European Patent Specification: Electrolyte

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Europisches Patentamt
European Patent Office
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(11) EP 1 396 061 B1
(45) Date of publication and mention
of the grant of the patent:
25.01.2006 Bulletin 2006/04
(21) Application number: 02727813.4
(22) Date of filing: 28.05.2002
(51) Int Cl.:
H02J 7/00
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 2002/097944 (05.12.2002 Gazette 2002/49)
(84) Designated Contracting States:
(30) Priority: 28.05.2001 HU 0102198
24.05.2002 HU 0201744
(43) Date of publication of application:
10.03.2004 Bulletin 2004/11
(73) Proprietor: 10Charge Elektrotechnikai Fejleszto
Kereskedelmi Kft.
H-1121 Budapest (HU)
(72) Inventors:
H-1173 Budapest (HU)
REISZ, Attila
H-2080 Pilisjszfalu (HU)
H-1112 Budapest (HU)
(74) Representative: Kkes, Laszlo et al
Gdlle, Kkes, Mszaros & Szabo,
Patent and Trademark Attorneys,
Keleti Karoly u. 13/b.
1024 Budapest (HU)
(56) References cited:
EP-A- 0 598 470 WO-A-01/29950
WO-A-93/15543 US-A- 4 740 739
US-A- 4 947 124 US-A- 5 629 600
US-A- 5 891 590
EP 1 396 061 B1
Technical Field
[0001] The invention relates to a method for charging
a rechargeable battery having non-liquid, but for example
a gel electrolyte, said battery has an internal resonance
frequency. In the course of charging a charging current
is applied to a battery. The invention relates furthermore
to a circuit arrangement for implementing the method of
charging the battery having non-liquid electrolyte, where
an electric power supply is connected through a current
measuring device to the battery terminals.
Background Art
[0002] Several methods are known for quick charging
of batteries, where the charging current is periodically
interrupted and during the pause on charging a short dis-
charge or a load is applied to the battery to be charged.
The aim at these methods is to reduce the duration of
charging as much as possible and to increase the lifetime
of the battery by the proper maintenance and formation
of the storing cells.
[0003] It has already been observed that rechargeable
batteries have frequency dependent characteristics and
resonant frequencies. This can be learnt i.a. from the
publication of the Australian Telstra Research Laborato-
ries, J.M Hawkins & L.O. Barling: "Some aspects of bat-
tery impedance characteristics" (IEEE 1995) or from the
publication of Keith S. Champlin, Kevin Bertness: "A Fun-
damentally New Approach to Battery Performance Anal-
ysis Using DFRA/DFIS Technology" (2000). Both ar-
ticles describe methods and arrangements for measuring
the frequency dependent impedance behaviour of bat-
teries. Both publications contain plotted impedance char-
acteristics, which show extreme values at a certain fre-
quency, i.e. on resonance frequency. The impedance
characteristic of a battery contains capacitive reactance
region on frequencies below the frequency of the extreme
value and inductive reactance on frequencies above the
extreme value. The equivalent circuit model of a battery
is a series resonant circuit.
[0004] The International Publication WO 01/29950 re-
lates to a method, by means of which electric power con-
suming devices - such as a battery showing resonant
characteristics - shall be supplied with pulse trains with
suitable characteristics of voltage, frequency and pulse
width. The aim of this method is to minimise the power
consumption and to improve the efficiency.
[0005] The charge storing capacity of a battery is spec-
ified by Ah ampere-hours. From this value a C5 value is
derived by dividing Ah by the time = ampere-hour/hour,
so C5 has a current dimension. The charging current of
the battery is determined in proportion of C5. For exam-
ple, for a battery having 55 Ah capacity, C5 = 55 A. The
proper charging current of the battery is given in propor-
tion of C5, for example 0,1C5, in this case 5,5 A. In the
following description we use the term C5 in accordance
with this definition.
[0006] In the US 5,600,226 patent specification a
method for controlling and terminating the charging of a
battery is described. In the course of this method the
voltage is periodically measured at the terminals of the
battery and compared with the result of the preceding
such measurement, then based on the difference of
these two measurements the charged state level of the
battery is being determined. With this known solution,
the charging is periodically interrupted and during the
pause of charging the measurements are performed after
a short discharge pulse. At the beginning the charging is
performed slower than the final charging rate, at about
20% of this final rate, then by increasing the charging
pulse width the charging rate is increased to the definitive
charging rate. This method has been developed before
all to terminate the charging method at that point at which
the battery has attained a full charge. A rapid charging
of the battery is realized as well.
[0007] A similar rapid charging method is disclosed in
the international patent application no. WO 00/76050 A1,
in that solution however two successive discharge pulses
are applied in every charging interval. After each of the
two successive discharge pulses measurements are per-
formed, to collect more accurate data on the state of the
rechargeable battery.
