An Alternative Detail For Continuity Plates in Steel Beam To Box-Column Moment-Connections
An Alternative Detail For Continuity Plates in Steel Beam To Box-Column Moment-Connections
An Alternative Detail For Continuity Plates in Steel Beam To Box-Column Moment-Connections
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, the use of an internal vertical stiffener in built-up box-columns parallel to the beam web, which
Received 25 June 2019 turns the column section into a boxed I-section in the connection region to eliminate the common continuity
Received in revised form 25 November 2019 plates, is assessed through an experimental and numerical study. For this purpose, two full-scale exterior I-
Accepted 25 January 2020
beam to box-column moment connections (one with common continuity plates and the other one with a vertical
Available online 3 February 2020
stiffener as an alternative detail) are tested under reversed cyclic loading. The test results in terms of hysteresis
moment-rotation curves, strain in critical stations, and observations during the tests indicate that the connection
Steel moment-connection with the vertical stiffener could survive story drifts of up to 4% without any strength loss and brittle failure such as
Continuity plates weld fracture. For further investigation of the seismic performance of the proposed detail, Finite Element Model-
Vertical stiffener ing (FEM) of the test specimens is also conducted in the FE software ABAQUS and validated using the test results.
Box-column The results of the numerical study also confirm the satisfactory behavior of the connections with the proposed
Experimental study detail.
Finite element model © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0143-974X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 1. Steel welded I-beam to box-column moment connection, a- Schematic view of the connection, b- Moment transfer mechanism in the joint.
internal actions in the joint region is shown in Fig. 1-b. The continuity Chen et al. [29] evaluated the performance of welded I-beam to box-
plates across the column sections have a key role in transferring the column moment connections. The results of their study demonstrated
bending moment from the adjacent beams to the column and vice the role of internal diaphragms in the seismic performance of I-beams
versa as an internal diaphragm. A pair of tensile and compressive forces to box-columns moment resisting connections. As another early study
induced in the beam flanges (Puf), equivalent to the bending moment in on the beam to box-column connections, Shanmugam and Ting [30]
the beam (Mu), are transferred to the joint panel through the in-plane performed tests on interior joints. Kim et al. [31] conducted tests on
action of the continuity plates. In the absence of continuity plates, the pre-Northridge steel beam to box-column connections with internal di-
tensile and compressive forces cause a local bending moment in the col- aphragms. The test results as well as the numerical model of the connec-
umn flanges which in turn leads to excessive flexural deformations. tions led to some welding details of the continuity plates. Flange-plate
These deformations may be accompanied by the local yielding or local connections of I-beams to box-columns were assessed by Gholami
buckling of the column flanges. et al. [32] through an experimental and numerical study. The results of
Various studies have been done to investigate the role of different this study indicated that the connections were able to satisfy the AISC
types of stiffeners and details in the seismic behavior of steel moment criteria for special moment connections. Chen and Shi [33] performed
connections with wide-flange and box columns. In a comprehensive re- an experimental investigation on the seismic performance of a new
search project, the nonlinear behavior of moment resisting beam- end-plate joint with box-columns. The test results revealed that the pro-
column joints with various detailing of stiffeners (doubler plates and posed prefabrication technique had a satisfactory performance under
continuity plates) was assessed [24–26]. As part of this research, Lee cyclic loads. Mirghaderi et al. [34] proposed a through-plate connection
et al. [24] conducted experimental studies on six interior connections for steel I-beam to box-column moment connections. They evaluated
with different detailing of wide-flange column stiffeners. Afterward, the behavior of the connection in an experimental study and investi-
Prochnow et al. [25], by focusing on the role of continuity plates in gated the dimensions and shape of the plate by means of a numerical
steel beam to column moment connections, conducted pull tests on model. A novel short-stub-beam connection was proposed by Erfani
beam flange to column flange specimens. In their report, a complete et al. [35] for I-beam to box-column connections. Finite Element (FE)
history of the investigations on the behavior of continuity plates and re- method was employed to evaluate the seismic performance of this con-
lated code provisions can be found. Subsequently, in a numerical study, nection. Recently, Jahanbakhti et al. [36] evaluated the behavior of the
Ye et al. [26] assessed the nonlinear behavior of steel beam-column mo- panel zones in beam to box-column connections through an experi-
ment connections focusing on the role of doubler plates and continuity mental study on three specimens. They examined the elimination of
plates on their seismic behavior. For this purpose, they numerically in- the continuity plates from the connection by providing a minimum
vestigated both previously conducted pull tests on column flange subas- column flange thickness.
