Whats New
Whats New
Whats New
/ Visualize
2 Installation............................................................................................................14
Standard, Remote, and Compressed Administrative Images ................................................14
Selecting an Administrative Image Type.................................................................................15
Specifying the Download Folder..............................................................................................16
Allow Subgroups in the Administrator Image Option Editor.........................................................16
Improved SOLIDWORKS Electrical Client Installation ................................................................17
Set Up a PDM Vault View When Creating an Administrative Image............................................18
Creating a PDM Vault View in the Administrative Image Option Editor .................................18
3 Administration......................................................................................................19
Copy Settings When Options Are Locked ...................................................................................19
Pack and Go Includes Split and Save Bodies Features in Parts..................................................20
Controlling Display of Graphics Warnings in the Settings Administrator Tool..............................20
4 SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals.............................................................................22
Changes to System Options and Document Properties...............................................................22
Application Programming Interface..............................................................................................24
Quick Copy Setting.......................................................................................................................25
6 Sketching.............................................................................................................36
Linear Sketch Entity as Direction Reference................................................................................36
Selecting Linear Sketch Entities for Direction References......................................................36
8 Model Display......................................................................................................52
Model Display Performance Improvements.................................................................................52
9 Sheet Metal..........................................................................................................53
Edge Flanges...............................................................................................................................53
Etched Contours on Bends .....................................................................................................54
11 Assemblies.........................................................................................................67
Opening Subassemblies in a Different Mode .........................................................................67
Excluding a Component from a Bill of Materials...........................................................................68
Configuration Table ................................................................................................................69
Default Seed Position for Patterns...............................................................................................71
Excluding Failed Components in a Section Views ......................................................................72
Resolving Equations in Lightweight Mode ...................................................................................73
Move with Triad............................................................................................................................73
Quick Mates Context Toolbar.......................................................................................................74
13 Import/Export.....................................................................................................85
Import Performance Improvements..............................................................................................85
Importing Selective IFC Entities from IFC Files ......................................................................85
Colors in Exported Sketches .......................................................................................................86
14 SOLIDWORKS PDM..........................................................................................87
Integration with Microsoft Windows Active Directory....................................................................88
Configuration Handling.................................................................................................................89
Exporting Archive Server and User Logs.....................................................................................90
Exporting Archive Server Logs................................................................................................90
Exporting User Logs................................................................................................................90
SOLIDWORKS PDM User Interface Enhancements ..................................................................91
Viewing Configurations for All Versions in the Where Used Tab.................................................92
Using EXALEAD OnePart Search in SOLIDWORKS PDM..........................................................92
SOLIDWORKS eDrawings Viewer in the Preview Tab................................................................93
Support for Neutral CAD File Formats in eDrawings Web Preview.............................................94
Opening a Drawing from the SOLIDWORKS PDM Add-In..........................................................94
SOLIDWORKS PDM Performance Improvements.......................................................................95
Web2 Data Cards.........................................................................................................................95
Resizing an Image in a Data Card...............................................................................................97
15 SOLIDWORKS Manage.....................................................................................99
Create Record Process Output..................................................................................................100
Recent Files................................................................................................................................101
Object Structure Editor...............................................................................................................101
Record Hyperlinks......................................................................................................................102
User Interface.............................................................................................................................103
Avatar Images and Icons............................................................................................................104
Plenary Web Client.....................................................................................................................105
Check Out Rights for Affected Items..........................................................................................105
Replace User..............................................................................................................................106
Creating and Deleting Multiple Field Groups..............................................................................107
SOLIDWORKS PDM User-Defined References........................................................................108
SOLIDWORKS Manage Performance Improvements................................................................108
16 SOLIDWORKS Simulation...............................................................................109
Blended Curvature-Based Mesher.............................................................................................109
Bonding and Contact Architecture..............................................................................................110
Linkage Rod Connector..............................................................................................................111
Simulation Solvers......................................................................................................................113
Simulation Performance.............................................................................................................114
17 SOLIDWORKS Visualize.................................................................................115
Match Camera Perspective to Backplate ..................................................................................115
Using the Match Camera Tool...............................................................................................116
Match Camera Dialog Box....................................................................................................118
Shadow Catcher Property..........................................................................................................119
Using a Shadow Catcher.......................................................................................................119
Scenes Tab................................................................................................................................120
Animations .................................................................................................................................121
Animation List User Interface................................................................................................122
Render Output Viewer................................................................................................................124
User Interface........................................................................................................................125
Patterns ......................................................................................................................................127
Creating Patterns...................................................................................................................127
Formation Settings................................................................................................................127
Corner Radius............................................................................................................................131
Cosmetic Threads......................................................................................................................132
18 SOLIDWORKS CAM........................................................................................133
Assembly Support for Turn.........................................................................................................133
Customize Color Settings for Toolpath End Points....................................................................135
Display Color for Hidden Toolpath Moves..................................................................................135
Filter for Mill and Turn Tools and Assemblies with Text.............................................................136
Manage Multiple Technology Databases...................................................................................136
19 SOLIDWORKS Composer...............................................................................139
Importing Decals from SOLIDWORKS Files..............................................................................139
Support for Higher Version of Import Formats...........................................................................140
20 SOLIDWORKS Electrical.................................................................................141
Links in BOMs............................................................................................................................141
Add Data Files in the Export PDF...............................................................................................142
Testing the Query in the Expert Mode........................................................................................143
Displaying ERP Data in the Manufacturer Parts Manager.........................................................143
Including Data Sheets in Exported PDFs ..................................................................................144
Displaying Break Condition in Report Manager ........................................................................145
User Interface Redesign ............................................................................................................145
Attribute in Origin - Destination Arrows .....................................................................................146
Displaying All the Wire Numbers on the Middle of the Line ......................................................147
Electrical Content Portal Integration...........................................................................................147
Connection Point Creation Enhancements................................................................................148
21 SOLIDWORKS Inspection...............................................................................149
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-in..............................................................................................149
Application Programming Interface.......................................................................................149
SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone......................................................................................150
Supported File Types............................................................................................................150
Smart Extract.........................................................................................................................150
22 SOLIDWORKS MBD........................................................................................152
Creating HTML Output from the 3D PDF...................................................................................152
DimXpert Angle Dimension Tool................................................................................................153
Geometric Tolerancing for DimXpert .........................................................................................154
23 eDrawings........................................................................................................155
Configuration Support.................................................................................................................155
eDrawings Options in SOLIDWORKS........................................................................................156
File List.......................................................................................................................................156
Custom Properties Options........................................................................................................157
Exporting Custom Properties................................................................................................157
User Interface.............................................................................................................................158
Components Pane......................................................................................................................159
25 SOLIDWORKS Plastics...................................................................................162
Cavity and Runner Layouts .......................................................................................................162
Injection Location Advisor...........................................................................................................163
Plastics Materials Database.......................................................................................................164
PlasticsManager Tree.................................................................................................................165
Scaling for High-Resolution Displays.........................................................................................167
SOLIDWORKS Plastics Solvers.................................................................................................168
26 Routing.............................................................................................................170
Flatten Route Improvements .....................................................................................................170
External Connectors in the Flattened Routes.............................................................................171
Backshells for Connectors..........................................................................................................172
Backshells and Flatten Routes...................................................................................................172
Replacing a Connector in a Routing Assembly..........................................................................173
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
• Top Enhancements
• Performance
• SPR Fixes
• For More Information
Model courtesy of Rahul Gawde, SOLIDWORKS 2021 Beta Splash Screen Prize winner.
At SOLIDWORKS, we know that you create great designs, and that your great designs get
built. To streamline and accelerate your product development process from concept through
manufactured products, SOLIDWORKS 2022 contains new, user-driven enhancements focused
• Work Smarter. Create better products in less steps with new workflows and feature
enhancements in assembly and part design, drawing detailing, simulation, and product data
management. Take advantage of new features in parts such as hybrid modeling and creating
standardized threaded studs. Benefit from dozens of user interface enhancements such as
the shortcut bar, configuration management, integrated messages, geometric tolerancing,
and more.
• Work Faster. Get more done in less time with significant quality and performance
improvements when working with large assemblies, importing STEP, IFC, and DXF/DWG
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
files, detailing your drawings, and managing your product data. Optimize assembly
performance automatically without worrying about modes and settings. Experience the
freedom of our fastest graphics to date with improved display response and quality.
• Work Together. Improve innovation and decision making by connecting to the
3DEXPERIENCE platform and leveraging its collaborative capabilities. Increase your
competitive advantage by tapping into the power and breadth of the cloud-based
3DEXPERIENCE Works portfolio. These expanded tools help your entire enterprise across
the design and engineering, simulation, manufacturing, and governance domains.
Top Enhancements
The top enhancements for SOLIDWORKS® 2022 provide improvements to existing products
and innovative new functionality.
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
SOLIDWORKS® 2022 improves the performance of specific tools and workflows.