[0008] In the US 4,947,124 patent specification a
method for charging a nickelcadmium accumulator and
simultaneously testing its condition is described. Accord-
ing to this method a continuos charging current is super-
imposed with current pulses.
[0009] The object of the invention is to provide a meth-
od and apparatus by means of which the charging of
rechargeable batteries can be achieved faster, than with
the known methods.
Disclosure of Invention
[0010] It is well known that the reduction of the charging
time is limited by the slowness of the chemical transfor-
mations causing the charging current inside the battery.
If in the cells of the rechargeable battery the rate of the
chemical transformations can be increased, the charging
time can be reduced. Accordingly, the object of the in-
vention is to provide such a charging method, by which
the molecular movements in the cells of the rechargeable
battery can be accelerated and through this the time nec-
essary for the chemical transformations and the time nec-
essary for the full charge itself can be reduced.
[0011] It has been recognized that the intensity of
pulsed charging current applied to and taking of by a
rechargeable battery is a function of the frequency of the
charging pulses, i.e. the impedance of the rechargeable
battery varies with the frequency. Varying the charging
pulse frequency, a peak charging current vs. frequency
of the battery can be found. The peak current frequency
varies from battery to battery and depends on their
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EP 1 396 061 B1
charged state. The method according to the invention
and the apparatus implementing the method are based
on this recognition.
[0012] The object of the invention set before has been
attained by means of the method in accordance with in-
vention in such a manner, that the charging method con-
tains at least one charging interval performed with current
pulses, the frequency of said current pulses is essentially
identical with the internal resonance frequency of the re-
chargeable battery to be charged, following the charging
interval a first relaxation interval is inserted, in which no
charging current is applied to the rechargeable battery,
within the first relaxation period a first discharging interval
is applied, following the first relaxation period the charg-
ing is performed in an interval consists of a continuous
charging current, the duration of which is ranging be-
tween 200 ms and 1500 ms, this interval is followed by
a second relaxation interval, in which no charging current
is applied to the rechargeable battery, within the second
relaxation interval a second discharging interval is ap-
plied, after the second relaxation interval a charging in-
terval with periodic current pulses is applied again. The
duty factor of the periodic current pulses is between 1:10
and 10:1 and the peak current of said current pulses is
in the range of 1C5 and 7C5. The duration of the interval
of periodic current pulses ranges between 200 ms and
1500 ms, where the frequency of the periodic current
pulses is within the range of 100 Hz and 10000 Hz.
[0013] The advantage of this method consists in the
fact, that when charging with pulses at the resonance
frequency of the rechargeable battery the multiple of the
usual charging current may be applied without a signifi-
cant heat dissipation and damaging the battery, mean-
while an intensive internal molecular movement can be
achieved in the cells, which results in a significant accel-
eration of the chemical transformation and of the charg-
ing of the battery. The charging of the battery with current
pulses is substantially prepared to accept the intensive
charging, then an intensive charging can be adapted with
the continuous charging current. The further advantage
of this method is that during the first relaxation interval
the chemical transformations will be further enhanced,
then the following charging with periodic current pulses
will efficiently effectuate again the molecular movements
in the cells.
[0014] Within the first relaxation interval a first dis-
charging interval is applied, the duration of which is not
more than 50 ms. Within the second relaxation period a
second discharging interval is applied, the duration of
which is not more than 50 ms as well. These discharging
intervals influence advantageously the charge taking of
capability of the rechargeable battery.
[0015] In the apparatus according to the invention im-
plementing the method according to the invention, the
battery to be charged has an internal resonance frequen-
cy at which a pulsed charging current having a varying
frequency shows a peek, in the course of charging of the
rechargeable battery through a current metering device
a power supply is connected to the terminals of the re-
chargeable battery, in addition to the current metering
device between one of the battery terminals and the pow-
er supply a controlled current generator is inserted, to
the control input of which a control signal is applied by
means of a control unit, during the charging of the re-
chargeable battery the control unit periodically produces
first a pulse train having a frequency corresponding to
the internal resonance frequency of the rechargeable
battery for the duration of the charging interval for gen-
erating current pulses through the controlled current gen-
erator, the control unit inserts a first relaxation interval
after the charging interval, which interrupts the current
through the controlled current generator for said first re-
laxation interval, whereafter the control unit produces a
control signal for the duration of the charging interval for
generating said continuous charging current through the
controlled current generator with a magnitude between
1C5 and 7C5, after the charging interval of the contin-
uous charging current the control unit inserts a second
relaxation interval by means of a control signal, which
interrupts the current through the controlled current gen-
erator for said second relaxation interval, that parallel to
the terminals of the rechargeable battery to be charged
at least one discharging circuit is connected, which con-
sists of a series arrangement of a resistor and a controlled
switch, to the control input of said controlled switch an
output of the control unit is connected delivering a first
pulse within the first relaxation period corresponding to
the first discharging interval and a second pulse within
the second relaxation interval corresponding to the sec-
ond discharging interval.