semblies and tests on beam-column connections. They also evaluated Considering the complicated welding of continuity plates in
the behavior of continuity plates and doubler plates in wide-flange box-columns due to lack of accessibility, a number of researchers have
and box columns through a parametric numerical study. The analysis proposed alternatives for continuity plates in box columns. For instance,
results showed that using continuity plates reduced the bending stress Rezaifar et al. [37] assessed the seismic behavior of interior connections
and strains in column flanges considerably. In another study, Ahmady with external stiffeners as an alternative detail to eliminate the internal
Jazany and Hosseini Hashemi [27] conducted cyclic tests on six interior diaphragms. In a numerical study, Saffari et al. [38] examined a new
connections to assess the influence of the continuity plate configuration detail as an alternative for common continuity plates.
on the seismic behavior of the panel zone with unequal beam depths.
The test results indicated that the configuration of the continuity plates 1.1. AISC provisions for continuity plates in boxed wide-flange columns
not only affected the stiffness of the sub-assemblages but also influ-
enced their plastic rotation capacity. Recently, through an analytical According to AISC 341-16 [23], in steel I-beam to boxed wide-flange
and numerical study, Amani et al. [28] investigated the local bending column moment resisting connections and under some conditions,
of column flange and the requirements of the continuity plates in continuity plates are not required and the joint panel is able to transfer the
double-web H-shaped columns. internal induced actions properly. According to the code provisions, the
Despite the various advantages of box sections over other section column flange should necessarily satisfy the following limiting condition:
types and their widespread use in some regions of the world, relatively
few studies have been specifically conducted on the seismic perfor- bbf
t lim ¼ ð1Þ
mance of the steel beam to box-column connections. As an example, 12
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 3
Fig. 2. Fabrication sequence of the box-column section with a common continuity plates.
where, tlim is the minimum permitted thickness of the column flange and bbf where bbf and bcf are the widths of the beam and column flanges, respec-
is the width of the beam flange. In addition, the column flange and web tively, and tbf is the thickness of the beam flange. Also, Fyb and Fyc are the
should be designed under the concentrated force in the beam flange caused specified minimum yield strengths of the beam and column, respec-
by the probable flexural moment capacity of the beam. For this purpose, the tively, and Ry is Ratio of the expected yield stress to the specified mini-
limit states of the local yielding, local crippling, sidesway buckling, and com- mum yield stress.
pression buckling must be checked for the column web. Moreover, the col-
umn flange should be designed for local bending. 1.2. Research significance
In the former edition of AISC 341-10 [39], the continuity plates could
be eliminated in boxed wide-flange columns if the column flange thick- Although the horizontal continuity plates can be easily welded in
ness (tcf) satisfied the following inequalities: wide-flange columns, proper welding of all the edges of the continuity
plate to a box-column is difficult due to lack of accessibility. The fabrica-
bbf tion sequence of a steel beam to box-column connection with common
t cf ≥ ð2Þ continuity plates is illustrated in Fig. 2 Accordingly, the welding of the
fourth edge of the continuity plates to the column cannot be done prop-
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi erly using common welding procedures.
u" # To eliminate the commonly used continuity plates in steel I-beam to
u bbf bcf F yb Ryb
t cf ≥0:4 t 1− 2 bbf − 1:8bbf t bf ð3Þ box-column moment connections, an alternative detail inspired from
b 4 F yc Ryc
cf the aforementioned points about the necessity of continuity plates in
Fig. 3. Welded steel I-beam to box-column connection, a- Common detail with horizontal continuity plates, b- The proposed detail with a vertical stiffener.
