Republic Activities

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A. The Meaning, Value and Relevance of History
B. Distinction between Primary and Secondary Source

This section highlights the significance of learning Philippine History in the 21 st Century. It centers
on analyzing Philippine History from various standpoints built on selected primary sources from many
disciplines and genres.

A. The Meaning, Value and Relevance of History


At the end of this segment, the students are expected to:

1. describe the concept of history using personal experience

2. cite examples of history using personal experiences and the role it played on their lives and

3. draw out conclusions on the importance and relevance of history based on the impact of personal


1. Watch the video by clicking the URL below about Herodotus the Father of History and briefly write
your thoughts about the video.

Herodotus is the father of history because he was the first person to record event as accurately as
possible in ancient time, he witnessed the Persian invasion of Greece and decided to find out why they
happened. What I have learned in the video it is important to be accurate in seeking information to ensure
that the information is correct. I am just amazed by Herodotus on how he managed to collect information
despite that he doesn’t understand the language.

2. Collaborative Activity: Think-Pair-Share

Task: The class will work in pairs, but individually will reflect and answer on the following questions: Then
share the answers with their chosen partner to create a team response. Write your answers in the box
provided below.
1. What is history for you?

History is the study of the past, particularly people, and events of the past. It also gives us a sense
of identity by understanding where we have come from, what our culture and beliefs, everything makes
clear because of accurate history.

2. Share a personal experience you think of when you hear the word “history”.

I believe when I was born or simply my Identity, where our names, date of birth and birthplace are
found. Yes, my Name is the great history that I have from both of my parents, if I don’t know the history of
myself then I would ask myself who am I? My name is the only history will not be fade away that I will be
having in my life and it’s come from by beloved person which is my mother and father.

3. What do you think is the role of history in your life?

The role of the history in my life is to have a wide understanding in life, it allows us to understand
our past which in allow us to understand our present in terms of our culture, beliefs, and where we really
came from. I think it is also the foundation of what I have right now, the existence of things in my life, and
it easy for me to decipher when it’s happened, why it’s happened or how did it happen because of history
it becomes clear.

After reflecting on these questions, share your answers to your chosen partner

My Answer My Partner’s answer

History is the study of the past, particularly History talks about the study of past events,
people, and events of the past. It also gives us thing that happened a long time ago. Past
a sense of identity by understanding where we events that are relating to particular people,
have come from, what our culture and beliefs, country, the beliefs and culture of people.
everything makes clear because of accurate When I hear the word history, I think of the
history. I believe when I was born or simply lifestyle that my ancestors lived before because
my Identity, where our names, date of birth I believe the life before were different from the
and birthplace are found. Yes, my Name is the life that I have now right now. I think of how
great history that I have from both of my they felt during the colonial period, they must
parents, if I don’t know the history of myself have been suffering. This are what I think when
then I would ask myself who am I? My name is hearing history of my country. In my history I
the only history will not be fade away that I thing of the things that my parents have given
will be having in my life and it’s come from by me, the education and my needs. They have
beloved person which is my mother and given me great life that they don’t have before.
father. The role of the history in my life is to They work hard for me to live a better life than
have a wide understanding in life, it allows us the life that they had in the past. I also think of
to understand our past which in allow us to the things that happened to me before, the
understand our present in terms of our failures and achievements that I got. It makes
culture, beliefs, and where we really came me for who I am right now. The role of the
from. I think it is also the foundation of what I history in my life is to teach me to appreciate
have right now, the existence of things in my the efforts of my parents for doing their best to
life, and it easy for me to decipher when it’s give me better life. I appreciated everything I
happened, why it’s happened or how did it have right now. History help us to develop
happen because of history it becomes clear. better understanding of the world and how
things are in the present. It also helps me to
move forward and learn from my past, and do
better in the future


The similarities that we have is we really give importance to both of our parents because they
mean a lot to us, they are our strengths and weaknesses in life. We also have the same
understanding on what history is, besides we respect the cultures and beliefs that we have. Both
of us are trying to decipher in where we came from, who’s our ancestors, what are they doing in
everyday life and etc.

3. After doing the task above. Answer the following questions.

1. How did you find the activity?

It’s pretty fun, we share our thoughts, experiences, and ideas on what is history. Having activity like this
strengthen our bond and relationship to others it gives us comfort, respect, love and wide understanding to each
background or past that we have.