Some of the highlights for performance and workflow improvements are:
Performance is improved for importing:
• A large DXF or DWG file into a part sketch.
You can import a large DXF or DWG file into a part sketch with the Explode Block option
turned off. You no longer need to explode the blocks to improve import performance.
Improved performance when opening, saving, and closing assemblies.
Model Display
SOLIDWORKS 2022 offers improved performance for 3D textures and silhouette edges.
Performance is improved when you print large drawings on paper or to file. This applies
to drawings where you:
• Have at least one drawing view as draft quality
• Specify these options in the Page Setup dialog box:
• High quality
• Color / Gray scale
SOLIDWORKS Manage 2022 offers improved performance for enhancing the user
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
Pack and Go
Pack and Go gathers references faster in 2022 than in previous releases. The time between
initiating Pack and Go for a document and when the Pack and Go dialog box appears is
reduced substantially.
With SOLIDWORKS PDM 2022, you can experience improved performance of many
file-based operations. You can perform the following actions faster for database servers
with high latency:
• Open files
• Display the Save As dialog box
• Copy Tree
• Create a document in SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS PDM has improved performance for the following:
• Saving a data card with a large number of file extensions is faster by 15% to 60%.
• Checking in a drawing with a large SOLIDWORKS bill of materials (BOM) is significantly
• Displaying files in the Where Used tab with the Show All option and additional custom
columns is many times faster for certain vaults.
• Displaying the Transition dialog box for dynamic notifications is quicker.
• Loading a Web2 preview is between 1.5 and 2 times faster for large models.
• Saving models that have simulation studies is faster, if at least one or more simulation
studies are not modified.
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
• Function-based processing for the FFEPlus iterative and Intel Direct Sparse solvers is
extended to simulation studies that include connectors and other features. The
automatic solver selection is extended to Nonlinear, Frequency, and Buckling studies.
The performance of the Cool and Fill analysis modules is improved to accelerate the overall
analysis time.
• For simulations where the Cool analysis takes up a large proportion of the overall
solution time, the overall solution time is reduced by at least 20% compared to previous
• The performance of the Fill and Pack analyses with the Direct solver option is optimized.
The overall solution time is reduced by approximately 50% compared to previous
releases. For relatively thick parts that are meshed with hexahedral elements, the
Direct solver more accurately predicts the inertial effects.
SPR Fixes
We have fixed a large number of Software Performance Reports (SPRs) in SOLIDWORKS
2022 by development projects specifically selected to address quality and performance
issues reported by customers.
See the full list of fixed SPRs.
SPR Resolution
1195411 If you open a .JT file and select Include PMI when importing the file,
the text on part faces imports properly.
1024876 Hole Wizard data imports properly for drawings with mirrored parts.
190949 Includes the paper color when you save drawings as image and PDF file
Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2022
Interactive What's
In SOLIDWORKS, appears next to new menu items and the
titles of new or significantly changed PropertyManagers. Click
to display the topic in this guide that describes the
You can use the Administrative Image Option Editor to create several types of images
for remote users and for those on your network.
Administrative Description
Image Type
Standard This image is the default for all new administrative images. It is a
standard Windows Installer Administrative image ideal for users who
have reliable access to the company network. It stores all the files
required to install the selected SOLIDWORKS products in a shared
image folder. When users upgrade to a new service pack, they can
download and apply patch files and do not need to download the
entire image.
Remote Client This image is designed for remote users who do not have reliable
access to the company network. When installing this type of image,
remote users inherit all the installation options you specify, such as
the serial number and the products to install.
Users download these images over the internet from the Dassault
Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Downloads site. Accessing and installing
these files from the internet is more reliable than downloading them
from the company network and may reduce the load on the networks.
Remote users install this image using the same techniques supported
by the standard administrative image. You can still script installations
using the sldim.exe and startwinstall.exe files.
Installation files download to a path specified in the Administrative
Image Option Editor before they install. Users must access the
administrative image folder to start the installation and run any
batch or settings files hosted there.
Remote users must have enough available disk space to store all
the files in the image, although users can delete the image after
the installation completes.
2. On the Summary page, next to the Administrative Image Type, click Change .
3. Select the type and click Back to return to the Summary page.
4. Click Create Now.
The SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager makes it more apparent if you are installing the
Client only or if you are including Server components for SOLIDWORKS Electrical.
This helps organizations that share SOLIDWORKS Electrical data and databases on a
server instead of on individual machines. For this case, administrators install Server
components once on a server and install the Client only on all machines running
SOLIDWORKS Electrical.
Updates include:
• The Summary page of the SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager identifies if you are
installing a Client Only or if you are including Server components.
• The SQL Server options display only the options that are appropriate for a Client only
• When the SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager cannot connect to the existing SQL
Server, a warning displays, but the installation continues.
• The Client and Server options for installing SOLIDWORKS Electrical are also available
in the Administrative Image Option Editor.
Administrators can set up a local vault view when creating an administrative image for
SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM client users.
A local file vault view is the local working folder on a client workstation where files are
cached and where a user edits the content of files that are checked out.
This feature lets administrators create a local vault view without having to create and run
a separate script.
To create the vault view on the client machine, you need a Conisio View Setup (.cvs)
file that defines the parameters for configuring the vault view on the client machine.
You can reference an existing .cvs file or create this file from the Administrative Image
Option Editor.
To open the View Setup wizard, you must run the Administrative Image Option
Editor on a machine that has the SOLIDWORKS PDM client installed.
You can use the Copy Settings Wizard in SOLIDWORKS even if your administrator has
locked options.
If an administrator defines options for you, the settings in your swSettings.sldreg file
merge with the administrator settings. When settings conflict, the administrator settings
override the individual settings.
To access the Copy Settings Wizard in SOLIDWORKS, click Tools > Save/Restore
You can include parts that you create with the Split and Save Bodies features.
When you select a parent part, Pack and Go lists the Split and Save Bodies features as
references of the parent. Pack and Go also updates the names and file paths of the parent
part and features when you rename and move the files.
Administrators can control whether or not users can see notifications in their Notifications
area about graphics card and driver certification status.
You can turn Hide graphics card/driver notification on or off and optionally lock the
setting. Click Tools > Options > System Options > Messages/Errors/Warnings.
This option does not affect graphics check results, which are always written to the
performance log.
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
System Options
Include drawings Includes the paper color when you save • Export >
paper color drawings as image and PDF file formats. TIF/PSD/JPG/PNG.
Available when you
select Use
specified color
for drawings
paper color
(disable image in
background) in
System Options
> Colors.
• Export > PDF.
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
Allow STL export Renamed from Allow export to STL Export >
for parts & assemblies. EDRW/EPRT/EASM
Save table features Renamed from Save table features to Export >
eDrawings file. EDRW/EPRT/EASM
Save shaded data Renamed from Save shaded data in Export >
drawings. EDRW/EPRT/EASM
Save Motion Studies Renamed from Save Motion Studies Export >
to eDrawings file. EDRW/EPRT/EASM
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
Document Properties
Combine same length cut Renamed from Combine cutlist items Tables > Bill of
list items with different in BOM regardless to profile when Materials
profiles (pre-2019 lengths are changed to be the same
behavior) (legacy behavior).
Save model data Saves all drawings with model data to Performance
use in Detailing mode.
There is API support for:
• SOLIDWORKS Inspection Add-In
• SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Web
• Belt/chain assembly features
• Structure systems
• Graphics mesh and mesh BREP bodies
The following have been redesigned:
• Sheet metal base flange and corner relief features
• Messages and alerts for add-ins
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
Other Enhancements
• Replace a sketch entity with construction or contour geometry
• Get all decals applied to a component face in an assembly
• Get and set drawing sheet zone parameters
• Get angular ordinate dimension information from the current drawing sheet or view
• Restore default values of Hole Wizard hole or slot feature data
• Upgrade legacy custom properties
• Create a coordinate system based on position and orientation relative to the global
coordinate system
• Add doubled distance dimensions and toggle between single and doubled distance
• Get and set whether to use the properties of the material applied when creating a new
sheet metal feature
• For SOLIDWORKS Connected:
• Add new Physical Products and Representations (configurations) to SOLIDWORKS
Connected models
• Convert between parent and derived configurations
• Get and set whether a Representation configuration is shared
• Add and replace assembly components from a 3DEXPERIENCE collaborative space
The Quick Copy Setting functionality in the Measure tool is re-enabled. You can use it
to copy a value in the Measure dialog box.
To use Quick Copy Setting:
SOLIDWORKS Fundamentals
User Interface
• Dismissed Messages
• Message Bar
• Redesigned Notifications
• Shortcut Bar and Command Search
• General Usability
• Reference Geometry
• Junk Characters in Beta Unicode View Resolved
• Component Name and Description
Dismissed Messages
You can view the full information about dismissed messages on a separate tab in the
System Options dialog box. Previously, dismissed messages were truncated and harder
to find.