4 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
boxed wide-flange columns is proposed in this study. For this purpose, a wide-flange boxed section in the joint region. By satisfying the geomet-
vertical stiffener is used in the column parallel to the beam web (see rical requirements and controlling the limit states, the elimination of the
Fig. 3). Consequently, the column section becomes similar to a horizontal continuity plates may be possible by using a vertical stiffener.
Fig. 7. Fabrication details of the RBS-H connection, a- Side view, b- Top view, c- Dimensions of the continuity plates, d- Shear tab dimensions, e- Beam section.
6 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 8. Fabrication details of the RBS-V connection, a- Side view, b- Top view, c- Dimensions of the Vertical stiffener, d- Shear tab dimensions, e- Beam section.
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 7
Fig. 10. Tensile test of the steel plates according to ASTM A370 [41].
2. Experimental program
Fig. 11. Test setup for the cyclic test of the exterior moment connections.
8 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 12. Loading protocol of AISC 341-16 in the reversed cyclic test of the steel moment connections [23].
Fig. 13. Configuration of the mounted strain gauges on the connections, a- RBS-H connection, b- RBS-V connections.
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 9
continuity plates within the column (260 mm × 260 mm × 20 mm) were It should be noted that the beam and column dimensions were de-
utilized in the plane of the beam flanges as the common detail for the termined based on a preliminary design according to AISC341–16 seis-
moment resisting connections. In the other connection (RBS-V), a verti- mic provisions [23] to satisfy the strong column-weak beam criterion.
cal stiffener in the column axis with the dimensions of 260 mm The joint panel zone was designed for the expected shear stress due to
× 500 mm × 20 mm in the plane of the beam web was employed instead the expected plastic moment of the beam to the column.
of the continuity plates. The vertical stiffener in the latter connection was Moreover, the shear tab was designed for the expected shear force de-
extended 110 mm beyond the top and bottom flanges of the beam which veloped in the beam corresponding to the plastic flexural strength of
makes the column section in the connection region similar to a boxed the beam section. In addition, to avoid extensive flexural plastic strain
wide-flange section. The continuity plates and the vertical stiffener in the beam just adjacent to the column face, a Reduced Beam
were jointed to the columns using groove welds. The fabrication and Section (RBS) was used with a 5% reduction of the flange width of the
welding details of the test specimens including the dimensions of the dif- beam (see Figs. 7-b and 6-b).
ferent parts are illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8 for RBS-H and RBS-V, As is shown in Fig. 9, the connections were shop-welded by qualified
respectively. welders. During fabrication, Ultrasonic Testing (UT) was performed on
all the groove welds to assure their quality and penetration. Finally, the column axis) by means of a 250 kN semi-automatic hydraulic actuator.
specimens were painted with whitewash to monitor the inelastic defor- However, in this study, the tests were terminated at the beam rotation
mations during the test. of 0.04 rad. The displacement of the loading point and the applied
load during the test were measured by means of a displacement trans-
2.2. Material properties ducer (LVDT) and a load cell, respectively. To avoid any lateral displace-
ment and instability of the beam during the test, a lateral support was
To determine the mechanical properties of the steel plates and sec- provided at a distance of 1500 mm from the column face. Unlike Rein-
tions, tensile test based on ASTM A370 [41] was performed on standard forced Concrete (RC) beam to column moment connections, the axial
coupons cut from the different parts of the connections (see Fig. 10). load does not affect the behavior of the steel beam to column moment
Using the obtained stress-strain curves from each tensile test, the key connections, especially in cases that the panel zone is designed to trans-
mechanical properties were determined as listed in Table 1. These prop- fer the moment from the adjacent beams. Therefore, in this study, the
erties were used in the numerical study and the verification phase. connections were tested in the absence of column axial load.
