Transport in Plants - Micronotes by Seep Pahuja

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Transport in Plants Common b/w facilitated diffusion & Common b/w facilitated diffusion &

cell wall > freely permeable
plant cell
Transport in plants active transport Simple diffusion

water Proteins in membrane along con. gradient

I cell membrane Selectively
molecules movement
11.1 Means of Transport
flowering plant mineralnutrients highly selective do not use energy ATP &tonoplast determinants in /out of cell
organic nutrients Chemical signals &
liable to saturate
11.2 Plant-Water Relations
No circulatory system hormones
plant growth regulators Uni Net direction & rate of osmosis
respond to inhibitors pressure & conc. gradients
Transport under hormonal regulation
11.3 Long Distance Transport of
From higher to lower chemical potential until equilibrium via semi permeable
short distance
Unidirectional /
long distance polarised membrane
by diffusions &cytoplasmic
streaming, active transport
By vascular system
Movement 11.4 Transpiration
unidirectional Multidirectional
Eg . water and minerals Eg .organic and mineral nutrients.
11.5 Uptake and Transport of
Mineral Nutrients
root to leaves Even storage organs later re- exportes
xYleM pHloEM

Nutrients moved to growing parts
11.6 Phloem Transport: Flow from two chambers, A and B, containing solutions are separated by a semi-
permeable membrane

Multidirections Orderly each organ receives/gives

Source to Sink
plant growth sucrose solution in water taken by
water is limiting factor productivity Experiments ↓ -
agricultural potato tuber funnel Egg membrane

Means Of Transport
for natural environments
osmotic pressure =
osmotic potential
e.g., water channels 8
all plant physiological activities but opposite sign
passive process/ No ATP/Slow process Intracellular diff types of important role in all cells protoplasm Osmotic pressure [+]
Randomdly high con to low con cell to cell aquaporins living organisms molecules dissolved and suspended osmotic potential [-]
Both living/non living Leaf inter-cellular spaces to outside Bound with
extracellular woody parts little
sHorT diStANceS molecules

To soft parts mostly

Plant Water relation seed so alive&respiring

more solute conc, greater pressure
required to prevent water from
AfFecTEd By diffusing
-> concentration gradient
watermelon 92%
gaseous( plants)Only by diffusion membrane Permeability Terrestrial plants but transpiration
gases > liquids> solids. Temperature independent
herbaceous plants 10 to 15 %
mature corn plant 3 litres/day
in solid not of solid pressure molecules fresh wt. as dry wt
mustard absorbs equal to
both molecules demonstration of osmosis. A thistle funnel is filled with sucrose solution and kept inverted in a
Opposite direction own wt. in 5 hrs
beaker containing water.
(a) Water will diffuse across the membrane (as shown by arrows) to raise the level of the solution

Water potential
both molecules in the funnel
same direction
(b) Pressure can be applied as shown to stop the water movement into the funnel

water molecules movement kinetic energy Plasmolysis plant cells behaviour to water
movement depends on surrounding
Greek symbol Psi or . pressure units as pascals (Pa)
If Water conc. , K.E , water potential
against conc. gradient hypertonic isotonic hypotonic
lipid cell membrane specific proteins
Passive process /No ATP smaller faster Pumps( proteins ) use ATP
low con to high con (uphill) external solution external solution external solution
special proteins Bcz more =osmotic pressure more dilute than
Gradient/ high to low Rate Depends on size & lipids solubility
concentrated of cytoplasm cytoplasm
If all proteins used = saturation

inhibitors Sensitive Cells swell

Cells shrink
inhibitors Sensitive
Allows Specific
Active Transport Allows Specific
molecules only water potential Yo solute potential S
Pressure potential

Facilitated diffusion molecules only

If all proteins used = saturation
Pure water

high water potential

Solute+ water = solution

Low water potential

Applied Pressure + water

high water potential

Rigid ceLL wall

always open turgor pressure

proteins( channels ) E controlled Cell turgidity &
Some larger Zero Always (-)
Usually [+]
porins( proteins ) Yu YsTYp
= More solutes more [-]
Xylem [-]

large pores(outermembranes)
plastids, mitochondria, some bacteria
Uptake and Transport of Mineral Nutrients
Imbibition carbon from

