting Time: 1 action
most often granted as a gift from some divine or external Range: 30 feet
source, but there are those also who possess innate magical Components: V, S, M (a piece of literature whose text is
written in dragon blood)
abilities given to them by a powerful bloodline. Further still, Duration: Instantaneous
many mages spend their lifetimes studying the flow of magic Available To: Sorcerer, warlock, wizard
to warp it to their designs. These are but a sample of the
many spells that can be found and utilized throughout the Harnessing the ancient and forgotten magic of the Scouring,
worlds of Fire Emblem. you cause one target within range to make a Wisdom saving
Fire Emblem Themed Spells
throw. On a failure, the target takes 8d8 necrotic damage, or
half as much on a successful saving throw. A creature with
Level Spell Name Available To
the dragon tag has disadvantage on their saving throw, and
the spell deals an extra 2d8 necrotic damage to creatures
2nd Brynhildr Artificer, bard, sorcerer, wizard with the dragon tag.
2nd Invaldi Cleric, paladin At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 7th level
or higher, both instances of damage increases by 1d8 per
2nd Micaiah's Artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, level of the spell slot spent above 6th.
Pyre wizard
3rd Bolting Bard, cleric, druid, ranger Aversa's Night
3rd Forseti Cleric, druid, paladin, ranger 5th level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
3rd Linde's Aura Cleric, druid Range: 60 feet
3rd Thoron Artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, Components: V, S
wizard Duration: Instantaneous
3rd Warp Cleric
Available To: Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
4th Lemegeton Cleric, paladin One target within range must make a Constitution saving
5th Aversa's Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
throw. On a failure, the target takes 5d8 necrotic damage, or
Night half as much on a successful saving throw. If the target's
remaining total Hit Points are equal to or lesser than the
5th Ragnarok Cleric, paladin amount of damage dealt, the spell deals an extra 2d8 necrotic
6th Apocalypse Sorcerer, warlock, wizard damage, which is halved if the target's saving throw was
9th Loptous Sorcerer, warlock
At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 6th level
or higher, both the initial damage and additional damage
increase by 1d8 per level of spell slot spent.
"All good things come to an end"
Art by kurailah on DeviantArt

Bolting Forseti
3rd level evocation 3rd level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 200 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a feather that is at least one foot in
Duration: Instantaneous length)
Available To: Bard, cleric, druid, ranger Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Available To: Cleric, druid, paladin, ranger
Make a spell attack roll against one target that you can see
within range. On a hit, the target takes 5d8 lightning damage, The target's movement speed increases by 20 feet for the
and they cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of duration. In addition, whenever the target is targetted by an
their next turn. attack roll they can use their reaction to give their attacker
At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 7th level disadvantage on the attack roll.
or higher, both instances of damage increases by 1d8 per At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 4th level
level of the spell slot spent above 6th. or higher, the target's movement speed increases by 5 feet
per level of spell slot spent above 3rd.
2nd level abjuration Ivaldi
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when a creature 2nd level abjuration
within range is damaged by a critical hit Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Available To: Artificer, bard, sorcerer, wizard Available To: Cleric, paladin
You quickly create a magical barrier of incredible strength When you cast this spell, a wave of radiance bursts from your
surrounds the target of the spell. The critical hit deals no body. All creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you must
extra damage. Any effects triggered by a critical hit are make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d8
canceled. radiant damage.
“You have to be careful when placing labels
While you concentrate on the spell, you are surrounded by
on good and evil. Never waste your
a glow of radiant light. Whenever a creature hits you with a
melee attack roll they must make a Wisdom saving throw,
anger on individuals. Always focus taking 1d8 radiant damage on a failure.
it on the evil within all of us.” At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 3rd level
Art by Eeveetachi on ArtStation
or higher, the initial damage increases by 1d8 per level of
spell slot spent above 2nd.

