Guidelines For Providing Speed Limit Signboards On Flyovers
Guidelines For Providing Speed Limit Signboards On Flyovers
Guidelines For Providing Speed Limit Signboards On Flyovers
Sub: -Road Safety- Provide speed limit sign boards on flyovers- reg:-
. .
Attention is inv~ted to the subject cited above. It has been noticed that ·vehicles are
plying at high speed on flyovers across the State.
Cle2r messaging to the road user about the permissible rr.aximum speed limit on
flyovers t'!."ough sign boards is essential to avoid accidents. Hen' e it is directed to provide
speed limi sign boards on flyovers as per following clauses of IRC: 67-2012 as below:
The signs shall be of circular shape with a red border and with white
background with black symbols and numerals. The sizes and dimensions shall be as
per Tablel be~ow.
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I Regulatory
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Ma:tdatory Signs
Design .)peed Size
Diameter Diameter Boro~~r Oblique Font Size I
l! (mm) (mm} (mm) Bar (mm) (mm) I
. In conjunction
I Up to 65 km ph
w;th traffic light
300 35 35 75
2. Location
The signs shall be located at the beginning of the section of a road or area covered
by a speed restricJtibn, with numerals indicating the speed limit in km per hour. The speed
limit should be m· ked in multiples of 5 km per hour as shown in Fig.1 below.
Where different speed limits are to be imposed on certain classes of motor vehicles
this shall b specified separately so as to ensure that the numerals indicating the speed limit
are clearly visible from a distance. Symbol of class of vehicle shall accompany such speed
limit indication as Fig2 below.
120 mm 1620 mm
150 mm I '-.'::.::=======:::=::::..-
Fig 1: Maximum Speed Limit Fig 2: Maximum Speed Limit (Vehicle Type)
For sections of bad accident history or substandard curves, speed limit signs can be
provided in yellow backing plate to make it more prominent. Also, the advisory speed limit
can be attached to the sign post as supplementary plate indicating the permissible speed for
the particular curve. Additional repeater signs may also be installed at suitable intervals
where necessary as per Table 2 below.
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