PH Sensor

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pH Sensor

Paper Principle Merit Suggestions and Improvements

Scarpa, E., Mastronardi, V.M., Guido, F. et al. The design comprises of flexible piezoelectric The device exploits the This is the first time that hydrogel
Wearable piezoelectric mass sensor based on pH resonators adorned with cylindrical hydrogel flexibility of piezoelectric mass variations are sensed by a
sensitive hydrogels for sweat pH monitoring. Sci microstructures sensitive to pH variations.
AlN membranes fabricated flexible resonator, fostering the
Rep 10, 10854 (2020).
These microstructures are crafted from an anionic on a polyimide substrate development of a new class of hydrogel synthesized through the co- combined to the sensitive compliant and wearable devices.[1]
polymerization of a 10 kDa poly(ethylene glycol)- properties of a pH
diacrylate (PEG-DA) macromer with 2-carboxyethyl responsive hydrogel based Peppas et al. [2] devised that
acrylate (CEA), resulting in a pliable material with on peG-DA/ceA molecules Hydrogels show a strong capability
pH-responsive attributes.
to absorb a high amount of water,
The pH sensitivity of the hydrogels stems from the This device shows a and possess biological and elastic
presence of carboxylic groups in CEA, which responsivity of about 12 (i.e. softness) compatibility.
undergo protonation in acidic environments and kHz/pH unit when
deprotonation in alkaline conditions. measured in artificial sweat Dhanjai et al. [3] The smart
formulation in the pH hydrogels, show selective
range 3–8. responsive properties to target
analyte and may represent a more
. stable alternative to the standard
biological sensing element
when Ta2O5 is exposed to the electrolyte, its
Guo, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Yao, B.; Chai, J.; Zhang, S.; The Ta2O5 thin film has an In the practical application stage, it
Liu, J.; Zhao, Z.; Xue, C. Fabrication and surface is hydrolyzed to form tantalum–hydroxy amorphous microstructure, is also necessary to consider the
Performance of a Ta2O5 Thin Film pH Sensor groups (Ta–OH) [4]. The surface is charged by and its surface roughness is influence of many factors, such as
Manufactured Using MEMS receiving or releasing protons during the reaction less than 3.17 nm. interfering ions (Cu2+, Fe2+ and
Processes. Sensors 2023, 23, 6061.
with a solution containing H+/OH , which in turn Fe3+), enzyme activity effects,
form the O , OH and OH+ surface groups. The detection accuracy and microbial attachment, etc.
anti-interference ability are
improved. In the future, long-term stability of
the proposed sensor will be tested,
Good linearity (R2 = and it will be applied for the long-
0.99904) and sensitivity term monitoring of pH changes in
(63.12 mV/pH) are the marine environment and
recorded for the proposed aquaculture systems.
sensing element in the
range of pH 2~12 Compared to the pH meter
products, HANNA HI98194 and
The sensor’s drift and Seema pH838, manufactured with
hysteresis are equal to 5.1 glass electrodes on the market, the
mV and 5.8 mV, sensitivity and response time are
respectively. lower than the HANNA HI98194
has facile miniaturization
process, low fabrication
cost, and suitability for
mass production.
Lin, W.C., Hsieh, C.T., Chang, M.C. and Liao, The pH biosensor with The author Lin has verified in his
C.H., 2022. MEMS Cavity-Based pH Image MEMS cavity structure previous work the readout circuit
Biosensor for Wound Dressings to Monitor Hard-
exhibits a high sensitivity of which are based on the analog
to-Cure Wounds. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(19),
pp.18978-18987. 201 mV/pH, low drift intellectual property of the lab-
voltage over time of 2.08 owned IC [5].
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3197678 mV, a fast response time of
5 s, high precise repetition There are different types of pH
of 98.9%, and a pH image sensors that have been developed.
Fig: The fringing electrical field and parallel of 20 frame rate/s. The glass electrode is the very first
electrical field in a pH buffer solution. system to measure pH and now is a
The sensor is a 100 × 100 standard[6].
array, it displays a detailed
As a buffer solution containing ions filled on the change in the pH image of The sensor on optical principle by
sensor surface, since ions can be identified as a wound exudate to identify Crespo et al[7] is a pH-sensitive
virtual ground, some fringing electrical fields will the inflammation stage inorganic material, for example,
be absorbed by the ions, so the RX electrode under pH 6 or spontaneous carbon nanostructures and metal
cannot receive too much fringing electrical field. reepithelization above pH 6 oxides. They can absorb hydronium
to indicate the need to ions and form compounds with the
change the dressing, general chemical formula. These
reducing the clinician’s sensors have a general response
wasted resources on time .
frequency change of
wound dressings.
M. Shamsul Arefin, M. Bulut Coskun, T. Alan, A. The principle of operation of the sensor is based The device can effectively should focus on wireless sensor
Neild, J. -M. Redoute and M. R. Yuce, "A MEMS on the logarithmic relation between the number measure pH levels from 1 data transmission as well as
capacitive pH sensor for high acidic and basic of H+ or OH- ions in a solution (and to 4 and pH levels from 10 shrinking the form factor of the chip
solutions," SENSORS, 2014 IEEE, Valencia, correspondingly the permittivity) and pH. to 12. and the readout circuit further
Spain, 2014, pp. 1792-1794,
doi: 10.1109/ICSENS.2014.6985373 When a solution is placed on top of the sensing This technique provides
electrodes (Fig. 1), H+ modifies the fringe electric high sensitivity, low Yuce et al [8] proposed in his paper
fields generated by the electrodes. That leads to a hysteresis, and low noise as how to integrate the techniques
change in permittivity, which in return alters the well as low fabrication cost. into miniaturized electronic pill
capacitance value. systems .
Very importantly, the
device and the Ghosh et al [9] showed how to
corresponding measure gastric acid (typical pH
measurement circuitry levels 1-2 ). This device has the
have the potential to be potential to incorporate that.
integrated in an electronic
pill for continuous non-
invasive measurement
within the body.