[0016] The charging of the rechargeable battery adapt-
ing the method according to the present invention may
be continued till its fully charged state. The statement,
sensing, displaying of the charged state are not objects
of this invention, for this purpose several other solutions
are well known.
[0017] The method according to the invention, as well
as the apparatus for the implementation of the method
is now explained in details below and reference is made
to the exemplary embodiment, shown on the accompa-
nying drawings.
Brief Description of Drawings
Fig. 1 is an explanatory graph depicting the charging
current, as a function of time;
Fig. 2 is a further explanatory graph depicting an other
sequence of the charging current, as a function
of time;
Fig. 3 is a graph depicting the sequence of the charg-
ing current, as a function of time in accordance
with a preferred method of the invention; and
Fig.4 is the schematic circuit diagram of an apparatus
for the implementation of the method in accord-
3 4
EP 1 396 061 B1
ance with the invention.
Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
[0019] On the horizontal axis of the graph shown in
Fig. 1 the time t, on the vertical axis the current I applied
to the terminals of the rechargeable battery are drawn
up. The charging method illustrated in Fig.1 is not in ac-
cordance with the invention. The charging current is sup-
plied by an electric power supply applied through a charg-
ing circuit to the terminals of the battery to be charged,
which power supply can be a rectifier connected to the
AC power line voltage, but any battery with higher voltage
or similar may be used as well. With this embodiment
there are different charging intervals inserted into the
charging current, namely interval a, which is a pulsed
charging interval, followed by an interval e, which is a
charging interval with continuous charging current.
[0020] The interval a is a charging interval consisting
of charging current pulses. The frequency of the pulse
series is essentially identical with the internal resonance
frequency of the rechargeable battery. This resonance
frequency lies in the practice in the range of 100 and 10
000 Hz, but rechargeable batteries with higher resonance
frequencies are also known. The duty factor of the pulses,
that is the signal/pause ratio may be chosen in the range
of 1:10 to 10:1. The duration of the interval a is preferably
within the range of 200 ms and 1500 ms. Within this range
the more exact duration has to be determined experi-
mentally in compliance with the type of the rechargeable
[0021] In interval a the intensity of the Ip current pulses
is advantageously in the range of 1C5 and 7C5, the
value of which has to be determined also experimentally
in compliance with the type of the respective recharge-
able battery.
[0022] In interval a the rechargeable battery takes up
a relatively smaller charge, the pulse series of this interval
substantially prepares the cells of the rechargeable bat-
tery for taking up the charge. The interval a is followed
by an interval e, the duration of which is preferably be-
tween 200 ms and 1500 ms, the optimal duration of this
interval e has to be determined experimentally also in
compliance with the type of the rechargeable battery.
Within interval e the value of the charging current pulse
Ic is constant and its value is advantageously in the range
of 1C5 and 7C5.
[0023] The optimal current pulse Ip within the interval
a, the charging current Ic within the interval e, as well as
the duration of interval a and the duration of interval e
can be considered constant. These values do not vary
for rechargeable batteries of a given type.
[0024] As can be seen in Fig. 1 the section consisting
of the above mentioned interval a and interval e repeats,
that is after an interval e follows again an interval a, then
follows an interval e. This process can be periodically
repeated till the complete charging of the rechargeable
battery is attained.
[0025] In Fig. 2 a variation is illustrated for the charging
method of the rechargeable battery, where the period
consisting of the interval a and interval e is followed by
a second relaxation interval p1, during which no charging
current applied. During this second relaxation interval p1
the internal chemical transformation of the rechargeable
battery promotes the more effective charge uptake. The
duration of the second relaxation interval p1 may be sub-
stantially very short, preferably at most 1500 ms, the op-
timal duration of this interval has to be determined ex-
perimentally also in compliance with the type of the re-
chargeable battery. Following the second relaxation in-
terval p1 follows again an interval a consisting of periodic
current pulse series. The sequence of intervals a, e and
p1 repeats periodically. This process can be repeated till
the complete charging of the rechargeable battery at-
tained. The charging method illustrated in Fig. 2 is not in
accordance with the invention.
