Company Law

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Type (kiele 3 Com pauis -

basl a Shcoporaton :- koyel chartered Compais: lormed

net eit in Shoa , lompaneo act not applcable
'statatoy companie -oned wvaler spedatact a foriamat or
the stale Aogisdatie, blsines for nattonal Fmpostance g(RB)sT
Aiuule |Public
Sh can be one pedon,
-One Peson o.: I penson uoho is hare holder
lineclor yt
more than one OpC
Sec QC62) fndivídual an not egisleed prescahat n
Sec 2(60), nni mum pasd
pauc up capital os ymar doo
traie Bhae , in.
etricts dhe ghTs do
astícle cen2e3tricts
directo6 Put. Ltd. No No prospetsymimum
mentioned n he aticde as
paidup cptfad.
compauy paid upcapital 8(aleh
Pubc Co: Sec 2(), not a piuate Compuony
max meum igit,tan se poOpedtus nd
min: 1membes
min. 3 clírectors
:oimiteal by it &lareo sec 2(22)
On the beis 4unpaid amocut
Liakale for amont
q uarantee in
imited by guarntee Q)- he liabi it, o rmommbory
Q12)- no ünít on
initec iabilit,
Qocement Compy )-Sio paidup catal wim governroat
Holdig compauy tus)- ontsols anoten Company
o shaves nstock enchangeisted its Shaves in etock excarge
not havude panle Ouon hede publicly
in. T,naxunited
Paidup capífal uin I lakn Nin s lakh

Rsfuate inited LPnitel

Ponpetw corulony
(O ShaS can not he Cun he drantpred
earnily Canipulay etig
-omatios Apsocedu e.
Eompamy'- at fnuolues Jegal or maliles A
0romoton ounde h a compay nouon as promoteU, T" stage
fonatom . invaws kausines idea to ien a compay
In ramed ma prospedlus, tonthro ove Compg
(sec 64)romoter advive.
ais o0 oot according to promcste
(Check can a busines worh ornot ytudy ib ,Name
Subscipton gcapdal: for pubtlit co. invite publle tor hares
nd debeulaneo
lommencement Stat c buiws
(Lo ) CSE)
ot i an obectue 4h acooSubyiday aa Rules 9 comng
kérmo. docum
Maun clocuinnomt
ent to
o hormco.
Relaton wiih outsidens DRoletfon witn memhes ny
MOA kor exter nal ule l9ntormad neles s compay
backbono compy suborcliate
Atdes oe hed
w poram- to he
U1 memhes to sign, I ottnes 7 ronbw I wine
At done beyçnd he objedi qto At clone bg BoD beyend ib
|Powes canbe roelfod by stne haddew
re clrtain to check he
done wshom poocs with in
Araud Smpror Corduct: Jonn v|s Lipman.
ipman lontract Jones held! ipman wed hi own
! to sel poope as amask comay
ouon propaiy
8el ouon
40 compaA
oasdsakor sham: com pauy o mnde jut tor &hoo
ompan made ls. one

Jhdsy ioiate
palemmiaton 6 enemy chanacter ! At tme
with oher County hen t itizn becam alien enayt
and udecd wth oiterent
orgilly ramed endd atered
fme to t i e sec (4)0 (ontena 4 MoA
nae the Compy rone
aene state Ooet
) labily memhs © od Shares &amowt
pessom in case er one pasa).
4) narme a pAOn
torporate Govesnane dystem , oules,practios and
dind y
which a comparg s direded cand tontroled- Balonig
roceala by shareholdes magn ,ustomo, suplioy
he intost a stakeholdo shaneholdexs maryromnt.
corporoule gouernane and it a pimag
in uenee
O Boos Dsstem ad les how cornp auy
(heale gtakeholdas
Jntenal & eatornal facor, b
hule, ooos l lao
Combinati on
Answeable to shavelaldos
OAcountability -
fairness - wo,
should be hyponible
kaspontbilny cdaar
qood lorporale Goverrance
Aorator) Accountality
o Trunprany
appoulneut euidabr jor windiy p
-The iquidor play au a compauuy215)
portant sole au wfdig upmembe(sec
behel he Bond a
quittor Ray debtoawony ane hobles.
0 Take ,Paspenly a compoy propety
) oisfibuteo the balance he
Pouwes to be encencised uoith the sanotob d he tri beal.
roeCLtton Or othe Jegal proe dügsy sell
nstihte ay sut,
To appoiut and colvocata and pap:
the Ommocable
Cand mouabe propety ors, endorse ay negotable
claund 4 Cnedi
hin, Setle ohe clai
istoumeut cuel sian uy cloument: sanlon tibunal
Powens to he excerctod wihout he
docsaud deod, to ot he cqet, reiond
To erecule aud Seal docuhet & tie conipuy bilbi
and badpet etums , impelaut aun Couthiutos
a ne inso luaty
proue a lalu n Go clays,eporti 4 co. s
tofbuuel wihin
Suties) kepot to he ousel) me to
maiutaiv ad pdat he ve cevods the conpg
tne nstoutioo(
1o debtor alelae- holders O wrd ub ne'
he debts
to py volntay
cOmpay wihin one year.
wihdi wp 4 a rhlbd. ccompalsoy
Psoces to endg odvoltiÛn copa lor henifit he
a conp
its clbt aol olistibte Suoghus
he Suipley
asct d
members, to collet mebrs acLonctig
amolt cumerg
1) (orcCfuly wndug p
hrtbunalo fec
Compdsoxy by tibunalo
Alen v. Jhoom elevelopers
to pay debto * Jonathan
abi epluflon, Appicatfon ti tobunal.
uqne spelial
@sknen cornpany Arpticition Moeay
@Agaist tiond ntereot inancol ) Sust cud equitable case purpee
Aegur non tiliig businoo, prmel tor ina ed
do caviy ouwn
yountay: lnable unable frnancial oligdion.
do met clunatie, 0cceusaore
and it is jultyalled,(3o) om epiry sne period fer itone (ompauy
O qeneral cellich t haaboen prouicded mat prouisios abot
cun event in eped
aly aotcle not contaiu abowt
9 speial lsoutsn
by cnecttors
PrDcuclune q wtndig up:- Boarel members cleclare & the windgp
Genoral melig- appountment iquolo- lowe oJiguiclatirNO Powe do Bo.
all ed ne geAru meetug too oo0 bg ewery me year to ghae detais
tne compog 9fRal meetiy or disoliaion Qsubmd the tepert
to he,
me înlormaliÝn a 4 the pulic
ncluaes all he
Publice (or raisuy undo, Mey.neludao nottce iralart
nottce,irulars ules.
Compayy inilation to an