To measure the strain in regions where the yielding of the section
was anticipated or stress concentration was probable, some strain
2.3. Test setup and procedure
gauges were mounted on the test specimens with the configuration pre-
sented in Fig. 13. It should be noted that due to some technical prob-
To evaluate the seismic performance of the connections with com-
lems, a number of the strain gauges were disrupted and their data
mon and alternative continuity plate details, reversed cyclic tests were
were not available.
conducted on the test specimens (Fig. 11). Under lateral load, it is as-
sumed that contra-flexure points in the beams and columns of a MRF
are located almost at the mid-stories and mid-spans of the frame. 2.4. Results of the experimental study
Thus, pin supports were utilized at the top and bottom of the column
and at the beam tip as well (see Fig. 11). The results of the cyclic tests on the connections including hysteresis
The cyclic displacement control load with the ascending amplitude load-displacement curves (moment-rotation curves) as well as observa-
following the standard loading protocol prescribed in AISC 341-16 tions during the tests are presented in the subsequent sections. It should
[23] (Fig. 12) was applied to the end of the beam (3000 mm from the be noted that the rotations reported in the subsequent sections, are the
Fig. 16. Observed behavior of the specimen RBS-H, a- 0.01 rad, b- 0.02 rad, c- 0.03 rad, d- 0.04 rad.
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 11
Fig. 17. The beam to column groove weld at the end of the test.
chord rotation of the beam which is the ratio of the vertical deflection of deformations of the beam and column sections are illustrated in
the beam end to the distance between the loading point and the column Fig. 16. The joint behavior during the test and the measured strains at
centerline. Moreover, the plastic moment strength of the beam (Mp) spec- different stations indicate that the test specimen remained elastic up
ified on the moment-rotation curves was determined as follows: to the rotation of 0.01 rad and no obvious local excessive deformation
was observed in this rotation (Fig. 16-a). Strain gauge number 3
L 2850 which measured the strain on the top flange of the beam in the RBS re-
Mp ¼ Z RBS F yb b ¼ ð1065 298:1Þ ¼ 350:7 kN−m ð4Þ
LRBS 2580 gion showed the first yielding in the test specimen at the rotation of
0.015 rad. Excessive local deformations with the flaking of whitewash
where ZRBS is the plastic section modulus of the beam at reduced section, (which may be a sign of yielding of the beam flange in the RBS region)
and LRBS and Lb are the distances from the loading point to the center of were also observed in the test specimen (Fig. 16-b). According to the
the RBS and column centerline, respectively, measured strain in the strain gauges 1 and 2, the top of the beam next
to the column face yielded from the drift ratio of 1% to 2%. By increasing
2.4.1. Reference connection with horizontal continuity plates (RBS-H) the rotation amplitude up to 0.04 rad, the flaking of whitewash in-
The experimental hysteresis moment-rotation curve of the RBS-H creased on the beam flanges and developed in the depth of the beam
connection is plotted in Fig. 14. at the RBS zone (Fig. 16-c and -d) and the measured strain on the
As was expected, the reference connection (RBS-H) with common beam flanges increased to around 5 times as much as the steel yield
continuity plates in the joint panel was able to survive the rotation of strain. The concentration of the plastic hinge in the beam and especially
0.04 rad without any strength loss. The initial stiffness of the connection at the RBS region without any fracture in the beam to column groove
was 27,618 kN-m/rad. The peak moment capacity of the connection cor- welds (Fig. 17) confirmed the acceptable performance of the joint as a
responding to the rotation of 0.04 rad was 540 kN-m which was more prequalified special moment resisting connection.
than the expected plastic flexural strength of the beam (Mp = 350.7
kN-m). Hence, the connection could meet the AISC 341–16 require-
ments as a special moment resisting connection. 2.4.2. Proposed connection with a vertical stiffener (RBS-V)
The measured strains at different levels of the story drift are plotted The hysteresis moment-rotation curve of the connection RBS-V with
in Fig. 15. Moreover, the test observations including the local a vertical stiffener in the column is presented in Fig. 18. Similar to the
reference connection, the moment-rotation curve indicates that this 3. Numerical study
connection could reach the rotation of 0.04 rad with no obvious
strength loss. In addition, its maximum moment strength correspond- To further evaluate the efficiency of the proposed detail in connec-
ing to the rotation of 0.04 rad was 549 kN-m which was more than tions with various geometrical properties, a numerical FE study was
the plastic moment of the beam. This means that the beam was able done. For this purpose, first, the model was validated using the results
to reach its plastic flexural moment capacity. Consequently, the connec- of the experimental study. Then, a parametric study was conducted to
tion with the alternative detail was able to meet the requirements of the assess the behavior of the proposed alternative detail in connections
special moment resisting connections according to AISC341-16 [23]. with different beam and column dimensions.