To view dismissed messages, click Tools > Options > System Options >
Messages/Errors/Warnings > Dismissed Messages.
User Interface
In the Dismissed Messages table, hover over a truncated message to view the full text.
Message Bar
A Message Bar is a modeless bar at the top of the main SOLIDWORKS window that
provides information specific to the active document.
There are four types of Message Bars:
• Information
• Acknowledgment
• Warning
• Error
A Message Bar can open in several situations. It is usually a warning about a document
state, for example, that your changes will not be saved because you did not check out
the document. A Message Bar never auto-dismisses - you must manually dismiss it.
User Interface
Redesigned Notifications
Notifications are redesigned so they are more intuitive and use a consistent layout. This
includes informational, acknowledgement, warning, and error messages.
Notifications appear for 5 seconds by default, then disappear. Hover over them to keep
them visible. In Tools > Options > System Options > Messages/Errors/Warnings,
the layout is modified to support the redesign. For additional information about
notifications, see Controlling Display of Graphics Warnings in the Settings
Administrator Tool on page 20.
User Interface
Option Description
• Remind me when a document has
Replaces options in Tools > Options >
not been saved for X minutes
System Options > Backup/Recover.
• Automatically dismiss notifications
after X seconds
Rebuild Errors > When rebuild error Moved from Tools > Options > System
occurs Options > General
Search All Commands appears in the shortcut bar by default so you can quickly search
for tools from the pointer location and add them to the shortcut bar. You can customize
shortcuts directly from the shortcut bar.
Press S to open the shortcut bar. Type in Search All Commands, select a tool, and click
Insert Command to add it to the shortcut bar.
To customize the shortcut bar, right-click it and click Customize to open the Customize
dialog box to the Shortcut Bar tab. Then drag tools from the tab to the shortcut bar. To
control the display of the Command Search, select or clear Show Command Search in
the shortcut bars.
User Interface
General Usability
The user interface is enhanced to improve productivity.
User Interface
Reference Geometry
User Interface
Reference geometry has improved usability that helps you select axes and planes directly
in the graphics area. This is useful for commands such as Mate, Measure, or patterns.
Hover over temporary axes of cylindrical faces and surfaces to display the axes. Hover
over faces, then press Q to display reference planes. Select multiple reference geometry
entities by pressing the Shift or Ctrl keys. After you select reference geometry,
SOLIDWORKS automatically dismisses all unneeded reference geometry.
You can right-click a component in the graphics area, click Reference Geometry Display,
then show primary planes, reference planes, reference axes, or the coordinate system.
Previously, these options were available only from the FeatureManager design tree.
In Windows 10 Version 1803 or later, if you selected the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for
worldwide language support option, many user interface elements in SOLIDWORKS
displayed garbled text. Most of these issues have been fixed in SOLIDWORKS 2022.
For example, in the Tools > Options dialog box, text in several drop-down lists displayed
incorrect characters. This was a problem seen in almost all languages but it affected Asian
languages more severely.
User Interface
You can use the Component Name and Description dialog box to specify display options
for the FeatureManager design tree.
The dialog box contains these options:
Do not show Configuration Suppresses the configuration and display state names
or Display State name if when there is only one configuration.
only one exists
User Interface
To access these options, right-click the part or assembly name in the FeatureManager
design tree and click Tree Display > Component Name and Description.
Under Tree Display, Component Name and Description replaces:
• Do not show Configuration/Display State Names if only one exists
• Show Component Names
• Show Component Description
• Show Component Configuration Names
• Show Component Configuration Descriptions
• Show Display State Names
For direction reference in a linear sketch pattern, you can select a line from the same
sketch that contains the entities to pattern. Previously, the selected line became a part
of the entities to pattern rather than the direction reference.
8. Click .
In a linear sketch pattern, you can select text as an entity to pattern. You can use Copy
Entities to copy text.
Parts and Features
• Coordinate Systems
• Cosmetic Threads
• Draft Across Parting Lines
• External Threaded Stud Wizard
• Hole Wizard Slots
• Hybrid Modeling
• Mirroring About Two Planes
• Rotating a Section View About a Hole or Axis
• Thickness Analysis Resolution
• Redo Support for Parts
Coordinate Systems
Parts and Features
Coordinate systems have improved in how you define and select them.
In parts and assemblies, you can define coordinate systems by entering absolute numeric
values for position and orientation.
In the Coordinate System PropertyManager, under Position, select Define position
with numeric values and enter numeric values for the X, Y, and Z coordinates ( ,
, and ). The values define the position relative to the local origin, not the global
origin (0, 0, 0).
To rotate the coordinate system, under Orientation, select Define rotation with
numeric values and enter numeric values for at least one axis. The axes always rotate
in the sequence , then , then .
Parts and Features
You can reference all parts of coordinate systems, such as planes, axes, and origin, in
downstream features. For example, you can sketch on the XY plane of a coordinate
system or use the Z axis of a coordinate system as the axis for a revolve feature.
In a part or assembly, click Insert > Reference Geometry > Coordinate System
and create the coordinate system. Hover over a plane, axis, or the origin to highlight
each entity. This functionality is useful for actions such as sketching, mating, and more.
To see this functionality, show coordinate systems. Click View > Hide/Show >
Coordinate Systems.
Parts and Features
Cosmetic Threads
When you apply a cosmetic thread to a part, any underlying appearances or textures on
the part appear between the cosmetic threads.
The cosmetic threads that you apply in SOLIDWORKS are also supported in SOLIDWORKS
Visualize. See Cosmetic Threads on page 132.
Parts and Features
This functionality applies to new parts created in SOLIDWORKS 2022 and later. To
apply this functionality® to legacy parts and upgrade them, right-click the part node
in the FeatureManager design tree and select Upgrade cosmetic thread features.
For part templates created in SOLIDWORKS 2022 and later, you can retain the legacy
functionality for Depth and feature ownership. In part templates, before you add
cosmetic threads, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Drafting
Standard > Annotations and clear Apply new cosmetic thread behavior to new
parts. This option is selected by default for new part templates and cleared for legacy
part templates. This option is enabled for new part templates only; it is disabled for
part documents.
If you use the Insert > Mirror Part command, the mirrored part inherits the cosmetic
thread behavior from the base part. For example, if the base part is created in
SOLIDWORKS 2021, the mirrored part inherits the legacy behavior for cosmetic threads
from the base part.
SOLIDWORKS measures Depth from the original location of an edge regardless of changes
made by downstream features that relocate that edge. In the image above, the original
thread depth is 80 from the edge of the cut extrude. If you add a second cut extrude that
relocates that edge, the cosmetic thread retains the original thread depth of 80 mm.
Cosmetic threads are owned by the latest feature in the FeatureManager design tree
whose face shares the common edge selected for attaching the thread. In the image
below, you create the cut extrude,
add a chamfer, then add a cosmetic thread from the
chamfer edge. In SOLIDWORKS 2022, the chamfer feature owns the cosmetic thread
because its face shares the common edge with the cosmetic thread.
Parts and Features
You can create draft on both sides of parting lines at the same time from the
PropertyManager. Previously, this process required multiple drafts.
In the Draft PropertyManager, under Draft Angle, select Direction 2 and specify the
draft angles. To use the same draft angle in both directions, select Symmetrical Draft.
Under Parting Lines, select the geometry. Select Show preview to display a detailed
preview of the draft.
Parts and Features
You can use the Stud Wizard to create external threaded stud features. This tool works
similar to the Hole Wizard. You define the stud parameters then position the studs on the
model. You can also apply thread parameters to existing circular studs.
To create stud features, click Stud Wizard (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features
> Stud Wizard . To view the threads, click Tools > Options > Document Properties
> Detailing and under Display Filter, select Cosmetic threads or Shaded cosmetic
Parts and Features
1. In a part, click Stud Wizard (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Stud
Wizard .
Parts and Features
5. Click .
To view the threads, click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Detailing
and under Display Filter, select Cosmetic threads or Shaded cosmetic threads.
When you create and position Hole Wizard slots, press Tab to rotate the orientation 90°
clockwise. You can dimension the slot length using the arc centers.
Previously, you could only drag slots to reposition them and dimension them only with
end-to-end dimensions.
Parts and Features
Hybrid Modeling
You can create a hybrid solid or surface body that includes mesh BREP geometry and
standard SOLIDWORKS BREP geometry. Previously, you could not combine mesh BREP
and standard SOLIDWORKS BREP geometries in a single body.
In this example, do the following:
1. Mold the custom grip in a piece of clay and scan it to create an .stl file.
2. Import the .stl file as a graphics body and convert it to mesh BREP.
3. Add standard SOLIDWORKS BREP features to the part.
Parts and Features
Boss extrude
Because the blade is standard SOLIDWORKS BREP geometry, you could refine it with
additional features. For example, you can sharpen the blade, add a serrated edge, or add
back blade features.
