2023 - 24year 12 Residential

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Friday, 27th October 2023

Subject: Year 12 Residential Trip from 11th to 14th December 2023 to Seapine Recreation
Centre-Hua Hin

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are excited to share the details of an enriching adventure for our Year 12 students - a four-day, three-night
residential trip to Seapine Recreation centre-Hua Hin, scheduled from the 11th to the 14th of December. Organising
a residential trip early in the academic year is a fantastic way to foster closer bonds among our students, helping
them build lasting friendships within the year group. A meaningful residential trip can have a profoundly positive
influence on students in numerous ways, and for this reason, we consider this trip compulsory. If your child cannot
participate, you will need to make an appointment with Mr Gibson ([email protected]).

During this excursion, students will have the opportunity to develop a variety of essential life skills, including
resilience, leadership, communication, independence, and adaptability in diverse and challenging environments. They
will also embark on a journey to learn about the local ecosystems and sustainability in the area, spend time at the
WWFT to learn about the work that goes into rescuing animals that have suffered in captivity. Students will also
embark on a variety of team building activities from raft building to beach cleans and much, much more. The full
program of events will be shared with you in the coming weeks, providing you with a comprehensive understanding
of the activities your children will be engaged in during this trip.

The cost of the IA trip will be 15,800THB and you will be invoiced for this directly by the finance team. We will
send further details nearer the time including lists of what the children should bring with them.

To secure your child's participation, please download, complete, and return the attached parental consent form and
also complete this Google form. You can submit the form either in person or scan and email it to your child's class
teacher by Monday, November 6th, 2023. The respective email contacts are as follows:

[email protected]
[email protected]
If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your involvement
and support are integral to making this trip a memorable and enriching experience for our students.

Best wishes,

Mr Simon Cox
Parental consent form for residential visit

Journey/Visit to Year 12 Residential to Seapine Resort - Hua Hin

Visit leader Mr Simon Cox & Mr Christian Fielding

From (date/time) 11/Dec/ To (date/time) 14/Dec/23


Specific activities Teambuilding, WWFT - rescue missions, Mangroves, ECO

Mangroves, Beach Clean, Orienteering, Night Orienteering, Raft
Building, Drum Percussion based team work

1. I/We agree to my/our child _____________________________________________ (full name)

_______________ (nickname) in form/class ___________ taking part in the above-mentioned visit and,
having read the information sheet and list of activities above, agree to their participation in any of the
activities described.

2. I/We accept that by signing this consent form that we will be invoiced for the total cost of the trip,
15,800THB and we will ensure payment is made before the due date: 13th November and after this
date we acknowledge that there will be no refund.

3. Residential trips only: I/We support and agree to the Code of Conduct for School Visits (download and
sign) and recognise that my/our child is subject to school rules and acknowledge the need for responsible
behaviour on the part of my/our child.

4. I/We agree to reimburse the school, any member of staff or other leader for any costs and expenses
reasonably incurred and/or other sums reasonably disbursed by the member of staff or other leader on behalf
of my/our child named above during or as a result of the journey, including the cost of a return fare if my/our
child has to be sent home as a result of their infringement of school rules or the Code of Conduct for School

5. Medical and dietary conditions: I/We confirm that we have checked and amended as necessary my/our child’s
records on the parent portal, in particular the records relating to any medical conditions that my/our child
has that may involve special arrangements being made before or during the trip. Please ensure your child
carries their medication/epipen/inhaler with him/her.

6. The school ensures that each trip has sufficient and appropriate insurance cover and will make every
reasonable endeavour to recover (and refund) any costs incurred in the event of cancellation (due to
circumstances beyond its control) from third parties in the first instance. I/We agree to be liable for any
costs incurred by the school relating to my/our child should the school for any reason not be able to recover
them as described above.

7. I/We agree to my/our child’s personal details including medical and dietary information being shared with
third party organisations when required for the organisation of the visit.


In the event that I cannot be contacted, I/We agree to my/our child receiving medication as instructed and any
emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic, as considered necessary by the medical
authorities present if I/we should not be contactable. I understand that insurance cover is provided by the school and
I can check the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided, and policy documents are available to me
upon request.

Signed ..........................................................................................................................................

Name(s) (please print) ..................................................................................................................

(All persons from whom consent is necessary must sign this form)

Date ..............................................

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