The initial stiffness of the connection was 27,126 kN-m/rad. The com-
parison of the hysteresis moment-rotation curves of the RBS-H and 3.1. Validation of the FE model
RBS-V joints confirms that replacing the horizontal diaphragms in the
box-columns with a vertical stiffener in the column axis had a slight in- To validate the FE model and to ensure the accuracy of its results,
fluence on the global performance of the beam-column connection (see both tested connections (RBS-H and RBS-V) were simulated in the FE
Fig. 19). software ABAQUS [40] and analyzed under cyclic loading. The details
The test observations and the measured strains in the specified of the conducted numerical modeling procedure of the connections
stations at different levels of beam rotation are illustrated in are explained subsequently.
Figs. 20 and 21, respectively. Considering the moment-rotation
curve as well as the measured strains and performance of the test • Constitutive material model for steel
specimen, the connection remained elastic up to the rotation of
around 0.01 rad (see Fig. 20-a). Further rotation of the beam started According to the material tests conducted in the experimental study
the plastic strain and led to the development of whitewash flaking on and presented in Section 2.2, the stress-strain curves corresponding to
the beam flanges in the RBS zone. The strain gauge 3 mounted in this the different parts of the specimens along with the key mechanical
region confirmed the yielding of the top flange of the beam. The plas- properties were available. Consequently, to define the uniaxial stress-
tic strain in the beam was enhanced by increasing the displacement strain curve for different parts of the models, the measured mechanical
amplitude up to the beam rotation of 0.04 rad. As is shown in properties (i.e. the yield stress and ultimate strength) as well as the cor-
Fig. 20-c and -d, excessive whitewash flaking was confirmed with responding strains were employed. In addition, von Mises yield crite-
the measured strain in the RBS region which showed strains up to rion were utilized to simulate the nonlinear behavior of the models
around 4 times as much as the steel yield strain. Despite some rela- under multi-axial stress states.
tively minor yielding of the beam flange next to the column face as Furthermore, although no local buckling was observed in the test
recorded with strain gauges 2 and 3, the measured strain was much specimens up to the last cycle of the loading protocol, an initial imper-
less than that of the RBS-H connection. However, comparing the fection of 0.001 L was defined for the models to find out any local buck-
data from the strain gauges on the specimen and the test observa- ling in the numerical model.
tions confirm that the plastic hinge was concentrated in the RBS re-
gion. It should be noted that although some minor whitewash • Geometry of the models and element types
flaking in the column web in the level of the beam flanges was ob-
served, the strain gauges did not show yielding at these stations. The geometrical dimensions and fabrication details of the connec-
Finally, the inspection of the groove welds in the test specimen indi- tions (Figs. 7 and 8) were followed for the simulation of the joints.
cated that no weld fracture occurred in these regions (Fig. 22). The FE models of the connections are illustrated in Fig. 23. A quadratic
Fig. 19. Comparing the hysteresis moment-rotation curves of the RBS-H and RBS-V specimens.
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 13
Fig. 20. Observed behavior of the specimen RBS-V, a- 0.01 rad, b- 0.02 rad, c- 0.03 rad, d- 0.04 rad.
Fig. 21. The measured strains corresponding to different loading cycles in connection RBS-V.
14 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 22. The beam to column groove welds at the end of the test.
20-node solid element (denoted as C3D20R) with three translational column were restrained. To model the lateral support, the correspond-
Degrees of Freedom (DOF) in each node was employed for the analysis ing nodes were restrained against out-of-plane translation. The dis-
of the connections. Following a mesh sensitivity analysis, the element placement cyclic loading was also applied to the beam tip following
sizes ranging from 10 mm to 20 mm were used. In total, around the loading protocol employed in the experimental study.