Lemegeton Linde's Aura
4th level conjuration 3rd level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a staff engraved with holy imagery Components: V, S
of a divine dragon) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Available To: Cleric, druid
Available To: Cleric, paladin
One target of your choice within range must make a
You summon a Dread Fighter, which is detailed in the Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d8
following stat block. It is illusory in form, and although it necrotic damage, or half as much on a successful saving
appears human it is nothing more than a shadowy construct. throw.
It appears in in any unoccupied space of your choice within If the target fails the saving throw, you siphon their life
range. The Dread Fighter goes immediately after you in force and redistribute it between your nearby allies. If the
initiative and is friendly to you and your allies. target fails the saving throw, each creature of your choice
The Dread Fighter disappears if you stop concentrating on within 5 feet of you regains 1d8 Hit Points.
this spell, if the spell's duration expires, or if the Dread At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 4th level
Fighter is reduced to 0 Hit Points. or higher, an additional 1d8 is added to both the damaging
and healing rolls per level of spell slot spent above 3rd.

Dread Fighter
Medium construct
"Divine radiance, heed me!"
Armor Class 11 + the level of the spell slot spent Art by Krazeh Hai on ArtStation
Hit Points 40 + 10 per spell level above 4th
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Understands the languages you speak
Challenge - Proficiency Bonus: equals your
proficiency bonus.

Iron Will (1/Day). When the Dread Fighter fails an

Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, it
can choose to reroll, using the result of the new
Aggressor. If the Dread Fighter's summoner did not
roll any damage against another creature during
their turn, the first attack roll the Dread Fighter
makes is with advantage.

Multiattack. When the Dread Fighter takes the
Attack action on its turn, it can make two
Longsword attacks.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 3 +
the spell's level magical slashing damage.

Apotrope (1/Day). When the Dread Fighter is
damaged by a spell, it can use its reaction to reduce
the damage by half.

Loptous Micaiah's Pyre
9th level abjuration 2nd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a vial of blood taken from a creature Components: V, S
that possesses an evil alignment, which the spell consumes) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Available To: Artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Available To: Sorcerer, warlock
Make a spell attack roll against one target you can see within
Choose one of the following types of damage: acid, cold, fire, range. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 fire damage and is
lightning, necrotic, or radiant. You gain immunity to the covered in a aura of initially harmless flames. Next time the
chosen type of damage, as well as to nonmagical target damages you while you are concentrating on this spell,
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, for the spell's they take an additional 3d6 fire damage, and your
duration. concentration on this spell ends.
You also gain resistance to all of the types of damage from At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 3rd level
the list that were not chosen, as well as to magical or higher, both instances of damage increase by 1d6 per level
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. This resistance of the spell slot spent above 2nd.
ends at the end of the spell's duration.

"This world rightfully belongs to me!"

Art by @murasakiyakumo on Twitter

Ragnarok Thoron
5th level necromancy 3rd level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self (150 foot line)
Components: V, S, M (a 1 ounce sample of soil or dust Components: V, S, M (branch from a tree that has been
native to another plane of existence) struck by lightning)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Available To: Cleric, paladin Available To: Artificer, bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
One target that you can see within range must make a Make a spell attack roll against one target that you can see
Constitution saving throw. On a failure they take 8d6 necrotic within range. On a hit, they take 5d8 lightning damage.
damage, and their Dexterity score is reduced by 2 until the The spell shoots in a long line originating from you. Any
end of the spell's duration. On a successful save a target takes creature within 5 feet of the line must make a Dexterity
half damage and their Dexterity score is not changed. saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d8 lightning damage.
At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 6th level At Higher Levels. When cast using a spell slot of 4th level
or higher, the necrotic damage increases by 1d6 and the or higher, the damage to the original target increases by 1d8
target's Dexterity score is reduced by an additional 1 point per level of the spell slot spent above 3rd.
per level of the spell slot spent past 5th.
3rd level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
"The food here is terrible... Available To: Cleric
and they hardly gave us any...
I will have my vengeance." One willing target that you can see within range is magically
Art by Spifian on Deviant Art teleported to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you.

Foes of Fire Emblem
The worlds of Fire Emblem are inhabited by many legendary Gharnef, the Dark
heroes, but for each one there is an equal or greater amount Pontifex
of villains that they must vanquish in order to see their goals
through. This section highlights a few of Fire Emblem's most Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
notable antagonists. Armor Class 15 (18 with mage armor)
Hit Points 78 (13d6 + 26)
Gharnef, the Dark Speed 30 ft.