Parts and Features
You can mirror about two planes at once. Previously, you needed to create multiple
features to achieve this.
In the Mirror PropertyManager, select a second plane in Secondary Mirror Face/Plane.
Parts and Features
In parts and assemblies, you can rotate a section view plane about an axis, temporary
axis, hole, or cylindrical face.
In the Section View PropertyManager, under Section, click Section About Axis .
Select an axis, hole, or cylindrical face plus a point or vertex to create the section
view plane.
To optimize the results of a thickness analysis, you can specify the resolution, regardless
of the model size. Previously, the resolution used depended on the model size.
Enable the SOLIDWORKS Utilities add-in. Click Tools > Thickness Analysis . In the
PropertyManager, under Performance/Accuracy, for Resolution, select Low, Medium,
or High. Under Tesselation size, the value updates to reflect the suggested values. To
customize the resolution, enter a custom value. Consider using custom values for models
that have a large bounding box or to define a specific resolution.
The custom Tesselation size value cannot exceed the suggested value for the Low
Parts and Features
• Hole Wizard
• Simple Hole
• Linear Pattern
• Commands and actions:
• Instant2D
• Reorder features
• Rollback
Model Display
Sheet Metal
• Edge Flanges
• Etched Contours on Bends
Edge Flanges
If you create an edge flange on a nonlinear edge, you can edit the sketch for the nonlinear
edge flange.
In a sheet metal part, select a nonlinear edge and click Edge Flange (Sheet Metal
toolbar). In the PropertyManager, click Edit Flange Profile and edit the sketch.
Sheet Metal
In sheet metal parts with inscribed text or split line features on the bend face, you can
specify an option to keep the text or split line intact when you flatten, unfold, or fold the
For conical bends, the text or split line only appears in the flattened state when the conical
face is an analytical face. To determine whether the face is analytical, create an axis by
selecting the conical face. If the conical face is analytical, you can create the axis.
To use etched contours on bends:
1. In the FeatureManager design tree of a folded sheet metal part:
a. Expand Flat-Pattern .
b. Right-click Flat-Patternn and click Edit Feature.
2. In the PropertyManager, under Parameters, select Merge faces and Retain Scribed
Faces and click .
Structure System and Weldments
You can add end caps to structure system bodies with closed profiles like tubes, squares,
and rectangular tubes.
Previously, you could add an end cap to weldments only.
Structure System and Weldments
You can upgrade custom properties of files created in SOLIDWORKS 2017 or earlier.
When you run Upgrade custom property on legacy files, their custom properties are
upgraded to the new architecture. After the upgrade, the following features are available
to the legacy files:
• Linked column in the Custom Properties dialog box
• Configuration-specific cut list and custom properties
• Equation in File Properties
• Enhanced Configuration Specific Properties dialog box
When you upgrade the custom properties of a part, you may have to fix issues with
assemblies and drawings where the part is used. For example, the assemblies and drawings
that include derived parts, annotations, and BOMs.
You can upgrade a file manually or in batches using the API (IModelDocExtension::
For information, see SOLIDWORKS API Help. You can also contact SOLIDWORKS Technical
Structure System and Weldments
Structure System and Weldments
Secondary Members
You can create multiple secondary members using Between Points Member for the
selected pair and create secondary members with the Up to Members method.
Structure System and Weldments
Structure System and Weldments
SOLIDWORKS supports connection elements for structure systems. You can define the
connection element and insert it on a structure system part.
Structure System and Weldments
2. In the PropertyManager, on the References tab, specify options to define the connection
3. Click .
4. Save the connection element.
8. Click .
Placement Type
Generic Connection
If you selected Generic Connection for the Placement Type, you can select the faces
or planes to place the connection element.
Structure System and Weldments
Feature Propagation
You can select features such as extruded cuts, holes, advanced holes, patterns, and
mirrors to propagate to the target part. However, if you created a hole based on the
extruded boss feature, you cannot propagate the hole.
End Connection
If you selected End Connection for the Placement Type, you can select a face on which
you want to insert the connection element.
Click Define Connection Element (Structure System toolbar) or Insert > Structure
System > Define Connection, and select the Dimensions tab.
Dimension Group
You can create different dimension groups and select dimensions in the graphics area.
When you insert the connection element, you can edit the selected dimensions.
Structure System and Weldments
Click Insert Connection Element (Structure System toolbar) or Insert > Structure
System > Insert Connection.
Connection Tab
This tab displays the default values for Standard, Type, and Size. You can select the
values based on the connection element you saved.
Placement Tab
This tab displays dimension, placement reference, and cut scope.
Change the dimension of the feature that you selected in the Dimension Group when
you defined the connection element.
Placement Reference
Structure System and Weldments
Cut Scope
In the graphics area, select the members on which to propagate the cut features. Select
one of the following options:
The enhanced Properties dialog box provides flexibility to add or edit custom properties.
Structure System and Weldments
The Properties Summary tab contains two sections. The first section lists the properties
of all configurations. The second section lists all configurations. You can add or modify
the property values.
Structure System and Weldments
4. For Value/Text Expression, enter the value and select one of the following:
5. Optional: On the Properties Summary tab, select the property and the edit the value.
6. Click OK.
You can open a subassembly in Large Design Review or resolved mode from an assembly
opened in Large Design Review mode. You can also open a drawing in Detailing mode.
To open subassemblies in a different mode:
1. Open an assembly that contains a subassembly in Large Design Review mode.
2. Right-click a subassembly and click the down arrow for Open .
You can exclude a component, configuration, or model from the bill of materials. When
you select this option, the exclusion occurs the next time you insert the component,
configuration, or model.
To exclude a component from a bill of materials:
Configuration Table
You can use Configuration Table to modify configuration parameters for parts and
assemblies. SOLIDWORKS creates this table automatically when the part or assembly
has multiple configurations. The configuration table extends the functionality provided in
the Modify Configurations dialog box.
The configuration table contains the following sections:
The Configuration Table dialog box includes options from the Modify Configuration dialog
box and these options:
Child components in BOM Configures the setting for Child component display
when used as a subassembly in the Configuration
Properties PropertyManager.
Select Show, Hide, or Promote.
Exclude from BOM on Insert Configures the setting for Set 'Exclude from bill
of materials' when inserted into assembly in
the Configuration Properties PropertyManager.
SOLIDWORKS selection for the default seed position is improved when you create Pattern
Driven Component Patterns.
To view the default seed position for patterns:
1. Open a model and click Insert > Component Pattern > Pattern Driven
Component Pattern.
2. In the PropertyManager, select components for Components to Pattern and Driving
Feature or Component.
The default seed position appears as the Seed Component in the graphics area.
When you select a driving feature, Seed Feature appears in the graphics area.
When SOLIDWORKS cannot calculate a section view in an assembly, you can exclude the
components causing the failure, switch to a graphics-only section view, or edit settings
in the PropertyManager.
To exclude failed components in a section view:
1. In an assembly, click View > Display > Section View.
2. Specify options in the PropertyManager and click .
3. When you receive the message that a component cannot be sectioned, select Exclude
the failed components from the section view.
In the PropertyManager, the failed components move to Section by Component
and Exclude selected is selected.
4. Optional: To view the list of excluded components, open the PropertyManager and
review Section by Component.
If you switch to a graphics-only section view, Graphics-only section is selected in the
The triad appears automatically when you select one or more components.
When the triad is available, Ctrl + drag to copy the selected components along the
specified direction.
By default, Add/Finish Mate is hidden in the Quick Mates context toolbar for the
following mates: coincident, concentric, parallel, symmetric, and tangent.
Lock Rotation and Flip Mate Alignment appear in the Quick Mates context
To show Add/Finish Mate in the toolbar, open a document and click Tools >
Customize. On the Toolbars tab, under Context toolbar, select Show quick mates
and Show OK button.
Show flip alignment and lock rotation after quick mates is removed from the context
Detailing and Drawings
2. Click Crop View (Drawing toolbar) or Insert > Drawing View > Crop.
Detailing and Drawings
Predefined Views
When you create a predefined view in a drawing, you can specify the model orientation
as trimetric, dimetric, or flat pattern. This is helpful if you need drawing templates that
contain specific predefined views.
Click Predefined View or Insert > Drawing View > Predefined. In the
PropertyManager, under Orientation, select Flat pattern, Trimetric, or Dimetric.
Detailing Mode
Detailing and Drawings
Detailing mode is available for all drawings (except detached drawings), regardless of
the SOLIDWORKS version in which you saved the drawing or whether you saved the
drawing in Detailing mode.
In Detailing mode, you can:
• Use limited Detailing
mode if you saved drawings in previous versions of SOLIDWORKS
or in SOLIDWORKS 2022 without model data. If you open a drawing in limited Detailing
mode, the window title displays file name - sheet name [Detailing - Limited].
(Limited Detailing mode is an automatic mode - you cannot specifically select it.)
• Create hole tables.