[0026] The charge take-up capacity of the rechargea-
ble battery can be increased, when during the second
relaxation interval p1 a short second discharge interval
g is inserted, the duration of which is at most 50 ms. This
second discharge interval g is applied with at most 700
ms delay after the interval e. The discharge is performed
with a limited -ld1 current, the intensity of which is at most
[0027] In Fig. 3 the preferred embodiment of the meth-
od according to the invention is shown, which differs from
the method shown in Fig. 2 in that, that between the in-
terval a consists of current pulse series and the contin-
uous charging current interval e a first relaxation interval
p2 is inserted. The duration of the first relaxation interval
p2 can be optionally short, as like as the said second
relaxation interval p1, but their durations are not neces-
sarily the same. The maximal duration of the first relax-
ation interval p2 is 1500 ms too. Within the first relaxation
interval p2 a first discharging interval c is inserted, the
duration of which is at most 50 ms. This first discharging
interval c is applied with at most 700 ms delay after the
interval a consisting current pulse series. The discharge
is performed with a limited -Id2 current, the intensity of
which is at most 7C5.
[0028] The method disclosed in connection with the
before mentioned examples not necessarily has to be
applied in the full charging time of the rechargeable bat-
tery. The charging time can be effectively reduced even
if the continuous charging current of the rechargeable
battery is interrupted by an interval a consisting of current
pulse series or by the intervals a to g or p1, p2 shown in
Figs. 1 to 3 respectively.
[0029] The continuous charging can be desirable at
the beginning of the charging process in such cases, if
a rechargeable battery is completely or deeply dis-
charged. With such batteries there is mostly no reso-
nance phenomenon. In such cases the rechargeable bat-
tery is to be charged by continuous charging at least to
such a charge level, where the internal resonance of the
rechargeable battery can be detected and from this level
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EP 1 396 061 B1
the method shown in Figs. 1 to 3 can be effectively ap-
plied. However, rechargeable batteries in continuous
use, are usually not discharged to such a deep level.
[0030] The circuit diagram of a battery charger appa-
ratus according to the invention implementing the method
according to the invention is shown in Fig. 4. The charging
current applied to the rechargeable battery 1 is supplied
by an electric power supply 2 or an other rechargeable
battery with higher voltage, or similar through a controlled
current generator 3. Between the current generator 3 and
the rechargeable battery 1 a current metering device 4
is inserted. Parallel to the terminals of the rechargeable
battery 1 a controlled loading unit is connected, which
consists of the series arrangement of a resistor 7 and a
controlled switch 6, the latter is preferably a semiconduc-
tor switching device, for example a FET or a transistor
or any other, fast operating controlled switching element.
The control input of the controlled switch 6 is connected
to the output Icd1 of the control circuit 5.
[0031] The method according to Figs. 1 to 3 is imple-
mented by a control circuit 5, for example by means of a
programmable function generator. Accordingly, the con-
trol output Iv of the control unit 5 is connected to the
control input of the current generator 3. During the charg-
ing interval a consisting of periodic current pulse series
the said control output Iv provides a square pulse having
a frequency identical with the internal resonance frequen-
cy of the rechargeable battery 1 to be charged, the am-
plitude of which is proportional with the intensity of the
pulse Ip. This square pulse opens the current generator
3 during the pulse and applies current pulses Ip to the
rechargeable battery 1, the amplitude of which square
pulses is proportional to the charging current pulses Ip
applied through the current metering unit 4.
[0032] In accordance with the preferred embodiment
of the invention shown in Fig. 4 the positive terminal of
the rechargeable battery 1 is connected to the voltage
metering input Um of the control unit 5. The output of the
current metering device 4 is connected to the current
metering input lm of the control circuit 5.
[0033] The current metering device 4 can be any
known current meter, such as a known Hall-generator,
but a simple resistor, schematically shown in Fig. 4 can
be utilized too, on the ends of which a voltage appears
proportional to the charging current flowing into the re-
chargeable battery 1, but any other known current me-
tering element can be utilized for this purpose. The volt-
age on the current metering resistor shown in the exam-
ple and illustrated in Fig. 4 applied to the voltage meas-
uring input Um and the current measuring input Im of the
control unit 5. By this voltage the control unit 5 controls
the amplitude of the square pulse appearing on the con-
trol output Iv.
[0034] The frequency of the square pulses appearing
on the control output Iv can be set on the function gen-
erator of the control unit or - if the battery charger is uti-
lized to a given type of rechargeable battery - it is set to
a determined frequency. According to the experiences
the duty factor of the square pulses may vary within the
range of 1:10 and 10:1, which can be determined more
precisely experimentally in compliance with the type of
the rechargeable battery.
[0035] The function generator of the control unit 5 pro-
vides the interval e in a similar manner, as well as the
second relaxation interval p1 or the first relaxation inter-
val p2, shown in Fig. 3. During the interval e appears a
continuous signal at the output Iv, whereas during the
second relaxation interval p1 and the first relaxation in-
terval 2 the current generator 3 is in closed state, it does
not forward any charging current.
