Review Grade 5 - Part 1: 1.match

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a. What’s your name ? 1. I’m nine years old.

b. How old are you ? 2. My name is Lisa.

c. Where are you from ? 3. My favorite season is fall.

d. What’s your favorite season ? 4. I’m Korean.

e. When is your birthday ? 5. I’m from the U.S.A

f. What nationality are you ? 6. It's on the first of January.

g. Do you like summer ? 7. There are four seasons.

h. How many seasons are there in a year ? 8. Yes, I do.

i. Where is she from ? 9. No, they aren’t

j. Are they from England ? 10.She is from Brazil.

k. Is she from Viet Nam ? 11.Yes, she is

a a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

2.Look and write
read comics take photos play chess fish

play basketball play volleyball do gymnastics play guitar

shop cook play the piano visit my family

take photos ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… …

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… … …

……………………… ……………………… ……………………… …………………………

… … …
3. Look and answer the questions.

What does he like doing ? What does she like doing ?

He likes playing the piano. ……………………………………..

What does she like doing ? What does he like doing ?

…………………………………….. ……………………………………..

What does she like doing ? What does he like doing ?

…………………………………….. ……………………………………..

What do they like doing ? What does he like doing ?

…………………………………….. ……………………………………..
4. Make sentences using the words bellow, adding -ing to the verb
and the auxiliary do/does when necessary. In negative sentences
use the short negative form don't/doesn't.
a) I / not like / go / to the cinema.
I don’t like going to the cinema.
b) You / like / cook?
c) He / like / play / with his friends.
d) She / like / shop?
e) My parents / not / like / watch TV.
f) Peter / not / like / go / to the beach.
g) You / like / play chess?
h) Ana and Josh / really / like / run / in the park.
g. Why / you / like / do gymnastics?
h. She / like / play /the piano ?/
i. My sister / not / like / cook./
5.Read and match to complete the sentences.
1. Can I a. my cousin at the weekend ?

2. Can I visit b. a question please ?

3. Can I ask c. your pen ?

4. Can I go d. the door ?

5. Can I borrow e. to the park ?

6. Can I close f. help you in the garden ?

6.Look and answer the questions

What are they doing ? What are they doing ? What is she doing ?

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

What are they doing ? What is she doing ? What is he doing ?

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

What are they doing ? What is she doing ? What is he doing ?

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

What is he doing ? What are they doing ? What are they doing ?

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

7.Read and match

1. What is she doing ? a. He is making a sandcastle.

2. Are you reading a book ? b. She is swimming.

3. What is he doing ? c. Yes , I am.

4. What are they doing ? d. Yes , they are.

5. Are they windsurfing? e. They are surfing.

6. Is she sailing ? f. No, he isn’t.

7. Is he snorkeling? g. Yes , she is.

8.Read and circle

a. My father ______________ phoning his friend. He’s reading a book.

1. am not 2. isn’t 3. aren’t

b.________________ the dogs swimming ? No , they aren’t .

1. Am 2. Is 3. Are

c. I am _____________ my homework now.

1. doing 2. do 3. does

d. Are you riding a bike now ? Yes , I _____________ .

1. am not 2. is 3. am

e. Is she painting now ? No , she _______________.

1. isn’t 2. is 3. aren’t
f. Are you swimming ? Yes , I _____________.
1. am 2. isn’t 3. aren’t

g. What _______ she doing ? She is windsurfing.

1. am 2. is 3. aren’t

h. Are they making a sandcastle? Yes , they _____________.

1. am 2. is 3. are

i. Is she flying a kite ? No , she __________.

1. am not 2. isn’t 3. aren’t

j . Are they kayaking? No , they __________.

1. isn’t 2. is 3. aren’t

k._________ Lisa and Lily playing chess ? Yes , they are.

1. Are 2. Is 3. Am

l. What are they doing ? They ___________ playing volleyball.

1. are 2. is 3. am

9. Odd one out

a. swim b. surf c. kayak d. football
a. volleyball b. basketball c. handball d. football
a. football b. gymnastics c. hockey d. rugby
a. horse riding b. ice hockey c. skiing d. ice skating
a. like b. tennis c. badminton d. golf
a. clean b. polluted c. safe d. river
a. dangerous b. read c. watch d. sleep
a. is b. am c. are d. an
a. speak b. song c. play d. swim
a. beach b. lake c. river d. school
a. sandcastle b. flip flops c. sunglasses d. park
10.Look and answer

What animal is it ? What animal is it ? What animal is it ?

………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

What animal is it ? What animal is it ? What animal is it ?

………………………………. ………………………………. ……………………………….

11.Look and answer

What can a kangaroo do ? It can jump.

What can a fish do ? It can ___________________.

What can a frog do ? It can ___________________.

What can a butterfly do ? It can ______________

12.Look and tick () or cross ()

 The rabbit is sleeping. 

 The lizard is eating.

 The elephant is walking.

 The birds are flying.

 The fish is running.

 The dolphin is flying.

 The squirrel is climbing the tree.

 The horse is running.

 The owl is hooting at night.

13.Look at the picture and answer the questions.

 What is the weather like? …………………………………………………………..

 Which animal has the longest neck? …………………………………………….

 Which is the smallest animal? ……………………………………………………

 What color is the car? …………………………………………………………….