• Drag standard views (such as front, top, back) from the View Palette to the drawing.
In Tools > Options > Document Properties > Performance, there are two new
• Save model data. Saves all drawings with model data to use in Detailing mode.
• Include standard views in View Palette. Lets you create standard views when you
add drawing views from the View Palette.
You cannot change these options while in Detailing mode, and they only apply when you
save resolved drawings.
In Tools > Options > System Options > Drawings > Performance, the option,
Include Detailing Mode Data when saving, has been removed.
Detailing mode has replaced Quick view mode. Quick view mode has been removed from
Detailing and Drawings
The user interface for geometric tolerancing improves your workflow. You work directly
in the graphics area, and the interface guides you as you build feature control frames
With cell-specific context menus and on-screen handles, you can build complex feature
control frames while keeping focus on the frame itself rather than a separate dialog box.
To enter content into the active cell, you enter values and select items from the context
menu. You can randomly enter and edit all the content in the frame. Various cell types
are available, including
• Datum/Datum Group
• Indicator
• Text Box
To add another cell, click a handle and select the cell type. Depending on the location
of the handle, other options are available, for example New Frame and Text Box.
3. In the dialog box, specify options to add content to the feature control frame.
Detailing and Drawings
4. Click any handle surrounding the feature control frame to add more content.
In drawings, parts, and assemblies, for dimensions of arcs and circles, you can use the
context toolbar to switch the dimension to display as a radius, diameter, or linear diameter.
Click an existing circular or radial dimension to access the context toolbar.
Detailing and Drawings
Display as Linear
Display as Radius Display as Diameter Diameter
In flat pattern drawing views of sheet metal parts, bend lines are independent of sketches.
You can hide sketches while keeping bend lines visible. Previously, if you hid sketches in
a flat pattern view, the bend lines would also be hidden.
Click View > Hide/Show > Bend Lines or Sketches.
Detailing and Drawings
Bill of Materials
The user interface for bill of materials (BOMs) tables has been updated for ease of use.
When you expand or collapse a BOM, the selectable area spans the entire side of the BOM
Detailing and Drawings
The user interface and functionality for detailed cut lists in Bill of Materials (BOM) tables
has been updated for ease of use.
Updates to weldment cut lists tables:
• Table icons match those used in the FeatureManager design tree.
• In Tools > Options > Document Properties > Bill of Materials, the option,
Combine cutlist items in BOM regardless to profile when lengths are changed
to be the same (legacy behavior) is renamed to Combine same length cut list
items with different profiles (pre-2019 behavior).
• Detailed cut lists are available for all BOM types. Previously, detailed cut lists were
only available for indented BOMs. You can specify options in the Detailed Cut List
section of the Bill of Materials PropertyManager.
• You can dissolve components in indented BOMs automatically or manually. In the Bill
of Materials PropertyManager, select Dissolve part level rows to dissolve all weldment
part level rows automatically.
Detailed Cut List cleared, Detailed Cut List selected, Detailed Cut List selected,
Dissolve part level rows Dissolve part level rows Dissolve part level rows
cleared cleared selected
Detailing and Drawings
You can create symmetric linear diameter dimensions for diameter dimensions that need
only one side of a leader displayed. This is helpful for drawings with turned components
and detailed section views.
To create symmetric linear diameter dimensions:
1. Open a drawing with a turned component or a section view.
The symmetric linear diameter dimension is available for any drawing view, but it is
best suited for drawings views that need only one side of a leader.
Detailing and Drawings
You can select which IFC entities to import from the IFC files by defining filters in System
The file format, IFC, is added to Tools > Options > System Options > Import > File
To import selective IFC entities from IFC files:
1. In an IFC file, click Tools > Options > System Options > Import.
2. Under File Format, select IFC.
3. Under Entities to import, expand the IFC entities under Classification.
4. Under Import, select the IFC entities to import.
5. Click OK.
After you open the IFC file, only the IFC entities that you specified in the System Options
dialog box are imported.
When you save a part or drawing as a DWG or DXF file, sketch entities appear in the
assigned sketch color in the exported file. The colors are also supported for sketches in
flat patterns of sheet metal parts if you specify Flat pattern colors in Tools > Options
> Document Properties > Sheet Metal MBD.
SOLIDWORKS® PDM is offered in two versions. SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard is included with
SOLIDWORKS Professional and SOLIDWORKS Premium, and is available as a separately
purchased license for non-SOLIDWORKS users. It offers standard data management capabilities
for a small number of users.
SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional is a full-featured data management solution for a small and
large number of users, and is available as a separately purchased license.
With improved integration with Microsoft® Windows Active Directory, you have more
options to manage users and groups that use Windows login.
The User Properties dialog box has additional fields. You can override the default property
mappings or map properties such as User data that are not mapped to any Active
Directory attribute. In the Administration tool, right-click Users and Groups Management
and click Active Directory Property Mapping.
Configuration Handling
For SOLIDWORKS PDM 2021 or earlier client versions, if you selected Hide @
configuration, it remains selected after you upgrade to SOLIDWORKS PDM 2022.
You can add Datacard Configuration Display to shortcut menus and SOLIDWORKS
PDM menus located above the right pane. In the Administration tool, right-click a user
or group and click Settings. Use the Menus page to add the Datacard Configuration
Display command to the menus.
You can export a summary of archive server and user logs in multiple file formats.
You can export the logs in:
• Comma Separated Value Files (*.csv)
• JSON Files (*.json)
• Text Files (*.txt)
• All Files (*.*)
The SOLIDWORKS PDM user interface has improvements that enhance usability and
• When you perform a file operation, you can see the number and type of files affected
by that operation. This feature is available in the following dialog boxes:
• Check In
• Check Out
• Undo Check Out
• Change State
• Get
• Rollback
• You can resize columns of the variables area in the SOLIDWORKS PDM task pane
add-in. This improves the readability of variables and values.
• The SOLIDWORKS PDM task pane add-in follows the color theme of SOLIDWORKS.
When you hover over any row in the file list of the add-in, it is highlighted.
You can view configurations of part or assembly files when you select All Versions in
the Where Used tab.
The list contains all configurations across all versions of the selected file to which you
have access permission. From the list, select a Configuration to view its references.
To perform a search in the SOLIDWORKS PDM File Explorer, click on the SOLIDWORKS
PDM menu bar, and select EXALEAD OnePart Search. The EXALEAD OnePart Search
user interface displays in an embedded browser control in the vault view.
All of the view functions in eDrawings Viewer are available in the Preview tab of
Option Description
View SOLIDWORKS Click Display > Options > Show full UI in SOLIDWORKS
eDrawings toolbar preview.
Option Description
View eDrawings preview Click Display > Options > Show bitmap for SOLIDWORKS
for SOLIDWORKS files files. On the Preview tab, click Load Preview. Previously, you
had to click the thumbnail preview image to access the
eDrawings preview.
In the SOLIDWORKS PDM Add-in, you can open a drawing of a SOLIDWORKS part or
assembly file.
To open a drawing, click on the SOLIDWORKS PDM task pane or right-click the part
or assembly and click Open Drawing.
The drawings may not be locally cached, can have a different name from the part or
assembly file, and can exist in a different folder.
SOLIDWORKS PDM offers more ways to configure the layout of the data card for Web2
and improve the readability of your data.
In the Administration tool, in the Card Editor window, click Configure card for web on
the Card Properties pane.
You can control the visibility of data card control for Web2. In the Card Editor window,
in the right pane, under Flags, select Show in web card. This lists the data card control
in the web configuration editor and displays it in the data card for Web2.
You cannot add or remove controls from tabs. To do so, use the main card editor.
• Add controls in a frame in the Tree layout and define their order of appearance.
The user interface of Web2 data card has the following improvements:
• Navigation control for Tree layout
• Date picker to specify DATE type controls
• Multiline box to enter descriptions
• Radio button and check box controls
In the Administration tool, you can resize an image on a data card by dragging the control
In the Card Editor, in the Image properties pane, select Lock aspect ratio to maintain
the image aspect ratio. Click Reset to restore the image to its original size.
SOLIDWORKS® Manage is an advanced data management system that extends the global file
management and application integrations enabled by SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional.
SOLIDWORKS Manage is the key element in providing Distributed Data Management.
The Create Record process outputs have improved with new record attachments and
subfolder locations.
You can:
• Attach a new record created by a Create Record process output as an affected item in
the process.
• Specify a subfolder in which the new record is created.
Recent Files
When you add new file data, you can choose from a list of recently accessed files in
Windows. This is a convenient way to add data by not having to browse to recent locations.
Click the Recent tab in the Primary File Source dialog box when creating a new document
record or click Add > Add from Recent Files when adding related files.
For ease of use when administrators work with object structures, you can access the
Administration (Structures) dialog box directly from the user interface.
In the Module Objects area, right-click and click Tools > Administration (Structures).