Goicoechea, J., Zamarreño, C.R., Matias, I.R. and The method used in this work for the fabrication The experimental results The error bars are greater in
Arregui, F.J., 2008. Optical fiber pH sensors of the nanostructured sensitive films is the LbL obtained for sensors based middle-range values of pH mainly
based on layer-by-layer electrostatic self-
method. on self-assembled Neutral due to hysteresis effects. This
assembled Neutral Red. Sensors and Actuators
B: Chemical, 132(1), pp.305-311. Red and poly(acrylic acid) hysteresis value should result lower
The cationic chemicals used for the fabrication of coatings showed a highly than a 13.5% of the total dynamic the different films are poly (allylamine linear response with a range of the sensor. L´ opez-
hydrochloride) (PAH) and 3-amino-7 dynamic range of 2.5dB, Higuera et al [10] talked about
dimethylamino-2-methylphenazine hydrochloride, fast response times hysteresis in their paper.
commonly known as Neutral Red (NR), which is (shorter than 1s), low
the colorimetric indica tor. The anionic hysteresis (13.5%). Roy et al [11]showed for some
polyelectrolyte was poly (acrylic acid) (PAA). specific cases, it is possible to build
It has high resolution (0.03 up LbL structures using only one
pH points) and high polymer and a small molecule as
stability with negligible counter-electrolyte .
drift in 30min and a low
cross-sensitivity to
Avolio, R., Grozdanov, A., Avella, M., Barton, J.,
Cocca, M., De Falco, F., Dimitrov, A.T., Errico,
M.E., Fanjul-Bolado, P., Gentile, G. and Paunovic,
P., 2022. Review of pH sensing materials from
macro-to nano-scale: Recent developments and
examples of seawater applications. Critical
Reviews in

2. Peppas, N. A., Hilt, J. Z., Khademhosseini, A. & Langer, R. Hydrogels in biology and medicine: from molecular principles to bionanotechnology. Adv. Mater. 18, 1345–1360

3. Dhanjai, et al. Polymer hydrogel interfaces in electrochemical sensing strategies: a review. Trends Anal. Chem. 118, 488–501. https ://

4. Manjakkal, L.; Szwagierczak, D.; Dahiya, R. Metal oxides based electrochemical pH sensors: Current progress and future perspectives. Prog. Mater. Sci. 2020, 109, 100635.

5. W.-C.Lin,M.-C.Chang,C.-T.Hsieh,Y.-C.Su,andC.-H.Liao, “Design 580 and fabrication of high-sensitivity flexible capacitance sensor appli edin 581 vivo measurement such as
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6. Q. Zhang et al., “Gold-photodeposited silver nanowire endoscopy for 538 cytosolic and nuclear pH sensing,” ACS Appl. Nano Mater., vol. 4, no. 9, 539 pp. 9886–9894, Sep.
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7. G. A. Crespo, D. Gugsa, S. MacHo, and F. X. Rius, “Solid-contact pH- 548 selective electrode using multi-walled carbon nanotubes,” Anal.Bioanal. 549 Chem., vol. 395, pp.
2371–2376, Dec. 2009, doi: 10.1007/s00216-009 3127-8.

8. M.R. Yuce, T. Dissanayake, C.K. Ho, “Wireless telemetry for electronic pill technology,” in Proc. IEEE Conference SENSORS, pp.1433-1438, Oct. 2009.

9. T. Ghosh, D.I. Lewis, A.T. Axon, S.M. Everett, “Review article: methods of measuring gastric acid secretion, Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther., vol.33, pp.768-81, Jan. 2011.

10. J.M. L´ opez-Higuera, Handbook of Optical Fiber Sensing Technology, Wiley, West Sussex, UK, 2002.

11. S.Roy,A.J.Pal,Sequentiallyadsorbedlayer-by-layerself-assembledfilms: light emitting devices based on Evans Blue, Mater. Sci. Eng. C 18 (2001) 65–70

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