2. What were the challenges you had encounter along the process?

At first, it’s hard for us to decipher the background, experiences, beliefs, thoughts and even the behavior of each
other but by listening carefully and telling our history to each other help us to have a wide understanding that able
us to communicate and participate properly. It gives us a good bonding, and we respect each beliefs and cultures
that we have, indeed we able to share our perspective about history in our life even in a short period of time.

3. How did you overcome the challenges together with your partner?

By overcoming our shyness, and let ourselves to be expressive in our experiences, beliefs, background and
etc. We encourage ourselves to be confident and don’t mind the fear or nervous that we feel. It’s hard for because it
is our first time to meet through virtual meeting but having the encouragement we able to share our ideas and I feel
great to have someone to talk to with my history.

4. What were the similarities and differences of your sharing with your partner?

The similarities that we have is we really give importance to our parents because it is our traditional here in
the Philippines and also, they play a vital role in our life and we love them so much. I believe the differences that we
have is we have different religion I’m a Muslim and she’s a Catholic the good thing is we respect each other.

5. What role do you think history plays in your life? Share your insights about history.

Through stories, we share passions, fears, sadness, hardships and joys, and we find common ground with other
people so that we can connect with them. Histories is universal, the purpose or the role of history for me is it help us
to understand ourselves better and find affection or common with others.

4. Write a reflection paper of 200-words on the values of the study of History to you as a
student and as a Filipino

Studying history enables us to develop better understanding of the world in which we live. Building
knowledge and understanding of historical events and trends, especially of the past century, enables us to
develop a much greater appreciation for current events today. It is important because it allows us to make
more sense of the current world to offer reasonable predictions of what will happen next in today’s world.
It easy for us to decipher why some rules exist in the modern world. Way back when I was a kid in my
childhood school days, I thought history class was a drag. I think history is just seemed like a jumble of
names, and dates attached to events, and I ask myself what was the point of learning it at all? The times
goes by, I didn’t know that history was one of the most important subjects that I should learn. History
helps me to understand who I am, to develop my sense of self, it tells me where my ancestors came from
and who they were. Most importantly of all, it gives me the ability to spot the legacies of my parents in
terms of culture, beliefs, or legacies that I may have inherited from them.
Your essay will be graded based on the following; Focus and details, organization, voice, word
choice, and reasoning and use of evidences. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing
your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.

Traits 4 3 2 1 Total

Focus and There is one clear, There is one There is one topic. The topic
Details well focused topic. clear, well and main
Main ideas are 4
Main ideas are focused topic. ideas are not
clear and are well Main ideas are Somewhat clear. clear.
supported by clear but are
detailed and
not well
supported by

Organization The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no

inviting, states the states the main states the main clear
main topic, and topic and topic. A introduction,
provides an provides an structure, or
conclusion is
overview of the overview of the conclusion.
paper. paper. A
Information is conclusion is
relevant and included.
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is

Voice The author’s The author’s The author’s The author’s

purpose purpose of purpose of writing purpose of
writing is is somewhat
of writing is very writing is
somewhat clear,
clear, clear, and there is unclear.
and there is
evidence of 4
and there is strong some
evidence of evidence of
to audience. The
attention attention to
audience. The
to audience. The knowledge
author’s extensive and/or experience
knowledge and/or and/or
the topic is/are
experience with
experience with limited.
the topic is/are
topic is/are

Word The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer
Choice vivid vivid words uses a

words and words and that communicate limited

phrases. The phrases. The vocabulary.
clearly, but the
choice and choice and 4
writing lacks Jargon or
placement of placement of
variety. clichés may
words seems words is
be present
accurate, natural, inaccurate
and detract
and not forced.
at times and/or
from the
seems overdone.

Reasoning Supplies and cite Supplies Identifies relevant Cites some

and Use of evidence to evidence to evidence to references
Evidences support and to support each support each claim to claims
develop each claim and
claim documents

Reviewers 20

1. Activity 2 Drawing out Conclusions or Inferences:

Task: Form groups of five members. Pause for a few minutes and think about or reflect on your past. Has
your past influenced you in one way or another? How does your past shape your identity and behavior as a
Filipino student? Discuss your answers with your group mates and draw out conclusions or inferences on
the importance and relevance of history based on the impact of personal experiences. Write your
conclusions or Inferences in the blank scroll below. Same Rubrics above will be used in judging your
group’s Inferences on the relevance and importance of History.