Gharnef is a reoccuring force of evil that works to oppose the
Hero-King Marth. His primary goal is the resurrection of 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Medeus, an evil entity of darkness and destruction. He is a
master of manipulation, and often works in the shadows and Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
sometimes beyond the veil of death itself to ensure that his damage
plots are seen to fruition. Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Gharnef holds the tome Imhullu, which grants him damage from nonmagical weapons
Saving Throws Int +10, Wis +6
significant defensive capabilities. When he believes he is in a Skills Arcana +10, Deception +6, Intimidation +6,
situation that he cannot control, or if he believes his life may Persuasion +6, Religion +6
be in danger, he uses his spellbook's power to teleport away Senses passive Perception 11
from harm, preferring to live to plot for another day. Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5

Special Equipment. Gharnef has the Imhullu tome,

which, while he is attuned, grants him a +3 bonus
"Let the darkness roar and the stars gleam! to his Armor Class as well as resistance to
All will be as I will it to be." bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage and
Art by u/Arctoslupus on Reddit immunity to the same type of damage from
nonmagical weapons. Being attuned to the tome
also grants him access to his Imhullu attack option.
Lifetaker (5/Day). When Gharnef reduces a creature
to 0 Hit Points, he can use a bonus action on the
same turn to regain 5d8 Hit Points.
Spellcasting. Gharnef is a 13th level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18,
+10 to hit with spell attacks). Gharnef has the
following spells prepared:
At will: acid splash, blade ward, eldritch blast,
mage hand, shocking grasp
1st-level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile,
shield, ray of sickness
2nd-level (3 slots): crown of madness, misty
step, ray of enfeeblement
3rd-level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse,
4th-level (3 slots): blight, phantasmal killer
5th-level (2 slots): contact other plane, dominate
6th-level (1 slot): circle of death, disintegrate
7th-level (1 slot): finger of death, teleport

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Imhullu. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range
120ft., one target. Hit 45 (10d6 + 5) necrotic

The Black Knight
As one of the Four Riders of Daein in Tellius, the Black The Black Knight
Medium humanoid (Branded), lawful neutral
Knight served the crown of his kingdom frighteningly well.
He is a figure of dark legend, to the point where some dismiss Armor Class 26 (+3 plate armor, Blessed of Ashera,
many of the stories associated with him. Alondite)
During the reign of the Mad King Ashnard, the Black Hit Points 185 (17d12 + 68)
Knight obeyed the king faithfully, to the point of assassinating Speed 30 ft.
one of the previous Four Riders, Greil, the father of Ike. After
the murder of his father, Ike swore that he would have
revenge, and a fierce rivalry was struck that lasted for years. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
When Ashnard's prodigal son Pelleas returned to reclaim 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
the throne of Daein, the Black Knight served him as well, but
was more loyal to Micaiah, who he saw as the guiding light Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
that would lead Daein to it's much deserved restoration. damage
Eventually Ike was able to strike down the Black Knight, Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
but only after spending much time becoming just as much of damage from nonmagical weapons
an unstoppable force as the Black Knight himself. Condition Immunities grappled, restrained
Skills Athletics +11, Deception +7, Intimidation
+13, Perception +8
Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Blessed of Ashera. While wearing armor, the Black

Knight can add his Constitution modifier to his
Armor Class. In addition, while wearing armor the
Black Knight has access to his Damage Resistances
and Damage Immunities. If he is not wearing armor,
he loses these traits.
Eclipse. When the Black Knight deals a critical hit,
he can add an additional 8 (2d6) slashing damage
to the attack's total damage.
Imbue. If the Black Knight's hit point total is half or
less than its maximum, he regains 4 (1d6) hit
points at the end of each of his turns.

Multiattack. The Black Knight makes two attacks
with Alondite.
Alondite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit 16 (2d6 + 8) magical slashing
damage. While the Black Knight is attuned to this
sword, he gains a +1 bonus to his Armor Class.

Nihil (2/Day). When a creature scores a critical hit
within 30 feet of the Black Knight, he nullifies the
critical hit. The attack still hits, but any extra effects
caused by landing a critical hit are negated.