Ova 8kemedies agaul he comaug- Cancel ine ogrerrent cloinghares
court,surendes tne
Recindug the Conhucl- by applg to me
Damages can be laêmed
Remedies oganst e dinelis promote. details ¥s ne Compauy
the Maindato y
OmissIon- fovqet do mestion (ahly Kutral taeta)
Promofos oeufpet
fraudelent aisstotmeut - aist, o olncbs1,(onsent n me"mates
to cuil iity winchtul Knoedlge Untue
issuance Pepectiy whout
Prospectus úsuanue wil (abde
iasita- authonzed poson
poLson g prospeclus trat stetements e
tminal imnatenälgoc) boith ine erfend3thes
8falement was mentol s
-y emses : years mprison
Punioraut 6month to lo
-Puniame! chopto do, sec470
i8 ; Totl
lompanieo Aet,
2013 (A
meaneig togehor brend.
term Com Bi meao.09etnen tor buinen.
Ihe compination kwo (aty
asoalwn esons who ok meNe unittd ker common ebjeot
asOÜatton 4 peoni
- ACe do Tustice Janug! m
incorpovte oregutend umder me Act.
S2C%Y) Compauy
Commensead 8Boo's
pepectual Sesston )
charatershices -O heorporatiom or Rostaton
separate legelontia
Co. 6hane holdens
* Salnond u Salomon & % Shares.
q deah,irsolany, ranyow
Peypeetulteceslon- secsecmenbes otoee.
may g0, bt Jhe Starmp
Jmombers nay come aud olone by ectos |
Coromon seal- Stanalle
iable er limltes ohares
iniled tlabi y-
popedysec 4
Qransterability hees shves can be tranalord mvuase
nituto dutt Alea Case agndt someone || compauy itsey.
zenshp- Not poiected uA19, not a dler
Oomen Diector
Cypes redors Resicene biector
Non Bneutive Snetopondat Diector
&xecuti ve
MO (whole tine Daperded en nondepondent
by otareholdexs & amorg the Bhareholdey
’ Apountmet S ancd one oPc
ivato, a Publlc,oaxl
Quaikatin (secis?)
MoA ONatusad Peson
) t oli octoy menBoned i
DSc DIR-ot more than 0
A Dedaation
sec l6u0) auqustifloatior- Unsound mund,cinmina Henes
keaignation (les)
Remoual (69)<Rerpeval-l6@) witn in B0 clay
0 Resqnatoo- nofce to BoD sign
Kooval pieelos

ldes ceicle - hasig volig víahs -s

Reroval - Shreho
M DIR I2 o Roc
(on beha aciector (oan) nt decnbed ayihor
’ (9S
Rerounenatioo. daan to
boroony Powes
no loon to cineder's ,mo Joan lon s.147, kotdue )
otelatives (ony bunes wong " parbes,
usteR , Aqonti Bnpleyee,
> Legal porito
aid to Fle etyn osallobmea
D Nis-slatement 3)
Cail to
&ham! debentuies
es asornbty getting age
inteiàtüg any lauku busineo
Poovisiont a vald mestty
Snuiaton to memdens
Alotie Agenda
( intus
kenos'Boo Oher
0 shae haldew! Qwner ihne com
mealig clas metig
nodig Goinad
2in a ear
Debentives other Comittee
ohen nectuy : edilos,

matoclor do'suait
tubt b
) not mandatoy jo
goneraddecisors hor cecson change ne
Change ne emnuraten nane
e compay or diet
Puci ter notie
4) No notee
Kocedue vad oolutoo
O chairmen esotiton
yitation to gen ) nolfce
2 > ppwon; Nconduc o powes aud auhony ucompany
du honest,
net aafod knoulage q4y pon
-Shong: otad capitd 4a congay is dvícled into
&nall unlt ef olen omntiny each dlb ásn
unit called has
equity ehare
9ordina y shareo he
Conay9hares that cAry pryerentHl
JÜght euew payyment ovilerd
) violened is (er
ghane holdos ne equity giamg
More k 3) Lors lin
No votüg rglt
eq uty hnes cannt be
) Nonnal value wyh
Normnal value
at ne hine me omyay
fon he
B) toomation wf out equby goo
Can lovert to
5) Gannat comuot

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