Yes, my past has definitely influenced me and I like to think that it’s all good. Even bad
experiences in the past we can have positive effects on our lives if we learn and grow
from those experiences. Since I was young the lack of parental behavior convinced me if I
wanted anything to be done it was up to me. I was just 8 years old I started to take care
of my basic needs and wash and iron my clothes and clean my shoes for the following
days to wear and be presentable for school. Also, I save part of my lunch money to save
for my necessities in school. It shaped me to become independent at a young age and
thrive to make good decisions for myself. A good childhood will make you want to be a
good and a bad one will put you a situation of knowing what is right or wrong. In most
situations you should use your past to learn so you can repeat your success or
achievements and minimize your failures.
B. Distinction between Primary and Secondary Source


At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:

1. evaluate primary sources in terms of credibility, authenticity, and provenance

2. differentiate primary and secondary sources of historical records; and possible repositories of
primary sources
3. show appreciation on the importance of determining credibility, authenticity, and provenance in
using primary resources

1. Using any social media site, ask your friends to share opinions on whether President Rodrigo
Duterte is an elite president or a populist president, afterwards, screenshot, print, cut and stick five
responses that can either be primary or secondary sources in the box provided. Indicate whether
the response is a primary or secondary source of information. Justify why each response is primary
or secondary source.
Response 1 Response 2 Response 3


Its own opinion Its own opinion Its own opinion

Response 4 Response 5


Its own opinion She gets it from google

2. How did you find the activity? What are sources? How important are the sources in recording historical

The activity is interesting because it talks about the 2 types of source which is primary source and
secondary source. It is important to us on how are we going to get information in a various source that we
have such as books, articles, websites and etc., we also need to make sure that it is accurate and have
evidence that will help to have a better works.

1. Using the Venn diagram below, compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary
source materials. Give an explanation for the overlapping characteristics on the space provide


Primary sources provide a first In my own understanding the Secondary sources were created
hand account of an event or time similarit of primary source and by someone who did not
period and are considered to be secondary source it provides us experience first hand or
authorative. The represent information that will help us in participate in the events or
original thinking, reports on our activity, but it is also condtitions you’re researching.
discoveries or events or the can important to us to distunguished They can cover the same topic,
share new information. Often the difference of the tow but add a layer of interpretation
these sources are created at the sources. and analysis. Like ditionaries,
time the events occurred but biogaraphy newspaper and etc.
they can also include sources
that are created later. They are
usually the first fromal
appearance of original work.

2. Read the referenced readings and accomplish the reading report:


 The three (3) things that I significantly learn from the readings are …

1. History is an opportunity to hone research skills. Much of the work in a history class consists of
finding information and how it fits into a larger narrative. Figuring out what are the central
themes and which details will help to paint a complete picture.
2. History encourages people to understand the perspective that different people bring to their
analysis and understanding why people interpret events in a particular way.
3. History gives us the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and help us understand many
reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps us become more
compassionate as people and more impartial as decision makers

 The three (3) things that are still unclear to me are …

Upon reading the long reading material, there is no doubts or unclear information because almost
all the related ideas and concepts are stated clearly
 The three (3 ) questions that I want to ask about the readings are.

Upon reading the long reading material, I have no a question to ask because almost all the related
ideas and concepts are stated clearly

3. Write a Reflection Paper 0f 50-100 words on the importance of credibility, authenticity and
provenance in their lives using primary sources.

Primary sources help me as a student relate in a personal way to events of the past and promote a
deeper understanding of history as a series of human events. Because primary sources are incomplete
snippets of history, each one represents a mystery that students can only explore further by finding new
pieces of evidence. Therefore, as a student it is important for me to look for a credibility, authenticity and
provenance primary source that provide me a raw information of first-hand evidence and it will help me to
guide or gives me a direct access to the subject of my hypothesis research in the near future.

Read the following scenarios and classify the sources discovered as primary, secondary or tertiary sources.
Write your answer on the space provided.