[0036] In the course of the method according to the
invention, during the second relaxation interval p1 and
first relaxation interval p2 the optionally applicable first
discharging interval c and the second discharging inter-
val g are implemented by means of a serial discharge or
loading circuit consisting of a resistor 7 and a controlled
switch 6. For this purpose the control unit 5 supplies
through its output Icd1 pulses to the control input of the
controlled switch 6 produced preferably by the function
generator mentioned above, the duration of said pulses
corresponds to the duration of the first discharging inter-
val c and the second discharging interval g, respectively.
On effect of said pulses the switch 6 closes and a dis-
charge current determined by the resistor 7 and the volt-
age of the battery 1 loads the rechargeable battery 1 for
the duration of the pulse.
[0037] In the case when in the relaxation intervals p1
and p2 the -Id1 and -Id2 discharging currents in the first
discharging interval c and the second discharging inter-
val g are different, a further loading circuit will be con-
nected parallel to the terminals of the rechargeable bat-
tery 1 consisting of a controlled switch 6 and a resistor
7. The input of the controlled switch 6 is connected to
the output Icd2 of the control unit 5. The loading circuits
consisting of two different resistors 7 and 7 loading with
different discharge currents -Id1 and -Id2 the recharge-
able battery 1.
[0038] The control unit 5 may be completed in such a
manner, that preceding the charging a test can be per-
formed on the rechargeable battery 1. The test results
can be stored and the charging can be performed on
basis of the stored data. For example, in a preliminary
testing period the function generator of the control unit 5
provides a square pulse having a continuously varying
wobbulating frequency between 100 Hz and 10 000 Hz,
the amplitude of which is significantly lower than that of
the square pulse used during the charging, for example
has a value of 0,1C5. For this reason between the power
supply 2 and the current metering device 4 a series ar-
rangement of a controlled switch 8 and of a resistor 9 is
included, as shown in Fig. 4. The control input of the
controlled switch 8 is connected to an output It of the
control unit 5.
[0039] For testing purposes a low measuring current
pulse series has to be applied, with which it can be en-
sured, that when varying the frequency the measuring
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EP 1 396 061 B1
charging current applied to the rechargeable battery does
not reach the saturation current even at the resonance
frequency. This current can be set by means of the re-
sistor 9.
[0040] The voltage proportional with the test charging
current having a wobbulating frequency measured by the
current metering device 4 appearing between the voltage
metering input Um and the current metering input Im is
proportional with the internal resistance of the tested re-
chargeable battery at the instantaneous frequency of the
square pulse. This measuring charging current pulse se-
ries has a peak value in function of the pulse frequency,
which is the resonance frequency of the tested recharge-
able battery.
[0041] Of course the current generator 3, the switch 8
and the resistor 9 can be integrated in a single circuit as
well, with which both the testing and the charging of the
rechargeable battery can be performed.
[0042] The method according to the invention is intend-
ed for use in the charging of rechargeable batteries with
non-liquid electrolyte, such as Li-ion, NiCd, NiMH and
lead batteries with gel electrolyte (SLA).
1. A method of charging a rechargeable battery having
non-liquid electrolyte, which battery has an internal
resonance frequency at which a pulsed charging cur-
rent having a varying frequency shows a peak and
in course of charging a charging current is applied
to the terminals of the rechargeable battery supplied
by an electric power supply, characterized in that
the charging method contains at least one charging
interval (a) performed with current pulses (Ip), the
frequency of said current pulses (Ip) is essentially
identical with the internal resonance frequency of the
rechargeable battery (1) to be charged, following the
charging interval (a) a first relaxation interval (p2) is
inserted, in which no charging current is applied to
the rechargeable battery (1), within the first relaxa-
tion period (p2) a first discharging interval (c) is ap-
plied, following the first relaxation period (p2) the
charging is performed in an interval (e), which con-
sists of a continuous charging current (Ic), the dura-
tion of which is ranging between 200 ms and 1500
ms, this interval (e) is followed by a second relaxation
interval (p1), in which no charging current is applied
to the rechargeable battery (1), within the second
relaxation interval (p1) a second discharging interval
(g) is applied, after the second relaxation interval
(p1) a charging interval (a) peformed with current
pulses (Ip) is applied again, the frequency of said
current pulses (Ip) is essentially identical with the
internal resonance frequency of the rechargeable
ballen to be charger.
2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the duty factor of the periodic current pulses (Ip)
is between 1:10 and 10:1.
3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the peak current of said current pulses (Ip) is in
the range of 1C5 and 7C5.
4. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the duration of the interval (a) of periodic current
pulses (Ip) ranges between 200 ms and 1500 ms.
5. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the frequency of the periodic current pulses (Ip)
is within the range of 100 Hz and 10 000 Hz.
6. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the interval (e), which consists of said continu-
ous charging current (Ic) is performed within a cur-
rent intensity range of 1C5 and 7C5.
7. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the duration of the second relaxation interval
(p1) is not more than 1500 ms.
8. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that, the duration of the second discharging interval
(g) is not more than 50 ms.
9. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the duration of the first relaxation interval (p2)
is not more than 1500 ms.
10. A method according to claim 1, characterized in
that the duration of the first discharging interval (c)
is not more than 50 ms.
11. An apparatus for carrying out the method of claim 1
for charging a rechargeable battery (1) with non-liq-
uid electrolyte, the battery to be charged has an in-
ternal resonance frequency at which a pulsed charg-
ing current having a varying frequency shows a peak,
in the course of charging of the rechargeable battery
(1) through a current metering device (4) a power
supply (2) is connected to the terminals of the re-
chargeable battery (1), in addition to the current me-
tering device (4) between one of the battery (1) ter-
minals and the power supply (2) a controlled current
generator (3) is inserted, to the control input of which
a control signal is applied by means of a control unit
(5), characterized in that during the charging of the
rechargeable battery (1) the control unit (5) periodi-
cally produces first a pulse train having a frequency
corresponding to the internal resonance frequency
of the rechargeable battery (1) for the duration of the
charging interval (a) for generating current pulses
(Ip) through the controlled current generator (3), the
control unit (5) inserts a first relaxation interval (p2)
after the charging interval (a), which interrupts the
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EP 1 396 061 B1
current through the controlled current generator (3)
for said first relaxation interval (p2), whereafter the
control unit (5) produces a control signal for the du-
ration of the charging interval (e) for generating said
continuous charging current (Ic) through the control-
led current generator (3) with a magnitude between
1C5 and 7C5, after the charging interval (e) of the
continuous charging current (Ic) the control unit (5)
inserts a second relaxation interval (p1) by means
of a control signal, which interrupts the current
through the controlled current generator (3) for said
second relaxation interval (p1), that parallel to the
terminals of the rechargeable battery (1) to be
charged at least one discharging circuit producing
first and second discharge current pulses (-Id1 and
-Id2) is connected, which consists of a series ar-
rangement of a resistor (7, 7) and a controlled switch
(6, 6), to the control input of said controlled switch
(6, 6) an output (Icd1, Icd2) of the control unit (5)
is connected delivering a first pulse within the first
relaxation period (p2) corresponding to the first dis-
charging interval (c) and a second pulse within the
second relaxation interval (p1) corresponding to the
second discharging interval (g).
1. Verfahren zum Laden einer wiederaufladbaren Bat-
terie, die einen nichtflssigen Elektrolyten aufweist,
wobei die Batterie eine interne Resonanzfrequenz
aufweist bei welcher ein gepulster Ladestrom mit va-
riierender Frequenz eine Spitze aufweist, und wobei
whrend der Ladung ein Ladestrom auf den Enden
der wiederaufladbaren Batterie angelegt wird, der
von einer elektrischen Stromversorgung bereitge-
stellt wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das La-
deverfahren mindestens ein Ladeintervall (a) ent-
hlt, welches mit Strompulsen (Ip) ausgefhrt wird,
die Frequenz dieser Strompulse (Ip) im wesentlichen
identisch mit der internen Resonanzfrequenz der zu
ladenden wiederaufladbaren Batterie (1) ist, nach
dem Ladeintervall (a) ein erstes Relaxationsintervall
(p2) eingesetzt wird, in welchem kein Ladestrom an
die wiederaufladbare Batterie (1) angelegt wird, und
innerhalb der ersten Relaxationsperiode (p2) ein er-
stes Entladeintervall (c) angewandt wird, nach der
ersten Relaxationsperiode (p2) die Ladung in einem
Intervall (e) ausgefhrt wird, welches aus einem kon-
tinuierlichen Ladestrom (Ic) besteht, dessen Dauer
zwischen 20 ms und 1500 ms liegt, dieses Intervall
(e) gefolgt wird von einem zweiten Relaxationsinter-
vall (p1), in dem kein Ladestrom an die wiederauf-
ladbare Batterie (1) angelegt wird, innerhalb des
zweiten Relaxationsintervalls (p1) ein zweites Ent-
ladeintervall (g) angewandt wird, nach dem zweiten
Relaxationsintervall (p1) wieder ein Ladeintervall (a)
ausgefhrt mit Strompulsen (Ip) angewandt wird,
wobei die Frequenz dieser Strompulse (Ip) im we-
sentlichen identisch mit der internen Resonanzfre-
quenz der zu ladenden wiederaufladbaren Batterie
(1) ist.
2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die relative Einschaltdauer der pe-
riodischen Strompulse (Ip) zwischen 1:10 und 10:1
3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass der Spitzenstrom der Strompulse
(Ip) im Bereich von 1C5 und 7C5 liegt.
4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Dauer des Intervalls (a) von pe-
riodischen Strompulsen (Ip) zwischen 200 ms und
1500 ms liegt.
