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Is the
resistance of
the partial
denture to
away from
the tissues

• Direct retainers 1-Adhesion -The physiologic
• Indirect R. molding of the
• Frictional fit tissues around
• Parts of the 3-Interfacial s.t.
the polished
denture 4-At. pressure surfaces
engaging tooth
6-Gravity - neuromuscular
and tissue
Parts of the denture
Direct engaging tooth and
retainers tissue undercuts.
Indirect R.

• Frictional fit
• Clasps (extracoronal D.R.)
• Attachments (intracoronal

The clasp retains the near end (N) of the

partial denture, while the cingulum rest (I)
(the indirect retainer) retains the far end (T)
of the partial denture.
Direct retainers
The components of partial denture that are used primarily to
retain the denture and resist vertical dislodging forces applied
to it, consisting of clasp assembly or precision attachments.

direct retainers)
Extra-coronal Intra-coronal
Attachments Attachments
Clasp Assembly
Parts of clasp assembly

Clasp Reciprocating
(Retentive Arm) (Bracing) Arm

Occlusal Minor
Rest Seat connector
Types of direct retainers
according to method of approach to undercut

1- Encirclement

Each clasp assembly must encircle more

than 180 degrees of abutment tooth
continuous intermittent

Tooth can't move horizontally away from the clasp

Basic Principles of a Properly
Designed Clasp
2- Retention
For a clasp to be
retentive its arm
must flex as it
passes over the
height of contour
of tooth and
engage undercut
in infrabulge area
of the teeth
Basic Principles of a Properly
Designed Clasp
3- Support

1 Occlusal rest prevents clasp from being

displaced in gingival direction.
2 Lack of support (gum stripper).
Basic Principles of a Properly
Designed Clasp
4- Reciprocation:
It is the quality of clasp assembly that
counteracts lateral displacement of an
abutment when retentive clasp terminus
passes over the height of contour
Reciprocating arm

Retentive arm
Basic Principles of a Properly Designed Clasp

5- Bracing 6-Stabilization
All rigid parts of
clasps contribute
to this property
and resist
displacement of
clasp in horizontal
7- Clasp arms
should be placed
at the lower part of
the middle third of
the tooth surface.
While the retentive
terminal should be
placed at the
gingival third Post Is More Readily Removed by
Application of Force Near Its Top
below the survey Than by Applying Same Force Nearer
Ground Level
Retentive arm better located Bracing arm better located
In the gingival 1/3 for better In the apical portion of the
esthetics & mechanics Middle 1/3
Basic Principles of a Properly
Designed Clasp
8- The clasp should be designed on biologic
as well as mechanical bases:

➢ The clasp should not interfere with normal gingival
➢ Minimum area contact to minimize food stagnation and
incidence of carious lesions.
➢ Smooth on both surfaces.
➢ Clasps used in free end saddles should possess stress
breaking action to minimize excessive force on the
Basic Principles of a Properly
Designed Clasp

9- Minor connector (or proximal plate)

must contact a definite guiding plane
to dictate path of insertion .
1o- Passivity:
The retentive clasp arm should
be passive and should not
exert any pressure against the
tooth until a dislodging force is
Factors Determining the
Retentive Force of a Clasp

1 Depth of undercut used

2 Angle of cervical convergence
3 Angle of approach

4 Flexibility of clasp arm

1- Depth of undercut used

The greater the amount of tooth undercut, the

greater the retention generated by the clasp
engaging this undercut.
2- Angle of cervical convergence

Angle of cervical convergence on two teeth presenting dissimilar

Greater angle of cervical convergence on tooth A necessitates
placement of clasp terminus, X, nearer the height of contour than when
lesser angle exists, as in B.
It is apparent that uniform clasp retention depends on depth (amount)
of tooth undercut rather than on distance below the height of contour
at which clasp terminus is placed.
3- Angle of approach

Push action Pull action

3- Angle of approach

Occ. approaching clasps are pulled up to

move occlusally. Ging. approaching
clasps are pushed up to move occlusally
(Trip action)
a) Increasing arm length increases the
flexibility ,thus decreasing the retention
b) Diameter of the retentive arm
c) Degree of taper , retentive arm should be tapered in two
dimensions. Diameter at its origin is twice that at its tip.
d) The cross sectional form:

Round clasps have universal flexibility

than ½ round and flat clasps
Occlusally Approaching Clasps
(encircling, suprabulge, circumferential)

The clasp retentive terminal approaches

the undercut area from an occlusal
1-Akers clasp (circlet or cicumferential)
Retentive arm