Juan was exploring the library in his new school in Manila. He wanted to study the history of Calamba,
Laguna during the nineteenth century. In one of the books, he saw an old photograph of a woman standing
in front of an old church, clipped among the pages. At the back of the photo was a fine inscription that
says” Kalamba 19 de Junio 1861”

Is the photograph primary, secondary or a tertiary source? Justify your answer

I believe Photograph is primary source because its present visual record of a moment in time it also
provides the original material as evidence.

It was Angela’s first day in her first-year college in a big university. Her excitement made her come to class
unusually early and she found their classroom empty. She explored the classroom and sat at the teachers
table. She looked at the table drawer and saw a book entitled U.G. An Underground Tale: The Journey of
Edgar Jopson and the first Quarter Storm Generation. She started reading the book and realized that it was
a biography of a student leader turned political activist during the time of Ferdinand Marcos. The author
used interviews with friends and family of Jopson, and other primary documents related to his works and

Is the book a primary, secondary, or tertiary source? Explain your answer.

For me book is a secondary source because it described information obtained from other sources
and combine information to create a new publish book’s


Activity 1

Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist 2. Why is art not nature?
would you be? Why?
Art is not a nature because art is
If I were to become an artist, I would like to interpretation and expression of emotions,
be a photographer, I’m the type of person who feelings, inner reality that perceives outer
loves to go in different places especially when it reality. Nature is just reality, to make it
comes to beaches. Every place that I have been simple art imitates nature, but we can draw
to, will not only be stored in my heart and mind. I nature as an art. For instance, art is human
would definitely take pictures along with me as a made while nature is close to perfect since
part of my journey and my collection. God created it

3. Why is art not ageless and timeless? 4. Why does art involve experience?

All art done during a time period in which the For in order us to make a depth meaning of a
artists live. We have to understand that art it’s a masterpiece or an art, it requires a certain
memory of the artist, art is a marker of time and amount of life experience. Experience is the
therefore the opposite is timeless.
Description As long as we factor that provides emotions, feelings, beauty
Scalehere, the desire to make and experience art and depth meaning while doing an art. I believe
will continue. TheFacts
10 points timeless in art isn’t detailed/precise
are consistently the work, and very relevant. Uses
self-expression will correct
reflect spelling
your lifeand
and to your
it’s in us. grammar effectively almost all of the time. Addresses the question completely.
8 points Most facts are detailed/precise and relevant. Uses spelling and grammar with
considerable accuracy and effectiveness. Addresses the question, but left out few
6 points Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and
grammar require moderate editing. Addresses the question, but provided few
4 points More specific details and examples are needed to support opinions, spelling and
grammar require considerate editing. Addresses the question, but in every few
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
Content Ideas are well develop, Clarity of purpose is Some sense of purpose is Clarity of purpose is
-Clarity clarity of purpose is generally evident maintained, ideas may be incompletely expressed,
-Critical and original exhibited throughout: throughout: good vague or too broad, some little evidence of careful
thought evidence of critical, examples of careful evidence of careful thought and insight
-evidence and elaboration careful thought and thought and insight. thought and insight
Structure Paper is logically Clear organizational Some level of No apparent organization,
-Organization organized, writing is easy structure with some organization, though difficult to follow
-Flow of thought to follow. digressions, writing is digressions interrupt
easy to follow. thought, difficult to
Language Vocabulary is Vocabulary is varied, Vocabulary is used Vocabulary is basic and
-Vocabulary sophisticated and correct specific, and appropriate properly though may not be used properly,
-Sentence structure sentence structure varies. sentences may be simple very simple sentences are
Grammar/mechanics No errors in spelling, Makes a few errors in Makes several errors in Makes numerous errors in
-Spelling grammar, or mechanics. spelling, grammar, or spelling, grammar, or spelling, grammar, or
-Grammar mechanics but they do mechanics that interfere mechanics that interfere
-Punctuation not interfere with with understanding with the understanding

Activity 2
Choose one artwork under each category that you are familiar with. This can be the last artwork that
you have come across with or one that made the most impact to you. Evaluate using the guide questions

Categories: Movie, Novel, Poem, Music, Architectural structure, a piece of clothing.