 How many monkeys can you see? …………………………………………………

 How many animals can fly? ……………………………………………………….

 What is the elephant doing? ……………………………………………………..

 What is the giraffe eating? ……………………………………………………..

 Who is watching the birds? ……………………………………………………

 What is the man next to the driver wearing?

14. Choose the odd one out
a. England b. American c. Japanese d. Vietnamese

a. January b. October c. December d. Thursday

a. Good morning b. Goodbye c. Good evening d. Good afternoon

a. playing b. doing c. morning d. eating

a. Library b. living room c. classroom d. computer room

a. lirazd b. rabbit c. camel d. sandwich

a. zoo b. school c. book d. book

a. play b. kites c. guitar d. piano

a. old b. young c. beautiful d. cannot

a. nice b. big c. read d. small

15.Look and write

get dressed comb my hair have a shower have breakfast
get up go to school catch the bus brush my teeth

…………………………….. …………………………….. ………………………… ………………………..


…………………………….. …………………………….. ………………………… ……………………………

16. Read and circle the corrct words.

 He gets/ get up early.  We catch/catches  Tony have/has
the bus. breakfast with his
 Lisa brushes/brush  I have /has shower  Do/does you go to
her teeth every every day. school everyday ?

 She have /has  Do/Does they  They go /goes to school

breakfast every catch the bus every every day.
morning. morning ?

 Anna don’t/doesn’t  What time do/does  Do/Does they brush

catch the bus. Toby go to school? their teeth at night ?

 He don’t/doesn’t  My sister get/gets  Do/Does she have a

walk to school. up at six o’clock. shower at night ?
17.Read and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs.

watch get up brush sleep study clean go listen feed have wash catch comb

 Ben always gets up at 7 o’clock.

 Jill and Kim always ______________ after school.

 Eric and Sue sometimes ______________ TV in the afternoon.

 Helen always _____________ her teeth in the morning.

 John sometimes ____________ in the morning.

 Jill __________ her bedroom at the weekend.

 Toby ___________ to the cinema on Fridays.

 My sister _________ to music every day.

 Tom _________ his dog every day.

 I __________ a guitar lesson on Tuesdays.

 Tom and Mary __________ their face in the morning.

 We __________ the bus every morning

 My brother ________ his hair every morning.

18.Complete the sentences with correct adverbs.

 I never feed the cat.

 Mum ____________ dries the dishes.

 Dad _____________ washes up.

 My brother _______________ dries the dishes.

 My sister_____________ washes up.

 My brother ______________ feeds the cat.

 I _______________ cook.

 My sister_______________ dries the dishes.

 I _______________ cook.

 Mum ______________ feeds the cat.

 My brother _______________ cooks.

 My sister ______________ feeds the cat

 Dad ______________ feeds the cat

19.Look and answer the questions.

What time does he get up ? What time does he have What time does he brush
breakfast? his teeth ?
He gets up at seven o’clock.. ……………………………………… …………………………………

. …

What time does he have a What time does he comb his What time does he get
shower ? hair ? dressed ?
……………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………

. . …

What time does he prepare his What time does he put on his What time does he go to
bag ? coat ? school ?
……………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………

. . …
20.Odd one out

a. table tennis b. football c. guitar d. volleyball

a. teacher b. doctor c. nurse d. man
a. go b. wash c. brush d. nice
a. Monday b. February c. April d. August
a. June b. Friday c. Saturday d. Sunday
a. Winter b. Spring c. Windy d. Autumn
a. ruler b. folder c. rubber d. pencil
a. bus b. bike c. car d. taxi
a. math b. English c. science d. field trip
a. long b. bored c. parrot d. curious
a. hammer b. warm c. clear d. relaxed
a. ruler b. sharpener c. pen d. apple
a. flute b. bell c. piano d. drum
21.Look , read and tick () or cross ()

The man is eating a hamburger.

The dog has got a sausage.

The woman is standing at the window.

There’s a radio under the chair.

Two children are playing table tennis.

There are two birds in the big tree.

The boy is bouncing a ball.

22. Ride , climb or play ? Write the words.

23.Read and circle the correct words.

1.She like/likes cooking. 7.My sister like/likes doing gymnastics

2.My brother like/likes watching TV. 8.He likes/like riding a bike.

3.They doesn’t like / don’t like playing 9.Lucy doesn’t like /don’t like swimming.

4.Lily and Anna like/likes shopping. 10.I don’t like/doesn’t like fishing.

5.Do/Does she like listening to music ? 11.My mother likes/like cooking.

6.She likes/like playing basketball . 12.Does /Do Lucy and Anna like playing the
piano ?

24.Look at the picture and complete the sentences using the right verb from
the box.
swimming making playing reading buying talking

digging carrying sunbathing laughing sitting eating

1- Sally is _______ a book. 7- Carol and Ben are ________________.

2- Milly and Sam are ________ with a ball. 8- Pam is ______________ .

3- Peter is ____________ an ice – cream . 9-Bella is ______________.

4- Alex and Betty are _____________. 10- Carla and Tom are ________ an ice – cream.

5- Mai and Kim are ________ a sandcastle. 11- Willy is ______________ two ice – creams .

6- Liza and Billy are ______________. 12- John is __________ on a red air bed

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