Record Hyperlinks
You can copy a hyperlink to a record that you can copy into a document or email, to
provide quick access through the Plenary Web client. Right-click and click Tools > Copy
You can also open the record in the web client directly from the desktop client. Right-click
and click Tools > Open Record in Web Browser.
User Interface
The SOLIDWORKS Manage user interface has many improvements that create consistency
and a better user experience.
Functionality Improvement
Bill of Materials (BOM) layout The controls in the BOM interface are modernized and
BOM flyout panel The flyout panel in the BOM tab is reorganized. You can
collapse different areas, providing a better view of
SOLIDWORKS Add-in You can reorder columns in the Open and Structure tabs
of the SOLIDWORKS Manage Add-in.
Where Used As Field tab The object grouping displayed in the Where Used As Field
tab (usually displayed as the Referenced tab) shows the
associated icon, module name, and number of results for
each module type.
Process tab You can specify the position of the history lines in the
Process tab to display at the bottom or on the right side.
This improves screen usage depending on the layout of
the process diagram.
Project Properties card The project Properties card displays a yellow information
bar for consistency with other record types. You can
collapse the system property and thumbnail image area
to provide more space.
To make users more recognizable in SOLIDWORKS Manage, you can add default avatar
icons for users. Avatar images are displayed on the Users tab of the Administration tool.
To specify avatar images and icons:
1. In the Administration tool, click the Users tab.
2. Right-click and click Set > User image.
3. In the dialog box, specify options:
• Create new image for all selected users
• Create new image for selected users without an image
4. Click Apply.
You can log in to the Plenary Web Client with a SOLIDWORKS PDM username and
password. Previously you had to use a SOLIDWORKS Manage password, then separately
log in to a SOLIDWORKS PDM object.
Process administrators have additional controls over who can check out affected items
while they are in a process.
Options include:
• User who accepts this stage. Limits check out rights to a single user who accepts
the stage.
• User(s) from this field. Allows administrators to specify check out rights to users
for a specified object type field defined for the process.
Replace User
You can select specific objects to replace users and specify the Change "Checked Out
By" value for someone who is replacing the selected user.
Replacing users is helpful when importing data where there are duplicate usernames. It
is also useful when a user leaves the company and you need to reassign their work to
another user.
You cannot replace users for SOLIDWORKS PDM objects.
You can create multiple field groups at once, by entering multiple lines or copying and
pasting from a text-based file (such as .xlsx, .txt, or .csv). You can Shift + or Ctrl
+ select multiple field groups to delete them.
To create multiple field groups:
1. In the Field Groups dialog box, click the New tab and click Create multiple Field
2. In the Create multiple Field Groups dialog box, copy and paste field groups from a
text-based file.
3. Click .
Bill of material (BOM) When specifying the Number of BOM levels to display
display options at 1, large BOMs display up to five times faster. For
BOMs with Link to 3rd Party fields configured, the time
required to calculate the values has decreased.
Projects For projects with a high number of stages or Tasks, the Gantt
chart display is faster than in previous releases.
Using the Blended Curvature-based mesher, you can apply mesh control that has a larger
element size than the global mesh size.
Create a coarser mesh for bodies that may be not critical for the simulation to reduce the
analysis time. Previously, you could only apply a mesh control to refine the mesh of
selected bodies and geometric entities.
After creating a mesh, you can access the Mesh summary, which reports the size
assignments of individual bodies and geometric entities. In a Simulation study tree,
right-click Mesh and click Summary.
The Blended Curvature-based mesher is the default mesher for new simulation studies.
Several enhancements to the bonding and contact architecture improve the overall
performance and accuracy of the simulations.
• Removal of duplicate degrees of freedom in bonding and contact constraint equations
• Reduced bonding and contact constraint equations
• Measurement of bonding and contact strains in units of distance rather than volume
• Improved calculation for the constraint area
• Optimization of unitless parameter associated to bonding and contact penalty stiffness
• Elimination of unnecessary function calls for small tasks within the contact search code
Performance improvements based on these enhancements are more noticeable for
simulations that run with the FFEPlus iterative solver and have a large percentage of
nodes participating in bonded and contact interactions.
You can specify a Linkage Rod connector between cylindrical faces, circular edges (for
shells), or vertices to model the behavior of connecting rods.
The Linkage Rod connector is available with SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional and
SOLIDWORKS Simulation Premium.
To open the Linkage Rod PropertyManager:
In the Simulation study tree, right-click Connections and click Linkage Rod .
The following table describes the key options of the Linkage Rod PropertyManager.
You can also select a vertex for one end joint of the
connector and a cylindrical face or shell edge for the other
end joint.
You can list a linkage rod connector's forces such as shear force, axial force, bending
moments, and torque after you run a simulation. Right-click Results and click List
Connector Force.
The linkage rod connector is not available for nonlinear and thermal studies.
Simulation Solvers
Function-based processing for the FFEPlus iterative and Intel Direct Sparse solvers is
extended to simulation studies that include connectors and other features. The automatic
solver selection is extended to Nonlinear, Frequency, and Buckling studies.
• FFEPlus iterative and Intel Direct Sparse solvers
The transfer of stiffness data to solve the systems of equations is optimized because
file-based processing is replaced with function-based processing. Performance is
improved for simulations that contain:
• Connectors: spring, bearing, bolt, and rigid
• Cyclic symmetry, remote load with rigid connection, and beams acting as stiffeners.
• Automatic Solver Selection
The algorithm that selects the best equation solver is improved to include Nonlinear,
Frequency, and Buckling studies. The selection of the best equation solver (Intel Direct
Sparse or FFEPlus Iterative) depends on the number of equations, load cases, mesh
type, geometric features, contact and connector features, and available system memory.
For Frequency studies, in addition to the previously mentioned parameters, the
algorithm also factors in the number of frequencies. For Buckling studies, it factors in
the number of modes.
• Intel Direct Sparse solver for Linear Dynamic studies
You can use the Intel Direct Sparse solver for Linear Dynamic studies with Selected
Base Excitation for frequency and response calculations.
• If you experience a solver failure while running a simulation, SOLIDWORKS Simulation
prompts you to send the file that records information related to the solver failure to
the technical support team.
The development team can extract information from the modules that caused the
solver failure based on the data from the SIMSTACK-*.dmp file without using any
additional information. The benefit of this enhancement is that you do not need to
share confidential model data to troubleshoot a simulation solver failure.
Simulation Performance
It takes less time to save SOLIDWORKS models that have simulation studies.
Saving models that have simulation studies is faster, if at least one or more simulation
studies are not modified.
SOLIDWORKS® Visualize is a separately purchased product that you can use with SOLIDWORKS
Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium, or as a completely separate
With the Match Camera tool, you can manipulate a camera by aligning vanishing lines
to a backplate image. This allows more precise positioning of a model in front of a
A common challenge when placing a model in front of a background image (backplate)
is that you have to manually adjust the extrinsic (position and orientation) and intrinsic
(perspective and focal length) camera parameters so the composition looks plausible. In
SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional, the Match Camera tool helps you find the perfect
camera parameters for real world photographs.
Click Tools > Match Camera.
4. In the 3D Viewport, align the lines and points with the backplate's vanishing lines.
Red solid line and solid points Vanishing line in the X direction
(horizontal). Drag the line or its points to
match the backplate image.
Red dashed lines and hollow points Extension of the vanishing line in the X
direction beyond its endpoints. The hollow
red point is the vanishing point on the
horizon line (which may be outside of the
3D Viewport).
Blue dashed line and hollow points. Extension of the vanishing line in Z
direction beyond its endpoints. The hollow
blue point is the vanishing point on the
horizon line (which may be outside of the
3D Viewport).
Green solid line and solid points Vanishing line in Y direction (vertical).
Drag the line or its points to match the
backplate image. This is optional and only
displayed when you specify Vanishing
Points as Three. The vertical vanishing
line does not result in a vanishing point
on the horizon line.
5. Click OK.
Lock Rotation Locks the camera longitude so that the object remains focused
from the same angle.
Display Options • Horizon. Shows the horizon line (yellow dashed line).
• Line Extensions. Shows the dashed extensions of the
vanishing lines (red, blue, green lines).
• Vanishing Points. Shows the vanishing points (hollow red
and blue points) on the Horizon.
Reset Resets the vanishing lines and points to their default locations.
You can turn any part object geometry into a shadow catcher object. Shadow catchers
show the background through them and display shadows cast from lighting in the scene.
For example, you can create a wall and specify it as a shadow catcher.
The shadow catcher object allows control over the shadow intensity, reflection and
reflection roughness.
Shadow catcher is only available:
• In SOLIDWORKS Visualize Professional or SOLIDWORKS Connected.
• When you specify Rendering Selection as Accurate.
1. In the Palette, on the Models tab, select a part in the Model tree to use as a shadow
Scenes Tab
Floor Effects parameters on the Scenes tab have been renamed for consistency with
the shadow catcher functionality.