1. What is it about? What is it for?

2. What is made of?

3. What is it style?

4. How good is it?



It is a heart-warming tales that depicts the relationship between a 6-year-old girl and her mentally challenged
father who’s accuse and convicted for a crime he didn’t commit. This will make viewers laugh and cry. The character
looks eccentric yet enchanting thanks to their mesmerizing performance. It’s satisfying family drama that will leave
most of its viewers with a smile on their face and tears in their eyes. After I have watched this movie I’m with tears
during its heartbreaking final moments.


Great expectation is a novel by Charles Dickens that was first published in 1860. The theme are
affection, loyalty, and conscience are more important than social advancement, wealth and class. The young
Pip for example, he shows kindness to the convict Magwitch. It tells us that kindness is one of the most
important traits a human being can exhibit. It’s a work of friction with plot characters.



This poem is about change it encourage you to embrace change rather than fighting for it. Change
affects us all and over a lifetime we see many transformations of not only ourselves and those around us but
of things, policies and practices. This reminds me that adjustments are necessary for progress to be made
even though at times we may not like it, we have to learn embrace things as they evolve.



It’s a song co-written and originally recorded by American singer Jennifer Rush in 1984. There is no
great power than love. Love has the ability to heal the world. Love is pure and decent, and true. When love
takes hold of you, resistance is futile. It has the capacity to heal old wounds and cleanse our mind from any
negativity that does not serves us.

This photo was taken by me on January 22, 2020 at KCC ground floor JCO it
was my birthday and that time there is no covid-19 yet so as you can notice
there’s a lot of people. It’s the structure of JCO and I found it beautiful and
nice so I took a photo for collection.



Literary ARTS
My name is Sharman U. Abdusali I was born on January 22, 2000 in Jolo Sulu but raise up here in Zamboanga
City. My mother’s name is Rayyam U. Abdusali and my father’s name is Binang U. Abdusali. I have 9 siblings and I’m
the youngest, so we are children of 10. I am a Muslim and resides in Boalan, Duncaan Zamboanga City. 20 years old

The short story, I started to study when I was 6 years old, I graduated from kindergarten to elementary in
Southcom National High School. In my junior high school, I graduated in Zamboanga National High School West. In
my senior high school, I graduated in Maria Clara Lobregat National High School just this year 2020 month of April.
And now, I’m currently studying at Zamboanga State College of Marine Science and Technology and taking a course
of BSED Major in English and confident fresh, freshmen.

I reflect a varied personality including ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also
well determined and vigorous individual, yet pleasantly calm. I encourage fighting for what I desire and believe in
and doing it through ALLAH because nothing great comes easy and with ALLAH everything is possible. I am a student
motivated by love of learning and succeeding as I strive hard to become and outstanding and successful man in
today’s society. With definitive goal of becoming a Licensed Professional Teacher.

My mother is my inspiration to pursue my dreams even though she’s with ALLAH already, I still keep moving
forward and continue to achieve my goals in life. She always gives me some directive to focus on something and give
me the spirit to look ahead, and always optimist to try to realize my dreams and turn it into reality.

As if today we are currently facing this pandemic COVID-19, therefore it is hard for us to adjust in the new
normal system which is online class. Each one of us are trying our best to perform excellence in our academics
including the teachers that really put some effort just to meet their students, Thank you teachers. I have learned that
we are nothing without ALLAH so I believe that having ALLAH in our life, impossible would be possible, as we strive
hard, we work hard, and believing that someday we are going to be successful with the power of ALLAH, I’m so
grateful to the blessing that he still giving us, just being safe in time of this crisis is a blessing from God. Thank you,
ALLAH. Let’s put ALLAH in the center of our life and let him guide us in the right path and protect us from in any form
of calamities and crisis. ALLAH bless us all. That would be all. Thank you


Set 1.
Using the table below, list down as many different artworks that you have witnessed. On the second
column, identify what it is for. You can either research or surmise intelligently. Write them down on
the corresponding column.

Artwork What is it for?

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND PLANTS To display it outdoor and indoor to make your
house looks beautiful

GRAFFITI ART It’s known as street art, to express frustration

with life

WALL PICTURE DISPLAY It’s to remember your memorable journey that

you have experienced in life

MUSEUMS Visiting museums where it contained a

thousand of precious historical item and
including artwork. Its for viewing, to
mesmerize or impress the tourists by its
various pretty item.