Minor connector

Bracing arm
a. The Reverse Aker Clasp
✓ Occlusal rest located away from the edentulous area.
✓ Retentive arm that engages an undercut near the
edentulous area.
✓ A rigid reciprocal arm.
In distal extension cases when the bar clasp is
Clasp disengagement. Reduce torque transmitted to
the abutment tooth.
May produce some wedging force. This can usually
be countered by occlusal rests on the approximating
surfaces of both teeth.
(Embrassure, Butterfly, Compound clasp, interdental)
• Two Aker clasps arising from a
common body and from the same
minor connector, which is located in
the embrasure between the two
clasped teeth.
• Used on the dentulous side of
unilateral edentulous (class II,III) cases
having no modifications, class IV.
• Provide bilateral stabilization, and
bracing, in addition to retention.
• It also splints the two teeth
Retentive arm turned back (curved ) to engage an undercut near the edentulous
area (below the point of origin (distobuccal undercut)
✓ when undercut isn’t present away from the edentulous area.
✓ When bar clasps are contraindicated.
✓ Greater coverage of tooth surface, increase the functional load on abut.
✓ Food trapping at the loop of the arm, and
✓ Inferior esthetics.
d. Multiple Aker Clasp
▪ Consists of two opposing Aker’s clasps.
▪ Two Lingual rigid reciprocal arms are
connected together at the terminal ends
to augment their rigidity.
▪ Two retentive arms.
✓ When Splinting of periodontally affected teeth is needed.
✓ When RPD replaces an entire side of the dental arch.
✓ Available retentive areas are only adjacent to each other.
✓ Utilizing two embrasures rather than a common one.
e. Extended arm clasp
Utilizing Adjacent tooth which has a reasonable undercut
✓ When the undercut on the tooth near the
edentulous area is poor, while that on the
adjacent tooth is suitable.

✓ The clasp has splinting action.
✓ Distributes the lateral load over the two
✓ Liable to distortion when improperly designed
F. R.P.A
A mesial occlusal rest .
A proximal plate
An Aker retentive arm arising from the
superior portion of the proximal plate.

• In distal extension RPDs presented with
shallow vestibule or severe tissue
1. Rest placed on the mesio-occlusal surface of the tooth, permits other
components to release from the tooth and drop into undercuts when occlusal
loads are placed on the denture base. This in turn prevents tipping of the
2. Back action clasp
Engage a mesiobuccal
undercut of 0.01 of an

• Excessive tooth coverage.
• Easily distorted
• Excessive display of metal,
• The occlusal rest is supported by the clasp arm and
not by a rigid minor connector, hence the rest cannot
function adequately.
3. Reverse Back action
Minor C.
originating Retentive arm

• The minor connectors originates mesiobuccal line angle from the

saddle and ends to engage a mesiolingual undercut of 0.01 or 0.02 of an
• The clasp is Frequently used on lingually tipped bicuspids.
• It also provides single bracing only.
• It has an additional esthetic disadvantage.
Back action
Lingual aspect Buccal aspect

Used with single tilted molars

More flexible than Aker because it is a single arm clasp.
Originates by a rest mesially located on the
marginal ridge. And the single arm encircles
nearly all the tooth surface resembling a ring.

Exhibiting a mesiobuccal undercut in case of

upper molars and a mesiolingual undercut
on lingually tilted lower molars.

Engages a 0.02 or 0.03 of an inch undercut.

An auxiliary distal rest is preferably added to
prevent further mesial tilting of the tooth & to
support the long clasp arm. It is a single-arm
A reinforcing supporting strut arm located on clasp, indicated on
the non-retentive side is usually considered tilted, isolated
to limit the flexibility of the clasp. molars.
Disadvantages of ring clasp:

1. Excessive tooth coverage that may result in enamel

decalcification and caries.
2. Easily distorted because of length and difficult to adjust.
3. Reinforcing arm may cause marginal irritation and
inflammation and may act as a food trap.
The clasp retentive terminal approaches the
undercut area from the gingival direction
1- The I-bar clasp (Roach clasp arm)
The I - bar clasp consists of
• A retentive clasp arm
• A rigid reciprocal clasp
• An occlusal rest and a
minor connector. The tip
of the retentive arm may
be in the form I, T, U, C
or Y.
T clasp Modified T clasp

U clasp I clasp
2. R.P.I
A mesial occlusal rest .
A proximal plate The base of the I bar
I Bar retentive arm Should be 3mm away
From the gingival margin

Provides unilateral bracing.

Commonly used for tooth
mucosa borne partial A retentive
dentures. clasp arm
•In distal extension
cases, as it provides
a stress releasing
•When tissue
undercuts are not
• Shallow vestibule.
• High floor of the mouth
• Severe tissue or tooth undercut to avoid
food or tissue trap.
Occlusally approaching Gingivally approaching
clasp clasp

1- Angle of Engages the undercut from Engages the undercut from

approach above the survey line. below the survey line.

2- Retention Pull action. Push action type of retention

Less retention is provided.

3- Bracing Provides more bracing due to the Less bracing due to long
more rigid arms. arms.

4- Caries
More caries susceptibility. Less caries susceptibility.

5- Esthetics Less satisfactory More satisfactory

6- Gingival Lack of physiologic stimulation If approach arm impinge on soft

tissue resulting from change in tooth tissue due to lack of relief
trauma contour. between the arm and tissues.

7- Tolerance More tolerated by patients. Less tolerated

a. Gingivally app. Retentive arm (buccally) &
Occlusally app. Bracing arm (lingually)
Combination cast and wrought

b- Wrought wire buccal retentive arm and cast

lingual bracing arm

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