39,000 elements and 155,000 nodes were generated for the analysis of
each connection (see Fig. 23-a). It should be noted that since no defect • Analysis results
and failure was observed in the welds during the tests and the quality
of welding was verified through frequent inspection and quality control
tests, the welds were not modeled as a separate part in the FE models. The results of the nonlinear analysis of both the RBS-H and RBS-V
Instead, the tie constraint in ABAQUS software was utilized. connections are presented in terms of hysteresis moment-rotation
curves as well as distribution of the plastic strain in the models. As
• Loading and boundary conditions shown in Fig. 24, the comparison of the hysteresis moment-rotation
curves obtained from the numerical and experimental studies shows
The restrained DOFs in the FE model to simulate the boundary con- the acceptable agreement of the results. The numerical model not only
ditions of the test specimens are illustrated in Fig. 23-b. As described in was able to predict the ultimate strength but also simulated the connec-
the test program, a pair of pins were put at the top and bottom faces of tion behavior reasonably in linear and nonlinear phases.
the column. Hence, all of the translational DOFs of the two lines perpen- Comparing the distribution and development of the plastic strains in
dicular to the plane of the connection at the top and bottom faces of the different levels of the lateral drift with the test observations confirms
Fig. 23. The FE model of the specimens, a- The generated elements, b- The boundary conditions and loading defined in the FE model
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 15
Fig. 24. Comparing the hysteresis moment-rotation curves obtained from the numerical study and the tests, a- RBS-H connection, b- RBS-V connection.
Fig. 25. Plastic strain distribution and development in the RBS-H connection at different levels of beam rotation, a- 0.015 rad, b- 0.02 rad, c- 0.03 rad, d- 0.04 rad.
16 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 26. Plastic strain distribution and development in the RBS-V connection at different levels of beam rotation, a- 0.015 rad, b- 0.02 rad, c- 0.03 rad, d- 0.04 rad.
Table 2
The geometrical details of the connections in the numerical study.
Connection Column size, Column flange Beam flange width, Detail of column
bcf (mmxmm) thickness, tcf (mm) bbf (mm) stiffener
the ability of the FE model in simulating the behavior of the connections in where no plastic strain was observed in the test specimen up to the beam
the nonlinear phase. As illustrated in Figs. 25 and 26 and as observed in the rotation of 0.015 rad. By further increasing the beam's rotation, the plastic
tests, the beginning of yielding in the RBS-H specimen occurred on the strains which were concentrated in the RBS zone developed.
beam flange at the rotation of around 0.015 rad. By increasing the lateral
drift, plastic strains developed in the RBS region and in the depth of the 3.2. Parametric study
beam. Finally, at the rotation of 0.04 rad, the beam section yielded
completely and the plastic hinge formed. No local buckling was observed To assess the influence of effective geometrical variables on the seis-
in the numerical model. A similar trend occurred in the RBS-V connection mic performance of beam to box-column moment connections with the
18 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
proposed stiffening detail, a parametric study was conducted by means In almost all cases, the beams of the bare connections did not
of a verified FE model. The details of the investigated connections and reach their plastic flexural strength. According to the strain distribu-
analysis results are presented in the subsequent sections. tion in the bare joints at the story drift angle of 0.04 rad, the column
flanges experienced yielding accompanied by excessive flexural out-
3.2.1. Defining the models in the parametric study of-plane deformations. This was more significant in the connections
The column flange dimensions (width (bcf) and thickness (tcf)) as with larger bcf /bbf. For instance, the developed plastic strain in the
well as the beam flange width (bbf) were considered as geometrical column flange is well demonstrated in Fig. 27-a for the RBS-B-400-
variables which can affect the efficiency of the proposed detail. For 200 connection with the highest bcf /bbf (2.0) among the studied
this purpose, square box columns with side dimensions of 300 mm, models. This phenomenon in unreinforced connections confirms
400 mm, and 500 mm were considered. According to the seismic pro- the necessity of an appropriate stiffening detail for box columns in
visions of ASCE 341-16 [23], the beams and columns of special MRFs moment resisting connections.
must be seismic compact to minimize the probability of local buck- Moreover, the analysis results of the stiffened connections with
ling in the section components. Therefore, the thicknesses of the both of the abovementioned techniques in terms of the moment-
box-columns were considered equal to 20 mm, 25 mm, and 30 mm rotation curves and plastic strain distribution confirm their satisfac-
for the columns with the side dimensions of 300 mm, 400 mm, and tory cyclic behavior as special moment resisting connections.