Set 2.
Answer the following questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

1. Does art always have a function?

2. if an artwork ceased to have a function?
Why? Provide your own example
Will it remain as art? Why?
Yes, art always have a function because it’s
Yes, it will, putting myself in the situation the
useful to us as human being just not just
wall clock that we have at home, is designed
through painting or expressing ourselves in
with flowers and it looks beautiful and in
our but also to create a handy-craft material
additional it’s not just an art made by human
that we can use in our daily life just for
but made it by a purpose to have function, it
example the plates, glass, even the spoon we
doesn’t mean that the art will just remain as
are using that there are designs on it, the
artwork because some art will also have its
flower base and artificial flowers make our
function but also it remains as art and at the
home more elegant just are the some
same time it benefits us as a human being.
examples of art that have a function.

Essay Rubric for set 2

Scale Description

10 points Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant. Uses correct spelling and
grammar effectively almost all of the time. Addresses the question completely.

8 points Most facts are detailed/precise and relevant. Uses spelling and grammar with
considerable accuracy and effectiveness. Addresses the question, but left out few

6 points Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas. Spelling and grammar
require moderate editing. Addresses the question, but provided few details.

4 points Moe specific details and examples are needed to support opinions, spelling and
grammar require considerate editing. Addresses the question, but in every few details.

Set 3.
Look around your house and identify a product of art. In a short bond paper, paste a picture of that product
of art in your household. Trace the beginning of this item and identify what functions it has in history. (e.g.,
a painting of the last Supper in your dining room or a spoon).

Name: SHARMAN U. ABDUSALI Date: November 09, 2020

Course & Section: BSED ENGLISH 1-A

This arts are consists with flower vase and artificial flowers I can still remember when my mom bought
this since when I was 12 years old, this is the very first I think art that she had because since then I just
knew that it was an ordinary things for me, but now since I learned something new knowledge about art
I can consider it is an art and I believe the function of this art is not just to be decorated or display inside
our house, it’s a memory from my mom and I take care of it I clean it every day because my mom passed
away 2 months ago and this art from her even though it’s not her artwork but I believe that this artwork
it reminds me of her when I was 12 years old until now the memories stays with my mind and heart, I’m
the one who brings it until we got home, it’s important to me, it’s the only memory she left to me and
including to my siblings. So, that is the history of this artwork


Set 1.

Watch the BBC documentary about Botticelli’s Venus: The Making of an Icon.

Name: SHARMAN U. ABDUSALI Date: November 09, 2020

Course & Section: BSED ENGLISH 1-A

Write a reflection paper regarding the said documentary.

The Birth of Venus is one of the most famous and important artworks by Sandro Botticelli.
This painting believed to be done during the Renaissance. Venus, The Goddess of love, it is presented
to the audience at the very exact moment of her birth, portrayed gracefully and awkwardly hiding
her nakedness. Instead of Venus being presented as an infant, Botticelli decided to give us a full
grown of beautiful version of her. At the time women were never seen naked in a Renaissance
painting. The only time the naked female form was presented was in paintings of Eve. Therefore, in a
sense, this painting really marks the beginning of humankind entering the modern era.

The theme of the Birth of Venus was taken from the writings of the ancient poem, Homer.
According to the traditional account, after Venus was born, she rode on a seashell and sea foam to
the island of Cythera. In the painting we see here, Venus is prominently depicted in the center, born
out of the foam as she rides to shore.

On Venus’s left side we see a barefooted woman waiting for her with a pink pattemed cloak
with flowers to cover the naked body of Venus. She is known as the Goddess of the seasons, most
likely known as spring. By analyzing her body’s position, we can see that she’s somewhat in a hurry
to cover Venus’s nakedness.

On Venus’s right side we see Zephyrus, The God of The West Winds appears on the right side
of Venus, holding Aura, the spring wind, and together they are blowing Venus to the shore. Zephyrus
is shown here as quite powerful, as he is effortlessly carrying Aura. You can see the gentleness in
Aura face as she is blowing Venus to the shore. The flowers are also there to represent Auras
gentleness and beauty.

Set 2.
Choose two artworks of the artist and make an analysis using the content in art.

Name: SHARMAN U. ABDUSALI Date: November 09, 2020

Course & Section: BSED ENGLISH 1-A
Name: SHARMAN U. ABDUSALI Date: November 09, 2020
Course & Section: BSED ENGLISH 1-A

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