"If a man’s convictions are unbending,

his mind will break instead.
It‘s the job of a general to
repair that damage."
Art by ジキヒツサイン on Pixiv

Nothing worked over the course of several years. Over time,
The Immaculate One the Immaculate One changed its guise to become the
The Immaculate One is said to be the final child of Fodlan's Archbishop Rhea, the current leader of the Church of Seiros.
proginetor god Sothis. After Nemesis, the King of Liberation As both Rhea and Seiros, the Immaculate One has done
murdered Sothis and most of her children, the Immaculate unspeakable things in the pursuit of the goddess' return. One
One gathered as many as she could who were loyal to the experiment yet remains, though, and the Immaculate One
goddess and went on a rampage against Nemesis and his Ten grows ever anxious that its efforts may have actually
Elites. It was a long and bloody war, but in the end the succeeded.
Immaculate One was victorious. However, though its Years ago, an experiment was conducted on a newborn
mother's murderer had been defeated, the Immaculate One child in an attempt to imbue the child with the Crest of
found that it could not restore its mother. Flames, a piece of the divine blood that ran through Sothis
During the conflict with Nemesis, the Immaculate One herself. The child was stolen from the Immaculate One's
took on the guise of Saint Seiros, a holy woman that inspired watch, but has recently returned. Now, with the child under
her followers. After the war, the Immaculate One chose to its direct watch, the Immaculate One can ensure that its
remain as Saint Seiros and began to guide humanity in a goals come to fruition. Any who stand in its way, including the
direction that worshipped the dead goddess. Throughout the child that is so necessary to its success, will surely come to
years, Seiros' aims were always to resurrect Sothis, and ruin.
Seiros used her control of the church to further this goal.

“You are all damned, with no hope of salvation.

For the sin of insurgency, you shall be
consigned to hell!”
Art by AutomaticGirrafe on Tumblr

The Immaculate One Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage. If the
Gargantuan dragon, neutral evil
target is a creature, it must succeed a DC 26 Strength
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) saving throw or be knocked prone.
Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252) Radiant Breath (Recharge 5-6). The Immaculate One
Speed 60 ft., burrow 60 ft., fly 120 ft., swim 60 ft. exhales divine fire in a 300-foot cone. Each creature in
that area must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 78 (12d12) radiant damage on a failed save, or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half as much damage on a successful one.
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 29 (+9) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 23 (+6)
Legendary Actions
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +17, Wis +13, Cha +14 The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Skills Intimidation +14, Perception +21, Stealth +8 from the options below. Only one legendary action
Damage Immunities fire option can be used at a time and only at the end of
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent
Perception 31 legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +8 Attack. The Immaculate One makes a Claw or Tail
Surging Light (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The Immaculate One
the Immaculate One is reduced to 0 hit points, its hit beats its wings. Each creature within 20 ft. of the
point total instead resets to 425 hit points, it Immaculate One must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity
recharges its Radiant Breath, and it regains any saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning
expended uses of Legendary Resistance. Additionally, damage and be knocked prone. The Immaculate One
the Immaculate One can now use the options in the can then fly up to half its flying speed.
"Mythic Actions" section for 1 hour. Award a party an
additional 105,000 XP (210,000 XP total) for Magic Bind (Costs 2 Actions). The Immaculate One
defeating the Immaculate One after its Surging Light targets one creature it can see within 30 feet. The next
activates. time the Immaculate One makes a saving throw against
a spell cast by the target within the next minute, it
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving automatically succeeds on its saving throw. The
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Immaculate One can only have one creature targeted
by this feature at a time.
Unusual Nature. The Immaculate One doesn't require
food or drink.
Mythic Actions
Actions If the Immaculate One's Surging Light feature has
activated within the last hour, it can use the actions
Multiattack. The Immaculate One makes one Bite attack
below as legendary actions.
and two Claw attacks.
Bite. The Immaculate One makes a Bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage plus Hoarfrost (Costs 2 Actions). The Immaculate One flares
13 (2d12) radiant damage. with restorative elemental energy. Each creature in a 30
foot radius of the Immaculate One must succeed on a
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
DC 26 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (5d8) radiant
one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) slashing damage, if the
damage. The Immaculate One then regains an amount
target is a Huge or smaller creature it is grappled
of hit points equal to half of the total damage dealt by
(escape DC 20) and it is restrained until the grapple
this action.
ends. The Immaculate One can have only one creature
grappled in this way at a time.


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