The following updates are available in the Palette, on the Scenes tab, on the Advanced
Animations are improved in areas such as motion studies, organization, keyframes, and
Improvements include:
• Support for multiple motion studies per model set. You can import multiple
SOLIDWORKS motion studies for SOLIDWORKS parts and assemblies. This is helpful
because you:
• Do not have to reanimate the part or assembly in SOLIDWORKS Visualize.
• Adds a new item . Creates a new motion study. Subsequent animation editing
applies to the new motion study only.
• Edit the name of the current item . Renames the active motion study.
• Camera switch animations. You can create a Camera Sequence layer to switch among
multiple cameras during animation playback.
Animation list
2. Change View . Increases (Large List) or decreases (Small List) the animation
timeline icons and font.
3. Change Sort Mode . Sorts the animations based on Name, Type, and in an
ascending or descending order. You can also filter object types in the animation list
by Decals, Environment, and so on.
4. Search . Narrows the animation list when you enter search criteria.
5. Animated Object Types . Displays a column with an icon representing the animated
object type, such as Model , Group , and Part .
6. Animation track colors. Assigns colors to the animation tracks depending on the object
type. You can change the colors in Animation Properties.
7. Selection. If you select an animation track, the animated object highlights in the
viewport and Model tab, and vice versa.
Updates to keyframes:
• Suppress Keyframe/Unsuppress Keyframe. Suppresses or unsuppresses animation
keys. On the timeline, right-click an animation key and click Suppress Keyframe or
Unsuppress Keyframe. When suppressed, the animation keys are ignored during
• Transition, Tension, and Motion Ease.
• In the Keyframe Properties dialog box, you can specify numerical values for Tension
and Motion Ease. You can specify their default keyframe properties in Tools >
Options > User Interface.
• You can copy/paste keyframe values across other animations. Right-click a keyframe
and click Copy Settings. Right-click another keyframe and click Paste Settings.
In the Paste Settings dialog box, you can select Transition, Tension, and Motion
Ease settings to paste.
You can use the render Output Viewer to manage render jobs and their respective output
on a per project basis. You can recall (or re-execute) any previous rendering done in a
project, directly from the render Output Viewer.
Previously, rendered jobs were not stored with the project and thumbnails were not
available for viewing. This made it difficult to share renderings among users. With the
render Output Viewer:
• Referenced rendered output remains when you save a project. For example, if you
send the project to another user, that user can see the rendered output content in the
Output Viewer.
• Render jobs can include an individual image or multiple rendered images. Content
The Render tab has been renamed to the Output Viewer tab. Click Output Tools
(Main toolbar). In the Output Tools dialog box, click Start Render or click View > Show
Output Viewer.
User Interface
The Output Viewer tab (formerly the Render tab), is redesigned for a better user
Area Description
• Publish to 3DSpace .
• Publish to 3DSwym .
Publishes rendered content
to 3DSwym.
Creating Patterns
To create patterns:
1. Click Project > Models > New Pattern.
2. In the Palette, on the Models tab, on the General subtab, under Formation,
specify options.
Formation Settings
The Formation settings apply when you pattern a model.
To access this dialog box, click Project > Models > New Pattern.
Formation Specifies the model to pattern. The selected model is hidden in the
3D Viewport.
You can drag different models into the pattern to form a customized
pattern. In this case, Formation is not available.
Vee formations use an angle to specify the opening angle of the vee.
Distance XYZ Specifies a vector whose length defines the distance between
instances and whose direction affects the pattern orientation.
Rotation XYZ Specifies the rotation of the instances in the pattern in Euler angles
Scale XYZ Specifies the scale of the instances in the pattern in X,Y, and Z
You can use the Circle formation to arrange instances in a circle or arc. The Circle is the
only formation where several parameters are linked such that changing one affects the
others. For example, if you increase the Number of Objects, the Distance XYZ value
decreases so the Radius stays the same.
Distance XYZ Specifies a vector whose length defines the distance between
instances and whose direction affects the pattern orientation.
Rotation XYZ Specifies the rotation of the instances in the pattern in Euler angles
Scale XYZ Specifies the scale of the instances in the pattern in X,Y, and Z
Depending on the value of Number of Objects X, Y, and Z, the Grid formation can be
a line (a value greater than 1 in a single dimension and a value of 1 in the other two
dimensions), a plane (a value greater than 1 in two dimensions and a value of 1 in the
third dimension), or a cube (a value greater than one in all three dimensions). The total
number of instances is equal to the product of the Number of Objects X, Y, and Z.
The total number of objects is the product of the values of Number of Objects X,
Number of Objects Y, and Number of Objects Z.
Distance XYZ Specifies a vector whose length defines the distance between
instances and whose direction affects the pattern orientation.
Rotation XYZ Specifies the rotation of the instances in the pattern in Euler angles
Scale XYZ Specifies the scale of the instances in the pattern in X,Y, and Z
The Scatter formation allows completely random arrangements of objects within a specific
range. Equal values for Minimum and Maximum create a deterministic transformation
value for that degree of freedom.
Position Range Specifies the Minimum and Maximum limits for the random
XYZ computation of translations (position) of each instance.
Rotation Range Specifies the Minimum and Maximum limits for the Euler angles
XYZ X, Y, Z for the random computation of the rotations of each instance.
Scale Range XYZ Specifies the Minimum and Maximum limits for the random
computation of scale of each instance.
Uniform specifies a random scale in the X, Y, and Z dimension.
Corner Radius
In the Palette, on the Models tab, on the Advanced subtab, specify Corner Radius
Cosmetic Threads
SOLIDWORKS CAM is offered in two versions. SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard is included with
any SOLIDWORKS license that has SOLIDWORKS Subscription Service.
SOLIDWORKS CAM Professional is available as a separately purchased product that you can
use with SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Turn mode supports assemblies that contain a single Turn part model.
You must define the following:
• In the Machine tab of the Machine dialog box, tthe Main Spindle Coordinate system
for machining the parts in the assembly
• Under the Stock Manager node, the stock for the individual parts that will be listed
as subnodes
• In the Manage Parts dialog box, the turn part, the spindle designation, origin of the
coordinate system and turn feature section plane
• In the Spindle work coordinate dialog box, the programmable offsets for the main
spindle of the machine
From the Display tab in the Options dialog box, you can apply color settings for toolpath
end points.
In the Display tab of the Options dialog box, you can assign a color to display Toolpath
hidden moves in the graphics area.
Filter for Mill and Turn Tools and Assemblies with Text
The Tool Select Filter dialog box lets you enter text to filter for mill and turn tools and
You can manage multiple technology databases in the Manage Database tab.
In Settings, the Link Database tab has been renamed Manage Database.
The Manage Database tab lets you specify multiple technology database source files, but
you can only assign one database as the active database to the application.
You can select nonplanar surfaces in the direction of the Z axis for probe cycles.
The Z Probe Cycle is available in the Probe tab of the Operation Parameters dialog box.
The default touch off point for toolpath generation is the top-most point of the selected
face in the Z direction.
The NC tab in the Operation Parameters dialog box and the interface of the Technology
Database have updated and rearranged labels to improve the readability of CNC finish
• Links in BOMs
• Add Data Files in the Export PDF
• Testing the Query in the Expert Mode
• Displaying ERP Data in the Manufacturer Parts Manager
• Including Data Sheets in Exported PDFs
• Displaying Break Condition in Report Manager
• User Interface Redesign
• Attribute in Origin - Destination Arrows
• Displaying All the Wire Numbers on the Middle of the Line
• Electrical Content Portal Integration
• Connection Point Creation Enhancements
Links in BOMs
In BOMs, you can manage links in a merged cell, for example, when several components
use the same manufacturer part.
In a BOM or other reports, the report viewer displays links. These links display information
like the properties, the location in the drawings of the selected element, or open the
drawing and zoom the component. By clicking the right mouse button on the link, you
can select the component you want to display the information.
If you attach PDF files to the project as data files, you can export them in the exported
PDF file.
When you select Export data files, a message displays the PDF file size. The PDF file
gathers all the datafiles in a new section.
When you edit report configurations in Expert mode, Test fully query includes the sort
conditions and filters.
In report configurations, the Expert mode option is on the SQL Query tab.
If you connect the ERP data, you can display it in the Manufacturer Parts Manager.
To display the ERP data in the Manufacturer Parts Manager, open the Column configuration
and select the ERP data you want to show.
If you do not connect the ERP Data, you can only select the User data.
You can include the data sheets associated with the manufacturer parts in exported PDF
A data sheet is a file or a link associated to a manufacturer part. When you export the
project drawings in a PDF file, the data sheets appear in the Data sheets section of the
PDF. Click Export PDF file and select Create bookmarks and hyperlinks to create
the Data sheets section.
In the Report Manager, you can display a Break condition column that shows the field
in which you have created the break condition.
To display this column, select Break Condition. This column is not printable.