5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Frequenz der periodischen
Strompulse (Ip) innerhalb des Bereichs von 100 Hz
und 10.000 Hz liegt.
6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass das Intervall (e) welches aus dem
kontinuierlichen Ladestrom (Ic) besteht innerhalb ei-
nes Stromstrkebereichs von 1C5 und 7C5 ausge-
fhrt wird.
7. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Dauer des zweiten Relaxations-
intervalls (p1) nicht mehr als 1500 ms betrgt.
8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Dauer des zweiten Entladeinter-
valls (g) nicht mehr als 50 ms betrgt.
9. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Dauer des ersten Relaxations-
intervalls (p2) nicht mehr als 1500 ms betrgt.
10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn-
zeichnet, dass die Dauer des ersten Entladeinter-
valls (c) nicht mehr als 50 ms betrgt.
11. Vorrichtung zum Ausfhren des Verfahrens nach
Anspruch 1 zum Laden einer wiederaufladbaren
Batterie (1), die einen nichtflssigen Elektrolyten
aufweist, wobei die zu ladende Batterie eine interne
Resonanzfrequenz aufweist bei der ein gepulster
Ladestrom mit einer variierenden Frequenz eine
Spitze aufweist, und im Verlauf der Ladung der wie-
deraufladbaren Batterie (1) ber ein Strommessge-
rt (4) eine Stromversorgung (2) mit den Anschls-
sen der wiederaufladbaren Batterie (1) verbunden
ist, zustzlich zum Strommessgert (4) zwischen ei-
nem der Anschlsse der Batterie (1) und der Strom-
11 12
EP 1 396 061 B1
versorgung (2) eine gesteuerte Stromquelle (3) ein-
gebaut ist, auf deren Steuerungseingang ein Steue-
rungssignal mittels einer Steuerungseinheit (5) auf-
gebracht wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
whrend des Ladens der wiederaufladbaren Batterie
(1) die Steuerungseinheit (5) periodisch zunchst fr
die Dauer des Ladeintervalls (a) zum Erzeugen von
Strompulsen (Ip) durch die gesteuerte Stromquelle
(3) eine Pulsfolge erzeugt, die eine Frequenz ent-
sprechend der internen Resonanzfrequenz der wie-
deraufladbaren Batterie (1) aufweist, die Steue-
rungseinheit (5) ein erstes Relaxationsintervall (p2)
nach dem Ladeintervall (a) einsetzt, welches den
Strom ber die gesteuerte Stromquelle (3) fr das
erste Relaxationsintervall (p2) unterbricht, wonach
die Steuerungseinheit (5) ein Steuerungssignal fr
die Dauer des Ladeintervalls (e) erzeugt, zum Er-
zeugen des kontinuierlichen Ladestroms (Ic) durch
die gesteuerte Stromquelle (3) mit einer Gre zwi-
schen 1C5 und 7C5, die Steuerungseinheit (5)
nach dem Ladeintervall (e) des kontinuierlichen La-
destroms (Ic) ein zweites Relaxationsintervall (p1)
mittels eines Steuerungssignals einsetzt, welches
den Strom durch die gesteuerte Stromquelle (3) fr
das zweite Relaxationsintervall (p1) unterbricht,
dass parallel zu den Anschlssen der zu ladenden
wiederaufladbaren Batterie (1) mindestens ein Ent-
ladungsstromkreis, der erste und zweite Entla-
dungsstrompulse (-Id1 und -Id2) erzeugt, ange-
schlossen ist, welcher aus einer Reihenanordnung
eines Widerstands (7, 7) und eines gesteuerten
Schalters (6, 6) besteht, und mit dem Steuerungs-
eingang des gesteuerten Schalters (6, 6) ein Aus-
gang (Icd1, Icd2) der Steuerungseinheit (5) verbun-
den ist, der einen ersten Puls innerhalb der ersten
Relaxationsperiode (p2) entsprechend dem ersten
Entladungsintervall (c) und einen zweiten Puls in-
nerhalb des zweiten Entladungsintervalls (p1) ent-
sprechend dem zweiten Entladungsintervall (g)
1. Procd de charge dune batterie rechargeable
ayant un lectrolyte non liquide, laquelle batterie a
une frquence de rsonance interne laquelle un
courant de charge puls ayant une frquence varia-
ble prsente un pic et en cours de charge un courant
de charge est appliqu aux bornes de la batterie re-
chargeable fourni par une source dalimentation
lectrique, caractris en ce que le procd de
charge contient au moins un intervalle de charge (a)
excut avec des impulsions de courant (Ip), la fr-
quence desdites impulsions de courant (Ip) est es-
sentiellement identique la frquence de rsonance
interne de la batterie rechargeable (1) charger,
aprs lintervalle de charge (a) un premier intervalle
de relaxation (p2) est insr, dans lequel aucun cou-
rant de charge nest appliqu la batterie rechar-
geable (1), dans la premire priode de relaxation
(p2) un premier intervalle de dcharge (c) est appli-
qu, aprs la premire priode de relaxation (p2) la
charge est excute dans un intervalle (e) qui con-
siste en un courant de charge continu (Ic), dont la
dure est comprise entre 200 ms et 1500 ms, cet
intervalle (e) est suivi par un deuxime intervalle de
relaxation (p1), dans lequel aucun courant de charge
nest appliqu la batterie rechargeable (1), dans le
deuxime intervalle de relaxation (p1) un deuxime
intervalle de dcharge (g) est appliqu, aprs le
deuxime intervalle de relaxation (p1) un intervalle
de charge (a) excut avec des impulsions de cou-
rant (Ip) est appliqu de nouveau, la frquence des-
dites impulsions de courant (Ip) est essentiellement
identique la frquence de rsonance interne de la
batterie rechargeable charger.
2. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que le rapport cyclique des impulsions de courant
priodiques (Ip) est entre 1:10 et 10:1.
3. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que le courant de crte desdites impulsions de
courant (Ip) est dans la plage de 1C5 et 7C5.
4. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la dure de lintervalle (a) dimpulsions de
courant priodiques (Ip) est compris entre 200 ms
et 1500 ms.
5. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la frquence des impulsions de courant p-
riodiques (Ip) est dans la plage de 100 Hz et 10000
6. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que lintervalle (e) constitu dudit courant continu
de charge (Ic) est excut dans une plage dintensit
de courant de 1C5 et 7C5.
7. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la dure du deuxime intervalle de relaxation
(pI) ne dpasse pas 1500 ms.
8. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la dure du deuxime intervalle de dcharge
(g) ne dpasse pas 50 ms.
9. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la dure du premier intervalle de relaxation
(p2) ne dpasse pas 1500 ms.
10. Procd selon la revendication 1, caractris en
ce que la dure du premier intervalle de dcharge
(c) ne dpasse pas 50 ms.
13 14
EP 1 396 061 B1
11. Appareil pour mettre en oeuvre le procd de la re-
vendication 1 pour charger une batterie rechargea-
ble (1) lectrolyte non liquide, la batterie charger
a une frquence de rsonance interne laquelle un
courant de charge puls ayant une frquence varia-
ble prsente un pic, au cours de la charge de la bat-
terie rechargeable (1) par le biais dun dispositif de
mesure de courant (4) une source dalimentation
lectrique (2) est connecte aux bornes de la batterie
rechargeable (1), en plus du dispositif de mesure de
courant (4) entre une des bornes de la batterie (1)
et lalimentation lectrique (2) un alternateur cou-
rant command (3) est insr, lentre de com-
mande duquel un signal de commande est appliqu
au moyen d une unit de commande (5), caract-
ris en ce que, pendant la charge de la batterie
rechargeable (1), lunit de commande (5) produit
priodiquement dabord un train dimpulsions ayant
une frquence correspondant la frquence de r-
sonance interne de la batterie rechargeable (1) pen-
dant la dure de lintervalle de charge (a) pour g-
nrer des impulsions de courant (Ip) travers lal-
ternateur courant command (3), lunit de com-
mande (5) introduit un premier intervalle de relaxa-
tion (p2) aprs lintervalle de charge (a), qui inter-
rompt le courant travers lalternateur courant
command (3) pendant ledit premier intervalle de
relaxation (p2), aprs quoi lunit de commande (5)
produit un signal de commande perdant la dure de
lintervalle de charge (e) pour gnrer ledit courant
continu de charge (Ic) par le biais de lalternateur
courant command (3), dune grandeur comprise
entre 1C5 et 7C5, aprs lintervalle de charge (e)
du courant de charge continu (Ic) lunit de comman-
de (5) insre un deuxime intervalle de relaxation
(p1) au moyen dun signal de commande, qui inter-
rompt le courant travers lalternateur courant
command (3) pendant ledit deuxime intervalle de
relaxation (p1), quen parallle aux bornes de la bat-
terie rechargeable (1) charger au moins un circuit
de dcharge produisant des premire et deuxime
impulsions de courant de dcharge (-Id1 et -Id2) est
connect, qui est constitu dun montage en srie
dune rsistance (7, 7) et dun commutateur com-
mand (6, 6), l entre de commande dudit com-
mutateur command (6, 6) une sortie (Icd1, Icd2)
de lunit de commande (5) est connecte dlivrant
une premire impulsion pendant la premire priode
de relaxation (p2) correspondant au premier inter-
valle de dcharge (c) et une deuxime impulsion
pendant le deuxime intervalle de relaxation (p1)
correspondant au deuxime intervalle de dcharge
15 16
EP 1 396 061 B1
EP 1 396 061 B1

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