500 mm, respectively. To investigate the influence of the beam flange According to Fig. 27, the stiffened connections were able to reach
width on the seismic behavior of the connections, beams with three the plastic flexural strength of the beam with no strength degrada-
flange widths of 200 mm, 280 mm, and 350 mm but with the same tion up to the drift of 0.04 rad. Additionally, although in using the
moment capacity obtained by tuning the RBS dimensions were two strategies there was a minor difference in strain distribution in
used. In each case, a connection with an unstiffened panel zone was the stiffened connections, their global performance was almost the
analyzed to show the crucial role of the continuity plates and to con- same. Considering the strain distribution in the stiffened connections
firm the necessity of an appropriate alternative detail for continuity that are presented in Fig. 28-b and -c for RBS-H-400-200 and RBS-V-
plates. A summary of the properties of the investigated connections 400-200, respectively, the plastic strain was mostly concentrated in
and their designations is listed in Table 2. the RBS region which is expected in special moment connections.
Accordingly, unlike the unreinforced models, in the stiffened connec-
3.2.2. Analysis results tions the peak flexural strain in the beam flange occurred in the RBS
The hysteresis moment-rotation curves of the investigated connec- region. Additionally, the analysis results showed that no plastic
tions are plotted in Fig. 27. In each diagram, the curves corresponding strain developed in the panel zone of the stiffened connections.
to stiffened connections (with common continuity plates and a vertical Moreover, comparing the distribution of the shear stress in the
stiffener) and an unstiffened one are presented. The plastic moment column webs and the vertical stiffener, showed that the shear force
strengths of the beams are also specified on the diagrams. induced in the vertical stiffener was around 50% to 65% of the total
Fig. 28. Plastic strain distribution in the connections at the rotation of 0.04 rad, a- RBS-B-400-200, b- RBS-H-400-200, c- RBS-V-400-200.
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 19
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 29. Plastic strain distribution over the beam flange at the rotation of 0.04 rad, a- RBS-H-400-200, b- RBS-V-400-200, c- RBS-H-400-280, d- RBS-V-400-280, e- RBS-H-400-340, f- RBS-V-
shear force that was transferred in the panel zone. The proportions of Accordingly, in almost all connections, the peak plastic strain was in
the shear force in the vertical stiffener and the column web the RBS region.
depended on some geometrical ratios such as bcf/bbf and bcf/tcf.
The plastic strain distributions over the beam flange are plotted for 4. Conclusions
stiffened (with vertical stiffener and horizontal continuity plates) con-
nections with column size of 400 mm, see Fig. 29 Accordingly, in the An alternative detail for common continuity plates in steel beam to
vertically stiffened connections, the plastic strain in the RBS region box-column moment resisting connections, inspired from continuity
was more than that developed near the column face. Furthermore, the plate provisions of boxed wide-flange columns, was proposed in this
average plastic strain over the beam flange has been plotted in Fig. 30. study. In this regard, instead of horizontal continuity plates, a vertical
20 M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952
Fig. 30. Plastic strain distribution along the beam axis, a- RBS-H-400-200, b- RBS-V-400-200, c- RBS-H-400-280, d- RBS-V-400-280, e- RBS-H-400-340, f- RBS-V-400-340
column stiffener was employed in the panel zone. In addition, to ensure with various geometrical properties. The major findings of this
the occurrence of plastic strain concentration at a certain distance from study are presented as follows:
the column face, the RBS detail was used.
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were conducted on two full-scale exterior isolated joints (one strains at key stations, and test observations indicated that the alter-
with common horizontal continuity plates known as a code-based native stiffener was able to transfer properly the induced internal ac-
detail and the other one with a vertical stiffener as the proposed de- tions in the panel zone and the connection was able to survive the
tail). In addition, a numerical study was carried out to investigate story drift angle of 0.04 rad with no strength degradation and unde-
the performance of the proposed stiffening method in connections sirable brittle fracture in the groove welds. In other words, the
M.A. Najafgholipour et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 167 (2020) 105952 21
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