In the Origin - Destination arrows feature, the attribute #P_CONNECTED_0 lets you
display the mark of the components connected through the arrows.
From the Symbols manager, edit the symbol of the type Origin - Destination arrows
to add the attribute #P_CONNECTED_0.
When you number the wires, you can select a specific mode allowing you to display the
wire number on the middle of the line segment.
When you connect an equipotential to three or more components, this Display mode lets
show all the wire numbers on the middle of the line segment. You can select this mode
in the Wire styles manager.
Electrical Content Portal (ECP) is where you can download content, such as manufacturer
parts, cable references, and files for 2D layouts.
A dockable panel displays the ECP interface. It lets you download content and automatically
unarchive it into the respective libraries.
Connection points (CPoints) let you connect wires or cables with connectors.
• Commands to create the CPoints are available in the SOLIDWORKS Electrical menu.
• You can assign Cpoints by selecting an edge or a cylindrical surface.
• To delete an assignment in the CPoint Assignment table, right-click the row and
select Delete CPoint(s).
SOLIDWORKS Inspection is a separately purchased product that you can use with SOLIDWORKS
Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium, or as a completely separate
application (see SOLIDWORKS Inspection Standalone).
• Balloon drawings
• Invoke any feature available in the user interface
Smart Extract
The Smart Extract tool has improved character recognition and parsing. This improves
accuracy when extracting information from pdf files.
SOLIDWORKS® MBD is a separately purchased product that you can use with SOLIDWORKS
Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
When you publish a 3D PDF of a model, you can create an .html file in addition to the
3D PDF file.
When you are ready to publish:
You can manually create DimXpert angle dimensions with the Angle Dimension tool,
similar to creating reference angle dimensions with Smart Dimension tool.
To create a DimXpert angle dimension, you can select two or three DimXpert features,
where the first two selections define the origin and the third selection establishes the
toleranced feature. Previously, you could only use the Auto Dimension Scheme tool to
create DimXpert angle dimensions, which did not allow specific input for the dimensioned
Click Angle Dimension (MBD Dimension toolbar) or Tools > MBD Dimension >
Angle Dimension.
Geometric tolerancing for DimXpert includes several improvements in addition to the new
user interface described in Geometric Tolerance Symbols on page 77 in the Detailing
and Drawings chapter.
In Tools > Options > Document Properties > DimXpert, you can specify the Base
DimXpert standard. If you select the ANSI/ASME Y14.5 or ISO standard, you can also
select a release date for the standard.
When you first click Geometric Tolerance (MBD or MBD Dimension toolbar), you
must then select an existing DimXpert feature or define a new DimXpert feature.
When you select a feature, the software evaluates the feature and tolerance specifications
for the drafting standard you selected. In the dialog box, options are available based on
the standard.
• Configuration Support
• eDrawings Options in SOLIDWORKS
• File List
• Custom Properties Options
• User Interface
• Components Pane
Configuration Support
You can specify configurations of SOLIDWORKS parts and assemblies to be available when
you open them in eDrawings® for Mac®.
In SOLIDWORKS, in the ConfigurationManager, right-click one or more configurations
and click Add Display Data Mark.
File List
• Sort on file parameters, such as filename, date, extension, and size by tapping
• Share or delete files by touching and holding a file name
User Interface
Components Pane
When you work with assemblies in eDrawings, the Components pane is enhanced for
ease of use.
Enhancement Description
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
• Scene Plot
• Compare: Results Summary
• Compare: Merged Plots
• Compare: Difference Plot
• Heat Source
• Range Function
• Remove Missing Entities
• Check Geometry
• Goals
• Flux Plot
• Surface Parameters
• Probes
SOLIDWORKS® Flow Simulation is a separately purchased product that you can use with
SOLIDWORKS Standard, SOLIDWORKS Professional, and SOLIDWORKS Premium.
Scene Plot
Scene plot stores all displayed plots, model orientation, zoom, and part visibility. Switching
between scenes displays the plots saved in the scene and retains the corresponding model
display, zoom, and orientation.
SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
Heat Source
The specific power (W/m3) can be dependent on local (calculated in the cell) temperature
in formula or table dependency.
Range Function
The RANGE function gets goal values at any time during calculation. This lets you model
complex behavior of the transient system, for example, power derating based on a
temperature sensor.
Check Geometry
You can create solid and fluid bodies for Improve Geometry Handling mode.
You can show equation goals based on defined goals after calculation.
Flux Plot
You can display a Flux Plot in the Transient Explorer.
Surface Parameters
Crop region is accounted for when evaluating surface parameters.
Probes are copied to projects together with plots that define the probes.
You can create dedicated boundary conditions for cyclic and symmetric cavity and runner
layouts. You can also preview the cavity and runner layouts during the modeling stage
to confirm their design specifications.
To open the Symmetry or the Cyclic PropertyManager:
The Injection Location Advisor assesses a part's geometry to identify up to four suitable
injection locations by considering the specified material, process conditions, and mold
opening direction.
To open the Injection Location Advisor PropertyManager:
Number of locations Specifies the number of the suitable injection locations (maximum
of four).
Mold open direction Specifies the plane for the mold open direction. The default is
the Front Plane, which corresponds to the positive Z-axis.
Excluded regions Defines regions of a model that the Injection Location Advisor
excludes from consideration.
The Plastics material database is updated according to the latest data from the material
Added 112 new material • Renamed 441 grades Removed 76 materials from
grades from these material according to the latest the database because they
manufacturers: data from the SABIC were duplicates or obsolete
• SABIC Specialties: 49 website per manufacturer:
• Polyplastics: 40 • Consolidated seven • SABIC Specialties: 29
• Solvay Specialty different SABIC • LANXESS GmbH: 17
Polymers: 16 manufacturer categories • Polyplastics: 4
• RadiciGroup: 6 under the single category • BASF: 4
SABIC Specialties
• LANXESS: 1 • ICI: 4
• Updated 1167 grades
from constant density to
generic Pressure Volume • DuPont Engineering
Temperature (PVT) data Plastics: 2
to improve the accuracy • DuPont Engineering
of Fill, Pack, and Warp Polymers: 2
simulations • Rhodia Engineering
Plastics: 2
• Rhone-Poulenc: 2
• KUO FU: 2
• CWH, Chemwerk Huls: 2
• DSM Engineering Plastics:
• UBE: 1
Material grade with constant Pressure Volume Temperature (PVT) data (2021)
PlasticsManager Tree
The performance of the Cool and Fill analysis modules is improved to accelerate the overall
analysis time.
• For simulations where the Cool analysis takes up a large proportion of the overall
solution time, the overall solution time is reduced by at least 20% compared to previous
releases. The image shows the performance gains of a Cool analysis for three models
that have a varying number of elements.
• The performance of the Fill and Pack analyses with the Direct solver option is optimized.
The overall solution time is reduced by approximately 50% compared to previous
releases. For relatively thick parts that are meshed with hexahedral elements, the
Direct solver more accurately predicts the inertial effects.
The following image shows the performance gains for the Fill and Pack analyses of two
models that have a varying number of elements.
To access the Direct solver, from the PlasticsManager, select Global Parameters
> Fill-Pack > Solver Settings > Volume of Fluids (VoF) Algorithm > Direct.
The Flatten Route Property Manager lets you manage the creation of the flattened route
from a route assembly.
• The tool to start the Flatten Route Property Manager is in the SOLIDWORKS Electrical
• In Horizontal Route Segment Selection, you can select several continuous route
segments to be appeared as horizontal in the flatten configuration.
• Create Flatten with Lines Only allows you to convert the splines to lines.
• The Flatten Route Property Manager automatically detects the connected segments
when you select the first sketch segment and displays them in a selected dialog box.
• Select Components to Maintain 3D orientation for splices with loops to have
loops with splices maintain their 3D orientation wherever you place them.
• When the Edit Flatten Route Property Manager is open, left-click on a route segment
in the graphics area to access modification tools.
In the flattened routes, you can select connectors that are not in the harness but connected
to the cables.
To select the connectors, in the Connector Tables Property Manager, click Select All
Connectors, then remove those that you want to exclude.
The Flattened Route drawing displays the External connectors. In the Circuit Summary
tables, the From and To columns display the External connector tags.
Backshells protect connectors and connected cables from electrical interference or physical
damage due to environmental conditions. Backshells can include a clamping device.
To use a backshell, you must:
• Add an axis to the backshell to align the backshell with the route.
• Add a mate between the backshell and the connector.
When you flatten the Route Assembly having Backshell, the location and the orientation
of the Backshell are displayed properly in the Flatten Route.
In a routing assembly, when you replace a connector in a From/To list, you can keep
the original connections and the electrical data.
In the Import Electrical Data PropertyManager, select Replace component to replace
the existing connector by the new one in the From/To list. Select Delete existing
segment and create new guidelines if the new connector does not have the same
Select Update data to add new data or to change the data of an existing component
without resetting any unchanged components.
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