-> CO air
Type of diffusion. Water absorbed by solids/ Most oxygen
colloids - Increases in volume
along conc. gradient
E water
-> soil
imbibition pressure Seed emerge &open Uptake of Mineral lons
minerals in soil as ions Active / passive ·

Eg.water by seeds dorsiventral isobilateral

dicot monocot minerals conc. in soil lower than root ↳ No diffusion only
& dry wood epidermal Atp active absorption
more stomata lower equal stomata both side
surface proteins ..

mycorrhiza (fungus) Active

symbiotic association
Transpiration affected by
Fungus to root ↓7 Root to fungus
temperature, light, humidity, wind speed.
Water potential gradient between absorbent & liquid number & distribution of stomata, transpiration stream
imbibed is essential for imbibition sugars & N-containing compounds reach
water & mineral % open stomata plant
adjusts quantity xylem > all parts
Some obligate Eg , Pinus seeds solutes types
absorption plant water status
canopy structure
Long Distance Transport of Water Root Pressure
Note : root endodermis bcz of suberin layer can actively transport ions unidirection

water follows (its potential gradient) transpiration ascent of xylem sap Translocation of Mineral lons
As flowing river not random & increases pressure inside xylem.
plant cell molecule 50um move in 2.5 s
• Cohesion
• Surface Tension apical & lateral meristems
pressure diff b/w two points [+] root pressure
water molecules attracted chief sinks growing regions young leaves
night & early morning mutual attraction b/w (mineral elements) developing flowers
in liquid more than in gas.
bulk movement via xylem& phloem translocation water loss in liquid phase is guttation water molecules. fruits & seeds
evaporation is low, • Adhesion storage organs.

veins openings water molecules attracted
mineral ions
Bulk flow grass tips to polar surfaces (tracheary
diffusion & active
Fine vein endings
(+)hydrostatic pressure gradient ( hose) elements).
blades, leaves
(-)hydrostatic pressure gradient (e.g. straw suction)
Mineral ions remobilised
Xylem high tensile strength L - high capillarity 1 B4 leaf fall
tracheary elements older to younger L W

mineral salts most mobilised. P,S,K,N

some organic nitrogen not remobilised -> Ca

inorganic solutes
from leaves to other parts
from roots to aerial parts
Root pressure just push in water Some inorganic

transport so transpiration pull needed nitrogen
Much organic

Transpiration pull
How do Plants Absorb Water? Experiments
Some (P & S )as organic -

15 metres /hr
Can’t say
xylem only inorganic
increase area for root hairs Water + mineral solutes by diffusion. plant growth phloem only organic
absorption < 1 % water 7 photosynthesis

I Go Deeper
root layers • apoplast pathway Rest water loss transpiration ( stomata)
E •symplast pathway Phloem Transport Flow from Source to Sink
Figure 11.9 Water movement in the leaf. Evaporation from the leaf sets up a pressure gradient between the outside air and the Food (sucrose) from source to sink via phloem
air spaces of the leaf. The gradient is transmitted into the photosynthetic cells and on the water-filled xylem in the leaf vein.
Source -> food synthesises (leaf) Need
I Reverse -
Sink -> food stores -> As per Season

early spring
by transpiration xylem sized column of water over 130 metres high.
cohesion-tension-transpiration Sugar stored roots - - source of food
apoplast pull model of water transport.
need energy
Transpiration and Photosynthesis - a Compromise trees buds (sink) -
For growth & develop
adjacent cell walls
Except casparian strips

Bcz source-sink relationship variable
B/w cell walls .
transpiration pull water for
Not cell membrane So
dependent on gradient. evaporative loss of water by plants
transports minerals

- Transpiration
phloem bi/multi directional as required
No barrier.
mass flow adhesive & cohesive Transpiration
stomata I
Gaseous exchange
cools leaf surfaces
10 to 15 degrees
↓ maintains shape &
Water freely
suberised matrix move here Normally stomata open (day)
No water = no photosynthesis rainforests humidity
close (night)
Loosely packed
Transpiration Water cycle
turgidity increases
C4 plants C3 plants
crescent shape
microfibrils guard cell wall Twice carbon fixing Half
Cellulose microfibrils radially
Cortical cells Loses Half water More

lose turgor
regain original shape
7 symplastic guard cells flaccid
interconnected protoplasts.
cell membrane,
slower Movement
down potential gradient.
by cytoplasmic streaming.Eg Hydrilla leaf

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